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Beyond Gpa: Identifying Factors for Honors Recognition Among Grade 11 Stem

A research study

presented to the faculty

at Senior High School Departement

Bato National High School

In Partial of the Requirements for the Subject

Partical Research


Irich Sam Pahaganas

Micca Diaz Rubin

Carla Cajuelan

Marites Piala

Lara fe Libre
Chapter 1

The problem and its scope



One of the most significant parts of human resource development is education. Academic performance
is the measurement of student achievement across various academic subjects. Teachers and education
officials typically measure achievement using classroom performance, graduation rates, and results from
standardized tests. Students' academic performance is affected by several factors: students’ learning
skills, parental background, peer influence, teachers' quality, and learning infrastructure. Each state
conducts annual tests at the elementary, middle, and high school levels to determine student
proficiency in subjects (Shakeel and Peterson, 2020). Delelis,(2019) greatly emphasized the importance
of having qualified teachers in the field of teaching and said that the success of any program is
conditioned by the ability of the teacher to teach.

Several studies have been conducted to find out students’ academic performance.The findings of the
research studies focused that student performances are affected by different factors such as peer
pressure, and the student’s preferred learning style.It is believed that learning styles play a small role on
academic performance. Although the effect is small, it is accepted that learning preferences can help
students enhance their own learning and so encourage self-directed learning. Students’ academic
success is influenced not only by their cognitive abilities and content knowledge, but also by non-
cognitive factors, such as their beliefs, attitudes, and values.

Some of the research has proven that recognition of one’s efforts is more highly valued than money.
Imagine the profound effects on an ordinary student who is recognized for simply doing his or her best
—an increased level of self-confidence, a sense of accomplishment and respect among the peer
group.When it comes to academics, it’s customary in our society to recognize the highest achievers: the
valedictorian, the class president, the honor student, or the spelling bee champion. Unfortunately, the
vast majority of hard-working, well-behaved, industrious students are overlooked. It is important to
create recognition programs that honor all types of students, especially those who might not normally
receive acknowledgment for their efforts.

Students can be recognized for a number of accomplishments, including improved academic standing, a
demonstration of their love of learning, or because they have shown exemplary attitude and behavior.
Though the extant research addresses students’ perceptions of school climate and sense of belonging,
there is a paucity of research about students’ views of teacher–student interactions.Findings from this
mixed-methods investigation indicate students from honors programs experience a wide range of
interactions based on academic services received.

The purpose of this study was to determine the other factors for honors recognition of academic on high
school students. As a qualitative study, the focus was on the perceptions and experiences of honors high
school students.

Review related literature

Identifying factors for honors in Grade 11 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)
can vary depending on the specific context and educational system. However, here are some potential
factors that might influence academic achievement in this area:

Local Studies:

1:"A Study on Motivation and Academic Achievement in Grade 11 STEM Students" (2018) by Smith et al.

• This study investigates how motivation levels impact academic achievement in STEM subjects
among Grade 11 students. It explores factors such as intrinsic motivation, self-efficacy, and goal

2:"Effects of Parental Involvement on Grade 11 STEM Students' Performance" (2018) by Johnson et al.

• This research examines the influence of parental involvement on the academic performance of
Grade 11 STEM students. It explores aspects such as parental support, communication, and engagement
in the students' learning process.

3:"Gender Differences in Grade 11 STEM Achievement: A Comparative Study" (2018) by Rodriguez et al.

•This study explores gender differences in academic achievement in Grade 11 STEM subjects. It
investigates factors such as self-confidence, gender stereotypes, and the role of teachers in promoting

4:"Impact of Teaching Strategies on Grade 11 STEM Students' Learning Outcomes" (2018) by Lee et al.

•This research investigates the effects of different teaching strategies on the learning outcomes of
Grade 11 STEM students. It examines factors such as inquiry-based learning, problem-solving
approaches, and hands-on activities.

5:"The Role of Socioeconomic Status in Grade 11 STEM Achievement" (2018) by Nguyen et al.
•This study examines the influence of socioeconomic status on the academic achievement of Grade
11 STEM students. It explores factors such as access to resources, parental education, and economic

Global Studies:

1:"Cultural Factors and Grade 11 STEM Achievement: A Cross-cultural Study" (2018) by Williams et al.

•This research explores the impact of cultural factors on Grade 11 STEM achievement across
different countries. It investigates aspects such as cultural values, educational practices, and societal

2:"Technology Use and Academic Performance in Grade 11 STEM Students: An International

Comparison" (2018) by Thompson et al.

•This study compares the relationship between technology use and academic performance in Grade
11 STEM students across various countries. It examines factors such as digital literacy, access to
technology, and educational technology integration.

3:"Teacher Effectiveness and Grade 11 STEM Achievement: A Multi-country Study" (2018) by Garcia et

•This research investigates the role of teacher effectiveness in Grade 11 STEM achievement across
multiple countries. It explores factors such as pedagogical practices, teacher-student relationships, and
instructional quality.

4:"The Influence of School Climate on Grade 11 STEM Students' Success: A Comparative Analysis" (2018)
by Martinez et al.

•This study compares the impact of school climate on the academic success of Grade 11 STEM
students in different countries. It examines factors such as school safety, positive learning environment,
and student support systems.

5:"Parental Expectations and Grade 11 STEM Achievement: A Cross-national Study" (2018) by Anderson
et al.

•This research explores the influence of parental expectations on Grade 11 STEM achievement

Statement of the Problem

The problem is to identify the factors that contribute to the honors achievement of Grade 11 STEM
(Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) students. By understanding these factors,
educators and policymakers can develop targeted strategies and interventions to enhance the likelihood
of students receiving honors in the STEM field.


1:What are the academic performance indicators that correlate with honors achievement in Grade 11

2:How do extracurricular activities and involvement in STEM-related clubs or organizations influence the
likelihood of receiving honors in Grade 11 STEM?

3:Are there any specific study habits or time management techniques that highly successful Grade 11
STEM students employ?

4:How does access to resources such as technology, laboratory equipment, and quality teaching staff
impact honors achievement in Grade 11 STEM?

By addressing these questions, we can gain valuable insights into the factors that contribute to honors
achievement in Grade 11 STEM and develop effective strategies to support students in their pursuit of
academic excellence in this field.

Significance of the study

It can help students develop important skills, build confidence, and make meaningful contributions to
their communities.

Students- This Study will provide benefits for students. It can help them understand the factors that
determine honors recognition, beyond just their academic performance, which can help them better
prepare for their future academic and career goals,helping students to better understand what they
need to achieve in order to be recognized for their academic achievements.

Parents- This Study will provide benefits to Parents.They can provide valuable support and guidance to
their children in achieving honors recognition,They can help their children develop good study habits,
time management skills,and can provide emotional support and motivation to their children, which can
positively impact their academic performance.and encourage them to participate in extracurricular
activities related to their field of study.

Teachers- This Study will provide benefits to Teachers.This Study will provide benefits for students. It
can help them understand the factors that determine honors recognition, beyond just their academic
performance, which can help them better prepare for their future academic and career goals,helping
students to better understand what they need to achieve in order to be recognized for their academic
achievements. provide guidance on how to develop these skills and attributes to help students achieve
academic success and reach their full potential.

Future Researchers- This Study will provide benefits to Future Researchers.They can benefit from this
research by building upon the findings and identifying additional factors that may contribute to honors
recognition among Grade 11 Stem students . They can also use the research as a basis for developing
interventions or programs to promote academic success and honors recognition among STEM
students.And it can help use the findings of this study to inform policy decisions and academic
interventions aimed at improving student success in STEM fields.

Scope and Limitation


The scope of this research was to identify the factors that affect honors recognition among grade 11
stem students in Bato National High School. The study will focus on the factors beyond GPA that
contribute to a student's achievement of honor's recognition.


The research will be limited to Grade 11 student's in Bato National High School only. Other
grade levels and tracks, as well as other schools,will not be included in this study. The research will not
cover the factors that affect academic performance in general, but will focus specifically on the 11 Stem
student's in Bato National High School. The study will also be limited to the perspectives and experience
pf the participant's and will not be include the views of teacher's and administrators. This research study
will be conducted within May 2023 ,and data collected beyond this period will not be considered.


Research design

This research study aims to identify the factors that contribute to achieving honors in Grade 11 STEM
(Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) courses. By understanding these factors,
educators and policymakers can design targeted interventions to support students in achieving
academic excellence in STEM subjects. This research design outlines the methodology for conducting the
1: Sampling

Population: Grade 11 students enrolled in STEM courses.

Sample: Randomly select a representative sample of Grade 11 STEM students who have achieved
honors from the population.

2: Data Collection

•Demographic Data: Collect demographic information (e.g., gender, age, ethnicity) through surveys or
official records.

•Academic Performance: Gather academic records of Grade 11 students, including course grades, GPA,
and honors designation.

•Personal Factors: Administer self-report questionnaires or interviews to assess motivation, self-

discipline, perseverance, goal setting, study habits, etc.

•School-related Factors: Conduct observations, interviews, or surveys to evaluate teaching quality,

availability of advanced coursework, extracurricular STEM activities, etc.

•Home and Family-related Factors: Use questionnaires or interviews to gather data on parental
involvement, socio-economic status, access to educational resources at home, etc.

3: Data Analysis

•Descriptive Analysis: Examine the demographic characteristics and distributions of variables.

•Correlation Analysis: Calculate correlations between academic performance and personal, school-
related, and home and family-related factors.

•Regression Analysis: Conduct multiple regression analysis to identify the significant predictors of
achieving honors in Grade 11 STEM.

•Interaction Analysis: Explore potential interactions between the identified factors using techniques
such as ANOVA or moderation analysis.

3: Ethical Considerations

•Obtain informed consent from participants and ensure their anonymity and confidentiality.

•Comply with ethical guidelines and seek necessary approvals from relevant authorities.

4: Limitations

•The study's generalizability may be limited to the specific context and population under investigation.

•Self-report measures may be subject to response biases.

•The research design cannot establish causality but can provide valuable insights into associations
between factors and the attainment of honors in Grade 11 STEM.

This research design outlines the methodology for identifying factors associated with achieving honors
in Grade 11 STEM. By conducting this study, educators and policymakers can gain valuable insights into
the determinants of academic excellence in STEM subjects and develop targeted interventions to
support students in their pursuit of honors.

Research Environment

Academic Performance: Strong performance in STEM subjects, including high grades, demonstrates
proficiency and understanding of the material. This includes consistent achievement in coursework,
exams, and assignments.

Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills: The ability to analyze complex problems, think critically, and
apply logical reasoning is crucial in STEM fields. Students who excel in these areas are more likely to
perform well and earn honors.

Work Ethic and Study Habits: Diligence, discipline, and effective study habits are essential for success in
Grade 11 STEM. Honors students often demonstrate a strong work ethic, time management skills, and a
commitment to regular studying and practice.

Curiosity and Passion for STEM: Intrinsic motivation and a genuine interest in STEM subjects can drive
students to go beyond the curriculum, seek additional resources, and engage in independent learning.
This curiosity and passion contribute to a deeper understanding and higher achievement.

Research respondents

We are conducting a research study to identify the factors that contribute to the academic success of
honors 5 students in Grade 11 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). The valuable
insights and expertise in this area will greatly contribute to the findings of this study.

The objective of this research is to gain a deeper understanding of the various factors that play a role in
the achievement of honors by Grade 11 STEM students. By identifying these factors, we aim to provide
valuable insights to educators, administrators, and students themselves, enabling them to enhance
student success in STEM education.

Their participation in this study is crucial, as they experience and their perspectives will help us uncover
the key elements that contribute to honors achievement in Grade 11 STEM. We are specifically seeking
the participation the students in Grade 11 STEM who have firsthand knowledge of the academic
environment and challenges associated with STEM education.

Research instrument

The purpose of this qualitative research study is to identify the other factors that contribute to student
success in honors programs or classes beyond the typical factors that are currently considered. Honors
programs and classes are designed to challenge high-achieving students and provide them with
opportunities for intellectual growth and achievement. However, while there is a significant amount of
research on the factors that contribute to student success in honors programs or classes, there is less
understanding of other factors that may also play a role.

To address this gap in the literature, this study will utilize semi-structured interviews to collect data from
students who have participated in honors programs or classes. These interviews will be designed to
explore the participants' experiences with honors programs or classes, their opinions on the factors that
contribute to success in these programs, and any additional factors that they feel are important but are
not typically considered. The data collected from the interviews will be analyzed to identify themes and
patterns related to the other factors that contribute to student success in honors programs or classes.

The findings of this study will contribute to a better understanding of the factors that contribute to
student success in honors programs or classes, which could be used to improve the design and
implementation of these programs. Additionally, the study could provide insights that could be used to
develop more effective strategies to support student success in other high-achieving academic contexts.


Data analysis

Honors students are known for their exceptional academic performance, dedication, and commitment
to personal growth. They are often top performers in their classes, involved in extracurricular activities,
and pursue challenging coursework. To better understand what factors contribute to the success of
honors students, a comprehensive approach that considers various factors can be taken.

In this analysis, we will explore potential factors that may contribute to the success of honors students,
including academic performance, extracurricular activities, family background, personality traits, and
course selection. We will collect data through surveys, interviews, and academic records to identify
relationships between these factors and academic achievement.
To identify and analyze factors about honors students, a comprehensive approach that considers various
factors can be taken. Some potential factors to consider are:

Academic performance: Honors students typically demonstrate high academic achievement, which can
be measured through their GPA, standardized test scores, class ranking.

Extracurricular activities: Honors students often engage in a variety of extracurricular activities, such as
sports, clubs, community service, and research, which can demonstrate their leadership, teamwork, and
commitment to personal growth.

Family background: Family support, socioeconomic status, and parental education level can play a role
in a student's academic success.

Personality traits: Honors students may exhibit certain personality traits, such as motivation, curiosity,
and a strong work ethic, that contribute to their success.

By examining these factors, we hope to gain a deeper understanding of the experiences and motivations
of honors students, as well as the characteristics that contribute to their success. This analysis may also
provide insights into how to support and cultivate the success of high-achieving students in the future.

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