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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
El Nido National High School
2nd Periodic Test in English 8

Name: __________________________ Score: ______

General Directions: Read carefully each item and follow directions as indicated.Write the letter of the most appropriate answer
on your answer sheet.
Test I. Elements of Short Story
1. The time and location in which a story takes place
A. Plot B. Setting C. Conflict D. Characterization
2. There are ___________ kinds of conflict.
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5
3. Don't judge a book by its cover is an example of ___________.
A. Mood B. Theme C. Setting D. Conflict
4. The angle from which the story is told.
A. Camera view B. Character view C. Point of view D. None of the above
5. The central, main character of a story is called the ____________.
A. Antagonist B. Protagonist C. Antagonizer D. Instigator
6. The opposition of forces, essential to the plot is called__________?
A. Setting B. Conflict C. Character D. Climax
7. The most exciting part of the story is called the
A. Setting B. Exposition C. Climax D. Rising action
8. What is a person or animal which takes part in the action of a story called?
A. Setting B. Plot C. Character D. Conflict
9. What is the sequence of events involving characters and a central conflict called?
A. Setting B. Plot C. Character D. Conflict
10. The character who opposes the main character is called the __________.
A. Protagonist B. Antagonist C. Dynamic character D. Static character
11. End of the central conflict?
A. Falling action B. Resolution C. Climax D. Rising action
12. Comparison of two unlike things that use like or as is called_________.
A. Foreshadowing B. Simile C. Metaphor D. Personification
13. Comparison of two unlike things that does not include like or as.
A. Simile B. Hyperbole C. Metaphor D. Personification
14.Literary term that means giving human characteristics to something that is not human.
A. Hypberbole B. Personification C. Simile D. Metaphor
Test II. Idiomatic Expression:The idiom below is capitalized. Choose the correct answer that describes its real meaning.
15.As this was his first time camping, they KEPT AN EYE ON him.
A. considered B. checked on C. closely observed D. looked at
16.I’m so glad I brought an umbrella because it’s RAINING CATS AND DOGS now.
A. it's starting to sprinkle B. it's about to rain C. it's starting to clear up D. raining very heavily
17.If you GIVE ME A HAND, I’ll be able to go out with you.
A. lift me up B. help me C. hold my hand D. take my hand
18.He said it would be a PIECE OF CAKE to get an “A” on his test.
A. almost impossible B. very easy C. very exciting D. a small chore
19.In which Point of View does the narrator refer to him or herself as "I"?
A. Third-Person B. Third-Person Omniscient C. First-Person D. Third-Person Limited Omniscient
Test III. Determine the Type of Conflict shown.
20. Check the correct example below that defines Man vs Man.
A. When a character develops an internal struggle between his thoughts
B. When a character has a problem with outside forces like weather or land.
C. When a character disagrees with the values, laws, or beliefs of a group.
D. When a character has an argument or disagreement with another character
21.Check the correct example below that defines Man vs Nature.
A. When a character has an argument or disagreement with another character.
B. When a character has a problem with outside forces like weather or land.
C. When a character develops an internal struggle between his thoughts and ideas.
D. When a character disagrees with the values, laws, or beliefs of a group.
22.Check the correct example below that defines Man vs Self.
A. When a character disagrees with the values, laws, or beliefs of a group.
B. When a character has a problem with outside forces like weather or land.
C. When a character develops an internal struggle between his thoughts and ideas.
D. When a character has an argument or disagreement with another character.
23. Check the correct example below that defines Man vs Society.
A .When a character has an argument or disagreement with another character.
B. When a character develops an internal struggle between his thoughts and ideas.
C. When a character has a problem with outside forces like weather or land.
D. When a character disagrees with the values, laws, or beliefs of a group.
24. When a character struggles with his own thoughts and ideas this is an internal conflict?
A. True B.False
25. Your friend tells you a secret in absolute confidence. You don't really mean to, but you tell another friend. Soon the whole
school seems to know what your friend's secret is. Your friend is really mad at you. Your friend confronts you and both get mad
and start yelling at each other. Now you are both mad. What kind of conflict is this?
A. Man vs Self B.Man vs Society C. Man vs Man D. Man vs Nature
26.You are invited to go to the mall with a new group of friends from school. You don't know them that well, but are excited
that they included you in their plans. When you go into a crowded music store, you think you see one of them slip a CD into a
pocket without paying and they want you to do it too. You are scared and know that it is wrong, but you don't want to seem
uncool. You don't know what to do. What type of conflict is this?
A. Man vs Nature B. Man vs Man C. Man vs Self D. Man vs Society
27. The boy needs ___ balls for that activity
A. Ten cotton small B. Ten small cotton C. Both
28 It's ____ city.
A. An old lovely B. A lovely old C. Both
29. Mary's husband gave her a ___ vase
A. Porcelain French B. French porcelain C. None of the above
30. There are two ___ dresses in her closet
A. Red beautiful B. Beautiful red C. Both
31. I bought a ____________ car
A. Nice, green B. Green, nice C. None of the above
32. He invited that ___ lady to dinner
A. Young beautiful B. Beautiful young C. Both
33. Why can't you wear your ___ dress tonight
A. Pink silk B. Silk pink C. None of the above

Test 111. Literature: fill in the blank with the correct word/answer
34. The big bad crocodile._____________________________________________________
35. An orphan who became the ruler of the Mon. ___________________________________
36. The devastated mother in Batu Belah Batu Bertangkup.____________________________
37. An elephant Keeper.______________________________________________________
38. The boy who ate the fish roe._______________________________________________
39. A hardworking father of Lay Choo.___________________________________________
40. It was used by Makato to buy a lettuce seeds.___________________________________
Test IV. Underline the adjective and identify the degree of comparison.
41. Pacific ocean is the largest ocean in the world._____________________________
42. She is better than you.________________________________________________
43. The weather has been terrible today.____________________________________
44. Today is more tiring day than yesterday.__________________________________
45. I would really like to buy a silk dress._____________________________________

Test IV .Fill in the missing tense of verb

Present Tense Past Tense Past Participle
1. talked talked
2. bring brought
3. read read
4. say said
5. caught caught
6. drink drunk
7. watch watched
8. blow blown
9. send sent
10. open opened opened
11. cut cut
12. drove driven
13. close closed
14. written


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