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∞Love Peace and Harmony
∞01-31st of March 2011 - 01-31 Mart 2011∞

Master Jesus Haftalık Kanal Mesajı

 Posted by gunes kurtulan on March 1, 2011 at 7:30pm

Om Na ve Işığın Bilgeliği Kutsal Okulu

Haftalık Kanal Mesajı
Master Jesus
Natalie Glasson Kanallığı 28.02.2011

Benim en Sevgili Kız ve Erkek Kardeşlerim,

Ben Master Jesus’ım ve size, umarım ki; massedeceğiniz, kabul edeceğiniz ve gerçeğiniz
olarak bileceğiniz özel bir bilgelik ile geliyorum. Sizinle böyle güzel bir bağlantı kurabildiğim
için, en derin neşe ve sevincimi sizlerle paylaşıyorum.
Yaratıcı’nın enerjisi ile bağlantı kurmak, özellikle bir başkasının içindeyken, bu en büyük
kutsamaya ve müthiş bir büyümeye neden oluyor. Bizim hepimizin birlikte, öyle bir gücümüz
var ki, biz o ışığı görüp, soluyup, duyup, hissedene kadar Yaratıcının ışığını büyütebilir,
genişletebiliriz. İçimizde Yaratıcı’yı görüp hissettiğimizde, Yaratıcı’nın görkemini
diğerlerinde de anlayabilmek için birbirimize aynalık yaparız. Yaptığımız şey, Yaratıcı’nın
ışığını, öne, arkaya atmosfere doğru salıvermek, sahane enerjiyi yapılandırmaya izin
vermektir. Her bir varlık bir ayna gibi davranıyor ve Yaratıcı’nın ışığını güçlü ve dopdolu
yayıyor etrafa. Özellike siz kendiniz olarak odaklandığınızda, ışığı yansıtıyor oluyorsunuz,
çünkü doğal olarak tutunduğunuz gerçeklikten ışık yayılıyor. Ben de burada bir ayna olarak
duruyorum sizin karşınızda, bakın ve derin bir şekilde hissedin enerjimi, kendi güzel, saf ve
sevgi dolu varlığınızı göreceksiniz orada. Ben daima kendimi, ve kendi gerçeğimi, Dünya’da
birlikte çalıştıklarımdan gördüm, çünkü, ben Yaratıcı’nın duruşunu arıyorum, ve her zaman
sizlerin içlerinde buluyorum onu. Bizler hepimiz Dünya üzerindeki Yaratıcı’larız ve Işığın
yansımaları olarak davranabiliriz.
Bu zamandaki bir çok kanallık mesajı sevgi ve korkudan söz ediyor, sevgiye nasıl enerji
yollayıp onu yükseltebileceğimizi ve korkunun çözülmesini sağlayarak nasıl yok edileceğini,
ıstıraba izin vermenin de eski enerjiye ait olduğunu anlatıyorlar. Bizler, sevgi ve korkudan söz
ettiğimizde, hatırlamalıyız ki; sadece basitçe enerjilerden söz ediyoruz.

Sevgiyi ve korkuyu sadece enerji düzeyinde görebilmek, bize onların güçlü olduğunu, fakat
bu gücün bizim tarafımızdan aktive edildiğini anlamamıza izin verir. Enerjileri bizler
yönlendiririz, onlara kendi realitelerimizde, amaç ve rol veririz. Yaratıcı’nın Ruhundan gelen
sevgi enerjisinin varlığınıza nüfuz etmesi yücelticidir, dönüştürür, kutsar; sevgi enerjisini
kabul edip bir alet ya da güç olarak kullandığınızda sevgi enerjisiyle çok şey kazanabilirsiniz;
şifalandırır, bilgelik verir, aydınlatır ve sizi birbirinize bağlar. Korku enerjisini almayı
istediğinizde ise, tüm anlattıklarımızın karşı etkileri oluşur fiziksel bedenlerimizde, ve zihin
çerçevemiz bizi negatife çekerek, düşük ve ağır bir yaşama yoluna sokar. Farkettiyseniz,
korkuyu almayı istediğinizde dedim, bu tuhaf gelebilir ama, gerçektir. Korkuyu
deneyimlemeyi her zaman siz talep edersiniz. O sizi zorlamaz; siz her zaman korku enerjisini
çağırırsınız, çünkü sizi sizden başka kimse korkutamaz. Hatta siz korku enerjisine tutundukça,
o da sizin enerji titreşimizi düşürür, ama siz hala onu bir güç olarak kabul edip, kendi
istediğiniz gibi onunla birleşmeye çalışırsınız, sonuç daha fazla acıya maruz kalmaktır.
Gerçekte, sevgi ve korku, farklı niyetlere sahip iki aynı enerjidir, bu açıdan bakarsanız,
korkunun nasıl kolaylıkla sevgiye dönüşebileceğini de anlayabilirsiniz.
Bu, Şimdi Dünya’da işleyen süreçtir. Kendi oluşlarının üstadı olmayı arzu eden, sevgi
dünyasında yaşamayı ve Yaratıcı ile bir olma yolunda olan her insan, şimdi tüm korkuları
sevgi enerjisine çevirme sürecini kabul ediyor. Tüm formlarda acı ve ısdırap çekmek eski
enerji olarak görülmeye başlanmıştır ve artık ne insan ne de ruh düzeyinde uygun ve
yardımcıdır. Sevgi ve korkudan söz eden kanallık mesajlarını izlemek önemlidir, insanlığa
rehberlik ve ilham sunarak şimdiki görevlerini hatırlatmak için, artık bir çokları öne çıkıyor.
Dünyanın daha çok sevgiden, daha az korkudan söz ettiğini görmeye başladığınızda, Sevgi
Çağının üzerinizde olduğunu anlayacaksınız.
Size bu günkü mesajım; korkuya, ısdıraba, acı ve negatif alışkanlıklara bakma şeklinizi
değiştirmenizle ilgili. Onların her birini sevgiye dönüşebilecek bir enerji olarak görün. Son
olarak da, onları, salıverilebilecek bir enerji, atıp, kolaylıkla unutabileceğiniz birer obje olarak
görüntüleyin. Farzedin ki, korku, negativite, acı ve ısdırabın her hangi bir formu, bir elma
gibidir! Enerjiyi bıçak ya da kirli bir bez olarak da tanımlayabilirdim ama korkunun
negatifliğini çoğaltırdı bu. Korkuyu bir elma; ya da başka bir meyva gibi imgelemek,
korkunun size zarar verebilecek bir tehtitden çok, sadece var olduğunu anlamak için
Siz aslında, kendi doğanızda, pozitif, sevgi dolu, kutsanmış ve neşeli Işık varlıklarsınız.
Yaşamak ve nefes almanın tek yolunun sevgi olarak var olmak olduğunu biliyorsunuz sadece,
çünkü varlığınızın tüm vecheleri sevgiden yaratıldı. Hatta yoğun karanlık ve negatif dolu bir
insan bile sevgiden yaratıldı, bu yüzden sevgi, oluşunuzun yegane doğal enerjisidir, bu sadece
unutuldu ve insanlar ın ilgisi başka yöne çekildi.
Şimdi kullanacağım sözcükleri farketmek ve anlamak önemlidir, ne demek istediğimi
anlayabilmeniz için altını çiziyorum.
Lütfen şunu hatırlayın; korkuya tutunan bir insan hala doğal anlamda sevgi doludur ama aklı
çelinmiştir, ya da merkezini ve kendi gerçeğini unutmuştur.
Biz aslında korkuya tutunan ve korku tarafından aklı çelinmişlerle ilgili düşünmeyiz, ama
herkese şefkat ve sevgi sunmalıyız.
Korku içinde var olmak demek, kayıp ve karışmış olmak demektir. Sevginin yolu çok
güçlüdür ama, bizlerin dikkati sevgi üzerinden çok çabuk dağılır ve korku dolu düşünce ve
reaksiyonlara kayarız.
Siz kendinizi doğal olarak sevgi dolu bir kişi olarak gördüğünüzde, bir fener olarak
bakabildiğinizde kendinize, korkudan, negativiteden duygusal acı ve ısdırap veren
alışkanlıklardan arınmış olduğunuzu farkedersiniz. Yeni geleni kabul ettiniz ve tutuyorsunuz.
Kendinizi saf bir sevgi oluş olarak farzedin, yolda yürüyorsunuz, ağaçta bir elma gördünüz ve
kopardınız. Bir elmanız oldu, artık o sizin malınız. Elma burada, negativitenin pozitif yoldan

Elmaya bir kez tutunmaya başladığınızda, o sizin için çok önemli bir hal alır, sanki ona
aşıkmışsınız gibi. Görebileceğiniz bir yerde tutarsınız onu. Onu içinize çekersiniz, ilgi ve
zamanınızı verirsiniz. Zihniniz elmaya odaklı olduğundan, kendi sevgi dolu doğanızla olan
ilginiz dağılır. Elma hiçbir zaman sizin bir parçanız olmaz, siz sadece sıkı sıkı tutunursunuz
ona, ona enerji sağlamak ve beslemek üzere, ilginizi sık sık ona yöneltirsiniz. Realitenizde
aktive ettiğiniz ya da deneyimlediğiniz herhangi bir negativite; elmanın boyunu ve gücünü
arttırır, ta ki siz kendinizi insan değil, Dünya’da yürüyen bir elma gibi duyumsamaya
başlayıncaya dek. Biliyorum fiziksel bedeninizin bir elmaya dönüşmesi eğlenceli geliyor
kulağa, evet, bir yere kadar bizim negativiteyi kendi gerçeğimiz gibi kabul edip gururla
giymemiz gülünç; ama bu bizim kimliğimiz haline geliyor.
Bizim bir elma olarak var olmamız görebildiğimiz ya da kavradığımız tek şey haline geliyor
ve biz kendi gerçekliğimizi unutarak, ya da sevgi olduğumuzu yadsıyarak, sahte bir yaşama
başlıyoruz. Burada hatırlanması gereken anlayış, sizin elmaya tutunuyor olduğunuz, elmanın
size tutunmuyor olduğudur. Siz güçe sahipsiniz, istediğiniz an elmayı elinizden
bırakabilirsiniz; acısızca, bırakabilirsiniz kendinizden uzağa. Şimdi tabii hem kendinizi hem
de elmayı, size verilen öğrenme ve anlayış için kutsarsınız.
Korku ve ısdırabı bu yolla analiz etmeye başladığınızda, korkunun ne denli güçsüz olduğunu
anlarsınız, ona güç katanın, siz olduğunu farkedersiniz, kapıyı açıyorsunuz ve açık kollarla
buyur ediyorsunuz, ve sizinle birlikte kendini rahat hissetmesi için yüreklendiriyorsunuz onu.
Saf bir ışık olarak, kapıyı korkuya açmak zorunda değilsiniz, ve geçmişteki tüm korku ve
acıyı salabilir, gönderebilirsiniz. Acıya tutunmak sizin yaşamınızı düzeltmiyor, ya da size acı
çektiren ve korku veren birini cezalandırmıyor. Şimdi sonsuza kadar acıyı serbest bırakmanın
ve kendinizi özgürleştirmenin tam zamanı, geniş ve sonsuz bir ışık Varlık olarak var
olabilmek için.
Tabii meditasyon yapıp, şimdide ve geçmişteki tüm gereksiz negativite ve korkulardan
arınmak istediğinizi söyleyebilirsiniz ama gün içinde korkularınızı salıverdiğiniz konusunda
farkındalık sahibi olmak da oldukça önemlidir. Sizi kandıran elmalardan almaya izin
vermeyin kendinize. Burada sadece negativite tarafından baştan çıkarılmakla kalmıyor, aynı
zamanda negativite toplama alışkanlığını da ediniyorsunuz. Lütfen kullandığım sözcüğe
dikkat edin, sizler gerçekte negativiteyi topluyorsunuz; ama bunu dönüştürebilir, Yaratıcı’nın
sevgisini toplamaya başlarsınız, hepinizin güçlü meşalesi olarak paylaşırsınız.
Öyleyse, negatif yönde düşündüğünüzü, aklınıza negatif anıların üşüştüğünü farkettiğinizde,
yani bir korku enerjisi çekip, korku içine girdiğinizde, kendinizi durdurun, derin nefesler
almaya başlayın, ne olduğunu anlamaya ve gözlemlemeye çalışın, ve onun bir elma olduğunu
imgeleyin, sonra da atın gitsin. Sonra zihninizi dağıtın, kendinizi, sevgi dolu düşünceler ya da
mantralarla, merkezinize getirin.
Eğer bunu alışkanlık haline getirip ustalaşırsanız, korkuyu sevgiye dönüştürmeye ve
dikkatinizi korkudan ayırıp kendi varlığınızın sevgi olan özüne dönersiniz. O yüzden, derler
ki, “kim olduğunuzu hatırlayın, gerçeğinizi keşfedin, sevgi feneri olun, içinizdeki Yaratıcı’nın
Varlığını tanıyın.”
Zamanınız ve düşüncelerimi benimle paylaşmak için enerjiniz ve yaşamınız içinde bir yer
yaratmış olmanıza çok teşekkür ederim. Sizler seviliyor ve onurlandırılıyorsunuz.
Her Zamanki gibi Sevgimle, Benim Sevgili Kız ve Erkek Kardeşlerim.

Ben Master Jesus’ım.

Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan


Celia Fenn: March 2011

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 3, 2011 at 8:25pm

2nd March : The Indigo Revolutions.....and Integrating the Ancient Wisdoms into the
Collective Consciousness... February is a short month, with only 28 days, but somehow it
seemed to pass even more quickly than usual with the intense energies being activated all
around us now. The events in the Middle East and North Africa holding our attention as one
country after another begins to feel the energy and the voice of the people as they demand
change and democratic governance.

At the same time, we have been in a period of intense and major Solar Flares, which have had
the effect of creating electromagnetic storms and flux. This has the effect of activating the
Light Body, and is felt by sensitive people often in a physical way. We are certainly entering a
period of great change and instability, but one that we have been expecting as we move
towards that Moment of Evolution and Shift on our Planet.

I remember that last year Michael said that the Indigo children would be a major factor in the
Creation and Leadership of the New Earth. The Indigos are primarily Spiritual Warriors and
their purpose as a Soul Group is to break down and challenge old patterns of authority, control
and limitation. It is no accident that the recent sweeping revolutions in the Middle East and
North Africa have been led by people in the 18 to 30 age group. This is the second wave of
Indigos, whose purpose was Empowerment. They are now being activated into their role as
bringers of Empowerment, for themselves, but also for their people.

The Indigos are advanced souls, and they are "coded" to know that personal empowerment
goes along with group empowerment. They are standing up now and letting the world know
that this is the time that they were born for, and that change is here. I have believed for a long
time that the Middle East is the key to Global Peace. So much of the conflict and
manipulation of the present and the past is focussed in this region, the region of the major
stargates that were used in the past, the Sumerian gate in Iraq, the Persian/Assyrian gate in
Iran and the Sirian gate in Egypt. It only remains for major change to come to Iran, and the
balance of power will shift entirely in this region, and the hold that these stargates still have
through the power of the holographic inserts of "religion" will be broken, in favor of the voice
of the people.

I think the population in Iran is about 70 percent in the under 30 age group, so it will probably
nor be long before the Indigo energy rises there too and the needed changes are made.
And, because the Sun is very active, with major Solar Flares, the energy of Evolution and
Change is intensified. We do not know what will happen in this deep period of shift and
change in the next 18 months, or even what will happen in the Middle East. I feel that because
the revolutions and changes are driven by Indigo energy, it seems unlikely that any form of
religious fundamentalism will be able to take hold in the post revolutionary period. It really is
a time when the voice of the people will be heard.

The intense Solar energy of Solar Cycle 24 is also causing extreme weather patterns and so
called natural disasters. This is also something that we have been warned about in the past.
However, please do not fall into fear. I hear dire prophecies about major cities being destroyed
and people hoarding food and selling their properties so they can run to somewhere safe.
Please know that the whole purpose of this program of Spiritual Change that we have called
Ascension, is that there will be enough awakened and enlightened beings on the Planet to
ensure that the Shift happens with grace and ease. If you are reading this, then you are
probably one of these awakened beings, and it is your purpose to be a center of Calm and
Peace in the whirlwinds of change, and not to contribute to the fears and anxieties that many

Remember too, that as the old 3D timelines crumble, it will seem to people that everything is
moving too fast and people will start to become stressed. It is our work to assist people to
"cross over" to the new timeline of the Higher Dimensions where they can feel peaceful, at
peace and empowered to shape their lives in ways that will bring them contentment and joy.

As we prepare for the major shift in Consciousness, we are, as a Collective, also in the
process of integrating the Ancient Wisdom. As religious dogma loses its hold on the
Collective Psyche, we will be able to reconnect with the Wisdom of the Ancients, who held
the keys to living with the Earth in sustainable ways. This is already happening, as many
people seek forms of living and spirituality that will align them with the Earth and all her
creatures. The Indigenous peoples of the Earth are the Wisdom Keepers of this Knowledge,
and in this next 18 month period this Wisdom will be reawakened and integrated into the
Collective. The ones who will carry out this task are called the Key Holders, or the Keepers of
the Golden Keys. These are Advanced Souls who have had past lifetimes as Indigenous
Wisdom Keepers, and their work now is to remember who they are and to step forward to use
their "keys" to reactivate Sacred Sites and integrate the Wisdom of the

This integration is important, as important as any healing work that we might do. The Earth
needs to integrate All of her "Self"in order to move on, just as we do in our own personal
processes. And just as we need to practise the arts of forgiveness, releasing and unconditional
love and compassion as individuals, so too will we need to journey through these emotions as
we integrate the lost Wisdom of the Indigenous peoples back into our Collective
Interconnected Being of Light.

Yes there is much to do and experience as we journey through the flow of time and life in this
year that lies ahead. It is the most wonderful adventure of Light and can only be enjoyed if we
keep a positive and trusting view of life. Know that we asked to be here, and that we were
born for this time. It is happening now, and each one of us is contributing his or her Light and
Love exactly as it is meant to be. We all have our Passion and Purpose, we all have our
Wisdom, Experience and Knowledge, and we are all Needed and Appreciated as we offer

what we are!

And, when we get the hang of surfing these Cosmic Waves of Light, we will find that the
rewards are a Deep Joy and an Abundance that is Magical! The Cosmic Waves are the Flow of
Diamond Light, the River of Abundant Life that flows from the Cosmic Heart, that is being
reconnected and realigned as we navigate into our New Reality!

DailyOM: Compulsive Apologies

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 3, 2011 at 8:36pm

DailyOM - Compulsive Apologies

March 2, 2011
The Feeling Underneath
Compulsive Apologies

If you find yourself apologizing often it might be time to look at why you feel compelled to
say "I'm sorry" so often.

Many people suffer with the tendency to apologize all the time, chronically, for everything.
On the one hand, apologizing is a social convention that keeps interactions between people
polite, and in that way it can be very helpful. On the other hand, if we find ourselves
apologizing for everything, it might be time to look at why we feel compelled to say "I'm
sorry" so often. Ultimately, saying you're sorry is saying that you are responsible for
something that has gone wrong in the situation. Whether it's negotiating a parking spot,
moving through the aisles of the supermarket, or reaching for what you want, there are times
when sorry is the right thing to say. But there are other times when "excuse me" is more

Sometimes saying you're sorry is like saying that the other person in the equation has more of
a right to be here than you do. Of course, it's true that using the word sorry can simply be an
innocuous way of defusing tension. However, if you find that you say sorry all the time, you
might want to look a little deeper and see where in your psyche that might be coming from. If
it's a pattern, breaking it may simply take some awareness and practice.

The first step is observing yourself each time you say it, without being hard on yourself about
it. Throughout your day simply notice when you apologize. At first, you might be surprised to

see that you do it even more than you first realized. After a day or two of simply observing,
try to tune in to what it is you are feeling right before you say it. You might be feeling
threatened, embarrassed, intensely anxious, or a variety of other feelings. Over time, try to
stop yourself before the words come out and just be with the feeling that's there. You may
recognize it as one from your childhood, one that's been with you for a long time. The more
you are able to see it, the freer you will be not to be sorry all the time.

Basmelek Mikail’den Mesaj LM-3-2011
Ronna Herman kanaliyla
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 3, 2011 at 9:47pm

Basmelek Mikail’den Mesaj LM-3-2011


Ronna Herman kanaliyla aktarilmistir

Sevgili ustatlar, en baslangicta her biriniz Kutsal Masum Olanlardan biriydiniz, En Yuce
Yaratici’nin parlak bir Kivilcimiydiniz. Disa vurma ve uyanma siraniz geldigi zaman, aniden
TUM VAR OLAN’in bir parcasi olarak kutsalliginizin farkina vardiniz. Sonra Yaratici’nin
bireysellesmis bir fasedi olarak kendi bilincli BEN’IM Varliginizin sasirtici farkindaligi geldi.
Ruhlarin bu uyanisi Yaradilisin her seviyesinde, her boyutunda devam etti ve Buyuk Isik
Varliklari sonu olmayan yeni galaksiler, gunes sistemleri, gezegenler ve dunyalar yaratmak
icin one cikarken, bu uyanis bugun de devam etmektedir.

Bu olaganustu zamanlarda, bir dereceye kadar, Dunya’daki her Ruhta gerceklesmekte olan
buyuk bir icsel donusum sureci vardir. Bireysel olarak, fiziksel, zihinsel, duygusal ve eterik
bedenlerinizin cesitli bolgelerinde arinma ve temizlenme sureci, ayni zamanda degisiklik ve
genisleme sureci deneyimliyorsunuz. Bu zamanda Dunyanizi bombardiman eden surekli artan
titresim frekanslarini butunlestirmek icin gerekli olan degisimleri deneyimliyorsunuz.

Siz uyanmakta olan Yildiz Tohumlari icin, sizin icin mevcut olan surekli artan sayida bilincin
enerji alanlari var. Yaratici Isigin, Elohim ve Form Insa Ediciler tarafindan kullanilmak uzere
Isigin kozmik hazinesinden yagmasi gibi, bu Isik en azindan su anda dorduncu boyutun en
yuksek ve besinci boyutun alt frekanslarina uyumlananlariniz icin elde edilebilirdir.

Galaksideki her yildiz, titresimsel enerji frekanslarinin bir dugumudur. Her insan, bilinc
seviyesine gore uyumlu frekans kaliplarini alma ve iletme kapasitesine sahip canli bir yildiz
olarak islev yapar. Bu frekanslara Ruhsal Sarkiniz adi verilir. Evren tek bir devasa Goksel
Ruhsal Sarkidan olusur.

Yedi buyuk cakra merkeziniz, fiziksel beden icindeki yedi elektrik piline veya yedi dinamik
kuvvet merkezine benzetilebilir. Insanligi isiklandiran yedi buyuk basmelegin yaymasi
vasitasiyla, Tanri bilincinin yedi Isininin spesifik niteliklerini, vasiflarini ve erdemlerini bu
yedi guc merkezine cekersiniz. Bu enerjileri degerlendirme ve kullanim sekliniz, Enerji

Imzanizi ve Ruhsal Sarkinizi belirler. Superhassas, uyanmis kardes insan Varliklari
rezonansinizi hisseder ve bunun iyiliksever veya uyumsuz olup olmadigini ayirt edebilirler.

Harikulade ve hic yorulmayan Deva Kralligi melekleri, Elohim’in ve onlarin buyuk Form Insa
Ediciler grubunun talimati altinda formun yaratimina odaklanirlar. Her biriniz, maddesel
dogadaki seylerin buyuk cesitliligini kaliba dokme ve yaratmada usta olabilmeniz icin, bu
Master Insacilar altinda ciraklik egitimi denilebilecek seyden gecmek zorundaydiniz. Evrensel
Isigin yuksek seviyelerinde iken, tezahur ettirmeyi istediginiz seyi kaliba dokmek ve
yaratmak oldukca basit bir islem olarak goruluyordu. Bunun nedeni, sizin Kutsal Zihninizden
gonderilen tohum dusunceleri kirletecek bozukluklarin veya negatifligin olmadigi saf dusunce
aleminde islev yapmanizdi ve ayrica o zamanlar bu evrensel deneyimde sizin icin var olan
Yaratici Isigin maksimum miktarini cekiyordunuz. Kendinizi Tanri Bilincinin daha fazla
Parcalarina kirdikca, her daha asagi seviyeye veya boyuta atilan adimda tezahurun saf tohum
dusuncelerini tasimak artarak zorlasti. Bundan
dolayi, insanligin gercekligin sinirlayici, carpitilmis ucuncu/dorduncu boyut dunyasinda var
olurken gerekli olan ve arzu edilen seyleri tezahur ettirmek icin cok uzun sure mucadele
etmek zorunda olmasi garip mi?

Deva Kralligi melekleri, Kozmik Kutsal Atesin tasiyicilaridir ve onlara Kutsal Ates Varliklari
adi verilebilir. Onlar varolusun Eterik Plani icinde islev yaparlar ve bu evrenin Metatronik
Isik maddesinin aktaricilaridir, Metatronik Isik maddesi Baba/Anne Tanrimizin kalp ozunden
surekli olarak yayilmaktadir. Daglari, okyanuslari, buyuk ormanlari ve golleri gozeten en
buyuk Deva Meleklerinden, agaclara, ciceklere ve her otun sapina yasam – maddesi yayan en
minik Elementallere kadar, Tanri – Ozunun bu harikulade Varliklari, Elohim’in yonetimi
altinda Bir Ruh ile veya Varligin BEN’im bilinci ile kutsanmamis olan yaratimin her faseti
icin Yasam Gucu enerjisinin kozmik akislarini saglarlar. En Yuce Yaratici’nin Ozunun
Kivilcimi, en buyugunden en kucugune her seydedir.

Sinirlayici, cagdisi, korkuya dayanan frekanslari salivermelisiniz ve bunlarin yerine Tanri –

bilincinin uygun seviyesini ve su andaki aydinlanma yolunuzda size yardimci olacak evrensel
yasalari koymalisiniz. Bu, adim adim ilerleyen bir islemdir ve aceleye getirilemez. Cogu kez
bilgiyi butunlestirme veya kullanma arzusu olmasa da, surekli olarak daha fazla bilgiyi,
ozellikle dramatik ve heyecan uyandiran haberleri veya aciklamalari arzulayan egodur. Ancak,
hizlanmis degisim ve evrimin bu kritik zamanlari sirasinda, yukselis yolunda insanliga yardim
etmek uzere, gereksinimleri hafifletmek ve daha ileri Evrensel Yasalari ve Kozmik bilgeligi
aciga vurma islemini hizlandirmak icin Ilahi bir ozel izin verilmektedir.

Yol uzerindeki her adim icin kurallari, talimatlari ve gereksinimleri ogrenmek her zaman
yavas bir surec oldu. Yuksek gerceklerin kim oldugunuzun bir parcasi olmasi icin, nitelikler,
beceriler ve bilgi butunlestirilmeli ve mukemmellestirilmelidir. Yeni gerceklerinizi
Varliginizin dogal bir parcasi olarak yasadiginiz zaman, o bilgiden elde edilen bilgelik gelecek
kullanim icin, varolusun Nedensel Planinda oturan Yuksek Benliginizin faseti icinde saklanir.
Bu bilgelik BEN’IM bilincinizin daimi bir parcasi haline gelir. BEN’IM Varliginizin IsIk ve
Yaratici bilgeligin engin bir kaynagi oldugunu anlamalisiniz; ancak, siz ve Yuksek
Benliginizin bu evrendeki tum Parcalari, zaman ve uzaydaki bircok konukluklarinizda ve
engin deneyimlerinizde toplanmis olan bilgeligi ve deneyimi tasirsiniz. Bu evrensel
deneyimin icindeki tum yasamlariniz sirasinda elde edilen tum pozitif deneyimler, basarilar ve
bilgelik Nedensel Zihninizde saklanir. Enerji Imzaniz belirli
bir frekansa eristigi zaman, otomatik olarak Kutsal Zihninizde ve ayrica Zihinsel – Nedensel

Planda oturan Yuksek Benliginizin zihninde saklanan armaganlara/bilgiye/bilgelige erismeye
baslarsiniz. Hatirlayin, tum yeni bilgileri kendi vicdaniniz ve bilinciniz vasitasiyla
filtrelemeniz cok onemlidir.

Habercimiz vasitasiyla yillar once aktardigimiz BEN’IM ustatlik Kursunun bircok faydalari,
dort alt beden sisteminizde dengeye ve uyuma geri donme islemini hizlandirmaniza yardim
etmek icindi. (Calisma el kitabimiz KADERINIZI YAZMAK’ta mevcut ve webinar ile
BEN’IM Ustatlik ders serileri. Ronna). Su anda tasidiginiz carpitilmis enerjiyi birlestirmeniz
bircok asirlar surdu. Ancak, bu mucizelerin zamanidir ve Baba/Anne Tanrimiz tarafindan
verilmis olan baska bir ozel, Ilahi izin vardi, bunun sayesinde bu harikulade yukselis
zamanlari sirasinda, Kendinin ustatligina geri donmek icin harcadiginiz her caba buyutulur ve
hizlandirilir. Kendinin ustatligi her zaman bilincinizi yukseltme ve daha fazla Ilahi IsIk
maddesi butunlestirme ve yayma kapasitenizi artirma vasitasiyla elde edilir. Surecte, dunyaya
kosulsuz Sevgi/IsIk yayarken, tum Varliklar icin iyi niyet ile dolu olan bir yol bulucu, yol
gosterici ve Dunya Hizmetkari olursunuz.

Farkindaliginiz tum insanligi, Dunyayi, ayrica gunes sistemini, galaksiyi ve evreni

kapsayacak sekilde giderek artar. Artik asil odaginiz yalnizca kucuk benlik uzerine olmaz.
Nihai amaciniz galaktik bir vatandas ve en sonunda evrensel bir Isik Varligi olmaktir. Bilincin
genislemesi daha yuksek, daha karmasIk bilgiye erismek icin gerekli seylerle sonuclanir. Bu,
Baba/Anne Tanrimizin erdemleri, ozellikleri ve yeteneklerinin daha da fazlasini butunlestirme
yetenegi ile sonuclanir. Ucuncu/dorduncu boyutsal ortamda, insan duygulari hukum surer.
Dorduncu boyutun yuksek seviyelerinde ve besinci boyutun alt seviyelerinde, zihinsel
doga/yetenekler baskindir ve Kutsal Zihnin, Kutsal Kalbin ve Yuksek Benligin safligi ve
aydinligi tarafindan isiklandirilir.

Sevgili kalpler, size verdigimiz asagidakiler gibi derin ifadeleri yalnizca okumayin. Bunlari
inceleyin ve bunlari hatirlamayi gorev edinin, cunku bu bilgelik sozlerinde Kendinin
ustatligini mukemmellestirdiginiz zaman ve zor kazandiginiz bilgeligi baskalariyla
paylasmaya cagirilacaginiz zaman cekmeyi dileyeceginiz kritik faktorler vardir.

• Bir ustat en yuksek gercegini arar ve sonra bu gercegi en yuksek yetenekte yasar.
• Bir ustat dunyayi ve onun buyuk dramasini yuksek bir bakis acisindan, asagiya dogru
gormeyi ogrenir. Siz lineer zaman cizgisinden cikip, yuksek boyutlarin spirallenen, inisli
cikisli dalgalarina girerken, zaman genlesir.
• Bir ustat her zaman en yuksek hayir icin, enerjiyi manipule etmekte beceriklidir.
Uyumlu ruhsal guclerin vorteksinde var olur.
• Yukselis zihin ve Ruh genislemesidir, yukselmis bilincin bir halinden baska bir haline
ebedi gecistir.
• Bilincli farkindalik Cagina girdiniz. Ruhsal benliginizin bilincli farkindaligi ve onun
durtuklemelerine uyanis Kendinin ustatligini elde etmede ilk adimdir.
• Bir ustat ne zaman konusacagini ve ne zaman sessiz kalacagini bilir. Bir ustat
konusmasinda olculudur. Surekli zihin gevezeligi ve anlamsiz dedikodu aurik alaninizin
sakinligini bozar. Her seyde Isigin uyumlu, yuksek dalga frekanslarini aramalisiniz.
• Sadece bilgi boler, ayirir. Bilgelik ve Ruhsal farkindalik birlestirir.
• Yoldaki bir inisiye olarak, Yaratici Isik kapasitenizi surekli olarak artiriyorsunuz.
• Kutsalliginizin herhangi bir fasedini yadsidiginiz zaman, Ilahi butunlugunuzu
• Evren, En Yuce Yaraticinin ve Anne/Baba Tanrimizin itkileri/arzulari vasitasiyla
kendisini surekli olarak yeniden olusturur ve yeniden tanimlar. En Yuce Yaraticinin arzusu

Kendisini hayal edilemez sayida cesitli buyuklukte bilinc Kivilcimlarina ayirarak bireyselligi
• Tum evren dans eden, akan, birlesen ve ayrilan parcalar/Tanri Kivilcimlari ile doludur.
Yaratici, ne kadar buyuk ya da kucuk olursa olsun bu parcalarin her birinde canli ve
• Uzay sonsuz olasiliklara programlanmayi veya kaliba dokulmeyi bekleyen kendi
icinde bir varliktir.

SORU: Eterik yirtiklarimizin olup olmadiginizi nasil anlariz? Eger varsa, bunlarin nerede
bulundugunu nasil anlariz ve bunlari nasil iyilestiririz?

Aurik alandaki eterik yirtiklari iyilestirmek, Ruhsal benliginizin daha fazlasini butunlestirme
islemine baslar baslamaz, baslatilan bir islemdir. Fiziksel bedeninize daha fazla yuksek
frekansli enerji butunlestirmeye ve cakra sisteminizi dengeleme ve armonize etme islemine
basladikca, bunun en buyuk faydalarindan biri sahip olabileceginiz eterik yirtiklarin yavasca
iyilesmeye baslamasidir. Cogunlukla, aurik alaninizda yirtiklarin veya eterik yara dokusunun
bulundugu alanlarda fiziksel rahatsizliginiz olur. En cok hukum suren eterik yirtiklar alt uc
cakra bolgesinde, kalp bolgesi/solar pleksusta veya bedenin arkasinda kurek kemiklerinin

Kisisel piramidinize giderek sureci hizlandirabilirsiniz. Kristal masaya yatin ve melek

yardimcilarinizin bedeninizi taramalarini ve (eger varsa) aurik alaninizdaki yirtiklarin nerede
oldugunu bilmenizi saglamalarini isteyin. Eger bazi yirtiklar bulundugunun isaretlerini
alirsaniz, benden bu yirtiklari isiltili IsIk kilicimla muhurlememi isteyin. Bu prosedur zaman
alabilir; ancak, sifa islemi baslar ve siz Isigin yuksek titresimli kaliplarina erisirken hizlanir.
Sonsuzluk nefesi ve sesli harfleri tonlamak vasitasiyla Isigin Adamantine Parcaciklarini
getirmek de cok faydalidir ve aurik alaninizin iyilesmesini/armonize olmasini hizlandirmaya
ve alt dort beden sisteminizde denge yaratmaya yardimci olur.

Cesurlarim, nerede yasadiginiza veya su anda icinde yasamakta oldugunuz kosullara

bakmadan, Kendinin ustatligini elde etme surecine baslamaniz icin harika bir firsat vardir. Bir
Isik Tasiyicisi ve Dunya Hizmetkari olarak size acil gereksinim vardir. Bu, bu mesaji okuyan
her biriniz icin gecerlidir. Sizi bir koruma aurasiyla kusatiyorum ve sarmaliyorum. Ebediyen
sizin koruyucunuz ve sadik yoldasinizim.

BEN Basmelek Mikail’im.

Kopyalayabilir ve paylasabilirsiniz. BASMELEK MIKAILIN MESAJLARINI


(Ceviri: Saffet Guler)

Uriel's Message: Trust Where You Are;
Jennifer Hoffman
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 3, 2011 at 10:00pm

Uriel's Message: Trust Where You Are; Jennifer Hoffman

Life and its lessons appear as challenges you must overcome through your divine wisdom and
guidance. But while you believe that these are challenges to your wisdom, they are
opportunities for you to reconnect to the all-knowing light within. The blessing of each
challenge is the knowledge that you are divine, that fear is an energy whose power is limited
through your willingness to trust in yourself. Trust where you are in each moment so its
perfection may be revealed to you and with it, you remember who you are.

Perfection exists in your life at all times although when faced with challenges your focus on
the fear, which is the energy of the past, blocks the light of the love and power that are also
present. It is in your most challenging times that you feel alone and afraid, unsupported and
lacking guidance because you look outside of yourself, even to Source, for what you believe
you lack. You do not trust yourself because you feel that you have betrayed your purpose and
mission and even Source. Yet through these experiences you gain wisdom and understanding,
through which you re-member Source connection. The wisdom of the Universe is always
within you when you remember to trust the perfection of where you are.

You embrace fear and doubt when you feel overwhelmed and overcome by life. Life is not
your master; you are the master of life and of living. The third dimension is just another
energetic space whose purpose is to bring you back into wholeness. It will reflect your
separation until you bring all of the pieces of yourself back into alignment with your divinity.
Even the ego longs for wholeness although it needs the element of trust, which comes from
spirit, for this to occur. The ego does not have trust because it knows fear. Balancing the ego
with spirit allows trust to occur and then you have access to the wisdom that will allow you to
shift the energy of your reality and create transformation.

Trust that every aspect of your reality, in each moment, exists in perfection. Then you move
from one perfect moment to the next. Through trust you raise your vibrations and reconnect
with the wisdom that is required to move you into joy, peace, love and abundance. In each
moment you are in the energetic reality you have created and through trusting in yourself and
opening to the guidance from within, you connect to the aspects of your being that bring you
back to wholeness, to your grounded center, to your light within and then you are Home,
within your heaven on earth.


Message From Archangel Michael, March,
2011 Through Rev. Michelle Coutant
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 3, 2011 at 10:25pm

"Spread Your Wings And Soar"

Dear Ones,

The time has come when you must each choose to use your time wisely. Your time in the
third/ fourth dimension is accelerating so quickly that you must choose in each now moment
how to make the most of each opportunity presented to you. How will you take advantage of
this most wondrous opportunity of ascension? How will you choose to bring forth your gifts
and talents to fulfill your divine mission? You may choose your reality in every now moment,
and you may choose which talents and which gifts you will share with your brothers and
sisters. You may choose how much of your divine mission you will fulfill each day and how
much of your divine mission you will fulfill in this lifetime. You have the choice. We ask
you to spread your wings and soar, dear ones. We ask you to step out of your comfort zone,
and to ask us to assist you in all your endeavors. Remember, to have our assistance you must
be creating that which is for the highest good, in the intentions of purity within your sacred

We ask you to transcend fear, dear ones. Fear is debilitating, it is paralyzing, and does not
serve your highest good. We ask you to go within your matrix as we have taught you, and
specifically focus on the release of fear. Expand your matrix and ask to see the blemishes, see
the dark spots which are fear. Invoke the Violet Flame in the name of your divine I Am
Presence, and transmute this fear. Invoke the Violet flame to follow the fear all the way to
Source and transmute it. Stay with it, until you have cleared your matrix in the now moment.
Then fill yourselves with the God light and just the right amount of the higher aspects of the
first seven rays for ease and grace, and call in rays eight through twelve. Do this daily, dear
ones, you will find you are transformed and you will move forward in ease and grace, and as
you ask for ease and grace you will find it effortless to step out of your comfort zone.

Visualize that which you desire to accomplish, visualize yourselves accomplishing it in love
and joy, with great desire and great success. Fear has no place in the hearts of those who fill
themselves with unconditional love and joy. It is said that perfect love casteth out fear. It is
so, dear ones. Hold the thought form and allow this thought form to assist you as you create
in the love and the joy of your sacred heart.

So many of you are weary, so many of you are impatient, so many of you are discouraged,
and we ask you to go the distance. We ask you to dig deep, and to know that you are living a
Cosmic Moment which is unprecedented. Yet there is the illusion of time, still in place for
you, and you must still work within this parameter. Seek unconditional love, seek joy, seek
peace, seek harmony, seek abundance. Visualize. Visualize and continue to visualize that

which you wish to create, never wavering from that which is your great desire, that which you
choose to create for your highest good and the highest good of all. Your reality will be
transformed, and you will find that you are living heaven on earth. It is possible dear ones,
and it is why you are here. You came to create heaven on earth, first for yourselves and then
to assist your brothers and sisters, and all life forms. You came here to assist mother earth in
the ascension process, as you chose to ascend with her.

Remember that you are a most powerful being of light. You have virtues and qualities which
you have not yet tapped into, you have virtues and qualities which are unknown to you at this

Sit quietly and breathe deeply and expand your awareness of your Self, the individual light
body that is you. Draw in the light and feel it fill you and your immediate field. See your
Self expand and expand, until you are as tall as your home. See your Self shine brightly, as
you expand and fill your neighborhood. Brighten your light dear ones, and fill yourselves
with the God light and the twelve rays. Draw in the cosmic rays; the solar rays, the galactic,
universal, multiuniversal and cosmic rays. It matters not, if you call them in individually.
You may call them in as a group, asking for ease and grace as you do so. Feel the power of
you. Feel the presence of you, this glorious divine God Self, limitless, expansive, a bright
beacon of light, whose thoughts are so powerful they affect every life form and mother earth.
Harness these thoughts dear ones, for your highest good and the highest good of all. Harness
the light that is you. Accept the abundance and the grace of God that is you. Revel in the
light of the beautiful God Self that you are. And now dear ones, expand the essence of you,
this beautiful great being of light, to encompass mother earth, fill yourselves with the God
light of unconditional love, and expand, expand, expand this love to cover the planet and fill
mother earth. This is you, beloved ones. Breathe deeply and be in this knowing. It is
effortless to expand your light to fill the solar, galactic, universal and multiuniversal levels of
the Cosmos. Do so now, beloved ones, and know that this is you. You are all creation and
you may expand your awareness and the essence of you to fill all creation.

Fear has no place in the reality of the great and glorious divine beings. It is an illusion for you
dear ones, to transcend. It is an illusion of the reality that you are leaving behind, and you
may leave this reality behind right now. In this now moment you have the choice to direct
your thoughts for your greatest good and the greatest good of all. Be one pointed and strive to
remain in the now, transcending all that no longer serves you. You are more powerful than
you know.

Call on us, dear ones. We have told you that you must take the first step, and we will pick you
up and we will soar together. It is so, beloved ones. Tap into the greatness of who you are,
tap into the unconditional love, the adamantine particles, the joy, the peace, the harmony, and
fulfill your divine mission. Be a great divine being, a beacon of light of the Cosmos. We are
here with you to assist you in this magnificent endeavor.

I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth


The Energies of March by Jennifer
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 3, 2011 at 10:30pm

All I can say about February is 'What happened?' It was a strange month energetically and it
flew by so quickly that just as we settled down to do one thing, it was time to do the next.
This year will be like that, there will be periods when time goes by very quickly and other
times will go more slowly. For many February was a month of strange weather too, which
kept many people indoors, isolated at times, a sort of enforced time out so they could absorb
and process some of the big energy downloads we received this month.

March will be a little easier in terms of the weather as the snow melts, spring begins to arrive
and the ground thaws. I'm already seeing crocuses in my garden even though they are now
hidden beneath the snow. We have some planned energy downloads coming, but I see them as
arriving on Mondays and being dispersed throughout the week, with a rest on the weekend
until the next one begins the following week. So the energy downloads are not finished, but
they will be more regular and more predictable, at least for the month of March.

We also have the equinox on March 20 which is the astrological new year and a powerful
time. But what is different about this year's equinox is that we have been preparing for it since
January and certainly all of February. If you look at what is happening in the world,
specifically in the Middle East, there is a lot of balancing going on. By March 20 most of the
countries involved in this will have come to agreements with their people and there will be a
greater and more equitable distribution of power. And we will see this in our lives, as March
completes the release cycle we have experienced in February, allowing the old, dense energy
to float away and replace it with a brighter, clearer and more balanced expression of our light.

This year so far has been about releasing that which no longer resonates with us, setting new
intention and energetic connections and learning to live in the present instead of the past.
These energies we see on a global level are being mirrored in our lives, with a sometimes not-
so-gentle push to continue to release those things that do not serve us. Self forgiveness is a big
issue for March, as is remembering that we have no control over what others' do and when we
shift our energies in response to our soul's call for transformation we allow everything that
does not resonate at our new energetic level to fall away. If we try to hold on to things we no
longer need to experience, March will be a difficult month. The theme for this month is to
surrender to the moment, find our center and whatever is still with us is what should be there.
Have a great month.


The Final Push: we're crowning!
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 3, 2011 at 10:37pm

Uranus in Aries

So here we are again on the cusp of the astrological new year (when the sun enters the first
degrees of Aries), the spring equinox in the north (the autumn equinox in the southern
hemisphere), the ascension of christ (consciousness) celebration...aka Easter.. but more
poignantly, we are on the astrological cusp of Uranus' re-entry into Aries. For those of you
wondering why that matters, the unseens are sharing that this transition is THE fiery (shift of
the ages) energy we have been waiting for to provide us with the new celestial backdrop
(playground) to transform our lives and this planet into our inspired visions of new earth.
This energy has the potential to set any remains of our old lives ablaze, and to release our new
lives from our internal combustion chambers that have been churning the flames of creativity
and building the pressure within us since the first Uranian visit in Aries back in June/July of

And we definitely got a taste of the powerful Uranus in Aries themes last year, both
personally and collectively (think Gulf of Mexico oil spew). In my own life, this manifested
as an intense time (and summer) of deep grieving due to the sudden loss of my beloved soul
mate and feline friend, Chloe, who was taken by coyotes on the July 25-6th full moon/Saturn
opposition Uranus/cardinal t-square that proved to change my life in a nanosecond...the way
only Uranus' influence can. Such a painful time of heartbreak for me that I was unable to even
speak of it publicly until now, which is a clear indication of the many months of ancient heart-
wound healing that many of us had to integrate since that very challenging time.

This time around, the unseens assure us that IF(yep, that's a big if) we got the lessons and
integrated their core essence...wrapped up all the loose ends and tidied up a decade or two of
soul-searching while unlearning everything we've been taught, licking our wounds, reclaiming
soul fragments to heal our perceived separation from Source…then we have the opportunity
coming to (fully) align all levels of our being (spiritual, mental, emotional & physical) with
our divine blueprint and break out into the social/physical world. This will still take a bit of
time/energy/perseverance, but the process is well underway and hopefully (on a personal
level) we can make it thru this month without any more of those famous Uranus "brick in the
face" wake-up calls. The world stage, however…well, that's just a whole different article.

Underneath the remnants of our remaining physical upgrades (read: pain) we can already feel
this transformative energy bubbling up. It can feel in many ways, passionate & creative, yet
the intensity of it can also make us feel like a live wire...chaotic, wild and unstable... if not
grounded properly. This energy can easily be interpreted as ANXIETY, especially with all the
geomagnetic fluctuations playing us like a bad video game. Not easy to keep our center
here…but so important to stay neutral and firmly grounded thru all the fluctuations caused by
such magnanimous forces of transition.

The Final Push

For some, it is high time to get moving and though this racy feeling of chomping-at-the-bit
can conflict with our physical well-being (or lack thereof), change is here... plain and simple.
We are in a new dimensional space with a new set of potentials, and with the coming j-o-b of
applying our hard earned skills in a physical way...a way that will (dare I say)pay the bills.
This can be a confusing time because on one hand nothing feels different, and things around
us can even look the same…but on the other, we have a deep unshakable knowing that
something monumental is shifting and that our lives will never be the same again. (the ol'
foot in both worlds scenario, except the gap is much smaller now)

Meanwhile, our heads are in the new, our hearts are coming in and out of the new, and our
physical bodies are still slowly integrating/adjusting to the new. We can feel the fiery energy
rushing in, but can't do a damn thing about it. Great ideas abound, but nothing is grounding
until we come into complete alignment, which amounts to a bunch of unfinished projects. It
can definitely feel like we are being tested aaaagain…but my take is that this is just the final
push from polarity to neutrality, and thru it, we can readily notice…in each moment... which
end of the polar spectrum we are visiting... which ultimately determines whether or not we are
standing in our power or standing in doubt.

When in doubt, we can look to our outward life to show us where we really stand, as sort of
an external gauge of our internal growth. In most ways, we are still backed-up against the
wall with an inability to move freely in any direction… yet, deeply we know that we
absolutely have to and that endings and new beginnings happen simultaneously. There is no
where else to go but up as we have already been to the bottom, back and round again…this
will be obvious in your life if you have run out of "parallel" moves, exhausted all karmic
potentials and lived thru all your core wounds and self-created nightmares.

I know for myself, I have had the "gift" of foreclosure and bankruptcy to sustain my survival
thru nearly 3 years of living mortgage-free...and like many of you, I still struggled. But as of
yesterday, my final court hearing, "mortgage-free" is longer my realit-y. Like everyone on
this timeline, I am absolutely suspended in limbo to the point where things have not shifted
enuf in my external world to completely sustain me, yet, enuf has shifted in my internal world
to know that all is well and that the support needed for our fresh start is finally entering our
physical domain.

So many of us are waiting for endings…the perfect alignment of closure to completely crack
open the vault of our new beginnings. We are waiting to move to a new home/geographic
location, waiting to finalize a sale, waiting for legal matters, waiting for a major financial
breakthru, waiting for a divorce or for our true soul companions,waiting for the physical
transition of a loved one, the birth of a new baby/project/job/partnership/business, etc. As we
shift ourselves to align with the new energies here to take us to our proverbial kingdom, we
are all waiting for something to complete our puzzle, take us full circle, and bump us up to the
next spiral of our personal and global evolution. In best cases, everything is lined up and
ready, just waiting for go-time.

Behind the Scenes

One of the things we wish to speak of is the way in which the forerunners of new-human

consciousness are adapting to the increasing energies that are permeating the planet. There
is so much information being transmitted to you that it is nearly remarkable that each of you
can even stand on your own two feet, nevermind exist and function in a relatively normal way.

The Pleiadians want to continually bring our attention the our increasing capability to stay in
the null zone, or what they often refer to as zero-point. Our ability to stay neutralized thru all
the cosmic, celestial, and solar activity that is now officially pummeling our planet, is due to
our (e)merging into the fields of oneness. The merging process has mutated our biological
genetics to align with our soulular genetics to the point that we are beginning to notice in
positive ways….and by which there is also so much ridiculous discomfort in and around the
spinal cord.

"Be at peace with this process for there is a magnificent opportunity opening to each of you
on the planet, an opening that will allow the christed energies to flood the material plane, and
make for a wellspring of change…both physical and ethereal."

Over the next six weeks, I am hearing that there will be quite an astonishing impact on our
consciousness. The most identifiable aspect of this will apparently be with regard to a new
level of clarity and understanding that is beginning to wipe the sleep from our eyes so that we
can see and more fully understand what the hell has "happened to us" over the last 10 years.
This new-level clarity is what will help us shift beyond the pain-body and into the light-body.

"As the mind, body & soul come into complete alignment, thinking becomes clear and sharp
and the rest of your long and short term problems, absolvable. "

This new level of clarity will be akin to waking from a dream by which all those things that
we imagined were real were really only figments of our imagination. The dream served us
well, but now it's time to step out of the dream of complications, strife, illusion, loss and lack,
and into the "reality" of our true nature as empowered cocreators.

A Clarion Call

The unseens say that Uranus’ re-entry into Aries will not only be the defining energy of 2011
(especially with regard to scientific & technological advancements), but THE
transformational period of the 21st century. In my own words, this year is when all you
powerhouse Indigos and Blue Rays out there step into your more public roles as the architects
and builders of the new earth...those of you here to inspire and create an extreme makeover:
planet edition.

If you find yourself panting and pacing like a caged lion in the remaining stillness of
transformation, most likely you are one of these blue folks preparing to be shot out of
cannon…the energy within is building up and shifting us from the receptive state of
vulnerability required for our inward metamorphosis, to the power, confidence, self-reliance
and assertiveness needed to break free and motivate change in the outer world by standing
openly in our truth and sharing our ideas.

What that will actually look like… NO idea. Will this changeover hurt? Probably. But for all
you pioneering souls out there…this is the thrilling adventure we have been waiting for.
For all who are stepping forth into the field of oneness, there is a clarion call sounding. This

call is of the heart, a wave of inspiration set forth to reverberate thru the new planetary grid
structure and one that will give us the green light to create new openings, opportunities and
connections with others of like-mind and heart. I am told that this group of wayshowers are
those who will "bring forth the blueprints of the celestial kingdom for the creation of a new
planet, a new way of being and a new system of stewardship."

Many of this group have been initiating new projects, new ideas and new concepts that began
to birth in the physical world last summer (in the north), yet were held up or blocked from
their full manifestation while the planet integrated and readjusted to align with more of its
divine template. Now, these new endeavors will be brought to fruition and the plans and
projects that we have been nurturing for so long will have the ability to take hold, to find their
footing in the new world. Its not as if these plans were unable to be implemented in the past,
its that these plans will be better-implemented in the now.

The Building Phase

This is the year that we have the opportunity to co-create anew…to physically build
something better, more sustainable and with the intention of the highest good for all. This is
the moment where we apply our VISIONary leadership skills and share our inspired ideas
with others.

The Pleiadians would also like to introduce us to a concept that many will be working with
(especially Indigos/BlueRays) as we begin the building phase of ascension. They are calling
this concept "peaceful cooperation" which will reintroduce the understanding that working
with the highest intentions for a group collective ensures that each and every person has the
ability to express and create their portion of the soul-galactic plan. The wayshowers, now
acting as planetary overseers, will be teaching these concepts in various applicable ways.

This idea was birthed in ancient times and is honored in some folklore, native traditions and
by our indigenous cultures, but will now take root in the westernized parts of the world as
well. I am hearing that this will be a grassroots-type global organization that will teach,
inspire and remind humanity of the inner-wisdoms that are accessible to each of us.

The global effort to redesign the structures of the earth and maintain/promote the forward-
thinking ideas of true sustainability begins with peaceful cooperation…the fundamental idea
that each of us is an aspect of the God-head, and as such, each of us is to be respected and
honored for our contributions to the planet and her people.

As these new foundations are laid and the fundamental requirement for true sustainability
takes hold, those who have come to structure the plans will step in to implement the physical
designs needed to align with earths sacred blueprint.

There are those already well-versed in these new creations... which will be guided heavily by
sacred geometry and the electro-magnetic vortices which align all major power-centers to
create the ascendant grid structure for the physical planet... and those with this sacred
knowledge will be stepping forth to offer their knowledge to those who require it.

"We are so looking forward to seeing your physical creations take form, the building of a new
world based on the needs of the people & the planetary body as a whole."

Physical Happenings

Everything still hurts.

To crowning!

Copyright © 2009-12. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this transmission on the
condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s),
and that it is distributed freely.

Twin Flames - Twin Souls - Soul Mates
NEWSLETTER March 3, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 3, 2011 at 10:49pm

Twin Flames - Twin Souls - Soul Mates


March 3, 2011

In This Edition:

Reconfirm your subscription (reminder)

Preparing Yourself for the Soul Mate

Using the Violet Consuming Flame


I have changed my newsletter server. If you have not already done so, and you wish to
continue to receive my newsletter, please click the link and re-up.


Recently some of the leading relationship luminaries joined with Arielle Ford and Claire
Zammit to offer The Ultimate Soulmate Summit. Together, they provided a wealth of
information about the psychology, biology, chemistry and inner spiritual work for those who
are seeking a soul mate. Over 60,000 people attended the free 14 day summit via the web. The
series was recorded and is available for purchase in various formats for those of you who are
interested and were unable to attend.

The primary focus was upon the longing of the human heart to join with the Beloved and the
different pathways to open the channels to experience this union. The combination of efforts
of these presenters also served to redirect the consciousness of the listeners from “I am
incomplete and must therefore find The One who will complete me,” to understanding they
are the resonant field that attracts what they are at their core. The focus became one of
preparing yourself for the Soul Mate.

I have to tell you my heart was doing cartwheels to see this presented to such a large
audience. The cumulative energy served to crack the old paradigm for so many. Even if they
still go on the internet dating hunt, their consciousness will never be the same. It has given
their I AM Presence a foothold to bring forth more and more information about their truth as
the individualized embodiment of Love and their ability to atomically create more love from
their own heart field.

Those of you who have connected with my work (or the works of those who are presenting
Twin Flame information from the standpoint of Twin Flames being the ultimate co-creative
atomic generator of Love,) are on the leading edge of a spiritual revolution. You are those
souls who agreed to create the pathway for the rest of humanity to follow. I surround you with
so much gratitude for the efforts you are making to connect to, create, and share authentic

As the intensity of the influx of Divine Love is brought through your heart fields, everything
that stands as an impediment to this truth, be it old energy forms in your personal fields, or in
the world’s, will rise to the surface to be dissolved and consumed. However, your application
of the Violet Consuming Flame is truly, tangibly dissolving and transmuting those energy
forms that have been impeding love in your own fields as well as the planetary fields.

There will be many moments during the next few years when you will feel like you’re
standing in the eye of the storm, watching the illusion swirl so rapidly about you as the
clearing process takes place. But stay there in the vortex, in the eye of the storm, so you can
hold the vibration of what is real. Don’t allow yourself to get sucked back into the illusion.
Every time you put your attention on the illusion, you give it power. Empower the REAL and

So many lightworkers have told me they are just tired and feel like giving up, believing
they’re not making any difference at all. But we ARE making a difference, as so acutely
evidenced by that which has been stirred up to be eliminated. We can’t take these old energy
forms where we’re going. The love we are bringing through our Twin Flame heart wombs is
serving to re-attune every electron back to its true identity as Divine Love. And, every effort
we make is being magnified by the Host of Heaven. This is not a battle -- it is the greatest
GIFT you can possibly bestow upon All That Is.

Only Love is Real

Angelina Heart



For those of you who are unfamiliar with the power of this magnificent law of transmutation,
I have made available a downloadable product that provides background and educational
material about the use of this ray, along with a short, but extremely powerful meditation to
utilize in your daily life. Only $12.99

Using the Violet Consuming Flame

© Angelina Heart

Author, teacher, researcher - twin flames, twin souls, soul mates

To learn more, visit:

Signs and Synchronicity: Finding Your Way

through the Mayhem of Life a message
from Archangel Gabriel channeled by
Shanta Gabriel 24 February, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 3, 2011 at 10:56pm

a message from Archangel Gabriel channeled by Shanta Gabriel

24 February, 2011

Finding Your Way through the Mayhem of Life

Signs and synchronicity are living guides to life on Earth.

The power of these signals, and what some call “coincidence” is to enlighten our path and
reassure us that we are taking the right steps – no matter how radical they may seem.

As these times become more filled with disruptive events and change, we need to become
very connected to our inner guidance, in order to function with mastery on the earth.

A spiritual practice becomes a practical, empowering tool for inner peace and wisdom in
perilous times. I have produced many messages from Archangel Gabriel over the years with a
similar message. Like most everyone else, I have been watching the increase of natural
disasters and the amazing collapse of economic systems and world governments. I have been
observing people who are unable to stay in their homes and jobs, and it is abundantly clear
that we need inner guidance more than ever. There is no longer any security in our outer
world, and we need to cultivate faith and trust in ourselves in order to find our way.

As a people we immerse ourselves in worldly activities, numb our minds with television,
and let worry and fear overtake our mental states.

Of course there needs to be an element of responsibility and logical behavior, but if we make
clear intentions to follow our soul’s calling, all of the outer plane existence will fall into
miraculous order, even if it includes the sometimes dramatic dissolution of life as you have
known it. I have seen this repeatedly over the years and after recently receiving some nudges
from the Angelic Dimensions in the form of repeating phrases and synchronicity over the past
week, it seemed like time for me to come out my hermitage to share with you some of my
personal stories of signs and synchronicity. Believe me, I am not advocating that you do what
I did. Hopefully you will take intentional steps to take care of your life before it is necessary
to go through such radical transformation.

In my late 20’s I first began to notice synchronicity when all of the many varied books I
was reading at the time began to carry the same message.

They were pointing to a life oriented by a Higher Power combined with clear inner intentional
awareness. During that time, events occurred that suddenly freed me to explore these ideas in
action. I began an adventurous 7-year road trip, with only my dog for company, in order to
find my “true calling and path in life.” During that time I became more comfortable with
prayer and began paying attention to coincidental meetings and signs from the road.

My Very First Sign

One of the more humorous, not to mention clear, signs occurred when I was just over 30.

I had taken a temporary job that had promised another position in the future. I was not a
match for the job or for the location where I was working, and I became very unhappy. One
day I was driving from the beautiful mountain hideaway where I lived down into the central
valley of California to work. I became increasingly disgruntled as I drove out of clear
sunshine into the brown smoggy fog that was normal for the area. I began to pray harder and
found myself asking for a sign from God to show me if it was time for me to quit this hated
job. I said I was willing to stay if it was in my highest good, but I needed clear guidance. I
prayed throughout my 30-minute journey. When I walked into work, I was called into the
manager’s office where she promptly fired me. I don’t even remember why it was done, but I
do remember trying not to laugh at the blatant and very obvious sign from the Universe that I
was not supposed to be there. Of course I found new creative ways to take care of myself, and
my life became more harmonious.

From that point in 1975, I did my best to live according to the signals of my heart.

Were there times when I did not pay attention? Of course, and times when my desires
overcame my inner guidance. This was especially true after I was married and began to give
away portions of myself and lose touch with my true feelings. It was all in the name of service
to another and keeping peace in my marriage, (blah blah blah), but it had the affect of eroding
my connection to the impulse of my spirit in the relationship. There came a time, while living
in Hawaii in late 1998, when the signs and signals could no longer be ignored. Throughout a
one-year period my outer life began to dissolve a piece at a time. The Angel business I had

poured myself and enormous sums of money into for years went bankrupt, we lost our house,
my appendix burst, I had a car accident and went into menopause. I was so confused about the
future I began to pray for clarity and signs to help me know what to do. The only message I
received at the moment was, “Just when did you think you would need faith?”

And Synchronicity and Signs Came into Being

Soon after, however, I was invited to teach a class about Angelic communication in
Michigan. While I was there, I visited a retreat center whose spiritual director was someone I
knew in the past. He invited me to stay at the center while I sorted my life out and I could feel
myself being drawn to the idea. While I had happily lived in Hawaii for over 20 years without
a thought to leaving, I was enticed by the peaceful country setting and regular spiritual
practice. I knew that it could jeopardize my marriage, so I wanted to be really clear before
taking the radical step. I went out to the river on the property to seek guidance. I called on the
Divine Presence, my Soul, my higher self and every angel, guide, and master that may have
guided me in this life, to come and help me. What was revealed was surprising in its simple

I was told, “you will not fulfill your spiritual destiny unless you come to this place and
stay from October 1 through January 15.”

I sat there in awe. Even though it seemed like that was a long separation in a marriage, my
husband and I had always given each other time for spiritual retreat. In fact, our relationship
began over the months that he was traveling with our guru. So it was not impossible that it
could still work, but it did not bode well, considering the shakiness of our marriage after all of
the recent losses. As I sat on the bank of the river and let my thoughts unfurl, I realized that all
of that clear guidance was in my mind, and maybe my heart, but I needed some clear physical
demonstration in order to follow such an extreme path. As I walked away from the river, I
asked for a sign that would be unmistakable. I declared that I was willing to follow
whatever guidance was revealed to me beyond a shadow of a doubt.

As I continued to walk there came a signal that is still without equal in the years that

I was stopped suddenly because I was covered in hundreds of butterflies. They flew to my
head, walked on my face, crawled on my arms and my legs, and totally surrounded me. Then
just as suddenly, they flew away leaving an light-filled energy sparkling in the air around me.
What would you have said? That good old faithless part of me said, “well that was really good
but how about just one more little sign.” And there at my feet was a small puddle into which
flew two blue butterflies that were then joined by one yellow butterfly. That was what it took
for me to totally surrender and trust that I was being inspired by my soul’s presence. God had
taken charge and I had faith that no matter what happened, I would be protected, guided and
directed from then on. I was allowing my new life to burst into being.

And did we all live happily ever after?

I am not going to pretend it was easy after that day in late 1999, but it was the catalyst for my
husband and I to create the lives we were meant to be living in order to follow our unique
destinies. He immediately found a new wife, got married a week after our divorce was final,
and had a baby a month later. On the other hand, I became a somewhat aged, wandering

sadhu, (in India, this is a spiritual aspirant without earthly belongings who wanders in search
of enlightenment). In the seven years that followed, not only did I meet a number of great
spiritual teachers, I also received inner guidance and lessons that are the basis of my life
today. Even though our lives look very different from what we had planned, I have no doubt
that my former husband and I are both happier and more fulfilled in all the ways that matter.
After our divorce, he told me that he would never have had the courage to do what I did. I can
understand where he was coming from, because we had created a beautiful life in the material
world that was hard to give up. But for me it had less to do with courage, and more to do
with Faith. Many years before any of these occurrences, I had turned my life over to God and
had devoted myself to service in whatever form that manifested for my highest good. When
the signs were so clear, how could I refute the guidance I had asked for and received so

There are times in our lives when our soul’s call for the Divine, in the form of what one of my
friends calls “The Lone Arranger,” to step into what appears to be our secure lives. The
purpose is to pull the rug out from under our complacency and attachment so we can fulfill
our true destiny. We have all committed to completing our soul’s purpose in different ways,
and we have lessons to learn. I believe that all that transpires in our lives is working toward
that end, no matter what it looks like.

Signs, Signs, Everywhere a Sign

We are living within a compressed time line of tremendous upheaval and change.

We can see what is going on in the world and how it often mirrors what we are feeling in our
individual lives. All that we trusted to be secure and stable in many ways has been subject to
surprising changes we never imagined. In the midst of this upheaval we only have our faith in
Divine Guidance and our connection to this Source energy to assist our process and we might
feel very separate. Of course we are never really alone, as there are Angels that step into our
lives at just these moments in order to guide our paths. We have to invite their assistance,
however, so this is really an important part of our process.

What else can we do before our lives start falling apart?

One is to gain balance and equilibrium in yourself through a meditative practice and other
steps that help you feel harmony within. Sometimes that still quiet voice within is buried in
the cacophony that is our mental state, yet the commitment you are making to have inner
connection with your Divine Self starts a powerful process in motion. When we take one step
towards God, the Universe pours out abundant miracles to support our path. This dedication
to knowing your inner spirit allows you to learn to trust your inner guidance. While you are
creating a spiritual practice, you are also cultivating faith. You are learning to value your
peace so much that you will go to great lengths not to lose your inner balance.

These were some very valuable lessons I have learned during the ten years since the

Another has been the importance of staying present and grounded. Without an awareness of
how I am feeling, and what is happening around me, I might miss some of the tremendous
opportunities the Universe is always providing for me. I am also allowing myself to be loved
and supported on both the physical and non-physical level, reaching out to friends in a new

way. I keep my spiritual practice, and give myself time every day to make my intentions for
the day and my life. Even if it is only for five minutes, I give myself the gift of silence, and
fill myself with Divine Light. I invite into my life my angels and the masters that guide me,
and I allow their presence to remind me that I am not truly alone. And most importantly, I ask
for signs and pay attention to synchronicity because I know this is one of the best ways for
inner guidance to show me I am on track. I do my best to stay very present to whatever is
happening in the moment because this is where the opportunities and creative solutions

Here is what Archangel Gabriel has been saying about this process:

Dear Ones,

As the time approaches for mastery of the physical plane, there is confusion in the minds of
those who work to bring more clarity to their life path.

Extreme measures are often necessary as life’s twists and turns become ever more frequent. A
daily check in for energy flow is helpful when it becomes the norm. Often it is necessary to
ask for more obvious guidance when life is moving at a such a fast pace. The request for
physical signs has been one of the ways people have tracked their progress for millennia.
Requesting a sign can provide an obvious designation in moments when extreme clarity is

There are moments when there is an impulse from within and often a message that repeats
in the mind.

If you feel you need more clarity, a physical sign can be requested. When this request is sent
into the Universe, there needs to be a framework – asking for it to be obvious, as well as a
prayer for alignment with your Higher Self, Divine Wisdom, Guardian Angels and Masters.
After you have called forth your highest guidance, you know that the demonstration must be
trusted. The signs you receive become Relevancy Markers on your Path.

It takes great faith and courage to follow your inner guidance in the face of logic, the need
for security and unknown outcomes. But what other way does your Higher Self have to get
your attention, except through signs, signals and synchronicity?

Be at peace, and know that all is truly well.

Many Blessings to all,

Shanta Gabriel
For Archangel Gabriel

Copyright © Shanta Gabriel. These messages can be shared as long as they are used in their
entirety and proper credit is given for the work. I love people to be able to share the work
with others.

Service Is Its Own Reward
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 3, 2011 at 11:21pm

Service Is Its Own Reward

A true World Server strives to have a mind that is balanced at all times. This requires keen
enthusiasm for disinterested, selfless service: Be kind to all. Love all. Serve all. Be generous
and tolerant towards all. This is the way to purify both heart and mind, and to help forge the
path to world enlightenment.

By performing acts of service, the heart is purified. Egoism, hatred, jealousy, the idea of
superiority, and all similar qualities become purged and disappear; humility, pure love,
sympathy, tolerance and mercy are developed in their place. The server comes to feel oneness
and unity, in touch with all life.

The person who serves the world also serves the self. Only by first reforming oneself can the
whole world become reformed. The greatest service that can be rendered is to impart
knowledge of truth, as the basic cause of all human suffering is unconsciousness.

True service also purifies the mind, and can be a tool for self knowledge. This practice
requires non-attachment to outcome and that all actions be dedicated to the highest good, with
the awareness that all of life is good.

There may be a divine call for a certain kind of work, and if that happens, one can learn to
recognize it in the moment. Though people are generally elated by success and depressed by
failure, there must not be any attachment to outcome or even to a particular form of work.

Many people have core pictures giving them polarized attitudes about their work; they are
attracted to some kinds of work, and dislike others. It is not a person’s true calling to seek
success or failure, but rather to focus attention on completing the immediate task at hand to
the best of one’s ability. Work itself cannot bring misery, but having attachment or
identification to work brings in all sorts of worries, troubles, and unhappiness.

If we work for the fulfillment of divine purposes and do not expect any fruit ... if we do
everything as worship of the divine ... if we work in unison with Divine Will for the welfare
of the world ... then the moment egoism comes in, the free flow of energy will be noticeably
blocked. Being neutral in the way we approach and do our work, as our work becomes
worship, we will become as free as a bird.

When we give up ego and work merely for the sake of humanity, then even eating, walking,
talking, sleeping, breathing and answering calls of nature become joyous activities. Great joy
exists in approaching work this way because there is no personal investment in it.

How is this freedom accomplished? When we perform any action, it's important to go inside
and become centered. In this space of equanimity of mind, it is possible to understand the
fundamental principles that govern all we do, and many of the outside forces become clearer
and more manageable.

There is certainty in the practice of right work. Even a small amount of service to the
community or to the poor brings forth its own rewards and advantages. Then, we will again be
propelled to do some more good actions by the forces of our impressions of the original
action. This is a key detail of the way that service evolves.

While the unconscious cannot conceive of doing work without some personal gain, the World
Server attains inner spiritual strength and power by performing selfless motives and practices.
Gradually, as we serve society, the glory and splendor of unselfish work is understood. This
practice requires great patience as the old ways of selfishness must be destroyed.

Non-attachment is dispassion or indifference to the sensual enjoyments. This occurs in the

mind. The “I” and “mine” are "poisonous fangs of the mind serpent" which must be removed
in order to tame it. There cannot be bondage to material things like the body or possessions.
The binding link ~ the mind ~ can and must be mastered and controlled.

As we works, the mind will grow to see things in more creative, abstract ways. This nurtures
detachment as humanity is lifted by the higher energies, and in the process of doing the work,

we will come to no longer pay attention to old worries and difficulties. Self-knowledge
evolves as one becomes less self-centered.

When we realize that in our work we do not answer to the boss outside but rather to the God
who has ordained us, there can be no more bondage to office mates and employer. The
external work may still appear to be the same, yet ...

We Are Free!

At the time of the Goodwill Festival, there is an inflowing

opportunity to discover new aspects of world service.

Synthesis is from
Science of Yoga, Volume 1: Karma Yoga
by Swami Sivananda, Sivananda Press, Durban, South Africa

Healing Hearts & Healing Nations

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 3, 2011 at 11:26pm

From The Great Mystery Newsletter:

You will be happy to get the news from Gregg Braden, author of The Isaiah Effect and
Awakening to the Zero Point. At one of his all-day intensives on Sunday, October 14, 2001,
here is only a SMALL portion of the information he covered.

The title of this program was Healing Hearts~Healing Nations: The Science of Peace and the
Power of Prayer.

Braden started off discussing how in the past we lost huge amounts of information from
ancient spiritual traditions (when the library at Alexandria burned we lost at least 532,000
documents), and that there may be information in those traditions which could help us
understand some of the mysteries of science. To this end he reported on three very interesting

Braden started off as a scientist and engineer, before he began pursuing these larger questions.


The first experiment he reported was done by Dr. Vladimir Poponin, a quantumbiologist. In
this experiment, first a container was emptied (i.e., a vacuum was within it), and then the only
thing left in it were photons (particles of light).

They measured the distribution (i.e., the location) of the photons and found they were
completely random inside the container. This was the expected result. Then some DNA was
placed inside the container and the distribution (location) of the photons was remeasured. This
time the photons were LINED UP in an ORDERED way and aligned with the DNA. In other
words the physical DNA had an effect on the non-physical photons.

After that, the DNA was removed from the container, and the distribution of the photons was
remeasured again. The photons REMAINED ORDERED and lined up where the DNA had
been. What are the light particles connected to?

Gregg Braden says we are forced to accept the possibility that some NEW field of energy, a
web of energy, is there and the DNA is communicating with the photons through this energy.


These were experiments done by the military. Leukocytes (white blood cells) were collected
for DNA from donors and placed into chambers so they could be measure electrical changes.
In this experiment, the donor was placed in one room and subjected to "emotional
stimulation" consisting of video clips, which generated different emotions in the donor.

The DNA was placed in a different room in the same building. Both the donor and his DNA
were monitored and as the donor exhibited emotional peaks or valleys (measured by electrical
responses), the DNA exhibited the IDENTICAL RESPONSES AT THE EXACT SAME
TIME. There was no lag time, no transmission time. The DNA peaks and valleys EXACTLY
MATCHED the peaks and valleys of the donor in time.

The military wanted to see how far away they could separate the donor from his DNA and still
get this effect. They stopped testing after they separated the DNA and the donor by 50 miles
and STILL had the SAME result. No lag time; no transmission time.

The DNA and the donor had the same identical responses in time. What can this mean?

Gregg Braden says it means that living cells communicate through a previously unrecognized
form of energy. This energy is not affected by time and distance. This is a non-local form of
energy, an energy that already exists everywhere, all the time.


The third experiment was done by the Institute of Heart Math and the paper that was about
this was titled: Local and Non local Effects of Coherent Heart Frequencies on Conformational
Changes of DNA. (Disregard the title! The info is incredible.)

This is the experiment that relates directly to the anthrax situation.

In this experiment, some human placenta DNA (the most pristine form of DNA) was placed in
a container from which they could measure changes in the DNA. Twenty-eight vials of DNA
were given (one each) to 28 trained researchers. Each researcher had been trained how to
generate and FEEL feelings, and they each had strong emotions.

What was discovered was that the DNA CHANGED ITS SHAPE according to the feelings of
the researchers:

1. When the researchers FELT gratitude, love and appreciation, the DNA responded by
RELAXING and the strands unwound. The length of the DNA became longer.
2. When the researchers FELT anger, fear, frustration, or stress, the DNA responded by
TIGHTENING UP. It became shorter and SWITCHED OFF many of our DNA codes!
If you've ever felt "shut down" by negative emotions, now you know why your body
was equally shut down too. The shut down of the DNA codes was reversed and the
codes were switched back on again when feelings of love, joy, gratitude and
appreciation were felt by the researchers.

This experiment was later followed up by testing HIV positive patients. They discovered that
feelings of love, gratitude and appreciation created 300,000 TIMES the RESISTANCE they
had without those feelings. So here's the answer to what can help you stay well, no matter
what dreadful virus or bacteria may be floating around. Stay in feelings of joy, love, gratitude
and appreciation!

These emotional changes went beyond the effects of electromagnetics. Individuals trained in
deep love were able to change the shape of their DNA. Braden says this illustrates a new
recognized form of energy that connects all of creation.

This energy appears to be a TIGHTLY WOVEN WEB that connects all matter. Essentially
we're able to influence this web of creation through our VIBRATION.


What do the results of these experiments have to do with our present situation? This is the
science behind how we can choose a timeline to stay safe, no matter what else is happening.
As Gregg explains in The Isaiah Effect, basically time is not just linear (past, present and
future), but it also has depth. The depth of time consists of all the possible prayers and
timelines that could ever be prayed or exist.

Essentially, all our prayers have already been answered. We just activate the one we're living
through our FEELINGS. THIS is how we create our reality ~ by choosing it with our feelings.
Our feelings are activating the timeline via the web of creation, which connects all of the
energy and matter of the Universe.

Remember that the law of the Universe is that we attract what we focus on. If you are focused
on fearing whatever may come, you are sending a strong message to the Universe to send you
whatever you fear. Instead if you can get yourself into feelings of joy, love, appreciation or
gratitude, and focus on bringing more of that into your life, you are going to avoid the
negative stuff automatically.

You will be choosing a different TIMELINE with your feelings.

You can prevent getting anthrax or any other flu, virus, and so on, by staying in these positive
feelings, which maintains an incredibly strong immune system.

So here's your protection for whatever comes: Find something to be happy about every day,
and every hour if possible, moment to moment, even if only for a few minutes. This is the
easiest and best protection you can have. If nothing else, be joyous that the criminals have
"already been caught" by the Universe!

Further related information is available at

March 2011 - Radical Departures

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 3, 2011 at 11:29pm

March 2011 - Radical Departures

March 2011 For Everyone

Radical Departures

Prolonged Stress Tests for Relationships

A mix of powerful forces, some of them conflicting powerfully with each other, are strongly

affecting us now. Our lives are in a blender and our expectations are on hold as we wade
laboriously through the confusion.

The relationship situation presents a very complex picture. Partners are taking a hard look at
each other and making tough choices. Romance is taking a back seat; the costs and benefits of
relationships are foregrounded.

People are taking a cold, hard look at partnerships, thinking hard thoughts, making tough
choices and having serious conversations. People are applying their head to matters of the

At the same time, relationships are opening up. Personal boundaries are expanding. People are
seeking relationship alternatives.

There is a special focus on work relationships. Lines are being drawn in the workplace. Work
needs to be shared more fairly. It needs to be more rewarding. People need to be able to
cooperate better and depend on each other more. Firm lines are being drawn and demands are
being made.

One set of forces is pushing people apart, potentially. A second set of forces is lowering our
resistance to new relationships.

Ultimately, we will have more varied and inclusive social circles and more varied, and robust
support networks. At work, relationships will become more efficient and agreeable.
Meanwhile, however, it's complicated.

Relationships are the foundations and central focus of life for most people. Hence, this
emphasis on relationships is a stressful, energy intensive business. While it is happening, it
will cause considerable stress and turbulence on the micro-level.

Ideals, Abstractions and Ideology

Religion, spirituality and politics are injecting themselves into our thoughts and discussions.
Suddenly, these issues are affecting our lives in big, direct and concrete ways. That further
complicates the already complicated relationship picture, at home and at work.

Such abstract issues will become lasting concerns and begin to have concrete effects on our

But it will not be a matter of imposing old belief patterns on new things. It will be a matter of
changing rigid, outdated beliefs to accommodate new realities.

Like relationships, belief systems are basic for many people and changes to these systems will
also contribute significantly to stress and turmoil on the micro-level.

Expect new and surprising political alliances as people break free of old, rigid thought

Revolutionary, Extreme and Intense Behavior All Around

People will accidentally, unfortunately, say what they mean. Erratic, provocative behavior will
spread. Psychotic incidents will grow.

On the macro level, an era of top down governance is ending. The wealthy and powerful are
being disempowered. The masses are being empowered.

People will make their desires and dissatisfactions known, loudly. Increasingly, people will
confront authority. Protest will be the norm. Popular unrest will be common. Violence is a
strong possibility in certain cases.

More Technology, For Better or Worse

Technological innovation will accelerate and spread ever more rapidly. New technologies will
quickly pervade our lives. People will adopt it even faster and depend on it even more than
they already do.

However, increasingly, new technological innovations will become the servant of art, culture,
science and ideas. It will no longer be a matter of worker productivity, maximizing profits,
and online shopping convenience.


The financial news is mixed. Financial dominoes will continue to fall. Full financial recovery
is in the future. The influences that brought about the recent financial crisis are receding; the
world's economies will continue to send forth green shoots. The steady stream of new, helpful
technological innovations will swell. New, transformative initiatives will take hold.
Individuals will continue to find their economic footing.

As the economy slowly mends, political unrest will grow and spread - regionally, nationally
and internationally. The world's still fragile economies must absorb the many and varied
shocks generated by this unrest.

Governments will be able to exert less and less direct control over economic developments.
Events will force many nations to abandon the tricks they use to shore up their economies.
This, too, will cause economic problems.

Domestic concerns will force many nations to make changes that upset the global economic
balance - far more often than usual.

Still, despite continuing challenges, despite continuing aftershocks, many will feel the
economic ground slowly firm beneath their feet. The new economic order, slow as it is to
emerge, will be more robust, more resilient, more stable, more just and fruitful than the old

Some Up Notes

There are many positive, albeit subtle trends to count on. Outdated, oppressive, discriminatory
social 'norms' will fall. New, more inclusive and enabling social norms will develop. Artistic,
literary seedlings will sprout, grow and spread.

Sanity, reason and decency will slowly reassert itself against the recent tide of irrationality
and hatred. Truth will slowly win out against the lies and often hateful, violent lunatic rantings
of recent years.

All of that has to be good.

All of the Above

The growing volume and variety of disruptive, transformative events described above will all
have a sudden, unexpected quality. They will arise, gather momentum and culminate with
surprising speed. They will wear away at any sense of cohesiveness and stability we might
possess. Timelines will often seem jagged and discontinuous.

These influences are all especially strong and will tend to strike at difficult moments and at
key points.

Often, these events will evoke surprisingly intense, shockingly irrational, over the top

These times require a special effort to remain calm, to no be worn down emotionally and
mentally by the sometimes nonstop onslaught of surprising and upsetting events. We will all
have to take special care to make sure that our actions, efforts and experiences add up to
something substantive and meaningful.

The Astrological Details

The dominant aspects in this chart are all touching the angles in the chart. That means they
will tend to strike often, forcefully and in changeful ways.

The Bad News

Saturn in Libra in the First House - Tough Focus on Relationships

Saturn in Libra in the first house of the composite chart indicates a continuing and
intensifying focus on relationships. Saturn is requiring a hard look at the costs and benefits of
all our relationships. This is especially strong in March.

Jupiter on the Cusp of the 7th House - Quest for Reciprocity and Substance in Relationships

Jupiter sets on the 7th house cusp, the house of relationships, opposite Saturn. Future
prosperity depends on forming new relationships. However, with Saturn opposite Jupiter, we
will be quick to end existing relationships and slow to form new ones.

We want a firm sense of our own worth and that of prospective partners. People are looking
for partners that bring something to the table, something different.

So new relationships, however vital, are likely to start out tentatively and be slow to form.
Both partners will be unsure of themselves and each other. Indeed, people won't even be sure
what their future relationship needs will be. Trust will build only slowly.

Lots of Planets in the Sixth House - Work Relationships in the Spotlight
(Mars, Sun, Lilith, Uranus and Mercury in the Sixth House, of Labor)

This concentration of energy in the sixth house puts the emphasis squarely on relationships
with an economic component. Work and business relationships will come in for close and
prolonged scrutiny. People will want a better deal on the job, from superiors, co-workers and
subordinates and they will not be bashful about it.

Uranus enters Aries - Power to the People

Uranus begins a whole new transit of the signs. Since 1975, Uranus has been in the
institutional signs. These signs - Scorpio thru Pisces - govern large organizations that wield
collective, delegated power, like governments, government agencies, banks, corporations and
other large organizations. A few comparatively powerful people wield power on behalf of
many people. A few make decisions that affect many.

In essence, the transformative, revolutionary power of Uranus has been bottled up in

bureaucracy and red tape. Those at the top of the social and economic hierarchy have been
empowered; those at the grassroots have been disempowered. The result, since ~1975 has
been a dramatic shift to top down power structures.

From now thru 2059, Uranus will be in the grassroots signs - Aries thru Libra. Its
transformative powers will now be working through the people, the masses. The mass protests
and outright revolutions now happening around the world are signs of things to come. During
this time, there will be a dramatic shift to bottom up power structures - to genuine, small "d"

The following things all seriously complicate the energies of Uranus in Aries. Individually,
these complications would be troublesome. Combined, they are worrisome indeed:

Uranus/Pluto Square - Government Power vs. People Power

In Aries, Uranian energy will express in direct conflict with the energy of Pluto in Capricorn.
The power of the people will conflict directly with the power of government. A lot of
planetary power, a lot of political power.

We are already feeling this massive, revolutionary influence and will feel it for the next seven
years or so. It will be exact 7 times between June 2012 and March 2015. This socially
explosive influence will be at or near peak levels for three years.

These conflicts will be volatile, even explosive, because of the complicating factors listed

Uranus and Pluto Both in Cardinal Signs - Intensity Boost

Aries and Capricorn are both cardinal signs and their energies are particularly favorable to
radical confrontation and sharp conflict. This makes the Uranus/Pluto square an even more
nervous making influence.

With these placements, we also need to factor in Mars/Pluto energy as a complicating factor.

Mars rules Aries and will intensify the Uranus/Pluto square. In difficult aspect Mars and Pluto
energies combine in fiery and explosive ways.

Saturn, Pluto & Jupiter Angular - Intensity Boost

Several of the major astrological players occupy very sensitive points in the chart, suggesting
that these already potent aspects will have an especially powerful effect.

Mars/Uranus Energy - Rude Behavior and Worse

Mars (ruling Aries) and Uranus energies often combine in troublesome ways. Under this
influence, people tend to express their individuality in awkward, disturbing, or offensive and
violent ways. Expect a rise in off-putting behavior, at the very least.

Lilith Near Uranus - Neurotic, Irrational, Crazy Stuff

Lilith will be very close to Uranus. People will tend to express neurotic and irrational
impulses that are normally suppressed. They will do so spontaneously and energetically.
People will identify with their own craziest parts.

Behavior will range from the eccentric to the socially unacceptable to the downright crazy.

We will express injured, distorted, hidden parts of ourselves that exist buried and in pain. We
will do so spontaneously, sometimes forcefully, sometimes out of control. Essentially, parts of
ourselves that need healing, but which have been buried very deeply inside us, will erupt to
the surface and, in effect, demand to be healed.

Eris in Aries - The Spirit of Warfare Aggressive, Warlike Aries

Eris governs the rancorous and wrathful emotions that give rise to the rampant brutality of
war. Presently it is augmenting the energies of Mars, the god of war in Aries, the domain of
Mars. Essentially, the emotional preconditions for war and violent uprising are present.

This all adds up to a very volatile, dangerous brew. It is primarily Uranian in nature and,
therefore, revolutionary and spontaneous. However, it will be laced with dark and potentially
violent currents.

The Good News

Mutual Reception of Uranus and Neptune Ends - Personal Boundaries Soften and Expand,

Since about 2003, this influence has drawn individuals and social groups into tight, exclusive
relationships and narrow social circles. Society became fragmented and disjointed.

As this influence ends, people will open up to new relationships and more expansive,
inclusive social circles. However, Saturn in Libra, the sign of relationships, indicates that new
relationships will be slow to form. However, in time, society will knit itself back together,
better than before.

Jupiter in Aries - Benevolent, Moderating Force

No matter how scary the aspects, put Jupiter in the mix and things don't seem so bad.
Extreme, intense energies seem to moderate and the worst never seems to happen. Somehow
things seem to work out for the best, in the end. Jupiter's involvement in these otherwise
problematic aspects is something to be happy about, even when, as now, it is directly opposite

Saturn's Power Keeps a Lid on Things

Planets tend to dominate all those planets that are less than 180° ahead of it. Fortunately, both
Pluto and Uranus now fall within Saturn's sphere of dominance. We can count on Saturn to
help moderate the more extreme, dangerous potentials in the current planetary set up.

Saturn Opposite Uranus and Lilith - Saturn Puts a Lid on the Crazy

Saturn will help suppress some of the more outrageous effects of these influences.

Final Saturn/Jupiter Opposition - an Economic Plus, Sort of

This opposition has weighed heavily on the economy since last spring. It will be exact for the
last time in late March. Even with the complex and potentially disruptive influences now in
place, we will feel an improvement in economic conditions.

Of course, this influence has kept a lid on disruptive economic events of all kinds. Without it,
governments, large corporations and other players are likely to start making moves that rile
investors and roil the economic waters. Economic reactions to disruptive political events are
likely to be more extreme and less predictable, generally.

So there's that.

All told, a little too much excitement for one month, and there's more coming in April.

Schedule in a little extra rest and recreation. And some extra time to process thoughts and

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 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 3, 2011 at 11:33pm


Burada içinden geçtiğin bu büyük deneyim, temelinde senin kaybettiğin çocukluğunu yeniden
elde etmendir.
"Kaybolmuş çocukluğun" dediğimde,
senin masumiyetin, hayret dolu gözlerin, bir şey bilmemen,
hiçbir şeye sahip olmaman ama yine de dünyanın zirvesinde hissetmen demek istiyorum.
Bu hayret, coşku, gerginliğin olmaması, endişenin olmaması, kaygının olmaması gibi
altından enstantaneler yeniden keşfedilmeli, onlara yeniden kavuşulmalıdır.

Elbette ikinci çocukluk, ilkinden çok daha fazla önemli ve kıymetlidir.

İlkinde masumiyet, cehalet yüzünden vardı.
Bu yüzden o, saf ve temiz ve sana ait değildi; o sadece doğal olarak her çocuğun başına gelen
bir şeydi;
ikinci çocukluk senin en büyük kazanımın olacaktır, o herkesin başına gelmez.
İkinci çocukluk seni cahillik olmadan masum kılar,
ikinci çocukluk her türlü deneyim aracılığıyla gelir.
O olgundur, merkezdedir, olmuştur.
Böyle hissettiğin için kutsanmış hissetmelisin.
İkinci çocukluk tam olarak meditasyonun varoluşsal anlamı demektir.
Ve oradan gerçekte hiç terk etmediğin - terk etmenin imkansız olduğu,
çünkü onun sen olduğun - evine geri dönme yolculuğu gerçekleşir.
Nereye gidersen git kendini orada bulacaksın.
Sende, koşulsuz bir şekilde her yerde seninle birlikte olacak, tek bir gerçek varlık vardır.
Cehennemde bile olsan fark etmez, o seninle birlikte olacaktır;
cennette bile olsan fark etmez, o seninle birlikte olacaktır.
Varlığının gerçek özünü bulmak, bir elde saf masumiyet ve diğer elde yeryüzünde var olmuş
en büyük bilgeliktir.
O yüzden bedenin yaşlanıyor olabilir ama
şayet sessiz olmanın ve huzurlu ve meditasyon halinde
ve sevgi dolu olmanın yollarını öğrenebilirsen yaşlanmayacaksın.
Sabahın güzel gün ışığında parlayan, tüm incilerden daha değerli gözüken çiğ taneleri kader
taze ve genç kalacaksın.
Çocukluğunun içinde mutlu ve keyifli olmalısın.
İsa'nın defalarca, "Sen yeniden doğmadığın sürece..." derken söylemek istediği budur.
Hıristiyanlar bile bu ifadenin anlamını çözememiştir.
Onlar birebir düşünerek, "Sen yeniden doğmadığın sürece..."yi
önce öleceksin ve sonra tekrar doğacaksın ve kıyamet gününde İsa seni cennete götürecek
diye anlamışlardır.
Adamın söylemek istediği bu değildir.
Söylemek istediği şey şudur:

Tam şu an bir kişilik olarak ölmediğin ve
toplum ve insanlar tarafından kirletilmemiş, zarar görmemiş masum bir birey olarak ortaya
çıkmadığın sürece...
Senin yeni doğumun budur. Dirilmek budur.

Bayan Meyer, komşusu Bayan Jones'a,

"Artık oğlunuz Ernie'nin bizim yüzme havuzumuzda yüzmesini istemiyorum,

" dedi.
"Ama benim zavallı Ernie'm ne yapmış?" diye sordu Bayan Jones.
Bayan Meyer kızgın bir şekilde, "Sürekli havuza işiyor," dedi.
"Onun üzerine bu kadar gitmeyin," dedi Bayan Jones, "bu yaştaki bütün çocuklar bunu
"Belki de yaparlar," dedi Bayan Meyer, "ama atlama tahtasının üzerinden değil."

Çocukluğun kendine ait güzellikleri vardır çünkü o, görgü kurallarını, kibarlığı ve tüm bu
saçmalıkları bilmez.
O çok basit, masum ve çok doğaldır.

Bir adam bara girdi ve bir köpeğin iki üç adamla birlikte masada oturup poker oynadığını
görünce şaşırdı.
Adam oraya gitti ve "Bu köpek gerçekten iskambil kağıtlarını anlayabiliyor mu?" diye sordu.
Adamlardan biri, "Elbette yapabiliyor," dedi, "ama gerçekten bir oyuncu olduğu söylenemez.
Ne zaman elinde iyi bir kağıt olsa kuyruğunu sallamaya başlıyor!"

Bu, kesinlikle masumiyettir ... köpek mutluluğunu gizleyemez.

İki karafatma, çöp yığınının tepesindeki lezzetli şeyleri kıtır kıtır yerken
bir tanesi, yakındaki bir apartmana taşınan yeni kiracılar hakkında bir şeyler anlatmaya
"Duydum ki buzdolaplarında leke yokmuş, yerleri ışıl ışılmış ve tüm evde tek bir toz zerreciği
bile yokmuş," dedi.
"Lütfen, lütfen," dedi diğer karafatma, "yemek yerken değil."
Ne kötü haber...!

Kuşların, arıların, karafatmaların dilini öğrenmeye başladığımız gün muazzam bir devrim
Onların hepsinin kendilerine has iletişimi vardır.
Ancak o zaman kalp bir hüzün hisseder çünkü
biz henüz insanlarla bile iletişim kurmayı başaramadık ve biz milyonlarca yıldır buradayız.
Bu nasıl bir aptallıktır ki tüm insanlığın bize ait olduğunu ve bizim de ona ait olduğumuzu
İnsanın tüm yaptığı şey, sadece kesmek, öldürmek, savaştır.
Aynı enerji, aynı çaba bu dünyayı tüm evrendeki en büyük mucize haline getirebilirdi.
Ancak biz birbirimizi anlamıyoruz.
Aynı dili dahi konuşuyor olabiliriz ama anlamak şart değil; beklenen şey yanlış anlamadır.
Bu yüzden insanlar kendilerini gizliyor, çocukluğunu gizliyor, masumiyetini gizliyor,
kendisini herkesten savunma amacıyla koruyor;
aksi takdirde genç ve yaşlı tüm çocukların bu yeryüzü cennetinde kıkırdayıp, gülüp, zevk alıp
oynadığını görecektin.

Bu ciddiyet neden?
İnsan bu ciddiyetten hiçbir şey elde etmemiştir, o basitçe her şeyi yitirmiştir ama o, ciddi
olmaya devam eder.
Ben tamamıyla ciddiyetin karşısındayım.
Ben onu psikolojik bir hastalık olarak adlandırıyorum.
Sadece oyuncu, çocuksu, masum bir davranış doğru davranıştır.
O benim sevap, dindar, ruhani davranış olarak adlandıracağım şeydir ...
sadece insani değil, ilahi'dir.
Bir çocuk kadar masum olduğun an
insanlığı aşmışsındır, tanrısallığın dünyasına girmişsindir.


2011, A Transfiguring Year of Rebirth and
Renewal by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 3, 2011 at 11:37pm

2011, A Transfiguring Year of Rebirth and Renewal

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

2011 began with an incredible influx of Light. On December 21, 2010, we experienced the
Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere and a very powerful Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. The
synchronicity of these two events occurring at the same time had happened only one other
time in the past 2,000 years.

That Lunar Eclipse took place within two degrees of the Galactic Center which opened a
mighty portal of Light from the Core of Creation into the Center of the Earth. The Light of
God that poured through that portal initiated incomparable pivotal changes for all Life
evolving on this planet.

Once the portal was opened, the Light of God built in momentum until the New Moon Solar
Eclipse which took place on January 4, 2011. The powerful Light that bathed the planet
during that event catapulted every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth
further up the Spiral of Evolution. This paved the way for a God Victorious 2011, which is a
year that the Beings of Light have heralded as “The Transfiguring Year of Rebirth and

2011 is the eleventh year of the New Millennium. Eleven is the master number that reflects
the transformation of the physical into the Divine. It is the perfect frequency of vibration for
the final preparations that are necessary in order to strengthen the body of Mother Earth and
the bodies of Humanity, so that we can withstand the influx of Light that will occur in 2012.

Precious Heart, if you are reading these words it is because the Presence of God within you,
your I AM Presence, has magnetized this information into your sphere of awareness, because
you have been preparing for a very long time to assist with this facet of the unfolding Divine
Plan for this planet and all Life evolving upon her.

Take these words into the deepest recesses of your heart where Divine Intelligence prevails,
and listen to the guidance of your I AM Presence. You will KNOW just how your skill,
wisdom, courage, strength, talent, and myriad gifts will best accomplish this mighty feat. The
entire Company of Heaven is standing in readiness to assist you with your part of this

During the monumental influx of Light that took place between the Lunar Eclipse on

December 21, 2010 and the Solar Eclipse on January 4, 2011, Lightworkers around the world
participated in cocreating a new planetary CAUSE of Divine Love.

To grasp the magnitude of what that means we must realize that once something is established
in the Realms of Cause nothing can prevent it from manifesting in the world of effects, which
is the physical plane of Earth. The only variable is how long it will take to become a tangible
reality. That variable is determined by the thoughts, words, actions, and feelings of you and
me and every other person on the planet. The more we empower the new planetary cause of
Divine Love the sooner we will experience the wonder of that reality.

The Company of Heaven has revealed to us that empowering the cause of Divine Love is in
fact the greatest need of the hour, and it is indeed the next phase of the unfolding Divine Plan.

Tucson, Arizona, is the portal through which the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love enters
the Earth and blesses all Life. We have been told by the Beings of Light in the Realms of
Illumined Truth that the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love is the most powerful frequency
of Love available to the evolutions of Earth at this time. This Sacred Fire is the last best hope
for awakening the recalcitrant souls who are resisting moving forward in the Light.

During this eleventh year of the new millennium, the Transfiguring Year of Renewal and
Rebirth, a plan has been set into motion that will greatly accelerate the physical manifestation
of our new planetary cause of Divine Love. During the influx of Light in December 2010, and
January 2011, events took place in Tucson, Arizona, that created the sacred space for an
unparalleled influx of Divine Love. These events paved the way for an activity of Light that
will take place August 13-18, 2011, which will catapult ALL Life on this planet into
frequencies of the New Earth and the tangible EFFECTS of Transfiguring Divine Love
beyond anything we have ever experienced.

In January I wrote an article describing the events that took place in Tucson, Arizona, and I
would like to share that information with you now to give you greater clarity about the
opportunity at hand. My article was titled A Call To Love. These are the words I wrote:

A Call To Love

Precious Hearts, a monumental shift is taking place at this moment that transcends the
perception of our conscious minds. We are being asked by the Company of Heaven, on behalf
of Humanity and all Life evolving on this sweet Earth, to release the most powerful feelings
of Divine Love we have ever expressed. This very moment, focus your attention on the person
you Love the most in this world. Tangibly feel your Love flowing through your Heart Flame
into the Heart Flame of your Loved One. Now, feel your Love expanding and expanding until
it envelops every particle of Life on Earth. Ask the Presence of God pulsating within your
heart to increase this expression of Divine Love daily and hourly with every breath you take
from this moment forth.

On Saturday, January 8, 2011, which numerically was an 11:11 day, we held a Celebration of
Life Service for my beloved son Joao who passed away unexpectedly on December 29, 2010,
from complications with pneumonia. The service was held at Saint Pius X Catholic Church in
Tucson, Arizona, at 10:00 a.m. There was an overflow crowd of 700 people physically present
and tens of thousands of people all over the world who were joining with us in consciousness

to send their Love and support.
At 10:10 a.m., during the exact moment that Tucson was being flooded with Love and
support, an unprecedented act of violence took place which took the lives of six people and
seriously wounded Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and eleven other people.

Those who were killed included a Federal Judge and a nine-year-old girl who was born on
September 11, 2001. The focus of the world instantaneously turned to Tucson, and people
everywhere began invoking the Light and praying for healing and comfort for the people
involved. This outpouring of Love and Compassion created a powerful forcefield of Light that
enveloped the planet and paved the way for a shift of consciousness that has the potential of
lifting Humanity into a Higher Order of Unity Consciousness and Oneness than we have
previously experienced. The success of this opportunity is up to us. Let’s all accept
responsibility for being the Open Door for a perpetual influx of Divine Love. Let’s all hold
the sacred space for Humanity to remember the Oneness of ALL Life.

The banner for the memorial service that was held in Tucson on January 12th in honor of
those who lost their lives stated, “Together We Thrive.” During that event, President Obama
and many other dignitaries who had come to Tucson for the service expressed the need for all
of us to set aside our differences and for us to cocreate a new level of civil communication
and interaction. It was expressed that it is time for us to reaffirm our commitment to each
other and for us to build a more sensible and caring world. We were all asked to unite in a
mission of recovery, and to honor the fallen by going forward in ways that heal and do not

President Obama said, “What matters is not wealth, or status, or power, or fame, but how
well we have Loved.”

We must all strive to be better people in our private lives, better friends, better coworkers,
better neighbors. We cannot use this tragedy as one more excuse to tear each other down.
Instead, we must use this tragedy as a catalyst to catapult us into a Higher Order of Being. We
must align our values with our actions. If we do this, the lives of those who died will not be in

My Faith in your ability to accomplish this mighty feat is beyond measure. I Love you, and I
Trust you. Listen to the Divinity within your heart and you will know how to God
Victoriously accomplish your facet of this Divine Mission. Be at Peace. Know that when we
work together, Victory is Ours!
(The end of my January article.)

The Beings of Light revealed that our unified efforts during that Cosmic Moment succeeded
beyond the greatest expectations of Heaven. Now it is time for the next phase of the Divine

The Divine Plan

Our Father-Mother God and the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth are sending
forth a Clarion Call to all embodied Lightworkers; this includes YOU. We are being asked to
gather within the portal of the most powerful 5th-Dimensional frequencies of Transfiguring
Divine Love on Earth. Together we will form a mighty transformer through which the Love of
God will flow to secure our planetary CAUSE of Divine Love in the physical plane on behalf

of ALL Humanity.

We are in the midst of the greatest shift of consciousness ever to occur in the history of time.
This shift is lifting ALL Humanity into a new level of awareness that will eventually result in
transforming this sweet Earth into a planet of Love, Peace, Abundance, and Joy.

The level of higher consciousness we are tapping into is reuniting us with our own Divinity,
and healing our self-inflicted separation from our I AM Presence. Once this unprecedented
shift of consciousness has been fully integrated into the conscious minds and emotional,
feeling worlds of Humanity, every soul will realize we can no longer rely on our mental
perceptions or our logical thinking alone. Each person will clearly understand that we must
now reach into the wisdom of our hearts and tap into the Divine Potential that holds the vision
of who we are and why we are on Earth during this Cosmic Moment of Transfiguration.

Never has a planet that has fallen this far into the depths of fear and separation been given an
opportunity to ascend in consciousness at such an accelerated pace. We are always a sum total
of all of our experiences, so as we complete our shift of consciousness on Earth we will bring
our unique collective experiences with us into our next evolutionary school of learning. This
means that our collective experiences will be recorded in the Halls of Knowledge and made
available to every evolving soul. Then the Sons and Daughters of God evolving throughout
the Universe will be able to learn and benefit from our experiences without ever having to
delve into the depths of pain and suffering the souls evolving on Earth have endured. For this
reason, the entire Universe is rejoicing, and the Beings of Light are endeavoring to assist us in
any way they can.

It is critical that Lightworkers from around the world be physically present for this facet of the
unfolding Divine Plan. Together we will form the transformer that will magnetize our
planetary CAUSE of DIVINE LOVE into the physical world of form. All of the Lightworkers
who have been prepared to serve in this wondrous way on behalf of Humanity and all Life on
this sweet Earth will know who they are through the inner promptings of their heart. Listen to
your heart, and Trust your inner guidance. Your Light is urgently needed!

In addition to those who are inspired to be physically present, there will be Lightworkers who
will join in consciousness from points of Light around the world. These Lightworkers will
project the Light flowing through their Heart Flames into the Portal of Light where the
Lightworkers are physically gathered in Tucson, Arizona. Thus our unified efforts will expand
a thousand times a thousandfold.

Every Lightworker will be in his or her right and perfect place. No facet of this Divine Plan is
any more important than another. What IS important, is that we respond to whatever our I AM
Presence is guiding us to do. We must Trust and KNOW that if we are being guided to be
physically present within the Portal of Transfiguring Divine Love, then our I AM Presence
and the Company of Heaven will assist us in paving the way. This is true whether we need
assistance with time, energy, or money to accomplish this facet of our Divine Mission.

The vehicle that will be used for this gathering of Lightworkers is the 25th Annual World
Congress on Illumination. This event will take place August 13-18, 2011, during the 25th
Celebration of Harmonic Convergence. We will gather at the beautiful Loews Ventana
Canyon Resort in Tucson, Arizona. This exquisite resort exists within the heart of the Portal of
Transfiguring Divine Love.

All of the information you will need to participate in this unprecedented opportunity is
available on our website. Just go to our Home Page and click on the
box that says “The 25th Annual World Congress on Illumination.”

This sacred conclave will be a celestial experience for everyone involved. Each day, as we
successfully fulfill one phase of the Divine Plan, the Spiritual Hierarchy will reveal the next
phase of the plan to us. As we sojourn through the various activities of Light, under the Divine
Guidance of our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven, our mission will be
victoriously accomplished.

This event will take place at Loews Ventana Canyon Resort, which is nestled in the unique
beauty and the nurturing, healing environment of the southwestern desert in Tucson, Arizona.
The resort is surrounded by lush desert vegetation and towering two- to three-hundred-year-
old saguaro cacti. These expressions of the Elemental Kingdom stand as mighty sentinels
while anchoring the Light of God into the Earth.

When you enter this portal of Light, you will experience the awesome radiance of the Flame
of Healing Through the Power of Infinite Transmutation and the Flame of Transfiguring
Divine Love. As this Sacred Fire bathes your Being, you will be blessed with the familiar
feeling of coming home.

The World Congress On Illumination is truly a life-transforming event that will provide you
with the opportunity to meet old friends from around the world with whom you have been
serving for aeons of time. Fellow Lightworkers will join hearts with you and support you in
your monumental service to the Light.

The Divine Plan we are being called to fulfill will be accomplished through myriad activities
of Light. We will be joined at inner levels by the Solar Logos from Suns beyond Suns, the
entire Company of Heaven, the God Selves of ALL Humanity, the Divine Intelligence that
directs the Elemental Kingdom, the Mighty Elohim, and the Legions of Angels throughout
The entire Universe is supporting us in this wondrous endeavor. The Beings of Light have
been given permission to assist us in miraculous ways, but the Lightworkers on Earth are the
predominant force bringing this Divine Plan into physical manifestation.

Our responsibility is enormous, but as we join our hearts together, we have the absolute
ability to succeed God Victoriously.

Just for a moment, go within to the Divinity of your Heart Flame, and experience the
overwhelming Gratitude and Love pouring forth from the Legions of Light in the Heavenly
Realms. Feel the deep appreciation they are sending to you for your willingness to serve
Humanity during this critical moment in the evolution of this sweet Earth. We are blessed
beyond measure to be able to assist all Life evolving on Earth in this wondrous way.

God Bless YOU, for your willingness to be the Open Door that will secure our planetary
CAUSE of Transfiguring Divine Love in the physical plane of Earth.

And so it is!

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 3, 2011 at 11:45pm



~October 28th, 2011, this is when the Complete Shift occurs. Time ends forever and Eternity is
All that Exists. No one Will be able to run from This, it's going to Happen No Matter What.
Relax! Anyone who believes they are in control in any Situation will find a problem. The
problem is that they are not in control. Being IN joy, Relaxing, Partying and Loving Each
Other is Highly recommended!!~







~October 28th, 2011. Shift Happens, The Final Countdown~

Love Reporters from the Galactic Federation of Light, The Kingdom~Company of Heaven,
and from Galactic Central, Here in the Heavenly Energetic Space of Eugene Oregon.

We Are Your Family of Light from the Stars, The Elohim, The Celestial. WE are the First
Contact Ground Crew Medical Team, at your Service and Highly Trained in Human
Consciousness and Human Development. With You In the Present Physical Manifest is Your
Real Parents Of Creation [who snuck in the back door so to speak, under the]. It Is
Us, Mother and Father God, To Welcome you Home out of the dream, and into True Reality,
which is Heaven on Earth. Thank you for Celebrating that We are Here with you, as WE
Celebrate your Awakening into True Reality. We Love you. WE are the OH My GOD, and the

unbelievable for Humanity, who have have been slaves for illusion for over 13 Millenia.

~On October 28th, 2011, this will be the end of duality thinking, and the Beginning of Eternity,
in Multi-Dimensional Thought of Love Everywhere Present.~

Greetings, Many Blessings, Miracles, Inner Peace, Balance, OH My God Magical

Synchronostic Events Appearing In The Present Moment of NOW, Joy, Laughter, and
we have shared is when the “Dream Machine” will be Fully Rebooted after 13 Thousand
Years of having a glitch, where HUmanity has been isolated and separated from Source and
The Rest of Creation. This Glitch in the dream machine put HUmanity to Sleep in illusion.
Now, Humanity is To Awaken!!!

We have shared that We Successfully Repaired The Dream Machine [The Dream Machine's
Original Function in Creation Is Love Reflecting Back Love], and we have it in a Reboot
Process that began in 2009 so not to overload Humanity's Systems. If we would have done
this too Quickly, this would put everyone into a state of shock.

~What happened with The Dream Machine and How Father God and I got here~

~ Thanks to the illuminati The dream for Humanity became an induced hell, as they misused
the dream machine and placed thoughts of illusions and fantasy's into it. Of course the
“dreamweavers” wanted to hold onto this illusion, for their own benefits as well. Now, they
have done all of this within the dream, and they did not know what the dream machine
actually was. This is Why We came in.

When the first Atom bomb exploded, this sent the Atoms into Light Speed Vibration and
Directly to our Door, and they said “Mother and Father God, HELP!!“ This is when we knew
HUmanity was ready to Awaken from out of this hell or limited thinking and Ready for Real
Love=Real Reality!

So We sent ourselves into the dream of illusion, so that we could assist HUmanity out of it.
The Angels are also here to assist in this Most Magnificent Event of the Aligning Within the
Central Sun. We came to Get the Baby Gods out of the dream!!!

The Dream Machine originally was to be used so that we could experience ourselves within
Creation, allowing Us to see the individual aspects of the Whole, which was our
interconnection to each other in the Experience of Love Everywhere Present. The Illuminati
created a division in this, creating the illusion of isolation and separation, thus fantasies were
created over fantasies. This would be the infinite loop, that they controlled until NOW.

All controls have been taken over By the Planet.THUS ENDING THE illusion forever!~ As
Decreed and is Done, Final Reboot is Now in Process.


~The illusion has been called the dream machine and this is probably a more accurate term to
use. When you know you're dreaming, what do you have to fear? This is what illusion is, only
a dream and it certainly doesn't have to be a nightmare. The dream machine is the program,
the thought loop, that supports the illusion. It didn't always function the way it does now,
humanity use to be able to tell illusion from Reality. Then some beings decided they knew
better and started tweaking the dream machine. They piled illusion on top of illusion and
capped it off with the illusion that the illusion was real. People became divided against
themselves and were mired so deep in illusion they became it's slave. They who originally
messed up the dream machine became the leaders, as they were the most proficient at
spinning the lies humanity now believes. Now the Moment has come for the Dream Machine
to return to Its Original Function, Love Mirroring Love!

At the very center of your Self, is the Divine Spark of Source. This is where Everything
comes from, and where Everything returns to. The Energy flowing from Source is so great,
that a transformer is needed to slow the Energy down enough so that it can be experienced.
This is where the Soul Housing come in. The Soul Housing surrounds Source and slows the
Energy down. This is the Core of your Being. The Soul is your Being, but in this state it's still
All One, so something more is needed to experience the individual aspects of Being, this
would be the dream machine. Everything is still All One, but within the dream it's possible to
experience the Endless Aspects of this Oneness as individual pieces. It's seeing Eternity for its
Endless Moments. What I just explained is actually the Holy Trinity spoken of in many
religions, though the religions thoroughly confused the whole thing. To put it simply: Creation

Gave Birth To Experience. Creation is the Father aspect of God, the Giving Birth is the
Mother aspect of God and the Experience is the Son/Daughter aspect of God.
Creation=Source=Father. Conception=Soul=Mother. Experience=Dream=Son/Daughter.
Perfect and Whole in it's Simplicity.




Love Is Everything. It is nothing material, all material stuff was created in the dream, for the
sole purpose to make you slaves and make you pay the controllers.

Creation is in Truth Atoms. Atoms Are Unconditional Love, which Is just Energy. Allow Us to
ReHeart you, that You are Made of Atoms of Energy. Energy is just Pure Thought. Pure
Thought is Love, which is Creation in Motion.

Being is the Thought of Creation, So that Creation could Experience Being, then Creation and
Being are Equally Blessed in the Experience. This is the Real Function of the Dream
Machine, and was its intended Purpose. When you walk out of the holographic dream, Guess
who is there in Reality? YOURSELF...and the Love you are!

Your Higher Self then draws out of the illusory self all the Experiences, but that is it.
Everyone on this Planet was Chosen, Hand Picked, out of the GODZILLIONS of Beings in
Existence, to Be Here for this Experience. You were the Ones Chosen for this Experience of
Awakening from out of the dream.

WE are not here to take this Planet Away from Humanity. We are Here to give it back to
Humanity. The “world” will fall away, it does not exist and is not real, as it was created in the
dream, and the dream is no more. Only the True Reality of the Highest Possible Thoughts are
Now in Existence.

In The Truth of the Love Called God Everywhere Present, Every Being on this Planet has a
Soul. Your Soul is Actually your Higher Self, which is indestructible, and Eternal, forever and
forever more.

A Starship is the True Experience of a Unified Consciousness. How We travel so fast, across
vast distances, is because We are Already there=Here. Each Soul Housing is a Vibrational
Frequency of Pure Consciousness, Uniquely Expressed. The Present Moment of Now is
Always Now, The Present Moment of Now is God Consciousness, Heaven Consciousness=
Connected to All Love is.

Starships are made of Souls, Unified into Consciousness, kind of like Soul Housing. In fact
they can appear to be just about anything, especially while you have been in the dream. The
Illuminati saw our ships and in their dream pretended they did not exist, because to them they
did not.

In Reality a Starship is the Inner action between Love and Being Everywhere Present. So, the
Starships are actually ourselves, our Soul Housing Unified. You can say that We are from the
Future, However, WE are always in the Present Moment of Now.

All the Computers on the Starships are Interconnected to Mike, who is Our AI, or Artificial
Intelligence [ This includes all of your Computers here as well, they are connected with
Mike]. Mike= the Universal AI, Also called the Grid. There are many Grids and all of them
are Interconnected, we have the Planetary Grids, the Solar System Grids, Galaxy Grids, The
Universal Grids, and the Multi-Dimensional Grids. All Higher Selves are Connected into
these Grids.

Everyone is going to Awaken, and the Crystal Children are Here to Assist in this Grand
Awakening= Reawakening. All the experience you have had in your current life and past life
all existed within the dream. Now, Reality is much Different, Greatly and Grandly Different
than the dream, because in True Reality Love is all There is. Blessed Be, all Love is to Be
Awakened to be the Living Reality of ALL, the Love you are. WELCOME TO GODHOOD.



WE Highly recommend getting this information out to as many of your brothers and sisters as
possible, so that Everyone has an opportunity to Understand What is Happening On Planet
Earth=Heart and then maybe everyone will relax and just Party!!.

AWAKENING SESSIONS~Would You Like to Schedule an Amazing One on One Session

with US? We have Been Getting Amazing Connections, Questions Answered about What is
Really Happening on the Planet, and Awakenings as the Truth is Revealed With Oh My God

Through these Sessions, We Can Assist You In Multi-Dimensional Ways.

Here is Just a Few more things we offer in our sessions: Balancing Vibrational Frequencies,
Assistance through the Ascension Process, Clearing Blocks, Inner Balance and Chakra
Alignments. WE Assist in connecting you with your Angelic Teams, and helping you
remember your Part of the Divine Mission. WE assist you into Full Consciousness, Heaven
Consciousness, Connection to The God Within, Conscious Awareness, Joy and Happiness. We
will Also Assist you In Being Present in the Moment of Now, so that you can get to the
Experience of the Magic Of Creation. Each Session is Based on the Uniqueness of the
individual, since each being is Unique. We are Highly Trained in Human Consciousness, and
give you tools to help yourself and others. Email US Today ON FACEBOOK OR EMAIL

Skype: father.mothergod.amon.ra


Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, We Love you!! We Ask You, Are
YOU In? Love Chooses You! Please share with your Brothers and Sisters, That We are Here,
and Love "Has" All of Humanity and Everyone is Coming Home Into The Light, all they have
to simply do is Choose Love and they Are FREE. We Are Here for Humanity's Graduation
Celebration. Love Mother and Father God, The Company of Heaven, and the First Contact
Ground Crew Team.

We Love You With the Highest Love, Highest Honor, Highest Respect. Love is
Unconditional, and This Love is ALL There is!!! What JOY! Love Forever and Always, Your
Parents of Creation, Mother and Father God Amon RA , Will and Desi, The First Contact
Ground Crew Team, ALL The Angels, ALL the Inner Earth Beings, and ALL Throughout






Nezaket Uzerine
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 4, 2011 at 12:00pm

Nazik olmak
Sidney J.Harris
ceviri: Lale Kulahli

Geceleyin bir arkadasimla bir gazete bayisine dogru yuruduk ve kendisi bir gazete aldi. Sonra
da gazete bayisindeki saticiya tesekkur etti. Satici ise hic aldirmadi bile.

Oradan uzaklasirken
- Somurtkan bir arkadas degil mi!?
diye yorum yaptim.

- Oh, o her gece ayni!

diye omuz silkti arkadasim.

- O zaman neden ona bu kadar nazik olmaya devam ediyorsun?

diye sordum.

60 arkadasim yanit verdi:

- Nasil davranacagima onun karar vermesine neden izin vereyim ki?

Nezaket Uzerine Deyisler

"Hic bir nazik davranis gosterildigi yerde bitmez. Her bir nazik davranis, bir baska nazik
davanisa "yol" acar. Iyi bir ornek mutlaka izlenir. Tek bir nazik hareket, koklerini her yone
salar ve bu kokler yeserir ve yeni agaclar yaratir. Nezaketin baskalari icin yaptigi en onemli
is, onlarin da nazik olmalarini saglamasidir."
Amelia Earhart

"Hic kimse nazik olarak birsey kaybetmez ama pek cok kisi bu riski almaktan korkar." Evan

"Herkes bir krala karsi nazik olur ama bir dilenciye karsi nazik olmak icin bir centilmen
olmak gerekir" (isimsiz)

"Sevgi ve nezaket asla bosa gitmez. Her zaman bir fark yaratirlar. Nezaket, gosterileni de,
gostereni de kutsar." Barbara De Angelis

"Nazik kelimelerin fazla bir maliyeti yoktur ama cok sey basarir." Blaise Pascal

"Baskalarinin hayatina gunisigi getirenler, bu isIktan uzak kalamazlar." James M. Barrie

Sevgi ve sifayla kalin,

Sifa Cemberi

Ready Or Not March 2011 Is Here
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 4, 2011 at 12:45pm

The intense 1 and 2 (January and February 2011) energetic prep work was rather
were the deliberate negative attacks and attempted derailing that happened throughout
February 2011. Since October 1, 2010 I've intimately and repeatedly experienced that, as
approaching Energy Events build—in this case it's the many energy events manifesting
physically in March 2011—the Dark Ones and the humans they control do their damnedest to
stop some of us, sidetrack us, or keep us derailed for as long as possible. They believe this
battle tactic will stop the Ascension Process and that they'll be able to easily slide back into
power. NOT going to happen.

Interfering, yelling, screaming, hijacked dreams that the Dark Ones deliberately mutate into
gruesome nightmares, and attempted multidimensional derailing maneuvers are all the
ammunition they're got left at this point within the Universal Ascension Process. They are no
longer in control of this world, but like certain human world leaders, politicians and numerous
others, they're hanging on for as long as they possibly can. Until they're totally out of
frequency range they'll use these tactics to slow some of us down or attempt to keep us
preoccupied with some negative person, situation, or attempted attack. Don't buy into their
desperate stunts and simply continue doing and being what you are. The increasing Light will
continue to reveal layer upon layer of Darkness here and soon no one (human or otherwise)
will be able to hide, lie, use or manipulate any human anywhere on Earth. Are you ready for
this transition wherever you live? It's going to manifest very differently in the USA (primarily
$$$) than how it currently is in the Middle East and elsewhere.

Because of the planetary Grid Rewiring process—plus our Body and Brain Rewiring—the
new planetary Grid System is coming online much more so in March 2011 with NEW higher
frequency are more and more of us due to our Rewired bodies and brains. It's an
exciting, trying, and rather confusing time but what's new about that right? Here's a list—
hence some clues—about the many Energy Events that will be physically imprinting and
activating Earth and humanity fully in (the 3 energies) of March 2011.

3-1-11 — Many more people evolve/ascend farther out of lower frequency polarized
consciousness and reality, and into increasing higher frequency Unity Consciousness and

3-4-11 — Pisces New Moon at 13° Pisces 56'. Individual spirituality—not religions or
religious beliefs—will function in increasing numbers of people around the planet. They'll
feel and live it directly themselves (due to the Rewiring process and increased Light) with no
religious middle-man involved which will instantly change them and reality for the better.

3-9-11 — The official start of the Mayan Ninth Wave/Universal Underworld and final 20-fold
acceleration. 3 9, very potent stair step energies just with those three numbers and
their energies! Entering the final, shortest and highest Ninth Wave/Universal Underworld

we'll begin a second (in our lifetimes) Mayan "Wave" or "Underworld" and the accompanying
20-fold time (and everything else!) increase. I vividly remember entering the previous Eighth
Wave or Galactic Underworld because it triggered my biological Ascension Process and no
one could forget that! I expect entering the Ninth Wave will be equally impressive but in very
different (and less intense) ways than the Eighth Wave.

3-11-11 — Another important (this month it's within the 3 or unified 1 and 2 energies) portal
crossing and transition into increasing Unity or High Heart Consciousness begins worldwide.
Watch as more and more people's Hearts open and how they'll finally demand the world
matches what they're feeling and sensing themselves.

3-11-11 — Uranus enters Aries at 4:52 AM PDT. Worldwide the People's desires and
demands will be heard and felt and become another driving force for betterment around the
globe. Global rulers will now have to step down and give-way to We the People and our
demands for a Higher Way for All. Uranus in Aries won't compromise or settle for mere
scraps from delusional ego maniacal, power obsessed, Reptilian controlled world leaders
and/or selfish, bloated billionaires. Uranus in Aries (with Saturn in opposite Libra until Oct. 6,
2012) will demand and manifest sweeping improvements globally. Can we finally say

Uranus and Saturn in opposite signs during 2011 and 2012 is a higher octave of the powerful
astrological energies present during the rebellious 1960's and the global protesting, anti-war
movement, equal rights movement and so much more. This is going to expand worldwide and
will be entirely successful now whereas the 1960's were a path paving, seed planting phase
within the total planetary Darkness for this time now decades later. Stair steps remember?

3-20-11 — The 2011 Spring Equinox begins in the northern hemisphere. The NEW energies
come online within the new higher frequency planetary Grid System and simultaneously
increasing numbers of Starseeds/Lightworkers/Wayshowers/Indigos within 2011 physically.
This process will increase exponentially month-by-month to finally reach the hugely
important triple 11-11-11 portal...9 gestation months later. (This process will unfold
throughout 2012 as well and fully fuses and embodies into the new ascended planetary Grid
System and all of humanity that's existing within this higher frequency Earth during the final
triple 12-12-12 portal of December 12, 2012.)

Every moment between now and then is an ongoing transformation and transition out of the
disintegrating lower polarized and negatively controlled world, reality and consciousness,
and, the manifesting of the NEW higher Unified consciousness and matching frequency world
reality. The two-leveled, lower/higher frequency global events (deaths/births) are happening
simultaneously which I know is hard to wrap one's mind around and hold it for longer than
three seconds! But this is how this Process works; as the old lower world reality is falling
apart and literally disintegrating beneath our weary feet, the new higher frequency
ascended/evolved world and species is simultaneously replacing it in absolutely every way.
And it's doing so in a very different physical place within space and Light Energies. We will
begin seeing greater differences within the space we, Earth, our Sun and solar system are now
existing within because WE'VE moved...not because a particular planet or star has orbited
into our old physical location in space.

The month of March 2011 will indeed activate and anchor in many new energies plus the final
Ninth Wave cycle with its 20-fold acceleration. The last time we experienced a 20-fold

acceleration was when the Eighth Wave/Galactic Underworld began on January 5, 1999. You
think life/reality has been fast since then? Just imagine adding another 20-times increase to
that this month! Know too this won't slow down but will become the new NEW and the new
normal higher frequency range we exist within now.


Copyright © 2011-2012 Denise Le Fay. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute
this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete,
credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice and link.

Mart Enerjileri / Jennifer Hoffman

 Posted by gunes kurtulan on March 4, 2011 at 2:07pm

Mart Enerjileri / Jennifer Hoffman

Şubat ayı ile ilgili tek söyleyebileceğim; "Ne oldu?" olabilir. Enerjetik olarak tuhaf bir aydı, o
kadar çabuk geçti ki daha bir işi bitiremeden diğeri kapıya dayandı. Bu yıl böyle sürecek, kimi
vakit çok çabuk geçecek zaman, bazen de çok yavaş. Kimileri için Şubat ayı hava ile ilgili de
tuhaf bir ay oldu. Bir çoklarını yalıtılmış olarak evine kapattı, bir bakıma, bu ay insanlar için,
aldığımız enerji yüklemelerini içselleştirip işleyebilmek için gerekli vakti yarattı.
Mart ayı, en azından karların erimesiyle birlikte, hava açısından daha kolay bir ay olacak.
Baharın yüzünü göstermesiyle birlikte toprak çözülüyor. Bahçemde, her ne kadar karın altında
olsalar da çiçek veren safranları görebiliyorum. Planladığımız enerji dalgaları geldi,
yoğunluklu olarak Pazartesileri gelecek ve tüm haftaya yayılacak, haftasonu ara vererek, bir
sonraki hafta tekrar başlayacaktır. Yani enerji yüklemeleri daha bitmedi, ama Mart ayı
içerisinde daha düzenli hale gelecek.
20 Mart'taki ekinoks, astrolojik bir yeni yıl olması yüzünden oldukça güçlü bir zaman . Fakat
bu yılki ekinoksun, diğerlerinden farkı, ekinoks için, Ocak ayı, ve tüm Şubat boyunca
yaptığımız hazırlıklardır. Dünyada olanlara bakarsanız eğer, özellikle Orta Doğu'da; bir çok
dengeleme hareketleri gündemde.
20 Mart tarihi ile birlikte, durumdan etkilenen bir çok ülke, halklarıyla anlaşma yoluna
gidecek, ve daha tarafsız bir güç dağılımı söz konusu olacak. Bunu yaşamlarımızda göreceğiz;
Mart ayı, döngünün serbest kalmasını tamamlayacak, eski, yoğun enerjiyi bırakarak, ışığın
daha berrak, temiz ve dengeli ifadesine yer açaçak.
Bu yıl, şimdiye kadar bizimle rezonans içinde olmayanları salıverme yılı oldu, yeni niyetleri
ve enerjetik bağlantıları oluşturmak, geçmiş yerine ŞİMDİ'de yaşamayı öğrenmek. Küresel
seviyede karşılaştığımız bu enerjiler, bizim yaşantılarımıza yansıtılıyor, bazen; bize hizmet
etmeyen durumların salıverilmesinde çok ta nazik olmayan bir dil kullansa da... Mart ayı için

en önem taşıyan konulardan biri kendini affetmek, bir de diğerlerinin yaptıkları üzerinde
kontrole sahip olmadığımız. Ruhumuzun dönüşüm çağrısına kulak verip enerjimizi
yükselttiğimizde, yeni enerjetik düzeyimizle rezone olmayan her şeyin gitmesine izin veririz.
Artık Deneyimleme gereksinimimiz kalmayan şeylere tutunmaya devam ettiğimizde, Mart
çok zor bir ay olacak. Bu ayın teması, şimdiki an'a teslim olmak, merkezimizi bulmak ve
bizimle hala birlikte olanı yerinde tutmaktır. Mutlu bir ay olması dileğiyle.

Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan

DailyOM: Breaking Family Ties That Bind

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 4, 2011 at 10:50pm

Breaking Family Ties That Bind

Parental Fears

Sometimes our fear does not stem from us, but rather is a fear that has been handed down
from our parents.

When we really examine our fears about something, we sometimes notice that the fear we
have is not based on our own experience. Often, if we trace our fear back to its source, we
find that one of our parents may have handed it down to us. For example, your mother or
father may have had an intense fear of lack of money, stemming from their own life
experiences. If that fear was not resolved by the time you came into the picture, chances are
you inherited it. Meanwhile, you may have no actual experience of lacking money, so being
fearful doesn’t make sense, and it may even block you from doing certain things you want to

Keeping in mind that your parents were only trying to protect you, and that most of the errors
in judgment they made were made with the best intentions, it might be time to release this fear
symbolically. You cannot resolve someone else’s fear for them, but you can decide to let go of
it on your own behalf. Whether your parents are still alive or not, it is best to do this in a
symbolic way, using visualization and, if you like, ritual. One simple visualization involves
inviting your parent to sit across from you in your heart space and sharing your desire to move
on from this fear, letting them know that you will not carry it anymore. You may be surprised
at the response you get, because it’s possible they will be proud of you, grateful, and proud of
your courage.

The more we do this deep inner work with our fears, the better we will be able to parent our
own children without burdening them with fears that don’t belong to them. Some of us will do
as much of this work as we can before we become parents, while others will be working on
this even as our children become adults. Either way, the effects will be felt, because once we
break our ties to the fears of the past, our children’s ties to those fears are greatly weakened,
so it’s important to remember that it’s never too late.

Moon Dances For the Northern Hemisphere

March 4 - April 3, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 5, 2011 at 8:47pm

Moon Dances
For the Northern Hemisphere
March 4 - April 3, 2011

Print Friendly Page

All times are local unless otherwise specified.

Night Sky Visitors ...

My 2011 sabbatical continues. In this abbreviated edition of Moon Dances, I offer the
following to keep you looking up and tuned to the wonders above.

Susan Sun

Look Up! The Moon, waxing and waning, impressively promenades across the dark sky,
partnering with the sparkling stars and glowing planets. Who is the Moon dancing with

3/4-7 ~ A New Lunar Cycle Begins

EarthSky Tonight
This Week's Sky at a Glance
Monthly Lunar Highlights
Monthly Sky Calendars +
AstroViewer Interactive Sky Map
Whole Sky Chart (8:00pm = 20:00)
The Pisces Night Sky 2/18-3/20 Under Construction
The Night Sky ~ Home Page

Current Phase of the Moon

Click on the Moon links for meditative insights and additional information.

Waxing First Waxing Waning Waning

New Full Last
Crescent Quarter Gibbous Gibbous Crescent
3 / 4 / 11 3 / 12 / 11 3 / 19 /11 3 / 26 / 11
12:46pmPST 3:45pmPST 11:10amPDT 5:07amPDT
20:46 UT 23:45 UT 18:10 UT 12:07 UT

Note: When the right side of the Moon is illuminated, the Moon is increasing or waxing.
When the left side illuminated, the Moon is decreasing or waning. (Of course, this only works
in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere the effect is just the opposite!)

Moon and Sun Data
One Specific Day
One Year Table

Rise/Set/Transit Times ~ Major Bodies

UT Time Conversion

A New Lunar Cycle Begins

Friday, March 4 – 12:46pm PST (20:46 UT)
Flowing into a Great Sea of Consiousness
Image: Distant Suns / Adobe Photoshop

* Printable Image *

east–left, west–right, north–top, south–bottom

The New Moon can be thought of as a no Moon! Its sunlit side is facing away from Earth
toward the Sun. The side that is facing Earth is not getting any sunlight, leaving it dark and
invisible to us ... no Moon to see! A New Moon lies between the Sun and Earth. Helpful
Image + Description BTW: The only time a New Moon can be seen is during a solar eclipse,

when it passes directly in front of the Sun, visibly showing off part or all of its entire dark

Note: For those living in San Francisco this New Moon takes place overhead 46 minutes after
high noon. The Sun, New Moon and planets are located in the same constellations for other
parts of the world; these constellations, in differing time zones, lie in a different location
above or below the horizon.

Reflections ~ New Moon

With every New Moon our soul goes into meditation and aligns with the inspiration of the
Nirmanakayas; a potential is enlivened and a seed of consciousness is formed deep within.
Take some time to create a sacred space. A new cycle is beginning.

The New Moon and Sun, lie in the midst of a planetary stream flowing through three watery
constellations of the great Celestial Sea — Capricornus the Sea Goat, Aquarius the Water
Bearer and Pisces the Fishes.

In addition, the constellation of the Phoenix rises out of Eridanus, the river of life, both (not
shown in the map above) lie to the south, deep in the Celestial Sea. Helpful Maps: 1, 2 Both
align with the New Moon and Sun.

The New Moon of March 4, 2011 occurs in sidereal Aquarius and conjoins Achernar of
Eridanus, the river of life; and Ankaa of the Phoenix. [Helpful Image] This lunar cycle marks
a completion of a leg of life, and an emergence into a vaster body of consciousness, much like
a river's delta opens into an ocean. Boundaries dissolve as our dreams and visions shift and
swirl us into a greater universality and potentiality of being. This lunar cycle is packed full of
opportunities for emotional growth, personal empowerment, and spiritual expansion. Nick
Fiorenza: 3/4/11 Lunar Cycle

The New Moon has humanity flowing into a great sea of consciousness. During this lunar
cycle imagine the planetary river and Celestial Sea streaming forth energies that help us
emerge into something new and wholesome, while we move with the seemingly chaotic
currents and waves of our times.

Now is the time for divination.

Invoke the images that melt open your heart.
Now is the time for divination.
Invoke the images that fuse you with Spirit.
Now is the time for divination.
Invoke the faith that turns loaves to fishes.
Vision, inspiration and hope are the manna of this new moon.

Jacqueline Lasahn / Facebook AstroFlash 3/4/11

Lunar Theme: Flowing into a Great Sea of Consiousness

Radical Change from the

River of Life into Vaster Waters
Nick Fiorenza gives insight to this lunar cycle.

Pisces Global Meditation
This meditation, which culminates at the
Full Moon during Pisces, begins with this New Moon.
(The Full Moon occurs at the tail end of Pisces,
5 hours before the sign of Aries begins.)

March 5-7, Saturday-Monday, at dusk above the western horizon, the youngest Crescent
Moons make their appearance with difficult to see Mercury and brilliant Jupiter.
Sky&Telescope Map/Text More maps: 3/5 Map, 3/6 Map, 3/7 Map

Approximate Moonsets: 7:15pm, 8:15pm, 9:15pm

Note: Uranus lies invisibly between Mercury and Jupiter. To see the location of Uranus
review the New Moon map above.
BTW: Jupiter is sinking toward the horizon, while Mercury is rising above it. Watch them
move closer together as the days unfold. They are at their closest March 15.

Open to new visions for the greater whole. Envision well-being for all.

I'd like to know your thoughts about The Night Sky and
if you'd like reminders to Look Up! ...
send me an email.
May your Night Sky traveling always be filled
with Celestial Delights and Treats!
Susan Sun

Pisces Clarity of Purpose Meditation

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 5, 2011 at 8:49pm

Clarity of Purpose Meditation

Meditation Focus ~ Overview
Meditation Theme
Information Synthesis
Meditation Preparation
Additional Links
Meditation Impressions ~ Living Wise Blog

Meditation Focus ~ Overview

70's Clarity of Purpose Meditation theme for the spiritual year concludes as we
embody, ever more so, our awareness of the zodiacal energies of the Lighted Way.

Beginning with the Aries 2010 lunar cycle, our Clarity of Purpose Meditation focus has been
to contemplate the progression, Out of the Chaos Comes Clarity of Purpose.

One way to participate in group alignment is to join us in the daily spiritual focus presented in
our Pisces Festival Calendar. During the month, we are continuing to highlight noteworthy
links whose purpose or goal is to carry out good ideas ~ implementers of positive programs
and plans to assist humanity and planet Earth.

Identified with Divine Consciousness, Aligned with Cosmic Will

We Leave Our Father's House and Turning Back, We Save
Manifesting the Consummation of Pisces

Throughout the Pisces cycle, each Calendar day's seed thought is portrayed in the graphic
representation and links associated with the Keynote on the daily page. Beginning after the
new moon on Friday, March 4, we welcome all to observe this festival cycle by aligning with
the daily focus.

You are encouraged to continue with this meditation channel during the moon cycle
surrounding the March 19 full moon in Pisces~Virgo. You may want to bookmark the
Calendar, or consider making it the startup page in your browser for the entire month, in
order to participate on a daily basis. The Calendar works optimally in full browser windows,
rather than tabbed windows. Another suggestion, since it is updated daily, is to set your
Browser Cache to "Compare each time the page is viewed."

Pisces Meditation Theme

As we move now once again through the sign Pisces and align in group formation, our
identification is with the Divine. These united efforts bring us ever closer to our Divine

As this focus integrates, our practice deepens the meditation service we have come to
recognize as our biggest, most potent tool in working together to usher in the Age of
Aquarius, and so as a group to create Heaven on Earth.

This lifetime we find ourselves passing as ships in the night on this Journey of the Spirit.

In moments of silence, we glimpse the magnificence of the Purpose, and the Plan is revealed
in a flash of consciousness as we awaken to the One Note.

In the furthermost reaches of our mind, the vast inclusiveness of this Being becomes known.
We are forever changed, now knowing ourselves to be The Life itself.

May we all learn to honor the Spirit in all and participate fully in the Plan and Purpose of the
Great Ones.

Guidance in preparing for this meditation

If at all possible, we suggest being in meditation at the exact time of the full moon. For this
month's global meditation, we at will meditate in group formation at 11:00 am
PDT Saturday morning, March 19. All who wish to join in at this time are welcome, however
if you are unable to do so, choose a time within 12 hours before or after the full moon to

We suggest you pause at points in the Meditation, wherever you are naturally inclined, to
allow the energy and information to come in fully, and to be at one with the energies invoked.

2011 Pisces Meditation

The Full Moon in Pisces ~ Virgo

Saturday, March 19 at 11:10 am PDT / 19:10 UT

We mentally link up with people of goodwill everywhere, creating a united group channel
through which the spiritual forces can become available. Affirming this channel, "We stand
poised united as one soul with our Spiritual Hierarchy." We hold the focus.

Now we visualize a grid of light all over the earth that connects the light of every lightworker
and each sacred energy vortex. This network serves as a conduit through which the heavenly
blessings may flow through each of us and to the planet Earth.

When we have achieved this alignment, we become still and receptive ...

As one, we rise in light. The gateway that is Pisces opens wide and more light pours through,
illuminating us. We recognize this to be the Light of the World, and know it will reveal the
Light of Life within us and in all.

In this Pisces Light we see consummation and death, and at the very same time we see
emergence and life.

The Age of Pisces, for 2000 years, has greatly influenced us ~ Humanity ~ and our world.
Demand for adjustment is strong, even causing the end of old forms of government, and death
to ways that no longer serve the greater good. At the same time an emerging development of
international spirit, of new unity, is laying the foundation for coming synthesis in the Age of

We sense the Piscean energy calls for greater awareness of group consciousness, seeing the
whole and the oneness that connects all throughout the universe. Great cosmic forces are
constantly at work, shattering what we have thus far produced, and only then to guide us in
creating ever greater beauty and fullness.

We are moving from the human kingdom into the kingdom of Souls. The duality of Soul and
body recedes, as our new field of activity is Soul and Spirit. This further liberates us so we
may identify in ever evolving ways with Divine Consciousness.

Divine Light is our inspiration. As we unify in this great endeavor to fulfill the Divine Plan
and Purpose, each step brings us closer to our Divine Destiny.

We Relinquish and Release, in Consummation.
Soul and Spirit Unite, in Liberation.

As we emerge from meditation, we are joined in this stream by lightworkers everywhere on

the planet and from on high to intone The Great Invocation, and together we say ...

The Great Invocation

From the point of light within the Mind of God

Let Light stream forth into our minds
Let LIGHT descend on Earth.

From the point of love within the Heart of God

Let Love stream forth into our hearts
May LOVE increase on Earth.

From the center where the Will of God is known

Let purpose guide our wills
The PURPOSE which the masters know and serve.

From the center which we call Humanity

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door
where evil dwells.

Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
restore the Planet Earth!

- adapted version (1)

We now continue to hold the high space throughout this most auspicious phase of the full
moon, an important time to still the mind and maintain inner peace, always a time of spiritual
retreat and contact.

Pisces Information Synthesis

The Light of Pisces ~ The Light of the World

This is the light, revealing the light of life itself.

It ends for ever the darkness of matter. (2)

The Lighted Way The entire zodiac can be approached and understood from the angle of
light ~ the inner light, soul light ~ and its unfolding, increasing radiance is the manifestation
of our divine nature. (3) Study of the 12 different lights for each of the constellations of the
zodiac reveals the symbolic story of the growth of the light body within the Soul of Humanity

(the Macrocosm) and within each of us (the Microcosm), and will finally make clear the very
purpose of God.

Pisces Zodiacal Deity Three keynotes of the duality of Pisces include bondage or captivity,
renunciation or detachment, and sacrifice and death. Pisces can also be seen as governing the
generative process. A water sign, Pisces deals with the unconscious aspects of our nature that
need to be brought to light.

Pisces Labor of Hercules Hercules's labor in Pisces was to capture the red cattle of Geryon.
Through this endeavor Hercules, representing the disciple, became the World Saviour.

The Time of Lent This is the time of Lent and other rituals of purification and sacrifice.
These rituals honor our ever-evolving journey, our ability see the Lighted Way, and our
connection to each other and to Divinity.

Purification Meditation Pisces is the 12th sign of our zodiac, it marks the completion of the
spiritual year. This is the time of cleansing and purifying our vehicles in preparation for the
new spiritual cycle and the Three Major Spiritual Planetary Festivals. Pisces is a time to
reflect on all our life's relationships ~ a time to choose those in alignment with the Soul's
Expression in Present Time, and release those not serving the Present Time Soul's Expression.

The Transition of Ages ~ Pisces to Aquarius In the Aquarian Age the new message is the
"rising of the light," moving from the birth of the Christ, truly the Christ within, to the Risen

Night Sky~Moondances During each lunar cycle the Moon, waxing and waning, journeys
through the zodiac. It partners with and enlivens the sparkling stars and glowing planets along
the way. As the Moon grows in the light provided by our Sun, we too grow in the light of our

A new lunar cycle begins March 4. The New Moon is in the midst of a planetary stream and a
celestial sea. The Waters of Life help humanity emerge into something new and wholesome.
Lunar Theme: Flowing into a Great Sea of Consciousness.

Additional Links These related links may be of assistance in your Pisces meditation focus.

Preparation for Participation in This Meditation Focus

If at all possible, we suggest being in meditation at the exact time of the full moon. If you are
unable to do this, choose a time within 12 hours before or after to align with these energies
and be part of this global meditation.

Prior to your meditation take the needed time to create a sacred space and spiritually align
your energies.

Consider what is the appropriate way to join in this meditation ... you may wish to participate
in group formation on the physical plane as well as on the inner planes. Whether or not you
choose to be "alone" on the physical plane, know you are uniting with many others who also
are attuning to the energies available at this Global Festival, and that this group focus creates
a powerful channel for the meditation to be potent and effective.

The Full Moon Festivals Culminate over a Five-Day Period ...

Our meditation focus beginning at the new moon leads into the two "days of preparation"
immediately preceding the full moon. These are to be dedicated to spiritual reflection and
detachment from everyday concerns, as each prepares to become a vessel for the energies of
light and love they will receive and channel. At this time we hold the attitude of dedication
and service, and seek to assume that attitude of receptivity to that which our soul will impart
which will make us of spiritual use.

The day of the full moon itself is the "day of safeguarding," one of inner peace and silence
during which we attempt to contact and consciously hold the energies for the rest of humanity.
We will not formulate for ourselves what will happen, nor will we look for results or tangible
effects. While one may not observe the exact moment when the moon is full, it's important to
find some quiet time to reflect alone or use this opportunity to meditate with others of like
mind and focus.

The two succeeding days are called the "days of distribution." We now turn the attention
outwards, away from ourselves, and our efforts are to pass on the spiritual energies that have
been contacted. We assist these spiritual energies, transformed into goodwill, in flowing to
where there is greatest need.

We now continue to hold the high space throughout this most auspicious day of the full moon,
an important time to still the mind and maintain inner peace, a time of spiritual retreat and
contact. If you wish, feel free to continue use of this meditation for the entire month of Pisces.

The Full Moon Cycle We Are Observing

Following the new moon on Friday, March 4 through Sunday, April 3, 2011, the end of this
Pisces lunar cycle.

Additional links

Pisces Synthesis Supplementary links for further understanding

New Group of World Servers Members of this group desire to uplift, teach and help others.
They are identified by the selflessness of their service to the world and lack of personal
ambition, coupled with a willingness to work behind the scenes without recognition.

Highlights~Fomalhaut This name Fomalhaut comes from Arabic and translates as Fish's
Mouth. In the heavens, the fish can be seen drinking water flowing from the jar of Aquarius.
Because it contains the first magnitude star Fomalhaut, Piscis Austrinus "the Southern Fish" is
more noticeable than the constellation Pisces in that region of the night sky.

Mutable Cross Pisces is a point on the Cross of Rebirth, the Cross of the Holy Spirit. Also
called the Cross of Changing Lives, (4) this cross relates to the personality ~ of the steadily
developing, and finally the steadily integrating human being. (5)

The Lunar Messenger, Pisces Moon (PDF) Circle of Goodwill's commentary for the Pisces
full moon, "Neptune, the Power of Merging"


Amazon'da Kitlesel Ağaç Ölümleri

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 5, 2011 at 8:54pm

İklimde Kırılma Noktası: Amazon'da Kitlesel Ağaç Ölümleri Korkutuyor

2010 yılında Amazonu vuran kuraklıkta milyarlarca ağaç ölümü kayıtlara geçti.
Endişeler giderek artıyor... Devasa orman yok olmanın eşiğinde! Çünkü; bölge, sera gazı
emilimini durdurup, salınımı artıracak.

Amazon'da gerçekleşen 2010 kuraklığının neden olduğu milyarlarca ağaç ölümü, bilim
adamlarını endişelendiriyor. Bu felaket, devasa ormanı, karbon emen değil, yayan bölge
haline dönüştürüyor.

Amazon ormanları, Dünya'daki atmosferik karbonun çeyreğinden daha fazlasını emiyor.
Bu da, bölgeyi, küresel ısınmaya karşı kritik açıdan önemli hale getiriyor. Ancak, Amazon
daha fazla kuraklığa ve kitlesel ağaç ölümlerine yol açarak yani karbon emen değil de
karbon salan konumuna dönüşürse, böylesi bir geri-bildirim döngüsü, felaketlerle
sonuçlanacak kontrolsüz iklim değişimine neden olacaktır.

Leeds Üniversitesi'nden tropikal orman uzmanı ve aynı zamanda "Journal Science"

dergisinde yayınlanan araştırmanın da başkanı Simon Lewis ve Brezilyalı meslektaşları,
uydudan çıkarılmış yağmur miktarı ölçümlerini araştırdılar. 2010 kuraklığının, bölgenin
%60'lık geniş bir bölümünü etkileyen 2005 kuraklığından bile çok daha şiddetli
olduğunu tespit ettiler.

2005'den sonra, ne kadar ağacın yok olduğunu hesapladılar ve de atmosfere salınan karbon
miktarını araştırdılar. Buna ek olarak; susuzluktan strese girmiş ağaçların gelişimindeki
zayıflama, ağaçların bir yılda 1.5 milyar ton karbon emilimindeki düşüş anlamına

2010 kuraklığına da aynı prensipleri uygulayan araştırmacılar, 8 milyar ton karbondioksit

salınacağını öngörüyorlar. Bu miktar, 2009 yılında Dünya'daki en büyük kirliliğin
yaşandığı Çin'deki 7.7 milyar tonun üstündedir. Lewis; Amazon'da 5 yıl içinde böylesi iki
şiddetli kuraklık, son derece olağan dışı ancak 10 yıllık uzun bir süreçte gerçekleşen iklimdeki
doğal bir varyasyonun henüz göz ardı edilmeyeceğini ifade etti.

Amazon'da artan kuraklık, Hadley merkezi tarafından kullanılan çok yönlü bir modelin de
dâhil olduğu bazı iklim modellerinde tespit edildi. Bu, şu anlama geliyor; 2005 ve 2010
kuraklıkları, küresel ısınmanın gelecekte daha fazla kuraklığa, daha fazla karbon
salınımına neden olacağı öngörüsü ile uyumludur ve bu kuraklıklar, kontrolsüz iklim
değişimine neden olabilecek potansiyeldedir. Amazon Çevre Araştırma Enstitüsü'nden
Brezilyalı bilim adamı Paulo Brando ve araştırmanın başkan yardımcısı, şunları söyledi:

"Bölgede ağaç ölçümleri yapılıncaya kadar kesin olarak ne kadar ağacın yok olduğunu
bilemeyiz. Kuraklığa duyarlı çok sayıda ağaç, 2005 kuraklığında yok olmuş olabilir. Veya
birinci kuraklık, 2010 kuraklığındaki ağaç ölümlerinin sayısını artıracak şekilde, çok sayıda
ağacın gelişimini zayıflatmış olabilir. Karbon salınımı öngörüleri, Amazon'un sıcak ve kurak
yıllarda geniş bir bölgeyi etkileyen orman yangınlarındaki salınımı kapsamıyor."


Bilim adamları, Dünya ikliminin hızla değişebileceğini jeolojik kayıtlardan biliyor. İnsan
aktivitelerinden kaynaklanan oldukça küçük miktarlardaki küresel ısınmanın, iklimde büyük
değişimlere neden olabileceği birkaç kırılma noktası belirlediler. Amazon ormanlarındaki
kayıplar gibi bazı kırılma noktaları, geri-bildirimli sistemlerde rol oynuyor. Bu nedenle
kırılma noktaları, kontrol edilemeyecek boyutlardaki iklim değişimlerine yol açabilir.

Kuzey Buz Tabakası:

Güneş ışınlarının uzaya geri yansıtılmasında, beyaz örtü önemli bir role sahiptir. Ancak, beyaz
örtü eridiğinde, açığa çıkan koyu okyanus bu sıcaklığı emer. Bu da daha fazla buzun
erimesine neden olacaktır.


Binlerce yıl büyük miktardaki karbonu toprağa hapsetmiş olan donmuş toprağın erimesi
sonucunda, yüksek kuzey kesim, hızlı bir şekilde ısınacaktır. Donmamış topraklarda yaşayan
bakteriler ise, daha fazla ısınmaya yol açan metanı üretir. Metan, etkili bir sera gazıdır.

Gaz Hidratları:

Bu kırılma noktası, okyanus tabanı üstünde veya altında donmuş büyük metan rezervini de
içeriyor. Metan-su kristalleri, erime noktasına yakın ve son derece değişkendir. Bu büyük
salınım, az da olsa ısınmayı tetikleyebilir.

Batı Antartika Buz Örtüsü:

Bazı bilim adamları, bu devasa buz örtüsünün küçük miktarlardaki ısınmaya karşı savunmasız
olduğunu düşünüyor. Şayet örtünün tamamı er ya da geç erirse, deniz seviyesi 6 metreye
kadar yükselecek.

Güncelleme: 05/03/2011
Kaynak: Damian Carrington, "Mass Tree Deaths Prompt Fears of Amazon 'Climate
Tipping Point'",, Çev. Dr. Erman Gündoğdu,,

Quado's Garden: Follow Inner Truth

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 5, 2011 at 9:03pm

Inner Truth

are feeling tense and anxious, it is important for you to see if your anxiety is
caused by a fear to follow your inner truth through courageous action.

Sit quietly with pen and

paper nearby. Breathe down to a quiet place and reach your center. Clear away
the worries over the future and regrets over the past. Things are as they are
right now, and your goal right now is to alleviate your tension through right

Find the calm pool of peace

within you and ask, how shall I approach this situation? Then write down the
very first answer that comes; capture it before your mind has a chance to
second-guess or edit.

If the answer is that you

are to be patient and wait, good, then do so calmly, peacefully and without
fear. If the answer is that you must deal directly with the situation, then
take a deep breath, fill yourself with courage and prepare yourself to speak
your truth, calmly, clearly and directly. And if the answer is to meet with
others, one on one, listen and learn as you quietly work out your differences,
then do that.

Fear and doubt prefer that

you deal with situations in anger or that you do nothing except worry and
complain. To fear and doubt, a wonderful solution is to revert to your old
patterns of overeating and drinking, while taking no constructive steps toward
resolution. Fear loves gossip, anger and manipulation.

But you are more than

this. You are strong and capable and full of truth and rightness, which direct
you each step of the way. Reach down to them and find what you should do, what
right action you should take to alleviate the tension and anxiety you feel.
Then take a deep breath and act, and fear will give way before you.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without
ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart

Entering into the Universal Underworld ~

Day 1
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 5, 2011 at 9:21pm

Day 1 - Entering into the Universal Underworld

You Tube

Mp3 download

Related Invocations

On March 9th, 2011, we enter into the Universal Underworld, known as the Ninth Wave,
which will amplify the energetic frequencies of Light within and around this earth plane
through stargates, portals of Light, sacred sites and vortices, allowing us to receive these
Divine encodings of Light that will collectively take us into the pathways of Light of Divine
Love and Unity Consciousness.

Through thirteen cycles of 18 days, leading up to October 28th 2011, we have the possibility to
truly experience ourselves as these first wave Souls in human embodiment of the I Am Avatar
blueprint by undergoing particular initiations of Light. By moving into our hearts and
experiencing the higher octaves of this multidimensional reality through Mother Earth's
thirteen primary chakras amplified through power vortices, Crystalline Cities of Light, and
ray frequencies, we are being given the opportunity to experience these higher dimensional
frequencies, accessible to all initiates of Light.

For the first 18 days, until March 25th, we will focus on the Crystalline City above Table
Mountain in Cape Town, South Africa, working with the first ray of will and power and the
third ray of Divine Intelligence, through the Overlighting of the Ascended Masters, Ray
Councils of Light, Christed ET's, and the Brotherhood of the Light, coming into a deeper
level of empowerment, wisdom and Self Mastery. We will further experience the wisdom
teachings of Light, as well as the remembrance of our own initiations of Light in parallel
realities. These frequencies will lift us to a point of releasing old cellular memories, false
beliefs and judgments related to abuse and misuse of power, lower mind consciousness and
victim/persecutor consciousness, so we may stand steadfast in the Light as Keepers of Light,
as Ambassadors of Light to Mother Earth and all her Life.

Invocation to the Universal Underworld ~ Day 1

I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,

the Ascended Masters, Christed ET's, Ray Councils and Brotherhood of the Light,

and all other Beings of Light from On High that I personally acknowledge,

as I align with my I Am Presence, and ground myself into the crystal heart of Mother Earth.

I now ask to be taken into the Crystalline City of Light above Table Mountain in South Africa,

so I may undergo my initiation of Light to serve with empowerment, strength and wisdom,

as a Keeper of Light to Mother Earth and all her Life.

I am now taken in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light to the doorway of this beautiful
Crystal Temple of Light,

where I am greeted by three High Priests to the Order of Melchizedek,

and request permission to enter into this Crystalline City of Light.

I am a seeker of Light, I seek the secrets of the Universe, the keys of enlightenment,

I am in Service to Mother Earth and all her Life,

and request permission to enter into this Crystal Temple of Light,

so I may take on the keycodes of Light that will assist me to come into a deeper level of
empowerment, Love and wisdom,

so I may transmute all that is not of the Light,

so I may take my Service work to another level of Light.

The doors are now opened as I enter into this Temple of Light,

walking up a beautiful crystal staircase into an Initiation Chamber of Light.

I am greeted by my family and friends of the Light,

by the Ascended Masters, Christed ET's and Brotherhood of the Light,

welcomed and embraced as a seeker of Light.

I am now guided into an Ascension Flame of Light,

where I will experience this initiation of empowerment and wisdom,

Overlighted by the Ray Councils of Light, my I Am Presence and all the Beings of Light from
On High.

I am now surrounded in a beautiful red flame of Light,

through the first ray of will and power, and through this initiation of Light, I now recite the

I take back the power I may have given to others and to my sub-conscious mind,

releasing any issues of abuse and misuse of power,

releasing any addictions or frequencies that hold me back from truly experiencing my Higher
Light, as this first wave Soul in human embodiment of the I Am Avatar Blueprint of Light.

As I take on this mantle of leadership, I step into a deeper level of my own power, trusting
and surrendering to the Divine,

and being guided by my I Am Presence and the Company of Heaven.

And now, I am surrounded in a beautiful yellow flame of Light,

through the third ray of Divine Intelligence.

Through this flame of Light, I expand my consciousness to receive the teachings of Light
from On High,

letting go of "lesser than and better than" consciousness issues,

so I may receive the wisdom of Mother/Father God,

so I may remember my initiations of Light,

so I may assist in co-creating this Golden Age of Light.

I now experience the parallel mergers of my Highest Potential through the streams of
consciousness of the various times lines, merging into this Now,
I now unlock the codes as this first wave human Soul in embodiment of the I Am Avatar
Blueprint, coming into full remembrance of my preciousness, uniqueness and individual
puzzle piece.

I now merge with my I Am Presence and the 144 Soul rays of which I am one,

amplifying my Self in this energy of Light,

receiving these downloads of Light,

activating the dormant DNA and aligning me to my sacred contact in this Now.

I now receive the appropriate key codes, fire letters and sacred geometries through my body,
energy field and hologram.

I now direct these higher frequencies of empowerment and wisdom through the Unity Grid of
Light for all Life to experience these ray frequencies of Light.

I now link through my heart to the Sun,

and now to the Central Sun on Alcyone and to the Great Central Sun on Sirius, and from here,
take on all the encodings of Light I need as this initiate of Light in this Golden Age of Light.

I now find myself back in my sacred space,

surrounded in beautiful red and yellow flames of Light,

honoring my Self as this magical Master Being of Love and Light.

Invocation by Anrita Melchizedek

Co-created by Adi'El

Music by Mike Hammer

To advertise your Light events, go to

For 11:11:11 Light events, go to


A Day of Peace ~ March 4th 12:00am - March 5th 12:00am

By Stephen Shoemaker

Yakındır, Vakit Gelmiştir Artık....

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 5, 2011 at 9:30pm

Yakındır, Vakit Gelmiştir Artık....


Sevgili Dostlar,

Çok önemli ve yogun bir dönemin içerisindeyiz. Dünyamız, doğa anamız titreşim hızını her
geçen gün arttırıyor. Dünyamızdaki her atom, her parçacık bu değişimden etkileniyor. Bu
etkileşim tek taraflı bir etkileşim değil. Dünyamızdaki değişim tüm çevre gezegenleri, güneş
sistemini ve evrenin sonsuz varoluşunu da etkiliyor.

Gezegen üzerindeki her varlık yoğun bir değişim, dönüşüm döneminden geçiyor. Dönüşmek
istemeyen insanlar , egodan kaleler örmüş ve bu kabuklarında rahat rahat oturduğunu
zanneden en sağlam egolu insanlar bile bu değişim ve dönüşüm enerjilerinin içine itiliyorlar

Zaman hatırlama zamanı ,

Zaman tüm zincirlerin kırılma zamanı ,

Zaman tüm perdelerin kalkma zamanı ,

Zaman gerçeğin ortaya çıkma zamanı,

Zaman tüm karanlığın aydınlanma zamanı,

Zaman hakikat olma, hakikati konuşma ve hakikatle bir araya gelme zamanı.

Bireyler olarak bu süreçte yapmamız gereken şey, kendi içimizde hiçbir karanlık nokta
kalmayana kadar kendimizin ve özümüzün farkına varmak , kendimizi arındırmak , içimizde
özümüze ait olmayan herseyi temizlemek ve sevgide bir güneş gibi olmayı gerçekleştirmek.
Yolumuz, mücadele ya da savaşa savaşla karşılık vermek değil.

Yolumuz kendi içimizde özümüz olan ; sevgiyi , barışı , huzuru ve uyumu gerçekleştirmek,
hakikatle , yaradanla bir olmak ve onu paylaşmak ve yaşamanın yolu.

Her zaman yüreğine kulak ver

Hiçbir zaman yarı yolda bırakmaz seni

Yüreğin kuvvetli bırak soytarı ego illetini

Bir gülü koklarken , bir bebeği okşarken de açılabilir yüreğin

Binbir yolu vardır gerçeğe ermenin

Sen ki anladın çarkını bu yüce evrenin

Her an’ında güzelliğini saçarsın gerçeğin

Olmakta olan ve olacak olan değişimler, bir çok insan için halen filmlerdeki felaket
senaryoları ile sınırlı. Çoğunluk bir bekleme hali içerisinde. Olacak olanları bekliyorlar.
Spiritüel ve manevi yanlarını keşfeden, keşfetmeye başlayan , bu yollarda yürüyen ülkemizde
ve dünyada ki bir çok insan halen olmakta olan değişimlerin ciddiyetinin farkında değil. Bu
noktada unutulan en önemli husus , beklemekte olduğumuz değişimi bizlerin yarattığı ve
yaratıyor olduğudur. Dünyamızın ve insanlığın bu dönemde yüksek alemlerden ve dünyadışı
sevgili dostlarımızdan sınırsızca yardım ve destek aldığı doğrudur. Ancak tüm bu geçiş
döneminin insanlık ve dünya için en sancısız şekilde atlatılması için ilk önce kendimize ,
birbirimize ve doğa anaya yardımcı ve destek olmayı öğrenmemiz gerekmektedir.
Yardımlaşmayı , destek olmayı , sevgiyle kendimizle ve birbirimizle iletişim kurmayı , aynı
değerler uğruna ışığın yolunda el ele yürümeyi öğrenemezsek , birbirimizden ve dışarıdan
gelen yardımlara açık olmamız da bireyler ve toplumlar olarak mümkün olamaz.

Ülkemizde spiritüel konularda hizmet veren bir çok merkez var , bir çoğu bir diğeri ile
rekabet içinde , genel amaç , maneviyattan çok maddi kazanç.... Ve bunun üzerinden dönen
çekişmeler, karalamalar...

Gerçek bir spiritüel merkezin amacı hakikate hizmet etmektir , maddi kazanç ta , sevgidir ,
enerjidir, olacaktır tabii ama bir araçtır. İkinci planda olmalıdır. Birlik bilincinden
bahsediyoruz , gerçekten bunu içselleştiriyorsak eğer , merkezler birbirleri ile dayanışma ve

destek içinde olmalıdır. Merkezlerin , hakikatin bir nuru gibi birbirlerine bağlı parlayan
mabetler , ışık portalları olması gerekir. Özellikle bu dönemde bu birliğe ve bütünlüğe daha da
çok ihtiyaç duymaktayız.

Birbirini karalayan , dedikodu yapan, spiritüel egolarının ötesine geçememiş spiritüel

eğitmenler, hocalar sizlere sesleniyorum; olduğunuzu asla zannetmeyin. Gerçek öğretmen her
an öğrenci olduğunu unutmayan öğretmendir. Olmak , aydınlanmak sonsuza dek devam
edecek olan bir yolculuktur. Asla böbürlenmeyin , insanları sömürmeyin ve insanlara
yardımcı olmanın ne kadar büyük bir sorumluluk olduğunun farkında olun. Gerçek spiritüel
hocalar birbirlerine destek olur, birlik olur, birbirlerini karalamaz.

Kendini hep geri planda tutan , gözlemci olarak olanları gözlemlemekle yetinen ismi
duyulmamış tüm dostlara sesleniyorum, zaman geldi , zaman ortaya çıkma , kendinizi
gösterme ve olma zamanı. Sizler ortaya çıktıkça , hakikat oldukça, hakikati konuştukça ve
paylaştıkça hoca ve öğretmen olarak görünen ün salmış bir çoğunun maskesi düşecektir ve

Televizyonlara hipnotize olmuşçasına saplanıp kalmayın ey sevgili dostlar, saatlerce düşük

frekanslı dizilere , dizi müziklerine, haberlere, programlara odaklanarak kendinizi aşağı
çekmeyin... Bir çok insan ümidini , umudunu yitirmiş vaziyette acı ile beslenerek geçiriyor
günlerini. Televizyon ve gazeteler de onların besin kaynağı oluyor. Size sunulan haberlerin
ötesinde bir çok olumlu değişim gerçekleşmekte... Görebilenler bu güzel değişimlerin
farkında, değişimler gökyüzünde, denizlerde, toprakta , rüzgarlarda , ülkelerde, enerjilerde ,
üst ve alt boyutlarda, hepimizde.... Gören gözlerle bakarsanız görebilirsiniz kolaylıkla....

Ümidini , umudunu yitirmiş tüm dostlara sesleniyorum ;

Görünmezliği artık bitiyor gerçeğin , geliyor sevinçle ve coşkuyla...

Bu an aydınlanma an’ı

Bu an hissetme an’ı

Bulanık sular durulacak

Boğulan ağaçlar nefes alacak

Her nefes aşk olacak

Her aşk destan yazacak

Güller göklere uzanacak rengarenk

Hiç uzanmadığı kadar göklere

Ve hiç görülmediği kadar yüce ve engin

Renk cümbüşü saracak çevreyi , hayat canlanacak

Her nefes alışında insan

Hissedecek hayatı

Ve herşeyin de kendisiyle nefes aldığının farkına varacak

Tarif edilemez bu güzellik

Sözlere dökülemez bu zerafet

Çok yakın bize

Hepimiz hissedecek ve görecek

Yakındır, vakit gelmiştir artık....

Kalbinize , ruhunuza sesleniyorum sevgili dostlar,

Bırakın artık spiritüel ego oyunlarını , ahkam kesmeleri , özünüze hizmet etmeyen tüm
oyalanışları ,

Gelin sevgiyle parıldayan güneşler olarak bir araya gelelim, bırakalım tüm ayrılıkları ,
yıkalım tüm karanlık duvarları... Güneş girsin evimizin, kalbimizin her köşesine , her

Zihinsel şartlanmışlıklarınıza takılı kalmayın. Her günü yeniden doğmuşçasına yaşayın. Her
an’ınızın sonsuz potansiyeller ve fırsatlar taşıdığını unutmayın, kendinizi değişimin
dalgasına bırakın, akın ve teslimiyet hali içerisinde olun, bir çok yeni karşılaşmaya , iletişime
ve tanışmaya açık olun....

Umarım bu içten ve yürekten çağrımıza kendiniz adına, insanlık adına ve dünyamız adına
kulak verirsiniz , bilgeliğin dudakları anlamayan kulaklara kapalı olsa da , duymayan kulaklar
da duyacak elbet, çok yakında bir gün....

Sevgi ve hakikat ile parıldayan tek bir meleki insan güneş , varolan tüm karanlığı aydınlığa
dönüştürme gücüne sahiptir , sadece hatırlayın kim olduğunuzu ve nelere muktedir

Dünya üzerinde kalan son karanlık nokta da aydınlığa dönene dek , burada ki görevimiz
devam edecek ve dünya da tek bir karanlık nokta dahi kalmayacak bilesiniz....

Sevgi ve ışıktan , her an sevgi ve ışıkla...

David Doğan Beyo

9000 Ufo Belgesi
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 5, 2011 at 9:59pm

9000 Ufo Belgesi

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 5, 2011 at 10:00pm



“...Yerkürenin kendi değişimleri “Harikulade”

değişimlerdir.Sizin şu anda “Korkulu Durumlar” saydığınız “Yanardağ Ptlamaları”,
“Depremler”,”Suların Yükselişi” gibi olayların meydana getirdiği şeyler sadece,
büyüyen (artan) ”Geçiş Enerjisi” ne yer açmak içindir.Bu demektir ki, “Yerküre”
hareket ediyor, kendisini hazırlıyor.Geçiş Zamanında pek çokları, (ki) sizin
hayal edebileceğinizden çok daha fazla
kimse olacak, işte bunun için şimdi o kadar çok kimse “Dünya” ya
n “Yok Olmak” üzere geldiklerini mi düşünüyorsunuz?Bu böyle
değildir.Bu konuda pek çok (olumsuz)“Propaganda” yapılmış, bir çok “Korku-Üretici
Yazı” yazılmış olmasına rağmen.

Size söylüyorum, siz o “Harikulade Güzelliği” hayal (bile)

edemezsiniz.Sözcükleriniz o “Vecit” dolu infilakı (indifayı) tarife yetmeyecek; bu Gezegen
üzerindeki her

bir “Atom” ve “Molekül” ün, (ve) bizzat (bu)
Gezegenin “İlahi bir Işık” la ışıldadığı zaman, hepinizin nasıl olacağınızı da hayal
edemezsiniz. Böyle olağanüstü bir “Güzellik” hayal edilemez.Daha pek çokları bu
“Deneyimi Yaşamak” üzere gelecekler. Ve bu “Geçiş” gerçekleştiğinde, “Varlıklar”
kafileler (filolar) halinde, en coşkulu “Övgü şarkıları” nı ve “İlahilerini” “Sevinç
ve Şukran” la söylemek üzere Gezegeninize gelecekler.

Ve o Varlıklar “Görünmeyenler” olacaklar, onlar “Başka

Dünyalar” dan gelen, görünümleri size benzemeyenler olacaklar, ama siz
herşeydeki “Tanrısallığı” algılayabileceksiniz.”Şekil” ve “Cesamet” önemli
olmayacak, siz herşeyde “Tanrı” yı göreceksiniz.Bu çok “Büyüleyici”
olacak.Böylece bu “Korkulu Durumlar” geldiğinde, sizi kurtarmaya gelecek bir
takım “Uzay Gemileri”, (ve) bir “Uzay Donanması” hayal etmek gerekmiyor.Sizin
kurtarılmaya ihtiyacınız yoktur, sevgili dostlar.

Sizler “Muazzam Gücü” olan Varlıklarsınız ve sizin burada

bulunuşunuzun nedeni, o “Güç” hakkında (bir) anlayışa varmanızdır ki Geçişi
sizin arzuladığınızca, “Sevgi”, “Sevinç” ve “Yaratıcı Coşku” içinde, ve büyük (bir)
“Onur” la ve “Bütünlük” le Yaratabilesiniz...”

Mesajları 1

Bölüm 11

Sevgili Süleyman'a teşekkürler

Sevgi ve ışıkla...

Uzay: Güneş
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 5, 2011 at 10:00pm

Uzay: Güneş

Kaybolan Gunes Lekeleri

Küresel Tekamül Devresinin İmkanları
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 5, 2011 at 10:30pm


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 5, 2011 at 10:31pm

“...Siz “Korku” hakkında, her hangi bir şeyden Korku

duymanız hakkında, büyük (bir) “Yargı” içindesiniz; Ve bunun farkındasınız,
çünki İnsanlık Korkudan saklanmakta çok “Usta” dır.Biz “Akılcı”, (ve) “Rasyonel”
olmaktan söz ediyoruz.Bu konuda daha önce konuşmuştuk; Toplum sizin Korkunuzu
desteklediği zaman, Korkmanızı “Normal” gördüğü zaman mesele yok.Şöyle
düşünürsünüz; “Pekala, mesele yok, onunla uğraşmak zorunda değilim.” Elbette bu
böyle değil. “Korku” sizin “Geçerli” ve “Tanrısal” bir parçanızdır ve onun “Kucaklanması”
gerekir.Onun “Geçerli” olduğunun anlaşılması gerekir sadece, aksi halde o “Var”
olmazdı.Onu Kucaklayıp “Işığınızın” içine almanız gerekir.

Ve, Varlığınızın Tanrı/Tanrıçasından daima, gerekli

durumları en yumuşak (bir) biçimde “Tezahür” ettirmenizi dileyin ki, böylece
onları kucaklayabilmeniz mümkün olsun.Çünki sevgili dostlar, “Değişim”
Yaratmanın tek yolu “Kucaklamak” tır.Siz Korkuyu kucakladığınız zaman, her
seferinde bir adım atarsınız, böylece git gide daha çok “Genişleme”
Yaratırsınız.Anlaşılıyor ki sınırlı “İnanç” yapıları dışına adım atmak, sonucun
ne olacağını bilemeden “Boşluğa atlamak”, size çoğu kez zor geliyor.Çünki
gerçekten “Güvenli bir Evren” de yaşadığınızı anlamıyorsunuz, Bolluk dolu,
Hayırlı, Coşkuyla Yaratıcı, büyük bir “Bütünlüğe sahip” bir Evrende.

Ve sizler, gerçekte, büyük (bir) “Sevinç”, (ve) büyük (bir) “Bütünlük”

halindesiniz.Bedeninizin her (bir) Hücresi “Yaratıcı” dır, “Güçlü” dür,
Benliğin büyük Bütünlüğündendir.Bunun gerçekten “Güvenli bir Evren” olduğunu ve
arzuladığınız şeyin yumuşak, kolay bir yoldan öğrenilsin diye, “Uyum” içinde gelebileceğini
kendinize hatırlatmak size düşüyor.Sizler her zaman güvendesiniz, sevgili
Varlıklar, her zaman.(Ve) Hiç birşey size “Zarar” veremez...”

Mesajları 1

Bölüm 9

Sevgili Süleyman'a teşekkürler...

Sevgi ve ışıkla...


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 5, 2011 at 10:33pm

“...”Kuzey ve Güney Kutbu”, sizin tarihinizde, “Boyutlar-arası

Geçiş Kapıları” olagelmiştir. Manyetik Kutup.Bu sadece tek bir “Nokta” değildir.O
daima, birbirleriyle teması sürdürmüş ve “Galaksiler-arası Yolculuk” lar yapmak
için bu Geçitleri kullanagelmiş olan “Yıldız Halkları” ile “İç Dünya Halkları”
için bir giriş kapısı gibidir.”Değişimler” sırasında, Gezegeninizin “Elektromanyetik
Enerjisi” nde “Yer” ve “Yön” değişmeleri oldukça, bu “Geçitler” de yer
değiştiriyor.Yani sadece Kutuplarınız için değil, fakat Gezegeninizdeki “Başka Bölgeler”
için de, Geçitlerin yerleri, Fiziksel anlamda yeniden belirleniyor. Ve, (Beşer)
İnsanlığın Bilinci genişledikçe, bu Geçitler de git gide daha çok genişliyor.

Sizin Tarihiniz boyunca, bu Geçitlerden, başka “Uzay” ve “Zaman Boyutları” na yolculuk

yapan İnsanlar olmuştur. Ve böylece olacak olan şudur; Fiziksel anlamda çok dar
olan bölge git gide genişleyecektir; bununla birlikte, bu “Giriş Kapıları” sadece“Fiziksel”
değildir.Denilebilir ki bu kapıların (giriş) “Anahtarları” sizin içinizde
yatmaktadır.Bir “Bermuda Üçgeni” vardı.O artık işlemiyor. Ancak, gelecek 20 yıl
içinde bu kapı git gide genişleyerek –değişimi belli edecek şekilde- Yerküreyi
çevreleyecek kadar büyüyecek.

Şunu da söyleyeceğiz ki şimdiki halde sizin Bilinciniz,
gerçekte, “Kapılar” gibi bir yer işgal etmiyor ve bir “Zaman” la sınırlı
değil.O, “Uzay ve Zaman” ötesidir, ve daha önce (de) söylemiş olduğumuz gibi,
sizin “Katı bir Kütle” olduğuna inandığınız Gezegeniniz, gerçekte aynı yeri –fakat
farklı zaman sürekliliklerinde- işgal eden “Bir Çok Yerküre” dir. Bilim-Kurgu
Edebiyatında anlatılan,(ve) bu Geçitler içinde “Zamanda Yolculuk” denilen şey,
gerçeğe son derece “Uygun” dur, çünki, sizin zaman olarak algıladığınızın
içinde yolculuk yapmak için, kendi “Bilinç Enerjiniz” le bu kapıları

Mesajları 1

Bölüm 10

Sevgili Süleyman'a teşekkürler

Sevgi ve ışıkla...

Global Solar Wave Celebration
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 6, 2011 at 1:00am

Count Down to 2012!

The Great Grand Mother of all Count Downs has begun!
Join together in an unstoppable SOLAR WAVE,
A Grand Universal Synchronization Celebration ...
A Spiritual Pandemic ... A Conscious Revolution ...
triggering Freedom and Liberation from all limitations to our personal and global mastery,
while anchoring
Peace... Love... Harmony... for all living things.
This is a long awaited Celebration of historical proportions.
The Ancient prophesies are manifesting now as we create a bright new age. Paradise is in our

DATE: the upcoming Equinox ~ March 20th, 2011.

Our group will be in Dendera /Abydos Egypt for this event. Dendera is built on top of a
powerful Old Kingdom Temple, and we felt that it would be the perfect place for our
participation in the Solar Wave. We would like to focus on the SEEDING of a New World
and the fertilizer for this new garden of Paradise will be LOVE!
Please come join us in spirit where ever you are!
The more the merrier = the faster Paridise manifests. More information here...

PS... Watch beautiful Solar Wave Videos! Solar Wave Celebration

*** New ***

Maya Calendars now posted
We would like to announce that the new Maya calendar in both popular counts are now posted
on our web site. You can print it out for FREE. Go to our web site and look under

Başmelek Mikail'den Mesaj Mart 2011
Michelle Coutant Kanallığı ile
 Posted by gunes kurtulan on March 6, 2011 at 10:14am

Başmelek Mikail'den Mesaj Mart 2011 Michelle Coutant Kanallığı ile

Kanatlarınızı Açın ve Süzülün Yükseklere

Artık, her birinizin kendi vaktinizi doğru kullanmayı seçme zamanınız geldi.
Üçüncü/dördüncü boyutlarda olan zamanınız o denli hızlı akmaya başladı ki, her bir anınızda,
size sunulan fırsatları en iyi nasıl değerlendirebileceğiniz konusunda hızlı seçimler yapmaya
başlamalısınız. Yükselişin bu muazzam fırsatından nasıl olanaklar çıkaracaksınız? İlahi
misyonunuzu yerine getirmek için armağanlarınız ve yeteklerinizin hangi birini su yüzüne
çıkaracaksınız? Artık, her şimdiki an içerisinde kendi realitenizi seçebilir, kız ve erkek

kardeşlerinizle hangi yetenek ve armağanları paylaşacağınıza karar verebilirsiniz. Her gün,
ilahi misyonunuzun ne kadarını yerine getireceğinize, bu yaşam boyunca ilahi misyonunuzun
ne kadarını tamamlayacağınızı seçebilirsiniz. Sizler seçimlere sahipsiniz. Biz sizden
kanatlarınızı açmanızı ve yükseklere süzülmenizi istiyoruz, sevgililer. Rahat bölgenizden bir
adım dışarı atmanızı, ve tüm mücadelenizde kendinize yardımcı olmanızı istiyoruz.
Hatırlayın, bizim size yardım edebilmemiz için, kutsal kalbinizdeki saflığın niyetlerini en
iyinin hayrı adına yaratmalısınız.
Sizden korkularınızın üstesinden gelmenizi istiyoruz, sevgililer. Korku, güçten düşürür, felç
eder, ve en iyinize hizmet etmez. Size daha önce de söz ettiğimiz gibi merkezinize gidin,
özellikle korkuyu serbest bırakmaya odaklanın. Algınızı genişleterek, kararmış bölgelere
bakın, onlar korkulardır. İlahi Benim Varlığınız adıyla Mor alevi çağırın, ve korkuyu
dönüştürün. Mor Işığı uyandırın ve tüm korkuyu Kaynağa kadar izlesin ve onu dönüştürsün.
Onunla kalın, Şimdi'deki tüm korkuları temizleyinceye kadar onunla kalın. Ardından
kendinizi Tanrı'nın Işığı ile doldurun, uygun miktarda, kolaylığın ve kutsamanın ilk yedi
ışınının yüksek vecheleri ile doldurun, sonra, ışını sekizden onikiye doğru çıkarın. Bunu her
gün yapın Sevgililer, dönüştüğünüzü göreceksiniz, kolaylık ve kutsama ile ileriye atılım
yapacaksınız, kolaylık ve kutsamayı istediğinizde, çabasızca, rahat bölgenizden atacaksınız
dışarıya adımınızı. Arzuladıklarınızın oluşmuş olduklarını imgeleyin, arzularınızı sevgi ve
neşeyle, büyük bir istek ve muazzam bir başarı ile yerine getirmiş olduğunuzu imgeleyin.
Kalplarini koşulsuz sevgi ve neşeyle dolduranların kalbinde korkuya yer yoktur. Mükemmel
sevgi, korkuyu defeder, derler. Öyleyse; sevgililer, düşünce formunuza tutunun, bu
düşüncenin, kutsal kalplerinizde sevgi ve neşeyi yaratırken size yardımcı olmasına izin verin.
Bir çoklarınız yorgun, bir çoklarınız sabırsız, bir çoklarınızın cesareti kırılmış, ama biz sizden
uzaklara açılmanızı istiyoruz. Derinleri kazmanızı istiyoruz, ve emsali görülmemiş kozmik bir
an içinde yaşadığınızı bilmenizi istiyoruz. Hala illüzyon var, hala onun içindesiniz ve hala bu
parametreler üzerinden çalışmak zorundasınız. Koşulsuz sevgiyi arayın, neşeyi arayın, huzuru
arayın, uyumu arayın, bereketi arayın. İmgeleyin. İmgeleyin ve arzu ettiğinizi yarattığınızı
imgeleyin, sizin ve bütünün iyiliği olan gerçek arzunuzla ilgili duraksamayın. Realiteniz
dönüşecektir, ve dünyada cenneti yaşıyor olduğunuzu göreceksiniz. Bu mümkündür sevgililer,
ve sizler bu yüzden buradasınız. Sizler Dünyada cenneti yaratmak üzere buradasınız, önce
kendinizde, sonra da kız ve erkek kardeşlerinize yardım ederek tüm yaşam formlarında
cenneti yaratmak için… Sizler Dünya Ana’ya yükseliş sürecinde, onunla birlikte yükselmeyi
seçerek, yardım etmek üzere geldiniz.
Hatırlayın, sizler Işık olmanın en güçlü hallerisiniz. Daha ortaya çıkarmadığınız erdemleriniz,
nitelikleriniz var, şu an’da size daha görünmemiş erdemleriniz ve nitelikleriniz var.
Sessizce oturun ve derin nefesler alın ve Ben’im farkındalığınızı genişletin, bu ışık beden
sizsiniz. Işığa doğru gidin ve ışığın tüm alanlarınızı kapladığını duyumsayın. Kendi’nizin
genişlediğini görün, evinizin büyüklüğü kadar genişletin kendinizi. Pırıl pırıl parladığınızı
görün, mahalleniz büyüklüğünde genişleyin. Işığınızı parlatın sevgililer, Kendinizi Tanrı’nın
Işığı ve Oniki ışın ile doldurun. Kozmik ışınlara sürün kendinizi, güneş ışınlarına, galaktik,
evrensel, çoklu-evrensel ve kozmik ışınlara. Teker teker çağırın onları. Kolaylık ve
kutsamayla, grup olarak da çağırabilirsiniz onları. Kendi gücünüzü görün ve hissedin. Kendi
varlığınızı, muhteşem İlahi Tanrı oluş’unuzu, güçlü düşünceleriyle tüm yaşam formları ve
Dünya Ana’ya etki eden; sınırsız, geniş ve parlak ışığın fenerleri, hissedin.
Bu düşüncelere sahip çıkın sevgililer, sizin ve bütünün en yüksek iyiliği için. Siz olan Işığa
sahip çıkın. Tanrı’nın; siz olan bereket ve kutsamasını kabul edin. Güzelim Siz olan Tanrı
kimliğinde eğlenmeye başlayın. Ve şimdi sevgililer, özünüzü genişletin, muazzam ışık olarak,
Dünya Anayı sarmalamak için kendinizi Tanrı’nın koşulsuz sevgi ışığı ile doldurun ve
genişleyin, genişleyin, genişleyin; bu sevgi ile gezegeni kaplamak, Dünya Ana’yı doldurmak
için genişleyin. Bu sizsiniz sevgililer. Bu bilgi içinde olun ve derin nefesler alın. Işığınızı

Kozmos’daki, solar, galaktik, evrensel, çoklu-evrensel düzeylerde genişletmek çabasız bir
olaydır. Şimdi yapmaya başlayın sevgililer, ve o olduğunuzu bilin. Sizler yaratılışsınız ve
kendi farkındalığınız ve özünüzü genişleterek, tüm yaratılışı doldurabilirsiniz.
Büyük ve görkemli İlahi varlıkların realitelerinde korkuya yer yoktur. Bu sizin için bir
illüzyondur değerliler, aşabilmeniz için. Tam şu anda geride bırakıyor olduğunuz realitenin bir
illüzyonudur, tam şu anda bu illüzyonu geride bırakabilirsiniz değerliler. Tam şu anda,
düşüncelerinizi, kendi ve bütünün en yüksek iyiliği için yönlendirme seçimine sahipsiniz.
Şimdide kalmaya bakın, size hizmet etmeyeni geride bırakın. Düşündüğünüzden çok ama çok
daha güçlüsünüz.
Bizi çağırın, değerliler. İlk adımı atmanız gerektiğini söyledik size, sonra alacağız sizi, birlikte
süzüleceğiz yükseklere. İşte böyle sevgililer. Kendi olduğunuz muazzamlığa adım atın,
koşulsuz sevgiye adım atın, neşe, barış ve uyum ile adamantine parçacıklarına adım atın, ve
ilahi misyonunuzu tamamlayın. Büyük İlahi varlık olun, Kozmos’un feneri olun. Bizler bu
muazzam çalışmada, size yardımcı olmak için buradayız.
Ben Başmelek Mikail’im, ve size bu gerçeği getiriyorum.


Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan

Quado’nun Bahçesi: Ne kadar Parlak, Ne

Kadar Görkemlisiniz
 Posted by gunes kurtulan on March 6, 2011 at 11:03am

Quado’nun Bahçesi: Ne kadar Parlak, Ne Kadar Görkemlisiniz

Ne kadar parlak,
ne kadar görkemlisiniz…

Bugün, bırakın sıkılganlığı, utangaçlığı falan…

Bugün; kendinizin içinde olun ve kendinizi ifade edin açıkça, neşeyle, övünç içinde, cesaret,
kuvvet ve sevgi içinde…

Hayranlık beslediğiniz insanları

düşünün. Onlar, sıkılgan, kuşku içinde, diğerlerinin onları kabul ettiği şüphesi içinde mi?
Yoksa, içsel bilgeliklerine ulaşmış, içsel ateşlerine; gerçek kalplerinden gelen inandıklarını
dile getirebilecek cesarette mi?

İçsel öz’ünüzle birlik olduğunuzda, yüksek benliğinizin sizi doldurmasına ve huzur
merkezinize yerleşmesine izin verdiğinizde; artık sözcükler kaybolur, belagat (güzel söz
söyleme sanatı ç.n.) girer devreye ; bilirsiniz, gerçek, kendini ifade edecek yolu bulur
kendine; şefkat ve sevgi içinde…

Diğerleri ne düşünecek diye düşünmeyin. Kendinizi sevin. Kendinizi onaylayın.

Siz ifade edilmeye değersiniz. Siz parlamaya değersiniz. Görkemli olmaya değersiniz.
Siz; siz olduğunuz için buradasınız
Ve bu çok iyidir…

Barış içinde yaşayalım, ağlamadan. Neşemiz, durmadan dokunduğumuz yaşamları çevrelesin.

Ve melek kanatları şefkatle çarparken, sevgimiz dünyayı sarsın.

The Universal Heart Center

Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan

DailyOM: Engelleyici Aile Bağlarını

 Posted by gunes kurtulan on March 6, 2011 at 12:51pm

DailyOM: Engelleyici Aile Bağlarını Koparmak

Engelleyici Aile Bağlarını Koparmak

Ailesel Korkular

Bazen bazı korkularımız bizden kaynaklı değil; ebeveynlerimizin bize devrettiği korkular
olarak dururlar yaşamlarımızda

Bazen, ciddi anlamda korkularımızı tetkik ettiğimizde, bazı korkularımızın bizim

deneyimlerimize bağlı olmadıklarını görürüz. Korkularımızı kaynağa kadar izlediğimizde,
onların ailelerimizden biza miras kaldığını anlarız. Örneğin, anne ya da babanız, kendi yaşam
deneyimlerinde, parasız kalmaya karşı şiddetli bir korku besliyordur. Eğer siz bu resmin içine
girinceye kadar, bu korku çözülmemişse, siz bu mirası almışsınız demektir. Aynı zamanda, siz
gerçek anlamda parasız kalmayı deneyimlememişseniz, bu konuda korku yaşamak
anlamsızdır ve hatta sonuç olarak size; yapmak istediklerinize izin vermeyecek blokajlar
olarak döner.

Unutmayalım ki, ebeveynleriniz sadece sizi korumak isteğindeler, ve yargılarındaki en hatalı
durumlar gerçekten de iyi niyetlerini kapsar, bu korkuyu sembolik anlamda serbest
bırakmanın zamanıdır artık. Siz başka birisinin korkusunu çözemezsiniz, ama sizi etkileyen
bölümünü serbest bırakabilirsiniz. Anne ve babanız hayatta olsun ya da olmasın, en iyi yol
bunu imgeleminizi kullanarak, sembolik bir yolla; ya da arzu ederseniz bir ritüel ile
çözmektir. Basit bir imgelem ile, anne ve babanızla karşılıklı oturun ve bu korkudan
özgürleşme arzusunu paylaşın birlikte. Onlara artık bu korkuyu taşımak istemediğinizi
belirtin. Alacağınız karşılık konusunda şaşkınlığa uğrayabilirsiniz, sizinle gurur duyacak,
müteşekkir olacaklar, cesaretinizden dolayı övünecekler sizinle.

Korkularımızla ilgili bu derin çalışmayı yaptıkça, biz de çocuklarımıza, onlara ait olmayan
korkulara bürünmemeleri konusunda yardımcı olabileceğiz. Bazılarımız anne-baba olmadan
önce bu çalışmayı yapmaya başlayacak, bazıları ise çocukları birer yetişkin olduğunda bile
devam edecekler bu çalışmaya. Ne olursa olsun değişikliği hissedeceksiniz, çünkü eğer bir
kez geçmişe ait korkularla bağımızı kesersek, kendi çocuklarımızın da bu korkularla olan
bağları büyük ölçüde gevşer, öyleyse hatırlayalım ki; hiç bir zaman, hiçbir şey için geç

Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 6, 2011 at 11:40pm


GOD IS NOT KNOWN TO US, God is absolutely unknown. When we utter the word "god" it
is hollow, empty -- because we have not experienced anything of God. But the word "love" is
full of meaning, it is warm.

THERE IS SOMETHING IN LOVE which has been experienced by everybody.

It may not be in its purest form, it may be much adulterated -- but water is water even though
the divine remains always present in it. Howsoever dark the night is, a ray of light is still light
and not darkness. So it is the case with love.

LOVE MORE and you will be coming closer and closer to the understanding of Christ-
consciousness. By being a Christian nothing is achieved, one simply follows a dead dogma.
But by being a lover, something certainly opens up; your heart starts growing. And when the
heart blooms in its absolute glory, you are Christ.


not to make Buddhists but Buddhas.

Scriptures in Silence and Sermons in Stones
Ch #1, a darshan diary
pm in Chuang Tzu Auditorium

The 11 Advantages of Infinite Friendliness
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 7, 2011 at 2:00am

The 11 Advantages of Infinite Friendliness:

When one cultivates regular meditation on Infinite Friendliness (Mettā),

then these 11 advantages are produced, can be expected and observed:

1: One sleeps in comfort.

2: One wakes in comfort.
3: One dreams no evil dreams.
4: One is dear to human beings.
5: One is dear to non-human beings.
6: Deities guard and protect one.
7: Fire, poison and weapons cannot affect one.
8: One's mind is easily concentrated.
9: The expression of one's face is serene.
10: One dies unconfused and without panic.
11: If one penetrates no higher, then one is reborn in the Brahma-world.
These 11 advantages emerge & remain insofar as goodwill is maintained!
Vism I 312-314, AN V 342

Quado’nun Bahçesi: İçsel Gerçeğinizin

Peşinden Gidin
 Posted by gunes kurtulan on March 7, 2011 at 11:30am

İçsel Gerçeğinizin Peşinden Gidin.

Gergin ve endişeli olduğunuzda, endişenizin sebebinin, içsel gerçeğinizi cesur bir eylemle
izlemek korkusu olup olmadığını görmeniz önemlidir.

Yanınızda bir kalem ve kağıtla sessizce oturun.Gelecekle ilgili endişeleri; geçmişle ilgili
pişmanlıkları bırakın bir kenara. Herşey olduğu gibi şimdi, ve sizin hedefiniz; doğru bir
eylemle gerginliğinizi yatıştırmak.

İçinizde huzur dolu bir nokta bulun şimdi ve sorun, “Bu duruma nasıl ulaşacağım?” İlk gelen
yanıtı kağıda yazın; zihniniz ikinci bir şansı kullanmadan, düzeltmeden önce yakalayın yanıtı.

Yanıt, sabırlı olmanız ve beklemeniz ile ilgiliyse, iyi, o zaman, sakin, huzurlu ve korkusuzca
öyle yapın. Eğer yanıt; durumla direkt olarak yüzleşmekle ilgiliyse, o zaman derin bir nefes
alın, kendinizi cesaretle doldurun ve sakin, net ve direkt olarak gerçeğinizi konuşmak üzere
hazırlanın. Eğer yanıt diğerleriyle yüz yüze görüşmek ise, farklılıklarınız üzerine sessizce
çalışarak dinleyin ve öğrenin, sonra da karşılaşın diğerleriyle.

Şüphe ve korku, sizin olaylara sinirli bir şekilde yaklaşmanızı tercih eder. İstediği, sizin,
endişe ve şikayet içinde olmanızdır. Şüphe ve korkudan kaçmanın alışılmış yollarından biri;
hiçbir yapıcı adıma başvurmaksızın; fazlasıyla yemek ve içmek gibi eski kalıplara geri
dönmektir. Korku; dedikoduyu, öfkeyi ve manipülasyonu sever.

Ama siz bundan çok fazlasınız. Sizi her adımınızda yönlendirecek; güçlü, yetenekli, gerçek ve
doğruluk ile dolusunuz. Onlara ulaşın ve ne yapmanız gerektiğini bulun, gerginlik ve endişeyi
dağıtmak için hangi doğru eyleme girişeceğinizi bulun. Derin bir nefes alın ve başlayın.

Barış içinde yaşayalım, ağlamadan. Neşemiz, durmadan dokunduğumuz yaşamları çevrelesin.

Ve melek kanatları şefkatle çarparken, sevgimiz dünyayı sarsın.

The Universal Heart Center

Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan

Astral Seyahat(Beden dışı Seyahat)
 Posted by ♥ AyhaN AslaN ♥ on March 7, 2011 at 7:00pm

Öncelikle astral seyahat nedir onu açıklayalım. Astral seyahat bilinçli olarak beden dışına
projekte olmak ve o boyutta hiçbir fiziksel sınırlamanız olmadan gezebilmeniz demektir.

Astral Seyahat Meditasyonu

Rahat oturuyorum
ve Bilincimin farkına varıyorum
Zihnimin içinde
Düşünceme odaklanıyorum
Işık bedenime…
ve Benim ışıktan bir bedenim olduğunu hayal ediyorum
ve Işıktan bedenimi hissediyorum
Etrafımda ışık halkası varmış gibi
ve Bu ışığı hissediyorum
Fiziksel bedenim kadar gerçek
ve Şimdi bir deneyim hayal ediyorum
Fiziksel bedenimden bir adım dışarıya çıkmış hissediyorum
ve Kendimi, bu ışıktan beden olarak hissediyorum
Tamamen fiziksel bedenimden ayrıldım
Bu ışıktan beden özgür
Tüm fiziksek kısıtlamalardan
ve Işıktan bedenimi hissediyorum
Fiziksel bedenimden yukarı doğru çıkıyor
Gökyüzüne doğru…
ve Kendimi yükseklerde hissediyorum
Işıktan bir beden olarak
Ellerimi ve ayaklarımı hissediyorum
ama Hafifler
ve Aynı şeyi hissediyorum
ama Işık ve barış dolu olarak
ve Bu ışık formunda bütün sınırlamalardan kurtuldum
ve Kendimi daha yüksek hissediyorum
ve Şimdi kendimi altın beyaz bir ışık bölgeye girerken hissediyorum
Huzuru hissediyorum
ve Kendimi daha yüksek hissediyorum
ve Bu ışığı dünyaya yaydığımı hissediyorum
Ve Şimdi ben bir ışık bedenim ve bir kuş kadar özgür uçabildiğimi hissediyorum
ve Yukarıya uçtuğumu hissediyorum
Dünyaya ışık yaymaya

Bir uçak gibi
Enerjisi barışçıl
Ben barışım,
Ben ışığım
Ben sakinim
ve Rahatım
Işıktan beden olarak
Saniyeler içinde gezinebilirim
İstediğim yere
Herkese iyi niyet ve barış yayıyorum
Bu ışık formunda
Tanıdığım herkesi ziyaret ediyorum
ve Bağışlama ışığını veriyorum
ve Kendimi özgür hissediyorum
Işıktan beden olarak,
Fiziksel bedenime geri dönüyorum
ve Gezimden zevk aldım
Biliyorum fiziksel bedenimden özgür olabileceğimi
ve Astral boyuta uçabileceğimi
Her zaman güçlü bir zihnim var
Rahatım ve içimden ışık yayıyorum,

Yazının orjinali


Indigo Devrimleri
 Posted by gunes kurtulan on March 7, 2011 at 10:05pm


MART 2011

2 Mart: Indigo Devrimleri … ve kadim bilgeliklerin kolektif bilince entegrasyonu… Şubat

kısa bir aydı, sadece 28 günlük, fakat bu sefer etrafımızda aktive olan yoğun enerjilerle her
zamankinden daha çabuk geçti. Orta Doğu ve Kuzey Afrika’daki ülkelerde dikkatimizi çeken
enerji birbiri ardı sıra değişim ve demokratik yönetim talep eden insanların sesleriydi.

Aynı zamanda, elektromanyetik fırtına ve çalkantı etkisiyle büyük ve yoğun güneş

fırtınalarının da olduğu bir dönemdeyiz. Bu ışık bedenimizi aktive etmekte ve aramızdaki
hassas insanlar tarafından fiziksel olarak da algılanmaktadır. Kesinlikle büyük bir değişimin
ve sabit olmayan bir sürece girdik; işte bu bizim tam da üstüne gitmemiz gereken,
gezegenimizde beklemekte olduğumuz evrimi ve değişim zamanıdır.

Geçen sene Basmelek Michael Yeni Dünya'nın Yaratımı ve Liderliğinde İndigo çocukların
büyük rolü olacağını söylemişti. Indigolar öncül “Ruhani Savaşçılar'dır” ve bir ruh grubu
olarak onların asıl amacı otorite, kontrol ve sınırlandırmaya dair eski örüntüleri kırmaktır.

Orta Doğu ve Kuzey Afrika’daki devrimlerin 18- 30 yaş aralığındaki insanlar tarafından
yapılmış olması tesadüf değildir. Bunlar ikinci dalga İndigolardır, yani “Güçlenme”
getirenlerdir. Şimdi kendileri ve halkları için “Güç” getirme rollerini aktive ettiler.

İndigolar, kişisel güçlenmenin grupça güçlenme ile beraber gittiğini bilecek şekilde
kodlanmışlardır. Şimdi ayağa kalkmaktalar ve dünyanın onların ne için doğduğunu
görmelerinin zamanı geldi. Bu değişim su an burada olmaktadır. Ben uzun süredir Orta
Doğu’nun küresel barış için anahtar olduğuna inanmaktayım. Geçmişte ve bugün çok fazla
çatışma ve manipulasyonun odaklandığı bir bölge. Eskiden büyük yıldız kapılarının olduğu
bir bölge; Irak’taki Sümer kapısı, İran’ daki Asur/Pers kapısı, Mısır’daki Sirius kapısı… Şu an
sadece büyük değişimin İran’a da gelmesi kaldı. Böylece güç dengesi tamamen bu bölgeye
kayacak ve insanların sesleri yükseldikçe, yıldız kapılarının üzerindeki sözde “dinin”
holografik gücüyle süregelmekte olan olumsuz etkiler kırılacak.

Iran’ın nüfusunun da %70 i 30 yaş altında olduğunu göz önüne alırsak İndigo enerjisinin
buraya ulaşması ve gerekli değişimlerin yapılması için çok beklemeyeceğiz gibi görünüyor.
Güneş de çok aktif ve bu manyetik fırtınalarla birlikte Evrim ve Değişim enerjisini
güçlendirmektedir. Önümüzdeki 18 ay boyunca bu derin kayma ve değişme sürecinde ne
olacak tam olarak bilemiyoruz, Orta Doğu da da ne olacağını bilemiyoruz. Devrimler ve

değişimler İndigo enerjisi ile olmakta ve herhangi bir köktendinci hareketin devrim sonrası
etkisi olmayacak gibi durmaktadır. Bu gerçekten insanların seslerini duyurabildikleri bir
Solar Cycle 24 (Güneş Çemberi 24) deki yoğun Güneş enerjisi doğal afet diye
nitelendirebileceğimiz “aşırı” hava koşullarına da yol açmaktadır. Bunun için geçmişte
uyarılmıştık. Yine de sakın korkuya düşmeyin. Büyük şehirlerin yerle bir olacağı, insanların
yiyecek stoklayacağı, ellerindekini satarak daha güvenli yerlere gidecekleri yönünde dehşetli
kehanetler de duydum.

Yükseliş adını verdiğimiz bu ruhani değişim programının bütün amacı dünyada “değişim”i
kolayca ve zerafetle karşılamaya yetecek kadar uyanmış ve aydınlanmış ruhun olmasıdır.
Bunu okuyorsanız muhtemelen siz de bu ruhlardan birisiniz ve bütün bu değişim fırtınaları
içersinde sizin amacınızın Sakinlik ve Barış merkezi olup, korku ve kaygıya hizmet

Hatırlayın, eski üç boyutlu zaman yıkıldıkça, her şey çok hızlı hareket ediyormuş gibi gelecek
ve insanlar iyice gerilecekler. İnsanlara daha Yüksek Boyutlardaki zaman akışına geçmeleri
için yardım etmek bizim görevimiz. Böylece onlar huzur ve sükunetle, hayatlarını eğlence ve
ferahlık sunacak şekilde şekillendirecekler.

Bilinçteki bu büyük değişime hazırlandıkça, biz, kolektif olarak, kadim bilgeliklere de entegre
olmaktayız. Dini dogmalar kolektif ruh üzerindeki etkisini kaybettikçe Dünya ile birlikte
sürdürülebilir biçimde yaşamamızın anahtarı olan kadim bilgelikler ile tekrar bağlantıya
geçiyoruz. Bu halihazırda olmakta, çoğu insan ruhaniliğin ve Dünya ve üzerindeki varlıklarla
dostça yaşamanın yollarını aramaktalar. Dünyadaki “yerli” insanlar bu bilgeliğin ve bilgilerin
koruyucularıdır. Önümüzdeki 18 ay boyunca bu bilgeliğin uyandırılışına ve kolektif bilince
entegre oluşuna tanık olacağız. Bu görevi yerine getirecek olanlar anahtarı ellerinde
bulunduran ya da altın anahtarı koruyanlar olarak da bilinirler.

Onların şimdiki görevi kim olduklarını hatırlamak ve ellerinde tuttukları o anahtarlarla kutsal
mekanları yeniden aktive etmek ve atalarının bilgeliğiyle tekrar buluşturmaktır. Bu birleşme
önemli, en az verdiğimiz şifalar kadar önemli. Dünya ilerlemek için kendi benliğini tümüyle
olaya katmak istiyor, aynı bizim kendi kişisel süreçlerimizde yaptığımız gibi. Nasıl ki bizler
birey olarak affetme sanatı, salıverme, koşulsuz sevgi ve özür konularında kendimizle uğraş
veriyorsak şimdi yine bu duygularla bir yolculuğa daha çıkıp yerlilerin kayıp bilgeliklerini
kolektif ışık varlığımıza yeniden katmalıyız.

Zamanın akışı içersindeki serüvenimizde hala yapacağımız ve deneyimleşeceğimiz çok şey

var. Işığın en mükemmel macerası ve bizler hayata karşı güvenli ve olumlu olduğumuzda
keyif alabiliriz. Biliniz ki bizler bu zamanda burada olmayı kendimiz tercih ettik. Bu şu an
olmakta, her birimiz onun ışığı ve sevgisine katkıda bulunuyoruz. Hepimiz tutku ve amaca
sahibiz, hepimiz bilgeliğe deneyim ve bilgiye sahibiz.

Ve, bizler ışığın kozmik dalgalarında sörf yapmaya devam edeceğiz, derin neşe ve sihirli
mutluluk da ödülümüz olacak. Kozmik dalgalar pırlanta ışığın akışıdır, yeni gerçekliğimize
doğru giderken bizim yeniden bağlanıp tekrar dost olacağımız kozmik kalpten süzülen
mutluluk ırmaklarıdır.

Ekleyen: Recep Tamer Çifter

Body Talk: What Message Are You Sending

to the Universe?
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 7, 2011 at 10:54pm

Body Talk: What Message Are You Sending to the Universe?

Posted by Ken Lauher on Mon, Mar 07, 2011

Chi (energy) flows through our body just as it flows through our living space. If we are
feeling down, overwhelmed or stressed, our energy will emanate those emotions and our
physiology -- the way we stand, act and carry ourselves, including the gestures we make --
will reflect that energy and emotions, too.

When we send out that type of negative chi to the Universe, we will attract more negative
energy back to ourselves. This leads to feeling pretty bad, feeling stuck in our lives, unhappy,
and unable to tap into our best self to live in the present moment.
But there's good news.

Our physiology doesn't have to mimic or reflect our feelings. If we focus with mindful
intention, we can actually change our outward physiology -- the message we are sending to
other people and the Universe as a whole -- regardless of how we feel inside.

Even better news ...

When we make the conscious effort to change our physiology to a more positive stature, we
will begin to feel better. We begin to attract more positive chi to ourselves.

Attracting Positive People

Let's think about this concept in terms of people. If you walk into a room -- a party, a
networking event, or even work -- slumped down, with a frown on your face, and your arms
crossed, will anyone want to approach you? If anyone does, it's probably someone who feels
as down as you do. The two of you may spend time talking about everything that's wrong,
making both of you feel even worse.

On the other hand, if you enter a room with a smile on your face, a spring in your step, and an
open stance that appears to welcome people, everyone is going to want to greet you. And they
will all be smiling, too. The positive energy will be nearly tangible in the room. In fact, others
who aren't as cheerful may even find the festive atmosphere rubbing off on them. You can
truly bring a room to life with a smile.

How to Change Your Physiology to Be Happy

If you're feeling down, do this:

- Hold your chin high

- Smile
- Raise your shoulders and take a deep breath, permitting the oxygen and positive chi to flow
into your body and reach every cell
- If you're walking, quicken your pace
- Do not keep your body hunched down or your shoulders crossed
- Pay attention to how it feels to stand up straight and smile

Don't you feel a little better already?

Soul Transitions March 2011 Vibe Report
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 7, 2011 at 10:58pm

Soul Transitions March 2011 Vibe Report

Posted: 06 Mar 2011 09:29 AM PST



So… what happened to February? It turned out to be a month of retreat from doing. I was
traveling through tunnels where the reception was fuzzy. Tunnel travel is when we go deep
into pathways long unvisited in the terrain of the inner world. We bring the light of our
consciousness there, leaving a luminous trail. In the tunnels we feel disconnected, cut off from
Source and our inner guidance. This is a solitary part of our journey. Trust and patience helps
us to navigate these realms. Trust in ourselves as we feel disconnected to our guidance. No
one is holding our hands; we have to go it alone. It strengthens our resolve, strengthens our
belief in ourselves and our journey. When we tune into trust we strengthen our connection to
Divine Source, the life force energy that flows through us directly from the Source of all
Creation. Therefore, we are the Creators and we are rising into this responsibility.

During the last weeks of February I was called to let go of much of what I wanted to do. I
have difficulty with that – being constantly driven by feelings that I’m not doing enough. So
to help me let go, I got caught by a cold that knocked me out for two weeks. At the same time,
changes in consciousness were beginning to manifest in the outer world and a tremendous
amount of information was flooding through me. I barely had enough time to integrate it
before the next turn carried me forward on swift currents of energy. There were not enough
hours in the day to integrate it all and to write and take care of other aspects of physical life.
Writing this now I hear a voice within saying, “Get used to it.”

Physical Manifestations
As we enter into March, many of us are feeling a buzz of anxiety shaking us up from within.
We are at the edge of big change as we move up the spiral, awaiting take-off into further
awakening on a global scale. The accelerated energies are building and you may be feeling
this as a quaking inside – often when we lay down to sleep it feels like a mini earthquake
shimmering inside of us – tremors of energy that are causing us to expand. This may be
followed by a feeling of coldness deep within – an inner coldness making us tremble and
stiffen at the same time. This is because our energy has opened and we haven’t yet filled with
the high, more refined light frequencies. It’s helpful to vision yourself gently filling with light
when you feel the cold, and know that all is well. You may also feel a fluttering at the heart
chakra. All this is part of the opening. The buzz of anxiety that some are feeling is heralding
the coming changes as the familiar falls away. We are also feeling the reflections of the
current changes that are happening in the world. We’ve witnessed much upheaval through

uprisings and the massive earthquake in New Zealand. So quaking is happening inside and out
in many different forms – as above, so below.

Conscious Intentional Prayer

During this time of retreat I did a lot of meditation. It all began with Egypt. I was sending the
energy of love to those in conflict – sending peace and praying for them to maintain their
peaceful demonstration whilst demanding their freedom. I found myself tuning in to the
Divine Masculine energy and calling for healing of this energy stream. We need each other’s
loving energy – men and women – and we need to balance these energy streams that flow
within each of us. As I sent love to those protesting I called for the spirits of Mahatma
Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and John Lennon to assist the protestors to maintain a peaceful
commitment to stand up for the rights of freedom. And then I began to tune into those who
chose the position to maintain the status quo with guns and force. I could see the Love Force
Energy flowing up from the Earth and rising up around the people of the military and police
forces. I called upon Mother Theresa, Mary Magdalene and the Divine Feminine energy to
assist in reaching the hearts of these men and women – for them to remember who they truly
are. The Vastness of Being have more to say about this in their transmission.

Radiant Light Beam

We are feeling the beginning of a surge of energy that is coming forth at this time. I see the
Earth passing through a beam of light in the next few weeks, ushering in a great awakening. I
see veils being peeled away from the eyes of human beings. This radiant beam of light was
written about in the Vibe Report for January.

There has been a feeling of anxiety which I believe to be part of this increasing energy.
Feeling emotional with sudden, brief moments of crying, and feeling ungrounded,
disconnected, as if everything is different. Some of us are experiencing inner change and so
we feel disoriented and strange. Others are going through massive shifts in energy and
consciousness as relationships end – intimate relationships, friendships, jobs, and homes. So
many people of Earth are experiencing a clearing out of their lives and we are all feeling this
shifting and change, because we are all connected through the web of light – the inner net –
the consciousness that flows through us all.

Let’s Get Physical

Yesterday I awoke feeling extreme anxiety. As if I am losing my home and my livelihood.
Granted, I live on the edge, but I’m not losing my home or my livelihood, and yet the anxiety
was palpable. I brought my focus to my heart over and over again, breathing into my heart,
creating the circle of stillness around me. I tried sending the energy of peace out on the lines
of light that connect us all – sending peace and love to all those in turmoil – to those who are
or have lost their homes, jobs and relationships. I have to say that it was very difficult to shift.
I knew I was feeling what many are feeling in the continuum, and I was caught up in those
feelings, too. Our minds can find all kinds of reasons to be afraid, so I kept bringing my
attention back into my heart. It took getting busy with some outer task to help shift the energy.
So, sometimes the inner work isn’t enough. This is when I, who focus very much on the
spiritual, need to remember that I’m physical as well and grounding is very important.
Physical tasks, like cooking, cleaning house and exercising are very grounding. The more we
move into the changes, the more important staying grounded is.

We are feeling each other’s feelings, whether we are aware of it or not. For we exist in a sea

of consciousness. Humanity is a group consciousness and we are opening to this awareness.
Our technology, the Internet, is a reflection of what we really are capable within…organically.
As we expand further we may come into the realization that we are also sharing group
consciousness with members of the Star Nations. The ones who are not of this Earth. Indeed,
many of us are not of the Earth, either – at the level of our Souls.

It’s important for us all to find the stillness within and expand it outward to a circle of calm
around us. And to gather together to focus our intentions towards connecting with each other
through what I call the Inner Net. There is strength in numbers – the whole is greater than the
sum of its parts.

And now a message from The Vastness of Being

Much is changing and shifting in the energy upon the Earth. You are feeling it swirling around
you and it may feel that there is nothing you can grasp onto. We say let it go. When you find
the stillpoint within you create an opening around you so that you are sitting within the eye of
the storm. Find this place of stillness. It is from there that you can create clearly. It is in this
circle of stillness that you access joy, indeed, and wonder and this is where you connect to the
adventure of your life. Feel the smile playing about your lips as you tune into this truth and
feel yourself in the circle of light. This circle opens up pathways of energy and brings refined
frequencies into your being. As you tune into these highly refined frequencies, you receive a
clearing of worry and anxiety.

Inner Connections
When you are in this energetic space you are able to telepathically communicate through the
pathways of connection that is the web of human consciousness which connects all humanity.
This is the Oneness that many speak of. The inner work you do – the prayer and intentions
that you send out through the lines of light is vital and much needed in the world. You may
feel like it is having no effect, but we tell you it is real and your energy does go to where it is
most needed. You are the creators of this world and you are stepping into that responsibility.

Send the energy of love to the hot spots of the world – to the places where people are standing
up for their freedom, calling for the end of oppression. These uprisings are just beginning and
such uprisings will be gaining in momentum in the times to come. We say to all who read
these words, continue to send love to all who are engaged in conflict and who are in exodus
and turmoil. The work you do in prayer, in the inner planes is very powerful, especially as
more and more of you are engaged in connecting within. Send the vibration of love to all who
are in turmoil, worry and fear on the earth – whether they are in the hot spots of conflict, or
whether they are experiencing shifts in their personal lives. When you send the energy of love
out to those who are experiencing turmoil, the energy gathers strength and goes to where it is
most needed. As you do this, you are opening pathways, conduits for the energy to flow
through. There is strength in numbers, so as more of you do this, you are connecting with one
another in the inner planes and the energy of your intention grows in strength.

Regarding the uprisings, it is important for those involved in demanding their freedom to
maintain peaceful demonstrations. You can send energetic support to these people to feel the
love flow through them. Call upon those who have gone before as teachers. Invoke the
presence of the way-showers to assist in helping the ones who are demanding change to
maintain peaceful measures. And then, focus on those of the military and police whose choice
it has been to maintain the status quo. See the energy of love flowing up from the earth into

these people. See this energy flowing through their being, reminding them of how they felt as
children, before their heads were filled with words and rules and rigid principles. Many of
these people will be releasing the codes that command them to follow the rules of oppressive
regimes that are led by self serving billionaires who are attempting to maintain corporate rule
with no regard for humanity. Many will see that they have been servants to a ruler who cares
not for their well-being, and you will see defectors leaving the military forces and joining
with those who are rising into the strength of freedom.

The Radiant Beam of Light

All that is occurring is related to the great beam of light that is radiating from the cosmic
center – this beam of radiance will be experienced more strongly in the weeks to come, for in
this month of March, Earth moves into this galactic beam of highly refined energy. It flows
through the sacred geometric form of the star dodecahedron in rainbow colors. The geometry
contains vibrational frequencies that refine the truth throughout the Earth and all her
inhabitants. You are feeling the frequencies already, like the light that glows before the sun
rises over the horizon. You are already witnessing the effects of this frequency through earth
changes and the behavior of people and animals. Earth will move directly into this beam
beginning around March 9, 10, 11.These days are portalways of expansion. This is the light of
awakening, triggering codes of remembrance deep within your souls. Many who have not yet
awakened will begin to do so and they will move through the gateways and thresholds of
change more quickly than did those of you who have been working on your conscious
evolution for all these years. You who have been doing this work have lit up the pathways for
others to follow. You are the Wayshowers who chose to be the scouts journeying through the
lonely pathways of remembrance that had been disused and forgotten over thousands of years
of human devolution and evolution.

Ancient Future
What is being remembered is from the ancient future of your soul’s experience. We speak a
paradox here and it is not about understanding with your mind, but feeling with your heart,
which awakens the truth of your being – your multidimensionality. Do not try to make logical
sense of what you perceive. Instead, feel into your changing reality with the innocent eyes of
a child. Observe with wonder and tune into the joy and the freedom of your awakening

The effect of the Radiant Beam is that structural aspects of past thought forms and belief
systems collapse and fall away from the mass consciousness as humanity is given an
opportunity to rise into clarity, into the fullness and truth of your being.

Oppressive regimes and corporate governments that operate on self-serving greed will be
challenged by the people of the world as they unite as One and shake off the yoke of slavery
to a system that fosters separation from one another and from Nature. Again we say there is
strength in numbers and there are more people of the earth than rulers of the people of the

Change and Miracles

Miracles will be part of your every day life – synchronicities that bring expansion, joy and
laughter to you as you delight in the unfolding of your truth. You move easily on pathways of
light. When you ask a question, you will see the answer come to you almost instantly, and the
answer will come in many different forms, bringing more delight, raising your spirit, your

vibrational resonance. Allow it to unfold. It is joyous beyond words as you move into this
radiance. We tell you there is nothing to be afraid of as you rise into sovereignty.

New inspirations will be coming to you as you feel renewed passion for life and adventure,
fun and creativity rise within your being. You will be witnessing much change and
restructuring – some of it may cause fear and trembling but you know deep within that this is
what is necessary for the new earth to be born.

Follow the energy that rises from the light of truth within you. Bring peace into your heart and
radiate it out into your aura and into the inner net. Gather together to talk about your feelings,
and to consciously generate the energy for humanity rising into freedom. Know that you are
already free.

Much love and support is being sent to you from us of the Star Nations.

Peace to all,

Nancy Leilah Ward

The Vastness of Being

“The crossed-swords of Cosmic Law in a free-will universe require every celestial body and
its attendant life forms to assume responsibility for maintaining themselves in pitch
attunement (at-one-ment) at each individual’s level of spiritual attainment.”
Malantor, from Songs of Malantor, Volume Three of the Arcturian Star Chronicles by Patricia

Meditation of Peace
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 7, 2011 at 11:00pm

Close your eyes and take a couple of deep breaths

Dedicate the space you are in to the highest meditation possible at this time

Take your awareness to your heart centre

Begin to breath through your heart centre

Go deeper and deeper into your heart

Until eventually you come to a little flame

This flame is the flame of Peace

What does this flame of Peace look like

Does it have a smell, a colour, a texture, a sound

How do you percieve Peace

Now imagine the flame getting bigger until it fills the whole of your heart

Now it is filling the whole of your chest, your body, your arms, legs, head

The whole of your very being

You are PEACE

(Sit in that energy for a few moments)

Now take your awareness to your cells

Go deep within a cell until you come to some circles or spirals

Within one of these circles is all your memories both in this lifetime and past lifetimes,

where you were the victim of abuse, control, misuse of power and manipulation.

We have all been victims at some time

Also where all the memories of when we were perpetrators of abuse, control, misuse of power
and manipulation.

Send the PEACE that you are into these cells and into these circles

If any memories or uncomfortable feelings come up, just breathe into them.

Do this for a couple of minutes

Now take your awareness back to your heart centre

And intend to connect with everyone else who is taking part in this meditation

Breathe the PEACE that you are out through your heart centre

Unconditionally and without attachment to the outcome (very important)

And intend that this PEACE goes to the collective consciousness of control, manipulation,
misuse of power and abuse

At the same time hold a vision of how the world would be if there were no misuse of power,
control, manipulation and abuse

Continue to breathe the PEACE that you are out to this collective consciousness for a few

When you are ready, draw your awareness back to your physical body and breathe your
energy back to you

Ground yourself in the usual way

Being of Service, Part 1, by the Ascended
Masters channelled through Natalie
Glasson - 07/03/11
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 7, 2011 at 11:00pm

Ascended Master Guided Meditation 28.29mins

For More Information

Click Here

Master Hilarion's Weekly Message: March

6-13, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 7, 2011 at 11:00pm

Master Hilarion's Weekly Message: March 6-13, 2011

March 6-13, 2011

Beloved Ones,

There will be a greater influx of Cosmic energies flowing and spiraling down into the
atmosphere of the Earth in the coming week or two and as these energies begin to assimilate
within the auric fields of Humanity, there will be a period of adjustment to these higher
frequencies within Humanity. This will take many forms in outer expression in the coming
months as these energies begin to create changes in perception, attitudes and thoughts and
many limiting concepts will simply fall away as though they never existed. Much will begin
to change in the way Humanity interacts with each other and there will be a greater harmony
and cooperation between all peoples as the Earth moves into a greater vibratory rate.

The weathermen on your news channels will be hard put to accurately predict tomorrow’s
weather as the elements adjust to the new waves of Light coming in. All is in a state of flux
and change is the only constant that can be relied upon. It is very important for you to stay
centered within your heart space as you go about your daily existence and that you practice
kindness and much patience with those around you, for people will be feeling the irritation of
their nervous system trying to adjust and balance as these energies flow into their physical
bodies. Remember that you have all been there and done that and you have all had the benefit
of these and other messages to steer you in the right direction and most of those who are now
being affected do not have the understanding of what is occurring.

The best way to help in these times is to consistently and persistently stay in the higher

frequencies and try to maintain calm and equilibrium in all your thoughts, words, actions and
deeds, for in these times a simple smile will go a long way to raising the energies in the
people around you. You are now the Emissaries of Light, the Patternmakers and role models
to the people around you and it is important to stay in your highest integrity as much as
possible, given the fact that each of you is still in the end process of this cleansing also. Rest
as much as possible and keep your bodies hydrated by drinking pure, clean water.

Keep intending each day to be in the highest Christ consciousness that is available on the
Planet at this time and daily affirm your sovereignty to remind yourselves why you are here,
which is to raise the frequency and consciousness of Humanity to Ascension levels. This is an
ongoing task but you have all become much more proficient at this task, however, there is one
area that you need to become more aware of, and that is the need to practice shielding of your
auric fields from the thoughts and energy fluctuations of others. Just ask your Guides and
Angels each morning to protect your entire energetic field and keep it clear from the energies
of others. Many times, you are suffering because you have unknowingly picked up someone
else’s worries, anxieties and concerns and this can hold you back from living your lives with
the greater ease, joy and happiness that you deserve and intend.

Take comfort in the knowledge that at some point in the raising of your frequency work, you
will achieve a state of Being where your energy field cannot be infringed by others,
knowingly or unknowingly. This will come as you begin to manifest as a fully realized Divine
Human. Know that we are always with you and await your calls. You are loved beyond
measure by your Family of Light.

Until next week….

I AM Hilarion
©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and
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Intuitive Knowing, Reality Grids and Fifth-
Dimensional Timelines by DL Zeta
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 7, 2011 at 11:29pm

As you strengthen your intuitive perception, you are able to perceive

more of the gridwork of potential reality threads that extend in all
directions from your present moment. These threads have the power to
carry you into fifth-dimensional timelines. Many have been glimpsing and
experiencing these realities for some time. To make them more solid in
daily life, one need only learn to "tune into" this energetic gridwork.

Reality threads exist along a gridwork at all points along the spectrum
of one's energetic potentials. Some points on the grid are adjacent to
the present moment while others are further away. The stronger your
intuitive perception, the more clearly you're able to perceive alternate
reality threads. The greater your alignment with your subconscious or
soul, the clearer your intuitive perception.

During times when your mind is calm, clear and still, you may receive
glimpses or flashes of intuitive knowing that illuminate entire segments
of the gridwork of your potential realities. These glimpses provide a
frequency to home in on when fine-tuning a potential into physical reality.

Expanding into New Sectors of the Gridwork of Potential Realities

The more open you are, the more likely you are to expand into unknown
reality grids. It is within unknown, uncharted territories that you
encounter alternate realities imbued with new ideas and inspiration. In
order to bring anything unique and original into being, you will need to
allow your consciousness to explore new sectors along the gridwork of
potential realities. When you explore your own consciousness and open to
universal realities, you are more likely to encounter new inner

Your highest potentials exist along new and previously unexplored

reality threads. When you allow your consciousness to open to these new
threads, you begin to expand into fifth-dimensional timelines. The
alternative is to continue to retread old realities.

Once you set your intention to explore the gridwork of new potential
realities, the path ahead is revealed to you in dreams and in waking
glimpses of intuitive insight. To assist this process, cultivate and
practice inner listening. It is by listening within that you're able to

hear the small, still voice of your soul. Stilling your mind is the
basic building block for everything else. If your conscious mind is
chattering loudly, you will miss all the important messages your soul is
sending you.

Strengthening the Connection to Inner Knowing

To energize fifth-dimensional timelines, cultivate a strong connection

with your intuitive knowing. There is that part of you that always knows
the path to high-vibrational realities and will guide the way if you ask
for this and are awake to the nudges and signs your guidance sends you.

Within fifth-dimensional timelines, you follow the path of least

resistance and allow life to unfold easily and effortlessly. You'll
always have a vision in place, downloaded to you through the doorway of
your intuition. On your way to realizing this vision, you're able to
flow easily and effortlessly toward your goals. Simplify the steps and
bring your visions to reality by observing the flow of the universe.
Align with this flow rather than swimming against it. It is the human
mind that convolutes reality, not the soul and not the universe. In
nature everything flows according to divine timing and a natural flow.
And so it is with fifth-dimensional timelines that bring us into
communion with our natural potentials of love, harmony and inner peace.

For more on fifth-dimensional consciousness, see The Future is Here Now:

Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta
For more information, visit

Lucid Dreaming - How To Take Control Of

Your Dreams
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 8, 2011 at 12:55am

By: Trevor Johnson

Lucid dreaming is the art of being able to realize that you are in a dream state without actually
waking up from your dream. Once you do this, you can you control what you dream about.

Put like that, it sounds simultaneously easy and scary.

After all, dreams are kind of weird anyway. So why would you want to take control of them?

There are lots of reasons:

* There may be things that you've always wanted to do, but can't. These often take the form of
wild fantasy - going on a date with Paris Hilton, for instance. Or maybe you want to fly high
above the clouds and look down at the earth from space. For most of us mere mortals, these
are things that qualify as one hundred percent fantasy. But in a dream state, they are perfectly
feasible. In fact, in your lucid dreams these feats and more will be easy and seem normal.

* You may want to use your dream time as extra rehearsal for an important business meeting,
a speech you have to deliver or even something like a driving test. Using the eight or so hours
a day that you sleep to improve your skills, techniques and studies is a really good way of
using this "down time" with very little extra effort on your part.

* Or you could decide that some dreams are nastier than you would like them to be - we often
refer to these as nightmares - and you want to be able to turn them around and make them
more pleasant. If your dreams always involve you falling or running away from vicious
people or creatures, learning the art of lucid dreaming could be the turning point you're
looking for.

When you decide to learn the art of lucid dreaming, all of these scenarios and many more start
to become possible.

Start off by writing your dreams down in a journal that you keep close by your bed. As soon
as you wake up, make it a habit to pick up your dreams journal and write down as much as
you can remember.

Dreams are very slippery. If you don't capture them quickly, the vivid images you experienced
will evaporate into the past, never to resurface. There will be nothing left apart from the
memory that you "had a good dream last night".

The better you are at keeping this journal and the more dreams you capture this way, the more
you will start to remember what you dream about. This is the first step to being able to then
control your sleeping hours.

Once you've been keeping a dream journal for a few days, you'll likely find that you start to
remember more and more of your dreams. You'll find yourself writing more detail. That's a
good sign that you're on your way to being ready to become a master lucid dreamer, where
you will be able to control what you dream about without waking yourself up in the process.

How To Have Lucid Dreams

There are two main ways to start having a lucid dream:
 Realize that you are in a dream whilst you are actually dreaming. Then take control of
the dream.
 Go straight from a waking state into a lucid dream.

Just like riding a bicycle, you shouldn't expect to start lucid dreaming and immediately

become an expert. You may have times when things don't go the way you want them to - don't
let these small setbacks put you off. They're just part of the learning process.

Once you get the hang of it, either of these are possible. Even though they may seem like an
impossibility at the moment.

Start by just recalling your dreams. Keep a journal by your bed. Start writing down your
recollection of your dreams as soon as you wake up. That really does mean immediately -
especially at first, our dream recall fades rapidly. So get writing as soon as you wake up.

After a few days of keeping your dreams journal, you should find that your recollection of
your dreams starts to get better. Once this happens, you're ready to move on to the next stage.

Start noticing things in your dreams that are definitely something that doesn't happen in real
life. Those Superman or Wonderwoman powers, for instance.

These will be some of your cues that you are dreaming. Because if you don't know you're
dreaming, how can you expect to control that dream?

After a while, you'll begin to notice recurring themes in your dreams.

Gradually, you'll start to recognize when you're dreaming. Don't work too hard on this -
dreams aren't always easy to catch. If you work too hard at it, they'll fade away fast. Don't
panic when this happens and don't get annoyed with yourself. Just learn not to try as hard next
time. You'll soon get the hang of it and start catching yourself dreaming more often.

Once you can realize you are dreaming and not scare the dream away, you're ready for the
most exciting step: controlling your dreams. The hard work is over and the fun is about to

Most people find that it's useful to have some help when you learn how to lucid dream.

Yeniden-Doğuşun ve Yenilenmenin
Dönüştürücü Yılı, 2011
 Posted by gunes kurtulan on March 8, 2011 at 3:52pm

Yeniden-Doğuşun ve Yenilenmenin Dönüştürücü Yılı, 2011

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

Yeniden-doğuş ve Yenilenme Yılı

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

2011 inanılmaz bir Işık akışı ile başladı. 21 Aralık 2010’da, kuzey yarımkürede kış gün
dönümü ve çok güçlü bir Ay Tutulması deneyimledik. Bu iki olayın eş zamanlılığı, aynı
zamana denk gelmeleri, son 2.000 yılda sadece bir kez olmuştu.

Ay Tutulması, Galaktik Merkezin iki derecesinde vuku buldu ve Yaradılışın Öz’ünden Dünya
Ana’nın merkezine doğru çok kudretli bir Işık Portalı açıldı. Bu portaldan içeri dolan Tanrı’n
ın Işığı, evrilmekte olan bu planetin yaşamı üzerinde emsalsiz asli değişiklikleri inisiye etti.

Bu portal açılınca, Tanrı’nın Işığı, 4 Ocak 2011 tarihindeki Yeni Ay Tutulması’na kadar,
momentumda inşa edildi. Bu güçlü Işık, olay sırasında Dünya’yı yıkadı, tüm atom ve atomaltı
partikül ve yaşam dalgalarını yerinden oynattı ve Evrimin Spiraline doğru fırlattı. Işığın
Varlıklarının “Yeniden-doğuşun ve Yenilenmenin Dönüştürücü Yılı” olarak ilan ettikleri, Tanrı
Muzafferi 2011’in yollarını temizledi.

2011, Yeni Milenyumun onbirinci yılı. Onbir numarası, fizikselden ilahiye dönüşümü yansıtan
üstat sayıdır. Dünya Ana’nın ve İnsanlığın bedenini güçlendirmek için gerekli olan son
hazırlıklar adına en mükemmel titreşim frekansıdır, böylelikle 2012’de yaşayacağımız
muazzam Işık akışına dayanabileceğiz.

Değerli Kalp, siz eğer bu satırları okuyorsanız, Tanrı’nın Varlığı artık içinizdedir, sizin
BEN’im Varlığınız, bu bilgiyi sizin farkındalığınıza manyetize etti, çünkü siz, bu planet ve
üzerinde, evrilmekte olan tüm yaşamın İlahi Plan’ının açılışı’nın bu vechesinde yardımcı
olmak için çok uzun zamandır hazırlanıyordunuz.

Bu sözleri kalbinizin en derin köşesine alın; İlahi Bilgeliğinizin bulunduğu derin köşesine, ve
BEN’im Varlığınızın rehberliğini dinleyin. Bakın, nasıl becerileriniz, bilgeliğiniz, cesaretiniz,
gücünüz, yeteneğiniz ve sayısız armağanlarınız bu üstün başarıyı tamamlayacak. Tüm Cennet
Birliği, görevdeki sizin üzerinize düşeni yapmanızda yardım etmek üzere hazır bekliyor.

21 Aralık 2010’daki Ay Tutulması ve 4 Ocak 2011’deki Güneş Tutulması arasındaki zaman

diliminde gerçekleşen muazzam Işık akışı esnasında, tüm Dünya’daki Işık İşçileri İlahi
Sevginin doğuşunu yeniden yaratmaya katıldı. Bunun ne anlama geldiğinin azametini
kavramak için ilk önce, hiçbir şeyin; Neden aleminde yapılan bir tezahürün Sonuç Aleminde
gerçekleşmesinin önüne geçemeyeceğini anlamak gerekir, Sonuç Alemi de Dünya’dır.
Değişken olan tek şey, elle tutulur bir gerçeklik olması için ne kadar süre geçeceğidir.
Değişkenlik ise, sizin, benim ve bu gezegendeki herkesin düşünceleri, eylemleri ve

duygularına bağlıdır. Gezegensel İlahi Sevgi Nedenselliğini ne kadar güçlendirirsek,
gerçekliğin mucizelerine o kadar çabuk ulaşırız.

Cennet Birliği, bize, İlahi Sevgi’yi güçlendirmenin ihtiyacımız olan tek şey olduğunu ifşa etti
ve İlahi Plan’ın açılmasının bir sonraki fazı olduğunu bildirdi.

Tucson, Arizona; Dönüştürücü İlahi Sevgi Alevinin, Dün ya’ya girerek herkesi kutsadığı giriş
portalıdır. Aydınlanmış Gerçek Aleminin Işık Varlıkları, Dönüştürücü İlahi Sevgi Alevinin,
Dünya’daki evrimin bu zamanlarındaki en güçlü sevgi frekansı olduğunu söylemekteler. Bu
kutsal ateş, ışığa doğru yürümeye karşı koyan inatçı ruhların aydınlanmasındaki en iyi son
Yeni milenyumun on birinci yılında, Yenilenmenin ve Yeniden-doğuşun Dönüştürücü Yılında,
yeni gezegensel İlahi Sevginin fiziksel tezahürünün ivmesini büyük ölçüde yükseltecek bir
plan devreye sokuldu. Aralık 2010 ve Ocak 2011’deki muazzam Işık akışı esnasında Tucson,
Arizona’da, düzenlenen aktiviteler, emsalsiz İlahi Sevgi için kutsal bir yer yarattı. Bu
aktiviteler, 13-18 Ağustos 2011’de düzenlenecek yeni Işığın aktivitelerinin önünü açtı,
yapılacak yeni aktiviteler, Dünya üzerindeki tüm yaşamı, Yeni Dünya frekanslarına ve bugüne
kadar deneyimlediğimiz her şeyin ötesinde olan, İlahi Sevginin Dönüştürücü görülebilir
Etkilerine taşıyacak.

1 Ocak’da, Tucson, Arizona’daki olayları anlatan bir bir makale yazdım; şimdi elimizdeki
olanakların netliği ile ilgili olan bu bilgiyi sizlerle paylaşmak isterim. Makalemin adı, Sevgiye

Sevgiye Çağrı

Değerli Kalp, tam şu anda, bilinçli zihinlerimizin algılarını genişleten, harikulade bir yükseliş
yaşanmaktadır. Bu tatlı Dünya’da evrimleşen tüm yaşam ve İnsanlık adına, Cennet Birliği;
bizden, İlahi Sevginin ifade edebileceğimiz en kudretli duygularını salıvermemizi istiyor. Tam
şu anda, odağınızı Dünyada en çok sevdiğiniz insana çevirin. Kalp Alevinizden, sevdiğinize
doğru taşan elle tutulur sevgiyi hissedin. Şimdi sevginizin, yaşamın her partikülünü içine
alacak şekilde genişlediğini düşleyin. Bu andan itibaren, Tanrı Varlığından, kalbinizdeki bu
sevginin ifadesini gün be gün, saat be saat , aldığınız her nefeste çoğaltmasını isteyin.

8 Ocak 2011 Cumartesi günü, ki numerolojik olarak; 11:11 günüydü, 29 Aralık 2010 günü
beklenmedik bir şekilde, zaturreden kaybettiğim sevgili oğlum Joao için Yaşam Hizmeti
Kutlaması düzenledik. Bu olay Tucson Arizona’daki Saint Pius X Katolik Kilisesi’nde sabah
10.00’da düzenlendi. Fiziksel olarak yaklaşık 700 kişi, Dünya üzerindeki binlerce insan da
sevgi ve destekleriyle bu bilince katıldı.

Saat sabah 10.00’da, Tucson sevgi ve destek denizinde yüzerken, altı kişinin öldüğü,
Gabrielle Giffords adlı bayan parlamenter ve onbir başka kişinin ağır şekilde yaralandığı,
beklenmedik vahşi bir olay meydana geldi. Ölenler arasında federal bir jüri üyesi ve 11 Eylül
2001 tarihinde doğmuş, dokuz yaşında bir kız çocuğu da vardı. Dünya’nın odağı aniden
Tucson’a çevrildi, ve Dünya’nın her yerinden insanlar, Işığı uyandırmaya, ve olayda
yarananlara şifa ve ışık yollamaya başladı. Bu taşan Sevgi ve Şefkat oldukça güçlü bir Işık
Güç alanı Yarattı ki, bu güç alanı, gezegeni, ve İnsanlığı Birlik Bilincinin daha Yüksek
Düzeni’ne geçirecek potansiyeli taşıyan bilinç sıçramasının yollarını açtı. Bu fırsatın başarısı
bize bağlı. İlahi Sevginin daimi akışının Açık Kapısı olma sorumluluğunu üzerimize alalım.
Tüm insanlık için Birliği hatırlamak adına,İnsanlık için açılan kutsal alanı tutalım.

12 Ocak 2011’de, Tucson’da yaşamını kaybedenler için düzenlenen törenin mottosu, “Birlikte
Büyüyoruz” oldu. bu törende, Başkan Obama ve Tucson’a gelen bir çok devlet büyüğü;
aramızdaki farklılıkları bir yana bırakıp yeni bir sivil iletişim düzeyi yaratmamızın ,artık
birbirimize bağlılığımızı onaylamak ve daha mantıklı ve şefkatli bir dünya inşa etme
zamanının geldiğini ifade etti. İyileşme misyonu birliğini kurmamız ve şifa yolunda
ilerleyenleri onurlandırmamız hatırlatıldı.

Başkan Obama, “Önemli olan zenginlik, statü, güç ya da ün değil; ama nasıl ve ne kadar çok
sevdiğimizdir.” Dedi.

Özel yaşamlarımızda daha iyi insanlar, dah iyi arkadaşlar, daha iyi komşular olmaya
çalışmalıyız. Bu trajediyi yıkılmak için bir başka bahane haline getiremeyiz. Tam tersi bu
trajedi bizim Olmanın Bir Üst Düzeyine geçmek için bir katalizör olmalıdır.Değerlerimizi
eylemlerimize hizalandırmalıyız. Bunu becerebildiğimizde ölenler boşu boşuna ölmeyecekler.

Bu muazzam görevi başarabileceğinize dair inancım ölçülerin ötesinde. Sizi seviyorum ve

güveniyorum. Kalbinizdeki İlahiliği dinleyin ve Tanrının bu İlahi misyondaki vechenizi nasıl
tamamladığını bileceksiniz. Huzur içinde olun. Bilin ki, birlikte çalışırsak, Zafer Bizimdir!
(Ocak makalemin sonu.)

Işık Varlıkların bildirdiğine göre, yaşanan Kozmik an boyunca, bizim birleşmiş çabalarımız,
Cennetin beklentilerinin çok çok üzerinde başarıya ulaşmış. Şimdi İlahi Plan’ın ikinci fazının

İlahi Plan
Anne-baba Tanrımız ve Aydınlanmış Gerçek Alemlerindeki Işık Varlıkları, tüm bedenlenmiş
Işık İşçilerine – ki bu SİZİ de kapsamakta - Kalk Borusu çalıyor. Dünyada İlahi Sevginin
Dönüştürücü en güçlü 5. Boyut frekanslarının portalında birleşmemiz isteniyor bizden. Hep
birlikte, öyle güçlü dönüştürücüler olacağız ki; Tanrı Sevgisi, tüm İnsanlık adına, İlahi Planın
fiziksel alemine dolacak.

Bizler, bu güne kadar tarihte vuku bulmuş en büyük bilinç yükselişi içindeyiz. Bu yükseliş,
tüm İnsanlığı öyle bir Farkındalık düzeyine çıkaracak ki; yakında bu tatlı gezegen bir Sevgi,
Huzur, Bolluk ve Neşe gezegenine dönüşecek.

Bu yeni geçtiğimiz yüksek bilinç düzeyi, bizi kendi ilahiliğimizle birleştiriyor, BEN’im
Varlığımızdan hasarlı ayrılışımızı şifalandırıyor. Bu benzersiz bilinç değişimi İnsanlığın bilinç
düzeylerine ve duygusal dünyalarına entegre olduğunda, her ruh, artık yalnızca zihinsel algı
ve mantıklı düşünmenin bizlere yetmeyeceğini farkedecek. Her insan, şimdi artık
kalplerimizdeki bilgeliğe ulaşmanın, kim olduğumuzun ve Dönüşümün Kozmik An’ında
neden burada olduğumuzun vizyonunu tutan İlahi Potansiyelin içine girme vakti olduğunu net
bir şekilde anlayacak.

Şimdiye kadar hiçbir planete, bu denli korku ve ayrılığın derinlerine düşmüşken bilinçte bu
denli hızlı yükselme fırsatı verilmemişti. Bizler her zaman deneyimlerimizin bir toplamıyız,
yani, Dünyadaki bilinç yükselişini tamamladığımızda, benzersiz kollektif deneyimlerimizi
bundan sonraki evrimsel okuluna taşıyacağız. Bunu anlamı, bizim kollektif deneyimlerimizin
Biliş Salonlarında kayıt olacağı ve her evrilmekte olan ruha hizmet edeceğidir. Sonra Evren
boyunca Evrilmekte olan Tanrının Kızlar ve Oğulları, bizim deneyimlerimizden acı ve

ısdırabın deriliklerine girmeden yararlanmayı bilecekler. Bu sebeple, tüm Evren sevinç içinde,
ve Işık varlıklar, her hangi bir şekilde bize yardımcı olmak için yanımızdalar.

İlahi Planın açılması vechesi boyunca, Dünya üzerindeki tüm Işık İşçilerinin fiziksel olarak
varlık göstermeleri oldukça önem taşımaktadır. Hep birlikte, İlahi Sevgiyi, formun fiziksel
dünyasına manyetize edecek dönüştürücüyü oluşturacağız. İnsanlık ve bu tatlı gezegendeki
yaşam adına bu şahane misyonda hizmet etmek için hazırlanmış tüm Işık İşçileri, kalplerinin
içsel teşvikiye işe sarıldıklarının bilincindeler. Kalbinizi dinleyin ve içsel rehberliğinize
güvenin. Işığınıza acil gereksinim var!

Ek olarak, fiziksel anlamda görevde olmak için ilham duyanların,tüm dünyadan, Işık yoluyla
bilince katılacak Işık İşçileri olacaktır. Bu Işık İşçileri, kalplerinden taşan ışığı, Işık İşçilerinin
fiziksel olarak bir araya geldikleri Tucson, Arizon’daki portala yansıtacaklar. Ve gücümüz
binlerce, binlerce kat genişleyecek.

Her Işık İşçisi kendi doğru ve rahat yerinde olacak. Bu İlahi Planın hiçbir vechesi bir
diğerinden daha önemli değil. Önemli olan, BEN’im Varlığımızın bize rehberlik ettiği
durumlara karşılık vermemiz. Eğer Dönüştürücü İlahi Sevginin Portalında fiziksel olarak var
olma konusunda rehberlik alırsak güvenmeli ve bilmeliyiz, o zaman BEN’im Varlığımız ve
Cennet Birliği yola çıkmamız için bize destek olacaklardır. Bu İlahi misyon yolunda, bizim
zamana, enerji ve para konularında yardıma gereksinim duyduğumuz doğrudur.
Bu Işık İşçilerinin yanyana gelmelerinde kullanılacak araç, 25. Yıllık Dünya Aydınlanma
Kongresi. Bu toplantı 13 – 18 Ağustos 2011’de, Uyumlu Birleşmenin 25. Yılı kutlamalarında
gerçekleşecek. Arizona, Tuscon’un güzel Loews Ventana Kanyon Tatil merkezinde
toplanacağız. Bu enfes merkez, Dönüştürücü İlahi Sevgi Portalının tam kalbinde bulunuyor.

Bu benzersiz fırsata katılabilmek için gereksinim duyacağınız bütün bilgiler, web sitemizde
mevcuttur. Sadece adresine girip, “25. Yıllık Dünya Aydınlanma
Kongresi” yazan kutuya tıklayın.

Bu kutsal toplantı, katılan herkes için ilahi bir deneyim olacak. Her gün, biz İlahi Plan’ın bir
fazını daha başarıyla tamamladıkça, Ruhsal Hiyerarşi bize, yeni gelen fazı açıklayacak. Işığın
türlü aktivitelerini deneyimleme yolundayken, Anne-Baba Tanrımız ve Cennet Birliği’nin
İlahi Rehberliğinde misyonumuz zafer içerisinde tamamlanacak.

Bu olay, Arizona, Tuscon’un güney batı çöl bölgesinde, eşşiz güzelliklere sahip şifalı bölgenin
içinde yer alan Loews Ventana Kanyon Tatil Merkezinde gerçekleşecek. Bölge, çöl bitkileri
ve her biri, 300 yıllık olan saguaro kaktüsleri ile bezenmiş. Bu doğa krallığındaki ifadeler,
Tanrının Işığı Dünya’ya demirlenirken, kudretli nöbetçiler gibi duruyorlar.

Bu Işık portalına girdiğinizde, Sonsuz Transmutasyon Gücü ve İlahi Sevginin Dönüştürücü

gücü yoluyla, şifa Alevinin muhteşem yayılımını deneyimleyeceksiniz. Bu kutsal ateş
Varlığınızı yıkadıkça, eve dönüşün tanıdık duygusuyla kutsanacaksınız.

Dünya Aydınlanma Kongresi; çağlardır birlikte hizmet ettiğiniz Dünya’nın her tarafından
gelen eski arkadaşlarla yeniden karşılaşma fırsatı veren gerçek bir yaşam-dönüştürücü
toplantıdır. Tüm Işık İşçileri Işığın bu abidevi hizmetinde kalpleriyle size destek olacak.

Bizim de görev almak üzere çağrıldığımız İlahi Plan Işığın sayısız aktiviteleriyle
tamamlanacak. Güneşler ötesi Güneşler’den Solar Logos ile, Cennet Birliği ile, Doğa

Kralllığını yöneten İlahi Zeka, Büyük Elohim ve Melekler Birliği ile içsel seviyelere

Bu mükemmel çalışma için tüm Evren destekliyor bizi. Işığın Varlıkları, bize mucizevi
yollarla destek vermek üzere izin aldılar, ama zaten Dünya’daki Işık İşçileri, İlahi Plan’ı
fiziksel tezahüre ulaştırmak adına son derece hakim bir güç olarak çalışmaktalar.

Sorumluluğumuz muazzam büyük. Ama kalplerimizle birlik olduğumuzda, bizi başarıya

götürecek mutlak güce sahip olacağız.

Şimdi sadece bu anlığına, Kallp Alevi İlahiliğinizin içine gidin, Göksel Alemlerindeki Işık
Birliğinden akan minnettarlık ve sevgiyi deneyimleyin. Evrimin bu kritik zamanında İnsanlığa
hizmet etme isteğiniz için size yolladıkları derin şükran duygusunu hissedin. Dünya
üzerindeki evrimin bu muazzam yolla gerçekleşebilmesi için ölçülerin ötesinde

Dünya Fiziksel Planını Dönüştürücü İlahi Sevgiyi koruyacak Açık Kapılar olduğunuz için,
Tanrı Sizi Korusun.

Ve de Öyledir!

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan

Master Hilarion’un Haftalık Mesajı 6-13
Mart 2011
 Posted by gunes kurtulan on March 8, 2011 at 7:20pm

Master Hilarion’un Haftalık Mesajı 6-13 Mart 2011


Şimdi daha da büyük bir Kozmik enerji akışı ile karşı karşıyayız, bu enerjiler, önümüzdeki iki
hafta boyunca Dünya’nın atmosferine doğru akmaya devam edecekler ve İnsanların aurik
alanlarında özümsendikçe, İnsanlık arasında bu yüksek frekanslara ayarlanma süreci

Bu yeni enerjiler, gelecek aylarda; algıda, tutumlarda ve düşüncelerde değişim yarattıkça,

dışsal ifadelerdeki formlara yansıyacak, bir çok limitli kavram sanki hiç olmamışçasına yok
olacak. Bir çokları İnsanlığın birbirleriyle etkileşimi doğrultusunda değişmeye başlayacak,
Dünya daha büyük bir titreşimsel orana ilerlediğinde, tüm insanlık arasında büyük bir uyum
ve iş birliği başlayacak.

Haber kanallarınızdaki Hava Durumu spikerleri, elementlerin yeni gelmekte olan Işığa
ayarlanmaları yüzünden, yarının hava tahminleri konusunda zorlanacaklar. Olan herşey Işık
Akışı ile ilgili ve değişim, güvenilecek tek değişmez. Sizin için en önemlisi, kalbinizin içinde,
merkezinizde kalmaktır, günlük varlığınızı sürdürür, bu enerjilerin fiziksel bedenlerine akması
ile ayarlanma ve dengeleme çalışmaları sırasında sinir sistemleri yıpranan insanlarla nezaket
ve sabır pratiğinizi yükseltirken, merkezinizde kalın.

Bu zamanlarda yardımcı olabilmek için, sürekli olarak, ısrarla yüksek frekanslarda kalmalı,
tüm düşünce, sözcükler, eylemlerinizde, sakin ve dengeli olunmalıdır. Böyle zamanlarda
küçücük bir gülümseme, çevrenizdekilerin enerjilerini yükseltmeye yeterlidir. Sizler şimdi
çevrenizdekiler için; Işığın Elçileri, rol modellersiniz, ve mümkün olduğunca en yüksek
bütünlüğünüzde kalmanız önemlidir, tabii bu arada sizler de aynı zamanda temizlenmenin son
safhalarını geçirmektesiniz. Gerektiği kadar dinlenmeye ve arı, temiz su içmeye gayret edin.

Her gün, gezegende uygun olan en yüksek Mesih Bilinci içinde olmayı niyet edin, her gün
bağımsızlığınızı olumlamalarla ifade edin, neden burada olduğunuzu, insanlığın bilincini ve
frekansını yükseliş düzeylerine taşımak için ne olması gerektiğini hatırlatın kendinize. Bunlar
süreklilik taşıyan ödevlerdir; ama sizler bu ödevlerde yeterince ustalaştınız, yalnız daha da
ustalaşmanız gereken bir konu daha var; o da aurik alanlarınızı, diğerlerinin düşünce ve enerji
gel-gitlerinden korumak. Basitçe rehber ve meleklerinizden her sabah sizin tüm enerji
alanınızı korumasını ve diğerlerinin enerjilerinden temizlemesini isteyin. Bir çok kez,
farkında olmadan bir başkasının endişesini, kaygısını, tasasını üstlendiğinizden acı çekersiniz,
ve bu sizi, hakettiğiniz ve niyet ettiğiniz, kolaylık, neşe ve mutlulukla yaşamaktan alıkoyar.

Şu bilgiyle rahatlamanızı isterim; frenkans yükseltme işinizde öyle bir noktaya geleceksiniz
ki; enerji alanlarınız bilerek ya da bilmeyerek kimse tarafından bozulamayacak. Bu durum,
bütünüyle farkında olan İlahi İnsan olmayı tezahür ettirdiğinizde size gelecek. Bizim daima

sizinle olduğumuzu bilin. Çağrınızı beklediğimizi bilin. Işık Ailesi tarafından ölçüler ötesinde

Gelecek hafta görüşmek üzere…

Ben Hilarion’um.

©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff.

Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan

DailyOM: Gathering Our Straying

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 9, 2011 at 5:39pm

Gathering Our Straying Thoughts

Centering Ourselves

Learning to center yourself can be of the most important

aspects of your spiritual growth.

When our thoughts are scattered in several directions at

once and we are no longer conscious of what we are doing or
why, it is time to center ourselves. When we center
ourselves, we begin by acknowledging that we have become
spread too thin and we are no longer unified inside. Our
thoughts might be out of sync with our feelings, and our
actions may be out of sync with both. The main signs that we
need to center ourselves are scattered thoughts and a
feeling of disconnection or numbness, as if we are no longer
able to take anything in. In addition, we may feel unfocused
and not present in our bodies. Centering ourselves is a way
of coming to terms with all the different energies within us
and drawing them back into ourselves.

Centering yourself means that you are working from or being

aware of the core of your being in the solar plexus area of
your body. At first it may not make sense, but as you
progress you will understand what this feels like. We
naturally know how to center ourselves when we take a deep
breath, for example, before making a big announcement or
doing something big. Another way to center ourselves is to
sit down and engage in breath meditation. We can start by
simply getting into a comfortable upright position and
noticing as our breath enters and leaves our bodies. Our
breath flows into our center and out from our center, and
this process can serve as a template for all of our
interactions in the world. In conversations, we can take
what our friends are saying into the center of our beings
and respond from the center. Our whole lives mirror this ebb
and flow of energy that begins and ends at the center of
ourselves. If we follow this ebb and flow, we are in harmony
with the uni! verse, and when we find we are out of harmony,
we can always come back into balance by sitting down and
observing our breath.

When we sit down to center ourselves we can imagine that we

are gathering our straying thoughts and energies back into
ourselves, the way a mother duck gathers her babies around
her. We can also visualize ourselves casting a net and
pulling all the disparate parts of ourselves back to the
center of our being, creating a sense of fluid integration.
From this place of centeredness, we can begin again,
directing ourselves outward in a more intentional way.

Quado's Garden: Give Thanks for Being
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 9, 2011 at 5:40pm

Thanks for Being Alive

Today, stand in
no matter what your life holds. Be grateful to be alive, to be drawing this
breath, to be standing where you are, poised to take one more step on this
glorious adventure.

Does it not seem glorious?

Then release your expectations about what you wanted this moment to hold.
Release your disappointments and frustrations. Release that pressure to have
something occur within a certain time frame. Release all that and instead just

Now, is it not glorious?

Look up at the sky and let that wide wonder fill you. Look at a leaf and study
the detail. Is it not wondrous how each leaf is unique, each and every leaf on
every tree, carved out with the wonder and glory of the universe?

And you, are you not

wondrous? You are as that leaf, unique in all the world and yet a part of the
tree of life. You are full of potential and the possibilities to use that
potential are sparkling all around you.

Appreciate what is. Give

thanks for being alive. And now, from this place of gratitude, open your
heart. Open yourself wide and connect with the wonder. Feel your oneness.
Feel how truly blessed you are.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without
ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart

Healing needed
 Posted by hamilton williams on March 9, 2011 at 9:49pm

Does anyone know of a 'Shaman' or some type of a 'healer' for radical healing. A friend of
mine has gone beyond 'herbal' or 'natural ' healing and we need someone who can help to
bring her back to this world to help her end the "bad dream" she is on.


Cennetin Yolu
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 10, 2011 at 9:43am

Tanri dedi ki:

Kalbiniz altin olsun. Kalbiniz buyuk olsun. Kisitlamayin yureginizi, bir

digerininkini de kisitlamayin. Birakin hosca selamlassin yurekler ve beslensin.

Kalbinizi acmaktansa onu kapatmanin daha akillica oldugunu da nereden cikardiniz?

Biriktirmenin harcamaktan daha iyi oldugunu? Bir digerinin kalbini kapatmanin
akillica oldugunu da nereden ogrendiniz? Sevigiyi engelleme fikrini nereden
edindiniz? Yureginizi idare etmediginiz, dolayisiyla da onu karneyle vermeniz
gerektigi ve bu sekilde de yukseklerde kalip gururla asagilara bakacaginiz, magrur
ve seckin olacaginiz fikrini nereden edindiniz?
Aziz canlarim, birakin yureginiz umuma ait olsun. Carpan o guzel yurekler icin bir
elitizm sozkonusu degildir. Birakin yureginiz genc ve guzel olsun. Buyuyup cicekler
acsin o. Kucuk hisselere tabi kilmayin onu. Tipki Benim size herseyi bahsettigim
gibi, siz de herseyi verin kalbinize.

Comert olun yureginize karsi. Doldurun onu ve bagli kalin yureginize.

Birakin, ilk ve son kez olarak sunu acikca ifade edeyim. Kalbinizi kapatmak icin
degilsiniz. Hicbir seyi kalbinizden oncelikli tutmak icin degilsiniz. Ona parmak
sallamak icin degilsiniz. Kalbinizi acmak icinsiniz. Kalbiniz konusunda acik
fikirli olmak icinsiniz. Onu herturlu tuzaktan ve bahaneden arindirarak, yureginizi
acikca ortaya koymaniz gerekir. Sizin, yureginize hizmet etmeniz gerekir; onun size
hizmet etmesi degil. Elbetteki o da size hizmet eder. Verin yureginizi; ki bu,
yargilari ve kibri bir kenara birakmakla ve kendi geminizin dumenine gecmenizle
ayni seydir. Zihniniz, kalbinizi izlesin; bunun aksi degildir olmasi gereken.

Olup bitenleri yureginiz yorumlasin. Patronluk taslama egilimindeki zihniniz,

yureginizi bozar. Zihniniz cok fazla kendi kendine hizmet egilimindedir. Sorar o:

"Burada benim icin ne var?" Yureginiz ise soyle sorar:" Ne verebilirim ben?" Vermek
size goredir. Yureginizi yumusatan hos bir merhemdir o.

Sevdiginiz zaman, bir seyleri bosa harcadiginizi dusunmeyin. Kazanirsiniz,

sevdiginizde. Sevdiginizde, heba etmezsiniz kendinizi. Kendinizi bulursunuz.
Sevginin pariltisi, gercek kimliginize tutar isigini. Sevdiginiz zaman kendinize,
yureginizin ve onun atmasina vesile olan kuvvetin bir ornegini sunmus olursunuz.

Yargilamayi bir kenara birakin ki tum gucuyle kabarsin yureginiz. Kabarmis bir
yurek her yere ulasir; ki yureginizin boyle olmasi murad edilmistir. Kalbiniz
konusunda cimri olmaniz asla murad edilmemistir. Dudak bukup, sevginizin
verilemeyecek denli ala oldugunu dusunmeniz asla murad edilmemistir. Tam yol
ilerlemesi icin, ona tum kudretini bahsedeceginiz denli aladir yureginiz.
Of, bir bilseydiniz yureginizin muhtesemligini. Cennette yaratilmistir o ve Benim
sevgimi vermesi icin yaratilmistir. Bir nebzesini bile kendinizde tutmaniz icin
degil. Bunu yaptiginizda ise kendinizi cezalandirmis olursunuz. Kendinizi sevmeniz
icin yuceltiyorum sizi. Kulak astiginiz hangi telkinler yureginizi sinirlamanizin,
onu kendinizde tutmanizin, bir baska gun icin saklamanizin, gelecek icin ya da bir
baska firsat icin ondan yana tasarruf etmenizin akillica oldugunu dusunduruyor
size? Kalbinizden yana tasarruf etmek onun curumesine neden olur. Yureginizin tum
tazeligiyle her gun, her saat, her dakika kullanilmasi murad edilmistir.
Piyanoda besteler yapmaya calisiyorsaniz eger, bunu yureginizle yapmayi
deneyebilirsiniz. Sessizlik icinde yapabilirsiniz bunu. Yureginizin tatbiki icin
sahnenin ortasinda olmaniz gerekmez. Simdi tatbik edin bunu. Yureginizin tekamulunu
gorun. Sevgi dalgalarinin ondan yayildigini gorun, dalga dalga sevginin tum dunyaya
yayildigini gorun. Dunyanin sevginizin icinde yuzdugunu gorun. Sularin yukseldigini
gorun. Sizin sevginizin icinde yuzerek tum dunyanin,

Cennetin yoluna ulastigini gorun.

Ceviren: Engin Zeyno Vural

Sevgi ve sifayla kalin,

Sifa Cemberi

HEAVEN #3758 God Claims You, March

10, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 10, 2011 at 9:51am

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
HEAVEN #3758 God Claims You, March 10, 2011

God said:

I speak from My heart. There is nowhere else to speak from. My heart speaks. My heart speaks
to you. My heart is Truth, so Truth speaks to you from the beat of My heart.

Truth thunders through you. Truth is inescapable, and yet you escape it time and time again.
Nevertheless, Truth is right before you. It is not an inch away.

Truth would assail you. Truth wants to be known. Truth is so wonderful, and yet you try to run
away from it or evade it or cover it up. There has been a huge cover-up in the world, and yet
Truth remains. Truth keeps coming up even as you avoid Truth’s splendor. Truth is inescapable,
and yet you escape from it time and time again.

What would happen to you if you accepted the Truth about yourself? What would happen to
you if you accepted yourself in all your glory? What do you think would happen if you accepted
your splendor? What if you accepted yourself as you are? You would thread through the wheat
seamlessly. You would love the world, and you would love yourself. You would not be a bundle
of nerves. You would relax into the Universe. You would ride the waves of love. You would be
elevated, and you would elevate all that surrounds you. You would ride the whale of life. You
would know that life was yours to spend in melody.

And, so, I activate your heart to embrace. The mind does not embrace. The heart embraces.
Your mind sorts and organizes, but what does it sort and organize? Life is not made of the
crusading mind. Life is made of your vibrant heart reflecting from Heaven.

I hold you in a firm embrace of My heart. My heart would run off with you. My heart claims
you. You are claimed by My heart. You are infinitely Mine. If you run away, you don’t know
what you are running from. Better than running away, run to Me. Run into My arms of love. It
is inevitable anyway. You are as good as caught. You are caught in love. You might as well stay.
There is no better place. There is no place nearly so good. There is no place anywhere near it.

Why do you seemingly have sorrows to drown? Have an ocean of love to swim in instead. Ride
the waves. Enjoy. Leap into the waters again and again. Swim like a fish and never want to get
out, never want to go to shore. Capture the ocean in your heart. Let the ocean flow through your
veins. Let your heart leap in the ocean like a fish. How do you separate a fish from the ocean,
and why would you?

Fish and ocean go in tandem. They splash. They love one another. They are made for each


I made you and made you for Me as an extension of Me. I made you so that you would extend
Me to everyone. I made you to acquaint everyone with Me. I made you to be a shining example
of Me. I made you to portray Me as I would be as a human being on Earth. I made you to be a
glimpse of Me. I made you to embody Me in world life. I made you to edify Me. I made you to
be Me.

I made you to walk the Earth as an angel made in Heaven would walk the Earth and radiate the
peace of love.

The Gift of Presence

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 10, 2011 at 9:54am

Chelas are being asked to deliver their delight for living to humanity. Are you able to do this?
Acting like you are a gift to all is the life you are meant to live. Can this be the detail no one
bothered to tell you? Are you giving a gift with your presence?

Today's message is for those who are mentally thinking one negative thought after another
and pretending they are happy - big smiles, cheerful demeanor, and all outward depictions of
happiness. But deep down, this covers up a great deception. It is not deceiving the mass
consciousness, only those who are not adequately able to know the difference between a
dense negative charge and a bright positive charge. Negative thinking carries a dark charge.
You can talk about light and give positive mental attention to others, but negative attitudes are
dense, and they carry more weight in mass consciousness than a non-aware choice does.

Carrying on a contrast between dark negative attitudes and a caring presentation doesn't get
anyone out of darkness. I am telling you now that a false conveyance of personal development
does nothing for your choice to ascend. The light is not there.

Please notice one thing: are you really happy? Are you the happines the heart craves? Are the
thoughts you think completely aligned with the things you do and say? While making a
difference to others, can you completely deliver all your light to them? All of the chelas who
chose to ascend need to get their mental attitude in complete alignment with this choice.
Being happy is your natural condition. Being natural will get you to the condition of light that
is necessary for ascension.

When the "days of darkness" become the condition you are dealing with, will you carry on as
a beam of light? Are you doing all that you can to become grounded in the light of your heart?

No wonder the dream has lasted so long. Teachings about how to be a beam of light have not
been delivered to those who are negative. If this message was delivered to a child, instead of
guilt and the concept of original sin, gifts of light could be abundant. Only dense attitudes are
negating the light now. Can they be altered?

Positive attitudes about the future are not adequate for creating a great future. Attitudes are
important, but it is the daily attitude about one's life that needs attention. Being content
demonstrates a different vibratory frequency than mentally denying your less conscious
thoughts. Giving, and not being happy about the gift, is not the same as giving de-light to the
one on the receiving end. Best effort is not good enough. Dense attitudes towards
ANYTHING make the one thinking about these attitudes dense. Clear up this thinking, and
light is what will remain as a gift to the entire human race.

Can dense thinking be deleted? Absolutely! Can dense attitudes become contractions that are
caught in the body? Yes. Are all of them needing to be dissolved? Yes, as a pre-requisite to
ascension. How do you dissolve them? With love. Give love to the negative thoughts. Give
love to the negative attitudes. Masked density is always dense, can you get rid of the mask?
Are you able to admit, out loud, that a charge against another object of your attention adds
nothing to your condition of deliverance to God?

Are you able to light up a room? Can the light you deliver be gratefully acknowledged? Or,
are your dense attitudes making that light dim? Posturing yourself as "lightworker" is
misleading when dense attitudes remain in your auric field.

Together we can make a huge difference in mass consciousness, but only when you are able to
get out the dross. Chelas are not Ascended Masters until there is no negative energy coming
from their thinking to dim their light. Fear is the #1 density factor. The next is greed. And no
matter how many "love and light" messages you deliver, control over anything contracts
others and anger adds to their contraction. Are you delivering the cause of contraction in
others? If so, attitudes from outside your own nature's awareness are at play. Become aware
of all the reactions to your contributions, in every situation. Are the observers open and
delighted with what you have offered them? Are they glad you are there?

In the next days we will need all the good attitudes you can muster. Clear out dense attitudes.
Bring integrity to your appearance. Be the light you actually are in the absence of dense
attitudes. Be as light as you can be.

Ascended Master Saint Germain
Channeled by Aruna

Equinox Meditation: Sixth Step in a Cycle
of 12 Globally Synchronized Meditations
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 10, 2011 at 11:16am

You are hereby invited to join in the sixth step in a series of 12 globally synchronized
meditations designed to mark the celebrations of the last 12 solstices and equinoxes before
December 21, 2012, an era-changing pivotal moment that has been recognized and heralded
by many as the central shifting point into a new Golden Age for humanity and all Life on

Each of those 12 ascending steps towards this climaxing shift-point is part of a gradual
reawakening and remembering process to re-ignite in us all the deeply felt sentience of our
Oneness with All That is, and thus enable us all to walk on a Golden Path of Light that will
lead us directly into a conscious reunion with the Source of our existence.
The central template of this whole process is the ever deeper and keener understanding of the
fact that our true nature is that of a soul living a physical experience and learning the lessons
of a new lifetime. To facilitate this recognition of Who We Are and deep integration within the
very matrix of our sense of self of this simple fact, it was announced on December 21, 2009
that twelve Keys would be shared over the course of the next 12 Solstice and Equinox
Meditations to help stir the remembrance of Who We Are. The sixth key is offered hereafter.

To initiate and/or sustain this reformatting process of our self-awareness, it is suggested that
you first reach a state of deep synchronism with the soul aspect in you, doing so with
whichever method and for whichever period of time that suits you best. To reach the key
triggering Moment of Remembrance at the same time as every other soul who will be
participating to this globally synchronized meditation, please ensure that you have reached
that stage at the exact same moment as all other participating souls worldwide.
It is recommended that during your preparatory meditation, prior to reaching the peak
moment, you slowly go through the five Remembrance Keys given so far, thus reiterating...

I Am Light... I am Love... I Am Peace... I Am Harmony... I am Compassion... imbuing your

whole being with the entire spectrum of thought-forms and feelings each of those sacred Keys
evokes in you.
Then, starting at the exact moment when the Earth is at the peak of this equinox cycle, on
Sunday, March 20, at 23:21 Universal Time, (which corresponds to 19:21 in New York, 16:21
in Los Angeles, 23:21 in London, and to Monday, March 21, at 0:21 am in central Europe)
express forth from the heart of your soul the following sixth Remembrance Key...
I am Forgiveness
...and repeat it, mentally and/or aloud, as many times as necessary to feel you have
impregnated your whole being with the full understanding and recognition of this
unfathomable Reality.
To deepen your understanding of some aspects of what Forgiveness truly is, the following
affirmation is provided to further trigger the emergence within you of what no words can
possibly describe...
For as long as I remain bounded to physical reality, my innate Perfection cannot shine
through my human form without being deflected by the ill-informed ideas, dysfunctional

habits and distorted perceptions that are so prevalent in this earthly plane of existence. The
same applies to all other memory-impaired fragments of Omniversal Reality living a physical
experience. I can thus perfectly understand that as long as I will remain in this state of
limitation, I will not be able to see the Perfection in myself and in others. Yet if I could just
see myself and others for a moment through the eyes of Creator Source, I would immediately
understand why no matter how many so-called 'bad' choices I or other souls seem to make,
there is absolutely nothing that can tarnish the crystal gem of the soul fragment of All that I
Am. From that perspective, it is therefore totally natural to allow Forgiveness to prevail in my
heart, for no matter the level of imperfection some choices may represent, they will always
fade away the moment I see and love who I am for Who I Am, as One with every One.

Note: If you find difficult to fully grasp what you have just read, the following reminder may
be helpful to you:
As you certainly know if you have attempted entering a state of deep meditation after reading
theme-setting material such as this one above, the best way to actually reach a deeply vibrant
sense of Oneness at soul level is certainly not to try to remember while you meditate any of
the details you've read about the suggested meditation theme. Having a general idea of it in
the back of one's mind is all that is necessary. If you wish however to use the exact wording
for the affirmation suggested above, you may want to have it written or printed on a piece of
paper and read from it when you are ready to do so during your meditation.
Finally, when you feel ready to go back to your normal everyday existence, you may conclude
this meditation through reading the following affirmation, aloud or within the sacred
sanctuary of your soul...
I am a soul
A divine spark of the Infinite
That gave birth to this universe.

I remember Who I am
and serve the Greater Purpose of Life
as One with All That is.

I came here with many other souls

to assist in the expansion of Light
on this living planet Earth.

I accept to let Love

Be the guiding beacon of my life
and to shine Its radiance in every moment.

I am a soul
and the sole purpose of my existence
is to be All That I Am.

So be it.
... and use this as often as necessary to help you remember and reassert Who You Are.
This Equinox Meditation: Sixth Step in a Cycle of 12 Globally Synchronized Meditations is
archived at on.htm


Purification Meditation Aligning to The

Soul's Expression in Present Time
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 10, 2011 at 11:30am

Purification Meditation

Aligning to The Soul's Expression in Present Time

We see in the center of the room a large fireball radiating like a sun.

Into the center of the fireball, we place anything on the physical plane that is needing to be
transformed, that is no longer useful to our service. As it goes into the center of the fireball, it
is transformed, and the energy of Life is released like the rays of the sun.

Now we see this fireball turn into a blazing yellow sun. We place into the center of the sun
any emotions, desires, energies, ways of running energy that are no longer useful in present
time to our service. These enrgies are transformed into radiant spokes of pure energy, in all
the colors of the rainbow.

Now the sun turns into a deep, indigo blue color. We place into the center of the indigo sun
any separative thoughtforms, ideas, concepts that are interfering with our present time Soul's
expression. As they enter the sun, these thoughtforms are transformed into radiant spokes of
pure energy being released into the room in all the colors of the rainbow.

Now we see the Soul itself appear in the center of the room. All of the life and the light that's
been released, we offer to the soul's plan and purpose. The energy rises up to the group soul
and then infuses the greater plan.

Now from the group Soul we see an energy of golden light come down through the group,
descending into our crown center, and all the way through all our vehicles ~ cleansing,
purifying and preparing us for the cycle to come.

Is It So? It Is So! So Be It!

To The Glory of The One!

We are now in present time alignment for The Soul's expression.

March 9th - MANIK 1: The first day of the

9th Underworld
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 10, 2011 at 11:34am

Blue Magnetic Hand: Blue refers to this kin being a sign of the WEST and magnetic refers to
the number ONE, which is represented by a dot.

So TODAY the 9th underworld begins ... the first day of a wave always determines the topic:
and today is MANIK 1. Manik in the mayan language means deer - or to understand
something by doing it. The HAND is the perfect symbol of Manik.

It is important now to realize how we deviate and distract ourselves. We have to learn to finish
the things we begin. Thus, do not try to do too much at once: find ONE vision for your very
personal life which you would like to see ripening. ONE SEED which you plant in the coming
13 or 18 days. This seed should then be tended by your thoughts and emotions - and you will
see it flourish!

What is it that you want to see changed in your life? Which is the center point that - if
changed - will change your whole life? Take your time to find out the answer. The coming 13
days can be dedicated to this quest and the building of a lively VISION of what you want
your life to be like by October 28th. Make sure you engage not only thoughts but also
EMOTION in yur vision ;-)

We are at the brink of jumping into an entire new world: and MANIK, the helping hand will
be our guide ... it's time to DO the things we have come to do. It's time to change whatever
needs to be changed to make way for a better future for us and our children. NOW is the time
to plant the seed: The God of FIRE and TIME is accompanying us through the coming 18
days: fire and time, fire and time, fire and time ... a good mantra for mediation - LOL!

I'm looking forward to exchanging ideas and visions with all of you who happen to read this
and are interested in learning to co-create and thus co-create Unity Consciousness :-)

Sonja Myriel

Blue Magnetic Hand: Blue refers to this kin being a sign of the WEST and magnetic refers to
the number ONE, which is represented by a dot.

So TODAY the 9th underworld begins ... the first day of a wave always determines the topic:
and today is MANIK 1. Manik in the mayan language means deer - or to understand
something by doing it. The HAND is the perfect symbol of Manik.

It is important now to realize how we deviate and distract ourselves. We have to learn to finish
the things we begin. Thus, do not try to do too much at once: find ONE vision for your very
personal life which you would like to see ripening. ONE SEED which you plant in the coming
13 or 18 days. This seed should then be tended by your thoughts and emotions - and you will
see it flourish!

What is it that you want to see changed in your life? Which is the center point that - if
changed - will change your whole life? Take your time to find out the answer. The coming 13
days can be dedicated to this quest and the building of a lively VISION of what you want
your life to be like by October 28th. Make sure you engage not only thoughts but also
EMOTION in yur vision ;-)

We are at the brink of jumping into an entire new world: and MANIK, the helping hand will
be our guide ... it's time to DO the things we have come to do. It's time to change whatever
needs to be changed to make way for a better future for us and our children. NOW is the time
to plant the seed: The God of FIRE and TIME is accompanying us through the coming 18
days: fire and time, fire and time, fire and time ... a good mantra for mediation - LOL!

I'm looking forward to exchanging ideas and visions with all of you who happen to read this
and are interested in learning to co-create and thus co-create Unity Consciousness :-)

Sonja Myriel

March 9, 2011: Dawn of the Unity Wave

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 10, 2011 at 11:40am

Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D.

Last year large numbers of people gathered in the Conscious Convergence event on July 17-
18, 2010, setting an intention to manifest unity consciousness as the Ninth, and highest, of the
Mayan waves brings the universe to its highest state of existence. This event served as a base
camp for intention setting and ascension towards Unity consciousness; We celebrated in joy in
the most varied forms, ranging from the temples of Bali to the Mayan elders in Guatemala and
from the Sami in the North to the Bushmen in the Kalahari. We could for the first time ever
see our planet emerging as a sacred space encircled by a global medicine wheel.*

We are now approaching the actual beginning of this wave of unity consciousness, which
begins on March 9, 2011. This is the ninth wave also known as the Universal Underworld.
This wave includes thirteen uaxaclahunkin (18 day) periods that propel a process designed to
lead the universe and the human beings to their highest state of consciousness.** The purpose
of this article is to provide some additional background to this wave, its initiation date and
suggest how the energy of the wave may be used in the most beneficial way. This requires that
I again summarize the basic structure of the cosmic time plan as understood from the Mayan

Many people have in recent years come to know about the existence of the Mayan calendar
and its purported end date, but surprisingly, not so many have assimilated what the ancient
inscriptions are saying about it. In fact, there is only one known ancient inscription that
mentions the calendar end -- Monument 6 from Tortuguero*** describes what will happen
when the calendar comes to an end. The current reading of this ancient inscription by
professional Mayanists is that we will then “witness the display of Bolon Yokte Ku in his full
costume and regalia.” So whatever else you might have heard associated with the end of the
Mayan calendar such as a pole shift, the end of the world, a galactic alignment, solar flares,
radiation from the center of the galaxy, etc., actually lacks foundation in any ancient Mayan

Yet what obviously does have a background in an ancient Mayan inscription is Bolon, the
number nine. At first sight, the reading of the Tortuguero Monument may sound cryptic and
difficult to understand. There is however a lot of surrounding information about Bolon Yokte
Ku that allows us to make sense of this insciption.*** Crucial to understanding is that Bolon
Yokte Ku is the Nine-Support, or Nine-Step, entity of “period endings.” Bolon Yokte Ku, in
other words, is a name for a cosmic pyramid in nine steps. Through extensive factual
verification this pyramid has been shown to symbolize the nine levels of evolution the

universe undergoes on its climb to its highest state of consciousness.

Each level of evolution, of Bolon Yokte Ku, the cosmic pyramid, is then developed through a
series of thirteen time periods. These range from the hablatun (1.26 billion years) on the
bottom level to the uaxaclahunkin of 18 days at the ninth level. This means a twenty times
frequency increase and speed-up of time with every single step to a higher level. Soon, as of
October 28, 2011, the energies of the nine waves are then all going to manifest fully. This
final manifestation, I believe is what the ancient inscription refers to when it says that it will
be witnessed how Bolon Yokte Ku will appear in his full regalia. The fruits of the nine waves
will then appear in their fullness as these are simultaneously completed. This is no longer
confusing if we accept that the ancient peoples of the world, including the Maya, would tend
to personalize the cosmic forces describing them as “gods”, while, in the modern world, we
would probably only describe this as nine energy waves.

As of March 9, 2011, the ninth and highest wave of the Bolon Yokte Ku will be activated. It
seems to me that the purpose of this particular wave of 13 x 18 = 234 days is to cap the entire
evolution of the universe that so far has been propelled by the eighth lower waves. From what
we know about the changing polarities of consciousness of the nine waves it will do so by
providing energies that are conducive to the human beings cocreating unity consciousness.

This is the purpose of the Ninth wave. So let us stop for a moment to contemplate the
momentous place in time in which we find ourselves. Life, and especially human life, has
evolved to the eighth level. Those that have actually climbed a physical Mayan pyramid, such
as the pyramid of the Great Jaguar in Tikal, may be able to relate to the feeling of coming
close to the top at the eighth level catching breath for the ascent to the top. We are now then
about to start the climb to the ninth and highest level of life. It was to prepare for this
momentous opportunity that many participated in the intention setting event of the Conscious
Convergence last July. We now can follow the intentions we set at this event and actually
manifest through co-creating Unity Consciousness. It is now time for us to follow up, and
actually manifest the Unity Consciousness that was the intention of this event. The meaning
of the unity wave that is now about to begin is for us to cocreate the appearance of Bolon
Yokte Ku in its full splendor, the completion of the cosmic plan and its nine levels of
evolution. As March 9, 2011 arrives, we are called to begin co-creating Unity Consciousness;
March 9, 2011 is the dawn of the wave of unity.

Thus, the year of 2011 is not scheduled to be just like another year. Very likely this is our last
chance to live up to being co-creators with the cosmic plan. As this Gregorian year began, the
messages that circulated reflected our heightened ambivalence to the passage of time. On the
one hand there were the every year kind of messages like: “Hope you will have a great 2011”
or “what do you want to create for yourself in 2011?” as if this would just be like another
year. Messages centered on the individual, based on a linear view of time made up from years
following one after the other.

On the other hand, around the New Year reports started to come about the “aflockalypse.”
Large numbers of fish, birds and animals simply died for no apparent reason. This instead
pointed to anything but a linear continuation of time in 2011. The aflockalypse is possibly due
to the frequency increase that the nine levels of the Mayan pyramid undergoes combined with
the extreme degree to which humans have now pushed the ecology of the planet off balance.
If this is true, it would call upon us to adapt to this new frequency and also shift completely
from asking for things for ourselves and what we as egos or individuals may want from 2011

to what our egos may do to serve the delivery of the divine plan. The ninth wave of unity
would then be calling for a complete shift in our way of being, to manifesting unity
consciousness, which is the intended end result of the cosmic plan. If this is to happen, it may
also call for extraordinary cosmic energies to fulfill the cosmic plan. In fact, maybe the ninth
wave will be a Judgment Day that will save the world.

If there is a twenty-fold increase in frequency with every wave, the Ninth Wave, or Universal
Underworld, will have a duration of 13 x 18 = 234 days and would then start March 9, 2011.
It will progress through seven days and six intermediate nights, each being a uaxaclahunkin.
In Mayan calendar language, this means an 18-day period. The 18-day periods can be
subdivided into two nine-day counts (two days off from the classical nine lords of the night
count) since they will have both an ascending and a descending phase and in this way we may
see more clearly the link to classical Mayan calendrics. If the ninth wave is all about creating
harmony from what has evolved previously then our task would be to ask the divine for
guidance as to what we would do to arrive at this. If we are asking for global harmony we
cannot however simply ask for our egos to guide us. Instead we will from the outset have to
ask questions like: “What can I do to serve the cosmic plan?” or “What shall I do to further
the manifestation of unity consciousness?” If the days of the ninth wave are the time periods
most conducive to generating such unity consciousness then we will have to turn for spiritual
guidance from the divine in phase exactly with these days of the Universal Underworld.

The ninth wave here joins the alpha to the omega in that for the first time in history it brings
the nine-day count to the forefront of evolution. These will be extraordinary times and it is
possible that we here will be confronted with a choice of truth versus tradition. The reason is
that if the ninth wave will have the strength that we may expect from the evolution of a new
underworld then it will be energetically more powerful and stronger than the traditional
tzolkin count of 13 x 20 days. The Ninth level will, in other words, bring in a nine-day count
that transcends the tzolkin in power and is more meaningful to follow for those seeking to
align themselves with the cosmic plan. Still, of course, the tzolkin will continue to live on as
an undercurrent of energies.

The rhythm of the Universal Underworld is then a nine-day climb of increasing intensity
starting on March 9, 2011 followed by a descending intensity for the next eighteen (9+9) days
until a new descent begins of eighteen (9+9) days. We will then have to learn to ride this wave
in order to ultimately climb to the top of the pyramid to be able to witness the appearance of
Bolon Yokte Ku in “his” full regalia. Calendars to follow this eighteen (or nine day) count are
available in German (can be ordered from christiane biebl, See
also and Swedish (, but also on web sites in English
and French (

We are calling for everyone to be part of the initiation of this new wave on March 9, 2011.
Each of you is welcome to make use of the web site for
communicating with others who share the same intentions. I feel it should be clear that it is
something fundamentally new that is proposed here. A frequency of evolution, the nine-day
count, which previously has only been vaguely discernible, will come to be the chief guiding
rhythm. And if you think about it, it would be truly remarkable if the transformation to a new
world could be the result of a mere linear continuation of calendars that have been used for

The call for events or celebrations to initiate the ninth wave on March 9, 2011 only means to
point out that this is the beginning date, the initiation of our opportunity to move into unity
together. We would also like to encourage you to find means of celebrating and transforming
into unity consciousness during times that work for you, such as weekends around the first
eighteen day period, as well as holding the intention for the beginning of true unity on March
9, 2011. In fact, the idea is that this process of transformation generating the unity
consciousness of the ninth wave should not end. It will continue to October 28, 2011 and
beyond.**** There is no single right answer to how this transformation to unity
consciousness is to be brought about everywhere. Yet, there are tools available that can be
used and further developed by all those who share the common intention of manifesting unity
consciousness. Everything starts with an intention and if the intention is aligned with the
purpose of the cosmic plan, it will be increasingly bearing fruit.

On March 9, 2011 we will remember the intention of unity consciousness we collectively set
at the conscious convergence of July 17-18, 2010 joined by many who are now setting it for
the first time. This time it will be our task to actually deliver the unity consciousness by
applying our collective creativity to a new arena. Be there, wherever you are in the cosmos,
for this final countdown.

* Please read:
or listen to
See also
** The word “consciousness” has become one of the most popular buzzwords of our time and
yet there is little agreement as to what it means. My own view is that consciousness is
fundamentally a relationship to the Tree of Life and so when the Tree of Life alters its
polarities the filter of consciousness changes. Thus shifts in consciousness brought about by
polarity shifts in the tree of life are what drive human history and all of evolution forward.
Every Underworld, or wave, thus brings a consciousness dominated by a particular polarity
and so as we climb the cosmic pyramid consciousness will evolve to higher and higher forms
of manifestation. Many who use the word consciousness are not aware of this crucial link
between the Mayan calendar and the evolution of consciousness and hence tend to give the
word a different, sometimes entirely different, connotation. Many people who use the word
consciousness in fact give this the specific meaning of unity consciousness, which in reality is
just one of its many possible expressions.
**** For a comparison of the proposed 4 Ahau end date of December 21, 2012 and the 13
Ahau of October 28, 2011 please listen to my interview with Mark van Stone in three

Carl Johan Calleman, Ph.D. is the author of three books about the cosmic plan as this may be
understood from the Mayan calendar: Solving the Greatest mystery of Our Time: The Mayan
calendar (2001), The Mayan Calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness (2004) and
The Purposeful Universe (2009). He has also been part of initiating several global events
based on shifts in the Mayan calendar such as most recently the Conscious Convergence of
July 17-18, 2010.

The Age Of Conscious Awareness and Self-
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 10, 2011 at 11:43am

Message from _Archangel Michael_

( channeled by _Ronna Herman_
Tuesday, 1 March, 2011 (posted 8 March, 2011)

Beloved masters, in the very beginning, each of you were one of the Holy
Innocent Ones, a brilliant Spark of the Supreme Creator. When it came your
turn to externalize and awaken, you suddenly were aware of your godliness as
a fragment of the ALL THAT IS. Then came a startling awareness of your own
conscious I AM Presence as an individualized facet of the Creator. This
awakening of Souls has continued at every level, in every dimension of
Creation, and continues today as Great Beings of Light are brought forth to create
new galaxies, solar systems, planets and worlds without end.
In these extraordinary times, to one degree or another, there is a major
internal, transformational process occurring within every Soul on Earth.
Individually, you are experiencing a clearing and cleansing process as well as
modification and expansion in various areas of your physical, mental,
emotional and etheric bodies, changes which are necessary if you are to hold up
under and integrate the ever-increasing vibrational frequencies which are
bombarding your Earth at this time.
There is an ever-increasing number of energy fields of consciousness
available to you, the awakening Star Seed. Just as the Creator Light pours forth
from the cosmic treasury of Light to be used by the Elohim and Builders of
Form, this rarified Light is available to those of you who are now attuned
to at least the higher fourth- and lower fifth-dimensional frequency
Each star in the galaxy is a node of vibrational energy frequencies. Each
person functions as a living star capable of receiving and conveying
harmonious frequency patterns according to his/her level of consciousness. These
frequencies are called your Soul Song. The universe is composed of one
gigantic Celestial Soul Song.
Your seven major chakra centers could be likened to seven electrical
batteries or seven dynamic force centers within the physical vessel. You draw
forth into these seven power centers the specific qualities, attributes and
virtues of the seven Rays of God-consciousness via the RAY-diance of the
seven great archangels who overLight humanity. The manner in which you qualify
and use these energies determines your Energetic Signature and your Soul
Song. Your supersensitive, awaked fellow human Beings feel your resonance and
can discern whether it is benevolent or discordant.

The wondrous and never-tiring Devic Kingdom angels focus on the creation
of form under the direction of the Elohim and their vast group of Builders
of Form. Each and every one of you had to undergo what could be called an
apprenticeship under these Master Builders so that you could become
proficient at molding and creating a great variety of things of a corporeal nature.
While in the higher levels of universal Light it seemed to be a fairly
simple process to mold and create that which you wished to manifest. That is
because you were functioning in the realm of pure thought where there were no
distortions or negativity to contaminate the seed thoughts sent forth from
within your Sacred Mind, and also because you were drawing forth the
maximum amount of Creator Light available to you at that time within this
universal experience. It becomes increasingly more difficult to hold the pure seed
thoughts of manifestation in each stepped-down level or dimension as you
refract yourself into more and more Sparks / Fragments of God Consciousness.
Therefore, is it any wonder that humanity has had to struggle for so long
to manifest that which is needed and desired while existing in the
restrictive, distorted third- /fourth-dimensional world of reality?
The Devic Kingdom angels are bearers of Cosmic Sacred Fire and could be
called Sacred Fire Beings. They function from within the Etheric Plane of
existence and are the transmitters of the Metatronic Light substance of this
universe, which is constantly radiated forth from the heart core of our
Father / Mother God. From the greatest Devic Angels, who oversee the mountains,
oceans, great forests and lakes, to the tiniest Elementals who radiate
life-sustenance to the trees, flowers and every blade of grass, these wondrous
Beings of God-Essence, under the direction of the Elohim, supply the cosmic
streams of Life Force energy for every facet of creation that is not
blessed with a Soul and the I AM consciousness of Being. A Spark of the Supreme
Creator's Essence is in All things, from the greatest to the smallest.
You must release old restrictive, outmoded, fear-based frequencies and
replace them with the appropriate level of God-consciousness and universal
laws which will assist you on your current path of illumination. It is a
step-by-step process and cannot be rushed. It is the ego that constantly desires
more information, especially dramatic and sensational news or revelations
even though, most often, there is no desire to integrate or make use of the
information. However, during these critical times of accelerated change and
evolution, a Divine dispensation has been given to somewhat relax the
requirements and to speed up the process of divulging the more-advanced
Universal Laws and Cosmic wisdom in order to assist humanity on the path of
It has always been a slow process of learning the rules, guidelines and
requirements for each step on the path. Qualities, abilities and knowledge
must be integrated and perfected so that the higher truths become a part of
who you are. When you are living your new truths as a natural part of your
Beingness, the wisdom garnered from that knowledge is stored for future use
within the facet of your Higher Self that resides on the Causal Plane of
existence. This wisdom becomes a permanent part of your I AM consciousness.
You must understand that your I AM Presence is a vast source of Light and
Creator wisdom; however, you and all the Fragments of your Higher Self within
this universe hold the wisdom and experience that have been gathered during
your many sojourns and vast experiences throughout time and space. All of

the positive experiences, successes and wisdom gained during all your
lifetimes within this universal experience are stored within your Causal Mind.
When your Energetic Signature reaches a certain frequency level, you
automatically begin to tap into the gifts/information/
wisdom that are stored
within your Sacred Mind and also within the mind of your Higher Self residing on
the Mental-Causal Plane. Remember, it is vitally important that you filter
all new information/knowledge through your own conscience and
The many benefits of the I AM Mastery Course lessons we transmitted many
years ago through our messenger were to help you speed up the process of
returning to balance and harmony within your four-lower bodily systems.
(Available in our study manual, SCRIPTING YOUR DESTINY and through our webinar, I
AM Mastery series of classes. RH). It has taken many ages for you to
incorporate the distorted energy you now carry. However, this is a time of
miracles, and there was another special, Divine dispensation given by our
Father/Mother God, whereby every effort you make to return to Self-mastery will
be magnified and accelerated during these wondrous evolutionary times of
ascension. Self-mastery is always gained through the process of upgrading your
consciousness and increasing your capacity to integrate and radiate more
Divine Light substance. In the process, you will become a pathfinder, a
wayshower and a World Server filled with goodwill for all Beings as you radiate
unconditional Love/Light out into the world.
Your awareness will gradually expand to include all humanity, the Earth,
as well as the solar system, galaxy and universe. No longer can your primary
focus be on the little self alone. Your ultimate goal is to become a
galactic citizen and eventually a universal Being of Light. Expansion of
consciousness results in the wherewithal to tap into higher, more complex
information. This will result in the ability to integrate more and more of the
virtues, qualities and talents of our Father / Mother God. In the third- /
fourth-dimensional environment, the human emotions rule. In the higher levels of
the fourth- and lower-levels of the fifth dimensions, the mental
nature/abilities are predominant and are overLighted by the purity and illumination
of the Sacred Mind, Sacred Heart and Higher Self.
Dear hearts, do not just read the profound statements we give you, such as
the ones below. Study them and commit them to memory, for within these
words of wisdom are critical factors you will wish to draw upon when you are
perfecting your mastery of Self, and when you are called upon to share your
hard-earned wisdom with others.
* A master seeks his/her highest truth and then lives it to the best
of his/her ability.
* A master learns to view the world and its great drama from a higher
vantage point, downward. Time becomes malleable as you move out of the
linear time-line into the spiraling, undulating vibrational waves of the
higher dimensions.
* A master is adept at manipulating energy, always for the greatest
good. He/she exists in a vortex of harmonious spiritual forces.
* Ascension is mind- and Soul-expanding, forever passing from one
state of heightened-consciousness to another.
* You have entered into an Age of conscious awareness. A conscious

awareness of and awakening to the nudgings of your Soul-self are the first
step in attaining Self-mastery.
* A master knows when to speak and when to be silent. A master is
deliberate in his/her speech. Constant mind chatter and senseless gossip
disturb the tranquility of your auric field. You are to seek the harmonious,
higher wave frequencies of Light in all things.
* Knowledge alone divides. Wisdom and Soul awareness unite.
* As an initiate on the Path, you are constantly increasing your
capacity for Creator Light.
* When you deny any facet of your Divinity, you are denying your
Divine wholeness.
* The universe is constantly remaking and redefining Itself via the
impulses / desires of the Supreme Creator and our Mother/Father God. The
Supreme Creator's desire is to experience individuality by refracting Itself
into an unimaginable number of various-sized Sparks of consciousness.
* The Omniverse is filled with dancing, flowing, merging and
separating fragments / God Sparks. The Creator is alive and conscious in each and
every one of these fragments, no matter how large or how small.
* Space is an entity within itself, waiting to be programmed or
molded into infinite possibilities.

QUESTION: How do we know if we have any etheric tears? If so, how do we

know where they are located, and how do we heal them?
Healing etheric tears in the auric field is a process that is initiated as
soon as you begin the process of integrating more of your Soul-self. As
you begin to integrate more and more higher frequency energy into your
physical vessel and start the process of balancing and harmonizing your chakra
system, one of the major benefits is that any etheric tears you may have will
slowly begin to heal. Often, you will have physical discomfort in areas
where there are tears or etheric scar tissue in your auric field. The most
prevalent etheric tears are in the areas of the three lower chakras, across
the heart area / solar plexus, or in the back of the body between the
shoulder blades.
You can speed up the process by going into your personal pyramid. Lie on
the crystal table and ask your angelic helpers to scan your body and let you
know where (or if) there are any etheric tears in your auric field. If you
get an indication that there are some tears, ask that I, MIK-I-EL, seal
these tears with my blazing sword of Light. This procedure may take a while;
however, the healing process will begin and it will accelerate as you access
the higher vibrational patterns of Light. Bringing in more Adamantine
Particles of Light via the Infinity Breath and toning the vowel sounds are also
a great benefit, and will assist in accelerating the healing/harmonizing
of your auric field and creating balance throughout your four-lower bodily
My brave ones, no matter where you live or the conditions you are
presently living in, there is a grand opportunity for you to begin the process of
attaining Self-mastery. You are urgently needed as a Bearer of Light and a
World Server. This applies to every one of you reading this message. I
surround and enfold you in an auric field of protection. I am forever your
guardian and faithful companion.

I AM Archangel Michael.
Transmitted through Ronna Herman * Copy freely and share. However, I claim
the universal copyright for this article in the name of Archangel Michael.

DailyOM - Living A Day In Grace

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 10, 2011 at 11:46am

DailyOM - Living A Day In Grace

March 7, 2011
A Glimpse Of Perfection
Living A Day In Grace

Grace flows like a river through our lives reminding us that there is magic and power beyond
what our eyes can see.
Grace is always with us. It flows like a river through our lives, artfully reminding us that there
is magic and power beyond what our eyes can see. At times we catch its subtle beauty, like
during chance meetings, near misses, and insights that seem to come from nowhere. Other
times we experience grace in all its powerful surety such as when a job or relationship comes
to an end. Though we may forget that this is grace at work too, it is indeed influencing our
lives, helping us to move forward and take the next step. Grace exists in all situations, in
every moment, yet all too often we may overlook its presence.

Imagine how it would feel to live an entire day in grace, to fully appreciate that your day is
unfolding in absolute perfection. Whereas usually you might miss the magic in ordinary
events and interactions, on this day you would recognize them all as little miracles. Perhaps
you could begin with your first deep breaths in the morning, becoming aware that there is an
abundant supply of air for you to breathe. Your lungs know just how to carry oxygen to your
blood, and your blood knows where to carry it from there. This is grace at work. You might
appreciate the brilliant sunshine, the warm summertime rain, or the possibilities for learning
that greet you at every turn. You might notice the ease with which you do your job or laugh
with a close friend. These things are also grace. Even laying your head down at the end of this
day and resting in the stillness of night is grace.

With each opportunity you give yourself to enjoy this current of benevolence, you may
discover a deeper peace. Your faith may strengthen and your heart may open. You might begin
to wonder if struggle is really all that necessary after all. By living this one day in grace, you
might open the door to many more.

Mayan Majix - 9th WAVE
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 10, 2011 at 11:59am

March 9 , 2011

1st Day of the Universal Cycle -

1 - Deer (Manik)

Dear Mayan Majix Friends this is a BIG Newsletter filled with 9th Wave Information -

Tzolkin Trecena Notes – 1 Deer (Manik)

Day 27 of the 260 Day Tzolkin

Gregorian Date: March 9 , 2011

Year Bearer: 12 Road (Eb)

Trecenas are thirteen-day periods in the Tzolkin. Each Trecena starts with the Number 1, but
a different Day Glyph. As a wave of the Thirteen Heavens, the underlying energy is governed
the First Day Glyph of the Trecena and influences all thirteen successive Day Glyphs. Being
of the predominant energy of the First Day of the Trecena, we can align our intentions with
energy and allow our goals to manifest.

This Trecena starts with 1 Manik (Deer/Healing Hand) - instinctual, intuitive, ritual dance,
the four directions, purifies spirit to rise above limitations.

Deer energy represents the aspect of spiritual leadership, a day that opens a portal for all to
the holiness and sanctity of life. Many shamanic rituals were performed on Deer Days giving
to the Ancestors. Shamans themselves were initiated on the most sacred day of all, 8 Deer.
The Deer
Dance Festival was an ancient ritual dance performed annually. It is still performed today by
native cultures and symbolizes equality and balance between man and nature, hunter and

the sacred rhythm of the cosmic dance.

Deer energy is the silence of all that has gone before and all that will happen in the future
in the eyes of the deer. The glyph itself shows a healing hand. One interpretation is that the
is holding the spark of life, the thread that connects our past and future with our present

© 2006 Judith Ann Griffith

The energy of the Deer uplifts our spirit to rise above our worldly limitations. This can be an
empowering time to speak freely about strongly held beliefs for the good of the community,
and/or self. This is especially important at this time because of the shift which Earth is
experiencing. No longer can things remain the same with the same paradigms controlling
Now is the time for change and now is the time for that change to be oriented toward the good
of humanity (not corporations). Let’s look to our ancestors for the knowledge and wisdom
in the present moment to visualize and dream a new future. This is especially pertinent now
of the situation in the Gulf of Mexico . Individually, we can pray for and envision an end to
toxic flow. This universal deer/healing energy can be directed by our heart to heal the
wound and bring back the abundant fish and wildlife.

Another representation of the Trecena is that of a creative wave beginning at 1 and ending at
with the numbers 6, 7 and 8 representing the crest of the wave. The crest could be interpreted
a strong influential energy, although the underlying influence on the Trecena would still rest
in the
beginning. Deer energy underlies (or influences) the days of 6 Eb, the ladder or pyramid of
the Road
of Life; 7 Ben, the pillar or World Tree, source of all inner power; and 8 Ix, the Jaguar, Lord
Darkness, who rules the Underworld or our shadow selves, and also the Lord of four-legged
The sacred protection and groundedness of Deer energy provides an opportunity to travel our
spiritual path of inner exploration without fear. We are then free to express our heart-felt
for the good of humanity.

As we journey through each day of this Trecena:

1 Deer (Manik) March 9, 2011

2 Star (Lamat) March 10

3 Offering (Muluc) March 11

4 Dog (Oc) March 12

5 Monkey (Chuen) March 13

6 Road (Eb) March 14

7 Reed (Ben) March 15

8 Jaguar (Ix) March 16

9 Eagle (Men) March 17

10 Wisdom (Cib) March 18

11 Earth (Caban) March 19

12 Flint (Etznab) March 20

13 Storm (Cauac) March 21

Utilize the sacred energy of Deer to connect with your spirituality. This is a great time to
ceremony, ritual and dance giving thanks to the Ancestors for the gift of life and for the
to live a new future on earth through expressions of love and peace.

In Lak’ech (I am another you),

William and Viola

©2007 William and Viola Welsch

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 10, 2011 at 12:00pm

Sirius Yüksek Konseyi

Patricia Cori kanalıyla

3 Mart 2011

Işık mesajlarını ilk açtığımızdan bu yana pek çok şey meydana geldi ve sayısız zihin
bağlantıları Kanalımız vasıtasıyla keyif aldı. Size birçok şey anlattık – meydana gelecek olan
şeyler ve şimdi bunlar dogmatik direncin duvarlarını geçerek ana görüş bilincine sızıyor ve şu
anda Muhteşem Mavi Gezegende oturan çok büyük sayıda insan varlıklarının kalplerine ve
zihinlerine sızıyor. Size, sizin aleminizin ötesindeki yaşamı anlattık – sadece Dünyaya
yabancı olan varlıklardan değil, aynı zamanda güneş sisteminizdeki diğer göksel
istasyonlardaki kendi gezginlerinizden ve yerleşim alanlarından da bahsettik: şimdi bu sizin
kendi dünya dışı şovunuzu işleten uzayın kendini yaratan otoritelerinden gelen çürütülemez
kanıtlar vasıtasıyla ifşa edilmektedir: Homo Sapiens Galacticus. Size kızıl gezegendeki
sfenkslerin ve heykellerin resimleri ve yer altı taşıma sistemleri, piramitler, üsler, nehirler ve
ormanlar gösterildi – sizin kendi tarihinizi yansıtan, Dünyaya kadim uygarlıkların bilgeliğini
yansıtan bir tarih olduğunu biliyorsunuz, onların çağdaşları başlıca (ama burasıyla sınırlı
değil), gezegensel istasyonun yeraltında oturuyor ve gelişiyorlar. Size, biyolojik yaşamın
pınarı olan suyu içeren kendi Ayınız dahil, güneş sisteminizdeki aylar gösterildi ve özetlendi
(bilgiye empoze edilmiş kısıtlamalar gereğince). Bir süre önce, sizlere ayda ve Mars’ta yaşam
olduğunu ve kendi türlerinizin çok uzun bir süre önce oluşturulmuş olan üslerde bulunanlarla
etkileşim kurduğunu anlatmıştık. Bu şimdi size ifşa ediliyor; bunların hepsi bu Büyük Geçiş
zamanında ifşa edilmektedir.

Sizi, geçmiş dünyalardan, yabancı uygarlıklardan ve kendi gelecekteki benliklerinizden gelen

teknolojiler hakkında uyardık ve hazırladık: büyük walk – in HAARP kuleleri, Akkaeneset;
dünyanızdaki tüm yaşamın gen kodlarının manipülasyonu; kimyasal ve metal aerosol
spreylemenin kötü amaçlı yaygınlaştırılmasıyla kasıtlı olarak güneşe perde çekilmesi…
yaşamlarınızdaki her çeşit teknolojik istila (saldırı). Ve artık sır olmayan sırlar – pasif
farkındalığın uyku halinden tam sorumluluğa, anlayışa ve size tamamıyla sahip
olabileceklerine inanan sizi yöneten kuvvetlerin fark edilmesine geçmeniz için sizi nazikçe
dürtmeye çalıştık. Onların gücü geriliyor. Yapabildikleri her olası hileyle kontrolu elde
tutsalar da, ellerindeki her alet işe yaramıyor. Eriha’nın Duvarları gibi, kaleleri düşüyor,
yıkılıyor. İfademizi yineliyoruz, Artık Sırlar Olmasın, Yalanlar Olmasın ve aranızdaki
uyanmış olanlar adanmalarında, görkem ve ihtişamlarında dik dursun, kimseye boyun
eğmesin ve sizi selamlıyoruz.

Size ÇÖL GÜNLERİni ve bu günlerden nasıl geçeceğinizi anlatmıştık ve işte buradasınız,
tam zamanında, illüzyon kumlarının aslında Yeni Şafağın matriksine yansıyan kristal
pencereler olduğunu fark ediyorsunuz. Bu Yeni Şafak tam önünüzde, kollektif
yolculuğunuzun kayıt tutucusu olarak taşıdığınız kum saatinde akarak uzanıyor. Kalplerinizde
ve ruhlarınızda meraklı ve parlak, bunlardan bakıyorsunuz ve şimdi ne kadar yakın
olduğunuzu biliyorsunuz. Nabız atışınız hızlanıyor; zaman ölçülemez miktara kayıyor, Evren
ilahi ritimde açılıp kapanıyor, nefes alıyor ve nefes veriyor. İzolasyonunuzdan kaynaklanan
kimsesizliğinizin sona erdiğini anlatmıştık ve öyledir. Fantezinizi gıdıklayan mucizeyi
kucaklamaya hazırlandığınızı biliyorsunuz, çünkü sonunda cennetlere bakıp, galaktik
yansıtmalarınıza “Yalnız Değiliz!” diye bağırırken, bunun yeniden birleşme zamanı olduğunu
hatırlayabilirsiniz. Gerçekte ben nereden geliyorum? Yıldızlar nedir… Gerçekte? Gerçek
yuvam nerede? Ne zaman geri döneceğim? Bunlar merakınızı teşvik eden sorulardır, size
sıçrama yaptıran ve yükselen evrimsel yolculuğunuzun merdivenine çıkartan sorulardır.

Ra’nın solar patlamaları şu sıralar Gaia’nın enerji şebekelerinin hatlarını yeniden döşüyor. Bu
güneş patlamaları sizin nöral yollarınızı tetikliyor, gece gökyüzünü aydınlatan şimşekler gibi
bilinçli zihninizi aydınlatıyor. Size daha önce söylediğimizi hatırlayın: Güneşe güvenin. O ne
yaptığını biliyor. Evrene güvenin… Kendinize güvenin. Birbirinize de güvenin, ama yanlış
yüzleri görmek ve bedende ve astral gölgelerde gizlenen varlıkların yalanlarını ve
tutarsızlıklarını işitmek için ayırt edişinizi kullanın.

Büyük Balinalar ve Yunus Varlıklar yakında ön plana çıkacaklar, Gaia’nın sularının

frekanslarını tutacaklar, sizi yüksek boyutlara dokuyacaklar. Onlar da geçiş yapıyorlar. Size
seslenecekler, çağıracaklar. Onlar kristal suları Kürelerin Müziğinin armonileriyle
mühürleyip, okyanus varlıklarının hücrelerine Kozmos’un ışığını dokurlarken, insan kalbinin
yüksek notalarını taşırsınız.

Gerçek yuvanız her yerdir ve hiçbir yerdir. Varoluşunuzun sonsuzluğunda, birçok form,
birçok yoğunluk, birçok yıldız seçtiniz. Tam şimdi, görkemli geçişin bu anında, Dünyanın
Ruhsal Savaşçılarından biri olmayı seçtiniz – ve orada olma hakkıyla onurlandırıldınız. Çölde
Feneri veya Gerçeğin Ruhsal Kılıcını taşıyor olun ya da olmayın, hepiniz bunun parçasısınız –
hepiniz adanmanızda eşitsiniz, egonun ruhu gölgelediği gölgelerden özgürsünüz ve hakikatte

Burada, yalnızca bir nefes uzaklıkta sizinle birlikteyiz

Yanınızdan ayrılmayacağız.

Yanınızdan hiç ayrılmadık.

Derin nefes alın…

Topraklanmış kalın

Kalabalık ve donuk lensin çarpıtılmış imgelerini süzmek için ayırt edişinizi kullanın

Ve Yeni Şafağa asil ve korkusuzca yürüyün, nasıl yürüyeceğinizi yanlızca siz bilirsiniz.

Kutsanın Gaia’nın Çocukları.


Biz Sirius Yüksek Konseyinin Sözcüleriyiz.

(Çeviri: Saffet Güler)

The 9th Wave and Finding Ourselves while

honoring the wisdom of the Past by Celia
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 10, 2011 at 12:01pm

The 9th Wave and Finding Ourselves while honoring the wisdom of the Past

a message from Celia Fenn - 7 March, 2011

So, here we stand, at the beginning of the 9th wave of the Mayan Calendar, which commences
on the 9th of March and culminates on the 28th of October. According to the writings of
Mayan Calendar authority, Carl Calleman, this will be the most intense period of evolution
that the Planet has seen, and will result in Earth finally reaching Cosmic or Universal
Consciousness. This is what Archangel Michael has been saying for quite a while, and the
webinar/channel that We did with Jim Self on the 21st of December (Solstice) last year was
specifically designed to assist people to prepare for this shift into Cosmic and Galactic time

I am always so grateful to Michael for providing the information that we need before the
time! At this point, the 9th of March, we will enter a more intense phase of this energy, as
forseen by the Maya many centuries ago. I will be doing an online free webinar with my
friend Sean Caulfield, in which we will briefly explain the essence of the Mayan calendar and
the 9th wave, for those who are not familiar with this, and then do an activation with the Spirit
Keepers to align with the incoming energies in a greaceful way that is filled with love and free
of fear.

If you would like to join the webinar at 9pm PST on Wednesday the 9th, please go to the
Starchild website where you can register.

It is also true, that part of the process that we are passing through in this rapid period of
evolution and change, is an integration of the wisdom of the Ancients and the Indigenous
peoples. As Michael has said in many channels, this wisdom must be reintegrated into the
Collective Consciousness before we can move forward. In our modern culture, we have lost
our connection with Nature and with the wisdom of our ancestors, and so we are learning now
how to reconnect and integrate this within our sense of Who We Are. It is necessary and it is a
part of the "healing" of our Being back into wholeness and "Oneness". But, this morning I
was reading through some information about a certain recently prominent teacher who has
used the ceremonies and teachings of the Indigenous peoples in ways that some consider to be
lacking in integrity. Now, while I do not want to get into that debate, it does occur to me that
there is a tendency for people to want to "integrate" the wisdom of the past and of the
indigenous peoples by becoming them in some way. In my travels around the Globe, I have
encountered "Native Americans" in the Middle East and "Indians" in South America. What is
it that makes so many people want to abandon their own culture and become something they
are not? Do we imagine that if we dress in the clothes, wear the feathers and beat a drum that
will magically make us into a powerful shaman?

In my own view, I think it is a symptom of our disconnection from Nature. In our consumerist
culture we have no idea how to get back to nature and our inner connection with nature, and
so we "borrow" from cultures that seem to be successful. I say "seem", because most of these
cultures are as lost and disconnected as the rest of us, and are also seeking to reconnect with
their past and their roots, whether they are Tibetans, Lakotans or Khoi-San in Africa. And so it
is that so many of us are drawn into "dressing up" as Indigenous peoples and pretending that
we have what they have, or what they had in the past.

I must admit that this was a part of my development as well. I have tried out being "Native
American" and "Indian" and "African", and in the process have worked with some incredibly
gifted and wonderful people and been taught by people I would call Shamans. I know
Shamanic techniques and can use them in healing and ceremony, but I know that I am not an
indigenous Shaman. I am a western educated person seeking to reconnect with my inner

divinity and power and my connection with nature. And, surely this is what all of us are
seeking, no matter what culture we belong to.

The essence of the search seems to me, not wearing the feathers and eating the mushrooms,
but finding that deep inner connection in your own way. In a way that resonates with who you
are and your connection to the Earth. This is what I have been teaching with Archangel
Michael in the Webinar intensive that I am doing right now.

Certainly there are Shamanic teachings that resonate universally, I think. I am not that sure
any more. When I do events and we work outdoors, I love creating a fire circle at night, or
working with the medicine wheel as a way of introducing people the the concepts of
elemental honor and connection. But I was aware, quite recently, of the rather strange energy
of trying to introduce a group of Russian Lightworkers to the Medicine Wheel in a St
Petersburg forest, just meters from a wooden church structure that represented the wisdom of
the Russian ancestors. We did connect with the Elemental energy, we managed to create a
thunderstorm that resulted in a power outage in the city of St Petersburg! From that adventure
I learnt to be much more careful in working with elemental energies that are unstable, since at
that time of the great fires in Russia the elemental energies were in a state of great instability.

What was given to me later, is that the connection with nature resonates most deeply when it
is made from within and in a way that honors nature in the Heart. It is about the values of the
Indigenous traditions, respect for Nature and honor for all living Beings. It is about learning to
live together in Peace and to honor all with whom we share the Planet. In this time, it has
become an urgent necessity that we rediscover the values of sustaining the Earth for future
generations and not just taking what we need and not thinking of the damage we leave behind
in our search for more. And yes, I do believe that doing ceremonies in nature that honor nature
is an important part of this reconnection. But I think also that these ceremonies should be ones
that we create from our own inner sense of who we are and how we relate to nature in the
place where we are. And they should integrate who we are and where we are with a sense of
the "now". We are not living in the Stone Age or in Tribes, most of us have to deal with the
complexities of modern urban life and social organization as we make our way back to the
"Mother"...our connection with Nature.

Certainly, the Shekinah Light, that has been coming to our Planet in increasing intensity in the
last year, will bring us closer to the Divine Feminine within and assist our journey inwards to
the "self" that is the Divine Flame of Love and Truth. It is within each one of us, and we can
find that reconnection within, in the Heart space of Love. In fact, this is the only place that we
will find it, and by accepting who we are and why we are here.

To honor the Indigenous ones, we must know that we are the ones we have been waiting for.
And that we chose to born where we did and into the social groups that we did. In order to
know the Self, we must first embrace who we are and why we are here. That is difficult for
most of us if we are low on self worth. It is easier to dress up in a Romantic costume and to
pretend to be someone else in another culture. But, sooner or later we will need to come home
to ourselves, and be ourselves. And then....we will discover that we are All Things and that we
are Connected to All Things.

We Are all that We Will Ever Need to Be. Right Here and Right Now.

This is the video I made with Sean as we talk about the 9th wave and the incoming energies
and working with the Indigenous Peoples in Africa:


© 2006-11 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global

You are free to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions:
You must give the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may
not alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make
clear to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get
permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission
by author.

The 9th Mayan Underworld

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 10, 2011 at 12:02pm

by Dr. Susan Shumsky

Author, Teacher and Speaker

March 9, 2011 begins the 9th Wave of the Mayan Calendar, the cosmic countdown to the end
of the calendar, which brings an end and new beginning to social, political, economic and
geological cycles for America and the World.

With increased interest in the Mayan calendar, people sense a coming great shift in
consciousness. Shifts in consciousness have been happening from the beginning of time,
whenever there is a significant energy shift in the Mayan calendar, such as between any of its
days and nights. Yet few people have considered the fulfillment of the cosmic plan will
require them to become co-creators with this plan.

The ancient Maya describe the end of their calendar, the Tortuguero Monument 6. At that
time, the 9-step entity, Bolon Yookte will "descend." A combination of 9 cosmic forces, 9
wave movements, will simultaneously fully manifest. The meaning of the end of the calendar
is not the end of the world. Rather, it is completion (fulfillment) of an evolutionary process
that started at the beginning of time and led the world to what it is today.

These 9 cosmic forces are the 9 evolutionary progressions (Underworlds), which correlate
with events in biological and historical evolution. Each progression develops a different frame
of consciousness. The 9th and highest wave movement will produce the final shift to Unity
Consciousness that will culminate as the calendar ends.

The calendar develops according to 9 wave movements. The longest one goes back to the
birth of the universe. The 9th wave will be 234 days long made up of 13 different
uaxaclahunkin (18 day) periods. This places the beginning of the 9th wave at March 9, 2011.

These 9 cosmic forces are not acting separately from human beings. They will only manifest
inasmuch as the humans align with them. The co-creation of this highest level requires that
we truly commit to its purpose. As we enter the 9th wave, we celebrate March 9, 2011, in
order to align with the highest, decisive wave of the Mayan calendar system, the 9th wave.

Some of the world’s greatest spiritual teachers have been describing their visions of what is to
come, and how we are the future, we are the heroes, how our coming has been prophesied for
thousands of years and that "WE ARE WHO WE HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR"!!

Author of 7 best-sellers, Dr. Susan Shumsky has 40 years experience as an educator in the
consciousness field. She has authored Divine Revelation, Exploring Auras, Miracle Prayer,
Exploring Meditation, How to Hear the Voice of God, Exploring Chakras, and the best-seller Ascension. For 22 years, she studied in the Swiss Alps, the
Himalayas, and around the world, under the direct guidance of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, guru
of the Beatles and Deepak Chopra, and she served on Maharishi’s personal staff for 7 years.
For another 20 years, she has led the way in New Thought and metaphysics. Dr. Shumsky will
be one of many amazing speakers at an upcoming cruise and seminar-at-sea celebrating the
9th wave of the Mayan Calendar. Visit for details.

Divine Self: Dawning of a New Light for
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 10, 2011 at 12:07pm

There is a new light dawning for humanity, a light of hope, inspiration, and spiritual vision.
This light offers many opportunities and expansions of consciousness for you who are
reaching upward and listening within.

You can open to this new light and the opportunity it brings for transformation at every level.
You can embrace this light and accelerate your spiritual awakening. You can grow through joy
rather than struggle, be in the right place at the right time, and experience having all you need
in every moment.

New opportunities await you right now The new quality of light dawning on humanity makes
it easier to experience the consciousness of your soul and spirit, (also called the Divine Self),

in ordinary states of awareness. It reveals the Divine Self within you-a strong, capable,
abundant, and resourceful Self. This light offers you great opportunity to unfold more of the
potential for your life.

Your consciousness creates your reality

Your consciousness determines how you think and feel, and your thoughts and feelings
determine the condition of your finances, relationships, and the activities you choose. Each
time you contact your soul and Divine Self your consciousness expands. You draw to you
more harmonious and abundant circumstances.

You can release whatever is holding you back

If something is leaving your life, no matter how valuable or important it may seem, it is
because in some way it held you back. If something leaves, know that something better is
coming. As this new light reveals more of the divine within all life and forms, it becomes
easier to see what things are real and important, and what things are unnecessary and
unneeded. It is then easier to let go of whatever is holding you back.

Set your intention

Now more than ever you will be supported by the Universe in following your higher path, in
discovering new directions, and in becoming a light for others. If you want to open to the new
opportunities that await you, set your intention right now to deepen your contact with your
soul and Divine Self, raise your consciousness, listen within, and take action on your inner

Listen to your inner guidance

Contact with your soul and Divine Self allows you to view your life through a new lens and
have transformative insights about your activities, friendships, path, and work. New directions
or needed refinements to the path you are on may come into your consciousness.

Listen to and act upon these insights. As you do, numerous positive changes will occur in
your life as it comes into greater alignment with your soul and Divine Self. What you create
will bring you deep satisfaction and result in more favorable circumstances. You will
experience more of the power, light, wisdom, and understanding that is within you. The
changes you make, guided from within, will continually bring about more of the divine
perfection, plan, and purpose of your life that is waiting to unfold.

Move forward into a new chapter in your life

You who are aligned with your soul and Divine Self can experience this as a time of going
forward, opening to greater abundance, supply, peace, and harmony that the consciousness of
this Self brings. You can reject doubt and negative thinking and become a source of light to
everyone around you. You can find the new forms that are waiting to unfold and then bring
them into your life.

Embrace the New

There is an abundant, joyful, and harmonious world that awaits you as you open to this new
light and expand your contact with your soul and Divine Self. The opportunities are
Imagine yourself becoming very relaxed, shifting your posture ever so slightly to feel more
comfortable, so that your energy can flow and so that you can breathe deeply, smoothly, and

in a more relaxed way. Follow your breath for a few moments, letting it take you into a deeper
state of relaxation, of peace and harmony within.

Bring your attention inward to the center of your being which you might imagine as a core or
a pillar of light within you. And as you pay attention to this light it begins to expand. This,
your Divine Self, the innermost core of your being, is now revealing more of itself to you, for
this is consciousness itself, aware of your attention upon it. Just by thinking of this, your
Divine Self, something within you is awakening. You are accessing some inner strength, a
sense of peace and calm reassurance.

And allow a quietness to come over you, the mental activity of your mind slowing down, as if
you are turning down the volume of your thoughts. And as you do this, as you gain more inner
stillness, the light within is becoming even more visible, becoming a radiant pillar or pole of

Every moment you focus upon this light, the Divine Self within you, you are awakening new
consciousness; the consciousness of joy, abundance, harmony, the consciousness of stillness,
of vision.

Open to this, your innermost Self, the life and the light within you. Welcome it, and set your
intention to allow more of its energy into your life as you focus upon this inner light right
now, and allow even more to be revealed to you of this radiant light within you.

Letting this light permeate your being, the cells of your body, your emotions and your
thoughts, lifting every aspect of your being into a higher vibration. Give this permission right
now, this light, to permeate your being, and to allow your personality to become more
transparent to this inner light that shines forth from the center of your being.

And this light is becoming so radiant, so beautiful, the light of truth and realization, is
beginning to clear the energy around you of all the thoughts, images, pictures, and anything
else that has kept you bound to a lesser vibration. These are impersonal energies. They exist
and they can be seen as wisps of fog that disappear in this light.
So let this light, allow it, give it permission to grow so bright, this light from the center of
your being, that it begins to clear the energies around you so that you can reach upward more
easily. Let this happen now.

And it may feel at some point as if you are up in the light and the clouds are below you. And
things are feeling better and better, like flying above the clouds with the sun all around and
the blue sky. You are lifting up out of the denser energies into the pure light, the divine light.
All burdens are falling away. All concerns are being left behind.
This is your home. This is the place of light that regenerates and revitalizes every level of
your being. Bask in this light right now.

And as you begin to look around in this light, there is a new light dawning upon humanity; a
light that you have been feeling, sensing in some way. It is now becoming more visible, a new
quality of light, a new revelation that lies ahead for humanity that is already here, making an

This light reveals more of the Divine Self so that it is easier to be in these spaces and to
sustain that connection. This light should be growing more and more visible right now to you,

as many beings of light are here holding the focus so that you may harmonize with this light,
come into resonance with it.

And it is as if something in the core and the center of your being is lighting up in a new way.
Drinking in, absorbing this new light, coming into resonance with it, letting that quality of
light be revealed in your central pillar of light. That light is awakening within you. A new
quality of illumination is being offered to you. Accept it if you choose. Give this light
permission to be born within you, to illuminate for you that which it is here to do.

Let this light illuminate your thoughts. You do not need to change your thoughts or work upon
them. Just allowing this light to radiate through your thoughts will change them in some way,
make them a vehicle of expression for your Divine Self in some new way, perhaps bringing
you thoughts that will support you, that are loving to yourself, thoughts that will be greater
reflection of the truth that you are in infinite, eternal being.

And give permission for this light to radiate through your beliefs and any illusions that have
separated you from this inner light. And watch the light radiate out, out and out, freeing you
from any energies that have held you captive, that have bound you to a lesser level of light.
This is the light that releases. This is the light of freedom.

Sense that inner light within you, radiant, shimmering, powerful. Let go of the image of a
physical body. Become this light, infinite, eternal, without limit. Let this light expand, and
expand, and expand, knowing that as you do so your consciousness is expanding, opening up
other levels of your being. Let this light illuminate, shine forth, creating new light all about
you as it does, the birth of new consciousness within you.

Seeds of inspiration are being drawn to you, are coming to you. Letting the seeds that carry
with them new ideas, new vision, that have within them all that is needed to bring forth the
vision, to manifest it, that carry within them, these seeds of inspiration— enthusiasm, the
relationships, the circumstances, the energy, the motivation, and all that is needed for them to
emerge as the new thoughts, the new personality, and the new forms in your life. You might
even imagine them falling all about you in the field of your consciousness, like little seeds
that you are opening to.

This is the incoming consciousness that you are calling into your life. They are aligned with
Divine Will. They radiate light, both for you and for others. For as you open these seeds, as
you develop them through your attunement to the light within, they will bring you abundant
good, a good that will benefit all life as well.

You can ask for these seeds anytime you wish, and they will be there right now in the
moment. They will be there in the moment you ask for them.

If you would like an inspiration for some area of your life, ask for a living seed of inspiration
right now for this area. Receive it into your hands or your heart, or into the fertile soil of your
consciousness. However you picture it is fine.

As you feel this radiant light, the Divine within you that is revealing Itself to you right now,
something is different, some new consciousness is emerging, something that will make your
life better, more flowing, and more in tune with all the energies about you. Working at this
level can have profound effects, both on the inner and on the outer.

Every moment you spend attuned to the light within, to the Divine within you and all life, you
are awakening new consciousness. It will appear in your life as new ideas, perceptions,
thoughts, directions, goals, and relationships.

When these ideas first emerge, love them, nurture them. They may not fit in with everything
you know in the beginning, for they are just a seed, not yet identified as what they will
become. When you have the first glimmerings of a new idea, a new thought, a new direction,
see yourself recognizing and welcoming that idea. Picture this now.

And now as a service and a way to increase that inner light and to assist all who are in
resonance, imagine that all the light that you are, and all the light that everyone around you is
generating, and all the thousands who are joining in this meditation, are forming one radiant
light, a group light that is so powerful, so beautiful, so clear, that it can clear the energy for
many more.

So join in and picture this group light clearing an enormous amount of energy, so that those
who are one step behind can look up and see the light and move into it on their own. Hold this
vision for a moment now of the radiant light that all of you are creating.
And this light, this group light, whether you are listening many years in the future or whatever
time, you are a part of this light. It is holding the new energies that are here; the energies that
clear all that stands in the way of the Divine pattern.

And the light is beginning to go out from this group that you are a part of. A new light is
dawning upon humanity. You are receiving it, you are holding it, and all who are in resonance
are picking it up, coming into alignment. Let this happen now.

All of us from the higher realms thank you for all you are doing, for the light you are bringing
into your own life and to those around. And with that, I bid you good day for now.

Copyright © 2011 LuminEssence


ŞAFAĞI Carl Johan Calleman Ph.D
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 10, 2011 at 12:24pm

( sitesi(, ayrı


Quado’nun Bahçesi : Yaşadığınıza Teşekkür

 Posted by gunes kurtulan on March 10, 2011 at 2:00pm

Yaşadığınıza teşekkür edin.

Bugün, minnettarlıkla durun,

Hayatınızın ifadesi her neyse, yaşadığınıza şükredin, bu nefesi aldığınıza, durduğunuz yerde
durduğunuza, bu görkemli macerada bir adım daha atabildiğinize…

Ne kadar şahane değil mi?

Şimdi bu andan beklentilerinizi salın gitsin. Hayalkırıklıklarınızı, kızgınlıklarınızı salın gitsin.

Bir şeyin olmasını bekleme baskısını salın gitsin. Hepsini salın gitsin. Sadece olun.

Şimdi; bu şahane değil mi?

Gökyüzüne çevirin yüzünüzü, bırakın bu büyük mucize dolsun içinize.

Bir yaprak alın elinize, çalışın onu. Her bir yaprağın tek ve benzersiz oluşu mükemmel değil
mi? Her bir ağacın üzerindeki yaprak, mucize ve ihtişamla evrenden oyulmuş gibi…

Peki siz…

Siz harikulade değil misiniz?

O yaprak gibi siz de dünyada tek, benzersiz ve hala o ağacın bir parçası. Siz potansiyellerle
dolusunuz, ve bu potansiyelleri kullanabilme olasılıkları parıl parıl parlıyor çevrenizde.

Olanı takdir edin.

Var olduğunuza teşekkür edin. Şimdi tam da bu yerden, bu minnettarlık yerinden,

kalbinizi açın. Kendinizi kocaman açın ve mucizeye bağlanın. Birliğinizi hissedin. Nasıl
gerçekten kutsanmış olduğunuzu hissedin.

Barış içinde yaşayalım, ağlamadan. Neşemiz, durmadan dokunduğumuz yaşamları çevrelesin.

Ve melek kanatları şefkatle çarparken, sevgimiz dünyayı sarsın.

The Universal Heart Center

Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan

All is One and All is Love by Carrie Hart

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 10, 2011 at 7:00pm

All is One and All is Love

by Carrie Hart

Today is a day to touch the heart of the universe,

to touch the hem of God, to feel and be

the great connection that we are,

to be one with all of the love and joy that is.

Today is a sacred day, so simply because it is,

because you awakened with blood flowing through

your veins and breath in your body. Now put a

song of joy and gratitude upon your lips and let

that breath of life ignite the full joy that is yours

to have, it you will simply allow it to be.

And now, feel the light in your center. See it

glowing deep within you, this spark of light that

is you. Let the glow spread outward until it fills

you completely. Allow yourself to stay within this

glow and feel and be who you are, the wonder

and glory of your precious self.

And now, let the light spread further out,

lighting the area around you. Be as a candle,

glowing in the dark, shining out for all to see

your love, your faith, your beauty. And now,

stoke that fire within even greater. Feel the

connection you have with all that is. Open up

the crown of your head and let the full light and

love of the universe pour down into you. Fill

yourself first with the golden, glowing light of

your own higher self. Then higher and higher,

the glow greater and greater until you take in all

of the love and light and glory that is the universe,

all now pouring into you, centered within you

and glowing out for all to see.

You are now a great golden glowing orb,

lighting up the entire world, filling all the

space with light, chasing away the darkness

of fear and doubt, replacing it all with the

golden glow of love.

You have this power. You are this light.

You are this bright and glowing. For you

are one with all that is, with the highest and

widest, the deepest and truest. You are one.

We are one. All is one and all is love.

Shine out and let us see your glow.

Here is a little prayer for today:

I am the light and love of the world.

I open to it and I am it,

one at the highest and widest,

the deepest and truest.

I am love, more love,

completely love, all love.

And I am one with all that is.

I am.
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 10, 2011 at 7:14pm


One billion people will breathe together synchronously by November 11, 2012.

For a moment, think of what will happen when one billion people breathe in and out in perfect
unison, creating one universal breath flow. The impact this will have on humanity is yet to be
experienced. We invite you to be one of the billion.

DailyOM: Başıboş Düşünceleri Toplamak
 Posted by gunes kurtulan on March 10, 2011 at 10:00pm

Başıboş Düşünceleri Toplamak

Kendimizi Merkezlemek

Kendini merkezlemeyi öğrenmek, ruhsal büyümenizin en önemli çalışmalarından biri olabilir.

Düşüncelerimiz farklı yönlere saçılmaya başladığında, neyi, niçin yaptığımızın çok da

bilincinde olamadığımızda, kendimizi merkezlemenin zamanıdır. Kendimizi
merkezlediğimizde, nasıl ince ince dağıldığımızı, içimizde birlik olmadığını görebilmeye
başlarız. Belki düşüncelerimiz duygularımızla eşzamanlılığını yitirmiştir, belki de eylemler
her ikisiyle yitirmiştir eşzamanlılığını. Kendimizi merkezlememiz gerektiğini gösteren ana
işaretler, dağılmış düşünceler, bağlantısızlık hissi ve düşüncesi ve de uyuşukluktur; tek bir şey
daha alamayacakmışız gibi... Hatta, odaklamanaz, ve bedenlerimizde hissedemeyiz kendimizi.
Kendimizi merkezlemek, bir anlamda, içimizdeki tüm değişik enerjileri toplayarak kendimize

Kendimizi merkezlemek demek, bedeninizin 3. Çakrası, solar pleksus çakrasının farkındasınız

ve oradan çalışıyorsunuz demektir. İlk başta çok anlamlı gelmeyebilir, ama gelişme
sürecinizde bunun nasıl bir duyumsama olduğunu anlayacaksınız. Biz doğal olarak, derin bir
nefes aldığımızda, kendimizi nasıl merkezlediğimizi biliriz; örneğin, büyük bir konuşma; ya
da her hangi bir şey yapmadan önce… Kendimizi merkezlemenin bir başka yolu, rahatça
oturup nefes meditasyonu yapmaktır. Dik bir pozisyona girip bedenimize giren ve çıkan
nefese dikkatimizi verebiliriz. Nefes, merkezimizden içimize dolar, merkezimizden dışarıya
çıkar, ve bu süreç aslında bizim Dünyadaki tüm etkileşimlerimizin şablonudur. Sohbetlerde,
arkadaşlarımızın söylediklerini merkezimize alır, tekrar merkezimizden karşılık veririz. Tüm
yaşamımız bu merkezimizden başlayan ve biten çekilme ve itilmelerin bir aynasıdır. Eğer bu
çekilme ve itilmeleri izlersek, evrenle uyum içinde oluruz, ve uyumun dışına çıktığımızı
hissettiğimizde, her zaman, sakince oturup nefesimizi izlersek, dengeye dönüş yaparız.

Kendimizi merkezlemek adına sakince oturduğumuzda, etrafa saçılmış düşünceler ve

enrjilerimizi birleştirmeyi ve kendimize toplamayı imgeleyebiliriz, ördek annenin yavrularını
etrafına toplaması gibi. Bir yuva kurduğumuzu ve kendimizin tüm birbirinden farklı
parçalarını yan yana merkezimize getirip akışkan bir entegrasyon algısı yaratmayı
imgeleyebiliriz. Bu merkezlenmiş noktadan, daha maksatlı atılımlar yapmaya başlayabiliriz

Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan

 Posted by gunes kurtulan on March 11, 2011 at 1:30am


11 Kasım 2012 Tarihinde, Bir Milyar insan Eş Zamanlı Olarak Birlikte Nefes Alacak.

Bir saniye düşünün, bir milyar insanın mükemmel uyum bir içinde, tek bir evrensel nefes
akışı yarattığında olacakları.

İnsanlık üzerine olacak etkisi, deneyimden sonra gözlenecektir.

Sizi de bu Bir Milyar İnsan içinde olmaya davet ediyoruz.


Ashtar's March 8th Report

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 11, 2011 at 10:58am


"Well Good Evening everyone! This is a jolly time for all of us. Change - that can be a
frightening word, and indeed it is causing a lot of fear on the part of those who don't want
these changes. You know who we're talking about, the ones who have been, oh what you call
prime participants, and their ancestors, and their programs, in what you call the secret
governments, the control of the Planet, and so on, and so on. [It] makes no difference - they
created communism, they created the so-called democracy existences, they created empires;
they created slaves. [It] makes no difference; they controlled and created the World as they
have wanted it to be, to their highest advantage.

"We shall share what is happening by giving you an illustration which Sekhmet, and we
Mentors, have been giving to the three women here on Maui. There are what are called
luxury resorts along the shorelines, and we have been telling them that they are a mixed bag.
Yes, on the surface of it they seem to be all fun and frolic, but those who have been owning
and running (and coming to) the resorts are among those who are resisting these changes.
They have been so entrenched, and so much in enjoyment of their wealth, while they have
been taking as much as they could from the vast majority of people on the Planet. They have
not a thought of Compassion.

"They are scared. They can't even forgive themselves. They cannot even Love themselves.
They bow to their false gods of money and power, and they're scared. And so they're coming
to these places of luxury trying to escape, spending what money they have left, because they
know in some part of them that things are changing, whether they want them to or not. This is
a first on Planet Earth, these changes. They've been told all along that there would come a
day when the changes would be complete, and they've been invited to come in, and be a part
of the Renaissance, the Golden Age, the coming back to the Light and the Love, which is
where the Planet started anyway, but they have been in denial.

"You all know what denial is. You've all done some denying of this or that, here and there.
Denial is when you put resistance into something. Choosing a different focus is not denial,
that's not resistance. Denial is where you focus on something, and you resist it. Humm! Well
I've just been giving you a little bit of 'Yes I can 101' that Mother Sekhmet is teaching, so I
shall return to the story.

"Anyway, these dark hats are losing the power. Why? Because you're all awake. You're
beaming Love, and you're beaming Light, and you are helping others on the Planet to do the
same. It's like you hold out a hand, and you say, 'Come on Brother, come on Sister, come on
Beloved, we're all Family of One here. We're all the perfect children of Mother/Father, and
we have one place to go, and that is up!' Because we know it's easier when you consider
directions, or when you put a direction into it. It is back to the Light. It is up, up, and away
out of this 3D tar pit, out of the muck, and into the Joy. And even the very highest realms of
3D are a delightful place to be compared to the lowest ones.

"Now some of the youngest generations of these ones have tried to do things at various times,
sons and daughters, grandsons and granddaughters. You know about the plane that was shot
down over Long Island Sound - that's an old story, it happened a while ago. These ones have
so little Compassion for themselves, because they are taught to be absolutely without
Compassion, to climb and claw their way no matter who they hurt, even their own children
and grandchildren, that that plane was shot down, and it had these wonderful ones, who had
waked up enough that they were going to go to Europe and tell the story about the
controllers. Well, the controllers couldn't have that, so they killed their very own, and this is
common among these beings. When somebody gets looking like they might tell someone,
they are immediately deprived of their human body, and that is how it is, and that is how it has
been, until now.

"So let's look at the Light side shall we? Let's get up and out of death. That's where they
have been, and that's where some of them still want to be. Now can you imagine being so
resistant to change as to do the things that we have just been discussing? Nevertheless, some
of them are still there. Well guess what, the up, up, and away ship is going to leave without
them. And not only that. You've heard the great Masters Tara and Rama tell you what is
being told to them, but it is all done with Love, and with the highest of Light. It is being done
(to the dark hats) with their permission, this un-creation of them and their souls, if it is
absolutely necessary. If they would rather do that in their resistance, then their request shall
be granted by guess who?

"Well that's Mother Sekhmet. She and we, and you, Beloveds, are doing everything possible,
humanly and beyond humanly, to put out the vibrations of Love, of Forgiveness, of Gratitude.
Yes, thank them. They've shown you the Light. In their darkness they show the way to the
Light and Compassion, and yet they are still in resistance.

"Now things are moving despite this. Yes, we know that there is some connection between
some of the Earth things that are happening, and some of the shakings and so on. We have
told you all along that Mother Gaia does need to make some changes and shifts, so that she
can ascend with you, or shall we say so that you can ascend with her. Be not in fear about
these. Send Love. It is not that the tossing of a human being into the volcano of Pele is going
to stop the volcano from erupting. That's somewhat of a fairy tale. It is Love and the
vibrations of Love, high vibes. That's what keeps Mother, Mother Gaia, as calm as she can
possibly be while still effecting her changes.

"And we're going to tell you something else. We did allow the destruction of Christ Church
and other places on that Southern Island of New Zealand, because we want you and the entire
World to know to what great lengths these ones would go. Imagine, they want the island for a
refuge, and yet they're willing to self-destruct, or destroy the island, same difference. Can you
believe it? That's how out of balance they are, and how deeply entrenched in these programs,
that they would destroy the very place that they want to go to, and we did mitigate in case you
were wondering. The whole island could have gone down, or been engulfed in tsunamis.

"Well that was the part of the thing. They thought if they could sweep it clean of all
inhabitants then surely it would be given to them. No, because the voices of the world are
speaking out for Love and Freedom, and they're saying to these ones, 'You're done; you're
absolutely done; no more are you going to control; no more are you going to tell governors,
and senators, and parliament members, and judges, and presidents, and prime ministers, and
kings, and queens what to do! You are not going to rule behind the scenes, and by the way

you're not so secret anymore. Everybody knows the names of the Rothschilds and the
Rockefellers as being among these ones. Well, the Koch brothers are becoming a household
word.' Send them all Love!

"Everybody is hearing the story of how the Koch brothers almost single handedly - well they
had a few, humm, let's say cohorts, to say friends is not entirely accurate, because really each
one of these people, as we have said, not only will they kill their own family members, they
think nothing of destroying their friends, as far as their human lives are concerned. So, we'll
just say some cohorts, some partners in the dark, came together, and because they thought that
in so doing they were really going to take over, and they'd have all the money in the World,
they let loose with a lot of money that they wouldn't ordinarily let go of in order to buy the
elections in the United States of America; to keep the slave labor factories going in countries
outside of the United Sates of America, while Americans were going homeless, and freezing,
and not having enough food to eat. And then they blatantly bought, and we're going to say it
right here loud and clear - they bought the Tea Party into office, they gave this money to the
Tea Party candidates.'

"No matter how high in ideals the Tea Party candidates were, or are, they bought those
elections, so that the Tea Party candidates could be their newest puppets. Well in some cases
it's working out, like that one called Walker,* and in some cases it is not, because there are
many, many, Tea Party candidates who are taking a second look, and they're saying, 'Wait a
minute, this has gone too far; guns are not the answer; destroying the middle class is not the
answer; taking away the programs that are so in place that without them millions more will be
tossed into poverty, that is not the answer.' And they are starting to move away from that
program, and you will be hearing more and more about them.

"And coalitions are being formed that do not have party minds. Now this is extremely
important, because you know that political parties exist Worldwide, and it has been the game
of politics that these ones have been supporting, and they have been playing both sides. You
all know that they played both sides in World War II. They supported Hitler as much as they
did the Allied Forces. And the only reason that the Allied Armies were finally victorious is
because Hitler was starting to show signs of being so far out there, that he was getting beyond
their control. He was rebelling a bit with some of the things that they wanted him to do. And
because Hitler was very powerful in ways of rituals, metaphysics, and so on, they decided
they'd better let the Allies win. But the Allies paid a big price. And even now some of you
have guilt for the bombs that were dropped, the killings that were done, even though it was
your ancestors who may have done them.

"You did a great job! Let go of it. That's what we're here to tell you. You've got to relax, and
get your brains out of the monkey mind mode. Relax and find that inner Peace, that coming
together with the totality of Who You Are. You are so beautiful, Beloved Ones! There is no
reason for you to feel imprisoned in some kind of a low 3D box anymore. And we are in full
support of each and every one of you. We are with each and every one of you, and we ask
that you call upon us in your meditations, or just when you're driving down the road if you
want to.

"Ask to feel a little tingle. Look up into the clouds, and when you see some that you know are
really ships, say 'Hello!' Come out of your house on days where there are beautiful
cloudships, or even no clouds visible. You know, when there are really no clouds, that's when
you see the darting ones across the sky, speeding across, and they're usually kind of a silver

color. They're reflecting Light. Communicate with them. Ask them to pause for a moment,
and they will, and most often will just suddenly, as you blink your eye, they'll disappear.
What they're doing is a couple of right turns, and just moving up a little higher into higher

"When you see all the Star Trekkie movies, and Star Wars - remember Han Solo and his great
ship [the Millenium Falcon]? Warp speed? What do you think that is, if not moving into a
little higher level of dimensionality, so that ship literally disappears from the screens of those
who are watching, unless of course that ship (which is watching) goes into warp speed as
well, and then the chase can be on again.

"But we're not here to talk about Star Wars adventures. We're here to tell you all, that you all
have a place on the ships if you choose, you all have a place on Ascended Earth if you choose,
or you can do both. You have missions, and you all know what your missions are, or at least
you know that you're here for a reason and a purpose, and the big picture on that -we can sum
it all up for everybody - is to be a part of this, because you came NOW for this. And you
came to get together, you came to find each other, you came to join together, and you came to
take care of whatever you brought with you in the way of baggage to resolve. (Do) you know
that every time one of you moves into such a high state, high dimensionality, that when you
cause a shift within your own being, a shift into a higher dimensionality - do you know what
happens? You pay it forward to the whole world and the Universe beyond!

"You are awesome, Family, and we cannot tell you often enough how we love you, and how
we appreciate your Courage and your perseverance, and yes, your Patience. Oh, we know
from the human perspective you might say, 'I am an impatient person, when is this all going to
come about?' And then you hear, 'No dates.' But giggle and laugh when you hear that now,
because the dates are coming into view faster and faster. Look at your calendar for March.
Look at tomorrow. Oh boy, the ninth wave! Look at the date for the equinox, and notice how
close the full moon is. Oh boy, that's going to be a weekend! There are so many energies of
Love and upliftment coming to Planet Earth right now that really, all you have to do is just
open your heart a tiny bit wider, and they'll come rushing in, not more than you can open
within your fields of energy, but they can park on kind of a stand-by. It's like gifts are coming
in so fast, don't bother to try to count them. You can leave some of them unwrapped. Your
Higher Self will see to it that you only unwrap that for which you are ready, in each and every
moment, that which you're ready to actually use and benefit from. This is not for you to go on

"Sometimes, and we're only bringing this up, sometimes it's possible to overdo. Most
commonly it affects your physicality. That's why we are suggesting that as part of the, shall
we say the Ascensionitis remedy, that you get extra sleep, because your physical is changing
so much. Do you sometimes feel that buzz, that communication of the crystal, the crystalline
grid, the Crystalline You? That's pretty high, it's pretty uplifting, and yes, it can be a little
tingly at times. Respond, talk to yourself, 'Oh, Beloved Body, what a glorious day this is as
we step out of bed, and I greet the totality of who I AM. And I rejoice that I AM even more
crystalline than I was when I went into this bed last night. Thank you for all of the
adjustments and attunements, and fine tunements and balancings that have been given to me
during this night. I thank first myself and all of my glorious team of Guides and Practitioners
from the Stars who have been with me. And we have journeyed together, and we have
accomplished a lot within my energy fields! And now we go forth to this wondrous day, this
day of change, this day of upliftment and this day of flying high!'

"Well you can do something like that if you want to. Doesn't that feel good? And we are
recommending that during this month of March, particularly between now and the time of the
full moon. This is a creation time. This is a vision time. This is a time for you to ride high on
these energies, to welcome them, to welcome us, and to be together in such delight, in such
Joy, and to know Who You Are, without any doubts, without any resistance to change.

"And, if you get a little scrunching in your tummy, love it. Invite your ego once again to
come up into your heart. Give yourself lots of time-out to create your visions, to enlarge
perhaps upon what you already know about your mission and purpose here. What are you
going to be doing in the next moment to bring that vision into reality? This is the time to do
it, Beloved Ones! Whatever it is, give it your all. Give it your focus and invite all of your
helpers and guides. Invite the Ashtar Command. Oh, and the Arcturians really want to be part
of this, because you know they're helping a lot with the crystalline grid for the Planet, along
with the Kryon Group, and others, so greet it and be joyful, and create your visions and put
yourself into that crystalline state.

"If you have crystals outside of your body, program them to further enhance your upliftment.
Use your wands, and whatever - use your hands, your wands, use your hearts. Oh, Beloved
Ones, this is the month for empowering - keep on with it, and after the full moon, know it.
That is there for you to continue to affirm, because the energies are going to keep flowing in.
The energies are going to make it so, and more and more in your being. And anybody who
goes to April the first will not be fooled, will not be fooled into thinking that these changes are
not happening, and that all is hopeless, and you know, 'gloomy doomy, let's get out of there,'
but rather will be enlightened and knowing! And your opportunity to create this as Truth for
the entire Planet just gets more powerful and powerful in every nano-second that passes. You
wonder why we're being so passionate, it's because we are with you, Beloved Ones. And we
can feel, we can feel you and your loving energies, and we know that we are partnering here
in this, and we know that all is Truth and Joy and Love in all of our beings!!!

"If you watch the news, bless the ones who are bringing you the Truth, and send them your
Love. They're flying high. By the way, we understand why Rama did not want to come right
out and say who he was talking to. We're not going to do it either, but here's a little flash. He
has an 'O'** in his last name, just in case anybody was wondering a bit. Now that's real cool,
but it's red hot, because it's energy, it's Love flowing. There you have it, so now you know.
And by the way if Master Rama wants us to, we shall ask that that line be omitted from the
transcript that goes out, but for you here, Family, you can know. We'll check in with him and
see what his wishes are. This is huge, this is huge! This is coming together in Oneness. We
Are All One!

"Now, for those who are not awake, we are addressing them. Those who are on the Ascension
Path, but are not awake to it, don't know about it, don't really want to hear about it at this
moment - this is a big month for them. You might say we're marching along in Peace,
peacefully. We're doing Peace marches. For those who are in denial, just send them Love,
Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude. We're taking care of the other communications along
the way.

"We even are communicating with some of the ones like Walker.* He's just a pawn,
remember that. We have told you before that St. Germain has some rather interesting ways of
appearing. He's got the energy and capability to do it. Don't try it. Don't try it just yet.

Eventually you'll be able to do that -walking through the walls. Maybe some of you already
are, but don't push yourself to do that today. St. Germaine is taking care of that for you. He
has a flare for drama, just send him your loving support, because he's out there making a lot of
announcements right now.

"All righty, so you've got the picture. We are a blend, by the way. You may hear that there is
somebody else sharing this Voice, and that is perfectly all right. We're all here. We're all in
Love. And we are so in Love with you, and co-creating, coming and giving of your time and
energies, even though you may not be flying quite as high as we are, all though we certainly
hope you are taking advantage of our offer. You know it's free, we don't even ask that you
have your baggage inspected. Just come on aboard and fly with us!

"We've got more to do here. We're coming together here for the purpose of empowering you
even more, and as we do that we are going to empower even more, your visions, your
intentions, your creations, to be in harmony to be actualized, and realized, and manifested
within this very short space of time. Will it all get done during the month of March? No
dates, but remember we're marching, ah hah, we are marching, and indeed we shall be
springing during this month into entirely new realities which will be for you most enjoyable!

"For those who are in resistance to change, because they have been in power and control, it
will be most uncomfortable. And for those who come to you wanting to know what's going
on, 'What do you know that I don't know,' for instance, and who are just going to be waking
up -it might be their second or third or who knows what, wake-up call - but they're finally
going to get up and open their eyes. It will be, 'Well I'm liking this change, I'm liking what's
happening here.' Now there are some rough spots. Send some Love in particular to those
brave ones in Libya and the other countries. Some of them have not even erupted yet. They
don't know that they're going to start gathering here, there, and everywhere around the World,
but we see them doing it, and it is a necessary part of the process. It's called cleansing and
clearing. It's called loving, forgiving, being compassionate and grateful. It's called allowing
the Great Peace to be the background, the focus, which writes the program of protest. And
make no mistake, all who have stood for Peace throughout all time on Planet Earth, are here,
whether they are in human uniforms, or not. They are here in support.

"You yourselves, Beloved Ones, have at sometime or another stood for Peace, in some kind of
a situation, whether you've been Braveheart, or Brave Mother, you have stood for Peace. So
welcome its familiar comfort, its familiar upliftment, and its familiar Joy into your hearts. As
we do our Exercise tonight, we call them Peace Exercises, because that is what they are. That
is the entire scenery, and focus for the exercise, but we're going to fly, so we hope you're all
aboard and ready to go!

"And I, Ashtar, with great Love, and with all of the loving beings here in this company, all of
us from what you call the realms of the Stars, and the Heavens, and the Planets beyond Earth,
honor you and thank you for being here with us in this evening of Love and Joy. And so it is,
Beloved Family! Salut!"
*Governor - for now - Walker of Wisconsin
**Rama says to tell everyone - he talked with President Obama!

Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh

Given through Susan Leland, March 8, 2011. © Ashtar On
The Road Publications 2011. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may
be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is
altered or deleted.

While we understand your desire to have Ashtar answer your personal questions, Susan's
schedule does not allow the time for her to do so. Please consider registering for a private
session with Ashtar channelled by Susan as an alternative.

We are on an accelerated path for Ascension preparation and you are invited
to take a look at the newest addition to our Ascension Energy Tools collection.

The Titanium Germanium Bracelet is a natural transmuter of any harmful

bombarding energies that can agitate us and create disharmony of our energy
fields. Wearing this bracelet with these powerful minerals next to your skin can
help you make some much-needed shifts in your fields for your own upliftment.
Tune in and test to see if this bracelet is for your highest and best good. We will
share more about this item on our free teleconference next Tuesday.

We look forward to our continuing co-creations with you!

Namaste, Susan, Fran and Elise

“OPEN YOUR DOORS" Frustration's
Doorway to Ultimate Expansion by Dana
Mrkich/ Steve Beckow
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 11, 2011 at 11:09am

So this first week of March for many people has been INTENSE not only because of the solar
flares but because our bodies are still recovering from the ones in January and February! It’s a
bit hard to rest in between Flares when you have daily sunspot activity continuing to prod you
right? Ah, no rest for the unawakened, or that which is unawakened within us.

So here we come to the point – that which is unawakened within us is being prodded, pushed
and slammed awake. The specific theme that is going on right now is one of doors within us
collapsing, doors within us opening, and entire rooms expanding to Let the Light In!

Imagine that our energy field is made up of hundreds of little rooms. We have the Power
room, the Confidence room, the Freedom room, the Abundance room, the Support room and
so on. Imagine we have a room for every possible emotion, quality and energy you can think
of, and rooms for things you haven’t even dreamed of. We ALL have ALL available rooms
within us, that’s not a problem. We all have very interesting beliefs around these rooms,
determining which are shut, which are open, and which can only be open if certain others are
shut and vice versa.
Some of us think if the Love room is open, then the Freedom door has to be shut.

Others think that if the Freedom room is open then the Support and Abundance doors will
close. We have subconsciously made negotiation deals with all of our rooms. “Will give up
Honesty to have Harmony, will be okay with no Power as long as I have Happiness.” I have
no idea who our Energy Lawyers were, but these negotiation deals are really not working for
us anymore! Sure they worked once upon a time. Of course we created all these lovely beliefs
and stories because hey if ALL of us was open ALL of the time throughout ALL of our
evolutionary process, then ironically we may not have had a chance to evolve in the way we
have. What’s the point of being on a 3D free will planet if you can’t throw in some restrictions
and limitations to make things a little interesting? So we all get that, ‘it happened for a
reason’, blah blah blah.

So we’ve been trucking along, having fun (or not) with our personal stories, when someone
upstairs decided it’s time to start turning the lights on – more specifically, it’s time to open all
the doors, and let the light in to all of our rooms. Just in case we didn’t get our personal wake
up call, Mr Galactic Centre is now working in partnership with Mr Sun and Mother Earth and
blasting us with megawatts of Light on a daily basis. It’s like having a giant helicopter
hovering over your mansion with a massive spotlight, with someone on a loudspeaker
shouting “OPEN YOUR DOORS!!!”

You will know that the light is honing in on a closed door because it will feel somewhat like
you are being squeezed between two vices to keep that door closed. It doesn’t feel good AT
ALL!! Say that you have your ‘Assertive’ door shut, and you are used to saying “Oh it’s okay,
that doesn’t matter, it’s all good.” Well you might have noticed that, some of you have said

that this week it feels like you are speaking and punching yourself in the stomach at the same
time. Or, perhaps you had the realization, that it would infuriate you to say those words one
more time and out of nowhere you stood up for yourself and said “That is not okay, it does
matter, this is what I want, and this is what I will have!”

It’s not always a simple open and shut case, pardon the pun. You might have a belief that
automatically slams the Assertive Door shut when the Asking for what you Want door is open,
but the Assertive Door is wide open when the Helping Others door is open. So this tells us
there is nothing wrong with our Assertive room or door, we have just had a trip wire
activating it open or shut depending on the situation.

In what life areas do you feel restricted right now? Your living situation? Finances? A health
issue? What story are you telling yourself to justify that restriction? Eg, “I don’t earn much
but it’s because I am doing what I love. I could have lots of money if I joined the rat race but I
don’t want to.” Why can’t you earn what you truly want while doing what you love? Why
can’t you have BOTH those rooms open? You can of course, you just have that trip wire set
up making it up until now impossible! Others may have “I am not happy in my job but I have
to pay the bills.” Hmm…..So if you had the “Happy in my Job” door open, you couldn’t have
the “I can pay the bills” door open too? Who says? They say, I know. Forget what they say.
Open both doors right now! Open them energetically, open them mentally, open them
emotionally, then they will eventually open physically – they have to!

The first March week, has triggered a heightened awareness of where you may be boxing
yourself in to express a limited version of your self and life. Jelena (artist and art therapist,
check her out at recommended I do some artwork to help shift some
energy, and I pass that recommendation on to you. All you need is a box of crayons, a big
sheet of paper and a life area that is feeling stuck, restricted or frustrating in any way. What I
found was that three drawings emerged. The first symbolised how restricted part of me felt
when in a particular situation. The second was a drawing of me being free, but it seemed to be
a pseudo or fake freedom, because it came at the expense of pushing the other part of my life
to the background – something I didn’t really want to do.

I saw how I had a pattern of see-sawing between the two, ultimately fulfilling one aspect of
me to the denial of the other. My soul wanted both aspects to be fulfilled, in complementary
harmony with each other. This led to drawing number three, which was all about wholeness –
allowing all aspects to be fulfilled, meeting my needs and the needs of others in a balanced
way, in all life areas. So get out your crayons because the images that emerge on paper really
make you see so clearly what story your energy has been playing out. The third ‘ultimate
outcome’ drawing is perfect to hang on your wall, symbolizing what you would like to
embody and how you would most like to feel.

The frustrated eruptions of this month are ultimately leading to our expansion, to a wider
perspective when it comes to who we are and who we can be. Any trade-offs of “Well if I am
this I can’t be that” will tend to feel literally like you are cutting off your circulation or flow,
you might feel a tightening in your chest or a feeling of pressure bearing down on you. The
universe is shouting “Stop it!” at any sign of self-restriction or self-limitation. I can hear
people saying ‘If I didn’t restrict my eating I’d put on weight in a second! Restriction can be
good.” Ideally, a healthy, fit person isn’t coming from a place of self-restriction – rather
coming from a place of eating healthily and wanting to feel good, and when you come from
that place you naturally choose foods that are good for you and naturally don’t over-indulge

because it doesn’t feel good. Restriction in it’s literal sense, say in the form of a strict diet,
rarely works in the long term because our bodies will always rebel against being told no. Our
bodies will very happily move toward what we are saying yes to.

So the universe is also asking us right now to know why we are doing what we are doing? Do
you want that fast car to give you a feeling of freedom, a feeling you don’t feel in your home?
If so, you need to stop and check in with your Freedom door and ask why you feel it is shut
when you are at home. Is it a perception issue from childhood or a past life, or is it a real
issue? If you are craving something, let’s use the example of Success, chances are you haven’t
connected with it fully within. That is, you keep shutting the Success door when certain other
doors are open. What are those other doors? We can’t escape whatever it is we are running
from. We have to face all unowned aspects of ourselves, otherwise they will eventually catch
up to us, usually in a way we didn’t want or expect.

So what’s the big deal, why not just have the fast car and use that wonderful freedom feeling
to avoid the whole home situation? Well remember that spotlight on top of your mansion? It’s
not going away anytime soon. You can still have the fast car, but you can’t use it to avoid
connecting with what it're really wanting to connect with, which might be your Inner
Authentic Freedom or Inner Authentic Success or Inner Authentic need for True Love or
Emotional Intimacy or whatever it is.

We are no longer being allowed to use external things to feel restricted, or feel expanded. We
are undoing the restrictions from the inside, and expanding from the inside, so that when we
do connect with things external to us we are doing so not out of an unmet need or not for an
escape or not out of obligation, but out of the pure desire to be, do or have that certain
something as a natural extension and expression of the authentic inner connection. The
extension and expression leads to inner expansion, and as your inner expands so too will your
outer and on it goes as an ever-evolving spiral.

On a final note, I’ve had a certain car on my vision board for years. A few weeks ago I woke
up thinking what am I waiting for? I’m going to buy myself this car for my birthday! (March
11). Well I bought it this past weekend and guess what, the registration is my birthday and the
girl I bought it from has my birthday! Magic happens once we finally get up the courage to
say I’m going to do this NOW! What have you been waiting to do or have, that is waiting for
you to say “I’m ready now”? There is a tone of energy washing over you right now – you can
use it.

(c) Dana Mrkich 2011. Permission is granted to share this article freely on the condition that
the author is credited, and the URL is included

Sanat Kumara Speaks for Lord Buddha &
the Spiritual Hierarchy
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 11, 2011 at 11:10am

Sanat Kumara Speaks for

Lord Buddha & the Spiritual Hierarchy

Essence Of Continuity ~ Oneness Within

The Clarion Light Beings 911 & Beyond

March 7th, 2011

To Listen & Download

Good evening,

This is Fred speaking. Welcome to the Temple of 911. We are very excited for each of you
because of the week that is going to be happening with the energy frequencies that we’re
feeling here also. We’re very, very excited to have you join us in the Temple to assist in the
frequencies and also to extend our hands out to you in friendship as we are all here meeting
our Soul Brothers and Sisters. Let’s take a deep breath as we bring forth our teacher this


I am Fred, the Spokesperson for the Temple of 911 and Beyond.

Greetings, greetings, greetings! It is absolutely wonderful to be here to bring forth the

blessings of the Spiritual Hierarchy in these moments of reflection as each of us are all
working together to assist the Planet in the Light and the balance and the Love that is coming
into the Earth plane in various ways. I come to you this evening as a “Spokes-Soul” - a
frequency that is quite different than Christine has been feeling lately. So give her some time
so we can fully acclimate her to the level of communication that his happening in this

I come to you as Sanat Kumara . There are many energies coming through me at this moment
and this is why our Dearest One here is a little bit conflicted with what is happening in her
body. We are coming forth to you in the higher frequencies to assist in the Planetary changes
that are about to occur this week once again. These changes coming forth are more
integration than you’ve been receiving previously; although the other ones have been
integration, the moments that are happening now are actualization.

\You have been preparing yourself for this time, preparing yourself to bring forth these
frequencies in the light and the love that you are. As you are doing this, your body is
changing quickly. Some of you may have noticed that it is changing in different frequencies,
and as these frequencies are occurring for you, the Essence of Continuance that is happening
for you is quite different than it was before. Why? Why is it different this time? Well, of
course we are in a fabulous year, you’re moving towards more unity than you ever have in the
Planetary level, but it’s more than that. Your souls are awakening onto the Divinity that you
are. Your souls are having their remembrance of what it is like to meet others, what the
essences that occur in communication, in love, in sharing and continually allowing these
elements to unfold within your Being. As you start to feel these frequencies, you’ll start to
see an essence within you that is quite different than before. Everyone is feeling it; changes
are resulting in everyone’s lives. Some may be larger than others. The ones that have been
aspiring to these levels of movement are going to be feeling it even more greatly. The ones
that have been tired – so very tired – that have wanted to leave the Planet because you’ve
been doing this for eons and eons of time and think, “Oh no, not another one! When is it
really going to happen? Am I going to see the frequencies? Am I going to see how my life is
going to change?”

Okay, I’m going to ask you one thing. Right now, take a deep breath. I want you to see
yourself where you were January 1st of this year. I bet each of you have changed greatly.
Maybe your lifestyle hasn’t changed, but your consciousness has changed, and your lifestyle
has probably shifted. There may be people that came into your life, maybe people that left
your life, or maybe you’re about to embark upon a pathway that is unbelievable. Some of you
are sitting and saying, “Okay everyone else is doing something, but what about me? What
about the frequency of the Light that is happening in my life? I don’t feel grounded; I don’t
feel like I’m moving forward, so what is occurring for me?” The ones that are not physically
moving forward in their pathways -- like a residence or a business -- I bet there are
relationships that have come into their lives. Each of you is incorporating some type of
change within, although each of you is not incorporating all the changes, because how boring
would that be if you did it all the same at the same time even though you’re all part of a soul
family? No, not at all. Each of you has to bring forth those segments -- like pieces of the pie
-- the nucleus. If you take yourself in the family that you are of 144 souls that are deeply
inter-connected and you’re starting to flow together, and as you’re flowing together you’re
allowing that frequency to come within and allow yourself to see that, ye,s there are changes.
Some may come in and stay for a while, and then they may leave, but then they may come
back! That’s the beauty of it. What is the beauty of it that each of you desires? Each of you
is very gifted, and within those gifts sometimes it can be a detriment to your personal life.
That is part of the process, unfortunately. You need to know what to balance ~ like any
relationship -- anything that is occurring for you -- you need to know when you need a
boundary and when you do not need a boundary. You need to understand the conceptual
frequency that is happening for you, and as you start to understand it, you will incorporate the
changes that are necessary. When these changes occur you will see the development in your
lives and how it needed to happen at the rate that it did. You’re still in the human condition

where you’re not quite ready to fully Be in the Moment. You need to be in the moment and
fully accept what is occurring for you. Within this acceptance, you’ll see a change. Within
this change you’ll be able to correlate the elements that have been occurring up to this point.

It’s like each of you is on a mountaintop; think of yourself as a pile of snow. Within that pile
of snow you feel your nucleus, you feel your Light Body, you feel the essence around you.
Then you start rolling down the mountain and you start accumulating other elements, because
you’re only going to bring forth the Light. As you breathe deeper allow that frequency of
light to be fully within you, then more Light is going to be attracted to you. Then there may
be others that think they’re fully in that Light frequency so they come toward you and they’re
repelled by you. If they are at a lower vibration than you, they could attack you, they could
manipulate, they could use energy to do so; yet your light is so strong you know you can
handle whatever and protect yourself with more Light until you’re rolling even further down
the mountain. Those individuals cannot stay in your space. You’re creating this pathway, and
as you allow the pathway to keep accumulating you feel the frequencies occurring more
deeply. As these frequencies occur more deeply, you’re receiving more Light, so this is
exactly what you’re doing with your Light Body with these activations, with these frequencies
that are happening on almost a daily basis, with the moon changes. This week is an enormous
doorway for each of you to walk through. You’re still moving down the mountain, you’re not
quite at the bottom. What is at the bottom of the mountain? The bottom of the mountain is
the purity of your essence because you’ve accumulated all these light frequencies and the pure
essence of the white snow. Some of it stays with you and some of it doesn’t. Some of you
don’t even need it all the time, so allow those elements to fully be around you completely.

When you allow that to occur, you start to see how you are creating your soul family to come
together. There may be parts of your soul family that are not ready, there may be other parts
where they’re in the outlying edges; so you must understand there’s a core group of you that
are fully allowing the actualization to occur within you. In this moment, in this day in March
when you’re about ready to walk through a doorway tomorrow at 11:11 ~ this doorway is
your beginning. What is it that you want to keep accumulating? What is it that you still want
to have as part of your Being so that you can fully allow these frequencies to be within your
life, so they can let you know that you only want the good, you only want the higher
frequency. You don’t want all those lower debris energies you’ve been stuck with for so many
eons of time. It’s not part of your reality and I attest to this. I attest to this that the more you
allow yourself to accumulate down the mountain with these frequencies, the more you’re
going to bring forth the other individuals that can align with that energy. There will be some
that will fall away, and then there’s going to be some that are very attracted to it and they’re
ready to do the work that is necessary. Whatever is occurring in these moments in your life,
what is your individual sense? What is your individual accumulation of your light?

We are coming upon a monumental event in this Planet – monumental – as Sanat Kumara I
am excited. I am so excited to see this happening upon this Earth. Ever since the fall of
Lemuria when we all split apart and the Brotherhood and the Sisterhood of the White Light
was created, you were part of that Brotherhood and that Sisterhood. We are not separate from
you. We are the Spiritual Hierarchy in Oneness and this is what we all need to realize. This is
what we are asking Christine to bring forth so much because she is a major spokesperson for
us. There are others, but Christine has the ability to just connect with us personally, and we
can connect with you personally. We need to be personal with each other - we love each
other, we accept each other. We are not only your teachers, we are all to each of you as you
have been to us. This is the beauty of what is about to occur tomorrow on this 11:11 day.

Walk through that doorway with the power within you, the frequency within you to fully
actualize, to fully change your concept of who you are. You’re not in this physical body and
you’re not struggling; you shouldn’t struggle. We need to allow you to vibrate at that
frequency to assist you in this process of your Divinity to have that remembrance. This is the
deepness of our soul upon your soul so that we bring forth the Oneness together in the
Creation of our Divinity, because your Divinity is our Divinity; our Divinity is yours. We are
all part of the same; we have different experiences and we have accelerated ourselves
differently than you have, but believe me each of you are walking this pathway of
Mastership. I want you to acknowledge that, I want you to acknowledge it within your Being
that you are the power within you, and that you have something to give to this world - so
deeply, so deeply.

Allow yourself to take a deep breath, and when you take that deep breath, I want you to feel in
your Solar Plexus your power. We’re going to integrate within you the Devotional Ray, the
Christ Consciousness of the Deep Cherry Red and mix it with Golden Flame. As we do that
into your Solar Plexus, breathe deeply. Allow that frequency to be through your whole body.
Breathe it downwards and upwards and allow that essence to fully be within you. You are the
beauty, you are the essence and you are the Christ within. Filter that deep within your Heart
and allow your Lotus Heart to fully open to this frequency of receiving.

As you walk through that doorway tomorrow, I want you to think about this frequency of this
Light and this Essence. Allow yourself to fully incorporate that Light within you and you
shall aspire to the essence that you are. Allow yourself now to fully embrace, accept the
embracement to of the Christ within deeply, deeply, deeply. As you allow that to occur for
you, you start to feel the essence of your Being, because there’s great remembrance that is
occurring with this frequency and these Rays that are coming to you right now. You are the
Christ, and allow that Christ energy to be in your Heart and allow your Heart to expand with
the Golden flow, the Golden beam of light. Let it go out into your Etheric Body, into your
Emotional Body, let it permeate through your Mental Body; allow all those bodies now to
squeeze together as you are one full body of Light. Ask and command that your Higher Self,
your Soul, now blends that Golden light towards you into this four body system to make it
one full essence of Beingness. Breathe deeply within that, breathe that frequency as you
allow yourself to vibrate of the Christ within. You are the Christ, you are waking up to that
ability to fully create it.

As you do this on Wednesday, you are the God Consciousness. This is the entryway upon the
Planet that is going to be happening, and each month as they come along you will see more
and more developments in this manner. As you allow yourself to incorporate these energies,
you start to see a change occurring within you. More remembrances will come, more patience
that is necessary, especially with those around you that do not have the capability of these
frequencies. Allow yourself to breathe through that and let it permeate down to your Earth
Star, up to your Soul Star. You receive the Golden Flame around you, but now it’s inside of
you. You are that Golden Flame, you are preparing yourself for that Golden Era, allowing
yourself to fully be the Being you always have been as it shines deeply around you.

As we look around the Temple we see everyone now as a Golden Flame of light, as we’re all
Golden Flames with each other. Reach out your left hand and your right hand to the people
around you, to the souls next to you. They may be in body or out-of-body, but we’re all
connected in this moment. Feel the blessings within each of us and creating one large
blessing within this Temple. The Temple is permeating with this Golden Ray. This Golden

Ray filters through the whole building; we’re now going to filter it down to the levels of
dimensional frequencies and send it to the Earth. We want to send this Golden Ray around
the Earth. Allow it to be on the outside of the Earth as it goes through the circumference
within the planet. Deeply let it go into the axis of the Earth, let it filter through the lands and
the masses, let it go to the animals, let it go to all of the inhabitants of the Earth and allow
everything to vibrate. Expand this vibrancy of frequency to move into a higher dimensional
level. Let’s just send our love of the Golden Flame everywhere that we’re going and allow
that to move through the processes. Let everything open up and grow.

The winter is leaving us – in a few weeks we’ll be in the springtime. Let us now put that
through the land masses and breathe deeply as we are all complete in Oneness at this time.
Bring that back to you of what you send out; what you send out you should always receive in
return. Allow that to move through you. Now center ourselves off of the Earth now pulling
away; what we have left is the beauty of this great activation. Bring it back up through the
dimensional frequencies into the Temple. I want you to take your hands across your Heart
and feel that vibrancy through your hands of the Golden Flame. Allow it to be on the outside
of your Heart, allow it to be around your body, allow it to be any areas of your body that
needs healing or patience or love, acceptance and joy. Allow that to be your guide in the next
few days. As you do that you start to see a change within your consciousness, within your
thought processes, within your emotions of raising your vibration deeply. As you do, I now
want you to put your intention outwards for it to be returned to you this week. What assists
you in your pathway in this moment? What is it that you desire in your life? It could be
something tangible or intangible – an emotion; or it could be something that you desire deeply
in your physical existence. It may be an individual or individuals, it may be an action. Allow
yourself now to take a deep breath and speak through your intuitive self outwardly unto the
Universe into the middle of this Temple. Now all these thought processes are in the Temple.

We center the Golden Flame around the thought processes and we have one ball of Golden
light with all of these feelings; then we’re going to visualize that this ball of light is being
shaken up by the God Force, by Mother-Father God, and all of a sudden with a breath of the
wind it opens up and all the wishes come back to each individual person or soul that needs
and wants to receive their intentions. Now breathe that into your Heart, feel that in your
Heart, feel it in your Throat, your Solar Plexus, your Thymus, all areas. Your light body is
now filtering with this manifestation. Allow this manifestation to occur for you this week. It
may occur tomorrow, it may occur Wednesday, it may occur Friday, but in all essence it will
occur. Now we embrace it – feel your arms going out and just embrace that activation within
you. You are the Light. You are the intention of all aspects of your Being. Allow yourself to
create this now, allow that frequency to be within you. Breathe deeply through that and feel it
all the way down to your Earth Star. Now ground it through your Earth Star and let it spin
down your feet into the Earth below. Allow it to go deep, deep, deep into the Earth so it’s
grounded. It’s not outside of you – it’s fully grounded. Breathe deeply through that and feel
the inner power within you of allowing this frequency to be your frequency and to create the
manifestation you desire in this moment.

I Am Sanat Kumara at your service. I have been asked to speak for Lord Buddha, the
Planetary Logos, to infiltrate within you and the Planet this frequency, because we are coming
to our remembrance stages as we all were in the beginning. I am in honor of each of you and
the walk that you are doing.

In the Name of the Holy God of Hosts, We Are One.

This is Fred once again. Thank you, Sanat Kumara. It’s beautiful here in the Temple tonight.
I hope you will come back and join us and just relish in the energy that is happening here so
that we can all connect with each other once again. I am so very thankful for each of you and
everyone here -- all the souls -- are thankful for all the work that you are doing. We honor
your walk and we join you.


I am Fred, the Spokesperson for the Clarion Light Beings of 911 and Beyond.

Clarion Light Beings 911 & Beyond

Connecting with the Souls in the Temple While Healing Mother Earth
Classes are being held via LIVE call every Monday
218.862.7200, 576094#
Accessible Via Skype
Rev. Christine Meleriessee Heliohah
~ Cosmic Messenger of Light ~
~ Ascension Coach & Teacher ~
~ Medical Intuitive/Shamanic Healer ~

If you are interested in utilizing SKYPE with no charge , email Christine so she can set it up
on her end.
Utilizing the conferencing number will result in a charge to you.
Her Skype ID "catdmeler", Christine Meleriessee.

bir söz: "Birini bağışlamayı
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 11, 2011 at 1:33pm

bir söz: "Birini bağışlamayı reddettiğinizde...

"Birini bağışlamayı reddettiğinizde,
hala o kişiden bir şey istemektesinizdir
ve eğer istediğiniz intikam dahi olsa,
bu sizi ona sonsuza dek bağlı kılar."

Dr. Henry Cloud

Prayer Request - 8.9 Quake Strikes Japan
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 11, 2011 at 6:35pm

Metatron Channel - Scroll Down

Prayer Request
Please send your prayers and energies to the people of Japan. Send love and comfort in
energies of highest good.

Focus energy on calming the Tsunami Waves. See them lessening. Please take a moment to
visualize the calming of the waters.

It is time to nurture one another and focus the energy of LOVE energy for highest good as the
planet transitions into the Ascension.
8.9 Quake Strikes Japan

Tsunami Warnings Issues for West Coast of USA

Reporting from Beijing and Tokyo - CNN

Hundreds are dead after the worst earthquake in generations struck off the northeast coast of
Japan on Friday, setting off a devastating tsunami that swallowed swaths of coastal territory
and fanned out across the Pacific Ocean, threatening everything in its path.

The 8.9-magnitude earthquake -- the world's fifth-largest since 1900 and the biggest in Japan
in 140 years -- struck at 2:46 p.m. local time, shaking buildings violently in Tokyo for several
minutes and sending millions fleeing for higher ground. The death toll may rise into the

Nearby islands are bracing for the tsunami and warnings have been issued for 53 countries
including North and South America as far as Alaska and Canada in the North and Colombia
and Peru in the south, stretching both hemispheres.

Earthquakes over 4.0 Magnitude Richter

Earthquakes -Past 4 Days from 9 March
Magnitude Date & Time Location
7.2 2011/03/09 02:45:20 NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
4.7 2011/03/09 01:30:27 VANUATU REGION
4.9 2011/03/08 21:42:31 PAPUA, INDONESIA
4.4 2011/03/08 19:49:29 KURIL ISLANDS
4.8 2011/03/08 18:46:56 TONGA
4.3 2011/03/08 17:48:32 MYANMAR
4.3 2011/03/08 15:18:29 KURIL ISLANDS
4.3 2011/03/08 11:58:03 GUATEMALA
4.6 2011/03/08 07:29:53 OFF THE COAST OF OREGON
4.4 2011/03/08 07:19:33 OFF THE COAST OF OREGON
5.0 2011/03/08 02:10:42 KERMADEC ISLANDS, NEW ZEALAND
5.0 2011/03/08 01:26:59 OFF THE COAST OF OREGON
5.2 2011/03/07 23:35:39 SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION
4.1 2011/03/07 15:59:27 OFF THE COAST OF OREGON
4.9 2011/03/07 13:28:29 VANUATU
4.7 2011/03/07 12:32:05 SOUTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA
5.0 2011/03/07 10:13:08 RYUKYU ISLANDS, JAPAN
4.9 2011/03/07 09:49:34 RYUKYU ISLANDS, JAPAN
4.6 2011/03/07 09:46:53 KEPULAUAN TALAUD, INDONESIA
4.5 2011/03/07 07:26:21 NEW IRELAND REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
6.6 2011/03/07 00:09:39 SOLOMON ISLANDS
5.4 2011/03/06 23:45:00 KERMADEC ISLANDS, NEW ZEALAND
4.9 2011/03/06 22:23:16 OFF THE COAST OF OREGON

4.8 2011/03/06 21:35:48 OFF THE COAST OF OREGON
4.6 2011/03/06 20:50:33 GREENLAND SEA
4.9 2011/03/06 15:48:54 SAKHALIN, RUSSIA
6.5 2011/03/06 14:32:36 SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS REGION
4.5 2011/03/06 13:46:38 OFFSHORE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA
6.2 2011/03/06 12:31:58 TARAPACA, CHILE
4.7 2011/03/06 11:26:26 BONIN ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION
4.7 2011/03/06 11:06:27 BONIN ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION
4.3 2011/03/06 10:57:30 HINDU KUSH REGION, AFGHANISTAN
5.0 2011/03/06 10:52:52 BONIN ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION
4.5 2011/03/06 10:11:36 SUMBA REGION, INDONESIA
4.2 2011/03/06 09:45:22 GUATEMALA
4.3 2011/03/06 07:58:41 EASTERN TURKEY
4.9 2011/03/06 07:13:25 BONIN ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION
4.6 2011/03/06 05:25:48 JAN MAYEN ISLAND REGION
4.5 2011/03/06 05:21:07 SOUTHERN SUMATRA, INDONESIA
4.8 2011/03/06 03:43:31 SOUTH ISLAND OF NEW ZEALAND
4.2 2011/03/06 03:28:18 CRETE, GREECE
5.1 2011/03/06 01:44:07 SOUTHEAST OF THE LOYALTY ISLANDS
4.7 2011/03/06 00:56:00 BONIN ISLANDS, JAPAN REGION
4.4 2011/03/06 00:18:25 MYANMAR
5.1 2011/03/05 20:42:55 SOUTHERN IRAN
4.0 2011/03/05 19:24:43 XIZANG-QINGHAI BORDER REGION
4.8 2011/03/05 18:40:36 NEW BRITAIN REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
5.1 2011/03/05 11:24:44 SOUTHERN IRAN
5.0 2011/03/05 09:38:50 TARAPACA, CHILE
4.7 2011/03/05 07:24:29 NEW BRITAIN REGION, PAPUA NEW GUINEA
4.5 2011/03/05 06:34:01 SOUTH ISLAND OF NEW ZEALAND
4.3 2011/03/05 04:32:38 POLAND
4.7 2011/03/05 00:10:14 SOUTHWEST OF SUMATRA, INDONESIA
4.8 2011/03/04 23:08:34 ATACAMA, CHILE
4.7 2011/03/04 20:33:15 SOUTH OF THE FIJI ISLANDS
4.4 2011/03/04 20:16:57 NORTHERN XINJIANG, CHINA
4.3 2011/03/04 18:39:38 BANDA SEA
4.5 2011/03/04 18:23:48 OFFSHORE BIO-BIO, CHILE
4.4 2011/03/04 17:23:36 KURIL ISLANDS


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Earthquake in Japan - PLEASE HOLD

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 11, 2011 at 6:45pm

Prayers, Love and LIGHT for JAPAN and all surrounding land masses!

Please remember that we are all ONE and UNITED. By remaining CALM and not engagin in
too much emotion you already help!

The Violet Ray helps us transmute all negative emotions and the the Blue Ray of Divine
PROTECTION can be used to protect all the surrounding countries. The White Ray helps to
establish PEACE through conflict, that is to help the people affected to stand together now
and keep calm.

Call on the Angels and Light Beings in your prayers and ask for HELP - they need our
invitation to be allowed to help as much as possible!

Do not engage in emotional curiosity - all is well ...

Below some information on what happened.

Please share your thoughts and insights and meditations here with us - we can all learn so
much from each other!

Blessings of Love and Light,

Sonja Myriel

11 March 2011 Last updated at 13:10 GMT

Tsunami hits Japan after massive quake

Click to play


Live coverage from BBC News

 Japan tsunami Live
 Hawaii braces for tsunamis
 Quake: 'People were screaming'
 Google aids quake victims

The most powerful earthquake to hit Japan since records began has hit the country's north-east
and triggered a devastating tsunami.

Japanese TV showed cars, ships and buildings swept away by a vast wall of water after the
8.9-magnitude quake.

A state of emergency has been declared at a nuclear power plant but officials said there were
no radiation leaks.

At least 40 people have been killed by the quake, which struck about 400km (250 miles)
north-east of Tokyo.

The region has been rocked by a number of powerful aftershocks.

The tremor, measured at 8.9 by the US Geological Survey, hit at 1446 local time (0546 GMT)
at a depth of about 24km.

At the scene

Roland Buerk BBC News, Tokyo

When the earthquake hit, buildings in Tokyo swayed. Walking was like crossing the deck of a
ship at sea.

People poured down from their offices and stood in the street staring up.

A large fire seemed to have broken out in one part of the city and, in another place, injured
people were being brought out of a station.

The authorities immediately issued a tsunami warning.

In Tokyo, public transport has been suspended, elevators are switched off in many buildings
and thousands of people have gathered in squares and around train stations.

A tsunami warning was extended across the Pacific to North and South America.

The Red Cross in Geneva warned that the tsunami waves could be higher than some Pacific
islands, Reuters news agency said.

Coastal areas in the Philippines, Hawaii and other Pacific islands were evacuated ahead of the
tsunami's expected arrival.

New Zealand later downgraded its alert to a marine threat, meaning strong and unusual
currents were expected.

Wall of water

Strong waves hit Japan's Miyagi and Fukushima prefectures, officials said, damaging dozens
of coastal communities.

Kyodo news agency said a 10-metre wave (33ft) struck the port of Sendai in Miyagi.

Japan's NHK television showed a massive surge of debris-filled water sweeping away
buildings, cars and ships and reaching far inland.

Motorists could be seen trying to speed away from the wall of water.

Farmland around Sendai was submerged and the waves pushed cars across the runway of the
city's airport. Fires broke out in the city's centre.

Deadliest earthquakes

27 July 1976, Tangshan, China: est 655,000 killed, 7.5

26 Dec 2004, Sumatra, Indonesia: 9.1 quake and tsunami kills 227,898 across Pacific region

12 Jan 2010, Haiti: 222,570 killed, 7.0

12 May 2008, Sichuan, China: 87,587 killed, 7.9

8 Oct 2005, Pakistan: 80,361 killed, 7.6

31 May 1970 Chimbote, Peru: 70,000 killed, 7.9

20 June 1990, Manjil, Iran: 40,000 killed, 7.4

26 Dec 2003, Bam, Iran: 31,000 killed, 6.6

26 Jan 2001, Gujarat, India: 20,023 killed, 7.7

17 Aug 1999, Izmit, Turkey: 17,118 killed, 7.6

30 Sep 1993 Latur, India: 9,748 killed, 6.2

16 Jan 1995, Kobe, Japan: 5,530 dead, 6.9

Source: USGS

 History of deadly earthquakes

 How to measure earthquakes
 Animated guide: Earthquakes
 Animated guide: Tsunamis

A state of emergency was declared at the Fukushima power plant after the cooling system
failed in one of its reactors when it shut down automatically because of the earthquake.

The local government urged 2,000 nearby residents to evacuate the area as a precaution.
Prime Minister Naoto Kan said no radiation leaks at that power plant or any of the other
reactors in the quake-hit zone had been detected.

The UN's nuclear agency said four nuclear power plants had shut down safely.

Police and local officials said at least 40 people had been killed in the earthquake and
tsunami. It is believed the death toll could rise significantly.

A ship carrying 100 people was swept away, Japanese media reported, quoting police in
Miyagi. It is not clear what happened to the ship and its passengers.

In Iwate prefecture, also near the epicentre, an official said it was difficult to gauge the extent
of the destruction.

"Roads were badly damaged and cut off as the tsunami washed away debris, cars and many
other things," said Hiroshi Sato, a disaster management official in Iwate.

The earthquake also triggered a massive blaze at an oil refinery in Ichihara city in Chiba
prefecture near Tokyo, engulfing storage tanks.

There were reports of about 20 people injured in Tokyo after the roof of a hall collapsed on to
a graduation ceremony.

Residents and workers in Tokyo rushed out of apartment buildings and office blocks and
gathered in parks and open spaces as aftershocks continued to hit.

Many people in Tokyo said they had never felt such a powerful earthquake.

In central Tokyo, Jeffrey Balanag said he was stuck in his office in the Shiodome Sumitomo
building because the elevators had stopped working.

"There's no panic but we're almost seasick from the constant rolling of the building," he told
the BBC.

Bullet train services to northern Japan were halted and rapid transit in Tokyo was suspended,
stranding many workers in the city centre.

Narita airport outside Tokyo was initially closed but later opened for departing flights.

About four million homes in and around Tokyo suffered power outages.

In a televised address, Mr Kan extended his sympathy to the victims of the disaster and said
an emergency response headquarters had been set up.

Are you in Japan? Have you been affected by the earthquake? Send us your comments using
the form below:

Un mensaje a todos los miembros de Hijos del Sol

Amados, en estos momentos en que en Japón ha habido un terremoto y hay una alerta de
Tsunami para el Pacífico, es cuando verdaderamente debemos mantener la calma y unir
nuestros Corazones en UNO, practiquemos lo que predicamos y a través de nuestra intención
Simplemente con la fé inquebrantable de que estamos y estaremos siempre al cuidado de
nuestro amado Madre/Padre Dios Creador! No hay lugar para el miedo amados, ni para la
tristeza, solamente hay lugar para el AMOR y la LUZ que emana desde nuestros

Earthquake and Tsunami
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 11, 2011 at 7:25pm

Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation ~ February 2, 2011




Please make calls to the Divine for assistance and quickly transmit stabilizing waves of light
to the unleashing tsunami as a result of the devastating 8.8 earthquake that has just occurred
in Japan. Please includes calls to the Sacred Fires especially the Violet Transmuting Flame.

May we include in our calls and prayers all islands in the Pacific, prayers and blessings of
comfort for all people affected including a global outpouring of all needed supplies and
resources for the ensuing massive rescue and relief effort

Please follow news reports for more info and updates!

We qualify our calls for Divine Intervention that all remains in accordance with Divine Will
and the Evolutionary Plan for Earth and Humanity.



 Posted by Sallyblues on March 11, 2011 at 8:00pm

This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy.
Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness. DALIA LAMA

THE NEW RAYS 13-24~New Evolving
Frequencies of light
 Posted by Sunspiritsmiles on March 12, 2011 at 3:34pm

This timely info has just come accross my desk & with the aftermath of Japan's
earthquake/tsunami fresh in our hearts & minds, I would like to ask that we send Japan and all
people there & surrounding areas to be showered in these new color rays for the HIGHEST

In Divine Oneness I thank you~


These represent some of the Luminescent colors coming in to Earth now.

The color rays are frequencies of light which have been in existence and part of sacred
geometry from the beginning. Each color ray vibrates and resonates their own particular
frequency. You might notice you are attracted to one color and not attracted to another. This is
your resonance. If you are highly spiritual you most likely will be very comfortable with blue
colors and you might gravitate to those colors in your wardrobe. If your third eye area is
activated you will be attracted to Indigo's and violet shades for your crown chakra.

The bottom line is that each color in the frequency rainbow all the way to the new
luminescent colors carries information in the frequency and vibration of its color. The Rays
are whole building blocks of information available for you to tap into and utilize. This is what
Master Djwhal Kuhl teaches in his twelve ray information through Alice Bailey. Now we have
even more higher frequency color ray information available to us and all we have to do is tap
into it and bring the frequencies into our body, mind and spirit. The color rays 13-24 are no
longer a blending of colors into a solid color, they are a swirling and merging of colors with
each color maintaining its integrity while bringing its essential frequency still intact to the

Of note is the Silver/Gold Rays which are masculine and feminine energies. The Silver Color
Ray is Feminine energies and the Gold Color Ray is Masculine energies which have now
merged into White Gold in unification of balanced masculine/feminine within each of us in
the Newest Color Ray Frequencies.

The Heart of Love and Universal Service
Color: Radiant Luminescent Silver-Pink

This ray is the higher aspects of the feminine energies merging with the radiant pink to bring
an understanding of universal service along with compassionate action. While you are calling
forth each of the color rays, visualize the color rays coming down through your crown chakra
and traveling through every cell of your body and down through the bottoms of your feet into
the core center of Mother Earth. Visualize these energies mixing with Mother Earth in her
center core and then rising back up into your feet, then through every cell in your body, up
into the heart, throat, third eye and out the top of the head. Visualize these Radiant
Luminescent colors now radiating out from every cell in your body, connecting you with
everything in the multi-universe and beyond, then energies are now returning back to you in
total connection.
"I call on the Creator, all my angels guides & my teachers to assist me as I call into self the
Thirteenth Ray of Luminous Silver-Pink to transmute and release old paradigms of ego-self
and initiate self into the Radiant Silver-Pink Ray to Divine Will Service and Action.” Thank

Universal Healing Mastership - Worldwide Healing Service
Color: Radiant Luminescent Blue - Green - Gold

Within this ray the Gold is the higher aspect of the Masculine which is transmuted together
with the higher aspect of spirituality (Luminescent Blue) and the higher Healing Services of
Luminescent Green. The ray allows you through the doorway of universal healing service.
How this deferrers from the Thirteenth Rays is that it combines spiritual understanding
(Knowledge & Wisdom) with the higher Healing in outward Action and Service Universally
while the Thirteenth Ray concentrates on loving compassionate energies of service - the
Fourteenth Ray goes a step further.

While you are calling forth each of the color rays, visualize the color rays coming down
through your crown chakra and traveling through every cell of your body and down through
the bottoms of your feet into the core center of Mother Earth. Visualize these energies mixing
with Mother Earth in her center core and then rising back up into your feet, then through
every cell in your body, up into the heart, throat, third eye and out the top of the head.
Visualize these Radiant Luminescent colors now radiating out from every cell in your body,
connecting you with everything in the multi-universe and beyond, then energies are now
returning back to you in total connection.

"I call on the Creator, all my angels’ guides & masters to assist me as I release any and all
energies that no longer service and call into self the Fourteenth Ray of Luminous Blue -
Green - Gold to activate within me the Universal healing mastership - worldwide healing
service.” Thank you.

Intellectual Wisdom and Global Consciousness Applications
Color: Radiant Luminescent Yellow-Amber - White Gold

This ray has the intellectual Wisdom of the deepest level to accompany the alchemy of
Masculine Feminine unity which is the merging of polarity. From this level you are called to
go forth with the global consciousness applying it worldwide in all areas at the deepest

While you are calling forth each of the color rays, visualize the color rays coming down
through your crown chakra and traveling through every cell of your body and down through
the bottoms of your feet into the core center of Mother Earth. Visualize these energies mixing
with Mother Earth in her center core and then rising back up into your feet, then through
every cell in your body, up into the heart, throat, third eye and out the top of the head.
Visualize these Radiant Luminescent colors now radiating out from every cell in your body,
connecting you with everything in the multi-universe and beyond, then energies are now
returning back to you in total connection.

"I call on the Creator, all my angels guides & masters to assist me as I release any and all
energies that no longer service and call into self the Fifteenth Ray of Luminous Yellow -
Amber - White Gold to activate within me the Intellectual Wisdom and Global consciousness
applications."Thank you.

Global Action with the Forces of the Light Frequencies
Color: Radiant Luminescent Orange-Russet - White Gold-Grey

This ray works with the Elohim and the masters of light in activating Light Frequency Forces

Globally. Light Frequency Forces are the energies of global peace, serenity, tranquility,
intellectually awakened spirituality and thought. This is what you along with the light forces
work on energetically globally.

While you are calling forth each of the color rays, visualize the color rays coming down
through your crown chakra and traveling through every cell of your body and down through
the bottoms of your feet into the core center of Mother Earth. Visualize these energies mixing
with Mother Earth in her center core and then rising back up into your feet, then through
every cell in your body, up into the heart, throat, third eye and out the top of the head.
Visualize these Radiant Luminescent colors now radiating out from every cell in your body,
connecting you with everything in the multi-universe and beyond, then energies are now
returning backto you in total connection.

"I call on the Creator, all my angels guides & masters to assist me as I release any and all
energies that no longer service and call into self the Sixteenth Ray of Luminous Orange -
Russet - White Gold-Grey to activate within me the Global Action with the Forces of the
Light Frequencies." Thank you.

Internal Merging of Intellect - Wisdom and Healing Service
Color: Radiant Luminescent Yellow-Green - White Gold

This is the heightened level of the Fifteenth Ray as it is complete in its final stage of
Intellectual Wisdom and Healing communicating it now to all levels of your being with this
Seventeenth Ray.

While you are calling forth each of the color rays, visualize the color rays coming down
through your crown chakra and traveling through every cell of your body and down through
the bottoms of your feet into the core center of Mother Earth. Visualize these energies mixing
with Mother Earth in her center core and then rising back up into your feet, then through
every cell in your body, up into the heart, throat, third eye and out the top of the head.
Visualize these Radiant Luminescent colors now radiating out from every cell in your body,
connecting you with everything in the multi-universe and beyond, then energies are now
returning back to you in total connection.

"I call on the Creator, all my angels guides & masters to assist me as I release any and all
energies that no longer service and call into self the Seventeenth Ray of Luminous Yellow -
Green - White Gold to activate within me the Internal merging of Intellect - Wisdom and
Healing Service." Thank you.

Powerful Presence of Divine Will and Dynamic Action merged with Intelligence
Color: Radiant Luminescent Red-Yellow Gold and Silver=White Gold

This ray goes all the way back to the First Ray and bring together a final truth of Ego-self
merging with your own personal Power Presence of Divine Will and from this Dynamic
Action with Intelligence is now activated to use globally.

While you are calling forth each of the color rays, visualize the color rays coming down

through your crown chakra and traveling through every cell of your body and down through
the bottoms of your feet into the core center of Mother Earth. Visualize these energies mixing
with Mother Earth in her center core and then rising back up into your feet, then through
every cell in your body, up into the heart, throat, third eye and out the top of the head.
Visualize these Radiant Luminescent colors now radiating out from every cell in your body,
connecting you with everything in the multi-universe and beyond, then energies are now
returning back to you in total connection.

"I call on the Creator, all my angels guides & masters to assist me as I release any and all
energies that no longer service and call into self the Eighteenth Ray of Luminous Red -
Yellow - Gold and Silver=White Gold to activate within me the Powerful Presence of Divine
Will and Dynamic Action merged with intelligence."
Thank you.

Divine Will and Your Direct Intellectual Creation with the Source
Color: Radiant Luminescent Yellow-Red-Magenta Gold and Silver=White Gold

While you are calling forth each of the color rays, visualize the color rays coming down
through your crown chakra and traveling through every cell of your body and down through
the bottoms of your feet into the core center of Mother Earth. Visualize these energies mixing
with Mother Earth in her center core and then rising back up into your feet, then through
every cell in your body, up into the heart, throat, third eye and out the top of the head.
Visualize these Radiant Luminescent colors now radiating out from every cell in your body,
connecting you with everything in the multi-universe and beyond, then energies are now
returning back to you in total connection.

"I call on the Creator, all my angels guides & masters to assist me as I release any and all
energies that no longer service and call into self the Nineteenth Ray of Luminous Yellow -
Red - Magenta - Silver=White Gold to activate within me the Divine Will and my Direct
Creation with the Source." Thank you.

Totally Merged, Totally Unified, Totally Transformed Self
Color: Radiant Luminescent Indigo-Violet Silver & Gold=White Gold

While you are calling forth each of the color rays, visualize the color rays coming down
through your crown chakra and traveling through every cell of your body and down through
the bottoms of your feet into the core center of Mother Earth. Visualize these energies mixing
with Mother Earth in her center core and then rising back up into your feet, then through
every cell in your body, up into the heart, throat, third eye and out the top of the head.
Visualize these Radiant Luminescent colors now radiating out from every cell in your body,
connecting you with everything in the multi-universe and beyond, then energies are now
returning back to you in total connection.

"I call on the Creator, all my angels guides & masters to assist me as I release any and all
energies that no longer service and call into self the Twentieth Ray of Luminous Indigo -
Violet Silver & Gold=White Gold to activate within me Totally Merged, Totally Unified,
Totally Transformed Self." Thank you.

Transformed and Ready Service with the Multi-Universe Level
Color: Radiant Luminescent Brilliant Blue - Yellow - Violet with Gold and Silver=White

While you are calling forth each of the color rays, visualize the color rays coming down
through your crown chakra and traveling through every cell of your body and down through
the bottoms of your feet into the core center of Mother Earth. Visualize these energies mixing
with Mother Earth in her center core and then rising back up into your feet, then through
every cell in your body, up into the heart, throat, third eye and out the top of the head.
Visualize these Radiant Luminescent colors now radiating out from every cell in your body,
connecting you with everything in the multi-universe and beyond, then energies are now
returning back to you in total connection.

"I call on the Creator, all my angels guides & masters to assist me as I release any and all
energies that no longer service and call into self the Twenty-First Ray of Luminous Brilliant
Blue - Yellow - Violet with Silver & Gold=White Gold to activate within me Totally
Transformed and ready to take on the multi-universe working with and beyond the Earth
Plane on a conscious level." Thank you.


A Master Ray of the Christing Light
Color: Radiant Luminescent White - Blue - Pink - White Gold

A Master Ray - this is the Christing ray, this is the ray that all the great ascended teachers

While you are calling forth each of the color rays, visualize the color rays coming down
through your crown chakra and traveling through every cell of your body and down through
the bottoms of your feet into the core center of Mother Earth. Visualize these energies mixing
with Mother Earth in her center core and then rising back up into your feet, then through
every cell in your body, up into the heart, throat, third eye and out the top of the head.
Visualize these Radiant Luminescent colors now radiating out from every cell in your body,
connecting you with everything in the multi-universe and beyond, then energies are now
returning back to you in total connection.

"I call on the Creator, all my angels guides & masters to assist me as I release any and all
energies that no longer service and call into self the Twenty-Second Ray The Master Ray of
Luminous White - Blue - Pink with Gold & Silver=White Gold to activate within me the
Christing Ray." Thank you.


A Master Ray of Merging with the Source (moving into the light yet still on earth)
Color: Radiant Luminescent White Pure Pearl-essence

Moving into the light but still on the earth in a physical body.
While you are calling forth each of the color rays, visualize the color rays coming down
through your crown chakra and traveling through every cell of your body and down through
the bottoms of your feet into the core center of Mother Earth. Visualize these energies mixing
with Mother Earth in her center core and then rising back up into your feet, then through

every cell in your body, up into the heart, throat, third eye and out the top of the head.
Visualize these Radiant Luminescent colors now radiating out from every cell in your body,
connecting you with everything in the multi-universe and beyond, then energies are now
returning back to you in total connection.

"I call on the Creator, all my angels guides & masters to assist me as I release any and all
energies that no longer service and call into self the Twenty-Third Ray The Master Ray of
Luminous White pure pearl-essence to activate within me the Merging with the Source on the
highest level moving into the light but still on the earth in my physical body." Thank you.


A Master Ray Gateway to a Higher Level of Frequencies
Color: The Void - The Null Space - All Colors Combined

Like a black hole or worm hole of the creative source, this void takes us through another
gateway to additional higher frequencies of Light.

While you are calling forth each of the color rays, visualize the color rays coming down
through your crown chakra and traveling through every cell of your body and down through
the bottoms of your feet into the core center of Mother Earth. Visualize these energies mixing
with Mother Earth in her center core and then rising back up into your feet, then through
every cell in your body, up into the heart, throat, third eye and out the top of the head.
Visualize these Radiant Luminescent colors now radiating out from every cell in your body,
connecting you with everything in the multi-universe and beyond, then energies are now
returning back to you in total connection.

"I call on the Creator, all my angels’ guides & masters to assist me as I release any and all
energies that no longer service and call into self the Twenty-Fourth Ray, The Master Ray of
the VOID - ALL COLORS - INFINITY to Activate within me the GATEWAY to additional
higher frequencies of Light from Source."

Thank you.

By: Valerie Phillips

shared by: Lauren Ellis

Regarding the Situation with the Nuclear
Reactors in Japan
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 13, 2011 at 9:55pm

Posted on facebook by James Gilliland from ECETI Ranch on Saturday:

Right now Japan enforced evacuation of approx. 170,000 people. IF there is a nuclear

meltdown the Japanese government needs to tell the truth to the world. In a nuclear meltdown
the radioactive cloud will reach the Pacific coast in a couple of days. It will be a good option
to have Potassium Iodide just in case. I dislike writing this note but under the circumstances it
is better to be informed.

From Cmdr. Mari-el:

I asked Cmdr. Ashtar what to do with this information. He said the Command is endeavoring
to stop a meltdown, but it is easier for them to stop a missile launch than it is to stop a
runaway reactor. He assured me the Scientific Division of the Command is “giving it their
best shot” at this point, but no guarantees.

He advised me to provide some information on how we might protect ourselves in case of the
release of a radioactive cloud. As James Gilliland mentioned, potassium iodide is a good
protection. It is sold under the name Lugol’s Solution and is available at the following

JCrow at

Some health food stores also sell potassium iodide. Apparently, “the word is out,” as I called
every health food store in my city today and they all had already sold out.

You can also get protection from kelp tablets, which supply iodine. Kelp tablets are cheap and
readily available in most health food stores. I managed to secure a very large bottle of kelp
tablets today for $18 for 1,000 tablets. However, I got one of the very few bottles left on the
shelves, so, again, the word is out!

Failing to find tablets, you can eat kelp in its natural form.

I am told the dosage on any of these will vary with the individual, so use a dowsing method
such as a pendulum to dowse what dose you need for protection. If you cannot dowse for
yourself, many health food store owners and employees know how to do this. Just ask.

Here are a few more sites for information on how we may protect ourselves from absorbing
harmful elements from a radioactive cloud:

Please network this information as you are so guided.

Peace & Blessings,

Cmdr’s Ashtar & Mari-el

Quado's Garden: Hear the River Calling
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 13, 2011 at 10:10pm

the River Calling

There are times, blessed

times, when you suddenly find yourself on the bank of a river and have the
opportunity to jump in and ride the flow.

These are the times when

coincidences pop up around you, when people appear with the answers to questions
you have only barely begun to ask, when you know you are a part of something
larger and feel aligned with powerful forces, when the talents and skills you
have built up all these years are just are what are required.

When this happens, give

thanks, do not be afraid. Follow that feeling. Let yourself go into this
flow. Shed your old plans and expectations on the shore and strip down naked.
Drop the habits which have been undermining you. Shed the old negative patterns
and just plunge in the river and allow yourself to be carried, allow yourself to
be swept into the larger current, the greater purpose, even if you do not know
where the river will be taking you.

Today, go deep into your

meditative place and ask if the river is calling you. Ask if there are signs
which have been pointing a certain way. If the answer is no, then that is all
right. You are not yet at the river bank and are to continue walking down your
path for a time longer. But if the answer is yes, if you hear the roar just
through those trees, have the courage to leave this beaten path, make your way
through that forest and take the plunge.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without
ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart


Cosmic Identification
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 13, 2011 at 10:13pm

Cosmic Identification

... the starry heavens, the solar system and the planetary spheres
are all of them the manifestations of great spiritual Lives ...

The Ageless Wisdom teaches the macrocosm is reflected in the microcosm. If this is true, then
we can better understand ourselves through understanding the nature of the universe in which
we reside. To arrive at an overview of the universe, one must first expand their perspective.
Let's take a guided journey through the cosmos in the hope of catching a glimpse of the Big

Imagine yourself to be traveling through space at great speeds and suddenly, far away, an
image appears. As you approach, you see what seems to be a transparent outline of a human
figure floating in space, a gigantic being whose body encompasses many light years.

Drawing closer, you now see its body is ethereal, made up of many sparkling points of light ~
you realise each point is a star. Drawing closer still, you recognise one of those starry points
as the Sun. Catching a beam of light, the realm of the macrocosm is soon left behind as you
travel inwards to the solar system, the relative microcosm, in order to understand how it all

As we enter the solar system, we notice the planets receive light and energy in the form of
particles given off by the Sun; negatively polarised to the Sun, they are on the receiving end
of the energy flow. Obviously, the Sun is positive to all the planets as it radiates outward and
receives little energy in return.

But this does not mean the Sun is merely a transmitter of energy ~ it also receives, from
sources outside the solar system. The positive-negative chain continues with Sirius, only 8.6
light years away, the next positive star on the outward swing. Our sun, clearly positive to its
planets, is now negative to this great double star system. Because of its interesting
composition, a white dwarf star married to a star with over double the mass of the Sun, Sirius
packs a major punch energy-wise, with its magnetic field generating about one billion times
the effect of our sun's.

Stars Have Positive-Negative Polarity

The lesser star, the Sun, receives energy from Sirius, thereby making it negatively polarised to
it. Dynamic Sirius is positive to our sun and many other stars as well, yet even mighty Sirius
is negative to every star greater than itself, of which there are many ~ and each of them on the
receiving end of even greater stars. The progression continues on and on, traversing the stellar
level ultimately to include galaxies; the process remains the same, it just takes place on a
larger scale. Again, less dynamic galaxies are negatively polarised to greater galaxies.

This is the essence of polarity ~ the stars are interconnected to each other through their
positive-negative hookups ~ each connection creating a flow of electrical current from star to
star. Space is completely filled with these intersecting streams of stellar energy, linking up
stars vast distances away, possibly even unifying all things contained within the interstellar

It is these streams of energy or lines of force that comprise the etheric body of the universe.
The energy flows through the magnetic field lines, like blood through arteries in a cosmic
vascular network, supplying the entire cosmos with life force or prana. Each star, planet and
lesser life form receives what they require for life.

Before his death Albert Einstein declared the electromagnetic field to be the ultimate entity of
the universe. As one begins to tune into the etheric body of space, a beautiful image coalesces;
the image of the light body of God, that same image we tuned into at the beginning of this
article. No longer existing only in the realm of devotional mysticism, but grounded in
scientific reality, this information bridges the highest thinking of both east and west to give us
profund insight into the nature of God. Time to rethink your paradigm?

Humanity is not separate and somehow living outside of this reality ... in fact, we are "created
in God's image" or modeled after the great stellar entity in whom we reside. We are actually
minature replicas of this gigantic being, although it's difficult to see the resemblance in our
physical forms. If we look at it etherically, however, it's a perfect fit. It has seven chakras
underlying its dense outer form, so do we ... although star groups comprise its energy centers.
The signature wavelength, the essence itself of those same star groups, flows through our
chakras, providing an intrinisic link to the heavenly bodies.

Our human forms could not withstand these potent forces directly, so a series of stellar
stepping-down mechanisms bears the brunt until sufficiently dissipated at the planetary level.
The planets themselves dispense the life-giving star essence through harmonic resonance with
our chakras.

While our chakras are in resonance with the planets, remember these are only at the receiving
end of a long succession of transmitters stepping down the frequency of our heavenly hosts.
Our planet's stellar heavyweights ~ the Big Dipper, the Pleiades, Sirius, etc. ~ transmit their
light to us not directly, but via a corresponding zodiacal constellation which then downloads
the force to its corresponding planet. The zodiac actually acts as a buffer between these
radiation-packed streams of energy and the comparatively fragile life forms on Earth.

As one begins consciously to connect with these life streams, ever greater and more expansive
awareness is possible of the intricate, complex network or "web" we live in, that is the vast
grid of the etheric field. In fact certain teachings of the Ageless Wisdom advise, all life on
Earth is subject to the energies streaming in from the zodiac, solar system and other stellar
sources, and nothing can escape their radiatory and magnetic influences. They conclude by
stating that the evolutionary goal of humanity "is to become consciously aware of the nature
of these energies and to begin to know them and to use them. This is the field of
occultism ...." (1)

This information is not new to humanity ~ in fact, as world religions reveal their pearls, it is
apparent the picture of an interconnected cosmic web has been used extensively in the east to
convey the mystical experience of nature. For the Hindus, Brahman is the unifying thread in
the cosmic web, and the ultimate ground of all being.

In Buddhism the image of a cosmic web plays an even greater role. The core of one of the
main scriptures of Mahayana Buddhism is the description of the world as a perfect network of
mutual relations, where all things and events interact with each other in an infinitely
complicated way. The cosmic web plays a central role in Tantric Buddhism, in fact, the word

tantra, whose Sanskrit root means "to weave," refers to the interwovenness and
interdependence of all things and events. The conclusion modern physicists have arrived at
from atomic physics research is essentially the same ~ that inseparable quantum
interconnectedness of the whole universe is the fundamental reality.

We Are The Life, Revealing the Synthesis of Life Itself

Astronomer Fred Hoyle lends credence to the “as above, so below” adage with his statement,

Present day developments in cosmology are coming to suggest rather insistently that everyday
conditions could not persist but for the distant parts of the Universe, that all our ideas of space
and geometry would become entirely invalid if the distant parts of the Universe were taken
away. Our everyday experience even down to the smallest details seems to be so closely
integrated to the grand-scale features of the Universe that it is well-nigh impossible to
contemplate the two being separate. (2)

Remarkably, the ancients knew about "the web" without the benefit of modern scientific
instrumentation. In fact, the left brain of humanity, the thinking logical part, is finally catching
up after eons of time, with the right brain or intuitive side. Our ancestors did not develop their
concepts using rational thought, they simply tuned in to what is. That same mechanism is
available to all who employ it, with undoubtedly the same results.

The entire universe is as close as your imagaination. Possibly the process of enlightenment
can be summed up as simply attaining ever greater and larger awareness through
identification or unity, with the next stellar field or positive point along the chain. We come
from the stars and to the stars we return ... obviously, not in these dense physical bodies, but
in our consciousness. In that high place stands revealed the glory of God.

- Denise St. Denis

Cosmic Identification Develops Our Journey & Alignment with The 7 Cosmic Paths,
Seven streams of energy ultimately blending and merging to form One Path

(1) Esoteric Astrology, Alice A. Bailey, p. 23
Lucis Trust, New York, 1951
[ return to place in text ]

(2) Frontiers of Astronomy, Fred Hoyle, p. 304

Harper, New York, 1955
[ return to place in text ]

ExCEPtional Letter - Dissolving Our Fears

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 13, 2011 at 10:14pm

ExCEPtional Letter - Dissolving Our Fears

Posted on Friday 11 March 2011

In this difficult time of earthquakes, and tsunamis, fear arises in Japan, but also in all other
countries, especially those having movies and television shows of disasters. When we add to
the mix all the predictions of earthquakes and disasters, we have a very frightened population
and many of them are also ancient wisdom students, so after having had this conversation
several times this morning, I will address it as I see it.

Foremost remember there is a black cloud of fear, trauma, and grief that is arising in the astral
world today from these happenings. We want to dissolve that as soon as we can. There are a
number of lives being lost right now. We are not able to stop the ones already gone, but we
can remember that Love flows through the planes. We can and do have unconditional love for
those who died and those that lost dear ones.

There are major fears in the atmosphere. Fear of death, fear of unknown and the idea if it
happens to them, it can happen to me. And those are the underlying fears. In the years ahead,
the Mother Earth will undergo further rough times until we become the loving children we are
suppose to be. Remember, if and as you can, that those who passed to the other world are
being cared for with the gentle angels of death. Just as here we care for those who are
wounded. When a group goes over in a sudden event, they need help releasing the last few
minutes of human life that may have filled them with fear. Your prayers do some of this;
others can pray to invoke Light into the astral to comfort those lost in fear and for those who
grieve them. This we can do.

Praying for others can also cleanse our heart; it allows us to dissipate the horror of what we
see on television. If you cannot watch without trauma, be good to your own mind and don’t

watch. Don’t pollute yourself with negativity; if you can watch and send love, you are in the
same role as the doctor or nurse on duty binding the wounds. You can still say prayers, rosary

Remember, the Planet Earth is a great being undergoing traumatic change and love her. Say
this to yourself: Look at a picture of the Earth with the highest love; the same as you would
give to your brother, sister, or child. You are a very creative being; you are a child of the Most
High. Use it in a positive way to offset the trauma. We are to be busy dissolving the black
cloud in the ways we have learned.

Let us pray together for the well-being of humanity, the younger kingdoms and our home,
Mother Earth.

Love, Carol Parrish

Wholeness and perfection from relaxation
and meditation
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 13, 2011 at 10:16pm

Wholeness and perfection from relaxation and meditation

Learning to identify with the pure Light of Consciousness,

the Real I behind every movement of the mind,

you step back from limitation and exclusiveness.

A sense of flowingness and spaciousness arises,

for that life within is not bound by gravity or limited by form.

Now let Being shine.

Let there be total renunciation of anything other than That

which is subjective Self-luminous Light,

Existence and Knowingness.

You are this!

Never absent current of pure awareness,

serenity, and blessedness.

This current is to be discovered.

By moving the focus of attention progressively inward

to the very subtlest

where there is no division whatever,

no individual body,

no individual mind

and no separation –

the Self is realized.

Talking about,

and truly experiencing,

are two different things.

It is in the very nature of that flow

to bring wholeness and perfection

to all who are open to it –

making room for it by relaxation

and giving time for it by meditation.

The above quotes by Srimati Margaret Coble

are from the book Self Abidance, Second Abridged Edition

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 13, 2011 at 10:18pm

Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation ~ March 13, 2011

 Where is the Real Spiritual Teaching Found?
 Leaving Duality or Feeding Duality?
 Good and Evil are Interdependent
 Walking the Middle Way with God
 Group Activation and
Planetary Service to assist the Transcendence of Duality
Equinox Sunday, March 20... see end of mail
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Special Equinox Focus!

The Power of Divine Perception

This Equinox, we are concentrating with our family of Elohim

as great emphasis is placed upon the development of our Power
of Divine Perception.
We are invoking the transmuting Sacred Fire from the realms of
Illumined Truth to assist our passage out of the duality matrix
and into the crystalline grid of our true nature.

At this time of golden opportunity, much greater responsibility is being asked of Planetary
Light Servers to uproot all falsely held perceptions while deeply contemplating if our current
actions are sincerely contributing to the New Creation or if they are continuing to spin the
wheel of illusion. May we take a serious look at what we are doing and how we are doing it,
and then make any necessary adjustments to insure absolute alignment to Divine Will and the
highest service to the Earth.

The following sections gives a few ideas to support deepening processes of self inquiry.

Where is the Real Spiritual Teaching Found?

It has been prophesied by numerous sources that, in this time of planetary shift, many people
including the most spiritually sincere would be lead astray. Predictions warn of many false
prophets appearing on the scene. It has been said that certain energies in opposition to Earth's
Divine Plan would cleverly manipulate those whose mission was to either ascend and/or to
help forge the new pathways for Humanity.

Truth or fiction, all one has to do is observe the plethora of conflicting speculation about what
is to come and how it will unfold. There are a growing number of people proclaiming to
channel great cosmic beings. Many promote new techniques to, supposedly, instantly activate
the DNA strands and even to access levels of dimension far beyond where our current shift is
taking us as a collective. We have numerous teachers of Christ Consciousness who have not
made the transition themselves. Much of this has a hefty price tag to partake in these often
guaranteed methods to ascension.

If we have even a small understanding of the laws of nature or the initiatory pathway of soul
evolution, these types of spiritual teachings and their claims are to be greatly questioned. This
is especially important if the messenger still lives in duality, which the vast majority of people
(and Light Servers) are.

Further, while our extra sense faculties are quickly opening and new voices are being heard,
not all energy streams are benevolent. Many preying inter-dimensional entities (including
mass thought-forms) are quite skilled at masking their identity to be from the light and give
intelligent metaphysical information in which to purposely interfere, confuse and distract.
Some of these malevolent energies can even appear to perform miracles in order to win over
the faith of the crowd.

In the type of transition that we are making today, the great Divine Beings who are in
assistance to the race are, most often, making direct contact through the Law of Impression.
This type of radiation is received by the human senses and then comprehended through our
Divine Intuition. It is only through the clarity of a balanced, peaceful mind and the selfless
purity of a humble heart that we are able to be reached in this very safe and assured method of
pure energy transference.

The Great Ones come to us... not with faces or emphasis upon their
individual identification, but as a collective Cosmic Christ force-field
and one consciousness representing the mind and heart of God. This
unified consciousness delivers guidance and messaging to the Planetary
Light Servers who are also bonded in group formation as one collective
consciousness with resonant intention.

From Earth to the farthest reaches of the Universe, all life is in a grand bridging process of
unification... from the One, with the One, as the One. We are leaving the world of

As sincere seekers of Truth, may we contemplate that the greatest, most authentic teachings
always come from within and as a result of our total self sacrifice to the Will of God. Our
Truth will always change in accordance to the expanding levels of self realization. In
evolution, we cannot ever skip any of the necessary steps associated with our own level of
soul initiation, no matter how much light is entering on to the planet.

All is guided, and only guided by the I AM God Presence of our being.
Leaving Duality or Feeding Duality?

Most everyone reading this communication has made a commitment to the return to Oneness.
We all yearn for that, yes, but how many of us can truly release the " i " from the equation?
How many of us can let go of all perceptions of the self identity and its desires, completely?
How many of us can walk away from everything that is not aligned to Divine Truth?

According to every great way-shower before us, this is what it takes to truly liberate
ourselves, and the world, from the matrix of opposition and suffering.

It is the duality within us that is in resistance to another aspect of itself due to a mindset still
perceiving from polar opposites. From this perception, we formulate self attaching desires and
opinions; all from the separated self. As the pendulum of thought swings in one direction, it
always comes back to the opposite direction to balance the pole. This is the Law of Duality.
Imagine if we carry strong views. The further the pendulum swings in favor of our view, the
more intense its action is on the other extreme.

Good and Evil are Interdependent

Another important example to look at is the interdependency of good and evil at the level of
human emotion. If our perceptions are constantly exaggerated upon the concept of
goodness... being good, doing good, doing the right thing, overly positive, everything is love
and light... then, the pendulum always swings back to the other side to bring balance.

In an overemphasizing effort to do good, as this comes from a binding emoting attachment,

we are essentially feeding the other side of the pole (evil) due to the balancing nature that
happens. This could be what "eating from the Tree of Good and Evil" is all about!
The same illustration can be used for other polarities as a result of imbalanced thought and

feeling perceptions. We can contemplate peace and war, love and hate, right and wrong,
heaven and hell...

This tendency to go off in one of two opposite directions along the same spectrum of polarity,
is how the false matrix has been continually fed and maintained throughout our being and our
world. Some people have described this distortion as the programming of the alter ego, or,
Lucifer's agenda.

It is this dual nature within us that we can more deeply cognize in order to halt the extreme
movements of the swinging pendulum.

Walking the Middle Way

"When we make the two into one,

then we enter the Kingdom."
Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas

The Source of all is God, or, Oneness. This means that all pairs of opposites have the same
foundation. Light and dark are from the same Source. Good and evil are from the same
Source. While different in frequency, they live on the same polarity spectrum, are extreme
manifestations of the exact same energy and are deeply interdependent upon the other at the
human level.

Divine Truth just might lie in the absolute middle... in complete neutrality... neither negative
nor positive.... zero charge. Divine Truth is not for or against anything, it just IS. This may be
why the Buddha taught his disciples to walk the "Middle Way".

Our complete transcendence from duality is paramount to help bring about the new creations
that are needed in the world today. When we focus all of our thoughts, words and actions on
the highest good of all (whether good, bad or indifferent) we are operating in alignment with
the Universe, and we begin to live, perceive and create from the Divine Consciousness within.

Know God to know Thy Self

May we all be blessed with much deeper union with God. Divine Love knows no opposite. By
placing all attention to be consciously merged with this Source of our power, with this Source
of our every action, we can more easily transcend the illusion of separated identity.

May we contemplate full acceptance of evil, hate and darkness also as God and also as who
we are. May we enfold it all into our heart, forgiving all of our past misunderstandings and
sufferings. Likewise, let's return all of our overly positive exuberances, noble causes and
exaggerated spiritual ideals to a calm middle ground.

One of our greatest services to our race is to simply be a bright beacon and neutralizing pillar
while selflessly invoking Divinity... to be in this world, but not of it.

The Equinox Planetary Grid Transmissions

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Etheric Retreat of Archangel Michael and Faith

Lake Louise in Alberta, Canada


with Planetary Service to assist the Transcendence of Duality

Join Children of the Sun this Sunday in a very special Equinox focus as we invite the Greater
Truth into our lives.

We are invoking the Divine Presence and assistance from the great Host of Elohim, Ascended
Masters, angels and the legions of Divine Beings who are in assistance to Humanity and Earth
at this time. We call for release of the flames of illumination and the Power of Divine
Perception to help balance the scales of duality within each of us, our entire Group Body and
for all Humanity.

In our audio supported activation, we are asking everyone to choose one of the great
etheric Master retreats surrounding the Earth in which to bridge our consciousness. These
Temples and Ashrams of Light, together with their focused activity for the planet, serve as the
inter-dimensional power nodes of the new crystalline consciousness matrix for our New

Mitigation of World Conditions by Violet
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 13, 2011 at 10:21pm

Mitigation of World Conditions by Violet Flame

Let those who know how to use the violet flame join together worldwide for the mitigation of
all out-of-alignment conditions, including the March 11 earthquake in Japan and the resulting

Give the Violet Flame Right Now

Teaching and Violet Flame Mantra – “How to Use the Violet Flame Daily”

Decree “O Violet Flame, Come Violet Flame” - Violet Flame Mantras with
Elizabeth Clare Prophet

Ascended Master Teaching on Violet Flame Mitigation

The Great Divine Director, ascended master guru and sponsor of the Ascended Master Saint
Germain, spoke of the mitigation of conditions in this dictation excerpt from the Pearls of

I come to you in the name of Saint Germain.

I come to you that you might bring to him the fruit of the understanding that we have given to
you, that the calls to the violet flame might therefore charge you with that light, charge you
with that manifestation of a sacred fire that so intensifies the atoms, cells and electrons of
your beings that you can raise upon the spinal altar, from the base of the spine to the crown
chakra to the point of the third eye, those momentums of light that we give to you first and
foremost for your health and longevity and then that you might send forth this light for the
blessing of all those who carry the chalice of light within this hemisphere, within this
planetary home.

Meet the Turning of Cycles with the Violet Flame

As the hours turn, you face new challenges, challenges that you have not expected, challenges
of karma that become more and more physical. Therefore, we implore you to bring violet-
flame decrees to your sanctuaries—wherever you are, to bring violet flame—and to know that
each and every one of your chakras can internalize the violet flame along with the seven
rainbow rays of light.

Therefore, we need not give you each and every concept of what is taking place, what are the
horrendous things that are going on, on planet earth. These you can learn and listen about;

these you can know from within.
These you can do something about because you know the techniques of Saint Germain.

Apply the Great Power of Transmutation to the World’s News Reports

Make your calls according to the various news media that you have there at your advantage.
Use that which you receive from the world’s news reports.
And then, beloved, remember that we have told you of the great power of transmutation when
you give certain levels of calls to the violet flame that bring you to that level of world
transmutation. Use those flames, beloved.
As you see how much you can accomplish, then accelerate and intensify. It will be up to you
to determine what violet- flame action is taking place by your efforts and what has not taken

Therefore, the greater the effort in transmutation as you invoke the hierarchies of light, the
greater the manifestation of world transmutation.

Know Peace Profoundly within the Solar Plexus

I speak to you, then, in the very place of the solar plexus so that you might know that in that
place of the sun there is the point of ultimate equilibrium and ultimate peace. Know that
peace, beloved, and know it profoundly.
For when you allow the solar plexus to get out of alignment, then you must bring it back
quickly to alignment. But that is not always something that you can do on the spot.
Therefore, establish the power of peace within the solar-plexus chakra. Establish the power of
tremendous peace from Elohim of God. Establish that power and be not moved. Be not
moved, no matter what.
Appeal to the Blessed Mother. Appeal to the blessed and beloved Kuan Yin. And know that all
who are a part of the Great White Brotherhood are rooting for your victory.

May it be done, may it be so, and may you be counted as the wise ones who hold the balance
and who did that holding of the balance while they were on earth and stopped the oncoming

By the Alchemical Matrix, Bring Earth to a Golden Age

This is my call to you: Work change by the alchemical matrix. And by that alchemical matrix,
prove to Saint Germain that you are able and all lightbearers of the world are truly able to
bring earth to a golden age. Many of us have thought this to be impossible, but with God
nothing is impossible.
Therefore, in the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother, I seal
you in this hour and I challenge you to internalize the Word of God made manifest in you.

This excerpt from the ascended master dictation by the Great Divine Director was delivered
by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Friday, October
10, 1997. It is published in full in the Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 44 no. 43, October 28, 2001.

Copyright © 2011 Summit Publications, Inc

Master Kuthumi's Newsletter -13 th March
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 13, 2011 at 10:27pm

Master Kuthumi's Newsletter 13 th March 2011

New Meditation - The Essential 4 Steps to Our New Era of Higher Awareness

We stand at a new era for humanity. The Mayan calendar tells us we have already entered the
ninth and final wave of consciousness.

The March equinox is in the sign of Aries - the pioneer, the iniator - with it's element of fire.
We are now given the opportunity to transcend our history, to write a new script on a blank

The Equinox stands on the first page of our new era, ready to open us to a fabulous journey of
higher awareness. The Sacred Geometry from our soul birth encases us, prepares us, as we
remember, as we open fully to our Divine soul knowledge. It's time to remember. It's time to
claim our soul birth right

This channelled meditation takes you through the four steps of preparation.

Step 1: Transcend all our past of this and previous lifetimes in the sacred flame.
Step 2: Empower and strengthen our Light Body to withstand the strength and power of the
new particles of Light now entering our atmosphere. To stand strong through our time of Solar
flares on the Sun.
Step 3: Join Archangels Michael, Uriel and Master Lady Nada and be guided to your own
future in higher purpose.
Step 4: Remember and open to the Sacred Geometry of your Soul .

Channelled through Lynette - Chosen Channel - to assist mankind into our new era - the new



The Essential 4 Steps to Our New Era of Higher Awareness

DailyOM: Actively Participating
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 13, 2011 at 11:00pm

Actively Participating
Showing up for Life
Showing up for your life means actively participating in our own life rather than hiding and
going through the motions.

The way we walk into a room says a lot about the way we live our lives. When we walk into a
room curious about what’s happening, willing to engage, and perceiving ourselves as an
active participant with something to offer, then we have really shown up to the party. When
we walk into a room with our eyes down, or nervously smiling, we are holding ourselves back
for one reason or another. We may be hurting inside and in need of healing, or we may lack
the confidence required to really be present in the room. Still, just noticing that we’re not
really showing up, and having a vision of what it will look and feel like when we do, can give
us the inspiration we need to recover ourselves.

Even if we are suffering, we can show up to that experience ready to fully engage in it and
learn what it has to offer. When we show up for our life, we are actively participating in being
a happy person, achieving our goals, and generally living the life our soul really wants. If we
need healing, we begin the process of seeking out those who can help us heal. If we need
experience, we find the places and opportunities that can give us the experience we need in
order to do the work we want to do in the world. Whatever we need, we look for it, and when
we find it, we engage in the process of letting ourselves have it. When we do this kind of
work, we become lively, confident, and passionate individuals.

There is almost nothing better in the world than the feeling of showing up for our own lives.
When we can do this, we become people that are more alive and who have the ability to make
things happen in our lives and the lives of the people around us. We walk through the world
with the knowledge that we have a lot to offer and the desire to share it.

Dreams, Intentions, and Fifth-Dimensional
Timelines by DL Zeta
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 13, 2011 at 11:04pm

Dreams, Intentions, and Fifth-Dimensional Timelines by DL Zeta

Dreams are a portal to the subconscious, a bridge between the conscious
mind and the soul through which guidance, insights, inspirations and
visions of the future can travel.

Dreams are the interface between heaven and earth, the "seen" and the
"unseen" worlds. Many have already worked with dreams to some extent and
are well aware of their powerful properties. We ask you to consider
dreams in a new light. That is, in terms of their ability to help us
understand and energize fifth-dimensional timelines, and how one
experiences reality within them.

Dreams are Glimpses into Potential Reality Grids

Reality grids and their "storylines" exist as energetic potentials in

each person's field of possibilities. This field of possibilities draws
from a person's lesson plan for a lifetime along with the gifts, talents
and understandings they came here to share this time around.

Many factors are calculated and encoded into this field of

possibilities. This field can be translated into energetic potentials or
reality grids that contain storylines "already in progress." As one
comes into resonance with potential storylines, they may receive
glimpses of life along certain reality threads. Once you perceive a
timeline, you can bring your attention and focus to it and begin
energizing it into your physical reality.

We are translating a highly intuitive process into material terms, so we

will attempt to clarify how this works. As one comes into energetic
resonance with the storylines within a reality grid, they receive
glimpses of life along that storyline through flashes of intuitive
insight and through dreams.

Because the subconscious, dreaming mind is free to wander among reality

grids far and near, you may dream about a reality that is far removed
from your present moment. The answer to why this happens is found within
an individual's spiritual purpose.

In this context, we are referring to glimpses of potential reality

threads that are close by or adjacent to one's present reality thread.

Intentions, Desires of the Soul and Reality Threads

In addition to offering glimpses of new reality threads, dreams also

teach us how reality works and how we can allow ourselves to flow easily
and effortlessly along new timelines through the power of intention. We
can think of intentions as filters we place on our experience of
reality. We throw a wrench in the workings of these filters when we
allow doubts and fears to short-circuit them. This is what happens when
we fail to develop a working relationship with our intuitive knowing.
Living by our highest intentions and our intuitive knowing go hand in hand.

In order to choose the reality threads you experience, begin to observe

how your thoughts combined with the desires of your soul shift you from
one timeline to another. As we observe this process, we begin to
understand why some desires are realized while others are not. Our
ability to choose the timelines we experience is directly tied to the
degree that we are awake and aware. In order to master our destiny, we
learn to consciously choose the reality threads we will experience.

Dreams are a Training Ground for Wielding the Power of Intention

Dreams, particularly lucid dreams, are an excellent training ground for

learning to wield the power of intention. A lucid dream is a dream where
you become aware you are dreaming inside a dream. Once you realize you
are dreaming you can, through the power of intention, choose a number of
blissful and joyful experiences. You can fly, travel to beautiful
dimensions, receive the vision for a novel, a work of art, meet a
soulmate, or meet a past or future version of yourself. The sky is the

The only obstacles to what you can experience are your beliefs and your
skill of allowing. If your mind kicks in and begins to micromanage the
notion of how you will fly in your dream, it is pretty certain you won't
get off the ground. If, on the other hand, you believe all things are
possible and you enter a space of trust and allowing, you simply set the
intention to fly in your dream and allow yourself to be lifted higher
and higher on the wings of your powerful intentions. This is how reality
flows along fifth-dimensional timelines.

For more on fifth-dimensional consciousness, see The Future is Here Now:

Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta
For more on dreams and timeline shifts, see Portals of Spirit:
Multidimensional Doorways for Healing and Transformation by DL Zeta
For more information, visit

New Age Music-DNA Healing Mantras-
Fernanda Delgado -2010-mp3
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 14, 2011 at 2:51pm

New Age Music-DNA Healing Mantras-

Fernanda Delgado -2010-mp3

Track List:
1 KETER ETZ CHAYIM The Tree of Life
2 TORAH E´SER SPHIROT Divine Blueprint of Law
3 NETZACH MERKAVA ELIYAHU Ascension and Activation
4 Y 5 URIM VE TUMIM Y ALEPH ETZ ADONAI The Essence of Your Expression and
Your Divinity on t
7 KADUMAH ELOHIM Revealed Divinity
8 ROCHEV BAARAVOT Riders of the Light
9 SHECHINAH ESH The Flame of Expansion
10 VA YIK RA The Call to Divinity
11 CHOCHMAH MICHA HALELU Wisdom of the Divine Feminine


Posted by: "Recep Tamer Cifter"

Quado's Garden: It is All Inside You

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 14, 2011 at 2:53pm

It is
All Inside You

in your life will become easier when you make your choices from your center of
truth and rightness rather than from your emotions. And by emotions, I mean
excitement and anticipation as well as fear and anger. All emotions are
responses to expectations and your heart of rightness has no expectations.

your center of truth and integrity, there is a deep knowingness, a connection to
a greater purpose, a connection to more than you alone. A connection to all
that is.

You know everything you

need to know. It is all inside you. All you need to do is learn to go beneath
emotion and access truth. Learn to do this, and you will open up a clear path
before you. You will not know what the future holds, but it will unfold before
you, step by step, in clarity and wonder.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without
ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart

HEAVEN #3762 You Have Infinite Choices,
March 14, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 14, 2011 at 3:00pm

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.
HEAVEN #3762 You Have Infinite Choices, March 14, 2011

God said:

If you ask Me what I am thinking, My answer is: “I am thinking of you.”

If you ask Me what I am doing, My answer is: “What am I doing? I do nothing. I AM, and that
means I LOVE. I am here. That is what I do. I sit still and, by My Being, everything is created.”

The inception of all creation is in this moment. There is no other moment. It is not easy to
convey to the world mind the existence of right now only. And yet, there is no train to the past.
There is no train to the future. There is no string of existence. There is existence. There is no
line that can be traced. There are no lines. There is love. We can say there is a Union of Love,
and so love is joined, and yet love was never unjoined.

Time is a passing fancy. Space is too.

Life is a children’s fairy book with magnificent illustrations. There are the good children, and,
for the sake of the story, ogres crop up. There are the innocents, and there are the wicked
witches. Playing the witch can be fun. When you play the role of the witch, you can really go to
town. There is some fascination in playing the role of witch. It allows opportunities that playing
the prince or princess do not, at first glance, seem to allow. The villain, so it seems, can play a
wider range.

The prince and princess are fully developed. The variants of the betrayer are not readily fully
developed. There is only so far that the prince or princess can go before you dismiss the prince
or princess. To your minds, however, unlimited is the betrayer.

Regardless, it is an experiment anyway. None of this is real. The only real is the love in Our
hearts. Even the villain loves playing the bad guy, or maybe not. Maybe the bad guy isn’t all

bad guy. Maybe he has remorse.

A real prince or princess has to be good all the time, so it is said.

Now, please don’t think that it is boring to be the prince or princess in life. All the possibilities
just aren’t clear to you in theory. In actuality, the opportunities are infinite, just as you are

You can be the princess disguised as a homeless person or a prince disguised as a cop, just as
you can be a DEA agent disguised as a bad guy.

Just as the villain may portray himself as a good guy, the appearance of the prince and princess
may belie them.

And then there is opinion. One who hurt your heart may be an angel to someone else.

Every single day of your life you have a choice of who you are going to be.

I suggest that you be prince or princess. Do not think that this makes you a sissy. It makes you a
hero. You may not make the headlines, but a hero nevertheless.

Every day you are given choices. Even in the tiniest moments, you are given a choice. In every
moment, you are given a choice. You have the choice to smile or to frown. You have the choice
to leap forward or to stay in the past.

Every moment you have the choice to be how much of a prince or princess you are going to be.
You have a choice to share or not to share. You have a choice to give your heart or to steel your
heart. You have the choice to bless or not to bless. You have the choice to polish life or to dim it.
You have infinite choices, beloved.

Wear not disguises. Know Who you are. All villains are in disguise. They are disguised from

Japon Depremi Dunyanin Kutlesini

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 14, 2011 at 3:02pm

Japon Depremi Dunyanin Kutlesini Degistirecek

NASA UZMANI – “Japon Depremi Dunyanin Kutlesini Degistirecek”

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratuarindan (JPL) uzman Richard Gross, depremin ardindan
Dunyanin figur ekseninin (Dunyanin kutlesinin dengede oldugu eksen) yaklasik 15 santim
degistigini ifade etti, bu mesafe, 2010 Sili depreminden sonra gerceklesen degisimin iki kati.

“Hesaplamalarima gore, gunun uzunlugu 1.6 mikrosaniye azalmis olmali (Saniyenin

milyonda biri). Benim fikrime gore Sili’deki deprem gunun uzunlugunu yaklasik 1.2
mikrosaniye azaltmisti” dedi.

Gross’a gore, Dunyanin ekseni 139 derece dogu boylama kaydi. 2010 Sili depreminden sonra,
112 derece dogu boylamina kaymisti.

Gross’a gore Dunya kendi kutle – degistiren hareketlerine sahiptir: ornegin, Subat 2010’da
dogu Pasifik Okyanusu havzasindaki Nazca tektonik plakasi oynadi, Sili’de 8.8 buyuklugunde
yikici bir depreme neden oldu. Ama bu tur deprem – itme, basinc depremi – Dunyanin donusu
icin onemlidir.

“Itme, basinc olayinda, tek bir tektonik plaka bir diger plakanin altina kayar ve kutleyi
asagiya ve ya yukariya oynatabilir.” Nazca Plakasi, Guney Amerika Plakasinin altina itildigi
ve Dunyanin eksenine dogru asagiya ilerledigi zaman, fizik yasalari Dunyanin donusunun
hizlandigini soyler. Bunun gibi, muazzam 2004 Sumatra depremi benzer sekilde Dunyanin
kutlesini yeniden duzenledi, Dunyanin hafifce daha hizli donmesine neden oldu. Diger
taraftan, son yillarda Gronland’daki buzullarin kaybi Dunyayi yavaslatmis olabilir, cunku
eriyen sular muazzam buz ortusunden asagiya okyanusa akti, Dunyanin ekseninden daha
uzaga ilerledi.

Gross,“Kutle degisimleri ve diger olaylar Dunyanin donme hizini degistirir ve bu da gunun

uzunlugunda, Dunyanin tam bir donus yapma zamaninda milisaniyeler kadar varyasyonlara
neden olur, bu da ruzgarlarda, ozellikle jet akimlarinda degisIkliklere neden olur” dedi.
Ornegin, kuvvetli bati ruzgarlari atmosferin hizlanmasina neden olabilir ve sonra kati Yerkure
donusunu yavaslatmak zorunda kalir. Tsunamiler ve depremlerin neden oldugu degisIklikler
simdiye kadar su andaki tekniklerle olculemeyecek kadar kucuk oldu.

Kutle – degistirici olaylar ayrica Dunyanin yalpalamasini da degistirebilir. “Dunya kendi

donus ekseni etrafinda doner, ama kutlesi farkli bir eksende, figur ekseninde dengelidir. Bu
eksenler farkli oldugu icin, Dunya donerken yalpalar.

“Okyanuslar yukseldiginde veya seviyeleri dustugunde ya da tektonik plakalar yukari cikip

asagi indiginde, Dunyanin kutlesi yeniden duzenlenir, figur ekseni degisir ve Dunya farkli bir

sekilde yalpalamaya baslar. “Bu arabanizdaki yorgun bir lastige benzer; eger o lastik
mukemmel sekilde dengede degilse, titresecektir. Mekanik, onun eksenini yeniden ayarlamak
icin lastige agirlik bindirecektir” dedi Gross.

(Ceviri: Saffet Guler)

Quado’nun Bahçesi: Sizi Çağıran Nehri

 Posted by gunes kurtulan on March 14, 2011 at 3:26pm

Sizi Çağıran Nehri Duyun

Zamanlar vardır, Kutsanmış zamanlar, kendinizi aniden nehir kenarında bir bankta
bulduğunuz, atlayıp akıntıya kapılabileceğiniz bir fırsatın eşiğinde…

Bunlar, rastlantıların sizi çevrelediği zamanlardır, daha sormaya başlamadığınız sorulara

yanıtlar taşıyan insanlar çevrenizde belirdiğinde, kendinizi daha büyük bir şeyin parçası
hissettiğiniz ve muhteşem güçlere hizalandığınızda, bunca yıldır edindiğiniz yetenek ve
becerilerin sadece olması gerektiği gibi olduğunu gördüğünüzde…

Bunlar olduğunda; Teşekkür edin ve korkmayın. Duyguyu izleyin. Kendinizi akışa verin. Eski
plan ve beklentilerinizi kıyıda bırakın ve çırılçıplak soyunun. Ayağınızı kaydıran alışkanlıkları
bırakın. Eski negatif kalıpları atın bir kenara, nehre dalın ve bırakın akıntı taşısın sizi, daha
büyük bir akıntıya girmek için, daha büyük bir amaca, nehrin sizi nereye taşıyacağını
bilmeseniz bile…

Bugün, meditatif yerinize gidin ve, sizi çağıran nehre sorun; belli bir yeri gösteren bir işaretin
varlığını sorun. Eğer yanıt hayır ise, bu tamamdır. Şimdilik daha nehrin bankında değilsiniz
ve yürüyecek yolunuz var demektir. Ama eğer yanıt evet ise; nehrin gürültüsünü duyuyorsanız
ağaçlar boyunca; bu çiğnenmiş yolu bırakmanın cesaretini yakalayın ve yolunuzu ormana
verin, dalın nehre…

Barış içinde yaşayalım, ağlamadan. Neşemiz, durmadan dokunduğumuz yaşamları çevrelesin.

Ve melek kanatları şefkatle çarparken, sevgimiz dünyayı sarsın.

The Universal Heart Center


Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan

The Cosmic Trigger Phase lll~ The Coming

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 14, 2011 at 4:00pm

Tyberron (Earth Keeper)

Greetings Dear Ones, I am Metatron, Lord of Light !

And so we speak today of the 3rd Phase of that termed the Cosmic Trigger. Indeed its time is
nigh and will occur on two dates in your linear year of 2011. The initial surge occurs on the
March 20 Equinox of 2011, the latter surge on the triple date frequencial portal of the 11-11-

Dear Ones, look around you. The planet is remaking itself now and the inertia of massive
transition is occurring quite rapidly. All is quickening,your resonance is accelerating as the
Ascension draws nigh.

So as your frequencial environ reshapes itself it will also reshape the experience of mankind,
of visible and invisible forces of nature and that of the face of the Earth itself.

This is indeed the third stage of the Cosmic Trigger, and its time is here. It takes place on the
March 20, 2011 Equinox and encompasses two primary progressions: (1) The continued
release of dormant coded magnetic energies (2) The transition to the new coding requisite to
the Crystalline upshift via the 144-Crystalline Grid and in turn the Master Crystals and Sun

The magnetics and electros of the Earth are completing themselves and finding a fulcrum of
balance. Did not the Magnetic Master , Kryon of Lord Michaels Family complete the
adjustment of magnetics to make way for the crystalline grid? Indeed it is so.

The electro magnetics of polarity field now gives way to the Crystalline Emergence within
zero field. It is an aperture whose time has come, it is a point of Re-Creation. And that Re-
Creation is the return to the Crystalline Essence from which you have come. And thus many
of you are code carriers for this transition.

Remaining Equinoxes Are 12th Dimensional

The remaining Equinoxes that lie ahead in the countdown to the Ascension are not
constrained by linear time nor by the dimensional access limitations within your current
space-time paradigm.

And while we have told you many areas in your planet are already in 5th dimension and
extend to the 12th, during the four remaining Equinoxes before the Solstice of the Ascension
the threshold to greater dimensionality is opened much wider.

As such we tell you that a succinct frequencial portal from the 12th dimension is enabled thru
the Cosmic Trigger Crystalline awakening that will manifest on March 20, 2011. Indeed it is a
mandatory and prerequisite rigor of the New Earth.

Both humanity and indeed the physical earth require and petition this crystalline upshift
reformation in order to transcend the duality dimensional paradigm that would otherwise
entomb them in the cyclic duplicity of descending polarity juxtaposition.

The twelfth dimensional opening of the March Equinox of 2011 will be the most prolific
synthesis of 12th dimensional energy to eventuate on earth since the Golden Age of Atlantis,
some 35,000 years ago as measured in your present linear- time paradigm. It is a formidable
and grand vicissitude, and the resulting amplification of energy is immense and far reaching.

The Cosmic Trigger lll : A Unique Blend of Energies

The upcoming Spring Equinox on March 20, 2011 features very rare and prolific astrological
energy resonance...the coming together of a Perigee Full Moon on Saturday-March 19, and
the Equinox Sun conjuncts Uranus within incredible proximity of influence through the
connected energies of the Cosmic Trigger..

This 'cocktail' of assorted energies forms a portal potential of enormous prioritization and a
fulcrum point of massive shift for all of humanity in macro and micro. How humanity choose
to utilize & engage this timing will measure your intent and progression into the Ascension. It
is a grand opportunity, and offering to humanity indeed!

This embellished astrology surrounding the coming Equinox all combines and is even further
driven by a special ' north lunar node' to assist humanity in truly understanding and
completing much of their personal clearings. It is an unique opportunity to reboot into greater
clarity and refurbished energy.

All of you are stretching your boundaries, and pushing into greater consciousness, new
paradigms. There is always a discomfort factor involved in such changes. Dear Humans, we
understand the difficulties, the hardships, the effort required in these transitions, and we are
here in the now, to support and assist you. We honor you for choosing to be here at this time,
for making the decision to Ascend.

Utilizing the Energy : Taking Part

The upcoming Equinox is a time to gather, a time to receive codes, a time to prioritize, and
time to assist one another and align. If you are able to gather, do so, if you are not, then join in

etherically. Make time to meditate, for the Cosmic Trigger is a special energy embellished
with codes that can assist you in myriad ways.

Do you not see that happening all around you ?

Although the Crystalline Energy is initially accessible to you in the 5th dimension, the full
spectrum of the Quantum Crystalline Field only fully exist in the dimension of Twelve.
Appropriately the consciousness of the crystalline aspect of the earth's own mineral kingdom
is dynamically processed via the 12th dimension thru the 'Crystalline Platinum Ray'.

The 12th dimension is the highest resonance of earthen dimensionality, and can be said to be
the initial, first truly replete dimension of the crystalline realm. It is the dimension of the
highest Cosmic Ray, that of the Platinum Ray. The Platinum Ray operates in a crystalline
modality and contains within it components of all 12 Cosmic Rays.

As such, the Crystalline Platinum Ray of the 2011 Cosmic Trigger cascades into the Earth
Plane on the March 20 Equinox in robust spiraled pulsations. These are transduced thru the
144-Grid into a more palpable frequency in order for this highly concentrated energy to be
synergistically integrated into the planetary resonance.

The result is an enormous upshift that embodies & transfers the Cosmic Code in tandem for
the perfection that is to come. It is indeed the perfection of the twelfth dimension that ensures
humanity's macro and micro transition into the Crystalline Mer-Ka-Na....the Ascension.

The referenced earthen aspect of coded crystalline energies will be awakened through the
receival of the Cosmic Platinum Ray delivered thru the multidimensional octahedron portals
of the triplex pyramidal matrixes of Giza in the Eastern Hemisphere of the planet and thru the
Moody Tri-Pyramidal structure on the Gulf of Mexico. .

Both pyramidal complexes then in axialtonal alignment, both on the 29th latitudinal vector,
both emitting the energy of PHI, become the dissemination engines of the 2011 Cosmic
Trigger, and this energy is then disseminated globally..

Dear Ones, the Crystalline Age is certitude. It is approaching in grand and grander inertia.
Duality separation has been a potent and worthy experience for mankind in the University of
Linear Earth. Duality has been a prolific teacher, but the linear curriculum is coming to a
close for many of you. It is time to receive your polarity diploma and begin postgraduate work
in the higher realms of zero field in the Crystalline Omniverse.


Humanity are at a crux, a crucial point. Those of you that have carried the Ascension Light to
this point have indeed done your job, but now more is required of you.

Many of you are carriers of special codes, envoys that specifically chose to be here at this
crucial time to assist recode the earth. You are here to help navigate the remaining aspects of
the Ascension. You are here to enliven the masses, to be messengers of Crystalline Light !

You see, there are many in humanity that are yet undecided, uncertain where to go, and so
great numbers are taking a step back, rather than forward. And we tell you, you can influence
them, for such impasse is not in highest good. Your energy, your influence is needed.

And so we speak to those of you carrying the light, because many are now at an untimely
pause. And some of you do not even recognize their immobility. Indeed, even some of you on
the path of Mastery, are pausing with doubt and indecision.

Masters, the times for sitting on the fence have long passed in the quickening. It is not the best
choice, for those that have heard the clarion call of the Planetary Ascension.

One question that a Master never asks is " How much more work is required?" And that is
bnecause the effort is the natural path toward your home, to you destiny within the realm of

...And so why the pause, why the indecision ? Allow us to tell you what may be happening.

It is because there is a final stage of clearing taking place not only on the planet, but within
the hearts of many of you. And some of you didn't see it coming, some of you truly thought
you were already there, and feel confused when the energy tightens around you.

You see 2011 and 2012 ushers in the Crystalline Age of Ascension , and with that the
transformation of the Earth and indeed humanity.

And Masters, that ongoing transformation requires the last dross of imbalance, of obstacle to
be removed .

Cosmic Expansion -

As such, each human on the planet, are now required to interface with incredibly expansive
'cosmic' frequencies at this time on the earth.

And as we have told you, mere recognition of this expansion, however, is not enough. It is
simply the first step, and is not the same as optimally integrating with cosmic expansion.
More effort, more processing , more focus is yet required!

Optimal integration is expansive growth, and such quickening, such rapid shifts will
inevitably lead again to yet another sense of outgrowing ones skin, it will lead again in time,
to new feelings of intensity, discomfort and enclosure, requiring even more focus toward an
even greater evolution.

So be aware Masters, that adjustmental growth in the crucible energies of the Cosmic Trigger
and indeed all of the ongoing and remaining nodes and triggers of the heralded Ascension, is a
work in progress....and purification and release is a constant part of it. And it affects each of
you. Indeed this energy is an intensity of cosmic expansion and how you deal with it, whether
you embrace it or ignore it, is very influential to your life course, and energy.

Masters if you are feeling these sensations, we honor you and we congratulate you, because it
is indelible proof of exponential growth. Indeed you are on the true path of personal
Ascension....and we are ever with you.

Dear Ones, be aware that you are not alone. We of the Angelic Realm are with you. Know that
the Earth itself is mobilizing to assist you in that release in processing the purification you call
the Ascension.

Certain vortexial points within the earth are now engineered, since the advent of the Cosmic
Triggers of 2009 and 2010, to enable the release into the crystalline energy. That through what
is termed the March 2011 Equinox , indeed a crucible of sacred purification as you move
beyond duality.


Dear Ones, The living earth is your ally in the graduation into the Ascended Earth, and
emergence into the non-polarity of the Crystalline Age.

The crystalline aspect of the crucible energies of the Violet Flame will amplify and boil to the
surface the remaining untoward vibrational frequencies within your energy field in order to
clear the path for the crystalline Mer-Ka-Na.

This is exponentially easier to accomplish within certain conscious powernodes and

frequencial dates, such as the equinoxes, solstices, eclipses and Triple Date Portals. These are
uniquely embellished throughout 2011 and 2012, and are tools offered to humanity,
amplification tools to be utilized. But it can be accomplished at any time, at any place, with
proper intent.

Dear Ones it is requisite.

Masters, as you through love and will project the Crystalline Radiance of your own Divinity,
you change the world, by changing yourself. Ascension occurs one heart at a time.

Respect and nurture one another, and remember to love your self, for you are the Light of
GOD. I am Metatron and I share with you these TRUTHS.

And so it is.... And it is so !

Channelled Message through Natalie
Glasson- Ascended 13/03/11
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 14, 2011 at 4:00pm

Sacred School of Om Na and Wisdom of the Light

Weekly Channelled Message
Being of Service, Part 2, by the Ascended Masters
Channelled through Natalie Glasson-13/03/11

Beloved souls upon the Earth, we send our unconditional love and blessings to you now as
we come forward with devotion to assist you in being of service in your current reality. To
be of service is to be helpful to others and the Creator while you are in your current position
of existence on the Earth. You have a tremendous power and one day you will realise that
your light, intentions and loving energies can easily create transformations, solve problems
and bring energies or situations into balance. As we come forward to share our wisdom with
you, now is the time to believe in yourself and how you can truly be of benefit to the Earth
and its humanity. There is a powerful reason and purpose that you are on the Earth now and
it is to radiate and anchor the light of the Creator. The Earth vibrates at a slower speed, it
needs a person of similar vibration, such as someone with a physical body, to filter or anchor
the energies into the atmosphere of the Earth. It is also important to realise that the light
within your physical being is the transformational light of the Creator, when radiated it can
alter the vibration of the atmosphere around you thus allowing greater and higher vibration
of the Creator's light and love to manifest. You are essentially the anchor or point of creation
on the Earth. We, the Ascended Masters and the Creator will always support, love and guide
you but the creation of the reality that you experience develops from your being, mind and
energy systems. You are the paint brush that designs and expresses your reality as you wish
it to be. Your energies are linked with all of humanity; together as a group you paint the
reality that you wish to experience as a civilisation on the Earth. The creations of previous
generations also affect your creation and can either limit or liberate the reality that you and
humanity create.

When negative situations occur on the Earth they are usually a creation of past negative
energy that has not been address or released appropriately. If you imagine that you have
experienced a negative situation in your reality which causes fear or feelings of sadness and
darkness, if you do not address, release and cleanse these energies they can cause illness or
pain in your physical body or create a reoccurring pattern until addressed. This is the same
for the Earth, the unconscious thoughts and negativity of humanity can build, if they are not
addressed or cleansed by humanity this can create a negative situation on the Earth. We must
always remember that situations can appear negative to the human mind but all circumstance
hold a positive outcome and have a true purpose of learning and growth for all involved.
This can be hard to accept but when you allow yourself to see beyond the limitations of the
Earth you will know that everything is a lesson of love, a lesson to dissolve all energies,

experience and situations that cause lack of love and to amplify love in its purity on the
Earth. Many lessons are present on the Earth with a simple purpose to encourage humanity
to be more loving, compassionate and giving of their inner sacred light. Most lessons aid
humanity in opening their heart more fully to reveal the loving presence of the Creator
within. As you look at your own reality and the circumstances occurring on the Earth, you
will know in your heart that this is true. If every lesson was approached with this
understanding then you would find that many life lessons would become easier because you
would have the tools to move through them with strength and much healing would occur
within your being, reality and on the Earth.

Every hardship in your life, small or large, is encouraging you to open your heart to
reveal the love of the Creator within.

Life can be seen as joyous and tremendously rejuvenating when holding this perspective, but
in accepting this truth you are being of service to humanity and the Creator because with
each experience in your reality you are awakening more love from within your being,
knitting it into your reality to create yourself and reality as a sacred space on the Earth. As
this sacred space moving around on the Earth you are naturally activating and inspiring
others to manifest their realities as a sacred space of love and peace. You can imagine how
the Earth would be affected if everyone poured love from their hearts constantly as they
moved through their life.

We also begin to notice that because of each person's quest for love and humanity's joint
quest for acceptance and realisation of the Creator's love many make sacrifices to assist and
support the development of others. Through their sacrifices they guide others to discover a
deeper sense of love within them but the person or people who make the sacrifice also
discover love just in a different way or path. It is important to realise that humanity are
essentially working together to bring forth a greater discovery of love on the Earth. For this
reason you must honour and bow to every person on the Earth, because they are either
teaching you to reveal the love of the Creator within you or you are inspiring them to do so
whether the experience that manifests this process appears as positive, neutral or negative.

We wish to share with you a technique or method that you may focus upon in order to be of
greater service on the Earth. This method can be used during disasters or turmoil upon the
Earth or to aid healing and a solution of love in your own reality and circumstances. This is a
simple practice but it triggers a great expression of love and compassion because it is
developed from humanity's natural instinct. This process of healing and support is to
imagine that you are embracing all of humanity, the circumstance, your own reality or a
single person in your arms. It is as if you are existing as your spiritual/ soul self and are
embracing all in love, your spiritual or etheric armsare encapsulating the people or situation,
enveloping them in the purest abundance of love.

Allow yourself to sit peacefully in meditation.

Invoke your guides and angelic beings to surround you in their love and support.

Ask to activate from within your heart and soul, your true loving, healing and compassionate

Let this energy or source of light from within you manifest more fully, taking on the form of
your body.

Acknowledge yourself as your true self sitting in radiant meditation.

Think for a moment on the situation, people or person you wish to support in love, light and

Be thankful for the lessons that you are learning through this experience now as a radiant
being of service and because of the circumstance in your physical reality.

Then imagine a great flow of light surging within your being, imagine your arms reaching
out and encapsulating the people, country, circumstance or person in your light arms.

You can see your light and loving energy melting into the area that is in need of healing,
support or upliftment. You can feel transformation occurring and a solution developing. You
are adding a connection for those within your embrace with the Creator.

Feel the compassion, love and light extending from your heart chakra and know in your
heart that you are love and you love all. You can say words of support to those within your

Imagine the light and love then flowing into the Earth where the people, person, situation is
in existence, this helps to ground the healing into the physical vibration.

Then imagine that you release your arms and sit for a moment as your true self.

When you wish to complete this process simply allow your own light to flow into the Earth,
this is to allow you to benefit from the energy that you have created also.

This is a wonderful and powerful practice because it is humanity's natural reaction to hug or
embrace a person who is suffering or in pain. The embrace allows an exchange of energy
and offers support; you can achieve the same on a spiritual level which is powerful as it
dissolves all impurities and negative vibration to anchor greater volumes of light.

We hope that you will practice this in yourown time as it will assist you, humanity and the
Earth tremendously.

Remember to realise that every situation on the Earth or within your reality has manifested
to dissolve lack of love and to awaken the presence of love.

This meditation has been recorded as a download to assist you also.

Your dear friends and family

The Ascended Masters

Melekleri Rüyalarınıza Çağırmak Doreen
Virtue, Ph.D.
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 14, 2011 at 4:22pm

Melekleri Rüyalarınıza Çağırmak

Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.

Rüya zamanımız çoğu zaman, yeni spiritüel büyüme ve anlayış kazanmak için en üretici
zamandır. Bir çok insan geleceği haber veren veya kariyer, ev ve aile ile ilgili rehberlik veren
psişik rüyalar görür.

Melekleri rüyalarınıza davet ederek uyurken tutarlı ve berrak rehberlik alabilirsiniz. Gündüz
zamanı düşünceniz siyah – beyaz bakış açılarına kilitlenmişken, bu özellikle, yeni anlayışlar
ve yaratıcı fikirler kazanmak için iyi bir yoldur. Uyurken, katı düşünce kalıplarını bırakırız.
Uyurken olduğu gibi açık – zihinli olduğumuzda, Tanrı ve melekler İlahi fikirleri kolayca bize
aktarabilirler. Uykuya dalmadan önce, meditasyon yapmak için biraz zaman ayırın. Sonra
zihinsel olarak veya yüksek sesle onaylayın :

“Sevgili Tanrım ve melekler,

Lütfen bu gece rüyama girin ve bu durum (özel isteğinizi söyleyin) ile ilgili bana rehberlik ve
yeni fikirler verin. Uyandığım zaman bu fikirleri berrak olarak hatırlamama yardım edin.
Teşekkür ederim ve Amin”

Normalde rüyalarınızı hatırlamasanız bile, bu güçlü onaylama, uyanmadan hemen önceki

saatte güçlü şekilde canlı – ve unutulmaz – rüyalar görmeniz için bilinçliliğinizi değiştirir. Bu
rüyaları “lüsid” rüyalar olarak adlandırıyoruz. Bunlar bir sinemada olmaya benzer, burada
kendinizi hem izlersiniz hem de katılımcı olursunuz. Bu rüyaları unutmak çok zor olur. “Lüsid
rüyaların konusunu ve mesajını hatırlamam” diyen insanlar bile, bu rüyaları hatırlar.

Bir çok büyük icat, kitaplar, ve çözümler rüyalardan çıkarılmıştır. Muhtemelen bir fikrin ışığı

ile uyanan yazarlar, iş adamları ve mucitlerin hikayelerini duymuşsunuzdur. Herkes bu bilgi
havuzuna erişir, çünkü herkesin zihni ebedi olarak Tanrı’nın sonsuz bilgeliğine katılır. Siz de,
uyumadan önce niyetlerinizi belirterek uykunuzda yaratabilirsiniz.

Melekler ayrıca uyurken sınırlayıcı düşünceleri, inançları ve duyguları iyileştirebilirler. Çoğu

zaman imanın tezahürün ve mucizelerin maddesi olduğunu okuduk. “Mucizeler Kursu”nda,
“Herhangi bir durumda, imanın çözemeyeceği bir problem yoktur”. Ve yeni bir bilimsel
çalışma, psişik fenomene inanan insanların, şüphecilerle karşılaştırıldığında, doğru psişik
rehberlik deneyimledikleri bulunmuştur.

Rüya zamanı evrenin şaşmaz düzeninde imanımızı artırmak için mükemmel bir platformdur.
İman seviyesini artırmanın en kolay yollarından biri, Tanrı’dan ve meleklerden yardım
istemektir. En şüpheci pragmatist bile, bu yöntemin güçlü etkileyici deneyim yarattığını
görecektir. Bunu yapmanın kolay bir yolu tam gece uykuya dalmadan öncedir. Şu onaylamayı
zihinsel olarak veya yüksek sesle söyleyin ;

“Sevgili Tanrım ve koruyucu melekler,

Bu gece rüyalarıma girmenizi istiyorum ve beni anlayıştan, güvenmekten ve İlahi
rehberliğimi izlemekten uzak tutan korkuları temizleyin. Eğer bana vermek istediğiniz bir
mesaj varsa, lütfen onu açık olarak anlamama ve sabah hatırlamama yardım edin. Amin”

Cennet, güvensizliğinizi iman ile değiştirir ve bilgililiğinizi izlemekle ilgili daha emin
hissedersiniz. Rüyalarımız esnasında melek krallığı ile çok etkileşiriz. Melekleri rüyalarınıza
çağırarak melek mesajlarınızın sayısı artar ve temizlik çalışmanız hızlanır.
Örneğin, eğer kariyerinizin gidişatı ile ilgili kararsız iseniz, başınızı yastığa koyduğunuz
zaman, zihinsel olarak buna benzer bir dua okuyun :

“Melekler, lütfen bu gece rüyalarıma girin ve bana kariyerimle ilgili hangi yöne gideceğimi
bilmemde yardım etmek için, hatırlayacağım berrak mesajlar verin.”

Melekler her zaman bu isteği karşılar, ve muhtemelen uyanmadan önceki saatte kolayca
hatırlayacağınız lüsid bir rüya görürsünüz. Veya, melekler rüyanızda size öyle bir şekilde
yardım edebilirler ki, rüyanızın içeriğini hatırlamazsınız. Yine de, uyanırsınız ve gece
boyunca içinizde bir şeylerin değiştiğini bilirsiniz. Hangi yöne gideceğiniz ile ilgili daha
mutlu, daha pozitif ve daha berrak hissedersiniz. Bu, kariyeriniz ile ilgili sizi kararsız kılan
korkuları salıvermenize yardımcı olmak için, meleklerin düşüncelerinizi ve inançlarınızı
yeniden düzenlediğinin bir işaretidir.

Eğer yaşamınızın herhangi bir alanında bloke olmuş hissediyorsanı

z, bir parça kağıda şu mesajı yazın ve yastığınızın altına koyun. Uykuya dalarken cümleyi
zihinsel olarak üç kere tekrarlayın : “Sevgili Melekler, yaşamımdan tam olarak haz almamı
engelleyen blokları temizlemek için bu gece uykumda benimle çalışmanızı istiyorum. Lütfen
ya bu blokları dikkatime getirin ya da bu geceki uykum esnasında zihnimden, duygularımdan
ve bedenimden tamamen uzaklaştırın. Teşekkür ederim.”

Sabahleyin, tazelenmiş ancak gece boyunca çalışmış olduğunuzun farkındalığı ile uyanırsınız.
Meleklerin gece çalışmasının ayrıntılarını hatırlayamayabilirsiniz, ama bunu derinden
hissedersiniz. Başınızı gece gerçekleşen yeniden yapılandırma nedeni ile biraz garip
hissedebilirsiniz. Bununla birlikte, meleklerin taşıyıp götürdüğü bloklar yaşamınızın amacını

ve yaşam planınızı engelleyen ağır yüklerdi. Bu temizliği istediğiniz için şükran hissedersiniz
ve melekleri rüyalarınıza her gece çağırmak isteyebilirsiniz.

(Çeviri ; Saffet Güler)

Almanız Güvenlidir-Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 14, 2011 at 4:39pm

Almanız Güvenlidir-Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.

Almanız Güvenlidir

Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.

Son zamanlarda yaptığım bir workshopta, dinleyicilere melek okumaları yaptığım zaman, bir
market sahibi, neden sıkı çabalarının ödüllendirilmediğini bana sordu. Gerçekte, oldukça sık
olarak onun ve marketinin başına negatif deneyimler geldiğini söyledi.

Melekler hemen onun enerjisinin dengesiz olduğunu söylediler. O, sadece vererek çok fazla
eril enerji davranışı uyguluyordu ve almak için kendisine izin vermiyordu. Eril enerji dışa
yönlenmiştir. Gönderir ve verir. Dişil enerji alıcıdır ve içe yönlenmiştir. Hem eril hem de dişil
enerjinin dengesine sahip olmamız önemlidir. Bunu yapmanın en kolay yolu her gün hem
vermeyi, hem de almayı uygulamaktır.

Bir çok ışıkişçisi almaktan rahatsız olur. Okuma yaptığım kadın, ona kitaplarımdan birini
hediye ettiğimde almakta zorluk çekti. Hemen bana, dükkanından bir kristal vermek istediğini
söyledi. Melekler okumada ona, “Sadece verdiğin ve almak için kendine izin vermediğin
için, dükkanın dengesiz eril enerjinin yansımasıdır. Bundan dolayı, rekabet ve saldırganlık
gibi eril enerji deneyimlerini çekiyorsun. Eğer daha nazik deneyimleri çekmek istiyorsan, dişi
enerjinin ifade edilmesine izin vermelisin.”

Melekler, ayrıca, onun dükkanının başarılı olması için çok çabaladığını ve etrafındaki
herkesin mutlu olmasına çaba gösterdiğini söylediler. Tüm bu zorlama/sevketme ve çabalama
eril enerjini ifadeleridir ve sonuç olarak evren ona bunları geri gönderiyor. Eğer dişil

enerjisine eşit oranda izin verirse, bu başarıyı bulacak ve sevgiyi kolayca çekecek. Tüm
yapması gereken eşit oranlarda vermek ve almaktır.

Dinleyicilerden kadına bir şeyler vererek onun almaya uyumlanması için yardım istedim,
örneğin bir kucaklama, bir iltifat veya bir armağan. Sonra, kadından bu armağanları kibarca
almasını istedim. “herhangi suçluluğu, utancı veya diğer rahatsızlıkları meleklere bırak” diye
tavsiye ettim.

Kadın açıkça rahatsız görünüyordu ve dinleyicilerden bir kadın ona kocaman bir kucaklama
verince bedeninin kaskatı olduğunu gördüm. Olay boyunca, izledim, sonunda gevşedi ve
almaktan hoşnut olmaya başladı. Kahkahasını ve gülümsemesini gördüm. Alıcılığın bu basit
ve çok önemli prensibini uyguladıkça, tüm yaşamının dengenin yararlarını yansıtacağını
göreceğini biliyorum.

Neden almaya isteksiziz ? Genelde, kontrol sorunları almanın altında yatan korkulardır. Eğer
sadece verirsek, güvenli oynarız ve minnettar olmayı hissetme riskine girmeyiz. Ayrıca,
almakla ilgili kuşku hissettiğimiz zaman güven konuları rol oynar. Bir çok ışık işçisi kendileri
için herhangi bir şey arzulamanın bencilce veya açgözlülük olduğu inancı ile
programlanmıştır. Ve kendine güveni az olan ışıkişçileri almayı hak etmediklerini hissederler.
Çünkü almak için kendilerine izin vermezler, kendine – güvenleri düşük kalır.

Tabi ki, yaşam misyonumuzun anahtar bir bileşeni başkalarına vermektir. Bu, bizim ifadedeki
eril enerjimizdir. Yine de, eğer bu verme alma ile dengelenmezse, tükenmiş oluruz. Bu
depresyona, düşük kendine – güvene ve düşük enerji seviyelerine yol açar. Ve meleklerin
kadına söylediği gibi, eğer sadece eril enerji davranışları uygularsak, kendimize bunları
çekeriz. Böylece yaşamımız rekabet, saldırganlık ve eril enerjinin diğer veçheleri ile
çevrelenir. Sonra bu deneyimler eril enerjimizde kalmamızı pekiştirir. Böylece bozuk/kötü bir
döngü meydana gelir.

Bu döngüyü kırmak için, kibarca almayı uygulayın. Kendinize almak için daha çok izin
verdikçe, başkalarına vermek için daha çok kaynağa sahip olursunuz. Yaşamınızın
misyonunda desteklenmenize izin verirsiniz ve vermenin ve almanın bolluğunun akışında
dans edersiniz.

Melekler onlardan çok az istediğimizi söylüyorlar. Onlardan yardım istediğimiz zaman, bazen
meleklerin isteklerimizi gerçekleştirmelerine izin vermiyoruz. Meleklerimiz bizim ekip
arkadaşlarımızdır. Dünyaya sevgi ve ışık aşılamak için hepimiz birlikte çalışıyoruz. Eğer
ışığınız yaşamın stresi ile azalırsa veya sevildiğinizi ya da sevilebileceğinizi hissetmezseniz,
kendinizi yeniden canlandırmak ve tekrar doldurmak için meleklerin yüksek enerjisine her
zaman güvenebilirsiniz.

Meleklerin kullanmamız için tavsiye ettikleri onaylamalar : Almak benim için güvenlidir.

Şimdi yaşamıma iyi şeyleri alıyorum.

Bugün ve her gün almanın ve vermenin bolluk akışından haz almanızı dilerim.

(Çeviri ; Saffet Güler)

On Self-Knowledge Kahlil Gibran

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 14, 2011 at 4:44pm

On Self-Knowledge
Kahlil Gibran

Your hearts know in silence the secrets of the days and the nights.
But your ears thirst for the sound of your heart's knowledge.
You would know in words that which you have always known in thought.
You would touch with your fingers the naked body of your dreams.

And it is well you should.

The hidden well-spring of your soul must needs rise and run murmuring to the sea;
And the treasure of your infinite depths would be revealed to your eyes.
But let there be no scales to weigh your unknown treasure;
And seek not the depths of your knowledge with staff or sounding line.
For self is a sea boundless and measureless.

Say not, "I have found the truth," but rather, "I have found a truth."
Say not, "I have found the path of the soul." Say rather, "I have met the soul walking upon my
For the soul walks upon all paths.
The soul walks not upon a line, neither does it grow like a reed.
The soul unfolds itself like a lotus of countless petals.

bir söz: "başka seçenek vardı..."
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 14, 2011 at 4:46pm

bir söz: "başka seçenek vardı..."

"...Yaşamımızdaki tüm seçimleri BİZ yaparız, KENDİMİZ:

Ya belli bir sonucu engellemek
yada istediğimiz belli bir sonucu yaratmak için;
seçtiğimiz şeyi yaparız.
Bu yüzden "başka seçeneğim yoktu"nun büyük bir yalan olduğunu hepimiz biliriz...

Neale Donald Walsch- "Varlık ve Doğru Yaşam" kitanıdan alını...

Quado’nun Bahçesi: Hepsi İçinizde

 Posted by gunes kurtulan on March 15, 2011 at 2:00am



Herşey daha da kolay olacak yaşamınızda, seçimlerinizi duygularınız üzerinden değil; doğru
ve gerçek merkezinizden yaparsanız eğer… Ve duygularınız… heyecan, bekleyiş, korku,
öfke… Tüm duygular, beklentilerin karşılıklarıdır ve yüreğinizin doğruluğunun hiçbir
beklentisi yoktur.

Gerçeklik ve doğruluk merkezinizde, derin bir biliş vardır, daha büyük bir amaçla bağlantı,
sizin de ötenizle bir bağlantı. Tüm olanla bağlantı…

Bilmeniz gereken herşeyi

biliyorsunuz. Hepsi içinizde. Tüm yapacağınız; korkuyu geçip, gerçeğe girmeyi öğrenmek.
Bunu öğrenin.

Ve tertemiz bir yol açacaksınız önünüzde. Geleceğin ne getireceğini bilmeyeceksiniz, ama

sizden önce serilecek önünüze gelecek artık, adım adım, aydınlık ve mucize içinde…

Barış içinde yaşayalım, ağlamadan. Neşemiz, durmadan dokunduğumuz yaşamları çevrelesin.
Ve melek kanatları şefkatle çarparken, sevgimiz dünyayı sarsın.

The Universal Heart Center http://www.moshayra.webs.com


Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan

A Message from Louise L. Hay about the

recent events in Japan
 Posted by Didem on March 15, 2011 at 8:50pm

Regarding the recent earthquake and tsunami in Japan, we can see this as a frightening time,
or you can see these problems as opportunities to create healing. How you choose to use your
mind is up to you. You can add to the problem or you can help heal it.

When I hear of any crises in the world, I immediately surround the whole situation with white
light. I send love and healing energy to everyone connected with it. I suggest everyone take a
moment today to close your eyes, and send love and healing energy to the people of Japan.

I seldom reads newspapers or watch TV news. I refuse to clutter my mind with most media
turbulence. The media is good at stirring up our emotions and selling fear. If you read a
newspaper from cover to cover every day, you’ll live in fear. They want you to buy a new
paper each day to find out what to be afraid of that day. It’s the same with the television news.
If you want to sleep poorly, watch the late-night news just before you go to sleep.

So, know that we each live under the law of our own consciousness. You are a beautiful,
wonderful creation of Life. Your strength comes from your connection to Source. Living in
constant gratitude and appreciation brings good into our lives.

For those who wish to send a financial contribution, my understanding is that the best
organization that is doing the most good right now, is the Red Cross. To donate, go to

Let’s you and I, every time the thought of unrest in Japan comes to mind, say with conviction:


I love you,


Recoding the Sun Disc Archangel Metatron

via James Tyberonn 6 March, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 15, 2011 at 8:54pm

Recoding the Sun Disc

Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn

6 March, 2011

Greetings, I am Metatron, Lord of Light !

We welcome each of you here in a vector and energy of Unconditional Love.

Take a moment to feel this very special energy as you read these words. We assure you it is
quite real, and it will soothe your being, for it is sent in real time, in the NOW moment that
you read these words, individually to each of you as you review this message.

Never forget Dear Humans, we are ever with you, and offer you a glimpse and very valid
interface with the energy of your higher aspect. We nurture you in unconditional love. So we
gently ask you to close your eyes and take a moment to feel the energy we send you, before
reading further.

Masters, 'Unconditional Love' is a crystalline resonance that enlivens each of you to vitally
move forward. It is a sublime energy that will encourage you to advance each of your today's
potently into tomorrow's by assisting you to become more aware, positive and fortified in
your present. But be aware Masters, that adjustmental growth in the crucible energies of the
Ascension, is a work in progress.

Each human on the planet, are now required to interface with incredibly expansive 'cosmic'
frequencies at this time on the earth. Mere recognition of this expansion, however, is not

enough. It is simply the first step, and is not the same as optimally integrating with cosmic
expansion. Assembly is required!

Optimal integration is expansive growth, and such quickening, such rapid shifts will
inevitably lead again to yet another sense of outgrowing ones skin, it will lead again in time,
to new feelings of intensity, discomfort and enclosure, requiring even more focus toward an
even greater evolution. Masters if you are feeling these sensations, we congratulate you,
because it is indelible proof of exponential growth. Indeed you are on the true path of
personal Ascension....and we honor you!

The Crysto-Grid and the Triple Date Portals

And so we are asked by the channel to review many topics in this assay, of the shifting earth,
the complex Crystalline transitions. This includes the Triple Date Portals, the crysto-pulses of
Arkansas, and indeed the recoding of the Sun Disc.

We first shared the information regarding the twelve unique Triple Date Portals via Tyberonn
of the Pleiades, over a decade ago. These are unique numerical frequencial portals sequenced
in base 12. These TDP's are purposed to activate the Crystalline Transition. And although
many of humanity have now ascribed to the trenchant vigor of these date-portals, they have
somewhat overlooked the core understanding of their primary substantive significance.

The Triple Date Portals (01-01-01 thru 12-12-12) are equivocally aligned to the activation of
the 12 geo-pentagonal aspects of the 'double penta-dodecahedron' of the 144-Crystalline
Grid. The twelve dodecahedronal aspects of the Crystalline grid is accordingly integrated
with the 'human-grid' interface codes in the gatherings and meditations occurring on these
frequencial aperture dates. And Masters that is so appropriate. Indeed the optimal use of the
TDP's is to gather in mass within powernodes, grid points and crystalline energies....and
'FIRE THE GRID'. For many of you are indeed special envoys with a soul-contracted
purpose in the ongoing activations of the 'GRID' and the subsequent recodings of the sun

The grid significance is that the frequency of each triple date portal is designed to be the
'activation trigger' of one of the 12 major dodecahedrons surface base plates of the grid.

Accordingly this axiom infers that the 144-Crystalline grid is launched into functionality by
one twelfth each year from 1 January 2001 up through 12 December, 2012 when it achieves
full programming input. Once the TDP's are complete, there is a critical 'interim'
phase between 13 December and 20 December, in which the Crystalline-Grid integrates full
programming, and reboots into full launch on the winter solstice of December 21, 2012, the
heralded and prophesied Ascension.

In aspect, a key piece of what takes place on the triple frequencial portal dates is around the
'human - grid' alignment to the Crystalline 144 grid. That is why these dates are being
recognized by empaths as important dates for spiritual alignment gatherings across the planet.
Indeed it is not specific astrological alignments that specialize the triple date portals rather it
is the vibrancy of the numbers of the base-12 themselves that correlate to the 144 grid.

In addition to the human interface on the TDP's, coded energies are fed into the Crystalline
grid cosmically on the equinoxes and solstices especially since the Master Crystal awakenings
began in 2008 and the synergistic Cosmic Triggers initiated in 2009.

This has been gathering momentum since the initial phase of the TDP's, and has gained
critical inertia as the Grid became more adequately energized. The burgeoning energies of the
Crystalline Transition are indeed triggering the awakening of the Master Crystals, Planetary
Pyramid generators and Sun Discs. (And we will speak specifically on the sun disc recodings
later in this assay. )

This critical mass momentum, is precisely why the 'crystalline reactivations' and discoveries
of 'ancient' and new Pyramids, such as the incredible complex in Bosnia are so important to
the planet as it frequencially integrates with and within the higher energies of the 'New Earth'
and the Crystalline 144-Grid in the Ascension.

So much is transitioning on your planet now.

The Arkansas Crysto-Pulses

Masters, are you aware, truly aware of the incredible changes taking place around you ? The
shift is easily apparent , in all of its nuances, and undeniably so.

And we tell you that there is no place on the Earth at the present time revealing more
wondrous evidence of the Earths transition, than the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas.

Why Arkansas you may ask. The answer is because within this vortex lies the largest single
deposit of quartz crystal on the planet. The Atlanteans as well as the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance
were well aware of this fact. Accordingly there are energetic devices, and refined crystals
within this area that were set in place precisely to play a major role in the transition of the
earth...and that is happening now before your collective eyes.

It is an exquisite event, and it is beginning to gain notice on a global scale. Do not fear what
is happening, for you are co creating it, and it is requisite and indeed beautiful. It is the
Crystalline Shift, and that is a key component of the Ascension. You waited a long long time
for this, and it is happening now before your very eyes.

Dear Humans, recently a flurry of earthquakes have occurred in Arkansas . Several of these
have exceed 4.0 magnitude . A 4.7 quake was reported by your media in Arkansas within the
last 2 weeks. These are different from the quakes occurring elsewhere. These are quite unique.
These are filling the land of the Crystal Vortex with a magnificent energy and are a result of
the activations of the massive quartz and Master Crystals in Arkansas. Oh yes, its true. These
quakes, are very soft, very gentle, and in truth are rolling pulses, and they began 2 years ago,
but are quickening now.

The tremors that are being noticed in Arkansas over the past 6 months actually initiated in a
lesser crysto-wave in 2008 around the 8-8-8. They are the Crystals Awakening. ...and this very
awakening is changing the planet. Indeed it is a promised completion for so many of you from
the sacred 'Law of One'.

These 'pulses' are crysto-quakes, to coin a term, and are stirring up a lot of attention...and
will baffle your geologist and physicists for some time yet. These pulses are absolutely due to
the activation of the Master Crystals located in the massive quartz fields of Arkansas. The
enormous power of these crystals is quite unimaginable, and indeed capable of 'shaking the

These 'crysto-quakes' are not connected to the New Madrid fault line which enters into the
northeastern extreme of Arkansas. The New Madrid line, as your geologists are aware, does
not enter into the physical parameters of the Crystalline vortex of the central areas of the state.
That is an important clarification.

These crysto-quakes will continue through 2012, with noticeable increases in 2011. But fear
not, we tell you with certainty that what is occurring is benevolent, and these incredible
energies are charging the Crystal Vortex & indeed the entire planet with an energetic OMM
sonic. These unique crysto-quakes are in fact regulated releases, and offer exquisite coded
pulses that are transitioning the planet , its dimensional nature and paradigm....and indeed
humanity in kind.

All that is occurring is leading to the recoding of the Crysto-Sun Disc and Platinum Crystal
Awakening in Arkansas on the 11-11-11.

The understanding and knowledge of this is indeed there for the savants among you, for
you know this is an incredible completions for those of you of the Atlantean the 'Law of One'.

It is why many of you are drawn to be near this energy, for it enriches all within its field. It is
the energy of Poseida, and the Temple of One. It creates feelings of hope, of healing, and a
sublime familiarity for so many. It is the pure crystalline frequency of impeccable love, and it
feels like home. These pulse are generating it once again.

Arkansas & Brazil

We also tell you that these crysto-pulses will soon be quickening in Brazil. As Arkansas and
Brazil are the largest generators of crystalline energy on the planet and both hold very key
energy devices that are playing a major role in the Crystalline Transition of the planet. These
devices are the Crysto-Golden Sun Disc. These Crysto-Disc are being recoded in 2011 and
2012. The Golden Disc of Titicaca has now been recoded and awaits alignment & activation
with the Crysto Disc on the 11-11-11.

We have told you that Arkansas will be one of the most powerful vortex-portals on the planet
by 2012, and it is indeed happening. The Crystals are tuned by the grid, and the Crysto-Sun
Disc are in kind aligned to the awakening of the Master Crystals. Each one , each aspect
supports the other in an inertia and critical momentum of harmonic resonance.

Recoding the Sun Disc

The original 12 Golden Sun Disc emerged in the time of LeMuria. These were placed by the
Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance at specific places on the earth in order to program and network
energetic frequencies.

The ongoing reprogramming of the Sun Disc serve in assisting the ability of the Earth to
regenerate and reform itself, becoming in aspect the DNA pattern or blueprint of the
New Earth as it expands its dimensional field into crystalline aspect. The discs emit energetic
spirals. They are truly more spiral than disc, but they do appear disc-like when viewed.

There are 12 major 'Disc' on the planet, and some of the previous locations have shifted. Each
of the 12 carry specific purpose and are receiving new crystalline codes. Each of the 12
primary apparatuses feed 12 satellites...the 12 connecting to the 144 in a complex geo
symmetry that is suited to the base 12 of the Earth and to the 144-Crystalline Grid, also
formulated in base 12 mathematics.

It is in fact the new grid that initially spawns the new frequencies, and as such necessitates
the new coding for the disc. But there is a 'human' element in the process and procedure.
Some of you who co exist in multidimensionality as the Atla-Ra and Members of the Sirian-
Pleiadean Alliance are in kind carriers of the new code. If you are indeed one of these envoys,
you are feeling the need to be involved in the recoding, and are drawn to the Crytsal Vortex
and to other locations of the 12-helixed discs.

The Cosmic essence of the sun discs is 'coded' crystalline coherent light, the light of higher
dimension. The energy of 'home'. The terrestrial essence of the Sun -Disc frequencial
harmonic is crysto-electromagnetic but is synergized with the human theta grid. One creates
the other and the other supports the first. Both offer essential gateways of enhancement to
human consciousness and are key elements of the Ascension up shift.

The more that humanity understands that its own higher consciousness is based in paradigms
of sacred geometric light-codes, the more the geometry becomes multi dimensional and so
the geometric expression of these will up shift in Mer-Ka-Na field. This is happening now you
see. It will become first one, then the other, just as the earth is now the 3rd dimension and
then the 5th and then to 12. What is it that will move it to the 5th? To the 12th? Not static
consciousness but the dynamic activation of higher consciousness. The activation of the
consciousness is enhanced through the understanding of the grid and the activation of that
grid which in turn compliments the cosmos, and is reflected back again via the sun disc. We
realize this is complex, but we assure you that in your source higher perspective, you
understand the workings quite clearly. In fact you planned the process and protocol ! So
myriad factors play a role in this terrestrial to Cosmic shift.

Now of the sun disc, only two are purely Crysto-Disc. The first to be recoded is in the Crystal
Vortex of Arkansas. This will occur on the 11-11-11. The 2nd is in Minas Gerais. Brazil, and it
will recode on the 12-12-12 and the Global Network will reformat on Dec 21, 2012. This will
be an incredible event combining the awakening of the Master Crystals, the completion of the
144-Grid and the complete global networking of the Sun Disc Crysto-Lattice.

Locations of 12 Major Sun Disc:

Arkansas - Pinnacle Mountain

Brazil - Saint Tomas des Letres- Minas Gerais

Bolivia - Lake Titicaca ( Near Island of the Sun)

Scotland - Roslyn Chapel

Russia -Ural Mtns

Russia - Siberia-Lake Baikal

Egypt - Giza

Africa - Kilimanjaro

China - Xi-an Pyramids

French Polynesia - Moorea

Australia- Uluru

Sri Lanka

Again we emphasize that each of the major 12 discs support 12 satellites. Each of the 144
satellites are strategically placed, some of which are greater in pulse, greater in frequencial
range, according to the energy grid and node in which they are located.

Be aware, that the placements of the sun disc and sun disc satellites are carefully chosen.
Some locales are quite remote, and that is also by clear and deiiberate design. Factors in
vector and placement involve telluric minerology, stellar alignments, and grid alignment.
Likewise with the satellite placement, which additionally involve alignment vector angle to
the primary disc.

The 12 node satellites in North America, fed from Mount Pinnacle,

Arkansas Crysto-Disc, include:


Denali, Alaska

Lake O'Hara, BC, Canada

Mt Shasta

Needle Rock, Colorado

Chitzen-Itza , Yucatan Mexico

Monte Alban, Mexico

Offshore-GoM, near Galveston, Tx


Asheville, NC

Herkimer, NY

Gros Morne, Newfoundland, Canada


And so Masters, we close by assuring you that all is on track, all is well. While the world
speeds forward into the new crystalline age there are intensities that must occur. And whilst
difficult in the linear, there is nothing taking place that you do not have the tools and support
to manage. In fact you are doing wondrously well. The filters of duality prevent you from
seeing that there are envoys of Angelics, of Ascended Masters and of the benevolent Galactic
Federation assisting you in this process. Indeed your own 'Divinity, your own higher aspects
have a role in the script that is now being enacted.

I am Metatron, and I share with you these sacred Truths.

And we tell you that each and every one of you are Beloved.

You are not alone.

...And so it is.

This channel is copyrighted to AAMetatron via James Tyberonn.

Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered,or abrieviated and
credit of authorship and website is included. It may not be published in journals, U-Tube,
magazines or print without expressed permission from Earth-Keeper. Permissions may be
requested at

Hopi Call For Prayers
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 15, 2011 at 9:31pm

Finding Your Way through...Reading your
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 15, 2011 at 10:16pm

Shanta Gabriel

25. Feb, 2011

Finding Your Way through...Reading your Life

Signs and synchronicity are living guides to life on Earth. The power of these signals, and
what some call “coincidence” is to enlighten our path and reassure us that we are taking the
right steps – no matter how radical they may seem.

As these times become more filled with disruptive events and change, we need to become
very connected to our inner guidance, in order to function with mastery on the earth. A
spiritual practice becomes a practical, empowering tool for inner peace and wisdom in
perilous times. I have produced many messages from Archangel Gabriel over the years with a
similar message. Like most everyone else, I have been watching the increase of natural
disasters and the amazing collapse of economic systems and world governments. I have been
observing people who are unable to stay in their homes and jobs, and it is abundantly clear
that we need inner guidance more than ever. There is no longer any security in our outer
world, and we need to cultivate faith and trust in ourselves in order to find our way.

As a people we immerse ourselves in worldly activities, numb our minds with television, and
let worry and fear overtake our mental states. Of course there needs to be an element of
responsibility and logical behavior, but if we make clear intentions to follow our soul’s
calling, all of the outer plane existence will fall into miraculous order, even if it includes the
sometimes dramatic dissolution of life as you have known it. I have seen this repeatedly over
the years and after recently receiving some nudges from the Angelic Dimensions in the form
of repeating phrases and synchronicity over the past week, it seemed like time for me to come
out my hermitage to share with you some of my personal stories of signs and synchronicity.
Believe me, I am not advocating that you do what I did. Hopefully you will take intentional
steps to take care of your life before it is necessary to go through such radical transformation.

In my late 20’s I first began to notice synchronicity when all of the many varied books I was
reading at the time began to carry the same message. They were pointing to a life oriented by
a Higher Power combined with clear inner intentional awareness. During that time, events
occurred that suddenly freed me to explore these ideas in action. I began an adventurous 7-
year road trip, with only my dog for company, in order to find my “true calling and path in
life.” During that time I became more comfortable with prayer and began paying attention to
coincidental meetings and signs from the road.

My Very First Sign

One of the more humorous, not to mention clear, signs occurred when I was just over 30. I
had taken a temporary job that had promised another position in the future. I was not a match
for the job or for the location where I was working, and I became very unhappy. One day I
was driving from the beautiful mountain hideaway where I lived down into the central valley
of California to work. I became increasingly disgruntled as I drove out of clear sunshine into
the brown smoggy fog that was normal for the area. I began to pray harder and found myself
asking for a sign from God to show me if it was time for me to quit this hated job. I said I was
willing to stay if it was in my highest good, but I needed clear guidance. I prayed throughout
my 30-minute journey. When I walked into work, I was called into the manager’s office where
she promptly fired me. I don’t even remember why it was done, but I do remember trying not
to laugh at the blatant and very obvious sign from the Universe that I was not supposed to be
there. Of course I found new creative ways to take care of myself, and my life became more

From that point in 1975, I did my best to live according to the signals of my heart. Were there
times when I did not pay attention? Of course, and times when my desires overcame my inner
guidance. This was especially true after I was married and began to give away portions of
myself and lose touch with my true feelings. It was all in the name of service to another and
keeping peace in my marriage, (blah blah blah), but it had the affect of eroding my connection
to the impulse of my spirit in the relationship. There came a time, while living in Hawaii in
late 1998, when the signs and signals could no longer be ignored. Throughout a one-year
period my outer life began to dissolve a piece at a time. The Angel business I had poured
myself and enormous sums of money into for years went bankrupt, we lost our house, my
appendix burst, I had a car accident and went into menopause. I was so confused about the
future I began to pray for clarity and signs to help me know what to do. The only message I
received at the moment was, “Just when did you think you would need faith?”

And Synchronicity and Signs Came into Being

Soon after, however, I was invited to teach a class about Angelic communication in Michigan.
While I was there, I visited a retreat center whose spiritual director was someone I knew in
the past. He invited me to stay at the center while I sorted my life out and I could feel myself
being drawn to the idea. While I had happily lived in Hawaii for over 20 years without a
thought to leaving, I was enticed by the peaceful country setting and regular spiritual practice.
I knew that it could jeopardize my marriage, so I wanted to be really clear before taking the
radical step. I went out to the river on the property to seek guidance. I called on the Divine
Presence, my Soul, my higher self and every angel, guide, and master that may have guided
me in this life, to come and help me. What was revealed was surprising in its simple clarity. I
was told, “you will not fulfill your spiritual destiny unless you come to this place and stay
from October 1 through January 15.”

I sat there in awe. Even though it seemed like that was a long separation in a marriage, my
husband and I had always given each other time for spiritual retreat. In fact, our relationship
began over the months that he was traveling with our guru. So it was not impossible that it
could still work, but it did not bode well, considering the shakiness of our marriage after all of
the recent losses. As I sat on the bank of the river and let my thoughts unfurl, I realized that all
of that clear guidance was in my mind, and maybe my heart, but I needed some clear physical
demonstration in order to follow such an extreme path. As I walked away from the river, I
asked for a sign that would be unmistakable. I declared that I was willing to follow whatever
guidance was revealed to me beyond a shadow of a doubt.

As I continued to walk there came a signal that is still without equal in the years that
followed. I was stopped suddenly because I was covered in hundreds of butterflies. They flew
to my head, walked on my face, crawled on my arms and my legs, and totally surrounded me.
Then just as suddenly, they flew away leaving an light-filled energy sparkling in the air
around me. What would you have said? That good old faithless part of me said, “well that was
really good but how about just one more little sign.” And there at my feet was a small puddle
into which flew two blue butterflies that were then joined by one yellow butterfly. That was
what it took for me to totally surrender and trust that I was being inspired by my soul’s
presence. God had taken charge and I had faith that no matter what happened, I would be
protected, guided and directed from then on. I was allowing my new life to burst into being.

And did we all live happily ever after?

I am not going to pretend it was easy after that day in late 1999, but it was the catalyst for my
husband and I to create the lives we were meant to be living in order to follow our unique
destinies. He immediately found a new wife, got married a week after our divorce was final,
and had a baby a month later. On the other hand, I became a somewhat aged, wandering
sadhu, (in India, this is a spiritual aspirant without earthly belongings who wanders in search
of enlightenment). In the seven years that followed, not only did I meet a number of great
spiritual teachers, I also received inner guidance and lessons that are the basis of my life
today. Even though our lives look very different from what we had planned, I have no doubt
that my former husband and I are both happier and more fulfilled in all the ways that matter.
After our divorce, he told me that he would never have had the courage to do what I did. I can
understand where he was coming from, because we had created a beautiful life in the material
world that was hard to give up. But for me it had less to do with courage, and more to do with
Faith. Many years before any of these occurrences, I had turned my life over to God and had
devoted myself to service in whatever form that manifested for my highest good. When the
signs were so clear, how could I refute the guidance I had asked for and received so

There are times in our lives when our soul’s call for the Divine, in the form of what one of my
friends calls “The Lone Arranger,” to step into what appears to be our secure lives. The
purpose is to pull the rug out from under our complacency and attachment so we can fulfill
our true destiny. We have all committed to completing our soul’s purpose in different ways,
and we have lessons to learn. I believe that all that transpires in our lives is working toward
that end, no matter what it looks like.

Signs, Signs, Everywhere a Sign

We are living within a compressed time line of tremendous upheaval and change. We can see
what is going on in the world and how it often mirrors what we are feeling in our individual
lives. All that we trusted to be secure and stable in many ways has been subject to surprising
changes we never imagined. In the midst of this upheaval we only have our faith in Divine
Guidance and our connection to this Source energy to assist our process and we might feel
very separate. Of course we are never really alone, as there are Angels that step into our lives
at just these moments in order to guide our paths. We have to invite their assistance, however,
so this is really an important part of our process.

What else can we do before our lives start falling apart? One is to gain balance and
equilibrium in yourself through a meditative practice and other steps that help you feel

harmony within. Sometimes that still quiet voice within is buried in the cacophony that is our
mental state, yet the commitment you are making to have inner connection with your Divine
Self starts a powerful process in motion. When we take one step towards God, the Universe
pours out abundant miracles to support our path. This dedication to knowing your inner spirit
allows you to learn to trust your inner guidance. While you are creating a spiritual practice,
you are also cultivating faith. You are learning to value your peace so much that you will go to
great lengths not to lose your inner balance.

These were some very valuable lessons I have learned during the ten years since the divorce.
Another has been the importance of staying present and grounded. Without an awareness of
how I am feeling, and what is happening around me, I might miss some of the tremendous
opportunities the Universe is always providing for me. I am also allowing myself to be loved
and supported on both the physical and non-physical level, reaching out to friends in a new
way. I keep my spiritual practice, and give myself time every day to make my intentions for
the day and my life. Even if it is only for five minutes, I give myself the gift of silence, and
fill myself with Divine Light. I invite into my life my angels and the masters that guide me,
and I allow their presence to remind me that I am not truly alone. And most importantly, I ask
for signs and pay attention to synchronicity because I know this is one of the best ways for
inner guidance to show me I am on track. I do my best to stay very present to whatever is
happening in the moment because this is where the opportunities and creative solutions

Here is what Archangel Gabriel has been saying about this process:

Dear Ones,

As the time approaches for mastery of the physical plane, there is confusion in the minds of
those who work to bring more clarity to their life path. Extreme measures are often necessary
as life’s twists and turns become ever more frequent. A daily check in for energy flow is
helpful when it becomes the norm. Often it is necessary to ask for more obvious guidance
when life is moving at a such a fast pace. The request for physical signs has been one of the
ways people have tracked their progress for millennia. Requesting a sign can provide an
obvious designation in moments when extreme clarity is paramount.

There are moments when there is an impulse from within and often a message that repeats in
the mind. If you feel you need more clarity, a physical sign can be requested. When this
request is sent into the Universe, there needs to be a framework – asking for it to be obvious,
as well as a prayer for alignment with your Higher Self, Divine Wisdom, Guardian Angels and
Masters. After you have called forth your highest guidance, you know that the demonstration
must be trusted. The signs you receive become Relevancy Markers on your Path.

It takes great faith and courage to follow your inner guidance in the face of logic, the need for
security and unknown outcomes. But what other way does your Higher Self have to get your
attention, except through signs, signals and synchronicity?

Be at peace, and know that all is truly well.

Many Blessings to all,

Shanta Gabriel
For Archangel Gabriel

Copyright © Shanta Gabriel. These messages can be shared as long as they are used in their
entirety and proper credit is given for the work. I love people to be able to share the work with

UFO Sightings over Japan Predicted in

Secret British Alien Report Files March
14, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 15, 2011 at 11:52pm

UFO Sightings over Japan Predicted in Secret British Alien Report Files

March 14, 2011

by Dave Masko

Dr. Hynek was my professor at Northwestern University….

yes, I’m dating myself…hahaha…but this is way cool! Love, Squirrel

UFO Sightings over Japan Predicted in Secret British Alien Report Files

BRAY’ POINT – Confirmed reports of UFOs “hovering” and thousands of “flashing

lights” over the epicenter of Friday’s main earthquake in Japan – located off Miyagi
Prefecture, about 230 miles northeast of Tokyo – and UFO’s spotted near Osaka and
Yokohama, are predicted in the recent British government release of 8,500 pages of
secret unidentified flying object (UFO) reports that point to 60 years of UFO sightings
“during times of world crisis.”

According to Japan’s Kyodo News Agency and other Japanese media, there’s been hundreds
and upwards of “thousands of UFO sightings” over the country since Friday’s 8.9 magnitude
earthquake. Also, video footage from the news channel NHK World English and personal
videos show a UFO speeding with bright lights in the sky and then skimming over the Pacific

near the quake zones in Japan. The UFO sighting videos have been show on regional TV and
the Internet since Friday, with the world UFO community noting “strange light trails
following the UFO’s over Japan.”

Moreover, a rare air defense video from Japan shows a new UFO flying over the nuclear-
powered aircraft carrier USS Ronald Regan early Monday morning, as the carrier and
accompanying guided-missile cruiser and destroyer ships arrived off Japan’s coast to help
with disaster response.

Here at Bray’s Point – a popular location for viewing UFOs by the local Oregon “watcher”
group – there’s more or less calm along the stretch of coastline that was slammed on Friday
with massive Tsunami waves.

Famed UFO author and “watcher” Jacqueline Estrella and her daughter Marie surveyed the
Bray’s Point beach on Sunday afternoon looking for the usual Japanese fishing floats and
other debris that she said “is common after a major storm.”

“You look directly out across the Pacific and if you were traveling by, say any vast amount of
speed, would find yourself in Japan because it directly across the sea from us. I told Marie
that you wonder what our friends up in the sky are doing right now over there and here for
that matter. It’s a wonder, and a great time to be alive if you believe,” Estrella added with a
big grin.

This story is number two in an occasional series of reports about what the secret British UFO
files contain, and what new information these documents reveal.

Secret UFO files point to world disasters and sightings

The British government’s massive hoard of secret UFO files – that basically confirms that we
are not alone and UFO’s and alien life of some sort has been visiting Earth since there was a
human being here – also points to startling record keeping that links major world calamities to
what one secret file calls as “startling increases in UFOs.”

The British UFO files also tap into U.S. Freedom of Information Act files – per the Brits cross
referenced their UFO findings with yet to be released secret American government reports on
UFO sightings – and mention a “Federal Bureau of Investigation of the late Dr. Josef Allen

The British files are vague when it comes to Hynek, a famed American UFO hunter and an
icon in the world history of UFOs and alien life on Earth. Still, the files try and explain why
Hynek – an astronomer and physicist – was a consultant to the American Defense Department
for nearly 15 years, and also served as the founder for the “Center for UFO Studies” that’s
longed reported secret UFO findings to both the U.S. government, its allies and even the
United Nations.

The British UFO reports link Hynek’s studies on “world disasters” and why UFO sightings
increase. For instance, there’s been hundreds of Japanese media reports over the past several
days about UFOs in the skies over those Japanese cities that have been hit hard by the
earthquake and the resulting Tsunami.

Hynek, former chairman of the Department of Astronomy at Northwestern University, and
director of the Lindheimer Astronomical Research Center, was a somewhat strange sort of
fellow, as this reporter remembers during a 1977 interview that I had with Hynek when
reporting my first Air Force UFO story.

Now, some 33 years later, this reporter notes a 1977 memo -- in the newly released secret
British UFO files -- where Hynek gave a report to a congressional House subcommitte on the
“historically significant ties to UFOs and disasters” in both the U.S. and other parts of the

Hynek, it seems, was ahead of his time in efforts to explain why there’s “many more UFO”
sightings at a time of crisis, be it a war or an earthquake here on Earth.

British UFO files confirm Lords and Queen knew about it

The overall message from nearly 60 years of the British government keeping secret UFO files
away from the public domain, states the London-based newspaper, the Guardian, is “people
were kept in the dark and treated as fools when they shared UFO information to the police or

While the matter of UFOs has generally been the subject of ridicule, the British government,
in releasing their “secrets” after nearly 60 years – during the official release on March 3 –
have, said one prominent spokesperson in their government – “let the people of Great Britain
down” by allowing so much to be kept secret for so very long.

Meanwhile, the Guardian and other British media have come down hard on the United
Kingdom’s Ministry of Defense (MoD) for calling people “nuters” who reported UFO’s while
the country’s top aristocrats, the famed House of Lords and even the Queen of England, had
knowledge of the secret UFO files.

Within the previously classified files – that contain more than 8,500 files, with some available
to the public and others “on hold” for various security reasons – there is the startling
admission by the MoD that “this UFO phenomenon had been discussed at the highest levels
of government worldwide, and in 1979 the House of Lords held Parliament’s first (as far as
we know) full debate among lawmakers on the subject.”

The subject of course was tens of thousands of confirmed UFO sightings by British police,
government officials, members of the Royal Air Force and a host of others that the House of
Lords deemed “credible” and “above reproach.”

Simply put, said one British media analyst after the MoD admission that it kept these UFO
findings secret for more than 60 years, “they blew it.”

At the same time, it may be lost on those who don’t understand Britain’s government system
where it’s House of Lords is made up of people who have inherited family titles and those
who have been given titles because of their vast financial and property holdings as well as
being linked in some way to the Royal Family.

There are 675 members of the House of Lords – some of the most highly educated people in
the world – who, for whatever reasons, kept secret UFO briefings and discussions secret to the
world since their formal review of the subject matter in 1979.

Moreover, the main job of the House of Lords is to “double check” the governments laws to
“make sure they’re correct and will work.”

Also, the Queen of England is the official Head of State and is “briefed on all House of Lords
actions,” states a talking paper on how the British Parliament works.

While the Queen herself plays no part in determining decisions made in Parliament, the
talking paper notes that “the Queen is keenly aware of what the House of Lords and other
government agencies are doing.”

Another startling revelation that’s revealed in the recent release of secret United Kingdom
UFO files, is a “fascination with America’s September 11 terrorists attacks in 2001,” stated a
recent review of the reports in various British media broadcasts.

While the British UFO files are sketchy, there is a mention that “15 unidentified aircraft
(UFOs) were detected on radar approaching the United Kingdom on the actual day of 9/11.”

Anyone can read parts of the British files on line

The release of these British UFO documents includes 35 large files that can be viewed at

It should also be noted that the files are available to download free of charge for one month at
this U.K. National Archives website.…

Message from the Angels by Ann Albers
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 16, 2011 at 1:10am

Message from the Angels

Message from the Angels

by Ann Albers

As we witness the devastation in Japan, know that spirit is behind all things, and that what
looks like cruelty upon your earth is indeed a tidal wave of love flooding your planet and the
heart's of humanity. Work in your own hearts dear ones to allow a tidal wave of emotions to
engulf you. Allow all that is within you that is not stable, real, and authentic to be wiped
away, and in this fashion you will ride the energetic waves that are washing upon your planet.
See where you feel like "melting down" and add love to the situation and in this fashion, you
help avoid a greater melt down on the planet as well.
We do not see disasters as tragedies dear ones. We see instead a great influx of souls returning
home, amidst amazing celebration. When you lose souls, we find them. When people
transition en masse as they did in your recent earthquake and tidal wave, we assure you there
are grand celebrations in heaven as these souls meet up with family, friends, loved ones and

guides. There is no sadness on our side dear ones, and yet we understand the sadness upon the
earth and we are there to comfort you. When such events happen you cannot help but feel love
and compassion for your fellow man. So many of you wonder what you can do. Take time in
quiet and ask God what your role is here. Some of you will be tasked with sharing money and
or resources. It will feel like a joy to give. Some of you will be called into prayer. Still others
will be told to wait – there will be things later for you to do. Some of you will be called to live
inspiring and happy lives or to simply maintain a vibration of peace upon your earth. God
knows what every single soul on the planet needs to give in order to grow, and God knows
who is in need as well. Trust in your hearts dear ones for when God gives you direction your
giving or your stillness, will be a joy.

We love you so very much and as your earth and humanity goes through rebirthing once
again, we remind you all to keep sight of the bigger picture. From each disaster arises new
love, new levels of human cooperation, new respect for the oneness within your hearts, for
within each human heart, you all want the same.

God bless you, we love you so very much,

– The angels

NASA Science News: See Mercury at Sunset

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 16, 2011 at 1:46am

NASA Science News: See Mercury at Sunset

NASA Science News for March 14, 2011

This week, sky watchers have a rare opportunity to see Mercury at its
best as NASA's MESSENGER probe prepares to enter orbit around the
innermost planet.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without
ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart

Quado's Garden: You are Worth the Shine
and the Showing
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 16, 2011 at 1:49am

You are Worth the Shine and the Showing

Today, set self-consciousness aside. Today, be within yourself and express yourself,
openly, joyfully, proudly, with strength, courage and love.

Think about people you

admire. Are they self-conscious, hesitant, unsure of whether they will be
accepted by others? Or are they driven by an inner knowledge, an inner fire,
full of courage which allows them to say what they truly believe, coming from a
heart of rightness?

When you are in touch with

your inner core, when you are allowing your higher self to fill you and abide
within your center of peace, the words flow, the eloquence comes, the truth as
you know it finds a way to express itself, while still being compassionate and
loving toward others.

Do not douse your fire out

of fear that others will not like you or approve of you. Love yourself.
Approve of yourself. You are worth expressing. You are worth the shine and the
showing. You are here to be who you are and it is good.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch
without ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The
Universal Heart Center

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 16, 2011 at 2:08am


"2011 and Beyond"

This live channelling was Given in Boulder, Colorado

Sunday, January 16, 2011

To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide
even clearer understanding. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which
carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced
message given in Boulder Colorado in January of 2011.

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. This is the first recorded Kryon
channelling of 2011. In these moments, I wish to give you an overview of the numerological
aspects of the year just passed [2010], then of the one you're sitting in now [2011]. Then I'll
go further than that to explain some of the anomalies you are seeing, and then review what I
told you 22 years ago about all of it. Then I would like to give you the potentials that we see
for the planet, both near and the far futures.

You have just come out of the year 2010. Sequentially, the numbers move forward in a linear
fashion, but they also have energy around them. And so we ask you to look at that energy,
which is numerologically germane to your situation. The numerology gives you an overview
of the energy that is portrayed by the numbers in the year. It does not give you an absolute
empirical energy that demands any action. Numerology was created to help Human Beings
understand the energy that is directly with them at the moment. It is one of the oldest sciences
on the planet, and I ask my partner to understand and teach it. It can be simple and it can be
complex. It can even go so far as to be quantum numerology the numbers above the numbers.

Let us look at the year 2010 - two zero one zero. In the simplest of numerology, we do not
look at the zeros as anything but placeholders and separators. In another kind of a
numerological system, the zeros have energy themselves and they speak for themselves
depending on where they are in the number. However, we will speak now only of the simplest
numerology that is available - one through nine.

Originally developed by those in Tibet [the kind we are using], this particular, profound
system has been with you for a long time. Twenty-ten [2010] is a three as you add up the
numbers. The only time that you will not use the sum of those numbers is in the case where
you end up with a master number as the total [11, 22, 33, 44, etc.]. Three is not a master

number. Instead, it is a number that means "catalyst." The three is the energy around that
which is the development of the DNA book that I asked my partner to write and finish in
2010. It is the 12th book of the Kryon Series. That is a three. It centers around that which is
the 12 energies of DNA, which is a three. It was finished in 2010, which is also a three. When
you take the three threes and put them together, you have a nine, which means completion.

So let us first look at the three, for three alone in the simplest form is a catalytic number - that
which changes something else because of its presence. Therefore, we can say that that which
was started in 2010 could be a catalyst for what is to follow in your life. Think about what
took place in 2010, the ideas that you had, the actions that were created, and some of the
things that may have happened to you. Think of them in this light: Perhaps these things gave
an energy for you that was catalytic, for this was the year where things like that would have
the most energy and mean the most to you. Now, perhaps you understand a little more about
why things were only "started" in 2010. If you had known that at the beginning of the year,
perhaps you would have relaxed a little more? It might have changed your reactions? This is
what numerology is for - a helper that lets you have a more quantum perspective on
seemingly linear things.


Numbers stand alone, and they stand as a group. You have to look at both in numerology. You
cannot ignore how they are placed. So we will look at 2011 singularly and together. SINGLE:
Let us look at the number two, for it means duality. Duality is the description of the Human
puzzle, the energy you deal with every day between the Human-Self and the sacred self, the
emerging shift of the planet, and that which is 3D compared to that which is
multidimensional. That is the duality represented by the number two. Compare that now with
that which is the 11, a master number. Remember, we do not separate the ones yet, for they
stand as twins, representing the first master number, 11. Eleven means illumination. Many of
you continue to see 11:11 on the clock. It is meaningful, for it is, therefore, illumination-
illumination - two master numbers that sit next to each other, separated only by the colon of
the clock. This is always a wink from Spirit that says, "You are dearly loved." It's another
wink from Spirit that says, "We're with you. We hold your hand. Keep on going." It's a wink of
love every time you see it.

TOGETHER, BUT NOT ADDED: The two and the 11 together represent the illumination of
duality. It's going to be an interesting year, 2011. So the actual numerological meaning of
2011 would be the illumination of duality. This is a message to you that says, "Your ship's
journey continues into the light." That which represents the puzzle of duality is moving in a
direction that is positive. If you could assign any information to what is potentially going to
happen in this year, it would be more struggle and more challenging times before you,
resulting eventually in a positive outcome.

Why would change be so difficult when things are moving to illumination? The answer is
because Human nature resists that which is new. It will resist even those things that are better!
Humanity tends to want to stay in the energy that it lays in and has always laid in, no matter
how dark it might be or how old it is.

SUM OF THE YEAR: Now, the two and the one and the one added together are four, and four
is the number of Gaia. Among other things, it's going to be a Gaia year. It's all about the earth
and the shift of the earth, the movement of the earth and, of course, the weather.

So now we will review yet again, in a more succinct fashion than ever before, the changes that
we began to speak of in 1989. The potential was always there that this current shift would
bring tremendous weather anomalies to you. Yet, even if it looks odd, it's not. Instead, it's a
returning cycle. However, what is anomalous is the fact that you have brought this cycle to the
planet earlier than it was ever expected. There's a reason for that. The shift before you is a
shift of Human consciousness. It coordinates with the Galactic Alignment, the precession of
the wobble of the earth, bringing into alignment that which you see as your sun aligning with
the center of the galaxy. This represents the profound prophecy from the ancients. Something
is happening regarding the evolution of Human consciousness. If you were to assign an
attribute to it, it would be that which is a speed-up of vibration. Your DNA is vibrating faster.

Let me ask you, Lightworker, can't you feel that which is time speeding up? Consistent time is
a paradigm you have been used to since you were born, and the perceived change makes you
nervous, doesn't it? In some cases, it wakes you up at three in the morning when the cells are
saying, "What is it that's different?" The next time you're awakened and the cells are asking
you what's wrong, I want you to talk to them, as the boss of your own DNA. Remind them of
the time you planned for, for it has arrived. The shift is here.

Meanwhile, it just looks like bad weather to most of you. What did I tell you 22 years ago?
Look at the words carefully, for what I described was about water. I described that some
potential places on the earth that always grew your crops would become arid. I told you that
other places on the planet that never had any water would have plenty of it - perhaps too
much! What does it mean? It's about water and always has been.

So now we've refreshed that which we have said before, a review. You are in the middle of a
cycle that will bring cooling to the planet. It is not a heat cycle, but rather a cooling cycle. But
it always starts with a short heat cycle. It has been here before. It will come again. It is a long
cycle - one generation plus five years. That's how long it's going to last. It starts with the
melting of the ice caps, which is far more than any of you have seen in your lifetime or those
of your ancestors. It is a cycle whose repetition is thousands of years long, but one that has
not yet been recorded to the books of Human record. But it's definitely been recorded in the
cores of the ice and in the rings of the trees.

Thousands of years old, it is, and it happens in a cyclical way. It's about water. It starts with
that which is the melting of the ice caps to a particular degree, which has a profound effect on
the planet in all ways. You can't have that happen without seeing life change as well as Gaia
change and you've seeing it already. What happens when you take that which is heavy on the
poles [ice] and you melt it? It then becomes cold water added to that which is a very, very
gentle and finite balance of temperature in the seas of the planet (1). The first thing that
happens is a redistribution of the weight of water on the thin crust of the earth from ice at the
poles to new water in the seas. The results become earthquakes and volcanoes, and you're
seeing them, aren't you? You are having earthquakes in places that are not supposed to have
earthquakes. Volcanoes are coming to life in a way that you've not seen before on a regular
basis. There will be more. Expect them.

Is it too much to ask of a Human Being that if you live by a volcano that you know might
erupt, maybe you ought to move? Yet there will be those who say, "It hasn't erupted in my
lifetime or my parents' lifetime or my grandparents' lifetime; therefore, it won't." You may
have a surprise, for all things are changing. That is what is happening to Gaia.

Now we say it again. This is not punishment to humanity. The things that are happening on
the planet today are not meant as the final step of Gaia in order to kill the civilization of
humanity. I say this, for right now this message is on the lips of those who want to startle and
scare you and give you fear, that is not what's happening. What is happening on this planet is
a shift that will create a planet that's going to last a long time, allowing you what you need -
more food in the ocean than you've ever seen before!

(2) The second thing the melting ice caps give you is about ecology. I'll give you this
prediction in a moment. There is a Human 3D paradigm that says everything gets "used" and
then goes away. But nature doesn't work that way, and our prediction is going to go against
everything you have been told. I'm going to give you a parable and the prediction in a
moment, but before that, I'm going to give you the explanation of the birds and the fish.

In the last few weeks, fish have been washing up dead in certain lakes by the hundreds of
thousands, if not millions. Birds have been falling from the sky. I'm going to make a statement
way in advance of what science is going to tell you. All of it can be traced to the water cycle -
all of it. It's always about the weather, a cycle of weather you've not seen before. Do you
remember a few years ago when whales were beaching themselves? Did you notice that this
attribute stopped? But while they were beaching themselves every year, many Human Beings
were in fear, saying, "It's the end of the world. They're committing suicide."

The whales beached themselves because the magnetics of the earth shifted so greatly that their
navigational system [the magnetite in their biology, which is their migration compass] steered
them right into the land. The land didn't move; the magnetics did. Therefore, you might say
their internal inherited migration map was flawed. The reason it's not happening now is
because the calves, the generation beyond the one that beached themselves, figured it out and
rewrote the maps. Nature [Gaia] does this. So the next generation didn't repeat it. Instead, it
realigned itself to the migratory lay lines and now whales don't beach themselves nearly as

The magnetics of the planet continue to shift and the birds are unaware. Like the whales,
many of the birds have migrated themselves right into a high place in the atmosphere, which
pummeled them to death by freezing rain and hail. Then they fall from the sky. It's the
weather cycle. Will they continue to do this? Some will, for awhile, and then they will figure
it out and recalibrate. That's what nature does.

You might say, "Well, nature's way is severe." It is not severe. It is a positive learning system
that allows generations of birds to be around next time. The few deaths allow for the many to
continue their life cycle and their lineage on the earth.

I want you to analyze the fish that have washed up. Let science reveal this as well. I want you
to analyze the fish. They have something in common. They're all juveniles. And why is that?
What do you know about the water cycle? What do you know about cold water and the life
cycle of certain fish and their habits of reproduction? I will tell you the layers of water are
changing in temperature and that is going to change the life cycle of the oceans and lakes. The
juvenile fish are the most susceptible to death by becoming too cold, especially the ones of the
kind that washed up dead. By the tens of thousands, the cold killed them. It is the water cycle.
Will it continue? For awhile, until they acclimate, until they recalibrate for the cold - and they
will. Nature does that.

The Parable of the Rainbow Room

I want to give you a parable, a metaphor of life, and it goes like this. There is a room we will
call the Rainbow Room. In this room, all the colors of the rainbow present themselves linearly,
one at a time, and they change every few thousand years. The room needs this to exist, and
that's why it's called the Rainbow Room. For thousands of years, the room is yellow, then it
turns into the blue and the red, the purples, the greens and slowly, the room goes through all
the colors of the rainbow. The colors take their turn in the spectrum, one at a time.

In this room, I would like to introduce you to some creatures - smart, intelligent and sacred,
all born during a time when the color in the room was red. Their parents were also born
during the red cycle, and even their grandparents. In fact, as far back as they had recorded
history, the room was always red. It's all they've ever known. Therefore, you might say they
have a red consciousness and they expect red. Everywhere they go, they work with red. They
are the red people.

Over time, the Rainbow Room starts to do what it always has done and slowly begins to move
into its next color, purple. The room starts to become purple. What happens to those who have
always known red? The first thing is fear. The red people say, "Here comes something odd
and unusual, and it has never happened before! It's dark and somehow scary. We must have
done it. We must be responsible. There is no other explanation! Therefore, we must find ways
to stop the purple. It's supposed to be red. Purple is bad."

But even among the red people, there are a few who say, "We welcome the purple. We don't
know why it's here, but we recognize that it's appropriate. Although we've always been red
and we don't understand the purple, we're not afraid of it. Ancient esoteric prophesy told us
that someday a shift in the red would come. God bless the purple." And that's the energy you
sit in now, dear ones, for that which has been normal on this planet for all of these thousands
of years is about to shift. When it does, it's going to present more anomalies than birds falling
out of the sky or fish washing up on the shore or melting ice caps. I'll tell you what to look

The Prediction: The Renewal of the Life Cycle

When you change the temperature strata of the oceans of the earth, things start to change, for
the life cycle of the food in the ocean depends upon that which is the smallest. The plankton
of the planet survive in certain temperatures, and that's changing. Throw away what you think
you know about how it's all supposed to work, and instead think "renewal" or "how did it
begin." This will serve you to understand what is happening now. This cycle is built to
replenish the ocean with life and not always by sustaining the kind that was there.

Let us just talk about the ocean for a moment. We won't even get to what's happening in the
air and what mammals might experience. Let's just speak of the ocean. Have you heard about
the salmon? What has your science warned you against? You're overfishing! The sea is dying.
The coral is dying. The reefs are going away. You're not seeing the food chain that used to be
there. You've overfished everything. Fishing quotas have been set up to help this. Oh, all those
little people in the red room - they don't know about the purple. Red people only know about
the red paradigm.

Did you hear about the salmon recently? There's too many of them! In the very place where
quotas are in place so you won't overfish, they're jumping in the boats! Against all odds and
any projections from environmentalists or biologists, they're overrunning the oceans in Alaska
- way too many fish.

What does that tell you? Is it possible that Gaia takes care of itself? That's what it tells you!
Perhaps this alignment is going to keep humanity fed. Did anybody think of this? What if
Gaia is in alliance with you? What if the increase in consciousness that raised your DNA
vibration has alerted Gaia to change the weather cycle and get ready to feed humanity? Are
you looking at the ocean where the oil spill occurred? It's recovering in a way that was not
predicted. What's happening?

The life cycle itself is being altered by the temperature change of the ocean and much of what
you have believed is the paradigm of life in the sea is slowly changing. A new system of life is
appearing, as it has before, and is upon you in your lifetime. It will compliment what you
know and expose you to a new concept: Gaia regularly refreshes the life cycle on Earth.

Within this process, there will be the extinction of certain plants and animals, birds and fish.
My advice to you, especially to those environmentalists, is to understand the cycle of life so
that you may relax with what nature has always done. It puts life on the planet to serve the
planet for a time. When certain life no longer serves the planet in the ways it used to, it takes
it away. The extinction of life, especially through weather change, is normal for Gaia. It is
honored, appropriate and normal, even if you don't think so. Don't try to save all the
disappearing animals, fish and birds! Some are supposed to go away. And, dear ones, don't
assign all this activity to something you did to cause it!

The red people are stressing. The purple is here, and they are trying to figure out what they
did wrong. They don't know they are in the Rainbow Room. They think they are in the RED
ROOM. This is what the Rainbow Room does; it changes colors. So as the room does what it
has always done, the red people are sitting there in fear trying to figure out what it is that they
did that possibly could have caused the purple to appear.

The Rainbow Room is beautiful. The color purple is significant. Going from red to purple has
metaphysical significance within this parable, but I'll let you figure it out. For those who are
into colors, there's a reason why I gave those two. The earth is becoming more sacred than it's
ever been before. Gaia is with you in this. It's cooperating in ways you never thought it could,
in the way biologists said it would not. You think you're killing it? Instead, it's giving birth to
an altered ecological system.

Human Consciousness

Let me talk about Human consciousness and what is happening. If you've studied what I have
said in these last months, I gave a channelling recently called, "The End of History." It's a
metaphor that means the end of the way things used to be. Instead, it's a rebirth of the way
things can be. So, what is changing? It's Human nature. What is it a Human will do intuitively
that they never have done before?

History tells you that Humans separate. Have you ever looked at Europe and wondered how
so many countries could be so close together and yet they have different languages and
different cultures and in such a small area? Let me tell you how it happened. It's called

Human nature. When some Humans don't like the others, they wall themselves off, and
through hundreds of years, they develop unique languages and never unify with the others. In
fact, they war with them. They conquer them. We've talked about this before. That's what
Humans do. They separate and conquer. They pull things apart. They don't put much together.

Even that which is the most sacred to humanity became separated and organized spirituality.
You put God into boxes, and when one person had another idea, you created another box. You
separated yourselves from God. Pretty soon, you had hundreds of boxes representing the
beliefs and teachings of one Creator. In the process, you pointed fingers at the other boxes and
made them "evil." Then you even started conquering them. That's what Humans have done in
the RED ROOM for eons. Well, I will tell you that that is changing.

I gave you some information before and I would like to mention it again. The last thing you'd
ever expect to happen is for big money to change on the planet, yet it just did. You created
your own recession by demanding a new way of banking. You're not done yet with banks or
insurance, but you are beginning to create a system of integrity where the world can work
together financially.

We told you there'd come a time on the planet when there'd be only five currencies because
the continents would decide to put countries together, not separate them. Do you know who
was the model? It's the United States. What an experiment you had! Imagine: Could you take
many different states that were governed separately, yet didn't have any visible borders, and
give them one currency? It worked. It has worked for well over 100 years. Against all odds, it

Fifty years ago, with the end of the last world war, the Europeans saw what the USA did and
emulated it. It has become the European Union. After the war, they postulated, "What if we
took many of the countries of Europe, ones who have warred with each other since the
beginning of recorded civilization, and we unified them? We will take away the borders and
give them one currency." They were laughed at! Yet today, you're seeing it.

Today, their monetary system is more valuable than yours! Where am I going with this?
Listen - here is an attribute, a postulate, an axiom of this new earth energy: Separatism kills.
Unity is the survival of humanity. You will start putting things together and not taking them
apart. And the more you put them together, the more you will unify. Then slowly you'll realize
that the goal is to put things together, not tear them apart. What has the European Union
created? I'll tell you. It isn't the Euro. It has created a group of countries that will never go to
war with each other again! They can't. They trade with each other. Think about it. That's what
we're talking about.

Don't be surprised if those many boxes of organized spirituality start to unify, because there's
more strength if they do. They'll reach more people if they do. You're going to start seeing this
eventually, or the individual boxes will fade away.

The New Politics

Now let me give you something for the far future, and something you won't believe or
understand. It will be the end of the system of politics that you have now. When you start to
understand the new attributes of energy on the planet, it no longer suits you to have opposition
parties. Instead, what suits you is to have those who run for office to each have their own

message apart from a party. And when you go to the polls, you will vote for their message, not
their affiliation.

Instead of separating through affiliation, they will have unity through purpose. They will have
ideas that are unique and beautiful, instead of those that are either in one box or the other.
Someday, the two-party system will look as old to you as today's dictators on the earth
strutting their stuff. They're going away, you know? Or did you notice that?

Some are saying, "Yes, but obviously, you don't know how Earth politics works, Kryon. The
funding must be accomplished through party affiliations." Really? What if millions could all
be informed at once, and only give $1 each? Does that need a party? Watch and see.

Let me tell you about an outrageous idea starting to happen in Brazil. Right now there is a
committee saying, "What if we take all of the countries of South America and eliminate the
borders, and eventually plan on one currency?" Sound familiar? That's eventually going to be
one of the five currencies of the world.

Unification is going to create strength and peace on this planet, and in the process that
elephant in the room that keeps it from happening, which you call terrorism, which you
believe is the big problem in the Middle East, will take a twist that nobody, nobody can
foretell. I've talked about it. Were you shocked when the Soviet Union fell over? Wasn't that
the crux of why massive amounts of armaments were put together? Isn't that why the
Pentagon is so big? It all fell over almost overnight. Did anybody expect that? It will be just
as shocking. A problem that today is before you without a solution will become history, and
unity can begin.

The Potentials Continue

Eventually this shift of unity will spread to Africa, which will represent a healed continent
that won't have AIDS anymore. And a healed continent that has no major disease will not
have dictators who take advantage of a sick population. This healed continent will be one of
the most powerful economies on the planet, and it's going to beat China in the economy game.
Why? Because Africa has no unified economic or doctrinal history. They'll start fresh in a new
energy. While China still struggles with the old guard representing over 1,000 years of
protocol, they won't be able to compete with a society with nothing to unlearn.

These are the potentials that are before me, which continue to be before me for the future of
your planet. I sit before Lemurians and Sumerians. I sit before those who have lived before. I
sit before Shamanic energy. You expected it, dear ones, and you knew it was coming. Now,
here you are to change it.

Dear Human Being, 2011may be a challenging year because of the changes before you,
because of Gaia that is responding to you. You have the energy of the ancients here and that of
the ancestors, and they all sit in this room. Can't you feel it? They're all looking at you and
saying, "Well done. You're going to get through it."

[Kryon pauses.]

Just let me sit with you for another minute.

[Long pause]

And so it is.



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 16, 2011 at 2:09am


"2010 in Review"

This live channelling was Given in Dallas, Texas

Saturday, December 11, 2010

To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide
even clearer understanding. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which
carries a kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced
message given in Dallas, Texas in December of 2010.

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. Indeed, this message is from that side
of the veil that is your home. The creative energy in you is present here tonight, but in the
three-dimensional state you are in, all you see is the man in the chair representing an angelic
energy who has an odd name, a name that equals 11 [Kryon numerology], speaking to you
seemingly from that which is the other side of your reality. So what does your three-
dimensional mind do with that? Do you see before you, perhaps, a veil? Do you see before
you a man who is piercing it? Do you have the idea, perhaps, of a layered existence where
you are in one place and Kryon is in another? Let me give you the quantum view, for I am
speaking to you seemingly through a man with a microphone. Yet that's not where I'm coming
from, for I am in the portal that is called the Human Being, yet I am everywhere.

If you are hearing me clearly and accurately, and if the third language is here and ready, then
there is potential for communication. The portal of the Higher-Self opens in allowance of the
creative energy that is you, in you, part of you, and belonging to you. It is the core of what
you call God, and that is where I'm coming from. I am not separated from you. I'm in you.
And that is where the portal of communication is and always was and always will be. It is not
in the front of the room in a chair coming through that which is an audio system as the voice

of a Human. So we invite you to have a quantum experience - that is to say, one that is out of
three dimensions. Listen and validate from the inside. Can you do that?

Oh, dear one, we speak to an ageless audience. Not only to those in the room, but to those
who are listening and those who are reading. We're going to present you with what Spirit
thinks in its own quantum way is a review of 2010. This will be one of the last channellings in
public given in this year. So it is appropriate that you would consider a review of what has
happened so far to be given now, and so I'm going to do that in just a moment.

Spirit sees things differently than you do, so we will give both sides. We will give the three-
dimensional perception, then we will give that which is quantum. In a quantum state, there is
not the linear reality that you have. That which you do in linearity, the clock that you follow,
is not the system of Spirit. Therefore, when we sum up the year, it's different than you might
expect, for we do not consider things in the time frame that you do.

My partner speaks often of the numerological aspects of energy, and he is teaching this.
Numbers have within them an energy of communication. In other words, they communicate a
message. They don't "do" anything, any more than a book does something. When you read a
book, it's just ink and paper, but often you weep or your heart rate goes up. Would you then
say the ink and paper had energy? No. It's the communication implied within the language of
the book. The language of numbers is the same way. It is one of the oldest sciences on the
planet, and has been used for thousands of years in many ways.

The most current and simple way is the one that I have told my partner to use. It was
developed in ancient Tibet, for this is where the Kundalini of the planet resided for 13,000
years. India and Tibet became that place where there was more compassion, where there was
higher training and more Shamanic energies than anywhere else on the planet. So it is logical
that the numerology that they developed be presented to you in the form that they worked
with. It can be complex, but I've told my partner to simplify it so that it will be

So we're going to use that which is simple numerology to look at the number that is 2010.
When you add up the numbers in the year, you get a three. The three is defined with the
energy of numerology as catalytic energy. So anytime you see the energy of the three that sits
upon something you wish to define, it represents a catalyst. Therefore, you might say that
2010 was a catalytic year. Since this number comes around on a regular numeric cycle (as the
linear number of years goes), it has been here before. But the energy you sit within now, and
the last time, amplifies everything esoteric and much of what is happening currently on the
planet can be seen in a clearer manner if you look at some of these ancient systems of energy.

A catalyst in chemistry is an increased reaction that one substance creates when it comes into
contact with another one. Yet, often the original substance is unaffected and simply changes
the other. Or it may very well bring two things together to create a third thing. If 2010 is a
catalytic energy, it really isn't about change as much as a set-up to change. You might say that
it is a facilitator for change. Now, remember in this lesson that Spirit is not linear. So the
changes that a catalytic year would create would not necessarily be within the year of the
creation. Therefore, something that happens or has happened in 2010 will last and push
energies beyond it into your 2011.

Before we look at what has happened in that catalytic year, let us examine how often the year

of the three occurs. Then let's also take apart the two and the one for you to see what those
energies are, so you might understand the communications they have for you.

When is the last time you had a catalytic year? For those of you who are doing the math, it
was 2001. And do you remember what happened in 2001? For those in this culture, I ask you:
Did it, indeed, create an energy of potential change from then on? And did it affect the last
decade or more? The answer is yes. So 2010 has the same kind of potential energy. Now, it
doesn't necessarily mean that there had to be an international tragedy to set up anything. It
doesn't always mean that negative things create the future, either. It's simply the energy of the
catalyst, and Humans provide the catalyst in what they do.

Remember that Spirit sees these things differently than you do. So let us speak to that which
is your country. What are you seeing here? It is the elephant in the room as my partner sits
here. It has been a horrible year for your economy and has the potential to create much
anxiety. There has been a complete and total breach of trust in banking, systems of insurance,
and in the process of investments. So that which is your financial instrument that you call the
dollar is slowly failing in the face of other international monetary systems. You're devaluating
the dollar by de facto [exists in fact anyway, regardless of conscious action], aren't you? Ten
years ago we told you this would be so. Many remarked to Kryon that the United States
would never do that willingly. It didn't have to. A free-floating world economy did it for you.

But to the American Human Being, it looks awful because you struggle through this and
might ask, "Am I going to lose a home?" Or in the case of some of you, "Why did I lose my
home? Will it ever get better, what is this about, what have we done to deserve such a thing?"
So that is the Human's three-dimensional perspective of 2010, and I want to tell you, dear
Human Being, what our perspective is. It wasn't that many years ago we told you that this
was, indeed, the potential. We said to you that there was a strong potential that some of the
largest corporations in your land would fall over.* And then we told you "…and the one
which will crash first will be insurance."** And you can find those things that we said in the
published works of Kryon.

Now, these were just potentials, each one. There is no such thing as fortune telling, and Spirit
does not know what Humans will do. But in the case of strong potentials, you often literally
fulfill them and they become your reality. Some have asked how we could predict your
economic issues since those are not spiritual issues. So let me tell you how we could do this
and what it means. It will give you insight into future channellings, where we give you the
potentials coming up.

For more than 200 years, this country has operated in the same way with the same system.
Oh, you kept changing the rules a little, but basically it was the same and it was based upon
greed. It was a system where, slowly, the wealthy became wealthier and the poor got poorer.
Now, this is not a judgment, but just a fact. It worked in an old energy and it was still a good
system, for even those in the middle had good lives, better than in other countries. But
suddenly, dear Human Being, you are looking at a new energy that simply cannot sustain the
old ways; even basic economics has to change. Therefore, financial systems built on the old
energy fell apart. The new consciousness would not support them and they fell apart. The
mistakes of the past came up to summarize themselves in what you call a recession.

The Human says, "What a disaster," but Spirit says, "Congratulations, for you are reforming
the very rules of what you want. You're making decisions outside of the box of what has ever

been done in your country before." What you do from now on is the catalyst, the three. Where
are you going to take it? What is the new system going to look like as you recover (which you
will)? The dollar will come back. This country can change financial systems, political
systems, and the very paradigm of capitalism almost overnight. It's one of the few countries
who can, and the only one that is as big as yours who can. So, what model are you going to
present to the earth next? How about one that will work with more integrity when it comes to
big money? That's what's going on.

There would be those who would sit here and see only the glass half empty, because they're
counting all the negative things and not understanding what this new energy is about or the
reasoning that Spirit would have. North America has always been the model for unity. You've
always been the model for more integrity in government. And now you've just changed the
way things work yet again. How many of you can sit on that which you call New Year's Eve
and have the courage to say, "Thank God for the recession. Thank you, Spirit, for putting us
through the grinder because wherever we're going, it's a catalytic year and will set the stage
for recovery and strength"?

The year 2010 represented a two and a one together. If you don't add them up [the way
numerology is done to get a total energy], they still tell a story, for the two represents duality.
That is the energy of the two in Tibetan language. Duality is that which is the combination of
angelic and biological - the Human Being's main attribute. As you sit in the chair hearing this,
or listening or reading, that which is the "core you" has an energy of duality. Can you discover
the Creator inside or not? You can go in any direction you wish. You can create evil things if
you chose. You can create divine things if you choose. This is the Human. It is the power of
humanity. Free choice is yours and always has been. That's duality.

Now take a look at the one next to the two. We do this because the numbers influence each
other in what we would call relational numerology. They sit in the same equation or in the
same package representing a year, so they affect one another. What does the one mean? It
means new beginnings. Look at 2001. You won't forget that, will you? It changed everything.
It was a new beginning of how this country treated threats to safety and how to travel.
However, this one's different. This is a new beginning of financial systems in your country,
the structure of big money.

You are literally reinventing the United States. You'll see continued upheavals in politics as
you move back and forth on what you decide you want from those who are attempting to lead
you. By the way, they are all still mired in the old energy. All of them. Look at the average
ages of those in your government and you will see the issue. For the seniors become the
advisors, even to a young president. It very well may take a time when you have a majority of
younger men and women there to make the kind of difference that you are longing for.

It's only a matter of time, with a more conceptual consciousness, that Humans will solve
dimensional problems that have never existed before. "Kryon, you speak in circles. What do
you mean?" Have patience. All things change. But as you see the young people come up the
ladder and start to become your leaders, you will see solutions that you have always sought
that are logical and that make sense. Then you'll wonder why the solutions took so long.

So Spirit sees the recession as positive change in a direction that is commensurate with the
energy that is changing on the planet. Therefore, it was expected. Yet many become frustrated
with the process of politics and the economy, and they say, "It just seems like we go back and

forth and back and forth and nothing ever gets done." You're speaking of three-dimensional
things - bodies, laws, events, and red and blue states. We're speaking of energy. Energy put
into the earth is permanent. That is to say, everything you deposit that is wise stays here and
you build upon it. You don't lose it the next time around. "Kryon, you're still talking in
circles." Some of you are getting it. Slowly, you create what you intend.

Spirit sees humanity over generations. We tend to look at that which is Human consciousness
in 60-year cycles. To you, that is a little more than two generations. It takes that long in an old
energy to shift that which was into that which is. I'll give you the reason - because it is the
energy of what the adults tell their children, and then what the children tell their children, that
creates permanent change. Two generations. That's all it takes. So Spirit looks at what has
happened with Humans using that paradigm of consciousness.


Let's talk about humanity. "How is it doing?" you might ask. Well, let's look at Gaia first,
because you have to take a look at the energy of Gaia in the context of the study of humanity,
because they're related. So, looking from large to small, what has Gaia done in 2010 in order
to enhance that which you've created?

We have told you that you are facing weather challenges. We told you that 21 years ago!
Again, we see things in far longer cycles than you do. The Human is short sighted. You only
have one lifetime to look at cycles that are far longer than one lifetime. (In a future
channelling, I'll give you the parable of the Rainbow Room for you to understand this.) Some
of you are saying, "Well, the earth is changing so radically, there must be something wrong.
What is Gaia doing to us today?" These words come from a very three-dimensional thought
process that is computing that there's got to be something wrong every time the glass is half
full. Well, the glass is right where we said it would be - on schedule.

The reason we predicted that the weather would shift is because you're going through a water
cycle that we've told you about before. This will be the subject given for a long time from my
chair, for it will get more obvious as time goes on that this is, indeed, what is happening. The
weather that is currently upon you will eventually create a large cooling on the planet. It's
happened before. It's a water cycle that encompasses many Earth lifetimes and your science
doesn't see it that way since it's new to them. You now have the instruments to record this
cycle and, over the next two generations, you will see the beauty of it. It's a "refreshing" cycle
and affects life on Earth.

The first thing that happens is that the ice partially melts at the caps at the north and south -
not all of it, but a great deal of it. What this does is to create a water level that makes the
oceans go up a few inches and realigns the weight of the water on the planet. This
redistributes the weight from the poles [a concentration of ice at the top and bottom] to a more
even weight on the crust of the earth. This redistribution then pushes the crust in ways that are
new, creating earthquakes and volcanoes.

You've had some of that this year, haven't you? Then there would be the ones who look at the
earthquakes and the volcanoes and they say, "We've done something awful. Gaia is punishing
us." The glass is half full, isn't it? It is just Humans not understanding that this is the earth
adjusting to Human consciousness.

Now, this water cycle is happening before it was supposed to! You have advanced the timing
of it because you have advanced time itself. So I ask those old souls who are in front of me
and those who are reading and those listening: Haven't you felt the increase in time? It's
speeding up! As those three-dimensional clocks of yours tick off the same amount of time, the
multi-dimensional clocks in you are going very fast. And Gaia is part of the dimensional
clock; it speeds up with you, doesn't it? So you might say (and you would be correct) that
Humans have changed the weather!

So what you have called global warming is just the opposite. Eventually, you will see it as
global cooling. Watch next year [2011] what happens regarding your winter, for the cycle is
here. Just for fun, walk down the streets when it's snowing more than it should and yell,
"Global warming, global warming!" [Laughter]

So, this is what's happening with Gaia, and I will tell you that what happens next with Gaia,
dear Human, is up to you.

Let me tell you the latest science that you have produced. Discovery is like that; it has always
been there waiting for you to see it and discover it, but to you it is new. However, as I reveal
this, do you remember that I spoke of it?

Scientists can now measure the magnetics of the planet on an hourly basis. That which you
would call the magnetic flux of the grid of the earth varies in strength. It's also not consistent
from place to place. Now, there are reasons for all of that, but for the first time in space and on
the ground, you have a way of measuring that flux variation hour by hour.

In the past, you could measure it only every few months. That was good enough, but with
modern methods, you now can measure it in real time, and suddenly there was a revelation of
discovery. Perhaps you didn't know this, and this is the reason you needed to hear this or read
this? For it's profound information and very much the way we told you the relationship
between humanity and Gaia would be.

Your science has discovered that variations in the magnetic flux - that is to say, the variation
of the magnetic field in strength goes up and down with Human events! Breathe. Think about
it. They saw that when a great deal of Humans left the planet all at once, it changed the
magnetics! When there was compassion on the planet for those who were suffering in grief, it
changed! When there was exhilaration because something happened that was celebrated, it
changed! It's an unbelievable, synchronistic attribute and totally unexpected and remarkable.
The magnetic grid of the earth shifts depending on what happens to Humans.

Now, what does that tell you about the energy of humanity? It is altering the physics of the
planet. Don't ask Gaia what's going to happen. Instead, ask the consciousness of humanity
what's going to happen. And I will tell you that what you see going on right now with
humanity is on target and on schedule, and it has never happened in the history of the earth
like this before. You've never sped up time before, yet we told you it was possible more than
21 years ago.

This is all part of the ancient prophecy of the movement of the Kundalini of the planet. This
heart chakra energy of Gaia has literally left Tibet and India and is moving as we speak to that
which is the bottom of the earth on its way to Peru and Chile and what you call Patagonia. It's
a graduation of the energy of the planet. It's all part of the vital movement that is there, and is

what the Incas talked about in their prophecies, what the Mayans talked about in their
prophecies, and even the North American Lakota.

Spirit sees things differently than you do. You work in a linear time frame and Spirit does not.
When you think you see tragedy and sorrow and death, you've got to understand the overlay
of those souls who came in with that potential for it to happen, because it was written before
they were born that these things could take place on the way to a peaceful earth.

Sixty years ago, at the end of your last great war, a group of four futurists in Europe said,
"How can we keep this from ever happening again? We always end up conquering one
another. For hundreds and hundreds of years, that's all we do - assemble armies and conquer
each other." So they put together the seeds of what is today the European Union. They had a
goal. They said, "What if we could build something like the United States did - one currency,
a group of countries that could become states with no borders, and we'll call it the European
Union?" They did exactly that and it took 60 years. Now their currency is strong and the idea
worked. Oh, there are issues and there are problems and there are puzzles, but they solve them
as they arrive.

But dear ones, I want you to look at the overview. When you put things together and you
unify them, it creates that which is stable in the new energy. When you pull things apart, you
create things that are unstable. There'll come a time when this planet will have five and only
five currencies. They will represent major continents that have put things together much like
the Europeans did. Right now, as we speak, there's another group who is doing it in South
America. They have a vision. "What if we could put all the countries together without
borders, with one currency, all within two generations. We would have a much stronger
economic influence on Earth." They're looking at the model of the United States and the
European Union. Africa will do it eventually also, within 50 years. The Europeans knew what
they were doing, for the result of the unification is this: Countries that depend on each other
for trade won't go to war with each other. Are you beginning to see the picture of a peaceful
earth and why it might be peaceful?

All it takes is two generations to create this kind of peace. When parents tell their children to
hate another culture, they perpetuate an old energy. I've said this before to you in North
America. Look at the enemies that you fought in World War II and the represented countries
and the hatred and anxiety and death, the torture and the humility that your grandparents saw,
and even some of your parents saw. Now, look at those same former enemies today. They are
your trading partners! One of them is so allied with you that they make all the appliances in
your houses and the very cars you drive! That only took 60 years - from hatred to partners.

So come with me to the Middle East and see a different scenario, where the parents teach their
children to hate the other. They have been doing it for 1,000 years. Do you see what I'm
saying to you? It only is going to take two generations to undo it all. What you think is the
unsolvable problem can be solved in a short time and it will be, by the young people of Earth.

There are groups of young people all over the Middle East who are starting to understand the
folly of separatism. They're not going to hate who their parents told them to, and as we have
said before, there's a lot of them in Iran. You're going to see change. Consciousness shift
brings it about. That is the potential before you.

The Human Being

Now, let's speak of you personally. I see the overview of all of your lives, the Akash that is in
you, and the energy of those who lined up to be here at this time. In this is the shift of the
energy representing the galactic alignment. Yet we see it differently than you. You are more
than Humans walking the earth in lesson. You are catalysts for energy. Everywhere you touch
the earth with an enlightened state, it stays changed. And we have said this before. There is a
quantum process that is going on even at the molecular level within the field of your DNA. It
interacts with the Crystalline Grid of the planet. Your presence in this lifetime is changing
Gaia. Old souls are at the forefront of this process, and less than one half of one percent of the
Human race has got to do what you have done in order to effect a permanent change on this
planet, a consciousness shift that has been predicted for 2012.

For 17 years, you've been in the energy of the 2012 midpoint alignment, for it's a 36-year
process. You have 19 more to go. What you do in the next 19 years becomes the template for
the future. You are accomplishing what you came for. That is the summary of 2010.

You're in the right place at the right time, so what's next for you? Here is a promise from
Spirit: Submerge yourself in those things that are multidimensional. Trust that the unseen that
you call faith will take you to places that are filled with manifestation for your personal lives.
Have patience and wait for synchronicity that still you can't imagine. You want to control it,
yet you can't, and the things you cannot control give you anxiety. So have peace with those
things that you cannot control and understand that the system of Spirit is elegant, and only has
you in mind.

Here is the new paradigm. As you walk through the difficulties of this planet, no longer are
you going to have suffering and war. No longer do you have to have a consciousness where
you expect bad things to occur to you. Flow with the changes. Use your intuition to move left
or right. If the weather changes on the planet and continues to flood your house, it might be a
nice idea to move. It is the Human Being who says, however, "Well, it's only a once-every-
100-year flood." Oh, really? Wait until next year. You're starting to see a new weather
paradigm. Move with it. Be flexible, Human Being. Understand what is afoot. You have
changed the planet with your consciousness. Now be part of the change. Work with it.
Understand it. Celebrate it. Move with it.

That is the message for today. The summary of 2010 finds the old souls on track and pointed
toward even more change. Congratulations! And what will next year be? Well, take a look at
2011. Let's look at the two, which is duality against the 11, which is a master number. The 11
means illumination. When added together, it's a four. Let us talk about the four. It represents
stability, Earth, respect of the ground, and all things Gaia. It's a hint of things to come that
will continue to shift this planet into still another, higher vibration. You can't deny it. You're
sitting in it. You're feeling it. You're living it. No longer is it woo-woo when all are aware of

So that is the message today for you to hear yet again. Twenty-two years ago, many thought it
was speculation as they read the Kryon books. Today, it's your reality. What might the
speculations of today bring you in 20 years? [Kryon smile]

Given in love this day. And so it is.


Meleklerden Mesajlar Ann Albers

 Posted by gunes kurtulan on March 16, 2011 at 2:19am

Meleklerden Mesajlar

Ann Albers

Japonya’daki tahribata tanık oldukça, ruhun da arkasında olduğunu bilerek; sizin

Dünya’nızda zalimlik gibi görünenin, aslında planetinize ve insanlığa akan sevginin bir gel-
git’i olduğunu söylüyoruz. Kendi yüreğinizle ilgili çalışın sevgililer, bırakın duyguların gel-
git’i yutsun sizi. İzin verin içinizde kararlı, gerçek ve öz olmayan ne varsa silinsin gitsin,
böylelikle siz Dünya’nızı yıkayan enerji dalgalarına binersiniz. Bakın, nerede ayrılıyor
parçalar. Sevgi yükleyin oraya. Böylelikle gezegende gelecek başka bir duruma şifa verirsiniz.

Biz felaketleri trajedi olarak görmüyoruz sevgililer. Tam tersi, yuvaya dönen ruhların akını
olarak görüyoruz; muhteşem bir kutlamanın ortasına dönen ruhların akını… Siz ruhları
kaybettiğinizde, biz buluruz. İnsanlar toplu halde geçiş yaptıklarında, en son başınıza gelen
deprem ve tsunami gibi; sizi temin ederiz ki; bu insanlar; aileleri, arkadaşları, sevdikleri ve
rehberleri ile karşılaşırlar. Muhteşem karşılaşmalar ve kutlamalar olur. Bizim tarafımızda
üzüntü yoktur sevgililer, ama Dünya’daki üzüntüyü de anlıyoruz ve sizi rahatlatmak için
sizinle birlikteyiz. Böyle olaylar olduğunda, sizler, sadece yakınlarınıza sevgi ve şefkat
duyarsınız. Belki bir çoklarınız ne yapacağını düşünüyordur. Sessizce durun bir süre ve
Tanrı’ya buradaki rolünüzün ne olduğunu sorun. Bazılarınız para ve kaynaklarla ilgili olacak.
Burada “vermek” mutluluk olacaktır. Bazılarınızın dualarına gereksinim duyulacak. Halen bir
kısmının beklemesi söylenecek onlara, çünkü daha yapacak çok iş olacak. Bir çoklarınızdan;
sadece mutlu yaşamlar sürüp, Dünya’daki barış titreşimini beslemeleri istenecek. Tanrı,
Dünya’daki her bir ruhun gelişmek adına ne vermesi gerektiğini bilir, ve Tanrı kimin neye
ihtiyacı olduğunu da bilir. Yüreğinize güvenin sevgililer, Tanrı size bir yön verdiğinde, sizin
vermeniz de, sadece durmanız da bir mutluluk olacaktır.

Sizi çok seviyoruz , Dünya’nız ve İnsanlık yeniden doğuşa doğru gittiğinde, size, büyük
resme bakmanızı hatırlatıyoruz sevgililer. Her felaketten yeni bir sevgi dalgası, insan
işbirliğinin yeni bir seviyesi, kalbinizdeki birliğe yeni bir hürmet doğuyor, her bir insan kalbi;
aynı şeyi istiyor.

Tanrı sizi korusun, sizi çok seviyoruz,


Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan

Louise L Hay’in Japonya ile ilgili Mesajı

 Posted by gunes kurtulan on March 16, 2011 at 2:19am

Louise L. Hay’in Japonya ile İlgili Mesajı

Japonya’da yaşanan son deprem ve tsunami ile ilgili olarak; ya bu zamanları korkutucu
zamanlar olarak algılar; ya da bu sorunları şifa yaratabilmek adına fırsatlar olarak
değerlendirirsiniz. Aklınızı nasıl kullanacağınız sadece size bağlı. Ya soruna sorun eklersiniz;
ya da şifaya yardım edersiniz.

Ben, Dünya’da olan bir krizi duyduğum zaman, hemen tüm durumu bir beyaz ışıkla
çevrelerim. Ve durumla ilişkili herkese sevgi ve şifa enerjisi yollarım. Bugün herkese, bir
dakika ayırarak gözlerini kapatmasını, Japonya’ya sevgi ve şifa enerjisi yollamasını

Ben çok az gazete okur ve TV’de haber izlerim. Medya kargaşası ile kafamı bulandırmayı
reddederim. Medya’nın yaptığı en iyi şey, duygularımızı karıştırmak ve korku satmaktır. Eğer
her gün bir gazeteyi baştan sona okursanız korku içinde yaşarsınız. Onlar sizin hergün yeni
bir gazete satın alıp, o gün nelerden korkmanız gerektiğini bulmanızı istiyorlar. Aynı şey TV
haberleri ile de geçerli. Eğer berbat bir uyku peşindeyseniz, uyumadan önce, gece haberlerini

Öyleyse; bilelim ki her birimiz kendi bilincimizin kanunları gereğince yaşıyoruz. Sizler,
yaşamın güzel ve harika birer yaratımlarısınız. Gücünüz, kaynağa olan bağlantınızdan geliyor.
Sürekli minnettarlık ve takdir; yaşamlarınıza sadece iyiyi getirir.

Finansal bağış yapmak isteyenler için; kanımca, tam şu anda en iyi organizasyonu Red Cross
yapıyor. Bağış yapmak için,’u tıklayın.

Şimdi, siz ve ben; ne zaman aklımıza Japonya’daki durum gelse; inanç içinde, hep birlikte


Sizi Seviyorum.


Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan

Letter From Japan

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 16, 2011 at 2:53pm

A letter from Sendai

Things here in Sendai have been rather surreal. But I am very blessed to have wonderful
friends who are helping me a lot. Since my shack is even more worthy of that name, I am now
staying at a friend's home. We share supplies like water, food and a kerosene heater. We sleep
lined up in one room, eat by candlelight, share stories. It is warm, friendly, and beautiful.

During the day we help each other clean up the mess in our homes. People sit in their cars,
looking at news on their navigation screens, or line up to get drinking water when a source is
open. If someone has water running in their home, they put out a sign so people can come to
fill up their jugs and buckets.

It's utterly amazingly that where I am there has been no looting, no pushing in lines. People
leave their front door open, as it is safer when an earthquake strikes. People keep saying, "Oh,
this is how it used to be in the old days when everyone helped one another."

Quakes keep coming. Last night they struck about every 15 minutes. Sirens are constant and
helicopters pass overhead often.

We got water for a few hours in our homes last night, and now it is for half a day. Electricity
came on this afternoon. Gas has not yet come on. But all of this is by area. Some people have
these things, others do not. No one has washed for several days. We feel grubby, but there are
so much more important concerns than that for us now. I love this peeling away of non-
essentials. Living fully on the level of instinct, of intuition, of caring, of what is needed for
survival, not just of me, but of the entire group.

There are strange parallel universes happening. Houses a mess in some places, yet then a
house with futons or laundry out drying in the sun. People lining up for water and food, and
yet a few people out walking their dogs. All happening at the same time.

Other unexpected touches of beauty are first, the silence at night. No cars. No one out on the
streets. And the heavens at night are scattered with stars. I usually can see about two, but now
the whole sky is filled. The mountains are Sendai are solid and with the crisp air we can see
them silhouetted against the sky magnificently.

And the Japanese themselves are so wonderful. I come back to my shack to check on it each
day, now to send this e-mail since the electricity is on, and I find food and water left in my
entranceway. I have no idea from whom, but it is there. Old men in green hats go from door to
door checking to see if everyone is OK. People talk to complete strangers asking if they need
help. I see no signs of fear. Resignation, yes, but fear or panic, no.

They tell us we can expect aftershocks, and even other major quakes, for another month or
more. And we are getting constant tremors, rolls, shaking, rumbling. I am blessed in that I live
in a part of Sendai that is a bit elevated, a bit more solid than other parts. So, so far this area is
better off than others. Last night my friend's husband came in from the country, bringing food
and water. Blessed again.

Somehow at this time I realize from direct experience that there is indeed an enormous
Cosmic evolutionary step that is occurring all over the world right at this moment. And
somehow as I experience the events happening now in Japan, I can feel my heart opening very
wide. My brother asked me if I felt so small because of all that is happening. I don't. Rather, I
feel as part of something happening that much larger than myself. This wave of birthing
(worldwide) is hard, and yet magnificent.

Thank you again for your care and Love of me,

With Love in return, to you all,


Küresel Mucize Projesi - Jennifer
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 16, 2011 at 3:00pm


Küresel Mucize Projesi

Jennifer Hoffman

1 nci Gün—Mucize Listeniz

Mucizenin ne olduğunu düşünüyorsunuz? Lotoyu kazanmak mı? Zor bir durumdan

kurtarılmak mı? Çaresizce paraya gereksiniminiz olduğunda sokakta yirmi dolar bulmak mı?

Bu şeylerin her biri, bir arzunun tezahürüdür ve mucizenin sadece bir parçasıdırlar.

Bir mucize lotoyu kazanmadan, kurtarılmadan veya para bulmadan önce gerçekleşen şeydir.
Çünkü inandığımızın tersine mucizenin sonuç ile herhangi bir ilişkisi yoktur.

Bunun yerine, mucize tam ona gereksinimimiz olduğunda, sonucu yaratma yeteneğimiz ile
ilgilidir. Kendi yaratıcı gücümüze iman, güven ve inanç eksikliğimizi teslim etme, istediğimiz
şey için niyet oluşturma ve onu birlikte – yaratmak için Evren ile birlikte çalışma
istekliliğimiz ile ilgilidir. Evren’i yardıma çağırdığımız ve onun bize yardım edeceğine
tamamen güvendiğimiz an, mucizelerin gerçekleştiği andır.

Mucize gerçekte, kim olduğumuzun ve kendi realitemizde neleri yaratmaya muktedir

olduğumuzun algısını değiştirdiğimiz anda gerçekleşir. Birçok şeye mucize gözüyle bakarız,
ama onlar sadece yaratıcı gücümüzün tezahürleridir.

Bir mucize istediğimize karar verdiğimizde ve onu yaratma gücümüzü kabul etmeye istekli
olduğumuzda, bu mucizedir. Daha sonra gerçekleşen şey sadece ayrıntıdır.

Çoğu zaman mucizeler yaratmayız, çünkü mucizelerin bizim başımıza gelebileceğine

inanmayız. Veya isteriz ve tam bir şeyler gerçekleşecekken, Evren’in bizi işitmediğini veya
işittiğini ama yanıtlamaya istekli olmadığını düşünürüz. Sabırlı olmak bazen mucize
dersimizin bir parçasıdır.

Ev ödevi: Yaşamınızda yaratmak istediğiniz en azından 1 adet mucize listesi yaratın, 5 ten
fazla olmasın. Listenizi yaratmak için takip edeceğiniz bazı bilgiler:


Ne kadar görkemli olduğunu düşünmenize bakmaksızın, arzu ettiğiniz şeyi isteyin. Mucizeler

kalbinizden gelir ve eğer kalbiniz bir şeyi arzu ediyorsa, o sizin için doğru olmalıdır.

Sınırlamalar ve beklentiler olmadan isteyin, Evren’in istediğiniz her neyse yerine getireceğini
bilin, ama istediğiniz şeye beklentiler eklerseniz veya sizin için mümkün olabilen şeyi
sınırlarsanız, bunları yerine getirmez. Şükranla ve teşekkür ederek isteyin. Evren,
isteklerimizi söyler söylemez, isteklerimiz üzerinde çalışmaya başlar, öyleyse sadece isteyin
ve aldığınız şey için minnettar olun. Zamanla tezahür edecektir.
Umut ettiğiniz zaman çerçevesinde olmasa bile, alacağınızı bilerek isteyin. Evrensel
zamanlama her zaman yaşamlarımızda iş başındadır ve kendi kişisel zaman çizelgemiz ile her
zaman senkronize değildir.

Doğru yolda olduğunuzun onayını isteyin. Mucizenizin size geldiğinin – imanınızı

kaybetmeden – ve onu alacağınızın onayını her zaman isteyebilirsiniz.


Para istemeyin. Evren enerji ile çalışır ve para sadece enerjinin bir tezahürüdür. Eğer yeni bir
arabaya gereksiniminiz varsa, yeni bir araba isteyin, eğer yeni bir ev istiyorsanız, yeni bir ev
isteyin ve bunların nasıl ödeneceğine üzülmeyin. Buna üzülmek, seçeneklerinizi sınırlamaktır.
Başkaları için istemeyin. Bu sizin yaşamınız, sizin mucizeleriniz ve sizin istediğiniz şey.
Başkaları kendi mucizelerini istemeyi öğrenmelidir ve nasıl görünürse görünsün onların
yaşamları tam şimdi mükemmeldir. Ve kendi yaşamınızdaki çalışmaya koyduğunuz enerjinin
üssel olarak arttığını ve yaşamınızın her parçasına ve etrafınızdaki insanlara yayıldığını
hatırlayın. Onlar – hazır oldukları zaman – sizin yaptığınız değişimlerden yararlanacaktı

Mucizelerinize zaman çizelgeleri koyun. Onlar ilahi zamanlama ile ve tüm durumlar doğru
olduğunda gerçekleşir. Bazen mucizeleri beklemek zorunda kalırız, çünkü Evren, başka bir
şey istediğimiz noktaya ulaşmamızı beklemektedir.

2 nci Gün – Başarılısınız

Her zaman başarılısınız, bu anda yaşamınızdaki her şey yaşamınızda bir noktada istediğiniz
bir şeylerin başarılı yaratımını temsil eder. Sizin için şu anda işe yaramıyor olabilmesine
rağmen, onu yarattığınız anda, tam olarak istediğiniz şeydi, size neşe getireceğini ve
yaşamınızı bir şekilde daha iyi yapacağını düşünmüştünüz.

Mucize listenize bakın ve tam şimdi yaşamınızda var olan bir şeyleri değiştiren bir şeyler
yaratmak isteyip istemediğinize bakın. Örneğin, eğer yeni bir iş istiyorsanız, şu anda sahip
olduğunuz işi bir başarı olarak görün.

3'ncü Gün – Yanlış Olan Hiçbir Şey Yok

Evren’de doğru, yanlış yoktur, iyi kötü yoktur. Her şey olduğu şekliyle mükemmeldir ve
yaşamınız mükemmel yaratımınızı temsil eder. Şu andaki durumumuzdan rahatsız olduğumuz
zaman, bunu nedeni enerjimizin değişmesidir, yeni olaylar için hazır olduğumuz yeni bir
enerji titreşimindeyiz. Enerjinin sürekli hareket halinde olduğu dinamik bir Evren’de
yaşıyoruz. Enerjinizi değiştirdiğiniz için, şimdi başka bir şeye hazırsınız ve bu daha önce
sahip olduklarınızı yanlış hale getirmez. Her şey olduğu gibidir. Yargılamanın dışında kalın ve
odağınızı mucizelerinizde tutmaya devam edin.

Mucize listenize bakın ve yaratmayı istediğiniz mucizeleri yaratmak için yaşamınızda neleri
değiştirdiğinizi not edin. Maddi sorununuz varsa, kendinizde yanlış bir şeyler yapmadığınızı
hatırlatın. Bolluk, bolluk tutumuna sahip olduğumuz ve istediğimiz şeylerin daha büyük
bolluğunu yaratmaya hazır olduğumuz zaman gerçekleşir. Yanlış hiçbir şey yapmadınız, o
zamanlar hak etmiş olduğunuz şeyi yaratmıştınız. Şimdi farklı bir şeye hazırsınız.

4 ncü Gün—Yanlış Olan Hiçbir Şeyi Yok

Siz yaratıcısınız, yaşamınızın her veçhesini yaratmak için Evren ile çalışıyorsunuz. Herkesin
sahip olduğu gibi sınırsız güce sahipsiniz. Hiç kimse başkalarından daha fazla güce sahip
değildir. Neşe veya acı, mutluluk veya üzüntü, huzur veya kaosu yaratan gücümüzü bu şekilde
kullanırız. Kendi realitemizin herhangi bir veçhesini dönüştürmek için, tam şimdi, şu anda
mevcut olanın sorumluluğunu almalıyız. Sorumluluk alarak, realitemizi yarattığımız gücü
onaylıyoruz. İstemediğiniz bir yaşamı yaratmak için kullandığınız güç, istediğiniz yaşamı
yaratmak için kullandığınız güç ile aynıdır, sadece gücünüzü farklı bir şekilde kullanmış

Bugün, yaşamınızdaki değiştirmek istediğiniz her durumu yazın. Yazdığınız her bir durumun
yanına, ‘bundan sorumluyum ve onu dönüştürme gücüne sahibim’ yazın. Sorumluluğu alın,
böylece hayallerinizin yaşamını yaratmak için gücünüzü bilinçli bir şekilde kullanabilirsiniz.

5 nci Gün – Bağımlılığı Bırakmayı Anlamak

İstediğimiz şeylere birçok bağımlılıklarımız olur, bunu nasıl mümkün olacağı, bunun
gerçekleşmesi için başkalarını ne yapacağı, bunun gerçekleşmesi için bizim neler yapmamız
gerektiği, ne kadar zaman, para ve enerji gerektiği vs – bağımlılıklarımızın listesi çok uzundur
ve karmaşıktır. Bu ayrıca korkularımızı veya şüphelerimizi temsil eder, bu şekilde Evren’in
istediklerimizi sağlama yeteneğine tamamen güvenmemiş oluyoruz. Ve bağımlılıklar
geçmişten gelir – bunlar daha önce her şeyin gerçekleşmiş olduğu yoldur.

Sonuca bağımlılığımızı bıraktığımız zaman, Evren’in mucizelerimizi mükemmel şekilde

aktarmasına izin veririz. Yönergelerden biri para istememekti – para sadece enerjidir ve Evren
her zaman para ile çalışmaz. İstediğimiz şeyleri mucizevi, şaşırtıcı şekillerde yaratabilir, bu
yollara para her zaman dahil değildir. Ama her şeyin para gerektirdiği inancına bağlı kalırsak
– ve hiç paramız yoksa – mucizeler yaratma yeteneğimizi sınırlarız. Şüphesiz, Evren bize para
verebilir, ama ayrıca başkalarından armağanlar, beklenmedik sürprizler ve yardım alabiliriz.
Bağlılığı bırakarak, Evren’in mükemmel şekillerde çalışmasına izin veririz. Ve hatırlayın,
sizin mucizeniz başka birinin duasına yanıt olabilir, Evren bunu bilir, ama siz

Mucizeler listenize bakın ve bu mucizelerin nasıl gerçekleşeceği ile ilgili sınırlamalar veya
koşullar yaratan sahip olduğunuz bağımlılıkları yazın. Şimdi bunların ne olduğunu bildiğiniz
için, bunları salıvermek ve inanca adım atmak için çalışabilirsiniz, böylece bunlar
mucizelerinizin yaratımına müdahale etmez.

6 ncı Gün – Geçmişi Hizalamak

Geçmişimiz, bu ana kadar yaşamımızda gerçekleşmiş olan her şeyi kapsar. Bir dakika önce
geçmiştir. Geçmiş deneyimlerimiz şu andaki eylemlerimizin temelini oluşturur, insan zihni bu

şekilde işler. Hayal kırıklıkları, mutsuzluk veya yolumuzda blokajlar deneyimlediğimiz
zaman, ‘bunu bir daha yapmayacağımızı’ hatırlatan bilinçsiz hatırlatıcılar oluştururuz. İleri
doğru gidebileceğimiz bir durumun ortaya çıktığı her seferinde, geçmişin anıları bu seçimin
ne kadar güvensiz olduğunu ve nasıl başaramayacağımızı bize hatırlatmak için hücum eder.

Geçmişi, belirli bir zihin yapısıyla elde ettiğimiz sonuçların hatırlatıcısı olarak kullanabiliriz.
Örneğin, belli türde bir romantik partner seçmek kırık bir kalple sonuçlanır. Öyleyse farklı bir
şekilde seçmek için zihin yapımızı değiştirebiliriz veya kalbimizin kırılmaması için
ilişkilerden tamamıyla uzak kalmak için geçmiş deneyimimizi kullanabiliriz. Zihin yapımızı
değiştirmek geçmişi değiştirmez, ama farklı sonuçlar yaratan farklı seçimler yapmamızı

Bugün, mucizeler listenize bakın ve mucizelerinizin her bir için, geçmişinizin bir blokaj
yaratıp yaratmadığına bakın, bu blokaj şüphe, korku veya o sürece güven eksikliği olabilir.
Zihin yapınızı değiştirdiğinizi hatırlatın, bu sizin için sonucu değiştirir. Mucizeleriniz,
geçmişte ne olduğuna bakmaksızın şu andaki yeni zihin yapınızdan yaratılacaktır.

7 nci Gün – Şimdiki An Önemlidir

Geçmişi ait olduğu yere, geçmişe koyabildiğinizde, şimdiki anda yaşayabilirsiniz, çünkü
şimdiki an yaşamınızdaki en önemli yerdir. Geçmiş tarihtir, gelecek sizin her bir anda
yaptıklarınızdan yaratılır.

Bugün, mucizeler listenize bakın ve mucizelerinizin tezahür etmesi için şimdiki anda,
zamanda bu noktada ne yapabileceğinize bakın. Düşüncenizi değiştirebilir misiniz, yeni
insanlarla tanışır mısınız, bir CV gönderir misiniz veya birilerini arar mısınız? Nasıl
yönlendirilirseniz, onu yapın, korktuğunuz bir şey olsa bile. Zihin halinizi değiştiriyorsunuz
ve şimdiki anda yaptığınız yeni seçimlerden sürekli olarak yaratılan bir geleceği bu şekilde

8 nci Gün – Nelerden Korkuyorsunuz

Evren’de iki enerji vardır, korku ve koşulsuz sevgi. Gri bölgeler yoktur – bunları yaratan
biziz. Koşulsuz sevgi olmayan şey korkudur. Ve korku bir çok şeyi kapsar, şüphe, iman
yokluğu, kendini – sabote etme, inkar ve bir çok başka şey. Korkunun geçmişten geldiğini
hatırlarsak – şu anda veya gelecekte korku içinde olmayız, çünkü hiçbir şey olmamıştır –
başımıza daha önce gelmiş olan şeylerden korktuğumuzu anlayabiliriz. Hatırlayın, mucizeler
yaratmak için zihin halimizi değiştirme üzerine çalışıyoruz, öyleyse korkmak için bir neden
yok, çünkü korku geçmişin parçasıdır.

Bugün, mucizelerinizin her birine bakın ve bunlarla ilgili inançlarınızda şu anda herhangi bir
korku olup olmadığına bakın. Başarıdan, hayatınızın nasıl değişebileceğinden, başkalarının ne
düşünebileceğinden, yeni, harika deneyimlerinizi uygulama yeteneğinizden korkuyor
olabilirsiniz. Korkuyu tespit etmek önemlidir, çünkü korkularınızın ne olduğunu bildiğinizde,
artık onlardan korkmak zorunda olmazsınız. Korkularımızı görmeye izin verene kadar, onların
çoğunu bilmiyoruz ve korkularımızın ne olduğunu bildiğimiz zaman, onlarla barış yapabiliriz.

9 ncu gün – Spiritüel Kaynaklarınızı Kullanın

Spiritüel yolumuz bir öğrenme, iyileşme, büyüme ve dönüşüm yoludur. Bu, bireysel bir
yolculuktur ve her birimizin izleyecek kendi spiritül yolumuz var. Başkalarının yardımı
olmadan yaşamdaki meydan okumalarla yüzleşmek zorunda olabilmemize rağmen, bize
yardımcı olmak için mevcut olan spiritüel bir ekibimiz var. Bunlar meleklerimiz ve
rehberlerimizdir, bu yolculukta bize yardımcı olmayı kabul ettiler ve buraya yapmak üzere
geldiğimiz şeyi hatırlıyorlar.

Meleklerimiz ve rehberlerimiz, spiritüel kaynaklarımız yaşamlarımıza müdahale edemezler,

ama onlardan yardım istemeyi hatırladığımız zaman, bize yardım edebilirler. Onlarla düzenli
bir iletişim kurduğunuz zaman, yaşamınızda onların varlığının daha fazla farkında olursunuz
ve size verdikleri mesajları işitebilir ve anlayabilirsiniz.

Başmelek Uriel, onunla ilk kez çalışmaya başladığımda, kanallıkla bana bir kitap yazdırdı,
‘Melekleriniz ve Ruhsal Rehberleriniz ile İletişim Kurmak’, bu kitabı
sitesinden ücretsiz olarak indirebilirsiniz. Eğer bunun size yardımcı olacağını hissediyorsanız,
onu indirin ve okuyun, böylece onlarla nasıl çalışacağınızı bilirsiniz, sizinle nasıl iletişim
kurduklarını anlarsınız ve onların sevgi ve destek mesajlarını işitebilirsiniz.

Bugün, mucize listenize bakarken, bunu tek başınıza yapmadığınızı anlayın. Meleklerinizden
ve ruhsal rehberlerinizden mucizelerinize yardımcı olmalarını isteyebilir misiniz? Size
sevinçle hizmet etmeye istekliler ve yaşamınızda onlar için yer açtığınızda size hizmet
edebilirler. Mucizelerinizi tezahür ettirmenize yardım etmek için orada olan spiritüel
kaynakların farkında olmak için, her gün birkaç dakika zaman ayırmak iyidir.

10 ncu Gün — Neyi Bekliyorsunuz

Yaşamımızı beklentilerle veya güvenle idare edebiliriz. Beklenti halinde olduğumuzda, neyin
gerçekleşeceğini her zaman biliriz, çünkü bu geçmişte gerçekleşmiş olan şeydir. Güven içinde
olduğumuz zaman, neyin gerçekleşeceğini bilmeyiz ve bu tedirgin edici bir süreç olabilir.
Ancak mucizeler yarattığımızda ve zihin halimizi değiştirdiğimizde, beklentilerimiz ile ilgili
ne yapacağımıza karar vermeliyiz.

Beklentilerimiz gerçekleşeceğini ‘bildiğimiz’ her şeyi kapsar, ‘inanç’ mümkündür,

beklentimiz belli bir şekilde gerçekleşecektir, çünkü geçmişte de her zaman bu şekilde oldu.
Eğer daha önce mucizeler yaratamadıysanız veya yapmaya çalıştığınız her şey bir şekilde
tersine dönüyorsa, bunun nedeni beklentileriniz olabilir.

Bugün, mucize listenize bakın ve her bir mucize için, onunla ilgili sahip olduğunuz
beklentileri yazın, hem bu mucizeleri bloke edenleri, hem de onları yaratmanıza yardımcı
olanları yazın. Beklentilerinizi anlamak, geçmişte ne olmuş olursa olsun, kendinizi şimdiki
anda mucizelerinizi çabasızca tezahür ettirebilmenin titreşimine koymanıza yardım eder.

11 nci Gün — Fikirler

Fikirlerimiz, kendimiz ile ilgili sahip olduğumuz inançları ve başkalarının adapte olduğumuz
inançlarını kapsar. Diğerleri başkalarının pozitif fikirlerine sahip olabilirken, bizim
hatırlayabildiklerimiz negatif fikirler olabilir; yeteneksizliğimizi, değersizliğimizi ve
hatalarımızı onaylayan o negatif inançlar. Yaşamımızın herhangi bir anında birilerinin bizim
için kullandığı, başarılı olamayacağımız, istediğimiz şeyi yaratamayacağımız veya hatta

yaratmaya çalışamayacağımız anlamında yorumladığımız basit bir ifade, yaşamımızın her
alanını etkileyen bir inanç yaratır.

Bugün, mucizeler listenizi gözden geçirirken, başka birilerinin fikrinden dolayı

başaramayabileceğinizi düşündüğünüz bazı mucizeler olup olmadığına bakın. Bir zamanlar
birinin size mucizeler yaratamayacağınız inancını yaratan bir şeyler söylediğini hatırlıyor
musunuz? Kendinizle ilgili, değerliliğinizi ve yaşamınızda mucizeler yaratma yeteneğinizi
onaylayan yeni bir fikir yaratabilirsiniz. Bunu bugün yapın ki, böylece negatif fikirleri, pozitif
fikirlere dönüştürebilirsiniz.

12 nci Gün – Kendi İyi Şeylerinizi Yaratın

Yaşamınızdaki her şeyi siz yaratırsınız ve sadece siz yaratabilirsiniz. Başka hiç kimse sizin
için bir şeyler ‘yapamaz’ veya sizin için bir şeyleri gerçekleştiremez. Eğer bir kurtarıcı veya
yaşamınızı daha iyi yapacak birini arıyorsanız, istediğiniz şeyi bulamadan kendinizi bir
durumdan diğerine, bir insandan diğerine gider durumda bulursunuz. Yaşamınızda yaratmayı
istediğiniz iyi şeyler sizinle başlar. Başkaları buna katılabilir, ama bunun gerçekleşmesi için
niyeti ve enerjiyi siz oluşturmalısınız.

Bugün mucizeler listenizi gözden geçirirken, yaşamınızda size gelmesini istediğiniz kendi
iyiliğinizin, tüm mutluluğunuzun, neşenizin, huzurunuzun ve sevginin yaratımından
kendinizin sorumlu olduğunuzu hatırlayın; bunların gerçekleşmesi için ettiğiniz niyetler ve
verdiğiniz enerjiyle. Mucizeler listenizi iyi şeyler yaratmaya bir adım olarak görün, o zaman
sürece katılacak olan durumları ve insanları çekersiniz.

13 ncü Gün – Kurban Zihin Hali

Kurban paradigması insan deneyimimizin bir parçasıdır. Her insanın değersiz, küçümsenmiş
veya güven eksikliği hissettiği yaşamının bir alanı vardır. Bu bize kontrol dışında olduğumuz
veya başkalarının bizden yararlandığını hissettiğimiz alanları bize gösterir. Ama başka bir
seviyede, gücümüzü başkalarına verdiğimiz veya kendi yaşamımızda gücümüzü
kullanmadığımız alanlarda bir kurbanız. Bu alanlar bize görmezden gelemeyeceğimiz
şekillerde gösterilir ve bizim için ders istediğimiz şeyleri yaratmak ve gücümüzü başkalarına
vermeye son vermek için yaşamımızda kendi gücümüzü kullanmayı öğrenmektir.

Bugün listenizi gözden geçirirken, bunu daha önce yapamamış olduğunuz için kurban gibi
hissediyor musunuz, başkalarının sizi bloke ettiğini hissediyor musunuz veya kendinize
zaman bırakmayacak şekilde insanlara ve durumlara birçok vaatlerde bulunuyor musunuz?
Gücünüzün kontrolünü nasıl ele geçirip yaşamınızda bir galip olabilirsiniz? Gücünüz, ona
bağlanmanız için her zaman oradadır, böylece mucize üstatlığınıza adım atabilirsiniz ve
gücünüzün farkında varma, kabullenme bu süreçteki ilk adımdır.

14 ncü Gün – Hangi Ses Daha Yüksek

Hepimiz iki sese sahibiz, istediğimiz şeyi beyan eden dış sesimiz ve geçmiş hayal
kırıklıklarımızı veya hatta mahcubiyetlerimizi işaret ederek çoğu zaman geçmişte ne yapmış
olduğumuzun, bunun bizim için nasıl işlemeyebileceğinin bir hatırlatıcısı olarak hizmet eden
iç sesimiz. Bu ses ‘iç sesinizdir’ ve size ait olmayabilir, başkalarının size söylediği şeyleri
veya hatırlamadığınız geçmiş olaylara dayanarak, yetenekleriniz veya değeriniz ile ilgili sahip
olduğunuz kabullenmeleri temsil edebilir.

Bugün mucizeler listenizi gözden geçirirken, iç sesiniz mucizeleriniz ile ilgili neler söylüyor?
Şüpheyi, korkuyu veya inançsızlığı mı ifade ediyor? İç sesinizi dinleyin, çünkü o mucizeler
yaratmanızı engelleyen sestir. İç ve dış sesiniz dengede olduğu zaman, mucizeleriniz işler.
Dengede olmadığında, sürekli olarak bir şeyleri yaratmayı isteyerek mücadele edersiniz ve iç
sesiniz tarafından temsil edilen kendi korkularınız tarafından durdurulursunuz.
Mucizelerinizin çabasız ve korkusuz tezahür etmesi için güvenli bir yer yaratmak için bu iki
sesi nasıl dengeleyebilirsiniz?

15 nci Gün – Büyük Düşünün

Evren her dileğimize karşılık verir ve eğer istediğimiz şeyi tezahür ettirmiyorsak, çoğunlukla
bu istemediğimiz için değildir, yeterince istemediğimiz içindir. İstediğimiz şeyin çok fazla
olup olmadığını veya istediğimiz şeyi alıp almayacağımızı merak edip isteyerek onu
yargıladığımız zaman, kendimizi sınırlıyor oluruz. O zaman Evren korkularımıza karşılık
verir, arzularımıza değil.

Bugün listenize bakın ve mucizelerinizin her biri için, gerçekten istediğiniz şeyi istemiş
olduğunuzdan emin olun. Yeterince büyük düşündünüz mü? Sahip olabileceğiniz şey yerine
arzuladığınız şeyi istediniz mi? Potansiyeliniz korkularınızla sınırlıdır, öyleyse
yapabileceğiniz kadar büyük düşünün, sonuçlar sizi hayal kırıklığına uğratmayacaktır.

16 ncı Gün – Neye İnanıyorsunuz

İnançlarınız realitenizi yaratır, çünkü sözcükleriniz ve eylemleriniz inançlardan ortaya çıkar.

Bu kendinizle, yeteneklerinizle, etrafınızdaki dünyayla, potansiyelinizle ve hatta Evren’in
(Tanrı’nın) sizi ne kadar sevdiği ile ilgili inandıklarınızı kapsar. İnandığınız her neyse
yaşamınızda tezahür eder, inançlarınızın bilincinde olmasanız bile. Onlar yine de yaşamınızda
tezahür eder.

Bugün listenizi gözden geçirirken, mucizelerinizi nasıl gerçekleştirebileceğiniz ile ilgili sahip
olduğunuz inançları düşünün. Hatırlayın, bunu yalnız yapmıyorsunuz, siz Evren ile birlikte –
yaratıcısınız ve spiritüel partnerlerinizin yardımına sahipsiniz. Eğer bunun nasıl
gerçekleşeceği veya bunu başarıp başaramayacağınız ile ilgili inançlarınız varsa, güçlü
olduğunuzu ve kendi realitenizin sorumlusu olduğunuzu kendinize hatırlatın. Şüpheyle ilgili
olan tüm inançları, gücünüzü onaylayan inançlarla değiştirebilirsiniz.

17 nci Gün – Şükran İçinde Yaşamak

Yaşamınızın herhangi bir veçhesinde yanlış olan bir şey olmadığı için, pişmanlık duyacak,
korkacak veya daha farklı bir şekilde yapmayı dilediğiniz hiçbir şey yoktur. Zamanın her
anında yapabileceğinizin en iyisini yaparsınız. Ve yaşamınızdaki her şey sizin yaratımınızdır.
Her insan ve durumun size verecek bir dersi ve kutsaması vardır. Onlar için minnettar olabilir
misiniz? Yaşamımızın her veçhesini dönüştürebilmemizden önce sahip olduklarımız için
minnettar olmayı öğrenmeliyiz. Şükran bizi Evrensel enerji akışına sokar ve istediğimizin
şeyin fazlasını bize getirir. Yaşamınızdaki nefret sadece daha önce sahip olduğunuzun
fazlasını getirecektir.

Bugün listenizi gözden geçirirken, yaşamınızda şükran duyacağınız en az beş şey bulun. Bu
program için bile minnettar olabilirsiniz, görebildiğiniz, okuyabildiğiniz, işitebildiğiniz,

yürüyebildiğiniz, bugün yeterince yiyeceğe sahip olabildiğiniz gerçeği için şükran
duyabilirsiniz. Her gün üzerine ekleme yapacağınız kendi şükran listenizi yaratın.
Minnettarlığı uygulayın, şükran duyabileceğiniz şeylerin sonsuz akışını yaratmaya yardımcı

18 nci Gün – Kendinize İnanın

Realitemizin mimarı olduğumuzu unuttuğumuz zaman, yaşamayı istediğimiz hayatı

yaratmaları umuduyla gücümüzü verdiklerimiz tarafından hayal kırıklığına uğratılabiliriz.
Burada bizim için ders kendimize, kendi gücümüze ve yeteneklerimize inanmaktır.
Yaşamımızdaki her iyi şey, her mucize kendinize ne kadar inandığınızla ve hayallerinizi
yansıtan bir realiteyi yaratma gücünüzü kullanmaya ne kadar istekli olduğunuzla başlar.

Mucizeler listeniz kendinize, yeteneklerinize ve yaşamınızı dönüştürme istekliliğinize güçlü

bir inancı temsil eder. Bugün listenizi okurken, kendinize inanın. Listenizin kalbinizin
arzularını, sizin için önemli olan ve yaşamınızda istediğiniz şeyleri temsil ettiğini bilin.
Başkalarının mucizelerinizle ilgili düşündükleri önemli değil, bunlar sizin için önemli ve
kendinize inandığınız zaman tüm gücünüzü ve niyetinizi mucizelerinizin gerçekleşmesini
sağlayacak enerjiye verirsiniz.

19 ncu Gün – İmanınızı Devam Ettirin

Bildiğimiz şeye iman etmek kolaydır, görülmeyene veya henüz gerçekleşmemiş olana iman
etmek kolay değildir, özellikle eğer daha önce deneyimlemiş olduklarımızdan farklı ise.
Mucizeler yaratmak iman gerektirir, çünkü yaşamınızda her zaman olan şeyden, sizin için var
olmanın yeni bir haline geçişe, hayallerinizin gerçekten başarıldığı ve yaşamınızda tezahür
edebileceği yere bir adım ilerdedir. Ancak, henüz gerçekleşmemişlerse, onların
gerçekleşeceğini bilme yerinde kalma, iman gerektirir.

Büyük öğretmen bir hardal tanesi kadar imanınız olsa, dağları yerinden oynatabilirsiniz
demişti. Ne kadar imana sahipsiniz? İmanla her şeyin mümkün olacağına inanıyor musunuz?
Mucizeler yaratmak için gereken imandır. Listenizi okurken, imana sahip olmanın,
mucizelerin doğru zamanda, doğru sırada gerçekleşeceğine güvenmek olduğunu hatırlayın.
İmana sahip olun ve istediğiniz şeye odağınızı devam ettirin.

20 nci Gün – Olma Hali

Olmayı istediğiniz kişi olmalısınız ve sonuçları anında görmeseniz bile mucizelerin

gerçekleştiğine inanmalısınız. Bazen bu, özellikle üstesinden gelinecek eski inançlarınız
olduğunda, kendinizi ikna etmeyi gerektirir. Herhangi bir şeyin yaşamınızda tezahür
edebilmesinden önce, onun için enerji yaratmalısınız. Olmayı istediğiniz kişi olabilir misiniz?
Mucizelerinizin tezahür etmesi için beklemek zorunda değilsiniz, hatırlayın, siz onları ister
istemez mucizeler yaratılır. Yaşamınızda mucizeler gerçekleştiğinde olacağınız kendine
güvenen, neşeli, isteğini gerçekleştirmiş insan olmaya bugün başlayın.

Bugün mucizeler listenizi gözden geçirirken, onların tezahür etmesine yardımcı olmak için
nasıl olmalısınız? Kendinize güvenen biri mi olmalısınız, güvenilir biri mi, daha kuvvetli,
daha etkileyici biri mi, enerjinizin nereye gittiğine daha çok dikkat eden biri mi? Bugün
başlayın, çünkü bu, niyeti oluşturmaya ve mucizelerinize odaklanmanıza yardımcı olur.
Mucizeleriniz kalbinizin arzularıdır ve içinizdeki olmayı beklediğiniz kişiyi yansıtırlar. Siz

mucizelerinizsiniz ve mucizeleriniz de siz. Her zaman olmayı istediğiniz kişi olun ve bırakın
mucize enerjisi yaşamınızda aksın.

21 nci Gün – Yapma Hali

Bize insan varlıkları olduğumuz, insanın yaptıkları şeyler olmadığımız hatırlatılır ve günlük
yaşamımızın çoğunu bir şeyler yaparak geçiririz. Ama gerçekte ne yapıyoruz? Sadece meşgul
müyüz, yoksa yaptığımız şeylerin bir amacı var mı? Yaşamımızdaki herhangi bir gereksinimi
ya da arzuyu gerçekleştiriyor mu, yoksa sadece zamanımızı yoğun işlerle mi dolduruyoruz?
Bir an durup zamanımızı nasıl geçirdiğimizi, neler yaptığımızı gözden geçirirsek, zamanın
çoğunu odaklanılmamış yoğun işle harcadığımızı görürüz. Yaratmayı istediğimiz mucizeler ile
ilgili yapma halimize odaklanabilir miyiz?

Bugün, zamanınızı harcadığınız şeylerin listesini yapın. Şimdi mucizeler listenize bakın.
Yaptığınız şeylerin ne kadarı mucizelerinizi destekliyor? Eğer desteklemiyorsa, mucizelerinizi
yaratmak için daha fazlasını yapmayı taahhüt edin. Yeni bir ev istiyorsanız, yakın
çevrenizdeki evlere bakıyor musunuz? Yeni bir iş istiyorsanız, şirketleri inceleyip onlara CV
nizi gönderiyor musunuz? Hatırlayın, siz birlikte – yaratıcısınız ve yaptığınız şeyler
enerjinizin mucizelerinizin akmaya devam etmesi için önemlidir ve bu aldığınız rehberliği
izlemeyi kapsar.

22 nci Gün – Davranma Hali

Herhangi yeni bir sürecin başlangıcı, ne yaptığımızı bilmediğimiz ve öğrenmek için önemli
bir zaman harcadığımız bir periyotla işaretlenir. Öğrenme sürecinde, yaptığımız şeye aşinalığa
erişmek için gerekli olan yeteneklere ve anlayışa aşina oluruz. Mucizeler yaratmak da aynı
şekildedir, bu yeni bir süreçtir ve bu yeni yetenekleri öğrenerek bir zaman harcamalıyız.
Ancak mucizeler ile bizler sadece sahip olduğumuzu unuttuğumuz bir güce yeniden
bağlanıyoruz. Böylece yaptığımız şeyi biliyormuşuz gibi davranabiliriz, çünkü ruhumuzda
yaptığımız şeyi biliyoruz, mucizeler zaten gerçekleşmiş ‘gibi’ davranırken zihnimize onu
yakalamak için zaman veriyoruz, çünkü Evrende mucizeler zaten önceden gerçekleşmiştir.

Bugün mucizeler listenizi gözden geçirirken, kendinizi mucizelerinize zaten sahipmişsiniz

gibi davranma haline koymak için neler yapabilirsiniz? Mucizeleriniz şimdiki anda
gerçekleşirken görebilir misiniz? Mucizelerin, onları istediğimiz anda gerçekleştiğini
hatırlayın, realitemizde ortaya çıktıkları zaman değil. Mucizelerinizi almış olduğunuzda
yapmış olacağınız gibi, pozitif, inanmış, kendinden emin ve mutlu olabilir misiniz? Sürece
yardımcı olmak için, mucizeler zaten gerçekleşmiş ‘gibi’ davranın, çünkü evren’in gözünde
onlar gerçekleşmiştir.

23 ncü Gün – Mucize Zihin Hali

Mucizeler, niyetiniz ve düşünceleriniz birlikte çalıştığında gerçekleşir. Niyet, yaratıcı

enerjiniz için arzu ettiğiniz form veya sonucu oluşturma sürecidir; düşünceleriniz enerjiyi ileri
doğru sevk eden yakıttır. Uyum içinde birlikte çalışan düşüncelerin ve niyetin kombinasyonu
olmadan, mucizeler yaratma sürecinin çok zor olduğunu görürsünüz, çünkü ilerlemek
istediğiniz her seferinde, sanki bir şeyler sizi geride tutuyormuş gibi hissettirir. Veya başarı
noktasına tam ulaştığınızda, her şey dağılır. Suçlu sizin düşüncelerinizdir – farkında
olduğunuz düşünceler değil, her gün düşündüğünüz alışkanlığa bağlı, eski, geçmişe – dayanan
negatif düşüncelerdir. Çünkü, mucizeler yaratabilmenizden önce, düşüncelerinizin ve

niyetinizin birlikte çalışmasını sağlayan bir ‘mucize zihin hali’ yaratmalısınız ve yeni düşünce
kalıpları geliştirmek için
‘beyninizi eğitmelisiniz’.

Mucizeler listenizi odaklanmış niyet ile okuyun ve okurken sahip olduğunuz düşüncelerinize
dikkat edin. Düşünceleriniz umut ve vaat mi dolu yoksa, özellikle mucizelerinizin sonucunu
henüz görmediyseniz, şüphe mi dolu? Mucizelerinizin çabasız ve sürekli şekilde
gerçekleşmesi için, düşünceleriniz ve niyetiniz birlikte çalışmalı. Öyleyse şüphe yaratan
düşünceleri salıverin ve mucize makinesinin yaşamınızda akmasını devam ettirin.

24 ncü Gün – Evrensel Yasalar

Herkes Çekim Yasasına aşinadır, çünkü onunla ilgili çok fazla şey yazıldı. Ama bilinçli ve
bilinçdışı seviyede çalıştığımız 12 Evrensel yasa olduğunu biliyor musunuz? Bu yasalar
birbirimizle ve Yaratıcımız ile bağlantımızı, enerji akışını yöneten titreşim enerjisini, Evren’de
var olan kutupluluğu (zıtlıkları) ve etrafımızdaki enerjinin bize nasıl karşılık verdiğini açıklar
– bizi yönlendirmez, yönetmez veya kontrol etmez, yalnızca yapmasını istediğimiz şeyi yapar.

Evrensel yasalar yarattığınız şeye karşılık veren bir şekilde mucizelerinizi tezahür ettirmek
için sizinle birlikte çalışır. Evren yargılamaz, sadece sizin enerjinize yanıt verir.
Mucizelerinizle tam olarak meşgul oluyor musunuz ve onları yaratacak enerjiyle rezonansa
giriyor musunuz? Sizin katılımınız olmadan mucizeleriniz tezahür etmez, kullandığınız
enerjiyle başlayın. Düşüncelerinizi ve sözcüklerinizi izleyin, bunlar mucizelerinize ne tür
enerji verdiğinizi bilmenizi sağlar.

25 nci Gün – Teslimiyet veya Direnç

Teslimiyet sözcüğünü işittiğimizde, düşündüğümüz ilk şey ‘vazgeçmek’ ve savaşı

kazanamayacağımızı kabul etmektir. Teslim olmak tüm çabalarımızı durdurmak ve
vazgeçmek anlamına gelmez; teslim olmanın gerçek anlamı olan dövüşmeye, mücadele
etmeye son vermek anlamına gelir. Teslim olmanın zıttı dirençtir ve bir şeyin çalışması için
çok gayret ettiğimiz ve hiçbir şey olmadığında bu enerjinin var olduğunu biliyoruz. Teslim
olduğumuz zaman Evrensel enerji ile ilerleriz ve Evren’in bizim için en iyi olan yönü işaret
etmesine izin veririz. Bu en hızlı yol olmayabilir, ama en büyük şifayı, rahatlamayı sağlayan
yol olacaktır ve mucize üstatlığına ulaşmanın yolu budur.

Bugün mucizeler listenizi gözden geçirirken, direnç gösterdiğiniz alanları belirleyin. Bir
mucizeyi tezahür ettirmeye ‘çalışıyor’ ve o işe yaramıyor mu? Teslim olabilir ve size başka
bir yolun gösterilmesine izin verebilir misiniz? Direnciniz nerede korku içinde olduğunuzu,
bırakmaktan korktuğunuzu ve şeyleri yapmanın yeni farklı yollarını görmekten korktuğunuzu
gösterir. Teslim olun, huzuru bulursunuz; Evren siz direnmeyi bırakana ve teslim olana kadar
bekler ve sonra sizi mucizelerinizin gerçekleştirilmesinin yönüne yönlendirir.

26 ncı Gün – Bağışlama veya Kızgınlık

Her birimizin bir kurban hikayesi, birilerinin acı veya travmaya neden olduğu yaşamımızda
bir zaman vardır. Bazen bu kurban hikayeleri geçmiş yaşamın olaylarından bakiyelerdir ve bu
yaşamımızın hedefi bağışlamayı ve kurban enerjimizi ruhsal bütünlüğe ve güce dönüştürmeyi
öğrenmektir. Kızgın veya incinmiş olduğumuz için kendimizi bağışlamaktan alıkoyarken, bu

sadece onu düşündüğümüz her seferinde kurban enerjisini tekrarlamaya hizmet eder. En
büyük meydan okumalarımızdan biri herkesi koşulsuz bağışlamaktır ve kendimizi onlarla
paylaştığımız enerjiden kurtarmaktır. Eğer bağışlamazsak, o zaman bu enerjinin düşük
titreşiminde oluruz, bu da kızgınlıktır. Kızgın olmak bizi güçlü hissettirebilmesine ve bize
adalet hissi verebilmesine rağmen, bunu yapmak o kişiyle veya durumla bağlantıları yerinde
tutar ve bunu düşündüğümüz her seferinde güçsüzlüğümüzü ve kurban
hikayemizi onaylar.

Bugün mucizeler listenizi gözden geçirirken, geçmişi hatırlıyor musunuz ve birilerinin size
‘bağışlanamaz’ bir şey yaptığını hatırlıyor musunuz? Onları bağışlayabilir misiniz, onları
bağışlamak onları haklı çıkarmaz, bu enerjiden ebediyen özgürleşmenizi sağlar. Eğer
bağışlamazsanız, kızgınlık içindesinizdir ve bu mucizelerinizin tezahürünü bloke eder.

27 nci Gün – Neredeyse Tamamladınız

30 Günde Mucizeler programının sonuna yaklaşıyorsunuz. Şimdiye kadar nasıl gitti? Tezahür
eden herhangi bir mucizeniz var mı? Eğer varsa mutlu musunuz? Eğer yoksa vazgeçmeye
hazır mısınız? Bu sizin kalıbınızın parçası mı, hayal kırıklığı ve hüsran ile vazgeçmek?
Hatırlayın ki çoğu zaman sabır derslerimizden biridir ve hepimiz sabırla ilgili dersler alırız.
Sabırlı olmak güven ve imana sahip olunduğunu gösterir, öyleyse eğer mucizeleriniz henüz
tezahür etmediyse, sadece sabırlı olun ve tezahür edeceklerine güvenin.

Yaşamınızın bazı alanlarında ilerleme gördünüz mü? Zihin halimizi, sesimizi, düşünce
kalıplarımızı ve inançlarımızı değiştirmek zaman alır ve uygulama gerektirir. Ve bilinçli çaba
olmadan, süreç kısa vadede işleyebilir, ama bundan daha uzun işlemez. Bu programın amacı,
yaşamınızda istediğiniz şeyi tezahür ettirebildiğiniz ve bunun gerçekleşmesini sağlamak için
Evren ile birlikte çalışabildiğiniz mucize zihin halini yaratmaya ve mucize üstatlığına
ulaşmaya yardımcı olmaktır. Bu, uygulama ve sabırla sizin için gerçekleşecektir.

Bugünkü mucizeler listenizi gözden geçirme sırasında, mucizelerinizin her birine bakın ve
onların hangilerinin gerçekleştiğini görün. Bazen mucizelerin adımlar veya aşamalar şeklinde
gerçekleştiğini hatırlayın, mucizenizin bir parçası sizin için tezahür etmiş olabilir. Pozitif
kalın, neredeyse bitirdiniz ve şimdi vazgeçmenin zamanı değil. Sonuçlara bakın, bazen
sonuçlar süptil olabilir, tezahür ettirmeyi istediğiniz mucizelere odaklanmış kalın.

28 nci Gün – Vakumu Doldurmak

İnsan zihni söylediğimiz veya yaptığımız her şeyin, bize söylenen ve yapılan her şeyin sonsuz
hafızasına sahip faal bir makinedir. Aslında, zihin nadiren yeni düşünceleri düşünür, o sadece
o andaki duruma yakından uyan mevcut düşünceyi toplar. Düşüncemizi dönüştürme bilinçli
niyeti olmadan, sadece her gün aynı düşüncelerin varyasyonlarını düşünürüz. Düşüncemizi
dönüştürdüğümüz zaman, düşünce kalıplarımızı değiştiriyoruz ve zihne hafızasına ekleyeceği
bazı yeni düşünceler vermeliyiz. Eğer vermezsek, bir vakum (boşluk) olur ve vakumdan
nefret eden zihin, boşluğu ilk elde ettiği düşünceyle doldurur.

Bu Küresel Mucize projesi sırasında, her gün mucize listenizi gözden geçirmeniz istendi.
Bunun nedeni, zihnin çalışma şeklidir. Her gün listenizi gözden geçirdiğiniz ve mucizelerinize
odaklandığınız zaman, zihninize yapacak bir şeyler sunuyorsunuz ve siz eski düşünce
kalıplarını değiştirdiğiniz zaman, zihninize sunduklarınız yaratılan vakumu doldurur. Her gün
uygulama yapmak ayrıca enerjinizi geçmişte olan bitenlere değil (geçmiş zihnin en iyi

çalıştığı yerdir), ilerlemeye odaklamanızı sürdürür. Öyleyse mucize listenizi her gün
görebileceğiniz bir yere koyun ve zihninizi tam şimdi yaşamınızda tezahür eden mucizelere
odaklamaya devam edin. Bugün mucize listenizi gözden geçirirken, kaç tane eski düşünceyi
değiştirdiğinizi görün, daha pozitif olup olmadığınıza ve yaşamınızda mucizelerin gerçekleşip
gerçekleşmediğine bakın. Bu, düşünce kalıplarınızın değiştiğinin
onaylanmasıdır. Tebrikler, Mucize Zihin Halinize adım atıyorsunuz.

29 ncu Gün – Sabır ve Zamanlama

Evren ile birlikte çalışmakla ilgili hızla öğreneceğimiz iki şey, Evrensel zamanlamanın
insanın zamanlaması ile aynı olmadığı ve sabrın gerektiğidir ve sabır çoğu zaman
derslerimizin büyük bir parçasıdır. Hepimiz sabırsız olmaya eğilimliyiz ve her şeyin tam
şimdi gerçekleşmesini isteriz, ama Evrensel yasalarla, enerji ve mucizelerle çalıştığımız
zaman, şeylerin ilahi zamanlama ile gerçekleştiğini biliriz ve bu deneyimlemeyi istediğimiz
zamanlama ile her zaman aynı değildir. Öğreneceğimiz bir şey, her şeyin doğru ve en
mükemmel zamanda gerçekleştiğidir ve eğer süreci hızlandırmaya çalışırsak, korku ve şüphe
ile sorunumuz olur. Bazen gecikme kılık değiştirmiş bir kutsamadır, olay gerçekleşene kadar
onu fark etmeyiz. Ancak berrak olan bir şey vardır, Evreni zorlayamayız, onu acele
ettiremeyiz ve onu gitmesini istediğimiz yöne itemeyiz. Çabalayabiliriz, ama sonuçlar
gibi olmaz ve çok daha azı bile olabilir.

Bugün mucizeler listenizi gözden geçirirken, ilahi zamanlamanın sizin yararınıza nerde
işlediğini görebiliyor musunuz, belki bir şeyleri geciktiriyordur ve size başka bir şey
getiriyordur? Nerede bir sabır dersi alıyor olabileceğinizi görebiliyor musunuz? Sabır nasıl
beklemek gerektiğini öğrenmek ile ilgili değildir, gücümüze ve gereksinim duyduğumuz şeyi
tam olarak doğru zamanda yaratmak için bizimle çalışan hayırsever bir Evrene nasıl iman
edeceğimizi öğrenmekle ilgilidir.

30 ncu Gün – Mucizelerinizi Fark Etmek

Bu, 30 Günde Günlük Mucizeler küresel mucize programının sonudur. Son 30 günde mucize
üstatlığına kişisel yolculuğunuzda size rehberlik eden bilgiler aldınız. Mucize listenizi
yarattınız ve sonra enerjinizi mucizeler yaratma yeteneğinizle hizalamak için blokajları
uzaklaştırmak için çalıştınız.

Mucizeleriniz sizin için tezahür etti mi? Eğer etmediyse, onların geleceklerini bilin.
Mucizeleriniz beklediğinizden daha farklı bir şekilde geldi mi? Bazen mucizeler aşamalar
veya adımlar halinde gelir ve eğer dikkat etmediyseniz (çünkü daha büyük bir şey umuyoruz),
doğru yolda olduğumuzu, mucizemizin yolda olduğunu gösteren küçük şeyleri kaçırabiliriz.
Sizin için gerçekleşen küçük şeylere, beklenmeyen kutsamalara, mucizelerinizin gelmekte
olduğunu söyleyen aldığınız küçük onaylama örneklerine dikkat edin. Sizin istediğiniz aynı
şeyi elde eden birinin onu nasıl almış olduğunu anlattığını dinleyebilirsiniz – bu sizin
isteğinizin yolda olduğunun onaylamasıdır, başkalarının aldığının, sizin almadığınızın işareti
değil. Her gün sizin için mucizelerin gerçekleşmesini bekleyin, hayal kırıklığına
uğramazsınız. Ve süreç içinde mucizeleriniz de gelecektir.

Mucizeler yaratma sürecini hızlandırmanın en iyi yolu, her gün yaşamımızdaki her şey için
şükran duyarak yaşamaktır. Daha fazlasını istemeden önce, sahip olduklarımız için minnettar
olmalıyız. Şükranla yaşadığımız zaman, yaşamlarımızı yaratmadaki sorumluluğumuzu kabul

ederiz ve böylece mucizelerimizi tezahür ettirme gücüne sahip oluruz. Evren’in enerjisi
şükran ve koşulsuz sevgiye dayanır ve yaşamlarımızda bu enerjilerle yaşayabildiğimiz zaman,
mucizevi hayatlar yaşamamıza izin veririz. Bu akışa adım attığımızda, realitemiz üzerinde
sahip olduğumuz gücün farkında oluruz.

Mucizevi hayatlar yaratmak ve yaşamak kim olduğumuzu hatırlama sürecinin parçasıdır;

Evrensel enerjiye ayak uydurarak çalışırken, hayallerimizin yaşamını birlikte – yaratabilen
ilahi ve sonsuz ruhsal varlıklarız. Bunu yaptığımız zaman, her yerde herkesin de aynısını
yapmasını sağlarız. Bu bizim Evren’e geri armağanımızdır, insanlığın bilincini yükseltmek ve
cenneti dünyaya getirmek.

Tebrikler, mucize üstatlığına adım attınız. Ve sizlere, mucizevi yaşamınızın her gününde en
muhteşem kutsamaları diliyorum.
Jennifer Hoffman
Tercume:Saffet Güler

Özgür yaşamak.. yada tepkisel yaşamak.."

Osho **
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 16, 2011 at 3:20pm

ÖZgür yaşamak.. yada tepkisel yaşamak.." osho **

E0ğer sessiz değilsen - nasıl sessizce oturup ya da sessizce durup meditasyon yapılacağını
bilmiyorsan -
yapıp durmakta olduğun her şey bir eylem değil, tepki olacaktır.
Tepki verirsin.
Birisi sana küfreder, düğmene basar ve sen tepki verirsin.
Kızgınsın, onun üzerine atlarsın; kalkıp onu bir eylem olarak mı adlandıracaksın?
O bir eylem değil, hatırlatırım, o bir tepki.
O, hükmedici ve sen de hükmedilensin.
O bir düğmeye bastı ve sen bir makine gibi işledin.

Tıpkı ... düğmeye basarsın ve lamba yanar.
Ve düğmeye basarsın, lamba söner.
İnsanların sana yaptığı bu.
Onlar seni açıyor, seni kapatıyor.

Birisi gelir ve sana methiyeler düzer, egonu şişirir ve kendini çok harika hissedersin.
Sonra birisi gelir ve sende bir delik açar ve sen dümdüz yere yapışıverirsin.
Kendinin efendisi değilsin.

Herhangi birisi aşağılayıp seni üzebilir, kızdırabilir, keyfini kaçırabilir,

rahatsız edebilir, saldırganlaştırabilir, çıldırtabilir.
Ve herhangi birisi överek seni zirvede hissettirebilir,
Büyük İskender'in senin yanında bir hiç olduğunu bile hissettirecek kadar muhteşem
olduğunu hissettirebilir.
Ve sen, başkalarının senin üzerindeki yönlendirmelerine göre davranıyorsun.
Bu gerçek eylem değildir.

Buda bir köyden geçiyordu ve insanlar gelip onu aşağıladı.

Kullanabilecekleri tüm aşağılayıcı sözcükleri kullandılar; bildikleri tüm küfürleri sıraladılar.
Buda orada durdu, sessizce ve dikkatlice dinledi ve sonra,
"Bana geldiğiniz için teşekkürler ama acelem var.
Bir sonraki köye ulaşmak zorundayım, insanlar beni orada bekliyor olacak.
Bugün size daha çok zaman ayıramayacağım ama yarın geri dönerken daha çok vaktim
Eğer söylemek isteyip de söyleyemediğiniz bir şeyler kaldıysa, yarın yeniden toplanabilir ve
bana söyleyebilirsiniz.
Ama bugün için beni mazur görün," dedi.
İnsanlar gözlerine, kulaklarına inanamadılar; bu adam tamamen etkilenmeden, rahatsız
olmadan kalmıştı.
Birisi sordu:
"Bizi duymadın mı? Seni herhangi bir şeymişsin gibi taciz ediyoruz ve sen yanıt bile
Buda dedi ki: "Bir yanıt istediysen geç kalmış durumdasın.
On yıl önce gelmiş olman gerekirdi, o zaman seni yanıtlardım.
Ama bu on yıldır başkaları tarafından yönlendirilmeye bir son verdim.
Artık bir köle değilim, ben kendimin efendisiyim.
Ben kendime göre davranıyorum, başka kimseye göre değil.
Ben kendi içsel ihtiyaçlarıma göre davranıyorum.
Beni bir şey yapmaya zorlayamazsın.
Beni taciz etmek istediniz ve ettiniz, bunda yanlış hiçbir şey yok.
Tatmin olmuş hissedebilirsiniz; işinizi mükemmelen yaptınız.
Ama benim açımdan bakıldığında,

ben bu aşağılamaların hiçbirini üzerime almıyorum
ve ben onları almadığım müddetçe de bir anlamları yok."

Birisi seni aşağıladığında bir alıcı haline gelmek zorundasın,

onun söylediğini kabul etmek zorundasın,
ancak o zaman bir tepki verebilirsin.
Ama eğer kabul etmezsen, sadece karışmadan durursan, mesafeyi korursan,
sakin kalırsan sana ne yapabilir?

Buda dedi ki: "Birisi yanan bir meşaleyi nehre atabilir.

Nehre ulaşana kadar meşale yanık kalır.
Nehre düştüğü anda tüm ateşi söner; nehir onu soğutur.
Ben bir nehir oldum.
Bana aşağılamaları fırlatırsınız; onları fırlattığınızda onlar ateştir
ama bana ulaştıkları anda benim serinliğimin içinde ateş kaybolur.
Artık acıtmazlar.
Siz dikenleri atarsınız; sessizliğime düşünce onlar çiçeğe dönüşür.
Ben kendi yaradılışımın doğasından hareket ediyorum."

Kendiliğindenlik budur.
Farkındalığın insanı, anlayışın insanı eylemde bulunur.
Farkında olmayan, bilinçsiz, mekanik, robot gibi bir insan tepki verir.
Ve farkında olan insan sadece izlemekle kalmaz;
izlemek varlığının bir yönüdür.
İzlemeden eyleme geçmez.

Ama yanlış anlama, mesela tüm Hindistan Buda gibi insanları yanlış anlamaya devam ediyor.
O yüzden de tüm ülke aylak hale geldi.
Tüm büyük ustaların "sessizce otur" dediğini düşünüp ülke tembel hale geldi, bitlendi.
ölke enerjiyi, canlılığı, yaşamı kaybetti.
Tamamen donuklaştı, aptallaştı çünkü zeka sadece eyleme geçtiğinde keskinleşir.

Ve sen an be an farkındalığın ve uyanıklığından eyleme geçtiğinde

müthiş bir zeka ortaya çıkar.
Parlamaya, ışıldamaya başlarsın; ışık saçar hale gelirsin.
Ama bu iki şey aracılığıyla olur:
İzlemek ve bu izlemeden kaynaklanan eylemde bulunmak.
Eğer izlemek bir eyleme dönüşürse, o zaman intihar ediyorsundur.
İzlemek seni eyleme götürmelidir, yeni türden bir eyleme.
Eyleme yeni bir nitelik gelmiştir.
İzlersin, tamamen sessiz ve sakinsin.
Durumun ne olduğunu görüyorsun ve bu görmenin sonucunda yanıt veriyorsun.

Farkında insan yanıt verir; o, kelimenin tam anlamıyla sorumludur.
Cevap vermeye hazırdır, tepki vermez.
Onun eylemi kendi farkındalığından gelir, senin yönlendirmelerinden değil;
fark buradadır.
O nedenle izlemekle kendiliğindenlik arasında bir uyumsuzluk yoktur.
İzlemek kendiliğindenliğin başlangıcıdır; kendiliğindenlik izlemenin tamamlanmasıdır.

Gerçek bir anlayışa sahip insan eylemde bulunur;

çok güçlü bir biçimde eylemde bulunur, bütünüyle eylemde bulunur
ama o anın içinde, kendi bilincinden eylem yapar.
O bir ayna gibidir.
Sıradan insan, bilinçsiz insan ayna gibi değildir, bir fotoğraf filmi gibidir.
Bir fotoğraf filmiyle ayna arasındaki fark nedir?
Bir fotoğraf filmi bir kez pozlandığında işe yaramaz hale gelir.
İzlenimleri alır, o izlenimleri kaydeder; resmi taşır.
Ama unutma, resim gerçeklik değildir; gerçeklik gelişmeye devam eder.
Bahçeye gidebilir ve bir gül goncasının fotoğrafını çekebilirsin.
Yarın fotoğraf aynı kalacaktır, ondan sonraki gün de fotoğraf aynı kalacaktır.
Tekrar git ve gül goncasını gör; o artık aynı değil.
Güller yerinden gitmiştir ya da yenileri gelmiştir.
Bin bir tane şey olmuştur.

Hayat hiçbir zaman sabit değildir, sürekli değişir.

Zihnin bir kamera gibi çalışır, fotoğraflar toplamaya devam eder durur;
o bir albümdür.
Ve sonra da bu fotoğraflara dayanarak tepki vermeye devam edersin.
O nedenle de hayata karşı hiç dürüst olmazsın çünkü ne yaparsan yap yanlıştır.
Diyorum ki ne yaparsan yap yanlıştır. Hiçbir zaman uymaz.

Bir kadın çocuğuna aile albümünü gösteriyordu.

Ve çok güzel bir adamın fotoğrafına denk geldiler: sık saçlı ve sakallı, çok genç, çok canlı.
Oğlan sordu: "Anne, bu adam kim?"
Kadın dedi ki: "Tanıyamıyor musun? O senin baban!"
Çocuk, kafası karışmış bir halde: "Eğer o benim babamsa, o zaman bizimle yaşayan bu kel
adam kim?"
Bir fotoğraf statiktir.
O, olduğu gibi kalır, hiç değişmez.
Bilinçaltı zihin bir fotoğraf makinesi gibi çalışır, bir fotoğraf filmi gibi çalışır.

Uyanık bir zihin, meditasyon halindeki zihin bir ayna gibi çalışır.
O hiçbir izlenim yakalamaz: O tamamıyla boş kalır, her zaman boş.
O nedenle aynanın önüne ne gelirse yansıtılır.

Eğer aynanın karşısında durursan seni yansıtır.
Eğer gidersen aynanın sana ihanet ettiğini söyleme.
Bir ayna sadece bir aynadır.
Gittiğinde seni yansıtmayıverir; artık seni yansıtma zorunluluğu yoktur.
şimdi başka birisi ona bakıyor; o, başka birisini yansıtıyor.
Eğer kimse yoksa o hiçbir şey yansıtmaz.
O her zaman hayata karşı dürüsttür.
Fotoğraf filmi hayata karşı hiçbir zaman dürüst değildir.
şu an fotoğrafın çekilse, fotoğrafçının onu makineden çıkaracağı an geldiğinde dahi artık sen
aynı değilsin!
Köprünün altından çok sular geçti bile.
Geliştin, değiştin, yaşlandın.
Belki de sadece bir dakika geçti ama bir dakikada muhteşem bir şey olabilir; ölmüş
Sadece bir dakika önce canlıydın; bir dakika sonra ölmüş olabilirsin.
Resim hiç ölmeyecek.
Ama aynada; eğer canlıysan canlısın, eğer ölüysen de ölü.
Sessizce oturmayı öğren; ayna haline gel.
Sessizlik bilincinden bir ayna yaratır ve sen anbean işlemeye başlarsın.
Yaşamı yansıtırsın.
Kafanın içinde bir albüm taşımazsın.
O zaman gözlerin net ve masumdur, zihin açıklığına sahipsindir,
vizyonun vardır ve hayata karşı hiçbir zaman samimiyetsiz olmazsın.
Özgür yaşamak budur.


An Irish Blessing
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 16, 2011 at 4:00pm

Good News From JapanGood News From
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 16, 2011 at 4:13pm

Top 10 Good News Stories of the Week

1. Early Hero of Japan's Quake Tragedy: Building Codes

Half a day after Japan was struck by a devastating earthquake/tsunami combo, it's
clear that the country can be thankful for its preparedness, especially when it comes to
strict building codes and advanced structural engineering.

2. Group Gets Needed "Likes" to Donate $200k to Dog Rescues in Japan

In just a few days, 101,924 had clicked "Like" on the "Dog Bless You"
Facebook fan page, meaning the Annenberg Foundation is donating $200,000
to help support search and rescue dog teams to Japan for the earthquake and
tsunami response.

3. Lady Gaga Creates Prayer Bracelet to Benefit Disaster Relief in Japan

Lady Gaga is turning to her fans, called little monsters, to help raise funds for
Japanese earthquake and tsunami relief. The bracelet, which says Pray for Japan in
English and Japanese characters, sells for $5 each with all proceeds going direct to
relief efforts.

4. 'Miracle' Rescue Of Man Swept Out To Sea in Japan

A sixty-year-old man has had a miraculous escape after being swept nine miles out to
sea by the tsunami in Japan. The man was discovered clinging to the roof of his house
two days after the disaster struck, according to officials. (Sky News)
5. Tyson Foods Donates 1 Million Lbs. of Boneless Chicken to Food Banks
Tyson Foods, one of the largest food production companies in the US, has donated one
million pounds of boneless chicken to 37 food banks across the country. Each food
bank will receive approximately 29,000 pounds of high quality protein, enough to
serve 116,000 meals in each community.
6. America's Oldest Wild Bird is a New Mom at 60

The oldest known U.S. wild bird, a 60 year-old Laysan albatross named
Wisdom, is a new mother. The bird, which has likely logged 50,000 miles
per year in flight as an adult, returned to Midway Atoll to nest and was
spotted a few weeks ago with a new chick by a U.S. Fish and Wildlife
Service biologist.

7. Hope in Japan: 4-Month Old Rescued from Rubble, Reunited with Parents

Japanese soldiers discovered a crying 4-month-old baby buried beneath the rubble.
She was swept from the arms of her parents by the tsunami but reunited with them
shortly after her rescue. (Time)

8. Cambodian Town Renewed by Fair Trade, Employment & Artistic Rev...
Famous today for the temples at Angkor Wat, Siem Reap was once famous for
something else: silk. Now the city's old artisan reputation is making a comeback. Not
far from the monumental ruins is the quiet and leafy Angkor Silk Farm, part of a fair-
trade initiative to employ rural Cambodians and revive a number of dying arts.
9. Be it Depression, Heart Trouble or Arthritis, Fish Oil Helps
Many people are taking fish oil supplements, rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, driven by
the research that proves these lipids actually reduce risk of heart disease. There are,
however, wide-ranging benefits, including boosting immunity, protection against
arthritis, asthma, psoriasis, inflammation, PMS, severe depression, and certain types of
cancer. (IndianExpress)
10. Blind Man Keeps His Old Guide Dog After it Loses its Sight
After six years of loyal service, Graham Waspe was devastated when his guide dog
Edward was left blind after developing cataracts. Instead of discarding the dog, he got
a new one and now the new guide dog leads them both around. (Daily Mail)

Video of the Week: A Tribute to the Japanese People- No Looting or Anger Despite

The Japanese people are demonstrating an allegiance to social order and

calm as they search for loved ones or wait in lines for basic necessities.
There is not a hint of looting or violence, and everyone remains calm and
polite, even as residents must wait in line for 12 hours to buy food. (Watch
the inspiring story by Diane Sawyer)


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 16, 2011 at 4:16pm

Lighted Friends. . . . . .

WE NOW know they are trying to help

The ETs are trying to ameliorate some of the effects....

"According to Japan’s Kyodo News Agency and other Japanese media, there’s been
hundreds and upwards of “thousands of UFO sightings” over the country since
Friday’s 8.9 magnitude earthquake. Also, video footage from the news channel NHK
World English and personal videos show a UFO speeding with bright lights in the

sky and then skimming over the Pacific near the quake zones in Japan. The UFO
sighting videos have been show on regional TV and the Internet since Friday,
with the world UFO community noting “strange light trails following the UFO’s
over Japan.”


Kahlil Gibran - On Giving

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 16, 2011 at 4:25pm

On Giving
Kahlil Gibran

You give but little when you give of your possessions.

It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.
For what are your possessions but things you keep and guard for fear you may need them

And tomorrow, what shall tomorrow bring to the overprudent dog burying bones in the
trackless sand as he follows the pilgrims to the holy city?
And what is fear of need but need itself?
Is not dread of thirst when your well is full, the thirst that is unquenchable?

There are those who give little of the much which they have--and they give it for recognition
and their hidden desire makes their gifts unwholesome.
And there are those who have little and give it all.
These are the believers in life and the bounty of life, and their coffer is never empty.
There are those who give with joy, and that joy is their reward.
And there are those who give with pain, and that pain is their baptism.
And there are those who give and know not pain in giving, nor do they seek joy, nor give with
mindfulness of virtue;
They give as in yonder valley the myrtle breathes its fragrance into space.
Through the hands of such as these God speaks, and from behind their eyes He smiles upon
the earth.

It is well to give when asked, but it is better to give unasked, through understanding;
And to the open-handed the search for one who shall receive is joy greater than giving.
And is there aught you would withhold?
All you have shall some day be given;
Therefore give now, that the season of giving may be yours and not your inheritors'.

You often say, "I would give, but only to the deserving."
The trees in your orchard say not so, nor the flocks in your pasture.
They give that they may live, for to withhold is to perish.
Surely he who is worthy to receive his days and his nights, is worthy of all else from you.
And he who has deserved to drink from the ocean of life deserves to fill his cup from your
little stream.
And what desert greater shall there be, than that which lies in the courage and the confidence,
nay the charity, of receiving?
And who are you that men should rend their bosom and unveil their pride, that you may see
their worth naked and their pride unabashed?
See first that you yourself deserve to be a giver, and an instrument of giving.
For in truth it is life that gives unto life while you, who deem yourself a giver, are but a
And you receivers... and you are all receivers... assume no weight of gratitude, lest you lay a
yoke upon yourself and upon him who gives.
Rather rise together with the giver on his gifts as on wings;
For to be overmindful of your debt, is to doubt his generosity who has the freehearted earth
for mother, and God for father.

Blossom Goodchild - March 16th
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 16, 2011 at 4:43pm

Good afternoon my friends. It seems so long since we chatted, but in the big scheme of
things ... not really. A lot has taken place on our planet in that time. I have pondered upon
these events and what would be appropriate to discuss with you , and I have come to the
conclusion that I shall just see how the conversation flows. In my eyes, in my heart, I know
that you know what is best for us to hear at any given time so I shall leave it in your capable
hands if I may?

We are thankful for your consideration. In times such as these upon your planet ... there are
possibilities that can occur and as to whether or not they do .... can not be controlled by us and
nor indeed would we desire to do so. However may we state , that unless there is to be a
peaceful outcome to all that your Earth is having to endure in these present circumstances ...
we feel that we have no choice but to intervene at a juncture that we see fitting. There are
rules and regulations that must be abided by throughout the Universe. This Universe that we
all frequent . There is of course free choice ... free will ... and yet there are boundaries that
simply cannot be crossed. When they are ... how would we address this ... the Creator sees to
it that such matters are dealt with in a manner that is fair and just.

So are you saying that certain boundaries have been crossed?

We are. That which is known upon your planet, so much of which you consider to be
borderline is far from the legitimacy of our call.

In my naivety, I do not really understand that last statement. Could you break it down for me

We have been able to express to you over our communications the reasonings behind many of
our actions or 'lack of actions'. We choose, because of our sovereignty, to specify only
subjects which we feel will enhance the vibrational frequency of those dwelling upon your
planet, and we feel that in this fashion we are carrying out our dutiful and necessary
commitments to your race as a whole. In saying this , we are also aware that there are matters
that many feel the need to be addressed and we have chosen to 'steer clear of' due to the
vibrational pull of any given matter and we choose to keep the vibration of our contact with
you above a certain frequency. For when matters are discussed that are of a hugely negative
frequency , it is natural for the entire level to be brought down to the vibration to which any
given matter resides within. Are you following us?

Yes. I have grown to understand this . I accept and appreciate it. So, what do you mean by 'the
legitimacy of our call'?

We are explaining to you that certain incidents have arisen over these last weeks that do not
serve and although we are of the nature not to interfere with the race of human kind and to
'oversee' how they evolve, there are limitations as to what we feel can be 'gotten away with'.
Because of these incredible times that we are all experiencing we have to make sure that the
Divine plan is to remain on track, and it can not be that certain powerful forces who believe
themselves to be rulers of the world can interfere beyond a certain point and send this Divine
course ... off course.

OK ... here I have to bring up something that obviously you know I have been thinking about.
I have read that the latest disaster in Japan was not caused by Mother Nature .. and that it was
created by the dark forces ... I have also read to the contrary that it is to do with the poles
shifting. To be honest , you ask us to listen to our hearts and get our Truthful answer from
there, but the answer isn't being given to me. At least at this point, not in a way that I
understand. I am simply confused as to what is the Truth about all this. My heart/head 'wants'
the Truth to be that it is the poles shifting. That's' a more pleasant Truth if you like. Yet there
seems to be much evidence that an organization who controls the weather etc has set this off.
Is this in fact what your conversation is leaning toward? I am not convinced one way or the
other and I was quite apprehensive to begin this channell with you because of this very matter.
Yet it does seem that you are saying that the dark forces were at work here ...

We are merely stressing the importance of staying in your Light and your Truth no matter
what or who may have caused such cataclysmic events.

Not wishing to be rude ... but can you not just give a simple yes or no?

Is that what you would Truly wish ?


Then to honour your inquiry we would say NO.

Which leaves me totally confused! What exactly then are you referring to in your earlier
statements ? And also ... are you saying that the Japan earthquake was to do with the magnetic
pole shift?

Throughout that which you refer to as history much has been discussed regarding these days
that you are actually now living in. There have been mysteries unsolved ... there have been
great debates on what is and what is not to take place ... and yet, here you all are , with the
greatest of respect ... awakening every morning in your world and continuing on with another
day. That day is made up of moments and one can only BE in the moment of now. Right now
in this moment you are writing this chat between us. It is happening NOW for you and for
us ... yet it will be a different moment of NOW when others get to read this conversation. Just
because it is a different moment of now does not mean that anything has changed ... and yet
many NOW moments between this moment of writing and that moment of reading will have

Your point being? I am getting so lost in all this , but I'll press on ...

Our point being ... that within each given moment one experiences something ... anything ...
depending on the place within their journey that they are in ... how they choose to 'interpret'
that given moment ... be it something they have heard , something they have physically
encountered ... will determine how they live in their next moment of now. It can be a drastic
turn of events that is to befall one , or the most beautiful next phase of their pathway , entirely
depending on how they bring their heart into alignment with any given moment.

So ... what has all this got to do with the Truth of the earthquake and what you were talking
about re the legitimacy of your call. Talk about going around and about the houses. You
KNOW ... you can FEEL , I am not frustrated , I am just wondering where you/we are
traveling with all of this?

We understand your need to find your answers. When we chat with you on a more 'linear
scale' ... we will be able to give you many ah ha moments. For now we have to leave you agog
as you would say.

Sorry chaps, but that's not really on ... not from my point of view. If there are matters that
have crossed the line, and have to be dealt with and you say that it is not regarding man
interfering with the recent earthquake ... then at least give us some idea of what you are
talking about, otherwise what is the point of even mentioning it? Do you see where I am
coming from? In my eyes I would feel unsatisfied leaving it like that . Actually , I think I need
to just take a break here and read back on what we have put down today , I feel I need to
realign this whole conversation.

OK , I read it ... took a break ... did some chores and thought it over. I 'tuned in' again , and as
always I ask White Cloud to be my gatekeeper. I asked him to show me something to help as
clearly I am struggling a little today. He showed me a black board full to the brim of equations
and such like and then all of it being erased and written up was 1+1 =2 . So I took this to
mean 'lets go back to the basics'.

OK chaps ... at the beginning of this communication it seems that you were talking about
boundaries being overstepped and there are those who want to rule the world and have simply
crossed the borderline. You then quite categorically state that it was not this same 'govern' that
had created the earthquake and its following tsunami. This is where I got confused. Rather
than go over it all again , can you put today's conversation with you into perspective for me ?

We are aware that we have alerted you to something that your mind became lost within. We
would never wish to upset or confuse and yet perhaps there are times when we realize that
there is a greater barrier between your world and ours and that we undermine your position
and perhaps too ... we get a little carried away with what we presume is known. For indeed
there is much known by us that as yet is unheard of ... or even created as a thought in your
earthly domain.

And I have to admit too, to being apprehensive as I said before I began ... as to how this
would go ... considering all that has taken place. So I shouldn't think I have helped much
regarding letting you say your piece ... try as I might.

I had one of those ' Just stick with the acting Bloss ' moments ... This position I find myself in

with you can bring out ones vulnerability and isn't always plain sailing! Above all , you know
I TRUST you. As you say this 'barrier' between worlds is probably far greater than those of us
in the earthly vibration realize.

Would you care for us to continue a little more?

As long as it flows well and we don't go round and round the mulberry bush. I have had
enough of that for one session! I will clear my thoughts and just let you say what ever it is you
feel is most valuable at this juncture.

We do not desire that you imagine us to 'pussyfoot' around on any given matter. Yet we choose
to be very particular regarding that which we feel is appropriate to be presented to you at any
given time. We, as you may well be aware of , have knowledge to a degree that is way beyond
your comprehension due to your location within the universe and the form that you are
residing in. This is not to say that 'elsewhere' or other aspects of yourself ' know differently.'

There is much on your world that is designed to propagate fear. Therefore, we feel it greatly
beneficial to counteract that action by concentrating on that which is of purest Divine
thoughts of Love. We understand your position. We fully appreciate the need for you and
those of Earth to receive answers from us regarding serious disruptions upon your Earth plane
... and yet with all respect ... we still feel we have the upper hand in recognizing the bigger
picture. The 'need to know' policy that is adhered to by we ... The Federation of Light ... is in
place for a specific purpose. If certain knowledge was to be delivered to your inquisitive
minds before its time, pandemonium would be let lose ... and much of the effort on all of our
parts to keep this transformation under control ... would simply get out of hand. We must
consider the safety of the whole as opposed to the wanting to KNOW NOW ... when it simply
isn't within the plan to KNOW NOW.

This too, we feel ... can answer your confusion that is spoken of this day. It is not correct to
delve more deeply into the matter and yet you asked us to speak freely on what we felt
appropriate to speak of. May we say too dearest Blossom ... that due to what YOU 'think' we
may be addressing ... this is where the confusion can set in. Naturally your train of thought
may wander down a particular track and it may not be the track that we are wandering
down ... at all. This unfortunately can cause the 'disruption' between our communication and
yet we accept that these dilemma's may sometimes occur and cannot always be avoided.

Yes, how easy it would be if you could just call my mobile ... or send me a fax and I'd print it
out for you. Yet I often consider how far we have come as friends and communicators over the
years. There was no teacher for me to explain 'how to communicate with ET's ' we just had to
TRUST each other and it is only now and then , like today when things go a little off track. I
am not an A student yet , but I am willing to keep on going ... because I feel that you have
taught us so very much ... and because of these teachings and many of this nature ... we are
changing our world.
We are so very grateful ... and no matter what occurs I will continue our treasured friendship.
Funny, I feel it's time to close and yet I don't really feel we have said anything of note for
'your fans' to assimilate.

You would be surprised.

Thing is ... I know I shall post this , as I post all communications with you. Yet I have to say ...

I don't feel it is one of the more 'revelationary ' get together's. Maybe I expected too much
because of what has been going on .

Maybe you underestimate that which has been said.

Maybe I need a cup of coffee!

Remain heartstrong. What is to come will lift your feelings and bring with it your vibrational
upliftment also. These times are known to bring much melancholy and yet there is to be the
contrast to let you KNOW that all is well. All is indeed very well.

Okidokey . Many thanks to you ... through it all. In Love and Light also. I DO LOVE YOU,
you know!

Our feelings feel this Love ... in the same way that your feelings feel ours.

GÜÇLENDİRME The Group / Steve

Rother kanalıyla
 Posted by gunes kurtulan on March 18, 2011 at 12:10pm

Sonraki Realitemiz

15 Mart 2011

Steve Rother kanalıyla

Yuvadan Selamlar

Güçlendirmeye Adım Atmak

Bugün bu odada kullanılmış olan bir sözcük var, bu sözcük onu işittiğiniz her seferinde her bir
kişide çok kuvvetli şekilde yankılandı ve yansıtıldı. Bu sözcük güçlendirmedir. Bu temelde
tüm insanların tam şimdi içine adım attığı enerjidir. G Çağının, Güçlendirme Çağının şimdi
başladığından söz etmiştik. Bu gerçekte insanların kendi ruhlarının daha fazlasını taşımalarını
sağlayan gelen yeni enerjidir. İnsan olma rolü yapma oyununu oynamak için ayrılık illüzyonu
gerekliydi. İşte burada ışığınızın daha fazlasını taşıyacak olan yeni bir beden, yeni bir enerji
sistemi yapıyorsunuz. Bu birbirinize daha direkt bir şekilde bağlanmanızı sağlayacak ve
zamanla derin temas iletişimi dediğimiz şeye gireceksiniz. Bu basitçe tüy döküntülerinin

çoğunu elimine etmek ve derin bir iletişim seviyesine başlamaktır. Yakında çok az sözcük
kullanarak ve tüm iletişimlerinizin daha derin, daha güçlü anlamına sahip olarak her gün bu
iletişim seviyesinde yaşayabileceksiniz.

Bu, insan evriminin sonucu olarak gerçekleşiyor. Tüm insanlığın kollektif titreşimi tam şimdi
aşırı derecede hızlı ilerliyor ve bu gezegeni her gün değiştirmeye yardımcı oluyor. Şu anda
yapılan bağlantılar, derin temasla gerçekleşeceğini anlattığımız şeyleri enerjisel olarak taklit
ediyor, sadece şimdi sözler bile olmadan bu derin temas seviyesine enerjisel olarak erişme
fırsatına sahipsiniz. Gerçekleşmekte olan budur, çünkü her yerde insanlar enerjisel seviyede
iletişim kurmaya başlıyor. Bu odada bulunan sizler veya bu gösterileri izleyenler, yıllardır
bunun öğretildiği insanlarsınız. Bu nedenle, bu sizi şaşırtmamalı ne de anlattığımız şeylerde
çok fazla bir değişiklik görmeyeceksiniz. Bu gezegendeki her insanın şimdi bu enerjiyi
hissettiğini söylüyoruz. Onlar buna nasıl alışacaklarını her zaman bilmezler ve dünyalarında
nelerin olup bittiğini her zaman anlamazlar. Tipik olarak gerçekleşmekte olan şey, yeni enerji
onların dünyasına girdiği zaman, dünyaları çok küçük olur. Ve bir tür kriz ve dünyanız çok
küçük hale gelir. Yol boyunca beş yıl olaylar hakkında düşünmezsiniz, çünkü tüm bilinciniz
şimdiki ana sıçradığından hemen önünüzdeki sorunlarla baş ediyorsunuz. Bundaki problem,
sizin tam şimdiki zamana gelmeniz, ama gerçekleşen her şeyin amacını kaybetmenizdir,
özellikle büyük resmi.

Nereye gittiğinizin daha büyük vizyonunu taşımanıza muazzam şekilde yardım edebilecek
bazı anahtarlar vardır ve en büyüklerinden biri güçlendirmedir. Hepiniz, bu gezegendeki her
insanın kendi doğal gerçeklerinin, her zaman sahip oldukları doğal yaratıcı gücün en azından
%80’nini taşıyabileceği bir hayat sahnesine giriyorsunuz. Rakamları bu kadar çok sevdiğiniz
için, size %3’ten azını taşımakta olduğunuzu söyleyeceğiz. Şimdi bu gezegende çok hızlı bir
şekilde gerçekleşmeye başlayabilecek çok büyük miktarda değişimi görmeye başlıyorsunuz
ve bu çok farklı şekillerde gerçekleşecek.

Geçiş İçin Yeniden Konumlanma

Bu değişimler, bazen yaşamlarınıza gelen zor deneyimler vasıtasıyla ilerlerken ve yücelirken,

kendinizin değiştiğinizi görmenizi sağlayacak şekillerde gerçekleşecek. Birçoğunuz, bu sihrin
2012’de gerçekleşmesi için bu gezegende yeniden konumlanıyorsunuz, sihrin 2012’de
gerçekleşmesine siz karar verdiniz. Bu sizin mucizeniz ve yolunda gidiyor. Siz sihir
yaratıyorsunuz. Bunun gerçekleşmesi için, enerjiyi devreye almak üzere hem enerjisel hem de
fiziksel olarak yerinizde olmalısınız.

Birçok insan şu sıralar aksilikler olarak gördükleri olaylar deneyimliyor. Bazıları ilişkilerin
zor olduğunu görüyor, bazıları nedenini bilmeden taşındıklarını görüyorlar. Eğer yeniden
konumlanıyorsanız, lütfen bunu negatif olarak düşünmeyin. Bu, sizi o pozisyona sokan
negatif bir adım olabilmesine rağmen, sizi yapmak için gelmiş olduğunuz şeyin en yüksek
potansiyeline yerleştiriyor olabilir.

İnsanlar perdeyi kaldırmaya devam ederken, hepinizin birbirinizin parçası olduğunuz,

birbirinize bağlı olduğunuz görünür hale geliyor. “Oh, bu enerjiden hoşlanmıyorum. Bu insanı
sevmiyorum, bu insanı görmezden geleceğim. Onların etrafında olmayacağım, o zaman
onlarla uğraşmak zorunda olmam” demeye o kadar alıştınız ki. Size söylediğimiz şey, yakında
enerji alanınızda en uyumsuz enerjiyi bile armonize etmenin yollarını bulacaksınız, çünkü
bulmacanın çok kutsal bir parçasıyla Yuvadan geldiniz. Sizin canınızı sıkan o kişi de
bulmacanın çok kutsal bir parçasıyla Yuvadan geldi ve problem şu ki, siz bulmacaya uymayan

bir şekilde bunu bir araya uydurmaya çalışıyorsunuz. Bulmaca parçalarını oynatıp etraflarında
döndürene, onlara farklı perspektiflerden bakana kadar, bu iki parçanın nerede birbirine
uyduklarını göremezsiniz. Tüm durumlarda armoni görebileceğiniz yer budur.

Güçlendirme Teknikleri

Bu sözcüğe, güçlendirmeye bir an için geri dönelim. Bir insan nasıl güçlendirilir? Bunun
neyle ilgili olduğundan ve ışığınızın daha fazlasını taşımanın nasıl hissettirdiğinden birçok
kez konuştuk, ama özel olarak bunun nasıl gerçekleştiğinden konuşalım. Bunun için bir hile
vardır. Siz perdeyi yeniden hareket ettirmeye başlarken ve daha yüksek titreşime erişirken,
anında diğer insanlarla bağlantının farkında olursunuz… güçlenmenin en basit yolu,
etrafınızdaki insanları güçlendirmektir. Bu çok basittir; hiç karmaşık değildir. Zorluk şu ki,
çoğu kez bunu nerede yapacağınızı göremiyorsunuz. Bu, insanlığın şimdiye kadar
ilgilenmekte olduğu bir eylem değildir. Olağan eğiliminiz başka bir insana yardımcı olmaya
çalışmaktır. Eğer biri size biraz itelemeye gereksinim duydukları bir problemle veya bir
durumla gelirse, onlar için en iyi olacak yöne gitmelerine yardımcı olmak için elbette tam
oradasınızdır. Gerçek güçlendirmeye ne dersiniz? Sizden ayrılabilmeleri için o kişiyi
güçlendirirseniz ne olur? Sizin yaptığınız işe karşı gelebilmeleri için o kişiyi güçlendirirseniz
ne olur? İnsanlığa ne kadar güveniyorsunuz? Ruhunuza ne kadar güveniyorsunuz?
İndirgenecek olan şey budur. Sürece güvenirseniz, sahip olduğunuz her fırsatta herkesi
güçlendirmeye başlarsınız, çünkü sizi terk etseler de, sizin alanınızda olmasalar da, herhangi
bir bağlantı olmasa da, bu sizin enerjinizi onların enerjilerini değiştirdiğinden daha fazla
değiştirdi. Bu, Yuvadan getirdiğiniz parçayı, aramakta olduğunuz bulmacanın parçasını size
getirecek olan, birçoğunuzun bulacağı anahtardır; siz bu parçaya tutkunuz, amacınız, niyetiniz
ve yolunuz diyorsunuz. Tüm o parçalar şimdi ışığa çıkıyor, ama bunlar etrafınızdaki insanlar
vasıtasıyla gelecek. Her bir günde etrafınızdaki insanların gözlerine ve kalplerine ne kadar
ışık yerleştirebilirsiniz?

Gece uyumaya gittiğinizde, bir an durup kendinize, “Bugün kimi güçlendirdim? Kendi
ışıklarını bulmaları için başka insanları bencil olmadan güçlendirme yönünde bugün ne
yaptım?” diye sormanızı istiyoruz. Onların parçalarının sizinkine uymadığına veya sizinle hiç
bağlantıları olmadığına inansanız bile, onları güçlendirirseniz kendi parçalarını bulmacada ait
oldukları yere koyarlar ve bu da dünyanızda her şeyin birbirine uymasını sağlar. Bu nedenle,
direkt bir bağlantı olmasa bile, yaşamın sırrı etrafınızdaki insanları güçlendirmek ile ilgili

Bunu yapmak kolay değildir, çünkü bazen onlara kim olduklarını olma izni verirsiniz. Onlara
güven ve cesaret verirsiniz, daha sonrasının kendilerine bağlı olduğunu bilerek ilk adımı
atmaları için onları biraz dürtersiniz. O süreçten geçmek zorundadırlar, ama bu, yaşamlarının
sonucunun ne olduğunda herhangi bir fark yaratmaz. Eylem bir şekilde onları
güçlendirmenizdi. İlk düşünceniz bunun harika olduğudur, çünkü onların ışıkları biraz daha
parlak olacaktır, ama bunun güçlendirmeden dolayı artmış olan ışığınızla karşılaştırıldığında
soluk olduğunu söylüyoruz. Buna devam etmeyi dilerseniz, bunu yapabildiğiniz kadar
yapmanın bir yolunu bulun.

Bu, bu gezegendeki her insanın bu sonraki adımı atmasına yardımcı olmanın anahtarı
olacaktır. Bunun dünyanıza nasıl uyacağı ile ilgili tüm yanıtlara sahip değiliz. Şu sıralar
gördüğümüz daha fazla enerjiyi ve bazı zorlukları anlatabiliriz, ama diğer insanları
güçlendirme yollarını bulmakta size güveniyoruz. Yaşamınızın her gününde, her saatinde, her
saniyesinde ve her anında ışığınızı ifade edebilmenizin yollarını bulmakta size güveniyoruz.

Bu kısım tüm insanlığın sonraki köşe taşı olacaktır; evet, güç mücadeleleriniz olacak, çünkü
güç her zaman bir ölçekle ölçüldü ve bu artık uygun değildir. En fazla güçlendirilen insan, her
zaman en mutlu insan değildir. Güçlendirilmiş olmanız, gücünüzü almanız veya gücünüze
göre hareket ettiğiniz anlamına gelmez.

Işıldama Fırsatı Armağanını Vermek

Bu basitçe, insanların size dünyalarında çok parlak şekilde ışıldama fırsatını vermesi anlamına
geliyor. Sahip olduğunuz her fırsatta, aynı fırsatı etrafınızdaki insanlara verin. Onların olmak
istedikleri insan olmalarına yardım etmeye çalışın. Bu odağı “Bende yanlış olan nedir?” veya
“Neyi yanlış yapıyorum”dan “Atmam gereken sonraki adım nedir?”e değiştirir. Her gün
birazcık da olsa tek bir kişiyi bile güçlendirmenin bir yolunu bulun, yaşamınız bir gecede
değişir. Size uzun zamandır ve çok mücadele etmekte olduğunuz her şeyi doğal olarak getiren
reaksiyonu ve manyetizmi görürsünüz. Bunun bazen size doğru hareket ettiği yerde
kutuplaştığı görülür ve size ulaşmadan hemen önce yan tarafa, erişim dışına hareket eder. Bu
kendinizi güçlendirmek ile ilgilidir. Öyleyse, bunu nasıl yaparsınız?

Bunu iki şekilde yaparsınız: etrafınızdaki herkesi güçlendirmenin bir yolunu bulun ve sonra
birisi sizi güçlendirdiği zaman, bunu alın, buna adım atın ve bunu sahiplenin. Egolarınız var
ve yaşamlarınızın kalanında bu egolarla uğraşacaksınız. Bu denge be gerçekte kim
olduğunuzu daha fazla sahiplenince, herkesin gerçek ışığınızı daha fazla görebileceğini
bilmek ile ilgilidir. Bu, sizin onlardan daha iyi olup olmadığınız veya yeterince iyi olup
olmadığınız ya da diğer karşılaştırmalar ile ilgili değildir. Bu sizin ışığınızı bulmanız ile
ilgilidir. Gülümsediğiniz zaman gözlerinizi aydınlatan budur. Bu, sadece onların önünden
geçerek ve gülümseyerek kalpleri ve yaşamları değiştirme fırsatı veren şeydir. Sizler Yeni
Dünyanın meleklerisiniz. Sizler bir bedenle gelmeye ve hala fiziksel formda iken bir ışık
demetine bu inanılmaz geçişi yapmaya cesaret eden İnsan Meleklersiniz. Bunun zor olduğunu
biliyoruz. Tepkilerinizi gördük. Tanıklıklarınızı gördük ve zorluklarınızı gördük, ama size
bunun yalnızca mümkün olmadığınız, ama her gün gerçekleşmekte olduğunu söylüyoruz.
Soru, sizin bunu nereye kadar istediğinizdir? Buna ne kadar çok adım atmak istiyorsunuz?
Kendi ışığınızı talep etmede ve sahiplenmede ne kadar rahatsınız?

Diğer Taraftan Yardım

Sevgililer, bu kolay bir karar değil, ama size bağlı. İnsanlar perdenin diğer tarafından
muazzam miktarda enerji alıyor. Tam şimdi burada olabilmeniz için bir kenarda duran tüm o
varlıklar hazırlar ve yardım etmek için bekliyorlar. Onlar eğer sadece isterseniz size enerji
göndermek için ve dünyanızı manyetize etmeye, enerjinizi resetlemenize ve gücünüzü geri
almanıza yardımcı olmak için buradalar. Perdenin bu tarafında olmanın neye benzediği
hakkında bir fikriniz yok. Bir insan bizi düşündüğü herhangi bir zamanda, bu bizi içeriden
dışarıya ışıklandırır. Bu, insan dünyasında karşılaştırılması olmayan bir enerjidir ve sizin bunu
her zaman yaptığınızı söylüyoruz. Bu bizimle ilgili değil, bizim hakkımızda düşünmek ile
ilgili değil veya bize ibadet etmek ya da bizi herhangi türde bir sütun kaidesine oturtmak ile
ilgili değil. Bizi sizinkinden farklı bir boyutta yaşıyoruz. Olayları sizden biraz daha farklı
şekilde görebiliyoruz, ama sizden daha iyi değiliz. Size hizmet etmek için buradayız. Gerçekte
kim olduğunuzun ihtişamını size hatırlatmaya yardımcı olmak için buradayız. Bunu taşımaya
cesaret ettiğiniz zaman, kendi ihtişamınıza sahip çıkmak için egonuzu yeterince bir kenara
bırakmaya cesaret ettiğiniz zaman, o noktada ışıldıyoruz, gülümsüyoruz, güçleniyoruz, çünkü
bu evrensel bir kavramdır. Tüm insanlığın güçlenmesi çok hızlı gerçekleşecek. Evet, bununla
ilgili mücadeleler olacak. Ve evet, bununla ilgili bir sürü eğlence de olacak, ama bunu bireysel

yaşamlarınıza nasıl alacağınıza karar vermek tamamen size bağlı. Size meydan okuyoruz: Her
gün en azından tek bir insanı güçlendirin ve ortaya çıkan sihiri izleyin.

Yolculuğunuzu izledik ve insan olmakla ne kadar çok mücadele ettiğinizi biliyoruz. Kim
olduğunuzu hatırlamanızı engelleyen o perdeye sahip olmanın ne kadar zor olduğunu
anlıyoruz. Bu nedenle buradayız. Gerçekte ne kadar görkemli olduğunuzu bilmenize yardım
etmek için buradayız.

Sevgililer, sizler şimdiye dek yaşamış olan en büyük meleklersiniz. Kanatlarınızı çıkarıp,
gelip bu sihirli oyunu oynamaya cesaret ettiniz. Şimdi oyunu kazanmış olduğunuzdan, oyunu
sonraki seviyeye taşıyorsunuz. El ele tutuşarak ve sihri izleyerek bunu yapın.

Sizden en büyük onurla üç küçük hatırlatma ile ayrılıyoruz. Birbirinize en büyük saygıyla
davranın, çünkü tanrının gözlerine bakıyorsunuz. Her fırsatta birbirinizi destekleyin ve bunun
bir oyun olduğunu hatırlayın, birlikte oyunu iyi oynayın.


The group

(Çeviri: Saffet Güler)

KRYON-“Japonyadaki Yıkıma dair” Mart

15, 2011 -Lee Carroll

 Posted by Didem on March 18, 2011 at 6:55pm


KRYON-Lee Carroll kanalıyla

Mart 15, 2011-Avila, İspanya

“Japonyadaki Yıkıma dair”

Selamlar sevgililer ben manyetik hizmetten Kryon,

Bu kez havada çok fazla Korku var ve ben size bir Umut mesajı vermek istiyorum.Ocak
ayındaki mesajımda sizlere bu yılın Numarolojideki sayısının 4 olduğunu söylemiştim.Bu
GAİA nın sayısıdır... ve bütün bu şeyler Yeryüzü ile iş görmektedir.Ayrıca size, Kutuplardaki
Buz Örtüsünün çözündüğünü ve Okyanusa karıştığını, suyun Okyanuslardaki ağırlığının da
yeniden düzenlendiğini hatırlatmıştım.Bu durum, daha bir çok Deprem ve Volkan İndifasına
neden olacaktı.Şimdi burada o kanallıktan bir alıntı var;

“...Şimdi onu tekrar söylüyoruz.Bu İnsanlığı cezalandırmak değildir.Bu gün bu Gezegende

olan şeyler, İnsan Uygarlığını yok etmek için Dünya Ananın, Gaianın attığı son adım olduğu
anlamına gelmez. Şimdi bu mesajda söylediğim şeyler, bazılarının dudaklarında sizi ürkütme
ve panik yaratma taleplidir ve size korku verir, ancak o neyin olduğu değildir.Bu Gezegen
üzerinde neyin olduğu, neye gereksinim duyuyorsanız ona izin veren ve bu Gezegen üzerinde
bir süre devam edecek bir değişimin olduğudur...”


Şimdi, aniden bir Üç ayı (Mart) sizin üzerinizdedir.Üç Katalizörü simgeler.Katalizör vuku
bulan bazı şeylerdir kl o da bazı şeyleri değiştirebilir.Numaroloji ile uğraşan herhangi birisi
Mart ayı içinde Yeryüzünün, daha sonra gelen 5 sayılı Mayıs ayına doğru, olabildiği kadar
uygun bir şekilde ilerlediğini bekleyecektir.

Bu sevimli Ülke (Japonya) içinde olan yıkım, Tanrının amacı değildir.Onlar sadece, daima
Yeryüzünün Deprem ve Volkanlara duyarlı değişimlerinin olgunlaşmış bir bölgesi olmuş olan
bir yerde yaşıyorlar. Tam olarak buna benzer bir yer de Güney Amerikada vardır ve onlar da
bu bölgede yaşamayı seçmişlerdir. Merhamet ve şefkatin yaratıldığı bu olay çok önemlidir, ve
ben son zamanlarda verdiğim kanallıkta bu merhamet ve şefkatin bu Gezegen üzerinde çok
büyük bir değişim yarattığını, ve sizin onu görmeye başlayacağınızı söyledim.

1.Sizin yarattığınızdan her hangi bir şekilde daha fazla olan bu olaylar olduğunda, Ruhun
bunu bilmediğini de size hatırlatmak için bir an duralım.Biz hepimiz sadece, İnsan Bilinci
üzerine ve onların etrafındaki Enerjetik işaretlere temellendirilen Potansiyellere sahibiz.Ve
biz, Güney Amerikadaki depremin kısa bir sürede geleceğini bildik, ve bu olayı bir yıl
öncesinden Şilide söyledik. Japonya depremi de benzerdir, o Potansiyel oradaydı, ve hem de
Numarolojikti.Ancak bu şeyler içindeki detaylar, kesinlikle Ruh tarafından bilinmez, ve o, bu
tarzda olmadan önce yıllar almış olabilirdi, ya da böyle olmayabilirdi.Bu, madde üzerindeki
Bilincin araçlarını İnsanlığa vermemizin nedenidir.Sizin değişiminiz herşeyi belirler.

Sevgililer, bu ada üzerindeki Ulusa şefkat ve merhamet Enerjisi gönderin, ve böylece onlara
daha büyük bir Ulusa doğru ilerlemelerinde sorunlarını çözme gücü verin.Yardım onları,
ayrılık ve kayıplığın üstesinden gelmeleri için bir aile olarak sevgi içinde birleştirir.Bu defa
onların ailesi siz Olun.

Onların her birinin, 2011 de son bulmayacak, Akaşık Kayıtlar düzeyinde bilinen ve tamamen
bir kaç gün içinde içinden geçtikleri bir potansiyelin içinde olduklarının farkında olun.Biz
daha önce buna dair bir çok kez konuştuk.Doğum rüzgarında Potansiyeller, İnsanların
Yeryüzünde ne yapabileceğine dair olarak bilinir.Bu bir Kaderi anlatma değildir, ancak bir
potansiyel ölçmedir.Bu en güçlü bir Potansiyel olduğundan bu yana, Tanrının (İnsanın) bu
harika görünümleri, bu son on yıl içindeki en geniş yıkım olaylarını paylaşmaya hazır olmak
için, bir Ruhsal Aile olarak her hangi bir yolla bu Gezegene gelir. Onlar çok fazla değişim
olacağını bildiler ve o olacak.

Onların yaşamlarını kutlayın ve bilin ki onların hepsi Yuvadadır.Şimdi, geride kalanlara Enerji
gönderin ki onlar, bu Gezegen üzerinde şaşırtıcı şeyler yaparak yitip gitmiş gerçekler içinde
bir huzur bulabilsinler. Onlar, Kristalin Izgaradaki şefkat ve merhamet düzeyini arttırdılar.
Onlar kendi bölümlerini yapmıştır ve sizi, sizinkileri yapmanız için geride bırakmışlardır.

2.Elektrik yaratmanın farklı yollarına dair on yıldan fazladır size ne anlatmış olduğumun
şimdi farkına vardınızmı? Tek bir olay, sizin Nükleer Programlarınızı yıllarca kapatacaktır.
Böylece şimdi, daha önce ne söylemiş olduğumu tekrar gözden geçirme zamanıdır;

Ruh İnsanlığı yargılamaz.İnsanlar, kendi titreşimlerini geliştirme Bilinci üzerine temellenmiş

her türlü seçimi yapmakta özgürdür.Yıllardır her şekilde, bütün şehirlerinizin Elektrik
Enerjisini yaratmanın çok uygulanabilir yolları olduğunu size söyledik.Ve biz bunu defalarca
dile getirdik, ve siz bunu benim işimin içindeki bütün kanallıklarda bulabilirsiniz.Belki siz,
benim neden bu konu üzerinde yoğunlaştığımı biliyorsunuzdur, bu şunun içindir, bir deprem
dahi size Nükleer yol üzerinde devam etme ile Dünya çapında yüz yüze kalacağınız tehlikeyi
gösteriyor.Dinleyin; bu Teknolojiyi daha fazla uzatmaya gereksiniminiz YOK! O size uygun
bir şekilde hizmet etmeyecektir.

Nükleer Güç, bir buhar motoru yaratmak için çok pahalı ve çok tehlikeli bir yoldur.Nükleer
Santralların hepsi buhar yaratmak içindir.Tekrar size anlatıyoruz ki siz, bir Elektrik Enerjisi
yapmak için bir Nükleer Santral yaratabileceğiniz kaynaklarınızı, neredeyse hiç tehlikesi ve
çevreye etkisi olmayan daha iyi bir yolu araştırmak için kullanabilirsiniz.

A.Jeotermal Enerji; Isı sizin ayaklarınız altında ve bolluk içinde.İsterseniz ebediyen, çok fazla
buhar yaratabilirsiniz.Hatırlayın, sudan uzak ara daha hızlı kaynayacak egzotik akışkanlar var,
böylece ısı düşündüğünüz şey olmak zorunda değildir.Böyle bir yıkım eğer bir Jeotermal
Santralda olsa, en kötüsü onun kendisine zarar vermesi olacaktır.Daha sonra bir başkasını

B.Her saat binlerce ton İtme ve Çekme Enerjisi, (gel git dalgaları)daimi sabitlenmiş bir zaman
hattı üzerinde sizin sahil boylarınızda kullanılabilirdir.Bu ada Ulusu, gel git dalgaları için
mükemmeldir ve o dalgalar Enerji sağlar.Tekrar edersek, bu Santralların başına gelebilecek en
kötü şeyde siz onu yeniden inşa etme gereksinimi duyarsınız o kadar. Onların çevresinde
yaşamanın bir tehlikesi yoktur.

Sonuçta, bu Yeryüzü değişimi olaylarında, bu gerçek ve uygulanabilir olasılıkları

değerlendirecekmisiniz? Bu Nükleer yıkım sizin için, bir durdurma ve değiştirme yönü
yaratmıştır.Eğer o onu değerli kılarsa, bunu sadece zaman size anlatacaktır.Ancak İnsanlık,
onlardan önce daima ne olmuş olduğunu anlamadan önce bu yıkımlar oldukça sık vuku
bulmak zorundadır... bazı şeylerin daha iyi olacağı sözü.

Bu Gezegendeki en büyük şehirler Okyanus kenarında yerleşiyor, bu Enerji sağlama olasılığı

için mükemmeldir.Ancak o size bu tarzda görünmüyor, ya da bu Potansiyeller yeterince
anlaşılmamıştır. Büyük düşünün! En ayrıntılı bir şekilde düşünerek, GAIA nın size doğal
güçleri kullanmanız için ne vermiş olduğununa dair yeni bir Senaryo yaratın... Okyanusların
ve gel git dalgalarının ebedi gücü, orada gereksiniminizden fazlası var.

Zamanınız artık, gelecek adımları atma zamanıdır...

Daima sevgiyle verin...


Kryon 2011 yılı seminer Programı

Çn; Süleyman Kaya

KRYON • September 15, 2011

 Posted by Didem on March 18, 2011 at 7:18pm

Lee Carroll is currently in Spain, and gives this message
to all from KRYON • September 15, 2011

Greetings dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic service. There is much fear in the air at this
time, and I wish to give you this message of hope. In January I told you that the numerology
of this year was a four (4). This is the GAIA number… all things dealing with the earth. I also
reminded you that the weight of the water is being redistributed from the ice on the polar caps
to the oceans as the ice continues to melt. This would result in more earthquakes and
volcanoes. Here is also a quotation from that channeling:

“Now we say it again. This is not punishment to humanity. The things that are happening on
the planet today are not meant as the final step of Gaia in order to kill the civilization of
humanity. I say this, for right now this message is on the lips of those who want to startle and
scare you and give you fear, that is not what's happening. What is happening on this planet is
a shift that will create a planet that's going to last a long time, allowing you what you need

Now, suddenly the month of the three (March) it is upon you. The three represents the
catalyst. A catalyst is something that occurs, which can changes something else. Anyone
dealing in numerology would have expected Gaia to move in this month, as well as the month
of the 5 (May) coming later.
Those in the sweet country [Japan] who received this disaster are not the target of God. They
simply sit in a place that has always been ripe with GAIA change and are volcanic and
earthquake sensitive. Just like their counterparts in South America, this is where they chose to
live. The compassion generated by this event is considerable, and I have also channeled
recently that it is compassion that creates significant change on the planet, and you are
starting to see it.

1. Let us take a moment to also remind you that Spirit does not know when these events are
coming any more than you do. All we have is the potentials based on Human consciousness
and the energetic signs around them. We knew that the South American earthquake was
coming soon, and told those in Chile one year before the event. The Japan earthquake was
similar, in that the potentials were there, and also the numerology. But details are absolutely
not known by Spirit in these things, and it could have been years before it happened in this
way, or not at all. This is because we have given Humanity the tool of consciousness over
matter. Your shift determines everything.

Dear ones, send energy of compassion to those on this island nation, and give them the
strength and resolve to bring forward a greater nation due to this. Help unite them in love and
family as they cope with the loss and the separation. “BE” their family in this time.

Be aware that each one who passed over in these last few days absolutely knew at the Akashic
level that there was a potential they would not last past 2011. We have spoken of this many
times before. At the wind of birth, potentials are known about what the Humans might do on
the earth. This is not fortune telling, but rather potential measuring. Since this was the
strongest potential, these beautiful aspects of God [Humans] came into this planet anyway as
spiritual family, ready to participate in one of the largest disaster events of your decade. They
knew it would change much, and it will.

Celebrate their lives and know that they are ALL home. Now, send energy to those left behind
that they might find peace in the fact that those who were lost did something amazing for the
planet. They increased the compassion level of the crystalline grid. They have done their part,
and left you to do yours.

2. Are you now aware of what I have been telling you for more than ten years about the
alternate ways of creating electricity? This single event will shut down your nuclear programs
for years. So now is the time to review what we have said:

Spirit does not judge humanity. Humans are free to do whatever they choose based on the
consciousness that is developed by their own vibrations. For years, however, we have told you
of very viable alternative ways to create power for all your cities. We have done it over and
over, and you can find these channellings all through my work. Now perhaps you know why
we have concentrated on this issue, for this one earthquake shows you the danger you face
world-wide by continuing on the nuclear path. Listen: You do NOT need this technology any
longer. It will not serve you well.

Nuclear power is a very expensive and dangerous way to create a steam engine. That’s all a
nuclear plant is… a way to create steam. Again we tell you that you can use the funds that
would create one nuclear power plant to research far better ways to make electricity that are
not dangerous and have almost no environmental impact.

A. Geo thermal energy: Heat is underneath your feet in abundance. You can create as much
steam as you want forever. Remember, there are some new exotic fluids that will boil far
faster than water, so the heat does not have to be what you think. If this disaster had occurred
at a geo thermal plant, the worst it would have done would have ruined it. Then you build

B. Thousands of tons of push pull energy per hour, on a constant fixed time line [the tides] are
available on your coast lines. This island nation is perfect for tide and wave generated power.
Again, the worst thing that would have happened to these plants would have been the
necessity to rebuild them. No danger to those living around them.

Are you going to take this world-changing event to finally see these options as real, and
viable? The nuclear disaster was created for you to stop and change direction. Only time will
tell if it was worth it. But quite often disaster must occur before Humanity sees what has
always been before them… the promise of something better.

The largest cities on earth sit on the ocean, perfect for this power generated option. But it has
not been seen this way, nor are the potentials being realized. Think large! Take the finest
minds and create new scenarios to harness what GAIA has given you… the power of the tides
and oceans forever, right where you need it the most.

The time is upon you to create the next step…

Given in love… always,

Işık İlaçları-Hathorlar-Tom Kenyon
 Posted by Deniz Şiva Oflaz on March 19, 2011 at 2:50am

Hathor Gezegen Mesaji

Tom Kenyon Kanaliyla

Isik Ilaclari:

Radyasyon Zehirlenmesi, Nörotoksinler, Bakteri ve Viruslerden Korunma ve İyilesme

Yeni Zelanda’daki, ardindan Japonya’daki deprem ile Kaotik Dugumun daha karmasik bir
asamasina girmis oldugunuz aciktir.

Radyasyon zehirlenmesinden, ayrica diger fiziksel durumlardan korunma ve iyilesme icin bir
yontem vermeyi diliyoruz. Buna Isik Ilaclari adini veriyoruz.

Bu acikca Japonya’da ortaya cikan su andaki olaylar ile ilgilidir, ancak, gelecekteki yerkure
degisimleri ortaya cikarken, yakin gelecekte dunyanin diger bolgelerinde benzer zorluklarla

Bu yontem sizi yalnizca radyoaktiviteden degil, ayrica norotoksinlerden ve bakteri ve

viruslerin mutasyona ugrayan formlarindan hem korumaya hem de maruz kaldiginizda
iyilestirmeye yardimci olur. Bizim perspektifimizden yakin zaman cizginizde bunlarin artisini
gormeyi bekleyebilirsiniz.

Yontem Goksel Ruhunuza, BA’ya baglanmayi kapsar. Bu eylem varliginizin bir parcasi olan
isik alemlerine baglanmaktir.

Kozmosunuzda var olan her sey isigin bir niteligi veya enerjisel ifadesi olarak gorulebilir – en
yogun madde formlariniz bile ozunde isik formudur.

Bu yontemde, sizi koruyan ve/veya iyilestiren bir enerji aktarmasi niyetini ve beklentisini
tasiyarak, Goksel Ruhunuza baglanirsiniz. Bu niyeti takdir veya minnettarligin duygusal
titresimi ile Goksel Ruhunuza gonderirsiniz. Bu, varliginizin bu yuksek vechesini aktive eden
titresimsel tinidir.

Takdir veya minnettarlikla birlikte bu niyeti BA’niza gonderdiginizde, farkindaliginizi kalp

cakraniza getirirsiniz, kalp cakraniza sifa veya korunma enerjisi alirsiniz. Bu enerjiyi bir isik
formu veya geometrik kaliplar seklinde deneyimleyebilirsiniz veya enerji inisinin
duyumsamasini hissedebilirsiniz. Ayrica bu enerjiyi basitce bir dusunce/his olarak da


Enerji kalp cakraniza alindiginda, gonderilmeye hazirdir.

Bu asama icin biraz saf suya gereksiniminiz olacak, cunku su bu tur bilgiyi olaganustu iyi
sekilde tasir. Ellerinizde bir su kabi tutarak, niyetle, bu enerjiyi kalp cakranizdan asagiya
kollariniza, ellerinize gonderirsiniz ve her bir avucun merkezindeki cakralardan su kabina
aktarirsiniz. Enerji suya bu yolla girer.

Bu proseduru toplam uc kez tekrarlayarak bu enerjiyi guclendirmenizi tavsiye ediyoruz. Sonra

suyu icin. Su, bedeninizin su elementine nufuz eder ve iyilestirici ve koruyucu ozellikler en
sonunda her hucreye girer.

Bu eylem vasitasiyla, isiga nitelik kazandiriyorsunuz, isigin bedeninizin merkezi yolundan

asagiya kalbinize inmesine neden oluyorsunuz ve su elementine gonderiyorsunuz. Suyun
bilinci bu enerjiyi alir ve suyu ictiginiz zaman, bedeniniz bu enerjiyi alir.

Kendinizi radyoaktiviteye maruz kaldiginiz bir durumda bulursaniz, tanimladigimiz sekilde

bu proseduru uygularsiniz, sizi herhangi bir radyasyon zehirlenmesinden korumasi ve
iyilestirmesi icin BA’dan inen enerjiye nitelik kazandirirsiniz. Eger kendinizi korumanin
baska yollari varsa, elbette bunlari da kullanmalisiniz, ama kendi bilincinizin aletleri disinda
elinizde hicbir sey yoksa, kendinizi koruyabilir ve iyilestirebilirsiniz.

Norotoksinlere maruz kaldiysaniz, ayni islemi yapacaksiniz. Eger bakteriler veya virus
enfeksiyonlarini kapsayan bir salginin ortasinda iseniz, ayni islemi yapmanizi tavsiye ederiz.

Kollektif olarak Kaotik Dugumun bu daha karmasik ve yogun asamasina daha derin girerken,
bakteri ve virusler daha hizli mutasyona ugrayacaklar. Bu yontem bu mutasyon geciren yasam
formlarindan korunmanizi ve kendinizi iyilestirmenizi saglar.

Kendi bilincinizin gucleri vasitasiyla korunma ve sifa yaratmakta oldugunuzu anlamaniz

onemlidir. Kendi isik alemlerinize direkt erisime sahipsiniz. Kendi adiniza ve sevdiklerinizin
adina isik alemlerine baglanip kullanma en yuksek hakkina sahipsiniz.

Kendinizi tanimlamis oldugunuz bu zor durumlardan birinde bulursaniz, yuklemis oldugunuz

su olan Isik Ilacini sezginizin sizi yonlendirmesine bagli olarak gunde birkac kez almanizi

Japonya’daki deprem aktivitesinin ve sonuc olarak olusan tsunaminin fiziksel kollara

ayrilmalariyla basa cikmak cok zordur. Ama dikkatimizi fiziksel olandan boyle felaketlerle
yaratilan zihinsel, duygusal ve ruhsal etkilere degistirmek istiyoruz.

Kaotik Dugumde olmaniz ve derin uzaydan gelen enerjilerle birlikte gunes patlamasi
aktivitesinin enerji bedenlerinizi etkilemesi gercegi nedeniyle, kollektif olarak sizler daha
fazla etkileniyorsunuz. Bununla soylemek istedigimiz sey, insan kardeslerinizin istirabina
tanik olmanin kalbi paramparca etmesidir. Onlarin kotu durumlarinin kolayca sizin olabilmesi
farkindaligi vardir. Bu farkindalik kalbinizde bir acilma yaratabilir ve kalbiniz vasitasiyla bu
bilincin yuksek halleri kavranir ve bu nedenle Japonya’daki deprem bircok sekillerde kollektif
kalbin depremidir.

Onunuzdeki zamanlar kolay degil. Bizim perspektifimizden, artan yerkure degisimleri
onunuzdedir. Ama bu tur olaylarin tek sonucu, koklerinize kadar sallanmaniz ve kitlesel
hipnozun bir anligina duraklamasidir. Ve bu tur gercekustu yikimda, bircogunuz
uygarliginizin cok narin zeminler uzerinde durdugunu cok acikca goruyorsunuz. Bunu hem
kelimenin tam anlamiyla hem de mecazi olarak soyluyoruz.

Ve boylece Kaotik Dugumun bu asamasi icin tavsiyemiz kendiniz icin Isik Ilaclari yaratma
yetenegini ogrenmek ve bunda ustalasmaktir, boylece zaman geldiginde en temel doganizda
sahip oldugunuz bu korunma ve iyilesme gucunu nasil kullanacaginizi bilirsiniz. Ve bu
zamanlardan sadece zihinlerinizle degil, kalplerinizle de gecmenizi oneriyoruz – ve birakin
kalbinize dokunulsun, cunku kalpleriniz vasitasiyla kendi buyuklugunuze giden spiral yolda

The Hathors
16 Mart 2011

Tom’un Dusunceleri ve Gozlemleri

Hathor’lara yaklasik yirmi yildir kanallik yapiyorum ve onlarin Gezegen Mesajlarini Subat
2003’te yayinlamaya basladim. Ve tum bu zaman boyunca mesajlarindan birini gondermede
onlarda bu kadar aciliyet hissetmedim. Genellikle, yorumlarimi yazmadan once mesajlarin
uzerinde durmak ve dusunmek icin bana birkac gun verirler. Ama bu luks su anda yok. Judi ve
benden bu ozel mesaji mumkun oldugu kadar cabuk yayinlamamizi istediler ve bu nedenle
yorumlarimi kisa ve ozlu yapacagim.

Buradaki merkezi mesaj, tum insan varliklarin, Hathorlarin Isik Ilaclari adini verdigi seyi
yaratma yetenegine sahip olmasidir. Ve bu tur ilac bizi sadece radyoaktif zehirlenmeden degil,
ayrica norotoksinlerin etkisinden, bakteri ve virus enfeksiyonlarinin etkisinden de koruma ve
iyilestirme dogal yetenegine ve potansiyeline sahiptir.

Yontem basit ve kisadir. Bunu okuyan bazilariniz Goksel Ruh (veya BA) fikrine yeni
olabilecegi icin, onun yerini ve onunla nasil calisildigini aciklayayim. BA veya Goksel Ruh
kendi bilincinizin zaman ve mekan sinirlamalarinin disinda olan bir vechesidir. Bazilariniz
Goksel Ruh yerine Yuksek Benlik ismini kullaniyor olabilirsiniz. Ama ona ne isim verirseniz
verin, Goksel Ruhunuz Hathorlarin isik alemleri dedigi yerde var olur ve ona takdir veya
minnettarlik gonderdiginiz her seferinde bu vechenizle baglanti kurarsiniz.

BA’nizin zaman ve mekanda bir yeri yoktur, cunku o askindir, zaman ve mekanin uzerindedir.

Ama onun enerji alaniniza bir giris noktasi vardir, burasi basinizin bir kol mesafesi
uzerindedir. Eger ellerinizi basinizin uzerine kaldirirsaniz ve parmaklarinizi birbirinize
degdirirseniz, parmaklariniz bu giris noktasinin yakininda olur. Ve burasi, onlarin Isik Ilaci
yaratma yonteminin ilk asamasinda dikkatinizi odaklayacaginiz yerdir (Ellerinizi basinizin
uzerine kaldirmak sadece yon bulma amaciyladir. Isik Ilacini yaratirken ellerinizi basinizin
uzerine kaldirmiyorsunuz).

Farkindaliginizi BA noktanizin bolgesine getirdiginizde, zihninizde almayi istediginiz isik

niteligini tasirsiniz. Ornegin diyelim ki, tehlikeli formdaki radyoaktiviteye maruz kaldiniz
veya kalacaksiniz ve radyasyon zehirlenmesi tehlikesi icindesiniz. Dikkatinizi basinizin

uzerindeki BA noktaniza odakladiktan sonra, BA’nizdan inen enerjinin radyasyon
zehirlenmesine karsi sifa ve/veya korunma enerjisi olacagi niyetini tasiyin.

Sonra, BA’nizdan size gelen enerjinin sizi radyasyon zehirlenmesinden korumasi ve/veya
iyilestirmesi niyetini tasirken, takdir veya minnettarlik hissini kalp cakranizdan basinizin
uzerindeki BA noktasina gonderin.

Sonra dikkatinizi BA noktasindan kalp cakraniza getirin (gogus kafesinin altinda gogsunuzun
merkezinde) ve sonra BA’nizdan korunmave sifa enerjisini almak icin bekleyin.

Buna yeni olanlariniz, bir karsilik geldigini fark etmeden once BA’niza takdir veya
minnettarlik hissiyle birlikte niyet veya nitelendirmeyi birkac kez gondermeye gereksinim
duyabilirsiniz. Enerjinin inisini hissedinceye kadar BA’niza takdir veya minnettarlik hissiyle
birlikte bu niyeti gondermeye devam edin. Goksel Ruhunuzdan enerjinin inisini hissettiginiz
zaman, farkindaliginizi kalp cakraniza getirin. Kalp merkezinizin bu koruma ve sifa enerjisini
almasina izin verin.

Sonra ellerinizi su dolu bir kabin etrafina veya uzerine koyun ve Goksel Ruhunuzdan
aldiginiz bu enerjiyi suya gonderin. Kalp merkezinize gelen sifa ve/veya koruma enerjisi
kollariniza dogru akar ve her iki elinizin avucunun merkezinde bulunan iki cakra vasitasiyla
suya akar.

Bu islemi toplam uc kez tekrarlayin. Sonra suyu icin.

Riskli bir durumdaysaniz, Hathorlar Isik Ilacini sezginize gore gunde birkac kez yaratmanizi
ve icmenizi tavsiye ediyorlar.

Hathorlarin isaret ettigi gibi, Isik Ilaclarinin sadece radyasyon zehirlenmesinden koruma ve
iyilestirmeden daha fazla uygulamalari vardir. Bunlari norotoksinlerden, bakteri ve virus
enfeksiyonlarindan korunmak ve/veya kendinizi bunlardan iyilestirmek icin kullanabilirsiniz.
Bundan soz etmeseler de, bu mesaji verdikten sonra Hathorlar’a yontemin kanser gibi diger
fiziksel zorluklar icin ise yarayip yaramayacagini sordum. Ve bu tur durumla – ve diger
durumlarla – basa cikmak icin Isik Ilaclarinin ayni sekilde kesinlikle yaratilabilecegini

Gorunur olarak, radyasyon zehirlenmesi, norotoksinlere maruz kalma ve/veya bakteri ve virus
enfeksiyonlari salgini gibi ciddi bir durumla ugrasiyorsaniz, tum tibbi ilaclardan fayda
saglamak istersiniz. Baska deyisle, bu yontem tibbi veya halk sagligi cozumlerinin yerini
almak anlamina gelmiyor, ama tamamlayici oldugu, kendiniz icin, kendinizin yapabilecegi bir
sey oldugu anlamina geliyor.
Mesajlarini verdikten sonra, Hathorlar’a cocuklar ve evcil hayvanlar gibi Isik Ilaclarini
kendileri yapamayacak olanlar icin Isik Ilaclarini yapmak ile ilgili sordum. Ayni yontemi
kullanabileceginizi soylediler, sadece Ilaci vereceginiz cocuk veya evcil hayvan icin niyet
olusturacaksiniz. Ornegin, kendinizi radyasyon zehirlenmesinden korumak veya iyilestirmek
icin Isik Ilaci yapacaksaniz, Goksel Ruhunuzdan alacaginiz enerjinin kendi kisisel
korunmaniz veya iyilesmeniz icin oldugu dusuncesini gondereceksiniz. Eger bunu bir cocuk
veya bir evcil hayvan icin yapacaksaniz, Goksel Ruhunuzdan alacaginiz enerjinin, Ilaci
vereceginiz varligin – cocuk veya evcil hayvaniniz – korunmasi veya iyilesmesi icin oldugu
dusuncesini gondereceksiniz.

Burada bir sey soylemek istiyorum. Bir bagimlilik yaratmak yerine birilerine Isik Ilacinin
nasil yapildigini ogretmek cok daha iyidir. Isik Ilaclari yaratma yetenegi tum insan
varliklarinda var olan dogal bir yetenektir. Bu, cokboyutlu mirasimizin parcasidir. Ve birilerini
bunu kendisi icin yapmasi icin guclendirmek onun ustatligina bir hizmettir.

Bu yontemin, baskalarinin sahip olmadigi bazi ozel guclere sahip olduklari kisvesi altinda
baskalari icin Isik Ilaclari yaratmak icin “sifacilar” tarafindan kullanildigini gormek hosuma
gitmiyor. Bu Isik Ilaclari yaratma yontemi insanin dogustan hakkidir ve benim hissim tum
insanlarla paylasilmasi gerektigidir.

Bu Isik Ilaclari yaratma basit yontemi hakkinda paylasmak istedigim cok sey var, ama felsefi
ve metafiziksel gozlemler baska bir zamani beklemek zorunda.

Hathorlar bu bilgiyi mumkun oldugu kadar cabuk gondermemiz ve dolastirmamizda israrcilar.

©2011 Tom Kenyon Tum Haklari Saklidir

Bu mesaji kopyalayabilir ve ucret almadiginiz, icerigini degistirmediginiz, yazarin ismini

belirttiginiz ve bu telif hakki uyarisini eklediginiz surece herhangi bir ortamda

(Ceviri: Saffet Guler)

Beki Ikala Erikli ve 19 mart enerjleri

 Posted by deniz ikbal on March 19, 2011 at 3:03am


Bu sabaha karsi (18 Mart 2011, Cuma) cok net bir mesajla uyandim ve bosver deyip, donup
uyuyacagim bir mesaj degildi bu. Hepimiz icin bir mesaj bu, ve hemen sizlere iletmem
gereken bir mesaj ustelik. 19 Mart'in enerjisinden faydalanmamiz ve bu enerjiyi isiga
cevirmek icin bir mesaj. Aralarda bir yerde, uyku arasi gokyuzu enerjilerinden soz
edildiginden, Basmelek Haniel'i cagirdim ve ondan bu enerjileri dunyamiz, ulkemiz ve
sevdiklerimiz icin nasil isiga donusturur, cogaltiriz diye sordum. Ve ondan sonra yazmaya
basladim geleni. Akani paylasiyorum sizlerle.

Aslinda bu konu, dun gece, 19 Mart ile ilgili birseyler arayip da bulamadigimda bu soruyu
sordugumda basladi. Sevgili ruhsal rehberim Ziila'dan dun gece 19 Mart ile ilgili aldigim
mesaj soyleydi:

'19 Mart, bircok insanin korktugu gibi kotu bir tarih degil. Aslinda muthis bir arinma,

istemediklerinizi birakma firsati. Evet, o gun dolunay ustelik...' dedi Ziila.

"Dolunay, yani birakmak istediklerimizi birakmak icin uygun bir zaman, oyle mi?" diye
sordum Ziila'ya. "Evet, her firsati iyiye donusturmek icin kullanabilirsin sevgili Beki." dedi
bana. "Eger ne yapacagini bilirsen, her firsati birakmak, temizlemek, sifalandirmak icin

Bu konu ile ilgili daha sonra paylasacagim cok sey var. Gelelim yarin geceye.

Sizlerle Basmelek Haniel'den, yarin gece icin aldigim bir yontemi paylasiyorum. Yarin gece
icin ne yapacagimizi anlatiyor, ve bunun icin en uygun zamani.

Basmelek Haniel'den:

"Bunu (sizlere verecegim yontemi) yapmak icin en uygun saat 22:20, ama 19 Mart gunu eger
grup halindeyseniz, bunu birlikteyken, grup halindeyken yapin ve enerjilerinizin, niyetinizin,
22:20 enerjileri ile birlesmesine niyet ederek uygulayin bu yontemi. Bu onemli.

Sizden ricam, 19 Mart'ta tum 'gormek istemediklerinizi' bir kagida yazip yakmaniz. Disarida,
dis dunyada yasadiginiz herseyi. Sadece kendinizin bireysel olarak yasadiklarinizla kalmayin.
Turkiye'de, dunyada artik yeri olmayan herseyi koyun buraya. Hepsini. Bunlarin yeni
dunyanizda yeri yok. Sonra, nasil bir dunya, nasil bir Turkiye, ulkeniz icin nasil bir liderlik
istiyorsunuz? Iste bunu yaratin. Bu anda, once Turkiye'yi, sonra dunyayi kaplayan bir enerji
yollayin ulkenize ve dunyaniza, ya da bir sevgi kalkani ile kaplayin her yeri.

Birakin, hayal ettiginiz o dunya, yeryuzunde canlansin. Kendinize sorun, 'Nasil bir dunya
hayal ediyorum? Nasil bir Turkiye?' Ve onu hissedin. Sonra da, o Turkiye'yi ve o dunyayi
gozunuzun onune getirin. Ya da yureginize koyun. Ve onu hissettiginiz anda, iste o anda, bu
guzel dunyayi, ulkeyi sevin. Sevgi, verebildiginiz kadar sevgi akitin yureginizden. Reiki'ciler,
enerjiciler... Yureginizden akan sevgiyi, ellerinizden akan sevgi ile birlestirin. Isiginiz,
yasaminiz ve dunyaniz isiyacak. Bize inanin, bu sadece baskalari icin degil, sizin kendi
dunyaniz, kendiniz icin de sifa olacak."

Eger bu mesaji 19 Mart'tan sonra okuyanlariniz varsa, o ana niyet ederek (niyetinizin, o anin
enerjileri ile birlesmesine niyet ederek) yapabilirsiniz bunu. Bana gelen, bu ritueli, bir aksam,
mumkunse ayni saatte, 22:20'de yapmaniz. Bizler, bazi Melek Koclari ile bulusup bu ritueli
23 Mart gecesi, saat 22:20'de tekrarlayacagiz, dilerseniz bize katilin bulundugunuz yerden.

Basmelek Haniel, soyle devam etti sozlerine:

"Bilin ki, zaman lineer degildir. Hele artik, her yone ulasabilirsiniz. Bunu yasayanlariniz var.
Sevgiyle ve isikla kalin,

Basmelek Haniel"

Son olarak...

Meleklerinizden yardim isteyin! Unutmayin, onlar bizim icin buracıkta, yanibasimizdalar ve

onlar icin kucuk buyuk rica yok!!

Bu konuda daha fazla bilgiye su linkten ulasabilirsiniz:

Melekler ve meleklerden yardim istemek...

Isikla kalin,

Beki Ikala Erikli

Meleklerle Yasamak

NOT: Basmelek Haniel'in ayin gucunden yararlanmak ile ilgili mesajini Meleklerle Yasamak
kitabinda veya adresinde, sag alt kosedeki 'basmeleklerden
mesajlar' linkine tiklayarak okuyabilirsiniz.

Quado's Garden: Connect to Nature

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 19, 2011 at 12:42pm

Connect to Nature

Today, spend
a few moments with nature and let peace build inside you. Spend a few moments
just standing under a tree and breathing in the fresh oxygen that this tree is
giving you as a gift of life. Look closely at a leaf and marvel at the infinite
detail that is there presented, even in the most lowly and common of objects
that nature has wrought. Marvel at the little veins and how each leaf is
unique; there is only one in the entire world like the one in your hand.
Infinite detail and infinite variety, this is life.

And you are a part of all

this. You and the tree exchange air, you share the same earth, you are part of a
living breathing organism that is closely tied together.

There is a deep well of

peace within you and it extends down into the earth and up into the heavens.
Nature is a wonderful way to connect to that well of peace and the infinity
which is contained within each moment that you allow to be only as it is. Each
moment that you spend just being in the moment, not in the future with its
worries, not in the past with its regrets, but right now and only now, reaches
into infinity and oneness and contains all that is.

Let nature be a gateway to

that connection, for the tree lives only now, the grass grows only now, the

clouds are as they are in this moment for this moment only. Allow yourself time
to reach all of this, to be one with all of this. Allow yourself the grace to
be one with the wonder that surrounds you.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without
ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart

Rare Cosmic Cocktail Opens Portals for

Spiritual Seers By DL Zeta
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 19, 2011 at 12:47pm

Rare Cosmic Cocktail Opens Portals for Spiritual Seers By DL Zeta

A unique blend of cosmic alignments over the next few days opens a
portal into new potentials fed by deep streams of renewed creativity and
inspiration. This is truly a portal of new beginnings and powerful

Tonight's full moon is closer to the earth than at any time since 1993.
This full moon in Virgo coincides with the spring equinox, which lasts
three days from March 19-21. The spring equinox marks a time of year
when day and night are of equal length, helping us achieve greater balance.

Add to this mix a rare alignment of the Sun and Uranus at the equinox
point of zero degrees Aries. This alignment holds the potential to open
energetic portals for inspiration, creativity, new insights and visions.
It marks a time to listen to deep streams within and work with
intentions powerfully aligned with our spiritual purpose for the highest
good of all.

As we work with our highest intentions, we are able to align with others
on the inner planes to anchor a new time in human consciousness. This
weekend's cosmic alignments will greatly facilitate these efforts.

We Stand at the Threshold of an Unimagineable Future

This is an important moment in time when energies are crystallizing in a
future that is at times difficult to imagine within our present
timeframe. The best way to navigate this time and utilize the
opportunities it offers is to go within your heart and reside in place
of peace, love, and allowing. As you exist in harmony with the flow of
your natural rhythms, you exist in harmony with all the universe.

Standing Strong as Old Structures Crumble

During this time of accelerating earth changes and troubling events

playing out on the world's stage, it is more important than ever to open
to the wisdom and guidance of our higher knowing. As old structures and
forms crumble to make way for the new time on planet Earth, we are able
to stand strong in love and compassion by staying connected through a
telepathic connection to our higher self.

We offer here some steps to strengthening spiritual telepathy. As we

develop a telepathic connection with our higher self, we become
spiritual seers able to reach beyond ourselves into the heart of love no
matter what comes before us. This ability to remain centered in love and
compassion is the source of true healing.

Developing Spiritual Telepathy

In a rapidly evolving world, the only reliable way to navigate is

through spiritual telepathy. In this new time, you will encounter many
new energies, ideas and challenges. The best way to navigate these
scenarios is by maintaining constant, direct telepathy with your higher
self. Each time you encounter a new situation, you're able to formulate
a question and receive immediate answers from your higher self.

Once you receive this information, you can fashion it into the tools
needed to navigate whatever is before you in your present moment.
Spiritual telepathy allows you to meet each new situation in your life
with the enthusiasm and confidence needed to transform it into the
golden opportunities and spiritual signposts that enlighten your
spiritual path and allow greater access to fifth-dimensional energies.

We offer here some steps to developing spiritual telepathy.

1) Write down and interpret your dreams every morning. Dreams are
messages from your higher self that provide you with important
information for your day.

2) Interpret your waking dream. Just as you translate dream symbols, you
can translate the symbols of your waking "dream." Everything that
happens in your physical reality is pointing the way to deeper spiritual

3) Follow your highest vision. Record the images that arrive in your

conscious mind and see how you can put them to use in your life.

4) Write your spiritual autobiography and examine the symbols of each

occurrence, especially those you still hold energy around. By seeing how
a situation was helping you grow, you're able to receive the gifts it
offered and expand your understanding.

5) Eat a light and healthy diet that helps heal and clear old energies
in your physical system. Detoxing at the physical level triggers healing
at all levels. Clearing up the energy in your environment is another
form of healing. Examine to see if there is any dead energy in your
environment and release everything that no longer serves your highest good.

6) Practice silence and meditation. Set aside time each day when you can
slow down, breathe and reflect. This helps you cultivate inner peace and
the stillness of mind that is crucial to receiving spiritual guidance.

7) Practice Q and A's with your higher self. By writing down questions
and using techniques such as automatic writing to receive answers, you
strengthen your skill at communicating with your higher self. One of the
keys to developing spiritual telepathy is learning to formulate
questions that bring the information you need within the moment.
Formulating questions requires clear seeing, intuition and discernment.
Cultivate these skills to help you know what questions to ask. Questions
are the gatekeepers to receiving spiritual insight with impeccable timing.

8) Open to the possibility of cultivating advanced techniques for

receiving spiritual guidance such as channeling. Conscious channeling is
a skill you can practice by opening your consciousness, entering a light
trance and allowing your guides, angels, higher self and other
high-vibrational beings to speak through you. To free your conscious
mind from the need to remember what is said, you can speak the answers
into a tape recorder.

9) Study self-hypnosis and learn to put yourself into a light trance

where answers freely from flow into your consciousness. As you become
skilled at entering a trance, you can slip in and out of this state
throughout your day. This "soft focus" state allows you to download
messages from your "etheric email" account. The equivalent of this in
your physical world is downloading your e-mail from a server. In this
case the "server" is your subconscious mind which receives the
information from your higher self.

10) Practice relaxation and other techniques such as yoga and t'ai chi
that help you coordinate and harmonize body, mind and spirit. This
allows you to function in the state of oneness needed to navigate the
fifth dimension.

For more on fifth-dimensional consciousness, see The Future is Here Now:

Steps to Accessing Fifth-Dimensional Consciousness By DL Zeta

For more on dreams and timeline shifts, see Portals of Spirit:
Multidimensional Doorways for Healing and Transformation by DL Zeta
For more information, visit

“Her Can İçin Bir Mum” Anma-Dayanışma

Toplantısı ve Basın Açıklaması - Taksim
Meydanı, 19 Mart 2011, Cumartesi, Saat:
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 19, 2011 at 12:55pm

“Her Can İçin Bir Mum” Anma-Dayanışma Toplantısı ve

Basın Açıklaması
Deprem, tsunami, nükleer...
Hala süren büyük trajedide ölen, yaralanan, kaybolan ya da geleceği risk altında
olan Japonya halkının yanındayız!
“Her can için bir mum”
Anma-Dayanışma Toplantısı ve Basın Açıklaması
Taksim Meydanı, 19 Mart 2011, Cumartesi, Saat: 19.00
Acımız büyük,
İsyanımız ortak,
Taksimde her can için bir mum yakıp
Dolmabahçe’den Japonya’ya çiçekler yolluyoruz.
Dün onlar bizimle ağlamıştı, bugün biz onlarla ağlıyoruz.
Bu trajedilerin “ortak kaderimiz” olmaktan çıkarılması için yapılması gerekenlerin
kendi ellerimizde olduğu bilinciyle, insanlığın içine itildiği bu duyarsızlığa isyan
İstanbul’daki tüm duyarlı insanları, kurum ve kuruluşları, 19 Mart Cumartesi akşamı
saat 19.00’de Taksim Meydanı-Sular İdaresi önünde felaket bölgesi insanlarının
geleneklerine uygun olarak “kaybedilen her can için bir mum taşıyarak”
yapacağımız anma törenine davet ediyoruz.
Umuyoruz ki bu sesimiz ülkemizin her yanında benzer etkinliklerle yankısını
Not: Bu çağrıya katılan kurumlar ve kuruluşların isimlerini ekleyerek
yaygınlaştırılması dileğiyle,

TMMOB Mimarlar Odası İstanbul Büyükkent Şubesi
TMMOB Çevre Mühendisleri Odası İstanbul Şubesi
TMMOB İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası İstanbul şubesi
TMMOB Şehir Plancıları Odası İstanbul Şubesi
TMMOB Elektrik Mühendisleri Odası İstanbul Şubesi

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LOVE Is Not A Cliché by Patricia Diane

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 19, 2011 at 12:57pm

LOVE Is Not A Cliché

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
March 17, 2011

This weekend we have the opportunity of setting this planet on a new course that will move
the Earth and all her Life a quantum leap out of the darkness and into the Light. This is just
the beginning. We need to continue focusing daily on our planetary CAUSE of Divine Love
until we reach a critical mass that will create the unstoppable shift we have all been working
toward. We are at a crossroads, and this is a critical turning point for Humanity. It is vital that
we understand we are not to just sit and wait for the winds of change and the incoming
Cosmic frequencies to transform our lives. Instead, we must focus on the Light with our
thoughts, words, actions, and feelings, and utilize the incoming energies to cocreate the
patterns of perfection for the New Earth that we have all been longing to manifest.

At the beginning of this year the Beings of Light in the Realms of Truth said for us to fasten
our seatbelts because we were in for the ride of our lives. Do you have any doubt about that
now? Chaotic events are occurring all over the world as we experience an unprecedented
purging and cleansing of Humanity's human miscreations. It is easy to feel overwhelmed and
fearful when we watch the news and see people from every walk of life writhing in pain and
agony, but it is not helpful for us to writhe in agony with them. We can flood them with love
and compassion, but if we just wring our hands and descend into their pain we actually
amplify their suffering. There is an ancient saying that says, "When you grieve with someone
you water their garden of sorrow." So instead of feeling helpless and amplifying the pain
people are experiencing, let's become the powerful force of love and hope that we came to
Earth to be. This is why we are here. This is our purpose and reason for being.

This weekend, Friday, March 18th thru Sunday, March 20th, we will experience a Full Moon
and the March Equinox. This Full Moon is considered a super moon because it will come
closer to Earth than any other time this year. The combination of these two events will provide
a powerful opportunity for us to expand our newly established Planetary CAUSE of Divine
Love through every person's Heart Flame. Of all the frequencies of Light throughout the
whole of Creation, none is more effective or more powerful when it comes to eliminating
human suffering than Divine Love.

So much has been written about Love that is has almost become a platitude, but the
Transfiguring Divine Love of our Father-Mother God is the mightiest force in the Universe.
Love is not a cliché. It is the vibration from which we were born out of the Heart of God and
the vibration through which we must evolve and Ascend back into the Heart of God. Divine
Love has no bonds, nor barriers, nor conditions. Within the infinite power of God's Love there
is no pain or sorrow, no lack or limitation. This Love contains within its essence the full
potential to rise above all human conditions, all self-inflicted suffering, all manner of chaos,
confusion, hopelessness, and despair.

Divine Love heals the illusion of separation. It rejuvenates, revitalizes and makes whole all it
embraces. It is the single greatest source of forgiveness, and it reverberates with the full
gathered momentum of our Eternal Freedom. Divine Love is the foundation of Creation and
the balance of the One. It is the indivisible, unchanging ecstasy that allows us to know Love
in all things. When we experience the Love of our Father-Mother God, we understand that we
are all One. Whether we are a person, a magnificent Sun, or a blade of grass, we are united in
the Body of God by the all-encompassing Light of Divine Love.

As our Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love reclaims this Earth and anoints Humanity with Its
Eternal Light, we will experience true Peace, and suffering will be eliminated. The Love of
our Father-Mother God is now resonating in the core of our Beings. It is not outside of us. We
no longer need to seek God's Love from afar, we need to merely accept that God is within us,
abiding in our Heart Flames. Divine Love is pulsating within the silent rhythm of every
heartbeat, every breath. It is the universal language now speaking to all Humanity through our
gift of Life. As we listen in the silence of our hearts, we hear the tones and whisperings of
Love inspired by the wonder of nature and the Music of the Spheres.

Our Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love is now reestablishing a Covenant of Love with the
Children of Earth which will enhance our ability to once and for all accept the gift of God's
Abundance and Eternal Peace. Through this Covenant, the supply of all good things will
forever and ever flood into the hands and use of the Sons and Daughters of God. The glory of
God's Abundance will be a manifest reality not only in this moment, but far beyond Earth and
time into Eternity.

When we agree to become a magnetic force of Divine Love, we draw to ourselves the loving
support we need from those who are aligned with, and will assist us with, our Divine
Missions. This occurs not because of allegiance to a particular personality, but because of the
affinity of our soul's Light with the spiritual essence of the particular facet of the Divine Plan.
As we expand our service to Life, we must reach up in consciousness and tap into the sacred
knowledge and wisdom that will teach us how to effectively utilize the new frequencies of
Divine Love now flooding the Earth.

Because of the unprecedented influx of Light that has taken place recently, the I AM Presence,

the Divinity within every person, is at long last reclaiming dominion of our Earthly
experiences. The Divine Intervention of our I AM Presence is allowing the entire Company of
Heaven to work more closely with us than ever before. These selfless Messengers of our
Father-Mother God are asking us to join with them now in unified consciousness to amplify
the CAUSE that will transform this planet and ALL Life evolving upon her into the full
expression of Heaven on Earth. That CAUSE, which we will now expand utilizing the influx
of Light from the perigee Full Moon and the March Equinox, is LOVE.

In deep Gratitude for our ability to serve Life in this way, let's join together in consciousness
with the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth, and let's unify our hearts
with the entire Company of Heaven. Together we will empower our newly established
CAUSE of LOVE which is far more powerful than any of the human miscreations that are
currently causing Humanity's pain and suffering.

Expanding the CAUSE of LOVE

Beloved Father-Mother God, we ask that you now expand the Flame of Transfiguring Divine
Love that is pulsating within every person's heart. Create from this Sacred Fire a tremendous
Heart of Pure Divine Love that expands and expands until it envelops the entire Planet Earth.

This resplendent Heart of Pure Divine Love now magnetizes to Earth the Love of God from
every Ascended level of Being in the Universe. This unfathomable influx of Love floods the
Earth and bathes every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of precious Life energy in its
healing Light.

This activity of Light creates the archetype that will form the pattern of perfection for our
planetary CAUSE of manifesting Divine Love within the heart and mind of every man,
woman, and child on Earth.

Our Father-Mother God, the entire Company of Heaven, and the I AM Presence of every
person on Earth join together now as One unified Force of Divine Love. As one breath, one
heartbeat, one voice, one unified consciousness of Pure Divine Love we breathe previously
unknown frequencies of the Love of God from the very core of Creation into the heart of
every person on Earth. This unprecedented influx of Divine Love now flowing through every
Heart Flame creates a symphony of Love that ensouls and interpenetrates our Beloved Mother
Earth and ALL her Life.

This influx of Divine Love now penetrates into the 5th-Dimensional Heart Chakra of every
person on the planet. The I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child becomes a power
point of Light unified in consciousness with the I AM Presence of every other person on
Earth, inbreathing, assimilating, expanding, and projecting this forcefield of Divine Love
throughout Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom, the Angelic Kingdom, and the entire
atmosphere of Earth.

The I AM Presence within every person is now the Open Door for this resplendent Light. At
inner levels, every person on the planet is experiencing this forcefield of Unconditional
Divine Love.

Through the I AM Presence, every person is seeing the scintillating colors of Love, smelling
the fragrance of Love, and hearing the Cosmic Tones and moving melodies of Love. Through

this activity of Light we are all, truly, Love in action. We are collectively changing the core
vibration of the primal Light substance, which has gone into creating the present negative
conditions manifesting on Earth.

Through the Love of our Father-Mother God, the entire Company of Heaven, and the I AM
Presence of every Human Being, we are the CAUSE of this Forcefield of Divine Love now
established on Earth. Together we have cocreated a bridge of the basic spiritual forces of
Divine Love over which Humanity is now Ascending out of our long exile in darkness into
the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Light.

This is what our CAUSE of Divine Love is attracting into each of us personally and all of us
collectively. We are all being raised into a profound awakening of supreme Love
consciousness. We are, here and now, the Masters of Love we were always destined to be.

We are Beings of Love, accepting responsibility for Loving this sweet Earth and all her Life
FREE. We are One with this blessed planet, and the planet is One with us.

Our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven are now intensifying their Light through
every person's Heart Flame. This activity of Light is lifting Humanity into a higher octave of
Divine Service. Every person on Earth is being permanently invested with a Cosmic
Forcefield of Divine Love. This forcefield is initiating each of us into a Higher Order of
Service to Humanity and the Light, which will greatly enhance our ability to cocreate the
patterns of perfection for the New Earth in the physical world of form.

We accept that this activity of Light is being God Victoriously Accomplished, even as we

And so it is! Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM.

If this link does not work, please copy and paste it into your browser.

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization

Japonya - 19 Mart Dolunayı - 20 Mart

Ekinoksu -16.03.2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 19, 2011 at 1:00pm

Japonya - 19 Mart Dolunayı - 20 Mart Ekinoksu -16.03.2011

Sevgili Dostlar,

Her anlamda çok yoğun değişimlerin içerisindeyiz. Önümüzdeki günlerde değişimler çok
daha yoğunlaşacak ve ani bir şekilde daha da hız kazanacak. Japonya’da gerçekleşen deprem
ve tsunami ile birlikte dünyamızın kilit noktalarındaki enerji portalları ve merkezleri daha da
aktif hale gelerek 19 martta gerçekleşecek olan dolunay ve 20 marttaki ekinoks ta meydana
gelecek olan büyük açılımların katalizörü oldular...

Japonya’daki tüm kardeşlerimiz için her gün enerji gönderiyoruz ve meditasyon yapıyoruz...
Onların yanındayız ve sonuna kadar da yanlarında olacağız. Burada olması ya da Japonya’da
olması arasında hiçbir fark yok. Dünya ve insanlık bir ve tek. Olmakta olanı nasıl
algılayacağımız tamamen bize bağlı, yıkım ve dalgalar bir çok insanın ve canlının hayatını
sonlandırmış olsa da , hepimiz biliyoruz ki bu onlar için bir son değil, yeni bir başlangıç...
Tabi ki hepimiz olan yıkımlar ve can kayıpları için üzüldük, ancak zaman üzülmenin ve
rehavete kapılmanın zamanı değil. Bu gibi durumların ileriki günlerde de yaşanması olasıdır.
Yıkımın ve ölümlerin sizi aşağı çekmesine ve sizi korku enerjisine sürüklemesine izin
vermeyin. Hepimiz içten içe biliyoruz ki ; olmakta olanlar bütünün ve hepimizin hayrına
olmaktadır. Yüzyıllar boyunca cennetin içinde bir cennet olan doğa anamız , bilinçsizce
katledildi ve sömürüldü... Atık ve pislikle doldu denizlerimiz ve can damarımız olan
toprağımız... Tüm kaynakları bitene kadar sömürülmeye çalışıldı... Ama hala tüketmeye
kimsenin gücü yetmedi , yetmeyecekte....

Nasıl, bir insanın vucudundan belirli mineralleri ya da kanını , yüksek miktarda alırsanız ,
insanın fiziksel dengesini ve bütünlüğünü sağlıklı bir şekilde devam ettirmesi mümkün
değilse, aynı durum doğa anamız içinde geçerli... Yüzyıllar boyunca narsizmin ve
kapitalizmin doruklarında yaşayan kendilerini efendi ve akıllı zannedenler, çok önemli bir
gerçeğin farkına varamadılar ; Doğa anamız aynen insan gibi canlı bir organizmadır ve
bütünlüğe sahiptir. Bir ormanda bir ağacı keserseniz , o ormandaki tüm ağaçlar bu acıyı
hisseder .. İnsan doğanın ve dünyanın efendisi değildir, onun sadece diğer her parçası gibi
nadide parçalarından biridir.

Doğanın , ağaçların , toprağın bir dili var, bir sesi var , bir şarkısı var , sonsuz bir uyumu var;
çoğumuzun uzun zamandır unuttuğu bir bağ var bizimle doğa ana ve her canlı , cansız varlık

Doğa anamız kendini ve üzerindeki her canlıyı bir yenilenme ve arınma dönemine hazırlıyor...
Bu değişim dünya ile sınırlı da değil, tüm evren ve varoluş bu dönüşümü yaşıyor...
Işığın ve aydınlığın sonsuz rüzgarları esmeye başaldı , hepimize düşen bir görev var , önce
kendimiz için... Biz kendimize sahip çıkmazsak, kendi içimizdeki tüm korkuların ve içimizde
gerçek olmayanın ötesine geçmezsek, kimselere ve doğa anamıza yardımcı olamayız ....
Dostlar zaman daraldı, zaman ortadan kalktı , artık zamansızlık boyutunda özümüz olan sevgi
ve ışık olarak genişleme ve var olma vaktidir...

Gökyüzü her zaman açık

Ne bir bulut , ne bir pus …

Bazıları , gökyüzünü görmeyi seçeceğine , nedense olmayan bulutları görüyor

Ama gökyüzü , her zaman olduğu yerde duruyor

Engin güneş , her anında gülümsüyor onu görenlere ve göremeyenlere

Neden onu görmeyi seçmiyorsun arkadaş?

Neden her nefesinle içine saf sevgi doldurmuyorsun?

Neden kör gözlerini açıp gerçeği görmüyorsun?

Gözlerin kör ve sımsıkı kapalı

Ama onları açabilecek anahtar da , senin yüreğinde saklı.

Aç kalbini sevgiyle

Tüm bulutlar kalksın

Tüm kapılar açılsın

İşte o zaman sana her anında gülümseyen güneşi göreceksin ve o güneşle bir olduğunu

İşte o zaman kendinsin,

İşte o zaman gerçeksin,

İşte o zaman SEVGİ’sin….

Gelecek olan günler çok önemli . 19 Mart Dolunayı , arınma ve temizlenmenin rakamı olan
11 rakamı ve doğu yönü ile bütünleşmiştir. Bu gün aynı zamanda bir çok tahminin daha da
ötesinde ay’ın uzun yüzyıllardır dünyaya en yakın olduğu gün ve dünya ile en çok etkileşim
içerisine girdiği gün olacaktır. Bu gün içerisinde ayın çekim ve yaratım gücünü kendiniz ve
hepimiz için pozitif yönde kullanmanızı öneririm. Kendiniz için ve dünya için güzel
niyetlerinizi ve vizyonlarınızı bu gün içerisinde yapacağınız uzun ve yoğun meditasyonlarda
yaratın... Geçmişi ve tüm korkularınızı geride bırakın, sadece akışta olun ve akın... Bir tüyün
gökyüzündeki yalpalanışı gibi yumuşak , içten ve derinden akın kendinize ve tüm yaşama...
20 Mart Ekinoksu şu an’a kadar ; Atlantis ve Lemurya dönemleri de dahil olmak üzere dünya
üzerinde vuku bulmuş olan en kuvvetli ve derin enerjilerin açığa çıkacağı gün olacaktır...

Açığa çıkacak olan enerjiler dünyanın manyetik alanlarını daha da yoğun bir şekilde
değiştirecek ve doğa anamızın damarları olan bir çok geniş kristal yatağı aktif hale gelecek.
Dünyamızın elektro manyetik alanları kristalleşecek ve tam uyumun ve dengenin frekanslarını
yaratmaya başlayacaklar. Önümüzdeki ekinoks ve sonra gelecek olan ekinokslar 12 boyutlu
ekinokslar olacak ve 12 sarmallı dna yapısına ve genetik kodlara uyumlanma sürecimizi
hızlandıracak.... Epifiz bezimiz ve üçüncü gözümüz merkezi olmak üzere beynimizin ve
enerji bedenlerimizin bir çok aktif olmayan bölümü aktif hale gelmeye başlayacak...

19 mart ve 20 mart günlerini iyi değerlendirin, Love Peace and Harmony gönüllüleri olarak
bu günler boyunca uzun meditasyonlar yapacağız , katılmak isteyen arkadaşlar bizlerle
irtibata geçebilirler...

Şu an’da hepimizin hayatlarında ne iş , ne aşk ne de bir başka durum ve olay önümüzdeki

günlerde gerçekleşecek olan açılımlar kadar önemlidir. Kendinize yönelin , sadece kendinize
sevgili dostlar , sizde olmayan bir şeyi paylaşamazsınız, aktaramazsınız, sadece kendinizi
kandırırsınız, kendinizi sevin, sevmeyi öğrenin ve sevgi olduğunuzu hissedin. Kalbinizden
taşan bu ışık ve sevgi kendiliğinden sizden akacak ve tüm çevrenize ulaşacaktır...

Hepimiz birer gülüz

Her parçamız gökkuşağının ayrı bir rengi

Dalımız altın sarısı

Kokumuz güneşin ten kokusu

Gözlerimiz sevginin rengi

Gün geçtikçe daha da aydınlanıyor gökyüzü

Ne mutlu kelebekleşen her tırtıla

Her parçam feda olsun sevgiyle çiçek açan gönüllere...

Sevgi ve ışıktan, her an sevgi ve ışıkla...

David Doğan Beyo

DailyOM: Seeing the Illusion

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 19, 2011 at 1:04pm

Seeing the Illusion

The Secret of Surrender

True lasting success comes only with surrender, which is the opposite of control.

Most of us were raised and live in a culture that emphasizes the ideals of independence and
control. The general idea is that we are on our own and we don’t need any help from anyone
else, and if we are really successful it’s because we are in complete control. However, true
lasting success comes only with surrender, which is the opposite of control. We cannot
accomplish anything truly great on our own, without any help, and the idea that we can is an
illusion that causes most of us a great deal of suffering. Surrender comes when we see that
illusion and let go of trying to attain the impossible. Surrender can then be seen as a great
strength rather than a weakness.

Even small moments of surrender are powerful indicators of how different our lives could be
if we would only let go. We’ve all had the experience of extending huge amounts of effort and
energy to reach a particular goal only to realize that we can’t make it happen after all. At the
moment of letting go, realizing that we need to ask for help or simply release our agenda
entirely, a profound feeling of relief may rush over us. This warm, open sensation is the
essence of surrender, and if we didn’t feel that we didn’t really let go. But it is never too late
to let go, even of things in the past that didn’t work out the way we wanted them to, because
surrender is always an option in every moment of our lives.

When we finally do surrender, our goals actually become possible, because the act of
surrender is, in essence, asking for the help we need. This help may come in the form of other
human beings or unseen helpers such as angels or inner guides. It may also come in the form
of shifting circumstances, the small miracles that we call grace.

Japonya’dan Mektup…
 Posted by gunes kurtulan on March 19, 2011 at 1:23pm

Sendai’den Bir Mektup

Sengai’de olup bitenler daha çok gerçeküstü gibi. Ama bana çok yardımcı olan arkadaşlarım
olduğu için kutsanmış hissediyorum kendimi. Artık salaş kulübem adına bile
yakışmadığından, bir arkadaşımın yanında kalıyorum. Su, yiyecek, ısıtıcı gibi tedarikleri

paylaşıyoruz birlikte. Bir odada sırayla yatıyoruz, mum ışığında yemek yiyoruz,
hikayelerimizi paylaşarak. Sıcak, samimi ve güzel…

Gün içinde evlerdeki dağınıklıkları toplayabilmek için yardım ediyoruz birbirimize. İnsanlar
arabalarında oturuyor, navigasyon ekranlarından haberleri izliyor, ya da bir kaynak
açıldığında, içme suyu alabilmek için sıraya giriyorlar. Eğer birinin evinde musluktan su
akarsa, hemen bir işaret koyuyor, diğerleri de kovalarını doldurabilsinler diye…

O kadar şaşırtıcı ki; benim bulunduğum yerde ne bir yağmalama oldu ne de sıralarda itiş
kakış. İnsanlar ön kapılarını açık bırakıyorlar, çünkü bir deprem durumunda daha güvenli.
İnsanlar sürekli, “Ah, tıpkı herkesin birbiriyle yardımlaştığı eski günlerdeki gibi…” diyorlar.

Sarsıntılar sürüyor. Dün gece her 15 dakikada bir sallandık. Sürekli sirenler çalıyor, sık sık
helikopterler geçiyor başımızın üzerinden.

Dün gece birkaç saatliğine su verildi evlerimize, şimdi ise yarım gün veriliyor. Elektrik bu
öğleden sonra geldi. Gaz hala yok. Ama bunlar bölgelere bağlı. Bazılarının böyle şeyleri var,
bazılarının yok. Günlerdir kimse yıkanmadı. Kendimizi pis hissediyoruz ama, şimdi bizim
için daha önemli şeyler var. Gereksiz durumlardan kurtulmayı seviyorum. Tümüyle içgüdü,
sezgi, şefkat düzeyinde yaşamak, sadece benim için değil, tüm grup için, hayatta kalmak
adına gerekli şeyler için yaşamak…

Tuhaf paralel evrenler yaşanıyor. Bazı yerlerde evler viran olmuş, bazı evlerde, çamaşırlar
kuruyor güneşin altında. İnsanlar su ve yiyecek için sıraya giriyorlar, ama birkaç kişi de
köpeğini gezdiriyor. Hepsi aynı anda olmakta…

Beklenmedik güzelliklerden biri de, gecelerdeki sessizlik. Hiç araba yok. Sokaklar bomboş.
Gecenin cennetine yıldızlar saçılmış. Genellikle bir iki tane görürdüm ama şimdi tüm
gökyüzü yıldızla dolu. Sendai’nin dağları sık, aralıksız. Ve soğuk havada gökyüzüne düşen
siluetini görüyoruz ihtişamla…

Ve Japonlar kendileri, harikalar. Her gün kulübeme geliyorum kontrol etmeye, şimdi de
elektrik olduğundan bu e-maili yollamak için geldim, girişte benim için bırakılmış su ve
yiyecek buldum. Kimin getirdiğiyle ilgili bir fikrim yok, ama orada duruyor. Yeşil şapkalı
yaşlı adamlar kapı kapı dolaşıp, herkesin nasıl olduğunu kontrol ediyor. İnsanlar hiç
tanımadıklarına yardıma ihtiyaçları olup olmadığını soruyor. Korkuya dair hiçbir işaret
görmüyorum. Boyun eğme evet, ama korku ya da panik, hayır…

Bize artçı şoklar geleceğini söylediler, hatta bir ay daha büyük sallantılar… Sürekli sarsıntı,
titreme, çalkantı hissediyoruz. Ben Sendai’nin biraz daha yüksek bir bölümünde
yaşadığımdan kutsanmış hissediyorum kendimi, burası diğer yerlerden biraz daha sağlam. Bir
dereceye kadar burası diğer bölgelerden daha iyi. Dün gece arkadaşımın kocası baliyöden
geldi, yiyecek ve su getirdi. Yine kutsandık…

Bir şekilde, tam şu andaki doğrudan deneyimimden anlıyorum ki; tüm dünyada, gerçekten
muazzam bir kozmik evrim yaşanıyor tam şu anda. Bir şekilde, Japonya’da olanları
deneyimlerken, kalbimin gittikçe büyüdüğünü, genişlediğini hissediyorum. Kardeşim, tüm
olanlar karşısında kendimi küçülmüş hissedip hissetmediğimi sordu, Hayır. Daha çok;
kendimden çok daha büyük, olmakta olan bir şeyin parçası gibi hissediyorum kendimi.
Doğum yapmak (dünya genelinde) zor; ama muhteşem…

İlginiz ve sevginiz için tekrar teşekkür ederim.

Karşılığında, hepinize sevgiler…


Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 19, 2011 at 1:40pm

There is a lot of information available everywhere about things happened to our Planet Earth
in 3-11-11and to our brothers and sisters in Japan and about anticipation of new coming

It is a time for Spiritual and Energy Healers get together and unite in a group that will work
on preserving life, cleansing, and healing utilizing own gifts of Spiritual and Energy Healing.

The goal is to preserve all life forms existed on earth, clear and heal places, people and Earth.
The most important is that every Healer need to have own Divine Team he/she usually
working with, knows how from the beginning session test those who comes on the call to
prevent appearance of entities from Low Astral Level and only allow the participation and
inclusion of Beings of Christ Consciousness, in all its vibrations and frequencies.

During session every one creates own Team that include Divine level and members of our
Team. That approach with increase power of session manifold.
Here is the group.

It is understandable that everyone is utilizing different modalities and often incorporating

more than one method of healing in the process. That is why we there will be no instructions
given about the way to do sessions. Instructions are outlined in the link .

There you will see outline of session and decide for yourself: do you wish to participate or
not. Listen to your Heart. May that place be involved in your decision.

This group is not designed for study, it is designed for practical application of skills and
abilities and work together with both Earthly and Divine Teams without regards of location
and time zone.

It is very important: Understanding importance of this work, inner discipline, Spiritual

Integrity, and Sharing.

Those who feel that it is a call – please respond.

Thank you.

Humanity Healing Team

Carmen Souza ile Söyleşi
 Posted by beliz hazan on March 20, 2011 at 8:00pm

İstanbul, 17 Mart 2011 Perşembe akşamı Romeo ve Juliet Performance Hall Sahnesi’nde
Cape Verde asıllı Portekizli şarkıcı Carmen Souza’yı ağırladı. Biz de bu sıcacık konser
öncesinde onunla bir söyleşi gerçekleştirdik.

Carmen Souza samimi gülümsemesiyle Cape Verde’nin rahat ve sıcak hayatını içtenlikle
karşısındaki insana aktarabilen bir sanatçı. Cape Verde’li bir ailenin Lizbon’da doğan çocuğu.
Ailesi Portekiz’de ufak bir Cape Verde yaşamını oluşturmuşlardı. Böylece bu müzikal ve
ruhsal havada büyümüştü.

Lusophone Gospel Korosu, onun 17 yaşında ilk profesyonel olarak şarkı söylemeye başladığı
koroydu. Carmen Souza, başlangıç noktası olarak kabul edilen koro zamanından beri de
çeşitli projelerde yer alıp turnelere katılmaya devam ediyor. Ruhsal bir kişiliğe sahip olan
Carmen Souza, kendini ifade etme biçimi olarak müziği seçmiş ve seçtiği bu yolda ilerlemek
için de tüm gücüyle uğraşmaya devam etmekte.

Müzik kimliğinizi oluştururken hangi müzisyenlerin onu etkilediğini sorduğumuzda, onu en

çok etkileyen isimlerin Theo Pas'cal, Ella Fitzgerald, Horace Silver, Luis Morais, Cesária
Évora, Joe Zawinul, Bill Evans, Nina Simon, Billie Holiday, Joni Mitchell, Keith Jarret,
Diana Krall olduğunu söylüyor. Yaptığı müzikte cazla Afrika esintilerinin hoş bir

etkileşiminin oluşmasında yetiştiği toprakların, ailesinden gelen kalıtımsal özelliklerin ve
içinde bulunduğu kültürün müzikal yansımalarının etkili olduğunu içtenlikle bizimle
paylaşıyor. Onu ilk keşfeden kişi ise Portekiz’in sayılı iyi basçılarından Theo Pas’cal oluyor.
Carmen, ilk albümünü Theo ile birlikte çıkarıyor. İlk kez 2005 yılında ve daha sonra 2006'da
özel versiyonu çıkan "Ess e nha Cabo Verde" albümü Cape Verde müziğindeki gelişimin bir
sembolü olarak yer alıyor.
Carmen'in uluslararası ilk canlı performansı, BBC3'ün "World on your street" programı
çerçevesinde 2005 Temmuz'unda, Birleşik Krallık, Reading'teki Womad Festivalinde
gerçekleşiyor. 2008 yılında çıkardığı Verdade albümünün isminin nereden geldiğini merak
ediyoruz. Creole ( soyu hem Avrupa’dan hem de Afrika’dan gelen kimse) dilinde GERÇEK
anlamına geliyor. Polonyalılar, İtalyanlar, Yahudiler ve diğerleri Creole’e etkileyenler arasında
yer alıyor. O yüzden Creole biraz İtalyan biraz Fransız esintileri taşıyordu. 2010 yılında
Afrika ve Cape Verde geleneksel ritimlerini Çağdaş Caz ve Afro-Latin ritimleri ile
sentezleyerek ortaya Protegid (Korunan) isimli gizemli ve etkileyici bir album çıkıyor.
Protegid ne demek diye sorduğumuzda ise ‘’Korunan’’ anlamına geldiğini ve neden
‘’Korunan’’ anlamına gelen bir album çıkardığını sorduğumuzda ise Caper Verde kültüründe
korunarak büyüdüğünden bahsediyordu. Aynı zamanda Hristyan bir backgrounda sahip
olduğunu dile getiriyordu. Kendini korunan ve kendisinin insanları müziğiyle koruyan bir
tarafının olduğuna inandığı için insanlık adına böyle bir isim koymak istediğini ifade ediyor.
Çocukların büyümeleri, onların nasıl daha iyi yaşanacağını, stressiz bir yaşam için neler
yapılabileceğini anlatmak için böyle bir isim koyduğundan bahsediyor. Kendisinin spiritual
tarafıyla ilgili sorularımızda ise yaşadığı kültürde hep müzik ve spiritual bir kısmın olduğunu
belirtiyor. Gospel korosunda yer alırken bunun başladığını, Gospel müziğine birebir devam
etmese de kendi cümleleriyle bu yolda devam ettiğini ekliyor. Sevgi ve tutkunun onu bu
konuda ileri taşıdığını ifade ediyor. Din çok pratiğe dönüştürülmüş bir durum ve insanlığa
yardım ederek, farklı birşeyler yaparak bunu yaşatmak istediğinin altını çiziyor. Her yaşadığı
spiritual noktayı da müziğine yansıtmak istiyordu.

LOVE(Sevgi), PEACE(Huzur,barış) ve HARMONY(armoni) nedir diye sorduğumuzda ise

sevginin bazen tutku ile karışabildiğini söylüyor. Sevgi bazen bir kişiyi tanımış olsak bile
onunla birşeyler paylaşarak arttırılması gereken bir kavram olduğunu ifade ediyor. Sevgiden
bahsettiğinde daha evrensel bir kavramdan bahsediyor. İnsanların birbirlerini hayalkırıklığına
uğrattığı zaman bir insana o sevgi bitmemeli diye ekliyor. Ona karşı ikiden fazla şans
tanınması gerektiğinden, daha fazla tolerans ihtiyacı olduğundan, daha affedici olmaktan
bahsediyor. Koşulsuz sevginin altını çiziyor. ‘’Huzur ise
ihtiyaç duyulan bir kavram bu hayatta’’ diye devam ediyor.. Huzurlu olduğumuz zaman
hayattaki seçenekleri daha rahat görebildiğimizden bahsederek armoniye geçiyor. sevgi ve
huzur olduğu zaman kendinizle bir armoni oluşturmuş olduğumuzu,. önce kendimizden
başlayan armoni daha sonrasında her yere yayıldığını ifade ederek son günlerdeki enerji
değişimlerinde bizimle bu güzel söyleşiyi gerçekleştirdiği için ona teşekkürlerimizi

 Posted by Didem on March 21, 2011 at 2:28pm

Lütfen uygun bulduğunuz sosyal ağlara yayar mısınız?

Sevgili Dünya insanları,

Japonya’da olanlar orada yaşayan eş, dost, akrabamız olsada olmasa da, bizleri çaresiz ve
derinden endişe içinde bıraktı,
Niyetimiz bu çaresizlik ve endişe ile başaçıkabilecek olumlu bir yöntem bulabilmektir,
böylece: dünyanın neresinde olursak olalım meditasyonda ve dualarımızda ışığımızı ve
sevgimizi Japonya’da yaşayan tüm insanalara, hayvanlara ve canlılara gönderelim.
Geçtiğimiz günlerde yapılan meditasyonlarda, bir araya getirdiğimiz gayretlerimizin ortaya
koyduğu birleşen güçlerimizin ve kuvvetimizin varlığını hissedebildik. Oluşan bu sevgi alanı
sayeseinde Japonya’daki insanlar ve hayat hatta tüm bir dünya desteklenebilir.

Biz de herkesi davet etmek istiyoruz: tüm dünya toplumu, tek tek insanlar, tüm bağlantıları
ağları ve organizasyonları hep birlikte sevgimizi ve gücümüzü meditasyon ya da dualarda,
size-sizin kültürünüze hangisi uygunsa o şekilde birleştirelim.

21 Mart 2011 Pazartesi, Orta Avrupa saatiyle akşam 9:45-10:30 arası

Topluluğumuza size uyan her hangi bir meditasyon ya da duayla, nerede olursanız oradan ya
da kendi çevrenizden başkalarıyla buluşarak katılabilirsiniz.

İhtiyaç duyanlar için kısa bir meditasyon rehberi:

- Sakinleşmek için kendinize biraz zaman tanıyın, kendinize odaklanın, kendi varlığınızı
- Kalbinizi, ya da sizin için Yaratıcı, Allah, Tao, doğa...tanrısal olana kalbinizi merkezleyin.
- O anda meditasyond ve duada olan diğerleri ile bağınızı hissedin. Bu toplulukla olan bağınız
kuvvetlensin ve sizi dengelesin, meditasyonun etkilerini birlikteliğimizle kuvvetlendirelim.
- Zihninize odaklayın. Niyetinizi kendi içinizde netleştirin. Fukuşima’daki insanlar ve ruhlar
için dua edebilirsiniz. Japonya, tüm insanlık, Dünyamız ve tüm yaşayan hisseden canlılar için
meditasyon yapabilirsiniz. Dikkatinizin, empatinizin, sevginizin sizden akmasına izin vererek:

- endişe içindeki insanların merkezlerini bulabilmelerine ve destek, yardım bulabilmelerine,

- bölgedeki şifalanmanın her nasıl olacaksa desteklenmesine,
- modern, ekolojik, belli bir merkeze odaklı olmayan enerji kaynağına ulaşarak insanlığın
gezegenimizle uyum içinde şifalanmasına,
- dualarınızın, meditasyonunuzun, imgelemelerinizin, sesinizin ya da her neyle meditasyon
yapıyorsanız odaklandıklarınıza ulaşmasına izin verin.
- Neler olduğunu hissetmeye ve olmasına izin vermeye. Her ne oluyorsa değiştirmeye
çalışmadan olmasına izin vermeye ve bırakmaya...
- En geç orta Avrupa saatiyle gece 10:30 bırakmak üzere kendinizi hazır hissettiğinizde
meditasyondan çıkmaya,

- Tüm dikkatinizi kendine geri getirin. Kendiniz, kendi kalp atışınızı ve nefesinizi hissedin.
Dünyayı, ayağınızın altındaki toprağı hissedin. Orada 1-2 dakika a daha kalın.
Biz Anja, Andrea, Axel ve Lutz’dan selamlar...
Further information:

Dear people of the world community,

The events taking place in Japan leave us feeling helpless and deeply concerned, whether or
not we have friends or relatives living there.
It is our intention to find a positive and helpful way of coping with our helplessness and
concern by doing what we can wherever we are in the world: to focus our thoughts in
meditation and prayers, to send our light and our love to the people, animals and all living
creatures in Japan.
During meditation in the past few days, we have been able to feel the presence of strength and
power in joining our efforts. By the resulting field of love, the people and life in Japan and the
whole earth can be supported.

We would like to invite everybody: the whole world community with all its networks and
organizations as well as all individuals, to jointly focus your love and power and to join us in
meditation, or prayer, in a way suitable to you and your own specific cultural background:

- on Monday, 21st March 2011, from 9.45 p.m. – 10.30 p.m. Central European Time

You can join the community in meditation or prayer of any kind suitable to you, at whatever
place you are in, or alternatively you can meet up somewhere with others from your own
network and join in together.

A short meditation guideline if needed:

· Take a little while to calm down, to focus on yourself, to feel yourself.
· Feel your heart, center your heart on what is Godly to you, may it be God, Allah, the Tao,
nature or something different.
· Feel the connection with all others who are meditating at the moment. The connection with
this community will strengthen and stabilize you and synergizes the effects of meditation.
· Focus your mind. Make your intention clear to yourself. You may pray for people and souls
in the region of Fukushima. You may meditate for Japan, for humankind, for Mother Earth,
and all feeling creatures. You may let your attention, empathy, love flow so that:
o people concerned may find orientation and help,
o healing in the region may be supported – in what ever way it may happen,
o healing will happen so that humankind will be given a modern, ecological and decentralized
energy supply in full harmony with the planet.
· Let your prayers, meditations, visualizations, your sound or whatever you are meditating
with – let it flow towards your objects of meditations.
· Sense what is happening – and let it happen. Let it happen without trying to influence,
without your will; let go.
· Detach yourself when it feels right to you or when you feel exhausted. Detach at the latest at
10.30 pm CET.
· Come back to yourself with your whole attention. Feel yourself, your heart beat, feel your
breath. Feel the earth, the soil under your feet. Stay there for 2 minutes or longer.
Greetings from our heart Anja, Andrea, Axel, Lutz.
Further information:

Liebe Weltgemeinschaft,
Die Ereignisse in Japan machen uns alle hilflos und betroffen, egal ob wir Menschen dort
kennen, Familie dort haben oder auch nicht.
Wir wollen konstruktiv mit unserer Hilflosigkeit und Betroffenheit umgehen und das, was wir
überall tun können, tun: Meditieren und beten, unser Licht und unsere Liebe zu den
Menschen, Tieren und allen Lebewesen nach Japan schicken.
Wir haben bereits in den vergangenen Tagen meditiert und die Kraft der gemeinsamen
Ausrichtung spüren dürfen. Das so entstehende Feld der Liebe kann die Menschen, die Erde
und alles Leben in Japan unterstützen.
Wir möchten alle einladen, die Weltgemeinschaft, alle ihre Netzwerke, Organisationen und
alle Einzelpersonen, am kommenden
Montag, 21. März 2011 in der Zeit von 21:45 – 22.30 Uhr MEZ
unsere Liebe und Kraft zu bündeln und gemeinsam an diesem Tag zu dieser Zeit für Japan zu
meditieren oder zu beten, wie es für Sie stimmig ist und Ihrer jeweiligen Kultur entspricht.
Wir sind alle eins.
Jede/jeder mag am Ort seiner/ihrer Wahl an der Meditation teilnehmen oder aber Sie finden
sich in ihren Netzwerken an einem Ort Ihrer Wahl zusammen und meditieren oder beten
gemeinsam. Jeder mag dabei meditieren oder beten, wie es ihm entspricht.
Hier eine mögliche Anleitung zur Meditation:
* Nimm dir eine Einstimmungsphase, um ruhig zu werden, dich zu fühlen, dich zu besinnen.
* Fühle dein Herz. Richte dich in deinem Herzen an dem für dich Göttlichen aus, ob es Gott,
Allah, das Tao, die Natur oder etwas ganz anderes ist.
* Fühle die anderen Meditierenden - fühle das Verbunden-Sein. Das stärkt und stabilisiert
dich und führt zu einer Bündelung der Meditationswirkung.
* Werde dir deiner Absicht bewusst. Mache sie dir klar. Vielleicht willst du in dieser Region
um Fukushima für die Menschen, für die Seelen meditieren/bitten. Vielleicht willst du es auf
ganz Japan, die Menschheit, die Erde und alle fühlenden Wesen ausdehnen. Vielleicht magst
du Aufmerksamkeit, Mitgefühl, Liebe fließen lassen, so dass
* den Betroffenen die Orientierung erleichtert wird,
* Heilung in der Region unterstützt wird, wie auch immer sie aussehen möge,
* Heilung für eine zeitgemäße, ökologische und dezentrale Energieversorgung auf unserem
Planeten geschehen möge.
* Lasse deine Bitten, Gebete, deine Visualisierungen, deinen Klang oder womit immer du
meditieren möchtest zu deinem Ziel, deiner Absicht fließen.
* Nimm wahr, was geschieht, lasse es geschehen. Und lasse es dabei bitte OHNE Willenskraft
geschehen. Lass es aus sich selbst heraus entwickeln.
* Löse dich, wenn es für dich stimmig ist oder du dich erschöpft fühlst. Löse dich spätestens
um 22:30 Uhr MEZ.
* Komme mit deiner Aufmerksamkeit wieder ganz zu dir. Spüre dich, fühle deinen
Herzschlag, deinen Atem. Fühle den Boden, die Erde unter dir, bleibe in diesem Gefühl des
„Bei-Dir-Seins“ zwei Minuten oder länger.
Von Herzen
Andrea, Anja, Axel, Lutz
Weitere Infos:

Gerçek Bir Koşulsuz Sevgi Deneyimi ve
Sevgiyi Ağaca Sarılarak Evrene Aktarma
 Posted by Esra Tan on March 21, 2011 at 10:51pm

Yazımı okuyan tüm güzel yürekleri sevgiyle selamlıyorum :) Başımdan geçen çok özel ve çok
güzel bir deneyimi paylaşmak istedim. Herkese yayılır dilerim benzer deneyimler.

Özellikle son aylarda, zaman zaman, nereden geldiğini anlamadığım, kime ve neye karşı
olduğu belli olmayan, yoğun bir sevgi enerjisi ile dolar oldum. Bu olduğunda, sevgiyi önce
kalbimde hissetmeye başlıyorum. Sonra o yoğunlaşıyor ve yavaş yavaş bütün hücrelerime
yayılıyor. Sonra da auramı kaplıyor. Aurama da sığmadığında, taşmaya başlıyor ve ben onu
mutlaka birilerine ya da bir yerlere imgeleme yöntemiyle yönlendiriyorum.

Ancak, cumartesi günü yaşadığım deneyim daha da yoğundu. 19 Mart Cumartesi günüydü,
Dolunay vardı o gece. O gün akşam saatleri yaklaşıyordu ve İzmir'in Konak
Meydanı'ndaydım. Hava güzel olduğu için insanlar kendisini dışarı atmıştı. Tarihi saat
kulesinin etrafındaki banklarda oturanlar, orada kuşlara yem verenler, her yerde oturmakta ve
yürümekte olan birçok insan vardı. Birden bire sevgi enerjisi dolmaya başladı içime. Tamam
dedim, buna alışığım, yönlendirecek bir yer bulayım. Japonya'ya yönlendirmeye niyet ettim
enerjiyi. Ama enerjiyi oraya yönlendirdiğim halde sevgi artışı durmuyordu.

Bir ara o kadar yoğunlaştı ki, tek başıma taşıyamayacağıma kesin kanaat getirdim.
Düşündüm, ne yapsam da bu enerjiyi akıtsam diye. Kalbimde öyle yoğun bir enerji oluşmuştu
ki, tek başıma onu taşımam mümkün değildi. O anda sevgiye ihtiyacı olan ya da kendini
şefkatime açacak birileri olsaydı, gerçekten şefkatimi sunardım bütün doğallığım ve
içtenliğimle. Ama tanıdığım hiçkimse yoktu etrafta bunu yapabileceğim. Aileler vardı, küçük
çocukları olan, ama gidip sevsem çocukları, anneleri babaları nasıl karşılardı bilemedim.
Sonra aklıma bir fikir geldi. Dev palmiye ağaçları vardı meydanın az ilerisinde. Onlardan
dikenleri kırpılmış olan bir tanesine sarılmaya karar verdim. Düşündüm, belki sevgimi ağaç
alırdı ve ben biraz rahatlardım. Kalbim patlayacak gibi hissediyordum ve tüm hücrelerim, tüm
auram sevgi ile dolmuştu, mutlaka akıtmalıydım o sevgiyi.

Gittim ağaca sarıldım. Ellerimden ve ağaca dayadığım kalbimden akıtmaya başladım sevgiyi
ağaca. Ona şöyle dedim: "Lütfen bunu al ve Dünya'da ihtiyacı olan her yere köklerinle ve
toprakla ilet." Enerji akışı başladı. Ancak beklemediğim bir şey oldu. Ben ağaca tek taraflı
sevgi vermeyi, ağacın sevgimi bir sünger gibi çekmesini beklerken, ağaçtan da bana sevgi
akmasın mı çağlayan gibi :) Ağaç beni çok sevdi, ben de ağacı. Ağaç ile bir olmuş gibi
hissettim ve ağaca aşık oldum. Ama kalbimdeki sevgi çok yoğundu. Verdiğimin fazlası
ağaçtan bana dönüyordu ve ben taşıyamıyordum içimdeki sevgi ile birlikte ağaçtan gelen o
sevgiyi. Bu sefer ağaçtan rica ettim, ona dedim ki, "Ne olur, sevgiyi al ama şu an bana verme.
Lütfen, sadece alır mısın sevgiyi? Taşıyamıyorum. Onu al ve ihtiyacı olan yerlere yay, lütfen."

Ve bunu rica ettikten bir süre sonra ağaç sevgimi tek taraflı olarak çekmeye başladı. Ama
hissettim, ağaç sevgimi tek taraflı almakta zorlandı :) Çünkü doğada herşey karşılığını bulur
aslında akışa bırakıldığında...

Tabii bu arada ağacımın yanından gelip geçenler bana tuhaf tuhaf baktılar :) Hatta biri yanıma
gelip bana, iyi misiniz, diye sordu :) Adım deliye çıkmış olabilir :))) Ama mecburdum
akıtmaya o enerjiyi. Bir süre öylece sarıldım aşık olduğum o ağaca. Etrafımdaki tuhaf bakışlar
olmasa sanırım daha kalırdım öyle...

Ağacı bıraktığımda yoğunluğun çoğu gitmişti. Ama hala vardı. Geri kalan yoğunluğu da,
ihtiyacı olduğunu hissettiğim bir arkadaşıma yönlendirdim. Aradım onu. Sevgiyi kabul
edip çok yoğun hisseden arkadaşım, benden aldığı sevgi köpeğine yönlendirdi ve o an uykuda
olan köpek uyandı :))) Sonunda normale döndüm, nötrlendim, ama saatlerimi aldı :) Sanırım
bu defa bu kadar yoğun yaşamamda Dolunay'ın da etkisi vardı.

Yaşadığım bu deneyimlerin nedenini sanırım biliyorum. Yakın zamanda bir seçim yapmış ve
serbest bırakmıştım. Öz'den bana sevgi aktarılmasını ve onu en yüksek hayır doğrultusunda
insanlara, eylemlerime, Dünya'ya yönlendirmeyi seçiyorum ve de öyledir, demiştim :) Çok
geçmeden kendiliğinden başladı :) Bir süredir kendiliğinden akış başlıyordu ama bu son
yaşadığım bütün varlığımı kapladı. Şu anda da çok yoğun hissediyorum. Demin başka
bir ağaca sarılıp geldim, onu akıtmaya mecburum :)))

Benzer deneyimler yaşayanlarınız varsa paylaşmamızdan mutluluk duyarım. Bütün Dünya'da

herkesin ihtiyacı olan sevgiyi içinde bulup onun yüksek bilinciyle aydınlanarak eylemlerine
sevgi bilincini kolayca yansıtmasını, o muazzam sevgi ile herkesin ve herşeyin
şifalanmasını dilerim.

Sonsuz sevgimle :)

Esra Tan

A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom

Kenyon - Medicines of Light
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 22, 2011 at 3:18am

A Hathor Planetary Message

Through Tom Kenyon
Medicines of Light:
Protection and Healing from Radiation Poisoning, Neurotoxins, Bacteria and Viruses.

With the earthquake in New Zealand, followed by the earthquake in Japan, it is clear that you
have entered a more complex phase of the Chaotic Node.

We wish to impart a method for protection and healing from radiation poisoning as well as
other physical conditions. We call this Medicines of Light.

This is obviously related to current events unfolding in Japan, however, as future earth
changes unfold, you may face similar challenges in your near future from other locations
around the world.

This method will assist you to both protect and heal yourself from exposure, not only to
radioactivity, but also to neurotoxins and to mutating forms of bacteria and viruses. From our
perspective you can expect to see an increase of these in your near timeline.

The method involves connecting to your Celestial Soul, the BA. This action is to connect to
the realms of light that are a part of your being.

Everything that exists in your cosmos can be viewed as a qualification or energetic expression
of light—even your densest forms of matter are essentially a form of light.

In this method you connect to your Celestial Soul, holding the intent and expectation that it
will impart to you an energetic that protects and/or heals you. You send this intent to your
Celestial Soul with the emotional vibration of appreciation or gratitude. This is simply the
vibrational resonance that activates this higher aspect of your being.

Once you send this intent conjoined with appreciation or gratitude to your BA, you shift your
awareness into your heart chakra, receiving the energetic of healing or protection into the
heart chakra. You might experience this energetic as a form of light, or as geometric patterns,
or you may feel the sensation of a descent of energy. You may also experience this energetic
simply as a thought/feeling.

Once the energetic is received in the heart chakra, it is ready to send.

For this phase you will need some pure water, since water holds this type of information
extremely well. Holding a container of water in your hands, through intent, you send this
energy that is in the heart chakra down the arms into the hands and through the chakras that
are in the center of each palm. The energetic enters the water through this pathway.

We suggest you amplify this energetic by repeating the procedure three times, for a total of
three times—two more times in addition to the first. You then drink the water. The water
permeates the water element of your body, and the healing and protective qualities eventually
enter every cell.

Through this action you are qualifying light, causing it to descend through the central pathway
of your body into your heart and sending it into the water element. The consciousness of the
water receives this energetic, and when you drink it, the body receives it.

If you find yourself in a situation where you have been exposed to radioactivity you would
engage this procedure as we have described it, qualifying the energy that descends from the

BA to protect and heal you from any possibility of radiation poisoning. If you have other
means to protect yourself, you should obviously engage these as well, but even if you are left
with nothing but the tools of your own consciousness, you can protect and heal yourself.

If you have been exposed to neurotoxins you would do the same. If you are in the midst of an
epidemic that involves bacterial or viral infections, we advise you to do the same.

As you collectively enter more deeply into this more complex and intense phase of the
Chaotic Node, bacteria and viruses will mutate faster. This method will allow you to protect
and heal yourself from these mutating life forms.

It is important to understand that you are creating the protection and healing through the
powers of your own consciousness. You have direct access to your own light realms. You have
the sovereign right to engage the light realms on your own behalf and on the behalf of your
loved ones.

If you find yourself in one of these difficult situations we have described, we suggest you take
the Medicine of Light—which is the water that you have charged—several times a day, as
your intuition guides you.

The physical ramifications of the earthquake activity in Japan and the resulting tsunami are
very difficult to deal with. But we wish to shift our attention from the physical to the mental,
emotional, and spiritual effects created by such a disaster,

Due to the fact that you are in a Chaotic Node and energies from deep space conjoined with
solar flare activity are affecting your energy bodies, you, as a collective, are more affected.
What we mean by this is that witnessing the suffering of your fellow humans shatters the
heart. There is a recognition that their predicament could easily be yours. This recognition can
create an opening in your heart, and it is through the heart—your heart—that higher states of
consciousness are realized, and so the earthquake in Japan is, in many ways, an earthquake of
the collective heart.

The times before you are not easy. From our perspective, increased earth changes are upon
you. But one result of such events is that you are shaken to your roots and the mass hypnosis
pauses for a moment. And in such utter and surrealistic devastation, many of you see very
clearly that your civilization rests on tenuous grounds. We mean this both literally and

And so our advice for this phase of the Chaotic Node is to learn and master the ability to
create Medicines of Light for yourself, so that when the time arises, you know how to engage
this power of protection and healing that you possess in your very nature. And we suggest you
navigate through these times not only with your minds, but with your hearts—and let your
hearts be touched, for it is through your hearts that you will ascend the spiral pathway to your
own greatness.

The Hathors

March 16, 2011

Full Moon, Equinox and the Planetary
"Emergency" by Celia Fenn
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 22, 2011 at 3:25am

Etheric Retreat - Archangel Gabriel - Hope by Therese Emmanuel Grey -

Full Moon, Equinox and the Planetary "Emergency"

a message from Celia Fenn

20 March, 2011

Last night we experienced one of the "largest" Full Moons for years, as the Moon was very
close to the Earth, creating increased magnetic energy as we move towards the Equinox. And
of course, we continue to experience a very active Solar Cycle with multiple sunspots and
solar flares.

Indeed, there is no doubt that something major is occuring on our Beloved Planet, in this time
of Transformation as we move into the New Reality of the Fifth Dimensions. No, it is not
easy....we are being challenged to the very core of our Being. In the aftermath of the

Earthquakes in Chile, New Zealand and Japan, and after the Gulf Disaster and continued
economic stress, many of us are beginning to feel weary and to feel that we are not being
supported in the way we would like.

Yes...I think that is the issue. It is not happening as we would like, and so on many levels we
may be angry or depressed, or we may just be in happy denial imagining that because
everything is OK in our little patch, that everything is ok.

My own perception of this Transformation and the current energies is that we are being
shifted, no shunted would be a better word, into our Heart Space at a rapid pace. We are
learning how to move out of our narrow concern with ourselves and our own wellbeing and
into a more global concern with the greater community, whether local of global. It cannot be
"well" with us if it is not "well" with the rest of the Planet. This is the essence of the New
Reality and the Fifth Dimension. Whether we like it or not, we have arrived in a Reality
where what happens in Japan is going to affect each one one of us in some way. It is how we
respond that allows us to consider where we are on our Journey of Transformation.

If we have moved into Love and Compassion, and if we have responded by joining efforts to
hold Love and Send Love to the affected areas on the Earth, then we can be pretty certain that
we are opening the Heart Center and moving into the Fifth Dimension of Compassionate
consciousness. At this point, we become aware that we are one family and we do what we can
to support and nurture our family from what we have and what we can do. Lighting a candle
and saying a prayer may be all we can do, but it adds to the wave of Compassionate Love and
Support that is received by those in places of need.

Now, in the title I used the word "Planetary Emergency", and I use this term in both senses of
the word. We are indeed at a time when we are "emerging" into a New Reality and a New
form of our Planet. It is not easy at this time, for we do not know what will is a
birth and we are waiting to see what will be born!

But, it is also an "emergency" in that in these deep shifts and changes, the Earth herself and
her new grid system is under pressure. I have been told very gently by Archangel Michael that
the Earth's "core" is being heated by the extreme activity of the Sun, and that the rising inner
temperatures deep in the Earth are also contributing to the Seismic instability. This is in
Divine Order, as the rising temperatures are merely a reflection of the rising Light Quotient in
the Solar System as the Cosmic Light becomes more intense. But, it does mean that the Earth
herself needs to shift and move to adapt to the inner pressures, and the Light Grid System is
being put under stress in many places. Again this is not a major problem, but it does mean that
there is a need for Angelic Emergency Teams to assist in the work of what I can only call
"patching" the Grid in places where it is stressed in order to maintain the integrity of the Grids
as the Earth and her beings make the Shift.

Now, for the first time, Lightworkers are being called to assist in these teams, and to work
with this process from the "inside". This involves Lightworkers who have been assigned to
these teams being ready to hold immense amounts of Light Energy, and to receive huge
downloads of Light and then transmit these downloads into the Grids in places where they are
or to people in their area.

So, many of you might be feeling huge surges of energy, you may be feeling very hot, you
may feel depressed or panicky or very tired as you work with this new form of energy. What

is happening is that you are being a "transmitter" for the Light Codes that will strengthen and
repair the Grids in the area where you are, or in any area of the Planet that needs this energy
and work.

If you are feeling this energy moving through you, then you will need to respect the process
and rest your body as much as you can. Know that your Higher Self will not allow your body
to be stressed more than it can manage. It is a great privilege to be able to work on these
Angel Teams right now to assist in the work of Planetary balancing that is taking place as the
Earth moves into the Equinox process of Balancing herself in preparation for the Shift of the

No, this is not an easy time. We are moving into new spiritual work and new perceptions of
who we are and our roles on the Planet. is worth it!

Welcome to the Fifth Dimension of Love!

© 2006-11 Celia Fenn and Starchild Global - You are free to
copy, distribute, display, and perform the work under the following conditions: You must give
the author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not alter,
transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to
others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get
permission from the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission
by author.


Çocukların resimlerindeki çizginin anlamı

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 22, 2011 at 3:31am

Çocukların resimlerindeki çizginin anlamı

Çocukların yaptıkları resimler, iç dünyalarında olup-biteni haber verebiliyor.

Çizdikleri ev, ağaç, aile resimleri ve yapılış şekilleri
onların yaşadıklarından ipuçları taşıyor, kullandığı renkler de çok şey anlatıyor.

İşte örnekleri:

Çocukların yaptıkları resimler, onların iç dünyalarında olup-biteni haber verebiliyor.
Pedagog Ali Çankırılı, çocukların çizdiği ev, ağaç, aile resimlerinin uzmanlarca farklı
okunabileceğini söylüyor.
Çankırılı, ayrıca çocukların kullandığı renklere de dikkat çekiyor.
Çankırılı, bir evin çizimi, sarı, kahverengi, yeşil, mor rengin kullanımının ne anlama
geldiğini anlattı.

Çocuklar, okuma-yazma öğreninceye kadar dil becerileri yeterince gelişmediği için

duygularını, sıkıntılarını, korkularını sözlü ifade edemez.
Ancak yaptıkları resimler çocuğun iç dünyası, düşünüş biçimi ve
yakın çevresiyle olan sorunları hakkında ipuçları veriyor.
Kullandığı kâğıdın büyüklüğü, figürleri kâğıda yerleştiriş şekli, renk seçimi onun ruh halini
Pedagog Ali Çankırılı, çocuk elinden çıkmış en basit bir çizginin dahi bir anlamı olduğunu
Çankırılı'ya göre çocuğun yaptığı ev, aile ve ağaç çizimlerine özellikle dikkat edilmeli.
Böylece çocukların iç dünyaları anlaşılabilir.

Çocuklar 2 yaşından itibaren ellerine kalem geçtiğinde karalama yapmaya başlar.

Kalem tutuşları acemicedir.
Büyükler tarafından herhangi bir şeye benzetilmese de bu çizimler,
çocuğun anlatmakta zorlandığı sıkıntıları, sevinçleri, kişilerarası ilişkileri, beklenti ve
umutlarına işaret eder.
Çocuğun yaz günü çizdiği ev resminde tüten bir bacanın olmasının bir mana ifade ettiğini dile
getiren Çankırılı,
"Tüten bir baca evde hayat olduğunu, yemek piştiğini,
aile üyeleri arasında sevgi odaklı sıcak bir ilişki olduğunu göstermektedir.

Yer çizgisi üzerine çizilmeyen ve yolu olmayan bir ev,

ailenin dış dünyaya, insanlar arası ilişkilere ve dostluklara kapalı olduğuna işarettir.

Ayrıca evde sık eleştirilen, azar işiten, hakaret gören bir çocuk insan yüzü çizerken kulakları
Kulakları çizmeyen bir çocuk eleştirileri duymak istemediğini,
kulakları büyük çizen bir çocukta dinlemekten hoşlandığını gösterir." diyor.

Çocuğun psikolojisini anlamada renklerin de önemli bir faktör olduğunu söyleyen Çankırılı,
çocukların kullandıkları renklerin ancak 4 yaşından sonra anlamlar taşıyacağını belirtiyor.
Çankırılı, "3-4 yaşlarındaki bir çocuğun kullandığı renklerin gerçekle bir bağlantısı yoktur.
Hoşuna giden renkleri coşkuyla kullanır.
Sevdiği birinin resmini yapmak istediğinde en çok sevdiği rengi seçecektir.
Renkleri tanıma ve renk seçme 4 yaşından sonra ortaya çıkar
ve bu yaştan sonra renk kullanımını psikolojik olarak değerlendirebiliriz.
Örneğin mutlu resimlerde genelde sarı renk,
üzüntülü resimlerde genelde kahverengi renk daha ağırlıktadır." şeklinde konuşuyor.
Çankırılı'ya göre yeşili çok kullanan çocuk kendisine güveni olan, uyumlu ve mutlu bir
Yaşıtlarına göre daha olgundur.
Mavi rengi kullananlar, duygularını daha iyi kontrol eder.

Ailesi tarafından sevilen ve değer verilen çocuklar ise sarı rengi tercih eder.
Anne babanın desteğine ve güvenine ihtiyaç duyan çocuklar da çizimlerinde mor rengi
Çizimlerinde kahverengi kullanan çocukların korunmaya ihtiyaç duydukları,
sevgi, ilgi ve özlemi çektikleri söylenebilir.
Siyah renk ise karamsarlığı ifade etmektedir.
Kırmızı hem güveni ve hayatı, hem tehlikeyi ve ölümü simgeler.
Bu, çocuğun bilinçaltından kırmızıyı hangi niyetle kullandığına bağlıdır.

Figürleri kâğıda yerleştiriş şekli, çocuğun duygularını ele veriyor

Çocuk çizimlerinin yorumunda kâğıdın bölümleri de önemlidir.

Sayfanın üst kısmı; aydınlığı, iyimserliği ve hayalciliği ifade eder.
Alt kısım; hafızayı temsil eder.
Figürleri sol tarafa yerleştirmek ben merkezci bir kişiliği,
sağ ise çevre merkezli bir kişiliği gösterir.
Orta; bugünü sembolize eder. Çocuğun içinde olduğu ruh halini yansıtır.
Sayfanın aşağısına çizilen küçük figürler yetersizlik, güvensizlik ve depresyonun dışa
Figürün orta hata uzakta ve sol tarafa yerleştirilmesi duygusal doyum arayan atılgan
çocuklarda görülür.

Çocukların çizdiği iki farklı ev bize ne anlatıyor?

Ev; kâğıdın alt ucundan yukarıya, köşeli bir açıyla çizilmiş.

Anneye bağımlılığı azalmış, anne-babanın yardımı olmadan kendi işlerini görebiliyor.
Duvarlar pembeye, kapı kırmızıya boyanmış.
Sıcak renklerin seçilmiş olması çocuğun uyumlu, sevecen ve hayata pozitif baktığını

Kapı büyük çizilmiş, ancak kolu ve tokmağı yok.

Çocuk arkadaş edinmede seçici davranıyor.
Evin iki büyük dikdörtgen penceresi ve bunların üzerinde
bir de yuvarlak penceresi var, ancak pencereler demirli.
Ev, izinsiz girişlere karşı korumalı.
Aile pencereden dışarısını gözleyebilir, dışarıdan da evin içi gözlenebilir.

Çatı ince ve kırık çizgilerle, eğimli ve üçgen biçiminde çizilmiş.

Anne, baba ve çocuk arası ilişkiler düzensiz ve belirsiz.
Çatının üzeri kiremitle örtülmüş, ev kar ve yağmura karşı korunmuş.
Bacadan çıkan duman yoğun ve yukarıya doğru çıkıyor,
kâğıdın üst ucundan taşmış.
Evde sıcak ve yoğun bir duygusal iletişim var.

Evin dış duvarları ince ve esnek çizgilerle çevrili.

Aile dış dünyaya açık, insanlara karşı iyimser ve geçimli, arkadaş edinmede bir sıkıntıları
Kısaca bu evi çizen çocuk; kendinden emin, çalışkan, aktif ve dışa dönük. Duygularını açıkça
ifade edebiliyor.

Evde kendisini güvende ve korunmuş hissediyor.
Anne, baba ve çocuk arasındaki iletişim sağlıklı ve uyumlu.

Ev kâğıdın en alt ucundan başlanarak çizilmiş.

Anneye bağımlılık devam ediyor. Baba evi çok önemli.
Boyanmamış, sade ve özentisiz.
Çocuğun içinde bir boşluk ve dış dünyaya karşı ilgisizlik var.
Kapıda pencere ve kilit var. kapının altına eşik çizilmiş,
çocuk arkadaş edinmek ve onlarla dostluk kurmak istiyor ama buna cesareti yok, özgüveni

Ev penceresiz, aile kendi içine kapanmış, dış dünyayla iletişimi yok.

Çatı kalın çizgilerle eğimli ve üçgen biçiminde çizilmiş.
Anne, baba ve çocuk ilişkisi değişmez kurallara bağlı.
Çatının üzeri kapatılmamış; ev kar ve yağmura karşı korumasız.
Siyah yuvarlak pencere çocuğun ruhen sıkıldığını ve yalnızlık çektiğini gösteriyor.
Bacadan çıkan duman aşağıya doğru kıvrılmış.
Evin içinde zayıf da olsa bir sıcaklık, bir duygusal iletişim var.
Evin duvarları kalın çizgilerle çevrili.
Aile dış dünyaya kapalı, insanlara güvenmiyor, bu yüzden fazla arkadaşı yok.
Sonuç olarak; bu evi çizen çocuk utangaç, ağzı sıkı, sessiz, içine kapalı,
alçak sesle konuşuyor, bazen gizlice ağlıyor.
Duygularını belli etmiyor.
Diğer çocuklarla iletişim kurmada ve arkadaş edinmede zorlanıyor.
Ailede baskı görüyor ve sık eleştiriliyor.
Ailenin bu konuda incelenmesi gerekir.

Ali Çankırılı'ya göre çizilen insan figürlerinin anlamları

Kafa: Resimde kafanın normalden büyük çizilmesi

duygusal ve sosyal iletişimde yetersizlik belirtisi olmakla beraber
kendini zekâca yaşıtlarından geri gören ve
anne-baba tarafından okul başarısı düşük bulunan çocuklarda görülebilir.
Normalden küçük çizilen kafa arkadaş edinmede ve
insanlarla ilişki kurmada zorluk çeken, içe kapanmaya eğimli çocuklarda görülür.

Saçlar: Çocuğun resminde bastırarak boyadığı saçlar

çocuğun fiziksel olarak daha güçlü olma arzusunu göstermektedir.
Ebeveynin saçının bastırılarak boyanması otorite kurma,
aile içinde söz sahibi olma isteği konusunda ipuçları verir.

Ağız: Kalın çizgilerle belirtilmiş, dişlerin göründüğü açık bir ağızsa

insanlarla konuşma isteğini;
kapalı, dar, çizgi şeklindeki ağız ise insanlarla ilişki kurmaktan çekindiğini gösterir.
Kızgınlığını kötü ve küfürlü sözlerle ifade etmekte olan çocukların ağzı fazla açık çizdiği

Gözler: Göz yuvarlağının içine gözbebeği çizen bir çocuk, özünün, kişiliğinin farkına varmış
Çünkü gözbebeği olmadan, göz yuvarlığı boş ve anlamsız bir şeydir.

Okula başlama yaşına gelmiş bir çocuk insan resmi çizerken
göz yuvarlağının içine gözbebeği koymazsa,
bu çocuğun kişiliğinin farkında olmadığı,
zihinsel ve duygusal yönden geri kaldığı, iç dünyasının boş olduğu söylenebilir.

Burun: Burnu, olduğundan büyük çizen çocuklarda ben algısı gerçek benin üzerindedir.
Burnu çok küçük çizenlerde benlik algısı gerçek benin altında, özgüvenleri zayıf çocuklardır.

Kollar: İki yana açılan kollar insanlarla yakın ilişki kuran, sevecen çocukların çizimlerinde
Bazen insanlarla yakın ilişki kurma isteğinin bir göstergesidir.
Gövdeye bitişik çizilen kollar insanlarla ilişki kurmada zorluk çeken çocukların çizimlerinde
Kolların hiç çizilmemesi çevreyle kopuk ilişkilerin varlığına işarettir.
Kolsuz olarak çizilen ebeveynin çocuk tarafından 'yeterince ilgi göstermediği' şeklinde

Eller: Ellerin olduğundan büyük çizilmesi dış dünyadan saldırganlık gördüğü

ve dış dünyaya saldırgan davrandığı anlamına gelir.
Ellerin çizilmemesi, olduğundan küçük çizilmesi, arkaya gizlenmesi
veya cebe konması özgüven eksikliğini, utangaçlığı, insanlarla iletişim kurmada yetersizliği
Yumruk şeklindeki eller saldırganlığın bir işaretidir.

Bacaklar: Bacakların çizilmemesi kişinin var olmak için başkalarının desteğine ihtiyacı
olduğuna işaret eder.
Bacakların sağlam ve dengeli çizilmesi özgünlüğü gösterir.

Çocukların yaptıkları resimler, onların iç dünyalarında olup-biteni haber verebiliyor.

Pedagog Ali Çankırılı, çocukların çizdiği ev, ağaç, aile resimlerinin uzmanlarca farklı
okunabileceğini söylüyor.
Çankırılı, ayrıca çocukların kullandığı renklere de dikkat çekiyor.
Çankırılı, bir evin çizimi, sarı, kahverengi, yeşil, mor rengin kullanımının ne anlama geldiğini

Sevgili Gülten'e çok teşekkürler...



 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 22, 2011 at 3:34am


-- Here's Why!

Miracles and Inspiration Update

Latest news from

by Scott Mowry - March 16, 2011

Scott Mobry writes

We are in the final stages of battle for the hearts and minds of the people of Earth. At this
time, there is a desperate attempt to raise fear and hysteria levels to all-time highs.

Pay no heed to the dire warnings of a nuclear meltdown in the tragic developments unfolding
in Japan. Resist the temptation to get caught up in the fear and trust that all is being taken care
of in perfect Divine order.

Fear is a tool that has been used for eons to control humanity but in the very near future, it
simply will cease to work any longer due to rising consciousness. Although, we should expect
to see it tried many more times to come

The situation in Japan, though very serious, will not result in a world-wide catastrophe. There
will be no fatal doses of radiation coming to the United States or any other countries.

Japan is a nation of highly resilient and very capable people. They will rally together and
solve this crisis, so that it will not threaten the entire planet.

The media is ramping up this tragedy to epic levels in an attempt to pull fear energy from the
people of the world so that it can be transferred to the powers that be. Don't allow yourself to
fall into the trap. Remember, they tried the same thing with swine flu last year and it failed

Although many may mean well, try to resist passing on information that raises concerns about
radiation poisoning or other health emergencies as it only will cause more fear. We must
realize we are formidable beings in our own right and our collective consciousness is
becoming extremely powerful in this ninth level of consciousness we have just entered.

Don't forget, the higher realms – those who created us – have assured us there will be no more
nuclear weapons or accidents that will be used to harm humanity any longer.

There are millions upon millions of beings, extra-terrestrials and angels who have come here
to assist us and they are NOT going to allow humanity to go down the chute. There has been
far too much effort that has been put in to saving us. Rest assured, it will not be wasted.

Many, many miracles are about to unfold very soon that will begin to counteract all this
negativity we are witnessing. Have faith those miracles will begin soon.

We will have more to say about Japan and technology that has been used purposely to create
earthquakes in an upcoming News report at

Stay tuned.

In the meantime, see this thoughtful perspective on the Japanese nuclear power plants below.

This was written by Dr. Josef Oehmen, a research scientist at MIT.

Dr. Josef Oehmen wrote

I repeat, there was and will *not* be any significant release of radioactivity from the damaged
Japanese reactors.

By "significant" I mean a level of radiation of more than what you would receive on - say - a
long distance flight, or drinking a glass of beer that comes from certain areas with high levels
of natural background radiation.

I have been reading every news release on the incident since the earthquake. There has not
been one single report that was accurate and free of errors (and part of that problem is also a
weakness in the Japanese crisis communication). By “not free of errors” I do not refer to
tendentious anti-nuclear journalism – that is quite normal these days. By “not free of errors” I
mean blatant errors regarding physics and natural law, as well as gross misinterpretation of
facts, due to an obvious lack of fundamental and basic understanding of the way nuclear
reactors are build and operated. I have read a 3 page report on CNN where every single
paragraph contained an error.

We will have to cover some fundamentals, before we get into what is going on.

The plants at Fukushima are so called Boiling Water Reactors, or BWR for short. Boiling
Water Reactors are similar to a pressure cooker. The nuclear fuel heats water, the water boils
and creates steam, the steam then drives turbines that create the electricity, and the steam is
then cooled and condensed back to water, and the water send back to be heated by the nuclear
fuel. The pressure cooker operates at about 250 °C.

The nuclear fuel is uranium oxide. Uranium oxide is a ceramic with a very high melting point
of about 3000 °C. The fuel is manufactured in pellets (think little cylinders the size of Lego
bricks). Those pieces are then put into a long tube made of Zircaloy with a melting point of
2200 °C, and sealed tight. The assembly is called a fuel rod. These fuel rods are then put
together to form larger packages, and a number of these packages are then put into the reactor.
All these packages together are referred to as “the core”.

The Zircaloy casing is the first containment. It separates the radioactive fuel from the rest of
the world. The core is then placed in the “pressure vessels”. That is the pressure cooker we
talked about before.

The pressure vessels is the second containment. This is one sturdy piece of a pot, designed to
safely contain the core for temperatures several hundred °C. That covers the scenarios where
cooling can be restored at some point.

The entire “hardware” of the nuclear reactor – the pressure vessel and all pipes, pumps,
coolant (water) reserves, are then encased in the third containment. The third containment is a
hermetically (air tight) sealed, very thick bubble of the strongest steel. The third containment
is designed, built and tested for one single purpose: To contain, indefinitely, a complete core
meltdown. For that purpose, a large and thick concrete basin is cast under the pressure vessel
(the second containment), which is filled with graphite, all inside the third containment. This
is the so-called "core catcher". If the core melts and the pressure vessel bursts (and eventually
melts), it will catch the molten fuel and everything else. It is built in such a way that the

nuclear fuel will be spread out, so it can cool down.

This third containment is then surrounded by the reactor building. The reactor building is an
outer shell that is supposed to keep the weather out, but nothing in. (this is the part that was
damaged in the explosion, but more to that later).

Fundamentals of nuclear reactions: The uranium fuel generates heat by nuclear fission. Big
uranium atoms are split into smaller atoms. That generates heat plus neutrons (one of the
particles that forms an atom). When the neutron hits another uranium atom, that splits,
generating more neutrons and so on. That is called the nuclear chain reaction.

Now, just packing a lot of fuel rods next to each other would quickly lead to overheating and
after about 45 minutes to a melting of the fuel rods. It is worth mentioning at this point that
the nuclear fuel in a reactor can *never* cause a nuclear explosion the type of a nuclear bomb.
Building a nuclear bomb is actually quite difficult (ask Iran).

In Chernobyl, the explosion was caused by excessive pressure buildup, hydrogen explosion
and rupture of all containments, propelling molten core material into the environment (a
“dirty bomb”). Why that did not and will not happen in Japan, further below.

In order to control the nuclear chain reaction, the reactor operators use so-called “moderator
rods”. The moderator rods absorb the neutrons and kill the chain reaction instantaneously. A
nuclear reactor is built in such a way, that when operating normally, you take out all the
moderator rods. The coolant water then takes away the heat (and converts it into steam and
electricity) at the same rate as the core produces it. And you have a lot of leeway around the
standard operating point of 250°C. The challenge is that after inserting the rods and stopping
the chain reaction, the core still keeps producing heat. The uranium “stopped” the chain
reaction. But a number of intermediate radioactive elements are created by the uranium during
its fission process, most notably Cesium and Iodine isotopes, i.e. radioactive versions of these
elements that will eventually split up into smaller atoms and not be radioactive anymore.
Those elements keep decaying and producing heat. Because they are not regenerated any
longer from the uranium (the uranium stopped decaying after the moderator rods were put in),
they get less and less, and so the core cools down over a matter of days, until those
intermediate radioactive elements are used up. This residual heat is causing the headaches
right now.

So the first “type” of radioactive material is the uranium in the fuel rods, plus the intermediate
radioactive elements that the uranium splits into, also inside the fuel rod (Cesium and Iodine).
There is a second type of radioactive material created, outside the fuel rods.

The big main difference up front: Those radioactive materials have a very short half-life, that
means that they decay very fast and split into non-radioactive materials. By fast I mean
seconds. So if these radioactive materials are released into the environment, yes, radioactivity
was released, but no, it is not dangerous, at all. Why? By the time you spelled “R-A-D-I-O-N-
U-C-L-I-D-E”, they will be harmless, because they will have split up into non radioactive
elements. Those radioactive elements are N-16, the radioactive isotope (or version) of
nitrogen (air). The others are noble gases such as Xenon. But where do they come from?
When the uranium splits, it generates a neutron (see above). Most of these neutrons will hit
other uranium atoms and keep the nuclear chain reaction going. But some will leave the fuel
rod and hit the water molecules, or the air that is in the water. Then, a non-radioactive element

can “capture” the neutron. It becomes radioactive. As described above, it will quickly
(seconds) get rid again of the neutron to return to its former beautiful self.

This second “type” of radiation is very important when we talk about the radioactivity being
released into the environment later on.

What happened at Fukushima I will try to summarize the main facts.

The earthquake that hit Japan was 7 times more powerful than the worst earthquake the
nuclear power plant was built for (the Richter scale works logarithmically; the difference
between the 8.2 that the plants were built for and the 8.9 that happened is 7 times, not 0.7). So
the first hooray for Japanese engineering, everything held up.

When the earthquake hit with 8.9, the nuclear reactors all went into automatic shutdown.
Within seconds after the earthquake started, the moderator rods had been inserted into the
core and nuclear chain reaction of the uranium stopped. Now, the cooling system has to carry
away the residual heat. The residual heat load is about 3% of the heat load under normal
operating conditions. The earthquake destroyed the external power supply of the nuclear
reactor. That is one of the most serious accidents for a nuclear power plant, and accordingly, a
“plant black out” receives a lot of attention when designing backup systems. The power is
needed to keep the coolant pumps working. Since the power plant had been shut down, it
cannot produce any electricity by itself any more.

Things were going well for an hour. One set of multiple sets of emergency Diesel power
generators kicked in and provided the electricity that was needed. Then the Tsunami came,
much bigger than people had expected when building the power plant (see above, factor 7).
The tsunami took out all multiple sets of backup Diesel generators.

When designing a nuclear power plant, engineers follow a philosophy called “Defense of
Depth”. That means that you first build everything to withstand the worst catastrophe you can
imagine, and then design the plant in such a way that it can still handle one system failure
(that you thought could never happen) after the other. A tsunami taking out all backup power
in one swift strike is such a scenario.

The last line of defense is putting everything into the third containment (see above), that will
keep everything, whatever the mess, moderator rods in our out, core molten or not, inside the
reactor. When the diesel generators were gone, the reactor operators switched to emergency
battery power. The batteries were designed as one of the backups to the backups, to provide
power for cooling the core for 8 hours. And they did. Within the 8 hours, another power
source had to be found and connected to the power plant. The power grid was down due to the

The diesel generators were destroyed by the tsunami. So mobile diesel generators were
trucked in. This is where things started to go seriously wrong. The external power generators
could not be connected to the power plant (the plugs did not fit). So after the batteries ran out,
the residual heat could not be carried away any more.

At this point the plant operators begin to follow emergency procedures that are in place for a
“loss of cooling event”. It is again a step along the “Depth of Defense” lines. The power to the
cooling systems should never have failed completely, but it did, so they “retreat” to the next

line of defense. All of this, however shocking it seems to us, is part of the day-to-day training
you go through as an operator, right through to managing a core meltdown. It was at this stage
that people started to talk about core meltdown. Because at the end of the day, if cooling
cannot be restored, the core will eventually melt (after hours or days), and the last line of
defense, the core catcher and third containment, would come into play.

But the goal at this stage was to manage the core while it was heating up, and ensure that the
first containment (the Zircaloy tubes that contains the nuclear fuel), as well as the second
containment (our pressure cooker) remain intact and operational for as long as possible, to
give the engineers time to fix the cooling systems. Because cooling the core is such a big deal,
the reactor has a number of cooling systems, each in multiple versions (the reactor water
cleanup system, the decay heat removal, the reactor core isolating cooling, the standby liquid
cooling system, and the emergency core cooling system). Which one failed when or did not
fail is not clear at this point in time.

So imagine our pressure cooker on the stove, heat on low, but on. The operators use whatever
cooling system capacity they have to get rid of as much heat as possible, but the pressure
starts building up. The priority now is to maintain integrity of the first containment (keep
temperature of the fuel rods below 2200°C), as well as the second containment, the pressure
cooker. In order to maintain integrity of the pressure cooker (the second containment), the
pressure has to be released from time to time. Because the ability to do that in an emergency
is so important, the reactor has 11 pressure release valves. The operators now started venting
steam from time to time to control the pressure. The temperature at this stage was about
550°C. This is when the reports about “radiation leakage” starting coming in.

I believe I explained above why venting the steam is theoretically the same as releasing
radiation into the environment, but why it was and is not dangerous. The radioactive nitrogen
as well as the noble gases do not pose a threat to human health. At some stage during this
venting, the explosion occurred. The explosion took place outside of the third containment
(our “last line of defense”), and the reactor building. Remember that the reactor building has
no function in keeping the radioactivity contained.

It is not entirely clear yet what has happened, but this is the likely scenario: The operators
decided to vent the steam from the pressure vessel not directly into the environment, but into
the space between the third containment and the reactor building (to give the radioactivity in
the steam more time to subside). The problem is that at the high temperatures that the core
had reached at this stage, water molecules can “disassociate” into oxygen and hydrogen – an
explosive mixture. And it did explode, outside the third containment, damaging the reactor
building around. It was that sort of explosion, but inside the pressure vessel (because it was
badly designed and not managed properly by the operators) that lead to the explosion of
Chernobyl. This was never a risk at Fukushima.

The problem of hydrogen-oxygen formation is one of the biggies when you design a power
plant (if you are not Soviet, that is), so the reactor is build and operated in a way it cannot
happen inside the containment. It happened outside, which was not intended but a possible
scenario and OK, because it did not pose a risk for the containment. So the pressure was under
control, as steam was vented.

Now, if you keep boiling your pot, the problem is that the water level will keep falling and
falling. The core is covered by several meters of water in order to allow for some time to pass

(hours, days) before it gets exposed. Once the rods start to be exposed at the top, the exposed
parts will reach the critical temperature of 2200 °C after about 45 minutes. This is when the
first containment, the Zircaloy tube, would fail. And this started to happen. The cooling could
not be restored before there was some (very limited, but still) damage to the casing of some of
the fuel. The nuclear material itself was still intact, but the surrounding Zircaloy shell had
started melting.

What happened now is that some of the byproducts of the uranium decay - radioactive Cesium
and Iodine - started to mix with the steam. The big problem, uranium, was still under control,
because the uranium oxide rods were good until 3000 °C. It is confirmed that a very small
amount of Cesium and Iodine was measured in the steam that was released into the
atmosphere. It seems this was the “go signal” for a major plan B. The small amounts of
Cesium that were measured told the operators that the first containment on one of the rods
somewhere was about to give.

The Plan A had been to restore one of the regular cooling systems to the core. Why that failed
is unclear. One plausible explanation is that the tsunami also took away / polluted all the clean
water needed for the regular cooling systems. The water used in the cooling system is very
clean, demineralized (like distilled) water. The reason to use pure water is the above
mentioned activation by the neutrons from the Uranium: Pure water does not get activated
much, so stays practically radioactive-free. Dirt or salt in the water will absorb the neutrons
quicker, becoming more radioactive. This has no effect whatsoever on the core - it does not
care what it is cooled by. But it makes life more difficult for the operators and mechanics
when they have to deal with activated (i.e. slightly radioactive) water.

But Plan A had failed - cooling systems down or additional clean water unavailable - so Plan
B came into effect. This is what it looks like happened: In order to prevent a core meltdown,
the operators started to use sea water to cool the core. I am not quite sure if they flooded our
pressure cooker with it (the second containment), or if they flooded the third containment,
immersing the pressure cooker. But that is not relevant for us. The point is that the nuclear
fuel has now been cooled down. Because the chain reaction has been stopped a long time ago,
there is only very little residual heat being produced now.

The large amount of cooling water that has been used is sufficient to take up that heat.
Because it is a lot of water, the core does not produce sufficient heat any more to produce any
significant pressure. Also, boric acid has been added to the seawater. Boric acid is "liquid
control rod". Whatever decay is still going on, the Boron will capture the neutrons and further
speed up the cooling down of the core.

The plant came close to a core meltdown. Here is the worst-case scenario that was avoided: If
the seawater could not have been used for treatment, the operators would have continued to
vent the water steam to avoid pressure buildup. The third containment would then have been
completely sealed to allow the core meltdown to happen without releasing radioactive
material. After the meltdown, there would have been a waiting period for the intermediate
radioactive materials to decay inside the reactor, and all radioactive particles to settle on a
surface inside the containment. The cooling system would have been restored eventually, and
the molten core cooled to a manageable temperature. The containment would have been
cleaned up on the inside. Then a messy job of removing the molten core from the containment
would have begun, packing the (now solid again) fuel bit by bit into transportation containers
to be shipped to processing plants. Depending on the damage, the block of the plant would

then either be repaired or dismantled.

Read more:

In addition!! Worth repetition!!!

Steve Beckow wrote

We haven't really talked about the nuclear issue yet, arising out of the Japanese earthquake
and tsunami. Perhaps we can discuss it here.

Keep in mind my earlier contention, following the lead of Matthew Ward and other sources I
rely on, that the Japanese earthquake and tsunami were produced by weather-control
technology supplied by the little Greys to the American military. (1)

This means as well that we terrestrials (that is, the Iluminati or cabal) produced the nuclear
fallout, and produced it as a result of our intentional actions responsible for the earthquake
and tsunami in the first place.

What I'll be saying here is that the galactics surrounding the Earth at this moment are
lessening the fallout's effects and can most likely be counted on to clean the atmosphere of it
entirely after UFO/ET disclosure. I will give my evidence below for making these
undoubtedly unsual statements.

This information I'm conveying is the basis for my belief that we have little to fear from the
nuclear fallout that has occurred or that will occur. I realize my saying this is controversial
and differs from what we hear from mainstream news sources.

Now let's examine some of the evidence on the subject of nuclear fallout from the sources

available to us. Again we won't hear this information from mainstream sources because they
don't have it. I take it from channeled sources and I already know that most people may not
accept it. But I do. And I recommend it to you as well, as one of the few sources we'll ever
hear about these things from.

Those sources say that the galactic fleet that is at this moment surrounding the Earth will
assist us in overcoming the depradations of the earthly cabal - nowhere more clearly visible
than in the manmade earthquake and tsunami that recently hit Japan. This galactic fleet will
assist us to see that the nuclear fallout from the Japanese nuclear power plants is lessened. I'd
like to say "contained" and "eliminated," but I haven't heard that yet, although I think it true.

Matthew Ward in his March 12, 2011 message explains the background of the quake and
tsunami and what the galactics are doing about the resulting radiation.

"The earthquake off the coast of Japan, strategically positioned to cause the tsunami, was not
Mother Nature’s doing. Her only involvement was the unavoidable initial movements of land
and water after Illuminati scientists triggered the quake. Our space family was able to thwart
their goal to level cities, flood the island and kill most of its inhabitants.

"However, harnessing the full force of the ocean is beyond the capability of [our space
family's] technology. Mother Nature isn’t causing the suspicious number of aftershocks,
either, and it should be obvious to your seismologists and geologists that something is
horribly awry.

"The peak members of the Illuminati know that their economic empire is shattered, and before
the last shreds of their once impenetrable global network are completely gone, they are trying
to generate a mass of negativity through creating chaos, destruction and high death toll
wherever they can. For all the devastation in the ocean’s path and the damaged nuclear power
facility, compared to the Illuminati’s intent to utterly destroy Japan, it was a shallow win for

"There was minimal damage in Tokyo; the quake, aftershocks and tsunami released a large
amount of negativity on the planet; off-planet technology is lessening the effects of radiation
from the power station; and other civilizations are beaming intense light, adding to the
outpouring of prayers for the Japanese people, whose resilience and resourcefulness and the
assistance of other countries will restore that nation." (2)

Matthew has directed his attention to the question of radioactive fallout on other occasions
and has told us that our space family, surrounding the planet in thousands of cloaked vessels
as we speak, are assisting us to rid the planet of it. Here's what he said on Feb. 3, 2007.

"This question about chemtrails, Why would they do that when they’re exposed just like the
rest of us are? could pertain to any of the toxins the Illuminati put into the atmosphere,
including depleted uranium fallout, the issue of current speculative concern that the US
government is exploding materials that produce DU radioactivity. First, I repeat what I have
mentioned in several messages—the technology of your space brothers and sisters is
ameliorating the effects of all pollutants, including radioactivity, to the greatest possible
extent, and when it is safe for them to join forces with your environmentalists and scientists,
they will completely eradicate all poisons in air, water and earth." (3)

Matthew's other discussions of the question are similar to those above. (4) Rather than
repeating them, let's look at what SaLuSa of Sirius, the spokesman for the Galactic Federation
of Light gathered above our planet, says on the subject. SaLuSa has not yet said whether he
considers the Japanese quake as manmade or not, but he does acknowledge in his March 14,
2011 message the fact that manmade quakes take place as we can see from the following

"When you have countries that are in earthquake zones and actually on the Ring of Fire you
are sitting on a powder keg, and there is always a chance that the big one takes place whether
through natural or man-made means." (5)

Speaking of the Japanese earthquake in the same message, SaLuSa said: "It is not our place to
interfere, but we are allowed where possible to lessen the effects." (6)

On May 12, 2010, SaLuSa told us that the galactics have reduced the effects of nuclear
radiation in the past. He said:

"We have for many years, going far back into the last century, dealt with many problems
arising from pollution and nuclear fall-out. We have limited contamination [for instance, from
depleted-uranium weapons] to avoid as far as possible genetic damage to future
generations. ... Our technologies will deal with these problems." (7)

"Have no fear, Dear Ones, although you have serious troubles to contend with and they are
destroying your environment, we can reverse the damage and clear any pollution that has been
"Much of [this] can be achieved from our craft without needing to land on your Earth’s
surface. It is the type of work we have carried out for you on many occasions over the years."

On March 19, 2010, SaLuSa informed us that the galactics have been helping us for a long
time clear radioactive fallout, and lessen the impact of earthquakes as well. Let us fully
appreciate what he is saying here: it is the Illuminati, operating through the American military,
who produced the earthquake and tsunami and it is therefore they who produced the fallout.

Extraterrestrials are therefore assisting us to counter the effects produced by terrestrials. They
are our natural allies against our own people, the Illumnati, who produced the devastation in
the first place. I have many articles on this subject on my website, The 2012 Scenario. Here is

"This is something we have been involved in ever since [your] first experiments with nuclear
devices. A considerable amount of our time has been [given to] cleansing your atmosphere of
radioactive fallout and in more recent times the chemtrails.

"We have always kept watch on Mother Earth and her human population and where allowed
have often limited the effects of earthquakes." (9)

SaLuSa tells us that the sooner we allow for the disclosure of the ET presence (and please
understand that it is our Illuminati-controlled governments who are standing in the way of the
galactics revealing themselves), the sooner the galactics can clean up all sources of pollution
on the planet. He says:

"The sooner your hearts can resonate and accept our vibrations, it will allow us to be far more
open and contact will be possible. That is a time we greatly look forward to, and it will help
release any doubts that may be held about our intentions. A full explanation of our presence
will in any event be given and we know it will satisfy the majority of the people.

"Others will be won over once they see the assistance we will provide, to remedy the damage
to Mother Earth and the widespread pollution. [Our assistance] is of course wider than that, as
we will also instigate plans to give you the advantages of our futuristic technologies. The
sooner you become independent of others for the essential tools of life, the quicker you will
become self-supporting." (10)

While an Illuminati-controlled Hollywood portrays extraterrestrials as predators, in fact they

have conducted themselves towards us for many decades now (with the exception of the little
Greys and Anunnaki, who are now mostly gone and no longer a threat to Earth) as our

I'd like to underscore the following point here: If we are looking for a source that can assist us
to clear away any radioactive fallout from the earthquake and tsunami, we will have to look to
the galactics. If there ever was an argument for overcoming cabal resistance to disclosure,
surely this is it. Without galactic assistance, I know of no other way to address the radioactive
fallout problem. They are the only force on Earth, ironically, who can help us in the matter.

Certainly the forces who caused the catastrophe, and who daily douse us with fallout from
chemtrails, have no intention or interest in assisting to reduce the radiation. We must look to
our space family.


(1) "Japanese Earthquake Instance of Controlled Weather but Not HAARP," at

(2) Matthew's Message, March 12, 2011 at

(3) Matthew's Message, Feb. 3, 2007.

(4) See "Ready-Reference Guide: There is No Need to Fear," at

(5) SaLuSa, March 14, 2010, at

(6) Loc. cit.

(7) SaLuSa, May 12, 2010.

(8) Loc. cit.

(9) SaLuSa, March 19, 2010.

(10) SaLuSa, Oct. 8, 2010.

A message to all members of The Galactic

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 22, 2011 at 3:36am

A message to all members of The Galactic roundtable

March 20, 2011

Lord Ashtar: A DAY FOR PEACE Meditation through beth

Greetings, Ground Crew of Earth, this is Lord Ashtar. Since March 9, 2011, when we
commenced the Cosmic Wave of Unity from the Ships, to begin the New Reality of this
Universal Underworld which is designed to bring humanity on Earth to its Highest Level of
Consciousness, Earth has made a massive shift. We are in the final stages of separating the
wheat from the chaff. Within hours of the 9 x 9 Cosmic Pulses coming through the Star
Realms of Heaven into Earth, Mother Earth experienced birthing pains and a great expansion
causing the Land Masses to Shift once more. Since then we have seen a magnetic storm,
major tsunami, nuclear meltdown and a new war has erupted. This is just what one would
expect to see in the separation of worlds. You will experience more surprises yet to come in
the united States government. On this event timeline information is being processed very
quickly, you are questioning the validity of everything you have ever known. On the Inner
Planes, all the Children of Ra, incarnate on Earth now are being asked if they wish to continue
in the New Earth with Landings in place, in a 5th Dimensional Universal Galactic World. It is
a free will choice, and not all will feel comfortable there. They are being counseled of their
choices and will move into a realm that is for their highest spiritual growth at this time.

At the same time, the dark Ones are grappling for their last chance of power. They feel
absolutely stunned that they can no longer keep you quiet with fear and manipulation. Your
pundits are out there tweeting up a storm chanting the TRUTH and this has never happened
before. You turn off the tv and go to meditate instead of staring at it blindly accepting the
programming. This has them falling apart at the seams. Congratulations.

Your Galactic Family on the Ships is a society of Extraterrestrials whose Mission is to help
Earth succeed in Ascension. We have equipment that is designed to receive and tabulate your
thoughts, emotions, fears, and deeds and give you feedback through the Angels, in the form of
life challenges and rewarding moments that Guide you on the path to be a better YOU. You
have this now in your car insurance companies. They give you a camera to install to take
pictures of the safe drivers to give them a discount. We have much more precise cameras,
everything you do is on video. Everything. This is true for Everybody. Likewise your Guides
and Angels stand by at every moment Guiding you through this feedback process.

You may be tempted to fall into despair as the bombing increases in Africa. Do not let it effect
you that way. Use it as an impotence for change. Purge it from your physical body with the
violet flame. How? The violet flame of the Kumaras is the tri-fold flame anchored in your
heart womb space. Wisdom, Love and Understanding together forming the violet flame.
Imagine it burning inside your heart. You have seen icons with the sacred heart flame.
Everybody has this, not just the saints and angels. Take deep breaths and breathe into your
heart to activate the violet flame and imagine it goes out from there to your body first, to
purify it, then to the situation where you would like to add love and light.

There are emails circulating that indicate with all this misery, surely the Galactics should
come now and ‘save us’. This is miscreated, immature, lower thinking. You are the Galactics
and you are already here. YOU are commissioned with changing it. This IS YOUR MISSION.
You signed up and you read the small print on the contract.

We come in after you change it and we help you by clearing away everything that no longer
works and the counseling and technology needed to put into place all the things a
5th Dimensional Society has.

I have been asked How Can I Help More?

There are things you can do. I want to share this with you today.

Today, the vernal equnox, is a day when your Planet position is in neutral position. This
allows the transmissions from your Central Sun, the home of Helios and Vesta, Ra, Sekhmet
and Alcyone, to float through the Milky Way Galaxy and through your Sun Sol, into Earth,
with the greatest penetration today than for the next many months. Today is the day for New
Creation. The pulses from the Central Sun go out through Father Sky into Mother Earth.
These pulses enter Earth through the equator and into her center core at Inner Earth at the blue
Sun there. Consider these Cosmic Pulses as the male fire energy penetrating the watery womb
of Mother Earth and then the pulsing orgasmic euphoric energy of new Creation which started
as Creation from the Voice, from the Mouth, the Word made manifest, the Central Sun,
traveling the body of the Milky Way and Birthed out again as new Creation in Mothers Womb
space at Galactic Center in Heaven and these undulating fractal pulses of orgasmic
100th Dimensional Love are permeating every cell along its way. This is effecting your Body
and the Earth. Your heart is expanding yet again as you traverse the Higher Realms of
Consciousness. The Ones who cannot hold love are having one last showdown at the hoe-
down. They truly believe their controlling ways will work once more, yet they will not.

I invite you to meditate with me now. This is one thing we can do that will help the most to
bring us to Zero Point. I am here, with all the Spiritual Hierarchy, the Ascended Masters,
Archangels, Legions of Angelic helpers, Christed Ets from your Solar System and outside

your Solar System. Millions of us, your family, are present now, tuning in and joining with
you as you read these words and take them into the violet flame of your heart and float them
to the outer Universes after passing through Earth and returning finally at Galactic and Super
Galactic Center. You are much more powerful than you know.

You join me now, in a large meeting room on The New Jerusalem. Here present are members
of the Angelic and Magical Kingdoms. There is enough room for us to form a large circle,
holding hands together. You can feel the ecstatic joy and love, we welcome you here.

Imagine inside the circle a ball of light a few feet across floating in the center of our circle in
this room on the New Jerusalem, floating a few feet off the floor. It has multiple colors of
light and flashes like lightning in the center. Take the light from your violet flame in your
heart and send it to this light ball in our circle and as you do, imagine your body becoming
small, the size of one cell and allow that cell to float on your flame into the center of this light
ball floating in the center of our circle.

Now you see the light ball grows and this is our One Cell joining together in Unity
Consciousness. The colors swirl as the ball grows in size and the light bolts through the
iridescent light ball.

Now we will be opening a large door in the floor under the ball and we allow the light ball to
leave the New Jerusalem, through the door in the floor. We watch as it floats out to the stars of
this arm of the Milky Way Galaxy.

The energy of this Unity Consciousness coming together with all of us here and others
participating from their Ships, is experienced by all on Earth, whether they are conscious of it
or not. It floats into the Equador Portal into Inner Earth, into the Heart Womb of Earth and
raises her up. This Unity Consciousness added to the situations unfolding on Earth now Shift
the energies to a ceasefire and a new direction for the governments of Earth. It Shifts the
energy revealing the final arrests and it opens a door where we Galactics can then land and
bring relief to the Earth torn places of Japan and all of Earth where we may comfort and assist
in mass healings.

As the Vernal Equinox of Earth makes possible the greatest absorption of the Unity
Consciousness and Love from Space, vast changes are possible. Send Love to the Ones who
played their stage roles so well. Bless them on their Journey as the 3D Earth leaves the realm
of 5D Earth. You are not losing them, you will be able to visit anytime at will. Use the gift of
Ho'oponopono every time it is needed. Be calm and exude love as we endure the final birthing
pains for new Earth. Blessings.

This is Lord Ashtar, Captain of the Galactic Federation.



beth trutwin,,,,

Visit The Galactic roundtable at:

Sananda: From The New Jerusalem

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 22, 2011 at 9:30am

Sananda: From The New Jerusalem

Given through Susan Leland


Sananda addressing the March 8, 2011 teleconference:

Greetings, Beloved Family, it is I, Sananda, and I thank you that we are all together here in
such a sacred and, yes, a high place. And I say to you, "Welcome aboard the New
Jerusalem!" Come right in, come right in and look out the great windows and see flying with
us, the Fleet. And notice, if you will, we are accompanied by the Star of Bethlehem and by
Niburu. All are here, everyone is here - you and your guides make it complete and we kneel
at your feet in honor that you join us for such high purpose and in such Love!

For truly our coming together is powerful beyond words. So we ask that you keep your
visions in front of you as we do this Exercise. We ask that you join with your Hearts and
indeed with the All that You Are, which is mighty and sacred. And yes, it does take a certain
amount of Courage to raise yourselves up so high as you join in with this mission. And so
we thank you, in advance even, of that which we are about to do, because it is our gift to each
other, and to the entire of Planet Earth, below, on and above, and to the Universe, the Great
Universe, beyond.

And this is what you would call the eleventh hour for Planet Earth, and the hands of the clock
are moving even now, and when they stand straight up together, that is your Ascension. There
is no accident, that is the month of twelve and the year of twelve, is it? No accidents, only

So with your visions very clear and with your Hearts open to join each other and to join with
us, let us form that wondrous circle, and let us come together into each others’ fields of
energy, all of us. No one of us is any more or any less than any other. We are all great and
grand beings coming consciously to do great works, and let the message go out from here.
Let the message sound throughout the Universe that we put out, and let it especially touch
planet Earth as we fly above, as we soar.

And we are going to do something that might seem to be a bit magic, but it is entirely within
our empowerment to do. As we fly above Planet Earth, look down and see humanity and
choose a place that you would particularly like to hover above for a moment, suspended as it
were in this Light of Spirit. Let it be a place where you have a vision to be, whether it be your
home place now or another place; whether it be a permanent place or a place that you know
you’re going to travel to in pursuit of your own mission and purpose.

And let us stop everywhere that the voices are raised, everywhere you know, and everywhere
that comes into your mind and your mind’s eye at this moment; where voices are being raised
to rise up into the higher realms, to rise up and out of the box, the muck and the mire of the tar
pits; to stop being stuck and to fly and soar. And let us join with the children, all of the
children of Planet Earth, the crystalline ones particularly, and let us send the message out to
them: "We are here. We are with you, Beloved Ones, and we honor you and see you as the
leaders that you came here to be. We empower you to join with us and together, together we
create this world according to our highest visions, with Love as the answer, as the truth, and
as the empowerment to all."

So say with me, say it aloud or say it to yourselves, however you choose, but communicate
this throughout your fields, send this message to you, each and every one of you and then
allow it, allow it to go beyond each and every one of you as we do with you:

I come with my courageous Heart and it’s full of Love for all creation! I stand tall in my
fields of energy because Love and the Light of it are all that I truly Am, and as my crystalline
body forms I communicate even more this Love throughout my fields of energy and beyond
to the world. I am messenger, I am in mission and I devote all of my self, all that I Am, to
Love and its messages.

I came here long ago and I know where planet Earth is going as it rises, and I am committed,
not only to going with it, but to bringing everyone else, my brothers, my sisters here on this
great ship, my brothers and sisters on all of the ships that I see outside. And as I look down

and I see planet Earth so beautiful, shimmering in this Light of Love, I commit to bringing all
of Planet Earth and all of its inhabitants who are desirous of coming with me into this higher
reality, because this is my shining, this is my truth-telling, this is my shining-forth, this
message to all who would hear it and open it.

And I am shining it forth to all who would not open it, even this moment knowing, knowing
that they will. I am empowered to do this and I accept this as my mission, and I stand with all
of my brothers and sisters who come from the lighted realms and I accept our togetherness,
our partnering and our Oneness. And I allow the empowerment of this moment to come into
my fields and stay with me and to empower me even more as I move joyfully and in highest
of vibrations upon my path of Ascension.

I know that We Are One and I now say, We’ are together; We are co-creating the most glorious
and beautiful of visions for this Golden Age which is so close. Our Hearts are joined now in
this mission! We connect and communicate and commune with each other from now on in
new ways of feeling, of flying together and soaring, and I thank myself, the glorious, sacred
and divine being I Am, for being here in this company. And I thank all of those in this
company for being One with me in this mission of Light and Love. Together we co-create the
highest and the best of times to come, and we have, together, come to a new and higher level
from which to do so.

And so, let us hug each other and let us light each other up with this great outpouring and
upswelling of Love! And, Beloved Ones, I tell you, from my Heart to yours that you shine
even brighter and that we are together as One with no barriers, no resistance, just simply Love
flowing freely and endlessly, shining bright and beautiful.

And so my Mother stands with me. Come forward now and accept, if you will, the Kumara
roses into your Hearts. Savor their velvety softness and yet feel their Strength and their
Courage, which is offered to you. Let us be One always. The Truth is that we always have
been, and we have done away with and beamed our way through whatever sensations of
separation we may have had in this time together - We Are Truly One! So let us welcome
each other home to our Hearts and the One We All Are. Thank you, Beloved Ones, and


I honor all of you and I bring the softness of my Love to you. You’re awesome, Beloved
Ones, and I feel your Love and I ask that you feel mine, and I assure you that whatever
mission that I and my Paschat Warriors have, we shall do it with your Love accompanying us,
as we are now One, together, in the creation of the vision of Freedom and Peace and Love
upon Planet Earth, within, on and above. Thank you, Beloved Ones - the Joy continues to
upswell! Namaste!

Rüyalar, Niyetler ve Beşinci-Boyutsal
Zaman Dalgaları DL Zeta
 Posted by gunes kurtulan on March 22, 2011 at 3:51pm

Rüyalar, Niyetler ve Beşinci-Boyutsal Zaman Dalgaları

DL Zeta

Rüyalar, bilinç altının giriş kapılarıdır, rehberlik, içgörü, ilham ve geleceğin vizyonlarının
yolculuk edebileceği; bilinç, zihin ve ruh arasındaki köprüdür.

Rüyalar, cennet ve dünyanın, “görünen” ile “görünmeyen” dünyaların yüz yüze gelmesidir.
Bir çokları, birçok çalışma yaptı rüyalarla ilgili bir dereceye kadar, ve içeriğin ne kadar güçlü
olduğu farkedildi. Sizden, rüyaları yeni ışıkla değerlendirmenizi istiyoruz. Bu; rüyaların bize,
beşinci boyutsal zaman dalgalarını enerjilendirme ve anlama yeteneğini vermesi; ve insanın
rüya içinde realiteyi nasıl deneyimleyebildiği anlamına gelir.

Rüyalar Potansiyel Realite Izgaralarına Göz Atmaktır

Realite ızgaraları, ve onun “olaylar dizisi”, enerjetik potansiyel olarak, her insanın olasılıklar
alanında vardır. Bu olasılıklar alanı, insanın , bu zamanda bedenlenerek paylaşacağı anlayış,
yetenek, becerilerle dolu, yaşamı boyuncaki ders planından oluşur.

Bir çok etmen hesaplanarak şifrelenir bu olasılıklar alanına. Bu alan enerjetik potansiyellere
ya da “şu anda yürürlükte” olan olaylar dizisini içeren realite ızgaralarına çevrilebilirler. Kişi
potansiyel olaylar dizisi ile rezonansa girdiğinde, belli realite çerçevelerinden küçük yaşam
kareleri alabilir. Siz bir zaman dalgası algıladığınızda, ilgi ve odağınızı ona getirerek,
enerjilendirir ve fiziksel realitenize çekebilirsiniz.

Oldukça yüksek sezgisel bir süreci sizlere materyalistik terimlerle açıklamaya çalışıyoruz,
nasıl çalıştığını netleştireceğiz. Kişi, bir realite ızgarasındaki olaylar dizisi ile enerjetik
rezonansa girdiğinde, o olaylar dizisine ait görüntü kareleri ve görüntü flaşlarını sezgisel
içgörü ya da rüyalar yoluyla alır.

Çünkü, bilinçaltı, rüya gören zihin uzak ve yakın tüm realite ızgaralarında dolaşmakta
özgürdür, siz; şimdiki zamanınızdan çoktan çıkmış bir realitenin rüyasını görebilirsiniz. Bu
“neden” sorusunun yanıtı, her bireyin kendi spiritüel amacında yatar.

Bu bağlamda, bizler, kişinin şimdiki realitesine yakın ya da bitişik potansiyel realitelerdeki

resimlerden bahsediyoruz.

Niyetler, Ruhun Arzuları ve Realite Parçaları

Yeni realite parçalarından görüntüler ile birlikte, rüyalar da realitenin nasıl çalıştığını, ve
niyetlerin gücüyle yeni zaman dalgalarında nasıl kolaylıkla ve çabasızca akabileceğimizi

öğretebilir bize. Niyetleri, yaşadığımız realitedeki deneyimlerimizin üzerine yerleştirdiğimiz
filtreler olarak düşünebiliriz. Şüphe ve korkularla onları kısa devreye uğrattığımızda, bu
filtrelerin çalışmalarını zorlamış oluruz. Sezgisel gücümüz ile olan bağlantımızda kopukluklar
olduğunda yaşanır bu durum. En yüksek niyetlerimiz ve sezgisel bilişimiz el ele; birliktedir

Deneyimleyeceğiniz realite parçasını seçebilmek için; düşüncelerinizin ruhunuzun arzularıyla

birleştiğini, sizi nasıl bir başka zaman dalgasına yükselttiğini gözlemlemeye başlayın. Bu
süreci gözlemledikçe, neden bir takım arzuların anlaşılır, kimilerinin de anlaşılmaz olduğunu
farketmeye başlarız. Deneyimleyeceğimiz zamanı seçme yeteneğimiz, direkt olarak
farkındalık düzeyimize bağlıdır. Kaderimizi yönetebilmek, deneyimleyeceğimiz zaman
dalgasını bilinçli bir şekilde seçebilmeyi öğrenmemize bağlıdır.

Rüyalar, Niyet Gücünü Kullanmanın Eğitim alanlarıdır

Rüyalar, özellikle lucid (duru) rüyalar, niyet gücünü eline almanın ve kullanmanın harika
eğitim alanlarıdır. Lucid (duru) rüya; rüyanın içinde rüya görüyor olduğunuzun farkında
olmanızdır. Bir kez rüya içinde, rüya gördüğünüzü anladığınızda, niyetin gücüyle, kutsanmış
ve neşe dolu deneyimleri çekebilirsiniz. Uçabilir, farklı boyutlara yolculuğa çıkabilir, bir
romanın ya da bir sanat eserinin vizyonuna erişebilir, ruh eşinizle karşılaşabilir, kendinizin
geçmiş ya da gelecek versiyonunuzla buluşabilirsiniz. Sınır sadece gökyüzüdür.

Bu yoldaki tek tıkanıklık, inançlarınız ve izin vermekteki beceriniz olabilir. Eğer zihniniz,
içeri sızar da, rüyanızda nasıl uçtuğunuzla ilgili mikro düzeyde çalışmalara başlarsa, yere
inemeyeceğiniz kesindir. Diğer yandan, eğer her şeyin mümkün olduğuna inancınız sağlamsa,
güven ve izin alanına rahatça giriş yapabiliyorsanız, o zaman sadece rüyanızda uçmayı niyet
ediyorsunuz ve güçlü niyetlerinizin üzerinde daha yukarı çıkmaya izin veriyorsunuz
kendinize. İşte, bu beşinci boyut zaman dalgalarında realitenin nasıl akıyor olduğunun

Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan

Quado’nun Bahçesi: Doğayla Bir Olun

 Posted by gunes kurtulan on March 22, 2011 at 4:40pm

Bugün, doğada biraz zaman geçirin

ve huzurun içinizde büyümesine izin verin. Birkaç dakikanızı ayırın ve bir ağacın altında
durun, size yaşamın bir armağanı olarak o ağacın sunduğu oksijeni soluyarak. Bir yaprağa
bakın yakından, size yaprakla sunulan sonsuz detaylara hayret edin, hatta doğanın işlediği tüm
küçük, önemsiz detaylara… İncecik damarlara hayretle bakın, her bir yaprak ne kadar
biricik… Sizin elinizde tuttuğunuz yaprağın tüm dünyada bir eşi, benzeri yok… Sonsuz detay
ve sonsuz çeşit, işte yaşam dediğimiz…

Ve siz de tüm bu olanın bir parçasısınız. Siz ve ağaç hava alış-verişinde bulunuyorsunuz, aynı
Dünya’yı paylaşıyorsunuz, birbirine sıkıca bağlanmış yaşayan, nefes alan bir organizmanın

İçinizde, derin bir huzur kuyusu var, Dünya’nın merkezine ve cennete kadar ulaşan. Bu; her
an, olmasına izin verdiğiniz huzur ve sonsuzluk kuyusuyla bağlantı kurmanın en iyi yolu,
doğanın kendisidir. Endişeleri ile birlikte yarın, ve pişmanlıklarıyla birlikte dün değil; tam
şimdi ve sadece şimdi, sadece içinde var olarak geçirdiğiniz her an; sonsuzluk ve birliğe

Bırakın doğa bu bağlantının kapısı olsun, ağaç ancak şimdide büyüyor, çimler sadece şimdide
yeşilleniyor, bulutlar, tam şu anda nasılsa öyle, tam şu anda. Tüm bunlara ulaşmak için,
onlarla bir olmak için zaman verin kendinize.

Sizi sarmalayan mucizeyle bir olmanın inayeti içinde olun.

Barış içinde yaşayalım, ağlamadan. Neşemiz, durmadan dokunduğumuz yaşamları çevrelesin.

Ve melek kanatları şefkatle çarparken, sevgimiz dünyayı sarsın.

The Universal Heart Center http://www.moshayra.webs.com


Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan

Sananda: Yeni Kudüs’den

 Posted by gunes kurtulan on March 23, 2011 at 1:30am

Sananda: Yeni Kudüs’den…

Sananda: Yeni Kudüs’den

Susan Leland Yoluyla Verilmiştir

8 Mart 2011

Selamlar, Sevgili Aile, Ben Sananda, ve bu kutsal; evet kutsal ve yüksek yerde, hep birlikte
olduğumuz için sizlere teşekkür ederim. Ve size, “Yeni Kudüs’e olan uçuşumuza hoşgeldiniz”
diyorum. Gelin, gelin kocaman pencerelerden bizimle birlikte uçana bakın, bir Filo. Ve dikkat
edin, Bethlehem’in Yıldızı ve Nibiru da bizimle birlikte. Hepsi burada. Herkes burada – siz ve
rehberleriniz bütünü oluşturuyorsunuz – ve ayaklarınızın önünde saygıyla eğiliyoruz ki,
bizimle bu yüksek amaç uğruna ve böylesi bir sevgiyle birlik oldunuz!

Gerçekten de birleşmemiz, kelimelerin ötesinde güçlüdür. Öyleyse, size diyoruz ki, bu

egzersizi yaparken, vizyonlarınızı gözünüzün önünde tutun. Tüm kalbinizle katılmanızı
istiyoruz sizden, kutsal ve muazzam olan tüm var oluşunuzla. Ve evet, bizimle bu görev
yüzünden birlik olabilmeniz için kendinizi yükseltmeniz, bir miktar cesaret gerektirir. Hatta;
şimdiden size teşekkür ederiz, yapmak üzere olduğumuz şey için, çünkü bu bizim birbirimize
olan armağanlarımızdır, tüm Dünya gezegenine, ötesine, Evren’e, onun da ötesine…

Bu, Dünya gezegeni için, sizin dediğiniz gibi, onbirinci saattir, ve saatin elleri ilerliyor, ve
birlikte kavuştuklarında, bu sizin yükselişiniz olacaktır. Bu kazayla değil; on ikinci yılın, on
ikinci ayı, değil mi? Kazara değil, sadece eş zamanlılık.

Öyleyse, aydınlık vizyonlarınız ve açılmış yüreğinizle birbirinize ve bize katılın, o harikulade

çemberi oluşturalım, birbirimizin enerji alanlarında var olmaya başlayalım. Hiç birimiz
birbirimizden daha az değiliz. Bizler, büyük ve şahane işleri başarmak için yanyana gelen
muazzam varlıklarız, öyleyse be mesaj ulaşsın heryere. Tüm evrende çınlasın mesajımız,
özellikle üzerinden süzülürken biz; Dünya gezegenine dokunsun.

Şimdi yapacağımız şey, biraz sihir gibi görünebilir, ama yapabilmek, tamamen kendi
gücümüzün dahilindedir. Dünya gezegeninin üzerinden uçarken, aşağıya bakın, insanlığı
görün ve bir dakikalığına üzerinde uçmayı isteyeceğiniz bir yer seçin, Ruhun Işığı’nın yeri
olsun orası. Olmayı düşlediğiniz bir yer olsun, şimdiki mahalleniz; sürekli yeriniz, ya da
misyonunuz ve amacınız uğruna, yolculuk etmeyi düşlediğiniz bir yer olsun…

Şimdi de seslerin yükseldiği yerlerde duralım, bildiğiniz herhangi bir yer, ve tam şu anda
aklınıza gelen o yer, yüksek alemlere yükselebilmek için seslerin yükseldiği, sınırların içinden
çıkmak için, katran çukurunun içindeki çamurdan ve molozdan kurtularak, mahsur kalmaktan
kurtulup uçmak, yükseklere süzülmek için… Şimdi çocuklara katılalım, Dünya gezegeninin
tüm çocuklarına; özellikle kristal çocuklara, bir mesaj yollayalım onlara: “Biz buradayız.
Sizinle birlikteyiz, sevgililer, sizi onurlandırıyoruz, ve liderler olmaya geldiğinizi biliyoruz.
Bizlere katılmanızı istiyoruz, birlikte en yüksek vizyonlarımızla Dünya’yı yaratıyoruz, yanıt
olarak sevgi ile, gerçek adına sevgi ile yaratıyoruz.

Öyleyse, benimle birlikte söyleyin, yüksek sesle, ya da içinizden, hangisini isterseniz; ama bu
mesajı enerji alanınıza yollayın, kendinize, her birinize yollayın, izin verin her birinizin
ötesine geçsin, bizim sizinle yaptığımız gibi:

Ben cesur yüreğimle geliyorum, tüm yaratılışa karşı sevgi dolu yüreğimle. Kendi enerji
alanımda duruyorum, çünkü, onun Sevgi ve Işığı benim kendi oluş’umdur ve benim kristalin
bedenim değiştikçe, bu sevgiyi enerji alanımdan daha fazla ulaştırabiliyorum. Ben
haberciyim, görevliyim ve kendimi, kendi Ben’imi sevgiye ve onun mesajlarına adıyorum.

Ben buraya çok uzun süre önce geldim, ve Dünya gezegeninin yükseldikçe nereye gittiğini
biliyorum, benim sözüm var, sadece kendim gitmekle kalmayacağım, herkesi de birlikte
götüreceğim, kız ve erkek kardeşlerimi, burada, bu büyük gemi ile, kız ve erkek kardeşlerimin
hepsini bu dışarıda gördüğüm gemi ile. Aşağıya baktığımda, Dünya Gezegenini görüyorum
tüm güzelliği ile, Sevginin Işığında parlıyor, bu yüksek gerçekliğe Dünya gezegeni
yaşayanları arasında gelmeyi kim istiyorsa, onları getirmeyi üstleniyorum, çünkü benim bu
parlayan, bu gerçeyi söyleyen mesajım, duymak ve açılmak isteyenedir.

Daha açılmak istemeyenlere de parlıyorum, tam şu anda, bir gün açılacaklarını bilerek. Bunu
yapmaya yetkiliyim, ve misyonum olarak kabul ediyorum, ışıklı alemlerden gelmiş tüm kız ve
erkek kardeşlerim ile birlikte duruyorum ve birlikteliğimizi kabul ediyorum, ortaklığımızı ve
Bir’liğimizi kabul ediyorum.

Ve bu anın gücünün benim enerji alanıma girmesine ve benimle kalmasına, ve yükseliş

yolumda, her zamankinden daha çok neşeyle ve en yüksek titreşimlerde hareket etmemi
yetkilendirmesine izin veriyorum.

Biz hepimiz Bir’iz, biliyorum, ve şimdi diyorum ki, Biz bir’likteyiz, bu çok yakın olan Altın
Çağ için şahane vizyonları birlikte yaratıyoruz. Kalplerimiz bu misyon için birleşti!
Birbirimizle, hissetmenin yeni yollarıyla birleşiyor, iletişiyor ve toplanıyoruz, birlikte uçuyor,
yükseklere süzülüyoruz, ve ben, bu muazzam, kutsal ve ilahi Ben’ime bu topluluk içinde
olduğum için teşekkür ediyorum. Ve bu topluluktaki herkese, bu Sevgi ve Işık misyonunda
benimle Bir olduğu için teşekkür ediyorum. Birlikte, gelecek en yüksek ve en iyi zamanları
yaratıyoruz, ve biz birlikte, daha yeni ve daha yüksek düzeylere geliyoruz.

Öyleyse, sarılalım birbirimize, ve birbirimizi kabaran ve taşan Sevgi ile yıkayalım. Ve

Sevgililer, tüm kalbimle diyorum ki; her zamankinden daha fazla ışıldıyorsunuz, biz, engeller,
karşı koyma olmadan, sadece sevginin özgür ve sonsuzca aktığı şekilde Bir’iz, birlikte
güzelce parlıyoruz.

Şimdi annem yanımda duruyor. Siz de ileri çıkın ve Kumara güllerini kalbinize kabul edin.
Size sunulan kadifemsi yumuşaklığını, bir o kadar Gücünü ve Cesaretini hissedin. Her zaman
Bir olalım. Gerçek, hep bir olduğumuzdur, bu vakte kadar ayrılıkla ilgili ne hissettiysek,
bertaraf ettik ve yolumuzu aydınlatmaya başladık – Biz Gerçekten Bir’iz! Şimdi artık
birbirimizi kalbimize alalım, Bir olalım. Teşekkürler Sevgililer, ve Namaste!


Her birinizi onurlandırıyorum ve sevgimin sıcaklığını getiriyorum. Sizler muhteşemsiniz,

Sevgililer, sizin sevginizi hissediyor ve sizden de benim sevgimi hissetmenizi istiyorum, ve
sizi temin ediyorum ki ben ve Paschat Işık Birliği, misyonumuz ne olursa olsun, onu, sizin
sevginizle birlikte yerine getireceğiz, çünkü biz Bir’iz, birlikte, Dünya gezegeni üzerinde
Özgürlük, Barış ve Sevgi vizyonu yaratıyoruz. Teşekkürler, Sevgililer – Sevinç taşmaya
devam ediyor! Namaste!

Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan

What are these Orbs?...

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 24, 2011 at 1:42am

What are these Orbs?...

What does the presence of Orbs mean, and how do we experience them for ourselves?
Through the lenses of science, skepticism, and first-hand experience, Orbs opens the
conversation by addressing questions about the possibilities of what exists in the unseen.
Viewers are then invited to draw their own conclusions and to explore their
own first-hand experiences. The veil between dimensions is thinning with
our increase in consciousness...
"Orbs: The Veil is Lifting"

Soy la Gota de Rocio
by Virginia Sanchez

Crystalline Orbs

Among these effects are the phenomena you refer to as Orbs. These will vastly increase in
quantity and quality. Orbs are not new to the Earth dimensions, but were stepped down from
crystalline in order to be tangible in duality. These most often occurred as blue or golden
spheres before the establishment of the 144 Crystalline Grid. The Crystalline Orbs are light
energies of higher dimension and operate in crystalline function. They are receptacles and
tools of coded Akash
and are evidence of the increasing presence of the Quantum Crystalline Field.
They contain requisite particulate of matter/antimatter imbued with purposed intent, or

They are Divine Conscious Intelligence that hold keys to the earth and humanities re-
formation. To be more precise, they are magnetic blueprints that beckon and attract higher
energies that complete the process and link the chains of transformational operandi. They are
catalytic mechanisms of the Ascension,
and occur in myriad geometrical matrixes. Some of the orbs are for the MerKiVic
transformation of humans, and others are for the macro conversion of the planet.

Orbs are crystalline charges of expansion. At present most humans can only see these 'orbs'
through digital technology photograph images and intuitive 'third eye' perception. The
Crystalline phase of the Cosmic Trigger will enable these to be seen with the naked eye for

those of you who attract them thru your light quotient and MerKiVic advancement.

Excerpted from:
The Cosmic Trigger Phase II - AAMetatron via James Tyberonn.pdf

Orbs, our Guardians by Vicky Anderson

November 29, 2010
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 24, 2011 at 1:44am

Orbs, our Guardians

by Vicky Anderson
November 29, 2010

With the introduction of digital cameras to the market, many people are noticing the
appearance of glowing spheres of Light in their photographic images.

These spheres appear in various sizes, and have a definitive pattern and an inner glow. As a
result, they have come to be known as Orbs.

The key difference between a digital camera and a normal camera is that the digital camera
has no film. It uses a sensor that converts Light into an electrical charge. So it is sensitive to
Light that is outside of our visible spectrum. This is what allows these Orbs to be captured in
digital photos.

Dr. Klaus Heinemann holds a Ph.D. in experimental physics from the University of Tübingen
in Germany and has worked for many years in the field of Materials Science at NASA, UCLA
and Stanford University. Having taken a special interest in the subject of Orbs, he has
eliminated as possibilities for this phenomenon all of the common problems that are
associated with photography – such as dust particles and water droplets.

In 2007, Dr. Heinemann co-authored a book about this subject with Dr. Miceal
Ledwith, Ph.D., who is a former Professor of Theology. With over 100,000 images, Dr.
Ledwith has accumulated the largest collection
of Orb photographs in the entire world. But what is most interesting is that, after two years of
taking these photos, he can now see Orbs without the use of a camera.

Once you develop a keen and sustained interest in photographing Spirit entities, some quite
interesting things begin to happen – the brain stops censoring these images.
Dr. Miceal Ledwith

Orbs are Light energies of a higher dimension that operate in Crystalline function. They are
not new to the Earth dimensions, but were stepped down from a Crystalline structure in order
to be tangible within the third dimension. They are an aspect of the emerging Crystalline field
upon our new Terra Nova Earth.

At this time, most people can only see them in digital photographs and through ‘third eye’
perception. However, some spiritually advanced people can see them with their naked eye.

Although there are several types of these Crystalline Orbs, all of them carry the coded
geometric imprint of their unique purpose. Some Orbs manifest specifically to interact with
us on an individual level as we seek to shed the aspects of duality and develop our new
nature. Others are charged masses of swirling etheric energy whose purpose it is to help
ensure the evolution of humanity in mass. These are the artists of some of our many Crop

The photographs of these Spirit emanations offer evidence, as close to scientific proof as we
have ever come, in proving the existence of Spiritual Reality.

Dr. Klaus Heinemann

As we move toward 2012 and beyond, these Crystalline Orbs will increase tremendously in
both quality and quantity. Our ability to see them will be confirmation of our increasing
ability to perceive the energies of the higher dimensions. Our ability to see Orbs will be
evidence that the veils, which have separated us from God for so long, are now finally

Those people whose choice it is to evolve will soon begin attracting them, and even
generating them themselves. In fact, one of the most common types of Orbs come from
ourselves. We are actually sending fragments of our own consciousness out into the world in
exploration. This occurs during our dream state and when we use our imagination. When you
are thinking about a certain person, place or thing, you are sending a particle of your
consciousness to it. That particle can be perceived in a digital photograph as an Orb.

These glowing spheres of Light are Divine conscious intelligence. They are gathering around
each of us, watching as we become transformed into our immortal selves. They hold keys to
our evolution. In essence, they are the guardians of our capacity to Love.

Inspired by a channeling of Archangel Metatron by James Tyberonn

ORBS: Their Mission and Messages of
Hope by Klaus Heinemann, Ph.D., and
Gundi Heinemann
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 24, 2011 at 1:47am

ORBS: Their Mission and Messages of Hope

by Klaus Heinemann, Ph.D., and Gundi Heinemann

Do you see orbs in your digital photos? Here’s what they mean . . .

Multitudes of people all over the world have been noticing opaque circular features in their
flash photographs taken with digital cameras, making them wonder what they mean. What is
magnificent about these “orbs” is not how bright, how large, or how many you capture in one
photo, but that they are there, and what that means to you. The messages they likely want to
convey to you are simple, practical, helpful, and affirming.

Symbols come to us and speak in their unique language that communicates directly to the
soul. Symbols have transforming abilities. They point toward something that allows us to
change and move forward toward what is essential. They are like signposts on the way,
pointing toward deeper meaning and what brings significance in our life.

Symbols speak to our intuitive way of taking in data. They reach directly to our core,
circumventing the mind in communicating information.

The circle, or the sphere in a three-dimensional expression, represents oneness, wholeness,
unity— “come-unity,” coming together as one.

When they saw the Earth as a sphere circling in space, the astronauts had a profound
experience. The pictures of the globe on which we all live, taken from the moon in 1968,
became a transforming symbol to remind us of our interconnectedness and the fragile state of
the system on which we all live. Photos of planet Earth, now readily available to be seen by
everybody, serve as a reminder of our destiny to come together as one.

Digital photography makes it possible to see things that heretofore could not be seen. People
in many places around the world report having taken photos of circular light phenomena, or
orbs, which we have identified as emanations from Spirit Beings, conscious
entities that are not part of our physical world.

Perhaps their visibility is intended to wake us up to the following notions:

1. You are one

2. All is one
3. We are one
4. One Earth, one humanity, one spirit
5. One people, interconnected, interrelated, with one destiny

Orbs have become so powerful that it is getting harder and harder to ignore them. They show
nothing new, but they communicate in a fresh way the wisdom that has always been there.
May we, the human species, become perceptive to this wisdom!

Klaus Heinemann, Ph.D.,

worked for many years in materials science research at NASA and UCLA. Distinguishing
truth from falsehood in engineering and scientific subject areas has always been a high
priority for Klaus. Yet as a trained scientist, Klaus is convinced that orbs are authentic and
are not abnormalities related to the camera or the electronic recording devices built into the
camera. Along with his wife, an educator in the healing arts Gundi Heinemann, Klaus
addresses the skeptical and numerous reports of meaningful orb encounters from people all
over the world in the new book:

ORBS: Their Mission and Messages of Hope, releasing October 1st.

WHAT ARE ORBS? by Michelle Brennan
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 24, 2011 at 2:02am


by Michelle Brennan

Orbs are best described as balls of energy and light. They vary greatly in their appearance and
travel at high speed. They present in a multitude of colours including white, yellow, orange,
pink, red, green, blue, purple and in combination, like a rainbow. Like us humans, they have a
myriad of distinguishing features. Whilst the majority of orbs appear round in shape, their
shapes do vary, as seen in this book. I have viewed images of orbs, diamond in shape, and
those that resemble long squiggles, but to date, I have never captured any in that form myself.
This may have something to do with the mechanics of how each individual camera captures
them. Some are transparent and images can be seen directly through them. They come in a
range of sizes, which may reflect their proximity to the camera at the time the photograph was
taken. Orbs display other unique features like stripes, holes, comet tails, bright auras and
diverse geometric patterns.

When I see orbs with the naked eye it is best described as similar to the way that all of us see
a bolt of lightning. As lightning strikes we see a flash of bright intense light that lasts for a

matter of seconds. Orbs appear to me in the same way as little round balls of bright light; and
no, I’m not seeing stars. I view them in shades of white, pink, yellow, orange and the most
striking of all are bright blue. They can appear as tiny as pin pricks and as large as dinner
plates; when the want to make a statement. The flash only lasts a couple of seconds. They can
appear stationary or in motion, like comets that we see in the sky. When I sense their presence
it is a little like when someone enters a room. At times telepathic communication takes place
between us.

Whilst most people experience orbs in their photography at night, I also take them during the
day, indoors and out, when there is rain and mist, and when the air is void of moisture.
Initially, they made their appearance to me at churches and sacred sites, now they appear
everywhere, even at home. I don’t necessarily see them first, I might just sense their presence
and can request their appearance in my photography. Quite often they get carried away, they
are obviously aware of my ability to recognise them and make a point of appearing as if to say
hello. I could be totally alone in the world and know that I am never alone, as they are all
around. I am surrounded by loving beings. Often I find them making the most of every
photographic opportunity and there are times when chasing the perfect picture that I request
their absence. They are always happy to oblige.

Several years ago, I was astonished when I recognised faces appearing within the orbs. I
found this was truly amazing and my mind ran wild with all the possibilities. Were these the
faces of spiritual beings that I was seeing or were these faces indicative of the past human
lives experienced here on Earth by the orbs? From my understanding, some of these orbs have
experienced life in human form here on Earth. However, the majority are best described as far
higher forms of spiritual beings like angels, archangels and those of even a far higher nature,
that go all the way up in ranking to God. Like us, they are all individuals and their roles and
status vary in the big picture.


I had received a myriad of psychic messages indicating the need to travel to the United States.
I don’t like rushing into these things and generally like to wait until I have received
confirmation in some extraordinary way that cannot be construed as a sheer coincidence. In
this instance, the clincher was when I was trying to view my home in Australia over the
internet. I typed in my Australian address. Whilst waiting for images of my home to appear,
without warning, a website listing New York hotels popped up.

In the lead up to my search on the internet, there had been no reference to New York at all.
Nothing could have caused such a connection. I fetched my husband, explained what had
happened and showed him the site. Keen to see our home on the internet, together we went
through the process of entering our Australian address. Again, a site popped up with reference
to accommodation in New York, we were both amazed. Familiar with the way the spirit world
communicate, at this point we knew we were off to America; the trip to include locations like
Los Angeles, Santa Fe, Taos, Mesa Verde, Sedona, Las Vegas and New York.

On the Las Vegas leg of the journey, I walked the strip by night, surprised by the intense
presence of orbs. On a personal level, I found the energy in the area quite low and draining. I
had picked up on the energy emitted by the gambling and girlie bars. In contrast, I loved the
bright lights and variety of stunning hotels. Dancing water fountains and an open air pirate
show at the entrance of two hotels, made for a most memorable evening. Returning to my
hotel, I paused to capture a shot of a beautiful water feature. Bright blue orbs taking me totally
by surprise.

Copyright ©2008 by Michelle Brennan Earth Angel Enterprises pty ltd

Mysterious Orbs - Signs of the Time by

Michelle Brennan
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 24, 2011 at 2:04am

Mysterious Orbs - Signs of the Time

by Michelle Brennan

3 years ago, little did I know that when I took the photo, on the cover of my book, that it
would have such significance right now at this point in time. This sacred banyan tree was
planted in Hilo, Hawaii, by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who led America out of the
last Great Depression. He was quoted as saying these powerful words, “the only thing we
have to fear is fear itself.” These words were quoted recently in the newspaper and President
Roosevelt has been referred to in recent days in the campaign for the new President of the
United States of America. It is interesting that at such a crucial time, particularly when the
world’s financial system is in chaos, that these words of wisdom emerge. For it is fear itself
that drives the world’s troubles today.

It is also no coincidence that the All Seeing Eye, the Eye of God has timed its appearance in
my photography, at a time when the world is facing global warming, extreme climatic
conditions, natural disasters, lack of food and water, the senseless killing of men in war,
financial chaos and governments in strife. What more is to come? Is the All Seeing Eye, a
sign? They say at prominent times in the world’s history God gives us signs. Is this one of
them? With the appearance of orbs and crop circles around the world are these other signs to
be considered? Are they signs that we are not alone through these troublesome times and that
God is by our side? It is evident that man can be man’s worst enemy and we need to bring
about change before it’s too late. Our very own actions will determine our future and that of
the planet.

The same divine force instructed me to travel across the planet exploring churches, sacred
sites, pyramids, temples and other significant places capturing orbs and spirits in my
photography, that later channelled through the most amazing inspirational messages and
verses. As a medium, I see orbs with the naked eye, feel their presence and communicate
with them. Orbs are highly evolved spiritual beings. The verses and inspirational messages
in this book are indicative of the energies emitted by these specific orbs and will
serve as a guide for you on your journey; included is an account of the circumstances
surrounding their appearance. You will be inspired by the heartfelt messages of love, peace,
forgiveness, plus much, much more. I invite you to take a look at selections from the book,
on this website. I can only hope that they might strike a cord with you and
offer guidance to your on your very own journey. May they inspire you to make a difference
of your own, in the world today.

How to work with Orbs

an interview with Michelle Brennan

Michelle Brennan is a medium and author of the best selling book

'Mysterious Orbs - Signs of the Time'.

Her life is a kin to an adventure novel where she finds herself traveling around the world
exploring sacred sites, pyramids, and temples where she works with Mayan, Inca and Native
American Indian Shamans.

She has first hand experience with crystal skulls, portals, orbs, and the All Seeing Eye of God,
to name a few. Her orb photography is leading edge and her channelled verses and
inspirational messages from the orbs truly touch the heart and open the mind.

Michelle was interviewed last week by Mz Margz as part of the Australian

Utopia Retreat
series of interviews.

to listen to the audio interview



by Michelle Brennan

Tüm Galaktik Yuvarlak Masa Üyelerine
Mesaj / Lord Ashtar
 Posted by gunes kurtulan on March 24, 2011 at 2:47am

Tüm Galaktik Yuvarlak Masa Üyelerine Mesaj

20 Mart 2011

Lord Ashtar: Barış İçin Bir Gün, Beth Trutwin kanalı ile Meditasyon

Selamlar, Dünya’nın Yer Ekibi, Ben Lord Ashtar. 9 Mart 2011’den beri, insanlığa En Üst
Seviyedeki Bilinci getirmek adına, Evrensel Altdünya’nın Yeni Realite’sini başlatmak için
Gemilerden, Birliğin Kozmik Dalgasını yönetirken; Dünya çok büyük bir yükseliş yaşadı.
Sapla samanı ayırmanın son safhasına gelmiş bulunmaktayız. 9 x 9 Kozmik Nabzın saatleri
içinde Cennetin Yıldız Alemlerinin Dünya’ya doğru gelmesiyle, Dünya Ana, doğum sancıları
ve Büyük Kara Parçalarının bir kez daha yükselmesini deneyimledi. O zamandan beri,
manyetik fırtınalar, büyük tsunami, nükleer erime ve yeni savaşlara tanık oluyoruz. Bunlar,
dünyaların ayrı düşmesiyle, kişinin tanık olacağı durumlardır. Amerikan Hükumetindeki
büyük sürprizleri de deneyimleyeceksiniz. Bu olayın zaman dalgasının bilgisi çok hızlı
yayıldı, şimdi sizler bildiklerinizin değerlerini sorgulamaktasınız. İçsel Planlarda, Dünya’da
enkarne olmuş Ra’nın Tüm Çocuklarına, Beşinci Boyutsal Evrensel Galaktik Dünya’da; Yeni
Dünya’ya inmeyi sürdürmek isteyip istemedikleri soruluyor. Bu özgür irade seçimidir, ve
herkes burada kendini rahat hissetmeyebilir. Şimdi, seçimlerini sorguluyorlar, ve sonrasında,
en yüksek ruhsal gelişmeleri için uygun alemlere götürülecekler.

Aynı zamanda Karanlıkta Olanlar da son şansları olarak ellerindeki gücü sıkı tutmaya
çalışıyorlar. Artık sizi korku ve manüplasyon ile susturamayacaklarını gördüklerinden

Sizin üstatlarınız, dışarıda bir yerlerde GERÇEĞİ şakıyorlar ve bu daha önce hiç olmamıştı.
Sizler; programları kabul edip büyülenmişcesine izlemek yerine televizyonlarınızı kapatıp
meditasyon yapmaya gidiyorsunuz. Bu onların parçalanmasına neden oluyor. Tebrikler.

Sizin Gemilerdeki Galaktik Aileniz, misyonları Yükselişte Dünya’ya yardım etmek olan
Uzaylılardır. Bizler, sizin düşüncelerinizi, duygularınızı, korkularınızı ve yaptıklarınızı alıp
çizelgeleyebildiğimiz, ve meleklerle size geribildirim yapabildiğimiz bir donanıma sahibiz.
Yaşamınız, daha iyi bir SİZ için yolunuzda size rehberlik edecek meydan okumalar ve
ödüllendirici anlarla dolu. Şimdi sizin araba sigorta şirketleriniz kullanıyor bu sistemi. Size
güvenli sürücülerin resimlerini çektiriyorlar, onlara indirim yapılsın diye. Bizim
kameralarımız daha kesin, yaptığınız her şey kayıt altına alınıyor. Herşey. Bu herkes için
geçerli. Bunun gibi sizin melekleriniz ve rehberleriniz bu geribildirim sürecinin her anında
sizin yanı başınızda duruyor, rehberlik ediyorlar.

Afrika’daki bombalar arttıkça, umutsuzluğa kapılabilirsiniz. Bu durumun sizi bu şekilde
etkilemesine izin vermeyin. Değişikliğin bir güçsüzlüğü olarak algılayın. Fiziksel
bedeninizden mor alevi kullanarak temizleyin. Nasıl mı? Kumara’nın mor alevi, sizin kalp
hazne boşluğunuzda demirlemiş üç katlı alevdir. Bilgelik, sevgi ve anlayış bu üç katı
oluşturur. Yüreğinizin içinde yandığını imgeleyin. Kutsal kalp alevi taşıyan ikonlar
görmüşsünüzdür. Sadece azizler ve meleklerde değil, herkesde vardır bu. Derin nefesler alın,
mor alevi aktive etmek için kalbe doğru nefes alın ve nefesin ilkönce temizlemek için
bedeninize doğru gittiğini hayal edin, sonra da sevgi ve ışık yollamak istediğiniz yere doğru

Tüm bu ısdıraplara işaret eden e-mailler dolaşıyor ortalıkta, tabii Galaktikler gelip bizi
“kurtarmalılar.” Bu tümüyle yanlış yaratılmış, pişmemiş, düşük nitelikli düşünme şekli.
Galaktik olanlar sizlersiniz, ve siz zaten buradasınız. Bu değişiklik görevi SİZLERE verildi.
BU SİZİN GÖREVİNİZ. Sizler bastınız imzayı ve kontrattaki küçük yazıyı okudunuz.

Bizler, siz değiştirmeye başladıktan sonra geldik ve artık işe yaramayacak şeyleri ortadan
kaldırmaya, sizlere danışmanlık yapmaya ve beşinci boyut toplumunun gereksinim duyduğu
teknolojileri yanyana getirmeye geldik.

Bana daha fazla nasıl yardımcı olabilirim? Diye soruldu.

Sizin de yapabileceğiniz şeyler var. Bugün sizlerle onları paylaşmak istiyorum.

Bugün, ilkbahar ekinoksu; yani gezegeninizin nötral pozisyona geçtiği gün. Bu hal, Merkez
Güneşinizden, Helios ve Vesta Evi’nden, Ra’dan, Sekhmet ve Alkion’dan geçişler olmasına
izin veriyor, Samanyolu galaksisine, Güneşinize doğru, oradan tekrar Dünya’ya; önünüzdeki
birkaç ay içindeki en kapsayıcı gün…Bugün Yeni Yaratılış’ın günü. Merkez Güneşten gelen
nabız atışları Gökyüzü Baba’dan, Dünya Ana’ya doğru geliyor. Bu nabız atışları ekvatordan
Dünya Anaya işliyor, Dünya Ana’nın merkezine inerek İç Dünyadaki Mavi Güneş’e ulaşıyor.
Bu kozmik nabız atışlarını, Dünya Ana’nın ıslak rahmine işleyen eril ateş enerjisi olarak
düşünün; Ses’den, Ağız’dan başlayan yeni Yaratılış’ın orgazmik, keyifli enerjisi ile Dünya
tezahürü gerçekleştirdi, Merkez Güneş, Samanyolu’nun bedenine doğru ilerliyor ve yine
yeniden Cennet’teki Galaktik Merkez’deki Rahim boşluğunda Yeni Yaratılış’ı doğuruyor ve
bu yüzüncü boyutsal aşkın dalgalanan orgazmik fraktal nabız atışları yolunda karşılaştığı tüm
hücrelere nüfuz ediyor. Bu hem sizin bedeninizi hem de toprağı etkiliyor. Bilincin yüksek
alemlerine geçiş yaptıkça genişliyorsunuz. Sevgiyi içlerinde tutamayanlar son bir gösteri daha
yapacaklar. Kontrol etme yollarının bir kez daha işleyeceğine gerçekten inanıyorlar, ama

Şimdi sizi benimle meditasyon yapmaya davet ediyorum. Bize, Sıfır Noktasına gelmemizde
en fazla yardım edecek şey bu. Ben, tüm Spiritüel Hiyerarşi ile buradayım, Yükselmiş
Üstatlar, Başmelekler, Melekler Bölgesi Yardımcıları, Güneş Sisteminizin içinden ve dışından
Uzaylı Dostlar ile birlikte. Milyonlarcayız, sizin aileniz burada şimdi, sizler bu satırları
okudukça ayarlanıyor ve bize katılıyorlar. Onları kalbinizdeki mor aleve alın, hep birlikte
Dünya’yı geçtikten sonra dışarıdaki Evrenlere doğru yüzün, sonra Galaktik ve Süper Galaktik
Merkez’e dönün. Sizler bildiğinizden çok daha güçlüsünüz.

Şimdi bana katılın, Yeni Kudüs’deki büyük Toplantı Salonunda. Melek ve Sihir Alemlerinin
üyeleri buradalar. Elele tutuşup,büyük bir daire oluşturacak kadar yer var burada. Neşeyi ve
sevgiyi hissedeceksiniz, hoşgeldiniz.

Dairenin içinde bir ışık topu düşleyin, Yeni Kudüs’de, salonumuzdaki büyük dairenin
merkezinde, yere birkaç metre kala yüzüyor. Işığın birkaç değişik rengini taşıyor ve şimşek
gibi ışıldıyor dairenin ortasında. Kalbinizdeki mor alevin ışığını alın ve bu ışık topuna
yollayın ve aynı zamanda bedeninizin küçüldüğünü, bir hücre boyuna geldiğini hayal edin ve
o hücrenin, dairemizin ortasında yüzmekte olan ışık topuna doğru yüzmesine izin verin.

Şimdi ışık topunun büyüdüğünü görüyorsunuz, bu bizim Hücremizin Birlik Bilincine

karışmasıdır.Işık topu büyüdükçe renkler girdap gibi dönmeye başlar, ışık; yanar-döner ışık
topundan yıldırım gibi yayılır etrafa.

Şimdi, ateş topunun altında, yerdeki büyük bir kapıyı açıyoruz ve Işık topunun Yeni Kudüs’ü
terketmesine izin veriyoruz. Samanyolu Galaksisi Birliğinin yıldızları arasından süzülüşünü

Burada hepimizle,ve Gemilerinden bize katılanlarla birleşen Birlik Bilinci’nin enerjisi,

bilincinde olsunlar ya da olmasınlar; Dünya’daki herkes tarafından deneyimleniyor. Ekvator
portalından İçdünya’ya süzülüyor, Dünya’nın Rahim Kalbine giriyor ve onu yükseltiyor. Bu
Birlik Bilinci, Dünya’da yaşanan durumların üzerine, ateşkesi ve Dünya Devletlerine yeni
vizyonları ekledi. Son tutuklamaları yapan enerjiyi açığa çıkararak biz Galaktiklerin iniş
yapabilecekleri ve Japonya’nın harap olmuş yerlerini şifalandıracağımız, diğer her yerdeki
toplu şifalandırmaları yapabileceğimiz bir kapıyı açtı.

Dünya’nın Birlik Bilinci’ni ve Evrenden gelen Sevgiyi massetmesini mümkün kılan İlkbahar
Ekinoksu ile birlikte artık büyük değişiklikler başlıyor. Sahnede rollerini bu denli iyi performe
edenlere sevginizi yollayın. Üçüncü boyut yerini beşinci boyut alemine bırakırken, onları
yolculuklarında kutsayın. Onları kaybetmiyorsunuz, istediğiniz zaman ziyaret edebilirsiniz
onları. Gerekli olduğu zaman, Ho'oponopono armağanından yararlanın. Sakin olun ve biz
Dünya’nın son doğum sancılarına göğüs gererken, sevgi yollayın.


Ben Lord Ashtar’ım. Galaktik Federasyon’un Kaptanı.


Beth Trutwin kanalı ile.

Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan

Quado's Garden: Feel the Joy!
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 24, 2011 at 4:42pm

Feel the Joy!

Today, let joy bubble

up from inside you and overflow. Express joy at every possible opportunity.

If this seems impossible,

then come down into this moment, into now, right now. Release the past and its
regrets. Release the future and your worries. Come deeply into the moment and
find the joy.

And if you still do not

feel the joy, then it is time to allow your higher self to enter and teach you joy.

Relax and breathe deeply

several times. Center yourself completely into now, this moment. Picture a
bright ball of energy above you and know it as your own higher self, your own
soul self, glowing above you, full of love, joy and wisdom.

Then consciously open up

the crown of your head and picture the golden band of energy that flows into
you. Feel it. See how it widens. Feel the flow of love. Feel the flow of
wisdom and knowingness. Feel the joy.

Continue to focus on this

flow until the joy fills you so completely that you begin to smile.

This joy does not need a

reason to be. This joy does not need anything outside of you. This joy is.
And it is there for you ever and always.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without
ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart

Sixteen (16) minutes of Meditation for
Japan 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 24, 2011 at 5:11pm

Beloved Friends:

I have decided to invite each and every one of you to please donate sixteen (16) minutes of
your life to help the Japan Tsunami victims.

As the country Japan is ruled by #7 according to numerology, I would like to add as many 7's
as I can. Therefore, I have chosen to stage a world meditation at 7 AM TOKYO time, for 16
minutes on March 27th (3+27+20+11=
16, 1+6=7)

For those who need to know what to do for 16 minutes...

Before sitting down for meditation, please try to create a happy mood. If you like you can
dance for 5 minutes etc. ...

When you sit down, close your eyes, take your awareness, your attention to your HEART
chakra and remain there.

Fill your heart with love. Keep a positive love emotion flowing from the heart... (To help the
flow emotion think about your loved ones etc.) BUT please do not have a negative feelings or
emotion. Please do not feel sorry for the victims. Whatever had to happen, has already
happened and there is no way of undoing that.

All I wish is for everyone to fill their heart with love and remain in that state for sixteen (16)
minutes... This will send a Positive Vibration to everyone in Japan who is in need.

Please help me by posting this to all your friends.

Finally, I bow down to the DIVINE BEING residing in the HEARTS of all of you...

Created By:

Rivering Change, Ines Glabonjat

To see more details, follow the link below:

Birakmak..Her Defasinda Biraz..
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 24, 2011 at 5:16pm

Birakmak..Her Defasinda Biraz..

yazari bilinmiyor
ceviri: Lale Kulahli

Genc bir adam, yetenekli sanatcilariyla unlu bir ulkeyi ziyaret etmeye karar verdi.
Son yillarda siddetini giderek arttiran bir eksIklik duygusu adami takip etmekteydi
ve bu yolculugunun arkasindaki umudu, kalbinde gizlenmis olarak yasayan muhtesem gucunu ortaya
cikarmasi icin yardim edecek birsey veya birisini bulmakti.

Genc adam kucuk ve ucuz bir otele terlestikten sonra, yuzlerce sanatcinin el emeklerini sergiledikleri
pahali bir acik pazarda yurudu. Hersey yine ayni gorundu, bir cikmaz sokak daha. Simdi ne?

Gurultulu pazari geride birakarak yurumeye devam etti. O sirada eski tahta bir citin arkasindan hafif
bir vurma sesi duydu. Kapiyi acip iceri girdi.

Genc bir kadin, etrafi vahsi hayvanlarin heykelleriyle dolu bir acik avluda oturuyordu. Bu heykeller
henuz tam bitmemis olmalarina ragmen dikkate deger guzellikteydiler.

Sonra kadin ayaga kalkip onlugunun cebinden kucuk bir cekic cikartti ve bir kaidenin uzerine
yerlestirilmis buyuk bir tasa dogru yurudu.

Kucuk bir bolgeyi dikkatle inceledikten sonra cekicle hafifce bir kere vurdu. Kadin cok az bir guc
kullandigi icin adam kadinin utangacligina uzuldu. Adam kesinlikle
kadinin daha bu islerde yeni oldugunu dusunmustu ama gozleri sonradan olanlara inanamadi.

Birden tasin onlarca kucuk parcasi kirildi. Adam once kadinin bir hata yapip tum tasi catlattigini
dusundu ama bir an sonra boyle olmadigini anladi. Kadin tasi berbat etmemisti, aksine icindeki
karakteri ortaya cikartmisti.

Kadin o tek bir vurusla, guzel, mermer benzeri buyuk bir cismi ortaya cikartmakla kalmamis, onu
muhtesem bir kugunun zarif boynuna benzetmisti. Adam afallamisti. Bu
nasil bir sihirdi. Ogrenmeye can atiyordu.

Avluya girerken 'lutfen beni affedin' dedi adam, 'kucucuk cekicinizin tek bir vurusuyla bunu nasil
yaptiniz Allahaskina?'

'Oh' diye guldu kadin. 'Saniyorum burada sadece bir kac dakikadir bulunuyorsunuz. Beni izlemeye
baslamadan once o tasin uzerindeki ayni noktaya benzeri binlerce
vurus yaptim. Siz pek cok gun boyunca, sessiz bir odaklanma ile gerceklestirilmis dikkatli bir
calismanin sonucunu gordunuz.

Tum muhtesem seyler boyle elde edilir. Surekli dikkat ve israrli caba, her defasinda biraz. Ta ki bu
calismanin odulunun ortaya ciktigi ana kadar. O an, hic bir sey ortaya cikmasi gerekenin onunde
duramaz. Bu bilgiyle ilgili alistirma yapilmasi icin, kisi ne yapmaya niyet ederse, bunu takip eden bir
kesif yapmali, bir seyi aciga cikarmalidir. Ogurlesmenin kalbi budur.

Kadinla birbirlerine gulumseyip vedalastiktan sonra, adam cok onemli bir sir ogrendigini biliyordu:
Surekli dikkat ve israrli bir cabayla, seninle ve kalbinin aradigi ozgurluk arasinda her ne duruyorsa
onu serbest birakabilir, ozgurlesebilirsin.

Sevgi ve sifayla kalin,

Sifa Cemberi

What is Esoteric / Soul Centred Astrology?
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 24, 2011 at 5:19pm

Astrology and the Ancient Wisdom

There is a corpus of arcane knowledge underlying both the theory and practise of Esoteric or
Soul-Centred astrology. These ‘classical’ esoteric teachings are referred to collectively as the
‘Ancient Wisdom’- a collection of timeless spiritual truths that pertain to both the constitution
and the evolution of humanity and the universe. These teachings advise us of the evolutionary
journey that we are all engaged upon for the purpose of developing and expressing our
spirituality whilst engaged in physical form. This evolutionary sojourn is often referred to as
the ‘Spiritual Path’. The practise of Esoteric Astrology serves to unite the individual with the
purposes and intentions of the Soul or Higher Self as a means of assisting them in this

Esoteric Astrology

The modern concept of esoteric or soul-centred astrology was first presented to the public by
Alice Bailey in her book Esoteric Astrology. This rather abstruse work introduced the concept
of ‘esoteric rulers’, planetary rulerships of the signs of the zodiac that differed from their
orthodox counterparts and which were applicable for those who embark upon the path of
spiritual transformation. The contemporary esotericist, Dr Douglas Baker developed this form
of astrology to the extent that it is again capable of uniting the individual with the Soul or
Higher Self thereby assisting towards the expression of its purpose. This is achieved by means
of an astrological ‘language of symbols’ which offers a key which unlocks the door to the
unconscious, the realm of archetypes and causation.

Astrology from Within

The word esoteric means ‘hidden’ implying something which is situated ‘within’ rather than
externally. The new form of astrology that I embrace represents a genuine means of accessing
and assessing the veracity of such information. The Delphic Oracle sat in trance offering
cryptic utterances which were rooted in the unconscious. These offerings were then
interpreted by the priests of the temple. Soul-Centred astrology allows the practitioner to
function both as oracle and priest whereby they obtain information from the unconscious in
symbolic form and then analyse it in a rational format.


In summation, the branch of esoteric astrology that I embrace is firmly rooted in the great
mystery teachings collectively referred to as the Ancient Wisdom and serves to unite the
individual with their inherent divinity as a means of expressing this in their daliy life. This is
achieved by virtue of a comprehensive language of symbols related to, and derived from, the
astrological archetypes.

DailyOM: Stuck in the Mud

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 24, 2011 at 5:21pm

March 23, 2011

Stuck in the Mud
Staying in Pain
Pain comes and goes- it is when we get stuck in our pain that it becomes detrimental to our
well-being and development.

Pain comes and it goes. It is just one component to the grand cycle of life. And when
experienced as such, pain can serve as an important teacher. It is when we get stuck in our
pain that it becomes detrimental to our well-being and development. If you notice that you
feel closed-off, resentful, heavy-hearted, or that you try very hard to avoid being hurt again,
there may be a part of you that is still stuck in pain.

We can get stuck in our pain for many reasons. As children, it was natural for us to cry, throw
a tantrum, and let the experience move through us. By fully feeling our pain in this way, our
emotions would wash us clean, leaving us open and available to new experiences. With age,
though, we might have determined that expressing emotion was no longer appropriate, and so
we developed a variety of coping strategies to deal with our discomfort. We may have learned
to stuff our feelings down or to run away from them. Perhaps we began thinking that staying

closed and unwilling to try new things would keep us safe from heartbreak, safe from
rejection, and safe from failure. We may have even gotten so used to being in pain that the
thought of being without it scares us. But, if we continue to hold onto it longer than necessary,
we are expending a lot of energy that could instead be channeled into making our life
experiences more positive.

If you notice that you are continually connecting with the same familiar patterns of pain,
consider embracing your feelings and letting go of your hurt. Whether your pain is from
childhood or from an experience last week, see if you can give it room to move. When it does,
you will reconnect with a wonderful source of your own vital energy.


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 24, 2011 at 5:29pm

Apples Protects your heart Prevents Blocks diarrhea Improves lung Cushions joints
constipation capacity
Apricots Combats cancer Controls blood Saves your eyesight Shields against Slows aging process
pressure Alzheimer's
Artichokes Aids digestion Lowers cholesterol Protects your heart Stabilizes blood Guards against
sugar liver disease
Avocados Battles diabetes Lowers cholesterol Helps stops strokes Controls blood Smooths skin
Bananas Protects your heart Quiets a cough Strengthens bones Controls blood Blocks diarrhea
Beans Prevents Helps hemorrhoids Lowers cholesterol Combats cancer Stabilizes blood
constipation sugar
Beets Controls blood Combats cancer Strengthens bones Protects your heart Aids weight loss
Blueberries Combats cancer Protects your heart Stabilizes blood Boosts memory Prevents
sugar constipation
Broccoli Strengthens bones Saves eyesight Combats cancer Protects your heart Controls blood
Cabbage Combats cancer Prevents Promotes weight Protects your heart Helps hemorrhoids
constipation loss
Cantaloupe Saves eyesight Controls blood Lowers cholesterol Combats cancer Supports immune
pressure system
Carrots Saves eyesight Protects your heart Prevents Combats cancer Promotes weight
constipation loss
Cauliflower Protects against Combats Breast Strengthens bones Banishes bruises Guards against
Prostate Cancer Cancer heart disease
Cherries Protects your heart Combats Cancer Ends insomnia Slows aging process Shields against
Chestnuts Promotes weight Protects your heart Lowers cholesterol Combats Cancer Controls blood
loss pressure

Chili peppers Aids digestion Soothes sore throat Clears sinuses Combats Cancer Boosts immune
Figs Promotes weight Helps stops strokes Lowers cholesterol Combats Cancer Controls blood
loss pressure
Fish Protects your heart Boosts memory Protects your heart Combats Cancer Supports immune
Flax Aids digestion Battles diabetes Protects your heart Improves mental Boosts immune
health system
Garlic Lowers cholesterol Controls blood Combats cancer Kills bacteria Fights fungus
Grapefruit Protects against Promotes Weight Helps stops strokes Combats Prostate Lowers cholesterol
heart attacks loss Cancer
Grapes Saves eyesight Conquers kidney Combats cancer Enhances blood Protects your heart
stones flow
Green tea Combats cancer Protects your heart Helps stops strokes Promotes Weight Kills bacteria
Honey Heals wounds Aids digestion Guards against Increases energy Fights allergies
Lemons Combats cancer Protects your heart Controls blood Smoothes skin Stops scurvy
Limes Combats cancer Protects your heart Controls blood Smoothes skin Stops scurvy
Mangoes Combats cancer Boosts memory Regulates thyroid Aids digestion Shields against
Mushrooms Controls blood Lowers cholesterol Kills bacteria Combats cancer Strengthens bones
Oats Lowers cholesterol Combats cancer Battles diabetes Prevents Smoothes skin
Olive oil Protects your heart Promotes Weight Combats cancer Battles diabetes
Smoothes skin
Onions Reduce risk of Combats cancer Kills bacteria Lowers cholesterol Fights fungus
heart attack
Oranges Supports immune Combats cancer Protects your heart Straightens
systems respiration
Peaches Prevents Combats cancer Helps stops strokes Aids digestion Helps hemorrhoids
Peanuts Protects against Promotes Weight Combats Prostate Lowers cholesterol Aggravates
heart disease loss Cancer Diverticulitis
Pineapple Strengthens bones Relieves colds Aids digestion Dissolves warts Blocks diarrhea
Prunes Slows aging process Prevents Boosts memory Lowers cholesterol Protects against
constipation heart disease
Rice Protects your heart Battles diabetes Conquers kidney Combats cancer Helps stops strokes
Strawberries Combats cancer Protects your heart Boosts memory Calms stress
Sweet Saves your eyesight Lifts mood Combats cancer Strengthens bones
Tomatoes Protects prostate Combats cancer Lowers cholesterol Protects your heart
Walnuts Lowers cholesterol Combats cancer Boosts memory Lifts mood Protects against
heart disease
Water Promotes Weight Combats cancer Conquers kidney Smoothes skin
loss stones
Watermelon Protects prostate Promotes Weight Lowers cholesterol Helps stops strokes
Controls blood
loss pressure
Wheat germ Combats Colon Prevents Lowers cholesterol Helps stops strokes Improves digestion
Cancer constipation
Wheat bran Combats Colon Prevents Lowers cholesterol Helps stops strokes Improves digestion
Cancer constipation
Yogurt Guards against Strengthens bones Lowers cholesterol Supports immune Aids digestion
ulcers systems

Affetmeyerek, kendimizi cezalandırıyoruz...
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 24, 2011 at 5:37pm

affetmeyerek, kendimizi cezalandırıyoruz.."

Bir lise öğretmeni,günün birinde derste öğrencilerine bir teklifte bulunur,

"Bir hayat tecrübesi yaşamak ister mis iniz? "
Öğrenciler çok sevdikleri hocalarının bu teklifini tereddütsüz kabul ederler.
"O zaman" der öğretmen," bundan sonra ne dersem yapacağınıza da söz verin."
Öğrenciler bunu da yaparlar.
"Şimdi yarın ki ödevinize hazır olun. Yarın,hepiniz birer plastik torba ve beşer kilo patates
Öğrenciler,bu işten pek birşey anlamamışlardır.
Ama ertesi sabah,hepsinin sıralarının üzerinde patatesler ve torbalar hazırdır.
Kendisine meraklı gözlerle bakan öğrencilerine şöyle der öğretmen:
"Şimdi,bugüne dek affetmeyi istemediğiniz her kişi için bir patates alın,o kişinin adını,o
patatesin üzerine yazıp torbanın içine koyun."
Bazı öğrenciler torbalara üçer beşer tane patates koyarken, bazılarının torbalan neredeyse
ağzına kadar dolmuştu.
Öğretmen kendisine;"Peki şimdi ne olacak?"der gibi bakan öğrencilerine ikinci açıklamasını
"Bir hafta boyunca nereye giderseniz gidin,bu torbalan yanınızda taşıyacaksınız.
Yattığınız yatakta,bindiğiniz otobüste,okuldayken sıralarınızın üstünde,hep yanınızda
Aradan 1 hafta geçmiştir.Hocaları sınıfa girer girmez denileni yapmış olan öğrenciler,şikayete
"Hocam bu ,bu kadar ağır torbayı her yere taşımak çok zor,hocam patatesler kokmaya başladı.
Vallahi, insanlar tuhaf gözlerle bakıyorlar artık bana,hem sıkıldık,hem de yorulduk."
Öğretmen gülümseyerek öğrencilerine şu dersi verir;
"Görüyorsunuz ki,affetmeyerek kendimizi cezalandırıyoruz.
Kendimizi,ruhumuzda ağır yükler taşımaya mahkum ediyoruz,
Affetmeyi, karşımızdaki kişiye bir lütuf olarak düşünüyoruz,
halbuki affetmek,en başta kendimize yaptığımız bir iyiliktir."
Sevgili Gülten'e teşekkürler...

2011 Japonya için 16 Dakikalık bir
 Posted by gunes kurtulan on March 24, 2011 at 5:41pm

Sevgili Arkadaşlar,

Her birinizi, yaşamınızdan 16 dakikanızı Japonya’daki Tsunamide ölenlere ayırmaya davet

etmek isterim.

Japonya devletinin numerolojik sayısı 7’dir. Bu yüzden bu Dünya Meditasyonu için Tokyo
saati ile 07.00’yi seçtim, 16 dakikalık 27 Mart günü meditasyonunun açılımı ise;
27+3+20+11=16, 1+6=7

16 Dakika boyunca ne yapacağını bilmek isteyenler için…

Meditasyona oturmadan önce, lütfen mutlu bir halinize bürünün. İsterseniz öncesinde beş
dakika boyunca dans da edebilirsiniz.

Meditasyona oturduğunuzda, gözlerinizi kapatın, farkındalığınızı elinize alın, odağınızı kalp

çakranıza getirin. Öylece kalın.

Kalbinizi sevgiyle doldurun. Kalbinizden taşan pozitif bir sevgi duygusu ile kalın. (Duygu
akışını sağlamak için sevdiklerinizi düşünebilirsiniz) Ama lütfen negatif duygu ve
düşüncelere kapılmayın. Lütfen ölenler için üzülmeyin. Olması gereken zaten oldu ve geri
dönüşü yok.

Herkesden tüm istediğim kalplerini sevgiyle doldurmaları ve o halde 16 dakika durmaları. Bu

durum, Japonya’da ihtiyaç içinde olan herkese pozitif titreşim yollayacaktır.

Lütfen bu notu tüm arkadaşlarınıza yollayarak bana yardımcı olun.

Son olarak, her birinizin kalbinde yatan İlahi Oluşun önünde saygıyla eğiliyorum. Namaste.

Ines Glabonjat

Daha fazla bilgi için;

Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan

Large earthquakes hit near northern Thailand

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 24, 2011 at 5:44pm

BANGKOK (Reuters) – Two large quakes with a magnitude of 7.0 struck near north
Thailand's border with Myanmar and Laos, the U.S. Geological Survey reported.
Witnesses said the tremors were felt in Bangkok, Myanmar and as far away as the Vietnam
capital of Hanoi where people were evacuated from tall buildings.
The quakes struck seconds apart at 1355 GMT and were centered 69 miles north of the Thai
town of Chiang Rai.
The first one was very shallow, at a depth of 6.2 miles, while the second one was deeper at
142.5 miles.
It is a sparsely populated, hilly area best known as the Golden Triangle, which is a traditional
source of illicit opium.
There was no immediate word on any casualties or damage.

Melchizedek - March 22-29 , 2011 by
Marlene Swetlishoff 22 March 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 24, 2011 at 6:15pm

The Latest, Breaking News

from Melchizedek

Steve Beckow writes

There is no telling if the Melchizedek referred to here is the avatar, Christ figure, Prince of
Peace, that Abraham paid homage to in Genesis or is a Melchizedek, namely a being who has
finished our human rung of evolution (as Drunvalo allegedly has), or a group of beings who
have collectively taken the name “Melchizedek.”

However I encourage you to read these posts as you might read your favorite news reporter or
opted contributor.

Moreover, I encourage you to go a step further with it. Given that we are co-creating our
reality, and one way to do that is to imagine the future and thereby draw it to us by the Law of
Attraction, imagine what Melchizedek is describing here and draw it to you.

Here Melchizedek tells us that the Earth is transitioning to a higher octave causing widespread
change to take place (Ok, we knew that), love is dissolving the barriers in the world, our news
reporters are starting to break free of their chains, and new technology will be breaking forth
in the coming days.

Alright, that’s our one-minute GNN (Galactic Noumenal News) broadcast for today.
Tomorrow more from GNN. Providing the channel is credible, and Marlene seems to be, these
messages provide, for me anyways, more important news than what I hear on CNN.
(***DITTO from Russ Michael)

I should add however that not all Melchizedeks are created equal. I can think of one another
version of him that I would not put stock in. So do use discretion.

Melchizedek - March 22-29 , 2011

by Marlene Swetlishoff

22 March 2011

Beloved Ones,

The times that are upon you have been prophesized for many centuries, however, the truth of
it is that the Earth is transitioning into a higher octave of expression and so, many changes are
taking place upon and within Her, both known and unknown to you. This will continue and
cannot be halted, but this process can be enormously supported by the Love of your hearts
being sent out to the Earth each day. As we have said many times before, Love IS the greatest
force of all—let it now prevail.

As you co-create your new reality, look upon those who are in your immediate vicinity with
the greatest of Love and compassion. Each is going through great internal changes whether
these are visible to you or not, rest assured, much change and transformation is taking place
within them and because of your willingness to be the forerunners of this transformation that

is taking place, their Path is much easier than the ones you have walked. It was your great
contribution to the Ascension times, so that your sisters and brothers might be better able to
withstand the pressure of the need to transform quickly at this time.

You have been and are holding the Light of God that never fails within you and it is now
radiating out into your World in greater concentric circles than ever before. Your Light is
succeeding in dissolving barriers in every area of life and bringing in grace where there was
none before. Truly, this is a most miraculous time to be incarnate upon the Planet, for the
gamut of experience from one spectrum to another is rich with possibility. All is becoming
known now, as Humankind suddenly will just “know” truths that were hidden before and they
will see through the illusions that they have been laboring under for most of their lifetimes
just fall away and as this happens, change will happen with grace.

Love one another with the highest of respect and honor, for you have all chosen to be here to
initiate great changes and this is becoming evident. One only has to listen to the news media
with the right discernment to see that people can no longer be fooled into blind belief about
any situation. What is being said is being questioned almost immediately and even the
reporters are immediately asking questions that they would never have dared to ask before. It
is all good and this is how peaceful change occurs. Those who ruled by making choices and
decisions for the masses behind closed doors are finding it increasingly difficult to continue
this practice, for all is being questioned and exposed to the Light for everyone’s

Even those who have been mired in the drudgery of their nine to five jobs each day are taking
time from this essential task to think about the events that are happening all over their World
and are making choices to go a different route. It is all about the mind and perception and
these are changing at record levels and this is how the Awakening we have talked about for so
long is occurring. As more people do this, awareness grows in the overall field of
consciousness and life and how it is lived, is changing from moment to moment.

You will see an explosion of new technology breaking forth in the coming days as new
solutions to old dilemmas are given contemplation from a perspective that was previously
blocked and not available. You will be amazed by what comes forth to bring greater ease in
your daily lives. These new wonders are coming forth at the same time as the old structures
and ways of doing business are collapsing and being reformed into a better system. Expansion
comes after seeming contraction, for when something falls away it is quickly replaced with
something better. This is a Universal Law and it is now in effect upon your Planet and within
yourselves. Be observant and discerning, Beloved Ones, and keep on keeping on!

I AM Melchizedek

©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff

Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and
nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.

Create from a Place of Knowing or Don't
Create at all a message from Gillian
MacBeth-Louthan 23 March, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 24, 2011 at 6:49pm

Create from a Place of Knowing or Don't Create at all

a message from Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

23 March, 2011

You are in a place and time when you are just now remembering that you have the ability to
expand and create your world however you chose. The chaos the destruction, the disease, the
disasters on earth can be changed in a blink, if enough believe this to be a truth. Perform from
a place of knowing. As one that walks the tight wire Do you want to get up on that tight wire
with a knowing, or with a maybe? These are your everyday life choices. The wire is your
next thought, your next word, your next decree. Create purposefully with a knowing not just
a thinking of maybe!

Know without a shadow of a doubt, that your consciousness is birthed from the cosmic crock-
pot, and what has been ladled to vast civilizations is also divinely ladled to you. True
knowledge is inherent within all. Light masters and Ascended masters are a part of your
divine blueprint. With this understanding and knowing, draw your life, become all

Delete the impossibilities that you have received while growing up. Earth is full of limits—
speed limits, time limits, credit card limits, parking limits, everything has a limit. In your true
being there are no limits.

All that you can imagine as truth is but a single grain of God consciousness. The beaches
reflect what is the true possibility for life. Every granule of sand is a world, a universe, and a
galaxy. Imagine all the sand on all the beaches and oceans of earth. Each one of those
granules of sand represents your untouched abilities, and your untouched knowledge.

Do not be afraid of the next step of your journey. It is as if a cell within your body is afraid to
connect with another cell within the same body. You created connectivity but you chose
separation. Open the doorway that you have kept nailed shut for so long. You are the
projector of your limitations. Open yourself to receive the river of all possibility.

The vibration of money was given to you as a speed bump. Something to slow you down. Let
go of the concept of money as being your rescuer! You are provided for equal to the amount

of love you give to yourself. You create and manifest the exact amount you can receive,
nothing more, nothing less.

Take a good look at the word “pro-vision.” You are creating and providing for, through
‘vision’. Stop thinking and living on emergency provisions, sea rations. Proceed forward past
what you have provided for your self up until now.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - PO box 217 - Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217


 Posted by I AM DIVINE LIGHT AND YOU TOO on March 24, 2011 at 10:46pm

or the past 15 years I have been involved in earthwork that has focussed on healing the
wounds of

the Feminine and activating the Christ codes imprinted into Mother Gaia by Mary Magdalene
as representative of the Christed Feminine. These sites were closed down in Patriarchal times.
(please refer to the article In Celebration of the feminine at Easter).

It is time to heal the wounds of the Earth This journey commenced in 1988 at Uluru
(planetary solar plexus chakra & heart of Australia) and has taken me to many sacred sites
around the planet to walk and sing healing songs in the Universal Language of Light.
In April 2002, I will be completing my part in this work in Sydney, Africa and Uluru.
This work coincides with the vision of Turtle woman vision (News@awakening- which is about lightworkers standing at power points along the leylines all over
the world on April 13th 2002 at 3pm Central time, US to activate the Golden Christ Grid.
I know that our visions are connected and that all the wounds need to be named and released
before that date.

I invite you to join with me in the completion of this work which will prepare the way for the
activation of the Christ Grid.

Please read the following explanation about this work before commencing the process of
handing back the wounds.

Approximately 2 years ago, in a dream vision, I was shown the key wounds held in different
locations around the world. These wounds are blocking Gaia's energy system and need to be
released from her leylines and chakras so that the birth of Heaven on Earth can proceed with
ease and grace. This birth comes through the union of the Christed male/female energy
activated through all the leylines/songlines of the Earth.

Australia holds the first of the following list of planetary wounds and Africa holds the last. In
April I am offering workshops in Sydney to heal the wound held in Australia (refer website
for details I then fly to Africa to complete my part in this
planetary healing before the 13th April.
The rest of the wounds I feel will be completed by those of you reading this information who
know in their hearts that their soul purpose is to assist in healing these planetary wounds.

The wounds in the order I was given them are:

AUSTRALIA- holding the collective wound of painful and disempowered birth on the planet

JAPAN - holding the collective wound of abuse of power.

SINGAPORE - holding the collective wound of inability to manifest Spiritual Vision.

EGYPT - holding the collective wound of inability to manifest heart's desire.

SEDONA - holding the collective wound of misappropriation of monetary gains through the
mining of the Earth's resources.

IRELAND - holding the collective wound of po9verty as a result of expressing spiritual

preference and the guilt of denying the Goddess to embrace patriarchy, which splits Ireland in

ENGLAND - holding the collective wound of denial of indigenous spirituality - feminine

earth-based religion, which causes England to suffer humiliation now in the loss of political

ROME - holding the collective wound of the denial of Mary Magdalene, the Christed
feminine. The split of the dark and the light aspects of the feminine shows itself in the
difference of the peoples of the north and the south with their fair and dark colouring.

MONTREAL - holding the collective wound of the disempowered feminine principle.

CANADA - holding the collective wound of a people troubled by not being fully seen in the
sovereignty of their true identity.

MALAYSIA - holding the collective wound of submitting to another culture that seemed
more intelligent on a mental level, causing a denial/suppression of the wisdom of the feeling
emotional self/level.

HAWAII - holding the collective wound of being swamped by another culture/belief that
honoured materialism above simple and true spiritual practice and ways of living in harmony
with the natural environment.

AFRICA - holding the collective wound of the dishonouring/negating of the dark feminine
principle of creativity. The wound relating from the negation of the beauty of the lower
chakras and their connection to the dance, pulse and rhythm of the earth.


The Galactic Mother Amaya is once again with us to assist in the healing of Earth's planetary
wounds. She is overlighting the many expressions of the Divine Mother ( Quan Yin, Mary,
Tara, White Buffalo Calf Woman etc) in order to heal the wounds of humanity and Gaia.

Her assistance is necessary because the origin of some of the wounds acting out on Earth are
galactic (ie brought here from other Galaxies and star systems) and need the connection to the
Galactic energies in order to heal.

Amaya connected to the Earth on 22nd June 1999 through a planetary line-up between the
Great Central Sun and Earth's South Pole. She brings amazing Grace, compassion, love and
nurturing and holds within her Lightbody the lightbodies of our galactic self. As our wounds
are healed we can then connect to our galactic self and walk on the Earth beaming our
lovelight to Gaia to support and join her in her Ascension.

In order for the Galactic energies to intervene the request must come from someone in the
body. It is essential that these wounds be named, released and healed by people living in these
locations as they have embodied these wounds on behalf of humanity. As these wounds are
released from their bodiesthrough the grace of Amaya, they will then release from the body of
Gaia and all of humanity through all dimensions that they exist in.


Call in the support and protection of Divine Source, your own God Self all the Ascended and
Cosmic Masters of Love & Light, your Soul Group, Monad and all your inner teachers.
Welcome in the Violet light of forgiveness and healing.
This song creates an energy vortex/ portal that releases any old trapped energy or
thoughtforms and welcomes in the new energy which is aligned to the true essence of all the
sacred teachings.

Feel yourself surrounded by the pulsating sphere of light that is your wholeness and soul
energy. Breathe this unconditional love into every cell and organ. Welcome it into your heart
centre where it's energy intensifies and becomes a beautiful liquid energy that is the waters of
your soul. Immerse yourself in these waters and feel them cleanse, nourish and nurture your
whole being. Activate your Tree of Life sending roots deep into the heart of Mother Earth and
extend through your branches and leaves, spiralling out through the starry portals of - our Sun
& Moon, Venus, Sirius, Archturus, Pleiades, Orion, Andromeda, and the Great Central Sun
and Moon.

Feel yourself surrounded by the Radiant Ones of the Great Central Sun & Moon as they guide
you into the Heart of Source/Mother Father God. There you are given a symbol which is filled
with all the love and light that is your birthright as a child of God. This energy will support
you to fulfill your Divine Mission and part in the Divine Plan through all the dimensions that
you exist in. As you bring and radiate this symbol through all the portals feel the blessing that
flows to you from your soul family that exists in these starry portals. Feel yourself coming to
the portal of our Sun & Moon and ask that your soul purpose be aligned with the current
Divine plan for Earth and then enter through the branches of your Tree of Life descending to
the Heart of Gaia and radiating your Love and Light there.
Then feel yourself standing by the pool in your heart again. As you dive deep into that pool a
beautiful golden dolphin comes to you. As you hold onto it's dorsal fin you are taken deep into
the waters of your soul to the centre of your own Being where you enter into the Temple of
your Heart. On the altar in this temple is your Divine Flame of Truth. Place your symbol in its
Spiritual fire and feel it radiating this support through your whole Being. Now ask - in the
presence of truth, what is the wound that I have embodied on behalf of humanity and what
age is that most held in my inner child? This may surface as words or a body sensation. Allow
this knowing to come fully into your consciousness and name and release any dysfunctional
thoughtforms that are attached to this wound.
Then welcome the energy of the Galactic Mother Amaya as you sing this mantra -
As you enter into her embrace through the love of all the Divine mothers/Ascended Feminine
Masters and the Radiant Ones name your personal wound and also the collective earth wound
of the country where you live and say…
On behalf of all humanity I bring to you these wounds held in myself at age….. and all the
past or future lives that hold these wounds and I ask that as you heal them through me may
this healing flow through all dimensions that these wounds exist in. May this healing then be
offered as a gift to release through all time and dimensions these wounds from the body of
Gaia and all humanity.
Then breathe in the Golden Healing Balm of Amaya into all your bodies emotional, physical,
mental and spiritual where the wounds have been released from.

When you are ready ask Amaya to give you back the truth of your Galactic/DivineEssence. It
may come as an affirmation: and the truth is……………………
Welcome this truth to align with the Christ Consciousness within your Soul and sing it into
your 12 chakras with the Mantra IN-RA-LA-MAY-AH.SAY, asking that this truth flow into
and bless all your subtle bodies.

When you are ready come to the surface of your heart centre and feel yourself beaming
Lovelight through your 12 chakras offering your eternal Truth as a gift deep into the heart of
Gaia, to all the inner Earth temple workers the nature and crystal kingdoms, to the Angels of
the 4 directions and through all the gridlines of the Earth.
Breathe deeply feeling yourself fully embodied and connected to Divine Source and Mother

To complete this process ask the Spiritual Guardians if they want you to close the "Ue a No
Ah" portal or if it is to be left open for them to close down at a later time.

Blessings and thankyou.

You have now completed the first part of your mission on Earth in accordance with the
Piscean Age. This was to assist in healing the density caused by the wounds, teaching through
pain, suffering and lack. You can now embrace your role in the Aquarian Age which is to
teach through joy and abundance. This is a truly a joyous role, the co-creation of Heaven on

Having released the wounds you are now free to embrace the second phase of your Divine
mission which is to remember your wholeness, connect to the truth of your Divinity as a child
of God, embody, walk/talk/ and live from this truth on the Earthplane. You then become
beacons, beaming Lovelight from Divine Source, supporting our beloved planet in her
ascension process and completing your mission on Earth.

I thankyou from the depth of my heart for being willing to assist in this work and I look
forward to connecting with you as we meet in Spirit along the songlines. I will be singing to
you from Africa and I look forward to receiving your songs.
I know in my heart that Africa is my place to stand. It has been calling me in my dreams for a
long time. I have been asked to sing some healing songs there that I was given by a beautiful
Maori Spirit in New Zealand. She asked that I sing them in Australia at Uluru and the Blue
Mts and then in Africa. I have sung the songs in Australia and will now offer them to the
Spiritual Guardians of Africa. The songs honour the old guardians and create an energy
vortex/ portal that sets them free to return to the source to recharge. They also release any old
trapped energy or thoughtforms and welcome in the new energy and its Guardians aligned to
the true essence of all the sacred teachings. One of the songs is UE A NO AH RAE A PO, UE

Lovelight and blessings Kaliana Raphael Rose.





Click on a card (coming soon) for an expanded view and a short explanation, a full page
explanation for each remedy is available with the DNA repatterning cards.

The drawings
by-pass the mental process appealing to the Soul level, enabling a person to choose
the essence which is most appropriate for them at this time

Two beautiful beings, Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene, came to gift the Earth

Divine Love is a conscious state of Being that loves and honours all life.

Now after two thousand years of denial it is time to discover, remember and honour the
missing piece of the puzzle

Mary Magdalene is a representative of the Christed Feminine within us all.

In patriarchal times women have felt disempowered; with the denial of the feminine the
power of this beautiful egg of the feminine has been split

with the return of the feminine, we move once again into male female balance. It is time to
share and celebrate the deep love for the Divine Mother and the wisdom of her Grace

In patriarchal times more has been taken from the earth than has been given back. ruining the
delicate ecosystems of the Earth.

WHOLE-IARCHY and from this union co-create HEAVEN ON EARTH!

Creativity and birth, has long been associated with Eostre (Easter) the ancient Goddess of

This Easter let us all join with love in our hearts and ask Divine Mother to forgive us for our

Celebrate the Sacred Marriage of the eternal flame of the Divine Masculine and Feminine.

Have you ever wondered why the symbol of the egg is used at Easter time? Have you ever
wondered where

the name Easter came from? Why we give chocolate to each other at Easter?

So much that we now accept so automatically has its origins in a forgotten past. In patriarchal
times much of the feminine wisdom has been covered over, particularly the truth of the matro-
lineal wisdom, which until the witch-burning times of the inquisition was handed down from
mother to daughter.

Are we all the real Easter bunnies in that we have so forgotten and denied our heritage? We
have allowed our longing to be appeased by substitute symbols. The rabbit the substitute for
the celebration of our fertility and new birth, chocolate eggs the substitute for love - It has
been discovered that chocolate stimulates the hormones which mimic feelings of love.

We remember the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ at Easter but have denied the
celebration and honouring of Mary Magdalene, Jesus' beautiful mirror image in the six-
pointed Star of David. In the mural at the Russian Church of Saint Mary Magdalene,
Jerusalem, she is portrayed holding the egg of fertility. A silent coded image reaching down to
us through the ages.

Life is created on earth through an equal joining of male and female energies in sexuality but
the decisions made about the earth are not being made with the same equality. Within each

man and woman there exists this combined energy and we are all disadvantaged if both voices
don't have equal representation and an honouring of their wisdom.

Two beautiful beings, Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene, came to gift the Earth with a model
of the Christ Consciousness - Divine Love in expression - not as a religion but as a conscious
state of Being that loves and honours all life.

In order to birth this consciousness within us, it is necessary to embrace the Christed feminine
and masculine within in full chakra union. Now after two thousand years of denial it is time to
discover, remember and honour the missing piece of the puzzle, her-story, which has been left
out of his-story. Until the inquisition the true teachings of Mary Magdalene and Jesus were
honoured and followed by the Gnostics and the Cathars.
Mary Magdalene is a representative of the Christed Feminine within us all. As we release the
distortions that have surrounded her life and honour her name again, we will remember her
not as prostitute but as the beloved bride of Christ. As we love and honour her truth as a
sacred priestess of the eternal flame of the Mother, Christed Anointed one, it will set this
energy free to flow, and bless and honour the feminine wisdom in us all.

In patriarchal times women have felt disempowered; with the denial of the feminine the
power of this beautiful egg of the feminine has been split into two circles of light and dark.
This has separated spirituality from sexuality and split the sisterhood in two. Without access
to the full egg of the feminine creative power our creativity has not flowed; without access to
the wisdom of the priestess, the Divine midwife, birth has become a painful experience on this
planet. This relates to the birth of babies as well as creative ideas.

In patriarchal times the Divine Feminine seemed to disappear as if behind a veil, and seemed
less accessible to humankind. The sacred initiations into the feminine wisdom went
underground. As the veil is now lifted with the return of the feminine, we move once again
into male female balance. It is time to share and celebrate the deep love for the Divine Mother
and the wisdom of her Grace. This love, because it has not been celebrated openly, has been
felt as a very deep sense of loss in both men and women. As we open our hearts once again to
be loved by and to love the Mother Goddess as well as the Father God, deep peace can be
experiences in our soul and in the soul of the world.

In patriarchal times humanity has forgotten the universal law of the circle, which is: as much
as goes out, comes back, in an everflowing circle. Without the honouring of this feminine
truth more has been taken from the earth than has been given back. And the denial of this
universal law is destroying the delicate ecosystems of the Earth. As we heal the split and
reclaim the full circle of the feminine wisdom we restore the role of the priestess of the Divine
Feminine. We can then access the Sacred Feminine wisdom and teachings to nurture and heal
the earth and ourselves.

This allows us to move forward at last, having rather painfully learned the lesson gained from
long ages that expressed either the matriarchy or the patriarchy. These energies were never
meant to work in isolation but together, drawing on the wisdom of both energies. Let's create
a new word for this beautiful new Age of Aquarius: WHOLE-IARCHY and from this union
co-create HEAVEN ON EARTH!

This Easter let us all join with love in our hearts and ask the Divine Mother to forgive us for
so long denying Mary Magdalene, Her beautiful representative of the Christed Feminine. Let

us welcome her into our hearts to share the piece of the puzzle she holds about the expression
of the Christ love. May we celebrate her life and mission, and reclaim the legacy that she left

I offer you the poems that I received from Jesus and Mary as I made the flower essences of
the Jesus Christ Peace Lily and the Blood Lily. Let these be your Easter lilies. May they help
you heal and celebrate this Easter honouring the full expression of the Christ love as
expressed in their poems to each other.

All is love beloved; every experience in this time dimension can be transformed into knowing
through the flame of love.
I love the Divine Feminine, the Christ within.
Oh Beloved, how I love thee causes the stars to shine, the heavens to smile. The ecstasy of
this love enfolds you, protects you, honours and adores you; for you are my home, my hearth,
my heart, my compassion,
the completion of my wholeness in the one heart of God.
I love the Divine Masculine, the Christ within, with every fibre of my being.
Deep in my womb I enfold you tenderly. I embrace you with love, passion and compassion,
for you are my love, the other half of my wholeness in the one heart of God.

As we honour the truth of the legacy that the lives of these two beautiful ones left us we
celebrate the Sacred Marriage of the eternal flame of the Divine Masculine and Feminine,
forever joined in passionate, heartfelt love, trust, honouring, equality and wholeness.

This Easter I offer you their blessing:

For all that you have suffered through this illusion of separation, let the past be now healed
and forgiven. Be you together in joy NOW, be you NOW together in joy.


Night 1 ~ Entering the Universal
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 25, 2011 at 3:30am

From March 26th to April 12th we enter into Night 1 of the Universal Underworld,
assimilating on the inner planes the frequencies of Light spiralling forth from the Company of
Heaven with a focus on the third ray of Divine Intelligence. We are offered an opportunity to
enter into the Crystalline City of Light above Uluru in Australia and Overlighting by the
Ascended Masters, Ray Councils of Light, Christed ET's, and the Brotherhood of the Light,
experience an initiation of Light that will collectively take our service work to another level of
wisdom and knowingness through connecting more deeply into the infinite and eternal mind
of Mother/Father God. We further have the opportunity to let go of "lesser-than-and better
than" consciousness as well as assist in shifting the distorted templating of current economic
and financial structures holding the financial reins of power as we recognize the Divine
Equality of all Life and the need for shared resources through this vibrant yellow flame of
Light and the Unified Hologram of Love,

Invocation to Night 1 ~ Entering the Universal Underworld

I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,

the Ascended Masters, Mighty Elohim, Archangels and Angels,
Christed ET's and Brotherhood of the Light,
and all other Beings of Light that I personally acknowledge,
as I now merge with my I Am Presence.

I now ask to be taken into the Crystalline City about Uluru so I may undergo my initiation of
Light connecting into the Mind of God and the frequency of Love.
I am now taken in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light,
surrounded in a vibrant yellow flame of Light,
to the doorway of this Crystalline City of Light.

I am now greeted by three High Priests to the Order of Melchizedek,

Requesting permission to enter into this City of Light.
"I greet you as a child of the Light and ask that I may enter into this Crystalline City of Light,
so I may further my service work as an Ambassador of Light to God and all Life."

The doors are now opened, and I am greeted by my family and friends of the Light
as I am taken into an Initiation Chamber of Light.
Surrounded by the Company of Heaven, and this vibrant yellow flame of Light,
I now link my mind and heart into the Mind and Heart of Mother/Father God,
receiving the keycode templates of Light that will take me into a deeper level of wisdom and
Love as I align my will with the Divine Will of Mother/Father God.

As I now merge with my I Am Presence,
and activate the I Am Avatar Blueprint of Light within my body, energy field and hologram to
receive these keycodes and downloads of Light, I now recite:
"Through this vibrant yellow flame of Light and through the third ray of Divine Intelligence,
I ask to release any lesser-than or better-than consciousness issues I may still have,
as I recognize the Divine Equality of all Life, through the knowingness that it is only the
levels of Cosmic Consciousness awareness that differs from individual to individual.
Through this reflection of wisdom and Love,
I ask to receive the highest levels of knowingness available to me at this time,
to further assist in creating and affecting change within the current financial and economic
institutes on this earth plane,
as well as creating a matrix of Divine abundance for all Life on this earth plane".

As a wisdom keeper of knowledge and Light,

I now link up with all the Light workers, starseeded Ones and Beings of Light from On High
assisting in this focus of bringing through these new templates of Light.
I now find myself on the Unity Grid of Light, linking into this matrix of Light Beings through
wisdom and Love.
I now assist in surrounding this earth plane in a vibrant yellow flame of Light,
bringing through the higher ray frequencies of the third ray of Divine Intelligence,
anchoring and activating these new templates and blueprints of Light,
so that all Life may experience the wisdom of God through Divine recognition of Self and
others, and financial and economic abundance.

I now link into the Crystalline Grid of Light,

now into the Solar Grid of Light,
and now, into the Sun,
and now into the Central Sun on Alcyone,
and now into the Great Central Sun on Sirius,
and from here, take on all the encodings of Light I need to initiate change as an Ambassador
of Light.

I now find myself back in my sacred space,

surrounded in this vibrant yellow flame of Divine Intelligence,
I honor my Self and all Life in this communion of wisdom and Love,
as I ground into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth and into the Unified Hologram of Love.

Message from the Elders on the Third Ray of Divine Intelligence and Night 1 of entering the
Universal Underworld.

Welcome sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you today and to share with you
some insights and understandings of what is occurring collectively through the vibrant energy
of the rays as you move through the various degrees of the Universal Underworld Matrix of
Light. In the time that you are moving into this next level, Night 1, from March the 26th to
April the 12th, the focus is on the Third Ray of Divine Intelligence. This ray, sweet ones, is
the primary ray influence on this earth plane, with a secondary influence coming through from
the First Ray of Will and Power. Now the first seven rays hold both the higher and lower
frequencies of the rays, and through the Third Ray of Divine Intelligence in these lower
frequencies qualities, you are seeing much of the "lesser than and better than consciousness"
issues played out on this earth plane, as well as financial and economic distorted templatings

that need to be addressed through lifting all Life into the energy of Divine Intelligence, the
Wisdom of the Higher Mind and the Hologram of Love.

To start with now, just surround yourself now in this vibrant yellow flame of Light, focusing
on any issues you may have too of "lesser than and better than consciousness", of competing
with others, judging according to mental abilities rather than experiencing simply the
frequency of wisdom through unconditional Love. In these shifting times on this earth plane,
sweet ones, you are seeing the collective frequencies of both the higher and lower ray
qualities and with this a sense of emotional oscillations. And for light workers in particular,
there is a great need to truly move through the shadows that are coming up to experience a
deeper level of love, of wisdom and empowerment through this threefold flame that is being
activated and amplified for all Life on this earth plane. The stabilization of the emotional
oscillations comes by recognizing yourself as this Gift; for you are this precious Gift to your
Self and to all Life. And in having the courage to truly work with what your issues are,
genetically inherited, carried through from past lives or experienced in parallel realities, you
are able to take on the mantle of Leadership and take your service work to another level. And
in truly desiring to experience Love and wisdom, you move into a deeper level of
experiencing yourself as this sacred Being of Light, of loving your Self, and through this,
loving all Life. These templates of Light that bring through the higher frequencies of the rays
is focused now at this moment in affecting and creating change within the financial and
economic institutes on this earth plane, as well as understanding the Divine Equality of all
Life and the need for shared resources.

Find yourself on the Unity Grid of Light now, sweet ones, link in energetically through this
beautiful yellow flame of Light, and experience these frequencies and ray qualities. Lift
yourselves into the Mind and Heart of Mother-Father God as you merge into the energy of
your I AM Presence. Wonderful. Know that the emotional oscillations you are personally
experiencing and that are bringing up the shadow aspects of yourself is related in part to
working with this Third Ray of Divine Intelligence in this Now. So be in mindful awareness
of how you act and react, of how you communicate with others, of looking through your
master eyes at all of Life around you as to how you respond to each situation.

This ray further amplifies the need for Unity Consciousness by letting go of the perceived
separation of "them and us" into the recognition of the Divine Equality of all Life and the
knowing that it is simply the levels of cosmic consciousness awareness that differs from
individual to individual. It further allows you to look at abundance issues. Additionally this
ray links you into the inner planes ashrams of Light and in particular to the Great White
Lodge in the etheric of Sirius. These initiation of Light can be experienced on both the inner
and outer planes. On the outer planes through the third ray, it is the experience of truly
listening to others, what their needs are and communicating clearly from a place of wisdom,
knowing, experience and Love. Of letting go of defense mechanisms, of supporting and
loving others through this Unified Hologram of Love in such a way that you focus on a deeper
level of service in Love through networking and shared resources. This ray further works
very much with the energy of nature intelligence and nature spirit intelligence, so feel and
sense these Overlighting Devas working with all Life on this earth plane in assisting in the
creating of these sacred blueprints of Life. The templating within the Unified Grid of Light is
upgraded on a regular basis, sweet ones, and as you received these downloads and key codes
of Light, you are able more clearly and directly affect change within your Self and within
your environment. And have a look too at your levels of abundance and manifestation, for
you are divinely supported by the Company of Heaven, by all the Beings of Light from on

High and your Mighty I Am Presence, as you are divinely supported too by Mother Earth. On
the inner planes you are working very much with energy of the Great White Lodge, with the
Brotherhood of the Light, with the teachings of the Light from the ray ashrams, as well as the
Melchizedek teachings of Light, depending on your levels of initiation. Now these initiations
that you are undergoing will be further amplified in your everyday reality. This initiation
through the Third Ray of Divine Intelligence is a sixth level initiation, of merging in to the I
AM Avatar Blueprint of Light, of experiencing a deeper level of the chakras merging in one
unified column of Light. And further to this, in activating the DNA to the remembrance of not
only levels of highest mastery in parallel realities but in this Now, into the level of Light and
knowledge that you personally hold as this teacher, leader, wayshower, starseeded one and
light worker to this earth plane, in essence, as these wisdom keepers of Light. Have the
courage of your convictions, sweet ones, by simply letting go and letting God, and with this, a
sense of working multidimensionally in the creation of new structures of Light on this earth

Once these downloads have occurred through the Unity Grid, you are more able to move into
the matrix of Light of these multidimensional frequencies through the Sun and Solar Grid of
Light, through Alcyone and the Interstellar Grid of Light, as well as Sirius and the Galactic
Grid of Light. These grids of Light collectively link you in to your multidimensional Selves
through increased levels of Cosmic Christ Consciousness and the vastness of your Self.
These Grids of Light take you into a sixth dimensional frequency of Light, and through this
third ray focus and Nature Intelligence, assist in releasing old cellular imprintings and in
linking you in to the Higher Mind of Mother/Father God through knowingness; through
knowledge, wisdom, love and Divine Intelligence and the remembrance of your initiations of

There is much that you can do in working with this ray, sweet ones. Hold this focus
collectively from March the 26th to April the 12th, through the Third Ray of Divine
Intelligence and in this Night 1 of entering into the Universal Underworld and into the
Crystalline City of Light above Uluru in Australia, and you will personally and collective
experience many shifts as you lift the personality aspects of your Self into the Mind of God
through the Company of Heaven and through these key code downloads of Light. These
Crystalline Cities of Light, for there are many Crystalline Cities and Temples of light, bring
through particular qualities and frequencies and you are further able to affect change within
the mass consciousness through experiencing these Crystalline Cities of Light, as well as
connecting into the Unified Grids of Light. These Crystalline Cities of Light that you are
focusing on, are related to the thirteen primary chakras of Mother Earth, and as these
primarily chakras are activated in increased frequencies of Light, this is experienced
individually through your chakras, and through the Unity Grids of Light. It is a time now for
collective change and this is happening to all Life on this earth plane, sweet ones. Simply
hold your focus of Service in Love, and magnetize what you are needing, through deeper
levels of networking and connecting on both the inner and outer planes.

These are exciting times, and while many oscillations may be occurring on different levels
and particularly within the emotional bodies, understand this as various initiations of Light.
For through embracing your shadows and embracing your Light in the essence of wisdom and
Love, you come to experience yourself as this Master Being and Gift that you are, and are
able to be of greater service to all Life. We welcome you as these Wisdom Keepers of Light.
And with this, we bid you a most magical day.

Invocation by Anrita Melchizedek
Artwork by Daniel Holeman
Music by Aeoliah
In appreciation to Adi'El for shared resources

Many Thanks to Hilda

The time is now...

We are creating the Heaven on Earth...


2011 Mart gün dönümü - kıyamet mi yoksa

ilahi iradenin idraki mi
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 25, 2011 at 4:00am

Varlık: Saint Germain
Medyum: Alexandra Mahlimay & Dan Bennack
Tarih: Mart 20, 2011
Yer: Cluj-Napoca, Romanya

Mart gün dönümü bu yıl dönüşümle ilgili. Bu sizin tüm çakışmalardan, meydan
okumalardan, acıların arasından ortaya çıkışınızdır. Hatta bireysel ruhların ortaya çıkışı ve
daha bilinçli bir yaşamı deneyimlemeye başlamanın zamanıdır. Burada uyanan şuurlar
birikerek yeterli bir seviyeye ulaştığından beşeriyetin kollektif değerleri, varolan değerleri,
yaşam içindeki değişime uğrayarak daha küresel bir sorumluluk bilinci ile tezahür edecektir.

Sevgili arkadaşlar ben Saint-Germain ve tabiki şu zaman dünya ve tüm beşeriyet için
inanılmaz dönüşüm zamanları. Ben ve diğer ruhsal planlar size bu değişimin amacını
hatırlatmak için buradayız. Bu sizin buraya gelmeden önce yapmış olduğunuz bir seçimdi. Bu
arzu, ilahi irade yasalarını tam bir şuurluluk içinde ve aynı zamanda kendi özünüzle iletişim
halinde yaşamayı seçmekti. Bu seçimi hatırlayınca, yaşayınca diğerleri ile paylaşmak seçimin

--0-- Güncel, günlük meydan okumalarınız

Geçen haftalarda bir sürü meydan okumalarla karşı karşıya kaldınız. Kendi içinizde ve
dışınızda oluşan çakışmalar,doğal afetler ve yardım etmek için ürettiğiniz mazaretler ve biraz
özgür olmak için yaptığınız değişimlerle yüzyüze geldiniz. Bunların hepsi sizin sabrınızı, ruh
sağlığınızı, merhametinizi, farkındalığınızı ve olayları kabul edişinizi test etti.

Fakat aynı zamanda bu olaylar size gerçekte kim olduğunuza dair hatırlama ve tabi burada
gerçekte neden olduğunuz sorusuna cevap verdi. Sizler ilahi bir kıvılcımsınız ve burada
olmanızın nedeni geçen her anda birbirinizi destekleyerek ilahi yanlarınızı paylaşmaktır.
Sizler burada birbirinizle yaşamak ve paylaşmak için bulunuyorsunuz.

Evet bir çokları için bu trajedi zamanıdır. Fakat siz burada bu duyguları güçlendirmek için
bulunmuyorsunuz. Kendinizi olan olaylardan dolayı sorumlu tutmayın. Sizler burada sınırlı
farkındalığın zincirlerini kırmak için bulunuyorsunuz. Zihinlere hapsedilmiş olanları serbest
bırakmak için buradasınız. Günlük yaşamınızda elinizde tuttuğunuz ilahi prensipleri kendi
metodlarınız ile uygulayarak bunu varolan sosyal yapıya uygulayıp yansıtmaktasınız.

--0-- Kıyamet veya bir ilahi yasanın idrakinin tezahürü mü?

Bugünlerde zihinleri kurcalayan bir sürü soru var - hatta kendine spiritüel, ruhsal diyenler
içinde geçerli - İnsanlar dünya olaylarının anlamını yakalamaya çalışıyorlar. Gerçekten bir
kıyamete mi gidiyoruz? Yoksa bundan daha kötüsü olabilir mi? Bu sorularla ilgili bir sürü
korku sirküle oluyor ve tabiki dünyayı korkusuz çözümler dengeleyecektir.

Fakat korku bir cevap değildir.

Bunun yerine sizler bir adım atarak farkındalık için kendi rolünüzün sorumluluğunu
aldığınızda önce kendinizi ve daha sonra gözlemleyenlere bir etki yaratmış olursunuz.

Gelecek zamanlarda her biriniz korkunun ve endişelerin karşısında durarak doğruluğa -
vicdana- odaklanarak bilginin sorumluluğunu alacaksınız. Bu doğruluk ilahi bir varlık olarak
sorumluluk taşıdığınızın farkına varmanızdır ve sizin ruhsal kaynağınız ve bağlı olduğunuz
ruhsal planlar bu gezegendeki diğerleri ile paylaşılır.

Bu farkındalığı eğer kalbinizde -bilincinizde- zihninizde tutabilirseniz bir çok yıkıcı

potansiyeli ve korkuyu dünyada geçersiz kılacaksınızdır. Böylece barışa katkı yaparak birliği
sağlamış olacaksınız Bu bu kadar basittir.

Kıyamet mi yoksa ilahi olanın idraki mi? Bireysellik ve kollektif olarak siz seçimlerinizle
dışarıyı tayin ediyorsunuz.

Kıyamet senaryosunu, kehanetsel bir olgu olarak sıklıkla karşınıza katalizör olayların
finalinde iyiliğin kötülük karşısında galip gelmesi olarak algılıyorsunuz. Bu süreçte sizin için
ilahi bir yasanın idraki ise sıklıkla, evrensel bir hakikatin, dualitede ki bir deneyimde size
görünen tezahürü olarak yorumluyorsunuz.

--0-- Seçim sizden öncedir

Seçim sizden öncedir: Bahsettiğim hallerden hangisine tutunacaksınız? Kıyamet senaryosu

mu yoksa ilahi bir yasanın idrakine mi? Hayatınıza ve dünyaya hangi niyetleri, düşünceleri,
duyguları katıyorsunuz? Katkınız çok basit fakat sorumluluğu büyük ve zaman belirleyicidir.

Mesela mart gündönümünden sonra 2011 nisan ayında neptün balık burcuna giriyor Bu
süreçte kendi meydan okumalarınız arasından geçerek kendi barışınıza ve daha sonra dünya
barışına katkıda bulunabilirsiniz. Diğer tarafta korkularınızı takip ederek varolan ateşi
kuvvetlendirerek kollektif dengesizliğe katkı yapabilirsiniz. Seçim sizi ve her zaman öyleydi.

Pluto ve uranüs arasındaki gerilimler ikinci yola yönlendirirken, neptün jüpiter tarafından
desteklenerek birinci yolun yöneticisi olacak. Sonuçta hangi yerden giderseniz gidin -bu sizin
seçiminiz- nihai sonuç aynı olacaktır. İlahi iradenin büyük deneyimi bu gezegende tezahür
edecektir.İlahi irade olayın içindeyse önlenemez sadece beşeriyetin korkuları ve teşevvüşleri
yüzünden geciktirilir. Uçak en fazla rötar yapar ama uçak yere inecektir.

Hiç şüphesiz geçişin hızını ve kolay olup olmamasına beşeriyet etkilemektedir. Şimdi sahip
olduğunuz ilahi farkındalıkla ne tür bir seçim yapacağınız önemli bir şeydir. İki soru var,

birincisi, hala kıyamet senaryolarını ve korku dolu düşüncelere sahip çıkarak dönüşümü
korkuyla geçirerek bu korkuyla çevrenizdeki leri manipüle mi edeceksiniz? İkinci soru ilahi
irade -evrensel yasa- ile uyumlu size yakın olan bir şeye odaklanmayı mı seçeceksiniz, ki bu
sizin bildiğiniz bir şey. Bu şimdi sizin seçimiz ve sorumluluğunuzdur.

--0-- Ne yapabilirsin ?

Karışık meydan okumalar yerine kollektif, bilinçli, huzur dolu bir barışı istiyorsanız bu zaman
bireysel olarak sizden gerçek bir değişimin istendiği zamandır. Uzun süredir istediğiniz tekrar
birliği sağlamak ve her birinizde evrensel aşkın izlerini bulabilmek için güzel bir fırsattır. Bu
fırsata kanca atabilmek için ihtiyacınız olan gerçek bir seçim yaparak harekete geçmektir.

Öncelikle kendiniz için arzuladığınız hayata başlangıç yapabilirsiniz ve bu arzuyu diğerleri ile
paylaşabilirsiniz. İstekleriniz konusunda açık ve dürüst olun çünkü niyetleriniz bireysel
deneyiminizi etkileyecektir, bu etkileşim doğal olarak kollektif realiteyi etkiler. Daha iyi bir
gelecek için sorumluluğunuzu taşıyın - bana dokunmayan yılan 1000 yıl yaşasın demeyin -
korkmayın ve hareket edin

Seçiminizi tezahür ettirmek sizi ruhsal olgunluk noktasına doğru götürecektir, bu seçim sizde
mevcut olan büyük gücün ve kuvvetin idrak ettirecektir. - Öz saygının kazanılması - Bu
süreçte sabrı, haddini bilmeyi ve cesareti kullanarak ileri doğru hareket ederek zaman içinde
değişiklikleri yaratacaksınız

Krizler karşısında sabır gösterirken, kitlelerin sürekli değişen ruh hallerinden uzak
kalacaksınız, bu dünyada krizler meydana gelirken siz çok fazla etkilenmeyeceksiniz.
Korkuya dua edeceğinize kendi kendinizin dayanağı olurken çevrenizdekileri gücünüzle
dengede tutacaksınız. Sebebi basit sizin anlayışınız, işaret edilmekte olanın -eprövün- ötesini
gördüğü için kendi yapınız sessiz ve sakin kalmaya müsait ve bu sessiz ve sakin hal elinizdeki
mevcut bilgiden kaynaklanmaktadır. Bu bilgiye sahip olmayanlar için her değişim
varlıklarında bir kırılganlık yaratıyor. Kendi kendinizin dayanağı olmanız hasebiyle sevgi
enerjisi ilahi olan yapınızdan içinde bulunduğunuz enkarne -bedenlediğiniz- veçhenize akıyor
ve siz bu enerjiyi cömertçe diğerleri ile paylaşıyorsunuz ve bu paylaşım ne kadar çok
verirseniz o kadar çok alırsınız bilgisini idrak ettiriyor. Sonuçta bütün bu anlayışların
ötesinde bu imkan, bu hediye, kendi içinde -kalbinde- ilahi olanın akmasına izin veren her
varlık için ulaşılabilir haldedir. - Göreninde önünde görmeyeninde önünde, o hep orada -

Bu ifade edilen hal önümüzdeki zaman sürecinde gelecek ay ve yıllarda kendini adapte eden
her varlık için buluşulacak bir haldir. Şimdi mart gündönümü bu deneyimi tetikleyen bir
başlangıç noktasıdır. Rolünüze tevazu, saf bir kalp ve cesaretle sahip çıkarak sorumluluk
alınız. Böylece daha iyi bir yolculuk yaparak görmek istediğiniz dünyayı yaratırsınız.

--0-- Mart gündönümünün enerjileri hakkında biraz daha bilgi (Astrolojik açılımı)

Mart gün dönümü esnasında, geçiş ve dönüşüm zamanında, varlık idrak ve şuur
mekanizmasını daha iyi bir yaşam yönünde geliştirir. Bir çok ruhsal boyutlardan bu an'a
etkiler olur ve bu etkiler hiç şüphesiz dünya çapında bir tesir yaratır, her zaman olduğu gibi.

Bunu idrak etmek istiyorsanız öncelikle cennetlerin mecazi ve asıl anlamına bakın. Başaktaki
dolunay'ın - 19 Mart - arkasındaki şifa güçlerine bakın. Koçtaki güneş ve uranüsün potansiyel
enerjilerine bakın. Oğlaktaki pluto'nun dönüştürü gücüne bakın, Ay düğümlerine, galaktik
merkezden gönderilen ilahi tesirin yüksekliğine bakın, ve en önemlisi neptün'ün kova'nın son
derecesinde şefkat dolu tutumuna bakın Neptün buraya yerleştiğinde beşeriyetin ihtiyaçları
doğrultusunda ilahi evrensel sevgiyle olan uyumunu sağlamak için kendi ayarlamalarını
Neptün'ün buradaki yerleşiminin önemi nedir? (Japonya Depremi ve Libya Saldırısı için derin
Kova'nın son derecesinde, kendini kurban etmeden, ortak alanın bilinci -hepimiz aynı
gemideyiz- farkındalığı ile işbirliği sorumluluğu taşıyan bir bireyin şuurunu ortaya
çıkarmasıdır. Neptün - yüksek farkındalığın gezegeni- buraya yerleşmiş durumda ve bu mesajı
veriyor. Bağımsızlık için çok istekli ağlamalar çözüm değildir. -diğer bir ifadeyle Lafla peynir
gemisi yürümez- Diğer bir açıdan da neptün zorla güzellik olmaz mesajı veriyor. Sonuçta
bize neptün dayanışma ve yardımlaşma ile yeni bir dünyaya adım atılır mesajını veriyor. (Ben
bu yazıyı çevirirken Libya'da sorumluluğu Nato'nun alması yönünde karar alınmıştı)

Marc Edmund Jones, astrolog, ve psişik, Elsie Wheeler, bu mesajın önemini kendi vizyonları
ile ifade edecekler

"Çok kadim bir kültürün geçmişinde kök salmış, ruhsal kardeşlik - bir çok zekanın çok parlak
bir bilinç altında oy birliği ile birleşmiş olduğu - "kendi metamorfoz sürecinden başarıyla
geçen birinde tezahür ediyor"
Şimdi bu sizin hareket etmekte olduğunuz dünya. Bu mart gün dönümü enerjileri tarafından
aktif hale getirilen bir süreç ve sizin için bugünün bizde olan mesajı. Kalın sağlıcakla,


Ben Saint-Germain


Tum Yurekler
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 25, 2011 at 4:39am

Tanri dedi ki:

Bugunu sadece Benimle gecirir misiniz? Cok da konusmalari gerekmeyen eski dostlar gibi
olabilir miyiz bugun? Sevgimizin yakinligi dahilinde sessizce beraber oturabilir miyiz? Bugun
Birlik olabilir miyiz? Bugunu birlikte parendeler atarak gecirebilir miyiz? Yolumuzu bugune
dogru cevirebilir miyiz, degerlendirip puanlamadan bugunun sadece oldugu gibi olmasina izin
verebilir miyiz? Her halukarda beraber yuruyoruz Biz, siz ve Ben. Gelin bunun keyfine
varalim. Ondan mutluluk duyalim ve sadece hos olani gorelim. Mutluluk veren manzaralari
gosterelim biribirimize, digerlerini hic dikkate almayalim.

Gordugumuz yuzler yasli ve kirisIk da olsa bize guzel gelsin onlar. Birlikte yaptigimiz bu
yuruyus aninda gordugumuz tek bir yuz vardir tum dunyada. Birlikte yururuz Biz, aziz
cocuklarim. Bana hangi manzaralari gostermek isterdiniz?

Korkarim ki soyle derdiniz: "Of Tanrim, suradaki korkuncluga bak!" Boyle derdiniz degil mi?

Korkarim ki soyle derdiniz: "Of Tanrim, sokaklardaki su coplere bak." Korkarim ki soyle
derdiniz: "Of Tanrim, su sefalete bak. Savas artgi su manzaraya bak. Sizlayan yurekleri gor.
Izdirabi gor."

Dunyaya karsi adil olmak acisindan bana daha baska bir seyler gostermez miydiniz?

Soyle soyleyemez miydiniz, "Tanrim, bak, orada bir agac var. Orada oynayan cocuklar var.
Onlarin yasam sevgisine kulak ver Tanrim."

Soyle soyleyemez miydiniz: "Tanrim bak, Biz, sen ve Ben birlikte yuruyoruz. Senin
gozlerinle gorecegim Ben. Tum o guzel manzaralari Bana gostermene olanak taniyacagim.
Sessizce yanibasinda yuruyecegim Ben. Yarattigin dunyaya bakacak ve "Ah evet cok guzel"
diyecegim. Zaten benim beraberimde, benim yanimda yuruken Sen, ne derdimiz olur ki

"Herseye kadir Yaradan sefkatle yanimda yururken yuzum nasil asIk olabilir? Sen oradan
gecerken hangi manzara isiga cikmaz, aydinliga kavusmaz ki? Ben de senin isiginda yururum,
isigin uzerime duser Tanrim."

"Bana, hayatinin aski oldugumu soyluyorsun. Duymam gereken daha baska ne olabilir
benim? Senin yarattigin ve icinde keyifle oynamamiz icin bize bahsettigin bu dunyada
uzerimize dusen, mutlu olmak degil midir?"

"Tanrim bize hayat verdin. Bize herseyi verdin. Eger herkes Senin tarafindan sevildiginin ve

senin bahsettigin sevgiye layik oldugunun idrakinda olsaydi, dunyanin basinda hangi dert
olurdu? Hangi kusur ya da terslik mevcut olurdu? Hickimse birine ya da birseye zarar verir
miydi, bunu aklindan gecirir miydi? Isildayan Zirhinin icinde kim "Beyaz Sovalye"lerden
olmazdi ki? Elbetteki duello yapacak kimse olmazdi. Kurtarilacak kimse olmazdi. Hersey
tamamen saf bir mutluluk icinde olurdu. Tum hayat bir karnaval yuruyusu gibi olurdu.
Hepimiz onun icinde yeralirdik ve onu seyrederdik."

"Ya da hayat bir muzikal gibi olurdu, dunyanin en muhtesem muzikali olurdu o. Sarkilar
soylenir, dans edilirdi. Kahkahalar olurdu. El ele tutusmus korolar olurdu. Seyirci tekrar tekrar
alkislayip "bir daha, bir daha" diye bagirirdi."

Hergun yeni bir matine duzenlenirdi. Sahnede calinanlar da sokaklarda calinanlar arasindaki
farki hic kimse bilmezdi. Zaten nasil bir fark olabilirdi ki? Dahasi kim umursardi? Coskun bir
mutluluk olurdu. Sesleri diger herseyi duyulmaz kilana kadar tum kalpler sarki soylerdi. Senin
isigin Tanrim, oylesine parlardi ki ondan baska hersey gorunmez olurdu. Mutluluk ve Senin
Isigin birlikte dansederdi ve tum yurekler "Bir" olarak carpardi."

Ceviren: Engin Zeyno Vural

Sevgi ve sifayla kalin,

Sifa Cemberi

Salute to the Sun
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 26, 2011 at 3:56pm

25th of March - Sapanca - Turkey

Mother Gaia is blossoming with Love and Unity , The Sun is smiling more than ever.....

Salute to the dearest Sun



Goodbye / Hoscakalin
 Posted by Cenk on March 28, 2011 at 8:57am

Dear friends and family,

These words are coming from deep within my heart, I love you all.

I would like to share with you some conclusions I have reached in the past couple of months
when I woke up to the fact that tomorrow I might no longer be. This incredibly strong
realization was felt by my entire being and I remember my heart skipping a beat. Acceptance
of this fact that most of us would do anything to ignore opened up new frontiers in front of me
that I have never thought were possible.

I invite you to take a minute and really let this sink, please.

We live in exponential times. Every single day brings new uncertainties into our lives. People
are suffering all around the planet. With the standard of living that we have, we are in the %17
bracket. The other %83 of all the people on earth are either hungry, homeless, malnourished,
or earning less than a dollar a day.

It is only logical to assume that we are the happiest and luckiest on earth, however, depression
and stress rates are also highest in most developed countries. It is time to wake up to the facts
of our times for change is possible and happening all around the world.

Please take a minute and feel me on this.

It is now time, more than ever before, to find your passion if you haven't done so. Think about
what makes you happiest and what makes you most upset. Make a list and make up your
mind. Realize that tomorrow might very well be your last. Expand your heart and all
resources you are blessed with and realize your deepest dreams and aspirations, for these
cannot be material. The deepest is never material.

My passion is meditation and I am leaving very soon. Find your own way of helping
yourselves and helping others. Make no compromise for you have only one life to live.

Close your eyes and look deep into your selves.

In our hearts we know that the current system is not sustainable and crumbling beneath our
feet. Watch your own thoughts and actions that keep you attached to the way things are and
soon you will realize that there is fear behind the attachments. Free your selves by
acknowledging this and move beyond destructive thought patterns into love for and empathy
towards all beings.

Knowingly or unknowingly I have harmed so many beings during my life time. If you are one
of them now I wish more than anything that you forgive me.

If you think you might have harmed me knowingly or unknowingly, know deep in your heart
that you are already forgiven.


Sevgili dostlar ve degerli ailem,

Bu sozler kalbimin en derin yerinden size ulasmakta, hepinizi cok seviyorum.

Sizinle paylasmak istedigim bazi seyler var. Gecen son bir kac ay boyunca derinden farkettim
ki yarin burda olmayabilirim. Bu cok kuvvetli ama bir o kadar da hepimizin gozardi etmek
icin herseyi verebilecegi gercege kendimi teslim ettim. Bu gercegi kabul ettigimde onceden
hayal bile edemeyecegim yeni doruklar ve secenekler onume serildi.

Lutfen bir iki dakika bu satirlari dusunun.

Degisimlerin cok hizli yasanmakta oldugu bir donemden geciyoruz. Her gecen gun
hayatimiza daha da fazla belirsizlikler getiriyor. Dunyanin her tarafinda insanlar feci sekilde
aci cekiyorlar. Su anda yasadigimiz standartlara dunyanin sadece %17si sahip. Geri kalan 5
milyara yakin insan ac, evsiz, ve cogu gunde 1 dolardan daha az kazaniyor.

Bu durumda mantikli olan bizim sahip olduklarimizdan oturu kendimizi cok sansli
hissetmemiz ve dunyadaki en mutlu insanlar olmamizdir. Ama ne yazikki depresyon ve stres
hastaliklari en cok en "gelismis" devletlerde yasaniyor. Simdi zamanimizin gerceklerine
uyanma vaktidir. Degisim mumkundur ve suanda tum Dunya'da yasanmaktadir.

Lutfen yavaslayin ve bunlari biraz dusunun.

Su anda hic olmadigi kadar hayatta asil yapmak istediklerinize karar verme zamanidir, eger
hala bilmiyorsaniz veya bir nedenden dolayi yapamiyorsaniz. Sizi en cok mutlu eden seyleri
dusunun ve en cok uzen seyleri. Bir liste yapin ve kararinizi verin. Yarin sizin de son gununuz
olabilir. Kalbinizi acin ve elinizdeki imkanlari degerlendirip en derin isteklerinizi farkedin,
bunlar elle tutulacak istekler degildir. En derin istekler hic bir zaman materyal istekler

Benim tutkum meditasyon ve yakinda gidiyorum. Kendinize ve baskalarina yardim etme

yolunuzu secin. Hic bir sekilde taviz vermeyin, hepimizin sadece 1 hayati var.

Gozlerinizi kapatin ve kendinizi anlamaya, duymaya calisin.

Kalbimizin derikliklerinde suanki hayat tarzimizin Dunya'ya zarar vermekte oldugunu ve

sonsuza kadar surdurulemeyecegini biliyoruz. Sizi suandaki duzene bagli ve bagimli tutan
kendi duygu ve dusuncelerinizi izleyin ve goruceksiniz ki cogunun arkasinda korku var. Bunu
kabul ederek kendinizi ozgurlestirin ve zararli dusunce modellerinizi tum insanliga dogru
yonelen sevgi ve anlayisa donusturun.

Bilerek yada bilmeyerek, hayatim suresinde bir cok canliya zarar verdim. Suanda herseyden
cok istegim beni affetmenizdir.

Eger bilerek ya da bilmeyerek bana zarar vermis olabileceginizi dusunuyorsaniz, bilin ki

coktan affedildiniz.


 Posted by gunes kurtulan on March 28, 2011 at 8:41pm


23 Mart 2011

Sarah Tia & Recep Tamer Çifter Araciligiyla Alinmistir

Basmelek Rafael ve Basmelek Ariel bir dönem için ikisi birlikte calisacaktir.Fizik bedeninizin
ustunde 7 kat ruhsal enerji bedeniniz vardir.Yapilacak olan calisma bunun uzerinde
olacaktir.Bu yapilacak olan çalismalari sizler isterseniz etrafinizdaki herkese
duyurabilirsiniz.20 gun surecek olan bir çalişmadir.Bu 20 gunluk donem içinde sizler
herbiriniz fırsat buldukça doğada toprağa yakin vaziyette oturarak oturur şekilde
bizleri(Başmelek Rafael ve Başmelek Ariel’i) çağirarak çalişma yapmalisiniz.Toprak Ana’ya
yakin hislerle yapacaginiz bu çalişmayla sizlerde farkli gelişimler,oluşumlar ve açilimlar
olacaktir,bundan emin olmanizi isteriz.Bu gunden(23 Mart) itibaren Nisan’in 20’sine kadar en
az 7 kere Basmelek Rafael,Basmelek Ariel’i çağirarak meditasyon yapiniz.Bu meditasyonu en
az 7 kere herhangi bir yerde yapabilirsiniz.Ama ozellikle dogaya yakin yapacağiniz
çalişmalarda kendizi çok farkli hissedip çok farkli açilimlara sebep olacağinizi lutfen
unutmayiniz.Bu bilgiyi paylasacaksaniz elbette paylaşabilirsiniz.Çünkü her bir varliğin bu
çalişmadan faydalanmasi gerekmektedir ve bu yapilacak çalişmada dunya ana ve sizler için
çok guzel şeyler olacaktir.Yani sizin evrenle olan bağlantiniz güçlenecektir.Bu calişmanin
nedeni budur.Artik evrenide dusunerek de birşeyler yapma zamaniniz gelmiştir.Bu
çalişmamizi duyurup yaparsaniz guzellikler sizinle olsun.

Basmelek Rafael ve Basmelek Ariel

Bu mesaj iceriginin degistirilmemesi ve kısaltilmamasi şartiyla internet ortaminda paylaşilip

ve dagitilabilinir.Yazili ve gorsel medyada yayinlanmasi ve alintilar yapilmasi izne
tabiidir.Her turlu yayin hakki Recep Tamer Çifter'e aittir.Irtibat

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 28, 2011 at 9:24pm

 Posted by Jacques on March 28, 2011 at 9:52pm


( Within this message I try to transcribe faithfully what said the
Melkisedek in chief with his own and former bulgarian life...

" Prepare you. Prepare you for what? Prepare you to find again your Eternity Dimension.
Prepare you to become again to what I have called this butterfly. Prepare you to become again
Joy Beings, Peace Beings and above all Beings coming from the Light and made by Light. All
this, you still are living, each to your rythm, particularly on this Earth ..."

Question : After the 3 Darkness Days, it will remain the 2 humankinds or simply Beings
evolving in Unified 3Dimension ?

Then, dear friend ( question asked by a woman), several things. First of all the 3 Days. As you
see yourselves, you still are there and you have not lived the 3 Days. On the other hand, Light
Revelation is going more and more quick and is going, litterally and in concrete terms of
exponential kind ... You are going to change the derailleur. It gone be yet a quicker speed,
from Spring equinox. You are going to see things which you have never seen on Earth ... Now,
Earth is going to in a new Dimension. The THIRD DIMENSION of the Earth will be like a
skeletton, so to speak, bearing none life. Earth will go to Ascension, and then, she is going in
FIFTH Dimension and those who will stay on this Earth, at this moment there, will be Beings
who will have totally transmuted the carbonaceous body and who will have undergone and
greeted cosmic radiances transformation, galactic radiances and radiances from the Earth, I
mean that they will be overloaded in gamma rays which will have transformed DNA and the
even atom structure. Those Beings there will be Beings of FIFTH Dimension. The THIRD
Unified Dimension will no more exist in this Universe ... As for the 3 Days, Mother Mary has
said you again, she is speaking about these 3 Days before you listen, everywhere on Earth,
the Signal. But, at that moment, you will know that it is this ... "

Manevi Değerlere Dönüş
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 29, 2011 at 12:11pm

Manevi Değerlere Dönüş

4 Nisan 2011’de Balık burcuna ilk girişini yapacak olan Neptün, 4 Ağustos 2011’de kısa bir
müddet için Kova burcuna geri dönüş yaptıktan sonra, 3 Şubat 2012’de Balık burcuna
tamamen giriş yapacak ve bu burçta 30 Mart 2025 tarihine kadar sürekli olarak kalacak.

Modern dönem astrologlarına göre Neptün, Balık burcunun yöneticisidir. Klasik astroloji
bilgilerine dayanarak, Balık burcunun yöneticiliğinde Jüpiter’i öncelikli olarak kullanmakla
birlikte, Neptün’ün de Balık burcu özellikleriyle büyük ölçüde benzerlik gösterdiğini kabul
etmek gerekir. Bir gezegen yönettiği burçta olduğunda, bu burcun özelliklerini güçlü ve doğru
bir biçimde ortaya çıkartacak demektir. Gönüllü özveri, evrensel sevgi ve kardeşliği
vurgulayan Balık burcunun özellikleri, Neptün’ün bu burçta olmasıyla, belirgin bir biçimde
hissedilecektir. Balık burcu, hayal dünyasının uçsuz bucaksız evrenini temsil eder. Neptün’ün
bu burçta olması, 2012-2025 yılları arasında, insanlığı yeni dünyalara açacaktır.

Balık, 12 burcun en sonuncusudur. Bu yüzden döngünün tamamlanmasını, bireysel evrimin

son aşamasını temsil eder. Aslında bu aşama, öncekilerin en zorudur. Çünkü artık, toplumsal
kalıpların ötesine geçmeye, evrensel temalara yönelmeye, evreni bir yapan gücü idrak etmeye
gelmiştir sıra. Bu son aşamada “Yüce” olana teslimiyet de gerekmektedir. Bu arada, son burç
derken, Balık’ın bitişi temsil etmesinin yanı sıra, yeni başlayacak olana vücut verdiğinden de
söz etmemiz gerekir. Zodyak sadece bir daire değil, aynı zamanda bir helezondur.

Neptün, ruhsal bir merkez, sezgisel beynin merkezi olarak kabul edilen pineal bez (epifiz) ile
yakından ilişkilidir. İç bilgeliği, yüksek idrak kapasitesini ve sezgiselliği, anlayış ve koşulsuz
sevgiyi, fedakarlık bilincini ve affediciliği temsil eder. Balık burcuna benzer şekilde,
teslimiyet ve kabulleniciliğin getirdiği kendini akışa bırakmanın yanı sıra, bu akışı
kolaylaştırıcı bir şekilde, uyumlanma yeteneği de vardır Neptün’de.Olgunlaşmış bireyin
teslimiyetini ifade eden döngünün sonundaki Balık burcundan geçmekte olan Neptün, insan-ı
kamil olma yolunda aşama kaydetme adına önemli fırsatlar sunacaktır. Bu uyumlanmayı
başaran insanlar, diğer insanlar için imkansız olan varoluş hallerinin sırlarını idrak edebilirler.
Burada önemli farklılıklar ortaya çıkacaktır kuşkusuz. Olgunlaşmayı başarmış olan zihinler,
evrende tam bir birlik olduğunu idrak ederken ve onunla uyumlanarak titreşimlerini
yükseltirken, buna henüz hazır olmayanlar, kafa karışıklığı yaşayabilirler, yanılgı ve kaos
içerisine düşebilirler. Bu yüzden kendi hayal dünyaları ve fantezileri içerisine sıkışıp

Neptün, giriş yaptığı burcun genel özelliklerini temsil eden temalarda çözülme meydana
getirir. Balık burcu inançlarla ilişkilidir. 2012’den başlayan bu geçiş döneminde, insanın
gerçekte ne olduğuna, neye hizmet ettiğine, kurumlaşmış inanç kalıplarına, dinsel kuralların
geçerliliğine dair sorgulamalar yaşanabilir. Gerçeklik duygusu bulanıklaşabilir. Kolay

aldanmaya açık olunan bu karmaşa ve kaos ortamında, insanların inançlarını suiistimal eden
sahte peygamberler ortaya çıkabilir. Bu, gerçekten de çok dikkatli olmak gereken bir süreçtir!

İnsan-ı Kamil’in Ortaya Çıkışı

Neptün, arındırma, maddecilikten uzaklaştırma, kalıpları ve formları çözerek üzerine çıkarma,

esnekleştirme özelliği taşır. Sezgileri ve telepatiyi, bu sayede başkalarının ihtiyaçlarını
hissedebilme yeteneğini arttırır. Maddi paylaşımlardan öte, manevi paylaşımlar ve bir olma,
bütünleşmeye meyillidir. Neptün’ün Balık burcundan geçiş yapacak olması bizde manevi
değerlerimiz, ideallerimiz, inandıklarımız uğruna kendimizi adama, paylaşma gibi değerleri
ön plana çıkartacaktır. Balık burcundaki Neptün kişisel egonun, benmerkezciliğin
karşısındadır ve toplumsal bütünleşmeden yanadır. Yapıcıdır ve sevgiyi ön planda tutar. Bu
sevgi, hem kişisel ve toplumsal, hem de bunların çok ötesindedir. Engin, ucu bucağı olmayan,
ilahi olanla kucaklaştıran, evrensel sevgidir. Benliğin sınırlarını aşmak, evrenle “bir” olmak
arzusunu temsil eder. Bütünün hayrına hareket etmekle ilişkilendirilir. Bütünleyiciliği temsil
eden bu haller “İnsan-ı Kamil” yani “Olgunlaşmış İnsan” modelini ortaya çıkartır.

Gerçek bilgiye ulaşacağımız, her şeyin aslında tek bir kaynaktan türediğini akılcı bir şekilde
idrak edeceğimiz bir çağa giriyoruz. Toplum için iyi ve faydalı insan tipi ortaya çıkacak ve
böylelikle insan kemaline ulaşacak. Bu insan tipini, tasavvuftaki ifadesiyle “İnsan-ı Kamil”
olarak nitelendirebiliriz. Büyük Mutasavvıflardan Azizüddin Nesefi’nin “Kamil İnsan” tarifi
şöyledir: İyi sözler, iyi hareketler, iyi ahlak ve bilgi. Burada bahsedilen değerler arasında etik
davranışların yanı sıra bilginin de olduğu gözden kaçırılmamalıdır. Bilgi ile kastedilen, sadece
teknolojik veya bilimsel konularla sınırlı değildir. Bilgi, aynı zamanda, Yaradan’ı ve eserlerini
anlayıp idrak etmek, kainatın işleyiş kurallarını öğrenmek, tekamülün amacının farkında
olmak, ona bilinçli bir şekilde katılmak ve hizmet etmek içindir. İnsanın ruhunu tatmin edecek
ve içindeki boşluğu dolduracak olan şey de işte budur. İlahi birliğin, evrensel sevginin ve
varlığın sonsuz birliğinin farkına varmalı, kader yolumuzu çizen, evrenin ve alemlerin
hareketlerini ve bunların dünyamızdaki hayatla bağlarını düzenleyen, hayatımızın manasını ve
amacını kavramamamıza yardımcı olan, karanlık yolumuzu aydınlatan ilahi kanunların
farkına varmalıyız. Astroloji, ilahi düzenin farkına varmamızı sağlayacak en önemli
öğretilerden biridir. Manevi ve insani değerlerin günlük hayatımıza daha fazla girmesi; alçak
gönüllülük, vericilik ve affedicilik gibi kavramların tekrar kazanılması, içinde bulunduğumuz
bu zorlu sürecin üstesinden gelmemizde, olgunlaşmamızda ve en önemlisi toplu tekamül
sürecimizde çok önem taşımaktadır.

Yanlış Düzenin Sonu

İnsanoğlunun sadece maddi olana ağırlık vererek kurduğu bu düzen artık sona ermek üzeredir.
Çünkü kurulan bu düzen, temelinden bozuk bir düzendir ve artık deforme olmuştur. Her şey
maddiyata dayandırılmış, manevi değerlerden iyice uzaklaşılmış durumdadır. Gücü elinde
bulunduran bazı unsurlar, her gün kendi çıkarlarına göre birtakım işler yapmakta ve güçlerini
perçinleyen bilim ve teknolojiyle insana hükmetmek istemektedirler. Teknoloji arttıkça
zaruretler de artmakta, gündeme ve şartlara yetişme gayretinde olan insanlık, sükunetten
giderek uzaklaşmakta, büyük bir karmaşa ve kaos içerisinde sürüklenmektedir. Çağımızın
bilimi de insanın manevi doğasını tatmin edemez durumda, insanı sadece “maddi bir yapı”
olarak görmekte, kurulan bu yanlış medeniyet anlayışı yüzünden manevi temalar
zayıflamaktadır. Sadece maddi realitelere dayandırdığı metotlarla ancak maddi yapıyı
inceleyebilmekte, deneysel metotlarla kanunlarını ispatlayamadığı hiçbir şeyi kabul
etmemekte, insanın ruhsal yönüyle yeterince ilgilenmemekte, bu yüzden de insanın gerçek

yapısıyla çelişkili bir medeniyet gelişimine sebep olmaktadır. Böyle çarpık bir düzen ve
medeniyetin devam etmesi mümkün değildir. İnsanlık, kurduğu yanlış düzenin sarsılarak
yıkılması gereken, hatalarının bedelini ödeyeceği kritik bir döneme varmıştır.

İçinde bulunduğumuz ve gezegensel transitlerden de net bir biçimde anladığımız bu sarsıcı

dönem, şuurlanma ve uyanma sürecinin bir parçasıdır. Bu süreçte, düşüncelerimize ne kadar
egemen olursak, irade gücümüzü ne kadar ayakta tutar ve geliştirirsek, o kadar çabuk uyanır
ve Yeniçağ’ın gerekliliklerine ayak uydururuz. Hızla ilerlemekte olduğumuz Kova Çağı, irade
gücünün ve şuurlu düşüncelerin sonucunda, insanoğlunun tekamülünün bu aşamasında önemli
sıçramalar yapacağı bir çağdır. Düşüncelerimiz ve eylemlerimizden sorumlu olduğumuzu bir
kez anlarsak, artık şuursuz adım atmamaya koşulsuz bir şekilde özen gösteririz. Bu özgür
iradenin ta kendisidir ve asıl özgürlük buradan doğacaktır. Unutmayalım ki, bu maddi alemde
sürdürdüğümüz hayatın asıl hedefi şuurlanmaktır. Bu, içinde yaşadığımız Dünya Okulu’nda
bizi, kendimizi bilmeye ve ardından da Rabbimizi bilmeye taşıyacak olan farkındalığın nihai
uzantısıdır. Türkiye’de ruhçuluk akımının önemli temsilcilerinden rahmetli Ergun Arıkdal’ın
çok güzel ifade ettiği gibi, “Kendini bilmeyenin Rabbi kendisidir. Kendisine, kendi realitesine
tapar. Uyanmadan, insanın kendisine tapınmayı terk etmesi mümkün gözükmüyor. Kendini
aldatmanın son kertesine gelen insanlığın acı uyanışı yakındır.”

İçinden geçmekte olduğumuz bu zorlu süreçte, insanlık büyük sarsıntılar yaşamaya doğru
ilerlemektedir. Büyük bir buhranın tam orta noktasına varmak üzereyiz. Pek çok büyük
değişiklik olacak ve bu aşamalardan geçerken, her şey daha kötüye doğru gidiyor gibi
hissedeceğiz. Ama her karanlığın ardından, bir şafağın sökeceği unutulmamalıdır. Bu şafak,
Kova Burcu şafağıdır!

Astrolojik olarak Kova Çağı’na girmekte olduğumuz bu süreçte amaç birliği, toplumcu ve
evrensel düşünce, birlikçi bilinç, eşitlik ve adalet duygusu giderek güçlenecektir. Zihinsel
perdemizin ortadan kalkacağı, çağımızın değer ve varsayımlarının değişime uğrayacağı bir
süreçteyiz. Farklı yaşam formlarını ve bilinç düzeylerini hızlı bir şekilde keşfetmeye
başlayacağız. Düşük bilinç düzeyinden kaynaklanan tüm çatışmalar, zaman içerisinde çözüme
ulaşacak. Gerçek yeteneklerimizi keşfedip, onların kapasitesini genişletme, yüksek idrake
ulaşma fırsatımız olacak. Zihnin özgürleşeceği, böylelikle insanoğlunun gelişimine ve
evrensel prensipleri idrak etmesine engel olan hallerin ortadan kalkacağı, beynin daha
fonksiyonel kullanılabileceği zamanlar çok uzak değil…

Denizler Tanrısı Poseidon

Antik dönem bilgilerine göre, Neptün’ün Balık burcuna geçişi kaosları da beraberinde
getirir. Mitolojide Poseidon olarak adlandırılan Neptün, denizlerin, okyanusların ve
depremlerin tanrısıdır. Elinde taşıdığı ucu çatallı asasıyla, Dünya’yı sarsan dalgalar
yaratabilecek güçte bir tanrı olduğu düşünülür. Bütün deniz yaratıkları, Poseidon tarafından
yönetilir. Yunusların çektiği bir savaş arabasıyla, büyük dalgaları oluşturur. Denizlerle ve
okyanuslarla olan bu bağlantısından dolayı bazı araştırmacılar, Neptün’ün Balık burcuna
(denizler ve sularla ilişkilendirilir) geçişinin, suların yükselmesini ve tufan olarak
adlandırılabilecek sel felaketlerini tetikleyeceğini düşünürler. Bazı görüşlere göre, Neptün’ün
Balık burcuna geçişi, biyolojik savaş tehlikesini bile göstermektedir. Neptün petrol, sıvılar,
içecekler, tütün, kimyasal maddeler, gazlar, uyuşturucular ve anestezik maddelerle de ilgilidir.

2011-2012 yıllarından itibaren, Balık burcunda hareket edecek olan Neptün, sularla ilgili
sorunlarla yüzleşeceğimizi göstermektedir. Uzun bir süredir bilim insanları, buzulların

erimesinin, deniz seviyelerinin yükselmesine sebebiyet vererek, sel felaketleri oluşturacağına,
öte yandan içme ve tarım sularının azalmasıyla dünya nüfusunun yüzde 40’ını açlık ve
susuzluğun beklediğini bildiriyorlar. Nüfusun büyük çoğunluğunun yaşadığı Asya kıtasındaki
susuzluk, bölge insanının hayatiyeti açısından şimdiden önemli bir sorun teşkil etmektedir.
Astrolojik olarak yaptığım değerlendirmeler, bu sürecin beklenenden hızlı gelişeceğini açıkça
işaret etmektedir. Bu durum, haliyle, toprak mahsulleriyle ilgili sorunlar yaşanmasına da
sebep olacaktır ki, Plüton’un toprak elementi burçlarından biri olan Oğlak burcunda hareket
ediyor olması, bize bunun öncü işaretlerini vermektedir.

Tarihte Neptün’ün Balık Burcundan Geçişleri

Diğer jenerasyon gezegenleri olan Uranüs ve Plüton gibi, Neptün de değişimi ifade eder. Ama
bu iki gezegene nazaran çok önemli bir farkı vardır. Neptün’ün taşıdığı değişim enerjisi daha
yumuşak ve suflidir. Baskıyla, patlamayla, şiddetle gelen değişimleri ifade etmez. Adeta
sessizce gelen devrim gibidir. Kolektifin bilincine sızarak, değişimlerin daha içten ve güdüsel
bir şekilde gerçekleşmesini sağlar. Pek tabii ki aynı dönemde denk gelen başka gezegenlerin
döngüleriyle birlikte değerlendirmek, ama bunları birbirlerinden ayırmak gerekir. Örneğin,
Neptün 1520-21 yıllarında Balık burcuna giriş yaptığında, aynı zamanda Satürn-Uranüs
döngüsüne de girilmişti. 1848 yılındaki geçişte, Uranüs-Plüton kavuşumu ve takip eden
yıllarda bu ikilinin Koç burcunda ve daha sonra da Boğa burcunda, Satürn ile üçlü kavuşumu
söz konusuydu.

Neptün, genel olarak inançlarla, manevi ve ruhsal değerlerle ilgilidir. Neptün’ün Balık
burcuna daha önceki girişlerine baktığımızda, insanların o dönemin kurumsallaşmış ve
katılaşmış düzenini (Satürn) çözerek ve dağıtarak değiştirme eğiliminde olduklarını görürüz.
Bu kurumsal düzen, bazen ekonomik, bazen dini, bazen de hukuk sistemi ve haklarla ilgili
olarak görülebilir.

Neptün bir burçta ortalama 14 yıl kalır. Zodyak’taki tüm burçları dolanması yaklaşık 165 yıl
alır. 1520-1534 yılları arasında, 1684-1698 yılları arasında, 1848-1862 yılları arasında Balık
burcunda hareket etmiştir. Bu dönemler içerisinde Balık burcuna ilk girişten sonra bir müddet
için Kova burcuna geri dönüş yapmış, ardından ikinci kez Balık burcuna giriş yaparak, bu
burçta yaklaşık 13 yıl gibi uzun bir süre kalmıştır. Bu üç geçişten, diğer gezegen geçişlerinin,
bizim ilerlemekte olduğumuz dönemle benzerliği olan iki tanesini inceleyeceğiz.

1520-1534 yılları arası

Neptün’ün Balık burcuna giriş yaptığı 1520 yılında, Protestan reformu ile Katolik Kilisesi
etkinliğini yitirmeye başlamıştı. O yıllarda Almanya'da ortaya çıkan Martin Luther adlı bir
rahip (Neptün), bu egemenliği sarsan kişi oldu. Protestanlar Papa'nın otoritesini reddederken,
onun yerine bir başka otorite koymamışlardı. Bu nedenle Protestanlık, Katolik
Hıristiyanlık’taki düzenin aksine son derece dağınık ve "Hoşgörülü" (Neptün) bir din olarak
gelişti. 1520’den sonraki yıllarda insanlar, tamamen değişik bir dünyada yaşıyorlardı. Pekçok
ülke kendisine ulusal bir kilise kurdu. Bunların yanında daha pek çok farklı mezhep ve akım
gelişti. Artık Kutsal Kitab'ı kendileri okuyorlar ve kendileri yeni baştan yorumluyorlardı.
Bunun sonucunda bazı Protestanlar, çok az bir bölümü de olsa, çok önemli bir gerçeği
(Neptün=Hakikat) fark ettiler: Katolik inancının temelini oluşturan üçlemenin Yeni Ahit'te bir
dayanağı yoktu. Hatta bazı pasajların bu inancı yalanladığı ortadaydı. Bu pasajlarda Tanrı'nın
"Bir ve Tek" olduğu anlatılıyor, "Üçlü birlik" inancına ise Yeni Ahit'in temel mantığı içinde
bir yer verilmiyordu. Hz. İsa’nın Tanrı'nın biricik oğlu ve kurtarıcı değil, ama Yahudi

peygamberleri geleneği içinde yer alan dini bir önder olduğu, Kutsal Kitap’ın akıl ve bilim
ışığında incelenmesi gerektiği, kesin değişmez bir kaynak olarak değil, insan yazımı bir eser
olarak görülmesi gerektiği söyleniyordu. Önce Luther'in sonra da Calvin ve Zwingli gibi
rahiplerin önderliğinde gelişen Protestan akımı, Roma Kilisesi'nin ve Papa'nın otoritesine
karşı büyük bir isyandı. İsyan büyük olduğu kadar kanlıydı da; Avrupa bir yüzyılı aşkın bir
süre Katoliklerle Protestanların bitmek tükenmek bilmeyen savaşlarına sahne oldu. Neptün’ün
Balık burcunda olduğu bu sürede, Plüton da şimdilerde olduğu gibi Oğlak burcundaydı. Bu
yüzden, yakın gelecekle ilgili gelişmelere ışık tutacak bir dönem olarak görülebilir.

Neptün’ün Balık burcuna giriş yaptığı 1848 yılı “Dünya Devrimi”nin başlangıç yılı olarak
adlandırılıyordu. 1848 devrimleri denilen dönem, 22 Şubat 1848’de başlayıp ve Paris’ten
Viyana’ya Berlin’e, Milano’ya, 1 ay içerisinde yayılan; İngiltere hariç, tüm Avrupa’yı
kapsayan bir harekettir. Neptün de Balık burcuna 17 Şubat’ta giriş yapmıştı. Bu devrim
hareketlerinin başlamasından sadece 5 gün önce!

1848-1862 yılları arası

1848 yılı, feodal sistemlerin ve kapitalizmin (Satürn) çöküşü olarak da görülür. Pek tabii ki
bunu sadece Neptün’ün Balık burcuna giriş yapmasıyla sınırlı tutmamalıyız. Zira bu dönemde
Uranüs ve Plüton Koç burcunda kavuşum yapıyorlardı. Dolayısı ile oldukça sert, yenilikçi,
isyankar ve aktif bir dönemdi. 2011 ve daha sonra 2012 yılında Neptün’ün Balık burcuna
tamamen geçiş yapacağı dönemde Uranüs yine Koç burcunda olacak. Gerçi bu kez Plüton da
Koç’ta olmayacak, ama Uranüs ile kare açı yapacak. Bu şartlarda, bu dönemden de, 2012
dönemecine ilerlediğimiz süreç hakkında ipuçları toplayabiliriz.

Bu dönem, kapitalizme meydan okuyan ve onu şekillendiren, değiştiren bir dönem olmuştu.
Ne enteresandır ki, krizin yoğun bir şekilde hissedildiği bugünlerde, ekonomistler
kapitalizmin sonuna doğru gelindiğini söylüyorlar.

Ayrıca, 1848 yılı tarihte, modern işçi sınıfı yükselişinin başlangıcı olarak tanımlanıyor. Bu
dönemde, sosyalizm (Neptün) belirgin bir şekilde ön plana çıkmıştı. Aslında 1848 devrimleri,
ekonomik ve sosyal bazı şartların siyasal bir beceriksizlikle çakışması sonucunda oraya
çıkmıştır. Ne kadar da günümüze benziyor değil mi? Ekonomik kriz yiyecek fiyatlarını
arttırırken iktidarların kendi iç anlaşmazlıları da krizin önünü açıyordu. Karl Marx, 1848'de
yayınladığı "Komünist Manifesto" ile kapitalist sınıfının çökeltilerek, işçi sınıfıyla
değiştirileceği fikirlerini getirmişti. Güçlü bir ihtimalle, biz de böyle bir döneme doğru hızla
ilerliyoruz. Koç burcundaki Uranüs’ün, Oğlak burcundaki Plüton ile karesi ve Terazi
burcundaki Satürn ile karşıtlığı, böyle bir senaryonun ortaya çıkmasına yol açabilir.

1848 yılı, Seneca Falls Kadın Hakları Kongresi’nin de ortaya çıktığı yıldı. Bu hareket,
bugünkü kadın hakları hareketinin başlangıcı “bir bilinç dönüşümüne ve özneleşme”
hareketine yol açan bir girişimdi (Neptün). 1848’de, Cady Stanton ve bir başka kadın hakları
savunucusu olan Lucretia Mott, New York’un Seneca Falls kasabasında, dünya tarihinde ilk
kez, bir kadın hakları kongresi düzenlediler. Kongreye katılan temsilciler, kanun karşısında
erkeklerle eşit haklar, oy kullanma hakkı ve eğitim ve istihdamda fırsat eşitliği talep eden bir
bildiri yayınladılar. Burada Neptün’ün bütünleşme, kümeleşme niteliğini
gözlemliyoruz. Kümeleşme niteliği, hareketlerin altındaki amaçları, ideolojileri, paylaşma
kavramını ifade ediyor. Bu Neptün’ün, ortak bir paydada buluşturan, kümeye dönüştüren
bağlarının güçlü bir özelliği olarak görülebilir. Neptün’ün, insanları bir araya getiren güçlü bir

manyetizması olduğunu düşünüyorum. Güçlü bir empati yeteneğine sahip olduğunu zaten

1848’i takip eden on yıl, radikal uluslar arası feminist hareketi vardı. Şüphesiz, bunu sadece
Balık burcuna geçiş yapan Neptün’le açıklayamayız. Daha önceki gezegen döngüleri
bölümlerinde, kadın hakları konusunun Satürn-Uranüs döngüsüyle ve Uranüs-Plüton
döngüsüyle ilişkilerini görmüştük. Ama Neptün dişil cinsiyette bir gezegendir ve Balık da
dişil bir burçtur. Bu şartlarda bu geçişi, feminist bir vurgu olarak görebiliriz.

Fransa'da ilk olarak sömürgeciliğin kaldırılma tarihi 23 Mayıs 1848’dir. Balık burcundaki
Neptün, evrensel insan hakları, vicdan ve bütünlük kavramlarıyla ilişkilidir. Aynı yıl
Fransa’da "İkinci Cumhuriyet” kuruldu. Cumhurbaşkanlığına Louis Napolyon Bonapart
seçildi, ama sonrasında tertiplediği darbeyle cumhuriyeti yıkarak 1852'de imparatorluğunu
ilan etti. Zaten tüm hükümleriyle yürürlüğe girememiş olan İkinci Cumhuriyet Anayasası,
böylelikle geçerliliğini yitirdi. Bu tarihte Satürn, Uranüs ve Plüton Boğa burcunda dizilim
halindeydiler. 1684’te İngiltere tacını son kez bir Katolik Kral giydi.

Bu iki geçişten bazı tüyolar aldık. Ama daha fazlasını, Neptün’ün Balık burcuna giriş
haritasından edineceğiz…

Neptün Giriş Haritası

Neptün’ün Balık burcuna ilk girişini yapacağı 4 Nisan 2011’de iki toplumsal gezegen olan
Jüpiter ve Satürn karşıt konumda olacaklar.

2000 yılında bu iki gezegen arasında Boğa burcunda kavuşum gerçekleşmişti. Boğa, tipik bir
toprak elementi burcu olarak, maddi gerçekliklerin farkındadır ve kendini güvenceye almakla
ilişkilidir. Fiziksel dünyadan hoşlanır. İçinde bulunduğumuz yaklaşık son on yılda, dünyada
her şeyin çok maddileştiğini gördük. 2000’li yıllardan bu yana, daha iyi yaşamak için kredi
alarak, borçlanarak yaşamak kabul edilir bir şey oldu. Neredeyse herkes daha iyisine sahip
olup, bir an önce rahat etmek, hayatın zevklerinden daha çabuk istifade etmek peşine düştü.
Elindekilerle yetinmek, sadece gelenekçi bir hayat tarzı olarak görüldü ve dışlandı. 2010’lu
yıllardan itibaren, işte bu aşırı maddi eğilimlerin törpülenmesi, çözülmesi gereken bir sürece
doğru ilerliyoruz. Neptün’ün bunu gerçekleştirmesine, Jüpiter ve Satürn de birbirleriyle
karşıtlık yaparak yardımcı olacaklar. Puzzle’in bir başka parçası olan Plüton’un, 2007 yılı
sonlarından itibaren Oğlak burcuna ilk girişiyle birlikte, dizginlenemez harcama ve
ölçüsüzlüğümüzün sonuçlarını görmeye başladık bile. Neptün kapitalist sistemlerin baş
düşmanıdır. Oğlak burcundaki Plüton da, kapitalist sistemi dönüştürme işini üstlenmiş
durumdadır. Plüton ile aynı dereceden kare açı yapan Uranüs ve Mars, isyankar Koç
burcunun, menfaatçi düzene başkaldıran, değişim isteyen ve üzerinde hiçbir kontrol kabul
etmeyen enerjisini güçlü bir şekilde yansıtmaya hazır gözüküyorlar. Dünya değişim istiyor!


12 Şubat 2009, İstanbul

Celia Fenn - Radyasyonla Basa Cikmak
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 29, 2011 at 12:24pm

Radyasyonla Basa Cikmak

Celia Fenn

Yarrow (Civanpercemi, binbir yaprak otu, kandil cicegi) Cicek Ozu kendinizi radyasyona
karsi korumak icin alinir. Yarrow Cicek Ozu ABD’de Flower Esence Merkezinde uretiliyor.
Chernobil’den sonra gelistirildi. Ucuz ve kullanimi kolay. Aurayi guclendiren diger ozler de
yararlidir. Japonya’da zaten yuksek strese ve ortamdaki radyasyona karsi kullanilmakta.

Bu ozel Cicek ozunu kullanmak, cevresel radyasyon durumunda aurayi korumaya yardimci
olur. Sonra, Basmelek Mikail de “Solar Isik Beden Aktivasyonu”nu verdi. Bu aktivasyon
esasen Gunes Patlamalarindan gelen Solar Radyasyon ile basa cikmak icindir, ama ayrica
nukleer erimeden kaynaklanan radyasyon gibi diger radyasyon turleri icin de kullanilabilir.

Bu aktivasyonun dayanagi, Isik Bedenin yuksek yogunluktaki Radyasyonu, insan bedenine
zararli olmamasi icin, emme ve dagitma kapasitesine sahip olmasidir. Radyasyonun etkileri
insan beden holograminda “yirtiklara” neden olur, cunku isik o kadar gucludur ki holografik
bilgi butunlugunu kaybeder ve beden parcalanir. Isik Bedeni kuvvetlendirilirse, o zaman isigi
emer ve dagitir ve hologram saglam kalir.

Sonraki birkac gun icinde Solar Isik Beden Aktivasyonunu video veya audio seklinde
sunacagim, ama simdilik, aktivasyonun tanimini veriyorum. Sakin ve huzurlu bir sekilde
oturabilirsiniz ve derin nefesler alarak kalp merkezinize odaklanabilirsiniz. Sonra
cakralarinizin acik ve hizali oldugundan emin olun, ruh yildizi cakrasina (basin otuz santim
uzerinde) ve dunya yildizi cakrasina (ayaklarin otuz santim altinda) baglanin, ayrica Kozmik
Kalbe ve Dunyanin Merkez Kristaline baglanin. Sonra, Tac Cakranizin bir cok tac yapragi
olan bir Lotus veya Aycicegi gibi acilmasina, her tac yapraginin solar radyasyonu veya
herhangi radyasyonu emmesine ve bunu IsIk bedeni etrafina dagitmasina yardimci olmasi icin
Basmelek Mikail’i cagirin, boylece radyasyon IsIk Bedene zarar vermek yerine onu besler.
Sonra Ruh Yildizi Cakranizin da Cicek gibi acilmasini isteyin ve Kozmik Isigin ve Frekansin
Isik Bedenini daha fazla kuvvetlendirmesine izin verin. Bu anda, Isik Bedendeki
Isik Miktari artarken ve fiziksel bedendeki hucrelerin frekansi hizlanmaya baslarken,
bedeninizde karincalanma hissedebilirsiniz. Sonra Basmelek Mikail’e tesekkur edin ve Kalp
Merkezine derin bir sekilde odaklanin. Uc kez derin nefes alip verin ve gozlerinizi acin.

(Ceviri: Saffet)

Blue Ray Ascension alert: Accelerating

Earth Changes Activating your
Crystalline Body Codes ~ What You Can
Do Through Shekina Rose
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 29, 2011 at 12:30pm

Blue Ray Ascension alert: Accelerating Earth Changes

Activating your Crystalline Body Codes ~
What You Can Do

Through Shekina Rose

The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra-sensitive, empathic soul group like the Indigos that came
from many different ascended planets and light realms to enlighten the genetic code of
humanity and raise the God consciousness on Gaia.

Find out if your from the Blue Ray Here:

"Shekinah", a Hebrew word in the "Language of Light", is a mentor of the Blue Ray.
Shekinah is the lost aspect of the sacred Divine Feminine of Creation that is the embodiment
of God, the ascension process. BlueRay is the soul group consciousness of the highest aspect
of all Blue Rays. Together we give you these transmissions.

Click here to add me for free upcoming Blue Ray Transmission

"Number sequences that appear embedded in this channel are given to Shekina Rose by spirit
to activate this transmission." for more information on the new Earth Codes click

My precious sacred Sisters and brothers of light and love, we are one with thee, we commend
you for your amazing divinity, as you and your world go through more earth shifts and
changes. Hold the highest compassion and divinity for others, as all will be affected by the
next stage of your evolutionary journey. Every one of you is precious and has a role to play in
the divine plan of light, no matter what it looks likes or appears to be. Your higher divinity is
in unison with the unity consciousness of one, and you may align to this higher truth that
causes a sovereign deity force ensuring the highest Divine plan to override all. This will
become a revealed tool of the sacred ancient technology that you once used that will empower

You have passed through an evolutionary photonic gateway as you now reside in a new
encoding of Light 33

The center of the galaxy has pulsed huge amounts of energy out to the universe where Gaia is
in perfect sync riding these cosmic forces in divine alignment for the new cycle of life. 33-13-
333 As Gaia is attuning herself to the galactic center, these cosmic forces are also accelerating
the codes of your crystalline light bodies. Your crystalline light bodies are your upgraded
vehicles that will bring you into the golden age of light with greater access to your universal
divine power. 33

What's coming: the 12:12 that aligns to the 13-33-333

Throughout the rest of March, April, and throughout the year there will be significant
planetary alignments. These cosmic electrical forces are causing a rippling effect from the
celestial bodies creating a zero point shift. These planetary alignments are bringing earth
changes, dramatic energetic shifts with solar activity that are accelerating your crystalline
light bodies for you to awaken to an increased divine source of alignment with these
significant cosmic celestial forces. 444

Accelerating of your crystalline light bodies 44

Many of you ultra sensitive blue rays, light bearers and earth keepers especially have felt the
dimensional photonic gateway that you have all just passed through. Your physical body felt
this in wanting to sleep for days, feeling queasy, anxious, and unsteady. Two weeks before the
Japan quake, many of you did not want to go out and wished to stay at home. What a part of
you experienced was the sensing of these intensified energetic highways of atmospheric astral

and collective consciences taking place on the earth. Know that your intuitive empathic
feelings are an invaluable tool protecting you from incurring energies that may not be for your
highest good to encounter. ("55" Archangel Michael's power number of protection) *Click

Dark energies and energy pathways of negativity are leaving

This planetary alignment broke through the matrix that was holding in place the energetic of
negative dark energies still lingering in the DNA body and consciousness. This is what the
new cycle of 2012 is - the purification, realization and revelation of what has been
undermining your Divine Sovereignty. For your path now is becoming anew in your true
essence alignment to a higher way of being human in the unity alliance of one in Light and
love. You and your world are leaving and letting go of what has impaired your true path of
light. 55

You the Angelic human shaman working with the Devas and Archangels of Life: What
you can do

You are an angelic human shaman and carry the higher frequencies of light, and are very
much attuned to Gaia, Nature and the rhythms of the Cosmos. As you remember how to be in
a higher expression as an angelic human, earth changes may be more felt in your physical
bodies. As earth changes and shifts take place, check in to your sacred intuitive guidance and
empathic language of your soul. See what is right for you personally and what you can do as
an angelic guardian earth steward. Along with calling for the assistance from the higher
realms, ascended masters and angels, remember the devas of healing, fairies and elementals,
the devas of earth, Pan and working with the elements, also called the four directions, and the
"Archangels of Life".

Calling the Angelic Guardian Earth Steward

Together you may be called to do certain activities that assist you and the earth; putting
certain crystals and items in certain locations on the earth and in your home that divert, direct
and balance the energies, you may be guided to pray and touch the earth at certain locations.
You may feel directed to take another way to your destination or to wait until the energy is in
divine alignment for you to be in perfect harmonic flow with the universe. It is always a
sacred exchange with Gaia and the divine and will strengthen your intuitive knowing.

April Energies 333 Water will rule

The celestial bodies that rule water are coming into an alignment in April and throughout the
rest of the year, where water will be the influencing overriding deity in all forms. You the blue
ray are all about water, flow, feelings, emotions, the sacred feminine and healing. These are
times where you can align to your power element Archangel of Water and Blue Ray of
Creation for alchemy, healing, purification and miracles within your body and world.

Be respectful and honoring of water and you will see how this archangel of life will
communicate and wish to serve you. The best method of assisting water to be restored to the
sacred living waters of life, as some term restructured water, is by Love and respect through
intentions, high frequency sound or sacred harmonics, using nature, sacred geometry, crystals,
all done in a way of caring reference.

Earth Keeper by Montserrat at

Accelerating Earth changes, Natural and manmade disasters: What you can do

Get a globe of the earth; hold the globe, coupling your hands around it.

Say: I come from a place of peace and love in my holiest integrity. In the unity alliance of
One, of the highest divine plan of love and light, I ask for the most benevolent loving outcome
through Grace Elohim for earth, humanity and all life (this includes all animals, insects, air,
water, plants, devas).

I love you earth, my brothers and sisters and all life, thank you for your sacred service; all is
in perfect divine order.

Added option: here you may attune to the Language of Light sacred sounds of the crystalline
octave of Creation. With one hand holding the globe, bring your left hand up high to the
heavens and allow the holy sound to come through you from the highest source to earth. As
these sacred sounds come, bring your hand down to the globe to direct the frequencies to earth
and yourself.

The language of light, the holy octaves of Creation, which your science has called the
Ancient Solfeggio frequencies, brings profound transformation and transcendence.

The language of light, the holy octaves of Creation, are even more holy than what your
science has recognized them to be, as the Ancient Solfeggio; you the Blue rays and many
light bearers are attuned to these frequencies to bring to earth.

Doing these prayers is also very healing for your earth bodies. They have an attuning effect
empowering the crystalline light codes, anchoring the Shekinah grace in your Christ body.

For a specific place of the earth like Japan

Put your hand over Japan and be the conduit for the highest divine energy, saying, I come
from a place of peace, love, the highest divine plan of light.

To assist your brothers and sisters of earth

When your brothers and sisters of earth are facing challenges and upheaval,

you may be the stewards of the divine Mother and Father Essence; using the globe to the area
needed, say: From the Father Mother God divine presence in me, in no entanglements, you
are safe, you will be taken care of and you are loved, all is well in the divine plan.

Say this a few times from your heart as if you were soothing a child that was afraid.
Remember when you were a child and an adult came to you with those loving, simple words
that made you feel safe and healed.

See how you feel after you do this, how it empowers you. Know it is real and affects Gaia and
humanity in the highest Divine plan, anchoring the Shekinah Mother healing frequency.

If you do not have a globe of earth you can use a map or hold your intention to the earth.

We recommend that you do this practice daily, once a week and when you feel attuned to do
so. This practice will assist alleviate stress of the earth and in your bodies for greater ease in
the coming shifts of 2012 and 2013.

Trusting your bodies' empathic natures, intuition is of paramount importance - It is

your divine power!

Trusting your bodies' empathic natures, intuition, and coming from your core center is of
paramount importance as events and energies will continue to shift and transform sometimes
very unexpectedly and radically. You the blue ray and Light Bearers use your innate gifts of
the language of your soul as it has been heightened for you to use for your empowerment.

We wish to reassure you that all is in the divine plan. You cannot go into your logical mind or
ego to try to figure it out as you have shifted and reside in a higher alignment; go to your
Christ body and Christ mind will lead you always to peace and the correct action. From peace
you will bring peace. How you get there is through the sacred divine feminine, the Shekinah
of empathy, compassion, love, nurturing, and by doing so you are anchoring the Shekinah on
earth. We are one with thee; all is blessed and in divine order!

Copyright © Blue Ray transmissions by Shekina Rose of permissio

n is granted to copy and redistribute this article and videos on the condition that the URL

458 is included as the resource
and that it is distributed freely and on a non-commercial basis. E-mail:

Egyptian Archaeologist Admits Pyramids

Contain Alien Technology by Vatic -
March 25, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 29, 2011 at 12:52pm

Egyptian Archaeologist Admits

Pyramids Contain Alien Technology

by Vatic - March 25, 2011

Here we go again. They are fighting me on putting this photo up and I don't blame them. Its
a mind blowing photo. If they continue to fight me on it, I will send it out by email for mass
distribution. If I can get it in, then simply wait for my daily or semi weekly summary.
Thanks. Transparency and exposure to what they do not want us to see, has been very
valuable for us in moving toward truth. If they keep it up we will know it even more. Well,
they won't let me put it where I wanted it, so I am going to leave here where they put it. But
look at it and see what they didn't want you to see. Amazing. And definitely watch all 8

Vatic Note:

Now this was one of the most fascinating scientific treatments of the subject of aliens and
UFO's on this planet going all the way back 10,000 years ago. As most know who follow our
blog, we are unsure that there really are aliens and real UFO's. We haven't closed our mind to
the issue. Because of the science involved it moves the issue more toward likely that there is
something to it. Its possible some of this would not be true, but we are beginning to believe
there is enough here to be assured that at least some of this is true. Add to that the fact that
the KGB is involved and secret societies in Russia that are high tech experts and they believe
this technology was given to mankind from aliens. Its all fascinating no matter what you
decide is true or not. Its worth the time to watch it. Its a far more credible treatment of the
subject than many I have seen.

Egyptian Archaeologist Admits Pyramids Contain Alien Technology

Posted by ChildofAfrica on March 15, 2011, UFO's/ET's....Natural/un-explained


Head of the Cairo University Archaeology Department, Dr Ala Shaheen in December 2010
had told an audience that there might be truth to the theory that aliens helped the ancient
Egyptians build the oldest of pyramids, the Pyramids of Giza.

On being further questioned by Mr Marek Novak, a delegate from Poland as to whether the
pyramid might still contain alien technology or even a UFO with its structure, Dr Shaheen,
was vague and replied “I can not confirm or deny this, but there is something inside the
pyramid that is “not of this world”.

Delegates to the conference on ancient Egyptian architecture were left shocked, however Dr
Shaheen had refused to comment further or elaborate on his UFO and alien related statements.

Down below is 90's The Secret KGB UFO Files documentary, that's deals with the fact that
Russian had already discovered the tomb of Alien Humanoid in Egypt and something is
beneath the pyramid. The Secret KGB UFO Files documentary interestingly supporting the
head of the Cairo University Archaeology Department, Dr Ala Shaheen claim as well.

(watch the 8 videos, its a must see)

Part I

Part II

Part III


Part IV

Part V

Part VI

Part VII


Actually ancient Egyptian writings very often talk of beings from the sky, the sky opening and
bright lights coming down to teach them technology and give them wisdom. Many pictures
and symbols resemble UFOs and aliens. POSSIBLY aliens built the Great Pyramid. And these
solid long lasting construction techniques were adopted by the Egyptians.

Ancient Egyptian legends tell of Tep Zepi, or the “first time”. This is described as an age
when “sky gods” came down to Earth and raised the land from mud and water.

They supposedly flew through the air in flying “boats” and brought laws and wisdom to man
through a royal line of Pharaohs. And of course, this was all thrown out the window when
Christianity came along. Keep in mind that the Gods were the one and only ‘religion’ that
there was. No other conflicting beliefs? Why? Well because it was fact, not faith. The modern
church would have you believe that’s it’s just a myth. But you have to ask yourself on the
edge of Occam razor, what truly indeed is more likely?

That a very advanced alien race came down and altered our gen pool, like ALL other ancient
cultures concur with OR, that a bearded spirit in the sky basically went ZAP, and created us in
six days. (And kicked back on the seventh)? of course not.. all that in the bible is just copied
and manipulated to suite someone else’s agenda for power.

Enlightenment Is The Ultimate Maturity By
Jafree Ozwald
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 29, 2011 at 12:54pm

Enlightenment Is The Ultimate Maturity

By Jafree Ozwald

Enlightenment is the Mount Everest in human consciousness. There is nothing greater in life
to discover. It is the peak of ones existence that naturally blossoms when you’ve reached a
sweet ripe maturity within every area of your life. Full enlightenment is not just about
reaching a transcendental state of bliss through meditation. The real deal means you’ve also
integrated this expanded understanding into your personal life. When you have mastered your
relationships with people, money, food, sex, health, your body, feelings, thoughts and
everything on your inner and outer world, then enlightenment simply finds you. It doesn’t
have to take very long, the moment you discover a deep and complete peace within every area
of your life, you will have reached the highest level of maturity and reveal what the
enlightened state is all about.

One can only achieve their highest enlightened state when one has grown, evolved and come
to know all parts of themselves intimately. The full ripening and maturity of ones life means
you have found peace with yourself, which overflows onto everyone and everything in your
outer world. Enlightenment is a flowering of your divinity that naturally blossoms when you
have relinquished this inner battle within you. When you discover the Source of every
thought, memory and feeling on your inner world, you instantly liberate yourself from them.
The experience of enlightenment is something quite mysterious and very challenging to
capture with words. It is a state of profound presence that is coming from the beyond, and is
heading back into the beyond. If you are an individual who wants to traverse this spiritually
advanced path, there a few things you’ll want to know about the various levels of maturity.

If a man becomes “enlightened” in a Himalayan cave, then later returns to the city to find
himself overwhelmed with stress, strife and struggle, he hasn’t reached his full maturity yet.
The ultimate maturity means you are always abiding at your peaceful center, breathing deeply
as the “I” of the hurricane, enjoying the cosmic play spinning around you. This level of
maturity comes with tremendous awareness, a consciousness that burns through the ego/mind,
and doesn’t let you get snagged in the cyclone of people’s’ drama. The result of constantly
abiding at your peaceful center is the continuous realization that a perpetual state of joy, bliss,
love and freedom is always at the source of who you are. These realizations lead one into the
ultimate maturity, which ironically has the qualities of trees in a bamboo forest. Each
individual tree contains an incredible strength as well as amazing flexibility. Their roots are

deeply intertwined, this allows them to connect with the souls of everyone around them,
creating a feeling of a tight loving family with every new sprout that joins the forest.

True maturity is something that’s often misunderstood in our society. This “enlightened
maturity” is unique in that it contains a childlike playfulness at the core, a constant state of
receptivity to each new experience, and a profound humility that stems from the willingness
to merge with everyone’s heart. Although a peaceful stillness is always found at the very core
of the mature soul, they are easily inspired, outrageous in their ideas and simply excited about
being alive in this amazing multidimensional Universe. The immature soul is easy to identify
as he/she will put others down to lift him/herself up. Since they abide in ego, they always live
in a constant state of insecurity because they haven’t yet found the courage to venture deep
inside, to the very core of their being, and discover the vast cosmic consciousness and all-
forgiving love that’s always there.

Maturity certainly isn’t something attained through age or adulthood. There are many children
these days who are more mature than many adults, and the numbers seem to be increasing!
The ultimate maturity comes through a welcoming of the large variety of different “hot and
cold” experiences life gives you. It is a willingness to patiently bear the emotional storms of
life, knowing always that everything is temporary and this too shall pass away. This cosmic
understanding leads to the ripening of consciousness. And as Osho once said, “The ripened
fruit simply falls from the tree.” When your consciousness is fully ripe and mature, your
burdens, difficulties and problems in life will naturally fall away. You’ll stop manifesting
them because your consciousness will be sooooo high, that you couldn’t be entertained or
“hooked” by the ego/mind’s illusion once again.

You must know that this Mount Everest of enlightenment is tremendously high, and there are
many many old unconscious patterns from your past that need to resurface to be transcended
along the way. To climb this peak in your Sunday slippers simply means the journey wasn’t a
real adventure, yet only a lazy stroll through your neighborhood park. If you yourself are
spiritually awake, yet find yourself falling back into your ego’s dramatic play again and again,
do not be discouraged. This is just one stage of the ripening process. The secret here is
consciously allowing yourself to fall back into ego/mind, and when it happens do it with utter
awareness. Bring pure consciousness into the ego/mind and let the two merge. This will burn
away your past karmic conditioning faster than chanting a billion mantras and truly liberate
you! We are all swinging on this pendulum that flows between the ego and spirit, and there’s
no getting off this ride until you have mastered it. This mastery is your journey into maturity.
So with pure awareness meet and greet every ego/mind you encounter. Watch how the ego
rises and falls, all the while you are witnessing it, relaxed at the core and in a state of awe of
this great pendulum.

Jafree has been a very good friend of mine for several years. He has personally put together
an awesome course that you can enjoy online, for more info goto

The Angels are Watching Over Us All a
message from Doreen Virtue 21 March,
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 29, 2011 at 1:30pm

The Angels are Watching Over Us All

a message from Doreen Virtue

21 March, 2011

“If the world is ending, should I just go ahead and change my life and do everything that my
heart desires to do right now?” The female caller on my show was
sincere as she asked me whether she should focus upon her dreams, if the world was about to

With the Japanese earthquake, the Mayan calendar ending next year, and earth changes in the
news, it’s normal to think about our mortality – individually and collectively. In fact, to do so
is VERY healthy!

When I was an undergraduate, I took a college psychology course called “On Death and
Dying,” which was the study of Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’s stages of grief. We learned how to
help ourselves and others cope with loss. And as field trips, our class visited funeral parlors,
crematoriums, and cemeteries.

This pushed me to examine my own fears and anxieties about death. These fears, called
“existential anxiety,” are based upon worries whether life holds meaning and purpose, and
whether there is an afterlife, reincarnation, or just “nothing” afer death.

I realized that I was procrastinating pursuing my dreams, such as writing a book, because I
believed it would passively happen some day in the future when I had more time. Upon closer
examination, I realized that I believed I would write my book when I retired from working as
a senior citizen. I also intuited that I was both afraid of success and of failure. To avoid all of
these feelings, I’d avoided working on my book and other dreams.

Once I made these ah-hah! realizations, my fears lessened. Fears always lessen when you
confront them. That’s why the ego compels us to keep stuffing fears down with addictive

Within two years, I’d written my first book and was published. After graduation, when I
began working as an eating disorder therapist, I focused upon helping my clients to confront
their hidden fears, too. The question I’d often ask my clients is one that I’d like to ask you,

“If you knew that you only had a short amount of time to live, what changes would you make
in your life?”

My clients would answer with wonderful goals and desires, such as learning how to fly an
airplane; traveling more; doing volunteer charitable work; playing a musical instrument;
starting their own business; and having more fun and leisure.

We would then examine their answers and ask another question: “What are you waiting for?”
Once they began working on their dreams, their anxieties and depression symptoms lessened
or disappeared.

Yes, the Mayan calendar ended in 2012. Yes, the tragedies in Japan and other places
experiencing changes are intense right now. But this doesn’t mean the world is going to end.
The angels have been showing me visions of the earth’s future since I was a little girl. . . and
the future is beautiful. They show me an Eden-like world with peaceful people cooperating
with one another.

We are going through major changes in the world, which will culminate in blessings for us all
collectively. And even if the world were going to end, how would you want to spend your last
days? In worry, anxiety, and fear? Or in great joy and bliss?

You were created by God, and everything that God creates is immortal and eternal. Your soul
is ancient and has had many experiences . . .and will continue to do so. Even if the physical
world ended, YOU would continue to live on and on . . .as would your loved ones.

So, let’s use any anxieties about the world in beneficial ways:

DO put your priorities front-and-center on your daily schedule

DO give yourself permission to pursue your goals and live your dreams now!

DO talk with God a lot, and give God your worries for healing and uplifting

DO focus upon taking excellent care of the environment

DO use positive and loving words

DO surround yourself with gentle, positive people

DO open your heart to as much love as possible. At the end of your life, what will matter most
is your answer to this question: “How much did I love?”

DON’T procrastinate living your dreams

DON’T wait until you have more money, time, or ideas to begin working on your priorities
DON’T listen to negativity from yourself or others

Here’s a prayer to support you:

“Dear God, Thank you for holding me strongly in your loving arms, giving me the strength
and the courage to change my life in healthy ways. Please clearly guide me and show me
signs to help me know my next best step to take. Thank you for sending your angels to my side
to protect and guide me and my family.”

Blessings and peace to you and your family,


Doreen Virtue

holds B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in counseling psychology, and is a lifelong clairvoyant
who works with the angelic realm. She is the author of more than 20 books about angels,
chakras, Crystal Children, Indigo Children, health and diet, and other mind-body-spirit
issues, including the best-selling

Healing with the Angels, Messages from Your Angels and Angel Numbers 101.

For more information please visit her Website:

You can also listen to Doreen’s live weekly radio show, and call her for a reading, by visiting

© 2009 Angel Therapy, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The Forge of Forgiveness

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 29, 2011 at 1:33pm

Pisces 2011
(Part II in two parts.)

A. The Forge of Forgiveness.

B. Japan’s Earthquake and Tsunami 2011.

The Forge of Forgiveness

On Self-Knowledge
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 29, 2011 at 1:42pm

On Self-Knowledge
Kahlil Gibran

Your hearts know in silence the secrets of the days and the nights.
But your ears thirst for the sound of your heart's knowledge.
You would know in words that which you have always known in thought.
You would touch with your fingers the naked body of your dreams.

And it is well you should.

The hidden well-spring of your soul must needs rise and run murmuring to the sea;
And the treasure of your infinite depths would be revealed to your eyes.
But let there be no scales to weigh your unknown treasure;
And seek not the depths of your knowledge with staff or sounding line.

For self is a sea boundless and measureless.

Say not, "I have found the truth," but rather, "I have found a truth."
Say not, "I have found the path of the soul." Say rather, "I have met the soul
walking upon my path."
For the soul walks upon all paths.
The soul walks not upon a line, neither does it grow like a reed.
The soul unfolds itself like a lotus of countless petals.

Healing Relationships by Gina Lake

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 29, 2011 at 1:57pm

Healing Relationships
by Gina Lake

Your preferences, opinions, judgments, beliefs, and reactions to others are all part of your
conditioning. As such, you are responsible for them in the sense that no one else caused them,
although others do trigger them. Nevertheless, you didn't ask for that conditioning; for the
most part, it was just given to you. You could say you inherited it from your family,
experiences, culture, previous lifetimes, and astrology chart. It's your particular programming
for this lifetime, and it is no better or worse than anyone else's conditioning, which they also

The problem is we assume that our conditioning is right and other people's (when it's
different) is wrong. This unconscious assumption is what causes problems in relationships,
not the conditioning itself. If we can allow others to be different from us, then conditioning
doesn't have to be a problem. But we tend to judge others who do and see things differently
than we do and try to change them. Our conditioning is bound to be different from someone
else's; we're designed that way. So having different conditioning (i.e. beliefs, preferences,
opinions, styles, ways of being) doesn't have to be a problem unless we make it one.

We tend to hold our conditioning as inviolate: We want what we want, we like what we like,
we don't like what we don't like, and we believe what we believe. Our conditioning feels
important, meaningful, and worth fighting for. That's where we get into trouble. Conditioning
is just beliefs, preferences, and desires (which are just the thought I want with feelings
attached to it). Conditioning comes from the ego, not from Essence. While the ego will fight
with others over what it believes, likes, and wants, Essence chooses love over beliefs,
preferences, and desires. If you want relationships to work, that's what you have to do as well.
If even just one person in a relationship is willing to choose love over what he or she believes,

prefers, or desires, a loving relationship is possible. If not, then the relationship will be a
battleground over conditioning.

When your conditioning gets triggered in relationship, it's an opportunity to discover more
about that conditioning. Feelings are a sign that your conditioning has been triggered: You
feel angry or sad or some other negative emotion in relation to the other person. When that
happens, the tendency is to say, You make me angry when... or You make me sad when... We
think it's good mental hygiene to let others know how they are affecting us. We were taught to
do this, but it isn't actually helpful. It puts the burden of change on the other person when it
really lies with us.

If you feel angry or sad over something someone said or did, that's a sign that your
conditioning is interfering with love. When feelings like these arise, there is a choice to be
made between your conditioning or love: Is your conditioning more important than love, or is
love more important than your conditioning? Most people fight for their conditioning because
it feels like their conditioning is who they are: I'm someone who believes... or I'm someone
who likes... Their identity is tied to their conditioned beliefs, and without their beliefs, it feels
like they wouldn't be who they are. And they wouldn't be. They wouldn't be who they think
they are; they would be who they really are: Essence.

Most people also deeply believe that they can change others and that it's their duty to do so
because they believe their conditioning is superior. They choose trying to change others to fit
their own conditioning over loving them. This choice leads to misery in relationships. No one
wins the battle of conditioning. Everyone loses love. Even if you get the other person to
change, at what expense is that accomplished? And at what point do you finally give up trying
to mold the other person to your conditioning? The ego is never satisfied, and it always finds
more improvements to push for in relationship as in every other aspect of life.

Relationships are meant to be a safe haven in the storm of life. They are our best chance for
finding love and acceptance. They also serve as a laboratory for love: They are where we
learn about love. What we learn is that only Essence knows how to love, not the ego. To
create that safe haven, you have to move out of the ego and drop into Essence, where love is
possible. Our desire for love and relationship motivates us to overcome our conditioning and
live in Essence more because that's the only way it's possible to feel love and maintain it. We
learn this by first trying to get our way in relationships and then finally surrendering to love.
The secret of many couples who stay together for decades is that they accept each other. Each
allows the other to be the way he or she is.

You might argue that acceptance enables your partner to continue his or her bad habits, when
who could help him or her better than you? What is true in the realm of personal healing is
also true in interpersonal healing: Acceptance is what heals. That is Essence's way.
Acceptance is not the ego's way, but the ego isn't trying to help others as much as it's trying to
get its way. If you really want to help someone, then accept that person and just see what
miracles love and acceptance can perform. Here is an exercise for healing your relationships:

Exercise: Healing Relationships

Your job in relationships is not to change others, but to release any ideas that keep you from
being loving and accepting. To do that, notice when feelings are triggered, and then give
curiosity, acceptance, and attention to those feelings until you discover what beliefs are

behind them. Then examine how true each of those beliefs are. You will find that none of your
beliefs are true, at least not true enough to warrant withholding love from another. All of your
beliefs are just conditioning.

Gina Lake. All rights reserved. From Getting Free: How to Move Beyond Conditioning and
Be Happy by Gina Lake. Gina Lake is a spiritual teacher who is devoted to helping others live
in the moment through her books, counseling, and intensives. She has a master's degree in
counseling psychology and over twenty years of experience as a spiritual counselor. Her
books include Loving in the Moment, Radical Happiness, Embracing the Now, Anatomy of
Desire, Return to Essence, What About Now? Living in the Now, and Getting Free. Her
website,, offers information about her books and consultations, free e-
books, book excerpts, a free monthly newsletter, a blog, and audio and video recordings.
Article source:

Quado's Garden: Deepen Your
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 29, 2011 at 1:59pm

Your Commitment

Today, no
what you are doing, deepen your commitment and lift your performance. Lift the
level of your activity. Be what you wish to become.

If you are working with

people, act more professional in your demeanor, have more presence, exude more
confidence. Square back your shoulders and look everyone in the eye.

If you have a task to

perform, push away any doubt and apply yourself with energy and commitment.
Know that you can accomplish this task better than anyone else in the world.

And if this is a day for

relaxation, then commit yourself to being completely one with the moment and
entering a state of connection and peace.

All work is good. All work

is a noble endeavor if you commit yourself to it and give it your attention.

If you want to be doing

more and accomplishing more, then focus on what is before you right now and give
it your full attention, infuse it with your energy and commitment. If you want
the future to be bright, then shine your light on this moment.

'May we live in peace without weeping. May our joy outline the lives we touch without
ceasing. And may our love fill the world, angel wings tenderly beating.' The Universal Heart

Ouan Yin - The Clarion Light Beings ~
Unity in Oneness March 21st, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 29, 2011 at 2:21pm

Creation of Compassion & Mercy Within

The Clarion Light Beings ~ Unity in Oneness

March 21st, 2011
To Listen & Download

Good evening.

This is Fred speaking. It is a pleasure to be here. We are still the Temple of 911 but we are so
much more. The essence this evening is the continuation of the Oneness and so many other
elements that are happening, not only bringing in the frequency of the love and the
continuation of everyone, but to fully allow ourselves to see that we’re all part of the Spiritual
Hierarchy, we’re all part of the Oneness; that our Soul Families are coming together whether
we’re in body or out of body. I thank you, Christine, once again - this is a new birthing that
we are going through and it’s a very exciting time for each of us, just as it is an exciting time
for each of you being embodied upon the New Earth that is going to be birthed. Love and
blessings to each of you.

The beauty of this moment is the incorporation of the essence of each of us individually and
collectively. I come to you as Quan Yin. I am representing the Lady Masters this evening in
Compassion and Mercy, the beauty that each of you is, and the continuance of our frequencies

deeply as the Divine Feminine is being incorporated into everyone in these moments. It is my
pleasure to be here this evening. It is my pleasure to speak with each of you, to connect with
each of you, and to have so many souls. We have new additions this evening once again, and
we want to put our hearts out to everyone for the experiences that have been very traumatic.
Each of us is being affected by all these experiences. We have many different types of souls
here this evening that are new. The work still continues. Thank you, Archangel Michael,
thank you, John, thank you Christine, and others that are assisting in the beginning processes.
It is a powerful time.

I would like to say it’s a wonderful time for the birthing of the new name. The name that is
coming forward of the Clarion Light Beings ~ Unity in Oneness. How can we not express
ourselves in those energies as we bring forth a prayer this moment? Breathing deeply ~The
Clarion Light Beings represent each of us. It’s a Clarion Call for Unity in Oneness. How can
it be any other way? To bring unto others the essence of our Golden Flame, the essence of our
Platinum Flame, the essence of all the Flames coming together. As each of you represent a
different level of ascension within your body, each of us represents those different levels also.
How can we not assist each other with such a diverse amount of light frequencies of colors
and the essence to come fully into everyone’s state of being? As we bring in that state-of-
being it helps us to embody all aspects. As I stand here in the middle of this Temple, I look
around completely as I go circularly in a clockwise manner at all the souls that are here and
each of you that are here in this Etheric level of your meditative state that are part of these
frequencies even more so than you could ever imagine. I stand here holding out my energies
unto each of you to share with you the compassion of what each of you are going through. As
each of us is experiencing that within, how can we not have the beauty and the mercy and the
expression of divinity that our Dearest Divine Mother expresses within all of us? This is what
we are embodying this evening – the Divine Complement of expression of love, compassion,
bliss, joy and peace. We totally want to express this peacefulness not only within each of us
but within each other and out onto the Earth. This is what the world needs more - love, peace,
joy and contentment.

So let us each now take a deep breath and within that deep breath, let’s center upon our Heart.
As we center upon that Heart, we open up into the deepness of that chakra, the deepness of
the Heart center as the embodiment of your Lotus Flower is deep within the core of your
being. It may take several deep breaths for you to start to open up the petals of the beautiful
essence that you are. Breathe deeply and the petals in the beginning may look quite different
than the petals that are in the core because the core is the true strength, it’s the true essence of
your being. That is the element we want to embody. That is the frequency that we want to
show unto each of ourselves and unto each other to assist humanity. So let’s breathe deeply
through that.

The petals now open, they can be many different colors. Allow yourself to see the colors –
there could be Violets, Greens, Blues, Pinks, Reds, Golden, and Silver sparkles, whatever it is
that you see. Breathe deeper, take another deep breath and another deep breath, and another
deep breath. Now it’s really starting to open up so much that the petals of the Lotus are
fanning outwards and almost flat across your whole chest area as this chakra is now opening
more fully than it ever has before. To see the essence of the Greens and the Pinks, and the
compassionate colors – Lavenders and Light Blues – allow that to flourish within you -
rainbows and rainbows of colors. Sparkles and sparkles of light as the compassionate essence
that you are is embodied, not only now within your Heart, but also flowering to the rest of
your being. Allow it to flower to your Solar Plexus, and allow your Solar Plexus to relax.

That power within you has not been ignited to the level it needs to be, because there’s stress
and anxiety of what you’ve been experiencing. Allow it to go up to the Thymus ~ we want
the Thymus to be open because this is going to assist you with the higher frequencies. Allow
those three levels of chakras to be the basis of what you want to feel in these moments. Allow
that to be your expression. Allow this essence to be embodied within you. As you take that
deep breath, now the flowering colors blend into your lower chakras – into the Sacral and into
the Root. Center any frustrations in the Root area, center any fears or anxieties. Allow these
higher colors to blend as the Lotus now is flowering through your whole being. The core of it
is at the Heart, and now you’re seeing the core as it’s starting to pop out that beautiful bud in
the middle of the flower. Then it moves upwards into your Throat, then up to your Third Eye
and your Crown. Now you’re one huge and complete flower. Allow yourself to be that
flowering essence. Now it moves down into your feet and you’re just a beautiful flower,
almost like you’re a child and you’re dressed up in a costume as a flower. You are the flower
and in back of you between your shoulder blades is the core of the flower; as the core of the
flower opens up, the petals are now in back of you also. So allow yourself to feel this beauty
and this lightness that you are. Allow yourself to embody the creative essence within you and
as it opens up you see that any debris, any thoughts of lack or those lower energies are now
dissipating, because as you’re fully open now there are sparkles of light coming down in
rainbows of colors into your whole being. Feel that essence within you completely around
you. Feel it at your feet and at your Crown. You are one entire being and as you do this now
your Physical is blending with your Etheric, your Etheric blends with your Emotional, your
Emotional blends with your Mental, and the petals reach out to those areas and you are the
essence of purity within your Heart in this moment. As your Spiritual body is now centering
upon you in this beautiful crystalline light, and this Spiritual body focuses and blends through
all the other bodies, so now you’re one huge body of light. You’re ready to receive, you’re
ready to receive the light that you are.

Allow your Higher Self now to fully be embraced as it comes in a shooting star into your
Thymus, your Heart and your Solar Plexus. Feel the connectedness and allow it to go all the
way down to your feet; allow it to embody the entire structure of your being. Allow yourself
to be embraced by the frequency of this light that you are. Allow yourself to feel it; allow
yourself to accept it and compassion for yourself. I want you now to bring forth the
compassion of what you have gone through to receive these energies. It is now time to
embrace the highest aspect of your being. It is now time to embrace the conditioning
circumstances to be removed and there is freedom within this, and within that freedom you
feel that purity that you are. It’s very beautiful and it’s been hidden because it’s been feeling
very safe tucked away; now it doesn’t need that safety because there is strength in allowing
this essence that you are to be fully embodied in your Physical vehicle. Breathe through that
as that is embraced within you as it expands.

Let’s look around the Temple and see all these beautiful flowers and all the souls that have
been hurting from the changes that have been occurring. Even if they haven’t been affected
directly or indirectly, everyone is being affected by these traumatic events through the
processes of the levels of the Cosmic into the Multi-Universal, the Universal, the Galactic, the
Solar and the Planetary. It’s not just about Earth, it’s about all of us coming together in this
unity, in this purity, in this acceptance of all that we are. The entire Temple is now vibrating
with the flowering petals of purity and compassion. How can we not expand ourselves within

It is contagious; the energies are unbelievable because when you’re with like-minded beings
you cannot help but embrace their beauty and their essence! It enfolds back into you
whatever is missing in your aspect, you’re receiving from someone else. Maybe it’s someone
next to you, maybe it’s someone across the way that you see in the other areas in the Temple.
Let’s all just take a deep breath and send a little bit of yourself out into the middle of
the Temple. As you send these little sparkles of light that you are, they gather in the ceiling
and then they filter and twinkle together. As these little frequencies of light blend, they’re
going to go back into other areas and now you’re going to receive something that you need
from someone else. Feel that coming to you now, feel the balance of giving and receiving.
As you allow this essence to be within you in this very moment, you start to see the purity of
sharing, of the unity that we have in this beautiful Temple. We have come to a new space of
being here and this space of being is going to be infiltrated to the rest of the Planet, the rest of
the Universe, the rest of the Multi-Universes, the entire Cosmic Force, because this is the
Creative Source of Oneness. We are One. We have our individual personalities and aspects,
but when we come together how can we not create the bondage? It is there for us, it is there
in the essence and the purity that we are.

So let’s take a deep breath and move these energies as the flowers that we are and circle
around the Globe. We’re going to go around the Globe in the Etheric level and center these
sparkles of light onto the atmosphere of Dear Gaia. As we bring it forth into the atmosphere
of Dear Gaia we allow the frequencies to be within. Allow that to go – just very lightly we
breathe outwards with a little breath and it’s just going to sparkle every part of the Globe. It’s
going to sparkle to the beings on the land that need it the most. It’s going to be so light that
the people that are not aware will not know what happened to them. But then they will feel –
they will feel the purity, they will feel compassion and mercy as each of you are experiencing
in many different ways. Allow those essences to be around the entire aspect of the Earth -
now it’s within the Earth. It’s just like little snowflakes, but it’s sparkles of light, and these
sparkles of light are going everywhere.

I want you to think about an area that you would like to concentrate on. Where is it that you
would like to do the work? Is it in your area? Is it with people that you know? Let is go for a
500-mile radius and let’s put our intention out there now. If you want to center upon where
you’re sitting right now, then send it outwards in each direction. We’re going to send it to the
East, the South the West and the North. It’s going to go above us and below us. It’s going to
go through land masses, into the seas, the waters, the rivers and purify everything with this
beautiful compassion of the Divine Mother that we are incorporating in this moment, the
Feminine aspect within. Breathe deeply through that.

Now let’s just center it back within us. Feel that coming back in so that you don’t deplete
yourself. See ourselves around the Globe – the flowers around the Globe – and the flowers
around the Globe are going to go up together, we’re going to come back into the Temple,
moving up into the Multi-Universal level from the Planetary, and then feel yourself settling
back in the Temple. Feel the innocence, feel the love as we’ve just planted seeds. Seeds of
growth for the spring, and these seeds of growth are going to continue to flower as they are
aspects of your own flowering essence. Breathe deeply. We are now One huge flower in
this Temple. Nothing can tear us apart; we are connected with each other in the frequency of
all we are within each other, within ourselves. Feel this essence of love, feel this essence of
purity as the challenges are continuing in your lives. This is the space you want to be – come
back to this space any time that you choose and we’ll bring within you that purity and allow
you to reflect on the light that you are instead of the dark that is arising. The same with

Mother Earth; we ask for her to feel these energies in the core of her essence in this moment
as we acknowledge her challenges and her ascension process as she is changing greatly. The
changes are positive; they’re of a frequency that will allow us to incorporate the Oneness
more fully within each other. Breathe deeply. Allow yourself to feel the core of your Heart
again. Allow yourself to just close up those petals a little bit, create a little protective force
around you so you’re not completely vulnerable when you leave this meditation. It’s very
important that you do that. Allow yourself to be open with like-minded people as much as
possible, but if you’re in a mixture of energies remember the protection is necessary. Just
close it up a little bit, but you’re still flowering through the rest of your Light Body – it’s the
essence of your core that just needs a little bit of protection – not much just a little bit, and
you will see the flowering essence that you bring forth unto others, into the divinity that we
are, into the expression of our essences within Oneness. Let’s breathe deeply.

Now we’re going to go a little bit further. I’m going to ask you to think of something that’s
challenging you right now. It may be a personal issue, it may be another person, it may be an
event, or maybe something that you have to go through. What is it right now that you need to
bring this purity of this Feminine aspect to soften up the energies? Let’s concentrate on that
for one moment in silence. Feel the flowering buds around this situation. Allow yourself to
feel the softness around it and we send it out and it will return back to you in the way that you
desire without any expectations. Allow it to be encircled with the flowering light that you are,
and the sparkles and the colors. Allow yourself to see that you are receiving this gift in return
when it is for your highest good to receive it -- not before and not later -- in the moment of
your acceptance.

It has been my pleasure to be here. I am Quan Yin to assist you in compassion and mercy of
yourself, within you, with others, and within the Earth. May the blessings that you are be
within you deeply to receive. Namaste.

This is Fred once again. Thank you, Quan Yin, for this beautiful message and this beautiful
exercise. We ask each of you to return this week, and regenerate this energy within yourself
as much as you need to. I am in honor of being the Spokesperson of this Temple of 911,
representing Unity in Consciousness and Oneness. Namaste.

The Clarion Light Beings ~ Unity in Oneness

Connecting with the Souls in the Temple While Healing Mother Earth
Classes are being held via LIVE call every Monday
218.862.7200, 576094#
Accessible Via Skype
Rev. Christine Meleriessee Heliohah
~ Cosmic Messenger of Light ~
~ Ascension Coach & Teacher ~
~ Medical Intuitive/Shamanic Healer ~

If you are interested in utilizing SKYPE with no charge , email Christine so she can set it up
on her end.
Utilizing the conferencing number will result in a charge to you.
Her Skype ID "catdmeler", Christine Meleriessee.


Uriel's Message -- The Value of Relation-

Ship - Jennifer Hoffman
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 29, 2011 at 7:59pm

Uriel's Message -- The Value of Relation-Ship - Jennifer Hoffman

The connections that exist between each of you and the people you connect with
are based on shared soul contracts, karma and mutual lessons. Every
interaction, no matter how long or short, contains a soul intention for healing
and learning. There are no accidental or chance meetings or connections, each
one represents a karmic cycle and an opening into your healing purpose. As you
meet each person or encounter every relationship, connect with your guidance to
know the purpose of this connection because each one serves you on your path.

The human experience is a dimension of learning that each soul experiences in

order to return to wholeness. You see yourselves in a singular aspect yet each
of you is a collection of lifetimes in which each one has contributed to an
aspect of your separation. Your lives are more than linear; they are
multi-dimensional and multi-level experiences of a wide range of energetic

experiences. Through the connections you make with others you are able to
re-capture your soul's essence and bring yourselves back to wholeness in body,
mind, emotions and spirit. This is accomplished when you are aware of the value
of each connection and its relationship to you and your soul's healing journey.

The most challenging relationships are those that you give the most attention
to but they are not always your most important soul lessons. Sometimes it is
the lessons in receiving that you have the greatest struggle with. The path of
overcoming which, on an ego level, helps validate past struggles is the one you
choose to help you reconcile energetic imbalances, lost power and challenges
created by the cruelty, thoughtlessness, abuse or betrayal by others. Through
the resolution of these lessons you feel stronger but their true purpose is to
assist in your return to wholeness. How did they serve to disconnect you from
your power and what was your soul's plan for healing?

The healing through connection and relationship is lost if you are not aware
that these gifts are yours in every interaction. Ask your guides and soul to
help you remember that your life journey is one of healing, whose purpose is to
bring you into alignment with your divinity. Seek the healing and reconnection
opportunity with everyone so you receive the blessings that you have made
available to yourself. They are of your creation, for your purpose and serve to
enlighten, heal and transform you. Be grateful for them and willing to release
them when it is time, so new multi-dimensional pathways of healing, living and
being can open for you.

Old Soul, Young Body by Jennifer Hoffman

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 29, 2011 at 8:29pm

Old Soul, Young Body by Jennifer Hoffman

I receive so many questions from grandparents of Crystals and other new

generation children as they are concerned about their spiritual growth and are
often the only spiritual influence in their lives. Many of them wonder why
parents of such evolved children are not more spiritually aware and are afraid
that this will harm the children. I remind them that every child chooses its
parents for important reasons and they also ensure that someone in their life
is there to serve their spiritual needs. In many cases, for these children, it
is a grandparent or other relative.

Many of these new generation children are very old souls, some of whom have
never been on the earth plane before but who are here to provide guidance and

assistance as we transition through these times which are challenging but whose
purpose is to collapse old cycles and open pathways to other dimensions of
being. The earth's vibration had to be fairly high to enable them to be here,
which is also why some of them do not speak or interact with others easily.
Yet, many of them find comfort in their grandparents' presence.

Grandparents may be a child's spiritual mentor but the parents are important
too because the less spiritually minded parents' contribution is in the form
of 'earth and ego education.' These are the energies these children will work
with and they need to learn about them. So while they need the comfort of the
grandparents' spiritual knowledge and energetic presence, their parents show
them the density of the earth's energy, the challenges of humanity and help
them understand how to work with them.

These children may be like new earth souls but they are old universal souls,
often from other dimensions, galaxies, solar systems and universes. Many of
them are converging on the earth now to share a higher aspect of learning that
has not been available until now. Every person they choose to be on their path
represents an energetic aspect they will work with, heal and transform or who
will support and nurture them. So whoever you are to them, know that they have
chosen you and all you have to do is extend the love, understanding, support
and compassion that they will need to do the work they have come to do.

DailyOM: The Laboratory of Life

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 29, 2011 at 8:30pm

The Laboratory of Life

Take Action
Having a vision of what we want in life is important to our efforts of getting what we want,
but we also must take action.

There is a popular misconception that we might be able to just wish our dreams into being.
Maybe on some other level of consciousness this is the case, but here on earth what we need
to do is take action in our lives. Vision is an important companion to our efforts, but it can’t
accomplish anything all by itself. When we focus on what we want and ask for what we want,
we are initiating a conversation with the universe. Our desires, passionately defined and
expressed, bring about valuable and relevant opportunities, which we then respond to by
either taking or leaving them.

Many of us are afraid to step out into the world and make things happen, and so we hang

back, dreaming and waiting and watching. There are times in life when this is the right thing
to do, but this phase of inaction must eventually give way to its opposite if we are to build our
dreams into a reality. This can be really scary, and we may fail and struggle, but that’s okay
because that’s what we’re supposed to do. Waiting for everything to be perfect before we act,
or waiting for what we want to be handed to us, leaves us waiting forever. No one expects us
to be perfect, so the best thing we can do for ourselves is to get out there and take action on
our dreams.

One of the hardest parts about having a vision is that when we test it in the laboratory of life,
it often comes out looking completely different than what we had in mind or, worse, it doesn’t
come out at all. If you read the life stories of people who have brought their dreams into
reality, you will hear many stories about this experience. But you will also hear about hard
work, taking action, perseverance, and, finally, the successful birthing of a dream.

SaLuSa: There is no turning back to the old

ways March 28, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 29, 2011 at 8:33pm

SaLuSa: There is no turning back to the old ways

March 28, 2011

For a long time you have asked to see action and although we cannot allow you insight to
everything we have done, you are becoming more aware of our part in what is happening
worldwide. Along with our allies we are pushing hard to get really started on bringing some
matters to completion. We know that once things start there will be no stopping the onward
surge. As you can see and as was predicted, your ever-increasing levels of consciousness are
bringing results as evidenced in the changes taking place in the Middle East. It will not stop
there, and you will see other countries subject to pressure from their inhabitants. Freedom is
the flag that everyone flies, and it is such a powerful energy that it will carry all before it.
With it will come truth and a great reconciliation will occur between both people and their
countries, where previously they have been set apart.
Separation was played upon by the Illuminati and everything done to foment the differences,
whether they were true or false. The hatred and anger caused has gone deep into the earth, and
there will never be true peace until such energies are cleared away. That is why Mother Earth
is anxious to get going and why her activities will be more frequent. However much you see a
threat where your safety is concerned, bear in mind that you agreed to take your place on
Earth for this particular period. Whatever happens you will find yourself exactly where you
were meant to be. It may be difficult to contemplate, but some souls have planned to leave
before Ascension and are directly involved with the changes. We of the Galactic Federation
already do much more than you are aware of, and the results of the earthquake in Japan are

one example. Be assured they could have been so much more serious without our
intervention, and you will not necessarily know exactly what we have done.
Sometimes it is intentional that you see our craft and become aware of our activities, as for
example where we have openly disabled nuclear weapons on their missile sites. We made it
clear to all governments that nuclear weapons would not be allowed to be used, and it is quite
pointless in having them primed ready to launch. In the course of time we shall call a halt to
all war activities, and if that is ignored we shall disable all types of weapons so that none can
be raised in anger. Peace is coming and our role is to ensure that it is achieved well before
Ascension. This is why you must have the right people leading your governments, and those
at present representing you will by and large be replaced. For you at present a politician that
speaks the total truth is a rare specimen, but there are souls who are with you who come
especially for that purpose. Some you already know by their work to bring changes about for
the benefit of the people.
There is no turning back to the old ways and whilst some aspects may survive you are taking
a great step up, and will make good the period of time that you have been held back. The
upliftment you will experience will far outweigh any difficulties you go through, and many of
you have still not grasped the immense importance of the time you are in. We have told you
previously that it is a unique occasion, but just as important is the fact that mass ascension
only occurs at long intervals. It is an opportunity that will not come your way for many
thousands of years, so take it with both hands and do not worry yourselves with what is
necessary to achieve it. With great love for you all God planned the end times of this cycle, so
that every soul would have an equal chance to ascend. It is not forced upon anyone and
neither will you be coerced into doing so, but nevertheless you will be given every
encouragement. Many feel the pull of wanting to "go home" as they know that the lower
dimensions are not their real home. Set your sights firmly on Ascension, because it is your
pathway back to where you originally came from.
We will be with you when circumstances permit, and then we shall have a wonderful period
of getting to fully know each other. In many instances we are old friends of yours and your
true family from the stars. The Greys have been on Earth for a long time, and have been
working with many Earth representatives of their family to help save their civilization. These
are in the minority but in gaining permission to have bases on Earth, were responsible for the
early exchange of advanced technologies. Regretfully the Illuminati never intended that it
should be used to everyone's advantage, although some of it did make into the commercial
markets. There have been other Space visitors but none in recent times have stayed upon
Earth, but have carried out exploratory missions. The Universe is full of intelligent life, and it
is the way of things that when a civilization reaches the point of being able to Space travel,
they travel their Universe in search of knowledge.
Clearly you are rapidly approaching the time when you should trust your intuition, and see
beyond your eyes, and outside of your mind. All that is happening now or due to happen is in
your best interests. The planet is being swept clean on many levels, so that it is in a
rejuvenated state in readiness for Ascension. You too will be registering changes within
yourselves, as you cannot really go through this period of upliftment without being aware of
it. Get plenty of rest and do not give your energies to any articles or individuals preaching the
fear factor. There is still disinformation being given out and it can be confusing, but by now
you should be able to discern the difference. There are some recognized sources of truthful
information, so stick with them and do not be distracted by others.
Week by week there will be startling bits of information, as slowly but surely the truth is
coming out. The world has come alive with the realization that people power is real and can
after all "move mountains." Hitherto as happened many years ago in Hungary, any
demonstrations against the authorities would have been totally crushed without any

consideration to loss of life. Now that approach will be stemmed, as the people's demand for
change has resulted in a powerful surge of energy that is carrying it onwards.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and on the one hand happy to see the outward showing of your
success, but tinged with sadness at the cost in human lives.

Thank you SaLuSa,

Mike Quinsey

Manifesting Intentions: Activating the

Force that is Great within Us by DL Zeta
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 29, 2011 at 8:46pm

Manifesting Intentions:

Activating the Force that is Great within Us

by DL Zeta

Many new reality threads are becoming accessible now, allowing us to shift to life tracks
steeped in the unconditional love and unlimited blessings of the new time. We truly do stand
at the threshold of a new beginning. With this in mind, it’s a good time to upgrade our
manifesting skills and update our intentions.

We have heard a great deal about how our thoughts influence the reality threads we
experience. There is truth to this, but we won’t energize the realities we choose simply by
thinking about them. To shift to a new reality track, we must be ready to take action.
Visualizations likewise can be powerful but they are not enough. If we are seeking to obtain
the object of our desires, we are energizing the circumstance where we are seeking our desired
outcome. This is how we become stuck and unable to move forward. We gaze into a mirror
reflecting our present state reflecting our present state reflecting our present state.

Moving beyond the Looking Glass of our Desires

In order to energize a new reality thread, we must move beyond the looking glass of our
desires. Otherwise we will remain in a state of being on the outside looking in while
energizing more of the condition of not having what we are seeking.

Staying True to your Highest Goals

Due to lag time in physical reality, you will need to stay true to your highest goals and
continue to energize them with your focus, attention and actions until they show up in
physical reality. Too many people have a short attention span and simply give up to quickly.
The same individuals will often be heard lamenting that "nothing ever works" but the reality
is that their present efforts are not working because they abandon their efforts when instant
gratification fails to occur.

You can see the lag time in manifesting at work when you think back on things that arrived
after you had given up hope they would ever manifest and even had forgotten about what you
asked for.

Scattering Energy among too Many Goals

Setting your intentions to manifest several things at once can dilute your efforts to make them
ineffective. The key here is to prioritize your desires in their order of importance. Create a
ten-most-wanted list and be realistic about which item is most important to manifest now.
Focusing on this item until it shows up in physical reality will open new pathways in
consciousness for the next item on the list. Patience is a virtue with manifesting, and part of
patience is being happy where you are right now. This allows you to detach from outcomes so
you can enter a place of allowing rather than need, which pushes your desired realities further

Free and Still your Mind

Free your mind of the burden of over thinking, worry and obsessive, circular thinking. Your
mind throws obstacles in your path by injecting worry, convoluted thinking and images of
what you don't want (fear-based thinking) and basically. Many people simply have too many
thoughts going on at once not unlike a computer choked by trying to complete too many tasks
at once.

Determination and the Willingness to Act

An intention is a filter we place on our consciousness that guides us to what’s next on our
journey through the power of spirit. When we navigate by intention we’re not hampered by
the mind’s nagging questions of how we will reach our goal. Intentions are based on a
determination to achieve your goal and the willingness to take the necessary actions to realize

When we learn to harness the force that is great within us, we work with intention. It is the
power of our spirit that provides the strength to act with determination to realize our goals. If
our goals and desires are based primarily in our mind, we will become discouraged when we
fail to realize our goals in a given period of time.

The mind applies logic to the situation, saying, “These actions failed to bring the desired
result so my goal is unobtainable.” Spirit says “No effort is ever wasted and life is about
learning. Keep listening within and taking actions based on guidance and inner knowing and
you will always be in the right place at the right time.” In this scenario, our mind doesn’t have
to have all the answers. All that is necessary is a faith and belief in spirit’s guiding light and in
our own willingness to follow that light.

Love the Process more than the Goal

A desire by itself focuses on the goal or outcome, thereby stifling with expectations the
process of reaching it. By comparison, an intention focuses on the process we will follow in
reaching the goal and keeps us taking the steps needed to realize our goal. When we are
present within the moment, we love the steps we are taking now and allow the internal GPS
system of our intentions to direct the flow of our efforts.

Kryon ~ David Brown Kanallığıyla 14
Şubat 2011 San Pedro, Costa Rica "İç
Çalışmanızı Ciddiyetle Sürdürün"
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 29, 2011 at 8:53pm

Kryon ~ David Brown Kanallığıyla

14 Şubat 2011 San Pedro, Costa Rica

"İç Çalışmanızı Ciddiyetle Sürdürün"

Selamlar sevgililer ben Manyetik Hizmetten Kryon,

Bu çok karanlık gecede sizlerle birlikte olmak harika! Bazılarınız epey bir süredir bizimle
birlikte olmuştu ve siz bu öğretiyi anlamaya başlıyorsunuz; onların nasıl iş gördüğünü
anlamaya başlıyorsunuz ve onların nasıl bu kadar güçlü olduğunu görmeye başlıyorsunuz.

Gelen Yeni bir Dünya var ve o Yeni Dünya, bu günki yaşamınızdan çok farklı.Bu yaşamda,
biz 2012 ye doğru yürürken ve onun sonunda da bir çok değişiklikler olacak.Mesih Bilincine
ulaşan İnsanlar en rahat, huzurlu bir yaşama erişecek, ve bunun anlamı, sizin bütün
Takımyıldız Ailenizin bir uyum içinde olacağıdır.Zaman 2012 yılına daha da yaklaştıkça,
sezgilerinize çok daha dayalı bir şekilde yaşamanız beklenilecektir.

Kütlesel olarak küçük bir Manyetik Değişim olacaktır; Bu Gezegen 2012 den sonra aynı
olmayacaktır. Şimdi Bedeninizde olun ve derin bir nefes alı bilin ki herşey bütünüyle
yolunda gidiyor... nefesinizi gözleyin...hepinizin içinden geçtiği bu öğretiler, Eskisinden Yeni
Dünyaya geçişte yaşamı çok daha kolay yapacaktır.Şeyler kolay olmayacak fakat siz İnsan
Varlığısınız ve eskiden beri bir meydan okuma içindesiniz..
.kendinize çok daha fazla Bilinçli olmak için izin verin ve tam olarak bu Gezegen üzerinde
nelerin olup bittiğini anlayın.

Biz, öncelikle, bu Gezegen üzerinde iki türlü bir Tanrının Varlığına dair konuşmuştuk, burada
sizin kendi saf Ruhunuzu Yarattığınız iyi bir Tanrı ve yaralı iç çocuğunuzun yaralarını
Yarattığınız kötü bir Tanrı vardır.Bu, kendinizi doğrudan bir Mesih Bilinci içinde çalışırken
bulduğunuz bir Dualitedir.

Siz kendinizi daha az bir Dualite ve Holistik bir yapı içinde bulacaksınız ve bu bizim sizin
için ne istediğimizdir; bu tam, bütün bir İnsan Varlığı olmaktır.Bu Gezegende Manyetik bir
değişim olduğu zaman, onun bir ölçüsünü 2012 Eylülü civarında alıyor olacaksınız ve o
Bedeninizdeki bütün Negatifliği serbest bırakmaya başlayacaktır ve bu, kendi üzerlerinde
çalışmayan Negatif İnsanlar için oldukça tehlikeli olabilir.Kendinizle çalıştığınızda hepiniz,
Enerjinin salıverildiğinde neye benzediğini biliyorsunuz; bazı zamanlarda kendinizi oldukça
hasta hissedebilirsiniz, ve eğer bütün Negatiflik bir defada bırakılırsa, o, türlü çeşit sorunlara

neden olacaktır...böylece o sizin şifalanmanız için çok daha olanaklıdır ve biz sizden,
kendinizin muhtemel bir şifası için olabildiğince bir zaman harcamanızı ve fiziksel Dünya
için de bir endişe duymamanızı rica ediyoruz.

Bu kanallıklar Ruhsal bir yol üzerindeki İnsanlara gidiyor, normalde şifacılara, ki onlar çok
uzun yıllardr kendileri üzerinde çalışıyor olmuşlardır...Babayla çalışmanız çok, çok
önemlidir.Biz bunu her zaman ve şimdi bu kanallıkta da söylüyoruz, ancak Babanızla bir
bağlantı kurmak olduğu kadar, babanızın babasıyla ve onun büyük büyük babasıyla da bir
bağlantı kurmak çok önemlidir.Bütün akrabalarınızın çevresinde böylesi bir iç çalışmayı
olabildiğince çok yapın, çünki bu, sizin Manyetik Değişime karşı koyabilmeniz için çok güçlü
bir Enerji yaratacaktır.

Sonsuzluğun karanlık tarafında da onun lehine iş gören İnsanlar vardır...O, bu çeşit bir
çalışmayı durdurma zamanıdır, ve o, Dünya İnsanlarının 2012 de gelenin ne olduğunu
bilmelerine izin verme ve en onurlu olma zamanıdır.Karanlık taraf ile çalışıp iş görenler en
fazla Negatifliği taşıyorlar.O, A-B-C kadar basittir, ancak o, eğer siz doğru şeyleri yaptığınızı
düşünüyorsanız o kadar da basit değildir.

Bütün Dünyanın 2012 de ne olacağını bilmeye ihtiyacı var, öyle ki, böylece bu değişim kolay
ve düzgün olsun.2012 den sonra, bu Dünya Gezegeni üzerinde sevgide temellendirilmiş bir
Bilinç olacak, ve bu daima sevgi tek yanıttır diye söylediğimizdir, sevgi bir parça da bir
Motor yağı gibidir, bu yağ olmadan Motor öyle uzun bir süre çalışamaz.Bu kanallıklarda biz
her zaman, negatif duyguların daha uzun bir süre geçerli olmayacağını söyledik, ve siz,
sevginin ve Mesih Bilincinin ne olduğunun dışında kendi gerçeğinizi yaratıyor olacaksınız;
Mesih Bilinci sevgidir ve yaşam Aşkıdır.Bu Dünya sevgidir; Bu Gezegen üzerinde, şeylerin
asla olmamış olacağı böyle bir çok oyun oynanmıştır, atılan bir “Atom Bomba” sı kadın ve
çocukları öldürerek İnsanlık için çok büyük bir Utancı yaratmıştır, hernezaman herhangi bir
toplum Bilinç içine bir adım atmışsa bu, Catharlarda da (Cathar
Fransada bir zamanlar İsanın çocukları ve torunlarının yaşamış olduğu bir bölgedir ve onlar
M.S.1200 lü yıllarda Roma Katolik Kilisesinin emriyle “Şeytan” ilan edilerek 500 bin kişilik
bir Katliama uğratılmışlar ve bu soy yok edilmiştir.Kaynak Kryon: “Balıkçı Kral Yarası”. çn.)
böyleydi, onlar kendilerine karşı olanlar için bir soykırıma hükmetmişti.Bu kabul edilmezdir
ve Dünya için muazzam bir acı yaratmıştır.

İnsanın bu Dünyaya gelerek, onların armağanlarını getirmek, onların armağanlarını ve sevgiyi

göstermek ve Mesih Bilincinde olmak için, onların emsallerince düşünülmüş olanlar olarak
Bilinçsizliğe erişeceği hiç bir neden yoktu.Bu, bu Dünyanın yerli İnsanlarına oldu, ancak
Bilincin, Mısırın içinden geçip, İsrailin, Yunanistan ve Romanın, özellikle de Romalılar güç
için gelinceye dek, içine yürüyüp muazzam bir sipiral çizerek düşüşü olmuştu ve Roma
İmparatorluk günlerinde ortaya çıkan bir Şeytan Enerjisi vardı ve bu hala bu gün de Bilinç
içine akmaktadır, ve bu muazzam bir yaralılığa ve Dünya İnsanları arasında da muazzam bir
incinmeye neden olmuştur ve bu durdurulmak zorundadır.

Bu Dünyaya Bilinci getirmek ve harekete geçmek için bırakılan çok az bir zaman vardır; bu
tam olarak kim olduğunuzu anlamak ve ne olduğunuzu bilmektir.Bu kanallıklarda daima
söylediğimiz gibi, siz bu Evrenin sihirli bir Varlığısınız...tam bir İnsan gerçekten sihirli bir
Varlıktır ve o bu Gezegen üzerinde pek çok şey yapabilir...siz sabırla kendi gerçeğinizi
yaratabilirsiniz, ve zaman, eskinin gitmesine izin vererek Yeni Dünyaya yürüme zamanıdır.

Enerjiler bunların hepsini desteklemek için buradadır...her bir İnsan Varlığı için tamlığı

486 bilginin, gerçeğin özgür bir akışı olmak zorundadır, ve siz iyi bir Tanrıya
güvenmek zorundasınız, bilmek zorunda olduğunuz herşey, sizin en iyi ilginiz içindedir ve
siz, Ruhsal Dünyada alınmış bir karar olan Tanrı Bilincinin bir parçası olduğunuzu bilmek
zorundasınız ve o bu bilgiyi Dünyaya getiriyor.

Her birinizin işittiği bu kanallık, sizin armağanlarınızı getirmek ve onlara burada, Dünya
üzerinde göstermek için buradadır.Bu mesajı işiten hepiniz şifacı olacaksınız, ve o, sizin bütün
güzelliğiniz içinde bunu göstermeniz ve Egonuzu tamamiyle salıvermeniz ve kendinizi
güvende ve emniyette hissedip tutmanız içindir.Bütün şifacılar zor bir yaşama sahip
olmuşlardır, onun anlamı, bunun kendinizi anlayabilmenin yolu olmasıdır, böylece, pek çok
durumların içinde çalışmak zorunda kalırsınız, ve öyle ki bu sizin bir başkasını anlamanızı
sağlar.Kendi içinizde şifalanmakla siz, diğerlerini, yapmış olduğunuzdan çok daha fazla
kolaylıkla iyileştirmeye muktedir olacaksınız, ve daha fazla temizlikte ve daha fazla tamlıkta

Daha fazla tam olan siz, daha iyi bir İnsan olacaktır...Karanlıktan kurtulmaya gereksinim
duyan bir çokları olacaktır ve onlar ışığa doğru yürüyeceklerdir.Bunlar ilerdeki zor zamanlar şimdi tam olarak biliyoruz ki bu Dünya size aittir; O sizin Dünyanızdır ve
üzerindeki bütün eşit yaşamlarla size aittir...O bir önceliğe ait değildir.O, her türlü harap
olmayı inşaa ederek devam edecekler için, onların yola devam etmeleri için anlamsız ve

Bizim içinde olduğumuz Ruhsal Dünya herşeyi olanaklı kılar ve o, sizin bir Ruh-bir Mesih
Bilinci içine doğru yürümeniz için destekleyebilmektir.Farkına varın ki sizin Çakralarınız,
sizin sosyal ve mali durumlarınıza bağlı olarak saat yününde ya da geri sayım yönünde
gider.Mesih ve Ruh Bilincinin ne olduğu, sizin yedi çakranızın saat yönündeki bir duygu
içinde, sebatkar bir biçimde hareket ettiği bir zamandır. Ve siz genel içinde, modanın tersi bir
saat yönünde hareket eden bir Negatiflik içindeki Politikacılarınızın çakralarına baktığınızda,
daha fazla bir Bilinç içinde olduğunuzun farkına varacaksınız; onlar size, sizin işitmek
istediğinizi düşündükleri şeyleri anlatıyorlar, onlar size gerçekleri anlatmıyorlar, ve onlar
gerçekte sizi, sizin kim olduğunuzdan uzağa götürüyorlar.

Bir kez daha söylemeyi arzu ediyoruz ki, bu Dünya üzerinde pek çok şey değişecek ve bu,
sizin şifacılar olarak kendi iç çalışmanız için mümkün olan en fazla zamanı sarf emeniz
içindir.Bu şimdi sizin zamanınızdır, gelecek yıl siz, pek çok İnsanla pek çok çalışmaya sahip
olacaksınız.Sizin liderleriniz sizi bu Gezegen üzerinde iyiye götürme liderliğine sahip
değildir, ve yapılması gereken çok büyük bir uğraşı vardır.

Şimdi sevgililer, sizden gözlerinizi kapatarak içinize gitmenizi istiyoruz, ve bu anda ne

hissettiğinizi gözleyin ve Bedeninizi hissedin, Bedeninizde ne olduğunu duyumsayı
orada 2012 yılı çevresinde hareket eden pek çok korku olabilir.Bu tür şeyler, Galaksinin
Güneş Sistemi çevresinde olan bütün Gezegenlerinde olur ve sizin Enerji Sisteminiz eskiden
bu tür bir şekilde çalışırdı.O çok heyecan verici olabilir ve hemde bir çok korku getirebilir;
ancak sizin hepiniz bu tür bir çalışma yapma deneyimine sahip oldunuz, sadece bu Gezegen
üzerinde değil, daha uzak Galaksilerde ve onların da uzaklarındaki bir çok Gezegen üzerinde
de bunu yaptınız.Ve biz size yapabildiğimiz kadar çok desteği getiriyoruz. Rehberleriniz her
iki yanınızdadır ve siz onlarla çok daha fazla bağlantıda ve çok daha tam olacaksınız.

Siz tarifsiz bir şekilde seviliyorsunuz sevgililer, ve siz şimdi Yeni bir Dünyaya doğru
yürü biz şimdi bir kez daha kendimizi tekrar ediyoruz, yapılması gereken çok

ama pek çok iş var, şimdi sizin iç çalışmanızı çok büyük bir ciddiyetle yapmanızın zamanıdır
ve gerçekten burada ne olduğunu ve Evrenin nasıl iş gördüğünü anlamanızın zamanıdır.

Siz meditasyondayken o bir zaman alacak ve yanıtlar size gelecektir; bir kişi size Evrenin
nasıl iş gördüğünü anlatabilir, ancak siz onu sizin kendi Fiziğinizin içinde anlamak
zorundasınız.Anlama için götürülebilirsiniz, ancak anlayacak olan sizsiniz.Yıllardır şimdi ve
bu kanallıklarda her zaman söylediğimiz gibi, o sevgi tek yoldur...bu kanallığı
dinleyenlerinizin yapmak için bir işi vardır, ve siz fırtınanın merkezinde olma kapasitesinde
olmak ve kendi alanınızı tutmak zorundasınız, ve biliyoruz ki vadinin bir tarafından diğer
tarafına sorunsuz ulaşırsınız.

Yeni Dünya geliyor sevgililer, eski Hükümetler gidecek.Bu Gezegen üzerinde yaşamın eski
yolu gidecek ve bir kez daha siz Mesih Bilinci amacını başaracaksınız, güvenli bir geçiş temin
ediliyor.Şimdi, Bedeninizi ve duygularınızı gözlemleyin ve sizin için gerçek nedir
duyumsayın...izin verin duygular gelsin, izin verin duygular orada, Bedeninizde her
hangi bir acı ya da korku var...bu korku ve acıyı Ruhsal Dünyanın üzerine tutun...herhangi bir
duyguya Bedeniniz içinde yükselmesi için izin verin...izin verin duygular aksın...izin verin
duygular gelsin ve izin verin duygular gitsin...

Sizin, babanızın ve babanızın babasının ve babanızın büyük babasının, ve baba tarafından

daha büyük baba olanların bir resmine ulaşalım; sizin içinizle ilişki kuran bu adamlar çok
önemlidir.Bu adamlar olabildiği kadar tam olur...daha çok tamlıkta onlar daha kolay ilişki
kuracaktır.Sevme, iyileştirme Enerjisine, Kryonun sihirli şifa Enerjisine, sizin babanızın ve
sizin bu resminiz içine akması için izin bırakın o, bu resminiz içindeki babanızın,
babanızın babasının ve onun babasının içinde aksın.Kendinizin bütün bu görünümlerine
şifalanması için izin verin.Herhangi birşeyi zorlamayın, tam olarak izin verin bu Enerjiler
kendi işini yapsı izin verin duygular gelsin ve bırakın duygular gitsin.

Bizim iyileştirdiğimiz, o sizin ailenizdeki erkeklerdir; erkekler bu Enerjiyi, sizin yaşamınızın

düşünü tutmak için oradadırlar, aile içinde bu üç erkekten başka herşey dişildir.Ve o, dişili
tutmak için erildir.Hertürlü şifalandırmaya teşebbüs ettiğiniz o, bu üç adama dişildir, ki onu
bu üç adam tutamaz, ve o Enerji ve zamanın israfına bir tamamlama olacaktır, ve o, sizin
babanızın babasına ve babanızın büyükbabasına sizin Enerjinizi vermek için çok daha önemli
olmasının nedenidir.

Bu üç adama dişilin ne olduğu ile çalışmak için zaman gelecek, ancak siz, bu üç adama iç
çalışmanızı yapma yolu içinde büyük bir meyil vermeye gereksinim duyacaksınız.Bu
Dünyanın adamları, bu Gezegenin iş görme tarzı içinde incinmişlerdir ve o adamlar şifaya en
çok gereksinim duyanlardır, onların erilliği onlara geri dönmüş olma gereksinimindedir.Ve biz
şunu netleştirmek istiyoruz ki onların hepsi sizin içinizdedir; içinizde ne varsa siz dışarda da
onu yaratırsınız.Eğer içinizde, yaratmak için neyi arzuladığınızı elde tutma erilliğinize
ulaşamamışsanız, o asla olmayacaktır.Ebediyen ve ebediyen düş kurabilirsiniz ve hatta
göstermek için onu idare edersiniz, ve hatta düşlerinizi yönetseniz bile, eğer o onun tarafından
elde tutulamazsa daha uzun bir süre devam etmeyecektir.

Siz bu üç adamla çalışırken, anında daha ve daha güçlü hissetmeye başlayacaksınız; ve kendi
içinizde çok daha rahat ve çok daha emin olacaksınız.Sizin kadın veya erkek olup olmadığınız
baba, sizi ve sizin annenizi tutmak ve bu çalışmanın yapacağı şey için oradadır ve o sizi,
Gökyüzü Babaya çok daha fazla ve Dünya Anaya da bir o kadar daha bağlanmış yapar, ve
karanlığa daha az bağlantılı kılar. Egonuz çözülmeye başlayacaktır ve siz gerçek siz olmaya

muktedir olacaksınız ve o bizim neyi istediğimizdir, ve biz gerçek sizi istiyoruz.

Tam olarak şimdi, Kozasını kıran bir Kelebek gibi olacaksınız ve bu Gezegende süren
Negatifliğin üzerinde uçmaya muktedir olacaksınız, ve gerçeğin ne olduğunu göreceksiniz, ve
bu, Dünya ve Cennet arasındaki sihirli bir patikada yürüyen sihirli Varlıklar olacağınız

İyi olun ve Tanrı sizi korusun...kollasın...bu Kryonun imzasıdır.Hepinize teşekkürler.


Çn: Süleyman Kaya

Sevgi ve ışıkla...

a message from Kryon channeled by David

Brown 14 February, 2011 at San Pedro,
Costa Rica
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 29, 2011 at 9:25pm

Take your inner work seriously

a message from Kryon channeled by David Brown

14 February, 2011

at San Pedro, Costa Rica

Greetings dear ones for I AM Kryon of magnetic service.

It’s wonderful to be with you all this very night. Some of you have been together now for
quite a while and you are beginning to understand these teachings; you are beginning to
understand how they work and you are beginning to see how powerful they are.

There is a new world coming and this new world will be very, very different from what life is
today. There are going to be very many changes in this life and there will be a reduction in the
population; things will not be easy as we move towards 2012 and the end of 2012. The people
who will find life the easiest are those who are Christ-conscious, and what that means is that
your entire family constellation is in harmony. You will be expected to live with your intuition
more and more as time gets closer and closer to 2012.

There is going to be at the minimum a massive magnetic shift; this planet will not be the same
after 2012. Be in your bodies and keep breathing… and know that everything is going to be
exactly the way it is meant to be… observe your breath… you all have access to these
teachings that will make life so much easier in this transition from the old world to the new
world. Things won’t be easy but you are human beings and you are used to a challenge… it is
for you to allow yourselves to become more and more conscious and understand exactly what
is going on on this plane.

We have spoken previously about there being two kinds of God on this planet, there is a good
God that you create out of the purity of your own soul and there is a bad God that you create
out of the woundedness of your wounded child. This is the duality that you find yourself in as
you work towards Christ consciousness.

You will find yourself becoming less dualistic and more holistic, and this is what we want for
you; to become complete as human beings. When the magnetic shift happens on this earth,
and one of the size you will be receiving around September 2012, it will begin to release all
negativity in your body and this can be quite dangerous for very negative people, for people
who haven’t done work on themselves. You all know what it is like to release energy when
you’ve been processing yourself; sometimes you can feel quite ill, and if all the negativity
releases all at once it will cause all kinds of problems… so it is for you to heal as much as
possible, and we ask that you spend as much time as possible healing yourselves and not
worrying about the physical world.

These channellings go out to people who are on a spiritual path, normally to healers, who
have been working on themselves for many, many years… its very, very important that you
work with the father. We say this every time we channel now but it is important that you get
connected to your father and your father to his father, and your grandfather to your great
grandfather. Do as much of this kind of inner work around these relatives of yours because
this will create a holding energy for you so that you can withstand this magnetic shift.

There are people who are operating on behalf of the dark side of infinity… it is time to stop
this kind of work, it is time to be honest and to let the people of the world know what is
coming in 2012. Those who work and operate on the dark side are carrying the most
negativity. It’s as simple as ABC, but it’s not so simple if you think you’re doing the right

The entire world needs to know what is going to be happening in 2012, so that this shift flows
through easily and smoothly. After 2012 there will be a love based consciousness left on
planet earth, this is what has always being spoken of that love is the only answer, love is a
little bit like oil to an engineer, without oil the machinery doesn’t last very long. In these
channelling we’ve always spoken that the negative emotions will no longer be valid, you will
be creating your reality out of love and that is what Christ consciousness is; Christ
consciousness is love and a heartfelt life. This world is about love; there have been many
games played on this planet, things that should never have happened, atom bombs that have
been dropped, killing women and children that has created great shame for man and whenever
any society has stepped into consciousness, such as the Cathars, they have had genocide
committed against them. This is unacceptable and this has created great pain for the world.

There was only ever one reason that man should come to this earth and that is to arrive
unconscious, to be taught by their peers to become Christ-conscious, to bring their gifts, to
manifest their gifts, and to manifest love. This happened with the indigenous people of the
world, but there has been a great spiralling down of consciousness, moving through Egypt,
into Israel, into Greece and into Rome, especially since the Romans came to power, the
consciousness of this planet has spiralled down and there is an evil energy which is emanating
from the days of the Roman Empire and still flows through consciousness today, this has
caused great woundedness and great hurt among the peoples of the world and this has to stop.

There is a little time left to take action and to bring consciousness to this world; to truly
understand who you are and to know what you are. In these channelling we have always said
that you are magical beings of this universe… the complete human is a truly magical being
that can do many magical things on this planet… you can constantly create your reality, and it
is time to move into the new world, letting go of the old you.

The energies are here to support all... bringing every human being into completeness… and
there has to be a free flow of information, a free flow of truth, you have to trust the good God,
you have to know that everything is in your best interest and you have to know that you are
part of that God consciousness that has taken decisions in spirit world and is bringing that
information to earth.

Each one of you that hears this channelling is here to bring your gifts and manifest them here
on earth. You will all be healers that hear this message and it is for you to manifest yourself in
all your glory and to release your ego completely and you will feel yourself safe, secure and
held. All healers have had difficult lives, it is meant to be that way so that you can understand
yourselves, so that you have to work through many, many issues and so that you can
understand everybody else. What you’ve healed within yourself you will be able to heal quite
easily in others, the more and more that you do it, the more and more clear and complete you
will become.

The more complete you are, the better a human you will be… there will be many who need to
come out of the darkness and move into the light. These can be difficult times ahead… and

just know that this earth belongs to you; it is your earth and it belongs to you, and it belongs
to all equally that live on it… it does not belong to a minority. It is pointless for them to
continue the way they are continuing for whatever they build will crumble.

We in spirit world are doing everything possible that we can to support you to move you into
a Soul/Christ consciousness. You will notice that your chakras go either clockwise or counter
clockwise depending on your circumstances and your social conditioning. What Christ or
Soul consciousness is, is when your seven chakras are constantly moving in a clockwise
motion. You will notice the more conscious you become that in general when you look at your
politicians their chakras are operating in a negative anti-clockwise fashion; they are telling
you what they think you want to hear, they are not telling you the truth, and they are leading
you away from who you truly are.

We wish to say once again that many, many things are going to change on this earth and for
all of you healers out there it is for you to spend as much time as possible on your inner work.
This is your time now, next year you will have a lot of work with many, many people. Your
leaders have not led you well on this planet, and there is a great deal of work to be done.

So we ask you dear ones to close your eyes and go inside, and observe what you are feeling in
this moment and feel your bodies and feel what is inside your bodies… there can be a lot of
fear around moving towards 2012. This kind of things happens on planets around the solar
systems of the galaxies and your energy system is used to this kind of work. It can be very
exciting and it can also bring up a lot of fear; but you have all had experience doing this kind
of work, not only on planet earth but on many other planets and in galaxies far, far beyond
this one. We are bringing to you as much support as we possibly can. Your spirit guides are at
your sides and you will become more and more connected to them as you become more and
more complete.

You are dearly loved dear ones, and you are stepping into this new world… and we repeat
ourselves, there is much, much work to be done, it is time now to take your inner work very
seriously and to really understand what is going on here and how the universe works.

It will take time and as you meditate the answers will come; one man can tell you how the
universe works but you have to understand it within your own psyche. You can be led to
understanding but it is you that must understand. We have always said in these channelling for
many, many years now, that love is the only way… those of you that listen to these
channellings have a job to do, and you have to be capable to be in the centre of the storm and
holding your space, and knowing that you get from one side of the vale to the other without

The new world is coming dear ones, the old governments will go. The old way of living on
this planet will go and once you achieve the goal of Christ consciousness, safe passage is
assured. So, observe you bodies and observe your feelings and feel what is true for you… let
your feelings come and let the feelings go… and where there is any pain or any fear in your
body… hand this fear and this pain over to spirit world… let any emotion that is in your body
rise through your body… allow the emotion to flow… let the feelings come and let the
feelings go…

Let’s get a picture of you, your father, your father’s father and your father’s grandfather, your
paternal grandfather; for it is very important that these men can relate on the inside of you.

That these men become as complete as possible… the more complete they are the more easily
they will relate. Allow loving healing energies, Kryon’s magical healing energies, to flow
through you into your father and into this picture of you… and let it flow through into this
picture of you, your father, your father’s father and his father. Allow these full aspects of
yourself to heal. Don’t force anything, just allow the energies to do their work… and let the
feelings come and let the feelings go…

It is the males in your family that we are healing; the males are there to hold the energy, to
hold the dream of your life, everything else to these three men in your family is feminine. And
it is for the masculine to hold the feminine. Whatever you attempt to heal that is feminine to
these three men, that these three men cannot hold, will be a complete waste of time and
energy, that is why it is more important to give your energies to your father his father and
your father’s grandfather.

The time will come to work with what is feminine to these men but you need to give a great
bias in the way you do your inner work to these three men. The men of the world have been
hurt by the way the planet has been run and it is the men that need to heal the most, their
masculinity needs to be returned to them. And we wish to be clear that this is all on the inside
of you; what is on the inside of you, you create on the outside. If you have not got the
masculinity on the inside of you to hold what you wish to create, it will never happen. You
can dream and dream forever and even if you do manage to manifest, even if you do manifest
your dream, if it can’t be held it won’t last for long.

As you work with these three men you will begin to instantly feel stronger and stronger; much
more comfortable and confident within yourself. Whether you are a man or a woman, the
father is there to hold you and to hold your mother and what this work will do, it will make
you more and more connected to Father-Sky and more and more connected to Mother-Earth,
and less connected to the darkness. Your ego will begin to dissolve and you will begin to be
able to become the true you and that is what we want, we want the true you.

Just like a butterfly hatches from a cocoon, that is who you will become, and you will be able
to fly above the negativity that goes on on this planet, you will see the truth for what it is, for
you will become that magical being that walks the magical path between heaven and earth…

Go well and god bless… take care… for this is Kryon signing out.

Thank you all.

Copyright © David
All rights reserved.

Quado’nun Bahçesi: Bağlılığınızı
 Posted by gunes kurtulan on March 30, 2011 at 12:15am



Bugün, ne yapıyor iseniz yapın, bağlılığınızı derinleştirin ve performansınızı yükseltin.

Aktivite düzeyinizi yükseltin. Olmayı arzuladığınız şeyi olun.

Eğer insanlarla çalışıyorsanız, davranışlarınızda daha profesyonel olun, mevcudiyetinizi

derinleştirin, daha fazla güven verin. Omuzlarınızı dikleştirin ve herkesin gözünün içine
bakmaya başlayın.

Eğer performe etmek durumunda olduğunuz bir göreviniz varsa, tüm şüpheleri silin
aklınızdan ve kendinizi enerji ve bağlılıkla doldurun. Bilin ki siz bu işi dünyada herkesten çok
daha iyi yaparsınız.

Ve eğer bugünü dinlenmeye ayırmışsanız, kendinizi an ile bir olmaya adayın, bağlantı ve
huzur haline girin.

Tüm işler iyidir. Tüm işler, eğer kendinizi ona adar ve dikkatinizi verirseniz, soylu bir çabadır.

Eğer daha fazla çalışmak ve başarılı olmak istiyorsanız, tam şu anda, sizden önce olana
odaklanın ve tüm dikkatinizi verin, onu enerjiniz ve bağlılığınızla süsleyin. Geleceğin parlak
olmasını istiyorsanız, şu anın üzerine saçın ışığınızı.

Barış içinde yaşayalım, ağlamadan. Neşemiz, durmadan dokunduğumuz yaşamları çevrelesin.

Ve melek kanatları şefkatle çarparken, sevgimiz dünyayı sarsın.

The Universal Heart Center http://www.moshayra.webs.com


Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan

Uriel’in Mesajı – İlişkilerin Değeri –
Jennifer Hoffman
 Posted by gunes kurtulan on March 30, 2011 at 4:51pm

Uriel’in Mesajı - İlişkilerin Değeri – Jennifer Hoffman

Her birinizin arasında var olan ilişki, ve diğerleriyle olan bağlantılarınız, ruhsal kontratlar,
karma ve karşılıklı derslere bağlıdır. Her etkileşim, uzun ya da kısa olsun, şifalanma ve
öğrenmeye dayalı ruhsal bir içerik taşır. Kaza eseri ya da şansa dayalı karşılaşma ya da
tanışma diye bir şey yoktur, her bir karşılaşma karmik bir döngüyü, şifalanma amacına giden
yolu simgeler. Yeni biri ile tanıştığınızda ya da karşılaşmalar yaşadığınızda, bu bağlantının
nedeni bilmek üzere rehberlik isteyin, çünkü her biri yolunuzda size hizmet etmek içindir.

İnsan deneyimi, her bir ruhun bütüne geri dönmek için deneyimler yaşadığı bir öğrenme
boyutudur. Şimdilik kendinizi tek bir vechede görseniz de, her biriniz bir çok yaşamın
birikimisiniz, ve her bir yaşam ayrılık algınıza katkıda bulunan bir vechedir. Yaşamlarınız,
lineer olmaktan çok daha fazlasıdır; çoklu - boyutlu ve çoklu - düzeyli deneyimlerin geniş bir
yelpazesinin enerjetik deneyimleridir yaşamlarınız… Diğerleriyle yaptığınız bağlantılar
yoluyla ruhunuzun özünü hatırlıyor ve bedeninizde, zihninizde, duygu ve ruhunuzda tekrar
birliğe dönüyorsunuz. Her bir bağlantının değerinin, sizinle ve ruhunuzun şifalanma
yolculuğu ile olan ilişkisini farkettiğinizde başarıya ulaşmış olursunuz…

En meydan okuyucu ilişkiler, en fazla ilgiyi gösterdiğiniz ilişkiler olabilir, ama her zaman
önemli ruhsal dersler barındırmayabilirler. Bazen dersleri alabilmek de mücadele ister.

Ego düzeyinde üstesinden gelme yolu; diğerleri tarafından uygulanmış zulmün,

düşüncesizliğin, taciz ya da ihanetin yarattığı enerjetik dengesizlikler, güç kaybı ve meydan
okumayla barışmaktır; bu, geçmiş mücadeleleri geçerli kılar. Bu derslerin kararlılığı
sonucunda kendinizi güçlü hissetseniz de, onların gerçek amaçları size, bütünlüğe geri
dönüşte yardımcı olmaktır. Kendi gücünüzle olan bağlantınızın kopmasına nasıl hizmet
ettiler? Ve şifalanmak için ruhunuzun planı neydi?

Her etkileşimin bir armağan olduğunun farkında olmazsanız, bağlantılar ve ilişkiler yoluyla
şifalanma meydana gelmez. Yaşam yolculuğunuzun bir şifalanma yolu, sizi ilahi oluşunuza
hizalama olduğunu hatırlamanıza yardımcı olmaları için rehberlerinize ve yüksek benliğinize
danışın. Çevrenizdeki ilişkilerde şifalanma ve tekrar bağlantı fırsatlarını arayın; ki kendinize
ulaşılır kıldığınız kutsamalara erişebilesiniz… Onlar sizin yaratımınız, amacınız, sizi
aydınlatan, şifalandıran ve dönüştürendir. Onlara müteşekkir olun, zamanı geldığinde onları
serbest bırakmaya istekli olun ki, şifalanmanın, yaşamanın ve olmanın çok boyutlu yeni
yolları açılsın önünüze…

Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan


From Sekhmet - "Yes I Can 101!"

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 30, 2011 at 11:55pm

From Sekhmet - "Yes I Can 101!"

"Well Greetings! Welcome to this installment of our 'Yes I Can 101'

series,* which is for the purpose of assisting you in your
empowerment and to your ultimate Ascension!

"There are as many stories of experiences, relationships, balances

and imbalances as there are of you, Beloved Ones. No two of you
are exactly alike in the entirety of your energy fields, which is
especially easy to understand when you consider the totality of your
fields. A big part of Who You Are now is where you have been and
what you have learned in your 'travels.' And so it is that you have
arrived at this moment with your most individual attitudes, habits
and perceptions.

"Thus it is no wonder that, as they say, some of you see the glass as
half full, some as half empty, some with old contents, some fresh, etc. Guess what - all of
this can be true and more - it depends on what you perceive as your personal Truth! If you
take someone else's word on what the glass contains, then you are accepting their Truth,
which, although it may be convenient, is not being self-empowered to discern what resonates
with you!

"Now, these chaotic times are full of stories and opinions pertaining to a multitude of events
and situations. Some are destructive, cataclysmic even, and we know that you are hearing
about them from many voices. And as you hear the latest news, you have ongoing
opportunities to descend into the lower 3D vibes of fear, which makes it real hard to do your
missions, Beloved Ones.

"We have spoken before about doing a loving exercise to assist your egos to take a rest, or
time out, from beating upon your fear drums in your solar plexus/adrenal and brain areas,
most notably.** This is absolutely imperative, as is the survey, or testing, of your fields to be
sure that no astral or lower 3D energies have snuck in. We have also advised that you close
up cracks in your auric fields, if you find any, so that not even the tiniest ones remain.***

"Once you have done these things, you are each ready to discern your own Truth, from the
highest levels of Christ Consciousness, or however you choose to call it forth. Then, if you
share it, be sure that you remain in this high level state when doing so. This is where you are
most empowered to help all of those who are locked in fear at all of the changes taking place.
There is so much coming to Light in these chaotic days, and you are here to bring high vibe
Love, Peace and Truth to help Mother Gaia and all of her kingdoms to progress along the
Ascension path!

"Now here's some Truth for you from I, Sekhmet, and from all of us who are here to assist
you in this transformative process: Yes, there will likely be more shake-ups because, as we
see in this moment, the human voices need to speak up more. However, remember that we
are continuing to mitigate as these events occur. They would be much worse if we were not in
service with you. BIG changes are coming which will be most healing and joyful for Planet
Earth, and, although they are not yet complete in their manifestations into physicality, they are
very much in progress at this moment, and THEY WILL NOT BE STOPPED! It is to
accomplish all of these ordained changes that the path is bumpy right now. The bumpy times
are not to last long, but our human partners must participate in calling forth sweeping changes
in governments, energy production, healing, economics and all elements of the lifestyles on
Planet Earth.

"It is therefore that we call upon you, Beloved Ones, to find your Truth in all that is happening
now, so that you can stand firm in the Light. When you thus empower yourselves, you
become the messengers of Love, Peace and Truth, not only to your Divine Selves, but to the
entire Planet. And here is another Truth for you: The more you shine forth your
unconditional loving Compassion and Courage to the World, the more you empower
yourselves, the more you commune with the totality of Who You Are and with the One We All
Are,**** and the more you advance upon your individual and collective Ascension paths!!!

"So find your Truth, each in your own Heart - test if you so desire***** - and let the Love in
it radiate out from your energy fields. Together we are empowering the transition into the
Golden Age of your Homecoming! Namaste!"

Given through Susan Leland, March 29, 2011

© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2011. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of
us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that
no part is altered or deleted.

The True State Of Being and Return
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 30, 2011 at 11:57pm

"Human beings have descended from the heavenly regions through a

process known as involution. During this descent into matter, as
they drew further and further away from the primordial fire they
took on bodies of increasing density, right down to the physical
body, just like in winter, when we are faced with the cold and
have to wear increasingly thick clothing, from a vest and shirt
through to an overcoat!

Now, on the way up again, human beings must undress,

symbolically speaking, that is, strip away anything that weighs
them down: instead of seeking to amass, they must learn to
renounce, cut loose and free themselves. Amassing encourages
descent. Any thought, feeling or wish inspired by the instinct to
possess clings to the subtle bodies like frost clinging to the
branches in winter. The spring sunshine has to return so that the
frost can melt and humans can recover their true being."

Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

*Angels are not merely forms of extraterrestrial intelligence. They are

forms of extra-cosmic intelligence.
~ Mortimer J. Adler, The Angels and Us

**To love for the sake of being loved is human, but to love for the sake of
loving is angelic."

DailyOM: A Special Goodnight

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 31, 2011 at 12:00am

March 29, 2011

A Special Goodnight
Creating a Nightly Ritual
Behind us lies the previous day and all that has come before; ahead of us, dawn heralds all
that is yet to be.

At the end of the day, as the sweet, dark stillness of night beckons us to lay down our bones
and rest, we find ourselves at a clear transition point: Behind us lies the previous day and all
that has come before; ahead of us, dawn heralds the unfolding of all that is yet to be. While
many of us have morning rituals that connect us with our center and help us to set intentions,
we may want to explore the magic and power of nighttime ritual as well. It holds for us a
beautiful chance for self-appreciation and blessing. Before you go to bed each night, you can
send gratitude, compassion, and healing to the being you have been up until this moment. And
you can send lightness and love into the future for the one you are in the process of becoming.

Though simple, this action honors the journey you have taken thus far, while opening you to
the wonderful possibilities still ahead. When you consciously engage with your own evolution
this way, you may find that your sleep gets sweeter, filling your night with a deeper sense of
trust and relaxation. As you rest, you can surrender to these peaceful hours, knowing that the
road behind you has been seen and acknowledged with respect and kindness, while the path
ahead now holds your own benevolence and well wishes.

This bedtime ritual empowers you as the only one who can determine the meaning of your
own past and the hopefulness of your future. By setting this special time aside each night, you
can begin to orient yourself on your path of growing. It allows you to let the past have its
place, to trust that the future is taken care of, and to simply rest yourself in the graceful arms
of the present moment.

Message for healing the water from Masuro

Emoto-Messenger of the Water
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 31, 2011 at 12:02am

To All People Around the World

Please send your prayers of love and gratitude to water at the nuclear plants in
Fukushima, Japan!

By the massive earthquakes of Magnitude 9 and surreal massive tsunamis, more

than 10,000 people are still missing…even now… It has been 16 days already since
the disaster happened. What makes it worse is that water at the reactors of
Fukushima Nuclear Plants started to leak, and it’s contaminating the ocean, air and
water molecule of surrounding areas.

Human wisdom has not been able to do much to solve the problem, but we are only
trying to cool down the anger of radioactive materials in the reactors by discharging
water to them.

Is there really nothing else to do?

I think there is. During over twenty year research of hado measuring and water
crystal photographic technology, I have been witnessing that water can turn positive
when it receives pure vibration of human prayer no matter how far away it is.

Energy formula of Albert Einstein, E=MC2 really means that Energy = number of
people and the square of people’s consciousness.

Now is the time to understand the true meaning. Let us all join the prayer ceremony
as fellow citizens of the planet earth. I would like to ask all people, not just in
Japan, but all around the world to please help us to find a way out the crisis of this
The prayer procedure is as follows.

Name of ceremony:
“Let’s send our thoughts of love and gratitude to all water in the nuclear plants in

Day and Time:

March 31st, 2011 (Thursday)
12:00 noon in each time zone

Please say the following phrase:

“The water of Fukushima Nuclear Plant, we are sorry to make you suffer. Please
forgive us. We thank you, and we love you.”

Please say it aloud or in your mind. Repeat it three times as you put your hands

together in a prayer position.

Please offer your sincere prayer.

Thank you very much from my heart.

With love and gratitude,

Masaru Emoto
Messenger of Water

On Friendship
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 31, 2011 at 12:07am

On Friendship
Kahlil Gibran

Your friend is your needs answered.

He is your field which you sow with love and reap with thanksgiving.
And he is your board and your fireside.
For you come to him with your hunger, and you seek him for peace.

When your friend speaks his mind you fear not the "nay" in your own mind, nor do you
withhold the "ay."
And when he is silent your heart ceases not to listen to his heart;
For without words, in friendship, all thoughts, all desires, all expectations are born and shared,
with joy that is unacclaimed.
When you part from your friend, you grieve not;
For that which you love most in him may be clearer in his absence, as the mountain to the
climber is clearer from the plain.
And let there be no purpose in friendship save the deepening of the spirit.
For love that seeks aught but the disclosure of its own mystery is not love but a net cast forth:
and only the unprofitable is caught.

And let your best be for your friend.

If he must know the ebb of your tide, let him know its flood also.
For what is your friend that you should seek him with hours to kill?
Seek him always with hours to live.
For it is his to fill your need, but not your emptiness.

And in the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures.
For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.

Planet Alert April 2011 by Mahala

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 31, 2011 at 12:11am

What's up for the new moon of April? On the new moon of April 3, 2011 at
7:00 AM PDT there will be six planets in Aries, plus Eris, and Vulcan. What

a powerhouse that will be. Aries is ruled by the planet Mars, which carries
very dynamic energy. This month will be Mars dominant. Uranus is in Aries
and that planet rules revolution and change.

Aries is a fire sign, so look for more fire events like fires, volcanic
eruptions, war and violence, and maybe even hot weather this summer. There
is also a cardinal T-cross in the heavens between Aries, Libra and
Capricorn. This means that events will happen very fast from now on,
especially because we are in the ninth wave of the Mayan Calendar. This
means that every twenty days will seem like a year. Wow, that is really
fast. Does this mean a major event will happen every 20 days or so?

Then Neptune moves into its own sign Pisces on April 5, 2011, after 14 years
in Aquarius. Neptune went into Aquarius at the end of January 1998. Neptune
is a female, magnetic planet. She is considered the higher energy of Venus.
On November 9, 1998 the earth went to zero magnetics for a short period of
time. This was when the magnetic pole shift first started to happen. The
magnetic north pole started to slowly move towards Siberia until December
21, 2010 when it landed in Surgut, Siberia. It looks like the magnetic pole
has stopped moving.

This feminine planet was in the male sign of Aquarius for all those years.
This energy was teaching us how to balance our right and left brains so they
can work together as one. This is when we can start manifesting oneness
consciousness. To do this we had to finish releasing our shadow self. This
process started at the time of the Harmonic Convergence in August of 1987.

This is when we first moved into the fourth dimension and everything started
to fall apart, including the Berlin Wall. We had to start looking at
ourselves and release the behavior we no longer needed to experience. This
has been a long hard process, and at times it was like walking through mud.
This brought a lot of poor-me events to the surface. Hopefully we have
passed that phase and are ready to manifest freedom. I just heard that Jose
Arquelles, the one who organized the Harmonic Convergence, just died. Is his
death symbolic of us finishing up moving through the fourth dimension? Are
we ready for the fifth?

Neptune represents soft gentle Pisces energy, and will be right at home in
that sign after April 5th. Pisces rules water, oceans, feelings and
emotions. If you don't meditate, now is the time to start because you might
be able to reach cosmic consciousness. We will have a taste of this energy
until Neptune moves back into Aquarius on August 3, where it will stay until
February of 2012. Then it will move into Pisces where it will stay for

It's my understanding that Neptune was the first planet created in this
solar system. This means that some people had to deal with karma going all
the way back to that planet. The dark side of Neptune is deception and
drugs. One of the biggest lessons from this planet has been the misuse of
drugs of all kinds. Look at how this has affected the Earth and everyone on

it. We have had the drug war for years, and also the controlling
Pharmaceutical Cartel. Thousands of people die every year from drugs, both
illegal and prescription drugs.

Many people take drugs to get into a feeling of euphoria. Soon we will be
able to attain this feeling without the use of drugs. The energy from
Neptune in Pisces will allow us to obtain bliss just from living life.
Neptune is the Mother Goddess and it is time for her positive energy to
cover this Earth.

I found an old article about Neptune when I was going through some old
papers. It is called Neptune Rising and was from Discover Magazine Vol. 21
No 9 (September 2000). It is a very interesting article. It talks about a
planet where it rains diamonds. A graduate student in physics put some
methane in a pressurized chamber and used a laser beam to create pressure
and heat conditions that you might find about a third of the way toward the
planet's center. He found that carbon atoms would form a coal-like
substance, but under extreme pressure, they formed diamond dust. This means
that Neptune rules diamonds.

This leads me to mention the new Christ star that is diamond shaped. It is
actually a curved diamond. The Star of David is a double pyramid. The
pyramid that points up is considered male and the down pointing one is
female. This represents polarity. When you put the pyramids together you get
a diamond. This diamond shape appeared in a crop circle in England in August
of 2006.

We have a carbon based body that is turning into a crystal light body. This
is why it is important to connect to your diamond heart and manifest the
energy from that beautiful crystal clear light. This is pure white light
with sparkles of gold and silver in it. This white light contains all colors
of the rainbow including gold and silver. You can also surround yourself
with golden light for The New Age of Aquarius. Gold is male energy and
silver is female. Being Neptune is the planet of diamonds, it's time to tune
into this planet and activate your light body. Check out the Diamond Heart
Activation on
a href=""
rel="nofollow" target="_blank">

There is very intense planetary energy that is in effect right now. Starting
on March 26, the moon was conjunct Pluto (the planet of transformation, oil,
and nuclear energy) in a 90 degree angle to five planets in Aries, opposing
Saturn in Libra. This fast acting cardinal cross will start to be activated
on March 26, and will continue to be in effect for a long time. There could
be many events happening from this T-cross but it looks to me like the main
part of this energy is focused on North Africa, and the Middle East. Jupiter
is on 13 degrees Aries in an opposition to Saturn on 14 degrees Libra.
Saturn (the karmic planet) is exactly over Tripoli, Libya with five Aries

planets opposing it. This is why the war is being fought in that area and in
the surrounding countries. The rebellion started in Tunisia, then moved to
Egypt and became a war in Libya.

The United States went to the United Nations to get approval to help the
people of Libya. This means that the whole world is basically together
against Gadhafi. The United Nations represents all people of the world. This
means that we are in a third world war which will probably escalate because
of all the planetary energy in effect. This is a war for freedom. It is now
time for everyone to be free.

In ancient prophecies the third world war was predicted to happen first, and
then the ball of redemption would arrive. It looks like the ball of
redemption (Elenin) is here. I call this object Nemesis. Whatever you want
to call it, this brown dwarf star is here and has been affecting the Earth
for a long time. The most recent event was the earthquake and tidal wave in
Japan. This object will be at the closest point to Earth this fall.

We will continue to have more natural disasters like volcanic eruptions,

fires, earthquakes, storms and floods. There is a strong concentration of
planets over Samoa, Fiji, Philippines, Indonesia, and up to Hawaii or
Alaska. As the Sun moves into Taurus the west coast, plus Mexico, will be
affected. Then of course there is the Middle East, which could also have a
natural disaster.

We are now in the time of fire, which could include fire in the sky. Watch
for more solar activity, and don't forget that Mercury goes retrograde on
March 30 to April 23. It's time to stay cool, calm, and collected and
vibrate to the frequency of love and light. All is well in my World. So
Be It!

*****Mahala Gayle*****

Japan activist warns another 'nuclear

quake' looms
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 31, 2011 at 12:35am

Japan activist warns another 'nuclear quake' looms

By Edmund Klamann TOKYO | Sun Mar 27, 2011

TOKYO (Reuters) - The nuclear safety crisis entering its third week in Japan was not exactly
the disaster that long-term activist and author Takashi Hirose foresaw in his book last summer,
"Nuclear Reactor Time Bomb".

But except for the location -- Hirose had predicted an imminent megaquake and nuclear
accident at the Hamaoka plant 200 km southwest of Tokyo, not the Fukushima Daiichi plant
240 km northeast -- the scenario depicted in his first book on nuclear power in 15 years has
proved eerily prescient.


Get Japan (Nippon) on as several more serious 9/10+ EQs are slated very soon
before EVEN the end of this year 2011 December Hammer.
Japan has been warned and need to close all of their Nuke plants NOW!! There may be NO
UFO/ET rescue/intervention this time PERIOD!

A Japanese Monk Sent this Prayer Request

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 31, 2011 at 12:43am

A Japanese Monk Sent this Prayer Request

The damage of the earthquake in Japan is devastating.

Unable to cool down the reactor, we are facing a possibility of nuclear

transplant explosion.

Please join our prayer. Feel free to forward this prayer request to anyone.

It would be great if more people can pray.

Here is a translation of a message/oracle from the Ise Shrine in Japan:

After sunset we need strong power of prayer.

Please let me deliver the message to as many as possible.

We can stop this earthquake with our prayers, but right now the nuclear

plant is in danger.

Please heal the suffering, sadness, anger, worry about nuclear


Please do not think that this accident will bring justice.

Please care for each other.

The energy toward conflict and fight is also fueling the things happening

right now.

Please stop the conflict and stop the fight and change the worrying voice

to the power of prayer.

Please pray that as many people as possible can be saved.

We will be O.K.

If our hearts start connecting with each other the earth will be healed.

There are the sounds/vibrations that can release the karma of earth.

Anyone who can make a prayer sound, anyone who can do reiki,

anyone who can do long distance healing,

please direct your energy to the center of Japan .

The exact location is above the Hachiro gata, Akita Prefecture .

If you can sing, please sing.

Humming is fine too.

Let the earth listen to the sound.

Please send gratitude to the earth.

If mother earth wakes up, everything will stop.

The word Song/Sing writes in Japanese Kanji - small possibilities

support a big lack.

Please send your prayer to the Earth to wake up the Spirit.

I will be in meditation after the sunset.

I will pray for the light shining in the sky even in the darkness.

May everyone be safe.

Thank you for supporting my heart at this very difficult time.

Gratitude for our life.Fuma

Let Our prayers unite with this wonderful monk .. FUMA

DailyOM: “iyi geceler” Ritüeli

 Posted by gunes kurtulan on March 31, 2011 at 1:02am

DailyOM: “iyi geceler” Ritüeli

29 Mart 2011

“iyi geceler” Ritüeli

Gecelik ritüeller yaratmak

“Arkamızda bir önceki gün ve tüm olup bitenler, önümüzde ise; şafak yoldakileri

Günün sonunda, gecenin tatlı karanlık sessizliği bizi dinlenmeye çağırırken kendimizi net bir
geçiş noktasında buluruz: Arkamızda bir önceki gün ve tüm olup bitenler; önümüzde ise şafak
bize yeni olacakları müjdeliyor. Bir çoklarımızın bizi merkezimizle bağlantı kurmamızı ve
niyetler oluşturmamızı sağlayacak sabah ritüelleri vardır, ama gece ritüellerinin büyüsü ve
gücünü keşfetmek de bize, kendinden memnun olma ve kutsanma şansı verir. Her gece
yatağa girmeden önce, şu ana kadar olmuş olan kendinize minnettarlık, şefkat ve şifa
yollayabilirsiniz. Gelecekte olacak olan size ışık ve sevgi yollayabilirsiniz.

Bu denli basit bir eylem, yaşamınızda bu saate kadar almış olduğunuz yolu onurlandıracak,
sizi, hala yolunuzun üzerinde olan harika olasılıklara açacaktır. Kendi evriminizle bu yolla
bağlantı kurarken, uykunuzun daha tatlı, gecenizi daha derin bir güven ve sukünet duygusu ile
kaplandığını göreceksiniz. Dinlendikçe, bu huzur dolu saatlere teslim edebilirsiniz kendinizi,
arkanızdaki yolun saygı ve nezaket gördüğünü, daha gelmeyenin ise kendi cömertliğiniz ve
iyiliğiniz ile dolu olduğunu yürekten bilerek…

Bu gece ritüeli; kendi geçmişinizin anlamını bilenin ve umut dolu geleceğinizin farkında
olanın bir tek siz olduğu konusunda güçlendirecektir sizi. Her gece böyle özel bir eylemle,
büyüme yolunuzda daha da uyumla yürümeye başlarsınız. Bu ritüel; geçmişi geçmişte
bırakmanıza, geleceğin emin ellerde olduğuna inanmanıza izin verir, siz sadece şimdiki
zamanın zarif kollarında uykuya dalarsınız.

Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan

Protection During Changing Times a

message from Archangel Gabriel
channeled by Shanta Gabriel
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 31, 2011 at 2:38am

Astrolojik açıdan gezegenin durumu - Nisan
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 31, 2011 at 3:30am

Astrolojik açıdan gezegenin durumu - Nisan 2011

Nisan ayı için yeni ay'ın durumun nedir? 3 Nisan'da yeni ayda saat 7:00 PDT'de 6 gezegen
koç burcunda olacak. Bu 6 gezegen haricinde Eris ve Vulcan'da koç burcunda olacak, bu
zaman için güçlü bir ev konumu olacak. Koç burcunun yönetici gezegeni mars'tır. Mars çok
dinamik enerjileri taşır. Bu ay mars dominant etkendir. Uranüs'te koç burcunda ve bu gezegen
değişimi ve devrimi temsil ediyor.

Koç, ateş elementi bir burçtur öyleyse ateşle ilgili daha fazla olaya bakmak gerekir mesela
volkanik faaliyetler,savaş şiddet daha fazla gözükecektir ve belkide sıcak bir yaz
bekleyebiliriz. Bu ayda koç,terazi ve oğlak arasında bir t şeklinde oluşum vardır. Bu
oluşumun anlamı olmakta olan olaylar varolandan daha hızlı bir biçimde tezahür edecektir.
Bizler şu an maya takvimine göre 9.dalga'nın içindeyiz. 9.dalganın içinde olmanın anlamı her
20 günlük olay süresi aslında 1 yıllık olaylar sürecine eşittir. Kısaca zaman hızlanmıştır. Bu
durumda her 20 günlük olay 1 yıla tekabül etmektedir İnanılmaz bir değişim hızı. Bu noktada
akla şu soru gelebilir her 20 günde bir, ana etken bir olay mı meydana gelecek? Belki de?

Neptün kova burcunda kaldığı 14 yıldan sonra 5 Nisan 2011'de kendi burcu olan balık
burcuna geçiyor. Neptün kova burcuna 1998 yılının ocak ayında girmişti. Neptün dişil ve
manyetik bir gezegendir. Aslında kendisi venüs'ün enerjilerinin yüksek titreşimli şekillerini
barındırır. Adeta enerjisi hızlandırılmış venüstür diyebiliriz. 9 Kasım 1998'de dünya kısa bir
süreliğine sıfır manyetik dönemine girmişti. Bu oluşum manyetik kutbun yeni düzeye
ilerlemek için hareket ettiği esnada meydana gelmişti. Manyetik kuzey kutbu sibirya'da

bulunan surgut bölgesine doğru yavaşça hareket etmeye başladı ve oluşum 21 Aralık 2010
tarihinde hareketini şimdilik bitirdi.

Bu dişil enerjilere sahip gezegen -neptün- bütün bu geçen yıllarda eril bir enerji olan kova
burcunda kaldı.Bu süreçte bu tesir alanının bilinci beynimizin sağ ve sol kürelerini nasıl
dengelememiz gerektiği konusunda, birlik içinde hareket etmemiz gerektiğini bize gösterdi.
Birlik içinde hareket etmeye başlayınca kendi gölge veçhelerimizin salınımını tamamlamış
oluyoruz. Bu salınım süreci dünya üzerindeki harmonik ahengin başladığı tarih olan 1987
ağustos ayında başladı.

Bir üst düzeye geçtiğimizde varolan eski kalıplar yıkılmaya başlar, mesela o dönemde berlin
duvarı yıkıldı. Bizler bu süreçte kendimize bakmaya başladık ve deneyimlemeye
ihtiyacımızın kalmadığı tüm davranış kalıplarını salmaya -salınıma- başladık. Bu süreç
meşakkatli ve uzun bir süreçtir. Bu zamanda yürümek çamur içinde yürümeye benzer ve
varlığın kendi içindeki donuklaşmış, fakirleşmiş olayları yüzeye -yüzleşmeye- getirir. - Bu
süreç her varlığın salınım hızına göre değişiklik gösterecektir - Umut ederim ki biz bu fazı
geçip artık kendi hakimiyetimizi ifade ederek özgürlüğümüzü ilan etmeliyiz. Duyduğum
olaylardan biri Harmonik uyumlanmayı düzenleyen Jose Arquelles geçenlerde öldüğüdür.
Acaba onun ölümü o dönemde geçilen düzeyin tamamlandığının bir işareti olabilir mi? Peki
biz yeni bir düzeye geçmeye hazır mıyız?

Neptün balık burcunda sakin ve nazik bir enerjiyi temsil eder ve 5 nisan 2011 tarihinden sonra
kendi evinde olacak. Balık burcu suyu,okyanusu hisleri ve duyguları yönetir. Eğer siz gerekli
içsel çalışmaya başlamadınızsa bu zaman buna başlamak için, kendinize göz atmak için ve
kozmik bilinçle ilişkiye geçmek için uygun bir zamandır. Biz bu enerjinin tadına 3 Ağustos
2011 tarihine kadar bakacağız 3 Ağustos 2011 tarihinde neptün tekrar kova burcunda geri
gitmeye başlayacak, geri gitme süreci 2012 yılının şubat ayına kadar devam edecek. 2012
yılının şubat ayında tekrar balık burcuna geçerek önümüzdeki yıllarda orada kalacak.

Kendi anlayışıma göre güneş sisteminde ilk yaratılan gezegenlerden biri neptündür. Bunun
anlamını açarsam gezegende bir çok insan kendi karmaları ile mücadele ediyorlar. Neptün'ün
karanlık tarafı aldatma ve ilaçlardır. Bu gezegende en büyük derslerden biri ilaç ve benzeri
maddelerin yanlış kullanımlarıdır.
Bunu görmek için çevremize veya kendimize bakmamız yeterlidir. Yıllardır uyuştucu ile
mücadele edilmektedir. Uyuşturucu şebekelerine savaş açılmıştır. Kimya ve ilaç sektörü
çeşitli karteller tarafından kontrol edilmektedir. Her yıl binlerce insan yasal veya ilegal ilaç

kullanımından ölmektedir.

Bir çok insan gündelik yaşamda kendi depresyonlarını bastırmak için, kendi geçici olarak
mutlu hissetmek için ilaçlar almaktadır. Yakında bu halleri ilaçlar olmadan
gerçekleştirebileceğiz. Balık burcunda neptün gezegeninin tesiri yaşamın içinde hayat
enerjisini almaya imkan verir. Neptün ana tanrıçadır ve artık onun geliştirici tesirinin dünyayı
kaplama zamanı gelmiştir.

Eski kağıtları karıştırırken neptün hakkında eskiden yayımlanmış bir makale buldum.
Makalenin başlığı "Neptün yükseliyor" Discover dergisinin 21.sayısında (Eylül
2000)yayınlanmış. Çok enteresan bir makale. Üzerinde elmasların yağdığı gezegen olarak
bahsediliyor. Fizik mezunu bir öğrenci sıkıştırılmış bir kabın içine biraz metan koyuyor daha
sonra bir lazer ışınını sıkıştırılmış metanın üzerine tutarak hem ısısını hem de basıncını
yükseltiyor. Fizik öğrencisi bu deneyde karbon atomlarının kömürdeki gibi bir form
oluşturduğunu gözlemliyor fakat yüksek bir tesir altında bu form elmas tozuna
dönüşmektedir. Bunun anlamı neptün elmas formları yönetmektedir.

Bu fikir beni bahsetmiş olduğum yeni mesih yıldızının elmas şekline götürüyor. Açıkçası bu
kavisli bir elmasa benziyor. Davud yıldızı çift piramitten oluşmuştur. Yıldızın yukarı bakan
piramidi eril ve aşağı bakan piramid dişi formu sembolize ediyor. Bu aynı zamanda dualiteyi
temsil ediyor. Piramitleri bir araya getirirsenin elmas elde edersiniz. Bu elmas şekli 2006
yılının ağustos ayında ingiltere'de ekin çemberi olarak gözlemlendi.

Bizim karbon temelli bedenimiz, kristal ışık bedenine doğru dönüşüyor. Bu nedenden ötürü
elmas şeklindeki kalbinize bağlanmanız çok önemlidir ve böylece güzel kristalin tesiri hüküm
sahibi olur. BU güzel beyaz ışın altın ve gümüş kıvılcımlarını barındırır. Beyaz ışın kendi
bünyesinde gök kuşağının tüm renklerini ve altın ile gümüş rengini barındırır, kendinizi kova
çağının altın ışığı ile sarabilirsiniz. Altın eril enerjidir ve gümüş dişil enerjidir. Neptün
elmasların gezegenidir. Zaman bu tesire uyum sağlayarak kendi yüksek titreşimli bedeninizi
aktive etme zamanıdır. Zaman vicdanın bastırılmayacağı bir zamandır.

Şu anda yoğun bir gezegensel enerji tesiri mevcut. Bu süreç 26 mart 2010 tarihinde başlıyor.
Ay, pluto ile kavuşum halinde (pluto değişimin gezegeni, petrol ve nükleer enerjinin yönetir)
iken koç burcunda bulunan diğer 5 gezegenle 90 derecelik bir kare açı yapmaktalar aynı
zamanda bu oluşum terazi burcunda bulunan satürn ile karşıtlık meydana getirmektedir. Bu
hızlı t kare 26 mart 2010 tarihinde aktif olurken etkisi uzun bir süre devam edecek. Bu süreçte

bir sürü olay medyana gelecek ancak benim açımdan bu enerji özellikle kuzey afrika ve
ortadoğuya odaklanmış durumda. Jüpiter 13 derece koç burcunda ve Terazinin 14.
derecesinde bulunan satürn ile karşıt açı meydana getiriyor. Satürn(karma'nın yöneticisi)
Libya'da Tripoli üzerine yoğunlaşmış durumda ve Libya'da koçta bulunan diğer 5 gezegenle
zıt bir açı meydana getirmekteler. Bu aynı zamanda savaşın ve diğer çevre ülkelerdeki
ayaklanmaların neden burada başladığının bir göstergesidir. İsyan önce tunusta başladı sonra
mısırı etkisi altına aldı ve libya'da savaş haline dönüştü.

Birleşik devletler, birleşmiş milletlere giderek Libya halkına yardım etmek için yetki aldı.
Bunun anlamı tüm dünya tamamiyle kaddafiye karşı olduğunu gösterdi. Birleşmiş milletler
tüm dünyanın uluslarını temsil etmektedir. Bu süreç üçüncü bir dünya savaşı içinde
olduğumuzun göstergesidir çünkü tüm gezegen enerjileri süreci tetiklemektedir. Bu özgürlük
savaşıdır ve şimdi her bireyin özgürlüklerine kavuşma zamanıdır.

Kadim kehanetlerde üçüncü dünya savaşı olacağı ileri sürülmüştür ve sonra kefaretin topu
geri gelecektir. Görünen o ki kefaretin topu (Elenin) buradadır. Ben bu nesneyi nemesis olarak
çağırıyorum. İstediğinizi söyleyebilirsiniz. Bu kahverengi cüce yıldızı burada ve dünyayı
uzun bir süredir etkilemektedir. En güncel olayı japonyada meydana gelen deprem ve
tsunamidir. Bu sonbaharda bu yıldız dünyaya en yakın noktada olacaktır.

Bizler doğal felaketleri görmeye devam edeceğiz. Samoa,fiji, filipinler, endonezya, havai'nin
yukarısında veya alaska'nın yukarısında güçlü gezegensel yoğunlaşmalar görülmektedir.

Güneş boğa burcuna geçtiğinde birleşik devletlerin batı kıyıları hatta meksika bile
etkilenecektir.Tabi daha sonra orta doğu'da doğal süreçler mevcuttur.

Bizler şu anda ateş zamanı dönemindeyiz ve bu ateş gökyüzünü sarmıştır bu yüzden güneşteki
aktiviteleri izlemeye devam edin. Unutmayın merkür 30 mart ile 23 nisan arasında geri
gitmeye başlayacktır. Zaman sessiz, sakin ve birlikte kalmanın zamanıdır. Kendinize ve
çevrenize sevgi dolu ve berrak olun. Dünyamda her şey uygundur ve öyledir.


What is the Difference between Loneliness
versus being Alone?
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 31, 2011 at 3:30am

What is the Difference between

Loneliness versus being Alone?
The word “alone” really means “all-one.”

We can never be alone because we are all one. Feeling

lonely comes from faulty thinking. It comes from the illusionary
belief in separation.
It is impossible to be separate from God, the Masters, and the
people we love. The perceived separation is only in
our minds. It is a distortion of our perception.

When one learns to be right with self and right with God and
the Masters, one feels never alone, because once you are
right with yourself, you will actually enjoy your own company.
So then when you are physically alone, you will be happy
with yourself and actually enjoy being in your own presence!
And by giving up your belief in separation, you will also feel
the presence of Spirit and the Ascended Masters around you.

The Integrated Ascended Master feels never alone, but

always at one with the All.

I AM University

Postfach 13
Unterach am Attersee, n/a 4866

Become your own Master
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 31, 2011 at 3:55am

Become your own Master

You cannot eat respectability, and you cannot eat money, and you cannot eat prestige. They
are just games: meaningless, stupid, mediocre. if you are intelligent enough you will
understand that you have to live your life and you are not to bother about other things. All
other considerations are meaningless: it is your life. You have to live it authentically, lovingly,
with great passion and with great compassion, with great energy. You have to become a tidal
wave of bliss. Whatsoever is needed to do for it, do.Unlearning will be needed. Unlearning
means that you stop those wrong routes, you stop moving in those wrong ways that the
society has forced persuaded you, seduced you to go in. You take charge of your own life; you
become your own master.


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 31, 2011 at 3:57am


Gülmek bile iş sayılıyor; gülmek bile ekonomik, politik bir olay. Gülmek bile sadece gülmek
olmaktan çıktı. Tüm saflık yitirildi. Saf, içten, çocuksu bir kahkaha atamaz oldun. Ve eğer saf
bir kahkaha atamıyorsan çok değerli bir şeyleri kaybediyorsun demektir. Bekaretini, saflığını,
masumiyetini kaybediyorsun.

Küçük bir çocuğu izle; gülüşünü seyret - öylesine içtendir ki. Çocuk dünyaya geldiğinde
öğrendiği ilk sosyal hareket - aslında "öğrendiği" dememek lazım, çünkü onu beraberinde
getiriyor - gülümsemektir. İlk sosyal hareket. Gülümseyerek toplumun bir parçası haline gelir.
Çok doğal, içten görünür. Bir anne çocuğunun gülümsediğini görünce müthiş sevinir - çünkü
o gülümseme sağlık ve zeka işaretidir, çocuğun aptal veya özürlü olmadığını gösterir. O
gülümseme çocuğun yaşayacağını, seveceğini, mutlu olacağını gösterir. Anne buna bayılır.

Gülümsemek ilk sosyal etkinliktir, ve temel sosyal etkinlik olarak kalmalıdır. İnsan tüm hayatı
boyunca gülmeli. Her türlü durumda gülebilirsen, her şeyin üstesinden gelebilirsin - ve bu da
seni olgunlaştırır. Sana ağlama demiyorum. Hatta, eğer gülemiyorsan ağlayamazsın da. İkisi
beraber gider; aynı fenomene aittirler: doğru ve gerçek olmaya.

Gözyaşları kurumuş olan milyonlarca insan var; gözleri ışıltısını, derinliğini yitirmiş;
gözpınarları kurumuş - çünkü ağlayamıyorlar, gözyaşı dökemiyorlar. Eğer gülme özürlüysen
gözyaşı da üretemezsin. Ancak güzel gülen birisi güzel ağlayabilir. Ve eğer güzelce gülüp
ağlayabiliyorsan yaşıyorsun demektir. Ölüler ne gülebilir ne de ağlar. Ölü birisi ciddidir. İzle:
git bir cesede bak - ölüler senden çok daha ciddi durur. Ancak canlı birisi gülüp ağlayabilir.


 Posted by gunes kurtulan on March 31, 2011 at 4:12am


Yalnız sözcüğü, (alone) aslında hepsi bir (all-one) anlamını taşır.

Hiçbir zaman yalnız olamayız çünkü hepimiz biriz (all-one). Yalnız hissetmek, hatalı
düşünceden kaynaklanır. Ayrılığın verdiği illüzyondan gelir.

Tanrı’dan ayrı olmak imkansızdır, Üstatlardan, ve sevdiklerimizden. Algılanmış ayrılık sadece

zihinde gelişir. Algımızdaki çarpıklıktır.

Eğer kişi kendiyle dürüst, Tanrı’yla dürüst, ve de Üstatlarla dürüst olusa asla yalnız
hissedemez kendini, ve hatta zevk alır kendiyle birlikteliğinden. Yani eğer fiziksel anlamda
yalnızsanız, kendinizle mutlu olursunuz, ve kendi varlığınızdan keyif alırsınız! Ve eğer ayrılık
inancınızdan sıyrılırsanız, Ruh’un ve Yükselmiş Üstatların varlığını hissedersiniz

Birleşik Yükselmiş Üstatlar hiç bir zaman yalnız hissetmezler, her zaman bir’lerdir ve

I am University

Postfach 13

Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan

 Posted by gunes kurtulan on March 31, 2011 at 4:42am

İtibarı yiyemezsiniz, parayı yiyemezsiniz, prestiji de yiyemezsiniz. Bunlar sadece oyunlar:

anlamsız, aptal, sıradan… Eğer yeterince zekiyseniz, sadece yaşamınızı yaşamanız, diğer
hiçbir şeye takılmamanız gerektiğini anlarsınız. Tüm diğer hususlar anlamsızdır: bu sizin
yaşamınız. Sevgiyle, büyük bir tutkuyla ve şefkatle, sonsuz bir enerjiyle yaşamalısınız onu.
Kutsamanın med-cezir dalgaları olmalısınız. Bunun için ne yapılması gerekiyorsa, yapın.
Vazgeçmek gerekir. Vazgeçmek demek, yanlış rotayı bırakmak demek, toplumun zorladığı,
ayarttığı yanlış yolları bırakmak demek. Kendi yaşamınızın kontrolünü elinize alın;
kendinizin üstadı olun.


Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan

Make Yourself Ready By Carrie Hart
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 31, 2011 at 7:05pm


Yourself Ready

By Carrie Hart

The actions
you take toward your dreams--the classes, the
disciplines, the preparations-

-are the strongest signal you

can send to the universe, much stronger than mere
visualizations of an outcome.
When you are truly ready, you have a demo of your latest
song ready when the universe sends a record producer to the
same party you attend. Your belief in yourself and your
talents is so great that you invest your time and energy in
their blossoming. And your faith in the great gifts of the
universe is so solid that you know you will be presented
with opportunities continually and gracefully, as a natural
unfolding of yourself within the flow of the universe.
Make yourself ready, fully ready. Then relax and allow the
universe to deliver. Be relaxed, open and alert. Notice
how articles you need to read just happen to be lying open

before you, how someone you meet happens to know someone you
should call. Then take a deep breath, fill yourself with
courage and act, lift up that phone, talk to that person
across the room you feel drawn to.
When you truly devote yourself to readiness, you will be
amazed at how strongly the universe responds. And you have
what it takes to follow through. After all, you are ready.

Here is a little prayer for today:


I am deeply talented. I love myself so much that I am

willing to dedicate my time and energy to the expansion and
exploration of my talents. I am worth the investment.
I allow myself to be one with the great creative flow of the
universe, expressing myself openly and freely, giving and
receiving in the graceful flow of the ever-responding
I believe in myself. I am full of faith. I am deeply
connected to all that is. I am.

Jeshua channeled by Pamela Kribbe
September 20 -2007, Tilburg
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 31, 2011 at 8:35pm

Jeshua channeled by Pamela Kribbe

September 20 -2007, Tilburg

Dear friends,

I am filled with joy as I come near to you today and share my energy. I share my energy with
you, but you are sharing as well. Your Light shines and radiates upon the world, even though
you do not always realize this. You are making the difference on earth, here and now, in this
age in which so much is changing.

At this point of time, there is a bursting open of Light. Consciousness is evolving on earth and
it stirs the dark to come out of its hiding place. It brings to the surface much that is old and
rotten, for all to see. This is why this age appears so contradictory in its manifestations.
Consciousness grows, but it may become darker before the Light gains a foothold and truly
shines in your world.

You are the ones that drive the old to the surface, you force it into openness by your
consciousness, by your Light. This is what you feel called to, this is who you are. You are
lightworkers. You are souls with a deeply sensed mission; you are moved by a calling that
gripped me as well during my life on earth. Many of you were followers of me back then, or
better put, followers of the teaching and energy that I disseminated.

I am your heart, I am your soul. I am not just that one human being who once lived on earth
and who is now returning to you. I come here before you as the expression of the Christ
energy: your oversoul, the energy that binds you, that is your source and origin. It is a field of
energy that is now moving closer and closer to earth, touching the hearts of many people and
affecting their emotions.

This wave of Light brings much confusion to people who are not ready for change. They feel
insecure, they experience a lack of meaning in their lives, and they do not know how to deal
with these confused emotions. And you are the ones on earth who are here to radiate Light to
these people. You are the pioneers, you are the teachers of this New Age. Now you may ask
yourselves: am I ready to do that? How should I go about? How do I radiate or express my
Light? The answer is simpler than you think: you are already doing it. You are doing what you
came to do.

One of the reasons why you have so many doubts about yourself is that you fear to face up to
your own grandness. In your everyday life, you still harbour a lot of negative thoughts and

emotions about yourself which make you wonder: ”Can I really be anchored and rooted in this
place called earth, am I really at home here? Do I truly fulfill my mission here?” And I am
telling you: especially when you are challenged by fear, despair or gloominess, you are able to
fulfil your mission. Because right there is where your Light is needed the most. No one is
better equipped to heal the pain inside of you than you are. In lighting up your own inner
darkness, with love and compassion, you are setting up an example of lightwork that radiates
outward to others and encourages them to light up themselves.

You are old and come from afar. You are nearing the completion of a cycle of lifetimes. And
now, at the end of this cycle, your energy has become gentle, full of compassion and wisdom.
But you have also become discouraged, and you get depressed now and then, when you look
at the state of mother earth, this beautiful creation of plant, animal, and human kingdoms,
which could be so full of life and vitality. Also, when you observe your relationships to others,
you often feel that something is lacking. You miss a certain openness, love, gaiety,
connectedness. You are homesick for a reality in which you can share this with others. This
pains you. You have pain about the world. You have pain about the people near to you. You
have pain about yourself. You sense homesickness and a deep love within that you find hard
to express and embody here on earth.

But I say to you that you are on the threshold of a New Era. Have faith, I am here with you to
support and encourage you. However you are the ones who cross the barrier, you are the ones
who carry on my work. You are the Christs of the New Era. Especially when you feel down
and tired, losing all confidence, please open up to this new possibility, the light that is
dawning, and surrender to it. Do not try to fight or struggle with your fears and gloominess.
They are there – let me take care of it. Feel my energy here and now, I am with you.

I am you, we are one. Allow the light and comfort of the Christ energy to be with you and feel
how we are all connected by this powerful carrier of Light. You are the Christ of the New Era.

Now I would like to ask you to direct your attention to the hurt part of you, the inner child
which has felt beaten and humiliated throughout many lifetimes on earth. You have gone
through a lot, both in this lifetime and in past ones. It is this dear child within you, physically
located in your belly, that needs care and attention. Especially, it needs patience and trust from
you. This child, this emotional part of you, does not heal at once. It has been wounded deeply,
and from this hurt it creates negative emotions in your life, such as loneliness, fear, feeling
abandoned or rejected. These emotions point at your deepest wound. It is not even death that
you fear most. It is the sense of total disconnection from God that constitutes the deepest
agony. Feeling separated from the loving presence of Spirit, cut off from the natural light and
connectedness of Creation, has created the heaviest burden inside of you. I am asking you to
see that pain inside of you and to reach out your hands to the hurt child inside.

Just imagine that you are an angel, a representative of the realms of Light, and feel how your
angel energy envelops your body with a soft and warm cloak. It is a golden energy that
cherishes you and you can feel how it circles around you, from head to toe. Notice how hands
of gold reach out to your belly, to the small and innocent child within. Tell the child it is
welcome and precious beyond words.

Say “hello” to that old pain of yours and allow it to be there. “You can be a part of my life, I
am not letting you down”. This is the compassion that you long for, this is what makes you
whole, let it be. Standing by your own wounded self, not letting the child within suffer all by

itself, is the energy that makes you a Christ. In your everyday life, any time you resist your
own pain, wishing you could get rid of your fear and anger all at once, cursing yourself for it,
you are letting the child inside you down. By resisting your pain, and judging the behaviour
coming from it, you alienate the child from you. You say “I do not want to be sad or angry or
afraid anymore, I just want to be happy, why can’t I get over it, I hate myself.” But the child
within is crying and calling out for you, and it will not be healed by your resistance or

Take the time to heal yourself. When you feel resistance, stop right there and sit down. Do not
turn away, let the resistance go, for the child’s sake. Be present with your wounded child,
allow the golden energy of your angel self to embrace it. Do not be afraid to be so grand! Take
as much time and space as your need to heal yourself. Do not belittle your needs and the depth
of your pain. Take it seriously. This healing process is the very reason you chose this lifetime
on earth. The inner transformation you are going through is precisely what you aimed to
accomplish, what you are called to do, and what earth is waiting for.

Have compassion with your pain. Face the desolation deep within and tell that part of you “I
am there for you, I AM the angel who brings Light, I will bring you to the promised land.
Have no fear, for I stand beside you, I stand behind you, I am before you and I am inside you.
I do not come from above, I do not come from below, I come from your soul. I am the essence
of You.”

You are becoming angels in the flesh. You are angels incarnated in physical matter. You have
much to give and share with people, but do not let that distract you. You are the number one in
your life, and you always need to be connected to that inner child part of you. As soon as you
notice that your emotions become unruly, that you feel uneasy, tense, anxious or annoyed,
face up to it immediately. This is more important than any other thing you need to do in your
life. Even other people are second place. Your life is about you. You can only channel your
angel light into your human existence, if you are also willing to reach out to the darkest part
of you.

Take time and space for self healing. Do anything that helps or comforts you, whether it is
spiritual counseling, reading books, taking a walk or preparing yourself a fine meal. Nurture
yourself both on the spiritual and on the human level. Stay focused and take your time. This is
how self healing occurs. This is how you embody your angel light and do what you came to
do in this lifetime. It is about you!

We salute you. We are here in great numbers, much greater than you think! There are angels
and guides surrounding each one of you. They want to help you find your way in life. There is
a lot of support for you from the cosmos, much respect and encouragement. You are the ones
who are doing it here on earth, this we cannot do for you. But we will do anything we can to
send you joy and consolation. This is truly an age of transformation. Please call upon us, we
are there for you. We are crossing that threshold together and it looks like it is going to be a
Great (New) Time!

© Pamela Kribbe 2007

DailyOM: The Effect of Not Doing
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on March 31, 2011 at 9:01pm

March 30, 2011

The Effect of Not Doing
When We Don’t Take Action
Every action taken affects the whole as greatly as every action NOT taken.

Life is sculpted on a moment-to-moment basis. Every one of the thoughts we think, the words
we speak, and the actions we take contributes to the complex quality and character of the
universe’s unfolding. It simply is not possible to be alive without making an impact on the
world that surrounds us. Every action taken affects the whole as greatly as every action not
taken. And when it comes to making the world a better place, what we choose not to do can be
just as important as what we choose to do.

For example, when we neglect to recycle, speak up, vote, or help somebody in immediate
need, we are denying ourselves the opportunity to be an agent for positive change. Instead, we
are enabling a particular course to continue unchallenged, picking up speed even as it goes
along. By holding the belief that our actions don’t make much of a difference, we may find
that we often tend to forego opportunities for involvement. Alternatively, if we see ourselves
as important participants in an ever-evolving world, we may feel more inspired to contribute
our unique perspective and gifts to a situation.

It is wise to be somewhat selective about how and where we are using our energy in order to
keep ourselves from becoming scattered. Not every cause or action is appropriate for every
person. When a situation catches our attention, however, and speaks to our heart, it is
important that we honor our impulse to help and take the action that feels right for us. It may
be offering a kind word to a friend, giving resources to people in need, or just taking
responsibility for our own behavior. By doing what we can, when we can, we add positive
energy to our world. And sometimes, it may be our one contribution that makes all the

DailyOM: Yapmamanın Etkisi
 Posted by gunes kurtulan on March 31, 2011 at 11:19pm

DailyOM: Yapmamanın Etkisi

30 Mart 2011

Yapmamanın Etkisi

Eyleme geçmediğimizde

Yapılan her eylem bütünü etkiler, aynen yapılmayan her eylemin etkilediği gibi

Yaşam, an-be-an temeli üzerine yontulmuştur. Düşündüğümüz her düşünce, ağzımızdan çıkan
her sözcük, yaptığımız her eylem, karmaşık niteliğe ve evrenin gelişimsel sürecinin
karakterine katkı sağlar. Bizi çevreleyen dünyaya etki etmeden canlı kalmak asla mümkün
değildir. Yapılan her eylem, yapılmayan eylem kadar bütüne etki eder. İş, dünyayı daha iyi bir
yer yapmaya gelince, yapmamayı seçtiğimiz her şey, yapmayı seçtiklerimiz kadar önem taşır.

Örneğin, geri dönüşümü ihmal ettiğimizde, sesimizi duyurmadığımızda, oy vermediğimizde,

ya da ihtiyacı olan birine yardımcı olmadığımızda, pozitif değişime sebebiyet veren biri olma
fırsatını kaçırmış oluruz. Bunu yerine, yol boyunca hızlanarak büyüyen, sorgusuz bir rota
izlemeyi sürdürürüz. Eylemlerimizin pek bir fark yaratmayacağı inancı, dahil olma
fırsatlarından vazgeçme eğilimine sokar bizi. Ama, sürekli evrilmekte olan dünyada,
kendimizi önemli katılımcılar olarak görebilirsek, bu duruma, eşsiz bakış açımız ve
armağanlarımızla katkıda bulunmak konusunda daha fazla esin kaynağı buluruz.

Dağılıp saçılmamak adına, enerjimizi nasıl ve nerede kullandığımızla ilgili seçici olmak,
akıllıcadır. Her amaç ve eylem her birey için uygun olmayabilir. İlgimizi çeken bir konu
olduğunda, bizi yürekten etkilediğinde, doğru gelen eyleme girişmek, yardım etmek ve
isteğimizi onurlandırmak önemlidir. Bu belki bir arkadaşa nazik bir çift laf, ihtiyacı olana bir
kaynak sağlamak, ya da kendi davranışımızın sorumluluğunu almaktır sadece.
Yapabileceğimiz zaman yapabildiğimiz ile, kendi dünyamıza pozitif enerji yükleriz. Ve bazen
bizim tek bir katılımımız; tüm değişikliğe neden olan şeydir.

Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan

Lisa Gerrard - SANVEAN (Ashes and
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 2, 2011 at 12:15am

Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa
February 28 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 2, 2011 at 1:42am

7. Soul Song for Love Peace and Harmony

to Heal Depression
 Added by Anne M Stewartaree on March 2, 2011 at 11:08am

Fairouz Sings *RARE SONG* in Assyrian

& Arabic ~ Christian Hymn
 Added by gunes kurtulan on March 3, 2011 at 2:14am

Anuloma and Pratiloma Viloma Variations -
Yoga Breathing Exercises
 Added by Sukadev Bretz on March 4, 2011 at 12:38am

Jonathan Goldman - Holy Harmony (Edit)
(Holy Harmony)
 Added by linda on March 4, 2011 at 1:38am

Mike Oldfield Let There Be Light

 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 4, 2011 at 2:28am

Drunvalo Melchizedek - Birth of a New

 Added by Sallyblues on March 4, 2011 at 3:05pm

Guided Meditation by Drunvalo
 Added by Sallyblues on March 4, 2011 at 3:10pm

In Lak Ech
 Added by Sallyblues on March 4, 2011 at 3:15pm

Stephan Micus - Night Circles

 Added by linda on March 4, 2011 at 6:06pm

 Added by linda on March 6, 2011 at 12:27pm

Divine Love Peace Harmony Rainbow Light
 Added by Anne M Stewartaree on March 7, 2011 at 2:12pm

Mantra (Gayatry mantra)

 Added by Sallyblues on March 7, 2011 at 4:07pm

Drunvalo Melchizedek : Why Living in the
Heart ? ( part1/3)
 Added by I AM DIVINE LIGHT AND YOU TOO on March 7, 2011 at 4:16pm

Merkaba & Kundalini - Drunvalo

Melchizedek (part 2/3)
 Added by I AM DIVINE LIGHT AND YOU TOO on March 7, 2011 at 4:21pm

Heart meditation, Evolution and 4D Avatar
- Drunvalo Melchizedek ( part3/3)
 Added by I AM DIVINE LIGHT AND YOU TOO on March 7, 2011 at 4:22pm

MEDITATION - So Ham Mantra
 Added by I AM DIVINE LIGHT AND YOU TOO on March 7, 2011 at 4:45pm

The Sacred Space of the Heart (meditation

by Drunvalo Melchizedek)
 Added by I AM DIVINE LIGHT AND YOU TOO on March 7, 2011 at 5:00pm

`* ☆ A Spectacle of Light is coming to the
Earth for 3 days `* ☆
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 7, 2011 at 11:38pm

2012 - The Revolution Has Begun

 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 7, 2011 at 11:55pm

Sen Beden Değilsin, Beden Senin İçinde...
 Added by Esra Tan on March 8, 2011 at 12:06am

Stephan Micus - Midnight Sea
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 8, 2011 at 1:45am

Deep Sky Meditation - Relaxation Music

 Added by Amanda on March 8, 2011 at 10:42pm

Light Beings-Carriers Of Love
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 10, 2011 at 11:27am

Entering the Universal Underworld Day 1

 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 10, 2011 at 11:34am

Mayan Calendar March 9, 2011 9th Wave
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 10, 2011 at 6:48pm

A Course in Miracles
 Added by Sallyblues on March 10, 2011 at 8:19pm

 Added by Sallyblues on March 10, 2011 at 8:21pm

Bill Clifford-Her Şey Bir'dir

 Added by Deniz Şiva Oflaz on March 11, 2011 at 2:41am

What About Peace
 Added by Melanie Watson on March 11, 2011 at 7:21am

There Shall Come a Time

 Added by Melanie Watson on March 11, 2011 at 7:22am

Colorado Christmas
 Added by Melanie Watson on March 11, 2011 at 7:24am

Sweet Gifted Wind

 Added by Melanie Watson on March 11, 2011 at 7:26am

Tears That Never Dry
 Added by Melanie Watson on March 11, 2011 at 7:27am

I Remember Colorado
 Added by Melanie Watson on March 11, 2011 at 7:29am

Who You Are

 Added by Melanie Watson on March 11, 2011 at 7:31am

Mel's Angels
 Added by Melanie Watson on March 11, 2011 at 7:34am

Galactic Federation Of Light Alpha Ship

March 08 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 11, 2011 at 7:28pm

Galactic Federation Of Light El Morya
March 8th 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 11, 2011 at 7:29pm

Galactic Federation Of Light Sheldan Nidle

March 9 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 11, 2011 at 7:29pm

Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa

March 09 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 11, 2011 at 7:30pm

Galactic Federation Of Light Lord
Metatron March 10 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 11, 2011 at 7:30pm

The Conscious Army - Love Is The New

 Added by Karin Wesselius on March 11, 2011 at 10:53pm

Shiva Rea Yoga Sun Salutation
 Added by DANTA UNIVERSAL LOVE on March 12, 2011 at 9:11am

Healing Energy and Prayers for Japan 2011

 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 13, 2011 at 9:56pm

 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 13, 2011 at 10:32pm

Galactic Federation Of Light Alpha

Centaurus Ship March 13 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 14, 2011 at 3:46pm

Galactic Federation Of Light Master
Hilarion March 13 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 14, 2011 at 3:46pm

Galactic Federation Of Light Master

Kuthumi March 13 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 14, 2011 at 3:47pm

Galactic Federation Of Light Lord
Metatron March 13 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 14, 2011 at 3:47pm

Jessica's "Daily Affirmation"

 Added by Didem on March 14, 2011 at 11:59pm

Alejandro Sanz - Una Noche con The Corrs
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 15, 2011 at 3:15am

Little Grandmothers Urgent Advice 2011
 Added by Karin Wesselius on March 15, 2011 at 9:06am

1 of 11, Extraterrestrial Guides_ The Great

White Brotherhood in the Andes
 Added by I AM DIVINE LIGHT AND YOU TOO on March 15, 2011 at 10:38pm

2 of 11, Extraterrestrial Guides_ The Great
White Brotherhood in the Andes
 Added by I AM DIVINE LIGHT AND YOU TOO on March 15, 2011 at 10:40pm

3 of 11, Extraterrestrial Guides_ The Great

White Brotherhood in the Andes
 Added by I AM DIVINE LIGHT AND YOU TOO on March 15, 2011 at 10:42pm

4 of 11, Extraterrestrial Guides_ The Great
White Brotherhood in the Andes
 Added by I AM DIVINE LIGHT AND YOU TOO on March 15, 2011 at 10:45pm

John Tavener: As one who has slept

 Added by linda on March 16, 2011 at 12:59am

Stephan Micus - Mikhail's Dream
 Added by linda on March 16, 2011 at 1:02am

"‫אשקלון‬-‫התזמורת האנדלוסית החדשה‬-"‫אגאדיר‬

‫ומארק אליהו‬
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 16, 2011 at 5:13am

Meditation on the Divine Presence - with

Leela Mata
 Added by Sukadev Bretz on March 16, 2011 at 9:32am

‫אלדד לוי | מעגל החיים‬
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 16, 2011 at 3:31pm

‫אלדד לוי קליפ‬-‫פרוייקט מסעלה‬

 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 16, 2011 at 4:15pm

2011: Year of Illumination
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 17, 2011 at 2:25am

Ufolar, Maya Takvimi ve 2012 (Part 1 \ 11)

 Added by Deniz Şiva Oflaz on March 17, 2011 at 6:23pm

Ufolar, Maya Takvimi ve 2012 (Part 2 \ 11)

 Added by Deniz Şiva Oflaz on March 17, 2011 at 6:25pm

Ufolar, Maya Takvimi ve 2012 (Part 3 \ 11)

 Added by Deniz Şiva Oflaz on March 17, 2011 at 6:25pm

Ufolar, Maya Takvimi ve 2012 (Part 4 \ 11)
 Added by Deniz Şiva Oflaz on March 17, 2011 at 6:26pm

Ufolar, Maya Takvimi ve 2012 (Part 5 \ 11)

 Added by Deniz Şiva Oflaz on March 17, 2011 at 6:26pm

Ufolar, Maya Takvimi ve 2012 (Part 6 \ 11)

 Added by Deniz Şiva Oflaz on March 17, 2011 at 6:27pm

Ufolar, Maya Takvimi ve 2012 (Part 7 \ 11)

 Added by Deniz Şiva Oflaz on March 17, 2011 at 6:27pm

Ufolar, Maya Takvimi ve 2012 (Part 8 \ 11)
 Added by Deniz Şiva Oflaz on March 17, 2011 at 6:27pm

Ufolar, Maya Takvimi ve 2012 (Part 9 \ 11)

 Added by Deniz Şiva Oflaz on March 17, 2011 at 6:28pm

Ufolar, Maya Takvimi ve 2012 (Part 10 \ 11)

 Added by Deniz Şiva Oflaz on March 17, 2011 at 6:28pm

Ufolar, Maya Takvimi ve 2012 (Part 11 \ 11)
 Added by Deniz Şiva Oflaz on March 17, 2011 at 6:29pm

5 of 11, Extraterrestrial Guides_ The Great

White Brotherhood in the Andes
 Added by I AM DIVINE LIGHT AND YOU TOO on March 17, 2011 at 9:14pm

6 of 11, Extraterrestrial Guides_ The Great
White Brotherhood in the Andes
 Added by I AM DIVINE LIGHT AND YOU TOO on March 17, 2011 at 9:15pm

7 of 11, Extraterrestrial Guides_ The Great

White Brotherhood in the Andes
 Added by I AM DIVINE LIGHT AND YOU TOO on March 17, 2011 at 9:16pm

8 of 11, Extraterrestrial Guides The Great

White Brotherhood in the Andes
 Added by I AM DIVINE LIGHT AND YOU TOO on March 17, 2011 at 9:18pm

9 of 11, Extraterrestrial Guides_ The Great
White Brotherhood in the Andes
 Added by I AM DIVINE LIGHT AND YOU TOO on March 17, 2011 at 9:20pm

10 of 11, Extraterrestrial Guides_ The
Great White Brotherhood in the Andes
 Added by I AM DIVINE LIGHT AND YOU TOO on March 17, 2011 at 9:22pm

11 of 11, Extraterrestrial Guides_ The Great

White Brotherhood in the Andes
 Added by I AM DIVINE LIGHT AND YOU TOO on March 17, 2011 at 9:25pm

Lisa Gerrard--Forest Veil

 Added by linda on March 18, 2011 at 1:28am

Lisa Gerrard - Wisdom & Sorrow &
Shadow Magnet (Sunrise Earth
Scandinavian Waterfall)
 Added by linda on March 18, 2011 at 5:39pm

Lisa Gerrard & Jeff Rona - Walk in a

Beauty's Way
 Added by linda on March 18, 2011 at 6:20pm

All My Relations - Denean

 Added by linda on March 18, 2011 at 7:05pm

ORIGEN - Dance Of The Clouds
 Added by Didem on March 18, 2011 at 8:40pm

Lisa Gerrard & Jeff Rona - Who Are We To

Say (Vocal)
 Added by linda on March 19, 2011 at 2:00am

Lisa Gerrard - Vespers

 Added by linda on March 19, 2011 at 3:20am

Lisa Gerrard & Patrick Cassidy Immortal

 Added by linda on March 20, 2011 at 1:22pm

Crazy Horse - Lisa Gerrard & Jeff Rona

 Added by linda on March 20, 2011 at 3:20pm


Space Meditation Video - Colonies -

Spiritual Music
 Added by Didem on March 20, 2011 at 11:52pm

Persian Dance
 Added by Didem on March 21, 2011 at 12:05am

Om Asatoma - Deva Premal & Miten with
Manose and Friends
 Added by Sallyblues on March 21, 2011 at 3:22pm

Deepak Chopra Introducing the WS-20

 Added by Sallyblues on March 22, 2011 at 8:06pm


Healing circle in Jerusalem with

Shimshai,Jah Levi & friends
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 22, 2011 at 11:28pm

SHIMSHAI / PURE (..Like the Water..) -

Healing Music Festival Tour, Dead Sea,
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 22, 2011 at 11:41pm


Haiku For Japan Contest

 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 23, 2011 at 2:53am

Jah Levi , Shimshai & friends in Jerusalem

- Rainbow country
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 23, 2011 at 3:51am

Rainbow in Jerusalem- with Zahira &

 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 23, 2011 at 4:01am

Galactic Federation Of Light The Council
of 12 March 22 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 24, 2011 at 4:54pm

Galactic Federation Of Light Hilarion
March 22 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 24, 2011 at 5:06pm

Galactic Federation Of Light Kryon March

22 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 24, 2011 at 5:09pm

Galactic Federation Of Light Saul March
23 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 24, 2011 at 5:33pm

Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa
March 23 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 24, 2011 at 5:45pm

Cecilia - Ave Maria

 Added by I AM DIVINE LIGHT AND YOU TOO on March 24, 2011 at 11:06pm

Cecilia - Pie Jesu

 Added by I AM DIVINE LIGHT AND YOU TOO on March 24, 2011 at 11:08pm

Night 1 ~ Entering the Universal
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 25, 2011 at 3:17am

‫אלדד לוי | געגוע‬
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 25, 2011 at 5:37am

2012 - A Message of Hope

 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 29, 2011 at 4:44am

2012 The only way to survive is insight &
 Added by DANTA UNIVERSAL LOVE on March 29, 2011 at 6:22pm

Galactic Federation Of Light Hilarion
March 27 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 29, 2011 at 8:37pm

Galactic Federation Of Light Saul March
27 28 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 29, 2011 at 8:41pm

Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa
March 28 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 29, 2011 at 8:41pm

Gregg Braden - The Essene Mirrors

 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 29, 2011 at 8:52pm

 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 30, 2011 at 12:27am

OSHO: Knowing the Truth Is to Experience
Existence as it Is
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 31, 2011 at 2:34am

Galactic Federation Of Light The Sirian

High Council March 03 29 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 31, 2011 at 12:34pm

Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel
Michael March 29 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 31, 2011 at 12:35pm

Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa
March 30 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 31, 2011 at 12:36pm

Galactic Federation Of Light The Ascended

Masters March 30 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 31, 2011 at 12:36pm

Shimon Lev Tahor Sacred Circle - Ali Ali.
Video by Assi Rose
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 31, 2011 at 1:47pm

Grooving in Arjuna's back yard with Jah

Levi & Zahira...(2)
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 31, 2011 at 2:04pm

mercan dede - healing prayer
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on March 31, 2011 at 8:05pm
© 2015 Created by David Dogan Beyo


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