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Library, Teaching and Learning

Regression Analysis
Confidence Intervals
Regression Analysis and Confidence Intervals Summary
After calculating the regression equation, the next process is to analyse the variation.
For Simple Linear Regression, there are three sources of variation:
 Total Variation (i.e. variation between the observed Yi values)
 Variation due to the Regression
 Residual variation

Recall that in statistics ‘variance’ is the average of the squared deviations. The sum of
xi  x 
the squared deviations (or differences) is , which is abbreviated to sum of
squares (SS).

Recall also 
SSXY   X  X Y  Y = XY   X  Y
X 
 

SSX   X  X
= X 2

Y 
 

SSY   Y  Y
= Y 2 

To calculate each of the above variations (Total, Regression and Residual) we need to
calculate ‘sums of squares’ as follows:
 Total Variation requires Total SS  SS total =  Yi  Y  2

 Variation due to Regression requires SS due to regression  SS reg =  Yˆ  Y  


 Residual Variation requires SS due to error  SS error or SSresidual = 

 Yi  Yˆi 

Calculation of these sums of squares can be managed as follows:

SS total  Y 2

Y  2

 SS Y


 X  Y 

XY  
SS regression   n  
SS XY 

 2 X  
X  
 n 

 SS error  SS total  SS regression or Y  b0 Y   b1 XY 


A table is now used to summarise the ANalysis Of Variation

Source of variation Degrees of Freedom Sum of Squares …
 X  Y 

Regression XY  
(Explained) 1 SS reg   n 
 2 X  

X  
 n 
Error or residual SS residual  SS total  SS regression …
(Unexplained) n2

SS total  Y 
Y  2 …
n 1
which is then completed:

Source of df Sum of Squares Mean Square F ratio p*

( SS XY ) 2 SS regresison
SS regression  MRregression  MSregression
Regression 1 df
SS X MSresidual
SS regression


SS residual
Residual or n2 SS error  SS total  SS regression MS residual 
Error df
(Unexplained) SS
 residual
(Y ) 2
SS total  Y  2

Total n 1 n

*The significance of the F test is determined by comparing the F ratio from the table
above (Fcalc) with the Ftable value for a chosen value of a (usually 0.01 or 0.05). As with
the  and t test, if the test value is greater than the table value, the null hypothesis is

rejected. Two values are needed as degrees of freedom for the F test:

DF for the numerator =1 for simple linear regression (always) and

DF for the denominator = n-2 (= DF for the Residual line in the ANOVA)

Note on Residual Analysis

Residual = observed Y - predicted Y. Standardised residual =
MS error 
If the model holds, about 95% of standardised residuals should have a value between -2
and 2.

Using the worked example from the previous booklet, recall the required totals were
X  425, Y  25, XY  2550, X 2  43975, Y 2  151
and b1  0.054, bO  0.398 . That is, yˆ  0.398  0.054 x .
425  25 425 2 25 2
SS xy  2550   425 , SS x  43975   7850 , SS y  151   26
5 5 5
Source df Sum of Squares Mean Square F ratio p
425  25 

 2550   MRreg 
23 23
 23
Regression 1
SS reg   5  1 1
 425 
 23
 43975  
 5 
 23
Residual 3 SS error  26  23  3 MS error  1
25 2
Total 4 SS total  151   26
Comment: a perfect fit occurs if SSregression  SSY ; a perfect fit occurs if SS residual  0 .

From here, any of the following may be calculated:

SS regression
 Coefficient of Determination: R 2

SS total
This represents the proportion of the total variation in Y that is explained by the fitted
simple linear regression model. It always lies between 0 and 1.
Note: R2 ranges from 0 to 1 inclusive.
R2 = 1 if a perfect linear relationship exists.
R2 = 0 if no perfect linear relationship exists.

In the above example, R 2   0.88

This indicates that 88% of the variation can be explained by the model.

 Correlation Coefficient: r   R 2 .

This measures the strength of the linear relationship between X and Y.

Points to note:
 r ranges from -1 to +1 (perfect negative correlation to perfect positive correlation).

 The closer r is to 1, the stronger the linear relationship between X and Y.

 r = 0 implies no apparent linear relationship between X and Y, and X is not useful

for predicting Y).
 If r = 1, all points lie on a line with a positive slope.

 If r = -1, all points lie on a line with a negative slope.

 Note: It is possible to have a perfect relationship, which is not linear.

In the above example, r  0.88  0.94 , which indicates a strong positive relationship.
Note the “sign” of r is same as for the slope, b1 .

Alternative calculation: r
sx  sy

where Cov ( x, y) 
SS xy

 xy   x  y  / n 
 106.25 and
n 1 n 1 4
SS x  x   x  / n
2 2
s X2    sX   44.3 and
n 1 n 1 4
SS Y 26
sY    2.55
n 1 4
Covariance 106.25
that is, r    0.94 as above.
sx  sy 44.3  2.55

 Confidence Intervals
MS error
o For b1 (slope): C.I .( slope)  b1  t  n  2 

o For  Y
(the mean of the population of Y values corresponding to Xi):

C.I .(mean prediction )  Yˆi  t  n2  MS error 

1 Xi  X


n SS X

o For Yi (an individual predicted value):

1 X X
C.I .(individual p.v. )  Yˆi  t  n  2  MS error  1   i
 

n SS X
Return to the worked example again, with
425 2
SS x  43975   7850 and MS error  1

Confidence Interval for Prediction of Slope

 1 
95% confidence interval for  1 would be: 0.054  3.182   
 7850 
= [0.018, 0.090]

 We can be 95% confident that for each increase of 1 ml in alcohol the increase in time
taken is between 0.018 and 0.090 mins.
Interpretation - if the confidence interval does not include 0, there is good evidence that
X and Y are related. If X and Y are not related,  1 will be 0. So the confidence interval
checks whether the model is useful for prediction.

Confidence Interval for Prediction of Mean Response
The main use of regression is to predict the value of Y corresponding to a particular
Use the given x-value in the equation to calculate an estimate for ŷ and note, or
calculate, x . Use these values in the formula.
Note: the given x-value = 𝑥𝑖 in the formula for the confidence interval.

Suppose we wish to estimate with 95% confidence, the true mean time taken for an
intake of 100 mls of alcohol. Using the regression equation, yˆ  0.398  0.054 x with
x  100 , the point estimate of  Y in our example is 5.798 mins.
To form the 95% confidence-interval estimate for the true mean response we have
x i  100, x   85 :
1 100  85

 C.I .(mean)  5.798  3.182 1    4.276, 7.312

5 7850

That is, we can be 95% confident that the true mean time taken is between
4.3 and 7.3 mins.

Confidence Interval for the Individual Response

The previous confidence interval is for an average. Sometimes we want an interval

estimate for an individual response Yˆ corresponding to a given value X i (rather than an
estimate for the mean response). The best estimate of an individual response is still ŷ ,
but the confidence interval is much wider because individual values vary much more
than the mean. i.e. it is harder to predict an individual value than an average.

eg for x  100 , calculate estimate for ŷ as 5.798 as before.

Then 95% confidence-interval estimate for an individual response is:

1 100  85

C.I .(i. p.v)  5.798  3.182 1  1    2.27, 9.33

5 7850

That is, we can be 95% confident that the true time taken for an individual is between
2.27 and 9.33 mins.

Note the considerable increase in width of the interval. By increasing the sample size,
this could be reduced. A sample size of 5 is inappropriate for testing, but is used here
merely to demonstrate the process.

Other versions of formulae:
SS total  n  1  s x SS reg  Cov X , Y   SS total

For testing coefficient of determination: t  r 
1 r2

b1  0 b1
For testing H 0 :  1  0 vs H A :  1  0 : t  
se b1   MS error
SS X 

Practice Questions
The following data describes the flowering score ( Y ) for plants of spearmint
(Mentha spicata) sown during various weeks ( X ).
Week sown ( X ) Flowering score ( Y )
2 5
3 20
4 24
5 21
6 13
1. For the flowering score data the sum of ( X  Y ) values XY  349 .
What is S xy ?
A. 69.8 B. 17 C. -262.2 D. -1311 E. 241

2. Calculate the Sums of squares for X, i.e., SS X

A. 2.500 B. 233.2 C. 5.342 D. 10.00 E. 1.581

The relationship between male mortality rate per 100,000 (in years 1958-64) and
water hardness was studied by Hills et al.. (Open University). 61 cities were used
in the study. The following partial regression analysis shows some of the results.
MTB > Regress ’Mortalit’ 1 ’Ca(ppm)’

The regression equation is Mortalit = 1676 - 3.23 Ca(ppm)

Predictor Coef StDev T P
Constant 1676.36 29.30 57.22 0.000
Ca(ppm) -3.2261 *.*** -6.66 0.000

Analysis of Variance
Source DF SS MS F P
Regression 1 906185 906185 44.30 0.000
Error 59 1206988 20457
Total 60 2113174

The sums of squares for Calcium (ppm) is 87069.0.

3. What is the standard error of the regression coefficient (-3.2261) ?

A. 0.2350 B. 0.4847 C. 143.0 D. 29.30 E. -6.66

A. -0.655 B. -3.2261 C. 1676.36 D. +0.429 E. -0.429

5. What would be the estimated mortality for a city with a calcium level of 100 ppm?
A. 1999 B. 1354 C. 167631 D. 1576 E. 1644

The dry weights (in mg) of successive leaves of a wheat plants were recorded as
L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7
At emergence 1.4 1.5 2.0 2.7 5.1 7.3 12.4
At maturity 12 18 36 62 76 89 109

6. From the following data calculate the "sums of products", SS xy .

n = 7, x  32.4 , x  248.56 y  402.0 , y  31186 xy  2672
2 2

A. -10352.7 B. 1860.7 C. 2672.1 D. 13024.8 E. 811.414

7. In the previous example, what would be the degrees of freedom for the
Regression SS, Error SS, and Total SS, respectively ?
A. 2, 5, 7 B. 1, 6, 7 C. 2, 4, 6 D. 1, 5, 6 E. 1, 5, 5

1 B 2 D 3 B

4 A 5 B 6 E 7 D

Exam Question [total 26 marks]

A number of Weddell seals were captured in the Antarctic in 1998 and blood samples
taken. Several measures were made of the blood, but here we consider cortisol levels
(µM). Cortisol increases in animals under stress, and part of the stress is induced by the
capture. In order to determine this, the animals were re-sampled over a period. Here is
the data for a seal named “Pam”.
Mean Cortisol Time post capture X Y
µM minutes
2.3 218 501.4
2.4 265 636.0
2.7 296 799.2
2.8 326 912.8
3.0 350 1050.0
3.1 380 1178.0
2.5 410 1025.0
3.2 414 1324.8
3.2 446 1427.2
Sum 25.2 3105 8854.4
S.D. 0.346410 75.6042 Y 2  71.52 X 2  1116953

(a) Calculate the regression of Mean Cortisol on Time post capture.

You can check the data entry on your calculator by checking that r = 0.76555

(b) Calculate the Total sums of squares for the regression analysis of variance. Use
this template in your answer.
Source DF SS MS F P

(c) Given r (above) calculate the Regression sum of squares.

(Hint: what is R2?). Or use some other way of calculating the Regression SS.
(d) Plot the data on the graph.

(e) Calculate Yˆ for X  220 and for X  440 .

(f) Use the values of Ŷ to draw the fitted line on the graph.

(g) Comment briefly on the fit of the line to the data. (Just a few lines).

8854.4  25.2  3105 / 9 160.4
a) Using the calculations: b1    0.003508
1116953  3105 2 / 9 45728
25.2 3105
Hence: b0   0.003508   1.590
9 9
You can check your data entry on your calculator by checking that r =0.76556

25.2 2
b) SS total  71.52   0.96 OR SS total  n  1  s.d . x  8  0.346412  0.96

160.4 2
c) SS reg   0.5626 OR
SS reg  Cov X , Y   SS total  0.76556  0.96  0.5627
d) SS error  SS total  SS regression  0.96  0.5626  0.3974
and MS error   0.0568
Compare with Minitab output:
Analysis of Variance

Source DF SS MS F P
Regression 1 0.56263 0.56263 9.91 0.016
Residual Error 7 0.39737 0.05677
Total 8 0.96000
You could put p<0.05 for P.

µM Cortisol = 1.590 + 0.003508 Capture min


µM Cortisol




200 250 300 350 400 450
Capture min

Yˆ  1.59  0.003508  220  2.36

Yˆ  1.59  0.003508  440  3.13
g) The seventh value seems seriously in error, especially considering the other
points. The straight line does not seem to give a good indication of the response
which seems to be more like a sigmoid or s-shaped response than a straight line.
There does not seem to be a simple transformation (like logs or square root) that
straightens the response out. The R2 value of 0.7662=0.59 implies that there is
still 40% of the variation in Y not accounted for. One would like an R2 closer to .8
or more.

Extra question:
A real estate agent in Templeton has found that section prices in a new subdivision
change with the size of the section. The following output represents a linear regression
analysis of the section prices (in thousands of dollars) against the section size (in m 2 ).

The regression equation is: Cost = -27.1 + 0.125 Sect-size.

Predictor Coef Stdev t-ratio p

Constant -27.11 13.12 -2.07 0.055
Sect-size 0.12514 0.01747 7.16 0.000

s = 3.352 R-sq = 76.2% R-sq(adj) = 74.7%

Analysis of Variance

Regression 1 576.78 576.78 51.32 0.000
Error 16 179.83 11.24
Total 17 756.61

a) If the mean section size is 749.8 m 2 , and the mean cost is $66720, SHOW how to
determine the y intercept b0 .

b) SHOW how to calculate the coefficient of determination r 2 .  

c) What is the estimated cost of a section size of 774 m 2 ?

d) In the section size data used to generate the regression equation, it was measured
that a section with a size of 774 m 2 has a cost of $77000. Determine the
standardised residual for this point.

e) Given SS X  36831.5 , calculate a 95% confidence interval for the slope.

f) Interpret the confidence interval obtained in (e).

g) Construct a 95% confidence interval for an individual section with a size of 735 m 2 .


a) b0  Y  b1 X  66.720  0.125  749.8  27.005

SS reg 576.78
b) r2    0.762  76%
SS total 756.61

c) Cost  27.1  0.125  774  69.65thousand dollars  ie $69,650

residual  77.000  69.650  7.350
residual 7.350
 standardis ed residual    2.19
MS error 11.24

MSerror 11.24
e) C.I .  b1  t ,n 2   0.125  2.1199    0.088, 0.162 
SS x 36831.5
ie. Between $88 and $162

f) We can be 95% confident that the rate of change of price of section is between $88
and $162 per m increase in section size.

1 x  x
C.I .Yi   Yˆ  t n2,   MSerror  1   i
n SS x

1  749.8  735 

 64.775  2.1199  11.24  1  

18 36831.5
  57.453,72.097  ie $57, 453 and $72,097

Summary of Formulae
Regression line:
From x , x, n, y , y, xy ,
2 2

x  y
SS xy xy 
b1   n , b0  y  b1 x
SS x
x 2 
x  2

 yˆ  b0  b1 x

Note also SS xy  x  x  y  y  SSx  x  x  SSy   y  y 

2 2

Analysis of Variance:
x  y 

 xy  
SS xy 
 
 n 
SS reg   Yˆ  Y 

SS x
x 2 
x  2

y  2

SS total  Yi  Y   y 2 

 
 SS error   Yi  Yˆ  SS total  SS regression

SS reg SS error MS reg

MS reg  , MSerror  F
df reg df error MS error

For F table comparison, use DF for Regression, DF for Error

SS regression
Coefficient of Determination: r 

SS total

Correlation Coefficient: r  r2 (remember you need to add the sign, +/- )

Confidence Intervals:
MS error
For  1(slope): C.I .(slope)  b1  t  n 2  
SS x

For  Y
(the population mean):

C.I .(mean)  Yˆ  t  n  2  MS error 

1 Xi  X


n SS X
For Yi (an individual predicted value):

C.I .(indivdual p.v. )  Yˆ  t  n  2  MS error

1 X X
 1  i


n SS X

MS error
Note s.e.slope  
SS x

s.e. pop. mean  MS error 

1 Xi  X

 

n SS x

s.e.i. p.v   MS error

1 X X
 1  i
 2

n SS x


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