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1. Who are you?

2. I am __________.
3. In which class do you read?
4. I read in …………class.
5. How old are you?
6. I am ………. years old.
7. What is your aim in life?
8. My aim is to become a ………………
9. What is your hobby?
10. My hobby is reading books / gardening / painting / ………..
11. Who is your ideal?
12. Mr. / Mrs. ……………… is my ideal.
13. Which is your favourite subject?
14. My favourite subject is ………………..
15. Where do you live?
16. I live in ………………
17. Which game or sport you like to play?
18. I like to play…………….
19. Which is your favourite season?
20. ……… my favourite season.
21. Do you like to come to school?
22. Yes, I like to come to school.
23. Which is your favourite food?
24. ……………. is my favourite food.
25. What is the name of your state / city?
26. I live in Punjab state / Jalandhar city.
27. What is your mother tongue?
28. Punjabi is my mother tongue.
29. Do you have any dream?
30. I want to be …………. / I have a dream to become a teacher.
31. For how long do you use mobile / cell phone?
32. I don’t use cell phone/ I use it for limited time.
33. Which story book / cartoon character is your favourite one?
34. ………story book / cartoon character is my favourite.
35. How many friends do you have?
36. I have _____ friends.
37. Who is your best friend?
38. ________ is my best friend.
39. When does his/her birthday fall?
40. His/ Her birthday falls on________ (e.g. 16th of January).
41. Do you have any siblings?
42. I don’t have any siblings.
43. I have _____brother/ brothers and ______ sister/ sisters.
44. Who do you live with?
45. I live with my parents.
46. What kind of films do you like?
47. I like horror and action films.
48. How many languages do you speak?
49. I speak _______ languages.
50. Can you speak English?
51. I can speak English very well.
52. Which is your favourite TV programme?
53. _________________ is my TV programme.
54. Which is your favourite TV/ cartoon character?
55. ________________ is my favourite TV/ cartoon character.
56. Who is your ideal national leader?
57. _________ is my ideal national leader.
58. Who is your ideal freedom fighter?
59. my ideal freedom fighter.
60. Who is your favourite actor/ actress?
61. _________is my favourite actor/ actress.

62. Do you have a pet?

63. Yes, I’ve a pet dog.
64. When do you feel sad?
65. I get sad when I don’t do well in my studies.
66. How do you overcome your emotions?
67. I try to divert myself by playing games / watching TV programme.
68. What are you good at?
69. I am good at ________. (e.g. reading, writing etc.)
70. Do you use any mobile application (app) for extra knowledge?
71. Yes, I do use_______app. / No, I don’t use any mobile app.
72. How do try to remove your weakness in studies?
73. I study regularly with full attention and take the help of my teachers if required.
74. Do you go for private tuition anywhere?
75. No, I don’t need tuitions as my teachers are quite efficient and helpful.
76. What is the key to success?
77. Hard word is the key to success.
78. Do you believe in God?
79. Yes, I believe in God.
80. Do you celebrate festivals?
81. Yes of course.
82. Which is your favourite festival?
83. _________ is my favourite festival.
84. Do you like singing songs?
85. Yes, I like to sing songs. / No, I don’t like to sing songs.
86. What type of songs do you like to listen to?
87. I like to listen to Punjabi/ Hindi/English /sad songs.
88. Who is your favourite singer?
89. ........... is my favourite singer.
90. Which is your favourite song?
91. ............ is my favourite song.
92. Have you ever helped anyone?
93. Yes, I have/ No, I haven’t.
94. How do feel when you help someone?
95. I feel very good / glad/ happy / satisfied.
96. How do you feel when you help someone?
97. I feel very glad / happy.
98. Which outdoor game/ games do you like to play?
99. I like to play __________ outdoor games.
100. Which indoor game/ games do you like to play?
101. I like to play _______ indoor games.
102. What do you want to change in yourself? / in your personality?
103. I would like to ___________. (e.g. speak English fluently.)
104. When does your birthday fall?
105. My birthday falls on ________.(e.g. 23rd of October.)
106. How do you celebrate your birthday?
107. I ______________. (e.g. invite my friends for party/ plant trees etc.)
108. Do you have any social media account?
109. Yes, I have an active account on ________.(e.g. twitter/ facebook / WhatsApp)
110. Have you ever participated in any competition?
111. Yes, I have participated in _________. (e.g. annual function/ painting competition etc)
112. No, I have never participated in any competition.


113. How many members are there in your family?

114. There are ______ members in my family.
115. What is your mother?
116. My mother is a _________ (e.g. home maker/teacher etc.)
117. What is your father?
118. My father is a ____________ (e.g. carpenter/plumber etc.)
119. What does your mother do in the morning?
120. My mother prepares breakfast for me.
121. When does she get up?
122. She gets up at 5 in the morning.
123. Does she go for walk?
124. Yes, she goes out for a walk.
125. Do you spend time with your father?
126. Yes, I spend time with my father every day.
127. Do you like to go to for outing with your family?
128. Yes, whenever we get time.
129. How many brother and sisters do you have?
130. I have one brother and one sister.
131. How many cousins do you have?
132. I have ______ cousins.
133. Do you have grandparents?
134. Yes, I have grandparents. / No, I don’t have grandparents.
135. How do you show respect to your parents and grandparents?
136. I touch their feet every morning. And I obey them.


137. What’s up?

138. I am good. How are you?
139. How have you been?
140. Great/ fine/ fantastic/ good
141. How are you?
142. I am fine/ great/ good.
143. How is it going on?
144. It’s been going pretty good.
145. How was your day?
146. It was really good.
147. Is everything OK?
148. Yes, everything’s fine.


149. How much time do you spend in studies at home every day?
150. I spend …………..hours in studies at home every day.
151. Who helps you in studies at home?
152. My father/mother/sister/brother/friend helps me in studies at home.
153. Do you study late at night?
154. No, I don’t study late at night. I study early in the morning.
155. When do you get up?
156. I get up at 5 O’clock.
157. Who wakes you up in the morning?
158. My mother/ father/ sister/ brother wakes me up in the morning.
159. How do you come to school?
160. I come to school by cycle/ on foot/ by bus.
161. When do you reach home after school?
162. I reach home at 3 O’clock.
163. What do you do then?
164. I change my clothes first.
165. Do you go to any religious place?
166. Yes, I go to ______ .
167. When do you go to a religious place?
168. I go to _______ in the morning/ evening.
169. When do you have breakfast?
170. I have breakfast at 7.00am.
171. What do you like to eat in your breakfast?
172. I like to eat …………. in breakfast.
173. When do you leave for school from home?
174. I leave for school at 7 a.m.
175. What do you do in your free time?
176. I like reading English books.
177. When do you go to bed?
178. I go to bed at 9 p.m.

179. How is the weather today?
180. It is very hot / cold today.
181. Where is your note-book?
182. It is in my bag / with friend.
183. Why have you not done your homework?
184. I could not complete as I was ill.
185. Why have you not brought your text book/ books?
186. I forgot to bring my book/ books.
187. Have you solved the sum?
188. Yes / No, I have / haven’t solved the sums.
189. Did you enjoy the activity today?
190. Yes, we enjoyed a lot.
191. Have you learnt any lesson from this story?
192. Yes, I have learnt a lesson.
193. What have you learnt from the story?
194. I have learnt / learnt to be honest.
195. Have you read the chapter at home?
196. Yes, I have read the chapter at home.
197. No, I haven’t read it at home.
198. Are you feeling hungry / thirsty / comfortable?
199. Yes / No I am not feeling______.
200. Is the teacher present today?
201. Yes, she is present.
202. No, she is on leave.
203. What is today’s homework?
204. Today’s homework is to ______.
205. Have you noted down the homework in your diary?
206. Yes, I have noted down the homework in my diary.
207. No, I have not noted down the homework in my diary.
208. Have you prepared for the test?
209. Yes, I have prepared for the test.
210. No, I have not prepared for the test.
211. Why do you want to sit in the front?
212. I could not see the blackboard properly from behind.
213. Why were you absent yesterday?
214. I was not well, so I could not come to school.
215. When are we going to have our sports day?
216. It will be on 17 August.
217. Where are you going?
218. I’m going to_______. (e.g. washroom/ office etc.)
219. What did you do last night?
220. I revised my English work last night.
221. How much is it? / How much does it cost?
222. It costs only 200 Rs.
223. Have you ever visited any restaurant?
224. Yes, I have visited a restaurant with my family.
225. No, I have not visited any restaurant.
226. Which restaurant do you like the most?
227. I like ____________ restaurant.
228. Have you ever been to a hill station?
229. No, I have never visited any hill station.
230. Yes, I visited Shimla during summer vacation.
231. Why do you go to hill station?
232. To enjoy nature and for fun.
233. Do you find any tourist over there?
234. Yes, hill stations are full of tourists
235. What is the latest means of shopping?
236. The latest means of shopping is shopping online.
237. Where do you prefer to go for shopping?
238. I would like to go to a local market / mall for shopping.
239. How does it taste?
240. It tastes good/ delicious.
241. Are you free tomorrow?
242. Yes, I’m free tomorrow.
243. Sorry, I’m busy tomorrow.
244. May I see your ID, please?
245. Sure, here it is.
246. Who is standing outside the classroom?
247. _______is standing outside the classroom.
248. Who is running in the corridors?
249. _______is running in the corridors.
250. What is your problem?
251. I’m not well.
252. I’ve not prepared for my test.
253. I’ve lost my notebook.
254. What is your plan for summer vacation?
255. I will go to ________. (e.g. visit my cousins/ grandparents etc.)
256. What did you do in your summer vacation?
257. I visited my grandparents.
258. I joined _______. (e.g. summer camp/ cooking classes etc.)
259. When did you last visit your granny’s house?
260. I visited my granny’s house last Sunday.
261. Did you go to school today?
262. No, I didn’t go. I was sick.
263. What are the three magic words?
264. ‘Sorry’ , ‘thank you’ and ‘please’.
266. May I speak to .......... please?
267. Yes, I am speaking to ...................
268. Where had you been yesterday?
269. I had gone to ............yesterday.
270. Why haven’t you answered my phone?
271. I was busy in doing....................
272. Why did you call me?
273. I called to know about the homework.
274. Did you like the activity?
275. Yes , I liked / enjoyed the activity.
276. Who is my partner/ group member?
277. I am your partner / group member.
278. Where is the school going for educational trip?
279. The school is going to Agra/ Amritsar...... for this.
280. Why are you so happy ?
281. I have stood first./ won the declamation contest.
282. How was your weekend?
283. It was great.
284. From where do you buy this.............?
285. I bought this ............. from Amazon./ market.
286. Am I right or wrong?
287. Yes, You are absolutely right / wrong.
288. What special occasion is it today?
289. It is ______________ today.(e.g. my birthday / our independence day)
290. What are you doing in the class/ library/ laboratory?
291. We are/ I am ............... in the class/ library/laboratory.
292. Who taught you to ride a bicycle?
293. My mother /father / uncle ....... taught me to ride a bicycle.
294. Can you perform this science practical yourself?
295. Yes, I can do it myself.
296. No, I need help to do this exercise.
297. What is the right time to do any work?
298. The right time to do any work is ‘now’.
299. Who has prepared the time table of your class?
300. ______ has prepared the time-table.
301. Where should we throw the rubbish / garbage?
302. We should throw it in a dustbin.
303. Are your notebooks checked / complete / covered?
304. Yes, my notebooks are checked/ complete/ covered.
305. No, my notebooks are not checked/ complete/ covered.
306. How much pocket money do you get from your parents?
307. I do not get any pocket money.
308. I get only Rs_______ from my parents.
309. Who has spoiled the wall / school furniture?
310. We don’t know. / it’s not me/ ________has done that.
311. Why are you running to the assembly hall / class?
312. I ‘m running because the bell has rung and I am late.
313. Is the audio clip audible?
314. Yes, the audio is audible.
315. No, the audio is not audible.
316. When do you see the rainbow?
317. We see the rainbow after the rain.
318. Name the thing which is once lost never comes back?
319. Time once lost, never comes back.
320. Have you ever visited a bank?
321. Yes, I have visited bank with my father.
322. No, I have never visited any bank.
323. In which bank do you have your saving account?
324. I have my bank account in_______.(e.g. SBI etc).
325. In which branch of the bank do you have your account?
326. I have my account in the ___________.
327. Why do you watch movies / films?
328. I watch movies / films for entertainment.
329. What means of transport have you used by now?
330. I have used bus/car/train/rickshaw/ bicycle by now.
331. Which is the fastest mean of transport?
332. Airplane is the fastest mean of transport.
333. Do you like to travel by train?
334. Yes, like to travel by train.
335. Why do you like to travel by train?
336. I like to travel by train as it is very comfortable.


337. May I go to washroom / library / Computer Lab. / Science Lab. /…………..
338. Yes, you may go.
339. May I clean the black board?
340. No, I am writing yet.
341. Yes, you may clean the blackboard.
342. Will you please excuse me?
343. Yes, you are excused.
344. Can I switch on/ off the lights?
345. Yes, you can.
346. Can I sharpen my pencil?
347. Yes, you can.
348. Can I answer the question?
349. Yes, you can.
350. Will you please step aside? I can’t see the board.
351. Yes, of course.
352. Can I pack my bag now?
353. Yes, you can.
354. May I sit with you?
355. Yes, of course.
356. Will you help me doing my homework?
357. Yes, of course.
358. No, I am busy.
359. Can I see your notebook?
360. Yes, you can see my notebook.
361. No, you can’t see my notebook.
362. Could you go to canteen with me?
363. Yes, of course, it is lunch time.
364. No, not now, as I have to go somewhere else.
365. Can/ Could you speak a little more slowly?
366. No problem
367. Can I pay by card?
368. Certainly. We accept all types of cards
369. Could you do me a favour?
370. I’d be happy to help you.
371. Could you tell me what this word means?
372. Yes, let me see.
373. I am afraid, I have no idea.
374. Can you help me?
375. Yes, I am happy to help you.
376. I am sorry. I can’t help you.
377. Could you please tell me where the office/ Computer Lab. / washroom is?
378. Sure, it’s over there.
379. Excuse me! Is there any bank nearby?
380. Yes, there is a bank nearby.
381. Do you need help?
382. No, I’m good. Thanks for asking.
383. Yes, please, if you don’t mind.
384. May I leave now?
385. Yes, you may.
386. No, you may not.
387. How do you spell the word ________? (e.g. water)
388. The spelling of the word ________ (e.g. water) is _________.(e.g. ‘w’ ‘a’ ‘t’ ‘e’ ‘r’)
389. What is the meaning of this word / sentence?
390. The meaning of this word / sentence is __________.

391. Where do you study?
392. I study in Government Senior Secondary/ High/ Middle School, __________.
393. When did you join this school?
394. I joined this school in the year___________. (e.g. 2018/2015 etc.)
395. Who is your class teacher?
396. Mr. / Mrs. ……………… is my class teacher.
397. How many teachers are there in your school?
398. There are _______ teachers in my school.
399. Who is responsible for school’s cleanliness?
400. We all are responsible for school’s cleanliness.
401. Who rings the bell in your school?
402. The peon rings the bell in my school.
403. Who is the Principal/ Headmaster/ Headmistress/ Incharge of your school?
404. Mr. /Ms. _____________is the Principal/ Headmaster/ Headmistress/ Incharge of my school.
405. How many streams are there in your school?
406. There are Arts and Science stream in my school.
407. What is the medium of instruction in your school?
408. Punjabi/English is the medium of instruction in my school.
409. What are the facilities being provided by your school?
410. Transport/ free education/ mid-day meal/ scholarship and many more facilities are being
provided in my school.
411. Do you have a library in your school?
412. Yes, my school has a big library
413. Who is the librarian/ in charge of the library?
414. Mr. / Ms._______________ is our school librarian.
415. How many books are there in your library?
416. There are more than ________ books.
417. When do you visit your library?
418. I visit the library once a week.
419. Which book are you reading these days?
420. I am reading __________.
421. Name the book you have liked the most.
422. I liked _________ the most.
423. Who teaches you English?
424. Mr/Ms ______________ teaches us English.
425. How old is she/he?
426. He/she is ________years old.
427. What is his/her qualification?
428. He/she is an M.A., B.Ed./ a B.A., B.Ed.
429. How does she/ he teach English?
430. She/ he teaches through activities.
431. Does she/ he take interest in the co-curricular activities?
432. Yes, she/he takes interest in co-curricular activities.
433. Does he/she speak in English?
434. Yes, he/she is a good speaker.
435. Name some of the activities being done by your teacher.
436. Black board bingo, slap the board, name game and so on.
437. Where do you perform these activities?
438. We perform these activities in the class itself.
439. Do all the students participate and enjoy the activities?
440. Yes, we do.
441. Are these activities helpful?
442. Yes, as we learn by doing.
443. Do you like your school?
444. Yes, I like my school very much.
445. Which thing do you like to change in your school?
446. I would like to change__________. (e.g. colour on the walls of the school.)
447. What is the time by your watch?
448. It is half past nine.
449. It is quarter to ten.
450. It is quarter past two.


451. Why are you not feeling well?
452. I am not feeling well as I am suffering from fever.
453. Have you taken any medicine?
454. No, I haven’t. / Yes, I have.
455. What did the doctor say?
456. The doctor said, “You will be fine soon”.
457. When are you coming to school now?
458. I will be able to come to school after two days.
459. Do you want me to convey any message to the teacher?
460. Tell sir/ madam to excuse my absence.
461. How are you feeling now?
462. I am feeling better now.


463. Have you ever been to Science City?
464. Yes, we went there on the school trip.
465. What was your experience?
466. It was a knowledgeable experience.
467. Have you ever been to a fair?
468. Yes, I have been to a fair.
469. What do you like in fairs?
470. I like fun games and eatables in the fairs.
471. Name the fair which you enjoyed?
472. The fair at ______ is my favourite fair.
473. Have you ever watched a cricket match?
474. Yes, I watched a cricket match last Sunday.
475. Where was the match played?
476. It was played in________ (e.g. GHS Sansarpur)
477. Which team was stronger?
478. Both the teams were equally strong.
479. Who won the match?
480. _______won the match. (e.g. our school)

481. Do you have some green vegetables?
482. Yes, of course, I have pumpkin, lady finger and beans etc.
483. Which vegetables do you want to buy?
484. I want to buy green vegetables.
485. How much do you want?
486. Give me 1 kg of lady finger and 1 kg of beans.
487. Do you want to buy anything else?
488. No, it’s enough.
489. How much does it cost?
490. It costs Rs 50.


491. Thanks
492. Thank you
493. Thank you very much.
494. I appreciate that.
495. I don’t know how to thank you.


496. I apologize for this.
497. That’s ok.
498. I’m so sorry.
499. No problem
500. I’m really very sorry.
501. It’s ok, but please don’t do this again.
502. I’m sorry.
503. It’s ok.
504. I’m extremely sorry for this.
505. I forgive you.


506. Good
507. Too good
508. Well done
509. Superb
510. Great
511. Awesome


512. What are your views about this lesson?
513. My view is that ________________. (e.g. this is an interesting lesson.)
514. What do you think about the student sitting next to you?
515. I think __________. (e.g. he/ she is a very good student)
516. What is your opinion on starting English Speaking Classes in the school?
517. I believe this is a brilliant idea.
518. Would you like to listen to a story?
519. Yes, I would love to listen to a story.
520. Which place would you like to visit in India?
521. I would like to visit _______.(e.g. Shimla/ Amritsar etc)

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