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Day 2

1. Dialogue 1

Read the dialogue and practice with your partner. Then try changing the words in bold to other
days and date.

Harry : When is your birth day?

Diana : My birth day is on September 5th. When is yours?

Harry : Mine is on Friday.

Diana : This Friday?

Harry : Yes, on July 5th.

Diana : That’s my dad’s birth day!

Harry : I thought your dad’s birth day was in the winter.

Diana : No, my mom birth day on January 1st.

Harry : Oh, her birth day is on New Year’s Day. Fun!

2. Dialogue 2

Dolah : When can we meet for coffee?

Yusuf : Are you available on Tuesday.

Dolah : Do you mean this Tuesday or next Tuesday?

Yusuf : Oh, I guess Tuesday is tomorrow?

Dolah : Yes, and I’m working tomorrow. How about a week from tomorrow?

Yusuf : I’m working next Tuesday.

Dolah : Hmm. Are you available on Wednesday evening?

Yusuf : Sure! Let’s meet tomorrow evening.

Dolah : It’s a date.


1. Match the dialogue below and practice with your partner!

1. When is Halloween this year? A. She’s due in mid-June.

2. Is your birth day in summer? B. Today is Tuesday, 27th of June 2019.
3. When is Lizzie’s baby due? C. Halloween is on a Thursday this year.
4. When is the deadline of your project D. No, my birth day is in springtime.
5. What’s date today? E. The deadline is in early week.

Day 1

Please fulfill the blanks of passage below completely!

My name is…………………… Just call me………….I am the……….child of …..Brother and sisters. I

was born on………………… I am……years old now. I’m short/tall person. My high is….cm.

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