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Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

2nd Quarter Exam

Name:______________________________ Grade & Section: _______________ Date:


I. Encircle the letter of the answer the following. Avoid erasures.

1. What is originally meant “love of wisdom”?

a. Philosophy b. Ethics c. Epistemology d. Aesthetics

2. What is the branch of philosophy that explores the nature of moral virtue
and evaluates human action? a. Philosophy b. Ethics c.
Epistemology d. Aesthetics

3. Which deals with nature, sources, limitations and validity of knowledge?

a. Metaphysics b. Ethics c. Epistemology d. Aesthetics

4. What is the science of the beautiful in its various manifestations?

a. Philosophy b. Ethics c. Epistemology d. Aesthetics

5. What is really only an extension of a fundamental and necessary drive in

every human being to know what is real?

a. Metaphysics b. Ethics c. Epistemology d. Aesthetics

6. The Filipino attitude as part of life which literally means to leave

everything to God which is Bathala? a. Bahala na b. Bayanihan
c. Pakikisama d. Kalooban

7. Which is the philiosophy of “living in harmony with nature”?

a. Bahala na b. Bayanihan c. Pakikisama d. Kalooban

8. Which Filipino value is helping others in times of need?

a. Bahala na b. Bayanihan c. Pakikisama d. Kalooban

9. Which is reciprocating debts of gratitude between coordinates and

subordinates holds the whole group together?

a. Bahala na b. Bayanihan c. Pakikisama d. utang na loob

10. A term that show sharing of one’s self to others?

a. Bahala na b. Bayanihan c. Pakikisama d. Kalooban

II. Answer the following : (5 points each)

1. Are we pushing the responsibility for our existence on to society, instead

of facing the questions of who we are? Explain.

2. What are the different environmental theories?

3. What is carbon footprint?

4. How do you understand the meaning of frugality and prudence toward the

5. What is your greatest achievement/s? How did you handle difficult


III. State your philosophy in life and explain.

IV. Consider these two frameworks:

Human over/against environments
Figure 4.1 Anthropocentric Model

Ecology over/against humans
Figure 4.2 Ecocentric Model

Based on your understanding, compare and contrast the Anthropocentric and

Ecocentric Models. Write your answers and draw inside a circle.
Key Answer

1. a. Philosophy

2. b. Ethics

3. c. Epistemology

4. d. Aesthetics

5. a. Metaphysics

6. a Bahala na

7. c. Pakikisama

8. b. Bayanihan

9. d. utang na loob

10. d. kalooban

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