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The internet has caused an ethical debate on our information privacy


I. Introduction of Internet and Ethics

a. Author’s works and viewpoints
b. In article 1 and 2 authors talk about internet has caused an ethical issue on
information privacy.
II. Paragraph 2
a. Internet of Things (IoT) creates a new social, economic, political, and ethical
landscape that needs new enhanced legal and ethical measures for privacy
protection, data security, ownership protection, trust improvement, and the
development of proper standards.
b. IoT has created information privacy issues because everything is available on just
a click.
III. Paragraph 3
a. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and digitization are
ubiquitous in our society
b. Social networks has created more information privacy issues because its free to
create accounts and seeing other information if they haven’t applied security.
IV. Paragraph 4
a. Author’s arguments
b. The internet has caused an ethical debate on our information privacy that need be

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