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The Effectiveness of Grammarly Checker Towards Student’s Writing
Paragraph At Eleventh Grade of Senior High School 5 Pamekasan.
B. Research Context

Nowadays, technology not only used in daily life such as to communicate

each other by using mobile phone or internet but also in education. The
development of technology has influence the ways of teaching learning process to
be easier and more comfortable.

In learning English as foreign language the students need some tools to help
their study such as in writing which one of basic skill in English. Harmer said
writing for writing is entirely different, however, since our objective here is to
help students to become better writers and to learn how to write in various genres
using different registers.1The last task for students in the university is writing
thesis where some students still make many mistakes such as grammatical errors,
wrong punctuation, and wrong spelling. Therefore the students in the university
need technology in writing their thesis proposal. One of exist and famous
technology is grammarly checker.

Grammarly checker is one of online grammar checker which can identify

writing mistakes and other writing errors. By using this software the students
writing will mistake-free, clear and impactful. In addition, it can enhance
vocabulary by identifying and correcting contextual errors. Another advantage is
the tool helped to improve the learners writing style and make the written word
more engaging and effective.

There are some previous studies that related with this study. The research was
conducted by Hadi Salehi and and bahareh Amiri by using Microsoft Word

Jeremy harmer, How to Teach Writing (England: Pearson Longman, 2004), 34.
toward Iranian EFL lecture’s grammar knowledge. The result show that Microsoft
word software was beneficial to the grammar by getting high score.2

Other research is conducted by Siswandi, (2016) by using grammar checker

that is WhiteSmoke checker and the result shows that WhiteSmoke checker can
enhance English writing classroom.3

The other one is conducted by Sri Wahyuni by implement mind mapping

strategy on studentss’ writing paragraph at the eleventh grade of senior high
school 1 Galis. The result show that students’ writing are well when using mind
mapping and the class become more active and enjoyable.4

The research in this study will use quantitative research and the entitle of the
research is The Effect of Grammarly Checker on Writing Thesis Proposal At The
Eighth Semester of English Department At IAIN Madura.

Hadi Salehi, Bahareh Amiri, “Impacts of Using Microsoft Word (MS) Software on Iranian EFL
Letures’ Grammar Knowledge” (Islamic Azad University, 2019).
Siswandi, “Using Whitesmoke as Technology To Enhance English Writing Classroom,” 2016.
Sri Wahyuni, “The Implementation of Mind Mapping Strategy On Students’ Writing Paragraph
At The Eleventh Grade of Senior High School 1 Galis” (STAIN Pamekasan, n.d.).

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