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Rheza Artica Wicaksono

Theory of International Relations (F)

Social constructivism or what we commonly know as constructivism is a theory that focuses
on humans and their place in world affairs. From other HI theories which prioritize material aspects
such as realism, which focuses on the state of the world which is anarchy so that countries try to
maintain security by strengthening their military, liberalism with a world focus that anarchy makes
countries have to work together to achieve peace. In contrast to Constructivism, this theory focuses
more on social aspects than material. The constructivism considers that this social reality is not
objective, the international world including international relations is not outside human
Constructivism figure in HI one of them is Alexander Went. Went argues that this culture of
anarchy is not merely aimed at helping oneself, Went in this context opposes the position of
neorealism. The focus of constructivism is ideas and beliefs that provide information to actors
about the scene of international relations. The structure of constructivism is not a revised object so
that humans cannot do anything about the structure, but they (actors) must respond to it. In terms
of identity, identity and interests is a gift, the state knows who they are and what they want before
they gloriously interact with other countries. This interaction is very important so that it creates
and gives an example of a structure with identity and interests.
As an example of the case of the 48 hostages of the United States at the Embassy during the
1981 Iranian Revolution, this shocked the world because Iran was directly frontal to reject
international norms and the logic of the United States. This is considered because the planting of
Islamic values in each individual becomes a state's domestic identity. This identity gives a
conception of who can be made 'friends' and 'enemies' by Iran. In this case, Iranian friends are
fellow Muslims and their enemies are those who fight Muslims. The conception of friends and
enemies will affect Iran's social identity at the international level, because Iran will naturally
continue to get pressure from the countries it makes enemies.

1. Jackson, R and Georg Sorensen. 2016. Pengantar Hubungan Internasional Teori dan
Pendekatan. Translated by Suryadipura, D and Pancasari S. Yogyakarta (ID): Pustaka
Pelajar. Translated from: Introduction, fifth edition.
2. Britannica. 2018. Iran Hostage Crisis di
crisis (acceses by December 21st 2018)

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