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General English - Prof. Victor Ramos


Plural forms

-Es (plural/morphene) - S (Cars), Ies (Cities), En (women), irregular forms (with teeth)

(Note: number - singular, plural, collective; quantity - countable, uncountable)

Obs.: A morpheme (word ending) is the smallest meaningful unir/part in a world morphemes
can be derivate or inflectional. (In english, there are inflections of gender, degree and number.


1 - Classify the following nouns according to the seven semantic categories.

Ex: Love - uncountable, abstract, simple, neuter, common, primitive and singular.

 Admiration - singular, neuter, simple, uncountable, abstract, common, derivative

 Parrots - plural, neuter, simple, countable, concrete, common, derivative

 God - singular, male, simple, countable, concrete, common, primitive

 Women -

 Light

 Teacher

 Oxen

2 - Indicate the plural forms of the following nouns.

 man - Men

 Child - Children

 Woman - Women

 Foot - Foots

 Person - people (common) Persons (juridico, gramatical)

 People - peoples

 Box - boxes

 Tomato - tomatoes
 Radio - radios

 Dog - dogs

 Study - studies

 Hot dog - hot dogs

 Beautiful day - beautiful days

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