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Lecture 2: The Philippine Archipelago: Geological and Geographical Bases

01 Philippine Folk Literatures and Myths

 Is a sacred narrative explaining how the world and man came to be in their present form
 Important genre of folk literature
 Together with legends and folktales, they constitute the large group of folk narratives in prose
Myths vs. Legends

Myths: Legends: Similarities:

1. Accounts of what 1. Set in a period less 1. Prose narratives
happened in the remote, when the 2. Considered to be
remote past. world was such as it truthful in their
2. Accepted on faith; is today society
they are taught to be 2. Legends are more 3. Both explains the
believed; and they often secular than origin of a certain
can be cited as sacred place, person, belief,
authority in answer 3. Their principal tradition and culture.
to ignorance, doubt, characters are
or disbelief. human
3. Their main 4. They tell migrations,
characters are not wars, and victories,
usually human deeds of past heroes,
beings, but they are chiefs, and kings, and
animals, deities, or succession in ruling
culture heroes. dynasties. May also
4. Myths account for include local tales of
the characteristics of buried treasure,
birds, animals, ghost, fairies, and
geographical saints
features, and the 5. Counter part of
phenomena of written history

Myth according to Malinowski

 One can arrive at a proper understanding of the nature of myth only when it is studied in a live
context; that is one must live among the people, “With the Myth maker at his elbow”- Based on
the Malenesian Culture.
 Myth is not merely a story told but a reality
Importance of Myth
 Myth in primitive culture fulfills an indispensable function: It expresses, enhances, and codifies
belief; it safeguards and enforces morality, it vouches for the efficiency or ritual and contains
practical rules for the guidance of man.
 Vital ingredient in human civilization
 It is not an idle tale but a hard-worked active force; It is not an intellectual explanation or an
artistic imagery, but a pragmatic character of primitive faith and moral wisdom.
Two Types of Myths
 ‘Purer’ Myths- from our mountain peoples
 Mythological legends or Etiological legends- from lowland Christianized Philippines

Classification of Myths
The Gods and the Creation of the World
 Ancient people believed in one supreme god and in a number of lesser gods and goddesses.
Sometimes referred as the Supreme God, Great Being, or God the Most high and sometime it
depends with the tribes:
 Bathala- Tagalog
 Mangetchay- Pampangos
 Gugurang- Bikols
 Lumawig and Kabunian- Bontoc and Igorot
 Liddum- Ifugao
 Mahal Makakaako- Mangyan
 Laon- Visayans
 Magbabaya- Bukidnons
 Sualla or Tullus God- Tiruray
 Melu- Blaan
 Makalidung- Manobo of the Agusan Valley
 Diwata (Pumulak Manobo)- Bagobo
 Manama- Manuvu
 Couple- god Kadaw La Sambad and Bulon La Mogoaw- T’boli

1. Maranao myth
The world was created by a great being. It is not known, however, who exactly is this great Being.

2. Panay Creation Myth

Narrates that Tunkung Langit, lonesome for his lost wife Alunsisa, “came down to the Middle-world and
created the land; then he planted this with grasses, trees, and flowers”

3. Bagobo Myth
In the beginning, Diwata (Pumulak Manobo) made the sea and the land and planted trees of many kinds

4. Manobos of the Agusan Valley

Makalindung is the creator of the world. He set the world up on posts, with one in the center, where he
has his abode.

5. Blaan Myth
Melu, the supreme God was very cleanly and constantly rubbing himself with his hands in order that he
might keep his skin quite white. The dead skin he removed annoyed so he created the Earth.

6. Manuvu Myth
Manama, the creator God was even more methodical, He took two bars of steel and put them criss-cross.
He scraped off his fingernails and moulded the scrapings into a solid mass, the bars serving as frame. This
moulded matter became larger and larger through his will power which later became Earth.
7. Myth of the Tagalog and Visayans- Tells the creation of the earth happened out of accident.

Tagalog: In the beginning, there were only the sea and the sky and a bird was flying between the. Wishing
to have something to align on, the bird caused the sea and sky to quarrel. When the sea threw its waters
up against the sky, the sky showered upon in many islands, which became the earth.
Visayan: The struggle was between King Manaul and King Captan, and the earth was formed from the
liuge rocks and stones which King Captan send from the sky to scrush Manaul.

8. Pampango Myth
The world was formed by the large masses of stones used in the fight among the god- suitors of the
daughter of the supreme god Mangetchay

9. Bikol Myth
The earth is said to have been formed from the flattened arm of the god Bulan, after his fight with his
older brother Adlao

10. Mangyan Story

Says that the earth grew from feces of a worm

11. Sulod Myth

Traces the creation of the origin of the earth to the excreta of an earthworm

Early Conceptions of the Universe

 The Filipino’s early conception of the world consist of the Skyworld, the Earth of Middle-world
and the Underworld.

1. Nabaloi Creation Myth

In the beginning there was no Earth but only the Skyworld and the people of the Underworld. The two are
enemies and are always fighting which led the Sun (Supreme deity of the Nabalois) created the earth so
that the people of the underworld could not shoot into the skyworld. But this did not stop the fighting
since people of both sides, go to earth for hunting. One day they had a big fight over a deer and many
were killed. One man from the skyworld and a woman from the underworld were wounded and left by
their companions. When they recovered, they married and became the ancestors of the Nabaloi.

2. Visayan Myth
Here the people from the skyworld discovers the earth, descended to it, and settled there.

3. Kankanay Tale
Narrates how two brave men accidentally discovered the underworld through a hole in the Earth which
they made while digging up a huge camote.

4. Kiangan Ifugao
The world composed of a large number of horizontal layers which are very similar to one another:
 The upper-face is the earth, while the lower-face is a smooth bluestone called muling or buling.
 The layer which we live is called the Earth world (Luta).
 The four layers above us constitute the sky (Daya), and are called in order from top to down,
Hudog, Luktag, Hubulan, and Kabunian.
 The Blue- stone or the Sky is the last layer.
 The underworld (Dalom) consist an unknown number of layers beneath the one on which we live.
 Lagud- Mythical regions of the East
 The Earth world or layer on which we live, lies approximately at the center of the universe. It is
therefore the largest layer and the other layers of the skyworld and underworld gro successively
smaller as they approach the zenith and nadir of the celestial globe, the boundary of the Universe.

5. The story of Bugan and Kinggauan

This portrays the God and Goddesses as they move through these several layers of their Sky world.

6. Ifugao
For them there is no story and belief as for the origin of the Universe, because to their minds it has always
existed and will always continue to exist.

7. Maranao
Believed that the earth is divided into seven layers
 Uppermost- Inhabited by Human beings
 Second- Dwarfs
 Third- Nymphs
 The sky also consist of several layers, each layer having a door guarded by a huge mythical bird
called Garoda. Each layer of the sky is inhabited by angels.
 The seventh layer is the seat of heaven, which is also divided into seven layers.
 The tree of life, the leaves of which bear the names of all people living on earth, and the tightly
covered jars which contain the souls of every person on earth are the interesting features of

8. Blaan Myth
The universe compose of nine layers and has the shape of two bowls set rim to rim.
 Topmost- Mele or dwata
 Unidentified layer
 Kayong- place where men who die of accidents and murder go
 Sky- sun, moon and stars
 Middle layer- abode of men
 Layer of water
 Kilut and Bolul mawing- layers for the dead
 Lowest layer- runs the pole that supports the bowls of the hemisphere. Its other end is tied to the
finger of the owner of the world.

9. T’bolis
Believed that the sky has seven levels, the highest is the dwelling place for their gods.
The Sun, Moon and the Stars
Explains the origin, features and why they shine differently and at different times.

1. Manobo
The sun is the Husband and the moon is the wife, the sun kissed and burned their children which made
the wife angry and both argued and led to a fight with the moon leaving her husband. This is why the Sun
has been following the moon, “In an eternal cycle of night and day”.

2. Moro- Isolan
The sun quarreled with the moon simply because the pot of gabi leaves he asked his wife rto cook was
not full.

3. Blaan
The sun became angry just because the moon failed to follow his command not to eat their meal until his
return. The moon had given their hungry child some food.

4. Bagobo
The sun quarreled with his wife because the moon did not kill her baby, as her husband had commanded,
when it turned out to be a girl. The sun killed the child and turned it to pieces then threw it in the window
which made the stars.

5. Tiruray
While the moon was bathing the child, the baby fell to earth through a big hole on the floor of the sky.

6. Tinguian
To reduce the moon’s brightness, the sun threw sand on the face of the moon.

7. Nabaloi
Before, the moon was indeed brighter than the sun. but the jealous sun fooled the moon causing the limb
of a tree to hit the moon in the face.

8. Ifuagao
Shows the contest between the Sun and the Moon, the results were tied, but the sun put lime into the
moon, removing its brightness, the moon’s sons (stars) washed out the lime thus helping the moon
recover. In retaliation, the moon made the sun drunk and set a spear trap for him. Sun was impaled, he
was killed and pecked to pieces by crows, but the sons collected the pieces and resurrected him.

6. Isneg Tale
Here the sun and moon were friends, but it ended because the Sun stole the moon’s pet dog. The moon
threw broom to the sun creating rays, while the Sun threw fire band to the moon creating blackness.

7. Lowland Filipino
The sun and the moon are portrayed as members of the family. 2 sisters, 2 brothers or a sister and a
8. Bikol
Adlao (sun) and Bulan (moon) are brothers who had a violent fight. Adlao hit one eye of Bulan with his
club and pursued him as he fled. That explain why until now, the sun and moon are still catching each
other and why the moon has lesser light, because only one eye emits light.

9. Pampango
Apolaquia and Mayari are brother and sister from whose eyes the earth received light. But Apolaqui
wanted to rule the earth all by himself so he fought his sister and put out her eyes. But he felt sorry, so he
decided to share her power and rule on earth. That is why the Sun ruled during the day and the moon
ruled during the night.

10. Pangasinan
Agueo (sun) and bulan (moon) were brothers, to each of whom their father-gave a fiery palace by which
they furnished light to mankind. Bulan was so mischievous that their father became angry and hurled an
enormous rock at Bulan’s fiery palace, which broke into thousands of pieces creating the stars (Bituen).
Since then, Bulan was forbidden to travel with Agueo, but was commanded to light the way of thieves
henceforth with his much dimmed fiery palace.

11. Tagalog
The story is preserved through Folktales. Here araw and buwan themselves did not give off light. It was
their diamonds, thrown into the sky by the angels, that shone there.

12. In other Tagalog Versions

The identities of Araw and Buwan are in the form of dieties who ruled day and night. But a quarrel was
caused by Lihangin, the God of wind. He damaged buwan and was badly hit so the parts of her body was
scattered and became the stars. This was the reason why his light was as not as broght as the sun.

The Great Flood

 These are stories of how and why the Earth could have been flooded and its aftereffects to the
world we now live

1. The Ifugao Flood Myth

During an unusually severe drought, the people tried to dig down the river as their elders suggest that
they might get the chance to find the soul of the River. On the third day of digging, a great spring struck
and the water gushed forth. The water came out so fast, killing people before they even leave the river.
Because of so much water, the people celebrated and feasted but during this time, It began to grew dark
and the rain fell (Caused by Lumawig). Everyone ran and went to the mountains but only two survived
who happened to be brothers and sister. Wigan on Mt. Amuyao and Bugan on Kalauitan, when the flood
subsided the two married each other with the blessing of God Maknongan and created the new set of
people. This happened to create a new generation deserving of a more beautiful world.

 Fr. Demetrio- says that the egg motif in myth and ritual is generally linked with the symbolism of
rebirth, of the renovation either of nature or of vegetation in the form of a deluge.

2. Bukidnon
A giant crab crawled into the sea and crowded the water out.
3. Bontoc
Two sons of Lumawig flooded the world so that mountains would rise and make it easier for them to catch
their game of pigs and deer.

4. Nabaloi
A flood occurred because of the negligence of the woman guarding the river. She fell asleep and wood
and trash clogged the river, causing the river to swell and overflow.

5. Visayan
The survivors of the deluge were a couple, Datu Paubari and his wife, who had been warned about the
flood by “the guardian of happy homes”

6. Bukidnon
The survivors were a couple, Mapolumpun and his wife.

7. Bagobo
Threepairs survived and they became ancestors of three social classes: The slaves, the serfs and the

8. T’boli
Two couple survived. From one couple came the Muslims, Blaan and T’boli themselves. From the other
couple came the Ilongos, Ilocanos, the tagalogs and the Bisayans.

9. Mandaya of Cateel
Only one person survived, the pregnant woman. And she prayed to get a Boy, the when it happened, the
boy was named Uacatan, after the boy took his mother as his wife and with their union created the people
of Mandaya.

Establishment of Natural Order

 This explains the origin of natural phenomena such as rainbows, rains, lightning, thunder,
earthquakes etc.

1. Panay
Believed that the Rain is Tunkung Langit’s tears shed in longing for his vanished wife Alunsisa

2. Manobos
When it rains it is Diwata throwing out water from the sky

3. Ibanag
Story says that the rain is the tears shed by people who are imprisoned in the cloyds by the big giant that
rules the world, for disobeying his command.

4. Nabaloi
The rainbow here is represented by a deity and is crooked because he was hit by the wind who caught
him flirting with his wife.
5. Tagalog
The Rainbow (Bighari) is a flower- loving daughter of bathala, who was cursed by the latter to stay on
earth forever because of failure to attend a family council which bathala called. It is her arch of
multicolored flowers that we see in the sky.

6. Igorot
The rainbow is not a person but a road from heaven to earth that Lumawig built for a man so that his star
wife and child could visit him without difficulty.

7. Manobos
When it comes to myths about thunder and lightning, Anit is one of the mighty spirits that dwell in the
skyworld and is the wielder of the thunderbolt and of the storm. Thunder is the demonstration of Anit’s
anger towards men for disrespect to brute animals, and lightning is her tongue that is flung at the guilty

 In stories about the marriage between a god and a moral wife, the two halves of their divided
child become the thunder and lightning.

8. Kankanay
The child of Lumawig and his mortal wife had been divided, the head, who could talk loudly, was angry
because it did not have a body, so Lumawig gave it a body and legs thus it became Thunder. On the other
hand the lower part could not talk sa Lumawig gave it a head and it married thunder, and it became

9. Nabaloi
The two halves of the child of Kabunian and his Igorot wife also became the Thunder ang lightning

10. Bikol Myth

Earthquake is cause by a giant who supports the world.

11. Ibanag
There is an earthquake everytime Bernardo Carpio struggles to free himself from his imprisonment
between two mountains.

12. Isnegs
Believe that a post supports the earth and near it are a large eel and a large crab. When they fight, the
post is struck by the tail of the eel and the earth trembles.

13. Maranaos
Believed that the world is carried on the back of lumbung, a huge animal. Whenever the small shrimp that
keeps it company claws at the lumbung, the lumbung moves and shakes the earth.

14. Cebuanos
The eclipse of the moon occurs whenever the moon is swallowed or embraced by a monster which is a
serpent called Bacunawa.

 Version of the Monster according to other tribes:

o Manobos- Gigantic tarantula
o Bagobos- Great bird called Minokawa
o Maranaos- huge lion called Arimaonga

Creation/Origin of Man
In the Myths, the creation of man, or his emergence into the world, follows immediately after the creation
of the world. Philippine myths explain the origin of the first people on earth in three main ways:
1. Man came to earth from heaven, or the sky world
2. The first man and woman emerged, fully formed, from two nodes of a piece of bamboo, from two
stumps of banana plant, hatched from two eggs of a bird etc
3. They were created by a God and his helpers out of earth or some other material

1. Ifugao
Kabigat of the Skyworld, wishing to populate the earthworld, caused his two children Wigan and Bugan
to be carried by a flood down to earth, he sent them everything they would need including food. And
eventually married each other and populated the earth.

2. Visayan
At first there were also no inhabitants in earth but one day a hunter accidentally bore a hole on the
grounds of heaven thus discovering earth. He and his companies went down to earth using a rope from
the feathers of a bird and lived there. Only a fat woman was left in heaven because she can’t pass through
the hole. There she continues to light the heaven to remind us that we came from that place.

3. Ge Indians of Eastern Brazil (Cayapo Group)

All the cayapo formerly lived in the sky. Then one day a warrior, while digging for an armadillo, broke the
sky floor and discovered earth. The people used a strong rope so that as much of the could go down,
before a boy cuts the and prevents them from going down.

4. Nabaloi
The first man on earth came from the skyworld and the first woman, from the underworld. They married
and became the ancestors of the Naboloi

5. Visayans by Pavon and Povedano

The first man and woman emerged from two nodes of a piece of bamboo, which a bird split open by
pecking at it. The Gods here are Sicalak and Sicabay, while in the Boxer-codex of 1590 They are named
Calaque and Cabaye.

 An interesting variation on the bamboo motif is one in which the man and woman are said to have
come out from the stumps of two banana plants which the god Lumawig had cut down to clear
the area around a spring. He named the man Alelayo and the woman Aremanya.

6. Mandaya Myth
The first man and woman came from two eggs of the Linokon bird (A kind of dove).

7. Sulu Moro Story

Combines the egg motif and bamboo motif, by saying that the first man came from the eggs of a Bird,
while his mate was found in a Bamboo.
8. Bikol Myth
The first man and woman sprang from two hairs that grew on the cut arm of the God Bulan.

9. Bukidnon
Human was created by two heavenly creators who took the earth to serve as the flesh, water to serve as
the blood, rattan to serve as the veins and arteries, a kind of wood to serve as the bones and saliva to
mold the figures.

10. Blaan
In here, Two heavenly beings Melu and Fiuweigh, created people out of dirt. But Fiuweigh positioned the
nose upside down and would not listen to Melu. Melu quickly turned the noses to the right position but
in his haste, he pressed the root of the nose with his finger and flattened it.

 Two or three of these myths feature a bad creator or marplot, who frustrates the good intentions
of the good creator. Examples of these are Fiuweigh of the Blaans, Sedek We of the T’bolis, and
their Manuvu counterpart, Oggasi.

o Manama wanted to infuse man with everlasting life, but while Manama was away, Oggasi
got a knotted abaca fiber and with it infused man with life. This is why, according to the
Manuvu, man has a short existence on this earth.

 It is evident that in most myths women were only created secondary to man which is of course
downgrading to their rights and value. But this is not the case in Igorot.

11. Igorot
The woman was created first and only when she found it hard to catch a pig for food did Kabunian created
man who could help her.

Relationship between Gods and Men

Some myths shows that the Gods and humans have a very close and intimate relationship with each other
(Mountain provinces of Luzon, Bontoc Ifugao etc.) while some are very distant and supreme compared to
humans (Visayan and Mindanao).

1. Blaan
Melu their supreme God sat upon the clouds and occupied all space above

2. Panay
Tungkung langit and Alunsisa, had their abode in the higest realm of the eternal space

3. Bontoc, Igorot and Ifugao

The gods here are never really away from Humans in fact they live just like one of them. They also had
families, and fields to cultivate.

 Bontoc
Tells us that Kabunian who lived in the sky, had three sons who worked daily in their father’s field. They
also go down to earth to marry mortals and teach them useful arts in many ways to improve their lives.
This is a common situation in the myths of the Mountain province. Lumawig, the Son of Kabunian is one
of those who went down to marry Fucan.
 Igorot
Kabunian descended to Earth, married a virtuous maided, Bangan, and had three children by her. But
when the time came for Kabunian to return back to heaven, The children were separated. The Boy kabigat
went to his mother, the girl Daungen went with Kabunian and the third child was cut into two, which
became a girl (Bungan) and a boy(Limawig).

 Southern Kalinga
Kabunian went down the earth and married Ipogao. He built a bridge but upon building, his wife saw him
which in the first place she was instructed no to for Kabunian uses his powers and emits fire which
frightened the mortal. Kabunian destroyed the bridge and went back to the Sky.

 Ifuagao (Galidu: The Virgin Birth)

In the story Mayingit, the son of the God of thunder, fell inlove with bugan of the earthworld. Mayingit
instructed Bugan that if she were to give birth the name of the child should be Balitok, and so it happened,
as the child grew in the hand of his grandfather Amtalao he later had trouble with his playmates and
teased him for having no father and “Son of a Betel Leaf and Betel Nut”. Out of anger, he speared his
friends and so his father came down the earth and protected his son, giving joy and powers, making him
invincible and wrought destruction on his enemies.

4. Bugan ang Kinggauan

This is the opposite of the previous story, Instead of a God going down to earth, it was a Goddess who
married a mortal and had children, but was not able to carry her husband because he was afraid to climb
and was only able to bring one of her children Bugan to heaven which later became a celestial being and
the other who was left on earth slowly decayed, because of this she went back and turned them into other
creatures like snails, omen, bird etc.

5. Tinguian story of Gaygayoma

Gaygayoma is a star who was caught by the hero steaing his sugarcane. This time, it was the star who
forced the mortal hero to marry her even if he already had a wife, on pain of being eaten by the stars, if
he refused. She took him up to the heaven in a basket and there a baby boy was born to them.
02 Kasaysayang Bayan

Pagsibol ng Lahing Pilipino at Kapaligiran

 Ang Pilipinas ay isang kapuluan, matatagpuan sa isang sonang tropical at monsoon,
daanan ng bagyo, na nagbunsod ng isang kabihasnang maritimo. Ito rin ay matatagpuan
sa tinaguriang “singsing ng apoy” at “sinturon ng lindol”
 Ang pagkabuo ng mga bundok, lambakin, katubigan, pulo o pagiging kapuluan o
archipelago ng Pilipinas ay produkto ng mga prosesong heolohikal tulad ng paggalaw ng
mga platong tektoniko mula sa panahon ng Cretaceous hanggang sa panahong
 Sa kabuuan ng daigdig, ang unang paglikha ng tao sa sarili sa naganap noong panahon ng
Paleolitiko at panahong Neolitiko. Nang nakakabit pa ang Pilipinas sa kontinenteng Asya,
ipinapalagay na naglakbay papunta rito ang mga rhinoceros at elepante at ang Homo
erectus at Homo sapiens na nabuhay sa dalawang pook, Hilang Tsina (Beijing) at Timog
silangang asya (Java)
 Sa paglubog ng mga tulay-lupa, naging possible ang pagkalat ng tao, tinaguriang lahing
Austronesyano, patungong pasipiko sa pamamagitan ng banka.

Pinagmulan ng Arkipelagong Pilipinas

 Pleistocene
o Noong panahong ito, ang kapuluan ng Pilipinas, na nasa gilid ng Philippine Sea
Plate, ay nabuo mula ng pag-uumpugan ng Eurasia Plate, na kinalalagyan ng
kalupaang asyano at ng Philippine sea plate, na bumangga naman sa pacific plate
at Indian-australian plate. Bunson ng mga ito ay mapapansin ang matataas at
mabababang lugar, mga pulo at dagat sa Pilipinas.
 Cretaceous:
o Nabuo ang Proto-Philippine na arko ng mga pulo na matatagpuan sa sonang
equatorial. Ito Pinagmulan ng mga unang kapuluan ng Pilipinas gaya ng Bicol,
Leyte at Silangang Mindanao.
 Eocene:
o Gumalaw ang Eurasia plate patungong timog- silangan at gumalaw naman ang
Pacific plate patungong hilagang kanluran. Bunsod nito ay gumalaw ang Proto-
philippine sea plate papalayo sa sonang equatorial at papalapit sa kanlurang
bahagi ng pacific plate.
o Ang Palawan at Zamboanga, na nakaugnay sa Eurasia plate, ay gumalaw naman
papasilangan at umugnay sa proto-Philippine na arko ng mga pulo.
o Lumitaw ang arko ng Luzon, Silangan at gitnang Mindanao at ang Zamboanga at
kanlurang Mindanao
 Mula sa paggalaw ng mga Continental plates ay nabuo ang mga sumusunod:
o Bulkanismo at Paglindol
o Kanal o trintsera (trenches)- Philippine sea trench at East Luzon trough
o Lamat o bitak (Fault)
o Mga ilog at lambakin
Pilipinas sa Kasalukuyang Panahon
 Malapit sa equator na nasa gilid ng Pasipiko
 Klimang Tropikal
 Tag-ulan at tag-araw- nagdahilan sa pagyabong ng mga kagubatan at damuhan
 Amihan- Mula kontinente ng asya patungong karagatan (Nobyembre- Mayo)
 Habagat- Mula pasipiko patungong kontinente (Hunyo-Oktubre)
 Humigit-kumulang sa 20 bagyo kada taon

Sunda Shelf
 Isang pulo na sumasakop sa Borneo, Sulu, Palawan, Hilagang Luzon at Taiwan. Ito ay
umusbong noong panahon ng Pleistocene mula sa pagyeyelo sa hilagang bahagi ng
daigdig na nagpalitaw ng 100 hanggang 160 metro sa nasabing pulo.
 Ito rin ang nakikitang dahilan kung bakit may mga natagpuang mga fossils ng hayop gaya
ng rhinoceros, stegonon, at elephas sa lupain ng ating bansa. Kasabay rin ng mga ito, ang
paglalakbay ng mga tinatawag nating Homo Erectus at Homo Sapiens.

Sinaunang Tao: Homo Erectus at Homo Sapiens

 Homo Erectus
o Isang ispecie ng tao na nakakatindig nang tuwid at nakakagawa ng mga
kasankapang bato, Pangagaso at pangangalap ang ikinabubuhay.
o Mga pinaniniwalaang nanirahan sa Lambak ng Cagayan mula sa mga nahukay na
kasangkapang bato.
o Natagpuan rin sa Beijing (Hilagang tsina) at Java (Indonesia)

“Ubod” o pebble at Core tools- kasankapang bato na gawa sa Igneous; may talim at matulis
“Tipyas” o flake o flake core tools- mas maliit na piraso ng bato na may matatalim na gilid, gawa
sa matitigas na uri ng bato, tulad ng chert, andesite, at opaline.

 Homo Sapiens
o Higit na matalino sa Homo Erectus, makikita ito sa kanilang mga kasangkapang
mas pino na ginagamit rin sa pangangalap.
o Natagpuan ang isang bumbunan (skull cap) ng taong ito sa yungib ng Tabon sa

Kulturang Materyal ng Sinaunang Tao sa Palawan

 Yungib Guri- Natagpuan rito ang mga flaked stone tools, libingang-palayok na may
palamuting gawa sa jade at glass beads at labi ng mga yamang dagat na wala sa yungib ng
 Yungib Duyong- Natagpuan ang labi ng isang nakabaluktot na tao, mga kagamitang bato
na palakol o adze, isang palawit o pendant na gawa sa kabibe o shell, mga palamuti na
gawa sa jade (hikaw na lingling-o at mga pulseras), mga palayok at hulmahan para sa
paggawa ng mga bronze adze.
 Yungib Manunggul- Dito natagpuan ang Manunggul Jars. Makikita sa takip ng Palayok ang
dalawang tao na nakasakay sa isang banka. Nahukay rin ditto ang mga palamuti na gawa
sa jade, agate, at kabibe.
 Yungib Dugdug at Leta- Leta- Kung saan natagpuan ang pinakamatandang labi ng mga
 Makikitang sa Panahon ng Tulay-Lupa, ang Palawan ay mahalagang daanan ng sinaunang
tao at hayop mula sa Rehiyon ng Timog- Silangang Asya.

Heograpiya at Kultura
 Dalawang batayan sa pagkakaiba-iba ng lahi sa Timog- Silangang Asya:
1. Biolohikal na Katangian- Resulta ng matagalang pakikibagay sa kapaligiran;
Natural selection
2. Kultural na Katangian- Pakikibagay sa kapaligiran at adaptasyon, di gaya ng
Biolohikal, ito ay nagaganap sa higit na mas maikling panahon ng pagsasaling lahi.

Mongoloid- Lahing matagal na nabuo sa panahong Peleolitiko sa Hilaga, Madilaw at sila ang Instik
ngayon sa Hilagang Tsina.

Australoid- Lahing matagal na nabuo sa panahong Paleolitiko sa Timog, Maitim at sila ay

matatagpuan sa Malanesia at Papua New Guinea.

 Patuloy na naghalo ang ang mga lahi habang lumibot sa kontinente ng Asya ang mga taong
pre-historiko, ang paghahalong ito sa mahabang Panahon ang nagbigay daan sa pagkabuo
ng tinatawag nating Austronesyano.

Gene pool- Ang pag aasawahan ng iba’t ibang tao mula sa iba’t ibang lugar. Ito ay naging possible
dahil sa estado ng komersyo partikular sa kanlurang bahagi ng Pilipinas kung saan ang dagat ay
tahimik at hindi malakas ang alon.

Ang Pagpasok ng mga Austronesyano

 Ang Wika ng mga Austronesyano ang may pinakamalaking naging epekto sa sinaunang
mga Pilipino. Ngunit kahit na iisang pamilya ang wika nila ay naging magkakaiba pa rin ang
bokabularyo at istraktura nito sa iba’t ibang pangkat. Resulta ito ng partikular na
adaptasyon o pakikibagay ng tao sa kanilang kapaligiran.

Paglilinang ng Argrikultura
 Ang palay ay dala ng mga Austronesyano saating bansa ngunit ito ay hindi rin naging
matagumpay buhat ng kakaibang klima bunsod ng distansya natin sa equator.
 Mas nanaig ang mga lamang-ugat (gabi at ube) at prutas (saging, niyog, lanka, durian).
 Umusbong ang mga hagdan- hagdang taniman ng palay sa Cordillera ng Luzon.
03 The South China Sea Dispute
Antonio T. Carpio

The Austronesian Migration

 Austronesia comes from the Latin word auster, which means south wind, and the Greek
word nesos, which means island.
 What binds the people who populated all these far- flung islands is the Austronesian
language. The Malayo- Polynesian languages, including Tagalog, are derived from the
Austronesian language.

Balangay- an Austronesian word for sailboat, was used for transportation, cargo and trading.

Karakoa- Warship the Austronesians developed

Champa Sea- Old name for the South China Sea

Pulo- What the early people call the islands in the Champa Sea

Majapahit Empire- The empire which emerged for over 200 years in Java, Bali and Sumatra. The
major enemy of China by the time.

Admiral Zheng He- Was sent by the Chinese on seven voyages to malacca to promote trade and
to project the power of the Ming Dynasty.

United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)- The constitution for the oceans
and seas of our Planet. They govern maritime disputes among member states.

December 10, 1982- UNCLOS entered the force

“Land dominates the Sea”- The main principle UNCLOS embraces; means that all maritime zones
or entitlements are measured from the coast of continental land, island or rock above water at
high tide.

EEZ- Exclusive Economic Zone, A legal concept based on distance from the baselines and does
not depend on the geomorphology of the continental shelf. 200NM measured from the baseline.

Nine dashed line claim of China- The claims was embodied in a map, entitled Location Map of
the South Sea Islands released with china in February 1948, with eleven dashes forming a broken
U-shaped line covering almost the entire South China Sea.

The core dispute between China and the Philippines is obvious- China wants to grab 80 percent
of the Philippine EEZ in the South China Sea.
Spratlys- In the Spratly Islands, China, Vietnam, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei have
territorial disputes with China and Vietnam claiming the entire Spratlys while the Philippines and
Malaysia claiming only certain Islands and rocks above water at high tide.

Parcels- China and Vietnam have a territorial dispute over the Parcels

Scarborough Shoal- The Maritime entitlements of rocks above water at high tide, like the
Scarborough Shoal, can be independently determined without deciding which state exercises
sovereignty over the rocks. The Scarborough Shoal is rich in fish and is one of the traditional
fishing grounds of Filipino fishermen.

Maritime Dispute- Refers to the overlapping maritime entitlements (Territorial Sea, EEZ and ECS-
Extended continental shelf) and disputes on the interpretation or application of UNCLOS.

West Philippine Sea- The dispute here involves conflicts in EEZ and ECS of the Philippines in the
west Philippine sea which forms part of the South China sea.

The Philippine Arbitration Case- This does not directly go to contradict China’s claim nor involves
a territorial dispute but exclusively it aims to clear maritime disputes involving the interpretation
or application of UNCLOS.

October 6, 1762- The Day Manila was overtaken and captured by the British.
February 10, 1763- The Treaty of Paris, All territories belonging to Spain not mentioned and
ceded to England in the Treaty would be returned to Spain.

The set of eight copperplates of the 1734 Pedro Murillo Velarde Map was stolen in an
Ayuntamiento (Palace) by Draper himself while the British took hold of the Philippines.

1734 Pedro Murillo Velarde Map- The mother of all Philippine Maps, Depicts the geographical
features and the extent of the Philippine Islands. Would serve as a strong evidence against the
Issue. It also gave the Scarborough shoal its first name- Panacot, a tagalog word meaning danger.

China on Environmental Issues:

 China “Caused permanent and irreplaceable harm to the coral reef ecosystems”
 Illegal reclamations and harvesting of endangered species

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