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Assignment Of English Spesialization

Biography Of Cut Nyak Meutia

By :

Name : Mutya Azahra

Class : X MIPA 1
Abcent : 20
Day/Date : Tuesday,8 October 2019

MAN 1 Pontianak
Cut Nyak Meutia

Cut Nyak Meutia was born in Keureutoe, Pirak, Aceh Utara, in 1870, he was one
of the Indonesian National Heroes from Aceh other than Cut Nyak Dhien.

Cut Meutia is the daughter of a father named Teuku Ben Daud Pirak and Cut Jah's
mother. Cut meutia is the only daughter of four other brothers namely Teuku Cut
Beurahim followed by Teuku Muhammadsyah, Teuku Cut Hasan and Teuku
Muhammad Ali. His father was a Uleebalalang in the village of Pirak in the
Keureutoe suburb.
Cut Meutia began against the Dutch at the time of being the wife of Teuku Chik
Muhammad or better known as Teuku Chik Di Tunong. But in March of 1905,
Chik Tunong was captured by the Dutch and executed by the coast of
Lhokseumawe. Before his death, Teuku Chik Di Tunong advised his friend Pang
Nanggroe to marry his wife and take care of his son Teuku Raja Sabi.
According to her husband's will, Cut Meutia later married Pang Nanggroe and
joined the other troops under the leadership of Teuku Muda Gantoe. At a battle
with the Marechausée Corps at Paya Cicem, Cut Meutia and the women fled into
the forest. Pang Nagroe himself continued to fight until finally killed on September
26, 1910.
Struggle against the invaders Cut Meutia do with the remnants of his troops. He
attacked and robbed colonial outposts as he moved toward Gayo through the
jungle. But on October 24, 1910, Cut Meutia with his poker clashed with
Marechausée in Alue Kurieng. In that battle Cut Meutia was killed.
The year 1901 was the beginning of the movement, with the base of struggle from
Pasai or Krueng Pasai area (North Aceh) under the command of war Teuku Chik
Tunong. They use guerrilla tactics and espionage by using for soldiers to spy on
the movements of opposing forces especially patrol and interception plans. The
espionage tactics are carried out by villagers whose innocence always gets valuable
and precise information

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