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I am quickly learning English.

I am a natural English speaker.

I practice speaking English every day.
My mind is focused on learning English.
I learn new languages easily.
My brain stores English words efficiently.
I memorize English words easily.
I am extremely motivated to learn English.
My mind is naturally relaxed when learning.
I understand English easily.
My English is improving quickly.
I enjoy speaking English.
Speaking English feels completely natural.
I can learn English fast.
Others are amazed at how quickly I learn.
Speaking English is just a normal part of who I am.
I love to speak English.
English feels as though it's my mother tongue.
I soak up English like a sponge.
I remember English words easily.
Speaking English is easy for me.
Learning English is exciting and fun.
I want to learn English.
I am finding it easy to learn English.
English is easy to learn.
I confidently speak English.
I am a fluent English speaker.
it is easy to understand English.
it is easy to speak English.
people get impressed by my English speaking skills.
I am very good at English.
English comes naturally to me.
My memory is excellent.
I can speak English fluently.
I stay relaxed while learning English.
you are quickly learning English.
you are a natural English speaker.
you practice speaking English every day.
your mind is focused on learning English.
you learn new languages easily.
your brain stores English words efficiently.
you memorize English words easily.

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