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Mark with an X one item (a, b, c, d)

1° Would you like to feed your pet with a different treat?

a) Yes
b) Do not
c) Maybe
d) Never
2° How many pets do you have in your house?
a) One
b) Two
c) Tree
d) More than three
3° Of the following types of flavors you prefer for your pet?
a) Liver
b) Meat
c) Chiken
d) fruits
4° would you buy an ice cream for your pet?
e) Yes
f) Do not
g) Maybe
h) Never
5° How did you find out about the existence of ice cream for dogs?
a) Advertisements
b) Advertising
c) Internet
d) Other
6° you are satisfied with the quality of our ice cream?
a) Satisfied
b) Very satisfied
c) Little satisfied
d) Dissatisfied
7° please tell us your age
a) 18 - 24 years
b) 25 - 34 years
c) 35 - 44 years
d) 45 - 54 years
e) 60 or more years
8° please tell us your gender
a) Female
b) Male
9° how likely is it that you will buy our product again
a) very likely
b) nothing probable
10° Tell me a word with which you would define our product
a) Excellent
b) Only
c) Innovative
d) bad

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