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PHYSICAL REVIEW B 82, 085310 共2010兲

Topological insulators on the Lieb and perovskite lattices

C. Weeks and M. Franz

Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6T 1Z1
共Received 29 April 2010; revised manuscript received 23 July 2010; published 11 August 2010兲
Electrons hopping on the sites of a two-dimensional Lieb lattice and three-dimensional edge-centered cubic
共perovskite兲 lattice are shown to form topologically nontrivial insulating phases when spin-orbit coupling is
introduced. These simple models on lattices with cubic symmetry show a Dirac-type structure in the excitation
spectrum but with the unusual feature that there is a dispersionless band through the center of the spectrum and
only a single Dirac cone per Brillouin zone.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.82.085310 PACS number共s兲: 73.43.⫺f, 73.20.⫺r, 85.75.⫺d

I. INTRODUCTION pological surface states.17 Other models with a low-energy

Dirac structure, namely, the 2D kagome, decorated honey-
The study of topological insulators1,2 has taken off in the comb, checkerboard, and 3D pyrochlore systems, have been
last few years, proving to be an exciting area of research in recently shown to support topological states.18–22 Experimen-
condensed-matter physics while also having ties to funda- tally the most promising system is currently Bi2Se3, which is
mental physics due to the possibility of providing a test bed known to have a large band gap and a single surface Dirac
for exotic particles such as Majorana fermions,3 fractionally cone.23 Although not experimentally verified, there is also
charged vortices,4 axions,5,6 and magnetic monopoles.7,8 some theoretical work on topological insulators in cold at-
In general, topological insulators are bulk insulators hav- oms, which looks promising.24,25
ing an energy gap between the valence and conduction On a practical level, these gapless surface states are robust
bands, but with gapless edge states 关two-dimensional 共2D兲兴 against disorder since time-reversal symmetry disallows
or surface states 关three-dimensional 共3D兲兴, caused by spin- backscattering from nonmagnetic impurities. When gapped
orbit 共SO兲 coupling, which are immune to nonmagnetic im- by time-reversal symmetry breaking perturbations, supercon-
purities and geometric perturbations. Similar in spirit to the ducting, or excitonic pairing, these surface states give rise to
quantum Hall effect, the novelty of a topological insulator interesting insulating phases with exotic quasiparticle excita-
共TI兲 lies in the fact that it can be characterized by a topologi- tions already mentioned above. Electric manipulation of the
cal invariant, and is not the result of a spontaneously broken spin degrees of freedom in topological insulators should also
symmetry. However, the invariant cannot take on any integer be possible and they can therefore be of value in spintronics
value, as in the in the quantum Hall case, but is instead a applications. Some of the existing topological insulators are
so-called Z2 topological quantum number that we label ␯, also known to be among the best thermoelectric materials,
which can be either 0 or 1. In 2D, a single Z2 invariant is such as the material Bi2Te3 discussed by Zhang et al.,26 and
sufficient for the job whereas in 3D, one needs four Z2 in- thus discovery of new materials or further understanding of
variants 共␯0 ; ␯1␯2␯3兲, which distinguish 16 possible topologi- existing ones would be of value.
cal phases and fall into the two general classes: weak TI In this paper, we present another possible host for a topo-
共WTI兲 and strong TI 共STI兲.9 In 3D if there are an odd number logical insulator, namely, the Lieb lattice in 2D and its 3D
of surface states then we have ␯0 = 1 and the system is in the counterpart the perovskite or edge-centered cubic lattice. We
STI phase. If there is an even number of surface states 共pos- show that a simple tight-binding model for electrons on these
sibly zero兲 then ␯0 = 0 and we have a trivial insulator or WTI lattices leads to TI behavior in the presence of spin-orbit
if any of the ␯i are nonzero. coupling. These toy models are unlike most of the existing
The 2D topological insulator, also known as the quantum models in that they have a simple cubic symmetry and ex-
spin Hall phase, was independently proposed by two hibit only a single Dirac node in the spectrum intersecting a
groups,10–12 and to date a variety of models have been estab- degenerate flat band precisely at the Dirac point. We also
lished that can support the TI phase. The original model on briefly discuss other perturbations that lead to topologically
the honeycomb lattice was realized by superposing two cop- trivial gapped phases.
ies of the Haldane model,13 one for spin up and other for spin
down electrons, with the spin-up and spin-down electrons II. LIEB LATTICE
moving in opposite directions along the edge.10 It was then
predicted theoretically,14 and later confirmed We begin with the tight-binding Hamiltonian,
experimentally,15 that this effect is present in the HgTe/CdTe
quantum wells. Fu and Kane extended the concept to 3D H0 = − t 兺 ci†␣c j␣ + H.c., 共1兲
with a toy model on the diamond lattice,9 and also predicted 具ij典␣
that the alloy Bi1−xSbx, which has large spin-orbit coupling,
would be a three-dimensional TI.16 This was later verified where ci†␣ creates an electron of spin ␣ on site i of the so-
experimentally by ARPES 共angle-resolved photoemission called Lieb lattice, seen in Fig. 1共a兲, and t is the hopping
spectroscopy兲 measurements which directly observed the to- amplitude for nearest-neighbor sites.

1098-0121/2010/82共8兲/085310共5兲 085310-1 ©2010 The American Physical Society


(a) (c) 3

1 2 t 0

3 2 FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 共a兲 Lieb lattice show-

ing three-site basis in unit cell, NNN hopping
0 π 共dotted lines兲 and basis vectors a1 and a2. 共b兲
kx π/2
Tight-binding dispersion for Hk0 . 共c兲 Band struc-
(b) (d) ture for strip of Ny = 10 unit cells with open
2 boundary conditions along the y direction and in-
finite along x with ␣ = 0.2t. 共d兲 As in 共c兲 but with
E ␭ = 0.2t instead.
t 0



3 π
kx π/2

In momentum space, Eq. 共1兲 becomes H0 insulating phases are characterized by conventional broken
= 兺k␴⌿k† ␴Hk0 ⌿k␴ with ⌿k␴ = 共c1k␴ , c2k␴ , c3k␴兲T and symmetries and are topologically trivial.
The recent paper by Green et al.28 discusses a similar set

冢 冣
0 cos共kx兲 cos共ky兲 of energy bands having a flat band directly through the
Hk0 = − 2t 0 0, middle of a single Dirac cone, which have been created via
staggered flux phases on the kagome lattice. Although their
interests lie with the flat band itself, they discuss possible
where the lower triangle of the matrix is understood to be insulating phases that can be introduced in order to isolate
filled so that the matrix is Hermitian. The spectrum of Hk0 the flat band and determine that, for spinless fermions, time-
consists of one degenerate flat band Ek共3兲 = 0 and two disper- reversal symmetry must be broken in order to achieve this.
sive bands, Seeing as the Lieb lattice requires no magnetic field to create
Ek共1,2兲 = ⫾ 2t冑cos2 kx + cos2 ky ,
the same energy band structure, perhaps it is of some interest
then that we can isolate the flat band without breaking time-
where the Brillouin zone spans − ␲2 ⱕ kx ⱕ ␲2 and reversal symmetry by way of the dimerization term men-
− ␲2 ⱕ ky ⱕ ␲2 . Plotting these bands yields a low-energy tioned above.
Dirac-type dispersion 关seen in Fig. 1共b兲兲, with a single Dirac Now, to see if this model can support a TI phase we
cone in the Brillouin zone. At one third filling then, band 1 include the intrinsic SO interaction term,
will be completely filled, with the degenerate flat band and
the upper band being empty, and this state will behave as a HSO = i␭ 兺
共d1ij ⫻ d2ij兲 · ␴␣␤ci†␣c j␤ , 共3兲
gapless band insulator.
There are several perturbations to the basic Hamiltonian where ␭ is the amplitude for the next-nearest-neighbor
共1兲 that open up a gap while respecting the translational sym- 共NNN兲 spin-orbit-induced interaction 关shown in Fig. 1共a兲兴,
metry of the lattice. The simplest option is to add an on-site the term ␯ij = 共d1ij ⫻ d2ij兲z = ⫾ 1, where d1ij and d2ij are the two
energy ⑀ to all the sites that have only two nearest neighbors unit vectors along the nearest-neighbor bonds connecting site
in Fig. 1共a兲 above, or conversely the inequivalent sites with i to its next-nearest neighbor j and ␴ is the vector of Pauli
four nearest neighbors. We note that this setup has been dis- spin matrices. This will also lead to the formation of a gap at
cussed recently in the context of ultracold fermionic atoms.27 the Dirac point while preserving T and the translational sym-
Here, one of the dispersing bands remains touching the flat metry of H0. Fourier transforming, we have
band while the other dispersing band becomes isolated. An-

冢 冣
other option is to add a dimerization term, which staggers the 0 0 0
hopping amplitude along both the x̂ and ŷ directions so that HkSO = ⫾ 4␭ 0 − i sin共kx兲sin共ky兲 , 共4兲
t → t ⫾ ␣. In this case, the flat band becomes isolated from 0
the dispersing bands, which are gapped symmetrically
关shown for strip geometry in Fig. 1共c兲兲. Lastly, including a where the +共−兲 sign refers to spin up 共down兲 electrons, and
Rashba spin-orbit term will again isolate the flat band while the spectrum for the full Hamiltonian, Hk = Hk0 + HkSO, then
also splitting the spin degeneracy among the valence and consists of the same degenerate flat band Ek共3兲 = 0, and the
conduction bands. In all of the above cases the resulting modified doubly degenerate dispersive bands,


(a) (c) 4

a3 t0
3 a2
FIG. 2. 共Color online兲 共a兲 Perovskite lattice
1 2 a1 4
Γ A L H M X Γ showing four sites in unit cell along with basis
vectors. 共b兲 High-symmetry points in the Bril-
kz 4
(b) (d) louin zone. 共c兲 Band structure inside bulk along
A path of high symmetry for Hk0 . 共d兲 As in 共c兲 but
2 with ␣ = 0.2t.
ky 2

X M 4

variant ␯ = 1, confirming that the system is indeed a topologi-

Ek共1,2兲 = ⫾ 2冑t2共cos2 kx + cos2 ky兲 + 4␭2 sin2 kx sin2 ky cal insulator. Similar considerations for 32 filling also yield
共5兲 ␯ = 1.
Next, we solve the model in a strip geometry numerically
with a gap ⌬SO = 4兩␭兩 at the Dirac point. using exact diagonalization, in order to incorporate edge ef-
We note that the flat band eliminates the possibility of fects and demonstrate the bulk-boundary correspondence,
writing down a low-energy Dirac expansion for the system in which states that whenever ␯ = 1 there will be an odd number
terms of the Pauli matrices, as discussed e.g., in Ref. 18 and of pairs of topologically protected gapless modes along each
other topological insulator models, but, following Refs. 28 edge in the system. For the trivial insulating state with
and 29, it is possible to express the full Hamiltonian above in ␣ = 0.1t, we find no edge states 关Fig. 1共c兲兴 but for ␭ = 0.1t, we
terms of a set of 3 ⫻ 3 matrices that form a spin-1 represen- indeed find a pair of spin-filtered gapless states associated
tation of SU共2兲. Although not a focus here, this makes it with each edge, as seen in Fig. 1共d兲. As there are three atoms
possible, for instance, to calculate the Chern numbers of the in the unit cell, the two edges of the slab are not equivalent,
bands analytically. and therefore the edge states are not degenerate.
To prove that our system is indeed a topological insulator,
we now show by an explicit calculation that it possesses a
nontrivial Z2 invariant. There are several ways to do this in III. PEROVSKITE LATTICE
practice, although they are found to be equivalent in the end,
so we use the method that is most convenient. The perovskite lattice, depicted in Fig. 2共a兲, is a straight-
According to Fu and Kane16 when a crystal possesses forward generalization of the Lieb lattice into 3D and can be
inversion symmetry, the Z2 topological invariant ␯ is related viewed as a simple cubic lattice with additional sites posi-
to the parity eigenvalues ␰2m共⌫i兲 of the 2mth occupied en- tioned at the centers of all edges.
ergy band at the four T-invariant momenta ⌫i. Our system is As with the Lieb lattice, our starting point is the tight-
inversion symmetric and so we can use this method to find ␯. binding model given in Eq. 共1兲, which in momentum space
If we select site 1 of the unit cell as the center of inversion gives

冢 冣
then the parity operator acts as P关␺1共r兲 , ␺2共r兲 , ␺3共r兲兴 0 cos kx cos ky cos kz
= 关␺1共−r兲 , ␺2共−r − a1兲 , ␺3共−r − a2兲兴 on the triad of the
electron wave functions in the unit cell labeled by vector r. 0 0 0
Hk0 = − 2t .
In momentum space, the parity operator becomes a 0 0
diagonal 3 ⫻ 3 matrix Pk = diag共1 , e−ia1·k , e−ia2·k兲 and 0
the four T-invariant momenta can be expressed as
⌫i = ␲共x̂ni + ŷmi兲 / 2 with ni , mi = 0 , 1. The eigenstates of H⌫i The spectrum then consists of two degenerate flat bands
can be found analytically in this case and it is then easy to Ek共3,4兲 = 0 and the two dispersive bands,
determine the parity eigenvalues of the occupied bands. At 31 Ek共1,2兲 = ⫾ 2t冑cos2 kx + cos2 ky + cos2 kz . 共6兲
filling, we find that three ␰’s are positive and one is negative.
Which of the four ␰’s is negative depends on the choice of Again, we have a single Dirac point in the Brillouin zone and
the inversion center but the product ⌸i␰共⌫i兲 = 共−1兲␯ is inde- at 41 filling the system behaves as a gapless band insulator.
pendent of this choice and determines the nontrivial Z2 in- The spectrum is shown in Fig. 2共c兲. As above, we can create


4 4

2 2
E E FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 共a兲 Bulk band structure
t0 t0 shown along path connecting high-symmetry
points for ␭ = 0.2t. 共b兲 Band structure for slab ge-
2 2 ometry along lines connecting four surface TRIM
for ␭ = 0.2t.
4 4
Γ A L H M X Γ Γ X1 M X2 Γ

(a) (b)
a topologically trivial insulating phases by including an an- vive even if the interplane coupling is restored. Using the
isotropic on site term or a dimerization 关Fig. 2共d兲兴. Fu-Kane method16 we have confirmed that if hopping along
To open up a topologically nontrivial gap, we consider the z direction is eliminated, the system at quarter filling
spin-orbit coupling Eq. 共3兲. Since the d1,2 ij now lie in three- becomes a 共0;001兲 WTI. For nonzero interplane coupling
dimensional space, the Hamiltonian does not decouple for parametrized as t⬘ = ␣t for the NN hopping and ␭⬘ = ␣␭ for
the two spin projections as above, and instead becomes an the spin-orbit interaction terms, where 0 ⱕ ␣ ⱕ 1, we find that
8 ⫻ 8 matrix in k space. The spectrum can be found numeri- the WTI survives as long as ␣ ⬍ 2␭ / t. At ␣ = 2␭ / t, the two
cally and is shown in Fig. 3共a兲. Unlike the model on the Lieb lowest energy bands touch at the point M in the Brillouin
lattice, the addition of the spin-orbit term creates a dispersion zone and there is a sharp transition to the 共1;111兲 STI phase.
in the degenerate flat bands and a gap that depends on the We note that the system remains insulating at quarter filling
sign of ␭, which is no longer symmetric around zero energy. for all other values of ␣.
Switching the sign of ␭ inverts the band structure.
We now study the topological classes of these insulating IV. CONCLUSIONS
phases. As above, the Z2 topological invariants 共␯0 ; ␯1␯2␯3兲 We have established a model for a topological insulator
are easy to evaluate when a crystal possesses inversion on lattices with simple cubic symmetry. In 2D, we have
symmetry and can be determined from knowledge of the shown that a tight-binding model with spin-orbit coupling on
parity eigenvalues ␰2m共⌫i兲 of the 2mth occupied energy band the Lieb lattice supports gapless topologically protected edge
at the eight T-invariant momenta 共TRIM兲 ⌫i that satisfy modes, and possesses a nontrivial Z2 invariant. In 3D, we
⌫i = ⌫i + G. The eight TRIM in our system can be expressed have demonstrated that a similar model on the perovskite
in terms of primitive reciprocal lattice vectors as lattice supports 2D gapless surface states when in the 共1;111兲
⌫i=共n1n2n3兲 = 共n1b1 + n2b2 + n3b3兲 / 2, with n j = 0 , 1. Then ␯␣ is STI phase, brought on by spin-orbit coupling. We have also
determined by the product 共−1兲␯0 = 兿n j=0,1␦n1n2n3 and identified other gapped phases in these models that are topo-
共−1兲␯i=1,2,3 = 兿n j⫽i=0,1;ni=1␦n1n2n3, where ␦i = 兿m=1 N
␰2m共⌫i兲. logically trivial.
If we select site 1 of the unit cell, Fig. 2, as In addition to the topologically nontrivial band structures,
the center of inversion then the parity the models considered here exhibit flat bands, which could
operator acts as P关␺1共r兲 , ␺2共r兲 , ␺3共r兲 , ␺4共r兲兴 give rise to interesting strongly correlated electron states
= 关␺1共−r兲 , ␺2共−r − a1兲 , ␺3共−r − a2兲 , ␺4共−r − a3兲兴 on the even for relatively weak interaction strength.30 A necessary
four-component electron wave function in the unit cell condition for exotic correlated phases is that the single-
labeled by vector r. In momentum space and including spin electron states forming the flat band are delocalized in space
the parity operator becomes a diagonal 8 ⫻ 8 matrix 共localized states typically lead to formation of more conven-
Pk = diag共1 , e−ia1·k , e−ia2·k , e−ia3·k兲 丢 diag共1 , 1兲. It is straight- tional Wigner crystal phases兲. Delocalized single-electron
forward to obtain the eigenstates of H⌫i and the parity eigen- states are guaranteed to exist if the flat band possesses a
values of the occupied bands numerically, then determine the nonzero topological invariant, as happens, e.g., in quantum
Z2 invariants. At quarter filling, we find that ␦ = −1 at the H Hall liquids. Unfortunately, this is not the case in models
point and ␦ = 1 at the other TRIM so the spin-orbit phase is a considered in this study. In the Lieb lattice, spin-orbit cou-
共1;111兲 strong topological insulator. pling preserves the flat band and separates it from other
Incorporating edge effects into the system with a slab ge- bands. The resulting flat band however turns out to be topo-
ometry and plotting the band energies along lines connecting logically trivial, i.e., it has ␯ = 0 while the TI behavior derives
the four surface TRIM 关Fig. 3共b兲兴, we can also see the bulk from the two dispersive bands which have ␯ = 1. In the per-
energy bands and an odd number of surface states which ovskite lattice, spin-orbit coupling produces a significant dis-
traverse the gap, a behavior characteristic of STI. persion in the original flat band and this will limit the impor-
As in Ref. 20, we note that it is also possible to obtain a tance of correlations in the system. Although we see no
WTI with this model. In the limiting case where the system general reason that would prevent a flat band from having a
is tuned so that electrons can only move in decoupled paral- nontrivial Z2 invariant, this situation does not seem to occur
lel planes, each forming a 2D Lieb lattice, we know from our in commonly used simple models.
work above that we have a collection of 2D topological in- Can our model be realized in a physical system? There
sulators. Such a collection results in a WTI, which will sur- exist many perovskites in nature as well as many layered


perovskites composed of weakly coupled 2D planes with and 3D. We hope that our work will stimulate detailed band-
Lieb lattice structure. The most prominent example of the structure calculations of perovskites with heavy transition-
latter are the CuO2 planes in high-Tc cuprate superconductors metal elements in search for new families of topological in-
such as YBa2Cu3O7 or Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8. In 3D, our model sulators.
system is an idealization of the naturally occurring perovs- In the more exotic realm, it might be possible to artifi-
kites, most of which also have a heavy central atom in the cially engineer the 2D system by modulating a two-
middle of each cubic cell, such as SrTiO3 or the double dimensional electron gas with a periodic potential having
perovskite structure Ba2NaOsO6. In these real materials, the Lieb symmetry, as achieved recently in constructing the “ar-
electron behavior near the Fermi level derives from the eg tificial graphene.”31 Another possibility lies with cold Fermi-
and t2g orbitals of the transition-metal element occupying the onic atoms in optical lattices as discussed in Refs. 24 and 25.
cubic site while the edge sites are normally oxygens whose p
orbitals are far away from the Fermi level. The resulting
band structure for the active orbitals is then significantly ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
more complex than that captured in our simple tight-binding
model. Nevertheless, our model calculations demonstrate The authors have benefited from discussions with H.-M.
that this class of tight-binding Hamiltonians on lattices with Guo and C. Felser. This work was supported by NSERC and
cubic symmetry can support topological phases, both in 2D CIfAR.

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