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Quinn, Medicine Woman

A Fork in the Road
by Debby K

Warning: Chapter 1 contains graphic descriptions of an


"Our journey had advanced--

Our feet were almost come
To that old Fork in Being's Road--
Eternity--by term."
Emily Dickinson

************ Sully's voice startled her, "Who's it from?"

Chapter 1
************ She glanced over her shoulder, "Someone upon
whom I performed surgery."
After a hectic evening with the children, Michaela
"They okay now?" he went to the sink to wash his
found a few minutes in which to open her mail. One
envelope in particular was a curiosity. She did not
recognize the name above the return address.
Opening it, she began to read: "Yes," she folded the letter. "He was a soldier,
injured at Gettysburg."
"Dear Dr. Quinn,
"That's a long time ago," he found it curious.
"Why's he writin' now?"
You may not remember me, but I shall never
forget you. After the battle of Gettysburg, you
amputated my leg and saved my life. I have "He's coming here to thank me for saving his life,"
searched for you all these many years in hopes she responded.
of thanking you. I was finally put in contact
with your mother, who informed me that you "Oh?" he raised an eyebrow.
reside in Colorado Springs. I have booked
passage to travel there and shall arrive on the "He's been looking for me," she rose from the table.
20th." "Mother told him where we live."

Michaela looked up, "That's tomorrow." He slipped his arm around her, "Ready for bed?"

Returning to the letter, she concluded, "Yes," she smiled.

"I hope this does not present an inconvenience ************

to you, but I pray you will indulge me in my
desire to properly express my gratitude for the "Dr. Quinn," a voice boomed. "You have no choice!
kindness you showed to a young and frightened Amputate! We have more soldiers to attend to."
She raised her head, "But perhaps I can save his leg
With warm regards, if you'll just..."

Frank Wellington" "Do it!" the voice returned.

She bit her lower lip. She had never performed an applied a tourniquet to cut off the blood supply.
amputation before. Observed it, yes. Thoroughly Then she steeled herself for what she must do.
read about it, yes. But now laying before her on the
make-shift operating table was a human being. A She lifted her scalpel to make the incision through
human being who would never be whole again the skin and muscle to the bone.
because of her.
"NO!" she bolted up from her bed.
Beads of perspiration began to form on her
forehead. "Michaela?" Sully was there.

"Dr. Quinn!" the voice returned. "I did not want a "Sully," she clutched his hand.
female physician here to begin with, but your
father..." "Shhh," he stroked her moist hair. "What were ya
dreamin' about?"
"I can do it!" her voice was determined.
"The operation," she attempted to focus her
"There are dozens more awaiting our attention," he thoughts. "On Frank Wellington. All of the
pointed out. "You get fifteen minutes per patient." memories came flooding back to me."

She opened her instrument case. The local "Must've been terrible," he sympathized. "Do ya
Maryland school had been turned into a hospital to wanna tell me about it?"
receive the trainload of injured from the battle. Her
surgical table was a door, resting on student desks. "I... I don't know if I can," she felt a lump forming
The new supply of chloroform had not arrived. A in her throat.
rag soaked with the drug lay beside her.
"Then ya don't have to," his voice was soothing.
Before anesthetizing the patient, she placed her
hand on his arm, "What's your name?" She was quiet for several minutes. Sully assumed
she had drifted off to sleep again, but then Michaela
"Frank, ma'am," his voice trembled. spoke. She began to detail what was in her dream,
then stopped.
"I'm Dr. Michaela Quinn," she prayed that her voice
would sound calm. "I'm sorry that I have to do this, "Ya all right?" he was concerned.
Frank, but..."
She swallowed hard, "With my scalpel, I made the
"I know," he closed his eyes as a tear trickled down incision above and below, leaving a flap of skin on
his cheek. one side. Then I took the bonesaw into my hands..."

She wiped it with a clean portion of her apron, "I'm Her voice trailed off. Sully's reassuring arms held
going to help you rest so that you won't feel it." her.

"Okay," he took a deep breath. "I cut through the bone until the leg was severed
off," she filled with emotion at the memory. "Before
Michaela placed the rag across his mouth and sutchering the skin, I had to scrape the end and
nostrils. Soon the young soldier was unconscious. edges of the bone smooth, so they would not work
She cut away the pant leg to clean the wound. Using their way through."
a probe, she searched for splinters and bullet
fragments, only to find that the Minie Ball had "God, Michaela," he never realized what the
shattered his bone, carrying skin and dirt into it. The experience was like for her.
leg could not be saved. Taking a deep breath, she

"The worst part was disposing of the severed leg," "Not long," she fibbed.
she closed her eyes tightly. "There was a stack of
limbs. Scores of them piled high. The incoming He yawned and stretched his arms, a motion that
wounded could see the pile and hear the screams of filled Michaela with longing. She smiled to herself
those whose chloroform was wearing off. The next at her body's reaction to him.
day, Father and I returned to Boston. I'll never
forget that day. The sounds... the smell... the blood." He reached up and cupped her cheek to the palm of
his hand, "What ya thinkin' about?"
"I'm sorry," he pulled her closer. "Maybe ya
shouldn't see this fella t'morrow." She paused, then spoke low, "You."

"No," she attempted to compose herself. "I... I owe "What about me?" he grinned.
it to him."
"How much I love you," her gaze penetrated to his
"Ya saved a lot o' men that day," he spoke softly. soul.

"I tried," she sighed. "I love you, too," he touched the tip of her nose.

"You always try your best," he lifted her chin. "An' "I... was remembering how I felt when I almost lost
your best is better than anyone I know." you," she added.

"Thank you," she smiled for the first time. "I'm right here," he stroked her arm.

He kissed her sweetly, "Think ya can get some She sighed.

sleep now?"
"Ya sure you're okay, Michaela?" he became more
"Yes," she was not really certain. alert.

************ "Just feeling a bit emotional, I suppose," she

dismissed her mood.
As the sun rose, rays of red, yellow and orange
began to illuminate the gray sky. The first beams "Ya got every right, after your dream last night," he
filtered into the bedroom. Michaela had been awake understood.
most of the night recalling further details of her day
at the temporary hospital in Maryland, set up to "You always manage to say just the right thing to
receive the injured from Gettysburg. me, Mr. Sully," she ran her finger along his jaw.

She turned to look at her husband's handsome face. "Ya sure look beautiful for not havin' much sleep,"
She loved to watch him sleep. His mouth curled up he whispered.
slightly at the side, almost as in a smile. Her heart
filled with love as she lightly touched his chest to "How do you know I didn't get much sleep?" she
feel the up and down movement as he breathed. raised an eyebrow.

At that instant, her mind drifted back to the most "I know," he replied. "Just like I know how
terrifying day of her life. The day his chest no beautiful ya are."
longer moved. The day Sully died. She had
resuscitated him with her own breath. His poor "I was admiring your handsome looks a moment
broken body, lifeless form trying to survive a fall ago," she felt his hand on her back.
from a cliff. She shuddered.

Sully felt it, "How long ya been awake?"

She rolled over to look more fully into his eyes. "Guess that's workin'," he could see the effect.
Lightly, she began to kiss his cheeks, his chin, then "Where next?"
his lips.
"Here," she pointed to her chin.
Sully was delighted at her initiative, "You wantin'
the same thing I am?" Sully's lips caressed her chin, prompting a tingling
sensation in them both.
"I believe so," her tone stirred him further.
"Where would you like for me to begin?" she asked
His voice became raspy, in a sultry voice.

"So let us love, dear love, "Right here," he pointed to his mouth. "I kinda like
Like as we ought." a direct approach."

"Sounds like Chaucer," she identified the poet. They commenced a kiss of a sweet and tender
nature. Then Sully began to caress her in the places
"Right," he felt his pulse begin to race. she craved.

"When was the last time I told you how much I "How's that?" he grinned.
need you?" her desire was awakening.
"De... Delightful," she gasped. "And quite direct."
"It's been so long, I can't remember," he teased.
Soon the temptation to go beyond their playful
"Sully!" she tapped his side playfully. banter was too much to resist. Maneuvering and
moving their bodies, they joined together with all
"That's more like my Michaela," he relished her the enthusiasm they possessed. With every fiber of
expression. their beings, they committed to gratifying each
other's need. Loving touches and kisses followed as
"I do need you, you know," she became serious. their breathing calmed.

"I know," his eyes filled with the light of her face. "Oh, Sully," she sighed in his arms.
"And I need you. More than I could ever tell ya."
He brushed back the hair from her eyes, "I sure do
"I suppose I'll have to settle for your showing me love lovin' ya in the mornin'."
then," she invited.
"I was thinking the same thing of you," she smiled.
"Umm," a dimple appeared on his cheek. "I love
showin' ya." "Think we got a little while before the kids are...."
his sentence was interrupted by a knock at the
"I seem to recall that," she quipped. bedroom door.

"Where would ya like me t' begin?" he tempted. "Just a minute," Michaela rushed to straighten her
nightgown as Sully pulled on his buckskins.
She pointed to her earlobe, "Right here."
"It's me," Katie's voice spoke. "Can I come in?"
"Mmm," he nibbled where she directed.
"Come on in," Sully beckoned.
His gesture sparked an immediate reaction in her.
"Mornin'," the little girl entered and stepped closer
to kiss her parents. "You two have a good rest?"

"Good morning, Sweetheart," Michaela kissed her Sully came to the point, "Did you use a bad word,
forehead. "Yes, we rested just fine. And you?" son?"

"Well, I gotta talk t' ya about that," her little brow "Don' know," he looked away.
"Joey, ya know ya did," Katie insisted.
"What's on your mind, Kates?" Sully settled his
daughter beside him. "Josef," Michaela explained. "If you did something
wrong, it's best to tell us."
"Joey," she shook her head.
"Tell Mama an' Poppy the truth," Katie said.
"Is he awake?" Michaela wondered.
Josef contritely lowered his head and was barely
"Yep, he's awake," the child informed them. "An' I audible, "Darn."
want ya t' know he tried t' climb outa his crib. I told
him t' wait for me t' get you, an' he said a bad "Where did you learn that word?" Michaela
word." questioned.

"Josef said a bad word?" Michaela's eyes widened. "Don' know," he shrugged.
"What was it?"
"He heard if from Billy Wagner," Katie said. "He
"I can't tell ya," Katie folded her hands. "I'm not uses lots o' bad words."
allowed t' say."
"Billy Wagner?" Michaela was horrified. "He's only
"Maybe he oughta tell us himself," Sully proposed. four years old. I'll speak with his mother."

"I'll go get him," Michaela rose from the bed and "Josef, do ya know it's a bad word?" Sully lifted his
donned her robe. son's chin to look him in the eye.

In a few moments, she returned with the little boy. The boy's lower lip began to quiver.

"Papa!" his arms reached for his father when they Michaela was upset, "The first thing you're going to
entered the bedroom. do, young man, is apologize for using that word in
front of your sister."
Sully greeted the youngster, "Mornin', Joe."
"I sowwy," his blue eyes saddened.
Michaela joined her family on the bed, "Josef, do
you have something you want to tell your father and "And the second thing you're going to do is tell us
me?" why you said it," she continued.

"Nope," he seemed unaware that there was a "I mad," he confessed.

"Why were ya mad?" Sully queried.
"Did you say something to your sister this
morning?" Michaela prompted. "Not like bed," he stated.

He tilted his head in a questioning manner, "There are many instances in our lives when we
"Mornin'." don't like things, but that does not give us license to
use inappropriate language," Michaela avowed.

"Joey, now ya got Mama usin' big words," Katie "I think ya owe your Ma an apology, too," Sully
leaned closer to him. spoke low in his ear. "She wants her son t' behave
real good."
"No son of mine is going to...." Michaela paused
when she saw her husband's expression. Josef crawled into his mother's lap and threw his
arms around her neck, "I sowwy, Mama. I good."
Josef was on the verge of crying.
Michaela melted, "You're terribly hard to resist,
"I got an idea," Sully attempted to defuse the young man."
situation. "How 'bout if we come up with a better
way for Josef t' handle things when he gets mad?" Katie leaned against her father's shoulder.

"Good thinkin', Poppy," Katie agreed. "You're a good sister," he kissed the top of her head.

"How 'bout it, Joe?" Sully looked his son in the eye. "When's Bran comin' home?" the little girl
"'Kay," he agreed.
"Later today," Michaela answered. "And I'm certain
"Kates, do you remember what we taught ya t' do he'll have all sorts of stories for you about his
when ya get mad?" he touched her cheek. camping trip. I do wish he would not have insisted
on doing this by himself."
"Count t' ten," she knew.
"He'll be all right, Michaela," Sully's voice was
"I count," Josef sat up straighter. "One, thoo, assuring. "He knows how t' take care of himself."
"I miss Bran," Josef spoke up.
"By the time ya get t' four or five, ya won't even
remember why you were upset," Sully counseled. "I bet he missed you, too," Sully winked. "Come on.
Let's go get some breakfast."
"He'll remember," Katie predicted. "He don't like
the railin's on his crib." Michaela shook her head as they departed, "What's
the world coming to when children use such
"Oh," Michaela understood. "He wants a big bed?" language?"

"Yep," Josef's face lit up. ************

"Maybe ya could make him one, Poppy," Katie Michaela sat at her desk in the Clinic, contentedly
suggested. gazing out the window at the bustling town of
Colorado Springs. She savored the rare quiet of her
"I'll think about it," Sully nodded. "But I gotta be office. She had no scheduled patients until later in
real sure that my big boy's not gonna use bad words the day, and the children were with Sully.
"Sully," she smiled to herself, still warmed from
"'Kay, Papa," Josef pledged. their dalliance at dawn.

"I'm gonna take ya at your word, Joe," Sully Reliving each touch, each kiss, each electrifying
embraced him. "An' remember, big boy's don't go moment, she did not hear the first tentative knock at
back on their word." her door. Then a louder one roused her from her
"I big," he held out his arms.

"Come in," she called, uncertain if her face was Frank obliged, and soon had gathered the material
flushed. of his trousers up to explain, "I used a suction
socket, polycentric knee, and multiarticulated foot."
The door opened. There stood a tall, well dressed
man in his mid thirties. His features were "Amazing," she marveled.
handsome, highlighted by his piercing blue eyes and
dark wavy hair. "I even started a company to manufacture them for
other amputees," he detailed. "The government
He removed his hat, "Dr. Quinn!" helps pay for them, thanks to the Great Civil War
She rose from her desk and extended her hand, "Mr.
Wellington?" "I read about that," she nodded. "But I also
understand that it led to extraordinary claims by
He shook her hand warmly, "I've looked forward to makers of artificial legs in the name of attracting
this moment for such a long time." business and veterans' money. Shysters and
charlatans have taken advantage."
"Won't you come in?" she invited.
"I can assure you that my company and product are
With a slight limp, he walked into the room. sound," he defended.

Michaela noticed, "How are you?" "I can see that," she was embarrassed. "I meant no
"I've done very well, thanks to you," he grinned.
"None taken," he pulled down his pant leg.
"Please, won't you sit down?" she pointed.
A few moments of uncomfortable silence followed.
At opposite sides of her desk, the former patient and
doctor glanced at one another. Frank opened the subject, "Your mother informs me
that you're married."
Frank could not contain his admiration, "Dr. Quinn,
I came here to thank you for saving my life. But "Yes," Michaela returned to her desk. "With five
now that I'm here in person,... well, my words just children."
don't seem adequate."
"Five!" his eyes widened.
Michaela appreciated his sincerity, "I'm very moved
that you would seek me out after all of these years. "Three are adopted," she qualified.
You look well."
"Why did you move all the way out here?" he stood.
"I was an engineering student before the War," he
detailed. "When I went home after my amputation, I "A new beginning after my father's death," she
refused to wallow in self-pity, so I set about to simply stated.
develop an artificial leg."
Frank glanced down shyly, "Do you think that I
"May I see?" her curiosity was peaked. might buy lunch for you? I have a proposal I'd like
to make to you."
"Of course," he began to pull up his pant leg.
"That would be very nice," she consented.
Michaela pointed, "Why don't you sit on my
examining table?" "Maybe your husband could join us," he added.

"He's spending the day with our children," she "He was writin' an article for the Gazette about the
noted. Colorado wilderness," the redhead replied. "He was
hopin' t' help Sully by gettin' some articles
"Where would you like to eat then?" Frank said. published in...."

"Grace's Cafe is the best place," she replied. "Sully and the cute little animals of the wild," Hank
"Well, what he saw wasn't so cute or little,"
"I'm home!" Brian called when he entered the Dorothy revealed. "He gave me his notes this
homestead. mornin', and what he came across will be the
biggest news story t' hit Colorado Springs in some
Sully descended the steps, "Hey, Brian. How'd it time."
"Pa," he was out of breath. "I got a lot t' tell ya. I
had the most unbelievable experience. I saw a "Calm down, Brian," Sully put his hand on his son's
creature out there." arm. "Now, tell me what ya saw."

"Creature?" Sully was puzzled. Brian began, "I was campin' out along the other side
o' Quail Lake. Around dusk, I heard a noise, like a
"Huge!" the young man extended his arms. grunting sound. Then I caught sight o' the creature's
eyes through the bushes. I pulled out my rifle."
"What did it look like?" Sully poured a cup of
coffee. "Did ya shoot it?" Sully interjected.

"Before I describe it, where are the kids?" Brian "No," Brian shook his head. "It made no effort t'
paused. come any closer. Naturally, I didn't fall asleep, an' I
kept the fire well stoked all night. I watched it, as it
"Upstairs nappin'," he responded. watched me. Sometimes it would stand up, an' when
it did, it was at least eight feet tall."
"Good," the son sat down. "What I saw was too
scary for them t' hear about." "Ya sure it wasn't a bear?" Sully rubbed his chin.

"What are ya talkin' about, Brian?" Sully sensed his "No, Pa," the young man was certain. "I've seen
son's fear. bear before. An' there was somethin' even more
"Part man, part beast," he replied.
"What?" Sully was intrigued.
Chapter 2 "The smell," Brian related. "It smelled like a cross
************ between a decaying carcass an' rotten garbage. I'll
never forget it."
Dorothy sat at a large table at Grace's Cafe filling in
the townsfolk on Brian's adventure. "Sounds like a real frightenin' experience," Sully
"Why was he out in the woods by himself?" Loren
wondered. "By sun up, it was gone," Brian concluded.

"I wonder...." Sully's expression changed.

"Wonder what?" Brian noticed. "I'm here to thank Dr. Quinn," he looked admiringly
at the physician. "For saving my life."
"I wonder if it could've been the one the Indians call
Chiye-tanka, The Big Man," Sully stated. "Most folks around here could make the same
claim," Grace poured the coffee. "So, what can I get
************ ya?"

"Brian prob'ly saw a bear," Loren dismissed ************

Dorothy's comment.
Nearby, the gossip continued.
"No," the newspaper editor countered. "He
described it as part man, part beast. Said it smelled "Will ya look at that?" Hank chuckled. "He's got
real awful." manners, too. Held the chair for her."

"Do ya think the town's in any danger?" Jake tilted "See how he's lookin' at her?" Jake smirked. "Don't
his head. seem proper."

"Maybe we best go out an' kill it," Hank "Wonder if Sully knows?" Loren questioned.
"Just stop it!" Dorothy shook her head.
"Say, look there," Jake pointed to Michaela's arrival
at the Cafe with the handsome stranger. "Wonder ************
who that is?"
"The Big Man?" Brian's eyes widened.
"None o' our business," Grace pointed out.
Sully detailed, "There's different legends about him.
Hank raised his eyebrows, "Looks like Michaela's Some believe he's the husband of Unk-ksa, the
havin' herself some fun." Earth. Others believe he's a kinda reptile from
ancient times who can take a big hairy form. He's
"Will you stop it?" Dorothy scolded. "She's having both spirit an' real being.
lunch with a man."
"He's real, all right," Brian swallowed hard.
"We can see that," Loren chuckled. "Question is,
who is he?" "By some accounts, he can appear when he wants
to," Sully added. "He comes in times o' trouble t'
Grace left them to greet her friend, "Dr. Mike." help communities return t' a balance with Mother
"Hello, Grace," the doctor smiled. "This is Frank
Wellington, a former patient." "Do the Indians believe he has some kinda
powers?" Brian inquired.
"Nice t' meet ya," Grace welcomed him. "This table
all right?" "Accordin' t' the elders, he does," Sully rubbed his
upper lip. "That's how he's been able t' avoid
"Yes, fine, thank you," Michaela sat as Frank held capture all this time.
the chair for her.
"Is that what you believe, Pa?" the young man
"What brings ya t' Colorado Springs, Mr. asked.
Wellington?" Grace set coffee cups before them.
Sully took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, "I ain't

************ found Frank Wellington to be a well educated and
charming man. He entertained her with stories of
"I'm delighted to see that you have been so his travels, and soon, she lost track of time.
successful in your career, Mr. Wellington,"
Michaela dabbed the side of her mouth with a Matthew spotted his mother and the stranger, "Ma!"
napkin. "Have you someone special with whom to
share it?" "Matthew," she smiled.

He glanced down shyly, "A wife? No. I'm afraid "Ya got a patient waitin' for ya at the Clinic," he
I've let my career become my family." informed her.

She advised, "Perhaps the right woman has not "Oh, my," she rose quickly. "Mr. Wellington, this is
come along." my eldest son, Matthew."

"To tell you the truth," he paused. "I... I have "Pleased t' meet ya," Matthew shook his hand.
always thought that my appearance would frighten a "Sorry if I interrupted."
"No," Michaela patted his arm. "I must be going
"The right woman would see beyond your physical now." Then she paused, "Mr. Wellington, why don't
circumstance," she commented. "I don't mean to you join us for dinner this evening? We can further
pry. You mentioned at my office that there was discuss your offer."
something you wanted to propose to me."
"It would be my pleasure," he rose to his feet and
Frank's eyes lit up. "In corresponding with your took her hand. "Thank you, Dr. Quinn."
mother, she informed me that your medical facilities
here in Colorado Springs are more primitive than "Matthew?" Michaela hoped her son would come,
one would find in a larger city." too.

"That's true, but..." she stopped when he raised his "Wouldn't miss it," he grinned.
"And that gave me the idea of how I could repay
you," he went on. "I intend to furnish your Clinic "And Mr. Wellington's business is doing quite
with whatever medical equipment and supplies you well," Michaela stated to her family at the dinner
need and want. I shall spare no expense." table.

"Your offer is very generous," she was moved. "But "I owe it all to Dr. Quinn," Frank praised.
I can't possibly accept."
"Ma's the best doctor in the state," Brian asserted.
"Dr. Quinn," he began to explain. "I have no wife,
no children. All I have is money, and what good is "I challenge anyone to dispute that," Frank smiled.
it if I can't do something constructive with it?"
"I wanna be a doctor, too," Katie contributed.
"But..." she tried again.
Frank grinned, "A noble goal."
He interjected, "I'm not denying myself anything by
spending the money in this manner. And it will "Yesterday, she was going to be an artist," Michaela
enable you to improve the facility you have." beamed at her daughter. "It seems to change daily."

Michaela could think of no objections to his "A woman's prerogative," he winked at Katie.
generous offer. As they continued to converse, she
"Mr. Wellington has offered to finance "Yep," Sully answered.
improvements at the Clinic," Michaela told her
family. They could hear the conversation continue into the
living room. Then Matthew entered the kitchen.
"What kind o' financing?" Sully wondered.
"I'll say good night now," he put on his hat. "Got a
"A gift of money for her to purchase whatever she busy day t'morrow. Brian's in there tellin' Mr.
wants or needs," he vowed. "It's my way of Wellington about that monster he...."
repaying her for what she did for me. I would not
have survived the War and lived to make the money Suddenly, he realized his comment might not be
at all, if it had not been for her skill." suitable for his sister's ears.

Sully grew quiet, assessing the man who was "What monster?" Katie had heard.
making such a benevolent offer. Then he felt an
uneasiness at Michaela's attentiveness to him. Sully "Uh," Matthew hesitated. "Somethin' Brian's writin'.
had seen it before. A man might misinterpret her Ya know, a story. Night."
nature.... mistake it for something else. He became
uncomfortable at the presence of Frank Wellington. "Night, Matthew," Sully nodded.
And he suddenly felt like an outsider.
"Poppy?" the little girl looked up.
"Up," Josef was tired of his family's attention going
to the stranger. "Mmm?" he finished drying the children's hands.

"What do you say, Sweetheart?" Michaela reminded "Did Bran see a monster?" she asked.
her son of his manners.
"Nothin' t' worry about," he kissed her cheek. "Go
"'Cuse me, pwease," he restlessly tapped the tray. in with your Ma, now."

Sully lifted his son into his arms and raised him up She dropped the subject and skipped into the living
high toward the ceiling. room.

"Sully!" Michaela feared the little hands would "Katie!" Josef called.
leave a mark.
Sully set the little boy down so that he could follow
"We'll go wash up," he headed for the kitchen. his sister. Then he began to clear away the dishes
from the table to wash them. When he was nearly
"May I be excused, too?" Katie requested. finished, he heard Michaela's voice.

"Certainly," Michaela smiled. "You didn't have to do those," she reached for some
clean cups.
Katie rushed into the kitchen. Scooting a chair over
to the sink, she stood so that she could wash her "No problem," he rinsed the last dish.
hands beside her father and brother.
"Ready to join us for some coffee?" she invited.
"Poppy," she whispered. "Mr. Wellin'ton's nice,
don't ya think?" "I'll join ya, but no coffee, thanks," he smiled
"Um hum," he lathered Josef's hands.
Sully did not want Michaela to suspect his feelings,
"Mama likes him," the child observed. so he accompanied her into the living room. Katie

and Josef both climbed into their father's lap, and "What opportunity?" Jake tipped his hat back.
lulled by the voices of their mother and Mr.
Wellington, soon fell asleep. "Money," Preston grinned. "You want to go out
there, guns blazing, to kill the poor creature, when
Resting his chin lightly on the top of Katie's head, by capturing it, we could become rich."
Sully stared into the fireplace. The conversation
became merely background noise as he sorted "How ya figure?" Horace finally spoke.
through his thoughts. Then he began to feel guilty.
Wellington was offering money to do something "Think of the people who would travel here to see
grand and noble. Why did that make Sully feel such an oddity of nature," Preston detailed. "We
uncomfortable? could charge admission."

"Don't you think so, Sully?" Michaela's voice "Like in a circus?" Jake compared.
brought him back to reality.
"We could build it a special cage," Preston
"Mmm?" he lifted his head. "Sorry. I was thinkin' envisioned.
about somethin' else."
"I... I don't know if it's such a good idea," Horace
"I said that Mr. Wellington could stay with us this balked at the idea. "Could be dangerous."
evening," she said.
"Which is why we put it in a cage," Preston was
"Uh," he hesitated. "Sure. He's more than welcome sarcastic.
t' stay. We got a spare room."
"I hate t' admit it, but Preston here might have
"No," Frank protested. "I really can't. I have a room somethin'," Hank pondered it.
at the Chateau. But I appreciate your hospitality. If
it's all right, I'll meet with you tomorrow at your "Why don't we go out t'morrow t' check things out?"
Clinic, Dr. Quinn, to discuss the details of my offer. Jake suggested.
Would eleven o'clock be okay?"
"Good idea," Loren nodded. "I'll talk t' Brian in the
"Yes," she agreed. "I'll see you then." mornin' t' get a better idea where t' look."

************ "Agreed?" Jake searched each face.

"An' I say we oughta go out an' find this beast," ************

Hank spoke to a gathering of regular customers in
the Gold Nugget. Sully pensively brushed Michaela's hair, relishing
the scent of her tresses.
"I agree," Jake nodded. "Sooner or later, it could
end up in town or attack someone out there." "You're rather quiet," she noticed his reflection in
her mirror.
"My business is already droppin' off," Loren
commented. "Folks are afraid t' travel." "Not much t' say, I guess," he replied, setting down
the brush and climbing into bed.
"We only heard about it this mornin'," Jake rolled
his eyes. "I can't see folks not...." Michaela removed her robe and slippers, "Who
could have imagined that Mr. Wellington would
"Leave it to you gentlemen to not see the come here today with such a wonderful gift?"
opportunity in this," Preston made his presence
known. "I know," he pulled back the covers for her.

She climbed into bed and snuggled close, "He was facade of bravado. Taking a deep breath, he
fascinated by Brian's tale, too. But what a enfolded her protectively in his arms. Then his jaw
dangerous predicament for him." tensed slightly. This Mr. Wellington seemed nice
enough, but if he ever did anything to hurt,
"Katie wondered about the monster," he informed Michaela... He stopped himself.
"I ain't jealous," he spoke low.
"Oh, my," her brow wrinkled. "What did you tell
her?" "Mmm?" Michaela raised her head.

"I just said Brian was writin' a story," Sully rubbed "Thought you were asleep," he ran his palm down
her arm. her arm.

She yawned, "I can't wait until tomorrow. There are "Not yet," she stirred slightly. "I thought I heard
so many things I want to order for the Clinic." you say something."

"Michaela," he hesitated. "Nothin' important," he answered.

"Mmm?" she lay her hand against his shoulder. "Can't you sleep?" she wondered.

"Never mind," he did not want to dampen her "I will soon enough," he assured her.
"Sully," her voice filled with excitement. "Do you
"What did you want to tell me, Sully?" she rubbed realize that now I can turn my Clinic into one of the
his chest. finest hospitals in the state? Colleen and Andrew
might even be interested in practicing here."
"How much I love ya," he smiled.
"That would make ya real happy, wouldn't it?" he
"I love you, too," she turned to gaze at his face. smiled.
"Good night."
"Of course," she thought the answer obvious.
"'Night," he sweetly kissed her. "But..."

Soon, he determined Michaela was asleep. Stroking "But what?" he noted her change of expression.
her back, he kissed the top of her head. Why was he
feeling this way, he wondered. It was not jealousy, "Are you troubled by this?" she posed the question.
but... what? A gut instinct that this grant for her
Clinic would bring trouble. He thought carefully on how to word his response,
"I... I reckon I'm just a little leery about gettin'
And, he admitted to himself, he worried that Frank money so easy."
Wellington might misread his wife's
accommodating nature. He noticed the way the man "Leery?" she tilted her head. "Why?"
had looked at his wife, as others had in the past.
Michaela did not realize the power she held over "Nothin' specific," he was vague. "But the most
men. Her beauty was part of it, but there was more important thing t' me is t' see you happy."
to it. It was her giving and open compassion, her
receptiveness to men who appreciated her talents "Improving my medical facilities would be
that could be perceived as flirtatious. professionally and personally rewarding," she
Sully sighed. He knew that Michaela's heart was
his, and no one but he knew the woman beneath the
"That mean it'd make ya happy?" he teased. ************
Chapter 3
"I'm happy because you believe in me, Sully," she ************
Sully was awakened by a sensation on his cheek. He
"Always have," he kissed her lightly. "Always opened an eye. It was Michaela kissing him.
"Good morning," she ran her finger along his chin.
"But you question Mr. Wellington's motives?" she
wondered. "'Mornin'," he stretched his arm and embraced her.

"He seems like a real fine man," he admitted. "I got "It's late," she whispered. "Brian's already up and
no reason t' question his motives." gone. Katie and Josef are still asleep."

She sought his assurance, "You're certain?" "Guess I was tired," he commented.

"Yep," he nodded. "I thought as much last night, when you did not
respond to my invitation," she smiled.
"Good," she lay her head against his chest.
"Invitation?" he tried to focus.
His uneasy feeling persisted. Was it the fact that
another man was giving Michaela something that he "For this," she slid up to kiss him more fully.
could not? Money. Was Frank Wellington's
motivation merely gratitude? What if... "I didn't respond t' that?" he joked. "I must need a
"Mr. Sully," her voice halted his thoughts.
"It just so happens, I'm available," she teased.
"Mmm?" he glanced down to see her beautiful eyes
peering up at him. Her wayward hand began to stir him. He gulped at
his body's sudden reaction to her overtures.
"Shall we get some sleep?" she rubbed his chest.
"I'm so happy, Sully," her face was radiant.
"You keep lookin' at me like that, an' I don't think
I'll be interested much in sleepin'," he cupped her "I can see that," he rolled her over onto her back.
cheek in his hand.
Lovingly, he trailed kisses across her throat and
Her heartbeat speeded, "Perhaps you'd rather shoulders. Her soft moan communicated her
celebrate?" pleasure.

"Celebrate?" he was puzzled. "Celebrate with me?" she invited.

"My good fortune," she reminded him. "Love to," his pulse raced.

"How 'bout in the morning?" he said. Their passions ignited. Magically, their bodies were
united in a wondrous wave of warmth. Something
"I shall look forward to that," she yawned. was different in her husband, Michaela noticed.
Subtle, but there.... an intensity that reached into her
This time, Sully was sure she was asleep. At that soul and strove to claim it. Willingly, she gave it.
moment he vowed to keep a close watch on Frank Clinging to one another, they prolonged their
Wellington. His instincts were rarely wrong. pleasure as long as was physically possible.

"I love you so much," her heart was full. "Yep," he replied faintly.

He recited, "What are your symptoms?" she asked.

"We have seen thee, O Love "I got an ache right here," he gestured toward his
Thou art fair; heart.
Thou art goodly,
O Love." "I'll get my stethoscope," she started to rise from the
"Humm," she contemplated the poet. "Browning?"
"No," Sully pulled her back. "It ain't that kinda
"Algernon Swinburne," he identified. "Michaela..." ache."

"Yes?" she anticipated a question. "What kind of ache is it?" she was taking him
"Ya know I'd give ya the world if I could, don't ya?"
he stroked her hair. "The kinda ache that makes me long for ya," he was
becoming melodramatic.
"You've already given me the world, Sully," she
avowed, "Is something bothering you?" Finally, Michaela caught on to his act, "Oh, that
kind of ache."
"No," he was less than truthful.
Smiling, she rejoined him. Laying beside him, she
His mood seemed different, Michaela perceived. caressed his chest, then lightly kissed it. With a
Not brooding or sullen. But... more insecure. He sultry gaze, she playfully guided her hand to arouse
was still clinging to her. him.

"Are you free today to join me at the Clinic?" she Sully gulped.
"How's your heartache now?" she continued to
"When ya meet with Wellington?" he clarified. tantalize him.

"Yes," Michaela sat up. "But there are a few repairs "I think ya got the blood flowin' again," he quipped.
I'd like for you to make, as well."
"Good," she felt his palm against her back, bidding
"Sure," he rubbed her arm as if to invite her back to her to move even closer.
"They teach you this in medical school?" he joked.
She turned to look at him, "Sully, the children will
be up soon." "As a matter of fact..." she found a particularly
sensitive area. "My husband taught me what the
"I know," he gently pulled her into his arms again. books could not."
"But I don't wanna let ya go yet."
"He seems like a lucky fella, your husband," Sully
"Are you certain that you're all right?" she spoke of himself in the third person.
"Oh, he is," she nodded. "But lately, he seems to
"Uh...." he hesitated. "I think I'm sick." have an unquenchable appetite."

"Sick?" she felt his forehead.

"Unquenchable?" his voice had a rasp. "Do you "Come here," the shopkeeper beckoned. "Wanna
mind?" talk to ya for a spell."

"No," she smiled. "But if he had his way, I would "How are ya?" Brian greeted him.
never get any work done."
"Well, now," he grinned. "I'm doin' just fine."
"If he had his way?" he repeated in a low voice. "Is
he forward with ya?" "What did ya wanna talk about?" the young man
"Quite," she smiled. "But I love him, nonetheless."
"That creature ya saw," he responded.
"How much do ya love him?" he grinned.
"I never saw anythin' like it before," Brian's eyes
She became the one to quote poetry, widened.

"I wonder, by my troth, "Come on in, an' tell me all about it," Loren invited.
What thou and I did
'Til we loved." ************

"Mmm," he kissed her neck. Sully set his tool box on the floor of the Clinic
examining room, "Okay, what do ya need fixed?"
"Aren't you going to guess the poet?" she tapped his
shoulder. Michaela lifted the list from her desk, "The first
recovery room bed has loose slats, the book shelf in
"Not right now," he tilted her head toward his. the children's room rattles, the door hinges all need
oil, and the window in the hallway sticks."
She felt herself melting in his arms, "Donne."
Sully took the list from her hands, "I'll start upstairs.
"No," he caressed her. "I'm just beginnin'." You kids be good for your Ma."

She laughed, "No, Sully. John Donne was the poet." "Can we watch ya, Poppy?" Katie implored.

"Oh," he grinned impishly. "Where was I?" Michaela interjected, "It will take your father twice
as long to fix it if you two are with him."
Before their banter could continue, they heard Katie
call. "We'll be good," the little girl pledged.

"Mama! Poppy! Rise an' shine," the little girl stood "I know you will," she touched her daughter's nose.
in the hallway. "It's your Daddy who will want to play."

"Now I'm done," Sully sighed. Sully winked and headed out. Michaela settled the
children into the anteroom, then began to inventory
************ her medical supplies. Periodically, she could hear
Sully's hammering upstairs. She smiled to herself,
"Brian, lad!" Loren called to the young man as he warming at the thought that he was a man of so
passed the mercantile. many talents... carpenter, translator, negotiator...

"Hey, Loren," he paused. There was a knock at the door.

Michaela opened it, "Mr. Wellington. You're early."

"I wanted to show you some plans I've drawn up," Frank could not contain his enthusiasm, "Early this
he removed his hat. "Is this an inconvenient time?" morning, I came here to take some measurements of
your building. This is merely a rough drawing, but I
"No," she brushed back a stray lock of hair. "Please, think that it will be to your liking."
come in. What plans do you have?"
"What will be to her liking?" Sully stood at the
"Plans for an expanded Clinic," his voice filled with doorway.
"Sully!" Frank smiled. "I was showing Dr. Quinn
************ the plans I've drawn up to expand her Clinic."

"So ya didn't see this creature close up?" Loren "Isn't it wonderful, Sully?" she pointed to the
concluded as Brian finished his tale. sketch.

"I was closer than I ever wanna be again," he shook He stepped closer to assess the rendering, "I thought
his head. you were only gonna buy medical equipment an'
supplies. Now you're plannin' on addin' floors t' the
"Some o' us were thinkin' about goin' after it," the buildin'?"
storekeeper replied.
"Yes," Frank responded. "Three more. And an
"T' kill it?" the young man was horrified. elevator connecting them."

"No," Loren asserted. "T' bring it back." "An elevator!" Michaela's eyes widened.

"Why?" Brian did not understand. "This buildin' can't support...." Sully was
"So's folks can look at it," he put his fingers in his
vest pocket and leaned back. "We're gonna put it in "This building will be scrapped," Frank interjected.
a cage an' have folks pay t' see it." "We'll use steel beams for the framing and
"That sounds cruel," Brian's brow wrinkled.
"I... I didn't realize you intended to destroy the
"Wouldn't be cruel," Loren countered. "We'd take existing structure," Michaela hesitated.
care of it. It wouldn't have t' scavenge for food
anymore." "You're making a trade off for a much better
facility," Frank pointed out.
"What if it has a mate an' young ones?" Brian
considered. Sully folded his arms. Silently, he watched
Wellington sell his wife on his ideas. The man had
"If we find 'em, we'll bring 'em back, too," he unlimited resources to provide the best for her.
reasoned. Swallowing hard, Sully turned and went to the
anteroom. Opening the door, he observed his
"I don't think Pa's gonna like this," Brian pondered sleeping children.
"Sully?" Michaela's voice was heard behind him.
"Who says he has t' know?" Loren shrugged.
He paused but did not turn around to face her.
She approached and spoke low, "What do you

"If it's what ya want..." his voice trailed off. "Seems like it's all happenin' too fast," he stated.
"With a bigger buildin' will come bigger bills.
"This would be finer than any hospital in Denver," Maintainin' somethin like this will be expensive."
she said.
"I'll discuss that with Frank," she returned to her
He forced a smile, "Wouldn't need t' have me desk.
repairin' old worn out things."
Sully changed the subject, "I got a few more things
"It would be the largest building in Colorado t' do upstairs."
Springs," she added.
At that moment, Brian entered the Clinic, "Pa, could
Frank asked, "Is it all right if I begin organizing the I talk with ya?"
construction crews and materials?"
"Sure, Brian. Come on up with me," Sully
Sully felt awkward, "Could we think on it?" motioned. "I got work t' do."

"Of course," he answered. "In the meantime, I'll ************

bring some catalogs for Dr. Quinn to look at for
equipment." In front of the mercantile, a group of riders had
assembled to go in search of the creature.
"Thank you so much, Mr. Wellington," she
extended her hand. "Brian said he saw it over near Quail Lake," Loren
He shook it, and in Sully's mind, clasped it a little
too long, "Won't you please call me Frank?" "He comin' with us?" Jake wondered.

"Frank," she nodded. "He went t' talk t' Sully," the shopkeeper replied.
"Said he'd be right back."
"May I call you Michaela?" he requested.
"That won't do," Preston shook his head. "Sully will
"Certainly," she consented. want to leave the little furry thing out in the woods."

Frank departed. Loren cautioned, "It may be furry, but it sure ain't
As the door closed behind him, Michaela turned to
her husband, "I feel like Cinderella at the ball." "Sully'll prob'ly try t' talk us outa this," Hank
"You're prettier than Cinderella," he put his arm
around her waist. "Well, if we leave now, he won't have the chance,"
Jake urged.
"And I already have my Prince Charming," she
kissed him lightly. "If we leave without Brian, we might not find it,"
Hank countered. "He knows exactly where t' look."
"So this'll be your happily ever after," he nodded.
"So what d' we do then?" Horace chimed in.
"Does my Prince Charming has his doubts?" she
gazed into his eyes. "I guess we wait," Jake frowned.


"An' they want me t' show 'em where I found it," "I will," he left.
Brian concluded. "What should I do, Pa?"
Sully looked around the recovery room with its
"Looks like you've come t' one o' those forks in the wooden walls and floors. There were cracks and
road life sometimes puts before ya," Sully smiled. creaks. It was here that Michaela had helped so
many people, and here that she had lost some
"Well, you're real good at readin' maps," Brian patients, as well. Maybe with a new facility, she
grinned. "What would you do?" could help even more. But....

"What do ya think you should do?" Sully folded his "Why don't this sit right?" he sighed to himself.
"Are you finished?" Michaela's voice startled him.
"I'm not sure. I guess I could lead them t' where I
saw it an' hope we don't find it," the young man "Ah... not yet," he lifted his hammer.
"What did Brian want to discuss with you?" she was
"Maybe you could make sure they don't," Sully curious. "He said goodbye and that he'd be home
raised an eyebrow. "Take 'em on a wild goose tomorrow."
"He's goin' with some o' the men from town t' look
"What?" Brian tilted his head. for the creature," he detailed.

"Just take 'em out there, but not t' the exact place "Sully..." she became concerned.
where ya saw the creature," Sully explained. "Once
they get their fill o' wanderin' around for a spell, "Don't worry," he smiled. "Brian's gonna lead 'em
they'll lose interest an' come home." around 'til they get tired o' lookin'."

Brian chuckled, "That sounds good. I could do "Why do they want to find it?" she asked.
"T' capture it an' make it int' a tourist attraction or
"Did ya want me t' come with ya?" he offered. somethin'," he glanced out the window and saw
Brian join the group.
"No, thanks," the young man replied. "You got your
hands full with all the things Mr. Wellington wants She rested her hand on his shoulder, "I suppose I
t' do." have to learn to not worry over him so."

"What do ya mean?" Sully wondered. "He's a man now, Michaela," he turned back to her.

"I mean he seems t' be takin' over things," Brian "It seems like only yesterday, I was rocking him to
was blunt. sleep," her eyes reddened.

Sully was relieved he was not the only one who felt "Things change," he noticed. "Time passes."
that way, "You could be right."
"Soon, it will only be the two of us," she thought
"He might be talkin' Ma int' things she don't really about her children growing up.
want," Brian added. "I better be goin'. They're
waitin' for me." "We still got Katie an' Josef for a while longer," he
embraced her.
"Be careful, son," Sully patted his shoulder.

She leaned her head against his chest and closed her "Here, Joe," Sully held out his hand. "Let's give that
eyes. a rest for a while. If ya blow int' it too much, it
makes folks upset."
"You okay?" he rubbed her back.
"No, Papa," the little boy began to run toward the
"I just thought I could use some holding," she said. steps.

"Any time," he smiled. "Josef," Sully's voice was suddenly firm.

************ The child stopped in his tracks and turned contritely

toward his father.
As Michaela and Sully prepared dinner, there as a
knock at the homestead door. When Sully opened it, "Bring me the whistle," Sully beckoned in a serious
there stood Frank Wellington. tone.

"Good evening, Sully," he removed his hat. "Have I Josef scampered to his father and quickly placed it
come at a bad time?" in his hand.

Before Sully could answer, Michaela greeted him, "Thank you," Sully lightly patted his son's behind.
"Frank, won't you come in? We're about to have
dinner. Please, join us." "I apologize," Frank was embarrassed. "I'm afraid I
don't have much experience with children."
"I'd love to," he stepped into the living room.
"What brings ya here?" Sully put the whistle in his
"Hello, Mr. Wellin'ton," Katie approached. pocket.

"I brought you and your brother something," he "Catalogs," Frank replied. "I brought them for
leaned over. "A sketch pad for your drawing." Michaela to look at. Then I thought we might
discuss details of the new Clinic."
Josef quickly appeared, "Pwesent?"
"Thank you," Michaela took the books from his
"Yes," Frank grinned. "I brought you a whistle." hands. "Please come in and make yourself
comfortable. Dinner is almost ready.
The little boy took the device in his hand and
examined it. ************

"You blow into it," Frank pointed. "Good dinner," Jake complimented Brian.

Josef put it to his mouth, but it emitted no sound. "Thanks," the young man smiled. "It's snake meat."

"Other end," Frank smiled. Suddenly the contents of Jake's mouth sprayed
forth, "Snake?"
Suddenly, the quiet of the home was shattered by
the piercingly shrill sound. Wolf began to whine. "Ain't ya never eaten snake?" Hank chuckled.

"Perhaps, this wasn't such a good idea for a toy, but "No," the barber wiped his mouth. "An' I don't
it was all I could find at the Mercantile," Frank intend t' start."
"Did you hear somethin'?" Horace's eyes grew
Josef let forth another burst from the whistle. larger.

"Yea," Jake said. "That's my stomach growlin' "Warn?" Josef tilted his head.
'cause it's empty."
Sully stroked his son's head, "T' let folks know
"Stop complaining," Preston rolled his eyes. "What someone's in trouble, ya blow the whistle, an' help
did you hear, Horace?" will come."

"Listen," the telegraph operator cautioned. "Not toy?" the little boy struggled to comprehend.

The camp grew still. In the distance, they could hear "Right," Sully kissed his cheek. "Now, ya got lots o'
coyotes yelping. Then came the sound of trees toys in your box there. Why don't ya play with
crashing. All of the men raised their weapons. In the them?"
light from the full moon, they could see the trees
swaying. Something of tremendous size was "I hold wizzle?" the child requested.
"Yep," Sully lifted it from his pocket. "But
************ remember what it's for."
Chapter 4
************ "'Kay," Josef reluctantly slid from his father's lap
with the whistle in his hand.
Brian, Hank, Jake, Loren, Horace and Preston
listened intently as their adrenaline charged every ************
nerve in their bodies. Suddenly, the crashing sound
they had heard ceased. Then a shrill cry arose, Frank concluded by showing Michaela the last
hushing the yelps of the coyotes. room, "And this is a lounge for your staff."

"Let's get outa here!" Jake shouted. "A lounge?" she was uncertain.

"Hold it," Hank called. "We came t' find the "A room to which they can go to rest, consult one
creature, an' I ain't leavin'." another, even relax with a game of chess, my
personal favorite," he chuckled.
"Well, I ain't stayin!" Jake headed for his horse.
"You play chess?" she smiled.
"Indeed," he grinned. "In college, I won many
With supper concluded, Frank spread his drawings tournaments. Do you play?"
across the dining room table to show Michaela the
meticulous detail he had added to the Clinic "When I have time," she nodded. "With a medical
sketches since morning. practice and my two little ones, there's not much of
"It's quite impressive," she studied them.
"Do you have time right now?" he invited.
Sully sat by the fireplace with the children. Katie
began to draw on her new sketch pad, while Josef, "I..." she hesitated. "I suppose so."
on his father's lap, attempted unsuccessfully to
withdraw his new whistle from Sully's shirt pocket. "Good," his eyes lit up. "I challenge you to a game.
I may even concede a move or two."
"Pwease, Papa," Josef became frustrated.
Michaela's back stiffened, "I can assure you, I do
"Joe," Sully took the child's hands in his and spoke not need special treatment."
low. "A whistle is not t' play with. It's t' warn folks."

"I'm only teasing," he laughed. "Where is the whistle?" Michaela feared a late night
Michaela went into the living room and began to set
up the chess set. "Here," he pointed to his pocket. "Papa say 'kay."

"Playin' checkers, Mama?" Katie stood up. "He'll be good with it," Sully lifted the little boy
from his wife's arms.
"Chess," Michaela replied.
"I love you, my darlings," Michaela spoke.
"Can I watch?" the little girl requested.
Sully escorted the children upstairs, and Michaela
"Can?" the mother reminded. joined Frank for the challenge of chess.

"May I watch?" Katie amended. ************

"What time is it?" Michaela continued her task. Jake quickly saddled, mounted and spurred his
horse, but the animal refused to budge. It's eyes
Katie glanced at the mantle clock, "Eight thirty. were wide with fear.
Can... may I stay up a little later, please?"
Then as a breeze kicked up, Brian smelled it. The
"You heard your Ma, Kates," Sully stood up. stench of the big creature was instantly
"Come on." recognizable.

"Okay," her lower lip curled under. "It's here," Brian spoke low.

"Frank," Michaela said. "Could you finish setting "I don't see anything," Preston nervously toyed with
up the board while I take my children...." the trigger of his rifle.

"I'll do it, Michaela," Sully cut in. "You go ahead "That smell," Brian identified.
with your game."
"Smells like somethin' dead, not somethin' alive,"
"Thank you, Sully," she smiled. Lifting her Horace's voice trembled.
daughter, she kissed her forehead, "Good night,
Sweetheart. Don't forget your prayers." "Keep your guns trained," Hank warned. "Jake, help
me get the net ready."
"I won't," she pledged. "'Night, Mr. Wellin'ton."
"You think a net is gonna hold somethin' that big?"
"Good night," he responded. Jake doubted.

"What else do you say?" Michaela whispered. ************

"Thanks for the drawin' tablet," Katie added. As Sully descended the stairs, he heard his wife's
"You're quite welcome," he acknowledged.
"Checkmate," Michaela spoke with excitement.
After setting Katie down, Michaela corralled Josef,
"Good night, young man." "Amazing," Frank shook his head.

He threw his arms around her neck and planted a "Ya win already?" Sully placed his hand on her
wet kiss on her cheek, "'Night, Mama." shoulder.

"Yes," she smiled. speaking, they began to change for bed. Each
perceived that something was on the other's mind,
"Your wife is an incredible woman, Sully," Frank yet they did not verbalize it.
stood up.
While Michaela crawled into bed and began to leaf
Sully agreed, "Ya get no argument from me on through the catalogs, Sully added a large log to the
that." fire and stoked it. Then he joined her.

"I really should be going now, but I'll leave the "How many rooms is the new Clinic gonna have?"
catalogs with you, Michaela," Frank donned his hat. Sully looked over her shoulder.
"Would it be all right if I stop by the Clinic
tomorrow to discuss your order?" She answered, "Ten recovery rooms, two surgical
rooms, three offices...."
Imperceptibly, Sully sighed.
"That all?" he joked.
Michaela nodded, "Late afternoon would be best. I
have another commitment earlier in the day." "Several storage rooms, a room for the engine to
power the elevator..." she continued.
"Tomorrow afternoon, it is," he walked to the door.
"An' you're plannin' on stayin' awake until ya pick
Sully opened it for him, and after their goodbyes, out enough for each room?" he was concerned.
Frank departed. Michaela walked to the hearth and
pensively stared into the flames. She smiled at him, "You don't need to stay up with
me if you're tired."
"What ya thinkin' about?" Sully went to her.
"'Night then," he kissed her cheek.
"Nothing in particular," she felt his hands slip
around her waist. "Good night," she stroked his hair. "I love you."

"What other commitment ya got early t'morrow?" "Love you, too," he rolled onto his side away from
he spoke low in her ear. her.

"I have a consultation with another physician who He could hear her turning pages and making notes.
will be in town," she said. Soon his thoughts drifted, and he fell asleep.

"Oh," he began to lower the lamps. "Ready for ************

"No sign of any creature now," Hank put his hands
"Let me get the catalogs," she lifted them from the on his hips. "Looks like we missed our chance."
"We could track him," Preston concluded.
"I'll carry them for ya," he took them from her "Something that big would leave monstrous
hands. "Plan on lookin' through these t'night?" footprints. In the full moon, we might be able to
"I thought I might, yes," she followed him up the
stairs. Loren's voice quaked, "I ain't so sure I wanna
follow it."
Quietly, they stopped at the nursery to check on
their sleeping children, then resumed their walk "Me either," Horace chimed in.
down the hallway to their bedroom. Without

"I think we should wait 'til mornin'," Jake stated. "I've known feelings of misfortune," he glanced
down. "I wish I would have had a woman's love to
"By then, it could be miles away," Preston help me."
Michaela encouraged, "Love may find you, yet."
"Then you go ahead an' track it," Jake folded his
arms. "I know one thing," he paused. "If I ever do find the
woman for me, I'll never let her go."
"I'll come with ya," Hank volunteered.
"Be careful," Jake warned.
Sully rolled over and noticed that Michaela's side of
The two men set off to find the mysterious animal. the bed was vacant. He placed his hand where she
had once lain. The sheets were cold. He pulled
************ himself up and thought he could discern voices
downstairs. Who could be here at this hour, he
"Frank?" Michaela opened the homestead door. thought. Rising from the bed, he pulled on his
buckskins and headed for the door.
"Michaela," he stepped inside. "I came back
because I forgot to leave one of the catalogs with ************
"Find anythin'?" Jake caught sight of Preston and
"It could have waited until tomorrow," she pulled Hank returning.
her robe tighter.
"Nothing," the banker was disappointed. "The tree
"Is Sully asleep?" he noted his absence. growth was too thick and blocked the moonlight."

"Yes," she informed him. "I came down for a cup of "Told ya we oughta wait 'til mornin'," Jake
tea. Would you like to join me?" reminded.

"I'd love to," he removed his hat. "I'm still smarting "Got no choice now," Hank sat down and poured a
from my chess loss this evening. Where did you cup of coffee. "I'll tell ya one thing. I ain't goin'
learn to play so well?" home without it."

"My father taught me," she pumped water into the ************
kettle and placed it on the stove.
"Sully," Michaela heard her husband descend the
"Do you play much?" he wondered. steps. "Did we waken you?"

"Sully and I play on occasion," she noted. "No," he rubbed his hand across his stubbled face.
"What are you doin' here, Frank?"
"Do you beat him, too?" he grinned.
"I got all the way to the Chateau and realized I
"Sometimes," she set the cups on the table. forgot to give Michaela this catalog," he indicated.
"I knew she would be busy in the morning, so I took
"He's a very lucky man," Frank spoke wistfully. the chance you would still be up and brought it
"And I'm a very lucky woman," she turned it
around. "We've had our share of misfortune, but "I see," Sully eyed him skeptically.
because of our love, we came through it."

"Would you like some tea, Sully?" Michaela poured "Please tell me what's bothering you," she noted his
the water. expression. "You can tell me anything. You know
"No, thanks," he kept his eye on Frank.
He took a deep breath, "I... I think that it's all too
The man perceived Sully's glare, "On second much."
thought, Michaela, I think I'd better leave now.
Thanks again for dinner earlier." "Too much?" she queried.

"You're welcome," she wondered why he was "Everythin' Frank is doin'," he revealed his feelings.
abruptly departing. "This new Clinic, all the stuff he's buyin' for ya,
"I'll stop by the Clinic in the afternoon," he walked
toward the door. "And what?" she probed.

Sully opened it for him, "Good night, Frank." "An' I don't like the way he looks at ya," he added.

He paused to look at the mountain man, then left. "How he looks at me?" Michaela's brow wrinkled.

Returning to his wife, Sully placed his hand on her "Like he's lookin' for more than friendship," Sully
back, "Comin' up now?" said.

"Yes," she lifted the catalog in one hand and her tea "That's ridiculous," she became defensive. "He
in the other. merely considers me a friend."

************ "Michaela," Sully placed his hand atop hers. "I

know what it means when a man looks at a woman
A rooster's crow wakened Sully. He yawned and the way he looks at you."
rolled over. To his surprise, Michaela was not there.
Rising and dressing, he made his way down the "I believe that you're misinterpreting...." she was cut
hallway. The children were still sleeping. He off.
continued down the steps. There was Michaela,
dressed and pouring over the catalogs. "No," his voice rose slightly. "I don't want ya alone
with him anymore."
He spoke, "Still lookin' at those?"
"What do you mean?" she pulled her hand from
"Yes," she sighed. "And I have an appointment in under his.
an hour."
"I mean just what I said," he met her gaze. "He's
"Michaela," he came around to face her. "Is this fallin' in love with ya, Michaela."
what ya really want?"
"That's impossible," she shook her head. "I've done
"Of course," she found his question odd. "Why do nothing to encourage such a thing."
you ask?"
He paused, hoping to defuse the growing tension,
He debated whether to speak what was truly on his "You're a beautiful woman, caring, kind..."
"Sully, I resent your accusation," she interrupted.

"I ain't accusin' you of anythin'," he replied. "A "What can I do for you?" he removed his hat.
lonely man might misunderstand your friendly
ways." "There are several patients I would like to discuss
with you," she bid him to sit.
"But you believe that I am encouraging some sort of
feelings on his part?" she was horrified. "Pregnancy cases?" he assumed.

He knew the argument was going nowhere, "I'm "Yes," she answered as she opened the top file on
goin' out t' milk the cow." her desk.

"But...." she stopped when the door slammed. Suddenly, she could not contain her tears.

************ Dr. Bernard was surprised, "Dr. Quinn?"

"I think we better get more supplies if we're gonna "I.... I'm sorry," she wiped away the moistness.
stay out here lookin' for the creature," Hank
informed the group. "Is there something particularly troubling about this
first patient?" he surmised.
"I believe it would be more advantageous to send a
couple of men back to town, while the rest of us "No..." she stood and went to the window to look
resume the tracking," Preston contributed. out. "I... I must apologize for asking you here under
these circumstances."
"Brian an' me can go," Loren replied.
"Why?" he was puzzled. "We often consult on
"I can tell Ma I'll be gone for more than a day," cases."
Brian reasoned.
"But in this instance, I didn't really ask you here
"We'll keep this as our base camp," Jake stated. because of that," she revealed.
"When ya get back with the provisions, bring 'em
here." "Then why did you invite me?" he tilted his head.

************ "I wanted you to see me," she came out with it. "I'm
the patient."
"Dr. Bernard," Michaela opened the Clinic door and
greeted the physician. "I appreciate your coming ************
from Denver." Chapter 5
"I don't mind a bit, Dr. Quinn," he smiled. "Your
daughter and son-in-law send their regards. They "You're the patient?" the older physician wondered.
are developing quite a reputation in our capital." "Have you been ill?"

Michaela's heart filled with pride, "I'm glad to hear Michaela folded her hands, "No. But..."
He could tell that she was struggling with
The sound of Katie and Josef playing emanated something, "Please, sit down, and tell me what's
from behind the anteroom door. wrong."

"How are your young ones?" he smiled. She returned to her desk and sat, "My husband and I
have been trying to have another baby. Since we
"Active as always," she noted.

lost the child a year and a half ago, I have been project, she would never have time. She would
unable to conceive." barely find moments for the children or him, once....
He crumpled the sketch up and tossed it aside.
"I see," his tone was sympathetic. "Why don't I
examine you to see if there is any physical reason ************
for it?"
"Well?" Michaela sat up.
"I would appreciate it," she acknowledged. "I
realize at my age, another pregnancy might not be Dr. Bernard told her, "Everything appears to be
possible." quite normal."

"And you are aware of the risks," he interjected. "That is good news," she was relieved. "But it
"Another pregnancy would mean that you should doesn't provide a physical explanation for my
greatly curtail your activities and your medical failure to become pregnant again."
"I'm sure you are aware that there may be other
Suddenly, Michaela considered the repercussions of factors preventing it, besides your age," he advised.
the new and expanded Clinic. She wanted another "Tell me about your monthly cycle."
baby more than anything in the world, and yet.... if
it were to happen, all of her professional plans "It has always been irregular," she sighed.
would be impossible.
"How often are you and your husband intimate?" he
"Dr. Quinn?" he noticed her distracted demeanor. inquired.

She came back to reality, "Ah, yes. I know the She blushed slightly, "When he's home, rather
risks." often, but sometimes he is away for a week or two
at a time."
"Let's begin your examination," he removed his
coat. "Healthy body, healthy relations with your
husband," he paused. "You went through quite a
************ trauma this year when your daughter was
kidnapped. That could be a factor. Perhaps a
Sully looked over his sketch of a new bed for his reduction in your workload here at the Clinic would
son. Two beds would be a tight squeeze in the help. Avoid stress. Spend more time with Mr.
nursery. Then he sighed. It might be better to move Sully."
Katie into a room of her own. With Matthew no
longer living there, they had the space. "I see," she considered. "I'll take that under
consideration. I appreciate your coming here,
He stood up and walked to the kitchen window. Doctor."
Glancing out, he spotted the tree they had planted
over the buried memorial box for their lost child. "What about those other patients?" he turned his
His heart filled with sadness as he recalled the attention to the folders on her desk.
terrifying day that Michaela miscarried the baby.
After their ordeal, his wife had not wanted to think ************
about more children. But since Katie's kidnapping
and Josef's trauma this year, they had contemplated Sully swung the ax to split a log. His mind
another baby more earnestly. wandered to Michaela again. Then a thought
occurred to him. He was being selfish.... thinking
He folded his arms. She would not want another only of what he wanted and not what Michaela
child now, not with a new Clinic. He knew that might need. She had been so happy about the idea
Michaela would throw herself so totally into the of expanding the Clinic. And he put a damper on it.
Maybe he was reading too much into the attention "Michaela," Frank's eyes lit up when she opened the
Frank Wellington was paying to her. He knew door. "Are you free now?"
Michaela would never consciously encourage such
feelings. It was foolish of him to concern her with "Yes," she stepped back to invite him in.
his unfounded suspicions.
"Do you have all of the Clinic orders ready?" he
"Selfish and foolish," he became frustrated with queried.
himself as he split another log with a hack of the ax.
"I... I wrote down what I think I'll need," she sat at
************ her desk.

Michaela sat at her desk. The children had gone to "Is there a problem?" he picked up on her
the Cafe. They loved visiting with their godmother, hesitation.
who pampered their appetites and permitted them to
help with her cooking. She deliberated on how to tell him, "Frank, I
appreciate all that you have offered."
Glancing toward the clock, she knew that Frank
Wellington would soon arrive. The dilemma she "I told you why I'm doing it," he related. "To thank
now faced filled her mind. How to divide her time. you. You're not having second thoughts, are you?"
Since her marriage and birth of her children, she
had somehow managed to achieve a balance "I... I believe I need more time to think about all of
between the needs of her family and her career. this," she came out with it. "It's so overwhelming in
its scope, and it will have a tremendous impact on
But now, the balance no longer seemed possible. In my family."
the euphoria of contemplating a new Clinic, it had
not occurred to her how it would affect her family. His eyes softened, "I understand. I guess I'm just so
She had permitted Frank's take-charge attitude and accustomed to working with deadlines and being
the lure of a new Clinic to obscure her assertive in my company, I forgot that this is not
responsibilities to her husband and children. business. It will greatly impact your life."

Sliding her hands down to her abdomen, she sighed. "Thank you for understanding," she smiled.
She wanted both another baby and a facility in
which she could treat patients much more "Of course," he nodded. "There is no need for
effectively, but it appeared that having one would urgency, particularly since I've initiated some steps
be at the expense of the other. to relocate here."

Then it occurred to her, "I'm being selfish.... "You're moving to Colorado Springs?" she was
thinking about what I want and not what Sully surprised. "What about your business?"
wants.... And foolish. I'm foolish to think that I
could have it all and selfish to even want it." "I have people to run it for me," he indicated. "I
don't have to be in Chicago all of the time."
Suddenly, she longed to be in her husband's arms....
seeking his counsel.... receiving his strength and Michaela had a passing thought that Sully's
encouragement. She regretted their argument from suspicions might be true, but she quickly dismissed
this morning. But it was completely unfounded. it, "Why would you want to move here, Frank?"
How could Sully think that Frank Wellington was
interested in her? She had given him absolutely "I am impressed with the climate, the unspoiled
no.... wilderness, and... the friendly people," he
A knock at the door brought her thoughts to a halt.

Their conversation was interrupted by a loud knock Frank chuckled, "Spoken like a caring mother. I
at the door. must leave now. I have a meeting about purchasing
some land. I hope to build a home here."
"Come in," Michaela beckoned.
"I see," she said.
"Ma!" Brian rushed into her office. "Oh, hi, Mr.
Wellington." "When you have decided what you want, you'll let
me know?" he walked to the door.
"Hello, Brian," he grinned. "You look as if you've
seen a ghost." "Yes," she agreed.

"Somethin' just as scary," the young man stated. ************

"We had an encounter with the creature out there
last night." At dinner that evening, Michaela and Sully made
small talk while Katie prattled on about Miss Grace
"I thought Sully said you were going to avoid it," and the Cafe.
Michaela stood.
"Sully," Michaela's tone turned serious. "I'm
"I was," he was still out of breath. "But we came concerned about Brian. He's out there with those
across it anyway. Loren an' me came back for men looking for... that thing. I believe it's entirely
supplies. Now they wanna stay out there 'til they too dangerous."
catch it."
"We can't tell him what t' do anymore, Michaela,"
"Brian," Michaela cast a disapproving glance. "I he reminded. "All we can do is hope that we raised
don't want you..." him t' make wise choices on his own."

He interjected, "I'll be all right, Ma. An' I'm not "Well, I don't believe this is wise," she amended.
alone this time."
"He'll be okay," he attempted to allay her fears.
"I'm aware of that, but I'd feel much better if you "Hank knows enough t' keep him safe."
did not do this," she added.
She became silent. Sully assumed she was still
"Don't worry," he kissed her cheek. "Don't know upset with him from this morning.
when I'll be home, but I'll fill ya in on everythin'
when I get back." "How'd your appointment go?" he opened the topic.

"Be careful," she called after him as he left the She hedged giving a direct answer, "Fine."
"Anythin' interestin'?" he probed further.
Her shoulders slumped. Frank stood up and went to
her. "Joey an' me made meatloaf," Katie contributed.

Placing his hand on her arm, he counseled, "He'll be "Joey and I," Michaela smiled.
fine, Michaela. You've raised him to be an
independent man." "No, Mama," Katie shook her head. "It was when
we were at Miss Grace's. You weren't there."
She sighed and returned to her desk, "Sully taught
him that. I'm afraid if I had my way, he'd never Sighing in frustration, Michaela dropped the
leave home." attempt to correct her daughter's grammar.

"Josef," she noted that he was not eating. "Aren't She closed her eyes, her heart filling with love for
you hungry, Sweetheart?" this man who always put her needs and wants first.
A tear trickled down her cheek.
"Not feel good, Mama," he seemed listless.
Sully saw it and quickly knelt at her feet, "Please,
She reached to feel his forehead, "He's a little don't cry."
She brought her hand to his face, "I love you,
Lifting him into her arms, she kissed his cheek. Sully."

"Did ya talk t' Mrs. Wagner about the bad words "I love you, too," he pulled her hand to his heart.
Billy uses, Mama?" Katie asked. "An' I'd do anythin' t' make ya happy."

"No, I'm afraid I haven't had time," she carried Josef "You do make me happy," she brushed back a lock
to the rocking chair. of his hair.

Tenderly, she held her son and began the back and "Then what's on your mind?" he wondered.
forth motion that had so often comforted her
children. "I spoke with Frank this afternoon," she informed
him. "I told him that I need more time to think
"Come on, Kates," Sully stood. "Let's clean up." about expanding the Clinic."

"I like helpin' ya, Poppy," she was eager. "But ya stayed up most o' the night lookin' at them
catalogs," he was puzzled. "I thought ya wanted him
"An' I like havin' ya," he grinned. t' move on things right away."

************ "I was not considering all of the ramifications," she

told him.
"Josef okay?" Sully looked up from the wing back
chair when Michaela descended the steps. "What ramifications?" he wanted clarification.

"I believe it's a slight cold," she ascertained. "You," she smiled. "The children."

"Poor fella," he sympathized. "We'll be behind ya whatever ya wanna do," he

spoke sincerely.
Michaela sat in the chair opposite him and folded
her hands. She wanted to tell her husband all that "I can't tell you how grateful I am to you, Sully,"
had happened today, and yet, for reasons she did not her eyes filled with moisture.
understand herself, she hesitated doing so.
"How'd Frank take the news?" he questioned.
Sully assumed their morning argument was on her
mind, "Michaela...." "He is moving to Colorado Springs," she divulged.

"What?" she turned her attention to him. "Movin' here?" Sully was stunned. "Leavin' his
"About this mornin'," he broached the subject. "I
didn't mean t' upset ya about the new Clinic. If it's Suddenly, he filled with anxiety. With Wellington
what ya truly want, it ain't my right t' discourage living here, offering his support and money to
ya." Michaela, where might it lead?

Sensing his mood, she pulled his hand into her lap, "What should we do?" Loren held onto Brian's arm.
"There's something else I need to discuss with you,
Sully." "Nothin' right now," Hank advised.

************ "Keep your guns ready," Jake added. "Sounds like

he's mad."
"We found footprints," Jake's eyes were wide as he
described the day to Loren and Brian. "Human like "Sounds like he's hungry," Horace interpreted.
an' barefoot, this big," he held his hands 18 inches
apart. "It just occurred to me how we can catch it,"
Preston revealed.
"There's lots o' elk around here," Hank observed. "I
figure that's what it eats. We found a couple o' "You still wanna catch that thing?" Horace doubted.
"Think of how many people would pay to hear that
"I don't much like goin' after a meat eater," Horace melodious tone," the banker grinned.
voiced his fear.
"It's time we get some shuteye," Jake ordered.
"Hank, you an' Preston keep watch." "What else did ya wanna discuss with me,
Michaela?" Sully wondered.
"I don't think I'll get any sleep," Horace stretched
out. She paused, reflecting on her thoughts from earlier
in the day. He squeezed her hand for support.
"I'll make that little tap, tap, tap sound like your
telegraph for ya," Hank quipped. "It'll put ya right "It's about something we've wanted for some time,"
out." she began.

"No, thanks," Horace did not appreciate his humor. "Mama!" Josef's little voice called from above.

Suddenly, a loud noise echoed across the terrain. Instinctively, Michaela rose and headed for the
steps. Sully quickly followed.
The sound resembled the call of a man rising from a
low pitch to a higher pitch before ending, ************
"Uuuuhhhhaaaa - Uuuuhhhhaaaa!" Chapter 6
"What the hell..." Hank cocked his rifle.
Josef was standing, clutching the railing of his crib
The horses became restless and reared up on their when Michaela reached the nursery. Standing
hind legs in fear. beside him was Katie.

The terrifying sound echoed again, "Ahhhh - "He woke up, cryin', Mama," the little girl said as
uuuhhhh" -- a diminutive, rhythmic, and almost Sully arrived.
conversational form of the vocalization they heard
earlier. This call was repeated several times and was Michaela lifted her feverish son into her arms, "It's
followed by a pair of low, sharp clicks as if two all right, Sweetheart. We're here."
hard objects or rocks were being struck together.
"Ya gonna give him Willow Bark tea?" Katie
The men in camp were paralyzed with fear. speculated.

"A little bit," Michaela replied. "You've been through so much," she spoke low. "I
wish I could protect you from ever being hurt or
"Come on, Kates," Sully placed his hand on his sick again, Josef."
daughter's back. "We'll heat the water, while your
Ma tends t' Josef." He turned up the corner of his mouth in a smile.

"Papa," Josef reached his hand toward his father. ************

Sully paused and went to him. Embracing both his "Poppy," Katie sat at the table. "Is Joey gonna be
wife and son, he kissed Josef's head. okay?"

"We're gonna make ya feel better, Joe," he smiled. "Sure he is," he nodded. "He's just got a cold."
"Be right back."
"I don't like it when he's sick," she leaned on her
Michaela sat down in the rocking chair with the elbows.
little boy, as Sully and Katie departed.
"You love your little brother a lot, don't ya, Kates,"
"Can you tell me where you hurt?" Michaela he grinned.
"Uh huh," she agreed. "He makes me laugh."
"Here," he pointed to his stomach.
"He's got a way about him," Sully concurred.
"Your tummy?" she rubbed it.
"I don't know what he's gonna do when I start t'
Josef turned his head against his mother's bosom school," the little girl pondered.
and nodded.
"What do ya mean?" he asked.
"I'll give you some medicine to make it better," she
rubbed his back. "Well," she sounded so grown up. "He'll be
lonesome. Joey don't like bein' by himself."
"I love ya, Mama," his voice melted her heart.
"Don't worry, Kates," he advised. "We'll see that he
"I love you, too, my darling," she hugged him. doesn't get lonely."
"You're going to be fine."
As Michaela rocked her son, she thought back to the
many traumas the little boy had suffered. Even "What's your plan for catchin' this thing?" Jake
before he was born, her pregnancy was endangered looked at Preston skeptically.
by the madman who tried to poison her in
Washington. Then there was the tracheotomy when "We bait him," the banker stated matter-of-factly.
he developed chicken pox, his coma after the fall
from a cliff, and more recently, the turmoil he "Usin' what?" Horace gulped.
experienced when he was separated from his
parents as they searched for Katie. "We kill an elk and put the body on the ground in
the middle of our net," Preston described. "When
Cradling him in her arms, she began to softly hum the creature comes in range, we snare him."
to her precious son. She tilted his face up to look at
him more closely. His beautiful blue eyes were the "Seems simple enough," Jake nodded.
image of Sully's. With his playful manner and a
smile that charmed everyone, he was the delight of
his family.
"First light, then," Hank tilted back his hat. "We kill "It's Cloud Dancin'," Brian recognized.
ourselves an elk."
"What the hell's he doin' here?" Hank wondered.
Brian watched the men intently as they finalized
their plans. His heart grew heavy that the idea of ************
leading them on a wild goose chase did not work. It
was too late now. They had heard the creature. Sully yawned and instinctively reached for his wife.
Smelled it, too. What would Sully do if he were in The empty space beside him in bed reminded him
this situation? What would he advise? of last night. Pulling on his clothing, he went to
check on his son.
Katie and Michaela were still sleeping in the little
With Katie following closely, Sully carried the tea girl's bed, but Josef was wide awake, playing
into the nursery. Michaela indicated that their son quietly in his crib with one of his stuffed animals.
was asleep in her lap. Setting the cup on the
nightstand, he lifted Katie and placed her in bed. He "Papa," the little boy whispered.
kissed her forehead and stroked her hair. Then he
turned to his wife and son. "How ya feelin'?" Sully lifted him.

"I'm going to sleep in here tonight," Michaela "Good," he smiled.

whispered. "He may waken again during the night."
Sully felt his forehead. The fever was gone. The
"I sure will miss ya," Sully spoke low. recuperative powers of children never failed to
amaze him.
Michaela beckoned him to lean closer, then kissed
him tenderly. "Ya hungry?" he kissed Josef's cheek.

"Good night," she let her palm linger at his cheek. "Yep," the child nodded.

"'Night," he moved closer for another, deeper kiss. "Let's go fix breakfast then," Sully grinned. "The
girls will be up soon."
Finally, they pulled apart, breathlessly.
"They cute," Josef pointed.
"I guess what you were gonna tell me can wait 'til
mornin'," he recalled. Sully chuckled softly, "They sure are."

"Yes," she leaned her head against Josef's. "It can ************
"What are you doin' here?" Jake asked the
************ Cheyenne Medicine man.

As dawn broke across the landscape of the Rockies, "I could ask you the same," Cloud Dancing
Jake focused on an approaching figure on responded.
"We're lookin' for a giant creature that roams these
"Wake up!" he called to the men. parts," Horace stated.

Horace grabbed his rifle, "What is it?" Cloud Dancing wondered, "Chiye-tanka?"

"Someone's comin'," he pointed. "Huh?" Jake folded his arms.

"The Big Man," Brian translated. "Pa told me about "I will stay with my brother's son," he placed his
the legend." hand on the young man's shoulder.

"We already come close t' seein' him a couple o' ************
times," Loren said. "Close enough t' smell him."
"Not goin' int' the Clinic t'day?" Sully noticed his
"You will not see him unless he wants you to see wife, still in her robe, sitting by the living room
him," the medicine man declared. "Do not fireplace in the late morning.
underestimate his powers."
"No, I was up rather late with Josef," she replied.
"Did you ever see him, Cloud Dancin'?" Brian "Did you check on him?"
He glanced up, "Yep. He's playin' in the nursery
"I have heard him," he noted. "I was bow hunting with Katie. That reminds me, I wanted t' talk with
many seasons ago with my son. A horrible gravelly ya about Josef's crib."
scream or yell of almost unbelievable volume came
from just inside the forest at about 150 to 200 yards "Were you thinking of making him a new bed?" she
distance." assumed.

"That's like the scream we heard last night," Brian's "Not much room in the nursery for another bed," he
eyes widened. pointed out. "I was thinkin' that maybe we oughta
put Katie in Matthew's old room. There'd be more
Cloud Dancing continued, "I am familiar with all room in the nursery for Josef."
manner of big game, and the sound was definitely
not an elk or bear. I noticed that a light breeze was "I suppose that would work," she did not seem
blowing from us toward the source of the sound. If focused on his words.
the creature had a good sense of smell, it was
probably smelling us. Bow hunting experience has "But then Katie told me somethin' that got me
taught me that an elk would smell us under the same thinkin'," he added.
conditions. The sound had a threatening essence to
it, louder than a man could possibly make. "What?" she wondered.
Whatever made the two tone scream must have one
big set of lungs and a very large mouth." "She said Josef don't like t' be alone," he said. "I
know he still has dreams sometimes, an'... well, I
"Did you see his footprints?" Preston was curious. guess we oughta keep the kids in the same room for
a little while longer."
"At the time, I thought so," the medicine man
related. "I found some very old large tracks in soft "If you think that's best," she nodded absently.
dirt on a flat area They were about 16 inches by 8
inches in size but too old to discern any toes or Sully walked to the stool at her feet and sat down,
other detail." "You not feelin' good?"

"Do you know anyone who actually saw the "Just tired," she sighed.
creature?" Preston pursued.
"Why don't ya go back t' bed then?" he
"The elders told of his appearance," Cloud Dancing recommended. "I'll try t' keep the kids quiet."
remembered. "Black and furry, standing erect like a
man." Michaela stared at him intently, "Sully, there's
something I'd like to discuss with you."
"Could you stay with us, Cloud Dancing?" Brian
"Sure," he hoped she would talk about what was Sully did not invite him in, "She was up late last
troubling her. night with our boy. She's just tired, is all."

Suddenly, there was a knock at the front door. "Would you please give her my regards?" Frank
He took a deep breath, "Looks like there's always
somethin' t' interrupt us." "Sure," Sully answered.

************ Wellington departed. Michaela had heard the

exchange from her seat in the living room. When
Brian and Cloud Dancing stayed at camp when the Sully approached her, he gently touched her
others set out in search of an elk to use as bait for shoulder.
capturing the great creature. The young man was
relieved to have his father's best friend there. "Frank sends his regards," he hid the disdain he felt.

"You wish to tell me something," the medicine man "That was nice of him," she commented.
"Now, before one o' the children needs ya or there's
"I don't want 'em t' catch this animal," Brian told a knock at the door again, ya wanna tell me what it
him. "They wanna put it in a cage an' sell tickets for is ya been tryin' t' tell me?" he returned to the stool.
folks t' look at."
She looked him in the eye, "I... feel as if I've come
"I assumed there would be money in their scheme," to a fork in the road."
Cloud Dancing nodded.
"Funny," he smiled. "The other day, I told Brian
"I wanted t' lead 'em on a wild goose chase 'til they that life has a way o' puttin' those in front o' us."
got tired an' wanted t' go home," Brian folded his
arms. "I don't know what to do, which way to go" she
hedged. "I'm torn."
"But instead, you came across Chiye-tanka," he
completed his thought. He extended his hand, and she clasped it.

"Nothin's gonna stop 'em now 'til they catch it," "Is it one o' those dilemmas where your heart tells
Brian became frustrated. ya one thing, an' your head tells ya another?" Sully
"Unless, when they catch him, he is not what they
thought," the medicine man smiled. "Not exactly," she shook her head. "It's one in
which my heart is involved no matter which path I
"What do ya mean?" Brian lifted his head. take."

"I have an idea, but I need your help," Cloud "Maybe ya oughta stop an' sit a spell then," he
Dancing requested. spoke softly.

************ "I am sitting," she took his statement literally.

"Frank?" Sully opened the front door. He smiled, "I mean, don't take either road yet. Just
wait a while until ya work things through."
"Hello, Sully," Wellington smiled. "I noticed that
Michaela was not at the Clinic this morning and "But by waiting, opportunity could be lost," she
thought perhaps something was wrong." added.

"I'm assumin' your dilemma has somethin' t' do with She toyed with the hair above his ear, "If I
me since ya said yesterday it was about somethin' concentrate on one possibility, I may lose the
we both want," he became more specific. "What is opportunity for the other."
it we both want?"
"I know the Clinic means an awful lot t' ya," he
She peered into his eyes, and spoke almost in a linked his fingers in hers.
whisper, "Another child."
"But not more than our family," she qualified. "It's
He stroked her abdomen, "Anythin' happen yet?" just that Dr. Bernard advised if I hope to conceive, I
should avoid stress... work fewer hours... spend
"No," she rested her hand on his. "That was the more time with you."
reason for my morning appointment yesterday. Dr.
Bernard was in town." "I like how he thinks," there was a gleam in Sully's
eye. "But that would mean no new Clinic."
His forehead creased, "You okay?"
"Right," she sat back.
"Yes," she replied. "I'm fine, but I haven't conceived
yet." He rubbed her leg, "This is somethin' ya gotta
decide for yourself, Michaela."
"I don't want ya worryin' about that, Michaela," he
captured her heart with his eyes. "If it happens, it'll "I already know what you think I should do," she
be wonderful, but...." noted.

"But you're going to tell me that you won't be "It's your body," he counseled. "An' it's your time.
disappointed if we have no more children," she Ya gotta think about what you're capable of doin'
interrupted. "An' I know otherwise." an' what ya want in the end."

"Ya shouldn't go tryin' t' read my mind," he grinned. "Thank you for giving me the freedom to choose,"
"It's a dangerous thing." she smiled.

"I want for us to have another baby, Sully," her He winked, "I learned a long time ago that Michaela
voice choked slightly. "But my time is running out. Quinn's a pretty powerful force t' reckon with.
If you had married a younger woman...." Whatever ya decide, I'll support ya, an' I'll take that
road with ya."
"Michaela," he was firm. "Don't say that. You're
who I wanted t' marry. You know that." ************

She raised his hand to her cheek. He softly caressed Katie found her father sitting on the front porch
it. swing, "What ya doin', Poppy?"

"If that's one o' the roads in the fork that's worryin' "I was just thinkin' that I need another person on
ya, what's the other?" he probed. this swing with me," he hoisted her into his lap and
kissed her cheek.
"The new Clinic," she was relieved to finally
express her feelings to him. "Good thing I found ya, then," she giggled.

"I see," he swallowed hard. "You sure look beautiful t'day," he touched one of
her curls.

"Thanks," she glanced down shyly with an "Ya do?" she was amazed.
expression that immediately reminded him of
Michaela. "Could ya answer a question for me?" "Yep," he tickled her side, "Bein' your Pa."

"I'll try," he determined. "That's not a job, Poppy!" she declared.

"I'm havin' trouble decidin' what I wanna be when I "It sure is," he made a face.
grow up," she sounded serious. "What do you
think?" "I think bein' Joey's Pa must be your hardest job
then," she placed her hand on his shoulder.
He grinned, "Kates, you're only six years old.
Seems like you're always in a hurry t' grow up." "Well, you help me a lot," he expressed.

"But I gotta think about it, Poppy," she folded her "I do?" she tilted her head. "How?"
hands on her lap. "I'm not gettin' any younger. What
did you wanna be when ya grew up?" "By bein' such a good example for your brother t'
follow," he hugged her. "But I want ya t' do
"I wanted t' be a longshoreman," he responded. somethin' for me."

"What's that?" her eyes grew wide. "What?" she raised her eyebrows.

"It's someone who loads an' unloads cargo on He advised, "Don't worry too much right now about
ships," Sully informed her. what ya wanna do when ya grow up. Sometimes the
best things come along an' make ya forget what ya
"That's all?" she contemplated it. planned when ya were little."

"Yep," he nodded. ************

"We don't got any ships around here," she thought "Where's Cloud Dancin'?" Jake asked when the men
about it. "But they do in Boston." returned with the elk they had shot.

"When I was your age, I lived in New York City," "He had t' leave," Brian was evasive.
he explained. "Do ya remember when we took ya
there on the grand tour?" "Come on, an' help us get this trap set," Jake
"Not a lot," she thought about it.
All afternoon, the men labored to prepare the net
"It's a port city like Boston with lots o' ships comin' and bait for the creature. Knowing that it would
an' goin'," he detailed. most likely come at night, they wanted to be ready
by sunset.
"You must be sad," she leaned against his shoulder.
When all was in readiness, they began their vigil.
"Why would ya think that?" he stroked her hair. Time passed with neither a sound nor a sighting.

"'Cause ya didn't get t' be a long short man when ya ************

grew up," she glanced up at him.
Sully pulled his wife into his arms when she
"Don't bother me at all," he kissed the top of her climbed into bed beside him. As he stroked her hair
head. "I got the best job in the world now." and kissed her forehead, he felt her muscles relax.

"I got an idea, Michaela," he whispered. He was finding it more difficult to resist her
overtures, "'Cause we oughta not risk makin' a baby
"What?" she glanced up. until ya can think things through."

"I think ya oughta get away by yourself for a day or She stopped, "I.... I didn't consider that. I simply
two," he advised. "Go somewhere t' think about wanted us to be together."
things without any distractions."
"I want that, too," he traced her jaw with his finger.
"Sully," she discounted his suggestion. "I can't do "But only when your path is certain."
that. I have too many things to do."
"If I were to get away for a while, where should I
"I know ya got responsibilities here an' at the Clinic, go?" she began to reconsider.
but nothin' that can't wait," he persisted. "You're not
gonna be happy 'til ya sort out your feelings, an' it's "How 'bout the old shack at the eastern edge of our
hard t' do with us around." property?" he suggested. "It's not too far. It'll give
ya privacy, but you'd be close by if we need ya or
"But I don't want to be away from the children or you need us."
you," she responded.
"I suppose that would do," she pondered.
"Think about it," he encouraged.
"I truly believe this will be good for ya, Michaela,"
Stroking his chest, she made lazy circles on his hair he urged.
with her finger. He felt his pulse quicken, but he
held back. She lifted up to kiss him. Again he ************
fought his feelings.
A monstrous scream shattered the quiet of camp.
"Mr. Sully," her voice was tantalizing. "Are you The men bolted up from their bedrolls. Each one
tired?" grabbed his rifle and rushed to the net to wait for
the creature to take the bait.
He pulled back slightly, "Michaela..."
"Mmm?" she continued her enticing touches. Chapter 7
"I don't think this is such a good idea right now," he
felt his body temperature rise. "Look!" Jake shouted. "Over there!"

"Why not?" she plied kisses to his neck. The men trained their guns on the movement of
some bushes. The scream came again.
"It might make things harder for ya t' decide," he
swallowed hard. "It's comin' for the elk," Loren pointed.

"Sully," she uttered close to his ear. "I need you." "Sounds more like it's comin' for us!" Horace
"I... I need you, too," his senses were filling with
longing for her. "But I don't wanna complicate By the light of the moon, they made out a creature
things." slowly nearing the trap. When it stepped toward the
net, they swiftly raised the ropes and captured it.
"How could sharing our love complicate things?"
she fit her body snugly against his. "We caught it!" Jake yelled.

Carefully, the men approached the creature caught "Cloud Dancin' must be who we heard before, too,"
in their net. It made no movement. Within a few Brian contributed.
yards, they were stunned when the creature pealed
back its black fur. It was Cloud Dancing. "That don't explain the smell," Hank countered.

"What the hell are you doin' in there?" Hank The Cheyenne pulled a pouch from his garb.
lowered his weapon. Opening it, he held it before the men.

The medicine man spoke, "If you lower me, I will "Is this the smell of which you speak?" he knew
tell you." how they would react.

"What's this?" Brian lifted a large gourd. "Looks All of them stepped back at the repugnant odor
like it's been hollowed out." which came from the pouch.

"That is part of the ritual," Cloud Dancing dusted "That's it all right," Jake held his nose. "What's that
himself off as he was released. for?"

"What ritual?" Preston put his hands on his hips. "The bear find this odor to be attractive," Cloud
Dancing replied. "The scent of a mate."
"The ritual... of the... uh, Bear Hunt," Cloud
Dancing came up with an answer. "No accountin' for taste," Horace frowned.

"Never heard o' it," Jake was skeptical. "Must be "It still don't explain the footprints we saw," Hank
some kind o' Injun Mumbo Jumbo." persisted.

"No, the Ritual of the Mumbo Jumbo is entirely "They were most likely bear tracks distorted and
different," Cloud Dancing maintained a deadpan enlarged by rains and time," the medicine man
expression. offered.

"Why ya all dressed up like that?" Loren demanded. "Why did you tell us those stories about Chiye-
tanka?" Preston searched for an explanation.
"I did not want to reveal to you my true reason for
being here, but it is to perform a sacred ceremony to "I told you the bear hunt ceremony is sacred,"
help in the hunt for bear," Cloud Dancing said. Cloud Dancing sounded serious. "I hoped to
frighten you off if you thought this... monster was
"What do ya do in this ceremony?" Hank queried. real."

"I wear the skin of the bear, asking his spirit for "So, we've been out here wastin' our time," Jake
forgiveness," the medicine man stated. "And I chant concluded.
the sacred words."
"Not t' mention scarin' ourselves t' death," Horace
"That was you screamin'?" Jake wondered. clutched his shirt.

"Using this?" Brian held up the gourd. "I am sorry," Cloud Dancing apologized.

"Yes," the Cheyenne nodded. "I thought I could "Let's get some sleep," Jake rolled his eyes. "We're
frighten you into leaving, but now you have caught headin' home t'morrow."
As the men returned to their bedrolls at the
campsite, Cloud Dancing lingered with Brian.

"Thanks," the young man smiled. "I don't understand, Mama," Katie's voice quivered.
"Don't ya wanna be with us?"
"They are gullible, these white men," the medicine
man grinned. "Of course I do. I love being with you," Michaela
leaned forward to kiss her. "Do you know how
"And greedy," Brian acknowledged. sometimes you like to go to your room by yourself
to draw, with no distractions?"
"I must go now," Cloud Dancing patted his back.
"But before I depart, I leave you this. You are to "But I know you an' Poppy are still close," she
give it to your mother." argued.

"What is it?" Brian accepted the packet. Michaela took a deep breath and sighed, "And I'll
be close, as well."
"It is medicine," he described. "Squawvine, cramp
bark, motherwort, and raspberry." Sully entered with a pitcher of fresh milk.

"For one o' her patients?" Brian was curious. "Poppy," Katie rushed to him. "Mama's goin'
"No," Cloud Dancing smiled. "It is for her own use.
Tell her it will help with her decision. Goodbye, my He lifted her into his arms, "It'll be good for your
friend." Ma."

"Goodbye," Brian embraced him. "Thanks again." "It will?" she struggled to understand.

************ "Yep," he nodded. "I know when I go away, I

always look forward t' comin' home, 'cause o' how
Michaela sat at the breakfast table with her children. much I missed ya."
Sully had gone out to the barn to tend to the
animals. "Is this t' make Mama love us more?" the child
"Katie, Josef," she folded her hands. "There's
something I want to tell you." "I already love you more than anything in the
world, Katie," Michaela was beginning to have
"I better, Mama," Josef clapped his little hands. second thoughts.

"I know that, Sweetheart," she smiled. "What I Sully spoke low in his daughter's ear, "Kates, while
wanted to tell you is that I'm going away for a day your Ma's gone, I was sorta hopin' you'd help take
or two." care o' me."

"Where ya goin'?" Katie felt a twinge of anxiety. "Ya did?" she whispered back.

"Not very far," she took her daughter's hand. "I'm "Yep," he smiled. "With your Ma gone, I'd be real
going to stay in the old cabin down by the stream." lonesome without ya."

"Why?" the little girl was curious. "Are ya goin' "Okay," she acquiesced.
Josef had been very quiet through this exchange,
"No," Michaela assured her. "I just need to go off not fully comprehending what was happening.
by myself for a little while. But if you need me, I
can be here quickly." "Are you all right, Joe?" Sully noticed.

"I go with Mama," he blurted out. "The children are napping in the anteroom," she
gestured. "Sully is preparing the old shack by the
"Joey, ya can't go with Mama if she has t' be by stream."
herself," Katie informed her brother.
"Why?" he inquired.
"I have an idea," Michaela suggested. "Why don't
you come with me to the cabin and see that I'm "I'm going to spend a little time to myself there,"
settled in? Then Papa can bring you home." she was vague. "It's much easier than climbing
Pikes Peak."
"That sounds good," Sully grinned.
"You an' Pa gettin' along okay?" he questioned.
"I'll help ya pack," Katie offered.
"Yes," she sat down at her desk. "I merely want to
"That would be wonderful," Michaela agreed. ponder all of the things that have been weighing
heavily on me."
"Mama," Josef reached for her.
"Oh, before I forget," he reached into his pocket.
Michaela felt a tear as she enfolded her son in her "Cloud Dancin' told me t' give this to ya. Said it's
arms, "Shhh, everything will be fine. We'll go to the squawvine, cramp bark, motherwort, and
Clinic this morning, and then you can help me raspberry."
prepare for my stay in the cabin."
Michaela accepted the pouch and smiled in
************ recollection. The Cheyenne medicine man had
given these to her once before, when she hoped to
The dejected search party arrived back in town by conceive her first child.
midday. Brian went straight to the Clinic to see his
mother. "He said it would help ya decide somethin'," the
young man added.
She embraced him, "Are you all right? Did you find
the creature?" "Thank you," she set aside some of the herbs to give
to Grace.
"I'm okay," he nodded. "Just tired an' dirty. Cloud
Dancin' met up with us out there. He helped me Then she placed the remainder in her medical bag.
trick the men int' thinkin' he was the creature they
were lookin' for, so they finally gave up." "Could you watch the children for a few minutes?"
she requested. "I need to see Grace."
"Trick them?" she wondered.
"Sure," he kissed her. "It's good 't be home, Ma."
"We set a trap t' catch it, an' Cloud Dancin' stepped
int' it," he chuckled. "T' tell ya the truth, Ma, there ************
really is somethin' out there, but at least now, they
won't be lookin' for it." Grace poured coffee for the men who had returned
from their great adventure. Dorothy listened intently
"Well, that's somewhat of a relief then," she rubbed as they relayed all that they had seen and heard.
his arm. "It's good to have you home." When they revealed that it was all staged by Cloud
Dancing, she was skeptical, but said nothing of her
"How are Pa an' the kids?" he looked around. suspicions to them.

"Serves ya right," Grace stated.

"What makes ya say that?" Horace queried. ************

"Serves ya right that you were duped, since that's As Michaela rounded the corner on her way to the
what ya planned on doin' t' unsuspecting folks Cafe, she encountered Frank Wellington.
around here," the cafe owner retorted.
"Good afternoon," he tipped his hat. "You seem in
"We weren't gonna dupe anyone," Loren defended. quite a hurry."
"We was gonna give 'em their money's worth t' see
that thing." "I have an errand before I leave," she informed him.

"I'm glad we didn't catch anythin'," Horace "Leave?" he was surprised. "Where are you going?"
She hoped to conclude their discussion quickly,
"Why's that?" Jake turned to him. "Not far."

"Who'd wanna pay money t' smell somethin' that "If it's not being forward of me to ask, have you
bad?" he replied. given any more thought to the new Clinic?" he
"Another lucrative opportunity lost by our fair
town," Preston sighed. "That's part of why I'm getting away," she
answered. "I want to think about it. Now, if you'll
"Maybe we could still have folks pay us t' take them excuse me..."
out there an' have Cloud Dancin' scare the tar out of
'em like he did us," Loren imagined. "Certainly," he stepped back. "Good luck."

"Can't see him doin' that," Hank leaned back. "Thank you," she replied over her shoulder.

"Maybe one o' us could pretend t' be the creature," ************

Jake raised his eyebrows.
Sully, Brian and the children accompanied
"That would be cheatin'," Horace reminded them. Michaela to the small framed structure. She could
tell that her husband had swept it, brought in
"People expect a little of that for entertainment firewood and aired it out. He had even placed fresh
purposes," Preston claimed. "Look at P.T. Barnum. cut flowers around the room and brought provisions
He said 'there's a sucker born every minute,' and for her stay.
he's made a fortune off of them."
"It looks...." she paused, searching for the right
"You think you're gonna attract folks t' Colorado word.
Springs t' see some big, hairy creature that don't
really exist?" Hank was sarcastic. "Old," Katie finished her sentence.

"Why not?" Preston shrugged. "They already flock "I used t' spend some time here in the winters before
here for the recuperative powers of hot water that we got married," Sully set down his wife's bag. "It's
bubbles out of the ground." quiet an' outa the way from the road."

"Always lookin' t' make money, ain't ya," Grace "Thank you for readying it for my visit," Michaela
folded her arms. "Well, so am I, an' I make mine by smiled.
feedin' folks. So, are ya gonna order lunch or sit
here an' take up space?" He noticed her medical bag in her hand, "Ya
brought that, too?"

"I'd feel somewhat naked without it," she shrugged. She hugged him and brushed back a lock of his hair,
"I'll see you soon."
Sully set a canteen on the table, "Here's fresh water.
An' if ya need anythin' else...." "Don't worry about the kids, Ma," he smiled.

Michaela interrupted, "I know. Sully, you're "Thank you, Brian," her eyes shone with love.
practically within shouting distance."
"Come on, Katie, Josef," the young man beckoned.
He handed her a book, "Brought ya this, too." "I'll take ya int' town t' the church meadow t' play.
Race ya back t' the house first."
"Henry David Thoreau," she turned up the corner of
her mouth in a grin. Josef bolted out the door before Brian could say,
"Ready, set, go!"
"Thought he might help," Sully winked. "Okay,
kids, say goodbye to your Ma." Sully lingered with his wife as the children
departed. He surveyed the room to make certain that
He stepped over to light a fire on the hearth. he had not neglected anything.

Michaela knelt down to be eye level with her "Want Wolf t' stay here with ya?" he completed his
daughter, "I'll see you soon, Sweetheart. I love check.
"No, thank you," she placed her hand on his arm.
Katie embraced her, "I love you, too, Mama. I'll
take care o' Poppy while ya think." Sully drew her closer for a kiss. The moment their
lips met, there was a surge of energy through their
"Thank you," she kissed her. bodies. Breathlessly, they pulled apart.

Josef approached his mother, his finger shyly in his "Think that'll hold ya?" he teased.
mouth. The little boy had great difficulty with
"goodbyes" and was bordering on crying. Michaela "Perhaps one more would," she placed her hand at
reached for him, and he rushed to her arms. the base of his neck and pulled him closer.

"No bad words," she felt her eyes welling with When the kiss ended, they rested their foreheads
tears. "No throwing food, and...." against one another.

"I be good, Mama," he pledged. "Pwease, I stay "I love you, Michaela," he spoke earnestly.
with ya?"
"I love you, as well," she cupped her hand to his
She felt a lump in her throat, "I think Papa, Katie cheek. "Better go now, before I lose my nerve."
and Brian might need your help. Could you take
care of them while I'm here?" He backed toward the door, then closed it. Michaela
stepped toward the small window to watch him run
He thought about it, "'Kay." to catch up with their family.

"I love you, my darling," she rubbed his back. She picked up the book he had left, "'Walden.' I
haven't read this in a long time."
"Love you, Mama," he kissed her.
Scanning the text, a sentence caught her attention:
When she stood up, Brian came to her.

"I went to the woods because I wished to live "Josef," Brian urged. "Tell him you're sorry."
deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life,
and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and "He hit Katie," Josef did not budge.
not, when I came to die, discover that I had not
lived." "Come on, then," Brian lifted his brother. "We're
goin' home. Billy, I'll take ya t' your Ma, too."
"She's in church," he pointed.
"Why didn't Poppy come with us t' the meadow?"
Katie asked her older brother. Brian escorted the children to the church.
Explaining to Mrs. Wagner what had transpired,
"He's workin' on somethin' in the barn," Brian Brian apologized for the fracas.
gently tossed a baseball to her.
She took her son by the arm, "Knowing him, he
He applauded when Katie caught it. started it. You're gonna get a whippin' when you get
"Trow me, Katie!" Josef called.
"We'll be goin' now, ma'am," Brian started for the
She lightly lobbed the ball to the little boy. He was door with his siblings.
too slow in closing his hands, and it bounced off his
chest. He giggled and picked it up. ************

"Can I play?" it was Billy Wagner. Michaela closed the book. Each passage reminded
her of the beloved Massachusetts of her youth,
"Sure, Billy," Brian knelt down. "Stand over there visiting Walden Pond with her father,
near Katie. Throw them the ball, Josef." contemplating the ideas of the Transcendentalists.

Josef wound up his arm and hurled the ball between "Oh, Father," she sighed aloud. "Those were such
Katie and the little boy. Both children attempted to grand times for us, escaping the frantic tempo of the
catch it, and in the process toppled to the ground. hospital. Just you and I communing with nature,
Katie reached it first, but Billy started hitting her to debating the merits of Transcendental thought.... but
wrestle it from her. it was so fleeting. If only I had that time back..."

Running to his sister's defense, Josef jumped on It occurred to her at that moment that she held her
Billy. Though nearly half the Wagner boy's age and destiny in the palms of her hands. She could choose
a good deal shorter, Josef was unintimidated. With the hectic pace of a hospital, as her Clinic would
both fists flailing, he struck Katie's attacker. surely become, or the slower tempo of a private
Chapter 8 She thought about the things that her father had
************ missed in her formative years because of his
dedication to his profession. He once told her later
"Don't huwt my sister!" Josef screamed at the little in life how he regretted not devoting more time to
boy atop Katie. his family, "Mike, I never did read a headstone that
said, 'I wish I would have spent more time at
Billy began to cry, just as Brian reached them. work.'"
Pulling Josef up, he checked to see if the children
were all right. It appeared that they were. Yet still tugging at her was the notion that she could
do more good for a greater number of people if she
"I'm gonna tell my Mama!" Billy dusted himself had an expanded and modernized Clinic.
She settled back and noted the quiet. No children ************
playing, no Sully and Brian discussing their day....
Only the sounds of nature. Loren was closing his shop for the day. As he went
to the back door to lock up, he caught sight of a
Opening the knapsack of food that her husband had large figure in the shadows. Quickly, he retrieved
prepared, she found a note from him. his revolver from the drawer where he kept it. Then
slowly, he opened the door.
"O love, what hours were thine and mine..."
"Uuuuhhhhaaaa - Uuuuhhhhaaaa!" a loud scream
"Tennyson," she folded it and held it against her came from the shadows.
The shopkeeper panicked and fired his gun.
"Loren!" Jake's voice called. "Don't shoot! It's me!"
Brian finished explaining to Sully what had
happened in town, as Josef stood quietly near the "What?" the older man felt as if his heart were
kitchen table. beating in his ears.

"You okay, honey?" Sully placed his hand on Jake stepped forward, at first unrecognizable under
Katie's head. a bearskin, "It's me! I was seein' if I could scare ya."

"Yep," she nodded. "Well, I reckon ya seen good then," he clutched his
"Where did Billy hit ya?" he asked.
Quickly, Hank and Preston were on the scene.
"Here," Katie pointed to her arm.
"What happened?" Hank had drawn his revolver.
Sully examined it and saw the darkened area of a
bruise. He tenderly rubbed it and kissed her "Jake here's gone crazy," Loren shook his head.
"I was just seein' if I could be convincin' as the big
"Brian," Sully requested. "Would you take her up creature," Jake raised his eyebrows.
an' get her ready for bed?"
"An' if Loren had a better aim, we could mention
"Sure, Pa," he nodded. "Come on, Katie." that in your eulogy," Hank was sarcastic.

When the two had ascended the steps, Sully turned "Marvelous!" Preston applauded.
to his young son, "Come here, Joe."
"Huh?" Hank turned to the banker.
"I get whippin'?" he feared.
"If Jake is convincing to Loren, imagine what he
"Why would ya ask that?" Sully was puzzled. could do to unsuspecting tourists whom we take out
there," Preston folded his arms.
"Billy get whippin'," he repeated what the boy's
mother had said. "You're serious, ain't ya?" Hank tilted his hat back.

Sully lifted Josef. The child was dirty from rolling "Indeed I am," Preston grinned. "Why don't I have
on the ground in his scuffle. some fliers printed up about the mysterious
creature? We can lead weekly expeditions out to see
"We gotta have a talk," Sully sighed. him."

"I don't know if I wanna wear this getup every "I think he's gonna talk t' him about other ways t'
week," Jake was perspiring. handle bein' upset," the older brother counseled.

"Then we can take turns," Preston replied. "But we "Like countin' t' ten?" she wondered.
must agree to keep this only among the four of us."
"Sort o' like that," he smiled.
They all nodded.
"Do ya think Poppy'll come up an' tell me a story?"
************ she hoped.

Michaela lit the lamp on the table, then walked to "I know he'll be up t' kiss ya good night, but I'm not
the fire to stoke it. A memory crossed her mind of sure he'll be in the mood t' tell a story," Brian
another single room cabin to which Sully had taken advised.
her when she suffered a blow to her head. She felt
her cheeks flush, recalling how they had made love "Would you tell me one then?" her brown eyes
beside the fireplace when it was certain that she was implored.
past the danger of a concussion.
"Sure," he grinned.
Folding her arms, her mind turned to the children.
Sully and Brian would be preparing them for bed ************
right about now, she thought. Katie will want a
story, and Josef... She smiled, Josef will be asleep As Sully prepared a bath for Josef, the child sat
before his father finishes. quietly observing his father. When it was ready,
Sully undressed his son and placed him in the tub.
She felt a pang of guilt at being absent from them. Normally playful during a bath, both were subdued.
Katie was becoming so self-reliant and independent Finally, Sully lifted him into a towel and dried him
but still in need of her parent's assuring embraces. off. Then he took him into the living room by the
Josef was.... hopelessly mischievous, playful, fireplace.
daring, yet could turn instantly into the insecure
little boy who clung to his mother and father. "We talk, Papa?" Josef was uncertain about his
father's mood.
With Katie starting to school in the fall, what would
Josef do without his big sister to humor him, play Sully took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, "Joe,
games with him, teach him? hittin' people don't solve things."

It occurred to Michaela that most of her meditation He agreed, "Billy hit Katie."
thus far during this time of reflection, had centered
around her children. Hardly once had she thought "An' that was wrong o' him," Sully replied. "It's
about the Clinic. good that ya wanted t' protect your sister," he
rubbed Josef's back. "But...."
"But what?" Josef waited.
"Bran," Katie played with the edge of her blanket.
"Do ya think Poppy's mad at Joey?" "I wish your Ma was here t' help me with this,"
Sully sighed.
"Not mad," he placed his hand atop hers.
"Mama give me whippin'?" his lip curled under.
"Is he gonna punish Joey?" the little girl voiced her
concern. He chuckled, "Ya got your Ma wrapped around
your little finger."

"No, Papa," Josef held up his hands before his "I don't know," she shrugged.
father's face. "No Mama."
"Say your prayers now," Sully encouraged. "You,
"I reckon I'll take ya up t' bed now," Sully stood. too, Joe."

"Done talkin'?" the little boy queried. ************

"For now," Sully said. "We'll talk about this more Michaela was startled by a knock at the door.
when your Ma gets home."
Then she relaxed, "Perhaps it's Sully checking on
Josef tilted his head against his father's shoulder and me."
hugged him.
Her cheeks flushed at the notion.
When she opened the door, she was surprised to see
Frank Wellington had much to consider. Though Frank Wellington.
darkness was approaching, he strolled along the
property which the bank had mentioned was for "Michaela!" he was shocked. "I didn't expect to find
sale. It bordered the Sully homestead, a you here."
consideration that Frank found appealing.
"Nor I to find you," she stated. "Are you lost?"
His leg began to bother him from the trek, and he
wanted to rest before returning to the Chateau. "No," he rubbed his thigh. "I was examining the
Ahead, along a steam, he saw a small framed property next to yours, and my leg began to ache."
structure with smoke emanating from its chimney.
The doctor in her took over, "Come in. Let me
Wondering who might inhabit the tiny shack, he check it."
headed for it.
"Brian," Sully knocked on his son's bedroom door.
Sully finished preparing Josef for bed. As he was
about to lift him into the crib, Katie spoke up. "Come in," the young man beckoned.

"Could Joey sleep with me t'night?" she asked. "I'm goin' out t' the barn t' work on Josef's bed,"
Sully informed him. "Could ya keep an ear open for
"I reckon that would be okay," Sully carried him to the kids?"
the bed. "Let him sleep next t' the wall, Kates."
"Sure, Pa," he nodded.
"I will," she pulled back the covers. Then she
whispered to her father, "I'll have a little chat with "Thanks," Sully departed.
Sully maintained a serious expression, "Ya will?"
"Katie," Josef spoke.
"Uh huh," she spoke low. "Don't worry, Poppy."
"Shhh," she brought her finger to her lips. "Don't
"What would I ever do without my sweet girl?" he talk loud, Joey."
"Papa not whip me," he revealed.

"Bran didn't think he would," Katie acknowledged. "Is something wrong?" he noted her reaction.

"Mama might," the little boy feared. "No," she answered. "I'll make you some tea for
your pain."
"Why do ya think that?" she inquired.
"Thank you, Michaela," his eyes were tender. Then
"Papa wait for Mama," he said. "What mean he noticed what she had been reading, "Thoreau?"
whippin'?" the little boy finally asked what was on
his mind. "Yes," she set a pan of water on the fire.

"That's when they take somethin' hard like a stick "Our life is frittered away by detail...." he quoted.
an' hit ya on your behind," she recalled. "One time I
saw Billy's mother whip him after church." "You've read 'Walden?'" she was amazed.

"That huwt!" Josef assumed. "Certainly," he grinned. "And, like Thoreau, you've
come to think in a secluded cabin?"
"He was screamin' an' cryin' all the way home,"
Katie agreed. "I just thought o' somethin', Joey." "Yes," she prepared the tea.

"What?" he pulled himself up into a sitting position. "Any decision about the new Clinic?" he
"If Billy's mother an' father whip him 'cause he hits
kids, then...." she pondered. "Not yet," she poured the hot water into the cup.

"Mama an' Papa whip me!" he began to tear up. "After I finish my tea, I'll leave you then," he
offered. "I wouldn't want to hinder the thinking
"Maybe we can stop 'em," she held his hand. "Why processes."
don't we go see Mama an' talk t' her? Tell her you're
real sorry." She handed him the cup, and he sipped.

His eyes widened, "Good thinkin'." "Curious flavor," he commented. "What is this?"

"I'll help ya get dressed," she slid from the bed. "Willow bark," she replied. "I learned of its curative
"But we gotta be quiet." powers from the Indians."

************ "Indians?" he was surprised.

"There is some chaffing," Michaela concluded her "I have found that the Cheyenne utilize herbs and
examination of Frank's leg. "I have some salve in by remedies that our trained physicians discount much
bag that should help." too readily," she articulated.

"Thank you," he smiled. "It will be nice to have a "Do you intend to use their medicine in your new
doctor for a neighbor." Clinic?" he sounded doubtful.

"Neighbor?" Michaela looked up. "Of course," she eyed him skeptically.

"I am considering buying the adjacent property," he "I...." he set his cup on the table. "I appreciate your
responded. hospitality, as always, but I'd better return to the
Chateau now. Thank you again."
"I see," she closed her bag.

"You're welcome," she opened the door for him. The flavors triggered a recollection of what Cloud
"Goodbye." Dancing had told her seven years go about the
herbs, "They will help you conceive a child."
Frank hastily exited, and Michaela began to wonder
about his reaction toward the type of medicine she "Oh, Sully," she said to herself as she drank. "For
practiced. our love, for our family, with all of my heart, I pray
that it works. I never want to regret that I didn't
************ spend enough time with you. I have a fulfilling
medical practice as it is, but... I'll let nothing come
There was sufficient moonlight for Katie and Josef before you and our life together."
to begin their journey to their mother's locale. They
had managed to slip past Brian. Not even Wolf, Sipping the brew, she began to feel warm. It was a
who was in the barn with Sully, followed them. strange sensation, not from the temperature of the
drink, but from the feelings she permitted herself to
Katie held her brother's hand, as she could tell he experience out here alone. No one was with her, and
was nervous. She, too, found herself frightened at yet, she was filled with the presence of her husband
the prospect of retracing the route to Michaela, and children.
especially in the dark, but she was determined to
speak with her mother. Glancing down, she placed her hand on her
abdomen. She closed her eyes and imagined what it
"Katie," Josef kept pace with her fast gait. would be like again. To carry another baby. Sully's
baby. To nurture it and love it. Keeping her hand in
"What?" she responded. that same spot, she lay down on the makeshift bed
and allowed herself to fall asleep.
"Mama be mad?" he began to have second doubts.
"'Course not," she assured him. "First thing we gotta
do is find the stream. Mama's right beside it." "Almost there, Joey," Katie spotted the stream. "We
can walk along the water an' follow it t' Mama."
"'Kay," he responded.
Michaela returned to the book, but she could no
longer concentrate on its contents. Her mind was Suddenly, Katie slipped and toppled into the
full of thoughts of her family. Sully's warm embrace rushing current of water. As she tried to climb out,
and tender kisses, Brian's quest for knowledge and her foot lodged between two rocks, and her ankle
love of learning, Katie's loving heart, and Josef's twisted. The cold water surged over her as she
captivating smile. Her grown children came to her struggled to keep her head above it.
mind, as well. How proud she was of their careers.
How full of love her life was. Josef immediately began to wade into the water.

She pulled out Sully's note from her pocket and read "No, Joey!" she shouted. "It's too deep for ya."
its contents aloud, "O love, what hours were thine
and mine." "Katie!" he cried.

Suddenly, all that was murky became clear to her. "Go get Poppy!" she implored.
She opened her medical bag again. There was the
pouch of herbs from Cloud Dancing. Taking the "I lost," he was distraught.
still hot water, she added the mix. She sat down and
began to drink the brew. Katie made another attempt to release her foot, but
she slipped under the water. This time, she did not
come up.
************ "Josef!" Michaela arrived on the scene.
Chapter 9
************ "Mama!" he pointed into the water. "Katie!"

"Katie!" Josef repeatedly called for his sister. "What?" she strained to make out the figure. "My
When he saw her head emerge from the water, the
little boy was frozen with fear. She waded into the stream just as Wolf neared.
Sully followed quickly.
"Help!" Katie gasped for air.
"Josef!" he lifted his son.
Josef suddenly recalled what his father had taught
him about the whistle from Mr. Wellington. He dug Then he saw Michaela.
into his pocket, and amid the knickknacks, found it.
"What's wrong?" he called to her.
Taking a deep breath, Josef began to blow into it as
hard as he could. "It's Katie," her voice trembled. "Her foot is stuck."

************ Sully set Josef on the ground, "Don't move!"

Suddenly Wolf's ears perked up, and he whined. Jumping into the stream, he hurried to his wife and
daughter. Katie's head was just above the water
"What's wrong, boy?" Sully stopped sanding the level as Michaela supported her.
Sully submerged himself and pulled with all of his
With a yelp, Wolf bolted for the door. Sully might on the rocks that trapped his daughter.
instinctively concluded that the animal was trying to Finally, the little girl's foot was free, and Michaela
warn him of something. lifted her into her arms.

"Michaela!" he feared. "Mama!" Katie hugged her.

When Wolf ran out the barn door, Sully followed. "Oh, Katie," she held her tightly.

************ "Come on," Sully urged. "Let's get her t' the cabin."

Michaela was roused from her sleep by the shrill, Picking up Josef, Sully guided them back to the
high-pitched sound. small structure.

"What on earth?" she sat up. "That sounds like "Katie, Papa," Josef pointed to his sister, tears still
Josef's whistle. But.... it's coming from outside!" streaming down his cheeks.

She rushed to the door and exited the shack. "She's gonna be okay, Joe," Sully rubbed his back.
"Ya did real good by blowin' the whistle t' warn us."
They soon reached the shack.
"Joey!" Katie's voice was sounding faint.
"Clear the table so I can examine her," Michaela
Continuing to blow the whistle, he fell to his knees directed her husband.
in exhaustion.

After wrapping Josef in a blanket, Sully removed Sully explained, "Earlier t'day, Brian had the kids at
the lamp from the table. Then he lifted the cups of the meadow in town playin' with a ball. Billy
partially consumed tea while Michaela laid Katie on showed up, an' wanted t' play, too. When Brian
the table. threw the ball, both Katie an' Billy tried t' catch it."

"Where does it hurt, Sweetheart?" she began to feel Katie interjected, "An' when I got it, Billy started
her leg. hittin' me."

"All over," the little girl fought her tears. "Hitting you!" Michaela's eyes widened. "Where?
Where did he hit you?"
Sully came to her side, "Is it broken?"
Katie showed her mother the bruise, "I'm okay."
"I don't believe so," Michaela concluded. "A
sprain." Michaela satisfied herself that her daughter was not
seriously hurt, then turned her attention to Josef,
She removed a bandage from her medical bag and "And you hit Billy?"
began to wrap her daughter's ankle.
He looked down sadly, "Uh huh."
"What were you children doing out at this hour?"
Michaela asked. "Billy always gets a whippin' when he's bad," Katie
continued. "We wanted t' talk t' Mama so ya don't
"We wanted t' talk t' ya, Mama," Katie responded. whip Joey."

"Talk to me?" she glanced at her husband. "I would never whip you, Josef," Michaela assured.

"I put 'em t' bed," Sully stated. "I was in the barn, "Gotta wait for ya," his lower lip curled under.
but Brian was listenin' for 'em."
"I told him we'd wait 'til you got home t' talk with
"We snuck out," Katie spoke anxiously. "We him about what he did," Sully shook his head. "He
wanted t' tell Mama what happened so she wouldn't must've thought we'd whip him."
whip Joey."
"'Cause when Billy hits, that's what his mother an'
"Whip Josef?" Michaela was taken aback. "What on father do," Katie nodded.
earth happened?"
"Josef," Michaela lifted Katie into her arms and
Sully explained, "Josef got int' a fight t'day." carried her to sit beside her son. "Papa meant that
we would discuss the proper way of behaving. We
"A fight!" she pivoted to look at her son. would never hurt you, Sweetheart."

"He hit Billy Wagner," Katie clarified. "No?" his eyes widened.

"Josef!" Michaela was mortified. "Why would you "Of course not," she kissed the top of his head. She
do that?" began to rub his back, "And I want to thank you for
The little boy finally spoke up, "He huwt Katie. No
whip me, Mama." "Tank me?" he was curious.

Michaela was overwhelmed at what she was "For saving Katie's life tonight," Michaela pulled
hearing, "I don't understand." back a stray strand of his hair.

"I thank ya, too, Joey," Katie contributed. "Obviously, that was not enough," she countered,
lashing back for his accusatory tone.
"Ya used the whistle just like I said to," Sully
smiled, then realized the late hour. "I'll get the kids He took a deep breath, "Here, Kates. I'll carry ya."
back t' the house now, Michaela. You can get back
t' your thinkin'." "I believe it would be better for the children to
remain here tonight," Michaela was curt.
"Sully," she paused.
"What?" he put his hands on his hips.
"Mmm?" he set the lamp back onto the table.
"Josef is still recuperating from his cold, and I can
"I have something to tell you," she began. monitor Katie's condition better," she elaborated.

As he returned the cups, he joked, "Can't decide "Fine," he blurted out.

which tea ya like?"
He kissed the children and abruptly left the cabin.
"Pardon me?" she did not understand.
"Mama," Katie was startled by the slamming door.
"Two cups," he indicated. "Is Poppy mad at us?"

"Oh," she smiled. "I had a visitor." "No," she forced a smile as her heart was breaking.
"Not at you."
"Who?" he was curious.
"Frank," Michaela identified. "He might be...."
Sully stewed as he headed back to the homestead,
"Frank was here with ya?" he interrupted. Wolf following along with his head down. The
mountain man decided to finish working on Josef's
"Yes," she replied. "His leg was...." bed, so he entered the barn. There were his tools on
the ground, just as he left them when he ran out on
"He's got no business bein' out here alone with ya," his rescue mission earlier.
his temper flared.
Frustrated at himself for his reaction, he was even
"Sully," she stood. "Please lower your voice in front more upset with Michaela for inviting Frank
of the children." Wellington into the cabin. He could picture her
offering him a cup of tea, and he could visualize the
He controlled his tone, "I don't like it that he came wealthy man turning her head with his offers to
here t' try t' sway ya t' do what he wants. I know I finance whatever her heart desired.
don't have enough money t' offer ya the kinda...."
"I can't give her any o' that, boy," Sully glanced
"You're jumping to conclusions," she interjected. down at his pet.

He would not listen, "I wanna get the children back Wolf whimpered and came to his master. Sully ran
t' bed." his hand across the animal's fur, then sat down on a
bale of hay. Folding his arms, he closed his eyes
Her back stiffened, "If you would have kept a closer and exhaled heavily. He could still feel his heart
watch on them, this wouldn't have happened." beating rapidly, charged from fear for his children's
safety and anger over his argument with his wife.
He was stung, "Brian was upstairs close by in his
room." Then it occurred to Sully, "Who am I really mad
Wolf tilted his head as if to wonder what Sully "Why?" the young man was puzzled.
"Last night when I was in the barn, they wanted t'
"It's me," Sully determined. "I'm upset with myself see her so they up an' took off," he related.
'cause I can't give her those things."
"How'd they leave without me hearin' 'em?" Brian
Wolf rested his paw on Sully's thigh. wondered.

"What she must think o' me," he thought aloud. "I "I don't know," Sully continued. "Sometime after
wouldn't blame her if she wanted t' build a new they snuck out, I heard Josef blowin' his whistle.
Clinic an' move int' it." Turned out Katie fell int' the stream an' got her foot
stuck between some rocks."
Feeling defeated and alone, he stepped through the
barn door, secured it and walked toward the house. "I slept through all that?" Brian was amazed.

"I'll talk t' her in the mornin'," he vowed. "I doubt if "Yep," Sully smiled slightly. "Anyway, Michaela
she'll be in the mood t' listen t' me t'night." an' me reached 'em at about the same time. They're
okay, but your Ma wanted 'em t' spend the rest o'
************ the night with her."

Michaela tucked her children under the blanket and "I see," he shook his head. "Pa, did this have
ran her fingers through their hair. She placed their somethin' t' do with Josef's fight?"
wet clothing near the hearth to dry, then glanced
toward the table with its telltale cups. "In a way," Sully nodded. "They went t' her 'cause
they thought we were gonna whip Josef."
She picked up the one containing the herbs from
Cloud Dancing. The liquid was cool, but she "I'm real sorry for what happened," Brian's
consumed the remainder of it. Then she spread her shoulders slumped.
coat on the floor beside the children and laid down.
"Wasn't your fault," Sully replied. "Every boy's
Tears began to overflow from her eyes and trail gotta go through his first fight, I guess."
down her cheeks. Why was Sully behaving this
way? It was as if he did not trust her, or... no, she "Remember when you an' Ma found out I'd punched
thought. Surely he doesn't think I would invite Wendell Davenport?" Brian smiled.
Frank Wellington's attention!
"I remember," Sully grinned. "But you were a lot
"Oh, Sully," she sighed quietly. older than Josef."

************ "Josef was intent on protectin' his sister," Brian

"Pa!" Brian urgently knocked on his father's
bedroom door just after dawn. "As I recall, that's why ya hit Wendell," he thought
back. "He called Colleen a name."
"Come in," he sat up, still fully clothed.
"Yep," Brian answered. "An' I remember my
"Katie an' Josef aren't in the nursery!" Brian's voice punishment."
had an air of panic.
"Ya had t' be in your room every night by six, up at
"It's okay," Sully raised his hand to calm him. five for added chores," Sully listed.
"They're with your Ma."

"An' I wasn't allowed t' ride Taffy for a week," "I bad, Mama," he was remorseful.
Brian added.
"You're not bad," she embraced him. "You were
"Josef's only two an' a half," Sully sighed. "I reckon defending your sister because you feared for her
that punishment won't work on him." safety. But...."

"He's so funny, Pa," Brian chuckled. "Always He covered her mouth with his soft little hands,
makes me laugh." "Not hit."

"Which makes it even harder t' punish him," Sully "Right," she held his fingers to her cheek. "Hitting
agreed. is only a last resort."

"You're not really gonna do anythin' t' him, are ya?" "What last rizzort?" he fidgeted.
Brian queried.
"It means that there is no other way to stop
Sully chuckled, "I think he's punished himself more something bad from happening to someone," she
than we ever could just by worryin' he'll be replied. "You thought that Katie needed help
whipped. I best go down t' the cabin an' fetch the immediately, and you acted. Do you believe now
kids. They'll be hungry." that there might have been another way to help her
without hitting Billy?"
"I'll see ya later," Brian paused at the door. "After
breakfast, I'm goin' in t' work on the Gazette most o' He pondered her question, then suggested, "Ask
the day." Bran?"

Sully patted him on the back, "Don't work too "That's true," she was relieved at his perceptiveness.
hard." "I'm proud of you, Josef. Proud that you love your
family. Proud that you're such a caring little boy,
Brian raised his eyebrow, "I got good practice and I love you for it."
thanks t' Wendell."
"I love you, Mama," he hugged her.
"You understand that you should try other means
"Mama," Josef stared down at his mother on the before resorting to hitting?" she reviewed.
floor. "I wake up."
"I un'stand," he pledged.
"Mmm?" she reached for her stiff back. "Well, good
morning, my darling." "Good," she smiled. "I believe it would be a good
idea for your Daddy and me to speak with Billy's
"Mornin'," he smiled. "I hungwy." parents later, but for now, let's wake your sister, and
go eat."
"We'll have to go home for breakfast then," she sat
up. "I'm afraid I don't have enough food here for all Just as she stood up, there was a knock at the door.
of us."
"Oh, no," she sighed. "I hope that's not Fr...."
He playfully climbed down from the makeshift bed
and plopped into his mother's lap. Michaela pulled She stopped herself when she looked out the
him closer and kissed the top of his head. window and saw Sully. Opening the door, she did
not speak to him.
"What am I going to do with you?" she held him up
to look in his eyes. "Papa!" Josef rushed to his father's arms.

Katie began to stir, and Michaela sat down beside "Last night, Michaela gave me some Willow Bark
her to examine her injury. tea for the pain in my leg and told me that she often
uses medicine from the Indians," he stated.
"How does your ankle feel, Sweetheart?" Michaela
examined it. "So?" Sully was growing impatient.

"Better," she yawned. "So," Frank debated how to word his comments.
"I... I am not certain that I want to support a medical
"I figured the kids would be hungry," Sully said. "I practice or facility that utilizes such untested and
came t' get 'em." even primitive methods."

"I'll take them back to the house," Michaela was Sully's jaw tensed, "You questionin' the way my
brusque. "Would you bring my things?" wife doctors?"

"Sure," he felt awkward at her tone. "Not exactly," Frank hedged. "It's just that...."

She finished dressing the children, then lifted Katie, "Seems t' me she saved your life under pretty
"Come on Josef. Let's go home." 'primitive' circumstances," Sully declared. "Ya
didn't have any uncertainty then."
Sully kissed the little ones, and she left with them.
He folded his arms and looked about the cabin. "That was during wartime," he reasoned. "Medicine
Then he began to pack Michaela's belongings. He has advanced tremendously since then."
became lost in thought, when a knock came at the
door. "Medicine's medicine," the mountain man asserted.
"If it heals ya, why does it matter where it came
He turned the handle, "Did ya forget someth..." from?"

It was Frank Wellington, "Sully! What are you "It matters," Frank was becoming agitated.
doing here?"
Sully approached him and glared, "I didn't like how
"In case ya don't know it, this here's my property," ya got my wife's hopes up with your grand promises
the mountain man was in no mood for pleasantries. an' plans. I like it even less that you're pullin' out
now. It's breakin' your word."
"Of course," he regretted his question. "I meant that
I thought Michaela was staying here." "I'm sorry," the businessman lowered his gaze. "I
don't want to hurt Michaela."
"Is that why you're here?" Sully rubbed his upper
lip. "Come t' see my wife?" "I think you'd best leave," Sully told him.

"I came to discuss the Clinic with her, yes," he Frank stepped back, "Yes, well... Goodbye, Sully."
"Goodbye," he slammed the door.
"Why don't ya leave her be 'til she decides what she
wants t' do?" Sully demanded. Sully sighed, "How am I gonna tell Michaela this
news? It'll break her heart."
"Because the circumstances have changed," Frank
explained. Rounding up the remainder of his wife's belongings,
he set out for the walk home.
"What're ya talkin' about?" Sully questioned.

************ "Could ya do me a favor, an' ask Matthew if he can
Chapter 10 stop by this afternoon?" Sully requested. "I could
************ use his help movin' some furniture."

"Well?" Preston grinned. "What do you think of it?" "Sure," he put on his hat. "See ya later.

Jake held up the flier, "Tours to See the Mysterious ************

Monster of the Rockies?"
"Michaela," Dorothy spotted her friend at the Cafe.
"At ten dollars for an overnight trip, it will be quite
profitable," the banker placed his hands on his hips. The children greeted her as she sat down.
"And I've already had three inquiries at the Chateau
this morning. I told them I would take them out "Mama, may we help Miss Grace?" Katie sought
today." permission.

"T'day?" Jake was surprised. "I don't want you moving around with your ankle
still tender," the concerned mother responded.
"When there's money to be made, carpe diem,"
Preston asserted. "I won't move around," the little girl smiled.

"Carpe diem?" Jake was baffled. "We goin' fishin'?" "All right," Michaela consented. "But behave
"Carpe, not carp!" Preston was becoming annoyed.
"Carpe diem is Latin. It means 'seize the day.'" "We will," the child stood. "Come on, Joey."

"Then why didn't ya say so?" the barber eyed him. "My land, Michaela," Dorothy noted her
appearance. "Ya look exhausted."
"Back to the subject," Preston glanced around slyly.
"I'll lead our three.... clients... to the campsite. "I had a terrible night," she declared.
Tonight, you don your monster getup and...."
"What happened?" the redhead queried.
"An' we make sure they get their money's worth!"
Jake liked it. Michaela described the events that led up to her
fight with Sully. When she finished, her eyes had
"Good," Preston agreed. become reddened.

************ Dorothy placed her hand on her friend's, "Sully

don't think ya did anythin' wrong, Michaela. Sounds
"Where's your Ma an' the kids?" Sully saw Brian at like it's just a little male pride gettin' in the way o'
the kitchen table when he entered the homestead. seein' the truth."

"She took 'em int' Miss Grace's for breakfast," the "Male pride?" she wondered.
young man answered. "Ya just missed 'em."
"I don't believe Sully's jealous o' Frank in the way
"Think I'll go finish up Josef's bed," Sully stated. ya think," Dorothy speculated.
"You leavin' soon?"
"What do you mean?" Michaela was puzzled.
"Uh huh," Brian stood.

"I think it might be that your husband's upset that he "Colleen an' Andrew might be thinkin' about startin'
can't offer ya the things that Frank can... money- a family soon, too," she contemplated. "Be funny if
wise, that is," Dorothy conjectured. ya both had babies at the same time."

"But that's ridiculous," Michaela dismissed the "I once had a dream about that," Michaela smiled.
notion. "I'm perfectly happy with...." "But I'm not prepared to be a grandmother quite
"Michaela," Dorothy stopped her. "Talk t' Sully."
"I don't think that's in your hands," Dorothy raised
"I shall," she knew her friend was right. "Oh, Brian an eyebrow. Then she spotted a man approaching
saw Cloud Dancing the other day. He's well." their table, "Looks like your friend's comin' this
"I heard," the editor nodded. "The menfolk said he
led 'em t' believe he was that creature." "I'll tell him of my decision then," Michaela
Michaela glanced at her hands, "He sent me
something, too." "Good morning, Michaela," he tipped his hat.

"What?" Dorothy was curious. "Frank," she pointed. "This is Dorothy Jennings,
editor of the Colorado Springs Gazette."
"I want to have another baby, Dorothy," Michaela's
cheeks blushed. "Cloud Dancing sent some herbs "Pleased to meet you," he extended his hand.
that build up the female reproductive system,
particularly for women who have irregular Dorothy rose, "Nice t' meet you, too. If you'll
menstruation and difficulty conceiving." excuse me, I have a newspaper t' print. Goodbye,
Dorothy smiled, "Sounds like ya made up your
mind about the Clinic then." "Goodbye," she smiled. "And thank you."

"Yes," she nodded shyly. "I don't know if I have "May I join you?" Frank requested.
many child bearing years remaining. Even if I were
to become pregnant now, I would be 45 years old "Certainly," Michaela said. "How is your leg?"
when I have the baby."
"It's fine, thanks," he indicated. "I stopped by the
"Ya know the dangers, too," Dorothy searched her cabin this morning to see you, but Sully was there
face. instead."

"Yes," Michaela felt a lump in her throat. "But, I "You spoke with Sully?" she could only imagine
want this." what the conversation was like.

"Then I wish ya all the best," Dorothy felt a tear. "Yes," he replied. "I told him what I'm about to tell
you. Michaela, I... I'm afraid I must withdraw my
"It may not happen," Michaela sighed. "But I would offer to build a new Clinic."
always regret it if I chose to concentrate on
expanding the Clinic rather than pursuing what "Withdraw?" she questioned. Then it occurred to
Sully and I want." her, "It's because of my use of Indian medicine, isn't
"I just thought o' somethin'," Dorothy chuckled.
He became uncomfortable, "I just don't think it's
"What?" Michaela noted the gleam in her eye. appropriate to promote the use of...."

She interrupted him, "I have witnessed first hand "Sounds good," Sully agreed. "Let's get started."
the effectiveness of Cheyenne medicine."
"I know that you believe in its powers," he
respected. "But, as I told your husband, I cannot "There is no need for you to make an alternative
abide with supporting it." offer," Michaela told Frank.

"What was my husband's response?" she "I believe that there is," he countered. "What I
questioned. would like to do is establish a scholarship for
women who want to become physicians."
"I could tell that he was angry with me," he looked
down awkwardly. "He believes I've gotten your "A scholarship?" she warmed to the idea.
hopes up, only to disappoint you."
"An encouragement for females to pursue a career
Her heart softened, "My husband believes in in medicine," Frank explained. "And I'd like to
honoring commitments." name it after you."

"So do I," Frank avowed. "Which is why I am She considered his proposal, "I think a scholarship
making an alternative offer." is a wonderful idea, but may I ask that a different
name be given?"
"Certainly," he was interested.
Sully completed his work on Josef's bed. Possessing
the same meticulous craftsmanship illustrated in the "I would like to request that it be named after my
beds for Michaela and Katie, the furniture was a father, Josef Quinn," she suggested. "He's the
work of art. He glanced down at his calloused reason I became a doctor."
hands, then started for the door to quench his thirst
at the well. "He must have been quite a man," Frank spoke with
Matthew appeared, "Hey, Sully. Brian said ya
needed some help." "He was," she felt a lump in her throat.

"Good t' see ya," he patted his back. "I just finished "I hope this doesn't make you think less of me,
Josef's new bed." Michaela," he expressed.

"Looks good," Matthew noted. "I must be honest with you," she conceded. "I made
up my mind about the Clinic when I was at the
"I was thinkin' o' puttin' the children in your old cabin."
room now," Sully stated. "The nursery's too small t'
hold both their beds." "And you decided to not accept my plan," he
"Where ya gonna put my old bed?" Matthew
inquired. "How did you know?" she was surprised.

"We can store it in here," he glanced around the "I've gotten to know you well enough to realize that
barn. running such a facility would take away time from
your beautiful family," Frank smiled. "I can see
"How 'bout I take it int' town?" the young man how much they mean to you."
offered. "Brian always has t' sleep on the floor when
he stays with me. He'd be more comfortable with a "They do," she looked toward her children.
He rose up, "I'm catching the afternoon train to Josef spoke low to his father, "Yep."
Denver. From there, I'll head back to Chicago. I'll
send you the information about your father's Sully slowly opened the door and held the flowers
scholarship when I have everything set up." up for his wife, "Thought these might look nice on
your desk."
She smiled, "Thank you, Frank. It's a most generous
and thoughtful thing to do." Without saying anything, she accepted the flowers
and poured water into a vase for them.
"Goodbye, Michaela," he shook her hand. "It was
nice seeing you." "We go home?" Josef looked up at his parents.

"Good luck," she watched him depart. "First, we're paying a visit to the Wagners,"
Michaela said.
Sully helped Matthew set up the old bed in the back
room of his son's law office. Then he headed toward As Sully knocked on the door of the Wagner home,
the Clinic. He paused when he noticed some wild they could faintly hear a little boy's cries. Soon
flowers growing on a patch of land near the livery. Sada Wagner pulled back a curtain to see who was
After picking several fragrant blooms, he continued there, then opened it.
on his way.
As she wiped her hands on her apron, she welcomed
************ them, "Dr. Mike, Sully? What can I do for ya?"

"We goin' home now, Mama?" Katie fidgeted. "We came t' discuss what happened with our
children yesterday," Sully announced.
"Very soon, Sweetheart," she looked up from her
desk. "I just have one more file to update, then...." "Don't worry 'bout that," Sada indicated. "Billy's
been punished for strikin' your little girl."
There was a knock at the door. Before she could
rise, the door opened slightly and a hand holding a "Mrs. Wagner, we don't believe in corporal
bouquet of flowers slid through. punishment," Michaela gave her opinion. "Nor do
my husband and I believe that our son acted in the
"Mama!" Katie exclaimed. "Lookie!" best manner he could."

Michaela knew it was her husband, "I wonder who "Spare the rod, spoil the child," Sada countered.
that could be?" "You raise your young'ns your way. I'll raise mine
the way I believe."
"Looks like Poppy's jacket," the little girl pointed.
"I also wanted to relay to you that Billy has been
To satisfy his curiosity, Josef walked to the door using inappropriate language in front of our son,"
and peered through the opening. Michaela added.

Sully spotted his son's eyes glancing back at him, "What kinda inappropriate language?" Sada
and whispered, "Joe, ask your Ma if I can come in." questioned.

Josef turned toward Michaela, "Papa come in?" Michaela lowered her voice, "Darn."

"Tell him 'yes,'" she tried not to smile.

The woman chuckled, "He's used worse than that, "Forgotten that you promised to watch Maria," she
Dr. Mike. Took us a month t' get him t' stop usin' shook her head. "I have to tutor some children at the
the word that sounds close t' that." school this evening."

"At any rate," Michaela continued. "Josef has been "But it's summer vacation," he pointed out.
instructed that there are better ways to handle a
situation than to use force, and we simply wanted to "School will begin soon, and these young ones are
tell you that we do not condone what he did." in need of some preparation," she began to pin her
hat on. "Besides, a teacher's work does not end in
"Ya rode out here t' tell me that?" Sada was amazed. June."

"Yes," Michaela answered. "But.... there's somethin' real important I gotta do,"
he became nervous.
"Okay, then," Sada shrugged. "See ya in church."
"More important than your daughter?" she
As the woman shut the door, Michaela turned to her chastised.
husband, "What do you think?"
"Uh... no, but...." he was running out of ideas.
"I think you'll be talkin' a lot more t' her," he
responded. "Good," she smiled. "Have a nice evening. I'll be
home by eight."
"Eight o'clock?" he knew he would never be able to
Preston had his staff set up camp for the excited reach Preston's campsite by the designated time.
tourists at the same spot where he had searched for
the creature earlier with the townsmen. He had "Yes," she looked at him with a curious expression.
brought several servants and amenities to make "You seem nervous. Is there something you are not
their stay comfortable. Once settled in, he began to telling me?"
tell the wide-eyed seekers about the Indian legend
of Chiye-tanka, embellishing as he went. "Me?" he raised his eyebrows. "No... nothin' at all."

Looking at his watch, he pronounced, "Gentlemen, I ************

recommend that you turn in early. When the
creature starts to prowl later, you'll not get much "Dinner was real good, Ma," Brian noticed that his
sleep." parents were unusually quiet.

************ They had avoided the topics of Frank Wellington,

the new Clinic and their argument at the shack last
"Jacob," Teresa noticed her husband heading for the night, though each knew they would eventually
door. "Where are you going?" have to discuss it in private.

"Uh..." he stumbled. "I was just gonna go talk t' "Thank you," she began to clear the dishes.
"Why don't ya let me do that?" the young man
"Have you forgotten?" she placed her hands on her offered. "I think Pa has somethin' he wants t' show
hips. you an' the kids."

"Forgotten what?" he gulped. "Oh?" she glanced at her husband.

"I finished that project I was workin' on," Sully was ************
vague. "I was wonderin' if I could get two little Chapter 11
children t' help me test it." ************

"I'm a little children," Katie pointed to herself. "Poppy!" Katie marveled at the illuminated room.
"Could I test it?" "Ya put my bed in here now?"

"That gives me one," Sully teased. "I still need "Yep," he patted Josef's behind. "There's somethin'
another." in there for you, too."

"Joey," Katie turned to her brother. "Tell Poppy Katie took her brother by the hand, and into the
you'll help him." newly decorated room they stepped.

"I help," Josef got a serious expression on his face. "Sully!" Michaela was impressed. "It's beautiful."

"Good," Sully lifted them into his arms. "Now, if "Do ya see what's over there, Joe?" he pointed.
your Ma will come with us..."
Josef went to the new bed, "For me?"
"Mama," Katie encouraged.
"Yep," he grinned. "All your own."
"All right," she smiled.
The child's eyes widened. On the headboard was an
"Where we goin'?" Katie was curious. intricately carved relief of a wolf.

"Upstairs," Sully informed them. Sully lifted him up and set him on the mattress,
"Gives ya room t' grow."
With that, they climbed the stairs to the second
floor, past the darkened nursery and down the hall. "What do you say to your father?" Michaela felt a
"We goin' t' Matthew's room?" Katie figured.
"Tanks, Papa," Josef was overwhelmed.
"Not his room anymore," Sully told them. Setting
them down, he opened the door, "It's yours now." "Ya like it then?" Sully teased.

************ "Yep!" the little boy nodded enthusiastically.

Pacing nervously, Jake looked at his pocket watch, "Where's Matthew's old bed?" Michaela asked.
"Eight thirty, an' Teresa ain't home. What am I
gonna do?" "Took it int' town," he noted.

His mind raced nervously. If only Loren or Hank They heard Brian's footsteps, "Will ya look at this!"
would stop by. He could tell them to go to the
campsite in his place. Otherwise, with no creature to "Bran," Katie rushed to him. "It's a big room for
show the tourists, Preston would be mad as a Joey an' me!"
He picked her up and kissed her cheek, "I'd say we
Stepping to the window, he looked out, "Oh, great. got the best Ma an' Pa in the world."
Now it's startin' t' rain."
"Yep," Katie smiled.

"Yep," Josef imitated. "Don't let the whisperin' next door keep ya awake,"
Sully joked.
"What ya gonna do with the nursery?" Brian
glanced at his parents. As Brian left them, an awkward silence fell upon
Sully and Michaela. Each wanted to express their
"I thought maybe your Ma might like t' use it as an regret to the other, but neither knew quite how to
office," Sully offered. "I'll take the crib out t' the broach the subject.
"The bed is beautiful, Sully," she repeated her
"I..." she hesitated. "I'll have to discuss that with earlier compliment.
your father."
"Thanks," he replied.
"Time for bed," Katie began to remove her shoes.
Again, there was uncomfortable quiet.
"Am I hearin' right?" Sully joked.
"Guess, I'll go lock up downstairs," he finally
"Gota try out the new bedroom," Katie explained. spoke.
"Come on, let's get ready."
"I'll help you," Michaela followed.
Michaela, Sully and Brian prepared the youngsters,
and soon, they were each tucked into their beds. Sully lowered the lamps in the living room as
Michaela did the same in the kitchen. The only light
Sully put the footstool he made for Katie's first big came from the main fireplace, whose flickers
bed at the side of Josef's new one, "This'll help ya danced about the room. Pausing to watch the
get in an' out easier." flames, Sully's contemplated.

"I twy," Josef used it to climb down, then up again. "How do I tell her about the Clinic?" he thought to
"Good, Papa." himself. "How can I crush her dream?"

"Glad ya like it," he pulled up the covers. Michaela stood and watched him from a few feet
away. His broad shoulders and handsome physique
The children recited their prayers. Then, after kisses made her long to run into his embrace, but she
from their parents and brother, they closed their averted her glance when he turned and walked
eyes. Sully and Michaela lowered the lamps and left toward the front door.
"I'll do it," she reached for the lock.
"Think they'll fall asleep right away?" Brian
whispered in the hall. He extended his hand to turn the key at the same
instant as she. Their hands met. Rather than pull
"Not a chance," Sully quipped. back, they continued their contact. He could feel her
Sure enough, they could hear the little ones
whispering enthusiastically. "Michaela/Sully," they spoke at the same moment.

"Well," Brian sighed. "It's been a long day. Think He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed the palm.
I'll go t' bed, too." She raised her free hand and ran her fingers through
his hair. Their pulses and breathing quickened.
"Good night," Michaela kissed him.
"I..." again they both spoke simultaneously.
"'Night," he smiled.

The longing they felt for one another, the need to "Ya did?" he wondered.
forgive and to be forgiven, overpowered them.
Michaela slid her hand beneath the material of his "Yes," she smiled. "That's what I was trying to tell
shirt and rested it over his heart. you last night before our disagreement. I was going
to turn him down."
Sully swallowed hard, trying to control what his
body wanted to do. Then he read it in her eyes. She He rubbed her back, "I don't like his reason for
wanted the same thing. They had communicated, as withdrawin' the offer."
so often they did, with a look, a breath, an upturn of
the lips. "Nor do I," she revealed. "But another opportunity
came from it."
With a subtle movement, he invited her into his
arms, and she rushed there willingly. They began to "Oh?" he was curious.
kiss, triggering a powerfully surging hunger in them
both. Abandoning all hesitation, they clung to one "I believe that after his conversation with you,
another and continued to kiss with all of the passion Frank felt guilty," she explained. "So he's putting
they possessed. He began to gather up the material the money into a scholarship for women who intend
of her skirt while she started to undo his buckskins. to go to medical school."

Suddenly, Sully pulled back, "Wait, Michaela." "That's real good," he assumed she would like the
"Why?" her voice was eager.
"And he's agreed to name it after Father," she
"'Cause we shouldn't," his words were contrary to added.
his wants.
He nodded, "So Frank's thankin' you, an' you're
Again she questioned, as she relished the feel of his thankin' your Pa."
body against hers, "Why?"
"And," she mentioned. "I'm thanking my husband."
"We need t' make up with our hearts before we
make up with our bodies," he held her shoulders. "Me?" he pointed to himself. "Why?"
Then he gulped to control his need, "An'... we gotta
think o' the possible consequences if we..." "For so many reasons," she paused. "For believing
in me. For supporting me and giving me time when
"I'm terribly sorry for what I said," her eyes I needed to think. For being my best friend. For
searched his. "It was cruel and unfounded." loving me and being the father of my children."

"Me, too," he declared. "Ya didn't do anythin' t' "Most o' that ain't even work," he grinned.
encourage Frank. I was feelin' insecure on account
o' all his money.... But there's somethin' else I have "Which part is work?" she ran her hands up and
t' tell ya.... about Frank. I talked t' him at the cabin down his side.
this mornin'."
"Bein' the father o' your children," he joked.
"I know," she said. "I saw him at the Cafe. He told
me that he's withdrawn the offer for a new Clinic." "Oh, Sully," she leaned her head against his chest.
"When I see you with them...."
"I'm real sorry, Michaela," he stroked her hair. "I
know how much it meant t' ya." Her voice trailed off.

"Sully," she confessed. "I had already made up my

mind about it before he told me."
With his finger he lifted her chin to gaze at her "That's okay," Jake sounded depressed.
countenance, "Mind if I ask ya somethin'?"
"What is the matter?" Teresa became concerned. "Is
"What?" she was intrigued. Maria all right?"

"What made ya decide t' turn down the offer for a "She's fine," he sighed.
new Clinic?" he posed the question.
"Is there something that you are not telling me,
"Why don't we go upstairs, and I'll explain?" she Jacob?" she assumed.
"Nah," he shrugged. "But if I turn up dead in
************ t'morrow, consider Preston t' be the prime suspect."

Preston was becoming more and more ************

uncomfortable. His clients were restless and unable
to sleep. Their questions about the creature and Michaela took Sully's hand and led him upstairs.
whether it would be visible in the deluge of rain When they reached the nursery, she paused.
made matters worse.
"I'll get the crib outa there t'morrow," he informed
Then it came. The sound. The blood-curdling cry. her. "Brian an' me can bring up your desk an'
"Uuuuhhhhaaaa - Uuuuhhhhaaaa!"
"But what if another little someone comes along?"
"Ah," Preston's eyes lit up. "The sound of money." she whispered.

The men cowered. Then came the repugnant odor. "Like who?" he did not understand.
Suddenly, the tent began to shake as if the creature
were standing outside and grabbing the canvas. "Like a little brother or sister for our children," she
Preston thought to himself, "My, Jake is certainly
adding a creative touch. How unlike him. I'll have His heart leapt, "Is that the path you're thinkin'
to congratulate him tomorrow." about takin'?"

"Mr. Lodge!" one of the clients screamed. "What "I've thought of little else, of late," she touched his
are we going to do?" cheek. "But in order for it to happen, my doctor has
instructed me to spend more time with my husband
"Well," he grinned. "I suppose we could go outside when he's home. Timing is of utmost importance."
to catch a glimpse."
"I just happen t' have some free time in my
"No!" they all shouted in unison. schedule," he winked.

"Then we'll just have to wait it out," Preston "Do you have time for me?" she raised an eyebrow
visualized the word of mouth that this would stir. temptingly.

************ He scooped her into his arms, carried her to their

room, and gently set her on the bed.
"I am sorry to be late," Teresa attempted to dry
herself. "But in the rain, the road became more "I assume that's a 'yes,'" she smirked.
difficult to travel."

He sat on the edge of the bed and leaned closer, As his wayward hand began to work its magic
"Definitely a 'yes.'" across her chest, Michaela could feel the heat of his
body through their clothing. His intense gaze fueled
Sully made no further overtures, but simply drank her ardor even further.
in the beauty of his wife.
"Perhaps it will happen this time," she spoke low.
She finally asked, "What are you looking at?"
"Maybe," he lowered his kisses to her neck. "Or we
He kissed her sweetly, "I'm lookin' at the most might just have t' keep practicin' that plantin' 'til we
beautiful woman in the world." get it right again."

"Sully," she slid her hands up his arms. "You know "You enjoy practicing, don't you?" she framed his
it might not happen. But..." face between her hands.

He gently stopped her by placing his finger to her "Only with you," he caressed her cheek.
lips, "But it might. We've had lots o' forks in the
road, Michaela. An' I haven't been afraid o' any of Words ended, and their journey commenced down
'em, even without a map, 'cause you've been right the path they had chosen at the fork in the road.
there with me."
"I'm not afraid either," she felt secure in his
embrace. "Our children are the seeds of eternity."

"An' you're the best gardener I know," he suggested.

She maintained the analogy, "Perhaps we could

plant some additional seeds?"

"Humm," he looked up. "Wonder how we should go

about doin' that?"

"Mr. Sully," she smiled. "Why don't we begin right


She pointed to her lips, prompting him to kiss her.

Then he whispered in her ear:

"Here, will I dwell,

For heaven be in these lips."

She guessed, "Was that Shakespeare?"

"Christopher Marlowe," he cited the poet.

She toyed with the hair at the base of his neck, "I
adore you."

"Just what I was thinkin' about you," he smiled.


A number of artificial limb companies came into

existence following the Civil War. Most were
started by amputee veterans who had made limbs
for themselves or improved on the limbs provided
to them. Some of these veterans found themselves
in the business when asked to make similar limbs
for other amputees.

One of the more famous of these was the J. E.

Hanger Company. Mr. Hanger, an engineering
student serving in the Confederate Army, lost his
leg to a rifle ball shortly after the war started.
Unhappy with the appliance provided him to
replace his amputated leg, he determined to improve
the function of his artificial leg. The leg he
developed was such an improvement over what was
available, in 1861, he was able to found a company,
which bears his name today. He secured an
exclusive contract to provide limbs to Confederate
amputee veterans.

The stories of encounters with Bigfoot (a name not

used until the 1950's) were from accounts of people
who experienced sightings in the Colorado Springs
area. Native American legends about the creature
extend back centuries throughout this continent.


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