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Dear Parents,(Dengue PRECAUTION)

In response to the recent dengue fever outbreaks across Karachi, Links felt it was
important to highlight and share some of the preventive measures we have AND will
continue to take for the safety and well-being of your children while at school.

It's important to note that we take our responsibility very seriously and thus, have
always done our best to provide a safe and clean environment for our children. The
devastation caused by the recent weather, specifically the heavy rains in Karachi, as
well as the flies and mosquitoes that have multiplied due to this, is not only limited to
our school, but it is a concern that is also shared among other schools, businesses,
establishments, and hospitals in the city (i.e. stores and markets).

In a continued effort to maintain safe standards for our students and staff, the
buildings are fumigated every weekend and sprayed every morning when the staff
comes in and subsequently in the evenings before we leave the building. We also
maintain insect/fly trappers at the entrances and hallways of the school.

In the spirit of prevention and to call attention to some action that can be taken by our
parents, students, and our teachers, see below for some immediate precautions.
Attached we have included a health alert from Agha Khan University Hospital, that we
believe may also be helpful.

• Use insect sprays.
• Use mosquito coils.

• Wear a repellent cream or spray.
• When using sunscreen, apply repellent over the top of sunscreen.
• Wear light colored protective clothing such as long-sleeved shirts, long pants and
hats. Clothing can be treated with repellent.

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