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Quinn, Medicine Woman

Friends and Enemies

by Debby K

************ "So many questions," he squirmed. "I would think

Chapter 1 one or two meetings per week. It will include the
************ town's most distinguished citizens, and... what was
the third question?"
"Michaela," Preston removed his hat as he entered
She repeated. "How much actual say would the
the Clinic.
committee have in the celebration?"
"Mr. Lodge," she acknowledged his presence. "Are
"Well, that's something for us to discuss," his smile
you ill?"
indicated he had ulterior motives.
"No," he retorted. "My visit is strictly professional."
"I'm not certain about my ability to...." she stopped
when Loren burst through the door.
"I don't know what business you could have with
me," she always felt an uneasiness around him.
"Dr. Mike," the store keeper interrupted. "Come
quick. It's Teresa Slicker. She's hurt real bad!"
"May I?" he motioned to a chair.
"The children...." Michaela hesitated.
"Yes, please be seated," she eyed him skeptically.
"I'll watch them," Preston offered reluctantly.
"I am in the process of organizing a statehood
celebration for our fair town, and was wondering if
"I'll be back as soon as I can," Michaela grabbed
you might sit on a planning committee for it," he
her bag and ran out with Loren.
came to the point.
She wondered if there were a catch, "What would
be the planning committee's responsibilities?"
"Think ya can help me now, Robert E?" Sully
dismounted his horse.
"Why... planning, of course," he found himself
quite amusing.
"Sure," the blacksmith approached him.
Michaela did not see any humor, "How often would
"Somethin's wrong with my horse," he patted the
there be meetings? Who else would be on the
animal's neck. "He's favorin' his right front leg."
committee? How much say would the committee
have in the actual celebration?"
"Let's take a look," he leaned over. "I'll get the shoe
off an' see what I can find."

Sully leaned back against the fence and removed "Here," Teresa indicated the right side of her head
his gloves. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw above her ear.
people running.
Lightly, Michaela felt the area. There was a slight
"Wonder what's goin' on?" he commented. bump. Then she discovered dried blood and a small
"Huh?" Robert E did not hear.
Michaela inquired, "Do you know how long you
"Michaela!" Sully noticed his wife rushing toward were unconscious?"
the barbershop.
"I...." she winced at the pain as she tried to sit up.
Hurrying to her side, he elbowed his way to the "It happened shortly after I returned home from
doorway. There on the floor unconscious was school."
Teresa Slicker. Michaela was quickly on her knees
attending to the woman. "Where's Jake?" Michaela glanced toward her
"Where's Jake?" Sully feared they had been
robbed. "Back room," Sully pointed.

"Back here," Loren spotted the man's legs on the "Why isn't he in here?" she was curious.
floor of the storage room.
Loren chimed in, "'Cause he's drunk, is why!"
Sully checked on him.
"Drunk?" Michaela began to suspect. "Mrs. Slicker,
Loren turned up his nose, "Whew. Smell his breath. you said your injury was from being hit. Did
He's been on a real bender." someone strike you?"

Sully lifted the bottle from Jake's side and shook his Teresa did not respond.
head in disgust. Then he returned to the front
room where Teresa Slicker lay, slowly regaining Michaela glanced at the many faces who had
consciousness. gathered in the small shop, "Perhaps it would be
best if I concluded my examination at my Clinic."
"Mrs. Slicker," Michaela spoke gently. "I need to
examine you to determine the cause of your...." ************

The school teacher interrupted her, "I hit my "Why ya here, Mr. Lodge?" Katie strolled in from
head." the anteroom off her mother's office. "Ya sick?"

Michaela's brow wrinkled. "You struck your head "No," the banker immediately felt uncomfortable.
on something?" "I am here to insure that you and your brother do
not get into trouble."
The woman was silent.
"Where's my Mama?" the child queried him.
"Can you tell me where it hurts?" the physician
inched her fingers along the scalp, searching for a Preston did not fail to notice the little girl's
bump. resemblance to her mother, "She had an

emergency. I'm certain that she'll return in no "A story?" Preston frowned. "What sort of story?"
"Poppy tell us stories 'bout all kinds o' stuff he
Katie's eyes widened, "Wanna play Pin the Tail on knows," the little girl pleasantly noted.
the Donkey?"
"I would imagine those would be rather short
"No, thank you," he squirmed. stories," Preston stated sardonically.

A cry came from the anteroom. "What you know 'bout, Mr. Lodge?" Katie pointed
to the rocking chair for him.
"Uh oh," Katie put her hands on her hips. "Now
Joey's up." "Banking," Preston sat down and began to rock the
little boy.
Preston became flustered, "Well, don't just stand
there. Do something." Josef calmed, finding this curious stranger a
fascinating creature.
"What can I do?" Katie raised her hands.
"Tell Joey an' me a story 'bout banking," she
"Whh... whatever you're supposed to do to stop a neared him.
crying child," he declared.
"Well," he raised an eyebrow. "People from all over
"Mama an' Poppy pick us up when we cry," the the territory, or should I say soon-to-be state,
child advised. deposit their money into my bank."

"So.... go pick him up," Preston felt sure in his Katie tapped his arm, "Ya gotta start, 'Once upon a
answer. time...'"

"Joey too heavy for me," Katie countered. "I beg your pardon?" Preston did not understand.

"You, young lady, are just as contrary as your To his surprise, the little girl climbed up in his lap
mother," Preston stood up, towering over the little opposite her brother.
"Ya gotta start stories, 'Once upon a time,'" she
Josef's wails were becoming louder. repeated.

"Ya gonna pick him up?" Katie was not intimidated "It's my story," he refused to change. "I'll start it
by his height. any way I please."

"And you have your father's disregard for "Ya want Joey t' cry again?" she made a face.
superiors," Preston went to the anteroom.
Preston paused to look at the baby, then conceded,
Lifting the little boy into his arms, Preston bounced "Once upon a time...."
him up and down, but Josef continued to cry, his
little face red and contorted. ************

"Maybe if ya tell him a story, he quit," Katie spoke "Michaela," Sully asked as he helped Teresa across
over the volume of her brother's crying. the street. "Who's watchin' the kids?"

She speeded her pace to keep up with him, "Thanks for watchin' us, Mr. Lodge," Katie called
"Preston was already at the Clinic when Loren told after him. Then to her mother, the little girl added,
me I was needed at the barbershop." "He like Joey an' me."

"Ya let Preston watch our children?" he was "That's understandable," Sully winked. "Come on,
surprised. kids, let's let Mama look at her patient."

"He offered, and besides, it was only going to be Sully closed the door so that Michaela could
until I could ascertain Mrs. Slicker's condition," she privately examine Teresa.
assured him. "Surely, he is capable of overseeing
children for...." "Mrs. Slicker," she folded her hands. "Would you
like to tell me what happened to you?"
They reached the doorway to her office, and she
led the way in. As Sully helped Teresa onto the ************
examining table, Michaela walked to the anteroom. Chapter 2
"Sully," she motioned quietly for him to join her.
"Look." "Michaela," Sully spoke low after settling their
children into the anteroom. "Where's Miss
There sitting on Preston's lap were Josef, playing Teresa?"
with the banker's watch, and Katie who was
responding to his questions. "I put her upstairs in a recovery room," she
straightened up her desk.
"And what do you call the money that a debtor
must pay in excess of the principal amount "Did ya find out what happened?" he observed her
borrowed?" Preston continued to rock. busy work.

"Interest," Katie affirmed. She folded her arms uncomfortably, "Jake was
drunk and struck her."
Michaela cleared her throat.
"I figured as much," he shook his head in disgust.
"Mama! Poppy!" the little girl slipped from
Preston's lap. "Mr. Lodge tell story 'bout bankin'." "What are we going to do, Sully?" she sat down.

"So, I see, Sweetheart," she hugged her daughter. He sighed, "I ain't sure."

"Pokle?" Josef asked his baby-sitter. "She would not tell me very much," Michaela
placed her folded hands on the desk.
"I am informed by your sister that you eat entirely
too many pickles, young man," Preston "One thing's for sure," Sully's jaw tightened. "Jake
uncomfortably stood up and deposited the baby ain't gettin' near her again."
into his father's arms. "If you'll excuse me, I believe
that I need to speak to Mrs. Madison about "What if she refuses to stay away from him?"
cleaning my suit jacket." Michaela hypothesized. "She may feel differently
when he sobers up."

"Dr. Quinn," Teresa's faint voice came from the "He's okay now, Sully," the blacksmith assured him.
stairway. "I put a new shod on each o' his hooves."

"Mrs. Slicker," Michaela rushed to her. "You really "How much is that gonna run me?" Sully inquired.
should not be out of bed."
"It's my way o' thankin' ya for helpin' me with them
"I must go home to my husband," she replied. repairs last week," Robert E smiled broadly.

"He's sleepin' it off at the shop," Sully told her. "Thanks," Sully patted his back.

"He will need me when he wakes up," the woman "I hear Jake went on a bender," his friend noted.
straightened her hair.
"You an' Grace might wanna keep an eye on Miss
"I really must advise you to spend the night here," Teresa," Sully took his horse's reins.
Michaela counseled. "I'll stay here with you if...."
"What's wrong?" Robert E queried.
"My place is with my husband," she asserted.
"Jake's been drinkin'," Sully confided. "He might
"Miss Teresa," Sully stepped closer. "I don't think not be treatin' her right."
it's safe for ya t' be with him when he's been
drinkin'." "I'll keep a watch," the blacksmith stated. "'Sides, I
got other reasons t' look out for trouble."
"I know him," she said with resolve. "I can help
him." "What do ya mean?" he was curious.

"Who's going to help you, Mrs. Slicker?" Michaela "I been havin' a funny feelin' someone's watchin'
pointed out. me," Robert E shook his head.

"How much do I owe you, Dr. Quinn?" Teresa's Sully's brow creased, "Have ya seen anyone?"
tone changed.
"No, but there's someone there," he stood up
"We can discuss that when you're feeling better," straighter.
Michaela worried.
"Anythin' I can do?" Sully eyed him.
"Thank you," she made her way to the door.
"Don't say nothin' t' anyone," Robert E picked up
"Let me see ya home," Sully volunteered. his hammer. "Not even Dr. Mike. No need worryin'
"No, thank you," she opened the door. "Good
evening." ************

Michaela glanced at her husband with worry. "Sully," Hank called from across the street as the
mountain man neared the Clinic.
"I know," he pulled her into his arms. "You go
ahead an' get the kids ready t' go. I gotta see "What?" Sully stopped.
Robert E about my horse."
"How's Teresa?" the barkeeper appeared
************ concerned.

"Who sold Jake the liquor?" Sully did not contain "Kates," Sully assisted her. "Let me put it this way. I
his disdain. don't like borrowin' money or anythin' else."

"You know who did," Hank stated. "Ain't no law "Mr. Lodge bad?" she swayed her leg back and
against sellin' whiskey, or I'd go outa business." forth.

"When ya sell it t' an alcoholic, there oughta be a "I ain't sayin' that," he touched her nose. "I'm just
law," Sully put his hands on his hips. "It's like givin' sayin' that ya have a lot less trouble in life if ya
a match t' an arsonist." don't borrow."

"Sully, you an' me both know Jake drinks, but he's "You borrow Robert E's saw," she pointed out.
my friend," Hank asserted. "I ain't gonna stop
sellin' him whiskey." "Katherine Elizabeth Sully," Michaela entered the
nursery in time to save her husband.
"I gotta wonder if he's your friend or your enemy,"
Sully tried to calm his voice. "What, Mama?" Katie suspected from her tone
that her mother was angry.
"Nothin' t wonder about," Hank asserted. "He's my
friend." Holding up her hairbrush, the mother cast a
disapproving glance her way, "Do you have any
"Even if he hits his wife?" Sully's eyes turned cold. idea why my brush is ruined?"

"Jake wouldn't do that," Hank dismissed his "I can esplain," the little girl said.
"I'm listening," Michaela put her hands on her hips.
"What if he did?" Sully pointed at him. "You wanna
be responsible for that?" "Wolf got tangles in his tail," the child informed
"I ain't responsible for what he does when he's
drinkin'," the bartender raised his voice. "You used my good hairbrush on Wolf?" Michaela's
voice rose.
Sully eyed him straight on, "If Jake lays another
hand on his wife, I'll make ya responsible." "No more tangles," Katie smiled.

Before Hank could respond, Sully turned and "This is quite unacceptable," her temper rose. "I've
entered the Clinic. had this brush since I was a little girl. My father
gave it to me."
"I'm sorry, Mama," the child now perceived the
"Poppy," Katie folded her hands. "We borrow gravity of what she had done.
"And this..." Michaela pulled Katie's doll from
"What?" Sully helped his daughter into her behind her back. "Do you know where I found it?"
nightgown. "What makes ya ask that?"
"No," Katie bordered on crying.
"Mr. Lodge say lots o' people borrow money from
his bank," Katie's arm was stuck in the sleeve. "On the hallway floor," she set Annie on the bed.
"It's important that you not leave your things lying

in the middle of the floor. What if Josef were to trip Pulling her into his strong arms, he spoke low,
over it?" "Anythin' in particular you'd like t' hear?"

"I'm sorry, Mama," the child turned to hide her Inching him toward their bed, she spoke low,"
face. Something very romantic."

Sully glanced at his wife, knowing without words "I don't know if I can come up with somethin'
she would understand that Katie was contrite. romantic," he looked at the ceiling, playing hard to
"Come here," Michaela opened her arms.
She sighed, "Well, if you're not up to it...."
Katie rushed to her mother's embrace, tears
streaming down her cheeks, "Please don't be mad "Could I show ya somethin' romantic instead?" he
at me, Mama." proposed.

"I'm not angry, Katie," she softened. "I merely want "Well...." Michaela loosened the tie on her robe. "I
you to think before you use things in the house. suppose that would suffice."
Think before you leave things on the floor. Can you
do that for me?" "Mmm," he kissed her neck. "I love sufficin'."

Katie nodded in agreement, "I love you, Mama." "You are rather good at it," she lovingly toyed with
the hair beside his temples.
"I love you, too, my darling," Michaela held her
close until she had calmed. "Are you ready for bed Lifting her into his arms, Sully began to kiss her as
now?" she continued to run her fingers through his hair.
Then he began to spin around and around.
"I gonna tell Annie an' Swirl a story t'night," Katie
slid under her covers. "Sully!" she tried to keep her voice down. "You'll
make us dizzy, not to mention wake the baby."
"Ya don't want me t' tell ya one?" Sully pretended
to be hurt. "Ya already make me dizzy," he stopped.

"Not t'night, Poppy," Katie patted his hand. "This is "You are so much in my heart," she pulled closer.
just for my girls."
Sully set her on the bed and hovering over her,
Sully and Michaela stifled a laugh. removed his shirt. Extending his hand, he began to
lightly run his palm across her body. Instantly, her
************ physical reaction was evident.

"Sorry 'bout your brush," Sully followed Michaela In the voice she adored, he spoke:
into the bedroom.
"You were made perfectly to be loved."
She sighed, and looked at the now-useless object.
Then she turned to him. She had trouble speaking, "B... Byron?"

"You can tell me a story, Mr. Sully," Michaela cast "Elizabeth," he kissed her left breast.
her husband a sultry gaze.
"Barrett," he kissed her right.

"Browning," he reached her lips. "A drink," he thought. "Gotta get a drink t' steady
my nerves."
"Sully," her voice invited his further ministrations.
"Jacob," Teresa heard him stumbling about.
"I gotta be the luckiest man alive," he pulled back
the hair from her face. His foggy mind struggled to speak, "What?"

Then he lovingly traced her cheekbones, moving "I wish to talk with you," she rose from their bed.
down the line of her jaw. Her passion was
intensifying. "I can't talk right now," he closed his eyes. "I...
need t' go see Hank."
"Sully," she placed her hand over his heart. "Tell
me again." "I do not want you to leave," her voice was
Knowing instantly what she desired, he kissed the
tender skin of her neck, then whispered, "I love "I don't care what ya want," he pushed past her
you, Michaela." and staggered toward the door.

The way he said her name sent shivers down her ************
spine, "You make me so happy." Chapter 3
His heart filled with love, "That's what I wanna do
every day o' my life." It was dawn, and Jake Slicker had not returned
home. Teresa had slept little, her head throbbed
Repositioning their bodies to fulfill their desires, and her mind raced with worry. She was nauseous
each touch kindled their powerful appetites. Six and a bit disoriented, but she determined to find
years of marriage had not dampened their ardor. In her husband.
fact, it was their complete familiarity with one
another that only heightened the satisfaction they ************
derived from their intimacy.
Across the street at the Gold Nugget, Hank
Eager to consummate their union, they completed dressing for the day and entered the
passionately sought to express their unwavering saloon. There, passed out, his head on the table,
love. With their fevered bodies stirred further by was Jake.
caressing hands, they reached the ultimate fruition
of their profoundly heartfelt yearning. Breathless Hank kicked his chair, "Wake up!"
and spent from their encounter, they fell silent....
warm, loved, complete. "Mmmm?" Jake's vision was blurred.

************ "I let ya spend the night t' sleep it off, but ya gotta
leave now," the bartender commanded.
A marriage encounter of a different nature was
occurring in Colorado Springs. Jake Slicker, his "I need a drink first," Jake could hardly hold up his
mouth dry and his head aching from a hangover, head.
rose from his chair. The room spun as he tried to
steady himself. Hank carefully eye him and pondered Sully's words,
"Go home t' your wife."

"She don't understand me," the barber's head "It's in your cupboard," she informed him. "Is there
began to throb. something special at school?"

"I understand you quite well," Teresa Slicker stood "We're havin' a guest speaker from Denver," he ran
at the doorway. up the steps. "Miss Teresa wants us all t' dress in
our best clothes."
Michaela's mind turned to Mrs. Slicker, "Brian, I
Michaela awoke snugly in her husband's embrace. want you to keep an eye on her today."
Before the rest of the household arose, she turned
to admire his handsome face. Through the years, "Miss Teresa?" he did not understand. "Why?"
she had memorized every inch of him, thinking
there could not be a human being on earth whose "She.... hurt her head yesterday," Michaela stated.
features were more perfect. The fact that he loved "She may experience a headache or blurred vision.
her, was her soul mate, made her life complete, Let this information be our secret, but if you notice
filled her with joy. anything, send for me at once."

As she wrapped a strand of his hair around her "Okay, Ma," he smiled. "I gotta get dressed now."
finger, she found herself saying his name, "Sully."
"We'll be down shortly," she kissed him.
"Mmm?" he opened an eye.
"Sorry," she blushed. "I didn't mean to wake you.
Go back to sleep." "Where were we?" Michaela positioned herself
next to her husband beneath the blanket.
"When the most beautiful woman in the world is
this close an' sayin' my name, how can I go back t' "Um... I think ya just told me ya love me," his
sleep?" he smiled. wayward hand began to excite her.

She knew where to tickle him for an instant "OH!" she reacted to his touch in a sensitive area.
reaction, "I love you, Mr. Sully."
"Shh!" he winked. "We don't wanna wake up
"MA!" Brian shouted from downstairs. the...."

"I'm gonna have a talk with that boy 'bout his "Mama!" Katie knocked on their door.
timin'," Sully frowned.
"Children," Sully completed his sentence.
"Let me see what he wants, and I'll be right back,"
she pulled on her robe. She kissed him, "Hold that thought."

"Brian," she went to the top of the stairs. "Why are "Ya got a busy mornin' at the Clinic?" Sully asked.
you shouting? You'll wake your brother and sister."
"Not that I anticipate," she climbed out of bed
"Sorry," he was embarrassed. "I need my good again.
white shirt for school t'day."
As he pulled on his buckskins, Michaela glanced
longingly at him for a moment. Then when he was
dressed, she opened the door.

"Good morning, Sweetheart," she knelt down. "Careful, Sully," the move always made Michaela
"I go with Bran t' school?" the little girl implored.
"Don't worry, Mama," Katie reassured her. "Poppy
"No, Katie," Michaela lifted her up and set her on good at it."
the bed. "You're too young."
"Your father is good at most things," Michaela
"I'm five!" she asserted. turned up the corner of her mouth.

"Kates," Sully pulled her into his arms. "When "Yep," the little girl agreed. "Come on, Joey."
you're six, you'll start t' school, an' ya know what?"
Off the children went to play in Katie's room.
"What? she ran her hand across his rough face.
"Michaela," he pulled his wife into his arms.
"You'll keep on goin' t' school for a lot more years,"
he told her. "Next, you'll wanna go t' college. "I have to fix breakf...." her lips were met by his.
He pulled back, "I know. I just wanted your
He stopped, realizing how fleeting the years were. attention."

"Then what, Poppy?" she patted his shoulder. "You certainly have it," her face was flushed.

"What I'm tryin' t' tell ya is, don't rush things," he "I been thinkin'," he rubbed his hands up and down
touched her nose. her sides.

"Mama! Up!" Josef called from his crib. "Yes?" she tingled.

"Coming," she went to her son. "Did you sleep "Been thinkin' maybe it's time for us t' move Josef's
well?" crib int' another room," he broached the subject.

"Yep," he grinned. "Ka-tee." "But why?" she was apprehensive. "He's only 18
months old."
"Mornin', Joey," she sounded despondent.
"'Bout how old Katie was when we moved her int'
"Sad?" Josef sensed her mood. the nursery," he reminded her.

Katie tickled his foot, "No, let's go play." "But...." she stopped.

Michaela covered his feet, then set her son down "Let's think on it," he kissed her again and walked
to join his sister. to the basin to shave.

Sully's voice stopped the little boy cold, "Mornin', ************

"Go home!" Jake did not turn around to face his
"Papa!" the toddler rushed to him. "Lif up!" wife.

The proud father hoisted the child up to nearly

touch the ceiling.

She entered the saloon, "Soon there will be people "She walk int' your fist?" the bartender was
coming and going in the street. Do you want them sarcastic.
to see you like this?"
"I don't wanna talk about it anymore," Jake
"They seen me like this before," he pulled the cork attempted to stand. "I gotta get t' the shop."
from the bottle of whiskey.
"Think anyone's gonna want ya t' shave 'em this
"Please do not do this, Jacob," she came around to mornin'?" Hank pointed to the alcoholic's
face him. trembling hands.

He looked away, "Don't ya gotta go t' school "Very funny," he picked up the bottle.
"Maybe ya oughta leave that here," Hank motioned
"Yes," she sighed. toward the liquor.

Lowering her head, Teresa turned and left. "Ya sayin' I ain't good for it?" Jake became
"Why ya doin' this when ya got a fine woman t' go
home to?" Hank sat down. "Never mind," he did not want to start a fight.

"'Cause she ain't got a fine husband," Jake gulped ************

down the glass of liquor.
"Mornin' Dr. Mike," Loren greeted the town
"She thought enough o' you t' marry ya," the physician as she entered his store.
bartender countered.
"Mmm?" she seemed distracted.
"That was then," Jake was vague.
"I said, 'mornin'," he repeated.
"So, what's changed?" Hank leaned back.
"Oh," she shifted Josef to her other hip. "Good
"I can't keep promises I made t' her," the barber's morning, Loren."
eyes began to redden.
"Mr. Bw... Bray," Katie lifted up on tip toes to see
Hank folded his arms, "Maybe she'd understand if above the counter. "I here, too."
ya give her a chance."
"Katie, girl!" he beamed. "Ya helpin' your Ma
"She shouldn't have t' understand," Jake shop?"
"No," she smiled. "I come t' see your candy."
"Did you hit her yesterday?" Hank was direct.
"Did ya, now?" he chuckled. "Well, step over here,
"No," he could not look him in the eye. an' let's see what I got."

"Jake," Hank doubted. "Katie," Michaela set Josef down. "One piece."

"It was an accident," he poured another drink. "Hey," Josef toddled to the shopkeeper.

Loren leaned over, "Well, well, who's this fine lad? "That ain't your usual lemon drops," the store
Can ya say your name?" owner went to her and opened the jar.

"Jos," he grinned, then put his finger in his mouth. "I try this," she sounded certain.

"An' how old are ya?" the old man quizzed. "Okay," he agreed. "Let's add things up now."

Josef pulled his finger from his mouth and held it ************
"See anythin' suspicious last night?" Sully asked
"Can ya say how old that is?" Loren teased. Robert E

"One," the little boy stated clearly. "I sat out on the porch 'til real late," he responded.
"Jake left home an' spent the night at the Gold
"Well, that's a first," Michaela smiled. "We've been Nugget."
working on his saying his age, but this is the first
time it worked." "With a woman?" Sully feared.

"Sometimes it just takes someone outside the "Don't know," Robert E answered. "Miss Teresa
family t' get kids t' do things," Loren held his back went over there early this mornin', an' he came
as he stood up. staggerin' out a few minutes later."

Michaela placed her basket of goods on the "Drunk?" he rubbed his hand across his upper lip.
counter, "We don't consider you outside of the
family." "I'd say he was gettin' there," the blacksmith
Loren changed the subject, "Did ya find what ya
want there, Katie?" "Did ya get that feelin' that someone's watchin' ya
again last night?" Sully asked.
"Can't 'side," she folded her arms.
"I got it, all right," Robert E looked around
Josef tugged at her dress and pointed. uncomfortably.

"No, Joey," she shook her head. "Too 'spensive." "Maybe I oughta spend the night in town an' scout
for ya," Sully offered.
"The child has a good eye for money," Loren noted.
"Ain't necessary just 'cause I got a feelin'," his
"I didn't know that she understood the value of friend smiled.
money," Michaela stated. "I wonder if her father
has been teaching her." "I don't mind, Robert E," Sully patted his back.
"Ain't like ya t' be worried over nothin'."
"Don't seem like somethin' Sully would do," Loren
began adding up her order. "More likely he'd take "Come on," the blacksmith removed his protective
her out int' the woods t' chase a deer an' eat tree apron. "I'll buy ya a cup a coffee. I know a good
bark." cafe."

Katie called, "Here, Mr. Bray. This one." The two men headed for Grace's unaware that they
were being followed.

************ Teresa tried to stand on her own, "No, no thank
Chapter 4 you. I have not eaten today. It has nothing to do
************ with my head."

"Ma!" Brian burst through the Clinic door out of Sully helped her to her chair, "My wife's the best
breath. "It's Miss Teresa. Ya gotta come quick." doctor in the territory, Miss Teresa. Please."

She reached for her medical bag, "Stay here with "Let me look at your eyes," Michaela opened her
the children, Brian. Is she at school?" bag and removed her scope.

"Yes," he informed her. The woman pulled away, "No, Dr. Quinn!"

As she raced for the little red structure, Sully Michaela decided to be direct, "Mrs. Slicker! Please
observed his wife. let me check your eyes."

"Robert E," he bolted up. "Somethin's wrong at the "All right," she sighed.
Michaela found the woman's pupils to be slow to
Both men caught up to Michaela as she neared the react to change in light, "Have you experienced any
building. In front of the classroom on the floor was drowsiness?"
Teresa Slicker, unconscious near her desk. Some of
the children were crying. The guest speaker, a "Some," she said.
museum curator, was clearly flustered.
"Nausea?" the doctor continued.
"Kids," Sully spoke up. "Let's all go outside. Mrs.
Slicker won't mind if ya go home a little early t'day. Teresa did not respond.
Dr. Mike's gonna take good care o' her."
"Mrs. Slicker?" Michaela probed.
"I'll go get Jake," Robert E escorted the children
out. "Enough of your examination and questions," she
rose quickly.
"Not if he's been drinkin'," Sully counseled.
Suddenly, she fell back. Sully scooped her into his
By the time the children were removed from the arms.
classroom, Michaela had managed to bring Teresa
back to consciousness. Sully knelt down beside "Let's go," he headed for the door.
"Mrs. Slicker, I really must insist that I give you a
more thorough examination at my clinic," Michaela As Robert E passed the Cafe to return to the
asserted. school, he noticed a man sitting in the far back
table at his wife's establishment. He motioned to
"No," she waved her off. "That is not possible." Grace.

"Passin' out ain't somethin' t' be ignored," Sully "What ya want, Robert E?" Grace reached him.
supported his wife. "Let me help ya over."
"That man over there," he subtly gestured. "He
been here before?"

She put her hand on her hip, "First time I ever saw "An' she's been asking questions about bankin' t'
him. Why?" her Ma an' me," Sully chuckled. Then as he cradled
Josef, his expression turned serious, "Tell me 'bout
"Just wondered," he felt uneasy. this fella ya saw. Ya think he's the one been
followin' ya?"
"Look," she pointed. "Sully's carryin' Miss Teresa."
"Papa," Josef squirmed. "Ka-tee."
Robert E rushed to his friend and helped to carry
the woman inside the Clinic. They gently placed her "Okay," Sully set him down and watched his son
on the examining table, then stepped back to let toddle to his sister.
Michaela work. Opening the door to the anteroom,
Brian was upset at the sight of his beloved teacher While keeping a close watch on his children, Sully
on the table. listened to his friend.

"Ma?" he tentatively spoke. "It's only a feelin'," the blacksmith confided. "But I
think that's the man."
"Not now, Brian," she pulled out her stethoscope.
"Any idea where he went?" he asked.
"Pa," his voice shook.
"No," Robert E told him. "By the time I got back
Sully stepped forward and put his arm around the from the school, he was gone."
young man, "Come on. Let's take the kids over t'
the Cafe." "What about Jake?" Sully recalled. "Ya went t' get
him at the shop."
"Door was locked up tight, an' he didn't answer
"Pa," Brian said. "I'm gonna go back t' the school t' when I pounded," he explained.
get my books. I'll be back in a few minutes."
"He's probably passed out again," Sully noticed that
"Okay," Sully nodded. both of his children were now seated on Preston's
"Sully," Robert E sat beside his friend. "'Fore I came
t' help ya with Miss Teresa, I noticed a fella over Hank turned the corner and approached their
there. table, "Understand there was some excitement at
"Poppy," Katie patted her father's knee. "I go talk t'
Mr. Lodge?" "Miss Teresa fainted," Robert E looked up.

"What, Kates?" Sully could not fathom her request. Hank tucked his thumbs into his gun belt and
motioned toward Preston, "Ya pretty desperate for
"Over there by himself," she pointed. "I go see baby-sitters now, Sully?"
"Think ya might like t' give it a try next?" Sully eyed
"All right," he caressed her cheek. "But only for a him.
couple o' minutes."
"Very funny," Hank returned to the more serious
"Am I seein' things?" Robert E grinned. "Preston topic. "Jake know his wife's unconscious?"
talkin' t' your little girl?"

"He's most likely in the same condition," Sully "You resist my professional recommendations,"
stood up. "I'll be back in a minute, Robert E. Wanna Michaela continued. "You refuse to acknowledge
check on the kids." that I want to help you."

"I went t' the barbershop," Robert E informed "I appreciate your intentions, Doctor, but this is not
Hank. "He didn't answer the door." your business," she set down the glass. "I really
must return to my husband now."
"I'll go check on him then," the bartender
departed. "I'm a doctor, and your health and well being are
my business," Michaela stepped closer. "Jake is my
************ friend. I would like for you to be, as well."

"What is it, Dr. Quinn?" Teresa sat up. "You cannot be all things to all people," Teresa
"You have a concussion," the physician explained.
"You're going to have to rest for a few days." "What does that mean?" Michaela stood up
"I cannot miss school," the woman insisted. "It is
our last week." "Are you a doctor, or are you a wife and mother?"
the woman retorted.
"Mrs. Slicker, if you don't take care of yourself...."
she stopped when she saw the woman become "I consider myself to be all of those," she was
teary eyed. Michaela poured her a glass of water, puzzled.
"Here, drink this." The physician placed her hand
on Teresa's back, "May I ask you something?" "It is impossible to serve two masters with your
whole heart," Teresa noted.
"What?" she stiffened.
"I hardly think of my husband as a master,"
Michaela folded her hands, "Since our first Michaela took her statement literally.
meeting, you have for some reason felt an anger
towards me. You are kind to my children, cordial to "Then perhaps you should think again," Teresa
my husband, but to me, you show nothing but stood to leave.
resentment. I fail to understand why. Do you blame
me for Mr. Morales' death?" ************

Teresa thought back to that terrible day when her "Jake," Hank tapped the side of his face. "Wake
first husband was mauled by a mountain lion. up."

Surprised at the doctor's bluntness, she replied, "I "Mmmm?" he tried to focus through blurred vision.
know that you did what you could for Guillermo."
"I said wake up!" Hank stood him up. "Teresa
"Then what is it?" Michaela probed. "Why do you fainted at school t'day."
dislike me so much?"
"What?" Jake tried to steady himself. "Where is
"I... I do not dislike you," the teacher softened her she? Is she all right?"

"She's at the Clinic," the bartender informed him. "I Michaela noticed, but before she could comment,
think ya oughta go over an' be with her." the sound of men arguing could be heard outside
on the sidewalk. Rushing to open the door,
"I'll go, soon as I get a drink," the barber glanced Michaela saw Sully attempting to dissuade Jake
around the room for his bottle. from entering the Clinic. Swiftly, she lifted Josef
from her husband's arms and escorted the children
"Be better if ya went t' her sober," Hank observed. into the anteroom.

"How'd ya get in here anyway?" Jake splashed "I demand t' see my wife!" Jake was held back by
some cold water on his face. "The door was Hank.
"I am here, Jacob," Teresa made her way to the
"I got my ways," Hank grinned. "Come on. Get door.
yourself over there now."
Attempting to steady himself, he looked at her,
************ "Are ya all right?"

There was a tentative knock at the door, "No," Michaela returned in time. "She is far from
"Michaela?" all right."

It was Sully. "What's wrong with her?" Jake pulled away from
Hank's grasp.
"Mrs. Slicker, I would prefer that you go up to one
of my recovery rooms and rest until dinner," the "Come, we will go home," Teresa stepped closer.
doctor requested.
"Mrs. Slicker, please," Michaela begged.
"Your husband is in need of your attention," Teresa
pointed to the door. She pivoted to face the physician, "I am going
home with my husband."
"He knows that I'm with you at the moment," she
assured her. "One second," Sully raised his hand and pulled Jake
aside. In a low and controlled voice, he warned,
"I cannot understand how you disregard the needs "Listen, an' listen good. If I find out you laid a hand
of your husband and children," Teresa shook her on her again...."
"It was an accident, Sully," Jake excused his
"What makes you say that?" Michaela became behavior.
Sully grasped the front of his shirt tightly, "You
"He is out there waiting for you," the woman don't EVER touch a woman like that! Ya got that?"
motioned. "You ignore his beckon."
Jake felt a rush of fear, "Yes."
"Sully understands that when I'm with a patient...."
Michaela did not get the opportunity to finish. Hank neared, "Jake, no more booze from the Gold
Nugget either."
"My husband will want his dinner soon," Teresa slid
from the table, a bit queasy.

The barber looked both of the men in the eye, then "Are you upset with me?" she touched his arm.
took his wife's arm. Together, they crossed the
street to return to the shop. Brian arrived in time "No," he mumbled.
to see them depart.
"Yes, you are," she felt uncomfortable.
"Miss Teresa okay, Ma?" he was concerned.
There was silence.
"Apparently, she thinks she is," Michaela sighed.
"I thought you did a wonderful thing today," she
************ rubbed his back.

Sully entered the bedroom, having locked up the "What's that?" he did not look at her.
house for the night. Michaela was reading her
medical journal so intently, she did not react to his "The way you stood up for Mrs. Slicker and told
arrival. After undressing and washing up, he pulled Jake not to lay a hand on her," she said with
up the sheet and climbed into bed. admiration.

"Thought any more 'bout what I suggested this "I'd do it for anyone," he did not react to her
mornin'?" he rested his chin on her shoulder. compliment.

"What's that?" she glanced up from her reading. "Are you pouting, Mr. Sully?" she spoke near his
"'Bout movin' Josef outa our room," Sully touched
her thigh. There was no response. Then the harsh words that
Teresa Slicker had spoken to her earlier came back
"Sully!" she tingled. to her.

"Mmm?" he grinned. "Sully," her tone was different. "Do you think I pay
enough attention to you and the children?"
"It's a big step," she set her reading on the end
table. "What?" he could tell she was sincere. "Why would
ya ask such a thing?"
"Michaela," he rubbed her arm. "Josef's gettin' old
enough t'.... hear us an' wonder what we do "Something Mrs. Slicker said to me," her voice
sometimes." choked slightly.

"We've never wakened him when we...." she He turned over and pulled her into his arms,
hesitated to complete the thought. "Michaela, you know what we got. Don't let what
she says upset ya."
"Yet," he smiled.
"I'm concerned about her," a tear appeared at the
"But he's still a baby," she reasoned. corner of her eye. "She needs to stay in bed for
several days, but.... she won't listen to me."
"He's walkin', talkin', an'...." he stopped. "I can see
ya ain't ready t' discuss this." "That what's botherin' ya?" he touched her
teardrop. "Ya think she don't respect ya as a
He turned onto his side away from her and lowered doctor?"
his lamp.

"She doesn't even respect me as a woman," Suddenly, as their passions intensified, they heard
Michaela let him know. "She says I cannot serve a voice.
two masters... my family and my career."
"Mama," it was Josef standing in his crib.
The scent of her, the nearness of her, the timbre of
her voice instantly stirred him, but he resisted ************
responding. Chapter 5
"Ya sure serve me," he grinned.
"What is it, Sweetheart?" Michaela went to her
"When you say things like that, it makes me feel son's crib.
very warm inside," she was tempting.
"Pokle," the little boy requested.
He found her impossible to resist, "What kind o'
warm inside?" "No, Josef," she lifted him. "You can't have a pickle
right now."
"The kind that makes me want to...." she stopped
speaking to kiss him. "Papa?" he pointed to his father.

He cupped her chin in his hand, Sully smiled, "Come here, big boy."

"My whole heart rises up to bless A beautiful smile crossed the child's face, filling
Your name in pride and thankfulness." with joy the hearts of his parents. Josef reached
out to his father, and Michaela handed him to
She smiled, "Shakespeare?" Sully.

"Robert Browning," he returned her kiss. "Now, listen up, Joe," his expression was very
serious. "Ya got real bad timin', son."
"Another Browning?" she teased.
"Sully!" Michaela tapped his arm.
"Well, if you'd prefer I quote someone else...." his
voice trailed off. "Well, he does," Sully lifted the baby above his
head. "Ya gotta go back t' sleep. Okay?"
She caressed his face, "I love you so much, Sully."
"'Kay," Josef had no idea what he was agreeing to.
"I know that," he raised her hand to his lips. "An' I
love you, more with every second we're t'gether. Sully kissed his fair skin as the baby yawned.
Don't let anyone else's words make ya doubt what
we feel." "Mama," he requested.

"You are an incredible man," she traced his lips "Now, my darling," she cradled him. "Let's go sit in
with her finger. the chair and see if that helps you go back to
He kissed her again. Their yearnings began to rise
quickly. The outside world no longer existed when She took him to the rocking chair and began the
they visited this magical world only they two knew. rhythmic motion back and forth. In one hand, the
little boy clasped his mother's long hair, and in the

other, he curved his little fingers around her gave themselves totally to one another. Their
thumb. She hummed softly to him. bodies shuddered at the crest of their passion.
Then, tenderly, gently, their caresses affirmed their
Sully watched them with a lump in his throat, "Too love. Soon, cocooned in one another's arms, they
bad Teresa Slicker can't see ya now." fell asleep.

"Pardon me?" she glanced up. ************

"What a sight it is, watchin' you with our children," Robert E was awakened by a creak of the
he smiled. floorboard from his front porch. He turned to
Grace. She was still asleep. Given his uneasiness of
Soon the baby was peacefully sleeping, and the past few days and the events at the Slicker
Michaela placed him in his crib. household, he felt compelled to investigate. Rising
from the bed, he pulled on his pants and raised his
Returning to her husband, she snuggled closer, "I suspenders. He opened the front door of his house
suppose I'd better consider more seriously about and suddenly felt an explosive blow to his head.
Josef's sleeping in another room."
Sully stroked her arm, "Not if you or he ain't ready.
I was bein' selfish, Michaela." "Sully!" Matthew's voice called from downstairs.

"No," she lovingly touched her palm to his cheek. Michaela shook her husband to rouse him, "Sully,
"One thing you are definitely NOT, Mr. Sully, is Matthew's calling."
Swiftly he pulled on his buckskins and rushed
He warmed at her touch, "What am I then?" downstairs, "What's wrong?"

"Loving," she kissed his cheek. "Caring," she kissed "Miss Grace sent me t' get ya," he was out of
his other cheek. "Compassionate," she kissed the breath.
tip of his nose.
"What is it, Matthew?" Michaela had pulled on her
"How 'bout here?" he pointed to his lips. robe.

"Passionate," she leaned forward to claim his lips. "It's Robert E," the young man wiped his brow.
"He's gone. Miss Grace found blood on the front
Their kiss deepened, and pulses began to race. porch, an' the front door was left open."
Soon, both became breathless. Their bodies
reacted to these overtures of intimacy, and an "I'll be right there," Sully bounded up the steps.
aching urgency arose in them. Michaela ran her
fingers across his broad chest, her feathery touches As he finished dressing, Michaela entered the
causing his pulse to race. Sully's mouth moved bedroom.
down her neck as she leaned back to allow him
freer access. His hands masterfully awakened every "What could have happened?" she handed him his
pore in her being. beads and medicine pouch.

The anticipation of their union created "He's had a feelin' lately someone's been watchin'
unbelievable longings in them until finally, they him," Sully wrapped his belt around his waist.

"Why?" she wondered. "Who would do this?" "Yes, I feel up to it," Jake made a face.

"Don't know," he was ready to leave. "Get your horses an' meet back here in 15
minutes," Sully commanded.
"Grace must be frantic," she chilled at the thought.
Dorothy held Grace near, "Don't worry, now.
"I'll find him," he kissed her on the cheek. They'll find him."

"Sully," she beckoned him back. Sully approached them, "Grace, is there anythin'
else ya can tell me that might help?"
"I know," he returned to her arms. "I'll be careful."
"I can't think o' anythin'," she shook her head.
A more passionate kiss preceded his departure.
Michaela began to dress, knowing that Grace "Can ya bring me some o' his clothing for Wolf t'
would need the support of her friends. use t' pick up his scent?" he requested.

************ When Grace turned to go into the house, Dorothy

asked, "Who could've done this, Sully?"
Matthew rang the town bell, and a crowd began to
assemble. Meanwhile, Sully scanned the area "I don't know," he glanced down at the blood
around Robert E's house, determining that there again.
had been only one man who had abducted his
friend, but two horses were used in the kidnapping. Grace returned and handed him a shirt, "Anythin'
They had headed east out of town. else?"

Matthew announced to the throng, "Robert E's "One thing," Sully said. "Do ya remember yesterday
been abducted, an' we need t' organize a search at the Cafe seein' a stranger?"
party t' go look for him. Who's willin' t' go?"
"Yes," she clasped her hands together tightly.
"How ya know he didn't leave on his own?" Loren "Robert E asked if I'd seen him before."
spoke up.
"Can ya tell me what he looked like?" the mountain
Sully answered, "There's blood on the porch, fairly man inquired.
fresh. We need t' move fast. I figure they got about
3 or 4 hours head start." "Real respectable lookin' man," Grace recalled.
"Maybe 'bout 35 years old. Dark hair an' eyes. He
Horace stepped forward, "I'll go!" was wearin' a black broadcloth jacket. Had a
shotgun restin' against his table. He looked sorta
"I reckon I ain't got anythin' better t' do," Hank lit a like a preacher."
"That's real good, Grace," Sully touched her arm.
"Anyone else?" Matthew glanced around. "We'll find him."

"I'll help," it was Jake's voice from the back of the Assembling the search party , Sully described the
crowd. man who might have abducted Robert E. Soon they
were on their way in search of the town
"Sure ya feel up t' it?" Loren was skeptical. blacksmith.

************ her, all the while tendin' t' her husband an'
Michaela, Grace and Dorothy sat at the Cafe, the
Sully children playing nearby. Teresa Slicker "I admire her," Dorothy smiled.
"When a woman has a family, all else must come
"Miss Grace," she folded her hands. "I am sorry to second," Teresa spoke.
hear that your husband is missing."
"I agree," Dorothy nodded. "But that don't mean ya
"Thanks, Miss Teresa," Grace stood. "Can I get ya have t' give up all other things, like a career.
some coffee?" Michaela has a gift. The gift o' healin'. I can't
imagine this town without her sharin' that gift with
"No, thank you," she replied. "Although it is us."
Saturday, I have school work to attend to."
"Me either," Grace concurred. "She's had t'
"Please sit down for a spell," Dorothy encouraged. overcome a lot o' prejudices t' practice medicine
here. Still, some folks don't accept her."
The woman looked toward Michaela.
"Just like when you became our teacher, Teresa"
"Perhaps my being here makes you Dorothy added. "Ya know what prejudice feels like,
uncomfortable," the doctor commented. "I'll leave comin' from a different culture. An' no one asked
you." ya t' quit teachin' when ya married Jake. In most
places, that wouldn't be allowed."
"No, Dr. Quinn," Teresa raised her hand. "That
won't be necessary." "I am aware of this," Teresa began to ponder their
"How have you been feeling?" Michaela queried.
"Better," the woman was not truthful.
Brian approached his mother, "Hey, Ma. Any word
Michaela could tell from her pale appearance that on Robert E yet?"
she was lying, "When your symptoms frighten you
sufficiently, perhaps you'll find my services "No," she stood up and kissed him. "Nothing."
"What are we gonna do 'bout our trip t'
The physician stepped away from them to check on Philadelphia?" he lifted Josef. "Matthew an' me are
her children. The little ones giggled and hugged her supposed t' leave on Monday. What if he ain't back
when she knelt down to them. Teresa watched yet?"
with interest.
"Bran," Katie tugged at his leg. "Don't use 'ain't.'"
"She's an amazin' woman," Grace noticed the
teacher's attention. "Don't know how she does it." "Sorry," he grinned.

"What is that?" Teresa eyed her. Then the young man spotted his teacher. He took
his brother and sister to greet her, but Michaela
Grace instinctively knew what was on her mind, stayed back.
"How she takes care o' so many folks who need

"Miss Teresa," he smiled. "How ya feelin'?" the horses, they could catch up by evening. Thus,
they stopped to water the animals.
Her face brightened, "I am much better, Brian."
Taking the baby's hand, she said, "What is your "Ya know," Horace commented. "That man Grace
name, little one?" described sounds familiar. I think I read about a
bounty hunter who dresses like a preacher."
"Jos," he bounced up and down.
Sully was interested, "A bounty hunter?"
"And this is Katie, I remember," she touched the
little girl's cheek. "Why would a bounty hunter want Robert E?"
Matthew wondered.
"I come t' school?" Katie was enthralled at the
notion. "Maybe someone from his past has caught up with
him," Sully speculated.
"How old are you?" Teresa inquired.
"We don't know much about his past," Hank
"Five," the child answered. interjected.

"Next year, then," the teacher informed her. Sully noticed that Jake had strayed off from the
group and trailed after him. Beneath his jacket, the
"That what Mama an' Poppy say," she looked barber pulled out a small flask of liquor and opened
down. it.

Michaela approached them, "Grace, I'm going over Sully spoke up, "Think that's gonna make your
to the Clinic now. Is there anything I can do for headache go away?"
Jake quickly hid the container, "Don't know what
"No, thank ya, Dr. Mike," she responded. "I figure you're talkin' about."
keepin' busy here will help me some."
"Look at me, Jake," Sully urged him.
"I'll check back with you later then," Michaela
glanced at her family. "Let's go, children." "What?" he turned around to face him, hands
Katie skipped along behind her mother and
brothers as they departed. "Your shakes will go away after ya stop drinkin',"
Sully began. "But what's happened between you
Teresa Slicker stood up to go, but suddenly went an' Miss Teresa...."
limp and fell to the ground unconscious.
"Ain't none o' your business," he interrupted.
"Michaela!" Dorothy screamed.
"Seems like you're pilin' one problem on top o'
************ another," Sully told him.
Chapter 6
************ "Don't know what ya mean," Jake stated.

The search party forged on in their quest to rescue "I think ya do," Sully said. "Ya claim ya hit your wife
Robert E. Sully estimated that they were about an by accident. I don't know exactly how that is, but I
hour behind the abductor, and with a brief rest of

gotta wonder if ya ever laid a hand on her when ya but today I did a more thorough examination based
was sober." on some of your other symptoms."

"'Course not," Jake denied. Teresa sat up, "Did you tell anyone else?"

"So I reckon drinkin' affects your judgment," he "No," Michaela replied.

"This is good news," she touched her abdomen.
"Look, Sully," the barber put his hands on his hips.
"I take a drink now an' then t' steady my nerves. "Yes," the doctor agreed. "But there are some
Nothin' wrong with that." precautions that I want you to observe. I would say
that you are a little over two months along, and
"You think I really believe that?" Sully doubted. you are still suffering the effects of a concussion. I'll
make a list of things that you should follow."
Jake stiffened, "Don't matter if ya believe me. It's
the truth." "Dr. Quinn," Teresa stopped her. "I am sorry for
how I have acted."
"No, it ain't," Hank found them.
Michaela softened, "Let's discuss your condition
Sully backed away and left them to speak in and what you need to do."
A beautiful raven haired woman stepped from the
Michaela spoke softly to Teresa, "Mrs. Slicker...." train at the Depot. Preston could not help but be
taken by her stunning looks. He approached her.
"Wha.... What happened?" she was disoriented.
"Good afternoon," he flashed a broad grin.
"You fainted again," Michaela removed her "Welcome to Colorado Springs."
stethoscope from her ears.
"Thank you," she smiled. "I'm looking for Mr.
The woman glanced around the Clinic examining Horace Bing."
room, "What is wrong with me, Doctor?"
"Horace?" the banker was surprised. "He's not here
Michaela smiled, "Nothing that some bed rest and right now, but perhaps I can be of assistance.
proper diet won't help." Preston A. Lodge, III."

"Why do you think this is something to smile "Mr. Lodge" she shook his hand. "I'm afraid I must
about?" Teresa noticed her expression. see Mr. Bing."

"Because you're going to have a baby," Michaela "Oh?" he raised an eyebrow. "May I inquire why?"
touched her arm.
"I am to marry him," she announced.
"I am with child?" she felt flush.
"Marry Horace?" Preston chuckled. "Why has he
"You are," Michaela confirmed. "After you told me said nothing?"
you had been hit, I concentrated on a cranial injury,
"He ordered me," she stated.

"Ordered you, Madam?" he was curious. not move, and with a shotgun aimed at him, he
dare not try anyway.
"I'm a mail order bride," she clarified.
"Who are you?" Robert E rubbed his wrists.
"Well, leave it to Horace to keep you a secret from
us," he tried to sound charming. "Certainly, you'll "My name's Frazer," he offered a canteen of water
need a place to stay.... until your nuptials, of to his captive. "Patrick Frazer. Folks call me
course. May I offer my Chateau? It has the finest Reverend Pat."
accommodations in the area."
"You're a reverend?" Robert E found it incredulous.
She nodded politely, "That would be most kind of
you, Mr. Lodge. My trunk is over there." "Don't I look like one?" the man sounded offended.

"Let me have one of my men get it for you," he "Never knew a minister t' kidnap folks for his
showed her to his carriage. "I shall personally congregation," Robert E was sarcastic.
escort you to the hotel. Uh, I didn't catch your
name." Frazer cocked his gun, "Can't say I care for your
sense o' humor, boy."
"Eleanor Waldron," she smiled.
"Sorry," Robert E tried to keep his calm. "Mind if I
"And you're going to marry Horace?" he shook his ask where you're takin' me an' why?"
The man lowered his weapon, "Takin' ya back t'
************ your master's family."

Robert E awoke to find himself draped over a horse A chill went through Robert E's body, "My master?
as it trotted along. His head throbbed, his stomach Don't know what ya mean."
was empty and his lungs were full of dust. He tried
to look around, but his hands and feet were bound "Ya killed him," Frazer pointed out. "They want ya
and his movements limited. back for trial."

"You're awake, are ya?" a voice spoke to him as the "Where might this be?" the blacksmith tried to
horses stopped. assess his chances for escape.

Robert E remained silent. He saw a man's black "Virginia," the man answered.
boots approach him. Suddenly, the stranger yanked
up his head. "What makes ya think I killed a man?" Robert E
"When I speak, ya answer, boy," a Southern accent
was discernible. "They been lookin' for ya for a long time," Frazer
circled around him. "At first they didn't know what
"I.... I'm awake," Robert E replied. happened t' old Giddings, but they finally got the
truth outa your nephew."
"That's better," the man loosened his hands.
"My nephew?" Robert E's heart stopped.
He pulled him up so that the blacksmith fell back
off of the horse. With his feet still tied, he could "You an' your brother, along with his boy was
escapin'," the man reminded him. "Ya reached the

swamps. Giddings shot your brother, was gonna "Jake! Hank! Come on," Sully's voice beckoned.
drown the boy, but ya stopped him, then broke his
neck." "We'll finish this later," Hank turned to leave.

"I... I think you're mistaken, Mr. Frazer," Robert E's Jake stared at his flask of whiskey. Then, taking a
stomach tightened. "Ya got the wrong man." deep breath, he poured out its contents.

"No," he smiled. "I ain't mistaken." ************

************ With Mrs. Slicker home and no patients remaining,

Michaela took some time to play with her children.
Hank eyed his friend, "Pour it out, Jake." Sitting in the anteroom rocking chair, she was
particularly watchful over Josef since Sully had
"You're a hypocrite t' stand there an' tell me mentioned moving him from their room. He was so
somethin' like that," Jake opened the flask. alert and curious. How the little boy adored his
sister, listened so intently to her every word,
"I said pour it out!" Hank's voice rose. laughed when she made a joke or a face at him.

Jake hesitated. And how they reminded her of their father. She
thought about how competitive she had been with
"Do ya love your wife?" Hank said. her sisters, particularly Marjorie. They could never
play together peacefully. She wondered about why
"'Course I do," the barber replied. Katie and Josef were so sharing and
noncompetitive with each other. Perhaps it was
"Then stop doin' this t' yourself... and t' her," Hank the fact that they were different sexes or over
asserted. "You're an alcoholic. Ya can't drink. I three years different in age.
don't know what makes some men that way, but I
know that it'll ruin your life if ya don't stop." No, she smiled, it was because of Sully. He took
such an active interest in their children... from his
"My life's ruined anyway," he looked down. bedtime stories to his excursions with them, they
knew they never had to compete for the attention
"How can ya think that?" the bartender grew of their father.
Katie noticed her mother's faraway look, and
"I can't give her what she deserves," Jake was near crawled into her lap, "What ya doin', Mama?"
"Thinking," Michaela pulled her into her arms.
"Ya keep sayin' that," he answered. "Why?"
"'Bout Poppy?" the child guessed.
"'Cause I promised t' build her a house years ago,"
he came out with it. "But, I can't afford to." Michaela smiled, "In a way."

Hank chuckled, "An' ya think that means ya ain't "Where he go?" she toyed with a strand of her
worthy of her?" mother's hair.

"A woman expects her husband t' provide for her," "He went to look for Robert E," she replied.
he sighed.

"Don't worry," she kissed her mother's cheek. "Buildin' a house for Teresa," he reminded him.
"Poppy good at findin'."
"What about it?" Jake asked.
"Yes, he is," she agreed.
"I could loan ya the money for it," the bartender
"Ka-tee," Josef tapped his sister's knee. "Play." offered.

"Sweetheart, what would you think if we put "Ain't a good idea to borrow money from friends,"
Josef's crib in the nursery with you when your the barber stated.
Daddy comes home?" Michaela broached the
subject. "There's always Preston," Hank joked.

"Joey sleep in my room?" her eyes lit up. "Even worse borrowin' from enemies," he retorted.

"Yes," Michaela smiled. "But it would become his Sully could not help but overhear, "Ya need
room, too." someone t' build ya a house?"

"Good thinkin', Mama," Katie beamed. "We have "Maybe," Jake was evasive.
"I could do it," Sully volunteered.
"I would hope that there would be some sleep, as
well," she chuckled. "We'll discuss it further when "Why are ya offerin'?" the barber was skeptical.
your father returns."
"'Cause ya need help," Sully simply replied. "I got
************ the time."
Chapter 7
************ "I can't afford t' pay ya much," Jake noted.

It was nearing sundown when the search party "Pay me as ya can," the mountain man said.
came upon the site where Robert E had been
removed from the horse. Sully discerned two sets "I'll think about it," he replied.
of footprints and determined that the men had
stopped here within the hour. Wolf was much ************
more animated in picking up the scent now.
"Grace," Michaela approached her friend while the
"We're close," Sully advised the others. "Gotta be children waited in the wagon. "Why don't you
real careful from here on. This man's dangerous. spend the night with us at the homestead?"
He carries a shotgun, an' if he's a bounty hunter, he
more 'n likely knows how t' use it real good." "No, thank ya, Dr. Mike," she smiled nervously.
"Dorothy's gonna stay with me. I'll be okay."
With their senses heightened, the men continued
their journey. "You'll send word to me the moment you hear
anything?" Michaela embraced her.
"Been thinkin' 'bout your problem," Hank spoke
low to Jake. "I will," Grace nodded. "I have faith. They'll find
"What problem?" his head throbbed.
"I know they will," she smiled.

************ Michaela sat down and took her daughter's hands
in hers, "Katie, the animals of nature provide us
With Brian's assistance, Michaela bathed the with many things that we need in life."
children. Water was everywhere since the two little
ones turned the experience into a splashing battle. "But not kill aminals," she fretted.

Finally, the sweet smelling duo was ready for bed. "Do you remember how your father is always
Josef fell asleep quickly, and Michaela took him to telling you how important it is to give back to
his crib, but Katie, as usual, was the challenge. nature the things that are given to us?" she
Brian attempted to deal with her delays while
Michaela settled the baby into her room. "Uh huh," there were tears in the little girl's eyes.

"Bran, I got a question," the little girl said. "When "Well, part of what nature gives to us... the deer...
Poppy comin' home? He didn't say 'bye." provide your Daddy his clothing," Michaela wiped
away the moisture on her cheek. "The buckskin
"He had t' leave real quick t' go help Robert E," keeps him dry when it rains or snows. It keeps him
Brian smiled. "He'll be back soon." warm when it's cold outside, and that means he
won't become ill. He comes home to us safe and
After some reflection, she spoke what was on her sound."
mind, "Why Poppy dress different from other
folks?" "What Poppy give back t' nature?" she started to
feel better.
"Ya mean wearin' buckskins?" he clarified.
"Your father works very hard to protect the land
"Yep," she nodded. and the animals," Michaela's heart filled with pride.
"He wants to make certain that Brian, Josef and
"Pa used t' live with the Cheyenne," Brian informed you will be able to enjoy the beauty of the earth
her. "They taught him how t' make clothes from and it's creatures when you grow up."
deer hide, an' livin' outdoors for so many years, it
was a good protection for him." "I love Poppy," Katie smiled.

"Poppy's clothes made from deer?" she was "He loves you, too, Sweetheart," she caressed her
horrified. cheek. "Now, say your prayers."

"Uh oh," he had forgotten her disdain for hunting. ************

"Well.... the deer didn't mind."
"Was your dinner satisfactory?" Preston
"No, Bran," her voice quivered. "I don't want Poppy approached Eleanor's table at the Chateau.
t' wear deer."
"Mmm," she dabbed her napkin at the corners of
Michaela entered the room, "What's wrong?" her mouth. "Yes, Mr. Lodge."

"Sorry, Ma," Brian stood up. "Katie asked why Pa "May I join you for a moment?" he pointed to the
wore different clothes, an' now she's upset 'bout chair beside her.
him usin' deer hide."
"Please do," she consented.

"Tell me more about yourself," Preston sat. "What Darkness made visibility difficult, but the scent of a
made you decide to... come to Colorado Springs?" campfire clued Sully that they had reached their
goal. He raised his hand to indicate silence. The
"I'm originally from a small town in Vermont," she search party stopped and dismounted. From Wolf's
revealed. "I saw an ad in my local newspaper about activities, they could tell Robert E was near. Sully
opportunities for brides in the West and answered gathered the group into a tight circle.
"They're in that clearin' just beyond the trees,"
"And just like that, you're engaged to Horace?" he Sully pointed. "First thing is we gotta separate the
found it incredulous. bounty hunter from Robert E. Then we can take
"Well, we have to meet first," she smiled shyly.
"I say we surround the clearin', then let this do the
"Why is it that such a beautiful woman as you did talkin'," Hank pulled out his gun.
not find a man in your own hometown?" he asked.
"Surely there was no shortage of men at your "An' that could get Robert E killed, too," Sully
doorstep." shook his head.

"I was engaged, but...." she stopped. "How we gonna lure him away from Robert E?"
Horace asked.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to become personal," he
apologized. "I figure he's got him tied up, so he's gonna feel
safe about leavin' t' investigate some kind o'
"No," she brushed back a tear. "My fiance left me strange noise," the mountain man reasoned.
at the altar. I was so ashamed... the object of much
ridicule in my community. I decided to move as far "Jake here can make lots o' strange noises," Hank
away from there as possible." joked.

"Did Horace know you were coming?" Preston "I can make a sound like a mountain lion," Horace
wondered. volunteered.

"No," she noted. "Ya can?" Matthew smiled.

"Well, until he returns," he paused. "I do hope you "It ain't somethin' I do very often," the telegrapher
will let me show you our fair town. Why, as we stated. "Sorta scares folks."
speak, we are preparing for a celebration of the
imminent statehood of our territory. You have "Where'd ya learn t' do that?" Jake was amazed.
chosen an opportune time to come here."
"Just practice," he shrugged.
"I would be most grateful, Mr. Lodge," her blue
eyes gleamed. "Don't seem like a mountain lion's cry would make
him leave his camp," Hank rolled his eyes.
"Please, call me Preston," he touched her hand.
"How 'bout a singin' drunk?" Horace offered.
All four comrades in unison responded, "A singin'

"Sure," he responded. "One o' us could pretend like "Borne like a vapor on the summer air...." the voice
they come on his camp by accident, a drunk just became louder.
lost an' singin'."
"Must be drunk," Robert E did not yet recognize
Jake felt paranoid, "I s'pose ya think I should be the who it was.
one t'...."
"I'm gonna go check," Frazer cocked his rifle. "Don't
Sully cut him off, "I'll do it." you go tryin' anythin', boy."

Hank stifled a laugh, "Ain't never seen ya drunk, "Not me," Robert E assured him.
The singing continued, "I see her tripping where
"I don't gotta be drunk t' know how one acts," he the bright streams play...."
stated. "Jake, give me that flask."
Nearby, Hank turned to Jake and whispered, "Don't
The barber was embarrassed, "What flask?" know which is worse on my nerves."

"Don't got time for that," Sully removed his jacket "Huh?" Jake glanced at him.
and belt.
"Sully's singin' or havin' Horace with us," the
Jake handed him the flask. Sully opened it and was bartender cracked.
surprised to find the contents empty. There were a
few drops that he eked from it, and he sprinkled "Think I would've preferred that mountain lion,"
them on the front of his shirt. Jake added.

"Okay," Sully drew a map in the dirt with his finger. The vocalist went on with his song, "Happy as the
"Here's where I want each o' you t' position daisies that dance on their way..."
yourself. I'm gonna try t' get him away from Robert
E an' disarm him. Then we'll free Robert E. No guns. Frazer spotted a man on the ground, leaning
Everybody understand?" against a rock, "You there. What ya think you're
Sully held up the flask, and slurred his words, "I'm
"I dream of Jeanie with the light brown hair..." a singin'. What ya think I'm doin'?"
slightly off key vocal rendition echoed through the
clearing. "Well, stop it," Frazer lowered his gun.

"What the hell is that?" Frazer reached for his Sully ignored him and continued his singing, "Many
shotgun. were the wild notes her merry voice would
"Sounds like someone singin'," Robert E stated the
obvious. Frazer spoke over him, "I told ya t' cut it out!"

"That's a matter of opinion," the abductor stood "Many were the blithe birds that warbled them
up. o'er...." he did not relent.

Frazer set down his weapon and leaned down to

Sully just as he held a lengthy note....

"OH....." with that, Sully kicked Frazer with both Hank began to search through the kidnapper's
feet in his abdomen. pockets, "He is a bounty hunter. Name's Patrick
On cue, the others rushed forward to rescue
Robert E just as Frazer pulled a knife on Sully and "Reverend Pat," Robert E informed them. "'Cause
lunged for him. o' how he dresses."

************ Noticing the concern over Wolf, Jake approached,

Chapter 8 "Maybe I can stitch him up, Sully, 'til we get him
************ home."

Wolf leapt to his master's aid, knocking Frazer onto "I'll make a litter t' carry him," Sully stood as Jake
his back. The animal's snarling teeth bit into the began to treat the wound.
attacker's arm, but Frazer was able to thrust his
knife into Wolf's side. The wounded animal fell "I'll help ya," Robert E volunteered.
onto the ground, lifeless.
Hank pointed to the bounty hunter, "Anybody
Sully jumped on his attacker and landed a blow to wonderin' what we oughta do with Frazer?"
his temple, rendering the man unconscious.
Swiftly, the mountain man knelt beside his injured Horace answered, "I do."
"Anyone else?" Hank put his hands on his hips.
"Sully," Hank ran forward. "We got Robert E."
Sully leaned over Wolf's still body, "Is.... is he
okay?" Michaela tried to read. She tried to sleep. She tried
to think positive thoughts, but concern over her
"Yea," Hank replied as the others circled around. husband and friends caused her to remain wide
awake. She rose from the bed and walked to the
"Wolf!" Matthew got down on his knees beside window. Looking out across the darkened
them. landscape, she saw no sign of Sully's return.

"We tied him up," Hank pointed to Frazer. She sighed, then noticed their family photo album
sitting on her nightstand. Katie must have had it
Sully tried to stop the blood from oozing through out looking through it. It was one of her favorite
Wolf's fur. pastimes. She sat on the bed and opened it.

Robert E knelt nearby, "He gonna be okay, Sully?" "Mama," Josef beckoned from his crib.

"I don't know," the mountain man replied, his eyes "What are you doing up, Sweetheart?" she went to
filling with tears. He clasped his friend's hand, "I'm him.
glad t' see ya. Ya sure you're okay?"
"Play?" he asked.
"I'm fine," Robert E smiled faintly. "Thanks t' all
you." "No," she brushed back the dark hair from his eyes.
"It's time for sleep, not play."

He saw the photo album on the bed and pointed, "He'll be home soon," she lifted him into her arms.
"Look?" "All done with the pictures now. Time for you to go
back to sleep."
"We'll look for a little while," she kissed his finger.
"Then you need to go to sleep." Soon the child was resting. Michaela stroked his
long locks. A haircut, she thought. I wonder how
She sat down with the little boy on her lap. Josef Sully would feel about cutting Josef's hair? It was
pointed to the pictures, requesting that his mother often in his eyes now and.... She stopped herself.
identify who was in each portrait. The curious little
boy seemed particularly interested in people he "Oh, Sully," she spoke low. "What's happening?
had never met. When will you be home? And how Grace must be
worried sick."
"Who?" he touched the image.
"That's my father," Michaela kissed the soft hair on
top of his head. "His name was Josef." Jake was able to stop Wolf's bleeding, "Never
stitched up an animal before."
"Me?" he was confused.
"I appreciate it," Sully spoke from his heart.
"No, my darling," she smiled. "But you were named
after him." "Ain't anyone wonderin' why a bounty hunter
came lookin' for Robert E?" Hank brought them
"Who?" Josef pointed to another portrait. back to the situation.

"That was my sister, your Aunt Marjorie," she felt a "My former master's family hired him," Robert E
pang of sadness. confessed.

"Maroy," he tried to say the name, then moved to "Why?" Horace inquired.
the next photograph. "Who?"
"Let's just say they been lookin' for me since I ran
"That was Ingrid," she ran her hand across the away before the War," the blacksmith added.
image of the lovely young woman. "She was going "Frazer was takin' me back t' Virginia."
to marry Matthew."
"Why?" Jake did not understand. "Ain't no more
"Matt?" he recognized his brother's name. slaves now."

"Where is Matthew?" Michaela turned it around. "I did somethin' back there that.... made 'em
wanna bring me back for trial," he responded.
Josef scanned the album. Pointing to a family
portrait, he singled out his older brother. Then he "Whatever ya did ain't important now," Sully
continued to identify in the portrait, "Ban, Col, Ka- interjected. "Problem is, we don't know if Frazer
tee, PAPA!" told 'em he found ya."

"Very good, Josef," she beamed. "If he did, then they'll send someone else for me,"
Robert E wiped his brow.
"Papa?" he looked up with his father's blue eyes.

Horace spoke up, "What if we send 'em a wire "I think we should let the families have their
pretendin' t' be Frazer and sayin' he ain't found reunions first," Reverend Johnson said. "We have
Robert E?" added cause to give thanks to the Almighty at
service later."
"We better think on it," Sully advised. "Meanwhile,
we got a few hours 'til dawn. I wanna get Wolf back "Amen!" Grace exclaimed as she joyfully led her
right away, but if you men wanna wait 'til husband toward their home.
Teresa pulled Jake aside, "I have something to
"We might as well go home, too," Hank went over discuss with you."
to Frazer. "We can lock him up in the jail."
"I got somethin' t' tell you, too," he put his arm
Securing the kidnapper on his horse, they departed around her.
for home.
"Ma!" Matthew called the moment he entered the
Just after dawn, the search party rode into town. house.

"Jacob!" Teresa Slicker rushed to her husband Having not slept during the night, Michaela pulled
when the men dismounted. on her robe and quickly rushed for the door of her
bedroom. Her mind raced. It was Matthew, but
Grace and Dorothy hurried from the Cafe. where was Sully? What if he had been hurt?

"Robert E!" Grace threw her arms around her "Matthew!" she ran to him. "Thank God you're
husband. safe. Where's Sully? Is Robert E...."

"I'll take Frazer t' jail," Hank pulled the now He raised his hand, "They're both fine, but Sully
conscious man from his horse. needs ya in town right now."

"Matthew," Sully turned to his son. "I'm gonna take "Why?" she searched his face. "Was someone
Wolf t' the Clinic. Would ya ride out t' the hurt?"
homestead an' fetch your Ma?"
"Wolf," he swallowed hard. "He got stabbed savin'
"You got it, Sully," he nodded. "I'll stay with the Sully."
kids, too."
"Oh, no," she went pale. "I... I don't know much
"Thanks," Sully leaned over to check Wolf's about animal anatomy."
"Jake stitched up his wound, but he ain't come to
"Someone wanna tell us what happened?" Dorothy since he got hurt," Matthew removed his hat. "I'll
asked as more townsfolk joined them. stay here with the kids, but Sully wants ya right
Loren pointed, "Who is that fella, an' why'd he take
Robert E?" "Yes, of course," she turned to go up the steps,
then stopped. "Matthew, could you and Brian bring

the children in later? Sully is going to need all of us "You are happy, are you not?" Teresa tried to
with him." interpret his expression.

"Sure, Ma," he nodded. He gulped, "Sure, I'm happy. I... I just wasn't
expectin' this news. Do ya feel okay?"
"Dr. Quinn says I must rest," she informed him.
Preston concluded the walking tour of Colorado "She says I also had a concussion from...."
Springs with Eleanor Waldron.
"My God," Jake took her hand. "I'm so sorry,
Ending up at his bank, he noted, "As one of the Teresa. Can ya ever forgive me?"
town's leading citizens, I consider it my civic duty to
continue to fund many economic endeavors here." "I know that it was an accident," she patted his
hand. "But now we have so much to look forward
"Very impressive, Mr. Lodge," she folded her to, yes?"
"Yes," he stood up and pulled her into his arms. "I
"Preston," he reminded her. reckon I gotta get started on that house o' ours."

"Preston," she smiled. "Do you think that Mr. Bing She leaned her head against his chest, "All I want is
might have returned?" for us to be happy. The place does not matter."

"I would be happy to escort you to the Depot to ************

inquire," he extended his arm.
"Robert E," Grace stroked her husband's head after
************ he told her of his ordeal. "What they gonna do with
that Frazer man?"
Teresa fixed breakfast for her husband, as he
described the rescue of Robert E. "We gotta figure that out," he pulled her into his
embrace. "Don't know if he told the family he
"You were very brave to go with the search party," found me. If he's been in touch with them...."
she sat down and placed her hand on his.
"We might have t' move," she knew.
"'Bout the only thing I ended up doin' was stitchin'
up Wolf," he wiped his mouth. "But I wanna talk t' He took a deep breath, "I don't want us t' have t'
ya about somethin'." keep lookin' over our shoulders all the time. Maybe
I should go back there an' try t' clear my name."
"I have something I wish to tell you, too," she
looked down shyly. "Jacob, what would you think if "Do ya really think you could get a fair trial?" she
we had a baby?" asked.

"A baby?" his face became pale. "I... I don't know. "Things've been different in the South since
I'd like it, I think. Why?" Reconstruction started," he told her.

"We are going to have one," she broke the news. "From what I hear, the old politicians are gettin'
back in power," Grace shook her head. "There's
Jake was speechless.

one kind o' justice for the white man, an' another ************
for us." Chapter 9
"Grace," he took her hands in his. "We'll figure
somethin' out. Right now, it's just good t' be "Sully," Michaela went to her medicine cabinet.
home." "Would you go over to the livery and get me some
She smiled and threw her arms around his neck.
"Tar?" he was surprised. "What for?"
"I'm going to need it to help reinflate Wolf's lung,"
"Sully!" Michaela rushed into the Clinic. "Matthew she replied. "It must be soft and pliable."
Without further question, he ran out the door.
"Here," he sat beside Wolf on the floor. Michaela leaned down and ran her fingers tenderly
over Wolf's fur.
"Can you put him on the examining table?" she
rolled up her sleeves. "I need your help, boy," she spoke softly.

Sully lifted the animal up and gently set him where ************
she directed.
"So, tell me, Frazer," Hank leaned back in a chair
"What happened?" she washed her hands. near the jail cell. "Why'd ya kidnap Robert E?"

"The man who took Robert E was a bounty hunter," "Pretty fair bounty on his head," the man replied.
he began. "When we caught up with him, I lured "I'd be willin' t share it with someone who helped
him away from Robert E an' tried t' disarm him. He me escape."
pulled a knife on me, but Wolf jumped him. The
man stabbed him." "That so?" Hank lit a cigar. "How much?"

"These stitches are...." she pulled back the fur. "$1000. Split 50-50, it's a nice amount," Frazer
"Jake tried t' patch him up," he explained.
"I reckon," Hank nodded. "Who wants him so
Diligently, she began to examine the creature. bad?"

"How is he?" Sully watched her work. "Family's name is Giddings," he informed him.
"Back in Suffolk, Virginia."
"From what I can tell..." she hesitated. "I believe he
has a collapsed lung." "They got money, do they?" Hank rubbed his
"What can ya do?" he swallowed hard. "Will he be
okay?" "Plenty," the man answered.

"They know ya caught up t' Robert E?" the

bartender continued.

"Not yet," he revealed. "So, what do ya say? Willin' "Yea, but..." he paused. "I... I didn't really expect a
t' help me?" reply."

"I'll think about it," Hank blew a smoke ring into Preston enjoyed his discomfort.
the air.
"Do I disappoint you?" she sounded hurt.
"Oh, no Ma'am," he slicked back his hair. "Ya seem
"Horace, my good man!" Preston called out as they real nice. Would ya like t' accompany me t'
neared the Depot. "I see you've returned." church?"

"Yep," the telegraph operator nodded. "We brung "I'd be delighted," she straightened her dress.
back Robert E an' the man who kidnapped him,
too." As the telegraph operator donned his coat,
Preston's mouth drop at Eleanor's attention to
"That certainly is good news," Preston's grin nearly Horace.
blinded him.
She looked over her shoulder, "Are you coming,
"Somethin' I can do for ya?" Horace inquired. "Ain't too, Preston?"
had a chance t' sort through the mail yet this
mornin'. I'm headin' for church in a minute." "Wouldn't miss one of the Reverend's inspirational
messages," he caught up to them.
Preston placed his hand on Eleanor's back and
encouraged her to step forward, "I believe you ************
might be interested in meeting this young lady."
"Robert E!" Sully shouted as he neared the livery.
"Pleased t' meet ya, Ma'am," he nodded. "Robert E!"

"Mr. Bing," she extended her hand. "I'm Eleanor The blacksmith heard him call as he neared his
Waldron." establishment, "What's wrong, Sully?"

"Ya know me?" he realized she had spoken his "Michaela sent me t' fetch some tar," he was out of
name. breath.

"In a way," she smiled demurely. "I'm here to "Tar?" Robert E put on his apron. "What for?"
marry you."
"She's gonna use it on Wolf," he said. "Can ya get it
Horace's eyes widened, "Marry me?" quick?"

"Yes," she acknowledged. "I'm here in response to "Sure," he patted his friend's back.
your mail inquiry for a wife."
Hank approached the two men, "Well, I got a bit o'
"You're one o' them mail order brides?" he gulped. news for ya."

"You did place an ad, did you not?" she was "What's that?" Sully turned to face him.
surprised at his reaction.

"Seems the family that posted the bounty for "It's very important for us to keep him calm until
Robert E don't know he found him," the bartender his lung reinflates," she finished her work.
Sully took a deep breath, "What are his chances?"
"That's a relief," Robert E sighed.
"He's been otherwise healthy prior to this," she
"Means we could send 'em a telegram from him considered. "As long as we can keep him still, I
sayin' he ain't found ya," Hank offered. think his chances are good."

"Or not say anythin'," Sully contemplated. "Whew," he sat down.

"Only problem now is what t' do with Frazer," Hank Michaela went to him and caressed his cheek, "Are
rubbed his chin. "He's still around t' tell where you all right?"
Robert E is."
"Thanks t' Wolf," he pulled her onto his lap.
Robert E handed Sully the container of tar, "Here
ya go." "I missed you," she smiled. "Couldn't sleep without
"Thanks," the mountain man darted for the Clinic.
"Missed you, too," he kissed her.
"Sully in a rush t' fix his roof?" Hank joked.
She ran her fingers through his hair, "What's going
"Hank," Robert E spoke sincerely. "I wanna thank to happen to the bounty hunter?"
ya for helpin' t' find me."
"Hank found out he ain't contacted the family that
"That's okay," the saloon owner hated put up the bounty," he explained.
sentimentality. "It's hard t' come by blacksmiths."
"Why did they want him, Sully?" she queried.
"Seems my problems would be over if Frazer
wasn't around," Robert E said. He took a deep breath, "Robert E told me
somethin' in confidence a long time ago."
"Doubt if we could try him for kidnappin'," Hank
pointed out. "'Specially 'cause...." "Then you mustn't break that confidence," she
"'Cause o' my color," Robert E knew.
"We gotta make sure they don't send no one else
************ after him," he rubbed her back.

Sully hurriedly returned to the Clinic, "Here, "How can we do that?" she wondered.
"Don't know yet," he changed the subject. "How
"Thank you," she looked up from her work. are the kids?"

Sully noticed that she had inserted a rubber tube She chuckled, "Katie is ready for her little brother
into the side of Wolf. Michaela took the tar and to share the nursery with her."
began to apply it around the tube where it entered
his skin. She placed the other end of the tube in a "She is?" he grinned. "That mean it's okay with
bottle which had water in the bottom. their Ma?"

"It's okay," she kissed him. "Between you and me, I "This here's Miss Eleanor Waldron, Grace," Horace
found out more about Teresa Slicker's condition." introduced her.

"Oh?" he linked her fingers in his. "Pleased t' meet ya," Grace set down her coffee
pot. "Have a seat right here. I got meatloaf an' pot
"She's pregnant," Michaela stated. roast for dinner t'day."

"Pregnant?" his eyes opened wide. "I reckon that's "A charming menu," Preston was sarcastic.
gonna make Jake want that house even sooner. I
offered to build it for him." "I know it can't compare t' the fancy cuisine at the
Chateau, but folks still manage t' survive on what I
"I thought you were going to see Cloud Dancing cook," Grace stared him down.
soon," she recalled.
After taking their orders, Grace departed.
"I still plan to," he kissed her again. "Figure I'll be
gone a couple weeks. Then I'll start on the house." "Would ya like t' maybe take a walk t'morrow,
Eleanor?" Horace requested shyly.
She was quiet, and Sully knew that her fears and
concerns about his trip were the reason. Before he "That would be nice," she accepted.
could address her care, the children arrived.
"Perhaps we could have breakfast together at the
************ Chateau tomorrow morning," Preston offered.

"Would ya like t' join me at Grace's Cafe?" Horace "I'd like that, too," she turned to him.
asked Eleanor.
"Just whose bride is she supposed t' be?" Horace
"I'd love to," she consented. was becoming upset.

"May I join you, as well?" Preston had not left their "You're not married to her yet," Preston countered.
side all through the service. "And the lady certainly has a free will. Surely you
would not deny her freedom of choice."
"I was kinda hopin' this would be private," Horace
glared at him. "No," Horace frowned. "I learned the hard way, a
woman's gotta mind o' her own."
"Just think of me as a chaperone," Preston tipped
his hat. "Thank you for that," she tried to remain pleasant.
"Horace, tell me more about this kidnapping and
"I'm thinkin' you're somethin' else," the how you helped to rescue the man."
telegrapher did not contain his disdain.
"Our town blacksmith, Robert E was abducted by
"Gentlemen," Eleanor opened her parasol. "Let's some bounty hunter," he began.
enjoy the beautiful day, shall we?"
"Bounty hunter?" she was fascinated. "Good
"If you say so," Horace frowned. gracious."

Grace saw them near, "Well now, who do we have "Yea," Horace continued. "He dressed up like a
here?" preacher, too. Name's Patrick Frazer. Anyway, we

caught up t' him an' Robert E. Then Sully pretended "Woh," Josef toddled over toward the pet,
t' be drunk an'...." pointing.

"Sully? Drunk?" Preston laughed. "Come now, "No, Josef," Sully cautioned. "We gotta leave him
Horace." be 'til he's better."

"I said he was pretendin'," he was more annoyed. "No?" the child's eyes saddened.
"Sully's Wolf ended up savin' his life, an' now Dr.
Mike's treatin' him." "Come here, Joe," Sully clapped his hands.

"Sully or Wolf?" Preston requested clarification. Josef quickly obeyed and went to his father. Sully
lifted him up to share his lap with Katie.
"Wolf," Horace rolled his eyes.
He hugged both of his children, "Sure did miss you
"What happened to the bounty hunter?" Eleanor two while I was gone."
"Ya find Robert E?" Katie remembered his mission.
"We got him in jail 'til we figure out what t' do with
him," the telegrapher answered. "Yep," the father grinned.

"My, what a story," the woman exclaimed. "How "Poppy," Katie rubbed his jacket. "I know why ya
brave you are, Horace." wear buckskin."

Horace put on a smug look expression for Preston. "Ya do?" he chuckled.

"I'm fascinated by your work," Eleanor cast an "T' keep warm an' dry," she noted. "Ya take from
admiring glance toward the telegraph operator. nature an' ya give back."
"I'd love for you to show me your office."
Michaela entered the Clinic to view the loving
"It'd be my pleasure," he touched her hand. scene, "Well, I see that your children found their
favorite place to sit."
Katie slipped down and walked to her mother,
"We gonna stay at Clinic t'night, Poppy?" Katie sat "Mama, we stay here with Poppy t' night?"
on her father's lap.
"I think that's a wonderful idea," she agreed. "And I
"I am, Kates," he caressed her hair. "I need t' keep know that Wolf will appreciate having his family
an eye on Wolf. Not sure if your Ma's gonna want here, as well."
you an' your brother t' stay."
"Good," Katie nodded.
"I ask her nice," the little girl said sweetly. "Is Wolf
gonna be okay?" ************

"I hope so," Sully glanced toward the unconscious Sully and Michaela settled the children into the
animal. "He's been a good friend t' me." anteroom for the night, while Brian retired upstairs
to sleep in a recovery room. In a corner of the
"Me, too," she nodded. examining room on the floor, Michaela checked to
see that the water level in the bottle connected to

Wolf's lung was adequate. The animal peacefully "You've been quoting the Brownings of late," she
rested on the bed of blankets that Sully had laid recalled.
there for him.
"Thomas Moore," he touched her nose.
Placing his own bedroll near Wolf, the mountain
man prepared his sleeping area. "I love you, Sully," she cuddled close.

"I only see room for one there," Michaela noticed. "I love you, too," he closed his eyes, allowing the
scent of her to fill his senses.
"I figured you'd wanna sleep upstairs in a bed," he
replied. ************
At the jail, Hank stopped by to check on the
"You figured wrong," she frowned. "I want to prisoner. When he opened the door, his stomach
attend to my patient... and to my husband sank. There, sprawled on the floor, a knife
tonight." protruding from his chest was Patrick Frazer.

"I'll get another bedroll then," he stepped over to ************

his belongings. Laying another roll out beside his, Chapter 10
he pointed, "Ain't gonna be very comfortable." ************

"I'm even less comfortable when you're not beside "Sully," Michaela spoke her husband's name low.
me," she went to lower the blinds.
"Mmm?" he stroked her arm.
"Why ya doin' that?" he watched her.
"Are you sleepy?" she draped her leg over his.
"I should think that you of all people would
understand why blinds are lowered, Mr. Sully," she "Not now," he grinned. "My back's a little sore,
alluded to their honeymoon train. though."

He helped her with the remaining window, then "Roll over onto your stomach, and I'll see if I can
checked that the locks on the doors were secure. help," she offered.
He held her hand as he guided her down onto her
bedroll. Then he joined her. Stretching out on the He sat up and removed his shirt. Then he rolled
material, he pulled her into his embrace. into a prone position to let her fingers work their
magic on his back. Her touch electrified him and
"Comfortable?" he joked. drained every ache from his body. Michaela then
began to kiss his skin lightly, heightening his senses
"In some ways," her voice was suggestive. even further.

Sully rested his cheek on the top of her head, while "I love your back," she ran her hands across his
holding her hand over his heart. He took a deep broad shoulders.
breath and recited:
"Hard t' see ya from this position," he repositioned
"The heart that has truly loved never forgets, himself to glance at her.
But as truly loves on to the close,
As the sunflower turns on her god, when he sets, "I love your front, too," she turned up the corner of
The same look which she turned when he rose." her mouth in a grin.

"Come here," he tenderly pulled her closer. Hank followed Michaela into the jail. On the
wooden floor lay Frazer, face up, eyes in a vacant
Sully's warm lips covered hers. A thrill ran through stare, and a knife jutting from his chest.
Michaela as her husband's body tempted her. His
hand traced her jaw line, then slid down her throat Hank searched the desk drawer, "His money's
and toward the top button of her blouse. While gone. I put it an' his identification papers in here.
skillfully continuing to kiss her, he began to loosen Looks like the killer was robbin' him. Maybe
the material of her top. His fingers then found their stabbed him so's he couldn't call for help."
way beneath the blouse, where they set her
emotions on fire. She opened his shirt, "There's very little blood."

He drew her fingers to his mouth and began to kiss "Meanin'?" Hank knelt down beside her.
each one. As their physical urges started to
overtake them, there was a sudden pounding at "Meaning the knife did not kill him," she stated.
the door. "He was already dead before he was stabbed."

"Who could that be?" Michaela jumped to button Sully and Matthew arrived at this final statement.
her blouse.
The mountain man picked up on it, "Any idea what
Sully pulled on his shirt and fumbled to light the killed him then?"
lamp, "Don't know."
"I'll need to do an autopsy to be certain," she said
Within seconds, he went to the door and opened it. as she searched the sides of Frazer's face and neck.
"But my preliminary suspicion is poisoning."
"Sully! Michaela!" Hank burst in. "It's Frazer. He's
dead." "Poison?" Hank stood up. "Why would a robber
poison, then stab him?"
"What?" Sully could not fathom the news. "How?
Where?" Matthew speculated, "Maybe the poison wasn't
workin' fast enough."
"I went t' the jail t' check on him," the bartender
responded. "Found him in his cell, stabbed." Sully scanned the jail for any evidence or clues of
who might have done the deed, "Ya sure the jail
"You're certain he's dead?" Michaela reached for was locked when ya left him here for the night?"
her bag.
"Yea," Hank put his hands on his hips.
"He ain't movin' or breathin'," Hank ran his hand
across his mouth. "I'd say that's dead." "I turned in my key a along time ago," Matthew
noted. "Who else has one?"
"I'll go wake Brian t' come down here with the
children," Sully touched his wife's arm. "Meet ya "Jake does," Hank revealed. "An' Horace."
"They certainly wouldn't have poisoned the man,"
************ Michaela raised up.

"That knife," Sully pointed. "It's the one he pulled

on me."

"I put it in the desk drawer, too, when I brought "Ain't nobody who goes in my office 'cept me,"
him in," Hank pondered. "Poisoned.... stabbed with Horace defended.
his own knife... robbed."
"Excuse me," Preston interrupted. "I believe you
Michaela concluded her preliminary examination, gave Miss Waldron a tour yesterday."
"Would you carry him to the Clinic? I'll perform the
autopsy tonight." "An' ya think she took my key , strolled int' the jail
an' killed the bounty hunter?" Horace put his hands
"It can wait 'til mornin', Michaela," Sully knew she on his hips.
was tired.
"Certainly not," Preston debated. "I merely wanted
"The sooner, the better," she started for the door. to point out that you are not as watchful as you let
on regarding the contents of the telegraph office."
"Let's not argue here," the Reverend raised his
By midmorning, the entire town was aware of the hand. "Until we know the cause of death, we...."
mysterious death at the jail. While Michaela
labored over her gruesome work, Brian occupied The Clinic door opened. An exhausted Michaela
the children upstairs. stepped forward. Sully placed a supporting hand on
her back.
Outside the Clinic, speculation raged among the
townsfolk as to who could have committed the "I believe that Mr. Frazer died from a drug
crime. overdose," she asserted. "I found a pinpoint needle
mark in his neck."
"Where were you last night 'round midnight,
Robert E?" Hank felt he had the strongest motive. "Someone gave him a shot?" Jake tried to
"Home asleep," the blacksmith resented the
question. "Yes," Michaela folded her hands. "Most likely an
overdose of Morphine."
"Got any witnesses?" Hank countered.
"Are you missin' any needles, Michaela?" Hank
"I'm a witness," Grace spoke up. speculated.

"I don't believe Robert E would do it," Horace "I thought of that," she answered. "No, I'm not
interjected. "Only three of us got a key t' the jail." missing anything."

"Yea?" Hank pulled his from his vest pocket. "So whoever done it maybe has some kind o'
"Here's mine. How 'bout yours?" medical knowledge," Loren leaned back on his
Jake held up a ring of keys, "Mine's here."
"I reckon we oughta call in someone from Denver t'
"I keep mine at the Depot," Horace responded. investigate this," Matthew considered.

"Where anyone could take it," Jake said "No," Sully raised his hand. "Bringin' in an outsider
sarcastically. right now might raise more questions than we

want, 'specially about Robert E. Let's try findin' out She went back into the building. In the corner, now
what happened ourselves first." awake but weak, was Wolf. Michaela knelt down to
check on him.
"Trail o' the killer could grow real cold, the longer
we wait," Hank disagreed. "How are you?" she stroked the animal's whiskers.

"Hank," Robert E became uncomfortable. "I got Wolf weakly attempted to wag his tail.
reason t' hope we can prevent people from
knowin' Frazer was here. It don't mean I killed him, "I want to thank you," she ran her finger up and
but it means the fewer folks know he was here, the down his nose. "You saved Sully's life."
safer Grace an' me are."
He whimpered.
"What about his next of kin?" the Reverend noted.
"Shouldn't they be notified?" "He'll be in to see you shortly," she poured more
water into the bottle. "Meanwhile, you have to
"He ain't got any," Hank responded. "T' learn more, take it easy. No running about. No barking."
I let him think I might help him escape an' share
the bounty for Robert E with him. While we was He whined and tried to move his paw.
talkin', I found out he's a loner."
"Enjoy the rest," she smiled. "There are some
"Forty-eight hours," Sully calculated. "Let's give it children who will be very happy to wear you out
two days an' see if we can find the killer ourselves." soon enough."

"Okay," Hank begrudgingly replied. The door opened, and in walked Jake and several
other men to remove the cadaver. No words were
"Maybe we oughta appoint our own investigator exchanged as the remains of Patrick Frazer were
since we don't have a sheriff," Matthew taken to be buried. Michaela, fatigue blurring her
recommended. "I'd feel better if we did things vision, sat at her desk to complete her autopsy
within the legal system." notes.

"Okay, then. I nominate Matthew Cooper t' be the Matthew arrived just as she began to nod off,
investigator," Loren said. "Ma?"

"I can't," the young man stated. "Brian an' me are "Mmm?" she became more alert.
leavin' for Philadelphia later t'day."
"Ya need some sleep," he said. "I... I was thinkin'
"I'll do it," Hank straightened up. maybe Brian an' me should delay our trip for a few
"As Mayor, I name Hank," Jake swiftly affirmed.
"Why, Matthew?" she stood up. "You've been
"Jake," Michaela motioned. "Would you see to it looking forward to this for some time. Colleen will
that Mr. Frazer's body is taken care of. I need to be so disappointed."
help my sons prepare for their trip."
"I ain't sayin' we should cancel it," he toyed with
"Sure, Dr. Mike," he nodded. his hat. "Just sayin' maybe ya need us around here
for a few days."

"Have you spoken with Brian about it?" she Katie contributed to the conversation, "Please
pondered his suggestion. stay."

"Not yet," he raised his chin. "I was gonna go up "What about Colleen?" Brian ignored his little
now an' talk t' him." sister's remark. "She's expectin' us."

"What about Sully?" she wondered. "What does he "Brian," Matthew noted. "We're still gonna see
say?" her."

"Said it's up t' us," Matthew smiled. "I don't wanna wait!" the young man stormed out
of the room.
"That's true," Michaela touched his arm.
Matthew sighed.
"I'd just feel better bein' here while we sort out this
murder," he stated. "I got a real uneasy feelin' Katie glanced at him, upset at the tone of her
about things." brother's departure, "Bran not wanna stay with
Chapter 11 "It's not that, Katie," Matthew knelt down. "He's
************ been lookin' forward t' seein' Colleen, an' I'm askin'
him t' wait."
"Brian," Matthew entered the recovery room.
"Ban?" Josef pointed, innocently.
"Mattew!" Katie ran to her brother, Josef following
quickly on her heels. "Is something wrong?" Michaela entered the room.
"Brian just went storming down the steps."
Each time the little ones greeted him, Matthew's
heart filled with love. "Mama," Katie rushed to her. "Bran not wanna stay
Brian looked a little relieved to have some older
company, "We don't got much time t' pack." She lifted her daughter and brushed away her tear,
"Sweetheart, he loves his sisters, and he rarely gets
"I wanted t' talk with ya about that," Matthew to see Colleen. It's not that he doesn't want to be
stated his purpose. with you."

"What?" the younger Cooper brother was "I guess I'll go home an' start packin'," Matthew did
uncertain. not wish to pursue the issue.

"I been thinkin', with all that's happened, maybe ************

we oughta delay leavin' 'til the end o' the week,"
Matthew broached the subject. "Eleanor," Horace's face lit up as the young woman
approached the Depot.
"Matthew!" Brian did not contain his
disappointment. "I heard the most dreadful news about that man
who was in jail," she said.
"We'll still go," he assured him. "It's just a few

"I don't want ya t' think that sorta thing happens "Business," Jake removed his hat.
here a lot," he feared her reaction.
"Well, well," a wide grin crossed the banker's face.
"I've read stories about the West," she stepped "Won't you sit down?"
closer. "Cowboys and Indians.... gunfights and
hangings...." "Thanks," the barber was immediately
"Makes good readin', but things ain't nearly that
excitin' around here," he downplayed it. "Now," Preston sat in his swivel chair. "What can I
do for you?"
"And I discovered that your town does not even
have a sheriff," Eleanor told him. "I want a loan," Jake lowered his voice.

"Hank sorta takes care o' things now," Horace tried "Splendid," the banker's eyes lit up. "For what
to explain. "We got a mayor an' town council, purpose?"
though. We ain't uncivilized."
"T' build a house," he answered.
"I've seen precious little evidence of civilization,"
she stated. "You have only one bank, an "Let's see," Preston pulled some papers from his
inadequate library and medical facilities...." desk.

"Dr. Mike's the best doctor around," he defended. Before he could continue, he heard a little voice
"The library's got books all the way from Boston. from the doorway, "Mr. Lodge?"
An' Preston's bank might not be big, but most folks
got their life's savin' in it." His brow wrinkled, "It's Katie Sully."

"Life's savings?" she suddenly sounded "Katie Sully?" Jake turned to look.
condescending. "I cannot imagine that would be
much." "Uh," Preston leaned across his desk. "Excuse me
one moment while I speak with the child." He
"I got plenty o' money in it," he resented the made his way to the little girl and looked around
criticism. "Since the railroad come t' town, folks expecting to see her mother. "Are you here by
have been doin' better. The bank recovered from yourself?"
the problems of a couple years ago."
"Yep," she nodded. "Mama's at Mr. Bray's."
"I'm sorry, Horace," she saw that her words were
harsh. "I think I'm just upset over hearing about "For what purpose have you come here?" he
that terrible crime." towered over her.

He softened, "That's okay. I understand." Katie gestured with her index finger for him to lean
Then she stated quite clearly, "I need money, Mr.
Jake entered the bank and approached Preston, Lodge."
"Wanna talk with ya."
"You're joking," he raised an eyebrow. "Child, I
"With me?" Preston stood up. "What about?" think you'd better run along."

She put her hands on her hips, "But you say ya give "I'm not certain I understand that myself, but she's
people money." taken an interest in banking," Michaela saw that
her daughter was upset. "What's wrong,
"Not give," he disagreed. "Loan. Remember? Sweetheart?"
Principal... interest...?"
"Nothin'," Katie was embarrassed to say.
She noticed Jake, "Mr. Slicker gettin' money?"
Michaela leaned closer, "You can tell Mama. Why
"That's confidential information," he replied. are you upset?"

"What cofidenal?" Katie's eyes saddened. "Mr. Lodge say I can't borrow money," her voice
"Confidential," Preston enunciated. "Look, how
much do you need? Loren chuckled, "Prob'ly didn't have enough dolls
for collateral."
"I don't know," she told him.
Michaela cast him a glance of disapproval for
He was incredulous, "I do not have time for this." laughing, then turned back to Katie, "Why did you
want to borrow money, Katie?"
"I wanna buy somethin' for Mama," Katie revealed.
The little girl did not want to say.
"This is all very... charming," he tried to keep a
pleasant facade. "But run along, and please do not "Katie," Michaela took her hand. "You need to tell
interrupt me when I'm at work." me what you were doing there."

"Why ya bein' so mean?" her eyes saddened. "I tell Mr. Bray?" she looked up at him.

"I'm not being.... mean," he clarified. "This involves "Come here, Katie girl," he stepped out from
grownups. It's business. It's not for little girls." behind the counter and lifted her into his arms.
After distancing themselves from Michaela, he
Katie's shoulders slumped, and she turned to leave. whispered in the child's ear, "Now, what did ya
wanna borrow money from Preston for?"
"Now," Preston put on his best smile again and
returned to Jake. "Where were we?" She spoke in her softest voice, "T' buy somethin'
for Mama."
"I see," he nodded. "What did ya wanna buy her?"
Katie meandered back toward Bray's store and
entered just as her mother was concluding her "A new brush," Katie informed him.
"Did ya ask your Pa?" Loren saw Michaela's
"Did you have a nice visit with Mr. Lodge?" discomfort out of the corner of his eye.
Michaela smiled.
"No," she replied. "Wanna surprise Mama."
"No," her lower lip curled under.

"Why's she associatin' with him?" Loren probed.

"Well," Loren contemplated her dilemma. "I think "Do ya think ya are?" Sully hoped the young man
the best thing for ya t' do is tell your Pa what ya would ponder it.
wanna do. I know he'll help ya."
"I don't know," he looked down. "Does Matthew
"Ya think Poppy not tell Mama?" she hoped. have t' be here while Hank's investigatin' the
"He won't tell her if ya don't want him to," he
assured her. "Come on now, let me handle your "Folks in town have come t' respect your brother's
Ma." legal judgment on things," Sully noted. "I guess he
figured he could help solve the case."
"Do you think they'll find who did it?" Brian was
Sully and Josef sat near Wolf, attempting to keep curious.
the animal still.
"I think with Matthew here, there's a better chance
"Woh," the little boy placed his nose near the we'll find out," Sully responded.
animal's face.
"Then, I guess we oughta delay our trip," he stood
At that moment, the door to the Clinic opened and up.
Brian entered.
"Matthew's at Miss Grace's," Sully smiled.
"Ban!" Josef called to him.
"Thanks, Pa," he departed.
The young man did not respond.
Sully spoke up, "Somethin' on your mind?"
"His recovery is much faster than I anticipated,"
Brian did not react but sat down near them. Michaela smiled. "We can take Wolf home this
evening in the wagon."
"Ban," Josef tapped his leg. "Play?"
"That's a relief," Sully slid his arms around her.
"No," Brian took a deep breath.
"Has Katie said anything to you?" she ran her hands
"Matthew was here a minute ago," Sully lifted Josef up and down his arms.
and kissed the top of his head. "He said he'd leave
with ya t'day as planned. Your Ma's pickin' up some "'Bout what?" he teasingly played with a button on
things at the store for ya." her blouse.

"He doesn't have to," Brian folded his arms across "About wanting to borrow money from Preston,"
his knees. she specified.

Sully put his hand on his back, "Been a long time "What?" he chuckled.
since ya saw Colleen. It's hard t' wait when ya been
lookin' forward t' it for a while." "I take it she has not spoken to you, then,"
Michaela shook her head. "She said something to
Brian's eyes watered, "Am I bein' selfish, Pa?" Loren, but refused to tell me."

"I'll see what I can find out," he could no longer "Ain't ya gonna introduce me?" Hank's blue eyes
resist the nearness of her. beamed.

He sweetly brushed his lips across hers, instantly "No," the telegraph operator was in no mood.
igniting her desire for him.
"Horace!" Eleanor touched his hand.
"Sully," her face flushed.
"Name's Hank Lawson," the saloon keeper tipped
"Mmm," he was lost in her. his hat. "You're new in town, ain't ya."

"We can't do this now," she did not really want to "Yes," she smiled. "My name is Eleanor Waldron."
"She's thinkin' about gettin' married, if ya have t'
"I know," he continued to trail kisses across her know," Horace blurted out.
chin to the soft flesh of her neck. "Can't help
myself, though. Can't wait t' get ya home, either. "Marry?" Hank was shocked. "Who ya gonna.... No!
Ya didn't get much rest last couple o' nights, an'...." Horace here?"

A knock at the Clinic door disturbed their tender "If he'll have me," she squeezed Horace's hand.
moment. Sully composed himself as Michaela
straightened her blouse. Horace gulped at the realization, "I... we... uh... I
gotta.... excuse me!"
Then she called, "Come in."
He bolted from the table and disappeared around
It was a distraught Teresa Slicker, "Dr. Quinn?" the corner.

"Mrs. Slicker," Michaela went to her. "Are you all "Seems like it's news t' him," Hank sat down beside
right?" her. "When did you two meet?"

************ "Only this week," she informed him.

At Grace's Cafe, Hank, Loren and Jake sat at a table "An' already you're wantin' t' get married?" he
watching Horace with the new woman in town. laughed. "Ya ain't from around here, are ya?"

"Who ya think she is?" Hank eyed her. "No," she answered. "I'm from Vermont."

"Preston was paradin' her all around town earlier," "Vermont?" he teased. "That a state?"
Loren snickered. "Some choice for a husband a
woman's gotta make... Preston or Horace." "Yes," she giggled.

"They're courtin'?" Jake found it hard to believe. "So, what really brought ya out here?" he leaned
"Maybe she needs t' meet a real man," Hank stood
and straightened his vest. "Be right back." She paused, then finding him to be disarming, she
replied, "I came to find a husband."
The tall bartender strolled over to Horace's table.
"Just like that?" he scratched his beard. "Gotta be
"Hank," Horace rolled his eyes. more to it."

"Just like that," she smiled. "I mean...." Horace hesitated. "I wanna ask
permission from her family, invite 'em t' come out
************ for the weddin'."

Horace nearly knocked Sully over as he rounded "That's nice o' ya," Sully patted his shoulder. "If
the corner of the street. you're sure it's what ya really want."

"Where ya goin' in such a hurry? the mountain man "It is," he sounded sure.
stopped him.
"Why not send 'em a telegram then?" he
"She wants t' marry me, Sully," he was out of suggested.
"That's a good idea," he turned toward the Depot.
"Who?" his eyes widened. "Thanks, Sully."

"Eleanor," Horace could not calm himself. "Eleanor ************

"Dr. Quinn," Teresa looked down. "I have told my
"Who's Eleanor Waldron?" Sully was still clueless. husband that we are to have a child."

"Mail order bride I sent for," the telegraph "And how did he receive the news?" Michaela
operator specified. smiled.

"Well...." Sully was at a loss for words. "That's good "I am concerned about his reaction," she
then, ain't it?" answered.

"I.... I don't know," Horace shook his head. "I never "Oh?" the physician wondered. "Why is that?"
thought things would happen this fast."
"Do ya wanna marry her?" Sully came to the point. Chapter 12
"Uh... sure," he did not sound convincing.
"I do not know if I should be telling you this,"
"Somethin' holdin' ya back?" Sully perceived. Teresa hesitated.

"I don't wanna wait too long," his stomach was in a Michaela did not want to risk the fragile friendship
knot. "Too many other men t' compete with." that she had begun to establish, "It may help to talk
about things."
"Love ain't a competition, Horace," Sully counseled.
Teresa decided to tell the doctor, "Jacob wants to
Horace took a deep breath and composed himself, build a house for us. I... I do not think we can afford
"I reckon I should do things right this time." it. I believe this has troubled him for some time,
and now that we are to have a baby, he is again
"What do ya mean?" he noticed the change in his feeling the pressure. I just do not want him to
demeanor. drink, Dr. Quinn."

Michaela could see the anguish in her face, "Mrs. "Please.... could you call me Michaela?" she
Slicker, men feel a very strong need to provide for touched her arm.
their family. That includes a home."
"Michaela," Teresa spoke the name with
"But, when a man does not have the money...." she admiration. "Thank you."
"Marriage is a partnership," Michaela revealed her
philosophy. "But our society has convinced men "Brian?" Sully found his son on the front porch. "Ya
that they alone must be the breadwinner." okay?"

"Your husband...." Teresa queried her. "He is the "I'm fine, Pa," the young man gazed at the setting
breadwinner?" sun.

"My husband, too, believes that he must provide "You were kinda quiet through dinner," Sully
certain things for our family, but most of the time, patted his shoulder.
we share the duties of running our household," she
answered. "The most important thing, I believe, He sighed, "Just thinkin'."
when you have differences in opinion over money
matters is to talk to one another. Communication is Sully felt a tinge of guilt, "Brian, sometimes I don't
vital if trust is to be maintained." think I tell ya enough how proud I am o' ya. How
much I love ya."
"Jacob will not listen to my opinion," her shoulders
slumped. "Sure ya do," he quickly replied.

"Perhaps you could think of a way to get his "Through all that's happened t' our family over the
attention," Michaela implied. past few years, since I fell off that cliff really, I don't
know how we would've made it without you," Sully
"I do not wish to argue," she retorted. felt a lump in his throat.

"You're carrying his child now," the doctor Brian was moved by his words, "Ya know what Ma
reminded her. "You have a say in where that new always says."
life should live."
"What's that?" Sully grinned.
"I will try speaking with him again, Doctor," Teresa
was convinced. "We're a family," he repeated. "There's a lot o' love
in this house."
"There's one more thing about which I need to
advise you," Michaela felt compelled to caution Sully chuckled.
her. "Jake has no right to strike you."
"What's funny?" Brian smiled.
"It only happened once," she looked down.
"I was just thinkin' 'bout when you were a little
"He has no right under any circumstances," boy," he reminisced. "Always followin' me around,
Michaela was firm. askin' questions."

"I understand, Doctor," Teresa nodded.

"Sorta like Katie an' Josef now," the young man saw "A loan?" she was aghast. "We are in debt to Mr.
the comparison. "I may be bigger, but one thing Lodge?"
hasn't changed."
"Like I said," he squeezed her hand. "Let me worry
"Your Ma's cookin'?" Sully joked. about it. You just think about the baby."

"No," he laughed. "That's changed for the better. "How are you going to build a house and continue
What ain't changed is how I feel about you. I'll to earn money at the barbershop to pay back this
always admire ya.... love ya... think of ya as my real loan?" she did not understand.
"I ain't gonna be buildin' it," he raised his
"That means a lot t' me, Brian," Sully hugged him. eyebrows. "Sully offered."
"Sure am gonna miss ya when ya go t'
Philadelphia." "Dr. Quinn did not tell me," she found it curious.

"I'll bring ya back somethin'," Brian promised. "Maybe Dr. Mike don't know," he assured her. "It
don't matter. They got a beautiful home. He does
"Thanks," he patted his back. "Come on. I got a good work. We'll have us a fine house. I promise."
project I need your help on."
"But..." she stopped herself.
"'Night," he rolled over.
"I wish to speak with you," Teresa brushed her long
tresses as her husband settled into bed. ************

"Can it wait 'til mornin'?" Jake sighed. "I'm real "Well, I don't know how you did it, but it fits quite
tired." nicely," Michaela assessed the position of the crib
in the nursery.
"No," she rose and went to him. "I want to discuss
this house that you feel you must build." Sully smiled, "Brian figured it would look best in the
"Let me worry 'bout it," he lowered his lamp.
"Josef and Katie can see one another this way," she
"Jacob!" she raised her voice. was satisfied. "Shall we bring in the children?"

He sprang up, having never heard his wife yell. "Okay, Brian," Sully called. "Bring 'em in. Your Ma
likes it."
"Now that I have your attention," she sat down
calmly. "I said I would like for us to discuss this." Brian was happy to comply after trying to keep his
siblings occupied in his room. The children stopped
"Look," he took her hand. "Some things a wife at the doorway of the nursery.
don't gotta worry about. The husband will provide,
an' the house is one o' those things. I'm gonna "Mama! Poppy!" Katie's eyes opened wide. "Joey
build us a house." really gonna sleep in here now?"

"Where will you get the money?" Teresa fretted. "Hope so, Kates," Sully lifted his son. "What ya
think, Joe?"
"I got a loan at the bank," he confessed.

The little boy pointed in curiosity to his bed, then "I watch Joey, Mama," Katie absorbed what was
searched his mother's face. Michaela fought the happening. "Don't worry."
tear that was welling in the corner of her eye.
"I know you will, Sweetheart," she wiped her eyes.
"Ya okay?" her husband noticed.
"I'm gonna go check Wolf," Brian said. "'Night."
"Yes," she said in a subdued voice.
"'Night, Brian," Sully said.
Sully suspected that fatigue was playing a part in
her reaction, but he knew that having their baby "I'll be down in a minute," Michaela stated as Brian
sleep in a different room was an emotional left the room.
adjustment for her. It was an acknowledgment that
he was no longer an infant in need of her constant Sully embraced her, "You're tired. Go on int' bed,
care. an' I'll be there soon."

"Who wants a bedtime story?" Sully looked around "I want to check on Wolf first," she attempted a
the room. smile. Then she whispered, "Are you going to have
a little talk with our daughter?"
"Me," Brian raised his hand.
"Yep," he nodded.
Katie and Josef soon imitated. Sully looked toward
Michaela. "I love you, Katie," she kissed the child.

"Oh, definitely," she consented. "I love you, too, Mama," Katie replied.

With Josef in his arms, he helped Katie under the When Michaela had departed, Sully sat again on
covers and sat on the edge of her bed. Brian knelt the edge of the little girl's bed, "Everythin' okay,
down at his feet, and Michaela pulled up the Kates?"
rocking chair. All ears were ready for his story.
"Yep," she toyed with the edge of her blanket.
"Anythin' on your mind?" he tried again.
Horace fell asleep beside his telegraph, having sent
out a wire earlier inquiring about Eleanor's family. She held back and said nothing.
He hoped for permission to marry her, and anxious
for a reply, he remained in his office. "Ya know, sometimes when we don't tell what's
botherin' us, it keeps botherin' us even more," he
************ attempted.

"Good night, my darlings," Michaela leaned over to Katie looked toward the door to be certain her
kiss Katie and Brian. mother was not near, "Poppy, I wanna buy Mama a
new brush."
Then lifting Josef from Sully's arms, she brought
her lips to the sleeping little boy's forehead. Sully Sully felt relieved, "That why ya went t' the bank?"
placed his hand on her waist as she lowered their
son into his crib. For a few moments, she stood and "Mr. Lodge not give me money," she became teary
stroked his tummy. Then she pulled up his blanket. eyed.

"Come here, sweet girl," he pulled her into his Sully was already in bed when she entered. She
strong arms. was so exhausted, she wanted to fall into bed fully
clothed, but she mustered the energy to get into
Katie felt like there was no better place on earth, "I her nightgown.
can't get Mama brush without money."
"Did you find out why Katie wanted the money?"
"Maybe someone could help ya," he suggested. she climbed into bed beside her husband.

"Could you?" her brown eyes reminded him of "Yep," he slid his arms around her.
Michaela at that instant.
"Are you going to tell me?" she looked up with
"Sure," his voice was soothing. "We'll do it t'gether. those same eyes he adored.
He took a deep breath, "Can I tell ya that you'll find
Her heart felt as if a burden had been lifted, "You out soon, an' it ain't anythin' t' worry about?"
were right, Poppy."
"Katie doesn't want me to know?" her voice
"'Bout what?" he stroked her hair. saddened.

She confessed, "Better t' tell what's botherin' me." "Michaela," he kissed the top of her head. "That
little girl adores ya. It's somethin' she needs t' do
He kissed her, "Think ya can sleep now?" without ya knowin' yet."

"We surprise Mama?" she hoped. "I suppose I'll have to settle for that," she could no
longer fight her fatigue.
"Best kind o' present," he grinned. "We'll surprise
her." "Go t' sleep," he lifted her chin for a kiss. "I love
"I love you, too," she snuggled closer.
"I think another day of rest, and Wolf will be well
on the road to recovery," Michaela said to Brian. ************
Chapter 13
"Ya did a good job, Ma," he stroked the animal's ************
head. "Okay if I sleep down here beside him t'
night?" Sully heard the rooster crow from the barn and
opened his eyes. There, still tucked against him,
"It's not very comfortable, but I understand your was Michaela. He rubbed her back and pulled the
wanting to," she smiled. "If you'll excuse me, I'm covers a bit higher to protect her from the chill of
very tired." the morning air.

"Thanks," he kissed her. Then he glanced toward the wall where Josef's crib
once stood. The morning sun illuminated the spot
As Michaela climbed the steps, her thoughts in an eerie way, as if to highlight the rite of passage
turned to Josef in the nursery with Katie. She that his son had made.
stopped at the doorway to look in on them, then
proceeded down the hallway to her room.

Slipping from his wife's side, he pulled on his "I believe so, but between us, she thinks that Jake's
buckskins and crept down the hallway to look in on need to build a house may produce further
the children. Both were still asleep, sweetly pressure on him." she paused.
unaware of the effect they had on their parents.
"I remember when we argued over this place," he
Sully returned to his bedroom and lay back down recalled.
beside Michaela.
"And we learned a lesson," she observed. "We're in
Stirred by his movements, she yawned, "Are they a partnership."
all right?"
"Doubt if Jake sees his marriage that way," Sully
"Fine," he whispered. "Go back to sleep." knew the man well.

She pulled his arm across her, "What are your plans "It further illustrates to me how lucky I am,"
today?" Michaela smiled.

"I'm gonna talk t' Jake about his new house," he "T' be in partnership with me?" he grinned.
"You bring wonderful assets to our enterprise," she
"Sully," she contemplated how to put her thoughts spoke suggestively.
into words. "If they can't afford to build a house...."
"I'm pretty impressed with your assets, too," he
"Ain't our business, Michaela," he stopped her. raised an eyebrow.

"Mrs. Slicker's health is my business," she She lightly touched the side of his face, "The profits
challenged him. have been quite rewarding."

"She havin' problems with her pregnancy?" he was "Can we go back to those assets?" he slipped his
concerned. hand to her thigh and began to raise the material
of her nightgown.
"She is still recuperating from a concussion," she
replied. "But beyond that, she has a dreadful fear She tingled, feeling her desire for him instantly rise.
that Jake will start drinking again." He had the most incredible ability to arouse her
with a touch, a word, a look from his mesmerizingly
"That's what it's like t' live with an alcoholic," his beautiful eyes. She framed his face between her
jaw tightened. "When they're sober, ya always feel hands and began to kiss every aspect of his
like it's the calm before a storm." countenance.

"You speak as if you have firsthand experience," He fixed his gaze upon her as he spoke:
she noted his expression.
"Give me a kiss, add to that kiss a score;
"Knew a lot of miners who couldn't control the Then to that twenty, add a hundred more,
bottle," he simply stated. "Miss Teresa's gonna be A thousand to that hundred, so kiss on,
okay, ain't she?" To make that thousand a million,
Triple that million, and when that is done,
Let's kiss afresh, as when we first begun."

"Millions of kisses?" she mused. "I love you," he tenderly kissed her neck, her chin,
the sides of her mouth.
"I can never get enough of 'em," he grinned.
She traced the line of his jaw with her finger, then
"Was that Keats?" she ventured a guess at the twined the hair at the base of his neck between her
poet. fingers, "I love you, too."

"Robert Herrick," he informed her. "'Specially your assets," he tickled her.

She reminisced, "Remember when the Reverend "Sully!" she squirmed.

had those chats with us before we got married?"
Suddenly they heard crying from the nursery.
"What made ya think o' that?" he tilted his head.
"Kissing," she said. "You told me how much you
enjoyed it when I said I relished conversation." The clicking of the telegraph wakened Horace with
a start. Yawning, he wiped the sleep from his eyes,
"I also said ya were good at kissin'," he loved her then realized that a message was coming through.
expression. "Truth is, I never suspected a prim an' He picked up his pencil and replied. Then he began
proper Boston lady could be so good at it." to decipher the code.

"I must confess, I never imagined it would be so ************

agreeable," she confided. "And I never dreamed
how much I would enjoy.... certain aspects of "Josef!" Michaela picked up her sobbing son from
marriage. When I'm not with you, I'm incomplete." the floor of the nursery.

"I feel the same way," he smiled. "What happened, Kates?" Sully placed his
supporting hand on the baby's back.
Her look unlocked his soul, "Love me, Sully."
"Joey try t' climb out o' crib," she answered.
His touch began to work its magic across her body.
Raising her hand to his lips, he kissed the palm, all "Shhh," Michaela cupped her son's head against
the while never breaking the hold that his eyes had her cheek. "I don't think anything is broken."
on her. Desiring to awaken in him the same
passions which he had ignited in her, she trailed "Did ya try t' stop him?" Sully lifted his daughter.
kisses across his chest.
"No, I try t' help him," she replied.
Soon their bodies and souls were fully prepared for
their union, and so in an electrifying and "Katie!" Michaela stood in disbelief. "You know
pleasurable motion, they came together. Moving that only grownups are permitted to lift him from
and melding as one, their hearts nearly burst from his bed."
the expression of their love.
"He almost made it," she proudly announced.
"How you make me feel alive," Michaela tried to
calm her breathing. "Katie," Sully sat down in the rocking chair as the
baby began to calm. "Josef's not allowed out o' the
crib unless we take him out. Ya see what can

happen when he does it on his own? He could've Preston spotted Eleanor dining in the Chateau
been hurt." restaurant, "Good morning."

Her eyes watered, "I see, Poppy. Next time, I tell "Good morning," she glanced up from her meal.
Joey t' stop."
"May I join you?" he requested.
Michaela finally got the little boy to stop crying,
"Or get one of us." Then she held the baby up to "Certainly," she consented.
her face, "And you, young man, nearly scared us to
death." "I... I was wondering if I might entice you to go for
a buggy ride with me this afternoon," Preston
Josef's smile defused every bit of worry in his almost felt nervous.
"I'm not sure that would be proper," she replied.
"And so another day begins in the Sully house,"
Michaela sighed. "Come on, let's get breakfast." "I can assure you that I am a perfect gentleman,"
he was offended.
Katie rushed out first, "I go wake up Bran!"
"I have no doubt about that," Eleanor smiled. "But
"I got a feelin' he's already awake," Sully chuckled. how would it look for me to be out with another
man when I'm engaged?"
"You're engaged?" he was disappointed.
"Matthew," Horace beckoned the young man from
his window at the Depot. "Come here, quick!" "Yes," she responded.

"What's wrong?" Matthew observed his troubled "But...." he was speechless. "When? When did
expression. Horace propose?"

"Yesterday, I sent a message t' the family of "He hasn't exactly proposed yet," she smiled. "But
Eleanor Waldron, asking for permission t' marry I'm anticipating that he'll make up his mind soon."
her," he began.
"And just like that, you'll agree?" Preston
"Who's Eleanor Waldron?" the lawyer held up his countered. "I had been hoping that our
hand to stop him. acquaintanceship was growing into fondness on
your part."
"She's the mail order bride I sent for," Horace
explained. "Oh, I'm quite fond of you," she touched his hand.

"Ya sent for a mail order bride?" Matthew was "And I can offer you so much more than... than
shocked. someone who clicks away at a little machine day
and night," he became condescending. "I have
"Matthew," Horace grew impatient. "Look at the several business enterprises, I come from one of
telegram I got back in reply." Boston's finest families and...."

************ "Preston," she interrupted. "While I'm fond of you,

there is something very special about Horace. A

sweetness, an innocence. If I had never met him, "Well, if ya change your mind, let me know," Loren
perhaps things would be different, but...." returned to his sweeping.

"But you're willing to throw away the promise of an "Loren," Sully touched his shoulder. "Thanks."
extremely lucrative union, for a drab and dull life as
Mrs. Horace Bing," he stood. He wiped his nose, "Just bein' a good businessman,
is all. Well.... I didn't wanna see that little girl's
"I'm sorry," she saw the pain in his eyes. feelin's hurt either."

"Don't feel sorry for me," he straightened his back. "She's got a way o' meltin' your heart, don't she?"
"There are other fish in the sea." Sully grinned.

************ "That she does," Loren could not help but smile.

"My God, Horace," Matthew finished reading the Sully crossed the street and headed for the
message. "We... we gotta do somethin'." barbershop. The door was already open and Jake
was escorting a customer through the entrance.
"I know," he swallowed hard.
"Mornin', Jake," Sully greeted him.
The young man folded the paper, "Don't say
nothin' t' anyone yet. Okay?" "Mornin'," he replied gruffly. "Thinkin' about finally
lettin' me cut off them locks o' yours?"
"Right," Horace nervously replied.
"No," Sully sat down. "I'm thinkin' I'd like t' talk
************ with ya about that house you're wantin' t' build."
Chapter 14
************ Jake came over to him, "I'm gonna be able t' pay ya
real good, Sully."
"Sully!" Loren called as he swept the walkway in
front of his store. "Oh?" he responded.

"Ya wanted t' see me?" he approached. "Between you an' me, I took out a loan," the
barber revealed. "I wanna give Teresa a proper
"Wanted t' know if Katie talked t' ya about house. Make it big for the family we'll have."
borrowin' money," the storekeeper leaned on his
broom. "Ya took out a loan?" Sully perceived a potential for
Sully smiled, "She did. Wants t' get her Ma a
brush." "I'll pay it back," Jake waved his hand. "So, ya
interested in seein' the drawin' I made?"
"I got a lot o' fancy brushes in my new catalog,"
Loren indicated. "Sure," he agreed.

"That's good t' know," he answered. "Thing is, ************

Michaela's Pa gave her the one that Katie ruined,
an' I wanna get it fixed." "Sully," Michaela greeted her husband when he
arrived at the Clinic. "Did you speak with Jake?"

"Yep," he kissed her. "I'm gonna get started on his She rose from the chair. Sully parted his legs to
house when I return from Montana." invite her to move closer.

She sighed. Running her fingers through the hair at his temples,
she smiled, "You know better than that."
He rubbed her arms as he changed the subject, "No
patients this mornin'?" "Just a trim?" he clarified.

"A nosebleed and an ingrown toenail," she smiled. "Yes," she nodded. "Simply to keep it out of his
"Sounds like a challenge," he peeked into the
anteroom to observe his napping children. "Prob'ly "I guess I got no objection then," he slid his hands
'bout as much fun for Brian, stayin' home with Wolf around her waist.
all day."
"Thank you," she smiled.
"I've been thinking," she strolled to her desk and
sat down. ************

"'Bout what?" he followed her and sat on the "Robert E," Sully greeted his friend as he pulled
corner of her desk. something from his saddlebag.

"What would you think if I had Jake trim Josef's "What ya got there?" the blacksmith noticed.
hair?" she sought his opinion.
"A brush," he answered.
Sully paused.
Robert E chuckled, "Don't look like much of a brush
"You disapprove," she quickly concluded from his t' me."
"Katie ran it through some knotted fur on Wolf an',
"I didn't say that," he retorted. now it's no good," Sully held it up. "Think ya can fix
"You didn't say anything, and that means you
disapprove," she turned up the corner of her "Fix it?" he took it into his strong hand. "Bristles
mouth. need replaced."

"Could mean I'm thinkin' about it," he reached "Can ya do it?" Sully asked again.
down and touched her chin. "Why ya wanna cut his
hair?" "Ain't gonna be easy," he responded.

"It's never been cut, Sully," she reasoned. "It falls "I know," the mountain man looked down.
into his eyes, gets easily tangled. I just think for an "Michaela's Pa gave it to her when she was a little
active little boy, it would be easier if his hair girl, an' I know it would mean...."
weren't quite so long."
"I can do it," he did not wish to torment his friend.
"Don't ya like long hair?" he teased. "I got time this mornin' t' work on it."

"Thanks, Robert E," Sully patted his back.

"I been thinkin' about Frazer," Robert E changed murdering two previous husbands and taking off
the subject. with their inheritances. There is a $3,000 reward
for her arrest. William Nance, Sheriff, Bennington,
"Nobody's gonna find out where ya are," Sully tried Vermont."
to allay his fears.
"$3,000!" Jake's eyes widened.
"I can't be sure another bounty hunter won't come
lookin' for me again one day," he replied. "So, let's turn her in an' split the money," Hank
"I guess we all got things in our pasts that could
come back t' haunt us," Sully nodded. "But we can't "It's Horace's money if she's gonna be turned in,"
live our lives always lookin' over our shoulders." Sully reasoned. "He's the one who found it out."

"I know," the blacksmith acknowledged. "I reckon "So why'd ya call us in on it then?" Hank queried.
I'll just have t' cross that bridge...."
Matthew explained, "I'm wonderin' if she might
"Sully! Robert E!" Matthew called to them. somehow be connected t' the death of Patrick
"Somethin' wrong?" Sully noted his son's tone.
"Don't seem likely," Hank figured. "I doubt if they
"Somethin' big," Matthew nodded. "We're meetin' were married."
at the Depot. I gotta get Jake an' Hank."
"What makes ya think it's possible, Matthew?"
The two immediately headed for the Depot. Sully had faith in his son's instinct.

************ "Several reasons," he stated. "She's already

capable o' murder, an' she arrived in town around
"What's this all about?" Hank was annoyed at the the same time we brought in Frazer."
"We got no other suspects," Sully nodded.
Matthew took over, "Horace sent a telegram t' ask
Eleanor Waldron's folks for permission t' marry "We can either turn her int' the authorities now,"
her." Matthew continued. "Or we can try t' prove she
killed Frazer, too. Then turn her in."
Simultaneously, Jake and Robert E chimed in,
"Who's Eleanor Waldron?" "I vote for turnin' her in now," Jake said.

"She's a mail order bride I sent for from back East," "Me, too," Horace contributed.
Horace obligingly told them.
"How we gonna prove she did in the bounty
"Let me finish," Matthew spoke louder. "The hunter?" Hank withheld an opinion.
telegraph operator there contacted the authorities
before sendin' Horace this reply." Opening the "Let me wire them again t' see how her husbands
telegram, Matthew read aloud: died," Matthew offered. "Maybe that'll give us an
idea o' what direction t' take."
"Mr. Bing. Eleanor Waldron is not who she
pretends to be. She is wanted in here for "Sounds reasonable," Robert E nodded.

"Meanwhile, what am I supposed t' do?" Horace "Maybe she figures you're a more generous man,"
felt anxious. Sully smiled.

"Delay," Matthew suggested. "Too generous, I reckon," Horace wiped the

perspiration from his brow.
"Delay?" he became even more uncomfortable.
"Okay, then," Hank pulled back. "If we're done
"Keep on courtin' her, but don't be alone with her," here, I got a business t' run."
Matthew detailed. "Take her to public places, an'
don't let her suspect ya know anythin'." "Should we tell Loren or the Reverend?" Robert E
"I... I don't know if I can do this," the telegraph
operator took a deep breath. "No reason t' tell anyone else right now," Matthew
concluded. "Seems she's only dangerous once she's
"Horace," Hank looked him straight in the eye. "If married t' the fella. After we hear from the
ya don't think ya can do it, maybe I'll ask her t' authorities, we'll act."
marry me."
One by one, they departed, leaving Sully and
Horace suddenly stiffened his resolve, "I'll do it." Matthew with Horace at the Depot.

"We gotta keep this a secret just among us," "I wanna send two wires, Horace," Matthew said.
Matthew studied each man's face. "An' we all need
t' watch Eleanor Waldron like a hawk." "Who else?" the telegraph operator put on his
sleeve protectors.
"Kinda hard with her stayin' at the Chateau,"
Horace mentioned. "I wanna get a search warrant from a judge in
Denver," the young man added.
"Maybe ya can get her t' stay in town at the Gold
Nugget," Hank recommended. "I'll keep an eye on Sully patted his son's back, "I'll see ya later."
"Good idea," Jake approved. "We can all keep a
better watch that way." "Uh, Eleanor," Horace could not look the woman in
the eye. "Grace sure makes good meatloaf, don't
"How am I gonna get her t' move t' town?" Horace she?"
folded his arms. "Preston's been treatin' her like
royalty at his place." "Yes," she wiped her mouth. "Is something
bothering you, Horace?"
"Tell her ya wanna get t' know her better... spend
more time with her," Robert E volunteered. "Then "NO!" he suddenly realized his volume was too
mention the Gold Nugget." loud. "Just had a busy mornin' at the Depot."

"Can't hurt t' ask," Jake responded. "Oh?" she sipped her glass of water. "Anything of
"I don't understand why she didn't latch ont'
Preston in the first place," Horace said. "He's got "What makes ya think that?" he became paranoid.
more money than anyone else in town."

"Well, you said it was busy," Eleanor was puzzled "Horace looks like he's gonna explode," Hank shook
by his demeanor. "I simply wondered if anything his head. "I ain't so sure he's gonna be able t' do
interesting occurred." this."

"No," he shook his head. "Most borin' mornin' I "Why don't ya happen by their table an' bail him
ever saw." out?" Jake recommended.

"That's too bad," she concluded her meal. "Good idea," the tall bartender sauntered toward
"Eleanor, I was wonderin'," he broached the
subject. "It's kinda far for ya t' be stayin' at the "Afternoon, Eleanor," he tipped his hat. "Horace."
Chateau. Wouldn't ya like t' be closer t' town?"
"Mr. Lawson," she smiled. " We were just speaking
"That depends," she hesitated. of you."

"On what?" Horace became apprehensive. "Must be fascinatin' courtin' conversation," he said
sarcastically. "Ya sure know how t' woo the ladies,
"On whether I have a reason to be closer to town," Horace."
she hinted.
Horace was grateful for the company, "I was just
"Well..." he hedged. "Seems like it'd be easier t' suggestin' t' Eleanor that if she stayed at the Gold
court." Nugget, I could see more of her."

"Are you asking me to marry you officially?" her "That's true," Hank supported the notion. "My
eyes brightened. place's right in the center o' things... Grace's Cafe,
the Gazette, the livery, Bray's Mercantile... the
"Uh.... not exactly officially...." he swallowed hard. commerce o' our community."
"Unless that would cause ya t' move t' the Gold
Nugget." "You're very persuasive, Mr. Lawson," Eleanor
"Isn't that Mr. Lawson's establishment?" Eleanor
recalled. "Truth is, I'd love t' have a beautiful woman like
you t' see more of myself," he used a suggestive
"Yea," he said. tone.

"Would you like to tell me the real reason for this?" Horace became indignant, "Eleanor's my fiancee,
she asked. Hank."

************ "Seems like I got a history o' seein' your fiancees,"

Chapter 15 the bartender countered.
Jake could see that the conversation was not going
Hank and Jake sat a few tables from Horace and well, and hurried to the table.
Eleanor at Grace's Cafe.
"Well, isn't anyone gonna introduce me t' the
lovely lady?" he removed his hat.

"Jake," Horace began. "This is my fiancee, Eleanor "I'd like for you to trim my son's hair," she stated.
Waldron. Eleanor, this here's Jake Slicker."
"They can ask me themselves," he did not
"Please t' meet ya," he put on his best look of understand.
astonishment. "Fiancee? Well, what a pleasant
surprise." "No, my baby," she indicated the child in her arms.
She turned to Horace, "So, you're making it
official?" "Oh, Josef!" he raised his eyebrows. "Sully know
'bout this?"
"Uh..." he turned pale.
"Yes," she found the question odd. "Why do you
"Horace is kinda shy," Jake interrupted. "He prob'ly ask?"
wants t' send for a ring before he makes it official."
"I just figured you two were against haircuts," he
"Yea," Horace nodded. "I gotta order a ring." joked.

"Why don't I help Eleanor here move her things t' "Not a cut," she clarified. "A trim."
the Gold Nugget?" Hank volunteered. "Don't ya got
work at the telegraph office, Horace?" "Well, I got time now, if ya wanna bring him over,"
he pointed.
"No, I...." he realized what Hank was doing. "Uh...
yea, I got work." "Now would be fine, thank you," she speeded up to
keep pace with him.
Eleanor shook her head, "The men in this town are
so friendly." Loren observed their entry into the barbershop and
with no customers, decided to step over to
"Only t' pretty ladies like yourself," Jake bowed investigate.
Michaela set the toddler in the barber chair, but he
"All right, Mr. Lawson," she stood. "If it's all right quickly began to squirm.
with Horace, I'll be grateful for your assistance."
"Looks like he's as fond o' haircuts as his Pa," Loren
"Oh, it's all right with me," Horace smiled. "Believe chuckled.
me. It's all right."
"Maybe a piece o' candy would keep him still," Jake
"Need me t' go with ya, Hank?" Jake grinned. went to a jar he kept on his counter top. Pulling out
a small piece of licorice, he offered it to the child.
"Nope," he placed his hand on Eleanor's back. "I
can handle things just fine, thanks. We're gonna Josef looked up to his mother. She nodded her
start with callin' me Hank." approval, and the little boy gleefully accepted it.
Jake began to comb through the long wavy locks of
************ the child.

"Jake," Michaela called to the barber as he was Just as his scissors were about to make their first
returning to his shop. cut, Michaela interrupted, "That's too much!"

"Dr. Mike," he nodded. "What can I do for ya?"

"I ain't cut yet," he defended. "I'll see t' that," he asserted. "Anythin' else?"

Loren was now deriving a great deal of "I'm not certain that you want to hear what I have
entertainment from the show. to say," she hesitated.

"Let me do my job, Dr. Mike," Jake asserted. "Sure I do," he said. "Is there somethin' ya ain't told
"Trim," she repeated. "Only a trim."
"Your drinking," she was direct. "It must end. Not
Jake held up several strands of the child's hair and just the hollow words of a promise, but in reality. It
positioned his scissors. Before cutting, he looked at is of great concern to all of us."
Michaela. She shook her head no. He raised the
scissors to cut a smaller portion. Again she shook "I ain't gonna take another drink," he vowed.
her head no.
"I've heard you say those words before," Michaela
"Ya sure ya don't wanna leave his hair like it is?" folded her hands.
Jake was becoming frustrated.
"I mean it," he was contrite.
"No, I told you what I want," she stated.
Michaela picked up her son again, "Children are the
"Why don't you do it then?" Jake offered her the most precious gift we can have in this life, Jake.
scissors. They need to be able to trust and believe in their
"Perhaps that's a good idea," she swiftly scooped
her son into her arms. "I know that better than anyone," he thought back
to his terrible childhood.
"'Fore ya leave, Dr. Mike," the barber stopped her.
"There's somethin' I'd like t' talk with ya about." "Listen to your wife," she counseled. "She's your
partner in this."
"Oh?" she turned.
"My partner," he repeated the word. "Never
"Privately," he stared at Loren. thought o' marriage like that."

"Gotta get back t' the store anyway," he stood. "I "Trust me," she smiled. "It is."
just wondered what Jake was gonna charge ya, Dr.
Mike." "Thanks, Dr. Mike," he nodded. "I know I got a lot
o' work t' do."
"'Bye, Loren," he was not amused.
"Sully and I will help in any way we can," she
"What was it you wanted to discuss?" Michaela set cupped her son's head in her hand. "Good day."
Josef on the floor.
"Teresa," his tone changed. "I... I wanna make sure
she's okay." Matthew stopped at the Depot to speak with
Horace, "Any word yet?"
"I suggested that she end the school year now
rather than simply take off a few days," she "No," Horace had a dejected expression on his
informed him. "She needs to rest." face.

"What's wrong?" Matthew noticed. reaching her room. Hank did not let the
ostentatious decor intimidate him. He plopped
"Should've seen how I acted at lunch with Eleanor," down in a chair, propped up his boots and watched
his shoulders slumped. the young woman fold her belongings. She took
her time with each item, meticulously placing
"What do ya mean?" the young man feared. everything in its proper place.

"All nervous," Horace replied. "Good thing Hank an' "'Fraid my place ain't this fancy," he winked. "But
Jake came over t' our table." it's clean an' friendly."

"Where's Eleanor now?" Matthew was curious. "I'm not at all materialistic," she noted.

"Hank took her t' the Chateau t' get her "That mean ya don't like fancy things?" Hank
belongin's," he responded. "She's movin' t' the asked.
Gold Nugget."
"In a way," she smiled. "I have nice things, but I
"That's good, then," he nodded. believe that each person should be judged
according to his or her personal traits, not their
The telegraph started to click, and both men monetary worth."
jumped. Composing himself, Horace began to write
down the message. "That mean ya don't care 'bout money?" he
enjoyed the game.
Speaking as he wrote, he let Matthew know the
news, "It's from Judge Wells in Denver. Ya got your "In a way," she repeated.
search warrant."
"Ya 'bout done?" he grew impatient.
"Good," Matthew was relieved. "That means we
can search through her things legally. Now, when "Almost," she stopped to glance around the room.
Eleanor comes back t' town, ya gotta distract her. "I want to check the drawers first."
Get her outa the hotel, an' we'll make the search."
"I'll help ya," he began.
"No," she became agitated. "That won't be
"Eleanor!" Preston was delighted to see her. Then necessary."
he spotted Hank close on her heels. "What brings
you here?" He suddenly stopped, catching sight of a syringe.

"Come t' help Eleanor move her things," Hank "What's this?" he lifted it.
smiled. "She's gonna be stayin' at the Gold Nugget
now." "Why.... I... I don't know," she pretended. "I
wonder how that got in here? Perhaps it was left
"May I ask why?" he frowned. from a previous guest. I have everything now. We
can leave."
"You may not," Hank grinned.
"Not so fast," he grabbed her wrist.
He turned to accompany Eleanor. They climbed the
steps and walked past several doors before

************ "Who?" she struggled against him.
Chapter 16
************ "The bounty hunter," he continued his suspicions.

Sully and Katie glanced up expectantly when "Mr. Lawson," her voice was more demanding. "If
Michaela arrived back at the Clinic with Josef. you don't let go of me at once, I'll...."
Other than a brief hello, she did not speak.
"You'll what?" he squeezed harder. "Call for the
"Come here, big boy," Sully reached for his son. police? Well, you're lookin' at the closest thing
Upon closer inspection of the child's head, he said, Colorado Springs has t' a sheriff."
"Michaela, how much did Jake charge ya for this
haircut?" "Why on earth would I kill Patrick Frazer?" she
attempted to reason.
"Nothing," she went to her file cabinet.
"You tell me," he held tight.
"That's good," he set the little boy down.
Hank did not notice that Eleanor had reached into
Katie led him to the anteroom to play. a pocket of her dress. Before he knew it, she was
aiming a derringer directly at his temple.
"How much did Jake cut off?" he persisted.
"Let go of me now!" she commanded in a cold
"Nothing," she became teary-eyed. "I couldn't go tone.
through with it."
Hank quickly released her, "Now what're ya gonna
He tried not to laugh, "Why not?" do? Poke me with that needle?"

"He's no longer in our room," she shook her head. "No," she responded. "How would that look? No,
"I just couldn't handle another change so soon." you're going to escort me back to town, but
unfortunately, on the way, we will be attacked, and
"Michaela," he pulled her into his arms. you'll be shot trying to save my life."

"What?" she was half laughing, half crying. "Ya think fast," he remained cool. "I'll give ya that."

"I love ya," he kissed the tip of her nose. "Let's go," she waved the pistol. "Lift my trunk. And
remember this will be aimed at you."
"Let go of me!" Eleanor screamed at Hank.
"Dinner is ready," Teresa called from the back
"Not until ya tell me why ya got this in your room," room of the barbershop.
he raised the syringe to her face.
"Kinda early, ain't it?" Jake called.
"I told you it must have been left from a previous
guest," she insisted. "Perhaps a physician stayed "I was hungry," she lowered her voice as he
here." entered.

"Or perhaps ya used it t' kill Patrick Frazer," he Sitting down to the meal, he took Teresa's hand
countered. and kissed it.

"What is that for?" she smiled slightly. "Hank can take care o' himself," Robert E assured.
"No reason t' think anythin's happened."
"T' thank you," he grinned.
"I'll ride out an' check on things," Sully handed the
"The meal is not much," she modestly noted. brush back to his friend. "Watch this for me."

"I mean t' thank ya for believin' in me," Jake's eyes "Maybe Matthew or me oughta go with ya," Robert
reddened. "For stayin' with me. For bein' my.... E suggested.
"No need," Sully waved them off. "Horace, better
"You are welcome," Teresa was moved. "I love get back t' the Depot in case that reply comes in."
"Be careful, Sully," Robert E called after him.
"I love you, too," he felt a lump in his throat. "An' I
promise that I'm gonna make ya happy." ************

"You have already done that," she slipped her hand Sully arrived at the front desk of the Chateau and
to her abdomen. immediately asked for Eleanor.

"Then I'm gonna make ya happier," he amended. "She's checked out, sir," the clerk informed him.

************ "Sully?" Preston approached. "What are you doing

"All set?" Sully asked Robert E.
"Was Hank here?" he came to the point.
"Did the best I could," he handed Sully the repaired
brush. "As a matter of fact, he was," Preston did not
contain his disdain. "He took Miss Waldron back to
"Looks perfect t' me," the mountain man grinned. town. I'm going there myself."
"How much I owe ya?"
"I didn't see 'em on my way here," Sully's brow
"Let's see," Robert E pretended to calculate. "Ya wrinkled.
saved my life... I fixed Dr. Mike's brush. We're
even." "Hank borrowed the Chateau wagon in order to
carry her trunk," he explained. "They must have
"Thanks," Sully winked. "I know a couple gals in my taken the Post Road. It's longer but not as bumpy."
house that are gonna be...."
"Thanks," Sully left quickly.
"Sully! Robert E!" Horace rushed to them. "Either o'
you seen Hank?" ************

"Not since this mornin'," Sully recalled. "Why?" "Horace!" Matthew called as the telegraph
operator returned from the livery. "A message is
"He took Eleanor out t' the Chateau t' pick up her comin' through."
belongin's and bring 'em back t' the Gold Nugget,"
Horace related. "They should've been back by Horace speeded up his pace and reached his office.
now." Carefully, he noted each signal, then looked up in

"What is it?" Matthew asked. "Never mind," she sighed.

"She killed her husbands with a syringe," he Jake stepped closer to kiss her, "I promise ya, this is
replied. important. I can't say more than that right now."

************ ************

"Robert E?" Jake was surprised when he opened his "Mind if I ask ya somethin', since I'm gonna die
door. "What are you doin' here?" anyway?" Hank leaned back as he directed the
horses pulling the wagon.
"Somethin's wrong," he spoke low.
"What?" Eleanor sat behind him, all the while
"What?" Jake could not imagine. training the gun on him.

"Hank's missin', an' Sully went t' look for him," the "Why'd ya kill Frazer?" he was curious.
blacksmith wiped his brow. "Telegram just came
that Eleanor Waldron used a syringe t' kill them "It seems there is a bounty out for my arrest," she
men." said. "Mr. Frazer desired to collect that reward and
caught up with me in St. Louis a few months ago. I
"So Matthew was right," he realized. "She did kill managed to get away. But when I learned that he
Frazer." was here in Colorado Springs, I could not take the
chance that he might recognize me. I took the jail
"I'm more concerned about Sully an' Hank right key from the Depot and went to the jail to silence
now," Robert E grew impatient. him."

"What should we do?" Jake had no suggestion. "So ya used the needle on him," Hank stated.

"Figure we oughta go see Matthew," the "An overdose of morphine is not painful," she felt
blacksmith recommended. almost noble.

"Be right with ya," Jake went to tell his wife he "Why'd ya stab him then?" he queried.
would be leaving.
"To make his death look like a crime of robbery,"
"Where are you going?" Teresa grew anxious. she explained. "I found the knife in the desk drawer
along with his money."
"I need t' go check on a couple o' friends," he
grabbed his hat and gun. "Real clever," he scanned the landscape for a way
to disarm her.
"Why must you take a weapon?" she watched him
strap it on. "Stop the wagon here," she commanded.

"Ya gotta trust me, Teresa," he had no time for "Why?" he tried to delay.
"This is a perfect spot for you to die," she said
"If you leave...." she stopped herself. matter-of-factly.

"What?" he turned to face her. ************

Matthew was relieved to see Robert E and Jake "It's Hank," tears streamed down her face.
arrive at the Depot.
"What about him?" Horace's eyes widened.
"Sully shouldn't have gone t' find Hank by himself,"
the young man shook his head. "He's been shot," she sobbed. "He's dead!"

"An' Hank shouldn't have gone with Eleanor by ************

himself," Robert E added. "But the question is what Chapter 17
are we gonna do about it now?" ************

"One thing's for sure. From this point on," Matthew "Dr. Quinn," Teresa Slicker entered the Clinic. "May
clarified. "No one does anythin' by himself. I speak with you?"
"I thought you were going to call me Michaela," the
They all nodded. doctor frowned.

"Okay, I think two of us oughta ride out t' the "Have you been talking to my husband?" the
Chateau t' find out what happened," Matthew woman looked upset.
directed. "The other two should stay here in town
t' arrest Eleanor if she shows up. We got all the "I spoke with him, yes," Michaela did not deny it.
evidence we need t' lock her up." "Why?"

"Who goes t' the Chateau?" Jake wondered. "Something he said before he took off," Teresa
folded her hands. "He called me his partner."
"I think you an' Robert E should go," Matthew
responded. Michaela contained her smile, "Well, you are his
"I think I oughta stay here," Jake believed.
"He seems different," she observed. "But then
"Okay, then. Horace, you go with Robert E," the later, he would not tell me where he was going. He
young man amended it. said it was to help a couple of friends, but did not
say whom. And he took his gun."
"I should stay here in case any more telegrams
come," he mentioned. "That's odd," Michaela's brow wrinkled.

"Then Robert E an' me will go," Matthew rolled his ************

eyes. "Is it settled?
Matthew stepped toward the woman, "Eleanor
Again, all men nodded. Waldron, I'm placin' ya under arrest."

"Good," Matthew felt anxious. "Let's go." "What?" she acted incredulous. "I just told you that
Hank is dead, and you're arresting me?"
Before another word was spoken, the Chateau
wagon pulled up with a hysterical Eleanor holding "We know about your husbands in Vermont,"
the reins. Horace ran to her and helped her down. Robert E calmly stated. "An' we know ya killed the
bounty hunter at the jail."
"What happened?" Jake saw no sign of his friend.

She quickly pulled out her gun and placed it against "No time," he shook his head. "Get int' town."
the blacksmith's ribs, "Then you may assume that
I'm not afraid to use this." "Come on," Sully helped him onto his horse. "I ain't
leavin' ya here."
Matthew, Jake and Horace slowly raised their
hands. They took off for Colorado Springs, with Sully
struggling to hold Hank on the horse with him.
"Ya ain't got enough bullets in a gun like that t' take
all o' us," Jake bravely stated. ************

"Are you saying that this man is dispensable?" "I am worried," Teresa sighed.
Eleanor's eyes widened. "Isn't he who you went off
to rescue from the bounty hunter?" "Jake wasn't drinking when he left, was he?"
Michaela grew anxious.
"Take it easy," Matthew attempted to diffuse the
situation. "What is it ya want, Eleanor?" "No," she replied. "We were eating an early
I want a horse," she kept the gun on Robert E.
"I... I'm certain it's nothing to worry about," the
************ doctor tried to calm her. "I need to stop by the
store to see Loren before I go home. I'll walk with
"Hank!" Sully jumped from his horse when he saw you part of the way."
the bartender lying on the ground face down.
"That would be nice," Teresa smiled.
The mountain man turned him over and noticed
the blood oozing from his chest. Feeling for a pulse, "Katie, Josef!" Michaela called to her children.
Sully sighed in relief. Faint but there. Knowing he "We're going home now."
must act quickly, he ripped open Hank's shirt and
saw a single bullet hole. As he applied pressure, the The children raced to her, giggling all the way. Katie
bartender slowly opened his eyes. gathered some papers she wanted to take with
"Sully," he could barely speak.
"Settle down now," the mother smiled.
"You're gonna be okay, Hank," Sully was uncertain
of the accuracy of his words. "Mrs. Slicker!" Katie's face lit up. "Ya come t' teach
me somethin'?"
"Gotta get int' town," his breathing was labored.
"Stop her." "What would you like to learn?" the instructor
"I gotta get you t' Michaela," the mountain man
asserted. "Anythin'," the little girl requested.

"Don't know if I can ride," Hank was a little more "Your name is Katherine, yes?" Teresa asked.
"Uh huh," the child knew her parents sometimes
"I think I got the bleedin' stopped," Sully assured called her that.
him. "Maybe I could make a litter t' carry ya."

"Did you know that Catherine has been the name As Michaela concluded her conversation in front of
of royalty in Spain, Russia, France, England and the barbershop with Teresa, Katie skipped along to
Portugal?" Teresa touched her hair. the bank and entered.

"It has?" Katie was amazed. "What's royalty?" ************

"It means a ruler... someone who runs a country," "What do you want?" Preston sat alone at his desk.
the teacher replied.
"Wanted t' tell ya I don't need a loan now," Katie
"I not allowed t' run that far," Katie misinterpreted rested her elbows on his desk.
her meaning.
"My, isn't that good news," he sneered.
Teresa glanced down at the little boy at her feet,
"May I carry Josef for you?" Katie giggled, "That's a funny face, Mr. Lodge."

"If you'd like," Michaela smiled. "Does your mother know you're here?" he
searched for a way to get rid of the child.
She picked up the child and smiled, "Jose."
"Yep," she answered. "She say I can only stay a few
"Why ya call him that?" Katie raised her eyebrows. minutes."

"That is his name in Spanish," the teacher "Well," he pulled out his pocket watch. "I'd say
translated. that's how long you've been here."

"Ya teach me lots!" Katie beamed. "But I call him "Why ya so grumpy?" Katie queried.
"I am not.... grumpy," he felt his nerves tensing.
"We can go now," Michaela opened the door.
"Know what?" the little girl smiled.
As they crossed the street, they were unaware of
the events transpiring at the Depot. "What?" he pretended to be interested.

"Mama," Katie held her mother's hand. "I go see "My Poppy says it's good t' give people things," she
Mr. Lodge?" came around to the side of his chair. "So, I draw ya
this picture."
"Why, Sweetheart?" Michaela was concerned.
"After your last visit there...." Preston glanced at it from one angle, then another,
trying to discern the image, "What is it?"
"I wanna tell him somethin'," the little girl
responded. "Your bank," she beamed. "Here's the clock, an' the
bricks, an...."
"I don't know, Katie," she had qualms.
"Yes," he nodded. "Well... ah, thank you."
"Please?" the little eyes implored.
"You're welcome," she stepped back. "'Bye, Mr.
"Just for a few minutes," she acquiesced. Lodge."

"Good-bye," he set the drawing on his desk. Just as "Who?" Katie struggled to keep up with his gait.
she reached the door, Preston called to her,
"Katie." "Miss Waldron," he replied.

The child stopped and turned to face him. Preston "Mattew!" Katie called again.
walked to her, towering as he reached her.
The young man felt a wave of panic as he saw his
He knelt down, "Why did you give that to me?" little sister approach, "No, Katie! I... I can't talk t' ya
right now."
"I wanted ya t' know how it feels t' get a gift," she
leaned forward and kissed his cheek. She reached the steps, "Why not?"

Preston was speechless. He could only manage to "My, my, gentlemen," Preston grinned. "What
touch his cheek in disbelief. brings us all here together at the Depot with Miss
As she turned again to depart, he called again,
"Would you like a piece of candy from Mr. Bray's?" She revealed her gun, "I believe they are rather
interested in this."
"If Mama says it's okay," she nodded.
Preston tried to remain calm, "Uh.... what's going
"May I walk you there?" he held out his hand. on here?"

"Thanks," Katie took it. Matthew swiftly pulled Katie behind him.

Stepping onto the walkway, Katie glanced toward "Why I gotta stand back here?" her muffled voice
the circle of men at the Depot. could hardly be heard.

"Hi, Mattew!" she called to her brother. ************

He did not respond. "Michaela!" Sully pulled up to the Clinic and helped
Hank from the horse. "Michaela!"
She stopped walking, "Can we go see Mattew, Mr.
Lodge?" From the barbershop, the doctor saw her husband,
"May we..." he corrected. "I don't know if your
mother would...." Realizing Michaela was hesitating because of her
children, Teresa assured her, "I'll watch Josef and
"It's okay t' see Mattew," she reasoned. "He's my get Katie for you."
"Thank you!" Michaela ran for the Clinic. She
"I suppose then," he shrugged. quickly unlocked the door and helped her husband
settle Hank on the examining table. "What
As they neared the group, Preston saw Eleanor happened?"
amid the crowd of men.
"He was shot in the chest," Sully was out of breath.
"It figures she would be in the midst of them," he "I got him here soon as I could."

Michaela quickly assessed his condition, "I'm going "But why, Mr. Sully?" she felt a rush of fear.
to have to operate."
"Somethin' dangerous is goin' on at the Depot," he
"Where are the kids?" he looked around. "Mrs. cautioned. "Hank's already been shot, an' I don't
Slicker has Josef, and she went to get Katie at the wanna see anyone else get hurt."
"I will do as you ask," she held Josef close.
"He gonna be okay?" Sully looked down at the
saloon keeper. The little boy began to cry. Sully caressed his head
and took off down an alley to circle around to the
"Don't talk about me like I ain't here," Hank Depot.
managed to speak.
"I must remove the bullet," she took the
chloroform from her medicine cabinet. "This is much too large a crowd," Eleanor shook her
head. "Let's go. I want that horse."
"What if I don't wake up?" he watched her swift
movements. "Easy now," Matthew wanted to keep everyone
"Then you won't mind if I make a mistake," she
attempted some levity. "Move," she motioned for Robert E to lead the way
for the livery.
"If ya don't need me, I gotta go," Sully touched her
arm. With her hostage, Eleanor slowly began to make
her way down the street. No townsfolk seemed to
"Sully, how did this happen?" she poured the liquid take notice as she followed him and turned the
onto a cloth and held it near Hank's nose. "Who corner toward the livery. When they were out of
shot him?" sight, the men remaining at the Depot knew they
must act quickly.
"I'll tell ya later," he rushed out.
"Katie!" Matthew lifted his sister. "Are ya okay?"
Chapter 18 "Yep," she hugged him. "What's everybody doin',
************ Mattew?"

"Miss Teresa," Sully found her with his son on the "Yes," Preston was aghast. "What is going on
walkway near the bank. "Where's Katie?" here?"

"She said she was going to visit Mr. Lodge, but no "We gotta help Robert E," Horace reminded them.
one is in the bank," Teresa sounded concerned.
"Maybe we oughta let her get away, then go after
"Papa!" Josef reached for his father. her once she's out o' town," Jake recommended.

"Please do me a favor," he spotted the Chateau "She might shoot Robert E before she leaves,"
wagon at the Depot. "Take my son t' the Matthew countered.
barbershop an' stay inside. Lock the door."

"Poppy!" Katie saw her father running toward chloroform? He's starting to regain consciousness,
them. and I'm not finished."

"Katie!" he pulled her into his arms. "Matthew, ya "I think I remember how," Dorothy picked up the
all right?" cloth. "Who shot him?"

"Sully!" Horace was relieved. "Eleanor shot Hank!" "Sully didn't say," she steadied her hands as she
pulled the bullet from Hank's chest. "He simply said
"I know," he nodded, out of breath. "I found him. he had to go, then rushed out."
He ain't dead. Michaela's operatin' on him now."
"Loren said somethin' strange is goin' on over at
"Eleanor's got Robert E at the livery," Matthew the Depot," she contributed. "Folks been runnin'
informed him. "She wants a horse t' escape." around there all afternoon."

"Matthew," Sully sprang into action. "Take Katie t' "Do you think it has anything to do with the
the barbershop t' stay with Miss Teresa." murder of that bounty hunter?" Michaela
"I can take her," Preston volunteered.
"I don't know," Dorothy shook her head. "But I got
Sully sized up his sincerity, "Okay. Thanks. Stay a feelin' I'm gonna have a lot t' report in the
there with them, if ya would." Gazette next week."

"Certainly," Preston was uncharacteristically ************

"Afternoon, Robert E," Sully nonchalantly walked
Sully kissed his daughter's cheek, "Be good, sweet up to his friend.
girl. I love you."
"Uh.... Sully," the blacksmith's eyes tried to signal
"Love you, Poppy," she hugged him, then went danger.
with Preston.
"I came back for that brush ya fixed," Sully signaled
"What are we gonna do, Sully?" Horace knew they him with a nod.
needed a plan.
"If you don't mind, sir," Eleanor kept her hidden
************ gun aimed at Robert E. "He was helping to secure a
horse for me first."
"Michaela," Dorothy knocked at the door of the
Clinic. "Oh, sorry," Sully stepped back. "I'll wait then."

"Come in!" Michaela called. "I'm glad you're here. I "This might take a while," she looked agitated.
could use your help." "Perhaps you should come back later."

"What on earth has happened?" the redhead saw "I don't mind waitin'," Sully circled around to the
Hank on the table. side of her.

"He's been shot," Michaela's hands were drenched Before she could react, the mountain man bumped
in blood. "Can you administer some more into Eleanor and knocked her off balance. Robert E

then grabbed her wrist and dislodged the pistol. "$3000," Horace noted.
She started to run, but the alleyway was blocked by
Matthew. She turned in another direction, only to "Since Horace discovered who she is, he should get
see Horace and Jake. it," Matthew recommended.

Sully picked up the gun from the ground and The telegraph operator pondered it, "Then I'm
looked her in the eye, "Your days o' husband gonna divide it six ways."
huntin' are over."
"Huh?" Loren made a face. "Are you crazy?"
"I'm gonna split it with my friends," he nodded.
Outside the Clinic, the townsfolk gathered to await "They helped me, an' Robert E, an'...."
news of Hank. Sully stopped by the barbershop to
pick up his children. They chattered away as he led "Who are the five others that you'll share the
them to the Clinic to keep vigil for Hank. Preston reward with?" the Reverend smiled at his
followed a few paces back. generosity.

"Poppy," Katie was happy to see him. "Ya know we Horace counted them on his fingers, "Matthew,
can buy stocks?" Jake, Robert E an' Sully."

"We ain't buyin' any stock, Kates," he sat down "That's only four," Loren noticed.
outside the Clinic and pulled her into his lap. "Got
somethin' here." He pulled the brush from his Horace rolled his eyes, "An' Hank."
"I'm takin' Eleanor t' Denver t'morrow mornin',"
"Mama's brush is all fixed!" she beamed. Matthew stated. "I'm sure the authorities in
Vermont will be happy t' have her locked up."
"Thanks t' Robert E," Sully caressed her cheek.
Jake pulled his wife into his arms, "Thanks, Horace.
Grace lifted Josef, "I wonder if these children could $500 will be used up pretty quick by me."
use a hot meal?"
"Ya gonna go on another binge?" Loren could not
"I'd be much obliged, Grace," Sully smiled. resist.

"Come with me, you two," she led the children "No," Jake rolled his eyes. "Teresa an' me are
away. gonna have a baby, an' Sully's gonna build us a
"So," Loren put his index fingers in his vest pockets.
"Jake said there's a reward for catchin' Eleanor Everyone began to congratulate them as the door
Waldron. Who's gonna get it?" to the Clinic opened.

"Who's Eleanor Waldron?" the Reverend spoke up. Michaela stepped forward, "Hank's going to be all
right. The bullet did not damage any organs."
"She's the one who killed the bounty hunter an'
shot Hank," Loren explained. "How much did ya say "Thank the Lord," the Reverend lowered his head.
the reward is?"
"I wanna thank my friends, too," Robert E felt a
lump in his throat.

Sully slipped his hand around his wife's waist, "That mean Wolf can play now, Mama?" Katie
"Good job, Dr. Quinn." asked.

"Will you please tell me what this was about?" she "I think he may resume some of his less energetic
remained puzzled. activities," she smiled.

"I'll tell ya all about it later," he kissed her. "Time for these two t' be in bed," Sully stood up.

"Friends," Preston shook his head. "I don't "Matthew an' me are gonna leave for Philadelphia
understand this sentimental hogwash." day after t'morrow," Brian was pleased.

Michaela overheard him, "Emerson wrote: "It seems you won't be missing any school after all,
Brian," Michaela pointed out. "Mrs. Slicker has
The only way to have a friend is to be one." canceled the remaining days."

"Splitting up a reward of $3000 when it could be "Why?" he was curious.

invested is insanity, not friendship," the banker
walked away. "She and Jake are expectin' a baby," Sully knew
that the information was now public knowledge.
"I suppose some people never learn," Michaela
watched him go. "Is she still gonna be our teacher in the fall?" the
young man queried.
"I don't know," Sully pulled her closer. "Some folks
just don't wanna admit when they learn "We'll have to wait and see," Michaela replied.
"That when I start school?" Katie chimed in.
"No," Michaela and Sully answered simultaneously.
Michaela tensed on the ride home, while Sully
quietly described the horrific events of the day. He Sully leaned down and whispered something in his
knew that she was upset.... upset at the danger daughter's ear. Her eyes widened, and she left the
their family had been in.... upset that he had not room.
told her sooner. And he knew that she would
express her concern when they were alone that "Where is she going?" Michaela noticed.
"Mama," Katie returned, hands behind her back.
Gathered with his family in the living room, Brian "We got somethin' for ya."
was riveted to every detail of the story about
Eleanor Waldron as his older brother related it. "What is it, Sweetheart?" she smiled.
Katie listened intently, but understood very little of
what had transpired. Josef had fallen asleep on his "This," Katie pulled the brush from behind her back
father's lap, and Michaela completed her and handed it to her mother. "Robert E fixed it."
examination of Wolf.
"It... It's just like new!" her face brightened. "Thank
"I believe his lung is fully inflated now," she pulled you."
her stethoscope from her ears.
"You welcome," Katie hugged her.

She glanced at Sully, "The reason for the loan?" "Sully," her voice invited.

He winked. "Mmm," she ran his hands up and down the sides
of her nightgown.
Wolf began to whimper.
"Would you recite some poetry to me?" every cell
"No, Wolf," Katie turned to the animal. "I not in her body was aroused at the nearness of him.
gonna use it on you!"
He cupped her face in his hands and spoke:
"Thou art my life, my love, my heart;
With the children in bed, Sully and Michaela stood The very eyes of me:
at their bedroom window looking up at the stars. And hast command of every part;
To live and die for thee."
"I wish you and Matthew would have told me what
was happening with Eleanor Waldron," she voiced "Was that Mr. Herrick again?" she wondered.
her disapproval.
"Very good," he let the backs of his hands slip
"Everythin' happened kinda fast," he rested his lightly down the front of her nightgown.
arms on the sill, on either side of her.
She delighted in his gesture, "Shall we go to bed?"
"It was much too dangerous. And Katie was right
there at the Depot when she was holding the gun "An' miss these stars?" he looked over her shoulder
on Robert E. What if...." she stopped when he put at the sky.
his finger to her lips.
"What about making my wish come true?" she
"We're okay, Michaela," he nodded toward the sky, intimated.
"Look out there at all them stars, an' make a wish."
"Oh?" he teased. "Your dream is t' go t' bed?"
His voice, his touch, the nearness of him defused
her anxiety. She knew he would tell her to not fret "My dream is to recline in the bed," she placed her
over what didn't happen. She closed her eyes to hands against his chest.
meditate. He kissed the tender skin behind her ear,
and she leaned her head to one side in response. "Recline," he nodded. "Well, I reckon we can do
"What'd ya wish?" he whispered.
Sully closed the window and took his wife's hand.
"I'm not supposed to say," she melted.
Leading her to the bed, he guided her back, "Is this
"You can tell me," he nibbled her ear lobe. reclined enough?"

"Let's just say, my wish is coming true," she turned "It's a beginning," she took his hand and raised it to
to face him. her lips.

Michaela rested her hands on his shoulders, then "Ya wantin' some reclinin' company?" he leaned
began to caress the sides of his neck. Lifting up on over.
the tips of her toes, she kissed his neck and chin.
"Indeed," she pulled him down atop her.

Sully caught himself so as to not let his full weight "Me, too," he felt her body tense against his side.
rest on her, "Okay, your wish has come true." "Don't worry, Michaela."

She rolled him over onto his side and began to "I'm afraid it's in my nature," she sighed.
unbutton his shirt, "Not quite."
"I reckon I love ya, nature and all," he lifted her
He wrapped his arms around her, and a delicious chin for a kiss.
shiver shot through her. Wrapping a lock of her
hair around his fingers, he raised it to inhale its "Good night, Sully," she could feel his heart beat
scent. His kisses began to unlock her innermost against her cheek. "I love you."
Michaela caressed and kissed him in ways that
charged his desire to a fever pitch. Soon, they gave
in to their tempting appetites. In repeated waves of
ecstasy, they completed their happy joining.

"Now," she sighed as he stroked her back.

"Now?" he was confused.

"Now my wish has come true," she kissed him.

Without words, he continued to lovingly rub his

hand up and down her back..

She lifted her head to search his eyes, "Sully?"

"Mmm?" he seemed far away.

"What are you thinking about?" she perceived the


"I was thinkin' about you," he smiled. "How much I

love us bein' t'gether like this."

"When will you leave?" she assumed his thoughts

had drifted to Cloud Dancing.

He enfolded her in his arms and kissed her temple,

"Sunday after next."

"Sunday, June 25, 1876," she suddenly felt a

strange anxiety. "I pray that you will find our friend


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