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Resume Building


A resume is a document that contains a summary or listing of relevant job

experience and education. The résumé or CV is typically the first item that
a potential employer encounters regarding the job seeker and is typically used to
screen applicants, often followed by an interview, when seekingemployment.In the
job search process, a well-written and well-designed résumé is essential. Our
program does the thinking and writing for you. Resume Builder simplifies the
work of finding the job by providing intelligent and user-friendly software Resume
Builder can display the resume structure in a user-friendly format, so that you can
choose which sections of the resume to publish. You can also modify the order of
the Published Sections – Biographical Data, Objective, Employment History,
Education History, Personal, Skill Areas, Publications, Summary and

Existing System:

You still have to input your information onto the page or software for the resume
builder to be able to complete your resume.Often you are restricted to use the
builder’s fonts and formats.Some builders arepurely 100% online and don’t have
the functionality to allow the user to save their resume to other word processing
software such as Microsoft Word, and often you can only print out what you have
completed online. This makes it hard for individuals if they are applying for
several different positions or if they want to adjust the resume for the different
positions that they are applying for.Some of the resume builders only provide you
with a PDF copy of your resume which again restricts you for further adaption or

Proposed system:
One of the biggest trials for many job-seekers is creating the perfect resume. You
can find a professional to do it for you, or you can use a template, but if you are a
victim of the do-it-yourself attitude (like most of us in IT) then you need to know
how to include your IT skills in a clean and readable format. You also need to
make sure to utilize important keywords. Whether your resume is already online,
or still in paper form, it is likely to end up in a database at some point and you need
to make sure it comes up in the right searches.


1. Admin
2. User


In this application administrator can login with his login details, after
successful login he can view all available users as well as their resumes.


User can easily build his own resume and he can view the resume & he can logout
from the system. User can build the resume by entering his personal and
educational & experience details. And the resume will be generated automatically
By our application .and parallely he can view the generated resume.
Software Requirements:
Language : Java (Servlets & JSP)
Frontend : Html
Client side Scripting : javaScript
Backend : MySql 6.0
Operating System : windows XP/7/8

Hardware Requirements:
Processor : Pentium IV
Hard Disk : 80GB

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