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Shyanne Sarver

Mrs. Daniels
English III-Dual Credit

Year of Learning
Learning hasn’t been reaching my goal, it’s been my fear of losing it. ​Even though I’ve

only been in high school for a single year, I have had experiences that have molded me into a

better student, and a better person. Whether it be participating in Academic Decathlon, or

missing a small detail in an assignment’s instructions, I’ve gained new skills and learned from

my mistakes.

Academic Decathlon, a competition between neighboring schools to test skills in average

subjects, along with extra curriculars. Last year, I decided to participate in the group, and I

learned a lot from it. The main thing being my new found ability to speak in front of an audience.

One of the events I participated in was speech. I walked up to the podium, legs shaking and eyes

watering, but as the simple words began to flow out of my mouth, I realized how passionate I

was about what I was saying. Suddenly, I wasn’t afraid anymore, and my emotional speech

breezed by. As I look back at my final project for English I in eighth grade, I laugh at every

stutter and “um” that escaped my dry lips.

“Summarize every page”, were the instructions given, but I decided to write a single

summary for all pages combined. The next day in class, I was befuddled when I saw a zero on

my notes. By “every page” my professor meant each page, front and back, separately. I

should’ve written two summaries, but because of my ignorance, I wrote one and received a
Shyanne Sarver
Mrs. Daniels
English III-Dual Credit
failing grade. I was so disappointed in myself as I sat in mandatory tutorials the first six weeks of

the year, usually being an A student, it broke me.

I guess we gain from our successes and learn from our mistakes; that’s what I did.

Academic Decathlon gave me the ability to use my voice, and speak up when it is needed. My

summary tragedy, it helped me learn that I need to pay close attention, and listen to, the

instructions I am given. These skills have come to me for good reason, and I shall hold onto them


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