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Research on finding the possiblities of new fragrance

of a deodorant
Tick ‘√’ mark in appropriate answer

1) What deodorant brands do you normally purchase?

a) Axe b) Park avenue c) Fogg d) any brand e) Other (specify)
2) How many times do you use a deodorant per day?
a) Once b) Twice c) Thrice d) fourth e) Several times
3) What is most important quality you look for a deodorant
a) good fragrance b) freshness c) economical d) don’t know e) Other (specify)
4) What kind of fragrance do you prefer?
b) Intense b) Mild c) natural d) don’t know e) Other (specify)
5) How much time does the fragrance remain in your body?
a) <1 hour b) 1-2 hour c) more than 2 hour d) don’t know
6) Do you want to change your deodorant brand because of fragrance?
a) yes b) no c) don’t know
7) Rate your currently using deodorant brand in the sense of fragrance.
a) 0-30% (not good) b) 31%- 50% ( little good) c) 52%-70% (good) d) 71%-100%
( very good)
8) What is your age (in years)?
a) <18 b) 18-22 c) 23-28 d) 28-35 e) >35
9) What is gender?
a) Male b) Female
10) If a new deodorant with new fragrance would be launched, what should be new in the

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