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 An aircraft flew straight over my
house and it seemed a lot lower
than usual...
WebTrak MyNeighbourhood is a dynamic, feature rich web site which gives the
community access to the answers about noise impact that they seek.  Is this going to happen a lot or
is it a one off?
It builds their understanding of airport operations, and in the rare instance
 Are the aircraft getting lower/
they do call the airport, they already have the background information to louder?
engage with the airport in a constructive dialogue.
 I’m moving house; what effect
As it engages the community rather than lectures them, and transparently will the airport have on my life?
displays information about your airport operations, WebTrak  Aircraft noise has woken me
MyNeighbourhood helps to build trust between the airport and the up three times in the last week
community. - why?
 Aircraft noise is incessant
WebTrak MyNeighbourhood provides consistency by using the same data as
- will I get a break?
your noise abatement system. WebTrak MyNeighbourhood has no need to
 When I moved here
identify individual aircraft so it can be used where sensitivity from airlines or air
there was less traffic.
traffic control limits the use of WebTrak Replay.

WebTrak MyNeighbourhood frees you from general enquiries and enables you
to focus on specifics.
WebTrak MyNeighbourhood uses a map-based interface with
an intuitive design so no training is needed to operate the

As an example a person considering moving near a runway

is able to see the pattern of daily arrivals and departures for
a 12 month period.
By dragging the
timeline he can see
how the pattern
has changed over
time. By changing Flight paths on WebTrak MyNeighbourhood are shown as a
the summary swathe which illustrate the areas most commonly overflown
period (quarterly or by airport operations.
monthly) seasonal
Another feature of WebTrak MyNeighbourhood is the gate
variations become clearer. If the user is more concerned about
display. Gates are used to create penetration plots of aircraft
over flight by departures then it is easy to remove the arrivals
distribution in space. These plots allow the user to see how
and training flights from the summary.
airport operations flying through the gate are concentrated
Clicking on an ‘info’ icon enables the user to view a more laterally and vertically. The user can develop an appreciation
detailed breakdown. of outliers as well as the regular traffic patterns.

Because the user is self-investigating every step they take

improves their awareness and understanding of the impact.
A well educated community is more tolerant of airport
operations and easier to engage in a facts based discussion on
the impacts and benefits of the airport.

WebTrak MyNeighbourhood allows the public to investigate
the noise impact of airport operations. It provides summary
information using N70 supplementary metrics and allows the
user to drill-in to see the noisiest aircaft.

The N70 concept is that dB(A) > 70dB represents a

disturbance, and users would like to see how often they are
likely to be disturbed.
For those airports already using it, WebTrak has been
The user is able to drill down for detailed information such as
enhanced to interact with MyNeighbourhood to enable users
which periods of the day they are more likely to experience a
to assess whether a particular operation is operating in a
disturbance or which aircraft types cause the most noise.
“typical” way.
Manipulating the filters and time slider enables the user to
WebTrak MyNeighbourhood provides a new level of insight
view seasonal variations and how impacts have changed over
and openness about the impact of airport operations to
the general public. It allows the public to explore long term
trends and see the broader picture of the effects of airport
BG  1819  –  12

HEADQUARTERS: Brüel & Kjær Sound & Vibration Measurement A/S · DK-2850 Nærum · Denmark
Telephone: +45 77 41 20 00 · Fax: +45 45 80 14 05 · ·
Local representatives and service organisations worldwide

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