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Friends of the planet s.

Calle 18 # 122-135
Tel: (+57) 2-3562524
Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia
Zip code: 740036

February 19th,2019

Dear Mr. Robert Iger, Managing Director

Disney s. a

We want to congratulation for all your amazing parks, we like your parks so much, that in the last
vacations, we and our families decided to go to one of your Disney parks, because we consider
ourselves as biggest fans of your parks, productions and all your products. Almost everything was
an incredible and really fun adventure, but nevertheless our happiness decreased when we
noticed some bad aspects at your parks.

Disney needs to be aware of the pollution that the industry produces to the environment, and you
as the director of the company, should do what possible to minimize this pollution.

Disney should recycle all the waste produced in their parks to fabricate products like brochures,
gifts, cups, cans, bottles, bags, among other things.

According to the IPCC “Industry pollution is the major contributor to rising greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions.”, by recycling material, especially paper products, your company can save lots of
money because you´ll not need to buy new products and also, you’re helping to reduce carbon
emissions that contribute to global warming.

A possible solution to use all that waste, is to implement at your parks entertainment places with
sustainable objectives. For example, a playground where the parents can leave their kids for a
while with security, while they wait in the lines of the attractions. The kids can make some
memories from the park or also gifts with recycled materials.

We hope that our ideas would like to you and your administrators.

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