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Voice Over. Good morning dear students!

Please maintain silence and avoid leaving your seats

because our program will start in a few minutes. Thank you [pause a while].
Voice Over. Once again, may we request everyone to please settle down. Our program will
begin in a few minutes [pause a while].
Mich: We would like to request everyone to please rise and let us feel the presence of our
Almighty God as we offer him a song of praise to be led by selected Grade 9A students

Jane:Please remain standing for the Philippine National Anthem to be led by the SRNHS guitar

Mich: Good morning dear students! We would like to welcome everyone to our Math and
Science Culminating Activity 2019

Jane: September indeed is the month that our math and science enthusiasts have long been
waiting for.
Mich: I totally agree with you partner. Actually from over here, I can sense the excitement of our
science wizards ,young inventors and mathematicians.

Jane: Wow! What else can I say? Math and Science are everywhere. They help us to be critical
thinkers and they make our life even better. Science and Math is life.
Mich: You’ve just had it right! In fact, this year’s theme focuses on innovation and the sense of
‘bayanihan,’ as it goes…
Both: Math for Life: Creating Problems Solvers and critical thinkers and Science for the
People: Enabling Technologies for the Sustainable development
Mich: And to give us further insights into the theme, let us all welcome with a warm round of
applause to Mr. Paul Bucado, our Senior High School GPTA President , for the opening

Jane: Thank you very much Sir. That was a very meaningful introduction. Speaking of
meaningful, I realized that Math means to me a lot.
Mich:Why do you say so Ms. Jane?
Jane:Because, Math may not teach me how to add love or subtract hate but it gives me hope
that every problem has a solution.
Mich: Awww. That’s so deep and meaningful Ms. Jane. I Just have a question to make your
day, Why did the physics teacher break up with the Biology teacher?
Jane: Why?
Mich: Because there was no Chemistry.
Jane: Hahaha. That really made my day Ms. Mich but I think, the next performance will make
everybody’s day even better.
Mich: Oh Yes. I also think Math and Science Teachers should take a break from staring at
numbers and solving problems all day and just dance to the music. SO everyone, let us give a
round of applause
Both: to SRNHS math and science teachers’ opening salvo!!

Jane: Thank you teachers that was an awesome performance!

We have a long day ahead, and I know that you could no longer wait for our lineup of fun and
exciting activities. So, here we go!
[Part 005 | Presentation of Activities]

Mich: There are three contests for this culminating activity which will be done consecutively after
each Grade level. First is MATH SAYAW, next is THE MATHEMATICIAN AND SCIENTIST
LOOK-A-LIKE, and the last is the TRIVIA. The first presenter would be the Grade 7, followed by
Grade 8, Grade 9 and Grade 10. Afterwards, the finalists for the Mathematician/Scientist Look-
a-like will be presented and the winners for the competition will be announced together with the
distribution of trophies.

Jane: Before we begin, we would like to introduce our honorable judges for this culminating
activity. First is . . . . . . . . . . .

Mich: Now, are you ready everyone?? I said, are you ready?!

Jane: Now let us begin with the first presenter for Math sayaw contest, please give a round of
applause for the grade 7 students!


Mich: For the trivia, there will be 10 questions for each subject. You will be given _____seconds
to come forward and give your answer.

Jane: Alright, now to heighten up our energy and excitement, let’s all welcome…

Sophia Marie Buenafe of grade 7-A for her intermission number.

Mich: I guess everybody’s refreshed, powered up and stimulated by that fantastic performance.
Thank you, Sophia for firing up the stage. Now let us proceed with the next presenters, Grade 9!

Next: Grade 10

Jane: Let us now move on to the presentation and introduction of the Finalists of the
mathematician and scientist look-a-like.

Mich: Before we proceed to the Announcement of winners, let us first welcome _______-
________ for his/her/their intermission number.

Jane: Thank you for that inspiring performance _______________.

Mich: And now, we have come to the moment we’ve all been waiting for…
Both:The Announcement and Awarding of Winners!!!
Jane: For each competition, three awards will be given: Second Runner Up, First Runner Up,
and Champion.
Mich: Once called, please proceed to the stage to receive the award. Please stay to the left
side of the stage until the Champion is announced.
Jane: I believe everybody’s excited to know who will triumphantly bring home the bacon.
So, the big reveal is here in a few minutes. But before that, we would like to request Ms.
XXXXXXX for her closing remarks.

Mich: Thank you for that inspiring message. Once again, congratulations to all the winners! Let
us all give them a warm round of applause.

Host B. Our deepest gratitude to all the organizing team—STIMMS headed by Ms. XXXXXXX,
our participating students, distinguished judges, and most especially to the contestants of this
year’s Math and Science Month Celebration.
[Part 010 | End of the Awarding Ceremony]
Host A. Before we all go, allow us to share with you a parting gift [Quote About Science |
Program Hosts].
Host B. Once again, Science for the People: Innovation and Collective Prosperity.

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