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The Best Questions to Ask at an Interview,

According to a Hiring Manager
22 August 2019 | Posted by Harriet Green, IBM

Successful interviews aren’t just about having the right answers. They are about
asking the right questions. As an interviewer, being asked good questions keeps
me energised, engaged and interested in the person I am meeting. When I hear a
question, I think about my answer, and I also anticipate what might have
motivated someone to ask that and what it says about them — is their question
insightful and considered, or could they have perhaps done more to prepare? 

What do your questions say about you?

The candidates I recommend we hire are those who clearly show me that they
want to be here; they are as engaged and committed to the interview process as
I am. Often, it isn’t about being the smartest or most quali ed applicant, though… 1/7
9/10/2019 11 Perfect Questions to Ask at an Interview - Glassdoor Blog (UK)

that can, of course, be a plus. Instead, it’s all about attitude and willingness to

My single biggest piece of advice? Don’t forget to make the interview work for

you. Remember, it’s your window to sell yourself and to gather as much
information as you can, so that you can make a smart career decision based on
Next Article: 10 Companies Offering Unbelievable Perks in 2019
what you hear. 

My recommendation is to prepare for at least ve questions and ask at least

three during the interview. Here are some sample questions that will showcase
that you have come prepared and help you learn about the company and

1. What are you most passionate about in your job? What do you most enjoy
about working here?

You might get a ‘ at’ or vanilla canned response — if you do, that says a lot. If you
hear a passionate response that truly aligns with your own values e.g.: the
company’s attitude towards diversity and inclusion or the company’s
commitment to employees and respect for the individual, take it as a sign that
you’re onto a good thing.

How to Find the Perfect Company

2. What is the single biggest challenge facing the company/department


Good question, but the interviewer may want to keep their cards close to their
chest on this one. Take a punt at what the challenge might be, based on the
research you have done into the company and the competitive landscape.

3. What skills and experiences would make an ideal candidate? Or, What do

you think are the most important qualities for someone to excel in this role?… 2/7
9/10/2019 11 Perfect Questions to Ask at an Interview - Glassdoor Blog (UK)

Ask this — and be prepared to have this question re-directed at you. You’ve
obviously given your suitability to the role some thought, so here’s your rst
opportunity to shine.

4. What does success look like here?

A responsibleNext
andArticle: 10
very smart Companies Offering Unbelievable
open question that coversPerks
a lot in
ground. You’re
inadvertently asking about how employees are treated, internal processes and
future opportunities for promotion. The answer to this will tell you a lot.

5. What is the company’s approach to failure?

While it may seem to be a dangerous question, every company has had to deal
with things not going its way at some point. The answer to this will tell you a lot
about the company culture. Those in ‘steady state’ businesses may react like
they have something to hide. Listen for positive responses — anecdotes about
transformation, agility and exibility.

5 Myths That Prevent Job Seekers from Overcoming Failure

6. What’s your management style?

A key question. You’ll have gone into the interview asking yourself whether your
working style is a good t with your potential future employer and colleagues.
Listen for a sense of this person’s working style and see if it aligns with yours.

7. What are your expectations of this role?

For insight into what will be expected of you, ask this. A variation on a theme
here is ‘What would you like to see from this role in the rst 30, 60, 90 days?’. Or
be bolder and ask ‘What would you like to see from me in the rst 30, 60, 90
days?’ — I’m likely to take it as proactive, not presumptuous.

8. How does this role fit within the organization’s broader strategy?… 3/7
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Brilliant. Let’s get down to business. A good back-up question if you haven’t got
much out of the response to the previous question.

9. How do I compare with the other candidates you’ve interviewed for this

You may not get Article: 10
but it’s aOffering Unbelievable
brave question thatPerks in 2019
acknowledges that no
interview is a one-horse race. And if it is, you’re either brilliant or it’s a red ag!

When You Have Competition From Other Candidates, Here’s What To Do

10. Who do you consider your top competitor, and why?

A good opportunity to showcase the competitive research you’ve done. Be

prepared to give your answer and have a discussion on the wider trends in the

11. What are the next steps?

Don’t just walk away at the end of it all or accept a generic ‘we’ll be in touch’. Try
to get a sense of what the next steps are — who you might hear from and when.

Harriet Green is the General Manager, IBM Watson Internet of Things,

Customer Engagement & Education. The Harvard Business School grad splits
her time between London and New York.

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