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∞Love Peace and Harmony
∞01-31st of July 2011 - 01-31 Temmuz 2011∞

Kalbim Hangi Şarkıyı Çalıyor ?

 Posted by Sibel Kavunoğlu on July 1, 2011 at 7:37pm

2 senedir sevgili hocam Hikmet Barutçugil’in açmış olduğu Ebru derslerine katılıyorum. Yine
Ebru dersine gitiğim günlerin birinde her zaman ki gibi Üsküdar’a gidebilmek için
Arnavutköy’den Beşiktaş’a hareket eden 8:10 vapuruna binmiştim. Hava çok güzeldi.
Boğazın güzel manzarası seyrederek Beşiktaş’a doğru ilerlerken arkamdaki birkaç kişinin
konuşmalarına kulak misafiri oldum. Genç bir kız yanındaki aile dostlarına sınav anısını
anlatıyordu. Anlaşılan sınavı pek iyi geçmemişti. Sınav sırasında soru kağıdının ilk
sayfasındaki soruları yanıtlamış, arka sayfasındaki soruları yanıtlamadan sınav kağıdını
hocaya teslim etmişti. Bizim kızı dinleyenler “ aman kızım soru kâğıdının arkasını neden
çevirmedin” şeklinde olayın vahimliğini dile getirmeye çalışsalar da bizim kız “ İşte ben, hep
böyleyim” “hah hah hahh” şeklinde gülerek yanıt verdi. Adeta “ben hep sakarım, beni ben
yapan bu sakarlığımdır ve ben bu sakarlığımla gurur duyuyorum” der gibiydi.

Bu arada bindiğim vapur Beşiktaş’a gelmişti. Vapurdan inerek Üsküdar’a giden motorlara
doğru hızla yürüdüm. Bizim kızın başarısız olduğu sınav anısını keyifle anlatışına akıl sır
erdirememiştim. Acaba gereksiz yere kızı yargılıyor muyum diye düşünmekten kendimi
alamadım. Belki de bizim kız eksikliklerini insanlarla paylaşacak kadar açık sözlüydü.
Sonraki günlerde benzer konuşmaları yapan birkaç kişi daha dikkatimi çekti. Hata ve

eksikliklerinden bahsetmek onlara keyif veriyor gibiydi. Sonra o meşhur “aha” anı geldi ve
bir şeyler yerine oturdu. Söyle ki;

Eminim, yetenek gerektiren aktivitelerle uğraştığı halde sürekli ne kadar başarısız ve sakar
olduğundan bahseden tanıdıklarınız vardır. Siz de onları rahatlatmak için“ yok canım çok
güzel yapmışsın, özellikle şurası.. muhteşem” dersiniz.Onlar ise; aldığı bu övgü karşılığında
teşekkür edip konuyu kapatmak yerine “ Yok canım o muhteşem dediğin yerin şurası böyle
burası da böyle..aslında şöyle olmalıydı” der ve aranızda bir türlü uzlaşma gerçekleşmez.
Aslında gerçek biraz farklıdır. Bir kere değişik bir çok şeyi aynı anda yapabildiklerinden
yeteneksiz olmaları söz konusu değildir. Toplumun çoğunluğunun negatife yönelmeyi tercih
ettiğini bildiklerinden kendileri hakkında güzel şeylerden bahsetmek yerine nerelerde
başarısız olduklarından bahsetmeyi tercih ederler. Çünkü bu şekilde negatifte kalarak hem
diğerlerinin ilgisini çekecek hem de ne kadar açık sözlü olduklarını göstererek kendilerini
önemli hissedeceklerdir. Aslında hata ve eksikliklerden bahsetmek açık sözlü olmak anlamına
gelmez. Bu sadece negatifte kalarak kendimizi ifade etmeyi seçtiğimiz anlamına gelir.

Açık sözlü olmak ise kalbinin yani gönlünün söylediğini içinden geldiği gibi konuşabilme
cesaretidir. Zaman zaman “ HAYIR” diyebilmektir. Bu da ancak kalbin açılması ile
gerçekleşir. Umarım kalbini açmaktan kastettiğimin sol tarafınızda olan organı olmadığı
anlaşılmıştır. Kalbi açmak; içinde ne var ne yok bunu açıklamak değil kendi yansımanız her
ne ise yargılamadan kabul etmekten geçer. Kendi yansımanız ise diğer insanları nasıl algılayıp
yorumladığınızda saklıdır. Algılarımız ise dikkatimizin çekildiği yerlerde saklanır.
Dikkatinizin çekileceği yerleri de kalbiniz belirler. Önemli olan onun sizinle iletişim tarzına
alışmanız ve onu anlamanızdır.

Kibirli insanlar dikkatinizi çekiyor veya ısrarla ben de sizden biriyim diyorsanız kalbiniz
içinizdeki kibire dikkatinizi çekiyordur. Bu kibri fark edip insanları oldukları gibi yani
mükemmel olduklarını kabul ettiğiniz sürece kalbinizin dingin, huzurlu şarkılar çalmaya
başlayacaktır. Çevrenizde olanların sorumluluğunu alıp onlara anlayış gösterdiğinizde ise
kalbiniz sevgi şarkıları mırıldanıyor olacaktır.

Kalbimiz sanki 7/24 yorulmadan çalışan başarılı bir müzisyen ve ben bu yeni iletişim tarzına
bir an evvel alışmaya niyetliyim. Kalbimin çaldığı tüm ezgileri anlayıp sevebilmek bu işin ilk
şartı. Peki siz kalbinizin sürekli hangi şarkıyı çalmasını isterseniz. Unutmayın halka mal
olmuş neşeli, huzur veren ezgileri dinlemeyi herkes sever. Belki bir gün sizin de bir altın
plağınız olabilir. Kim bilir ?…….

Grup - Haziran 2011 - Ayna Ayna
 Posted by gunes kurtulan on July 5, 2011 at 3:00pm

Grup - Haziran 2011 - Ayna Ayna

15 Haziran 2011

Yuvadan Selamlar

Dönüşü Olmayan Nokta

Tüm insanlık geri dönüşü olmayan bir seviyeye ulaştı. Titreşimsel durumda geriye dönüş yok
ve bu gün insanlar kritik kitle seviyesine ulaştı. Bunun geldiğini biliyordunuz. İstikametin bu
yolda gittiğini biliyordunuz ve son zamanlarda sevginin gezegeninizde kollektif içinde
korkuya boyun eğdireceği bir diğer kritik kitle seviyesine erişmiş olduğunuzu anlatmıştık.
Korku gezegende kendini motive etmek için kullanılmakta olan tek motive edici faktör oldu.
Şimdi yeni bir motivasyon bulmak faydalı olabilir. Bugün, bunu bir adım ileri götürmek
istiyoruz. Yolculuğunuzla ilgili bazı algılarımızı paylaşmak istiyoruz. Başlangıçta bu küçük,
minik adımlar idi ve şimdi tek bir harekette yapabildiğiniz kadar çok adımı sıçramak için bu
dev sıçramaları yaparak son süratle koşuyorsunuz. Bu değişimlerden dolayı oluşturduğunuz
rahatlığın çoğu değişmeye başlıyor. Bu sizin rahatsız olacağınız anlamına gelmiyor, sadece bir
zamanlar size rahatlık getiren şeyler artık rahatlık getirmeyebilir. Enerjinizi en yüksek
potansiyelinde kullanmak için mekanı temizlediniz. Bir iş, güç, müşteri topluluğu, arkadaşlık
ve tüm destek ağlarını yarattınız, yine de yakında aynı şekilde desteğe ihtiyacınız olmadığını
göreceksiniz. Tüm insanlık titreşimde çok sessiz ama çok etkili ve dev bir adımı henüz attı ve
bu çok hızlı gerçekleşti. Herkes bunda birlikte olduğu, kendi büyümenizi ölçebildiğiniz ve
görebildiğiniz bazı sınır noktalarınız olduğu sürece bunu yapmaya devam edecek. --0-- Oyunu
İleriye doğru gitmeye devam etmeniz için kendi büyümenizi görmek neden gereklidir? Bu bir
oyun, sevgililer. Tam olarak budur, bir oyun. Koruyucuya, getirmek ve dünyanıza uyan
mesajlara tercüme etmek zorunda olduğu Yuvadan direkt olarak bilgi vermemizin ne kadar
zor olduğunu biliyorsunuz.
Çalışmaya başlayan bazı çok ilginç parçalar var. Size birkaç soru soralım ve sonra gözden
geçirelim ve yanıtların veya önünüzde uzanan olası potansiyellerin bazılarını ortaya
çıkarmaya yardımcı olalım. Sizi güçlendiren hangi inanç sistemlerini taşıdığınızı kendinize
sorun. Dünyanızdaki inanç sistemleri hakkında birçok kez konuştuk. Yolunuzda olma inanç
sistemleri hakkında birçok kez konuştuk. Birçok kez çatırdamak ve çökmek zorunda olan katı,
istikrarlı ve esnek olmayan inanç sistemleri oluşturuyorsunuz. Bazen sonraki seviyeye
ilerleyebilmeniz için, bu inanç sistemleri büyük drama ve zorlukla çöküyor. Yeni deneyimlere
açık olduğunuz ve yeni düşüncelere ve algılara açık olduğunuz esnek inanç sistemleri inşa
etmeyi düşünmenizi istiyoruz, çünkü bu dev sıçramalardan birini yaptığınız her seferinde, her
şeyi farklı bir perspektiften görüyorsunuz ve bu muazzam. Neden?
--0-- Ayna Ayna
Sevgililer, sizler yaratıcılarsınız. Her bir düşünceyi yaratanlarsınız. Sahip olduğunuz her
duygu, tezahür etmesi için düşünceyi evrene ateşleyen bir tetikleyicidir. Bu, kalbiniz
vasıtasıyla manyetik olarak yapılır. Her bir diğer yaratıcı ile bağlantılı olarak yapılır, siz saklı
bir yaratıcısınız – bir şekilde enkarne olan tanrı. Buraya gelip oyunu oynamak ve insan rolü
yapmak için, zaman illüzyonuna girmek gerekliydi, çünkü Dünya gezegeninde sonsuz olmak
işe yaramaz. Bu, sonlu olma rolünü oynama oyunudur ve şimdi, gerçek doğanız sonsuz iken
bunu çok iyi oynamayı öğrendiniz. İllüzyon yaratmak için her biriniz kendinize ait kutsal bir
yer yaratırsınız. Kendi küçük baloncuğunuz içindeki kendi realiteniz ve bu Dünya gezegeni
üzerindeki tek yaratıcı olmadığınızın farkında varmaya başladığınız bir noktaya kadar çok iyi
işliyor. Bu, meydan okumanın geldiği yerdir ve eğer toplumlarınıza, işlerinize,
hükümetlerinize, ister din, kiliseler, sihrinizi yansıtmak için bir araya gelen herhangi türde
organizasyonlar olsun tüm kollektif titreşimlere bakarsanız, olan şey budur.
Bundan ortaya çıkan tüm iyi şeylere bakın. Dinler sevgi bilincine dayanan muazzam kuvvet,
birlik ve topluluk getirdiler. Birçok insanın yapmaya çalıştığı ve etkili şekilde kullandığı
kavramları ve fikirleri güçlendirdiler. Bu doğada olan bir şeylere sahip olmak neden bu kadar
harika? Çünkü bu, ışığınızı yansıtabilen bir inanç sistemidir. Bu ayna biçimindeki bir şeydir.
Burada Dünya’da dinlerle sınırlı olmayan birçok aynalarınız var. Her biri bir şekilde eşsiz
sihrinizi yansıtır ve gerçekte kim olduğunuzu hatırlamanıza yardım etmek için tasarlanır. Bu
yerlerde içinizdeki ruhu, içinizdeki tanrıyı canlandırırsınız.
Dünya gezegeninde neden bu kadar çok din var? Bu son zamanlardaki bir soru. Bunun nedeni
çok basitçe, tüm dünyada farklı titreşim aralıklarına sahip olmanız ve her birinin temsil
edilmesine ihtiyaç olmasıdır. Hangisini kullandığınızın bir fark yaratması gerekmiyor, çünkü
bunların hepsi ışığınızın bir yansımasıdır. Bir tanrı diğer tanrılara yer açmadığı zaman
zorluklar olur. Çoğu dinler diğerlerini dışladı ve bu birçok problemlere ve savaşlara neden
oldu. Bu nedenle büyüdüğünüzü söylüyoruz, bir aynadaki gerçek yansımanızı görmeyi
diliyorsanız, sizinle büyümek için yeterince esnek olan bir ayna bulun.
--0-- Işık Aynaları
Işık aynası nedir? Size bir taş uzatsaydık – küçük, minik bir taş – ve buradan ayrıldığınızda
cebinizde bu güzel taşı taşıyın, bu andan itibaren sizin için her şey sihirli şekilde çalışacak
deseydik. Bu işe yarar mıydı? İşe yarayacağına inanıyorsanız, işe yarayacaktır. Bir doktora
gittiğinizde, doktor şöyle der, “Bu yaygın. Hiç de problem olmayan bu problemi düzeltmene
yardımcı olabilirim. Birçok insanı iyileştirdik. Sadece sana şu hapı veriyoruz, iyi bir gece
uykusu çek, iyi olacaksın”. Bu işe yarar mı? Bunun olacağına inanırsanız, işe yarar.
Şüpheleriniz varsa, allopatik tıbbın sizin için işe yarayıp yaramadığını bile merak ediyorsanız,
aynı şekilde işe yaramayacaktır. Bunlar herkes için işe yarayan kesin şeyler değildir. Her birey
bu nedenle bireydir. Siz büyürken, çeşitlilik yelpazesi daha da büyür. Size söylediğimiz şey,
bunların ışığınızın yansımaları olduğudur. Bunlar küçük tanrıların Dünya gezegeninde
enerjilerini kullanmak zorunda oldukları yollardır. Onu kendileri görmek için bir şekilde
yansıtmak zorundadırlar. Bu nedenle kendinizi düzenli olarak görmeniz için, bilinçli olarak
aynalarınızın farkında olmanızı istiyoruz ve aynalar toplamanızı ve bir sürü aynaya sahip
olmanızı, onları evinize yerleştirmenizi ve tüm bu potansiyelleri oluşturmanızı istiyoruz.
Hayır, burada görsel aynalardan bahsetmiyoruz, rahatlayabilirsiniz. Bu, kendinizi aynada
görerek her an saçınızı düzeltmek zorunda olduğunuz anlamına gelmiyor. Gücünüzü
kullanabileceğiniz, ışığınızı yansıtabileceğiniz birçok esnek inanç sistemine sahip olduğunuz
anlamına geliyor.
Sözlerimizi işiten birçok şifacı ve öğretmen var. Birçok şifacıyı ve öğretmeni çağırıyoruz,
çünkü bu birçok yaşamlarınız boyunca Dünya ile çalıştığımız enerjidir ve çok heyecanlıyız,
çünkü perdeyi açmaya başladığınız noktadasınız. Perdenin arkasındaki, daha önce hiç
duymadığınız sesleri, farklı parçaları duymaya başlıyorsunuz. Bu sizin büyümenizdir, bu,
bunu yapmanızı sağlayan kendi fiziksel varlığınızdaki değişimlerdir. Bu, farkında olmaya
başladığınızı anlatıyor. Bu, sadece tek bir gerçek olduğu ve tüm bu parçaların gerçeğinizi

yansıttığı anlamına geldiği illüzyonudur. Bunu neden söylüyorum? Aslında burada gezegende
birçok gerçek varken her birinizin bir gerçeğe sahip olduğunuzu neden söylüyoruz? Bundan
daha önce söz ettik. Hatırlanacak iki önemli kısım olduğunu size anlattık. Birincisi, siz
tanrısınız ve yaratıcı güçlerinizi kullanma sorumluluğunuz var. İkincisi ve muhtemelen eşit
ölçüde önemli olanı; siz tek tanrı değilsiniz. Güçlerinizi etrafınızdaki diğer yaratıcılar ile
uyum içinde kullanmalısınız. Bu, dünyada yaratılacak cennetin tüm kollektifini bir araya
getiren kısımdır. İlerlediğiniz şey budur – güçlenmiş bir toplum – böylesi daha önce Dünya’da
hiç var olmadı. Her zaman özgür seçime sahiptiniz, ama kollektif titreşim olarak kendi
gücünüzü tam olarak almayı hiç seçmediniz. Bu ne anlama geliyor? Eğer siz tanrıysanız, tanrı
olarak artık oyunu oynamaya ihtiyacınız olmadığı anlamına mı geliyor?
--0-- Sorumluluk = Gücün Dengesi
Pekala, bu kavrama ve bu fırsata sahipsiniz, ama birçoğunuz gezegeni ve tüm insanlığı şimdi
önünüzde bulunan bu adımı atabileceğiniz noktaya getirmek için çalışarak, yaşamlar boyu
öğretmenler veya şifacılar olarak burada bulundunuz. Bu gerçekleşiyor. Perdeler kalkıyor ve
gördüğünüz şey sizin kendi yansımanız. Bunu anlamanız çok önemli, çünkü inanılmaz
gücünüzle birlikte bir sorumluluk seviyesi geliyor ve gücünüz sadece siz bu sorumluluk
seviyesini aldığınız zaman dengelenebilir. Gücünüz yalnızca bu sorumluluk seviyesini
arttırdığınız zaman artabilir. Her birinizin önünde bulunan şey budur. Her birinizin görmeye
başlayacağınız alan budur.
--0-- Işığın 21 Gün Yansıtılması
Şimdi zaman illüzyonunuzda oynar gibi rol yapacağız ve bu noktadan itibaren ve tam şu
andan itibaren 21 gün boyunca, size kendinizi göstereceğiz. Kendi gücünüzün direkt olarak
sahip olduğunuz bir şeye – tam önünüzde tezahür eden bir fikir, bir kavram – geri yansıdığını
göreceksiniz. Sonraki 21 gün boyunca mucizeleri izleyin. Yaşamınızda birçok mucize
yaratacaksınız, ama onu yaratmış olduğunuzu tam çekirdek özünüzden kesinlikle
anlayacağınız, reddedilemez olan en azından bir mucize olacak. Size güven vermek için,
gerçek doğanızı bilmeniz için zaman zaman bunu yaparız. Yuvayı hatırlamanızı engelleyen bir
perde oluşturdunuz, bu perde geçmiş yaşamlarınızı hatırlamanızı engelliyor, bir ruh olarak
ilerlemenizi hatırlamanızı engelliyor ve şimdi gerçekleşmekte olan şey, bu perdeyi tamamıyla
çözmeye başlamanızdır. Beyninizin iki lobu arasına perde koydunuz. Beyninizin iki yarım
küresi olmasının nedeni budur. Soldaki lobun zaman illüzyonunu taşıdığını düşünün, sağdaki
lobda zaman yoktur. Sağ beyin Yuvayı temsil eder, sol beyin Dünya’yı temsil eder. Bunlar
şimdi daha önce hiç gerçekleşmeyen bir şekilde bir araya harmanlanıyor. Ruh evrimleşiyor ve
fiziksel varlık güçlenmiş ruhu barındırmak için evrimleşecek. Birçoğunuz bir şekilde ruh ile
konuşmaya başlıyorsunuz. Hepiniz Yuvaya direkt bağlantılara sahip olduğunuz kendinizin
parçalarını bulmaya başlıyorsunuz. Buna güvenirseniz, ışığınızı demirlemek için bu enerjiyi
getirmeyi öğreneceksiniz. Işığı topraklayacaksınız, yolculuk yapması için ona yeni bir yol
vereceksiniz ve ışığınızı çok güçlü bir şekilde çağıracaksınız.
Her biriniz bunu kendi şeklinizde yapmaya başlıyorsunuz. Sadece omzunuza hafifçe
dokunarak hepinize verebildiğimiz tek bir parça olsaydı, bu güven duygusu olurdu. Ruhsal
güven olurdu, çünkü ruhunuz bu Dünya’da birçok kez yolculuk yaptı. Birçoğunuz Dünya’nın
bu sonraki adımları atmasını mümkün kılmak için her yolu denediniz ve büyük fedakarlıklar
yaptınız… ve buradasınız. Bazılarınız “Şimdi uyandığım için, benden ne yapmam
bekleniyor?” diyerek rüyadan uyanıyorsunuz. Bununla ilgili birçok kahkaha var, çünkü bu
eylemdeki perdedir. Size herhangi bir şey öğretmek için burada değiliz, hatırlamanıza
yardımcı olmak için buradayız. Kendiniz için bu yansımayı görebilmeniz için kendinizin o
parçasını ortaya çıkarmanıza yardım etmek için buradayız. Bu, başkalarına göstermek veya
yeteneklerinizi ya da sihrinizi kanıtlamak ile ilgili değil. O zaman bunu ileri götürürsünüz ve
sorumlulukla dengelersiniz ve etrafınızdaki diğer tanrılarla uyum ile dengelersiniz ve her şeye
ışık aşılamayı öğrenirsiniz. Bu doğal olarak ışığınızı büyütür. Bu, tam olarak gittiğiniz yerdir

ve tam olarak tam şimdi yapmaya başladığınız şeydir.
--0-- Işığı Yaymak
Zaman zaman aldığınız o gülümsemeleri etrafa yayın. Her birinizin sahip olduğu armağanları
alın ve onu bir şekilde kullanın – bu sadece bir anlığına enerjiyi topraklamak olsa bile – kendi
yeteneklerinizi başka insanlara sunmanın bir yolunu bulun. Evet, bu bazen cesaret kırıcı
olabilir, çünkü inanç sistemlerinizle dolaşıyorsunuz, “Oh, bu insan burada bunu yapıyor, şu
insan bu eğitimi almış. Eğer bunu yapacaksam, o zaman aynı adımları atmam lazım. Aynı
süreçten geçmeliyim ve oraya varmak yıllarımı alır.” Bu noktada bunu yapmaya
gereksiniminiz olmadığını söylüyoruz. Enerjiniz orada her varlık tarafından çağırılıyor ve
eğer enerjinize, tutkunuza girmeye başlarsanız – eğitime ihtiyacı olanlarınız, bunun diğer
parçalarına ihtiyacı olanlarınız - buna hızla yönlendirilirsiniz. Bunu planlamanıza gerek yok,
kalbinizin yönünde hareket etmelisiniz, kalbiniz size yolu gösterir. Bırakın tanrı size gelsin. O
enerjiyi yansıtmanıza izin verin ve o her neyse, din, şifa türü, kitap, heykel veya bir taş, eğer
ona inanırsanız fark etmez, o işe yarar. Gerçekten kendi evreninizin merkezisiniz ve
yarattığınız her eylemde bunu düşünmeye başlamanızı istiyoruz.
Bu birçoğunuz için çok zordur, çünkü işinizi yapmak için inanılmaz bir hassaslık seviyesiyle
geldiniz. Bu hassaslık her şeyi hissetmenizi sağlıyor ve bir an önce enerjinizi oraya koymaya
tereddüt ediyorsunuz, çünkü, “Herkes bunu hissedecek, enerjimi oraya koymaya hakkım yok,
çünkü herkes enerjimi hissedecek ve enerjim diğer insanların saldırısına açık olmuş olacak.”
Bunun tersini düşünebildiğinizi umuyoruz. Enerjiniz sizin tarafından taşınır, çünkü Yuva’nın
o parçasını gezegene getirebilen tek kişi sizsiniz. Yuvadan bilmecenin bu parçasını getirebilen
tek insan sizsiniz ve burada “Bunu taşımak için yeterince iyi miyim?” diye merak
ediyorsunuz. Yuvadaki herkes ilerlemenizi ve kendi parçanızı oyun alanına getirmenizi herkes
için onunla oynamanızı söylüyor, siz onu kazandınız.
--0-- Evrendeki Kayıp Enerji
Birçoğunuz bir şeyler yapmıyorsunuz, çünkü başka insanların saldırısına uğrayacağınızı veya
başka insanları etkileyeceğinizi düşünüyorsunuz, size bunun tersi olduğunu söylüyoruz.
Enerjiniz evrende kayıp olan şeydir ve eğer onu içinizde tutarsanız, dünyada cennet
tamamlanamaz. Bunlar her birinizin sahip olduğu ve taşıdığı armağanlardır, ama yetersizlik
hisleriniz, yeterince iyi olmama hisleriniz geçici parçalardır, bunlardan geçmenizi ve ileri
adım atmanızı umuyoruz, çünkü bu blokajlar Dünya’nın ilerlemesini ve bu sonraki adımı
atmasını kısıtlar. Hızın arttığını ve sonraki yılda daha da fazla hızlanacağını göreceksiniz.
Bunu heyecan verici bir meydan okuma olarak görün. Bunu bir fırsat olarak görün. Enerjinizi
her yere boyamanızı istiyoruz. Bunu yapmak için Koruyucuya bir egzersiz verdik, çünkü siz
çok hassassınız ve enerjinizin şeyler üzerinde olmasından kaygılanıyorsunuz, bunun saldırgan
olmasını istemiyoruz, onu imgeliyormuşsunuz gibi elinizin arkasını kullanmanızı istiyoruz.
Enerjinizi birilerine boyamak zorunda değilsiniz, ama bunu yaptığınız zaman, bunu elinizin
tersiyle yaptığınızı imgeleyin. Bu saldırgan değildir, sadece evrendeki sorumlu olduğunuz
enerjiyi geri koymaktır. Tanrının bu çeşnisini geriye koyuyorsunuz ve tam şimdi buna ihtiyaç
vardır. Bu yalnızca tek bir tanrının açılıp gücünü hatırlamasıyla ilgili değildir. Rüyadan
uyanan güçlenmiş varlıklar gezegeni ile ilgilidir. Sevgililer, orada olmayı istediniz ve
birçoğunuz bu anda bu yaşamda olmak üzere sizin için önemli olan kontratlar bile yaptınız,
ama bu anda burada olmak için gelmedikçe bu partinin gerçekleşmesine izin vermeyecektiniz
ve işte buradasınız. Bunu yaptınız. Beklemeyin. 2012’yi beklemeyin. 11-11’i beklemeyin.
Yarını beklemeyin. Onu şimdi koymaya başlayın. O sanki şimdiymiş gibi davranın ve bırakın
ayna sihrinizi yansıtsın. Gerçekleşen şeyleri izleyin. Bu sonraki 21 günün keyfini çıkarın.
Hepiniz en az bir hatırlatıcı alacaksınız ve bazılarınız sihrinizin, armağanlarınızın,
yeteneklerinizin kalanını alacaksınız. Eşsiz bir ışık çeşniniz var.
Koruyucunun kanallık yapmaya başladığı bir zaman geldi. Kryon enerjisinin bir kitabını
okuyordu ve bize sordu, “Kryon’u tanıyor musunuz?” Biz güldük ve bunun komik olduğunu

düşündük, çünkü biz birbirinizden ayrı olma rolü yaptığınız şekilde, Yuvada birbirimizden
ayrı değiliz. “Bunun harika olduğunu düşünüyoruz, ama perdeyi kaldırıp hepinizin her zaman
aynı varlıklarla konuştuğunuzu göreceğiniz bir zamanın geleceğini seninle paylaşmalıyız”
dedik. Bir parçanızla konuştuğunuzu keşfedeceksiniz.” Dinlemeyi öğrendikçe, o sınırları
kaldırmayı öğrendikçe, bu yolculukta size iyi rehberlik ediliyor. Her adımı atın, onu kendi
filtrelerinizden geçirin. Sadece bizim bunları konuşuyor olmamız, bunları almanız için yeterli
bir neden değildir. Yeni elbiseler gibi, yeni fikirler nasıl uyduklarını görmek için önce
denenmelidir. Bununla oynamanızı umuyoruz ve size uyan o parçalara uyum göstermenizi ve
kalanları fırlatıp atmanızı umuyoruz, çünkü gidip her kalbe erişecek olan mesajlar yoktur.
Sizinle rezonansa girenleri alın ve onu getirin. Bunu düşünceler, inanç sistemleri ve fikirler ile
yapmaktaydınız. Şimdi ışığı ayırt etmeye başlayacaksınız. Gezegeninizdeki ışık değişiyor. O
aslında değişmiyor – siz değişiyorsunuz ve daha önce görmediğiniz ışığın parçasını
algılamaya başlıyorsunuz. Işığın güneşten veya cihazlarınızdan aldığınız foton parçacıkları
olduğuna inanıyorsunuz, ama insan bedenindeki ışığın sevgi olarak hissedildiğini ve bu
inanılmaz dalgayı hissetmek üzere olduğunuzu söylüyoruz, bunu yaptığınız zaman, ellerinizi
uzatın ve birbirinizin elini tutun. Bu enerjiyi bu şekilde topraklarsınız. Birbirinizin ışığına bu
şekilde bakarsınız ve yaratıcı bir varlık olarak yansımanızı görürsünüz. Bunu görkemli
taşıyın, sevgililer. Sizinle inanılmaz gururluyuz. Sizler kralın kızları ve oğullarısınız ve
kraliyet mirasınızı hatırlamıyorsunuz, ama biz hatırlıyoruz ve sizler doğru zamanda doğru
yerdesiniz. Bu ışıkla dans edin. Bu ışıkla oynayın. Önce kendinizi görmek için bu ışığı
yansıtın, sonra diğer tanrıların rüyadan uyanmalarına yardımcı olun. Buna güçlenmiş toplum
denir ve sizler tam şimdi sevgi hızında o yöne ilerliyorsunuz. Yolculuğun keyfini çıkarın.
En büyük onurla birbirinize saygıyla davranmanızı istiyoruz. Birine baktığınız zaman,
tanrının gözlerine bakıyorsunuz. Birbirinizi destekleyin ve yoldaş varlıklar için açabileceğiniz
her kapıyı açın, çünkü kollektifin sonraki adımı atmasına yardım ediyorsunuz. Bir oyun
oynadığınızı anlayın ve birlikte iyi oynayın.


The group (Çeviri: Saffet Güler)

Asteroid Vesta comes into focus
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 5, 2011 at 9:05pm

Asteroid Vesta comes into focus

Jun 14, 2011

The Dawn spacecraft is starting to get an eye-full of the Vesta asteroid.

The probe expects to reach the 530km-wide body in late July, whereupon it will go into orbit
around the rock.
Vesta is what scientists term a protoplanet - a body that never acquired the proportions of
"grown-up" planets such as Earth and Mars.
It is nonetheless an impressive object - the second most massive asteroid in the belt of rocky
debris that orbits between Mars and Jupiter.
Nasa's (US space agency) Dawn satellite will be spending about 12 months at Vesta before
moving on to Ceres which, at 950km in diameter, is by far the largest and most massive body
in the asteroid belt.
The new images released on Monday are a big improvement on the dot-like navigation shots
released last month that were used to fine-tune the probe's approach to the rock.
The latest pictures were acquired on 1 June, from a distance of about 480,000km. Vesta's
irregular form is now unmistakeable. In the images, one pixel corresponds to 45km on Vesta's
In the days since 1 June, Vesta has started to acquire pictures with resolutions of around 30km
per pixel - slightly better than the best shots we have from the Hubble Space Telescope.
"This is really a new world which we've never seen before, so it should be very exciting," said
Dr Andreas Nathues from the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research (MPS) in
Germany which processed the imagery.
"We will have five times Hubble resolution by the beginning of July," he told BBC News.
The asteroid has the look of a punctured football, the result of a colossal collision sometime in
its past that ripped a big chunk out of its south polar region (the five o'clock position).
The debris from that smash-up was sent far and wide. About one in every 20 meteorites that
falls on the surface of the Earth is probably a bit of Vesta.
Ceres and Vesta will make for interesting subjects. They are both evolved bodies - objects that
have heated up and started to separate into distinct layers.
In the case of Vesta, telescopes have spied evidence for the eruption of lava (basalt) on its
"The goal is to acquire the first colour pictures of Vesta in early July," said Dr Nathues. "We
will go into three different kinds of orbits and the last of these will be about 200km in height
from the surface. The best resolution at that stage will be about 20m per pixel."

DailyOM: Conditioned Response
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 5, 2011 at 9:53pm

July 4, 2011
Conditioned Response
Reactions to Life Events
Our past experiences can and do influence our emotional reactions and responses to present

Our experiences color everything. The events of the past can have a profound effect on how
we see our lives now and what we choose to believe about our world. Our past experiences
can also influence our emotional reactions and responses to present events. Each of us reacts
to stimulus based on what we have learned in life. There is no right or wrong to it; it is simply
the result of past experience. Later, when our strong feelings have passed, we may be
surprised at our reactions. Yet when we face a similar situation, again our reactions may be the
same. When we understand those experiences, we can come that much closer to
understanding our reactions and consciously change them.

Between stimulus and reaction exists a fleeting moment of thought. Often, that thought is
based on something that has happened to you in the past. When presented with a similar
situation later on, your natural impulse is to unconsciously regard it in a similar light. For
example, if you survived a traumatic automobile accident as a youngster, the first thing you
might feel upon witnessing even a minor collision between vehicles may be intense panic. If
you harbor unpleasant associations with death from a past experience, you may find yourself
unable to think about death as a gentle release or the next step toward a new kind of existence.
You can, however, minimize the intensity of your reactions by identifying the momentary
thought that inspires your reaction. Then, next time, replace that thought with a more positive

Modifying your reaction by modifying your thoughts is difficult, but it can help you to see
and experience formerly unpleasant situations in a whole new light. It allows you to stop
reacting unconsciously. Learning the reason of your reactions may also help you put aside a
negative reaction long enough to respond in more positive and empowered ways. Your
reactions and responses then become about what’s happening in the present moment rather
than about the past. As time passes, your negative thoughts may lose strength, leaving only
your positive thoughts to inform your healthy reactions.

Mary Magdalene: Riding the Wave of Self-
TransformationReceived by Mercedes
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 5, 2011 at 10:12pm

Mary Magdalene: Riding the Wave of Self-TransformationReceived by Mercedes Kirkel

Blessings my Beloved Ones. This is Mary Magdalene. I am so happy to be here with you
tonight. As always, it is a great joy, a great honor, a great delight to speak from my heart to
your heart. And I thank you for making this space for me to do this with you all. Those of you
who are here, and so many others at this time, are so committed to your growth. It is so
important, the work that you are all doing, because this is an amazing, empowered time. It is
taking the work of each one of you, and so many like you, who are doing the work of self-
transformation, self-growth within yourselves, to make this transformation possible that is
happening in your world altogether. For truly, it is happening through each of you, through
each being who chooses to engage this process. You are the ones who are the instruments, the
ones creating the vehicle. It begins with you, and more and more will join you. But you are
the leaders. You are the forefront. You are the way-showers, the pioneers. Because of what
you are doing, each of you on your own, this transformation is occurring as it is meant to do,
as it was foretold. It was a possibility, a potential, which is becoming a reality because of you
and so many others, what you are each doing. Each of you is doing this in your own way. It is
not necessary that you be out in front, being a teacher, being a leader. That may be what you
are called to, but it is not necessarily the case. And indeed, that will not be the case for most of
you. What is required is that you do your own inner work, your transformation. And that is
unique and individual to each of you. It is a process, as you know, of purifying whatever it is
in you that is still attached to the old, that is still holding on, not ready to let go, and allowing
this change to happen through you, so that you become your higher self, you become the light,
you become the love, and you become the channel of that. You yourself, and so many others,
like drops in the ocean, as each one does it you strengthen the whole. Truly this time is about
the whole, because this is the time of unity. But to create the whole it requires that each drop
do their part. So you are all doing your part, and it is so important. You are all on your own
path. There are similarities with others, and yet each one’s is unique. There can be support in
others. You can help each other. You may be able to support another when they are going
through a challenging time. You can receive support yourself when you are going through a
challenging time. This is the help of a group, that you all help each other. Through that you all
grow together. Like cells of an organism, you all support the whole. It has been said by me, it
has been said by others, and it is true, that as you grow into these higher aspects of
consciousness, it will reflect in higher dimensions of reality. The dimension that has been
familiar to so many of you for so long, the third dimension, is one that you are growing
beyond. You are growing into the fourth dimension, and from there into the fifth dimension.
At the fourth dimensional level, there are different bodies that you are working with, that you
are completing and becoming whole in. In order for this transformation to happen, it is
especially important that what is often referred to as your four lower bodies – you could think
of this as your foundation – that these bodies be strong and become whole. These bodies are
your physical body, your emotional body, your mental body, and your etheric or energy body.
Of these four bodies, the one that is most challenging for most people is the emotional body.
Most of you have a great deal of wisdom, and also a great deal of strength, work you have
already done, at the physical level. You have great understanding about what is called for, in
general, at the physical. Most of you are fairly strong, at least in many aspects, in your mental
body, because your culture has supported your mental development so strongly. Indeed, you
have often created imbalance of being over-accentuated in this arena, while still not
necessarily understanding all aspects of it, not necessarily understanding some of the
subconscious aspects of your beliefs, the way that manifestation happens through your
thoughts and the way that you create your reality. But still there is much understanding
already amongst many of your in this arena. But the two arenas that are especially called for –
to have greater understanding of and greater practice in relationship to – are your emotional

body and your energy body. The emotional body is so misunderstood by so many people.
Even in the spiritual community there has been a lack of understanding, because this is so
related to the Feminine. The Feminine has not been supported. The Feminine voice has not
come out for so long. Much of what has been expressed relative to emotion has been the idea
of detachment. This truly is an aspect of what will become more and more your disposition as
you evolve and manifest at the higher realms. But this is not sufficient to get you there, for
most of you. For most of you, there are specific emotional tools, specific ways of embracing
emotions that will allow you to easefully and directly get to that place that you recognize as
detachment. So many of you long for detachment. You understand that this is a desirable
space. You recognize it as coming from a higher disposition. Yet you often don’t know how to
get there. It seems elusive. It seems like something that at times you can achieve and at other
times is so far away. This is because you have not fully understood the tools of embracing the
Feminine, the emotional. This is what so many of you can be helped by. What you often think
of as negative emotions are not truly negative at all. These are actually aspects that have been
given to you to help you. But because you have not understood how to embrace them, they
have instead haunted you, and you have concluded that they are negative. But they are not,
any more than the darkness is negative. It is about learning how to embrace and understand
them, how to take it to Source, how to receive the gift of these emotions that, for many of you,
are not comfortable, because you have had experiences and not known how to navigate them.
So this is a great deal of your learning, to understand how to open to these spaces of fear and
of sadness –that is primarily what it always comes down to, fear of the future, sadness from
the past – and how to open yourself to this. You discover when you do that, that it is not what
you fear. You are not engulfed by darkness, by an overwhelming pit that takes you over and
leads you into nothingness. Rather, it takes you to your wholeness. This is a path that you are
learning to grow in. It is part of learning to trust the Feminine, which is a tremendous
transformation that is part of this growth that you are all learning. Along with this, you are
learning how to become masters of your energy body. This is the great complement to
meditation, to quieting your mind, that is also of great value. The quieting your mind is what
you might call the Masculine aspect, and the mastery of your energy, of your etheric body, is
what you might call the Feminine aspect. Both are a great complement to each other. Truly,
these practices that you are learning will support you tremendously. [Mary is referring to
energy practices that were taught earlier in the evening.] As you master these energy aspects,
it will become easier and easier to quiet your mind, to go into that space of emptiness,
openness, transcendence that you are so cleansed by and that supports you. Truly this is part
of the union that you are being called to at this great time of unity consciousness. It so much
includes the union of what is our Divine Masculine and our Divine Feminine, that all of you
are meant to embody, man or woman. You are called to your wholeness of both of these parts.
And so I am speaking of this to you, and will more and more be talking about this with you,
because it will be a great support in these times ahead. There is change coming, and this
change will stir things up. Change is part of the domain of the Feminine. The more that you
understand the mastery of the emotions, the mastery of your energy body, the more that you
will understand how to navigate these passages, how to flow with them. For those who are
strong in this, you will ride it like a wave. It will not disturb you. It will help carry you to the
higher ground where you are all headed.

Dear ones, we are at our ending now. I thank you so much for being here and opening to me,
for opening your hearts, for all the work that you do. It is so beautiful. You are so blessed. I
bless you. So many beings bless you. You are held in the light and the love. Thank you. In
love, in light,
I AM Mary Magdalene

Copyright 2011 Mercedes Kirkel, * All Rights Reserved. Please copy
and share this article as long as the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of
authorship and my e-mail ( and website address
( is included; and no money is exchanged. It may be published in
journals, magazines or public print with permission from Mercedes Kirkel. E-mail: * Mercedes Kirkel is a channel and spiritual guide, bringing forth
messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene, Lady Mary, Archangel Michael, Isis,
Yeshua, and other beings of light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. She is currently
working on a book entitled Messages from Mary Magdalene. To receive ongoing messages
from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list. Mercedes offers
workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She is available in-person or long
distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to, or contact her at *

Crop Circle (1) Nr Alton Barnes, Wiltshire

reported 7/4/11
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 5, 2011 at 10:22pm

Unfinished Symphony

It appears we have an unfinished formation here. The mystery is what happened for this to

Maybe the fact it was so close to the Barge Inn might have had some sort of effect?

Maybe the inspiration just faded away?

Maybe just a bridge too far?

I'm sure there are many more possible reasons for this bizarre outcome as this mystery

Julian Gibsone (Director of our DVD's)

UPDATE:- 05/07/2011

I was also in the Honeystreet (2), Unfinished Symphony circle this morning. there has been
definitely some completion happening over night! there are 5 complete elements now in the
centre and some structures on the side that are not congruent with the posted a real pictures. it
seems the Symphony is now completed!

Kamal M. Engels

Images John Montgomery Copyright 2010

Images Olivier Morel / WCCSG Copyright 2011

Images Matison McWilliamson Copyright 2011

Images Lucy Pringle Copyright 2010

Click above to join the Crop Circle Connector Membership

Image Steve Alexander Copyright 2010

Honeystreet (3), Nr Alton Barnes, Wiltshire.
Reported 4th July.
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 5, 2011 at 10:29pm

Honeystreet (3), Nr Alton Barnes, Wiltshire. Reported 4th July.

Images John Montgomery Copyright 2010

Images Olivier Morel / WCCSG Copyright 2011

Images Lucy Pringle Copyright 2010

Images Matison McWilliamson Copyright 2011


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 5, 2011 at 10:30pm


Rivayet olunur ki, kuşların hükümdarı olan Simurg (Zümrüd-ü Anka ya da batıda bilinen
adıyla Phoenix),
Bilgi Ağacı'nın dallarında yaşar ve her şeyi bilirmiş.
Bu kuşun özelliği gözyaşlarının şifalı olması ve yanarak kül olmak suretiyle ölmesi,
sonra kendi küllerinden yeniden dirilmesidir.
Kuşlar Simurg'a inanır ve onun kendilerini kurtaracağını düşünürmüş.
Kuşlar dünyasında her şey ters gittikçe onlar da Simurg'u bekler dururlarmış.
Ne var ki, Simurg ortada görünmedikçe kuşkulanır olmuşlar ve sonunda umudu kesmişler.

Derken bir gün uzak bir ülkede bir kuş sürüsü Simurg'un kanadından bir tüy bulmuş.
Simurg'un var olduğunu anlayan dünyadaki tüm kuşlar toplanmışlar
ve hep birlikte Simurg'un huzuruna gidip yardım istemeye karar vermişler.
Ancak Simurg'un yuvası, etekleri bulutların üzerinde olan Kaf Dağı'nın tepesindeymiş.
Oraya varmak için ise yedi dipsiz vadiyi aşmak gerekirmiş, hepsi birbirinden çetin yedi vadi...

İstek, aşk, marifet, istisna, tevhid, hayret ve yokluk vadileri...

Kuşlar, hep birlikte göğe doğru uçmaya başlamışlar.
İsteği ve sebatı az olanlar, dünyevi şeylere takılanlar yolda birer birer dökülmüşler.
Yorulanlar ve düşenler olmuş...
"Aşk denizi"nden geçmişler önce...".
"Ayrılık vadisi"nden uçmuşlar...".
"Hırs ovası"nı aşıp,
"kıskançlık gölü"ne sapmışlar...
Kuşların kimi "Aşk denizi"ne dalmış,
kimi "Ayrılık vadisi"nde kopmuş sürüden...
Kimi hırslanıp düşmüş ovaya,
kimi kıskanıp batmış göle...
Önce Bülbül geri dönmüş, güle olan aşkını hatırlayıp;
Papağan o güzelim tüylerini bahane etmiş (oysa tüyleri yüzünden kafese kapatılırmış);
Kartal, yükseklerdeki krallığını bırakamamış;
Baykuş yıkıntılarını özlemiş;
Balıkçıl kuşu bataklığını.
Yedi vadi üzerinden uçtukça sayıları gittikçe azalmış.
Ve nihayet beş vadiden geçtikten sonra gelen Altıncı Vadi "şaşkınlık"
ve sonuncusu Yedinci Vadi "yokoluş"ta bütün kuşlar umutlarını yitirmiş...

Kaf Dağı'na vardıklarında geriye otuz kuş kalmış.

Sonunda sırrı, sözcükler çözmüş: Farsça "si", "otuz" demektir... murg" ise "kuş"...
Simurg'un yuvasını bulunca ögrenmişler ki; "Simurg - otuz kuş" demekmiş.
Onların hepsi Simurg'muş.
Her biri de Simurg'muş.
30 kuş, anlar ki, aradıkları sultan, kendileridir ve gerçek yolculuk, kendine yapılan

Simurg Anka'yı beklemekten vazgeçerek,

şaşkınlık ve yokoluşu da yaşadıktan sonra bile uçmayı sürdürerek,
kendi küllerimiz üzerinden yeniden doğabilmek için kendimizi yakmadıkça,
her birimiz birer Simurg olmayı göze almadıkça
bataklığımızda, tüneklerimizde ve kafeslerimizde yaşamaktan kurtulamayacağız.
Şimdi kendi gökyüzünde uçmak zamanıdır...

Yazarı: Ferridün-i ATTAR

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 5, 2011 at 10:31pm


Keep Walking.....
The Organs of your body have their sensory touches at the bottom of your foot,
if you massage these points you will find relief from aches and pains
as you can see the heart is on the left foot.

Typically they are shown as points and arrows to show which organ it connects to.
It is indeed correct since the nerves connected to these organs terminate here.

This is covered in great details in Acupressure studies

God created our body so well that he thought of even this.
He made us walk so that we will always be pressing these pressure points and thus
keeping these organs activated at all times.

So, keep walking…

İnsanlar ağaçlardan ders almalıdırlar

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 5, 2011 at 10:35pm

"İnsanlar ağaçlardan ders almalıdırlar.

Onlar; ne üzerlerinde barınan kuşların, ne gölgelerinde yatan insanların,
ne de verdikleri yemişlerin hesabını tutarlar...”


Dünya bir enerji denizi..
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 5, 2011 at 10:38pm

Dünya bir enerji denizi..

"Unutmayınız! İçinde yaşadığımız dünya katı maddelerden meydana gelmiş görünmesine


deniz gibi sürekli hareket halinde akıcı bir enerjiden oluşmuş ve onunla çevrelenmiştir.
Modern bilim, insan organizmasının sadece moleküllerden oluşan fiziksel bir yapı olmayıp
tüm evrende olduğu gibi bir enerji alanına sahip olduğunu doğrular.
Yani biz, enerjiyiz ve sürekli hareket halinde olan bir enerji denizinde yaşıyoruz."

İnsan manyetik alanları hissediyor olabilir

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 5, 2011 at 10:41pm

Intuition and the Ego-Voice by Jimmy

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 6, 2011 at 8:00pm

Intuition and the Ego-Voice

by Jimmy Henderson

We all presently function under the guise of a false sense of self or ‘ego’ formed by our
experiences in this world. The ego is not who we really are, but is little more than an
accumulation of self-awareness surrounded by a collection of self-centred thoughts and
beliefs, doubts, fears and insecurities. Somewhere in the midst of all this clutter is still that
oasis of pure consciousness (our true nature or authentic self) which sometimes reveals itself
in moments of guidance, insight and intuition.

This self-limiting chatter from the ego is usually known as self-talk or mind-talk. However, I
prefer the term ‘ego-voice’, which links it clearly back to our self-image and feelings of self-
esteem. Put simply, the ego-voice is that which we are continually telling ourselves, and,
unfortunately, in most challenging situations, usually takes the form of negative self-

statements or beliefs. For example, ‘I will never accomplish this’, ‘I am not good enough’, or
‘I will never find anyone else’. This is not intuition, which originates on a far higher level
than the ego. And when working with intuition, it will be important to distinguish between the
ego–voice and true intuitive messages.

There are a few guidelines which will help you in this regard. For instance, the ego-voice is
usually quite self-deprecating, loud and persistent, whereas true intuitions are constructive,
more fleeting and gentle. Perhaps this can be better understood using the analogy of a
fisherman. It requires years of practice and dedication in order to be successful at fishing. I
have seen them standing patiently for long hours in the early hours of the morning. If you
speak to them they always have a prior expectation and a high level of confidence that they
will catch a fish. When the line has been cast, an experienced fisherman can tell the difference
between the subtle nibble of a fish, the tugs or movements of the currents and being stuck in
the rocks. A bite is fleeting and subtle, but still precise. The fisherman responds quickly and
without thinking. It is only once the fish has been properly hooked that he or she will reel it
in. Once the fish is landed, fishermen are always very happy and grateful for this gift of the

Let us apply this analogy to our own attempts at working with intuition. It takes time to
perfect our intuition (practice and dedication). Second, we should always reveal an
expectation and full confidence that the intuition will be forthcoming. Third, we can learn to
tell the difference between a true intuition, the ego-voice, or normal conscious thinking. A true
intuition is also fleeting, transient, yet immediate and precise. There is no thinking involved.
If it is in the form of an image, the impression will remain briefly even if our attention lapses
for a moment, whereas an impression or image produced by an overactive imagination will
disappear as soon as our attention is shifted. Any intuitive message should receive an
immediate acknowledgement and expression of gratitude. This cements our relationship with
our subconscious mind.

Controlling the ego-voice

Our intuition works best with a quiet and balanced state of mind. And the good news is that
the chatter and mind-content that produces the ego-voice can be stilled and eventually cleared
of negativity. This stillness comes from the rediscovery of our inner spiritual centre through
the practice of meditation. And the ego-voice which tells us that we are a failure or that no-
one cares can be directly challenged through counselling or the use of positive affirmations.

Jimmy Henderson is a metaphysical teacher

and author of a number of self-help books and articles.

bir söz: "kaç kez yeni bir GÜL olduğunu
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 6, 2011 at 8:49pm

"Küle döndüysen, yeniden güle dönmeyi bekle..

Ve geçmişte kaç kere küle dönüştüğünü değil,
kaç kere yeniden küllerin arasından doğrulup yeni bir gül olduğunu hatırla...! "


Looking through the Peephole into Eternity
a message from Archangel Michael
channeled by Carolyn Ann O'Riley 1 July,
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 6, 2011 at 10:30pm

Looking through the Peephole into Eternity

a message from Archangel Michael

channeled by Carolyn Ann O'Riley

1 July, 2011

Welcome! & Greetings! My Beautiful Beings of Light. Once again the moments have dashed
by so quickly that you could have missed them had you blinked.

My Beloveds what time is telling you is, that it really isn’t a meter of measurement but only a
point or mile marker helping you remember your lines within your scripts. Time might even
be described as a page number within those contracted scripts that you drafted with your
advisors before coming to the Earth Plane. Time, just like your age, is nothing more than a
point of reference, nothing more.

Time is speeding up in your perceptions to help you realize that even this shall pass away.

My Divine Light Beings the phrase “even this shall pass away” has many meanings but it
eludes to the death of the physical or some passage of significance in your perceptions, does it

So you begin to ask yourself when all else passes away what is left? Ever find yourself
questioning what is next or what is left? The answer My Beloveds is what you are trying to
remember. It is what you keep questioning. It’s that tug in your thinking that is telling you that
there is something more but you can’t put a tangible finger on it and touch it. You can’t put
your arms around it and hold it. You can’t see it with your physical eyes or hear it with your
physical ears. Science can’t solve it and doctors can’t treat it. That sense of knowing that there
is something more is illusive.

Many fear that sense of knowing, that there is something more, because then they would have
to accept that they are not this physical body. They would have to embrace a higher power
than themselves and that can be freighting to some, My Beautiful Beings of Light.

The Creator is sending you down a Love Wave to wrap around your Essence just to let you
know that there is nothing to fear and that there is indeed life on the other side of the veil.

Simply close your eyes and allow this wonderful gift from The Creator to wrap itself around
you and enfold you in the warmest of Celestial Hugs. You are indeed loved more than any
Earth Plane language could ever express.

Feel this Creator Hug for as long as you desire it My Beloveds. When you are Hugging The
Creator, that is the closest to Paradise that you can experience while stymied on the Earth

Allow this Messenger to take you on a mediation journey that will allow you to look through
the peephole into Eternity.

Arrange yourself in seated position or lie down so that you are comfortable. Keep your legs
and arms from crossing if at all possible, as this blocks the flow of energy. Cover yourself
with a light blanket if you chill easily. We want you comfortable and undisturbed for a while
as you journey within yourself through meditation.

Close your eyes and take a comfortable deep breath, then comfortably exhale as hard as is
possible. With each in breath, you are breathing in love and renewal. With each out breath,
you are breathing out fear, frustration and doubt. Take another comfortable deep breath in and
comfortably exhale just letting all the stress go. Take another comfortable deep breath in and
then just exhaling letting it all go with a sigh as you are breathing out all frustrations of the

Feel your body relaxing from the top of your head down to your toes. Give yourself
permission to feel the calm and peace. Your muscles are feeling loose and limp, so relaxed, so
deliciously serene, so wonderfully lazy.

Direct your ego self to perch on your left shoulder. Instruct your ego self that it is only to be
an observer on this journey, it is not to participate. If it helps you to visualize your ego self by
identifying it as a symbol or as an object please do so.

In your imagination ask through prayer for The Creator to send you down a protective Ray of
White Light by praying mentally something like this “My Creator I AM asking for a
protective Ray of White Light to enfold me and lift me up so that I am experiencing the very
highest of vibrations during this journey into my inner most depths of understanding and
Being. I am protecting myself My Creator from anything that is not for my highest good on
this journey. I am thanking you in advance My Creator for assisting me by sending this Ray. I
am visualizing the ray in my imagination now coming down through the corner of the area
where I am meditating. It is entering into my physical form, permeating all that is within my I
AM presence.”

The Creator has responded to your prayer and has gifted you with an Iridescent White Ray
plus a Glittery Platinum Ray and Two Golden Fluid Rays for this journey. The Rays are
entering into your body through the soles of your feet and moving up through your physical
vessel; permeating throughout all of your etheric energy fields & physical vessel and into all
corners of the actual area that you are meditating in. The rays then are exiting through your
Crown Chakra. The Rays then are returning to The Creator and cycling back down through

you again and back to The Creator in a continuous circular loop. These protective therapeutic
rays are in a continuous circular motion while you are in meditation.

You are now divinely protected at this moment and nothing can even communicate with you,
that is not for your highest good, without your permission.

My Divine Beings of Light. You are breathing very slowly and evenly now; you are feeling
secure and safe.

Breathe in deeply My Beautiful Beings of Light and feel the lighter relaxed feelings of being
protected & divinely guided into this meditation. Breathe in deeply and know that you are
breathing to the Pulse of The Creator. Listen to The Creator’s spiritual heart beat and feel the
unconditional love that courses through you each time you think about this moment.

Breathe in deeply allowing and seeing within your spiritual imagination your Guardian
Angels and invited Spirit Guides as they join you now. The Angels take your etheric essence
hands and guide you out of your physical body. The Angels then direct you into your Etheric
Spiritual Heart Chakra. An Angel has been stationed to stay with your physical essence until
you return from your meditation journey.

You are seeing, feeling and sensing this within your imagination, Your Guardian Angels,
Spirit Guides and special invited guests are with you now within your Spiritual Heart Chakra.
Your Angels and Guides are helping you locate the Golden Door that says “To My Highest
Guidance Within”. You have located the Golden Door and now you turn the etheric spiritual
door knob, opening the door as you cross over the threshold knowing that you are on a
spiritual growth adventure.

You find yourself in a White Marble Corridor. Your Angels greet you in front of the open
elevator. You are directed to step inside the elevator and the doors close. You hear this whoosh
and away the elevator climbs. The numbers on the panels of the elevator all are flickering on
as the elevator passes the floor quickly and then climbs to the next. The panel is now
extending itself with higher and higher numbers as the elevator continues its climb.

You finally see a star at the top of the panel and as it lights up the elevator slows to a stop and
the doors open. You walk to the door and look out and all you see in all directions are white
light and white clouds.

The Angels ask you to put your foot on the cloud directly in front of the door and you do as
requested although hesitantly. You realize that the clouds are solid walking surfaces even
though they don’t appear to be. You walk a little further and realize that you are safe and
aren’t going to fall through a cloud. This is a relief to you and you let out a little sigh. The
Angels laugh and tell you that you just created your own fears about the clouds. They would
never have brought you to someplace that would cause you injury or harm.

Good to know you tell them, and continue to move on following them as they wend through
the cloud paths. You happen to look up and see a rainbow over what looks like a white gate.
The Angels tell you that this is Eternity. You ask if you will always see a rainbow and a gate
when visiting and the Angels tell you no, this is simply symbolic to your mind so that the
mind will allow you to separate your journey.

They explain to you that your physical conscious mind needs the symbols where as your true
identity needs no such break to let you know that you’ve entered Eternity. Your Angels further
share that you have been in Eternity since you passed the twelfth floor on the elevator.

You begin to smile and realize that many of the things you see during your meditations are
symbolic to help your current physical awareness to accept that there is something more than
what you physically can touch and perceive. You finally understand that you physical
presence is so very limiting.

The Angels are reading your thoughts and are shaking their heads in agreement. They tell you,
well done you have figured out part of the illusive puzzle.

You pass under the rainbow and through the gates. You allow your spiritual eyes to adjust and
focus. There in front of you is a small village with all types of cottages and buildings. Some
are large …some are small ..some look like homes …some look like libraries …some look
like grand meeting places…some look like building with steeples...some simply have spires
on top…others are endlessly going up into the sky. You see meadows, mountains and fields
filled with flowers. The flowers are so beautiful and most are not species that you can identify.

The one constant sense that you have continually felt since you arrived at this level was a
presence of the highest and purest love than you’ve ever felt before. The Angels remind you
that you have always had access to this love and have experienced it many many times during
all of your different returns from your many life times outside of the Eternity Realm.

Eternity the Angels describe is the place where you dwell when you are not in physical form.
It is your HOME. The Earth Plane is just a place you visit from time to time the Angels
laughingly tell you.

This makes a lot of since to you here at this level. You are very comfortable here, you feel as
though you belong here. You sense that you are HOME. The feelings of permanence and
everlasting just enfold and embrace you here.

To provide you with some more HOME confirmation feelings your Angels tell you to just
start walking as though you know where you are going. You begin walking and look up to
find yourself in front of a small cottage. You tap on the door and as the door opens you see a
table set before you with all of your Spiritual Family gathered around awaiting your return.

Your Spiritual Family starts to cheer and everyone is trying to hug you at the same time. They
are so happy and excited to see you. You notice that they each are in their own true form.
They don’t have those physical bodies that you are use to seeing. They can manifest a
semblance of one to help you adjust if needed.

The absence of form is being accepted by you now and you begin to accept that you are a
Being of Light and Energy, that is your true Essence. The feeling of love in this one room is
more than any love you have ever experienced in all of your entire life times as a human. It all
makes perfect sense now, this is what you have been trying to remember. This is one of the
sources of love that you have been seeking but never finding upon the Earth Plane.

You sit and enjoy a meal with your Spiritual Family and then you allow them to walk you
from building to building and place to place. All of the remembrance is flooding back into

your awareness now. The veil has been lifted so that you can look through the peephole into
Eternity and remember who you really are.

Your Spiritual Family also helps you to remember what your life purpose is and why you
decided to reincarnate this time around. You just keep shaking your head in confirmation and
acceptance. You are HOME……….

Your Spiritual Family also assists you in remembering that your mission is not finished and
that your puzzle piece has not been placed into the correct slot on the Earth Plane game board.
The correct moment to provide that wonderful gift that you alone carry has not presented
itself yet. You sigh because you really don’t want to leave. You are HOME and it feels so
good to be here.

Your Angels tell you that you promised and have work to finish. You take a deep breath as all
of your Spiritual Family members hug you. They tell you that they are with you in spirit when
you are in physical form. If you close your eyes and concentrate on them they can be felt
through the veil as a strong loving presence. You smile because this is very comforting for
you to know.

Your Angels lead you back down the path away from your cottage and back under the
rainbow, back through the gates and there you find the elevator door open for you waiting.

The elevator door closes and you hear the familiar whoosh again and down the elevator races.
In moments the elevator doors open you step out to find yourself back in the White Marble

You catch a glimpse of your glowing Essence in the mirror as you think about your Spiritual
Family. Your Angels lead you back across the threshold of the Golden Door Within, back into
your Spiritual Heart Chakra and then they assist the return of your spiritual Essence back into
your physical form.

Take a deep breath to help you reorient as you wiggle your fingers and toes. When you are
ready open your eyes. Go about your day remembering that your Inner Higher Wisdom and
Angelic support staff are always at your service working with you to help you reach your
highest most appropriate potential. Listen for those first thoughts that pop into your awareness
and know without a shadow of a doubt that you are receiving daily spiritual guidance.

Beloveds you are blessed beyond words and loved beyond measure, more than any Earth
Plane language can ever express.

I Am Archangel Michael, The Creator’s Messenger, of Love, Joy, Wisdom, Light, Peace and

This Message was Transmitted Through & Transcribed by Carolyn Ann O’Riley.

This is copyrighted material. © It may be shared with those that you sense might resonate
with the material provided all the appropriate credits are given and there is no charge for the
channeled message shared with another. To e-mail The Channel, Carolyn Ann O’Riley click
on this link


Bask in the Wonder of Life a message from

Archangel Gabriel channeled by Shanta
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 6, 2011 at 10:32pm

m Archangel Gabriel
channeled by Shanta Gabriel


2 2011 ( Main excerpts)
 Posted by Jacques on July 7, 2011 at 12:09am

From transmitted by Jean-Luc Ayoun


"Well, dear friends, I am very happy to find you again.First of all, I transmit you, all my
Blessings... It is important, already, to know about expecting in relation to Light display
effects.And this action which is going to take place, what it is likely to trigger it? First in you,
then, of course, on the planet whole and this solar system. Because it is very important in
order that you are not, so to speak, caught off your guard, isn't it, by this Light display.

Then, there's all an Inner part. The display or the Cube opening, Within your physical body, is
going to take place by the activation of energy Circuits (or Paths, if you like better), extremely
accurate. These Paths will be you unveiled step by step, until Lord Metatron intervention
(July 11 at 3:00 AM). These Paths, in fact, are fitting a little bit like what you have called the

New Bodies. This Light display is going to do, in you, on special lines, which are Circuits,
like acupuncture meridians circuits, but which have nothing because they didn't exist up to
nowsdays. They are going to bind some chakras, place after place, in order to be born within
you a number of unknown spiritual potentials, until now.

(...) You are coming back in, crescendo during July month, not cutting into the flesh, but
getting to the Heart of the matter, truly, through the most powerful workings and cogs of the
Transformation bound to Spirit, Within the human being, but also Within this solar system...

Because all this is going to unfold, in front of you, with an extreme and visual acuity and
intensity, which does from that case, nobody on Earth couldn't say they didn't know. This will
be not possible...

All beings who are in progress of awakening, of wakening (you call this like you want), are
going to see that goes quicker and quicker. The events, changes, the Vibrations which are to
live, Within you, are going to be followed on from each other..."

To be continued...

Female Native American Names
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 7, 2011 at 8:30pm

ABEDABUN: Native American Chippewa name meaning "dawn; sight of day."

ABEQUA: Native American Chippewa name meaning "stays at home."
ABEQUE: Variant spelling of Native American Chippewa Abequa, meaning "stays at home."
ADSILA: Native American Cherokee name meaning "blossom."
AILEN: Variant spelling of Native American Mapuche Aylen, meaning "clear" or "happiness."
AIYANA: This name was coined by professor Bryan Sykes, author of The Seven Daughters
of Eve, for a particular Native American genetic line, one of four reconstructed mtDNA lines

believed to have colonised America. The name was adopted into English usage, mostly by
Americans. It may mean "ever-blooming."
AIYANNA: Variant spelling of Native American Aiyana, possibly meaning "ever-blooming."
ALAMEDA: Native American Indian name meaning "grove of cottonwood."
ALAQUA: Native American name meaning "sweet gum tree."
ALSOOMSE: Native American Algonquin name meaning "independent."
AMADAHY: Native American Cherokee name meaning "forest water."
ANGWUSNASOMTAQA: Native American Hopi name meaning "crow mother spirit."
ANPAYTOO: Native American Sioux name meaning "radiant."
APONI: Native American name meaning "butterfly."
AWANATA: Native American Miwok name meaning "turtle."
AWENTIA: Variant spelling of Native American Cherokee Awinita, meaning "fawn."
AWINITA: Native American Cherokee name meaning "fawn."
AYASHA: Variant spelling of Cheyenne Ayashe, meaning "little one."
AYASHE: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "little one."
AYELEN: Variant spelling of Native American Mapuche Aylen, meaning "clear" or
AYLEN: Native American Mapuche name, meaning "clear" or "happiness."
CALFURAY: Native American Mapuche flower name meaning "violet."
CHA'RISA: Native American Hopi name meaning "elk."
CHEPI: Native American Algonquin name meaning "fairy."
CHOCHMINGWU: Native American Hopi name meaning "corn mother."
CHOSOVI: Native American Hopi name meaning "bluebird."
CHOSPOSI: Native American Hopi name meaning "bluebird eye."
CHUMANA: Native American Hopi name meaning "snake maiden."
CHUMANI: Native American Sioux name meaning "dewdrops."
CHU'SI: Native American Hopi name meaning "snake flower."
DOLI: Native American Navajo name meaning "bluebird."
DONOMA: Native American Omaha name meaning "sight of the sun."
EHAWEE: Native American Sioux name meaning "laughing maiden."
GALILAHI: Native American Cherokee name meaning "attractive."
HAKIDONMUYA: Native American Hopi name meaning "time of the waiting moon."
HANTAYWEE: Native American Sioux name meaning "faithful."
HEHEWUTI: Native American Hopi name meaning "warrior mother spirit."
HONOVI: Native American Hopi name meaning "strong deer."
HURIT: Native American Algonquin name meaning "beautiful."
HUYANA: Native American Miwok name meaning "falling rain."
ISI: Native American Choctaw unisex name meaning "deer."
JACI: Native American Tupi name meaning "moon."
KACHINA: Native American Hopi name meaning "sacred dancer; spirit."
KAI: Native American Navajo name meaning "willow tree." Compare with other forms of
KALISKA: Native American Miwok name meaning "coyote chasing deer."
KANTI: Native American Algonquin name meaning "sings." Compare with another form of
KASA: Native American Hopi name meaning "dressed in furs."
KATERI: Native American Mohawk form of Greek Aikaterine, meaning "pure."
KAYA: Native American Hopi name meaning "elder sister."
KEEGSQUAW: Native American Algonquin name meaning "virgin."
KEEZHEEKONI: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "burning fire."

KIMAMA: Native American Shoshone name meaning "butterfly."
KIMI: Native American Algonquin name meaning "secret." Compare with another form of
KIMIMELA: Native American Sioux name meaning "butterfly."
KIWIDINOK: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "of the wind."
KOKO: Native American Blackfoot name meaning "night."
KOKYANGWUTI: Native American Hopi name meaning "spider woman at middle-age."
KUWANLELENTA: Native American Hopi name meaning "makes beautiful surroundings."
KUWANYAMTIWA: Native American Hopi name meaning "beautiful badger going over the
KUWANYAUMA: Native American Hopi name meaning "butterfly showing beautiful
LENMANA: Native American Hopi name meaning "flute girl."
LILUYE: Native American Miwok name meaning "singing chicken hawk that soars."
LITONYA: Native American Miwok name meaning "darting hummingbird."
LOMAHONGVA: Native American Hopi name meaning "beautiful clouds arising."
MACAWI: Native American Sioux name meaning "generous."
MAGASKAWEE: Native American Sioux name meaning "graceful."
MAIARA: Native American Tupi name meaning "wise."
MAKA: Native American Sioux name meaning "earth."
MAKAWEE: Native American Sioux name meaning "mothering."
MAKKITOTOSIMEW: Native American Algonquin name meaning "she has large breasts."
MALILA: Native American Miwok name meaning "fast salmon swimming up a rippling
MANSI: Native American Hopi name meaning "plucked flower."
MAPIYA: Native American Sioux name meaning "sky."
MEOQUANEE: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "wears red."
METHOATASKE: Native American Shawnee name meaning "turtle laying its eggs."
MIGINA: Native American Omaha name meaning "returning moon."
MIGISI: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "eagle."
MIMITEH: Native American Omaha name meaning "new moon."
MISAE: Native American Osage name meaning "white sun."
MOEMA: Native American Tupi name meaning "sweet."
MUNA: Native American Hopi name meaning "overflowing spring." Compare with another
form of Muna.
NADIE: Native American Algonquin name meaning "wise."
NAHIMANA: Native American Sioux name meaning "mystic."
NAIRA: Native American Quechua name meaning "big eyes."
NAMID: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "star dancer."
NASCHA: Native American Navajo name meaning "owl."
NAYELI: Native American Zapotec name meaning "I love you."
NIABI: Native American Osage name meaning "fawn."
NIDAWI: Native American Omaha name meaning "fairy."
NINA: Native American Quechua name meaning "fire." Compare with other forms of Nina.
NITA: Native American Choctaw name meaning "bear." Compare with other forms of Nita.
NITTAWOSEW: Native American Algonquin name meaning "she is not sterile."
NIZHONI: Native American Navajo name meaning "beautiful."
NJLON: Native American Algonquin name meaning "mistress."
Modern English name derived from Latin novus, meaning "new."

Native American Hopi name meaning "chases butterflies."
NUKPANA: Native American Hopi unisex name meaning "evil."
NUMEES: Native American Algonquin name meaning "sister."
NUTTAH: Native American Algonquin name meaning "my heart."
ODAHINGUM: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "rippling water."
OMINOTAGO: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "beautiful voice."

OMUSA: Native American Miwok name meaning "misses with arrows."

ONATAH: Native American Iroquois name meaning "of the earth."
OOLJEE: Native American Navajo name meaning "moon."
OOTA DABUN: Native American Algonquin name meaning "day star."
ORENDA: Native American Iroquois name meaning "magic power."
PAKUNA: Native American Miwok name meaning "deer jumping downhill."
PAKWA: Native American Hopi name meaning "frog."
PAMUYA: Native American Hopi name meaning "water moon."
PAPINA: Native American Miwok name meaning "vine growing around an oak tree."
PAUWAU: Native American Algonquin name meaning "witch."
PAVATI: Native American Hopi name meaning "clear water."
PETA: Native American Blackfoot name meaning "golden eagle." Compare with another
form of Peta.
POCAHONTAS: Native American Algonquin name meaning "she is playful."
POLIKWAPTIWA: Native American Hopi name meaning "butterfly sitting on a flower."
POLOMA: Native American Choctaw name meaning "bow."
POSALA: Native American Miwok name meaning "farewell to spring flowers."
POWAQA: Native American Hopi name meaning "witch."
PTAYSANWEE: Native American Sioux name meaning "white buffalo."
PULES: Native American Algonquin name meaning "pigeon."
RAYEN: Native American Mapuche name, meaning "flower."
SAHKYO: Native American Navajo name meaning "mink."
SALALI: Native American Cherokee name meaning "squirrel."
SANUYE: Native American Miwok name meaning "red cloud at sundown."
SAQUI: Native American Mapuche name meaning "favorite."
SAYEN: Native American Mapuche name meaning "lovely."
SHADI: Native American Navajo name meaning "older sister." Compare with masculine
forms of Shadi.
SHESHEBENS: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "small duck."
SHIDEEZHI: Native American Navajo name meaning "younger sister."
SHIKOBA: Native American Choctaw unisex name meaning "feather."
SHIMA: Native American Navajo name meaning "mother."
SHIMASANI: Native American Navajo name meaning "grandmother."
SHUMAN: Native American Hopi name meaning "rattlesnake handler."
SIHU: Native American Hopi name meaning "flower."
SINOPA: Native American Blackfoot name meaning "fox."
SITALA: Native American Miwok name meaning "of good memory."
SITSI: Native American Navajo name meaning "daughter."
SOKANON: Native American Algonquin name meaning "rain."
SOOLEAWA: Native American Algonquin name meaning "silver."
SOYALA: Native American Hopi name meaning "time of the winter solstice."
SULETU: Native American Miwok name meaning "flies."
TABLITA: Native American Hopi name meaning "tiara."

TADEWI: Native American Omaha name meaning "wind."
TAIGI: Native American Omaha name meaning "returning moon."
TAINI: Variant form of Native American Omaha Taigi, meaning "returning moon."
TAIPA: Native American Miwok name meaning "spread wings."
TAKALA: Native American Hopi name meaning "corn tassel."
TAKCHAWEE: Native American Sioux name meaning "dove."
TAKHI: Native American Algonquin name meaning "cold."
TALLULA: Native American Choctaw name meaning "leaping water." Compare with another
form of Tallula.
TALLULAH: Variant spelling of Native American Choctaw Tallula, meaning "leaping water."
Compare with another form of Tallulah.
TALULLA: Variant spelling of Native American Choctaw Tallula, meaning "leaping water."
Compare with another form of Talulla.
TALULLAH: Variant spelling of Native American Choctaw Tallula, meaning "leaping water."
Compare with another form of Talullah.
TALUTAH: Native American Sioux name meaning "blood-red."
TAMAYA: Native American Quechua name meaning "in the center."
TAYANITA: Native American Cherokee name meaning "young beaver."
TIPONI: Native American Hopi name meaning "child of importance."
TISSEEWOONATIS (Tis-see-woo-na-tis): Native American Cheyenne name meaning "she
who bathes with her knees."
TIVA: Native American Hopi name meaning "dance."
TOLINKA: Native American Miwok name meaning "flapping ear of a coyote."
TOTSI: Native American Hopi name meaning "moccasins."
TUWA: Native American Hopi name meaning "earth."
UNA: Native American Hopi name meaning "remember." Compare with another form of
URIKA: Native American Omaha name meaning "useful to all."
WACHIWI: Native American Sioux name meaning "dancer."
WAKANDA: Native American Sioux name meaning "possesses magical power."
WAKI: Native American Hopi name meaning "shelter."
WAUNA: Native American Miwok name meaning "singing snow goose."
WEEKO: Native American Sioux name meaning "pretty."
WENONA: English variant spelling of Native American Dakota Winona, meaning "firstborn
WENONAH: Variant spelling of English Wenona, meaning "firstborn daughter."
WICAPI WAKAN: Native American Dakota name meaning "holy star."
WIHAKAYDA: Native American Sioux name meaning "little one."
WIKIMAK: Native American Algonquin name meaning "wife."
WINONA: Native American Dakota name meaning "firstborn daughter."
WITASHNAH: Native American Sioux name meaning "virginal."
WUTI: Native American Hopi name meaning "woman."
YAMKA: Native American Hopi name meaning "blossom."
YAZHI: Native American Navajo name meaning "little one."
YOKI: Native American Hopi name meaning "rain."
ZIHNA: Native American Hopi name meaning "spins."
ZITKALA: Native American Dakota name meaning "bird."

Male Native American Names
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 7, 2011 at 8:30pm

ABOOKSIGUN: Native American Algonquin name meaning "wildcat."

ABUKCHEECH: Native American Algonquin name meaning "mouse."
ACHAK: Native American Algonquin name meaning "spirit."
ADAHY: Native American Cherokee name meaning "lives in the woods."
AHANU: Native American Algonquin name meaning "he laughs."
AHIGA: Native American Navajo name meaning "he fights."
AHOTE: Native American Hopi name meaning "restless one."
AHTAHKAKOOP: Native American Cree name meaning "star blanket."
AMITOLA: Native American Sioux name meaning "rainbow." This name comes from a
legend that says that the first colorful picture was painted on the clouds by a young Indian
chief named Amitola.
ANTIMAN: Native American Mapuche name meaning "condor of the sun."
ANTINANCO: Native American Mapuche name meaning "eagle of the sun."
APONIVI: Native American Hopi name meaning "where the wind blows down the gap."
ASHKII: Native American Navajo name meaning "boy."
ASKOOK: Native American Algonquin name meaning "snake."
ASKUWHETEAU: Native American Algonquin name meaning "he keeps watch."
ATA'HALNE: Native American Navajo name meaning "he interrupts."
AUCAMAN: Native American Mapuche name meaning "wild condor."
AVONACO: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "lean bear."
AYAWAMAT: Native American Hopi name meaning "one who follows orders."
BIDZIIL: Native American Navajo name meaning "he is strong."
BILAGAANA: Native American Navajo name meaning "white person."
CATAHECASSA: Native American Shawnee name meaning "black hoof."
CHA'AKMONGWI: Native American Hopi name meaning "crier chief."
CHANKOOWASHTAY: Native American Sioux name meaning "good road."
CHANSOMPS: Native American Algonquin name meaning "locust."
CHASCHUNKA (Chas-chunk-a): Native American Winnebago name meaning "wave."
CHA'TIMA: Native American Hopi name meaning "the caller."
CHAVATANGAKWUNUA: Native American Hopi name meaning "short rainbow."
CHAYTON: Native American Sioux name meaning "falcon."
CHEVEYO: Native American Hopi name meaning "spirit warrior."
CHOCHMO: Native American Hopi name meaning "mud mound."
CHOCHOKPI: Native American Hopi name meaning "throne for the clouds."
CHOCHUSCHUVIO: Native American Hopi name meaning "white-tailed deer."
CHOGAN: Native American Algonquin name meaning "blackbird."
CHOOVIO: Native American Hopi name meaning "antelope."
CHOVIOHOYA: Native American Hopi name meaning "young deer."
CHOWILAWU: Native American Hopi name meaning "joined together by water."
CHUA: Native American Hopi name meaning "snake."
CHUCHIP: Native American Hopi name meaning "deer spirit."

CHUNTA: Native American Hopi name meaning "cheating."
CHUSI: Native American Hopi name meaning "snake flower."
CIQALA: Native American Dakota name meaning "little one."
COWESSESS: Native American Ojibwa name meaning "little child."
DEMONTHIN: Native American Ponca name meaning "talks as he walks."
EDITON: Native American Omaha name meaning "standing as a sacred object."
ELUWILUSSIT: Native American Algonquin name meaning "holy one."
ENAPAY: Native American Sioux name meaning "brave."
ENKOODABAOO: Variant of Algonquin Enkoodabooaoo, meaning "one who lives alone."
ENKOODABOOAOO: Native American Algonquin name meaning "one who lives alone."
ETCHEMIN: Native American Algonquin name meaning "canoe man."
ETLELOOAAT: Native American Algonquin name meaning "shouts."
GAAGII: Native American Navajo name meaning "raven."
GAD: Native American Navajo name meaning "juniper tree."
GAHEGE: Native American Omaha name meaning "chief."
GOYATHLAY: Native American Apache name meaning "one who yawns."
GUDAHI: Native American Omaha name meaning "there it (a coyote) goes!"
HAHKETHOMEMAH: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "little robe."
HANIA: Native American Hopi name meaning "spirit warrior."
HASSUN: Native American Algonquin name meaning "stone."
HASTIIN: Native American Navajo name meaning "man."
HAWIOVI: Native American Hopi name meaning "going down the ladder."
HEAMMAWIHIO: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "wise one above."
HELUSHKA (He-lush-ka): Native American Winnebago name meaning "fighter."
HESKOVIZENAKO: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "porcupine bear."
HESUTU: Native American Miwok name meaning "yellow jacket nest rising out of the
HEVATANEO: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "hairy rope."
HEVOVITASTAMIUTSTO: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "whirlwind."
HIAMOVI: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "high chief."
HINTO: Native American Dakota name meaning "blue."
HOHNIHOHKAIYOHOS: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "high-backed wolf."
HOK'EE: Native American Navajo name meaning "abandoned."
HOKOLESQUA: Native American Shawnee name meaning "cornstalk."
HONANI: Native American Hopi name meaning "badger."
HONAW: Native American Hopi name meaning "bear."
HONIAHAKA: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "little wolf."
HONON: Native American Miwok name meaning "bear."
HOTAH: Native American Sioux name meaning "white."
HOTOTO: Native American Hopi name meaning "warrior spirit who sings" or "he who
HOTUAEKHAASHTAIT: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "tall bull."
HOWAHKAN: Native American Sioux name meaning "of the mysterious voice."
HOWI: Native American Miwok name meaning "turtle-dove."
HURITT: Native American Algonquin name meaning "handsome."
ISI: Unisex Native American Choctaw name meaning "deer."
ISTAQA: Native American Hopi name meaning "coyote man."
KACHADA: Native American Hopi name meaning "white man."
KANEONUSKATEW: Native American Cree name meaning "one that walks on four claws."
KANGEE: Native American Sioux name meaning "raven."

KAWACATOOSE: Native American Cree name meaning "poor man."
KELE: Native American Hopi name meaning "sparrow."
KEME: Native American Algonquin name meaning "secret."
KESEGOWAASE: Native American Algonquin name meaning "swift."
KESTEJOO: Native American Algonquin name meaning "slave."
KISECAWCHUCK: Native American Cree name meaning "day-star."
KITCHI: Native American Algonquin name meaning "brave."
KOHANA: Native American Sioux name meaning "swift."
KOHKAHYCUMEST: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "white crow or white
KOLICHIYAW: Native American Hopi name meaning "skunk."
KOSUMI: Native American Miwok name meaning "fishes for salmon with spear."
KOTORI: Native American Hopi name meaning "screech owl spirit."
KUCKUNNIWI: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "little wolf."
KURUK: Native American Pawnee name meaning "bear."
KWAHU: Native American Hopi name meaning "eagle."
KWATOKO: Native American Hopi name meaning "bird with a big beak."
LALAWETHIKA: Native American Shawnee name meaning "he makes noise."
LANSA: Native American Hopi name meaning "lance."
LAPU: Native American Hopi name meaning "cedar bark."
LEN: Native American Hopi name meaning "flute." Compare with another form of Len.
LEYATI: Native American Miwok name meaning "shaped like an abalone shell."
LISE: Native American Miwok name meaning "salmon head rising above water." Compare
with feminine Lise.
LIWANU: Native American Miwok name meaning "growl of a bear."
LOKNI: Native American Miwok name meaning "rain falls through the roof."
LOOTAH: Native American Sioux name meaning "red."
MACHAKW: Native American Hopi name meaning "horny toad."
MACHK: Native American Algonquin name meaning "bear."
MAHKAH: Native American Sioux name meaning "earth."
MAHPEE: Native American Sioux name meaning "sky."
MAKKAPITEW: Native American Algonquin name meaning "he has large teeth."
MAKYA: Native American Hopi name meaning "eagle hunter."
MANTOTOHPA: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "four bears."
MASICHUVIO: Native American Hopi name meaning "gray deer."
MATCHITEHEW: Native American Algonquin name meaning "he has an evil heart."
MATCHITISIW: Native American Alqonguin name meaning "he has bad character."
MATOSKAH: Native American Sioux name meaning "white bear."
MATUNAAGA: Native American Algonquin name meaning "fights."
MATWAU: Native American Algonquin name meaning "enemy."
MAZA BLASKA: Native American Dakota name meaning "flat iron."
MEGEDAGIK: Native American Algonquin name meaning "kills many."
MELKEDOODUM: Native American Algonquin name meaning "conceited."
METURATO: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "black kettle."
MINNINNEWAH: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "whirlwind."
MISU: Native American Miwok name meaning "rippling brook."
MOCHNI: Native American Hopi name meaning "talking bird."
MOKI: Native American Hopi name meaning "deer."
MOLIMO: Native American Miwok name meaning "bear walking into shade."
MONA: Native American Miwok name meaning "gathers jimson weed seed." Compare with

another form of Mona.
MONGWAU: Native American Hopi name meaning "owl."
MUATA: Native American Miwok name meaning "yellow jackets inside a nest."
MUKKI: Native American Algonquin name meaning "child."
MUNDOO: Native American Algonquin name for the "Great Spirit," but it was applied to
"the devil" by the first Christian missionaries.
MUSCOWEQUAN: Native American Cree name meaning "hard quill."
NAALNISH: Native American Navajo name meaning "he works."
NAHCOMENCE: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "old bark."
NAHIOSSI: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "has three fingers."
NAHUEL: Native American Mapuche name meaning "jaguar."
NAPAYSHNI: Native American Sioux name meaning "courageous and strong."
NASTAS: Native American Navajo name meaning "curve like foxtail grass."
NAWKAW: Native American Winnebago name meaning "wood."
NIICHAAD: Native American Navajo name meaning "swollen."
NIXKAMICH: Native American Algonquin name meaning "grandfather."
NIYOL: Native American Navajo name meaning "wind."

NOOTAU: Native American Algonquin name meaning "fire."

NOSH: Native American Algonquin name meaning "father."
NOSHI: Variant of Algonquin Nosh, meaning "father."
NUKPANA: Native American Hopi unisex name meaning "evil."
OCUMWHOWURST: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "yellow wolf."
OCUNNOWHURST: Variant form of Cheyenne Ocumwhowurst, meaning "yellow wolf."
ODAKOTA: Native American Sioux name meaning "friend."
OGALEESHA: Native American Sioux name meaning "wears a red shirt."
OHANZEE: Native American Sioux name meaning "shadow."
OHCUMGACHE: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "little wolf."
OHITEKAH: Native American Sioux name meaning "brave."
OMAWNAKW: Native American Hopi name meaning "cloud feather."
OTAKTAY: Native American Sioux name meaning "kills many."
OTOAHHASTIS: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "tall bull."
OTOAHNACTO: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "bull bear."
PACHUA: Native American Hopi name meaning "feathered water snake."
PAHANA: Native American Hopi name meaning "lost white brother."
PAJACKOK: Native American Algonquin name meaning "thunder."
PANNOOWAU: Native American Algonquin name meaning "he lies."
PAYTAH: Native American Sioux name meaning "fire."
PIVANE: Native American Hopi name meaning "weasel."
POWWAW: Native American Algonquin name meaning "priest."
QALETAQA: Native American Hopi name meaning "guardian of the people."
QOCHATA: Native American Hopi name meaning "white man."
QUANAH: Native American Comanche name meaning "fragrant."
QUIDEL: Native American Mapuche name meaning "burning torch."
ROWTAG: Native American Algonquin name meaning "fire."
SANI: Native American Navajo name meaning "the old one." Compare with another form of
SEGENAM: Native American Algonquin name meaning "lazy."

SEWATI: Native American Miwok name meaning "curved bear claw."
SHIKOBA: Native American Choctaw unisex name meaning "feather."
SHILAH: Native American Navajo name meaning "brother."
SHIRIKI: Native American Pawnee name meaning "coyote."
SHIYE: Native American Navajo name meaning "son."
SHIZHE'E: Native American Navajo name meaning "father."
SHOEMOWETOCHAWCAWEWAHCATOWE: Native American Cheyenne name meaning
"high-backed wolf."
SICHEII: Native American Navajo name meaning "grandfather."
SIKE: Native American Navajo name meaning "he sits at home."
SIK'IS: Native American Navajo name meaning "friend."
SIKYAHONAW: Native American Hopi name meaning "yellow bear."
SIKYATAVO: Native American Hopi name meaning "yellow rabbit."
SKAH: Native American Sioux name meaning "white."
SOWI'NGWA: Native American Hopi name meaning "black-tailed deer."
SUCKI: Native American Algonquin name meaning "black."
SUNUKKUHKAU: Native American Algonquin name meaning "he crushes."
TAHKEOME: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "little robe."
TAHMELAPACHME: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "dull knife."
TAKODA: Native American Sioux name meaning "friend to everyone."
TANGAKWUNU: Native American Hopi name meaning "rainbow."
TAREGAN: Native American Algonquin name meaning "crane."
TASUNKE: Native American Dakota name meaning "horse."
TATANKA-PTECILA: Native American Dakota name meaning "short bull."
TECUMSEH: Native American Shawnee name meaning "panther passing across."
TEETONKA: Native American Sioux name meaning "talks too much."
TELUTCI: Native American Miwok name meaning "bear making dust."
TENSKWATAWA: Native American Shawnee meaning "open door."
TIHKOOSUE: Native American Algonquin name meaning "short."
T'IIS: Native American Navajo name meaning "cottonwood."
TOCHO: Native American Hopi name meaning "mountain lion."
TOGQUOS: Native American Algonquin name meaning "twin."
TOHOPKA: Native American Hopi name meaning "wild beast."
TOKALA: Native American Dakota name meaning "fox."
TOOANTUH: Native American Cherokee name meaning "spring frog."
TSE: Native American Navajo name meaning "rock."
TSIISHCHILI: Native American Navajo name meaning "curly-haired."
TUPI: Native American Miwok name meaning "to pull up."
UZUMATI: Native American Miwok name meaning "bear."
VAIVEAHTOISH: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "alights on the cloud."
VIHO: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "chief."
VIPPONAH: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "slim face."
VOHKINNE: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "Roman nose."

VOISTITOEVITZ: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "white cow."

VOISTTITOEVETZ: Variant of Cheyenne Voistitoevitz, meaning "white cow."
VOKIVOCUMMAST: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "white antelope."
WAHANASSATTA: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "he who walks with his toes
turned outward."
WAHCHINKSAPA: Native American Sioux name meaning "wise."

WAHCHINTONKA: Native American Sioux name meaning "has much practice."
WAHKAN: Native American Sioux name meaning "sacred."
WAMBLEESKA: Native American Sioux name meaning "white eagle."
WAMBLI-WASTE: Native American Dakota name meaning "good eagle."
WANAGEESKA: Native American Sioux name meaning "white spirit."
WANAHTON: Native American Sioux name meaning "charger."
WANIKIYA: Native American Sioux name meaning "savior."
WAPASHA: Native American Dakota name meaning "red leaf."
WAQUINI: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "hook nose."
WAYRA: Native American Quechua name meaning "wind."
WEAYAYA: Native American Sioux name meaning "setting sun."
WEMATIN: Native American Algonquin name meaning "brother."
WICASA: Native American Dakota name meaning "sage."
WICKANINNISH: Native American Nootka name meaning "having no one before him in his
WIKVAYA: Native American Hopi name meaning "one who brings."
WOHEHIV: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "dull knife."
WOKAIHWOKOMAS: Native American Cheyenne name meaning "white antelope."
WUYI: Native American Miwok name meaning "soaring turkey vulture."
YAHTO: Native American Sioux name meaning "blue."
YANISIN: Native American Navajo name meaning "ashamed."
YAS: Native American Navajo name meaning "snow."
YISKA: Native American Navajo name meaning "the night has passed."

Seven Simple Truths from the Cherokee

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 7, 2011 at 9:31pm

Seven Simple Truths from the Cherokee

We may not always have control over what happens to us,
but we always have a choice over what happens inside us.

These clear and simple truths are based on traditional American Indian beliefs. They
illuminate the values underlying the Cherokee vision of the Full Circle, and they can help us
begin living our lives in more connected, healed, and whole ways.

1. We are our own best experts. No one knows us better than us. Nobody but us has seen with
our eyes the things we've seen, and most importantly, no one but us has experienced our lives
in quite the same way that we have. What others do know of us, they know only through what

they see and what we tell them. It is our choice whether or not to invite others to see with our
eyes or walk in our shoes; it is their choice whether or not to do so.

2. We are our own worst enemies. No one does a better job of deceiving us or treating
ourselves badly than we do. No one can do a better job of finding ways to ignore our
innermost thoughts and fears than we can. Certainly, other people may try to make us feel
badly, or want us to be different than we are; however, their success depends on our
willingness to let them succeed in doing so. Our success in doing ourselves wrong depends
solely on intention.

3. The worst thing about having so many choices is having to choose. No one can say for sure
who is truly worse off: the one who is forced to do something and wishes she/he could do
something entirely different, or the one who freely chooses to do something and later regrets
4. Imagination is the one true measure of freedom. It's not a matter of what you can or cannot
do, but what you think you can or cannot do that matters. Inevitably, the rest will follow in
time. Being open to experience or the possibilities of every situation reflects the inner strength
of one who has established harmony within oneself.

5. Wisdom is having more questions than answers. The one who has found all the answers to
his or her questions has run out of questions. The one who has run out of questions has run
out of learning. A person who ceases to learn has also ceased to experience. And a person who
has run out of experience cannot be wise.

6. Search long and hard enough for something and you'll surely find it. Sometimes we look
for something when there is nothing. However, if we keep looking for it to be there, almost
miraculously it will be–this is especially true of limitations. Moreover, the harder we look for
a certain quality of limitation, the more likely it is to appear before our very eyes. At the same
time, if you look too hard for something you might miss it altogether.

7. Sometimes we try so hard to be what we're not that we may forget who we are. Our nature
provides us with opportunities for becoming something much greater than ourselves.
However, if a circle tries to bend by ignoring its center, it's no longer a circle.

Adapted from The Cherokee Full Circle

by J.T. Garrett and Michael Tlanusta Garrett © 2002

10 Amazing Ancient Artifacts that Can
Change Main Stream Belief of 'History'
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 8, 2011 at 2:00pm

10 Amazing Ancient Artifacts

that Can Change Main Stream Belief of 'History'

The True Record of Mankind on Earth
Hidden History of the Human Race

"Humans are a species with amnesia. Your main-stream 'history' is quite blatantly
inaccurate. None of your religions offer the complete spiritual truth. Your extra
terrestrial heritage is as yet unacknowledged and is in fact hidden. But we tell
you nothing can be in shadow in the dawning of the Ascension. Amazing discoveries
are being made, and in a short time the logic and evidence will no longer be denied.
It is an essential revelation for mankind, for when the truth is accepted, doors
are opened, and this has greater implications than you may imagine for mankinds

Archangel Metatron

National Geographic - Hidden History Mysteries:

Click Below Link:

Michael Cremo at the 11-11-11

The 11-11-11 in the Crystal Vortex

November 11-14, 2011 - The Triple Date Gathering of the Year

Michael Cremo, Dr Semir Osmangich, Shaina Noll, James Tyberonn & Surprise Guest

11-11-11 Sessions With MAX the Extra Terrestrial Crystal Skull, Will Sell Out

Call 936 522-8804 or 936 447-9119

Stay Tuned !!!!

The 11-11-11 - Mystery Guest Will Be Announced Soon!

Very Special Surprise World Renowned Guest Speaker !

Forbidden Archeology

If we imagine the history of humanity as giant museum, containing all knowledge

on this topic, then we shall find that several of the rooms of this museum have
been locked. Scientists have locked away the facts that contradict the generally
accepted picture of history.

It is time now for Humanity to Learn the Truth .Michael A. Cremo and Richard L.
Thompson have, however, opened many of the locked doors and allowed laymen as

well as scientists to see inside. Many scientists have been greatly influenced
by Cremo's brilliant work, and rightly so. The Hidden History of the Human Race
compels the world of science to enter new territories and calls into question
many revered theories about humanity and human history. Nothing can be hidden anymore,
its time to examine & accept our true history.

Despite the FACT, that over the past two centuries academics and archeological
researchers have found myriad evidence including bones and artifacts showing that
mankind existed on earth millions of years ago, the evidence remains covered.
The status quo conservative network of scientific academia have disavowed & ignored
these remarkable discoveries and their obvious conclusions. Why? Because they contradict
their dominant views of human origins and antiquity established by the staunch
network of main stream conservative academics.

Michael Cremo challenges us to rethink our understanding of human origins, identity,

and destiny. Forbidden Archeology takes on one of the most fundamental components
of the modern scientific world view, and invites us to take a courageous first
step towards a new perspective.
We may have one opening available for the Sacred Britain Pilgrimage due to a late
cancellation - call 936 522-8804 for details or email

Clear Evidence of Advanced Past Civilizations

The Bible tells us that God created Adam and Eve just a few thousand years ago,
by some fundamentalist interpretations. Science informs us that man is a few million
years old, and that civilization just tens of thousands of years old. Could it be,
however, that conventional science is just as mistaken as the Bible stories? There
is a great deal of archeological evidence that the history of life on earth might
be far different than what current geological and anthropological texts tell us.
Consider these astonishing finds:

The Grooved Spheres Over the last few decades, miners in South Africa have been
digging up mysterious metal spheres. Origin unknown, these spheres measure approximately
an inch or so in diameter, and some are etched with three parallel grooves running
around the equator. Two types of spheres have been found: one is composed of a solid
bluish metal with flecks of white; the other is hollowed out and filled with a spongy
white substance. The kicker is that the rock in which they where found is Precambrian
- and dated to 2.8 billion years old! Who made them and for what purpose is unknown.

The Dropa Stones In 1938, an archeological expedition led by Dr. Chi Pu Tei into
the Baian-Kara-Ula mountains of China made an astonishing discovery in some caves
that had apparently been occupied by some ancient culture. Buried in the dust of
ages on the cave floor were hundreds of stone disks. Measuring about nine inches
in diameter, each had a circle cut into the center and was etched with a spiral
groove, making it look for all the world like some ancient phonograph record some
10,000 to 12,000 years old. The spiral groove, it turns out, is actually composed
of tiny hieroglyphics that tell the incredible story of spaceships from some distant
world that crash-landed in the mountains. The ships were piloted by people who called
themselves the Dropa, and the remains of whose descendents, possibly, were found
in the cave.

click for enlargement

The Ica Stones Beginning in the 1930s, the father of Dr. Javier Cabrera, Cultural
Anthropologist for Ica, Peru, discovered many hundreds of ceremonial burial stones
in the tombs of the ancient Incas. Dr. Cabrera, carrying on his father's work, has
collected more than 1,100 of these andesite stones, which are estimated to be between
500 and 1,500 years old and have become known collectively as the Ica Stones. The
stones bear etchings, many of which are sexually graphic (which was common to the
culture), some picture idols and others depict such practices as open-heart surgery
and brain transplants. The most astonishing etchings, however, clearly represent
dinosaurs - brontosaurs, triceratops (see photo), stegosaurus and pterosaurs. While
skeptics consider the Ica Stones a hoax, their authenticity has neither been proved
or disproved.

The Antikythera Mechanism A perplexing artifact was recovered by sponge-divers from

a shipwreck in 1900 off the coast of Antikythera, a small island that lies northwest
of Crete. The divers brought up from the wreck a great many marble and and bronze
statues that had apparently been the ship's cargo. Among the findings was a hunk
of corroded bronze that contained some kind of mechanism composed of many gears
and wheels. Writing on the case indicated that it was made in 80 B.C., and many
experts at first thought it was an astrolabe, an astronomer's tool. An x-ray of
the mechanism, however, revealed it to be far more complex, containing a sophisticated
system of differential gears. Gearing of this complexity was not known to exist
until 1575! It is still unknown who constructed this amazing instrument 2,000 years
ago or how the technology was lost.

The Baghdad Battery Today batteries can be found in any grocery, drug, convenience
and department store you come across. Well, here's a battery that's 2,000 years
old! Known as the Baghdad Battery, this curiosity was found in the ruins of a Parthian
village believed to date back to between 248 B.C. and 226 A.D. The device consists
of a 5-1/2-inch high clay vessel inside of which was a copper cylinder held in place
by asphalt, and inside of that was an oxidized iron rod. Experts who examined it
concluded that the device needed only to be filled with an acid or alkaline liquid
to produce an electric charge. It is believed that this ancient battery might have
been used for electroplating objects with gold. If so, how was this technology lost...
and the battery not rediscovered for another 1,800 years?

The Coso Artifact While mineral hunting in the mountains of California near Olancha
during the winter of 1961, Wallace Lane, Virginia Maxey and Mike Mikesell found
a rock, among many others, that they thought was a geode - a good addition for their
gem shop. Upon cutting it open, however, Mikesell found an object inside that seemed
to be made of white porcelain. In the center was a shaft of shiny metal. Experts
estimated that it should have taken about 500,000 years for this fossil-encrusted
nodule to form, yet the object inside was obviously of sophisticated human manufacture.
Further investigation revealed that the porcelain was surround by a hexagonal casing,
and an x-ray revealed a tiny spring at one end. Some who have examined the evidence
say it looks very much like a modern-day spark plug. How did it get inside a 500,000-year-old

Ancient Model Aircraft There are artifacts belonging to ancient Egyptian and Central
American cultures that look amazingly like modern-day aircraft. The Egyptian artifact,
found in a tomb at Saqquara, Egypt in 1898, is a six-inch wooden object that strongly
resembles a model airplane, with fuselage, wings and tail. Experts believe the object
is so aerodynamic that it is actually able to glide. The small object discovered
in Central America (shown at right), and estimated to be 1,000 years old, is made
of gold and could easily be mistaken for a model of a delta-wing aircraft - or even
the Space Shuttle. It even features what looks like a pilot's seat.

Giant Stone Balls of Costa Rica Workmen hacking and burning their way through the
dense jungle of Costa Rica to clear an area for banana plantations in the 1930s
stumbled upon some incredible objects: dozens of stone balls, many of which were
perfectly spherical. They varied in size from as small as a tennis ball to an astonishing
8 feet in diameter and weighing 16 tons! Although the great stone balls are clearly
man-made, it is unknown who made them, for what purpose and, most puzzling, how
they achieved such spherical precision.

Impossible Fossils Fossils, as we learned in grade school, appear in rocks that

were formed many thousands of years ago. Yet there are a number of fossils that
just don't make geological or historical sense. A fossil of ahuman handprint, for
example, was found in limestone estimated to be 110 million years old. What appears
to be a fossilizedhuman finger found in the Canadian Arctic also dates back 100
to 110 million years ago. And what appears to be the fossil of ahuman footprint,
possibly wearing a sandal, was found near Delta, Utah in a shale deposit estimated
to be 300 million to 600 million years old.

Out-of-Place Metal Objects Humans were not even around 65 million years ago, never
mind people who could work metal. So then how does science explain semi-ovoid metallic
tubes dug out of 65-million-year-old Cretaceous chalk in France? In 1885, a block
of coal was broken open to find a metal cube obviously worked by intelligent hands.
In 1912, employees at an electric plant broke apart a large chunk of coal out of
which fell an iron pot! A nail was found embedded in a sandstone block from the
Mesozoic Era. And there are many, many more such anomalies.

What are we to make of these finds?

There are several possibilities:

* Intelligent humans date back much, much further than we realize.

* Other intelligent beings and civilizations existed on earth far beyond our recorded
* Our dating methods are completely inaccurate, and that stone, coal and fossils
form much more rapidly than we now estimate.

In any case, these examples - and there are many more - should prompt any curious
and open-minded scientist to reexamine and rethink the true history of life on earth.

Archeological Evidence of Brain Surgery

Many 'channel' sources, such as the prolific Edgar Cayce, provide vast files of
information on highly advanced ancient societies. Yet the 'scientific' proof seems
to be missing...or is it just ignored by main stream academia ? Is it hidden in
plain sight?

Researchers such as Michael Cremo and Dr Semir Osmanagich are playing essential
roles in bringing this evidence to the forefront, and some academics are finally
beginning to really listen....

Ancient Trepanning

(Brain Surgery)

And Other Advanced Medical Knowledge


Apart from enigmatic works in stone there are also telltale signs of extremely advanced

procedures that were performed in days long past. These come in the form of numerous
skulls from the Neolithic age that appear to have been trepanned. Trepanning involves
inserting plates into a patient's skull. It's a delicate and quite advanced medical
procedure. Ancient skulls with metal plate inserts have been reported in South Africa,
Peru and Siberia.

Hidden in Plain Sight

This ancient hieroglyph is on the walls in a sacred Temple at Abydos in Egypt. What
do you see? Obviously these craft resemble modern day flying machines, such as
a helicopter, airplanes and a submarine.

Ancient Aircraft

Flight has been the dream of humankind since they watched in awe as birds soared
effortlessly through the sky. But, according to accepted history, it wasn't until
the 1780s that two Frenchmen achieved lighter-than-air flight when they were lifted
into the air in a hot air balloon near Paris. Then powered, heavier-than-air flight
became the goal. And although it was theorized that heavier-than-air flight was
possible as early as the 13th century, and in the 16th century Leonardo da Vinci
designed winged aircraft and a crude kind of helicopter, it wasn't until the Wright
brothers made their first successful flights at Kitty Hawk in 1903 that powered
flight became a reality.

That's the widely accepted history. Some researchers and a few rogue scientists
believe there's evidence to suggest that humans achieved flight earlier in history
- much earlier... so early, they say, that the knowledge of this technology has
been lost and ancient stories that recount adventures of human flight have been
relegated only to myth.

Is it possible that humans developed the technology to fly in early civilizations
- or in civilizations that are now lost to history? Let's take a look at what some
call the evidence - intriguing artifacts, carvings, inscriptions and legends - that
they say point to the true record human of flight.


Airplane Models

©1996 Lumir G. Janku. All rights reserved. Reprinted with permission.

This object (shown in sketch) was found in 1898 in a tomb at Saqquara, Egypt and
was later dated as having been created near 200 BCE. As airplanes were unknown
in the days when it was found, it was thrown into a box marked "wooden bird model"
and then stored in the basement of the Cairo museum.

It was rediscovered by Dr. Khalil Messiha, who studied models made by ancients.
The "discovery" was considered so important by the Egyptian government that a special
committee of leading scientists was established to study the object.

As a result of their findings, a special exhibit was set up in the center hall of
the Cairo museum, with the little model as its centerpiece. It was even labelled
as a model airplane.

To elucidate the reasons for the decision of the committee, almost unprecedented
in the field of archeology, let's consider some aspects of the model. The model
has the exact proportions of a very advanced form of "pusher-glider" that is still
having "some bugs ironed out". This type of glider will stay in the air almost by
itself-even a very small engine will keep it going at low speeds, as low as 45 to
65 mph., while it can carry an enormous payload. This ability is dependent on the
curious shape of wings and their proportions. The tipping of wings downward, a
wing as it is called, is the feature behind this capability. A similar type of curving
wings are implemented on the Concorde airplane, giving the plane a maximum lift
without detracting from its speed.

In that context, it seems rather incredible that someone, more than 2,000 years
ago, for any reason, devised a model of a flying device with such advanced features,
requiring quite extensive knowledge of aerodynamics. There were no such things as
airplanes in these times, we are told by archeologists and historians. But this
case seems to be an exception, living in the midst of the rather unimaginative and
rigid paradigm of contemporary science. It is also necessary to point out that Egyptians
are known to have nearly always made scale-models of projects and objects which
they planned to create or build.

Once you purchase your own plane, consult an aviation lawyer

to make sure you cover the all of the bases on plane ownership ---

Precolombian Airplane Models

Is the concept of an airplane limited to Egypt? That doesn't seem to be the case.
Gold trinkets were found in an area covering Central America and coastal areas of
South America, estimated to belong to a period between 500 and 800 CE, but since
they are made from gold, accurate dating is impossible and based essentially on
stratigraphy which may be deceptive. However, we can safely say that these gold
objects are more than 1000 years old.

Whatever this object is supposed to be or represent,

its remarkable resemblance to a modern aircraft or spacecraft is uncanny.

As seen from the pictures, the shape of the sample object is rather ambiguous. The
archaeologists labelled these objects as zoomorphic, meaning,animal shaped objects.
The question is, what animal do they represent? When we compare these with other
objects from the same cultures depicting animals, a curious facet of the comparison
would be obvious: the other objects are recognizable, rendered usually with a great
accuracy and attention to realistic detail.

There are several types of animals which fly-birds, insects, and several mammals,
such as bats and some gliders, for instance flying squirrels, oppossums, and then
there are some lizards; there are also some fish which for brief periods glide through
the air. There are water animals which seem to fly through the water, such as rays,
skates and some selachians. But how does the depicted object compare with these
choices? All its features taken into a consideration, we have no match. Seen from
above, the object obviously has no fish features, but seems to show rather explicitly
mechanistic ones.

The structures just in front of the tail are strongly reminiscent of elevons (a
combination of ailerons and elevators) with a slight forward curve, but they are
attached to the fuselage, rather than the wings. In any case, they look more like
airplane parts than like the claspers of a fish. If the two prominent spirals on
the wings are supposed to be a stylized version of the eyes of a ray, then what
are the two globular objects positioned on the head supposed to represent? To complicate
the identification even more, the spirals on the wings have their copiespositioned
on the nose of the object, in the opposite direction.

When the object is viewed in profile, the didsimilarity to anything from the animal
kingdom is even more pronounced. If the zoomorphic explanation is supposed to hold,
then why did the artist cut the head off almost three quarters from the body? And
why is the nose is practically rectangular and the cut tilted forward, with eyes
positioned at either side, when fish eyes are usually more near the center of bodyline
and far forward on the head?

What we can make of the semicircular grooves on the inside of the cut? What is it
supposed to be-fishwise? And what about the scoop, forward and under the cut? It
is a scoop, not just a ridge for drilling a hole through to place the object on
a necklace chain. Then there is another rectangular feature, positioned further
back at the approximate center of gravity under the fuselage. The wings when viewed
from the side are perfetly horizontal, but when seen from the front, they curve

slightly downward. Theelevators, which are right behind the wings, are positioned
on a slightly higher horizontal level and are square-ended, thus a definite geometric
shape. Above them is another rectangular shape, with a relief which may be reminiscent
of knobs.

The tail is equally intriguing. No fish has only a single, upright and perpendicular
flange. But this tail fin has an exact shape of fins on modern airplanes. There
are also some markings on the tail which are hard to identify, but it does not seem
to be anything related to animals, either.

When all the features are taken into an account, the object does not look like a
representation of any known animal at all, but does look astonishingly like an
airplane. The photos and enlarged outline of the object has been submitted for an
analysis to several people from the field of aerodynamics. One of them was Arthur
Young, a designer of Bell helicopters and other aircraft. His analysis confirmed
that the object contains many features which would fit the airplane hypothesis,
but there were several ones which would not fit that scenario. Wings do seem to
be in the wrong place-they should be further forward so that their 1/4-chord coincides
with the center of gravity. The nose is not like anything on airplanes, as well.
So, while the object is suggesting an airplane, some features would not seem to
support this hypothesis.

But let's entertain several possibilities. If we imagine that the separation after
the windshield is not a cockpit and that the pilot and the cargo were located somewhere
in the main fuselage body, then we can envision the nose as something else. Let's
assume that the nose is actually a jet. If the machine needs to slow down, the jet
flow directed against the path of flight would accomplish just that. But how to
redirect the jet into the opposite direction? If we envision the nose as a movable
part of the plane, turning around the point located where the nose and fuselage
meet, thus pivoting the nose downward to tuck it under the fuselage, that would
enable the desired effect.

What's more, it will re-adjust the center of gravity and the wings would be just
in the right place for a high powered flight. Another problem, though, will appear
and that is the drag which would be created by the back of the nose now positioned
in front. But that can be attributed to artistic license. That seems to be the case,
because several other similar planes feature the back part of the nose tilted more
forward, so the angle of the back of the nose when pivoted is more corresponding
to aerodynamic principles.

All things considered, the object seems to represent a convertible type of craft,
with two possible configurations-one for ascent when the nose is facing backwards,
and the other for descent with the nose facing forward. One unsolved item remains-the
spirals on the both wings and the nose. According to Amerindian iconography, these
spirals have discernable meaning-they represent ascending and descending, depending
on whether they are right-oriented or left-oriented, respectively. As the spirals
are not only on wings but also on the nose, the meaning is fairly obvious-the wings
and the nose (as much) were the features which were directly involved in ascent
and descent.

There are other cultures which mention flying vehicles of some sort or another.
The most known of these sources are Indian epics, especially the Mahábhárata and
other Védic sources as Bhágavata Purána and Rámáyana. The flying devices were called
vimánas and were extensively discussed in Vaimánika Shástra, describing multitude
of machines with different purposes and capabilities.

Other source of information about flying machines may be considered, such as the
Bible and some apocryphal works. The book of Ezekiel seems to be describing the
close encounter of a man from a non-technological culture with a device which to
him must have been miraculous. We have to put ourselves into his shoes to comprehend
his astonishment and the otherworldness of his encounter. The limited scope of knowledge
of the world around him, his primitive environment, dictated the language and conceptual
framework with which he tried to capture his encounter for fellow tribesmen. For
him it seemed that he encountered The God, with his suite of angels, because in
his simple world, there was no other interpretation.

It is not necessary to reach for an alien type of scenario to explain the encounter;
we can entertain a possibility that a remnant of an advanced civilization was still
present, in a limited scope, at the time of Ezekiel. But for some, the encounter
bears uncanny similarity to the modern-day encounters with UFO's. Another source
of similar material is the Book of Enoch, particularly the Slavic version, which
contains some parts which the Greek version is missing. The book not only describes
flying in the air, but also through outer space, including the relativistic effects
mentioned-Enoch spent several days on a spacecraft, but when he returned to Earth,
several centuries had passed by.

There is no shortage of descriptions of flying machines in ancient sources. If we

try to extract the core of myths of different provenience and remove the embellishments,
we discover to our surprise that flying in ancient times seems to be the rule, not
the exception.

Text and Illustrations ©1996 Lumir G. Janku


Photographs courtesy of Government of Colombia,

Roy Pinney and Barney Nashold

Ancient Indian Aircraft Technology


The Anti-Gravity Handbook (Lost Science)

by D. Hatcher Childress

Many researchers into the UFO enigma tend to overlook a very important fact. While
it assumed that most flying saucers are of alien, or perhaps Governmental Military
origin, another possible origin of UFOs is ancient India and Atlantis.

What we know about ancient Indian flying vehicles comes from ancient Indian sources;

written texts that have come down to us through the centuries. There is no doubt
that most of these texts are authentic; many are the well known ancient Indian
Epics themselves, and there are literally hundreds of them. Most of them have not
even been translated into English yet from the old Sanskrit.

The Indian Emperor Ashoka started a "Secret Society of the Nine Unknown Men": great
Indian scientists who were supposed to catalogue the many sciences. Ashoka kept
their work secret because he was afraid that the advanced science catalogued by
these men, culled from ancient Indian sources, would be used for the evil purpose
of war, which Ashoka was strongly against, having been converted to Buddhism after
defeating a rival army in a bloody battle.

The "Nine Unknown Men" wrote a total of nine books, presumably one each. Book number
was "The Secrets of Gravitation!" This book, known to historians, but not actually
seen by them dealt chiefly with "gravity control." It is presumably still around
somewhere, kept in a secret library in India, Tibet or elsewhere (perhaps even
in North America somewhere). One can certainly understand Ashoka's reasoning for
wanting to keep such knowledge a secret, assuming it exists. if the Nazis had such
weapons at their disposal during World War Ii. Ashoka was also aware devastating
wars using such advanced vehicles and other "futuristic weapons" that had destroyed
the ancient Indian "Rama Empire" several thousand years before.

Only a few years ago, the Chinese discovered some Sanskrit documents in Lhasa, Tibet
and sent them to the University of Chandrigarh to be translated. Dr. Ruth Reyna
of the University said recently that the documents contain directions for building
interstellar spaceships!

Their method of propulsion, she said, was "anti-gravitational" and was based upon
a system analogous to that of "laghima," the unknown power of the ego existing in
man's physiological makeup, "a centrifugal force strong enough to counteract all
gravitational pull." According to Hindu Yogis, it is this "laghima" which enables
a person to levitate.

Dr. Reyna said that on board these machines, which were called "Astras" by the text,
the ancient Indians could have sent a detachment of men onto any planet, according
to the document, which is thought to be thousands of years old. The manuscripts
were also said to reveal the secret of "antima"; "the cap of invisibility" and "garima";
"how to become as heavy as a mountain of lead."

Naturally, Indian scientists did not take the texts very seriously, but then became
more positive about the value of them when the Chinese announced that they were
including certain parts of the data for study in their space program! This was one
of the first instances of a government admitting to be researching anti-gravity.

The manuscripts did not say definitely that interplanetary travel was ever made
but did mention, of all things, a planned trip to the Moon, though it is not clear
whether this trip was actually carried out. However, one of the great Indian epics,
the Ramayana, does have a highly detailed story in it of a trip to the moon in a
Vimana (or "Astra"), and in fact details a battle on the moon with an "Asvin" (or
Atlantean" airship.

This is but a small bit of recent evidence of anti-gravity and aerospace technology
used by Indians. To really understand the technology, we must go much further back
in time.

The so-called "Rama Empire" of Northern India and Pakistan developed at least fifteen
thousand years ago on the Indian sub-continent and was a nation of many large, sophisticated
cities, many of which are still to be found in the deserts of Pakistan, northern,
and western India. Rama existed, apparently, parallel to the Atlantean civilization
in the mid-Atlantic Ocean, and was ruled by "enlightened Priest-Kings" who governed
the cities, The seven greatest capital cities of Rama were known in classical Hindu
texts as "The Seven Rishi Cities."

According to ancient Indian texts, the people had flying machines which were called
"Vimanas." The ancient Indian epic describes a Vimana as a double-deck, circular
aircraft with portholes and a dome, much as we would imagine a flying saucer.

It flew with the "speed of the wind" and gave forth a "melodious sound." There were
at least four different types of Vimanas; some saucer shaped, others like long cylinders
("cigar shaped airships"). The ancient Indian texts on Vimanas are so numerous,
it would take volumes to relate what they had to say. The ancient Indians, who manufactured
these ships themselves, wrote entire flight manuals on the control of the various
types of Vimanas, many of which are still in existence, and some have even been
translated into English.

The Samara Sutradhara is a scientific treatise dealing with every possible angle
of air travel in a Vimana. There are 230 stanzas dealing with the construction,
take-off, cruising for thousand of miles, normal and forced landings, and even
possible collisions with birds. In 1875, the Vaimanika Sastra, a fourth century
B.C. text written by Bharadvajy the Wise, using even older texts as his source,
was rediscovered in a temple in India. It dealt with the operation of Vimanas and
included information on the steering, precautions for long flights, protection of
the airships from storms and lightening and how to switch the drive to "solar energy"
from a free energy source which sounds like "anti-gravity."

The Vaimanika Sastra (or Vymaanika-Shaastra)

has eight chapters with diagrams, describing

three types of aircraft, including apparatuses that could neither catch on fire
nor break. It also mentions 31 essential parts of these vehicles and 16 materials
from which they are constructed, which absorb light and heat; for which reason they
were considered suitable for the construction of Vimanas. This document has been
translated into English and is available by writing the publisher: VYMAANIDASHAASTRA
AERONAUTICS by Maharishi Bharadwaaja, translated into English and edited, printed
and published by Mr. G. R. Josyer, Mysore, India, 1979 (sorry, no street address).
Mr. Josyer is the director of the International Academy of Sanskrit Investigation
located in Mysore.

There seems to be no doubt that Vimanas were powered by some sort of "anti-gravity."
Vimanas took off vertically, and were capable of hovering in the sky, like a modern
helicopter or dirigible. Bharadvajy the Wise refers to no less than 70 authorities

and 10 experts of air travel in antiquity. These sources are now lost.

Vimanas were kept in a Vimana Griha, a kind of hanger, and were sometimes said to
be propelled by a yellowish-white liquid, and sometimes by some sort of mercury
compound, though writers seem confused in this matter. It is most likely that the
later writers on Vimanas, wrote as observers and from earlier texts, and were understandably
confused on the principle of their propulsion. The "yellowish-white liquid" sounds
suspiciously like gasoline, and perhaps Vimanas had a number of different propulsion
sources, including combustion engines and even "pulse-jet" engines. It is interesting
to note, that the Nazis developed the first practical pulse-jet engines for their
V-8 rocket "buzz bombs." Hitler and the Nazi staff were exceptionally interested
in ancient India and Tibet and sent expeditions to both these places yearly, starting
in the 30's, in order to gather esoteric evidence that they did so, and perhaps
it was from these people that the Nazis gained some of their scientific information!

According to the Dronaparva, part of the Mahabarata, and the Ramayana, one Vimana
described was shaped like a sphere and born along at great speed on a mighty wind
generated by mercury. It moved like a UFO, going up, down, backwards and forewards
as the pilot desired. In another Indian source, the Samar, Vimanas were "iron machines,
well-knit and smooth, with a charge of mercury that shot out of the back in the
form of a roaring flame." Another work called the Samaranganasutradhara describes
how the vehicles were constructed. It is possible that mercury did have something
to do with the propulsion, or more possibly, with the guidance system. Curiously,
Soviet scientists have discovered what they call "age-old instruments used in navigating
cosmic vehicles" in caves in Turkestan and the Gobi Desert. The "devices" are hemispherical
objects of glass or porcelain, ending in a cone with a drop of mercury inside.

It is evident that ancient Indians flew around in these vehicles, all over Asia,
to Atlantis presumably; and even, apparently, to South America. Writing found at
Mohenjodaro in Pakistan (presumed to be one of the "Seven Rishi Cities of the Rama
Empire") and still undeciphered, has also been found in one other place in the world:
Easter Island! Writing on Easter Island, called Rongo-Rongo writing, is also undeciphered,
and is uncannily similar to the Mohenjodaro script. Was Easter Island an air base
for the Rama Empire's Vimana route? (At the Mohenjo-Daro Vimana-drome, as the passenger
walks down the concourse, he hears the sweet, melodic sound of the announcer over
the loudspeaker,

"Rama Airways flight number seven for Bali, Easter Island, Nazca, and Atlantis is
now ready for boarding. Passengers please proceed to gate number..") in Tibet, no
small distance, and speaks of the "fiery chariot" thusly: "Bhima flew along in his
car, resplendent as the sun and loud as thunder... The flying chariot shone like
a flame in the night sky of summer ... it swept by like a comet... It was as if
two suns were shining. Then the chariot rose up and all the heaven brightened."

In the Mahavira of Bhavabhuti, a Jain text of the eighth century culled from older
texts and traditions, we read:

"An aerial chariot, the Pushpaka, conveys many people to the capital of Ayodhya.
The sky is full of stupendous flying-machines, dark as night, but picked out by
lights with a yellowish glare"

The Vedas, ancient Hindu poems, thought to be the oldest of all the Indian texts,
describe Vimanas of various shapes and sizes: the "ahnihotra-vimana" with two engines,
the "elephant-vimana" with more engines, and other types named after the kingfisher,
ibis and other animals.

Unfortunately, Vimanas, like most scientific discoveries, were ultimately used for
war. Atlanteans used their flying machines, "Vailixi," a similar type of aircraft,
to literally try and subjugate the world, it would seem, if Indian texts are to
be believed. The Atlanteans, known as "Asvins" in the Indian writings, were apparently
even more advanced technologically than the Indians, and certainly of a more war-like
temperment. Although no ancient texts on Atlantean Vailixi are known to exist, some
information has come down through esoteric, "occult" sources which describe their
flying machines. Similar, if not identical to Vimanas, Vailixi were generally "cigar
shaped" and had the capability of maneuvering underwater as well as in the atmosphere
or even outer space. Other vehicles, like Vimanas, were saucer shaped, and could
apparently also be submerged.

According to Eklal Kueshana, author of "The Ultimate Frontier," in an article he

wrote in 1966, Vailixi were first developed in Atlantis 20,000 years ago, and the
most common ones are "saucer-shaped of generally trapezoidal cross-section with
three hemispherical engine pods on the underside." "They use a mechanical antigravity
device driven by engines developing approximately 80,000 horse power."

The Ramayana, Mahabarata and other texts speak of the hideous war that took place,
some ten or twelve thousand years ago between Atlantis and Rama using weapons of
destruction that could not be imagined by readers until the second half of this

The ancient Mahabharata, one of the sources on Vimanas,

goes on to tell the awesome

destructiveness of the war:

"...(the weapon was) a single projectile

charged with all the power of the Universe.
An incandescent column of smoke and flame
As bright as the thousand suns rose in all its splendor...

An iron thunderbolt,
A gigantic messenger of death,
Which reduced to ashes
The entire race of the Vrishnis
And the Andhakas.

... the corpses were so burned

As to be unrecognizable.
The hair and nails fell out;
Pottery broke without apparent cause,
And the birds turned white.

... After a few hours
All foodstuffs were infected...
... to escape from this fire
The soldiers threw themselves in streams
To wash themselves and their equipment..."

It would seem that the Mahabharata is describing an atomic war! References like
this one are not isolated; but battles, using a fantastic array of weapons and aerial
vehicles are common in all the epic Indian books. One even describes a Vimana-Vailix
battle on the Moon! The above section very accurately describes what an atomic explosion
would look like and the effects of the radioactivity on the population. Jumping
into water is the only respite.

When the Rishi City of Mohenjodaro was excavated by archeologists in the last century,
they found skeletons just lying in the streets, some of them holding hands, as if
some great doom had suddenly overtaken them. These skeletons are among the most
radioactive ever found, on a par with those found at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Ancient
cities whose brick and stone walls have literally been vitrified, that is-fused
together, can be found in India, Ireland, Scotland, France, Turkey and other places.
There is no logical explanation for the vitrification of stone forts and cities,
except from an atomic blast. Furthermore, at Mohenjo-Daro, a well planned city
laid on a grid, with a plumbing system superior to those used in Pakistan and India
today, the streets were littered with "black lumps of glass." These globs of glass
were discovered to be clay pots that had melted under intense heat!

With the cataclysmic sinking of Atlantis and the wiping out of Rama with atomic
weapons, the world collapsed into a "stone age" of sorts, and modern history picks
up a few thousand years later. Yet, it would seem that not all the Vimanas and Vailixi
of Rama and Atlantis were gone. Built to last for thousands of of years, many of
them would still be in use, as evidenced by Ashoka's "Nine Unknown Men" and the
Lhasa manuscript.

That secret societies or "Brotherhoods" of exceptional, "enlightened" human beings

would have preserved these inventions and the knowledge of science, history, etc.,
does not seem surprising. Many well known historical personages including Jesus,
Buddha, Lao Tzu, Confucius, Krishna, Zoroaster, Mahavira, Quetzalcoatl, Akhenaton,
Moses, and more recent inventors and of course many other people who will probably
remain anonymous, were probably members of such a secret organization.

It is interesting to note that when Alexander the Great invaded India more than
two thousand years ago, his historians chronicled that at one point they were attacked
by "flying, fiery shields" that dove at his army and frightened the cavalry. These
"flying saucers" did not use any atomic bombs or beam weapons on Alexander's army
however, perhaps out of benevolence, and Alexander went on to conquer India.

It has been suggested by many writers that these "Brotherhoods" keep some of their
Vimanas and Vailixi in secret caverns in Tibet or some other place is Central Asia,
and the Lop Nor Desert in western China is known to be the center of a great UFO
mystery. Perhaps it is here that many of the airships are still kept, in underground
bases much as the Americans, British and Soviets have built around the world in

the past few decades.

Still, not all UFO activity can be accounted for by old Vimanas making trips to
the Moon for some reason. Undoubtedly, some are from the Military Governments of
the world, and possibly even from other planets. Of course, many UFO sightings
are "swamp, gas, clouds, hoaxes, and hallucinations, while there is considerable
evidence that many UFO sightings, especially "kidnappings" and the like, are the
result of what is generally called "telepathic hypnosis." One common thread that
often runs between "Alien kidnappings," "sex with aliens," and other "close encounters
of a third kind" is a buzzing in the ears just before the encounter. According to
many well informed people, this is a sure sign of telepathic hypnosis."


The Anti-Gravity Handbook (Lost Science)

by D. Hatcher Childress



John Burrows

Sanskrit texts are filled with references to gods who fought battles in the sky
using Vimanas equipped with weapons as deadly as any we can deploy in these more
enlightened times. For example, there is a passage in the Ramayana which reads:

"The Puspaka car that resembles the Sun and belongs to my brother was brought by
the powerful Ravan; that aerial and excellent car going everywhere at will ....
that car resembling a bright cloud in the sky."

".. and the King [Rama] got in, and the excellent car at the command of the Raghira,
rose up into the higher atmosphere."

In the Mahabharatra, an ancient Indian poem of enormous length, we learn that an

individual named Asura Maya had a Vimana measuring twelve cubits in circumference,
with four strong wheels. The poem is a veritable gold mine of information relating
to conflicts between gods who settled their differences apparently using weapons
as lethal as the ones we are capable of deploying. Apart from 'blazing missiles',
the poem records the use of other deadly weapons. 'Indra's Dart' operated via a
circular 'reflector'. When switched on, it produced a 'shaft of light' which, when
focused on any target, immediately 'consumed it with its power'. In one particular
exchange, the hero, Krishna, is pursuing his enemy, Salva, in the sky, when Salva's
Vimana, the Saubha is made invisible in some way. Undeterred, Krishna immediately
fires off a special weapon: 'I quickly laid on an arrow, which killed by seeking
out sound'. Many other terrible weapons are described, quite matter of factly,
in the Mahabharata, but the most fearsome of all is the one used against the Vrishis.
The narrative records:

"Gurkha flying in his swift and powerful Vimana hurled against the three cities
of the Vrishis and Andhakas a single projectile charged with all the power of the
Universe. An incandescent column of smoke and fire, as brilliant as ten thousands
suns, rose in all its splendour. It was the unknown weapon, the Iron Thunderbolt,
a gigantic messaenger of death which reduced to ashes the entire race of the Vrishnis
and Andhakas."

It is important to note, that these kinds of records are not isolated. They can
be cross-correlated with similiar reports in other ancient civilizations. The after-affects
of this Iron Thunderbolt have an ominously recognizable ring. Apparently, those
killed by it were so burnt that their corpses were unidentifiable. The survivors
fared little etter, as it caused their hair and nails to fall out.

Perhaps the most disturbing and challenging, information about these allegedly mythical
Vimanas in the ancient records is that there are some matter-of-fact records, describing
how to build one. In their way, the instructions are quite precise.

In the Sanskrit Samarangana Sutradhara, it is written:

"Strong and durable must the body of the Vimana be made, like a great flying bird
of light material. Inside one must put the mercury engine with its iron heating
apparatus underneath. By means of the power latent in the mecrcury which sets the
driving whirlwind in motion, a man sitting inside may travel a great distance in
the sky. The movements of the Vimana are such that it can vertically ascend, vertically
descend, move slanting forwards and backwards. With the help of the machines human
beings can fly in the air and heavenly beings can come down to earth."

The Hakatha (Laws of the Babylonians) states quite unambiguously: "The privilege
of operating a flying machine is great. The knowledge of flight is among the most
ancient of our inheritances. A gift from 'those from upon high'. We received it
from them as a means of saving many lives."

More fantastic still is the information given in the ancient Chaldean work, The
Sifrala, which contains over one hundred pages of technical details on building
a flying machine. It contains words which translate as graphite rod, copper coils,
crystal indicator, vibrating spheres, stable angles, etc.

Click to Hear :


Shaina NOLL

"How could anyone ever tell you?

You were anything less than beautiful...
How could anyone ever tell you?
You were less than whole...
How could anyone fail to notice?

That your loving is a miracle...
How deeply you're connected to my soul..."

International Recording Artist,

Shaina Noll Featured in Live Concert at the 11-11-11

Listen to Shaina on UTube Video:

"Peace be With You"

A computer-generated reconstruction of the front and back of the Antikythera Mechanism.

Credit: Antikythera Mechanism Research Project

Antikythera Mechanism

Like something from a fantastical treasure movie, the discovery of the Antikythera


remains a major unexplained archaeological enigma.It clearly points to an ancient

highly advanced technology.

Found in the sunken wreckage of a Greek cargo ship that is at least 2,000 - 3,000
years old, the circular bronze artifact contains a maze of interlocking gears and
mysterious characters etched all over its exposed faces. Originally thought to be
a kind of navigational astrolabe, archaeologists continue to uncover its uses and
now know that it was a highly intricate & sophisticated astronomical calendar and
computer , with intricate interlocking gear mechanisms. Some speculate it was capable
of determining highly complex stellar patterns as well as air and earth pressures.

It is still the most sophisticated device ever found from that period, preceding
the next appearance of similar devices by well over 1,000 years.

Michael Cremo Featured at the 11-11-11

Join us at the Earth-Keeper 11-11-11 to hear & view Michael Cremo's stunning, brilliant
lecture and mesmerizing photo-slide presentation. It will simply amaze you. The
'hidden' and previously ignored scientific evidence of our true origins & history
on the earth is quite compelling & convincing. You don't want to miss this !

World renowned Author and Scientist, Michael Cremo is on the cutting edge of science
and culture issues. His books have sold more than ten million copies world wide.
In the course of a few month's time he might be found on pilgrimage to sacred
sites in India, appearing on a national television show, lecturing at a mainstream
science conference, or speaking to an alternative science gathering. As he crosses
disciplinary and cultural boundaries, he presents to his various audiences a compelling
case for negotiating a new consensus on the nature of reality. He has recently been
featured in the History Channels Television Documentary " Ancient Aliens -The True

History of Mankind on Earth", along with Eric Von Daniken, Dr Greg Braden , Dr Robert
Schock, Graham Hancock, John Major Jenkins and David Hatcher Childress.

Michael Cremo is a member of the prestigious History of Science Society, the World
Archeological Congress, the Philosophy of Science Association, the European Association
of Archaeologists and associate member of theBhaktivedanta Institute

specializing in history and philosophy of science.

"Forbidden Archeology:The Hidden History of the Human Race" the brilliant masterful
work of Michael A. Cremo and Richard L. Thompson quickly became a phenomenal global
best selling 'underground' classic, with translations in more than13 languages,
and still increasing. Its scientific reasoning and academic basis is simply superb.
This book is changing our realization of history and opening new doors into unbiased

This massive work spawned waves of resistance and wonder amongst the scientific
community, with over 900 pages of well-documented evidence suggesting that modern
man did not evolve from ape man, but instead has co-existed with apes for millions
of years! Michael Cremo lectures to academic, popular, and scientific audiences
around the world in a continuing challenge to Darwinian evolution.

Interview with Michael Cremo, World renowned Author of "Human Devolution", 'Forbidden
Archeology" , "Hidden History of the Human Race", and " "The Forbidden Archeologist"

To hear Interview Click below Link:

The HISTORY Channel Documentary :

Ancient Aliens - Season Two: Current and repeat

interviews with Michael Cremo and other renowned authorities on The History Channel

Other Books By Michael Cremo:

Forbidden Archeology's Impact


The Hidden History of the Human Race


Human Devolution


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 8, 2011 at 2:30pm

Süper insan 20 yıl içinde doğacak

Dünyaca ünlü İngiliz yaşlanma uzmanına göre, 1000 yaşını görecek insan yirmi yıl
içinde dünyaya gözlerini açacak07:02 | 07 Temmuz 2011

Önde gelen İngiliz bilim adamına göre, 150. yaşını görecek ilk insan çoktan dünyaya
geldi ve 1000 yıl yaşayacak ilk insan da gelecek yirmi yıl içinde doğacak.

Dünyaca ünlü İngiliz yaşlanma uzmanı Aubrey De Grey, kendi ömür süresi içerisinde
doktorlar, yaşlanmayı 'tedavi' etmek için gerekli tüm araçlara sahip olacak.

Tüm hastalıkları ortadan kaldırarak yaşamı süresiz olarak uzatmanın mümkün

olacağını düşünen Doktor De Grey, gelecek 25 yıl içinde yaşlanmayı kesin olarak,
tıbben kontrol altına alma ihtimalinin yüzde 50 olduğunu söylüyor ve ekliyor:
"Kesinlikten kastettiğim, bugün çoğu bulaşıcı hastalık üzerinde sağladığımız türden
bir tıbbi kontrol." İngiliz uzman, insanların düzenli olarak 'bakımdan geçmek üzere'
doktora gideceği; bu bakımlara, gen terapilerinin, kök hücre terapilerinin, bağışıklık
uyarmanın ve insanları sağlıklı tutmak üzere gelişmiş bir dizi tıbbi tekniklerin dahil
olacağı günlerin çok uzakta olmadığını düşünüyor.

Yaşlanmayı, bedende çeşitli türlerde moleküler ve hücresel hasarın yaşam süresi

boyunca birikimi olarak açıklayan De Grey'in teorisine göre, 150 yaşına ulaşacak ilk
insanın doğumunun üzerinden 20 yıldan az bir süre geçtikten sonra 1000 yaşını
görecek insanın doğması muhtemel.

De Grey'in teorisine göre, gelişen olanaklarla, bu rutin bakımların, moleküler ve

hücresel hasarlar hastalık yapıcı düzeyen ulaşmadan yaşlılık önleyici tedaviler söz
konusu olacak.

Başmelek Mikail’den Mesaj LM-7-

Herman kanalıyla aktarılmıştır
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 8, 2011 at 2:32pm

Başmelek Mikail’den Mesaj LM-7-2011


Ronna Herman kanalıyla aktarılmıştır

Sevgili üstatlar, her şeyden önce YÜKSELİŞİN NE OLMADIĞINI açıklığa kavuşturmak

istiyoruz. Şu andaki evrim durumunuzda, fiziksel bedenin yükselişi yalnızca insanlığın
yüksek bilincin sonraki seviyesine yükselişi için yolu açmış olan birkaç çok ileri avatar için
mümkündür. Birçok harika avatar ve melek alemi ile birlikte sevgili Jeshua bu olağanüstü
süreç için zemin hazırladı ve Yaratıcı Işığın Kozmik Tohumlarını ekti.

Bu zamanda fiziksel bedende yükselmek için, fiziksel bedeninizin İlahi Işık frekanslarına
dönüşümünü tamamlamalıydınız ve Ruhsal Şarkınızın armoniklerini beşinci boyutun en
yüksek planlarının ve üstünün armoniklerine yükseltmeliydiniz. Tek bir ömürde
üçüncü/dördüncü boyut fiziksel bedenin yoğunluğunu Işığın beşinci boyut bedenine
dönüştürmenin mümkün olduğunu sanmak hayaldir.

Sizler, öncüler, Yıldız Tohumları, 2,000 yıldan fazla bir süre önce Dünyaya ekilmiş olan
yükseliş Tohumlarını aktive etmek için Işığın Adamantine parçacıklarını, yakıtı sağlıyorsunuz.
İnsanlık bir arınma aşamasında, bilincin daha büyük genişlemesine hazırlıktadır, bu Dünyayı
süpürürken ve sonuç olarak üssel olarak hızlanırken çok daha fazla sayıda Ruhu etkiliyor.

Evrimsel değişimin şu andaki aşamasında, Yoldaki adayların/öğrencilerin fiziksel bedenleri

Yaratıcı Işığın dönüştürücü gücüyle aşılanma sürecindedir. Yüksek bilinç hücreleri uyanıyor
ve dönüşümün simyasal formülü ile birden ortaya çıkıyor. Sizler, Aurik Işığınızı azaltan ve
fiziksel bedendeki tüm yanlış yaratımların tezahürüyle sonuçlanan negatif/bozulmuş titreşim
frekanslarının büyük kısmını Aura alanınızdan temizleme sürecindesiniz.

Çok seviyeli bedensel yapınızın uyumlu frekanslarını bir kez daha bütünleştirebilmeniz için,
hücresel bedende kilitli kalmış toksinleri salıvermeli veya arıtmalısınız. Aura Alanının negatif
enerjiyle bulanık ve tıkalı olması gibi, Işık Beden hücrelerinin ışığı soldu. Tanrı Hücreleri
içinizde ve etrafınızda hala mevcut; beslenme eksikliği nedeniyle zamanla bu hücrelerin
sadece ışığı azaldı. Bu, sizin sürekli olarak uzun zaman periyotları boyunca kirli gıdalar ile
beslenmenize ve bedeninizin zarar görmesine benzer. Ego – arzu bedeni kurnaz ve inatçıdır ve
daha da fazla bedensel duyulara ve zevk ile sefaya doğru sürekli olarak dürtükler, bu
çoğunlukla talihsiz sonuçlanır.

Çakra sisteminizin dönüşüne ve saflığına bağlı olarak, bedeninizin farklı bölümlerinin büyük
çeşitlilikte frekans kalıpları ile rezonansta olduğunu anlamalısınız. Bütünleştirdiğiniz Yüksek
Benliğinizin her seviyesinde maksimum uyum için her zaman gayret etmelisiniz ve bunun hiç
bitmeyen bir süreç olduğunun farkında olmalısınız, çünkü Yaradılışın tüm seviyeleri bilincin
sonraki yüksek seviyesini elde etmek için doğal bir arzuya sahiptir.

İnsanlığın dört realiteyi aynı anda deneyimlediği kavramını düşünün: fiziksel, zihinsel,
duygusal ve astral. Bedeninizin ve fiziksel duyularınızın en büyük odak olduğu fiziksel/maddi
dünyada, sağlık durumunuz fiziksellik dünyasında nasıl etkileşimli olduğunuzu ve
deneyimden ne kadar keyif aldığınızı belirler. Bilincin daha yüksek alemlerine ilerlemeniz
kademeli bir uyanış sürecidir, bu süreçte Ruhunuzun ve doğrudan Yüksek Benliğinizin/Ruh –
Üstünüzün dürtmelerine/bilgeliğine uyanırsınız. Aydınlanma Yoluna adım atarken,
bilinçli/düşünceli farkındalık geliştirme sürecini başlatırsınız. Öncelikle Varlığınızın fiziksel
yanlarına odaklanmalısınız: fiziksel bedeniniz, çakra sisteminiz, duygusal doğanız ve zihinsel
yetenekleriniz. Kademeli olarak, zamanla, Varlığınızın fiziksel Halinde birlik bilincini belirli
bir derecede dengeledikçe, uyumladıkça ve bütünleştirdikçe, yüksek dördüncü boyutun üst
realitelerinin/beşinci boyutun alt realitelerinin titreşim kalıplarına, bilgeliğine, niteliklerine ve
yeteneklerine erişmeye hazır olursunuz. Bu, bizim bazen Bilinçte Yükseliş adını verdiğimiz
temel süreçtir. *[Ruh – Üstü (Over – Soul): Yüksek Benliğin Ruh Yıldızında (8 nci çakra)
bulunan fasedi, veçhesi]

Fiziksel, zihinsel ve duygusal bedenlerinizin tam, özgün kopyasını içeren Eterik bir Bedene
sahipsiniz. Öldüğünüz veya bedeninizi terk ettiğiniz zaman Gümüş Kordon kopar ve siz
fiziksel bedeni tamamen boşaltırsınız, fiziksel beden hemen çözünmeye başlar. Kalan şey,

astral, duygusal ve zihinsel maddeden oluşan süptil beden kabuğudur, Ruhun bilinçli
farkındalığın sonraki seviyesine ilerleyebilmesi için bu astral, duygusal ve zihinsel maddeler
çözünmelidir. Uyanmamış Ruhların Yoğun Bakım Üniteleri adı verilebilecek yerlere nasıl
götürüldüğünü daha önce açıklamıştık, burada yanlış nitelendirilmiş enerjinin negatif kabuğu
tamamen dönüştürülünceye kadar, Yaratıcının Sevgisi/Işığı her Ruhun Aura Alanına sürekli
olarak yayılır.

Ancak, ölüm/geçiş, yaşam – sonrası sürecin radikal şekilde değiştiğini anlamanız önemlidir.
Artık Ruhlar Dünya’da yeniden enkarne olma sıralarını beklemek için yoğun astral planlara
gitmiyor. Eğer siz Ruhsal Şarkısı dördüncü boyutun yüksek seviyeleri/beşinci boyutun alt
seviyeleri ile tınlayan Kendinin-bilincinde olan bir insan iseniz, her şeyin arkanızda
bıraktığınız realiteye çok benzer göründüğü, sadece daha büyük, daha güzel ve daha sevinçli,
sevgi dolu ve huzurlu olan uygun plana otomatik olarak götürülürsünüz. Cennet alemlerinin
Kapılarından tamamen farkında olarak geçersiniz. Geçmiş yaşamınızı bir gözlemci olarak
gözden geçirirsiniz ve size yakın olanlara ve sevdiklerinize hoşça kal diyebilirsiniz; ancak
onlar sizin yakın Ruh ailenizin üyeleri olmadığı sürece geri plana düşerler.

Yine, yansıttığınız veya tınladığınız frekanslar, hangi boyuta veya alt – plan boyutsal seviyeye
götürüleceğinizi ve erişebileceğiniz kozmik bilgi seviyelerini belirler. Aura Alanınız,
Eterik/Astral Bedenlerinizi çevreleyen bir pelerine benzer ve bu ya bir Işık pelerinidir ya da
birçok geçmiş yaşam deneyimlerinizde biriktirmiş olduğunuz negatif, uyumsuz enerji
örtüsüdür. Sizler enerji birimlerinden oluşursunuz: zihinsel, duygusal, fiziksel, astral ve
ruhsal. Güçlü bir enerjinin, orijinal İlahi Bilinç Kıvılcımının yaratımı olduğunuz gerçeğini
öğrenmeli ve kabul etmelisiniz. Kendinin bilincinde olan bir birlikte yaratıcı olarak, sizler
ayrıca kendi güçlü düşünceleriniz, eylemleriniz ve niyetleriniz ile bir enerji yöneticisisiniz.

Sizler bir enerji hortumu içinde var oluyorsunuz: ya Temel Yaşam Gücü maddesinden, alt
boyutların yarı – spektrumlu Işığından veya bilincin yüksek alemlerinin Yaratıcı Işığının
Adamantine Parçacıklarını kapsayan enerji güçleri. Zihinsel durumunuz ve duygusal
doğanızın niteliği veya tınısı yaratıcı uğraşlarınızın sonucunu belirler. Bir birlikte yaratıcı
olarak, yaratıcı fikirlerinizi/düşüncelerinizi biçimlendirirsiniz, sonra düşüncelerinizin ve
eylemlerinizin sonuçta tezahür eden ifadesini deneyimlemek zorundasınız – Evrensel Yasalar.

Kozmik enerji güçlerinin etkili bir yöneticisi olmak üzeresiniz. Bilinçli bir gözlemci olun ve
kendinizi ayırmayı, tarafsız olmayı uygulayın. Başkaları tarafından yaratılan negatif enerji
vorteksine kapılmanıza izin vermeyin. Kutsal enerjinizin yöneticisi olarak sağlam ve
kontrolde durmayı öğrenin. Başkalarının dinginliğinizi ve uyumlu doğanızı rahatsız
etmelerine izin vermeyin. Ancak, lütfen hatırlayın, nadiren insani duygularınız olduğunda,
durun ve derin bir nefes alın, uyumsuz enerjileri dönüştürmek ve çözmek için Mor Alev
gönderirken merkezinize geri dönün. Bazen Kendinizi yargılayarak çok acımasız oluyorsunuz.
Mükemmellik beklenmiyor, sevgili kalpler.

Yüksek ruhunuzun, Yüksek benliğinizin ışıması kademeli olarak fiziksel ve duygusal

bedenlerinize nüfuz ediyor, birikmiş olan negatif, astral kirlilikleri kademeli şekilde
salıveriyor. Tüm İnsanlığın Ruh-Üstünün birleşik Işığı, geçmişte “kollektif bilinç” denen,
insanlığın negatif düşünce kalıpları olan, astral planların kirlenmiş, bozulmuş titreşim
kalıplarını çözüyor. Sevgi, dinginlik ve sevinç Ruh-Üstünün asıl nitelikleridir. Çoğu insanın
düşünceleri genelde gelişigüzeldir ve odaksızdır. Beyin dalgalarınızın frekanslarını azaltmak
veya bilincin Alfa Halini sürdürmeyi öğrenmek devam eden düşünce süreçlerinizin keskin
odağını sağlar ve bilinçaltı zihne berrak talimatlar verir. Alfa Üstatlığı teknikleri mükemmel

ve güçlü bir alettir. Bilinçli düşünen zihniniz idrak eder, kavrar; ama gelen bilgiyi işleyen ve
eyleme geçen bilinçaltı zihninizdir. Alfa Üstadı olmak ve bilincin doğru Alfa seviyesini
sürdürmek, bilinçaltı zihniniz ile konuşmanızı ve etkileşim kurmanızı sağlar. Derin, içgüdüsel
içsel zihniniz ve Kutsal Zihniniz ile direkt iletişim kurma yeteneğini geliştirirken, bu irade
gücünün ötesine ilerler. Hedeflerinize ulaşmak için kendinizi doğal olarak en iyi kararları
alırken ve doğru eylemi yaparken bulursunuz.

Yükseliş süreci, Ruhsal Benliğiniz, fiziksel Benliğinizin yöneticisi olarak doğru pozisyonuna
yeniden başladığı zaman başlar. Bu sanki mükemmel Adem/Havva Kadmon Işık Bedeninizin
mavikopyasını içeren DNA’nızın içinde bir kontak anahtarının açılmasına benzer.
Bütünleştirmeye başladığınız Işığın yüksek frekansları ile bir seri saklı kodlamalar aktive olur.
Bu Işık titreşim kalıpları, bedensel formdaki tüm hücreleri ve organları etkileyecek olan renk
ve armoniklerin belirli kodlamalarını içerir. Kademeli olarak, hücreler Işığı emmeye ve
metabolize etmeye başlar ve bu Işık – taşıyan hücreler tüm fiziksel bedene nüfuz etmeye ve
onu etkilemeye başlar.

Sonra bedende depolanan toksinlerin, duygusal travmaların, acı verici anıların ve

deneyimlerin yüzeye çıktığı, çoklu rahatsız edici fiziksel semptomları yarattığı dönüşüm
işlemi başlatılır: bedenin çeşitli bölümlerinde ağrılar, grip benzeri semptomlar, baş ağrıları,
sersemlik, kafa karışıklığı, geçici hafıza kaybı vs.

Aura Alanının yeniden yapılandırılmasının sonraki seviyesi duygusal bedeni ve bilincin astral
planlarını kapsar. Fiziksel bedeniniz evrimleşirken, Işığın daha da çok saf frekanslı hücrelerini
bütünleştirme yeteneğine sahip olur. Dördüncü boyuta ait realiteniz parçalanmaya başlar ve
illüzyon dünyanız bozulur ve karışık hale gelir. Dini inanç yapınız çökmeye başlar, incinebilir
hissedersiniz, rehberlik veya yön hissetmezsiniz. Bu noktada Yüksek Benlik birleşmesi vardır,
bu birleşmede Ruh Yıldızında (Sekizinci Çakra) bulunan Yüksek Benliğinizin Ruh – Üstü
fasedi, Kutsal Zihninize, Kutsal Kalbinize ve tüm çakra sisteminize yüksek frekanslı Işık
paketlerinin impalslarını (darbelerini)/ışınlarını göndermeye başlar. Bu ışınlar sezgisel
yeteneklerinizi aktive eder ve ayrıca gerçekte kim olduğunuzun daha büyük anlayışı için çok
önemli bilgileri içerir ve içinizde İlahi Hoşnutsuzluğu aktive edebilir.

Elmas Çekirdek Hücreniz şimdi daha da fazla Tanrı Işığını bütünleştiriyor, bu da Kutsal Kalp
Özünüzdeki Tanrı Bilinci Işınlarının gücünü aktive ediyor ve artırıyor. Bu işlem İlahi
Mavikopyanızın içinde programlanır ve ayrıca DNA’nızda kodlanır. Şimdiye kadar,
hücreleriniz ana enerji kaynağı olarak Işığa tepki vermeye başladı. Bu, Yoldaki adayların sık
sık diyetlerini daha az yoğun olan besinlere radikal şekilde değiştirmelerinin ana nedenidir,
çünkü onların fiziksel ve duygusal bedenleri Işığın Adamantine Parçacıkları – tanrıların gıdası
- ile doymaya başlıyor.

Saf Işık alemlerine daha da derin girerken, fiziksel duyular güçlenebilir ve renk ve ses
farkındalığınız artabilir. Fiziksel duyuların artması, Aurik Alanınızdaki hücrelerin binlerce
yıldır birikmiş olan yoğun, kısıtlayıcı enerjiyi temizleme görevine başlıyor olması anlamına
gelir. Duyuları körelten ve insanlığı esarette tutan sisli hapishane Işık hücrelerinde yıkanıyor,
bu da daha fazla Ruh, içlerindeki İlahi potansiyele uyandıkça Aurik Alanın daha fazla ışıltılı
olmasıyla sonuçlanacak. Tüm insanlık için tasarlanmış olan orijinal Işık beden formunu geri
kazanmak için, fiziksel beden Canlı Işığın dönüştürücü etkileriyle kademeli olarak yeniden

Sevgililer, gözlerinizi bu zamanda Dünyada yaygın olan kaos ve yıkıma çevirmeyin. Her günü
Kutsal Kalbiniz/Solar Güç Merkezinize merkezlenmiş olarak yaşayın, böylece fiziksel
bedeninize maksimum miktarda Yaratıcı Işığı bütünleştirebilirsiniz ve sonra bu değerli
armağanı Dünyanın çekirdeğine ve form dünyasına gönderebilirsiniz. Dünya üzerindeki
Dünya Hizmetkarlarının birleşik çabalarının fark yarattığını bilin. Bizler yadsınamayacak olan
daha büyük iyiliğin gücüyüz. Ben ebediyen sizin sadık muhafızınız ve koruyucunuzum.

Ben Başmelek Mikail’im.

(Çeviri: Saffet Güler)

Kopyalayabilir ve paylaşabilirsiniz. BAŞMELEK MİKAİL'İN MESAJLARINI


Her Şeyi Olduğu Gibi Kabul Etmeye Ne

kadar Yatkınsınız ?
 Posted by Sibel Kavunoğlu on July 9, 2011 at 7:07pm

Yaşam içinde karşılaştığımız zorlukları elimizden her ne geliyor ise yapıp aşmaya çalışırız.
Çıkmaza girdiğimizde de yakın dostlarımıza danışırız. Bazıları “Şunu denedin mi?” veya

“Şöyle yapsaydın daha iyi olurdu” gibi önerilerde bulunur. İçlerinden en spiritüel olanı “
Belki de; her şeyi olduğu gibi kabul etmelisin” der ve siz de “ her şeyi olduğu gibi kabul
etmeyi” denersiniz. Zaman geçer, olduğu gibi kabul etmenin işe yaramadığını düşünür, pes
eder, “Her şeyi denedim olmuyor ” demeye başlarsınız. İşte böyle zamanlarda “Her Şeyi
Olduğu Gibi Kabul Et “ ‘in gerçek anlamını anlayıp anlamadığımızı analiz etmek çıkış
noktanız olabilir. Ne demek istediğimi bir örnekle açıklamak istiyorum. Yaz tatilinizin
sonunda, güneyden İstanbul’a gelirken, feribota binmek üzere Topçular ‘a geldiğinizde,
feribota biniş kuyruğunun çok uzun olduğunu fark edersiniz, kısa bir duraklamadan sonra
mevcut durumu kabul edip körfezi dönmeye karar verirsiniz. Çünkü kendinizi bir an evvel
eve atıp dinlenmeye başlamanız için en uygun çözüm arabayla körfezi dolaşmaktır. Tabii aynı
senaryo farklı şekilde de gerçekleşebilir. Feribota giriş kuyruğunu görür görmez, o sabah yola
çıkışınızı geciktiren ve/veya tuvalet veya alışveriş molası vermenize sebep olan aile üyelerine
çatmayı başlarsınız. Kızgınlığınız gittikçe artar, sinir sisteminiz konunun önemine uygun
hormonları üretmeye başlar. Taarruza maruz kalan aile üyeleri üzülür. Bu kızgınlıkla yolda
kaza yapmanız veya feribot sırasını beklemek gibi uygunsuz kararlar almanız an meselesidir.
Hatta aynı stresi eve ulaştığınızda da devam ettirir. Geçmiş Topçular feribotu anılarından dem
vurmaya başlarsınız. Kısaca siz “ Her Şeyi Olduğu gibi Kabul Etmeme” halini yaşıyorsunuz
demektir. Halbuki; en akıllıca yol, sizi rahatsız eden durumu “olduğu gibi kabul ederek ” onu
bir an evvel terk edip bir sonraki hedefe yönelmektir. Bu durumda; hem sinirlenmemiş hem
çevrenizdekiler üzülmemiş hem de hayatınızı keyifle sürdürmeyi seçmiş olursunuz. Gerçekten
her şeyi olduğu gibi kabul etmek işte böyle bir şeydir. Yani artık orada olamayacağınızı kabul
edip ilerlemeyi seçersiniz. İlerlemenin yan etkisi önünüze yeni kapılar açılmaya başladığında
kendini gösterecektir. Benzer durum insan ilişkileri içinde geçerlidir. Örneğin; çok sevdiğiniz
bir dostunuz ile aynı fikirde olmadığınızda onu çok seviyorsunuz diye her dediğini kabul edip
uygulamaya koymak zorunda değilsiniz. Yani söylediklerini onaylamasanız da her ne ise onu
olduğu gibi kabul etmeyi seçebilirsiniz. Bu şekilde hem onu sevmeye devam eder hem de
istemediğimiz bir şeyi yaparak enerjinizi düşürmemiş olursunuz. Eskiden çok sevdiğim
insanların söyledikleri ve yaptıklarını kabul ettiğimde o konu her ne ise o doğrultuda aksiyon
almaya çalışırdım. Aykırı davranırsam onlara ihanet etmiş olacağımı düşünürdüm. Halbuki
zaman zaman onlar dahi kendi fikirlerinin arkasında durmazken ben kim oluyordum da,
onların fikirlerinin uygulayıcısı haline geliyordum. Zamanla bir şekilde öğrendim ki
sevdiğim, kabul ettiğim kişilerin illa her dediğini onaylamak zorunda değildim. Sadece her ne
ise onu olduğu gibi kabul etmem yeterliydi. Onaylamadığım bir şey var diye sevdiğim kişi ile
aramın bozulması gerekmiyordu. Her iki taraf ta seçimlerinde tamamen özgürdü. Aslında bu
durum biraz da sevdiğiniz bir pop sanatçısı uyuşturucu kullanıyor diye sizin de uyuşturucu
kullanmaya başlamanıza benzer ki eminim hiç biriniz sevdiğiniz sanatçı uyuşturucu
kullanıyor diye uyuşturucuya başlamazsınız. Sevdiğiniz sanatçının uyuşturucu kullanıyor
olmasının sadece onun sorunu olduğunu bilir , büyük bir keyifle onun şarkılarını dinlersiniz
…… Eminim hepiniz “ Olduğu gibi Kabul Etme” nin bu halini hayatınızın belli alanlarında
uygulamaktasınız. Önemli olan soru; “Olduğu gibi Kabul Etme” halini “Her şeye
Uygulamaya Ne Kadar Yatkınsınız ? ” Yani Körfezi dolaşıp evde keyifle sevdiğiniz diziyi
seyretmeye mi yoksa olmuş bitmiş olan bir şey üzerine sürekli söylenmeyi seçerek hem
kendinizi hem de diğerlerini üzmeyi seçmeye mi yatkınsınız ? Kısaca Mutlu mu Yoksa Haklı
mı olmak istiyorsunuz? Sevgiler

Fire the grid Meditation
 Posted by susie jane hampshire on July 11, 2011 at 8:42pm

Dear Friends,

It is time.

Each human being on our precious planet feels that we are living a time of major changes.
The Earth is giving us clear signs that she is on a path of transformation and because we live

and depend on her, we are experiencing this with her. This letter is a call to bring us all
together as ONE. On November 11, 2011 at 11:11 GMT we will gather collectively as one
Heart, one Soul, one deeply loving thought. In doing so, we are joining our voices to the most
ancient and wise cultures of this planet, our big brothers and sisters, the ancient ones of the
First Nations. They have brought us the most precious teaching — that all we see outside of
us, the earth, the mountains, the oceans, the galaxies, every living thing, what we see, feel,
taste, touch and smell — each can be found inside our hearts. They have also taught us that
what we are living in our lives, our outside world, is in fact a direct reflection of our inner
feelings and thoughts. All is interconnected. Separation is an illusion. There is only UNITY.

To support this teaching, the scientific community discovered during the 9/11 event that the
Earth's magnetic field is influenced by the magnetic field of our hearts. This field of the heart
is 5000 times stronger than our brains! Considering this information, it is therefore certain we
can influence the world around us in a positive way from within if we choose. This means we
can collectively and consciously create a more harmonious, respectful, peaceful, abundant and
just world for all.

Until now, most of our economy's expenses have been directed at war and destruction whether
it is on earth, at sea or in space. Most major countries, even poor countries, spend more
money on war than on creating better, healthier communities for their population. How can
we expect to survive as a species if we continue to put the majority of our energy and major
financial resources on this negative path? The answer is obvious. We can not. Wonderful
discoveries in health and new energy devices that could end poverty and diseases are blocked
by the greed and ego of a few individuals. We have let this nonsense get out of hand to the
point where the greed and power hunger of a few has taken precedence over Life itself. Love
is Life and in its absence, Life disappears.

As conscious human beings, it is our duty to take responsibility for what is happening around
us and in our lives. We each have a role to play and we must do what is right to reestablish
balance, each in our own personal field of expertise, in our work place, in our houses, our
communities, our cities, our countries. All of this done with love, honesty and integrity, for
the good of all. We are all important and precious human beings and we depend on each other
to live. We can change this turmoil into a positive future for our children and our children’s
children. We can take that energy used towards destruction and redirect it to build a new
social structure based on caring and sharing that will cover the basic needs of every human
being — that we finally live in harmony and respect with Nature and also with each other. So
that no one on Earth lacks for anything any longer. Imagine what those billions of dollars can
do when redirected towards peaceful applications.

We are billions and we are ONE. There are more positive, peaceful and loving people in our
world than there are fearful and egotistical ones. The thing is, we are not yet as well organized
as they are. In order to succeed, we must first go into our hearts and join our positive coherent
thoughts simultaneously to bring an intense and convincing feeling that this new world is
already here and real. After that, we put those good thoughts and intentions into actions so
they take root in reality.

In « The Isaiah Effect », Gregg Braden talks about scientific studies that have proven time and
again that a small group of individuals meditating can influence the crime scale of an entire
city. It has been calculated that we need only the square root of 1% of a given population to
influence the rest of a community. This means we need only a few thousand people meditating

together simultaneously with their positive feelings to influence the whole world. Dr. Emoto's
«The Hidden Messages in Water » and Dr. Lynne McTaggart's «The Field » have also showed
us with their research that our thoughts can influence matter. Keep in mind that what we are
living right now is but a reflection of our inner selves. We have collectively chosen what is
happening to us and around us and we are now giving ourselves the most precious lesson of
all — to REMEMBER who we really are, loving Light Beings and powerful creators.

This is why we are calling upon you. You the sons and daughters, the children and
adolescents, the fathers and mothers, the grand-fathers and grand-mothers, the artists, the
scientists, the inventors, the hard workers, the spiritual leaders and motivational speakers,
who have a great positive influence on people around you, who are already helping to bring
this new consciousness to life. You, more than anyone else can show the example by coming
together as ONE and inviting people to connect on November 11, 2011 at 11:11 GMT.
Meditate, pray, chant, dance your joy for life, visualizing from your hearts with intensely
positive feelings. If you are near a sacred site, go there if you can and use the powerful
energies of the Earth as an amplifier. Visualize a world of harmony, joy and peace, a world
with clean water, air and soil free of pollution, where everyone cares for each other. Think
about it — if everyone put the other person first, no one would lack for anything anymore
because the exchange of energy will flow freely. Remind yourselves that you are loved, that
you are each a unique Soul and then express your gratitude for the experience of being alive
on this wonderful blue planet.

"Brother to brother, heart to heart, one for the other, near or far. No boundary, no reason can
ever tear us apart.” – Bradfield

We are spiritual beings on a human journey. Let's tilt the balance to our advantage. Let us join
in our similarities instead of dissolving in our differences. We can achieve this together when
our thoughts and actions flow unconditionally from our hearts, hand in hand with respect,
forgiveness, compassion and Love for every living thing. The hour is at hand to bring a new
consciousness to humankind and to begin the Era of Universal Peace. IT IS TIME. Namaste.

- Annie Tremblay (Anael)

Silver-Gold Light Meditation By Katharina
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 11, 2011 at 11:59pm

Silver-Gold Light Meditation

To balance Yin and Yang, the feminine and masculine Aspect of your Divinity
By Katharina Bless

Sit and relax for a moment, take some deep breath and feel how the body becomes more and
more heavy and relaxed. Breath into your heart chakra.

Imagine a tube (something like an etheric umbilical cord) coming out of your heart and going
to the base of your spine and from there deep down into the center of the earth, connecting
you with the center of mother earth, where you find a huge silver sparkling liquid crystal. It
looks like the sun reflecting on water in the early morning after sunrise, this kind of "living"
and glittering silver energy.
(this energy frequency has nothing to do with grayish – silver like we buy in color, it is a
complete different energy, more comparable to the silver light of the moon)

Now start to breath this silver light into your heart until the heart is completely filled with this
light, all cells are containing and sparkling in this light.

Then imagine a same tube upwards from the heart, coming out of your crown chackra, the
middle top of your head, going to a golden light-source like the sun or a golden star. It is the
color of the late afternoon sun, the full, intense gold, just before it becomes the orange color
of the setting sun. Now start to breath in this golden light into the heart and mix it with the
silver, until you have a harmonious mix of half silver, half gold, the color between the two.

Then imagine with every inbreath that both lights, silver and gold, flow into your heart at the
same time (like a vacuum pump) from above and below and then "see" the heart overflowing
and the light starting to fill your whole body.

Now with every inbreath light is flowing into your heart and with every outbreath it flows into
your body. Let it first flow into the toes (like sparkling water would fill a char), then feet,
ankles and up, fill all the organs, muscles, blood vessels etc. in the body, let it reach your
shoulder and from there flow into your fingertips, hands, arms etc. until the whole body and
the last cell is filled with this light, including the head, scull and even your hair.

Do this for about seven days until you can "see" with your inner eye the light or feel it as a
prickling energy. In the first moment you will not see it, don't think it doesn't work, be patient
and just think it goes there and one day you start to feel it or see it.
Most of the time people are too much impatient, so nothing really can happen because they
give up too early.
Then go to the next step:

Imagine the light flowing vertical out of your heart with your outbreath and is expanding
around your body and forming a light-ball of protecting energy. Seal it with a silver mirror for

complete protection outwards and inside "line" it with gold.
So on the outside there will be a layer of silver and inside a layer of gold for complete
protection, and both together build at the same time the vehicle of the merkabah, because
there energy frequency is spinning in opposite direction.

The silver-gold energy in our body becomes the third component of the holy trinity that is the
prerequisite for the kundalini energy to enable it to harmoniously rise.

When you start, this will take you about 20 min, but you'll see, every day when you do it, it
takes less time. This is building up the light body within, the body that is in reality the
"vehicle" of our soul and very much connected with our well-being.

You need to do it 21 days without interruption to build up the basic light body, the more your
body is saturated with light, better you will feel and the faster you can "see" the light and then
you will need only a couple minutes to "reactivate" the lightbody ever morning when you get
up and every time you are in a situation, when you need more protection etc.

Do it every day in the morning when you get up. This is your soul breakfast!

After I filled my body with light I say: I surrender to my Divine Self and ask the Angels for
guidance. (The Divine Self nor the angels can help if we don’t ask!)
And at this point you also can ask for specific things that you need today!

I was taught this meditation by the Angels and teach it since a few years. People are very
successfully changing their life and those who do it diligently have attracted a lot of god
things into their life. Healing experiences and "miracles" are now daily life for them - they
have stepped into divine timing or synchronicity with their genuine life path - including me.

- The Many Paths of Healing - Uriel's

Message by Jeenifer Hoffman
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 12, 2011 at 12:00am

- The Many Paths of Healing -

Uriel's Message

by Jeenifer Hoffman

Each of you knows someone who appears to go effortlessly through life. They do not
appear to have lessons to learn or have any major life issues. Their lives are not
filled with worries and everything seems to be effortless for them. And they may
not appear to have any spiritual connections, are not focused on their spiritual
journey and yet seem to enjoy a life that you would like to create for yourself.
Why, you may ask, do you have to be on a healing journey and not them? Why do you have to
heal and they do not? Are they special or know something that you do not?

Each soul chooses its healing journey according to what it needs to experience in
a lifetime. Each journey is unique, reflecting that soul's lessons and learning,
wounds and need for healing. And each one can choose to experience a healing path
or ignore it call, as well as choosing how that path will unfold and who will be
involved. From your viewpoint another's may appear to be so much easier than yours.

But you are not aware of their soul's healing commitment in this lifetime or what
they have experience in other lifetimes. These details are hidden from you, as are
the details of your soul's healing journey hidden from others. Each healing journey
is a process of learning, growth, transformation and ascension and while each is
different, the purpose is the same, to help each one overcome fear, find and reclaim
their power and to arrive at a greater spiritual understanding.

You heal because it is what your soul is called to do. This can be a difficult and
painful process or it can be easy and painless. All of its aspects are optional
and of your choosing, consciously or unconsciously. You do not have to experience
pain in order to heal. The person who appears to be experience a life without lessons could
actually have made the choice to experience their healing journey without pain and chaos.
Since you believe that healing is accompanied by pain, you choose that form of healing. You
can choose other ways to heal that are far less painful and disruptive once you align your
mind and spirit and make those choices.

Your healing journey also benefits everyone in your soul group. Each healing experience that
you complete benefits you as well as all of those involved. Together, you have all chosen a
particular healing journey. But how you experience the healing is up to you. When you choose
to heal without pain, you grant the same choice to everyone in your soul group. As you learn
to appreciate your lessons you can find the beauty in the healing process and you will know
that you heal because it is the gift of the soul, an opportunity for you and all of humanity to
learn to heal without pain, to live without fear and to move forward along your collective
spiritual path. You heal because you have come to change the world and heal its emotional
and spiritual wounds, which are a mirror of your own wounds. Each of you has the power to
heal yourself, your soul group and the world. And you can do so without pain, gracefully, and
move the world into alignment with its highest vibrations, align humanity with spirit, move
into higher dimensions of being and ascend with grace and ease.

Readings with Archangel Uriel offer healing, clarity,

amazing insights and more.

Click here for more details and to schedule a reading.



 Posted by Jacques on July 12, 2011 at 1:19am

Those who go with us to other Dimensional planes will transmit to us, from July 4 to 11,
information on the display of Metatronic Cube through 12 Paths. These conformities
(correspondences) of body points, in resonance with the Light display and the 12 Stars are the
subject of almost all channelings during this time. We have been asked to disseminate the
entirety of these products to put into practice which are associated after Metatron's
intervention of next July 11 (it's already done and released !). You will find them (either July
12 or 13) in "Protocols/ Re-Building (or Re-construction) of Resurrection body" on the site. In
the meantime, we would appreciate it if you would not look ahead of time, because we are
discovering this at the same time as you and respect what has been asked, that is the overall
protocols spreading after Metatron intervention.

Sri Aurobindo

" I AM Sri Aurobindo, Brothers and Sisters of humanity, receive Grace and Blessings, from
my Spirit to your Spirit. I have the honor, today, to begin to unveil to you the changes taking
place during the Metatronic Light display or Supramind (or Supramental) Light, in totality,
beyond and more of your 3 Centres, on your Inner Temple which is this Body. This Body
represents the One. That doesn't mean that the One, the Unique, the Source, necessarly has
your shape and your body but, that within this body, are a number of resonances which are
bound to the Unity, to its abilities... Today, the Vibral Light display may realize within the
whole of your body, within the cells whole, allowing, then, to live, in this very place, your
own Resurrection. The new structures have been activated in their time, having allowed to
unfurl and to reveal, less one year there, the points called Stars, at Radiant Crown of the head.
These points, at the time of their lighting in Consciousness, now become Passage Gates,
between the Radiant Crown of the head, the Radiant Crown of Heart and the Sacrum. The
cubes edges and Cube sides are spreading at body level, and are going to go into action a
number of workings which are for you, still today, for the majority, unknown, even if you are
living the beginnings or some manifestations, I would say fuller for some of you. The
Metatronic Cube display is going to follow a logical sequence, allowing to lean back onto,
through Paths, on existing structures and new Circuits called Light Paths, allowing
communication which had been stopped between these points, due to the falsification. This
display and this display sequence are going to follow a support. This support is both front and
back. Because, there is an illimited frame but which is leaning on a front and back Vibration,
which allows, during the sacred Lemniscate activation in its different parts, to realize, in
totality, which has been called by an Archangel, the Abandon of the Light, and, henceforth,
which materializes by the Crucifixion, the Resurrection and the Transfiguration..."

Büyüklere Masallar 5- İlham Kaynağım

Nereden Geliyor?
 Posted by Sibel Kavunoğlu on July 12, 2011 at 1:30pm

Periler ülkesinde Carrie adında bir peri yaşarmış. Carrie doğuştan tek kanatlıymış. Carrie’nin
ailesi önceleri bu duruma pek anlam veremeseler de sonrasında Periler Kraliçesinin bir bildiği
olduğunu düşünerek bu konudan bahsetmemeğe karar vermişler.

Carrie uzun kızıl saçları, parlak yeşil gözlü güzel bir peri kızıymış. Sürekli gülerek
etrafındakilerin de gülmesini sağlarmış. Carrie günün birinde, yaşıtları gibi uçamadığını fark
etmiş ve uçabilmesi için niçin peri tozu vermediklerini sormuş. Baba peri Samuel, Carrie’e
doğuştan tek kanatlı olduğunu ve peri tozunun bu tür durumlarda pek etkili olamadığını
anlatmış. Carrie, annesinin üzüntü ile kendisine baktığını fark edince;

-Olsun, önemi yok. Eminim günün birinde benim de diğerleri gibi diğer kanadım olur. Sen
sakın üzülme anneciğim demiş

Babası, Carrie’nin ileride üzülmesini önlemek adına;

-Carrie’cim, sen doğuştan böylesin. İleride ikinci bir kanatın olamayabilir tatlım demiş.

Carrie, anne ve babasının gittikçe artan endişesini hissedince, konuyu kapatmaya karar

-Tamam tamam. Siz sakın üzülmeyin ben çok iyiyim. Hem uçmak ta neymiş. Ben sizlerle
birlikte olduğum için çok mutluyum demiş ve koşarak anne ve babasının yanına giderek
onlara sıkıca sarılmış.

İleriki zamanlarda, Carrie’nin karşılık beklemeden herkese yardım ediyor olması köydeki tüm
ailelerin dikkatini çekmiş ve hepsi Carrie’i çok sever olmuşlar. Carrie ilginç çözümler üretme
konusunda da çok başarılıymış. Örneğin; İnsanlar dünyasından getirdiği disklerle tahtadan bir
araba yapmış sonra fare dostu Rodolph’dan da yardım alarak büyük eşyaların kısa bir sürede
istenilen yere ulaştırılmasını sağlamış. Bu şekilde 6 perinin birlikte taşıyabileceği ağırlıktaki
büyük eşyalar Carrie ve Rudolph tarafından kolayca taşınabilir hale gelmiş.

Carrie ilginç çözümleri üretmeye devam ettikçe, arkadaşları bu durumdan rahatsız olmaya
başlamışlar. Çünkü evde herhangi bir şey ters gitse, aileler Carrie’yi örnek göstererek
çocuklarını kolayca çalışmaya ikna eder olmuşlar.

Günlerden bir gün o seneki yeni yıl kutlamalarının Carrie’nin köyünde yapılacağı haberi
ulaşmış. Carrie’nin ailesi dahil diğer tüm periler, bu karara çok sevinmişler ve hemen kutlama
hazırlıklarına başlamışlar. Periler kraliçesi, kutlama günü geldiğinde yapılan hazırlıkları
görünce tüm köy sakinlerine teşekkür etmiş.

Kutlamalar başlamış ve Periler Kraliçesi tüm bölgelerinin temsilcileri ayrı ayrı ilgilenmeye
başlamış. Kutlamalar devam ederken, sürekli ışıkları aydınlatan, masaları hazırlayan, süsleri
koordine eden tek kanatlı çalışkan peri Carrie,herkesin dikkatini çekmiş. Carrie, gülen gözleri
ile sürekli herkesi rahat ettirmeye çalışması gerçekten takdire değermiş.

Periler kraliçesinin sezgileri gelişmiş olduğundan diğer perilerin Carrie’nin tek kanatlı
olmasını anlam veremediklerini hemen anlamış. Kutlamaların bitimine doğru kraliçe kapanış
konuşmasına başlamış;

-Hepinizin bu seneki kutlamalardan memnun kalmanıza çok sevindim. Sizlerin mutlu olması
benim için çok önemli. Her şeyin sevgiyle ve anlayışla yapılıyor olması çok güzel. Hepiniz ile
gurur duyuyorum. Bazılarınızın küçük Carrie’nin neden tek kanatlı olduğunu ve benim bu
duruma çözüm üretemediğim konusunu sorguladığınızı hissediyorum. Dostlarım, unutmayın
hiç bir şey göründüğü gibi olmayabilir. Carrie’nin önünde uzun bir yol var. Carrie, ileride
gerçek bir ilham perisi olacak. Hiçbir beklentisi olmaksızın bütün içtenliğiyle herkesin
yardımına koşuyor. Carrie, yaptıkları ile diğerlerine ilham kaynağı olarak aslında ilham perisi
olmayı öğreniyor. Şimdiden bir çok kişinin kendi içindekini bulmasına yardımcı oldu bile.

Örneğin; Rico zeki bir peri olarak doğdu. Ancak bu zekasını daha çok tembellik yapmaya
kullanıyordu. Carrie’nin Rico’nun babasına yaptığı yardımlar aile içinde o kadar çok
konuşuldu ki Rico, sonunda zekasını olması gerektiği gibi kullanmaya karar verdi. Şimdi çok
güzel projeler üretiyor.

Sherry, doğduğundan beri uçmaktan korkuyordu. Geçenlerde Carrie, uçma hissini

deneyimlemek için insanlar dünyasında gördüğü balonu yaparak uçmayı başardı. Carrie’nin
korkmadan balona bindiğini gören Sherry, kendisinin de uçabileceğine inandı ve şimdi o
kadar güzel uçuyor ki yeni doğan kuşlara uçuş eğitmenliği yapıyor.

Sizleri toplantı bölgesine getiren Jerry, eskiden evinden dışarıya çıkmayan ailesinden başka
kimseyle görüşmeyen bir periydi. Bir gün Carrie’nin insan dostları ile olan ilişkisini ve bu

ilişkiden aldığı keyfi görünce evden dışarıya çıkmaya ve etrafı keşfetmeye karar verdi ve bu
şekilde Jerry’nin yön bulma konusundaki ustalığı ortaya çıktı. Bildiğiniz gibi önemli yerlere
giderken Jerry hepinize rehberlik yapıyor.

Rico, Sherry, Jerry dışında öfkeli Alfred’in Carrie’nin her ne olursa olsun gülümsüyor olması
ve diğerlerine gösterdiği anlayış ona ilham kaynağı oldu ve şimdi Alfred çocukların hayal
dünyalarını geliştirmelerinde yardımcı oluyor.

Carrie günün birinde çevresindekilerin hayatına nasıl dokunduğunu fark edecek ve sadece var
olmasının dahi diğerlerinin kendi içlerindeki gücü fark etmelerinde etkili olduğunu
keşfedecek. İşte o zaman gerçek görevi olan ilham periliğine terfi edecek. Daha çok küçük
olmasına rağmen şimdiden çevresindekilerin mutluluğundan ilham alarak bir çok kez
imkansızı başardı bile. Belki de ilerde yeni kraliçeniz Carrie olabilir ve bu durumda diğer
kanada da sahip olabilir.

Carrie ile ilgili gerçeği öğrenen periler, yanlış düşüncelerinden dolayı kraliçeden özür dilerler
ve şenliği terk ederler. Periler kraliçesi köyü terk etmeden önce son bir kez Carrie’i görmek
ister. Carrie, köyden ayrılmadan son bir kez kraliçeyi görebilmek için kraliçenin arabasının
yanında uyuya kalmıştır. Periler kraliçesi Carrie’nin yanağından öper ve onu kucaklayarak
anne ve babasına teslim eder.…..Ve bu şirin köyden uçan arabası ile uzaklaşır……

Aslında her birimiz tıpkı küçük Carrie gibi birer ilham kaynağı değil miyiz?. Birbirimize ışık
tutmak için buradayız. Belki de sürekli çaba harcayıp bir şeyleri yaratmaya çalışmak yerine
sadece etrafımızı ve kendimizi keşfetmek yani var olmamız yeterlidir. Ben allahın onun adına
bazı işleri üstlenmemize ihtiyacı olduğunu hiç sanmıyorum. Eminim bizi yaratırken her ne
için tasarladı ise bu tasarımı fark edip ifade etmeye başlamamızı keyifle izlemeyi dört gözle
bekliyordur. Ne dersiniz ?



Haber: Atlantik'te Bir Ada
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 12, 2011 at 5:03pm

Haber: Atlantik'te Bir Ada

Prayer to the Seven Directions
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 14, 2011 at 12:30pm

Prayer to the Seven Directions

O Creator, hear me
hear my prayer

O Father Sky, hear me

and make me strong so I may come
to you with a pure heart

O Mother Earth, hear me

and show me that I may take from you
only if I am willing to give something back

O Spirit of the East

send me your insight so that I may always
be on the right path

O Spirit of the South

may I always walk the Red Road with
an open heart,
giving the best that I can give of myself

O Spirit of the West

may I always be prepared for my next journey

O Spirit of the North

purify me with your cleansing winds

© Michael Hiyeagle

DailyOM: Open Vessels
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 14, 2011 at 12:49pm

July 12, 2011

Open Vessels
The Power of Not Knowing
There is freedom in admitting that you don’t know something as that allows for a new
learning experience to emerge.

There is wisdom in not knowing, and it is a wise person who can say, "I don't know." For no
one knows everything. There are many types of wisdom - from intellectual to emotional to
physical intelligence. Yet, even deemed experts in their fields do not know all there is to know
about mathematics, yoga, literature, psychology, or art. It is a true master who professes
ignorance, for only an empty vessel can be filled.

There are many things in life that we don't know, and there are many things we may have no
interest in finding out. There is freedom in saying “I don’t know.” When we admit that we
don't know something, we can then open ourselves up to the opportunity to learn. And there is
power in that. We can’t possibly know everything. And when we think we do, we limit
ourselves from growing and learning more than what we already do know. A person who can
admit to not knowing tends to be more intellectually and emotionally confident than someone
who pretends to know everything. They also tend to be more comfortable with who they are
and don’t feel the need to bluff or cover up any perceived ignorance. People can actually end
up appearing more foolish when they act as if they know something that they don't.

We would be wise to respect people who freely admit when they don't know something. They
are being honest, with us and with themselves. And we, too, should feel no shame in saying,
"I don't know." In doing so, we open ourselves up to the unknown. We can then discover what
lies beyond our current levels of understanding. It is the wise person in life that answers
questions with a question and inspires the pursuit of internal answers with a funny face, a
shrug, and a comical, "I don't know."

Important Preparation for the Global
Activity of Light in August 2011 by
Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 14, 2011 at 1:05pm

Important Preparation for the Global Activity of Light

in August 2011

by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

July 12, 2011

Time is flying by and the I AM Presence within every man, woman, and child is raising the
vibrations of our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies the maximum that we can
withstand in every 24 hour period. This is a very necessary part of the monumental unfolding
Divine Plan that will take place in August. During the week of August 13-18, 2011, the world
will experience a monumental influx of our NEWLY created Planetary CAUSE of Divine
Love. This unprecedented influx of Light will be secured in every person's Heart Flame by his
or her I AM Presence. This facet of the Divine Plan will move ALL Life evolving on this
planet a quantum leap toward our ultimate goal of Ascension into the 5th-Dimensional
frequencies of Divine Love and Unity Consciousness.

Unfortunately, this acceleration of vibration is causing some physical and sometimes

emotional stress for not only Lightworkers, but for the many people who are unaware of what
is really happening on Earth. During this critical moment in the evolution of this planet, those
of us who are aware of the opportunity at hand have a powerful responsibility to assist our
sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity. This includes you and me. We are ALL One,
which means that you and I can literally serve as surrogates on behalf of every person on this
planet. No matter how buried a Human Being may be in the painful outer-world
circumstances of his or her life or how far one may be from realizing the profound Truth that
he or she is a Beloved Child of God, you and I have the ability to make a significant
difference that person's life. All we have to do is recognize that we are One with that precious
soul and invoke the Light of God on his or her behalf.

The Universal Law is: "Ask and you shall receive." "Knock and the door will be opened."
There is another Universal Law that states: "The call for assistance must come from the realm
where the assistance is needed." These are nonnegotiable tenets of our sacred gift of Free
Will. These Universal Laws mean that our I AM Presence and the Company of Heaven cannot
intervene in our Earthly situations without our permission.

But remember, we are One with every other person abiding on this planet. There is no
separation! That means that even if a person does not comprehend these Universal Laws or
the urgent need of the hour, someone else who is abiding in the physical plane can invoke the
I AM Presence of that person and the Company of Heaven for assistance on that person's
behalf. We have been told by our Father-Mother God that it is time for awakening Humanity
to be our brother and sister's keepers. This is not just a kind thing to do. This is a critical factor
in order for the Divine Plan to succeed. Our intervention is vital if Earth and Humanity's
Ascension up the spiral of evolution into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of God's Infinite
Perfection is to be God Victoriously accomplished.

When we invoke the Light of God and ask the Company of Heaven and the I AM Presence of
any person to intervene in alignment with his or her Divine Plan and the Highest Good for all
concerned, the floodgates of Heaven open in response to our heartfelt plea. We can do this any
way our heart directs us to do it, but when we join together in one-pointed consciousness our
efforts are amplified a thousand times a thousand fold..

©2011 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

Ben Sadece Kendimim

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 14, 2011 at 1:31pm

Ben Sadece Kendimim -

Bir sabah adamın biri beni görmeye geldi.

Ve "Sen ermişsin," dedi. "Haklısın," dedim.
O orada otururken, bana karşı olan bir adam geldi ve o da;
"Sen şeytan gibisin," dedi. "Haklısın," dedim.

İlk adam biraz endişelendi. Ve araya girdi:

"Nasıl yani? Bana haklısın dedin. Bu adama da haklısın diyorsun.
İkimiz birden haklı olamayız."

Konuşmaya başladım.
"Sadece ikiniz değil, milyonlarca insan benim hakkımda haklı olabilir.
Çünkü benim hakkımda söyledikleri her şeyle, aslında kendilerini anlatıyorlar.
Beni nasıl bilebilirler? Bu imkansız. Onlar daha kendilerini tanımamış.
Söyledikleri her şey kendi yorumları."

Bunun üzerine adam sordu:

"O zaman sen kimsin? Eğer benim yorumum, senin ermiş olduğun ise,
onun yorumu senin şeytan olduğun ise, sen kimsin?"

"Ben sadece kendimim.
Kendim hakkında bir yorumum yok. Buna bir ihtiyaç duymuyorum.
Sadece kendim olduğum için, bu ne anlama gelirse gelsin çok mutluyum.
Kendim olmak bana yetiyor."


İçimizdeki kapıları açmak: / 13 Temmuz

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 14, 2011 at 1:47pm


Ruhlarin cogu, ise kendi iclerinden baslayarak

bu konuda birseyler yapabileceklerini farkedecekleri yerde,
dunyadaki yanlislar icin baskalarini suclayarak bosa enerji ve zaman harcarlar.
Ise once kendi evini duzenleyerek basla.
Bir golun ortasina tas atildiginda, tasin etrafindaki halkalar gitgide buyur;
ancak tum halkalar o tastan baslar; o merkezden baslar.
Ise kendinle basla;
ondan sonra cevrendeki tum ruhlara huzur, sevgi, uyum ve anlayis yaymaya baslarsin.
Simdi harekete gec.

Daha iyi bir dunya ozlemi icindesin;

o zaman bunun icin birseyler yap;
ancak bu baskalarini hedef gostererek degil,
kendi icine donerek, yureginin derinliklerine bakarak,
kendi yanlislarini duzelterek ve
cozumleri kendi icinde bularak olur.
Ondan sonra da bilen birisi olarak ilerleyebilir ve
komsularina ve iletisim halinde oldugun tum ruhlara gercek anlamda yardim edebilirsin.
Degisim bireyde baslar ve giderek topluma, sehre, ulusa ve dunyaya yayilir.


Sevgiyle cevirdim,
Ipek Cihan Bilgin

sevgi olduğunu hatırla... coelho
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 14, 2011 at 4:05pm

sevgi olduğunu hatırla... coelho

“Şu an sadece sarılmaya ihtiyacım var,” dedim ona.

“İnsanlık kadar eski olan bu hareket, iki vücudun kavuşmasından çok daha fazlasını ifade
Sarılmanın anlamı şudur:
Senden bir tehlike sezmiyorum, yanında olmaktan korkmuyorum,
rahatlayabilir, kendimi yuvamda hissedebilirim,
beni koruyan ve anlayan birisi var.
Bizde birine her isteyerek sarıldığımızda ömrümüzün bir gün uzadığına inanılır.
Lütfen şimdi sarıl bana.”

______Paulo Coelho_______

"Kuantum Faktör – Tutumu Olan Fizik!"-

Kryon-Lee Carol Kanalıyla-10 Nisan 2011
 Posted by Deniz Şiva Oflaz on July 15, 2011 at 2:04am

Selamlar sevgililer, ben Manyetik Hizmetten Kryon’um. Ve bu akşamki mesaj önceki akşam
ile aynı ve partnerimin belirleyeceği şeylere bağlı olarak bu mesaj daha sonra bir audio
uyarlama olacak – çünkü bu şeyleri anlaması ve bugün şaşırmaması için, bunu ona ilk kez
geçen gece verdim. Bunda, daha büyük anlayış ve daha iyi bilgelik var, çünkü bu akşam
sunmak istediğimiz şeyler bazılarınız için yenidir.

Şu anda daha önce bu kadar ayrıntılı olarak konuşmadığımız bir önerme hakkında
konuşacağız, bu nedenle belki bu biraz inanılmaz olacak. Bu, fizik ile ilgili olan, ama ayrıca
sizinle de ilgili olan bir önermedir. Şu anda içinde bulunduğunuz enerji ile ilgili olan bir

Biraz önce bu kapıyı açtığımız zaman, “Sandalyedeki adam numara mı yapıyor?” [Kanallık
yapan Lee’den bahsediyor] diye sorduk. Ayırt etmeniz ve gerçeği bilmeniz için bunu sorduk,
çünkü burada realitenin özüne gidecek olan bir mesaj var. Burada doğası nedeniyle bazılarınız
için inanılmaz olan bir mesaj var, size pratik olan kısmı da getiriyoruz. Bunun birazını
biliminiz ile dolduracağız – şeyleri sabitleyecek olan üç – boyutlu veçhe ile dolduracağız, bu
biraz inanılmaz gelebilir. Bir gün bilim insanlarınızın göreceği bir şeyi bugün size sunuyoruz,
ama bunların bazıları bugün görülmeye başlıyor. Bunların ne anlama gelebileceği veya nasıl
işlediği ya da bunun çekirdek anlamının gerçekte ne olduğu tam olarak anlaşılmıyor. Ama
onun burada olduğunu inkar edemezsiniz. Bunu doğru şekilde yapmak için, bunu parçalar ve
bölümler halinde sunacağız.

Genel Açıklama

İşte önerme: Biliminizde kuantum olan şeylerin anlayışına kapıyı açarken, davranışlarında her
zaman iyiliksever olan yeni bir tür fiziği keşfedeceksiniz. Yani, bir kapıyı açıp lineer olmayan
ve eğilime sahip olan bir şeye bakmak üzeresiniz – iyilikseverlik eğilimi. Fizikte iyiliksever
bir şekilde eğilime sahip olan hakiki bir enerjinin bulunması olası mıdır? Aslında bunun bir
anlamı yoktur, çünkü fiziğin bir yasalar, ilişkiler sistemi olduğu ve herhangi türde bilince
sahip olan bir sistem olmadığı varsayılır.

Bu nedenle önünüzdeki bulmaca çok katlıdır, ama öncelikle sizin şu anda kuantum dünyanın
sadece bir “kurallar seti”nin ötesinde olan ilave bir niteliğe sahip olabileceğini varsaymak
zorunda olduğunuz bir bulmacadır. Bir “sistem” nasıl eğilimli, taraflı olabilir? Bu bilime
benzeyecek, ama beklediğiniz tüm bilim değil. Size bu bilgiyi vermek istiyoruz, çünkü sizin
şimdi deneyimlediğiniz yaratıcı enerji ile bağlantısı vardır, sevgili İnsan Varlığı.

Kuantum Tanımlama

Bunu sizin gerçekten anlayacağınız bir şekilde nasıl açıklanacağını bilmek zordur ve nasıl
başlanacağını bilmek zordur. Öyleyse bununla başlayalım. Biliminiz şu anda kuantum
fiziğinin, çok küçük parçacıkların birbirlerine reaksiyon gösterdiği şekil ile ilgili olduğuna
inanıyor. Bunlar çok küçük parçacıklardır; hatta bunlar ışık parçacıkları, DNA molekülleri ve
dalga parçacık teorisinin diğer ürünleridir. Bunlar çok küçüktür, bunları bir elektron
mikroskobunda görmek zorundasınız. Kuantum mekanikleri dediğiniz şey budur ve bu sadece
çok küçük şeylerde görülmektedir.

Burada zaten bir bulmaca vardır. Işığın ve diğer maddelerin düzenli olarak dalgadan parçacığa
değiştiğini biliyor muydunuz? Işık bir İnsan Varlığı tarafından gözlendiğinde, ışığın bir
parçacığa değiştiğini biliyor muydunuz? Şimdi, matematiksel bir sistem gözlendiğini nasıl
“hissedebilir”? Kuantum enerjinin sizin düşündüğünüz herhangi bir şeyden çok farklı
olabileceğini zaten biliyorsunuz. Bu hiç fizik olmasaydı ne olurdu? Kuantum enerji
“yaratıcının parmak izi” olsaydı ne olurdu? Bu fizik olurdu ve ayrıca bilince sahip olurdu.
Ama o zaman, belki bu çok gariptir?

Galaksinin Bol Kuantum Enerjisi

Size düşünmeniz için bilgi vereceğim. Çok küçük olan şeylerde gördüğünüz kuantum enerjisi
ayrıca çok büyük şeylerde de gerçekleşir. Aslında, her bir galaksinin merkezinde bulunan şeye
bağlı olarak fiziğin aslında, Evren’in farklı kısımlarında farklı olduğunu söyleyerek daha da
öteye gideceğiz. Bu önerme ile – fiziğin evrensel kuralların belirtilmiş standartı olmadığı ile –
başlayalım. Fizik, her birinin yaratıcı enerjisinin kuantum damgasına bağlı olarak değişir.
Bunların bazıları çok benzerdir, ama hepsi birbirinden bir parça farklıdır. Ve farklılıkları
bilebilseydiniz, bunun neden olduğunu merak ederdiniz ve size biraz önce söyledim –
galaksinin ortasındaki şey nedeniyle.

Fiziğiniz esas olarak 3B olduğu için, şeylerin gerçekte nasıl işlediği ile zorluklara sahipsiniz.
Ve kuantum fiziği, sizin çoklu evrene sahip olduğunuzun ve bazı kütle ve yerçekimi
yasalarının her bir galaksinin ortasında gerçekleşen şey tarafından belirlendiği olasılığının tek
ipucudur. Yaratım enerjisi ortadadır. Bizim “ikizler” adını verdiğimiz, iten/çeken bu bipolar
enerji galaksinizin ortasındadır. Bunu 3B’de tekillik olarak görüyorsunuz – ki bu arada bu
imkansızdır – ama o aslında çifte bir olaydır. Bilim henüz bunu bilmiyor. Bunu size veriyoruz,
bilim insanları bunu keşfettikleri zaman, onu burada işittiğinizi söyleyebilirsiniz. Sonra bu
size söyleyecek olduğum her şeye güvenilirlik verir. Bu arada, fiziğinizdeki her şey, hatta şu
andaki fizik yasalarınız çiftler halinde bir araya geldiği zaman galaksinin ortasında tekilliği
nasıl yaratırsınız? Başka bir çift olabileceğini düşünen oldu mu?

Gökbilimci ile başlayalım ve soralım, “Sevgili Gökbilimci, Tanrı’ya inanıyor musun?”

Gökbilimci bir an için düşünüp şöyle diyebilir, “Ben kutsallığı tanımlayanlardan biri değilim.
Bu benim bilimim değil. Tanrı’ya inanabilirim, ama bu benim çalışma alanım değil, çünkü
ben bilimsel yöntem ile uğraşıyorum”. Bunun yerine ona şöyle sorabilirsiniz, “Pekala,
galaksimiz ile ilgili sana bilimsel olarak ilginç görünen ne görüyorsun? Bu, gökbilimcinin
biraz heyecanlanabileceği ve şunları söyleyebileceği yerdir, “Pekala, hepimiz için ilginç olan
şeyi anlatacağım. Anlamadığımız bir şeyi keşfettik. Newton ve Öklid fiziğinde öğrendiğiniz
gibi, büyük nesnelerde yörüngesel mekaniklere uygulanmayan fiziksel prensipler vardır.
Galaksinin, neredeyse yıldızlar galaksinin üzerine yapıştırılmış çakıl taşlarıymış gibi tek bir
tabaka halinde hareket etmesi bizim için garip. Bunların hepsi birlikte dönüyorlar. Bu formu
bir arada tutan bir tür enerji olmalı. Çünkü bildiğimiz yörüngesel mekaniklerin yerçekimi,
kütle ve güneşimiz gibi bir dayanak noktasının etrafında yörüngede dönen nesneler ile ilgisi
vardır ve bu hepsi farklı olan yörüngeler yaratır. Bir yerçekimsel merkezin etrafındaki tüm
nesneler, yörüngelerinin kütle ve hıza dayalı olmasını ararlar. Tüm gezegenlerin farklı
yörüngelere sahip olmasının nedeni budur. Bu bizim beklediğimiz fiziktir. Güneş sistemimizin
yaptığı budur. Ama galaksi bu şekilde değil. Galaksiler ortalarında, yerçekimine dayalı olması
gereken bir şeye sahipler, buna rağmen merkezin etrafındaki her şey tek olarak hareket ediyor.
Orada bir tür yerçekimsel veya çekici birlik var. Bunu anlamıyoruz.”

İnanılmaz Tasarım – Her Şeye Rağmen

Ama hepsi bu değil. Sonra size inanamayacağınız bir şey söyleceklerdir. Bunun sizin
gelişigüzel şans dediğiniz şeyle ilgisi vardır. Bu nedenle bu mesaja “Kuantum Faktör” adını
vereceğiz. Etrafınızda gerçekleşmekte olan, beklemediğiniz bir şey var. Üç boyutlu
realitenizde, dünyada gerçekleşen her şeyin gelişigüzel bir durumda olduğu görülüyor. Yani,
realite beklenen çan – eğrisine karşılık veriyor. Genel şeyler, genel olmayan şeylerden çok
daha sık gerçekleşiyor. Olasılıklar beklenen rastlantısallığın şeklini alıyor. Eğer bir zarı
binlerce kez atsaydınız, rastlantısallığın tutarlılığını görürdünüz, siz buna şeylerin işleme şekli
diyorsunuz. Beklediğiniz şey bu. Bununla ilgili peşin hüküm yok.

Gökbilimciye geri dönelim – gökbilimci şöyle diyor, “Sizin “Evren’in yaratıcı enerjisi”
dediğiniz şeyi inceleyerek baktığımız her yer inanılmaz şekilde matematiksel olarak olanak
dışıdır. Bu sanki zarı atmanız ve altı gelmesi sonra altı ve sonra altı, binlerce kez altı
gelmesine benzerdi. Bu rastlantısallık aleminin ötesindedir. Orada zeki bir tasarım olması
gerektiğini gösterir.” Şimdi, metafiziksel olan bir insan hakkında konuşmuyorum. Bir
gökbilimci hakkında konuşuyorum. Baktıkları her yerde, her şeye rağmen, Evren iyiliksever
şekilde yaşam için tasarlanmıştır. Onlar “zeki tasarım” terimini kullandılar. Ben “iyiliksever
tasarım” terimini kullanıyorum. Ve size 100 milyar yıldızdan daha fazla yıldıza sahip olan
galaksinizin güneş sistemlerini yapıştıran enerjinin, Tanrı’nın eli gibi Evreninizin tüm
galaksileri üzerinde oturan dev bir kuantum el olduğunu söyleyeceğim. Bu kuantum,
iyiliksever bir eldir.

Bu nasıl olabilir? Bu size vereceğimiz birçok örneğin ilkidir, çünkü bu kuantum faktördür,
Evren’in temel yaratıcı parmak izidir. Bu seviye eğilimlidir, yaşama eğilimlidir,
iyilikseverliğe eğilimlidir. İşte buradasınız, aslında varolmaması gereken bir dünyada
oturuyorsunuz, çünkü bu dünyanın varolmasına izin veren tek şey zeki tasarımdır.

Bilimin bunu kavraması ne kadar sürdü? Onlar için bu ilahi bir bildirim değil, bir bilmecedir.
Bu, istatistiksel olasılığın dışındadır ve yalnızca tasarımla mümkün olduğu görülmektedir –
Evren’in yaratıcı enerjisi olan iyiliksever bir tasarım. Bunu düşünün. Bu sizin için ne anlam
ifade ediyor? Eğer Evren’in tüm yaradılışında yaşama izin veren, bu dünyanın var olmasına
izin veren bir hayırseverlik varsa, bu başka dünyaların var olduğu anlamına gelir. Her yerde
hayat vardır! Bunu size birçok kez söyledik. Ancak, biz çok özel bir dünyada bulunuyoruz –
tek özgür seçim gezegeni olan bir gezegende. Her Evren’de sadece tek bir özgür seçim
gezegeni vardır ve daha önce başka özgür seçim gezegenleri vardı. Ayrıca başka gezegenlere
yaşam tohumları sağlayan mezun olmuş özgür seçim gezegenleri vardır, bu diğer gezegenler
daha sonra ilahi özgür seçimin yeni gezegenleri olurlar.

İşte buradasınız, içinizdeki yaratıcı enerji çağların bilgeliğine sahiptir. Bu, dünyanızın değil,
galaksinizin çağlarının bilgeliğidir. Bu galaksinin var olduğu milyarlarca yılda sizden önce
gelen gezegenler başka bilinç testlerine katıldılar. Onlar iyilikseverliğin yeni seviyelerine
mezun oldular, bunu sonraki gezegene aktardılar. Bu uzun vadeli bir olaydır ve en sonunda siz
de aynısı yapacaksınız. Bu şekilde, galaksiyi kendi tohumlarınızla ve sizden öncekilerin
tohumlarıyla meskun kılıyorsunuz – ilahi amacın tohumları.

Siz bu iyilikseverliği aktarırken, bu aslında sonraki Evreni ve zeki tasarımın nasıl olacağını
şekillendirir. Fiziğin bir tutuma sahip olduğunun görülebildiği bu yere varmak uzun zaman
aldı. Bu iyilikseverlik tutumudur. Bu büyük resimdir.

Gezegendeki Tek Sürdürülebilir Kuantum Enerji

Sizi on yıl önceki bir deneye götüreyim. Scotland’da iki adam buna dahildi – bir fizikçi ve bir
tıp doktoru. Tıp doktoru partnerimin çalışma arkadaşı Dr. Todd Ovokaitys’tir. Bu iki bilim
adamının bu hayatta karşılaşması ne tesadüf [Kryon gülümser]. Fizikçi ve tıp hekimi
sürdürülebilir, eşevreli, kontrol edilebilir, tekrarlanabilir kuantum olayı birlikte geliştiren ilk
insanlardı. Yani, onlar sürdürülebilen, tekrarlanabilen ve kullanılabilen kuantum enerji yaratan
bir buluş yaptılar. Bunu sizin kuantum holografik mercek düzenlemesi diyebileceğiniz şeyde
lazer enerjilerini faz dışı ters yansıtarak yaptılar (Faz dışı: İki dalganın aynı zamanda aynı
noktadan geçmediği durum). Zaman geçişi gerçekleşir ve çok küçük olmasına rağmen bu

eşevreli kuantum çorba kontrol edilebilir, tekrarlanabilir, manipüle edilebilir ve onların
gitmesini istediklere yere dağıtılabilir.

Şimdi, onlar gezegende kuantum enerjiyi ilk yaratanlar değildir. Ama tasarlanan ve
tekrarlanabilen kuantum enerjiyi ilk yaratanlardır. Kuantum enerjiyi ilk yaratan insan Nikola
Tesla idi. Tesla kuantum enerjiyi kontrol edemiyordu, ama onun orada olduğunu biliyordu ve
manyetik deneylerinde onu tekrar tekrar görmüştü.

Fizikçi ve doktorun son on yılda yaptığı şey kuantum faktörü gösterdi, çünkü onlar icat
ettikleri bu tasarlanmış kuantum çorbayı biyolojiye uyguladılar. Bu enerjiyi biyolojik bir test
veya deneye uyguladıkları her seferinde, iyileşme elde ettiler! Bunu düşünün. Gezegende bir
tür enerji geliştirseydiniz ve onu yönlendirdiğiniz her yerde, o iyileştirseydi bunun avantajları
ne olurdu? Bunun olasılıkları nedir? Bu zar atınca altı, sonra yine altı ve sonra yine altı
gelmesine benzer. Bir kalıp görmeye başlıyor musunuz?

Bu kuantum enerji diğer laboratuarlarda yeniden üretilebildiği zaman, onu silah haline
getirmeye çalışanlar olacaktır (ve her zaman olur). İşte bilmeniz gereken şey: Kuantum enerji,
buna izin vermeyen keşfedilmiş olan ilk enerji olacaktır. Silah haline getirilemez çünkü o
iyilikseverdir. Hayal edin, sadece fizik olan, ama bir tutuma sahip olan kuantum enerji! Bu
size ne anlatıyor? Bu size yüksek fizikte, matematik ve maddenin niteliklerinden faha fazla
olan bir şeylerin olup bittiğini göstermelidir.

Zamanla, bu gezegende kuantum faktör keşfedilecek. Bu olduğunda, epeyce tartışmalı olacak

ve mantık ve 3B’nin ve şeylerin bilimsel yöntem ile çalışma şeklinin karşısında uçacak. Tüm
bunlara yükselmek zordur. Önümdeki yaşlı ruhlar bu yeni enerji ile çalışmak için anlaştılar ve
bunu bekleyerek yaşamlar boyunca güçlükle ilerlediler. Önünüzdeki deneyler “kendi
kendilerinin zihnine” sahip ise bir bilim insanı olarak ne yapardınız? Manyetikler, yerçekimi
ve ışık, şifa yaratan ve asla yok edici bir hizalanma yaratmayan belirli bir şekilde
toplanabilseydi ne düşünürdünüz? Tüm bunlar Evren’deki temel kuvvetlerin bazılarını
yeniden tanımlayacak. Zeki tasarım sadece ilkidir ve bugün bile birçok gökbilimci ve fizikçi
hala bunun bir anormallik olduğunu düşünüyor.

Bu, gezegendeki sonraki en büyük keşif olacaktır. Sizden saklandı, çünkü onu anlamak ve
yaratmak yüksek titreşen bilinç gerektirir. Herhangi bir gezegen kuantum enerjiyi keşfettiği ve
onu kullanabildiği zaman, o gezegene gidebilir ve yüksek bilinçli varlıklar ile
karşılaşacağınızı bilirsiniz. Bu size bundan daha önce hiç verilmedi, çünkü kuantum faktör
içinde geniş, dolaşık hallerde gezegenler arası yolculuğun sırlarını içerir. Gerçekleşebileceğini
asla düşünmediğiniz şeyleri yapma yolları vardır. Roket gemilerinizi fırlatıp atabilirsiniz.
Bunun kıyısındasınız.

DNA – Kuantum Kuvvet

Şimdi, sizi çok küçük olana götüreyim. On yıl önce, bir Rus bilim adamı olan Vladimir
Poponin bir deneyde DNA molekülünde ışık kullandı. Bu deneyde, DNA etrafında çok
boyutlu bir alan keşfetti. DNA mevcut olduğu zaman, ışık kendisini matematiksel bir
denkleme [sinüs dalgası] modelledi. Poponin DNA’nın kuantum bir alana sahip olduğunu
keşfetti. Sadece bu değildi, o bir şekilde bilgiyle dolu bir kuantum alanıydı. Alan ışığı sinüs
dalgasına başka türlü nasıl modelleyebilirdi? Şimdi, bu Kryon’dan değil, bir kuantum
biyologdan geldi. Yine de bu deneyin gerçekleşmiş olduğundan şüphe duyan birçok insan var,
çünkü bu İnsanın beklemediği bir şeyleri gösteriyor. Onlar, gerçek kuantum biyoloğun gerçek

bir deney yaptığı gerçeğine bakmak istemeyenlerdir! Onlar tüm bu bilgileri bilime değil, yeni
çağa havale etmeyi seçiyorlar. İnsanın bilim ile yaptığı şey her zaman ilginç, öyle değil mi?
Eğer o kendi realitelerinin 3B modeline uymuyorsa, o zaman onun var olduğunu inkar ederler.

Tam İnsan genomunun kopyası çıkarıldığı zaman, onun içindeki her bir kimyasal görüldü.
Rakamlar şok edici, çünkü elektron mikroskobu olmadan göremediğiniz kadar küçük olan bir
molekülde, 3 milyardan fazla kimyasal var! Çifte sarmal bildiğinizden çok daha karmaşıktır.
Bu molekül kuantum halde olduğu nitelendirilecek kadar küçüktür ve Vladimir Poponin
bunun gerçekte etrafında bir alana sahip olduğunu, hatta tek bir DNA molekülünün etrafında
bir alana sahip olduğunu gösterdi.

İnsan Genom Projesini yapanlar DNA’nın 3 milyar kimyasalının İnsan bedenindeki 26,000
genden fazlasını nasıl yarattığını bilmek istediler. Bu arada, 26,000 den daha fazla gen vardır,
ama ben benimkini değil bilim insanlarının rakamlarını kullanıyorum. Onların ilgilendikleri
şey budur. Onlar DNA’yı kuantum halde görmediler. Buna bakmıyorlardı, DNA’nın temel
bilimi, onun kuantum olması gerektiğini mantığıyla haykırsa bile. Bunun yerine, kimyasalları
saydılar ve kodları aradılar ve onları çok garip bir düzenleme içinde buldular.

DNA çifte sarmalındaki 3 milyar kimyasalın, tüm genlerin DNA’nın protein – kodlu
bölümlerinde yaratılmış olduğunu keşfettiler. DNA’nın yüzde 3,5’u tüm genleri yaratıyordu.
DNA’nın kimyasal yapısının %90’dan fazlasının gelişigüzel olduğu görülüyordu. %90 lık
bölüm kesinlikle hiçbir şey yapmıyordu – görebildikleri veya anlayabildikleri buydu. Bugün
bile, bilim aşikar olanı, %90’ın kuantum olduğunu ve %3,5’un lineer olduğunu görmüyor.

Bugün, kuantum fizikçileriniz çok – boyutlu fiziğin en popüler türü olan iplik teorisinde sık
sık on boyut + zaman (11 boyut) ile ilgileniyorlar. Onlara tüm bunların neye benzediğini
sormaya başlasaydınız, “kaos” ve “gelişigüzel modelleme” sözcüklerini söylerlerdi. Çünkü bu
kuantum alanlarının çalışma şekli bu. Kuantum alanlar kesinlikler yerine potansiyeller ile
doludur ve birçok faktöre bağlı olarak değişirler… buna İnsan bilinci de dahildir. Birgün
biyolojik bir molekül olmasına rağmen DNA’nın kuantum halde olduğu güçlü olasılığının
bulunduğunun kavrayışı olacaktır. Bu, kuantum halde “boyut” kurallarını yıkacaktır. Çünkü
DNA aslında “çoğunlukla kuantum”dur ve hatta onun alanına giren atomların dönüşünü
etkiler. Saha sonra, bir sonraki görünür soru gerçekleşecek: “Kuantum olan DNA’nın yüzde
doksanında hangi bilgiler var?”

Şimdi çekirdek gerçeğe giriyoruz, öyle değil mi? Size anlatacağım. DNA’nın kuantum olan
yüzde 90’ı hem ezoterik hem de zamansız olan bilgiyle doludur. O, olduğunuz her şey ve
gezegene ilk kez geldiğinizden bu yana olmuş olduğunuz her şey için kuantum
mavikopyasdır. DNA yaşamınızın talimat setlerini içerir; ful Akaşik Kayıtınızdaki her şeyden
– sahip olmuş olduğunuz her bir yaşam – yaradılışın kendisinin tohumları içindeki iyiliksever
yaratıcının parmak izine kadar her şeyi içerir. Sahip olmuş olduğunuz her bir yetenek
oradadır, siz bugün o yeteneklerin herhangi birine sahip olmasanız bile. Biyolojik olarak, her
bir kök hücreye verilen her bir talimat oradadır.

Kök hücrelerin İnsan Varlığını oluşturmak için “bilgilerini” nereden aldıklarını hiç merak
ettiniz mi? Bu, DNA’nızın %90’nının içindedir ve hepsi kuantumdur. Neden bazı kuantum
DNA’lar güçsüz bedenler yaratmak için talimatlar içerir? Neden bazı hastalıklara yatkınlıklar
DNA’nın içindedir? Şimdi, daha sonra gelen bir şeyleri anlamanız için bu bilgiyi size
veriyorum… belki şimdiye dek sunulan en önemli biyolojik özellik.

DNA statik bir molekül değil, Dinamik Bir Moleküldür

İnsanlık biyolojik düşüncelerinin 3B bölümüne yapışıp kalmıştır. 3B yaşamınızda, basitçe size

verilen kimyayı kabul edersiniz. Yüzde üç gen üreten kısım tüm var olan şeymiş gibi
davranırsınız. Bunun değiştirilemeyen ve basitçe “siz” olan kimyasal bir protokol olduğuna
inanırsınız. Onu tasarlandığı şekliyle görmezsiniz. O dinamiktir ve her zaman dinamik oldu.
O sabit değildir, ama üzerinde başka bir kuantum etki olmadıkça sadece yaptığı şeyi
tekrarlamaya devam eder.

Bu nedenle, sanki tüm var olan yüzde 3 müş gibi bu yüzde 3 ile yaşarsınız ve o “bedeninizle
birlikte geldiği” için ve her şeyi kontrol ettiği görüldüğü için, asla onunla konuşmazsınız.
Birçoğunuz geçmiş yaşamlarınızdan gelen karmaya bağlı olan eğilimler ile gelirsiniz. Temiz
halde gelmezsiniz [karmik enerjisiz]. Bunun yerine, eğilimlerle, korkularla ve fobilerle
gelirsiniz. Bunların bazıları pozitiftir. Belki son yaşamınızdan devam eden bir dahi olarak
gelirsiniz… bir üstat gibi resim yapabilen ve geliştirilmesi 30 yıl süren fırça darbeleri yapan 8
yaşında birisi. Bu size DNA’da nelerin olması gerektiği hakkında ne anlatıyor?

Belki bir besteci, piyanist, dahi, kemancı olarak gelirsiniz, elleriniz çalgı sapına erişebilene ve
notalara basabilene kadar beklersiniz. Belki piyanonun nasıl çalındığını bilerek gelirsiniz,
sadece alışık olduğunuz şeyi yapmak için ellerinizin yeterince büyümesini beklersiniz…
herhangi bir ders almadan. Bunu nasıl açıklarsınız, sevgililer? Yanıt, tüm bunların DNA’nızın
dinamik kuantum talimat setlerinde içerildiğidir… asla konuşmadığınız bölüm.

Hücre bölünmesi – statik bir işlem mi?

Sizi hücresel bölünme işlemine götüreyim. Bunu daha önce söyledik, ama nasıl çalıştığını
anlamak için bunu işitmeye ihtiyacınız var. Hücre bölünmeye hazırdır. İnsan bedeni
yenilenmek için tasarlanmıştır… tüm dokular. Size bazı dokuların yenilenmediği söylenmiştir,
ama bu doğru değildir. Hepsi farklı zamanlarda ve farklı şekillerde, farklı hızlarda yenilenir.
Şimdi İnsan bedeninin uzun zaman yaşamak için tasarlandığını biliyorsunuz. Maalesef, bu
gezegende yaratmış olduğunuz enerji ve yaşamış olduğunuz şeyler bunu hırpaladı. 80 yıldan
daha fazla yaşamıyorsunuz. Tasarlanan bu değildi.

İncildeki karakterler bazen peygamberler, bazen üstatlar ve bazen da orda olan insanlardı…
ve yüzlerce yıl yaşadılar. Gerçekten yaşadılar mı? Veya belki de bu sadece bir metafordur?
Onlar bunu tercüme hatası yapmadan İncile koydular mı? Size gerçeği söyleyeceğim. Bu çok
doğrudur. Binlerce yıl önce çok uzun zaman yaşardınız, Lemuryalılar. Eğer ömrünüzün
uzunluğunu bilseydiniz, soluğunuz kesilirdi. Ama artık öyle değil. Zamanla gezegenin enerjisi
tarafından DNA’ya talimatlar verildi… bilinç vasıtasıyla yaratmış olduğunuz enerji.

Hücre bölünür. Bölünmeden hemen önce, kendisini klonlamak için mavi kopyaya gereksinim
duyar. Mavi kopya kök hücreden elde edilir. Kök hücre bilgisini siz doğduktan beri hiç
değişmeyen DNA’nızın kuantum bölümünden alır. O statik kalır, çünkü hiçbir şey onu
değiştirmemiştir… ve sizin onun değişebilir olduğuna inanmamanız ve sadece yaşlanmayı
kabullenmeniz gerçeği. Onunla herhangi bir şey yapma bilinçli çabası yoktur ve o sadece her
zaman yapmış olduğu gibi orada yatar.

Bölünen hücre, kök hücre ile “konuşur” ve şöyle der, “Her zaman yaptığın aynı şeyi mi
yapıyorsun? Herhangibir değişiklik var mı?” Ve kök hücre bölünen hücre ile konuşur, şöyle

der, “Tamamen aynı olan başka bir hücre yap.” Sonra doğduğunuz zaman aldığınız her şeyi
kabullenerek, en sonuncusu gibi bir hücre yaparsınız.

Gezegende kuantum faktöre sahip olan başka bir kuantum enerji vardır… Büyük Geçiş. Bu
sizin yarattığınız, iyiliksever bir enerjidir ve yenidir. Sizler şu anda devrimsel bir değişimin
içinde oturuyorsunuz ve bazılarınız bunun farkındasınız ve bunu hissediyorsunuz. Bu İnsan
bilincinin değişimidir ve tam kuantum faktöre değişiyor, çünkü siz bilincinizde daha fazla
kuantum oluyorsunuz… ve bu iyiliksever oluyor. Bu nedenle bu dünyanın bu şekilde tepki
verdiğini görüyorsunuz.

Eski sistemlere izin vermeyenleri görmeye başlıyorsunuz. Artık diktatörleriniz yok. Tüm
dünyadaki vatandaşlar yaşamlarını kontrol etmek istiyor. Savaş istemiyorlar. Ailelerinin
güvende olmalarını istiyorlar! Barış ve bolluk istiyorlar. Torunlarının kendilerinin sahip
oldukları hayattan daha iyi bir hayat için umutlu olmalarını istiyorlar. Bunu, yıllardır
diktatörler olan o yerlerde tekrar tekrar görmeye başlıyorsunuz.

Şu soru soruldu, “Afrika buna ne zaman dahil olacak? Hayırlı bir devrim olacak mı?” Yine,
size sonraki nesli anlatacağım. Bunun gerçekleşmesini sağlamak için orda kimin olacağını
tahmin edin? Sandalyedeki adam! [Lee’den bahsediyor]. Bu onun seçimi ve o hazır. Daha
önce olduğu gibi siyah derisi olacak ve tam olarak ihtiyaç duyulduğu yerde olacak.

Bu andan itibaren yetmiş beş yıl sonra, orada olacak ve bir kanal olmayacak. Bunu
kanıtlamanın yolu yok, öyle değil mi? Daha önce kim olduğunu da bilmek istemiyor… ama
ondan ne beklendiğini bilecek. Dahi gibi, bu onun DNA’sında yazılıdır ve bunu o yazdı! O
yalnız olmayacak, çünkü orada tanıdıkları da olacak. Hatta belki doktor? (Dr. Todd
Ovokaitys’den bahsediyor). Karmik olarak çoğunlukla birlikte yolculuk yaptınız, sadece
partnerim karmasını bıraktı! O zaman neler oluyor? Yanıt özgür seçimdir ve kim olacağınızı
kontrol etmektir. O “iyiliksever, birleşik Afrika’da rol oynamaya hazır” olarak gelecek.

O zamana kadar, iyileşmiş bir Afrika olacak, olgun ve bu gezegenin şimdiye kadar gördüğü en
bolluk içinde ve kaynakla dolu kıtalardan birini geliştirmeye hazır… demokratik olan
herhangi bir tarihe sahip olmadan. Herhangi bir şeyi unutmak zorunda kalmayacaklar!
Sıfırdan başlayacaklar. Gördükleri sistemlerin en iyisini alıp üzerine inşa edebilirler. Afrika
dünyadaki en bolluk içinde olan kıtalardan biri olacak. Ve bu arada, tek bir para birimine
sahip olacaklar. [Kryon gülümser].

Bazıları şöyle söylüyor, “Pekala, Çin’den ne haber? Onlar çok büyükler. Yaptıklarına bak.”
Tekrar söylüyorum, unutmak zorunda oldukları şeylere bakın. Değişmek için binlerce yıllık
kültürlerini yeniden yazmak zorundalar. Afrika sadece sizin bugün gördüğünüz tarihe sahip.
Hastalık, diktatörler… ve hayatta kalmak. Hatırlanacak veya yeniden yazacak kurumlar
olmayacak. Orijinal olacak… ve iyiliksever! Bu, sizin için eşzamanlılık içinde çalışan
iyiliksever enerjidir. Enerjinin bu şekilde nasıl geliştirilebildiğini hiç merak ettiniz mi? Çünkü
o sizi seviyor ve bir tutuma sahip!

Büyük Geçiş

İşte bilmeniz gereken şey: İnsan bilincinin bu değişiminde, İnsan bilincinde iyiliksever
kuantum faktörünü almaya başlıyorsunuz. Yani, insan doğası daha fazla iyiliksever hale
geliyor. Bu ayrıca sizin şimdi bir başka kuantum alan ile arayüzey oluşturabileceğiniz
anlamına geliyor… DNA alanınız olan, Merkabah adını verdiğiniz etrafınızdaki alan. Bu

“birbirine arayüzey oluşturan kuantumluluk birleşimi” yaratacak. Fizikte bunun ne anlama
geldiğini bilip bilmediğinizi bilmiyorum, ama size söyleyeceğim. Ne düşünürseniz, onu

Öyleyse yaratmayı dilediğin ilk şey nedir, İnsan? DNA potansiyellerinizi yeniden yazmaya ne
dersiniz… kök hücrelerinizle konuşan ve daha uzun hayatlar yaşamanızı sağlayan kuantum
bölümler? Bir yüz yıl daha yaşamak ister miydiniz? Bunu her sorduğumda, İnsanlar bana
standart eski enerjiyi, 3B yanıtları veriyorlar… ve bunu burada da işittim. “Ben değil! Bu
şekilde görünmek istemem. Şu anda görünümüm yeterince kötü. Yaşlı ve güçsüz olacağım.
Ayrıca, Dünya bunu desteklemeyecek. Nüfus çok fazla olacak. Yapılacak sağduyulu bir şey
değil. O kadar çok insanı doyuramayız bile.”

Oh, ne kadar 3B siniz? Yargınızı görüyor musunuz?

Tüm yaşamlarını siyah beyaz görenler renklerden korkarlar. Tüm bunlarla ne yapacağız? Kafa
karıştırıcı olacak. Bizi delirtecek. Bununla ne yapılacağını bile bilmeyeceğiz! Kendimizi yok
edebiliriz de.

Ayrıca daha bilge de olsaydınız ne olurdu? Nüfusu kontrol etmeye ve dünyanın kaynaklarını
daha iyi şekilde kullanmaya başlasaydınız ne olurdu? Dünyanın kaynaklarını kullanmayı
bırakıp size daha önce anlattığımız gibi güç için okyanuslara bağlı olsaydınız ne olurdu?
Nükleer reaktör inşa etmek yerine bir delik kazıp ayaklarınızın altındaki sıcak buharı dışarı
çıkarsaydınız ne olurdu? Sonunda nükleer reaktörlerin dünyanın en pahalı ve en tehlikeli
buhar makineleleri olduğunu kavrasaydınız ne olurdu! Buhar üretmenin tek bir hayvana veya
hava molekülüne zarar vermeyecek olan birçok yolu vardır ve işlemler keşfetmeniz için orada
hazır bekliyor. İyiliksever ve sorumlu olsaydınız ve GAİA sayılarınızın dengesini
destekleseydi ne olurdu? Ne kavram ama?

Değiştirmeyi dilediğiniz ikinci şey nedir? Gezegende barış yaratmaya ne dersiniz? İster inanın
ister inanmayın, bu aslında ilerlemede ve 50 yıldır ilerlemekteydi!

DNA’nızda olan şeyi değiştirmek

Kök hücreler DNA’nızdaki değiştirilecek tek şeydir. Duygusal engramlarınıza (bellek) ne

dersiniz… bilince izin veren enerji? Bu odada bunu işitmeye gereksinimi olanlar var.
Bağışlamadığınız kim? Asla unutamayacağınız ve her gün bununla uyandığınız, hayatınızı
çürüttüğünü düşündüğünüz kim? Burada kimlerin olduğunu biliyorum. Hatırlayın… bir hücre
bölündüğü zaman, diyelim ki beyin hücresi, şöyle sorar “Aynısı mı yoksa farklı mı?” Bunun
hakkında hücreleriniz ile konuştunuz mu? Hayatınızda bunu ebediyen istiyor musunuz?
“Aynısı mı yoksa farklı mı?” Dilerseniz DNA’nız daha iyiliksever olabilir. Eğer isterseniz
daha huzurlu olur. Asla unutmayacağınızı hissettiğiniz beyninize kazılmış kanallara neden
olan bir olay bile yeniden yazılabilir! Size anlattığımız şeyi görüyor musunuz? Kontrol sizde!
Dikkat ediyor musunuz? Her şeyi yeniden yazabilirsiniz. Bu yeni enerjide bu, İnsan varlığının

Yaşlı Ruh Deneyime Sahip

Bu yeni enerjide, bunu ilk yaşlı ruhlar başlatacaklar. Belki siz yaşlı bir ruhsunuz…
gezegendeki bilge olan ruh ve değişmeye başlarsınız. Etrafınızdaki diğer insanlar bunu

görürler.. belki İnsan doğasındaki değişimi bile görürler ve şöyle derler, “Sende olan şey
nedir? Onu istiyorum”. Ne diyeceksiniz?

Onlara bir Kryon kitabı vermek zorunda değilsiniz! İnanç sisteminiz ile ilgili tek bir kelime
söylemek zorunda değilsiniz. Bunun yerine, onlar sizin diğer İnsan varlıklar ile birlikte
çalışmanızı izlerler; görünürde sevilmez olanları sevdiğinizi izlerler. Daha önce hiç özen
göstermediğiniz insanlara özen gösterdiğinizi izlerler.

İnsan doğası daha iyiliksever mi oluyor? Belki bunu, görmeyi hiç düşünmediğiniz alanlarda
görmeye başlarsınız. Siyaset değişmeye başlar. İş yapma şekliniz değişmeye başlar.
Birbirinizden beklediğiniz şey daha huzurlu ve daha az yıpratıcı olur. Oh, sevgililer, her
zaman dengesiz olanlar var olacaktır. Her zaman kontrol edemediğiniz şeyler olacaktır. Her
zaman İnsan özgür seçimi ve hapishanaler olacaktır. Gezegene ilk kez gelip te işlerin nasıl
yürüdüğü ile ilgili ipucuna sahip olmayanlar ve aynen sizin yapmış olduğunuz gibi görünürde
her şeyi yanlış yapanlar olacaktır. Bilincin büyük çoğunluğunun yavaş ilerleyişinden söz
ediyorum, yaşlı ruhlar bunu ilk kez görecek olanlar ve bu geçişi yapacak olanlardır.

Odada soyağacı, silsile yok. Sadece birçok yaşamlardan biri değil, ayrıca sizi sandalyeye
getiren bilgelik. Uygarlık ve dünya hakkında sorduğunuz sorular bilgece sorular. “Dersleri ne
zaman öğreneceğiz?” diyorsunuz. Pekala, bu başlıyor ve bu soruyu sormuş olmak için
sorunlar görmelisiniz, öyle değil mi?

Ve böylece sevgili İnsan Varlığı, kaybettiğinizi düşündüğünüz, İnsan varlıklarının daha uzun
yaşamasına izin veren ve çevreyi yok etmeyen bir enerjiye geri dönmeye başlama yeteneğine
sahipsin. Onlar çok fazla insanla dolup taşmazlar, çünkü bunu yasalar yerine zihinleriyle ve
bilgelikle kontrol edebilirler.

Bir gün yıldız tohumları, Pleiadesli kardeşleriniz ile buluşacaksınız. Onlar şimdi bile
buradalar, çünkü onlar kuantumdur. Aynen sizin gibi sınavlardan geçmiş olan bir gezegende
mezun durumda çok, çok uzun zaman yaşayan Pleiadesli atalarınız var. Ve bu bir kuantum
faktör geliştirdi. Onlar iyilikseverdir ve kuantum enerjiye sahipler. Bu şekilde anında buraya
gelip geri dönerler ve sizin özgür seçiminize asla müdahale etmezler. Ayrıca bu nedenle aşağı
inip merhaba demezler. Bunun yerine, oturup sizin sonunda yapmış olduğunuz şey için
sahanın kenarında sizi alkışlarlar. 2012 Aralık gündönümünü kutlamak için sizinle bekliyorlar.
İçinde olduğunuz 36 yıllık geçişin yarı noktası.

Sevgililer bitirmeden önce, bunun yavaş bir süreç olduğunu tekrar söyleyeceğiz. Bunu daha
önce gördük. Çocukların çocuklarının çocukları vasıtasıyla nesiller boyu gerçekleşir. Bu, flaş
lambasının yanıp sönmesi deneyimi gibi göreceğiniz bir şey değildir. İleriye gitmeden önce
bir süre gerileyen bazı şeyler olabilir. Ama buna birlikte bakarsanız, bu yavaş bir gemidir, bu
geminin bilgelik dümeni nefretin izole edilen bir şey olduğu ve kendisini kültür veya dinde
saklamayacağı zamana doğru yönlendiriliyor. Bunun nedeni kuantum enerjinin iyiliksever
olması ve İnsanların bunu görmeye başlamasıdır.

Bugün gerçek budur. Bugün enerji budur. Bunlar bugün gördüğüm potansiyeller ve bu
nedenle bugünün mesajı olarak size getiriyoruz. Bu yerden geldiğinizden farklı olarak ayrılın,
kim olduğunuz, yapmış olduğunuz şeyler ve önünüzde olan şeyler hakkında daha çok şey

Ben insanlığı seven Kryon’um.

Ve öyledir.


Bu canlı kanallık Edmonton, Alberta, Kanada’da verildi

(Çeviri: Saffet Güler)

Hilarion's Weekly Message: July 17-24,

2011 - Marlene Swetlishoff
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 17, 2011 at 7:16pm

Hilarion's Weekly Message: July 17-24, 2011 - Marlene Swetlishoff

July 17-24, 2011

Beloved Ones,
The work continues and what is required of each of you is to persist in your daily disciplines
and maintain your focus. There have been many erratic energies at play that make your
pathway seem much harder to maintain and it will require a steady focus in the days, weeks
and months ahead. State your intent daily: “My intent is to align to the will of the Creator and
the Divine Plan for my life and the Divine Plan for the Earth and all upon Her.” This will set
the focus for your day and if followed through with your prayers, decrees and affirmations,
and other methods that you use, will help you to raise your Light quotient or at least to
maintain it. There is much seeming chaos occurring at this time and you will be hard put to
maintain your focus. It is VERY important that you persist in holding your Light and in
sending that Light down into the crystalline core of Mother Earth and radiating it outwards
from your own Being.

Your role as transducers of the Cosmic energies continues to be a crucial component of the
unfolding of the Divine Plan for the Earth and all upon Her. Maintaining your Light in your
area of the World helps to uplift the entire Planet and all Her inhabitants. As Lightworkers,

you must continue to go against the current onslaught of less than Light energies in order to
maintain stability for your World. Each of you has more than enough experience in this task
and you continue to be an invaluable task force working in concert with the Higher realms as
the brave and courageous ground forces. You are much more powerful than you think that you
are, Dear Ones, believe in yourselves and keep on keeping on!

We remind you again that the increasing intensity and frequency that is permeating your
atmosphere is relentless, unending and will continue to occur without abatement. It is best to
be consistent in your disciplines and make it a daily and joyful experience. Each of you will
know when a further intensification of your Light activities is needed as events play out upon
your Planet. It is a truly remarkable time which is being closely viewed by millions of keenly
interested Galactic and Cosmic Family members and your every effort is noted and
applauded. You have an entire Cosmos of Light Family cheering you, the ground personnel,
onwards and upwards. The way forward will be shown as you align daily to the Divine Plan
and make your energy count.

Release all that has been usurping your energy in ways that are not aligned to your Higher
vision of yourselves and practice your alchemy upon yourselves and as you do this, you create
the positive changes you so desire to see manifest upon your World. Learn to live your lives in
deep and profound simplicity of Being, relishing your aliveness and your uniqueness as a
creative Cosmic Being of love returning to wholeness in Mother/Father God. Your next step is
in exploring your unique contribution to the Divine Plan and how you can gift this World with
your unified and integrated fully realized Self. Remember, Dear Ones, that you never walk
alone and that there are Legions of Light who walk with you. Shine on!
Until next week,

I AM Hilarion
©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff
Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety and
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Şifanın Türlü Yolları Uriel’in Mesajı
Jeenifer Hoffman’ın Kanallığı
 Posted by gunes kurtulan on July 17, 2011 at 10:08pm

Şifanın Türlü Yolları

Uriel’in Mesajı

Jeenifer Hoffman’ın Kanallığı

Her biriniz çabasızca yaşamda yol alan insanlarla karşılaşmışsınızdır. Sanki öğrenecek
dersleri, büyük meseleleri yoktur.Yaşamları endişelerle dolu değildir ve her şey onlar için
kolaylıkla gelişmektedir. Hatta ruhsal bağlantıları bile yoktur, ruhsal yollarına
odaklanmamışlardır ama yaşamlarını sizin de kendinize yaratmak isteyeceğiniz şekilde
sürdürüyorlardır. Neden siz şifalanma yolundasınız da onlar değil diye sorabilirsiniz. Neden
sizin şifalanmanız gerekmektedir de onların gereksinimi yoktur? Onlar özel midir ya da sizin
bilmediğiniz bir şeyi mi biliyorlardır?

Her bir ruh kendi şifalanma yolculuğunu, o yaşam sürecinde deneyimlemeyi seçtiği
deneyimlere dayalı olarak yürür. Her bir yolculuk eşsizdir. Ruhun derslerini ve öğrenimini;
şifalanması gereken yaraları yansıtır. Ve her bir ruh bir şifalanma yolu seçer, aynı zamanda
yolun nasıl açılacağını, kimleri kapsayacağını da seçer; ya da çağrıyı tümüyle yadsır. Sizin
bakış açınızdan, bir diğerinin yolu sizinkine oranla daha kolaymış gibi gözükebilir.

Ama siz, onların ruhunun bu yaşamdaki şifalanma taahhütlerinin ne olduğunu ve diğer

yaşamlarında neler deneyimlediklerini bilemezsiniz. Bu detaylar sizlerden saklanmıştır; sizin
ruhsal yolculuğunuzun detaylarının diğerlerinden gizlendiği gibi… Her bir şifalanma süreci,
öğrenme, büyüme, dönüşüm veya yükseliş sürecidir; her bir adım birbirinde farklı iken, amaç
her zaman aynıdır; her bir kişiye, korkuyu yenmek, kendi güçlerini bulup geri kazanmak
adına yardımcı olmak, ve daha büyük bir ruhsal anlayışa erişmektir.

Şifalanırsınız, çünkü ruhunuz bunun için çağırılmıştır. Süreç zor ve acılı; ya da kolay ve rahat
olabilir. Tüm vecheler sizin, bilinçli ya da bilinçsiz seçiminize bağlıdır. Şifalanma sürecinizde
acıyı deneyimlemek zorunda değilsiniz. Yaşam deneyimlerinde ders almıyormuş gibi görünen
insan, sifalanma yolculuğunu acısız ve kaossuz deneyimlemeyi seçmiş olandır. Şifalanmanın
acı çekmek ile birlikte geldiğine inanırsanız, o formda bir şifalanmayı seçmiş olursunuz. Daha
az ısdıraplı şifalanmanın farklı yollarını; zihniniz ve ruhunuzu bu seçimleri yapmaya
hizaladığınızda, seçebilirsiniz.

Sizin şifalanma yolculuğunuz, ruh grubunuzdaki herkese yararlı olur. Tamamlamış olduğunuz
her bir şifalanma deneyiminiz; kendiniz kadar, bağlantınız olan diğerlerine de iyi gelir. Çünkü
birlikte, belirli bir şifalanma yolu seçtiniz. Ama şifalanmayı nasıl deneyimleyeceğiniz size
bağlıdır. Sancısız bir yolla şifalanmayı seçtiğinizde, ruh grubunuzdaki her bir üyeye aynı
seçimi bahşetmi ş olursunuz. Derslerinizi taktir etmeyi öğrendikçe, şifalanma sürecindeki
güzelliği farkedecek ve şifalandığınızı bileceksiniz; çünkü bu ruhun armağanıdır, sizin ve tüm
insanlık için, acı çekmeden şifalanmak, korkusuzca yaşamak ve kollektif ruhsal yolunuzda
ileri doğru yürümek adına bir fırsattır.

Şifalanıyorsunuz çünkü, siz Dünya’yı değiştirmeye gelenlersiniz, Dünya’nın duygusal ve

ruhsal yaralarını – ki onlar sizin yaralarınızın birer aynasıdır – sarmaya gelenlersiniz. Sizin
her birinizin kendinizi şifalandırmaya yetecek gücü var, ruh grubunuzu, ve hatta Dünyayı…
Ve bunu acı çekmeden, incelikle yapabilirsiniz, Dünya’yı en yüksek titreşimleriyle birlikte,
hizalanmaya doğru taşıyabilirsiniz; insanlığı Ruh ile hizalamayı, Olmanın yüksek boyutlarına
erişmeyi, kolaylıkla ve zerafetle yükseliş yoluna girebilmeyi sağlayabilirsiniz.

Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan

OSHO - Bu dünyada en büyük cesaret bir
birey olmaktır
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 18, 2011 at 11:00am

OSHO-Bu dünyada en büyük cesaret bir birey olmaktır

Toplumda, senin tıpkı başkaları gibi davranacağın beklentisi hakimdir. Biraz farklı
davranmaya başladığın zaman bir yabancıya dönüşürsün ve insanlar yabancılardan çok
korkar. O yüzden iki insanın bir araya geldiği her yerde; otobüste, trende, ya da otobüs
durağında sessiz kalamaz. Çünkü sessiz kaldıkları zaman ikisi de yabancı olarak kalır. Hemen
birbiriyle tanışırlar: "Adın ne? Nereye gidiyorsun? Ne iş yaparsın? Nerelisin?" Sadece birkaç
soru. Sonra rahatlarlar; sen de tıpkı onlar gibi bir insanmışsın. İnsanlar her zaman uyumlu
oldukları kalabalıklar içinde olmak ister. Sen farklı davranmaya başladığın an, bütün kalabalık
şüphelenmeye başlar; bir şeyin ters gittiğini düşünür. Seni tanıyorlar ve değişimi
görebiliyorlar. Seni, gerçek benliğini hiç kabullenmediğin zaman tanımışlardır ve şimdi
birden gerçek benliğini kabul ederken görüyorlar. Bu toplumda kimse kendini kabullenmez.
Herkes kendisini lanetler. Toplumun yaşam tarzı budur: kendini lanetle. Ve eğer sen kendini
lanetlemiyorsan, kendini kabul ediyorsan, o zaman toplumdan ayrı düşmüş olursun. Toplum
ise, sürüden ayrılmış olan kimseye tahammül edemez çünkü toplum sayılarla yaşar; buna
sayıların politikası denir. Sayı çok olduğu zaman insanlar kendini iyi hisseder. Sayı çok daha
büyük olunca ise insanlar haklı olduğunu hisseder; yanılıyor olamazlar, milyonlarca insan
onlarla birliktedir. Dışlananların içindeyse şüpheler belirmeye başlar: "Kimse benimle değil.
Haklı olduğumun garantisi ne?" O yüzden bana göre bu dünyada en büyük cesaret bir birey
olmaktır. Birey olmak için en üst seviyede korkusuzluk temeline sahip olmak gerekir: "Bütün
dünyanın bana karşı olması önemli değil. Önemli olan şey benim geçerli bir deneyim yaşamış
olmam. Ben rakamlara bakmam, yanımda kaç kişi olduğuyla ilgilenmem. Ben sadece
deneyimimin geçerliliğine bakarım. Bir papağan gibi başkalarının sözünü tekrar edip
etmediğime ya da anlattıklarımın kaynağının kendi deneyimlerim olup olmadığına bakarım.
Eğer kendi deneyimimse, eğer benim kanımın, kemiğimin, iliğimin bir parçasıysa, o zaman
bütün dünya karşımda olsa bile ben yine de haklıyım ve onlar haksız. Gerisi önemli değil,
kendimi iyi hissetmem için onların oylarına ihtiyacım yok. Sadece başkalarının fikirlerini
taşıyan insanlar başkalarının desteğine ihtiyaç duyar." Ancak toplum bugüne kadar böyle
işlemiştir. Seni bu sayede ağılda tutabiliyorlar. Eğer onlar üzgünse, sen de üzgün olmak
zorundasın; eğer onlar mutsuzsa, sen de mutsuz olmak zorundasın. Onlar neyse, sen de aynı
şey olmak zorundasın. Farklı olmaya izin verilmez çünkü farklar bireyliğe ve özgünlüğe giden
yolu açar. Ama toplum bireylerden ve özgünlükten çok korkar. Bu, birinin kalabalıktan
bağımsız olduğunu ve kalabalığı hiç umursamadığını gösterir. Tanrıların, tapınakların,
rahiplerin, kutsal metinlerin onun için artık anlamsızdır. Artık onun kendi varlığı ve yöntemi
vardır, kendi tarzı vardır; yaşama, ölme, kutlama, şarkı söyleme ve dans etme. O artık
yuvasına dönmüştür. Kimse kalabalıkla birlikte yuvasına dönemez. İnsan yuvasına ancak tek
başına ulaşabilir.

Assisting in Anchoring the Goddess Light
By Goddess Isis and Goddess Hathor -
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 18, 2011 at 11:00am

Sacred School of Om Na and Wisdom of the Light

Weekly Channelled Message

Assisting in Anchoring the Goddess Light By Goddess Isis and Goddess Hathor

Channelled through Natalie Glasson-17/07/11

Beloved light workers upon the Earth, we send our grace, love and peace to you as we return
once more to express our consciousness and wisdom. It is always such a great honour to
connect in this way with light workers and we wish to address you by encouraging you to
hold courage, to focus upon what you truly desire and to hold the truth and love of the Creator
in your heart. Whatever your goals are now, whatever your desires and focus we lend our
energy to you to assist and support you in your journey. You can call upon our support holding
onto the intention of your current focus and ask us to clear all boundaries, barriers and
blockages, to fill your heart with love and courage, to assist you in adopting and experiencing
the energy of success. We understand that many light workers on the Earth now are
experiencing difficult, strenuous or challenging times, we and the Goddess Consciousness are
here for you, likea loving mother we will embrace and love you, assisting and caring for you
in any way we can during these times. So much needs to be released as we approach 2012,
there are so many lessons that need to be overcome and many of you are concentring so
intently upon your spiritual development. We commend and honour you for this but know that
we are here to take away the stress and strain bathing you in love; it is the energy of love that
will assist your success. Let yourself bathe in our love and let us carry you forward.

There are many subjects that we wish to speak about as there is much wisdom and also
practices to share from the Goddess Consciousness. Our first purpose was to make you aware
of our eternal love and support which we offer to you with open arms. The second purpose
that we wish to share with you is connected to the rise of the Goddess or feminine energy.

When most people upon the Earth think or speak of the Creator, they usually acknowledge the
Creator as a masculine energy even if they know that the Creator is both masculine and
feminine but also neither, simply energy or a vibration. There are many reasons for the
Creator to be acknowledged as a masculine energy, mainly due to the powerful masculine
energy of the Creator that has been anchoring for many civilisations, but also because man has
most commonly held a superior role to the female upon the Earth. It is also important to
realise that men were thought of as being powerful, even controlling and authoritive which is
how the Creator has been portrayed in some belief systems. Essentially the male form took on
certain qualities of the Creator which may have been appropriate at that time. Many people
have carried into this lifetime from past lifetimes a programming that the Creator is of a
masculine energy, even that the Creator punishes and judges the lives of humanity. This was a
seed that was planted into the minds of humanity long ago. Many people have released this
mindset but some light workers still hold this seed, mindset or conditioning within their
energy. It is because of this that they naturally connect with the masculine energies of the
Creator when focusing upon integration with the Creator even when their focus is upon the
feminine aspects of the Creator. This conditioning was placed into humanity as a controlling
devices by other human beings because if humanity continues to focus upon only the
masculine aspect and energy of the Creator, they will not be able to embrace the feminine
energies which will further their ascension. So it is to delay the ascension process, maintain
control while also continuing cycles of violence, aggression and power. You may hear many
guides speak about connecting with the feminine vibrations, but we cannot stress how
important it is, without the connection with the feminine vibrations humanity will not be able
to achieve a deeper integration and understanding of the Creator's light.

It is therefore essential that light workers release the programming and begin to perceive the
Creator as a masculine and feminine vibration and then a source of light without form or
intention, simply existing. You may not be aware of this programming in your energies but we

wish to share with you a practice which you can achieve in your own time to free you from
any such programming and to expand your mind and heart more fully to the Creator.

We first ask that you light a physical candle, please do this at a time when you can allow the
candle to burn out. If you do not have a physical candle then ask for a flame of light to be
expressed from your soul into your right hand, then imagine that you place the flame from
your soul on a table or somewhere that feels appropriate. Sit in front of the flame or candle
that has been lit.

Then say out loud,

'I invoke Goddess Isis and Hathor to oversee and add your energy to this process.

I invoke the sacred cosmic Goddess beings of love to surround this flame of light and my own
energy with the purest vibration of love that is appropriate. Please send the purest vibration
and intentions of love from the Goddess consciousness into the flame and into its aura. Please
fill this entire room in the purest vibration of love. Let your love anchor into my body and
being completely as well as my home so that the love of the Goddess consciousness is truly
present. Let this loving vibration extend for miles in a radius around the flame, up and down
also. Together we are creating a sanctuary of love. I understand that the vibration of love will
act as a cleansing, healing, dissolving and protective energy. Any negative energy entering
into this sanctuary of love will be dispersed instantly and transformed into love of the purest

It is my purpose to dissolve all negative programming from my past that is connected to me

acknowledging the Creator as a masculine vibration as well as expressing or connecting with
the masculine qualities of the Creator. Let the brilliant flame before me draw this negative
energy from within my being or auric field into the very centre of the flame to be dispersed
and nullified completely. I am open and receptive to healingand ask the Goddess Beings to
assist this process.'

Rest for a moment, imagine or accept the love of the Goddess beings and the vibrant aura of
the flame surrounding you. Let any energies that need to leave you, flow naturally into the
flame, knowing that they have been released eternally.

'I acknowledge and accept that I now have freedom in my connection with and expression of
the Creator, I am free to explore and understand the energies and qualities of the Creator in
any way that I wish or feel guided. This freedom is important to my spiritual growth at this
stage of my journey and will enhance my connection and expression of the Goddess light
which is simply the most appropriate energy of the Creator that is needed on the Earth. I know
allow myself to be bathed in Goddess love completely to continue this healing process.'

You may meditate for as long as you wish to allow the process to continue or to gain any
wisdom or memories from the past.

'Thank you Goddess Isis and Goddess Hathor for binging this to my attention so that my
connection to the Creator could be healed.'

Please allow the candle to burn out completely as it will continue to draw negativity from
your being concerned with your connection with the Creator. When the candle has burned out
this symbolises that the process is complete.

Now, we have a very powerful teaching which states that first you heal yourself, and then you
heal humanity or the world. We would be extremely gratefully if you could then practice this
meditation once more to draw the negativity from the consciousness of humanity and the
Earth connected to acknowledge the creator as a masculine energy and expressing the Creator
in this way. We will share with you now the practice that will assist in this process.

To Assist the World

Please light a physical candle, or create one from your soul and place it somewhere that feels
appropriate, the candle will need time to burn out. Sit in front of the flame or candle that has
been lit.

Then say out loud,

'I invoke Goddess Isis and Hathor to oversee and add your energy to this process.

I invoke thesacred cosmic Goddess beings of love to surround this flame of light and my own
energy with the purest vibration of love that is appropriate. Please send the purest vibration
and intentions of love from the Goddess consciousness into the flame and into its aura. Please
fill this entire room in the purest vibration of love. Let your love anchor into my body and
being completely as well as my home so that the love of the Goddess consciousness is truly
present. Let this loving vibration extend for miles in a radius around the flame, up and down
also. Let this love cover the entire world and all of humanity as if a blanket of love is resting
around the world. Together we are creating a sanctuary of love. I understand that the vibration
of love will act as a cleansing, healing, dissolving and protective energy. Any negative energy
entering into this sanctuary of love will be dispersed instantly and transformed into love of the
purest vibration.

Let the negative programming and influence of the masculine aspect of the Creator now be
cleansed and healed completely. Let the consciousness of humanity as a united energy be
cleared of acknowledging the Creator as a masculine energy and expressing the Creator
within each person as a masculine energy. Now is the time to express the Creator as the
feminine qualities of the Creator. Let all unneeded programming from the past held with the
united energy of humanity be released. Let the flame attract all negative energy and
programming so that it is dissolved completely. I know that the energy doesn't even need to
enter the flame as it will be dissolved as soon as it is approaches into the expansive aura of the
candle. All negativity is dissolved completely. Humanity is cleansed and bathed in love.

Goddess beings, it is a great honour to be of service in this way, but please ensure that my
home and energy remains of loving vibration only throughout this enter process. I know that
the candle is only a symbol of the wonderful work you are achieving. I also understand that
once the candle has burned out then humanity will experience a greater sense of freedom with
the natural ability and devotion to connect with and express the feminine vibrations of the
Creator while holding appropriate masculine vibrations of the Creator within their beings.'

Rest for a moment, imagine or accept the love of the Goddess beings and the vibrant aura of
the flame surrounding you. Know that the world is gaining a deep healing.

'Thank you Goddess Isis and Goddess Hathor for allowing me to be of service.'

We thank you for your time and energy; you are so greatly appreciated by us.

We will bring forth other practices next week,

With love, we honour the Goddess within you,

Goddess Isis and Goddess Hathor


 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 18, 2011 at 11:30am


Unutma! Gerçekte sen ne hissediyorsan, o her zaman doğrudur.

Hayatta senin için neyin doğru olduğunu, bir tek içindeki ses söyleyebilir.

Dolayısı ile içindeki ses ile konuşmayı öğren.

İçindeki sesin kendine has nedenleri vardır ki akıl hiçbir zaman anlayamaz.

Her gün kendinle kalmak için zaman ayır ve kalbini dinle.

Tüm diğerleri farklı hissedebilir, farklı düşünebilir

ama bu senin hissettiklerinin yanlış olduğunu göstermez,
sadece onlardan farklı olduğunu gösterir.
Sadece, onların bakış açılarını anlamaya çalış.
Hemfikir olmaya çalışma!

Bazen içindeki ses sana zor geleni yapmanı söyleyebilir… Korkma… ve içindeki sesi
dinlemeye devam et…
Her yanlışında kendini acımasızca eleştirip üzme…

Gereğinden fazla üzülmek, bugünün gücünü tüketir, yarınlarının güzelliklerini çalar.
Aksine, başını okşa, kendini kucakla ve her şeyin geçeceğini kendine hatırlat.

Yaşadıklarının senin için önemli bir ders olduğunu bil.

Bu tecrübe ile aldığın bilgiyi incele, bir dahaki sefer için hazırlıklarını yap.

Kimsenin senin adına karar vermesine izin verme,

ama başkalarının da haklı olabileceklerini unutma.
Asla başka insanlar üzülmesin diye kendini üzme.
Unutma! Sen kaldırabiliyorsan onlar da kaldırabilir.
Her zaman ama her zaman, mutlaka kendine iyi davran.
Sen buna layıksın!
Hayatta en büyük dostun sen olabileceği gibi, en büyük düşmanın da sen olabilir.
Seçimini yap ve kendin için dost mu yoksa düşman mı olacağına karar ver.

Yaşamdaki tüm acılarını atlatabilirsin, her şeye rağmen mutlu olmayı başarabilirsin,
istersen kötü alışkanlıklarını bırakabilir ve her zaman yeniden başlayabilirsin.
Bugün, hayata yeniden başla!
ilk adımın kendini bağışlamak olsun!
Tıpkı kasvetli ve bulutlu bir havanın ardından kendini gösteren güneş gibi olabilirsin.
Ve aynı güneş gibi, ay gibi, her gün ve her gece bıkmadan usanmadan yeniden doğabilirsin.
Asla tecrübe kazanmaktan kaçma…
Ne kadar zor olursa olsun, yeniden ayağa kalk ve devam et!
İnan bana, o tecrübelere ihtiyacın var…
Unutma! Yapılacak daha nice yeni hatalar var,
öğrenilecek daha nice yeni dersler var,
tekrar tekrar aynı hatalara düşmek niye?

Unutma ! Her şey sende gizli.

Hayatın kötü bir yola girmişse, direksiyondakinin sen olduğunu hatırla!
Kendini yalnız hissettiğin kadar yalnız, güçlü hissettiğin kadar güçlüsün.
Seçimi yapacak olan sensin….

THE PROMISE by Gillian MacBeth-
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 18, 2011 at 11:30am


by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

With time speeding up and life not slowing down we find that we are not able to keep all of
our promises to ourselves our soul and those we love. Our intentions are grandiose but full of
hot air as we can barely rise to the occasion of making it thru the day. The feeling of walking
in wet sand as we sink deeper and deeper in =to a place of lethargy. We can blame it on the
month of cancer or the star line up or solar flare but we all know we have lost our pizzazz.
Like a champagne glass filled with soda, we are not reaching our full potential. The shore
seems farther and farther away as we swim for our lives without shore in sight. We grow
weary waling on the sign, waiting on the light to change, waiting on something to tell us we’ll
make it over this speed bump. The light within us looks for some shade as the outside
pressure builds to a boiling point. We want to blame someone or some thing but ultimately
know on some level we are energetically responsible. Guilt trips are packed for weekend
sojourns as we gallantly sidestep all that comes our way. Our cups are full and runneth over
with fret and worry so be shy away from one more emotional crumb.

Within the human being is a seed of hope a divine blueprint that has promised never to leave.
A seed that stays planted no matter how bad the weather and storms of life may be. So many
people have worked so hard only to see their dreams laid to rest in a barren thirsty soil. They
have followed their divine blueprint into a desert that grows little and a land that does not
support. They have extended themselves financially, emotionally and physically plowing a
land that is unfriendly and desires not to support what their heart yearns for.

As their dreams begin to wither in the high noon sun of earthly chaos and manipulation the
light of hope seems to fade, the heart begins to close the door on hope. We become robotic
like as we struggle not to feel the sadness in our heart. We don’t want to give up on what lives
in our heart but we do not see the seasons changing in our favor.

All hands of the planet reach out to take what little there is stretching you into more fears and
tears and hopelessness. As you continue to make ends meet, the rope gets tighter and tighter
around your dreams seeming choking the very life out of them. From now till 2012 the energy
is going to kick in like an old mule. We try hard to escape this harsh reality but life swims
toward us with an open mouth hungry to take any and all. Any illusion of control is held
tightly in the body as pain as we announce to the world what we are not going to do louder
than what we will be forced to do via life and circumstance.

Our bodies kick and scream and our soul pirouettes spinning out of control as the seasons of

time demand our undivided attention. All personal considerations go on hold as these vast
energies enter our field of inquiry. Fight or flight gallops thru our biological system as
adrenaline glands pump hard like horses in a quarter mile race. We step within to address the
root of the problem as what is invisible in matter beats the heck out of us, like neighbor kids
in a snowball fight, no harm intended but it still hurts.

We feel helpless and hopeless as our dreams seem to whither on the vine. Our ability to
nurture has turned into the need to survive. We begin to panic looking for the escape hatch,
anything has to be better that all of this planetary upheaval. All of these events have been
predicted for many years but we did not want to hear and we did not want to see. We now sit
in this empty space asking to be rescued by anything or anyone. In this place of see no evil,
hear no evil, speak no evil, the scent of danger lingers in the air. How can little ole us fight the
choices of people that turn a blind eye to what is right and wrong. How can we correct the
balance of a world on tilt?

It is time to get off our weary haunches and stand up for all we believe in. We are not little in
light or heart. We are destined to make a difference, without fear of consequence. We are held
responsible by our actions or inactions.

We have the quantified tools to shift the molecules of all that seems to take away our freedom
of choice. We seem to be adrift on a sea that seems grander than us. We are paddling with our
splintered hopes and dreams. We are not puppets to be restrung at a moments notice. We are
the saviors of a world that has come undone. We are not blind victims in a con game, we have
come into this world with eyes wide open.

We have a Great Promise to keep that lives in our heart and soul. This great promise casts a
Light greater than any shadow of doubt. It is not up to others to decide our destiny. The
heavens look to us to become the change we seek. Every thought is precious and counts.
Remember your Soul Oath and promise.

 Posted by deniz ikbal on July 18, 2011 at 2:37pm


Affetmek ne demek ? Sadece yaptığından dolayı onu affetmek ; sadece bu , bu kadar.

Yaptığını onaylamak değil biliyorsun.Affediyorsun çünkü özgürleşiyorsun. .Affediyorsun
içinde onunla ilgili kendi ışığını karartan ne varsa hepsini bırakıyorsun.Affettikten sonra
yaşamında olup olmaması tamamen senin elinde ister sevgiyle uğurla istersen yaşamında
kalmasına izin ver hepsi senin elinde.İlk aklına gelen kişiden başla bu sende olabilirsin.
Affettiğin herkesin yerini sonsuz ışığın doldurduğunu görmek ne güzel...

Lütfen Joseph Murphy nin anlattıklarını uygulayın mucizeyi deneyimleyin.Sizi seviyorum.

:) istediğiniz yöntemle gevşeyin,rahatlayın

:) kozmik ışığı ve onun sizi koruduğunu düşünün ve yüksek sesle yüreğinizden söyleyin

:) Şu anda kendi isteğimle ............ ............' i tamamen affediyorum ; onu hem zihinsel hem de
ruhsal olarak

özgür bırakıyorum.Söz konusu olayla bağlantılı her şeyi affediyorum. Bunu neşeyle sevgiyle

:) ben özgürüm

:) sen de özgürsün

:)yaşamın bütün nimetleri seninle olsun

:)sen de ben de özgürüz bu harika bir duygu

Gerçekten bağışlamanın büyük sırrı o kişiyi bağışladığınız an bir daha bu dileği

tekrarlamamanızdır.Bir daha o kişiyi ya da üzücü olayı hatırlarsanız ona yine iyi dilekler
dileyin ve tekrarlayın "için huzurla dolsun affettim seni" .O düşünceler her aklınıza geldiğinde
bunu yapın.Bir kaç gün içinde daha az düşünecek ve sonrasında tamamen yaşamınızdan o
düşüncelerin çıktığını göreceksiniz.

Ve işte gerçek özgürlük ve gerçek sen

Sahip Olma Zorunlulugunu Birakin
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 21, 2011 at 11:00am

Tanri dedi ki:

Ihtiyac, ihtiyacinizin olmadigi bir kelimedir. Ihtiyac duymak kendinize hakaret etmeniz gibidir. Ihtiyac
duydugunuzu hissettiginizde kendinizi muhtac hissedersiniz. Muhtaclik hissi icindeyken de kendinizi
zayif bir pozisyona koyarsiniz. Size en cok fayda getiren mevhum "ihtiyac duymak" degildir aziz
cocuklarim. Eger hayatta ki pozisyonunuz "ihtiyac duymak" uzerineyse bu pozisyonu degistirin. Size
zemin olusturacak, kaynak olacak cok daha iyi yerler vardir hayatta. "Ihtiyac duymak" ise dayanak
alacaginiz son zemindir.

Ihtiyac mevhumunu bir kez basinizdan attiginizda, bakisinizi degistirmis olacaginiz icin hayatinizin
tum bir acilimi da degisecektir. Vakit gelmistir aziz cocuklarim. O Muhtac Sandalyesinden kalkin ve
uzerinde "Ben Her Seye Sahibim" yazan sandalyeye oturun.
Ihtiyacinizin olmadigini hissetmeye gercekten ihtiyaciniz vardir sizin, burasi gayet aciktir. Istekleriniz
ve arzulariniz vardir fakat ihtiyaciniz yoktur. Ihtiyac duymak sizi yanlis bir konuma sevkeder. Ters
giden ve mutlu sonla bitmeyen bir masal gibidir bu.
Ihtiyac duymanin uzaginda olun. Ihtiyaciniz olan son sey ihtiyac duymaktir.

Ihtiyac duymakta ne kotuluk var diye sorabilirsiniz. Ondaki kotuluk sizi dilenci pozisyonuna
sokmasidir. Kendinizi sevgiye ihtiyac duyan biri olarak goruyorsaniz mesela, sokaklardan kucuk sevgi
kirintilari toplamaya yeltenebilirsiniz. Birisinden ya da muhtemelen herhangi birisinden gelelecek
teslimata tabi oldugunuza inanabilirsiniz.

Kendini kim muhtac hissederse, -siz bile- bir alici haline gelir, tuketiciye donusur. Kendini muhtac
hisseden bir kisi olarak tum iyi niyetinizle alirsiniz, mutlaka sahip olmaniz gerektigini hissettiginiz ve
henuz almadiginiz o seyin size verilmesi icin yollar ararsiniz. Sevginin ne kadari sizin icin yeterli
olacaktir? Sevginin ne kadarindan kendinizi mahrum hissediyorsunuz? Ne kadarina sahip olmaniz
gerektigini dusunuyorsunuz? Bakis acinizi degistirin. Hayatinizi baska bir istikamete cevirin.

Disaridan gelen sevgiye zannettiginiz kadar tabi degilsiniz. Sevgiyi kendinizde bulmaya ihtiyaciniz
var sizin. Sizi, Cennet'teki ve Yeryuzu'ndeki tum sevgiyle sevdigimi zaten biliyorsunuz. Benim
sevgimle beslendiginizi hissedebildiginizde daha fazla sevgiye mazhar olursunuz. Kendinizi
sevdiginizde umutsuz olmazsiniz aziz cocuklarim. Ihtiyaciniz oldugunu soylediginizde ise umutsuz
oldugunuzu soylemis oluyorsunuz. Sevgi vermek konusunda bile umutsuz olmayin. Sevgi verin fakat
umutsuz olmayin. Ihtiyac duymama noktasindan yola cikin.

Bir ise ihtiyacinizin oldugunu soyleyebilirsiniz. O halde gidin ve bir is bulun. Ihtiyac mevhumundan
yola cikmadiginiz vakit, daha iyi bir isi daha kisa zamanda bulabilirsiniz. Onun yerine guvencten
hareket edin. Ihtiyaclar icindeki muhtac birini kim ister? Siz veren olun. Bahsedecek bir seyleriniz
vardir sizin.

Mesele su noktaya dayanmaktadir: Kendinizi degerli biri olarak goruyor musunuz? Eger oyleyse, bir
tirtil gibi sagi solu eselemezsiniz. Para konusunda tirtillar gibi eselenmezsiniz. Sevgi konusunda
tirtillar gibi eselenmezsiniz. Dikkat cekmek, ihtimam gormek icin eselenmezsiniz.

Kendinizi muhtac olarak gordugunuz muhletce boyle eselenen biri olacaksiniz. Kendinizi nasil
goruyorsaniz oylesinizdir.

Iyisi mi kendinizi zengin bir insan olarak gorun. Sahip oldugunuz kutsamalari ve nimetleri hesaba
katmaya bu yuzden IHTIYACINIZ vardir. Kendinizi talih sahibi olarak "gormeye baslamayi" isteyin.
Kendinizi talihli olarak "gormeye baslamayi" isteyin. Talihlisiniz. Benim sozlerimi okuyorsunuz.
Benim kalp atislarimi dinliyorsunuz. Tanri Varligisiniz. Babayim size. Anneyim size. Sizi kutsayan,
size bahsedenim. Sizin Talihinizim.

Sahip oldugunuz kutsama ve nimetleri ezberinize alin, boylece onlari bir daha dusunmeniz gerekmez.
Hersey sizin kendi gucunuz dahilindedir. Gucunuz sizin disinizda degildir. Sizin icinizde, sizinle
birliktedir o.

Deyin ki, "Tanrim, gercekten bu kadar basit olabilir mi?"

Ben de yanit vereyim, "Evet, olabilir." Diyeyim ki, "Evet oyledir". Kendinize nasil bakiyorsaniz oyle

Ihtiyac icinde olanlar kendilerini alcaltmaktadir. Bunu yapmaniz murad edilmez. Benim cocugumun
kendini alcaltma geregi yoktur. Onun sadece kutsanmis oldugunu bilmesi gerekmektedir.

Ceviren: Engin Zeyno Vural

Sevgi ve sifayla kalin,

Sifa Cemberi

For the Good of Our Soul

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 21, 2011 at 11:20am

For the Good of Our Soul

Sometimes, we cannot understand why some events happened to us
Sometimes, we cannot comprehend why some trials befell to us
Sometimes, we cannot encompass why some friends were removed from us
Sometimes, we cannot grasp why some good things were taken away from us
whether it’s health, wealth or anything dear to us.

Some things were taken away from us and in exchange of it may be something better.
Dethroning away whether it’s our fame or fortune
So that we can learn a lesson from these misfortunes
Knowing that there’s something more important than the physical gratification
Or if we face trials and sufferings which are incomprehensible

For sure they may not be good for our physical body but these will be the best for our soul.
Like the chicks not provided with earthworms by the hen anymore
or like the kittens not being breastfeed by their mother anymore.
Some things that happened may remove a few moments of our happiness,
but these may fortify our faith and strengthen our soul.

~Champs Ulysses Cabinatan

DailyOM: Staying Afloat

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 21, 2011 at 11:23am

July 19, 2011

Staying Afloat
Riding the Wave of Life
While riding the wave of life you must also practice stillness so you can flow with, rather than
resist the wave’s motion.

Our lives are continually in motion, buoyed by the wave that is the universe’s flow. As the
wave rises and falls, we are carried forward, through life’s high and low points. The
universe’s flow may take us to a place in life where we would rather not be. As tempting as it
can be to fight the direction and size of this wave that propels us, riding the wave is intended
to make life easier. When you ride the wave, your life can evolve naturally and with minimal
effort. Riding the wave, however, is not a passive experience. It is an active process that
requires you to be attentive, centered, and awake. You must also practice stillness so you can
flow with, rather than resist the wave’s motion.

Because life is dynamic and always changing, it is when we try to make the wave stand still or
resist its direction that we are likely to get pulled under by its weight. If you try to move
against the wave, you may feel as if you are trapped by it and have no control over your
destiny. When you reach a low point while riding the wave and find your feet touching
bottom, remember to stay standing so that you can leap forward along with the wave the next
time it rises. Trying to resist life’s flow is a losing proposition and costly because you waste
Riding the wave allows you to move forward without expending too much of your own
efforts. When you ride the wave, you are carried by it and your head can “stay above water”
as you go wherever it takes you. It can be difficult to trust the universe and let go of the urge
to fight life’s flow, and you may find it easier to ride the wave if you can stay calm and
relaxed. Riding the wave will always take you where you need to go

Meksika Cuernavaca 29 Haziran 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 21, 2011 at 11:48am

Meksika Cuernavaca 29 Haziran 2011


About 2011... and more" Sedona, Arizona
June 11, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 21, 2011 at 12:00pm


"All About 2011... and more"

This live channelling was Given in Sedona, Arizona

June 11, 2011

To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even
clearer understanding. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a
kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given
in Sedona, Arizona at the Kryon annual Summer Light Conference, 2011.

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. It's a core group here and there are
many old souls. Not all that sit in the seats are old souls, but most are. The attribute of an old
soul is a Human Being who has been on the earth over and over in different expressions,
which you would call incarnations. Inside yourselves, as you sit in the chair, you know it. For
you know how things work. Inside, you feel that which is a wise Human Being.

So again we call upon that which we call "innate." Innate is a cellular intelligence that you
have inside, but that often stands apart from you, but which knows you. Innate is what you
trust when you decide to do things such as muscle testing and kinesiology. Innate is that
which lives in the field of the DNA, which is intelligent. Innate is what talks to you and says,
"You've been here before." So if you were to examine yourself right now and ask, "Have I
been here before? Is any of this true?", innate will give you the chills, give you the
acknowledgement, give you the joy of the feeling that you cannot fake. These are validations
that come from inside, which say, "Yes, you're part of a grand plan that you don't know about
when you're here. You've helped set the stage for an event on the planet that the consciousness
of humanity has only dreamed about for millenniums, and here you are."

You're in a place of study, as you sit here. You're in a place that wants to know more about the
energy that is taking place; you're in a seat, on purpose, in a venue that is designed for
teaching [a school theatre]. One speaks to many. Many speak to one, and that tells a lot to
Spirit about who is here and why. Very few are here to be entertained. We are aware of the
ones who are here because of the ones next to them. We are aware of the Shamans in the
audience. We are aware of the old souls, the Lemurians - a few from Tibet, several from India.

I'm looking at wisdom here, and that's what this gathering is about today… feeding wise, old
souls. To feed a wise, old soul, I cannot give you pabulum and I cannot give you those things
that are simple. So we will get complicated, and that's what you came for, isn't it? We're going
to talk about systems today and non-systems. We're going to talk about what things mean, and
we're going to remind you of ancient history. We're going to get very esoteric. [Kryon smile]

More About Numerology

Let us begin by expanding the study that is in the book that is called "Twelve" [Kryon Book
Twelve - The Twelve Layers of DNA]. We wish to add to the information that is already there
in a way that is verbal and that will be transcribed so you will know more about this, the
current energy on the planet, which you currently are experiencing. Let us discuss
numerology. I know who is here. I know the studiers who are here, and there isn't anything
I'm going to say tonight that will offend any of you. For those of you who studied the ancient
numbers systems, you know how complex it is. You know it cannot be taught on a stage for
20 minutes, and I'm not going to do that. Instead, we're going to examine the process and
we're going to apply it to 2011. Is there a message in the number? Perhaps there is. So let us
start with numerology.

Numerology is the study of the energy within numbers. Now, there are many who do not
understand this, for they do not feel any energy around the numbers. It must be studied and
understood. It is not necessarily a three-dimensional attribute of your lives. Just like spiritual
things are beyond 3D, so is the very essence of numerology. You must think out of your
dimensionality and give credibility to that which is energy around a number.

So here's a statement I'm going to make. Numerology is not a system. If you look at the
numbers of physics and you study physics, you realize that physics is not a system. Rather, it's
a map. It's a map of formulas of how the Creator set the world in motion. It's a map that sits in
front of you, that once you understand it, you can use a system applied to the map to send a
rocket ship to Mars. So the system gets you to Mars using the map of physics. When you start
thinking this way, you will understand that numerology is an esoteric energy map that begs
you to develop systems for its use. So it's the map that you want to understand, for the map

helps to guide your life in ways that make it easier on the planet where you live.

The map, like any map, does not force you to go one way or the other. The map just lays there
and is. The extent that you wish to study the map is your free choice, but the more you study
it, the more it helps you understand your life. With that simple explanation, we look then at
the numerological aspects of the year 2011.

We are going to use the simplest form, the original form, the ancient form of numerology.
Let's look at the single digits of 2011, then add them together with the other single digits and
look at the energies around them. But here is the acknowledgement for those of you who are
studying numerology and just getting into it: You cannot simply ignore the single digits. You
have a tendency to immediately add them up, get a solution, and put all of the examination on
that solution [sum of the numbers]. This works, but it is not appropriate, for in the process
you've thrown away the numbers that had energy to give the solution. So we must first look at
two, zero, one, one [2-0-1-1].

Let's not add it up yet. Let's instead just look at it for a moment. If there are energies around
numbers, and you are familiar with what they are, what do they mean? Let's look at the map.
There are those in the audience who may say, "This is not really very accurate. You see, those
numbers were not random. They are part of a numerological sequence. They have to be
random to have energy." No, they don't. They can be sequential and still have meaning. In
fact, if they are sequential [such as the numbers of the years] you can look ahead and know
something you would not have known otherwise about what's coming up. So the numbers of
the years are planned sequentially and this is not a surprise.

Two, zero, one, one. Don't add it up yet. When you do, you'll know what this year is about in
general, and some of you already have. But let's stay with the digits. Two, zero, one, one. In
numerological terms, the two represents what you would call duality and what we call
polarity. Polarity is the energy that is developed between that which is divine and that which
is linear - the energy that is Human life and that which is divine inside the Human life. Some
call it a battle, some call it a confluence of energy, some call it a marriage, and some call it
joy. Did you know that? Don't assign a negative aspect to polarity or duality. What if you have
conquered a balanced duality? What if you're absolutely aligned with the polarity between the
divine and the Human? What if you love it? What if you figured it out, would it then be
negative? No. What if it generates joy in your life every time you awaken and your eyes open
up and you say, "This is good. I am here on Earth with the essence of God inside, I am here to
plant the seeds of peace on the planet. I can hardly wait for this day. Let's go." Now, I know
that won't be all of you. But what if it was? Would it be a negative thing? No. It's just polarity.
Simply, it represents the two - the polarity between the divine and the non-divine.

Now, let's talk about transmuting this polarity. What happens when you take the non-divine
and you have a divine realization within it? Then it becomes divine! What happens to polarity
when there are no more poles? Did you ever think of that? Does it then become a one? That's
a joke. [Kryon humor] All right. There are even jokes in numerology.

So you have the polarity of the two. Next you have the zero. Now some would say, "Well, we
skip the zero because it has no value." That's not true. It may not have a value as you assign it
in three dimensions, for it is not one through nine. Nor is it a placeholder. Zero has a
significant value of having no value and that's a value, if you think of it! It is important.
Sometimes it simply separates the other numbers so that you can see the map better, and

sometimes it plays a more important part even than that. Used in computation, it is a X10
multiplier! Now, is it nothing, or does it "do" something? See what I mean? If you look at it
quantumly, it really shines. But don't. Not yet. That's another channel. [Kryon smile]

Next, you have the one. Ahh, but it sits next to itself, another one. The simple rules of
numerology say that this situation cannot be taken as a one; it must be taken as an 11. Eleven
is the first series of master numbers: 11, 22, 33, 44. Only three master numbers of nine are
identified to humanity. Do you know why? There is no consensus on 44, 55, 66, 77, etc.
Again, do you know why? Because you're not there yet! You do not have the consciousness to
understand what they mean. The spirituality, the grandness, the physics around them is
beyond the scope of where you are at the moment.

I will give this prediction: within the next generation, those who study numerology, those who
know the system, those who know what's coming, will be given a beautiful solution for 44.
And then you'll know that you are evolving just as we said you were… evolving spiritually
and compassionately.

So here you have the two, the zero and the 11. What is the 11? Illumination! It is also the
number of Kryon. It is also the number you keep seeing on your clocks, do you not? That's
not an accident, dear ones. Many of you are seeing the 11:11 synchronistically and have for
more than 17 years. It is the symbol for the shift. It is the symbol of synchronicity that says to
the old soul, "You have arrived at a place you knew you would be. Look, it's here. Look, it's
here." It is not a mistake that you're seeing 11:11. Let me take a moment to say it's not fair if
you look at 11:10 and stare at it for a while. [Laughter] 11:11 must present itself in its fullness
when you don't expect it, over and over and over, out of the odds of chance.

Ahh, 11… illumination. Now, let's put them together. Don't add them up yet. What do we
have? What is the meaning? Well, one meaning that we will give you is "the illumination of
polarity." Did you think of that? What is this year about? The illumination of duality and
polarity! If you illuminate something, you put light on it. Perhaps you are placing light on
something that has been in the dark, something that gives you information you did not have
before? Now, that really doesn't have the meaning when you add it up, which we haven't done
yet, but it gives insight within the number you're about to add. We'll return to the insight in a

What do you get when you add 2-0-1-1 together? You get four. The four - it's the year of
Gaia! For the four is "structure" and also the earth [Gaia energy]. Have you noticed what is
going on in the planet this year? We don't just speak about the weather. We speak of many
things. We speak of that which is volcanic; we speak of the things that even Gaia spoke of
when Gaia stood and spoke eloquently at the Grand Canyon. She said, "We're not done yet.
Expect shift. Expect more upheavals. Expect more weather." Gaia knows. And, by the way, at
the same time Gaia would say the same thing to you that I have said: Don't fear these changes.
They're on schedule, on target. I've channelled this before, and have even given you some
predictions of some of your largest earthquakes so you would not be shocked when they
arrived. [speaking of the prediction Kryon gave in 2008 in Chile]. These things are very
predictable, because when the poles melt slightly, they redistribute the water onto the thin
crust of the planet. It pushes the crust in ways it has not pushed for eons and the result is
earthquakes and volcanoes. It's not the end of the world, it's simply the water cycle and my
partner will explain it tomorrow [Lee will lecture within the seminar.].

So 2011 is structural and the year of Gaia. "All right, we knew that," you might say. So let's go
back to the subtleties, the illumination of duality. How shall we apply that and what is the best
way? Here is more esoteric. If you're going to apply anything in your life numerologically,
you're going to have to look at how it applies to you - not your neighbor and not in general.
You're going to want to bring it to yourself. You're here to work on something, are you not?
There are purposes in every chair here [speaking of the Human who sits in every seat]. Is it
just to know more? Is it to find joy in your life? Is it to heal yourself? Are there frustrations
that have lain upon you that you'd like to clear? Would you like to have things that you never
had before regarding peace and joy? You've been told they are available. Every single one of
you has a different purpose to be in the chair.

Now I want to show you something. I want to show you attitude. You come with a problem,
and we come with an entourage of love. We bring solution. We're not going to fix anything
you have, however. We're going to show you the map and how you can fix any anxiety over
anything. So what do you do? Perhaps today you might start by examining the energy of
numerology pulled to you. How are you going to pull it into yourself? Are you going to
visualize a rope that pulls something esoteric that you don't really understand? And, pulled
into what? You must do it with your DNA!

"Here he goes again," some will say. "It's Kryon again talking about biology. Why don't you
talk about spiritual things, Kryon? I want to know about my angels. I want to know about my
guides. I want to know about esoteric things, about ETs. But there you go again talking about
biology… a molecule." All right. Let's talk about the molecule, but let's talk about it in a way
that may surprise you. For it contains everything you asked for! Let's again look at the first
time in recorded history where the magnificence of the DNA field was seen and recorded. I've
given this example many times before. I will make it brief, but I will tell you there is
significance to this message. I bring it to you now, in review, so you will see what I want you
to see.

The Revelation of the DNA Quantum Field, as Seen in History

The ancient prophet Elijah is a prophet to all of the main religions today. For those who are
Israeli, Islam and Christian, your scriptures all listed Elijah as a great prophet… one of the
father prophets. He was wise, and all respected him.

Elijah did something that no other Human Being had ever done. He wished to ascend while
alive, and he wanted it recorded so that all could know what it looked like. That is to say, he
wanted it transcribed, written down, and seen by somebody with an appointment to view it.
And he did. Elijah chose his understudy, Elisha, to watch him and record what he saw. I've
given the story so many times, but it's grand every time it's given!

Now, Elisha wanted something in return. He made an agreement with Elijah. "Master, I will
do whatever you want. If you're really leaving, I'm going to miss you so much! But please,
would you to pass me your mantle?" Now perhaps this has not been explained well, so I'm
going to tell you what it means, and I want you to see something so advanced that even today
it's not even spoken of. We have two men who are spiritual. One is about to ascend and leave
the planet. The other one is asking to take all of the wisdom the one leaving ever had and
transfer it to the one remaining. Do you know how that's usually done? They both have to die!
It's done on the other side of the veil by agreement, and one comes back with the other's
wisdom. Not this time.

They looked in each other's eyes and Elijah smiled and he said, "It is done. It's yours."
Indeed! Let history show that after the passing of Elijah, Elisha went on to do grand and great
things, even some which are greater than the master Elijah himself. Elisha took the wisdom
and the mantle of the prophet Elijah and pasted it upon himself and it became his. Now, dear
one, tell me what that process is all about? Why can't you do that today? Well, I will tell you it
was not 3D. I will tell you it is one of the most esoteric things that's ever occurred, yet hardly
anyone speaks of it.

How would you like to pass your wisdom to someone else with an appointment? Oh, that's a
subject for another channel. Quantum, it is. Beautiful, it is. A process, it is. And, by the way, it
has something to do with 44! Imagine, a Human with the ability to pass wisdom on without
death! Even the Shamans could not do that! Oh, they tried, but they couldn't. That's why the
greatest shamanic souls who lived on the earth had their knowledge passed on when they did.
It had to come back through their Akash. Image what it would be like if you could pass
everything you have learned to someone else! This is a concept not yet known by hardly
anyone on the planet. Only the Tibetans have this knowledge at the present.

The Ascension of the Master Elijah

Elijah walked into the field with Elisha watching. As the Scripture says in what you would
call the book of Second Kings, the following took place: Elijah turned into a ball of light!
Elisha was writing as fast as he could. Elisha felt the impact of the transformation, writing as
fast as he could, but being amazed by the spectacle. It was a ball of light, but so bright, so

Now I want you to see what did not happen and verify it for yourself within the scriptures. No
light in the sky came down to get Elijah! Did you realize that? Nothing came down from
above. All the energy Elisha saw was generated by the Human Being called Elijah. He had
done it with his own spirituality, as he instantly turned into the part of God that he was. He
couldn't stay very long either, or he'd vaporize everything around him! It was quick, and
Elisha saw it.

Elisha didn't really know what he was seeing, but it was amazing. Almost instantly, as Elisha
tells it, there were three kinds of energies that came down to assist Elijah into the heavens.
The metaphor was that Elijah was riding a chariot pulled by three white horses. Spiritual
things that are out of 3D are always a metaphor, dear ones. It's the only way to give messages
about things you can't conceive of. But I want you to look at the numerology. It's about the
three - the catalytic three. It's in spirituality everywhere. You'll find it in every religion,
representing the energies of God. There's something about the three. We even say to you now
that we are using the third language above you as you hear and read this. The third language
is a metaphor for the catalytic communication of God to men. It was the communication to
Elisha of what Elijah was experiencing. Elisha was overwhelmed! He named the chariot that
Elijah rode in. In Hebrew, he named it the Merkabah, which means "to ride." Elijah was
riding in his own God energy.

Now, let me tell you what Elisha really saw. He was the first Human in history to gaze upon
that which is created in every single Human Being, out to a distance of eight meters. It's
called the DNA Quantum Field [The Merkabah]. If you have God inside every single piece of
your DNA, and the DNA begins to be activated, you will have the same experience Elijah did!

And so there it is - DNA, yet again. It's not just biology, not just a molecule, but the carrier of
all that is spiritual in every single Human Being.

Your Akashic Record is there. Everything you've ever done is there. All your life lessons are
there. Your spiritual core is there. Your angelic name is there. Even ET energy is there! All of
those things that are spiritually unique in every single Human Being is there. So now that we
have established this and we've shown you what we want to show you about what is
quantumly around every Human Being alive, let's talk about it.

We have identified the layers of DNA to you. You have it in a book. You have their Hebrew
names, all the names of God. Isn't that interesting? Do you see how every single layer is
honored? There's nothing ordinary about them, or you! So now, if you wish to grasp a concept
about what you're doing for yourself this year, which one of those conceptual layers of DNA
would you work on? We're going to tell you and we're going to give you the example. It will
be an example we really want to nail [anchor] so you don't forget it. This channel is as
important as any we've ever given, yet as simple as we've ever given. You'll see.

What is The Layer of DNA to Work on This Year?

Now… there are those who know the layers already, and they are stating, "Well, it's got to be
layer six. That's the Higher-Self. It's got to be that one. After all, the Higher-Self is the portal
of communication. When you go to meditate, that's what you're activating, that's the pipeline.
When you call upon joy inside, that's the pipeline too. It's got to be that one. That's what we
are working on, right?" I'll say, it is not. No, it is not.

"It's got to be number 10, then. That's a very spiritual layer. It has to do with the essence of
your existence, of your divinity. Divinity is the source of your existence. So it's got to be that
one. It's about the creative source and about that which is not God, but the Creator, an energy
apart from God, which is a representation of all that is, and the creation of the Universe." I'll
say, no, it's not that one either.

"Well, perhaps it's layer 12," you might say. "Layer 12 is very difficult to understand because
it's so simply stated. It's called Almighty God. This has to be it." Let me tell you what layer 12
is. It's the face of God in you! Almighty God in you is what people see when you are
compassionate, it's what people see when you are in love. It's what people see when you're
celebrating issues and you're joyful. The benevolence of creation itself is Almighty God. Is it
that one? No, it isn't.

All those layers are important, they're all sacred. But no, none of them are what your work is
about this year. You already have a hint, for it's pasted upon the name of the year. It's number
11. And this is where we get in trouble, because it's not understood. So I'm going to explain it.

The Eleventh Layer of DNA

DNA layer number 11 is defined as the wisdom of the divine feminine. Now, this is where we
lose all the men. [Laughter] For in 3D, you don't really want that, do you, men? It's because
you think of gossamer things, feminine things. You are a man, and the energy of this layer
doesn't seem to be necessarily commensurate to your gender [part of a man]. However, that's
very 3D, and it isn't so. First of all, all of you have been both genders. You know that, don't
you? You take turns. We've discussed this many times. You must know that this is part of the

system. It develops the balance over many expressions and incarnations of who you are today.
Often the woman has warrior energy, the man has the mother that is gentle. It is in all of you.
You are all a mixture, so I can speak of the wise divine feminine and I speak to every single
one in the room, for there is no gender with God. So I'm going to define this wise, divine
energy in a way that you're going to understand.

First of all, what is the wisdom of the divine feminine? In a few words, what is that wisdom?
What is it that is so important for this year? Let us talk about the functionality of what it is
and the wisdom of the divine feminine. Mainly, it is compassion. That's the key word, and
you've heard that before, haven't you? You even heard that from Adamus this weekend
[speaking of the earlier channelling of Geoff Hoppe]. You've heard that from Gaia, haven't
you? [speaking of the earlier channelling of Pepper Lewis]. Compassion. What kind of
compassion, you might ask? Compassion for other people? Yes. But it's more than that. And
I'm going to explain it to you in concepts you're going to understand.

The reason compassion and wisdom are linked to the feminine is for the reason I'm going to
give you now. You have one grand example where you're all going to understand it, even the
men in the room, because even they have had this experience. Old soul, you sit in the male
body and you're proud of it, but you've had the experience of the wise divine feminine and
when I start talking about it, you're going to remember. It's about giving birth.

The Metaphor of the Mother and Child

There's nothing like it, birthing a child. It etches the experience into the consciousness of
every single Human Being who is around the experience in any way. When the angels stand
around the bed singing, and you hear that first cry of the child, it's so joyful! And if you're
fortunate enough to be in a situation where you lay this child on the chest of a mother, and
perhaps the child looks up for a moment, it's first eye contact. There is nothing like it on the

So that's what I want to talk about right now. How much do you love this child, mom? What
would you give that energy on a scale of one to 100? The mothers in the room are saying, "A
hundred and twenty." There's nothing like it. The creation of life is awesome and grand. It
represents all the patterning of you in the child. All the appropriate things that have come
through, and the child is perfect. Esoterically, here is the child you expected. Esoterically, it
might even be a past relative. That's how it works. You know that, don't you? Esoterically, the
child selected you. Esoterically, you selected the child.

So that moment is magic and if you understand these beautiful, spiritual workings, it's even
more magical. But even if you are totally ignorant of any of these things, it's still magical.
Because there is the dynamic and multidimensional love that cannot be described between the
infant and the mother. It's universal and worldwide.

Now, we're going to give you the example of an imaginary situation. As we look at this love,
I'm going to give you a metaphor to consider. I want to give you an example of the
compassion of the wise, divine mother. It's not just the compassion for other Human Beings
on the planet, it's compassion for God. It is compassion for the relationship of the duality, that
which is divine within the Human. It represents the cord of love between the mother and child
that is compassionate love. It also represents the communication between you and God, the
cord between us. That is the metaphor. When you solve who God is in your life and within

your body, everything else starts to clear up.

So let's play with this imaginary situation. In this magic moment, let's say that suddenly the
child is ageless and intelligent. Suddenly, time is suspended. Suddenly, the child starts asking
you questions! So for just a moment, the child is going to query you about who you are and
what you want. Now, make no mistake what the metaphor is about, because what this child is
going to be told by the mother is what I want to tell every single one in the chair about you
and God. So listen to this interchange between mother and child, representing the wise, divine

The child speaks to the mother: "Mother, what's my life going to be like with you? Who are
you really? What are you going to do?"

Think for a moment what your answer would be. Let's ask you, would it be this?

The mother looks down at the newborn child on her chest and says, "Well, the first thing I'm
going to do is keep myself a secret from you. You're going to have to really work hard to find
out how much I love you. I'm going to have to compartmentalize it and put it in places where
you're going to have to search and search to find it. It will be in the dark, sequestered only to
other Humans, not you. There will be many secrets, and you may never find me."

Are you going to say that to your child, mom? Is that the message? Or, are you going to say
the opposite?

"I am here for you; I am here for you! I am wide open for you and I'm going to be with you all
your life. You're never going to have to search for me because I'll be by your side loving and
protecting you. There will never be a secret about where I am… no secrets! It won't matter
what you are told, or what others may think, I'm here!"


That's the truth of what you're going to say to this special being who has just arrived with your
blood, isn't it? The child sighs and hugs you closer. That's truth.

"Tell me more, mom! What else?"

Mom, would you then look your child in the eye and say, "Now, also in order for you to have
a good relationship with me, I want you to suffer a little. Not only that, there's going to be
some performance attributes… a few thousand stairs to climb. I'm going to want to swat you
down a few times to make you uncomfortable and miserable and doubt your worth. Then if
you don't behave, I'll abandon you."

Are you going to say that? The answer is NO! And I want to tell you, neither does God say
that to you!

Listen to me, Human Being; this does not have to be difficult. Human Beings have put
Human rules on God. They've made God a Human Being, even given God a Human
biological gender, even put wars in heaven! They have done so many other things to
humanize the creator of the Universe! Don't buy it. Use your own spiritual logic. This is not
our relationship, old soul, and never has been.

I want you to come away from this place knowing who you are: The child who lies on the
chest of the Almighty creator, looking into the eyes of God.

Let's have the next question, but this time the metaphor is dissolved. Instead, it's you and God:
"God, what do you want? What do you want from me?"

"I want you to love me all your life. I know there will be difficult times and there will be times
you won't understand what's going on. I know you're a child and you're going to have
growing pains. I know there will be times when you retreat from me and you come back. But I
want you to know I'm always here. And my hand is always out to help you through the
darkness. You can call me anytime." And that, dear one, is the relationship of us to you.

I represent a piece on the other side of the veil who can speak openly and freely to old souls in
this place, and I say, "This is our relationship of compassion." And that is what this year is

"What else, God, what else do you want?" What would the mother say over a period of years?
It's the same for us. The child grows up and the mother says, "Well, why don't you come to
dinner more often?" Even when the child has a life of their own and has figured everything
out and even has their own family, mom continues the love and says, "Why don't you call me
sometime?" And you don't have to be Jewish! [Laughter]

That's what I want to give you right now. That is what you're going to tell the child, isn't it?
The child is the love for a lifetime. Could it be simpler? Could it be more profoundly pure?
Why does humanity place God in a box, entrapped in Human form with Human attributes
such as gender, judgment, envy, retribution and punishment? That's not who we are! We are
the creators of all that is, including the beauty that is the Human Being.

Those negative and scary attributes are not what you're going to tell your child, are you?
Mom? Dad? And neither do we! So the word is compassion. It responds to the 11 in the 2011;
it responds to that which is 11 in DNA; and it responds to that energy that you are working on
now. For when you get the compassion of the mother, the wise, divine feminine, that polarity
of yours between God and Human will no longer be called a duality. Instead, it's a singularity
that is you and God as one.

Dear one, everyone will see it on your face. That's when the healing begins that you have
come for. Then the problems are solved. This is when you begin planting the seeds for peace
on Earth.

Why don't you take us up on our offer? Why don't you call us sometime? [Laughter] Tonight,
perhaps? Would it hurt that much to lift your hands to the sky and say, "I love you, God"?
Don't be surprised if you feel our hand in yours, saying, "It's about time you called."

That is tonight's message. That's what this year is about.

Stay centered, become compassionate. Oh, there will be distractions, old soul, for you are in a
battle. We told you that you would be. This battle is of the old and the new energy, and it is
not pleasant. Some of you are going through things you didn't expect. Stay centered. That
which is in you, which is God, is still your parent energy. The seeds are there and will always

be there as the creator of all that is. The love is eternal, and now I've said it, and many old
souls who needed to have heard it.

Let the healing begin.

And so it is.


Quantum Factor - Physics with an
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 21, 2011 at 1:20pm


"The Quantum Factor - Physics with an attitude!"

This live channelling was Given in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

April 10, 2011

To help the reader, this channelling has been revisited [by Lee and Kryon] to provide even
clearer understanding. Often what happens live has implied energy within it, which carries a
kind of communication that the printed page does not. So enjoy this enhanced message given
in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, April 10, 2011.

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. And so the message this evening is the
same as it was the evening before, and depending upon that which my partner does will
determine that which is then developed as an audio transcription - for I gave it to him last
night for the first time so that he would understand these things and would not be a surprize
today. So in that, there comes a greater understanding and a better wisdom, for the things that
we wish to present this evening are new to some.

We speak now about a premise that we have not spoken of before in this detail, so perhaps it
will be a bit unbelievable. It is a premise that has to do with physics, but also everything to do
with you. It is a premise that has to do with the energy that you sit in now.

A few moments ago when we opened this door, we asked, "Is the man in the chair
pretending?" [speaking of Lee channelling]. We asked that so that you would have
discernment and you would know truth, for here is a message that will go to the core of
reality. Here is a message that is unbelievable to some, so because of its nature, we bring you
the practical part as well. We fill a little of it with your science - that three-dimensional aspect
that will anchor things that might sound unbelievable. We present to you that which some day
your scientists will see, but which some of them are beginning to see today. They are not
understanding totally what it could mean, or how it works or what truly is the core meaning of
it. But you can't deny it's there. So in order to do this properly, we will present it in pieces and

The Overview
Here's the premise: As you open the door to understanding that which is quantum in your

science, you are going to discover a new kind of physics that is always benevolent in its
attributes. That is to say, you're about to open a door and look at something that is not linear
and that has a bias - the bias of benevolence. Is it possible that there is an actual energy in
physics that is biased benevolently? This really doesn't make sense, because physics is
supposed to be a system of laws, relationships, and not a system with any kind of

So the puzzle before you is many fold, but first it is one where you have to now assume that
the quantum world might have an added attribute that is beyond just a "set of rules." How
could a "system" be biased? This is going to sound like science, but it is not all the science
you expect. We want to give you this information because it ties in with the creative energy
that you are experiencing now, dear Human Being.

Quantum Definition

It is difficult to know how to begin and difficult to know how to explain this in a way that you
will actually understand. So let us start with this. Your science believes at the moment that
quantum physics has to do with the way small particles react to each other. These would be
particles that are so small; they are even particles of light, molecules of DNA, and other
products of the wave particle theory. These are so small, you have to see them under an
electron microscope. This is what you call quantum mechanics and it's only being seen within
the very small.

Here is a puzzle already. Did you know that light and other matter regularly changes from
waves to particles? Did you know that light changes to a particle when it is being observed by
a Human Being? Now, how can a mathematical system "sense" that it is being observed?
Already you know that quantum energy might just be very different than anything you
thought. What if it isn't physics at all? What if quantum energy is "the creator's fingerprint"? It
would be physics and also have a consciousness. But then, perhaps that's just too strange?

The Large Quantum Energy of the Galaxy

I'm going to give you information to think about. The quantum energy you see in the very
small also occurs in the very large. In fact, we'll even go so far as to tell you that physics is
actually different in different parts of the Universe, depending on what is at the center of each
galaxy. Let's start with that premise - that physics is not a set standard of universal rules. It
varies depending on the quantum stamp of the creator energy of each one. Some of them are
very similar, but all of them are slightly different. And if you could know the differences,
you'd wonder why, and I just told you - it's what's in the middle.

Because your physics is mainly 3D, you have difficulty with how things really work. And
quantum physics is the only clue you have to a multi-verse and the possibility that some laws
of mass and gravity are determined by what happens in the middle of each galaxy. The
creation energy is in the middle. That bipolar energy, that push/pull that we have called "the
twins" are in the middle of your galaxy. You see it in 3D as a singularity - which, by the way,
is impossible - but it's really a double event. Science doesn't know that yet. So we give this to
you so that when they discover it, you can say you heard it here. It will then give credibility to
everything else I'm going to say. By the way, how is it, when everything in your physics
comes in pairs, even your current laws of physics, that you create a singularity in the middle
of the galaxy? Did anyone consider that it could be another pair?

Let us start with the astronomer and ask, "Dear Astronomer, do you believe in God?" The
astronomer will think for a moment and might then say, "I am not one to define divinity. It's
not my science. I might believe in God, but that's not my study, for I deal in the scientific
method." So you might ask him instead, "All right, what do you see that is scientifically
interesting to you about our galaxy?" This is where the astronomer may get a bit excited and
say, "All right, I will tell you what is interesting to all of us. We've discovered something we
don't understand. There are physical principles in large things that do not apply to orbital
mechanics as you have learned them within Newtonian and Euclidian physics. It's odd to us
that the galaxy moves as one plate, almost like the stars were pebbles glued upon it. It all
rotates together. There has to be some kind of energy that holds that form. For orbital
mechanics as we know them have to do with gravity and mass and orbiting objects around a
fulcrum, such as our sun, and it creates orbits that are all different. All objects around a
gravitational center seek their orbits based upon mass and speed. That's why all the planets
have different orbits. It's the physics that we expect. That's what our solar system does. But
not a galaxy. Galaxies have something in the middle that must be gravity based, yet
everything moves around the center as one. There is some kind of gravitational or attractive
unity there. We don't understand it."

The Incredible Design - Against All Odds

But that's not all. Then they will tell you something that you cannot believe. It has to do with
what you call random chance. So we're going to call this channelling, "The Quantum Factor."
There is something you didn't expect that is happening all around you. In your three-
dimensional reality, everything that happens on the earth seems to be in a random state. That
is to say, reality responds in an expected bell-shaped curve. Common things happen more
often than uncommon things. The odds take a shape of expected randomness. If you were to
roll a dice over and over thousands of times, you would see a consistency of randomness that
is what you call the way things work. That's what you expect. There's no bias to it.

Back to the astronomer - the astronomer is saying, "Everywhere we look, examining what you
would call ‘the creating energy of the Universe', is incredibly mathematically improbable. It
would be like if you rolled the dice and you got six and then six and then six, a thousand
times. It is beyond the realm of randomness. It shows there had to be intelligent design." Now
I'm not talking about a metaphysical person. I'm talking about an astronomer. Everywhere
they look, against all odds, the Universe is benevolently designed for life. They've used the
term "intelligent design." I use the term "benevolent design." And I will tell you that the
energy that glues the solar systems of your galaxy together, more than 100 billion stars, is a
giant quantum hand that sits upon all the galaxies of your Universe like the hand of God. It's a
quantum, benevolent hand.

How can this be? It is the first of many examples we are going to give you, for this is the
quantum factor, the very creator fingerprint of the Universe. It is biased in love, biased for
life, biased in benevolence. Here you are, sitting on an earth that shouldn't actually exist, for
the only thing that allows it to exist is intelligent design.

How long did it take for science to realize this? For them, it's a puzzle, not a divine statement.
It's out of statistical probability and seems to only have been possible by design - a
benevolence that is the creator energy of the Universe. Think of that. What does this mean to
you? If there is a benevolence in the overall creation of the Universe allowing for life,
allowing for this earth to exist, it means that other earths exist. There's life everywhere! We

told you that many times. However, we sit on a very special earth - the planet that is the only
planet of free choice anywhere. There's only one in every Universe, and there have been other
planets of free choice before. There are also graduate planets of free choice, providing the
seeds of life to other planets, which then become new planets of divine free choice.

So here you are, the creative energy in you has the wisdom of the ages. It is the wisdom of the
ages of your galaxy, not of your earth. Others before you in the billions of years that this
galaxy has existed have participated in other tests of consciousness. They have graduated to
new levels of benevolence, passing it on to the next planet. It is a long-term event, and
eventually you will do the same. In this way, you populate the galaxy with your own seeds
and the seeds of those before you - seeds of divine purpose.

As you pass this benevolence, it actually shapes the next Universe and how intelligent the
design will be. It has been around a long time to get to this place where physics can be shown
to have an attitude. It is an attitude of benevolence. That's the big picture. Let's move to a
medium one.

The Only Sustainable Quantum Energy on the Planet

Let me take you to an experiment over a decade ago. Two men in Scotland were involved - a
physicist and a medical doctor. The medical doctor is Dr. Todd Ovokaitys, my partner's
colleague. What a coincidence these two men of science met in this lifetime [Kryon smile].
The physicist and the medical doctor were the first to co-develop a sustainable, coherent,
controllable, repeatable, quantum event. That is to say, they have an invention that creates
quantum energy that can be sustained, repeated, and used. They've done it by opposing laser
energies out of phase through what we would call a quantum holographic lens arrangement.
An actual shift of time occurs and that coherent quantum soup, although very small, is
controllable and can be repeated, manipulated, and delivered where they want it to go.

Now, they're not the first Humans on the planet to create quantum energy. But they're the first
ones to create one that is designed and repeatable. The first Human to create quantum energy
was Nikola Tesla. He couldn't control it, but he knew it was there and had seen it over and
over within his magnetic experiments.

What the physicist and the doctor did over the next decade showed the quantum factor, for
they then applied this designed quantum soup that they had invented to biology. Every time
they imbued this energy into a biological test or experiment, they got healing! Think of it.
What are the odds that you would develop some kind of an energy on the planet and wherever
you pointed it, it healed? What are the odds of that? It's like rolling six and then six and then
six. Are you starting to see a pattern?

When this quantum energy is able to be reproduced in other laboratories, there will be those
(and there always are) who will try to weaponize it. Here is something you should know: It
will be the first energy every discovered that won't allow this. It can't be weaponized because
it is benevolent. Imagine, a quantum energy that's just simply physics, but which has an
attitude! What does that tell you? It should show you that there's something going on within
high physics that is more than math and attributes of matter.

In time, the quantum factor will be discovered on this planet. When it is, it will be highly
controversial, and it's going to fly in the face of logic and 3D and the way things work via the

scientific method. The ramp-up to all this is difficult. The old souls in front of me have signed
on to work this new energy and they've waded through lifetimes, just waiting for this. What
would you do as a scientist if the experiments before you had "a mind of their own"? What
would you think if magnetics, gravity and light could only be assembled in a certain way that
created healing and never a destructive alignment? All this is going to redefine some of the
basic forces in the Universe. Intelligent design is only the first, and even today many
astronomers and physicists still think it's an anomaly.

That will be the next largest discovery on the planet. It's been held back from you because it
takes a higher vibrating consciousness to create and understand it. When any planet discovers
a quantum energy and is able to use it, you could go to that planet and know that you will
meet high-consciousness entities. This has never been given to you before that, for within the
quantum factor contains the secret of interplanetary travel using large, entangled states. There
are ways of doing things you never thought could happen. You can throw away your rocket
ships. You're on the edge of that.

DNA - A Quantum Force

Now let me take you to the very small. Over a decade ago, Vladimir Poponin, a Russian
scientist, used light in an experiment with one molecule of DNA. Through this experiment, he
discovered a multidimensional field around DNA. Light patterned itself into a mathematical
equation [sine wave] when DNA was present. He discovered that DNA had a quantum field.
Not only that, it was a quantum field somehow filled with information. How else could the
field pattern light into a sine wave? Now, this came from a quantum biologist, not Kryon. Yet
there are many who doubt this experiment ever happened, since it shows something that no
Human expected. There are those who simply don't wish to look at the fact that real quantum
biologists did a real experiment! They chose to relegate all that information to the new age
and not to science. It's always interesting what Humans do with science, isn't it? If it doesn't
fit the 3D model of their reality, then they deny it exists.

When the full Human genome was transcribed, every single chemical in it was seen. The
numbers are shocking, for in a molecule that is so small you cannot see it without an electron
microscope, there are more than 3 billion chemicals! The double helix is more complex than
you know. This molecule is small enough to be qualified to be in a quantum state, and
Vladimir Poponin showed that it actually had a field around it, even a single DNA molecule.

Those who did the Human Genome Project wanted to know how the 3 billion chemicals of
DNA create more than 26,000 genes of the Human body. By the way, there are more genes
than that, but I'm using the scientists' numbers, not mine. So this is what they were interested
in. They did not see DNA in a quantum state. They were not looking for that, even though the
very science of DNA shouts with logic that it has to be quantum. They weren't looking for
that. Instead, they counted chemicals and looked for codes, and they found them in a very odd

They discovered that of the 3 billion chemicals in the DNA double helix, all the genes were
being created in the protein-encoded parts of DNA. Three and a half percent of DNA was
creating all the genes. More than 90% of the chemical makeup of DNA seemed to be random.
It did absolutely nothing - that they could see or understand. Even to this day, science does not
see the obvious, that the 90% is quantum and the 3.5% is linear.

Today, your quantum physicists are often dealing with ten dimensions plus time (11
dimensions) in the most popular kind of multi-dimensional physics, string theory. If you
began to ask them about what this all looks like, they would say the words, "chaos" and
"random patterning." For this is the way that quantum fields work. They are filled with
potentials instead of absolutes, and they vary depending on many factors... including Human
consciousness. Someday there will be the realization there is a strong possibility that DNA,
although a biological molecule, is in a quantum state. This will break the rules of "size" in a
quantum state. For it actually is "mostly quantum," and even affects the spin of the atoms that
enter its field. Then the next obvious question will occur: "What information is in the ninety
percent of DNA that is quantum?"

Now we get to the core truth, don't we? So I will tell you. The ninety percent of DNA which is
quantum, is filled with information, both esoteric and timeless. It is a quantum blueprint for
everything you are and have been since you arrived on the planet the first time. DNA contains
instruction sets for your life; everything from your full Akashic Record - every single lifetime
you have had - to the benevolent creator's fingerprint within the seeds of creation itself. Every
single talent you ever had is there, even if you don't have any of those today... the record is
there. Every predisposition of weakness and strength are there. Biologically, every single
instruction to every single stem cell is there.

Did you ever wonder where stem cells get their "information" to make the Human Being? It's
in the 90% of your DNA, and it's all quantum. Why do some quantum DNA contain
instructions to create weaker bodies? Why is it that some predispositions for disease are there?
Now I'm giving you this information so that you will understand something that is coming
next... perhaps the most important biological attribute ever presented.

DNA is a Dynamic Molecule, not a static one.

Humanity is stuck in the 3D portion of their biological thinking. In your 3-D life, you simply
accept the chemistry you're given. You act as though the three percent gene producing part is
all there is. You believe it is a chemical protocol that is unchangeable and simply "you." You
don't see it for the way it's designed. It's dynamic and always has been. It's not set, but will
continue to simply repeat what it does unless there is another quantum influence on it.

Therefore you live with the 3 percent as though it were all there is, and since it just "came
with your body" and seems to control everything, you never talk to it. Many of you come in
with pre-dispositions based upon the karma which is put upon you from your past lives. You
don't come in clean [without karmic energy]. Instead, you arrive with pre-dispositions, fears
and phobias. Some are positive. Perhaps you come in as a prodigy continuing your last life...
the 8-year-old who can paint like a master and do brushstrokes that take 30 years to develop.
What does that tell you about what must be in the DNA?

Perhaps you come in as the composer, the pianist, the prodigy, the violinist, just waiting until
your hands can go on the fingerboard or can reach up and fret the notes. Perhaps you come in
knowing how to play the piano, just waiting for your hands to get big enough to do what you
used to do... without any lessons. How do you explain that, dear ones? The answer is that all
this is contained in the dynamic quantum instruction sets of your DNA... the part you never
talk to it.

Cell Division - a static process?

Let me take you to the cellular division process. We've said this before, but you need to hear
this to understand how it works. A cell is ready to divide. The Human body is designed to
rejuvenate... all tissue. You've been told that there's some tissue that does not rejuvenate, but
that is incorrect. It all rejuvenates at different speeds at different times and in different ways.
It rejuvenates. So now you know that the Human body is designed to live a long time.
Unfortunately, the energy that you have created on this planet and what you've gone through,
has beat it up. You don't live much more than 80 years. That was not the design.

The Biblical personalities were sometimes prophets and sometimes masters and sometimes
just there... and lived for hundreds of years. Did they really? Or perhaps this is that just a
metaphor? Did they get that right in the Bible without a error in transcription? I'm going to
tell you the truth. It's very accurate. Thousands of years ago you lived a very long time,
Lemurian. If you knew your lifespan, you'd gasp. But not anymore. Instructions have been
given over time to DNA, literally, by the energy of the planet... en energy that you have
created through consciousness.

A cell divides. Right before it divides, it needs the blueprint to clone itself. The blueprint is
available from the stem cell. The stem cell gets its information from the quantum part of the
DNA, which has never changed since you were born. It's remained static, since nothing has
ever changed it... and the fact that you don't believe it's changeable and have just accepted
aging. There's not a conscious effort to do anything with it, and it just lays there like it always

The diving cell "talks" to the stem cell and says, "Do the same thing you always did? Change
anything?" And the stem cell talks to the cell that is dividing, saying, "Make another one just
the same." Then you rejuvenate just like the last one, accepting everything you received when
you were born.

There's another quantum energy on the planet that has the quantum factor... the Great Shift. It
is a benevolence that you have created, and that is new. You now sit in a revolutionary change
and some of you are aware it and feeling it. It is the shift of Human consciousness and it's
shifting right into the quantum factor, since you are becoming more quantum in your
consciousness... and it is becoming benevolent. That is why you're seeing this earth react the
way it is.

You're starting to see those who will not allow the old systems. You will no longer have
dictators. Citizens all over earth want control over lives. They don't want war. They want their
families to be safe! They want peace and abundance. They want their grandchildren to have
hope for a better life than they had. You're starting to see it over and over in these places that
have had dictators for years.

The question was asked, "When will Africa be included in this? Will it have benevolent
revolution?" So again I will tell you about the next generation. Guess who's going to be there
to make sure this happens? The man in the chair! [speaking of Lee] This is his choice, and
he's is ready. He will have black skin, as he has before, and he's going to be right where he
needs to be.

Seventy-five years from now, he'll be there ready to go, and he's not going to be a channeller.
There's no way to prove that, is there? He won't know who he used to be, either... but he'll just
know what he's supposed to do. Like the prodigy, it's written in his DNA, and he wrote it! He

won't be alone, for there are those he knows who will be there too. Perhaps even the doctor?
(speaking of Dr. Todd Ovokaitys). So karmically, you often travel together, except my partner
has dropped his karma! So then what happens? The answer is free choice and control of who
you will become. He will arrive "ready to play a part in a benevolent, unified Africa."

By then, there's going to be a healed Africa, ripe and ready to develop one of the most
abundant and resource-filled continents this planet has ever seen... without any history that is
democratic. They won't have to unlearn anything! They could start from nothing. They can
take the best of any system that they've ever seen and build it. Africa will become one of the
most abundant continents in the world. And, by the way, they're going to have one currency.
[Kryon smile]

Some say, "Well, what about China? They're very large. Look at what they've done." So I
again say, look at what they have to unlearn. They must rewrite thousands of years of culture
in order to change. Africa will only have the history that you see today. Sickness, disease,
dictators... and survival. There will be no establishment to remember or rewrite. It will be
original... and benevolent! This is benevolent energy on the planet working in synchronicity
for you. Did you ever wonder how energy can be developed like this? Because it loves you
and it has an attitude!

The Great Shift

Here's what you should know: Within this shift of Human consciousness, you're starting to
receive the quantum factor of benevolence in Human consciousness. That is to say, human
nature is becoming more and more benevolent, What this also means is that you are now able
to interface with another quantum field... a field around you called the Merkabah, which is
your DNA's field. This will create "a confluence of quantumness interfacing with another." I
don't know if you know what that means in physics, but I will tell you. What you think, you

So, what is the first thing you wish to create, Human? How about rewriting your DNA
potentials... the quantum parts that talk to the stem cells and allow you to live longer lives?
How'd you like to live another hundred years? Every time I ask that, Humans give me
standard old energy, 3-D answers... and I just heard it here. "Not me! I don't want to look that
way. It's bad enough what I look like now. I'll be old and infirm. Also, Earth just won't support
it. The population will be too big. It's not a responsible thing to do. We won't even be able to
feed that many."

Oh, how 3-D of you! Do you see your bias?

The one who has seen black and white all their lives is afraid of color. What will we do with
all that? It will be confusing. It will distract us. We won't even know what to do with it! We
might even self-destruct

What if... just what if... you also became wiser as well? What if you started to control that
which is your population and the use of the earth's resources in a better way. What if you
stopped using up the resources of earth and depended instead upon the ocean for power as we
told you how to do? What if you decided to dig a hole and make steam out of the heat that's
below your feet, instead of building a nuclear reactor? What if you finally realized that
nuclear reactors are the world's most expensive and dangerous steam engines! There are lots

of ways of making steam that will not hurt one animal, or molecule of air, and the process lays
there ready for your discovery. What if you became benevolent and responsible, and GAIA
supported the balance of your numbers? What a concept!

What is the second thing you might wish to change? How about creating peace on the planet?
Believe it or not, this is actually in progress and has been for over 50 years!

Changing what is in your DNA

Stems cells are only one thing to change in your DNA. What about your emotional engrams...
the energy which allows consciousness? There are those in this room that need to hear this.
Who is it you won't forgive? Who is it you think has etched in to your life something that you
can never forget, and that you wake up every day with it? I know who's here. Remember...
when a cell divides, let us call it a brain cell, it asks, "The same or different?" Have you talked
to your cells about this? Do you want this in your life forever? "The same or different?" Your
DNA can become more benevolent if you wish it to. It's more peaceful, if you want it to. Even
an event, which caused that groove of horror to be etched into your brain that you feel can
never be forgotten, can be rewritten into balance! Do you see what we are telling you? You
are in control! Are you paying attention? You can rewrite anything. That's the power of the
Human being in this new energy.

The Old Soul has the Experience

In this new energy, old souls will pick this up first. Perhaps you are an old soul... wise on the
planet, and you begin to start changing. Others around you will see it in
youq2w3e4r5t6y7u8i9... perhaps even a change in Human nature, and they'll say, "What have
you got? I want it." What will you say?

You don't ever have to give them a Kryon book! You never have to say one word about your
belief system. Instead, they watch you work with other Humans beings; they watch you love
others who are seemingly unlovable. They watch you care about people who you could never
care about before.

Human nature becoming more benevolent? Perhaps you start to see it in areas you never
thought you'd see it. Politics will begin to change. The way you do business starts to change.
What you expect of each other becomes more peaceful, and less abrasive. Oh, dear ones, there
will always be those who are unbalanced. There will always be that which you cannot control.
There will always be Human free choice, and prisons. There will be ones who come to the
planet for the first time who haven't got a clue how anything works, and do everything wrong,
seemingly, just like you did. I'm talking about a slow move of the majority of consciousness,
and old souls are the first to see it and make this shift.

There is a lineage in the room. Not just one of many lifetimes but one of wisdom that brings
you to the chair. The questions you ask about civilization and earth are wise ones. "When are
we going to learn the lessons?" you say. Well, it begins, and you must see the issues in order
to have asked that question, right? There's a wisdom pool sitting in the room that is enormous.
Don't you feel it?

And so, dear Human Being, you have the ability to start to return to an energy that you
thought you'd lost, where Human beings are allowed to live longer and it doesn't destroy the

environment. They don't overcrowd themselves because they can control it through their
minds instead of laws... and through wisdom.

Some day you'll meet the star seeds, your Pleiadian sisters and brothers. They're even here
now, since they are quantum. You've got Pleiadian ancestors who live a very, very long time
in a graduate situation in a planet that went through the test just like yours. And it developed a
quantum factor. They have benevolence and they have quantum energy. That's how they get
here instantly and return, and they'll never interrupt your free choice. That's also why they
don't land and say hello. Instead, they sit and cheer on the sidelines for what you've finally
done. They are waiting with you to celebrate the December solstice of 2012... the half way
point of the 36 year shift you are in.

Before we close, dear ones, we'll again tell you that this is a slow process. We have seen it
before. It happens through generations, through children of the children of the children. It is
not anything that you're going to see as a flashbulb experience. There may be some things that
move backwards for a while before they move forward. But if you look at it together, it is a
slow ship where the rudder of wisdom is steering toward a time when hatred will be
something that is isolated, and does not cloak itself in culture or religion. It is because
quantum energy is benevolent, and Humans are starting to see this.

So that is the truth this day. That is the energy this day. These are the potentials that I see, this
day, and that is why we bring you this message this day. Go from this place different than you
came, knowing more about who you are and what you've done and what is before you.

I am Kryon, lover of humanity.

And so it is.


The way of the lightworker Jeshua
channeled by Pamela Kribbe
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 21, 2011 at 1:45pm

The way of the lightworker

Jeshua channeled by Pamela Kribbe


July 12, 2011

Dear friends,

I am Jeshua. I salute you all today and I am closely connected to you from my heart. We are
deeply related and there is a level at which we are one. The one, undivided consciousness that
unites us can be sensed as an energy of freedom, creativity, kindness and joy. This is your true
origin and home. You have now manifested in bodily form, located in time and space, but
there is so much more to who you are.

I ask you to now feel this grand and unlimited consciousness that you are part of. Feel God
within and feel how simple this energy is. God is not at the top of some hierarchy looking
down at you. God is the flow of energy that runs through everything: through you, through all
living beings on Earth and even through what seem to be inanimate things in your material
environment. God is everywhere.

God is not limited by forms. God is pure, creative consciousness, connecting with material
forms in time and space to experience life in a myriad of ways. Now feel who you are in this
great, divine flow: one spark of light within an ocean of living awareness, but an
indestructible spark who offers a unique contribution to the whole. Feel the indestructible
force within you, it is there forever. You are part of God.

Your consciousness is divinely creative. You choose your life path and experiences. Even
though it often does not feel that way to you as a human, deep down inside there is a creative
force in you that designs certain pivotal happenings in your life and attracts the experiences
that you wish to go through in order to understand, grow and expand. Essentially, you are
never a victim of this world. At the core of who you are, you are never truly powerless or
devastated. Because in that core is the spark of God who says “yes” to the experiences you go
through in bodily form, and who knows that you are able to learn from it so that your
consciousness becomes even wider and more compassionate.

Embrace this creative power within, which attracted to you the life that you now experience.
Embrace your life with all the ups and down. You have the power to live it well. The greatest
fulfillment you’ll find is when you remember who you are while you are in form, caught up in
the demands and challenges of life on Earth. Remembering who you are allows the spark of
divine light to connect fully with your human self. Surrendering to this spark of unlimited,
creative light inside will change your life and it will change the lives of other people as well.

You who are reading this, and who feel drawn to the Christ energy, are someone who longs to
shine your inner light out into the world. You long to manifest as a lightworker, meaning that
you feel the desire to spread light and raise awareness on Earth. Your passion is pure and real;
it comes from the core of who you are, from your soul. It is the spark of God within you
which leads you to this desire, for it is natural for God to want to share joy, light and
compassion. Whenever you feel happy in expressing who you really are, you are feeling
God’s happiness too, for you and God are one at heart!

You often wonder what light work is really about. What does it mean to spread light, or to
offer healing to other people? This is the question I’d like to address today. First of all, we

need to take a closer look at the relationship between people when one is helping the other. I
would like to point out that something strange is going on with the distinction between
healthy and sick, or between whole and broken, as it is used in your society.

When you go to the doctor with a medical problem, you are a “sick person in need of
treatment”. Doctors are supposed to know something you do not. They are the expert and you
easily get the feeling that your health is in their hands. It is not so much different when you
suffer from mental or emotional problems. If people see a therapist, psychologist or a healer,
they silently presuppose that these experts have some superior knowledge or skill which can
help them solve their issues. By the very way the relationship between patient and doctor, or
client and therapist, is defined, something happens to the self perception of both parties

By framing this relationship in terms of one having more knowledge and insight than the
other, it is suggested that the client needs the therapist/healer/ doctor to receive something that
they themselves lack and cannot give to themselves. It is assumed that the therapist is whole
and healthy, offering light and healing to the one who is ill and/or broken. From this
viewpoint, the therapist or healer is ahead of the patient, and is in possession of something
that they hand to the one who is lacking this knowledge or ability.

From a spiritual perspective, this viewpoint is false and distorted. It starts you on the wrong
foot right away. However, it is deeply ingrained in your society, in both physical and mental
health care. Notice how easy it is to feel smaller than the person you are seeing for medical or
spiritual advice. You are the one with the problem; they are the one with the solution. It’s a
common pitfall for people who help other people on a daily basis to identify so much with
their role of helper, that they cannot let go of this role. They define themselves by it and this
makes them dependent on their clients or patients, as much as the other way around. The
client may feel they need the helper to cure or heal them, but the helper needs the client as
well to sustain their image of being the helper: the knowledgeable, bigger person who is
willing to share their achievements with the ones in need. It is easy now for unbalanced
relationships to arise, which center around power and dependency.

Light work is something very different. To understand what light work or spiritual healing is
truly about, you need to let go of the traditional image of “therapist helping client” or “doctor
curing patient”. You need to let go of the very idea that helping is about giving something to
someone else. The very notion that the other person is lacking something is detrimental to
their healing process. The truth is that the only way to help someone is to make them aware of
their own power and ability to heal themselves. It is the mark of a good teacher that they make
themselves small rather than big. Real teachers invite you to take back your inner power and
they do not buy into the suggestion that you are small, needy and dependent upon someone
else. Real teachers never present themselves as authorities. It is a silly thing to do. The true
gift of a healer is to make the other person aware of their own inner authority, the fact that
they are a spark of God and have all the knowledge available to them that they need.

True healing is very simple. It does not require elaborate methods or knowledge. I am
speaking here of healing for the soul. Of course, physical problems may need to be attended
by medical experts which have very specific knowledge and skills. Healing that affects the
soul, however, is very simple. If you go to the root core of mental as well as physical
problems in people, you will somehow encounter the belief that they are powerless, unworthy,
unlovable, lonely and doomed.

The root cause is that people feel disconnected from their true being, the spark of divine light
that they really are. To offer healing to people is to open up their memory of Home, to remind
them of their perfect beauty, strength and innocence.

How do you do this? First of all, there is no fixed method or medicine. It is not a mechanical
procedure. It is an energy transmission which can happen in a variety of ways. I’ll get back to
this. Second, no one heals unless they decide to open up to healing. You cannot force healing
upon anyone. It is their decision. In fact, real healing is something of a miracle: it is the birth
of a new consciousness in the soul. It is their creation and it cannot be predicted ahead.

In everyone’s life there are moments in which you face the choice between dark and light. The
dark represents giving in to self-judgment, self-hatred, negative thinking and fear. The light
represents opening up to the kindness, forgiveness, joy and abundance that is truly the mark of
divinity. It is up to you to choose. Even if the most beautiful angel is beckoning you to let go
of the past and enter the kingdom of God, meaning to merge again with the spark of Light that
you are, it is up to you to decide. If you are still immersed in deeply negative pictures of
yourself or other people, if you are in the thralls of fear and anger, you may not even notice
the angel. In truth, the angel of healing is always near you. It is your higher or true self, your
divinity trying to remind you of who you are.

Sometimes, in your life, you meet with people who play the role of healing angel for a while.
They may not even be aware of it, but they remind you of who you really are. By the way
they listen to you or speak with you, a spark of the true you suddenly enters your awareness
and you feel joyful and inspired after having been with them. This may inspire you to choose
for the light, to make decisions in your life that serve your higher self, your true passion and
love of life. The presence of the angel may serve as a reminder, and it may be the key to
changing your life, but even then, it is your decision to trust and take the leap of faith. Only
you can make the miracle happen!

You may have encountered angels of healing in your life and you probably have been an angel
of healing for others on several occasions, even if you did not know. My point here is that this
is what light work is about. It is not about curing or fixing people, it is not about offering
solutions to their problems. It is not about teaching them certain skills, or knowledge or
ethical rules. All of these actions presuppose they are lacking something, that they are small
and helpless. Spiritual healing turns this picture upside down.

What you offer someone else if you mean to offer spiritual healing is really a change of
perception. Instead of focusing on their problems, their issues and their feelings of
disempowerment, you focus on their essence, their wholeness, their radiant beauty. If there’s
anything to give by the spiritual healer, it is the gift of the true vision. If you are able to look
beyond someone’s pain, anger, fear and self-destructive behavior, and see the angel of light in
their face, you offer them something very precious. By seeing their true essence, you are
gently summoning it and beckoning it to come forward. Perceiving someone else’s true power
and inner light, even if they don’t show it on the surface, is like calling someone by their true
name. Nothing is as powerful as being called by your true name.

What I did when I performed so-called miraculous healings in my life on earth as Jesus, was
that I got in touch with the divine essence of someone. By seeing and feeling the spark of the
divine in someone, it became awake and it was their divine essence that performed the
healing, not I. It was their self-remembrance that restored mental and even physical health to

them. Not always did such a meeting result in healing, for it would always depend on whether
the other person decided to open up to healing. The miracle was upon them, and this is
important to remember whenever you work with people for the purpose of spiritual healing.

All spiritual healing comes from within. You are not healing anyone as a lightworker. You
are creating a space of openness, of being without judgment, which invites the other person to
look at themselves with openness and compassion. Instead of trying to solve any problems on
the outside, you are connecting to the other person’s soul and you are holding a vision of trust
and clarity for them. This is the way of the lightworker. You are trying to return to the other
person their greatness, instead of focusing on their smallness.

Working with someone on the soul level means that you show them their responsibility for
their own life. Because you do this lovingly and without judgment, this responsibility will not
feel as a burden. It will feel empowering and liberating to take responsibility. By really
believing in the creative powers of the other person, you mirror their own strength back to
them through your eyes and words. By focusing on what is whole and untainted in them, you
reinforce it.

You can only do so if you truly believe it. If you doubt at some level that they can do it, you
affirm their sense of weakness instead of invoking their strength. You are most powerful as a
healer if you completely trust the other person’s ability to solve the problems and let go of any
notion of them being dependent on you. Many of you feel that returning responsibility to
people in this way means to abandon them or to tell them to solve the issue all by themselves.
However, to release all ties of dependency does not mean you are not there for them anymore.
You are still there, holding your faith in their true strength and inner power, encouraging them
to go beyond their self-imposed limitations and be all that they can be. It will be their choice
what to do with the healing space you offer.

I know that many of you have a very hard time watching other people suffer, especially if they
are loved ones. It may seem impossible to stop “helping them”, to let go and put your energy
elsewhere. But, please take a moment and consider if you are really helping them by holding
on. If they are dependent on your energy of kindness and support to feel good, how will they
ever face up to their own lack of kindness and support towards themselves? From the soul
level, you may be reinforcing their weakness instead of awakening their true inner power.
This affects both of you negatively.

Being a lightworker or spiritual healer means that you seek to connect with someone from
soul to soul. On the soul level, every being is equal and no one is ahead of anyone else. You
are all sparks of the divine beingness you call God. It may seem on the human level that one
person is more knowledgeable, evolved or wise than another person. However, if you look at
it from the perspective of the soul, this kind of judgment becomes obsolete. All souls are
traveling through the infinite universe and go through various cycles of experience and
growth. It may be that you are helping someone who is suffering from severe emotional
imbalance due to very difficult circumstances they encountered in their life. You may be the
one offering assistance at this point of time. But later on, once the suffering one has regained
their strength, they may become your teacher and show you a depth of wisdom and
compassion that will blow you away.

To offer spiritual healing or be a lightworker, it is important to always remember you are

equal to the other person on the soul level. It is essential that you recognise your own

humanness and that you are really in the same boat as the other person. You may be holding a
space of light and compassion for someone, but that does not make you different from them,
in the sense of ‘being higher’ or ‘above’ them. Don’t identify yourself with being a

If you feel drawn to helping people discover their true inner power, follow your passion and
do whatever you love to do. Light work may take all kinds of forms; it is certainly not limited
to offering therapy. Generally, if you do what you really love to do, you will see that you
inspire others to do the same. Being one with the God spark in your heart will naturally lead
you to the right type of work, or relationship or place to live.

Living from the heart is really very simple. It is about connecting to your heart’s desire, your
true joy, and daring to act upon it. Doing this will make you a lightworker and not necessarily
because you are “helping other people”. It is because you are bringing your soul’s unique
song to the world that you will inspire other people to also believe in themselves and bring out
the best in them. Light naturally radiates outward. You don’t have to focus on the question on
how to spread light in the world. Don’t try to be good and helpful. Try to live according to
your own unique and divine nature, and the world will be a better place because of it.

The Third Eye and the Pineal Gland

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 21, 2011 at 1:51pm

The symbol of the All-Seeing-EYE, has always been part of Earth's creation
mythologies and mysteries.
In Ancient Egypt, is was symbolized by the Eye of Horus.
The symbol was passed down, through the ancient mystery teachings and and can
be found on the American dollar bill.
Why the symbol of the EYE?
The eye is the observer of reality - or the illusion of reality.

In the physical body, your eyes look outward - though it views objects upside down.
It next sends the message of what it observes... to the brain, which interprets the
image and makes it appear right side up to us.

But the human body has another physical eye, whose function has long been
recognized by humanity.

It is called the 'Third Eye' which in reality, is the Pineal Gland. It is the Spiritual
Third Eye, our Inner Vision, and it is considered the Seat of the Soul. It is located
in the geometric center of the cranium.

The pineal gland is cone - shaped.

The Pineal Gland is about the size of a pea, and is in the center of the brain in
a tiny cave, behind and above the pituitary gland, which lies a little behind the root
of the nose. It is located directly behind the eyes, attached to the third ventricle.

The true function of this mysterious gland, has long been contemplated by
philosophers and Spiritual Adepts. Ancient Greeks believed the pineal gland,
to be our connection to the Realms of Thought. Descartes called it, the Seat of
the Soul.

This gland is activated by Light, and it controls the various biorhythms of the body.
It works in harmony with the hypothalamus gland, which directs the body's thirst,
hunger, sexual desire and the biological clock, that determines our aging process.

When the pineal gland awakens, one feels a pressure at the base of the brain.
This pressure will often be experienced, when connecting to higher frequency.
A head injury, can also activate the Third Eye - Pineal Gland.

While the physiological function of the pineal gland, has been unknown until
recent times, mystical traditions and esoteric schools, have long known, this area
in the middle of the brain, to be the connecting link... between the physical and
spiritual worlds.

Considered the most powerful and highest source of ethereal energy, available
to humans, the pineal gland has always been important, in initiating supernatural
powers. Development of Psychic Talents... has been closely associated with this
organ of higher vision.

The third eye can see beyond the physical…

The pineal gland contains a complete map, of the visual field of the eyes, and
it plays several significant roles in human functioning. There is a pathway from
the retinas to the hypothalamus, called the retinohypothalamic tract. It brings
information, about light and dark cycles, to a region of the hypothalamus, called
the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN).

From the SCN, nerve impulses travel, via the pineal nerve (sympathetic nervous
system) to the pineal gland. These impulses, inhibit the production of melatonin.
When these impulses stop (at night, when light no longer stimulates the
hypothalamus), pineal inhibition ceases and melatonin is released. The pineal
gland, is therefore, a photosensitive organ and an important timekeeper, for the
human body.

Retinal research, done with hamsters, demonstrates another center for melatonin
production. Located in the retina, this center implies... that the eyes, have their
own built in circadian timepiece. This retinal system, is distinct from the brain’s
body clock, in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). Biologists found, that they could
throw the retinal rhythms... out of sync, with other circadian cycles. They also

found, that they could set and reset the retinal clock, even when the SCN was

The retinal clock, produces (stimulates the production of?) melatonin.

Researchers are now looking for the exact location (s) of this clock, in the
human eye, (and expect to find it). No one yet knows, what the separate
clock is for, or how it relates to the SCN.
In some lower vertebrates, the Epiphysis Cerebri - Pineal Gland, has a
well developed eye - like structure; in others, though not organized as an eye,
it functions as a light receptor. In lower vertebrates, the pineal gland has an
eye like structure and it functions as a light receptor and also is considered
by some, to be the evolutionary forerunner of the modern eye.

The gland weighs little more than 0.1 gram. The gland is large in children
and begins to shrink, with the onset of puberty.

It appears to play a major role in sexual development, hibernation in animals,

metabolism, and seasonal breeding. In humans, it affects circadian rhythms,
sleep patterns (melatonin levels increase at night) and is implicated in seasonal
affective disorder. The abundant melatonin level in children, is believed to
inhibit sexual development. When puberty arrives, melatonin production is
The pineal gland secretes melatonin, during times of relaxation and visualization.
As we are created by electromagnetic energy - and react to EM energy stimuli
around us - so does the pineal gland.

When activated, the pineal gland becomes the line of communication, with the
higher planes. The crown chakra, reaches down, until its vortex touches the
pineal gland. Prana, or pure energy, is received through this energy center in
the head. With Practice, the vibration level of the astral body is raised, allowing
it, to separate from the physical.

To activate the 'third eye' and perceive higher dimensions, the pineal gland and
the pituitary body, must vibrate in unison, which is achieved through meditation
and / or relaxation. When a correct relationship is established, between personality, operating
through the pituitary body, and the soul, operating through the pineal gland,
a magnetic field is created.

The negative and positive forces, interact and become strong enough, to create the
'light in the head. ' With this 'light in the head' activated, astral projectors can
withdraw themselves, from the body, carrying the light with them.

Astral Travel, and other occult abilities, are closely associated with the
development of the 'light in the head'. After physical relaxation, concentration
upon the pineal gland, is achieved, by staring at a point in the middle of
the forehead. Without straining the muscles of the eye, this will activate the
pineal gland and the 'third eye'.

Beginning with the withdrawal of the senses and the physical consciousness, the
consciousness is centered in the region of the pineal gland. The perceptive

faculty and the point of realization, are centralized in the area between the
middle of the forehead and the pineal gland. The trick is to visualize, very
intently, the subtle body... escaping through the trap door of the brain.

A "popping sound" may occur at the time separation of the astral body,
in the area of the pineal gland.

Visualization exercises, are the first step, in directing the energies in our
inner systems, to activate the 'third eye'. The magnetic field is created around
the pineal gland, by focusing the mind on the midway point, between the
pineal gland and the pituitary body. The creative imagination visualizes
something, and the thought energy of the mind gives life and direction to this

'Third eye' development, imagination, and visualization are important

ingredients, in many methods to separate from the physical form. Intuition
is also achieved, through 'third eye' development. Knowledge and memory of
the astral plane, are not registered in full waking consciousness, until the
intuition becomes strong enough. Flashes of intuition come, with increasing
consistency, as the 'third eye' is activated to a greater degree, through practice.
Universal Knowledge... can also be acquired.
The pineal gland, corresponds with divine thought, after being touched by
the vibrating light of Kundalini. Kundalini starts its ascent, towards the head
center, after responding to the vibrations from the 'light in the head.'

The light is located at the top of the sutratma, or 'soul thread', which passes
down from the highest plane of our being... into the physical vehicle.

The 'third eye,' or 'Eye of Siva,' the organ of spiritual vision, is intimately
related to karma, as we become more spiritual in the natural course of

As human beings continue to evolve, further out of matter, on the journey

from spirit to matter... back to spirit, the pineal gland will continue to rise
from its state of age - long dormancy, bringing back to humanity... astral
capacities and spiritual abilities.

At certain brain wave frequencies, a sense of "ego boundary" vanishes. In the

"theta" state, we are resting deeply and still conscious, at the threshold of
drifting away from or back into conscious awareness. As the brain enters
deeper states, our consciousness is less concerned with the physical state, our
'third eye' is active, and separation becomes natural.
Many native traditions and mystical practices, refer to the ability of 'seeing,'
or being aware of energy fields, at higher levels. This abstract awareness, is
much more subjective and does not involve the normal level of mundane
consciousness, which is mostly concerned with self - identity. This 'seeing' refers
to the sight of the 'third eye'.

Consciousness is raised, from an emotional nature, into an illumined

Awareness, when the pineal gland is lifted from dormancy. If the pineal
gland is not yet fully developed, it will be in the course of evolution. When
our sense of ego and personality are set aside and we keep our mental energy
intact, we can become "conscious" of the non-physical, our inner self, the
subconscious, through different practices to activate the 'light in the head.'

Raising the Vibration Channeled through

Avalon Whitefeather On this sacred day
of 11.7.11
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 21, 2011 at 7:23pm

Raising the Vibration

Channeled through Avalon Whitefeather
On this sacred day of 11.7.11

If you sit in a circle with a group of people all holding drums, with their hand lightly resting
on the face of their drums and one person begins to drum, then all the other drums will
resonate in harmony with the drum that is being struck.
If a lorry thunders past your home, you hear your windows rattle and feel a tremor in the
When an aeroplane flies overhead you hear the roar and feel a sensation deep within your
This is because you are physical vessel and a light body. You are susceptible to vibrations,
energies, you are vibration and energy. Your light body is vibrating to its own unique
frequency, right down to all levels and beyond, into the realms of atoms and molecules, all
are harmoniously vibrating together.
Many factors alter the frequency of your personal vibrations. Your lifestyles, your food/drink
and diet choices, levels of physical activity, the environments you are in, the company you
A human who works unusual and shifting patterns, who has a poor nutritional diet, with little
exercise and keeps negative company, will have a slower and more sluggish vibrations thus
making them prone to dis-ease, dis-harmony and subsequent ill health.
Someone who spends time daily in meditation, eats wholesome, fresh and nourishing foods
surrounds themselves with beauty, peace and joy, will have a much higher rate of vibration,
their light body can shine beautifully without the encumberment of a heavily toxicated

physical body. The highe the rate of vibration, the greater the healing effects within the
physical vehicle. By the natural lore of the universe, if the light body vibration is of a high
frequency, then the physical body must follow suit. This can result in temporary ill health as
the physical works to throw off and detoxify the slower, dense and potentially harmful
vibrations until it is again in harmony with the frequency of the light body.

The physical world is going through many changes as the Earth struggles to throw off and
detoxify the affect of so much negative human behaviour and activity over the last several
hundred years. The Earth and humanity are crying out to move into the next level of
consciousness and higher frequency.
As the Earth tosses Her body about, works to alter the negative frequencies prevailing at this
time, so too is humanity beginning to awaken. Those raising their vibrations through
healing, spiritual and light work, are finding themselves no longer able to tolerate being in
the company of those with lower vibrations, of being in crowded or commercial places
because when they do, they feel the full magnitude of the negative energies and this can make
them feel very unwell and physically sick or disabled. This is why it is so important to heal
and refresh the light body through gentle and peaceful activities, such as walking in nature,
playing harmonious music that is soothing and calming, natural sounds of nature, nourishing
your physical body with foods that are still alive with heir own life force energy, their own
unique vibration and pure and free from human chemicals and toxins. The universe created
natural foods to work in harmony and balance with your physical and light bodies, yet
humanity has adulterated them, it is time to return to these natural foods once more. Time
spent daily in meditation and spiritual pursuits with ‘feed’ the light body, as well as being with
like minded beings.

Sound, crystals and colour are the prevalent healing energies of your physical world. When
given the choice, would you choose the sound of heavy machinery or gentle uplifting music
? The sound of your neighbours music which is not to your taste or the laughter of a babbling
brook ? As you begin to understand how these energies and vibrations and to make t he
connections of how they affect you, your light body will begin to crave and guide you towards
more harmonious vibrations. When you are next agitated, angry and upset, pause and become
aware of the vibrations around you, then remove yourself from these negative vibrations that
are causing you stress.
Surround yourself with crystals, even if you do not understand how to use them for healing,
you can learn, yet just being around them can alter your vibrations for the good, allow
yourself to be drawn to them, let hem speak to you and choose you, for light body will know
instinctively which crystals you need to be around to help heal and raise your vibrations.
Colour too is very important healing vibration acting on our subconscious to alter our
moods, our health and well being. Use colour in your clothing, your environment and your
food. Using foods fresh from nature are not just visually appealing, but vibrate at a rate
conducive to health. Balancing a plate of food to encompass several colours brings it own
unique and balancing vibration.

All things throughout the universe vibrate, are a living energy, even if you cannot see or feel
that vibration, which comes from a higher source. It does not matter what you call that
higher source - God, Buddha, Great Spirit, Krishna, The Mystery, The Universe, whatever
your beliefs, it is an omnipotent presence and those that work with this energy know they are
part of it, it is in everything, surrounds everything, fills everything, IS everything, and it
interacts with everything and every being regardless of their belief’s. Humanity is all of this
and you hold within you the microcosm of the macrocosm, an infinitely small version of the

of the infinite whole.
The moment you step onto any kind of spiritual path, you are agreeing to raise your vibration
rate to bring it into alightnment with the universal vibration and to reach your own personal
attunement with your true essence.
It is time NOW for humanity to raise its vibration, both individually and collectively. Time to
bring the power of vibration into your lives and raise your own and the collective
consciousness of humanity.
Not everyone is destined to be a great light worker, but by raising your own vibrations
through attention to sound, environment, diet, lifestyle changes, colour and crystals, know that
you will be doing your part in raising the collective vibrations and frequencies of humanity
and the Earth.
It is the role of key light workers to bring in the higher frequency energies and anchor them
into the Earth to aid their fellow humans, their brothers and sisters who are just beginning to
The journey of humanity is a collective one and all have a special and sacred part in the
raising of energies, for all levels of energies and frequencies are needed on the Earth at this
time. Do not allow yourself to become stuck in the traumas unfolding upon the planet, of the
shifts the Earth is moving through, within your own materialistic systems, but work to focus
on raising your own vibration to it highest level possible.
I am the Oneness that resides within you all. I am the vibration you can all achieve.

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 21, 2011 at 7:39pm

Bir gün olgunluk üzerinde duruyorsunuz,

başka bir günse "Bir çocuk gibi ol" diyorsunuz.
Şayet olgun bir tavır takınırsam, içimdeki çocuğumun baskılandığını
ve kendini ifade etmek için çırpındığını hissediyorum.
Şayet çocuğumu dans etmek, şarkı söylemek için bırakırsam,
o zaman da çocukça tavırlar ortaya çıkıyor.
Ne yapmalı?

Olgun olmak, olgun bir tavrı benimsemek anlamına gelmez.

Aslında, olgun bir tavır takınmak olgunlaşmak için en büyük engellerden birisi olacaktır.
Tavır takınmak bir şeyin dayatılması anlamına gelir,
tavır takınmak bir şeyin yapay biçimde yetiştirilmesidir, uygulama yapmaktır.
Senin içinden gelmez.
O bir maskedir, boyanmış bir yüzdür; o senin hakiki varlığın değildir.
Herkesin yaptığı budur.
Bu yüzden yeryüzünde insanlar olgunmuş gibi gözükür —değillerdir,
hiç olgunlaşmamışlardır— tavırlar takınmışlardır
ve derinde çocuk gibi kalırlar.
Onların olgunluğu sadece yüzeydedir ya da o kadar bile değildir.

Bir adamı birazcık kazı ve onun içinden çocukluğun çıktığını göreceksin.

Ve yalnızca, sözde sıradan insanlar değil;
azizlerini kazı ve olgunlaşmamışlığın ortaya çıktığını göreceksin
ya da politikacıları
nı ve liderlerini kazı.
Dünyadaki herhangi bir meclise git ve izle.
Ve hiçbir zaman bu kadar olgunlaşmamış ve çocukça insan topluluğunu bir arada

İnsan kendisini ve başkalarını kandırmaktadır.

Tavır takınırsan sahte, yapay olacaksın.
Hiçbir şeyi üzerine takın demiyorum ben. Ol!
Tavır takınmak olmanın önündeki engeldir.
Ve olmanın tek yolu, ta en başından başlamaktır.
Çocukluğunda anne-baban sana izin vermediği için bir yerlerde takılıp kaldın.
Sözde normal insanların zekâ yaşı on ila on üç yaş arasından fazla değildir, on dört bile değil!
Ve sen yetmiş ya da seksen olabilirsin
ama zekâ yaşın sen cinsel olarak olgunlaşmadan önceki bir yerlerde takılıp kalmıştır.
Bir kişi cinsel olarak olgunlaştığında, on üç ya da on dörtte, sonsuza kadar mühürlenmiştir.
Sonra giderek sahteleşir ve daha çok sahteleşir.
Bir sahtelik başka sahteliklerle korunmalıdır,

bir yalan başka yalanlarla savunulmalıdır
ve sonrasında da bunun bir sonu yoktur.
Sadece bir çöp yığınına dönüşürsün; kişilik denen şey budur.
Kişilik bırakılmalıdır, sadece o zaman bireylik ortaya çıkar.
Onlar aynı anlama gelmez.
Kişilik sadece bir vitrindir; göstermeliktir, gerçek değil.

Birey olmak senin gerçekliğindir, vitrinde gösterilen bir şey değil.

İsteyen, istediği kadar kazabilir ve aynı tadı bulacaktır.
Buda'nın, "Beni istediğin yerden tadabilirsin ve aynı tadı bulacaksın,
tıpkı okyanusu herhangi bir yerden tattığında onu tuzlu bulacağın gibi" dediği söylenir.
Birey olmak tam bir bütündür, organiktir.
Kişilik şizofrendir:
Merkez bir şeydir ve çevre ise başka bir şeydir ve hiçbir zaman buluşmazlar.
Sadece hiç buluşmamak değil, sadece farklılık değil,
birbirlerine taban tabana zıttırlar, devamlı bir kavga halindedirler.

O nedenle anlaşılması gereken ilk şey asla olgun bir tavır takınmamaktır.
Ya olgun ya da olgunlaşmamış ol.
Eğer olgun değilsen o zaman olgun olma; olgun olmayarak gelişime izin vermiş oluyorsun.
O zaman bırak olgunlaşmamışlık orada kalsın; sahte olma, onunla ilgili samimiyetsiz olma.
Çocuk gibiysen, o halde çocuk gibisin; ne olmuş? Çocuksu ol.
Kabul et, ona katıl.
Varlığında bir bölünme yaratma, aksi taktirde çok köklü bir delilik yaratıyor olacaksın.
Sen sadece kendin ol.
Çocuksu olmakta yanlış bir şey yok.
Sana çocuksu olmanın yanlış bir şey olduğu söylendiği için tavırlar takınmaya başladın.
Ta çocukluğundan beridir olgun olmaya çalışıyorsun ve bir çocuk nasıl olgun olabilir ki?
Bir çocuk bir çocuktur; çocuksu olmak zorunda.
Ama buna izin verilmez, o yüzden küçük çocuklar diplomatlara dönüşür;
rol yapmaya başlarlar, sahte şekillerde davranmaya başlarlar,
en başlarından itibaren yalan haline dönüşürler ve yalan büyümeye devam eder.
Ve bir gün hakikati aramaya başlarsın; o zaman kutsal kitapların içine girersin
ve kutsal kitaplarda hiçbir hakikat yoktur.
Hakikat senin varlığının içindedir, gerçek kutsal kitap budur.
Veda, Kuran, İncil; onlar senin bilincindedir!
Senin tarafından ihtiyaç duyulan her şeyi taşıyorsun, bu Tanrıdan sana bir armağandır.
Herkes içinde hakikatle doğar; hayat hakikattir.
Ama sen yalan söylemeye başladın.
Tüm yalanları bırak.
Cesur ol ve elbette içinde çok büyük bir korku yükselecek
çünkü ne zaman kişiliğini bırakacak olursan hiçbir zaman izin verilmemiş olan çocukluğun
yüzeye çıkacak.
Ve korkmuş hissedeceksin:
"Ne? Bu saatten sonra tekrar çocuk gibi mi olacağım?
Herkes beni çok büyük bir profesör —ya da bir doktor veya bir mühendis— olarak bilirken
ve benim doktora derecem var ve tekrardan çocuk gibi olacağım?"
Korku yükselir; herkesin ne düşüneceği, insanların aklından ne geçeceği.
Bu korkunun aynısı seni en başından beri mahvetti.
Bu korkunun aynısı zehirdi:

"Annem ne düşünecek? Babam ne düşünecek?
İnsanlar, öğretmenler, toplum ne düşünecek?"
Ve küçük çocuk kurnaz olmaya başlar; kalbini göstermez.
Bunun başkaları tarafından kabul edilmeyeceğini bilir,
o yüzden bir surat, bir kamuflaj yaratır.
İnsanların görmek isteyeceklerini gösterecektir.
Bu diplomasidir, bu politik olmaktır; bu zehirdir!

Herkes politiktir.
Gülüyorsun çünkü bunun getirisi vardır, ağlıyorsun çünkü ağlaman isteniyor.
Belli bir şey söylüyorsun çünkü bu işleri kolaylaştırıyor.
Karına, "Seni seviyorum" diyorsun çünkü bu onun sessiz kalmasını sağlıyor.
Kocana, "Sensiz ölürüm, benim dünyamdaki tek kişi sensin, sen benim hayatımsın" dersin
çünkü o senden bunu söylemeni bekliyor, bunu hissettiğin için değil.

Eğer hissediyorsan, o zaman onda güzellik vardır, o zaman o gerçek bir güldür.
Eğer sadece rol kesiyorsan, onun erkek egosuna masaj yapıyorsan,
ona destek çıkıyorsan,
onun aracılığıyla bir şeyler elde edeceğin içindir,
o zaman o yapay bir güldür, plastik bir çiçektir.

Ve çok fazla plastiğin ağırlığı altında eziliyorsun; sorun bu.

Sorun dünyada değil.
Sözde dindar insanlar sürekli, "Dünyadan vazgeçin" deyip duruyorlar.
Ben sana diyorum ki sorun dünya falan değil. Sahtelikten vazgeç; sorun budur.
Yapay olanı bırak; sorun budur.
Aileni terk etmene gerek yok ama orada yarattığın tüm sahte aileleri terk et.
Hakiki, özgün ol.
Bazen hakiki olmak ve özgün olmak çok sancılı olacak, o ucuz değildir.
Hakiki olmamak ve özgün/olmamak ucuzdur, rahattır, pratiktir.
Bu bir üç kağıttır, kendini korumak için bir taktiktir; bir zırhtır.
Ama o zaman ruhunda taşımakta olduğun hakikati kaçırırsın.
O zaman hiçbir şekilde Tanrı nedir bilemeyeceksin çünkü Tanrı sadece senin içinde bilinebilir.

Önce içeride sonra da dışarıda;

önce içerisi, sonra dışarısı çünkü sana en yakın olan şey budur, senin kendi varlığın.
Şayet Tanrıyı orada ıskalarsan, Tanrıyı nasıl Krishna'da, İsa'da, Buda'da görebilirsin ki?
Tamamen saçmalık.
Tanrıyı kendinde göremezsen, İsa'da da Tanrıyı göremezsin.
Ve şayet kendi etrafında yalanlar yaratırsan nasıl olur da kendinde Tanrıyı görebilirsin?
Yalanlar o kadar çoktur ki neredeyse varlığına giden yolu unutmuş durumdasın.
Disiplin (discipline) sözcüğü temelde öğrenme kapasitesi anlamına gelir,
oradan da mürit (disciple) sözcüğü gelir.
Kontrol anlamına gelmez, öğrenme kapasitesinin olması anlamına gelir.
Yaşam tecrübeleri aracılığıyla öğrenmeye devam eden,
her şeyin içine korkmadan giren, riske eden, keşfeden ve maceraya giren,
bilinmeyenin karanlık gecesinin içine dalmaya her zaman hazır olan,
bilinene yapışmayan ve her zaman hata yapmaya hazır olan,
her zaman bir hendeğe düşmeye razı olan ve başkaları tarafından gülünmeye her zaman hazır

olan bir kişi disiplinli bir insandır.

Yalnızca aptal olarak adlandırılma cesaretine sahip olan insanların

yaşama ve sevme ve bilme ve olma kapasiteleri vardır.
Olgunluk daha çok ve daha çok, daha derin ve daha derin yaşam tecrübeleri aracılığıyla gelir,
hayattan kaçınarak değil.
Hayattan kaçınarak çocukça kalırsın.

Bir şey daha: Ben bir çocuk gibi ol derken çocukça ol demiyorum.
Bir çocuk çocukça davranmak zorundadır;
yoksa çocukluk denen bu muhteşem deneyimi ıskalar.
Ama genç ya da yaşlı da olsan, çocukça davranmak basitçe senin büyümemiş olduğun
anlamına gelir.
Bir çocuk gibi olmak tamamıyla farklı bir olgudur.
Ne anlama gelir?
Bir, çocuk her zaman bütündür; ne yaparsa yapsın çocuk onun içinde kaybolur,
o hiçbir zaman kısmi değildir.
Sahilde deniz kabukları topluyorsa, o zaman diğer tüm şeyler bilincinden silinip gider,
o zaman onun tek ilgilendiği sahildeki deniz kabuklarıdır.
İçinde kaybolur, tamamen içinde yitip gider.
Bu bütün olma niteliği bir çocuk gibi olmanın temellerinden birisidir.
Bu yoğunluktur, bu konsantrasyondur, bu bütünlüktür.


Karma and Dharma by Hilarion as

channelled by Elizabeth Rose
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 22, 2011 at 9:00pm

Karma and Dharma

by Hilarion

as channelled by Elizabeth Rose


What is a pre-incarnative agreement and can it be broken if it is causing the person

unnecessary struggle? I assume it can be broken, but not without consequences. And what is
the difference at the end of the day, between a pre incarnative agreement and personal karma?

I know there is no escape from karma, but pre incarantive agreements can be broken, just as
karma may not be met. I am a bit puzzled. They seem like the same thing at times


Do not confuse karma with pre incarnative agreements or Soul Contracts. Many people
believe that fate in their lives is dictated by the agreements made in the between lives period,
which allows or forbids certain events from manifesting during physical incarnation. Now,
you see, that is not correct. What we have described here is the standard working out of the
karmic law, the law of cause and effect, the law of resonance, the law of attraction; for this
interpenetrating law has many names upon different planes of evolution.

Karma, the One Law, is what dictates the restrictions met by the entities still on the cycle of
rebirth, as it is only by working out the lower frequencies of this law at which you resonate
that the human Monads still bound by the chains of their own making can ascend.

The moon phases, just like the Wheel of Fortune, represent the working out of this law in your
current existence; the constant ebb and flow, the in-breath and the out-breath, the Pralaya state
and the New Life wave, the good fortune and the bad fortune. Heed what we say: no
incarnated life has been given too much to bear, lest the meeting of oneself could cause the
destruction of one more opportunity to gain freedom. This is karma, to which most of you are
slaves, and have been so for millennia.

You have been given free will together with a blank memory of your past wrongs, yet you act
out the same patterns from one incarnation to the next, like puppets on a string, repeating the
same dance with the same souls, chained by the fetters that bind you to the lowest form of the
working of Karma; Rebirth.

Most of you do not have a choice but to meet yourselves in the mirroring of your past actions
with others, and by using free will you can interrupt the karmic patterns so deeply anchored in
your subconscious, the source of your instinctive nature and past programming.

But here is the difference, the key that leads to liberation and Ascension; your Soul Contracts,
the pre-incarnative agreements you Higher Self has made in the bardo between lives. Your
Soul Contracts are your dharma; your Life Purpose or Soul's Plan.

Karma is solved by meeting oneself and choosing a response based on your Dharma or Soul's
Plan. Once found (your guides are constantly helping you in this, if you would only still your
mind and listen to the whisperings of your heart) it is ultimately integrity that will free you.

Make your choices according to your Soul's Plan, do not compromise, and do not forget that
regardless of the different journeys that each one of you has decided to embark upon, the
destination is the same, having a common thread of pure, unselfish love. This is important, for
it is the pure frequency of love at our level of existence that we are referring to, not its lower
frequency counterpart which most of you, still on the wheel of rebirth, experience as
emotional attachment.

There are as many Soul's Plans amongst the Race as the number of Human Monads. Every
soul, every aspect of the Divine, has chosen to be reunited to the One Life in its unique way,
and this also applies to the karmic lessons experienced by each soul, for each soul is a facet of

the Godhead meeting Itself by reacting to the other's differences.

The common threads of your Soul's Plan, your dharma and your karma, are love and integrity,
the latter otherwise known as the ability to speak one's truth. These qualities will help you free
yourself of your karma, whilst achieving the common dharma of the Human Race. These
common threads between karma and dharma have been the source of much confusion and
misinterpretation by those walking on the Earth.

Soul contracts are always empowering; it is your food for the soul. No one has soul contracts
of illness, poverty or mistreatment which bind the person to suffer powerlessly during his or
her earth life, no matter how much free will it is exercised to break free of these conditions.
No one makes soul contracts of the sort. What we have described here is the meeting of
oneself, the action of karmic resonance, from which you can break free by exercising your
free will in choosing a path of higher love.

To answer your question, Soul Contracts are what you come here to learn which you cannot or
will not learn through meeting your karma. Soul Contracts are based on learning and
practicing what brings you joy, fulfillment and at-one-ment with the creator, by finding and
following your vocation.

Handicapped by ignorance and trapped in the grip of lower passions, most souls spend many
incarnations in a perpetual swing, where little or no progress is made. They are quick to
accumulate and slow at working out the karma that is forced upon them; they spend lives
wearing the chains of wrongs forged long ago, ignorant as to how to free themselves of these
fetters, painfully climbing the mountain of earthly life over and over again, powerlessly
waiting for their chains to rust away in order to be set free.

This has been especially so in the young phase of humanity, when violence and cruelty were
so widespread that very few souls found their dharma through the ability of introspection.
Those were the philosophers, artists and hermits of the time, who have now escaped the wheel
of rebirth.

Today, at the dawn of the Aquarian age, the vibrational shift from karmic enslavement to
dharmic liberation is making itself manifest, at times even amongst those blind to spiritual
truths, who are driven by the current generated by selected charismatic souls.

Ponder on this. The common thread to liberation is integrity and love. Both free you from the
burden of reincarnation, both are the means to achieve your dharma and work out your karma.
Realised Beings are those who have worked out their karma and fulfilled their dharma. Which
road would you rather take? The choice is yours, we are only here to point the way.
Remember that inaction is, by its very essence, action nonetheless, and not choosing is still
choosing; it is passively choosing only the karmic route. It is the longest and hardest way, and
the only one that is available for -and forced upon- those who have been referred to as the
living dead.

The dharmic route is the new way of the Aquarian age to free yourselves from the all
encompassing law of karma, for then you will be able to receive only its higher frequency;
abundance, love and happiness, based on the resonant frequency of your actions. It is thus that
karma works for you and not against you; you are no longer its servants but its masters. The
proof of this you can see, on a smaller scale, in your everyday lives.

by Hilarion,

as channelled by Elizabeth Rose




DailyOM: Things We Cant Control

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 22, 2011 at 9:24pm

July 21, 2011

Things We Can’t Control
Allow, Trust
We develop grace as we learn with the guiding hand of the universe, life will unfold exactly
the way it should.

The idea of trusting the universe is a popular one these days, but many of us don’t know what
this really means and we often have a hard time doing it. This is partly because the story of
humankind is most often presented as a story about struggle, control, and survival, instead of
one of trust and collaboration with the universe. Yet, in truth, we need to adhere to both ideas
in this life.

On the one hand, there is much to be said about exerting control over our environment. We
created shelter to protect ourselves from the elements. We hunted for animals and invented
agriculture to feed ourselves. We built social infrastructures to protect ourselves and create
community. This is how we survive and grow as a civilization. However, it is also clear that
there are plenty of things that we cannot control, no matter how hard we try, and we often
receive support from an unseen force – a universe that provides us with what we cannot
provide for ourselves.

It is a good idea to take responsibility for the things in life that we can control or create. We
work so we can feed, clothe, and shelter our loved ones and ourselves. We manifest our
dreams and visions in physical form with hard work and forethought. But at a certain point,
when we have done all that we can, we must let go and allow the universe to take over. This
requires trust. It requires a trust that runs deeper than just expecting things to turn out the way
we want them to. Sometimes they will, and sometimes they won’t. We develop equanimity
and grace as we learn to trust that, with the guiding hand of the universe, life will unfold
exactly the way it should. We are engaged in an ongoing relationship with a universe that
responds to our thoughts and actions.

Now What? Mayan Fourth Night Venus in

the Underworld by Allison Rae - July 20,
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 22, 2011 at 9:31pm

Now What?

Mayan Fourth Night Venus in the Underworld

by Allison Rae - July 20, 2011

Well, that was interesting.

The crushing intensity of June is abating somewhat now that we’ve entered a new phase of
the Mayan Ninth Wave and Venus has slipped into the underworld.

According to Carl Johan Calleman’s interpretation, the ninth and final underworld of the
Mayan calendar began March 9 and completes October 28, 2011. Days and nights flow in
nine- and 18-day rhythms, with one full wave pattern completing every 36 days.

The current phase – the Fourth Night – began July 13. During the 18-day “nights,” we
assimilate the shifts that occurred during the previous 18-day “day” and release vestiges of
past conditioning, patterning and beliefs that don’t serve our ongoing evolution.

The contrast of shadow and light was intensified last month by a series of three eclipses –
June 1, June 15 and July 1. Chaotic energies associated with eclipses and an on-again, off-
again grand cardinal cross kept things more than interesting as vast changes swept through
our lives and our world.

Meanwhile, Venus slipped lower and lower in the pre-dawn sky throughout June, until she
was lost in the sun’s light by July 11. Her shamanic journey away from our view began as our
Sun meets the great star Sirius.

Venus re-emerges gradually in the western sky near sunset around the time of the September

For more than two months, the journey is about integration, assimilation and transfiguration.
We’re transformed as Venus shapeshifts into her quieter persona, the evening star.

The fires of purification continue to burn. Lifetimes of fear are released to reveal the radiant,
core essence within.

Venus Cycle

The current 584-day cycle of Venus began in the pre-dawn hours of November 5, 2010, when
the morning star burst forth to preside in the eastern horizon.

Although Venus will travel through the zodiac throughout this time, the sign of her heliacal
rise determines the themes and tone of the entire cycle. Venus rose at 1 Scorpio back in
November, so we’re in the midst of a 584-day shamanic passage of death and rebirth within
the Venusian realms of love, beauty and abundance. Like the snake, we’re shedding the skin
of what was, awaiting the emergence of essence within.

The current cycle culminates with a spectacular display on June 5/6, 2012, with a transit of
Venus across the face of the Sun that will easily be visible from Earth. This is the bookend to
a sister Transit of Venus in June 2004. These visual transits happen eight years apart, but
rarely. The next one will be in 2117.

When Venus passes directly between the Sun and Earth, we see our sister planet as a small dot
gliding slowly across the face of the Sun.

Her heliacal rise as morning star in the east on June 12, 2012, follows the transit of the solar

From November 2010 through June 2012, the theme is releasing fears that dis-empower us,
embracing transformation and experiencing rebirth.

This is an ideal time to re-examine your values, connect with the soul and express your
authentic self.

The Experience

Our shamanic process has intensified greatly in recent weeks and months, facilitated by these
natural passages.

I’ve been supporting many clients and hearing from others around the world. Common
themes in this individual and collective experience include:

Love – What else is it? How else can we express it? How open are you to personal love and
the divine experience of agape?

Relationships – Many are ending or reconfiguring, some are beginning. As we redefine

ourselves, our relationships shift.

Creativity – As the old is destroyed, creative bursts follow. Something new is always being
born. Are you embracing the birth of the new?

Sexuality/sensuality – Radical changes in self-awareness and the opening to creative flow

lead to new expressions of sexuality and a more sensual experience of life.

Life purpose – What’s yours? Are you living it? Is your purpose shifting or leading you in
new directions?

Chaos – Abrupt shifts can make us feel ungrounded and uncertain. Accidents, injuries and
sudden illness are common.

Resistance – With so much change happening so quickly, parts of our selves tend to hold on to
the way things were. Resistance can also express as anxiety and depression. Many attempt to
escape in addictions.

Emotions – As the shell of our former reality cracks, raw emotion flows out. Hearts are
opening to greater and greater love.

Other shifts – Jobs ending or beginning, new ventures starting up, relocation, real estate
transactions, marriages and divorce are common during periods of electromagnetic volatility.

Remember, eclipses break up energy patterns. During the Ninth Wave, the evolution of
consciousness accelerates by a factor of 20.

The old is crumbling, the new just taking shape. Now is a moment of supreme opportunity.
Play in this expanded field of infinite possibility.

Enjoy the journey…

Copyright 2011 Allison Rae/

All rights reserved.

Master Hilarion's Weekly Message: July 24-
31, 2011
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 24, 2011 at 8:00pm

Master Hilarion's Weekly Message: July 24-31, 2011 -

July 24 – 31, 2011

Beloved Lightworkers,

As the days of summer go forth one after the other, you will find yourselves feeling
ever greater effects of the energy upgrades that will be occurring which can have the
effect of making you feel overwhelmed by all the changes within you and around you.
It is very important that you stay focused and determined to stay the course. If you
have not yet followed the simple rules of staying grounded, now is the time to start
seriously considering it.
Take long walks in Nature, sit by a river or lake, listen to the sounds of the birds
around you, close your eyes and visualize roots growing from your feet into the
crystalline core of Mother Earth, listen to soothing, uplifting music that fills your
heart with joy and peace, do something nice for someone else without being asked,
read a good book, stand against a tree and talk to it and wait for an answer; there are
many ways to feel grounded and fully in your body, just intending by stating out loud
that “My intent is to be fully and 100 percent grounded into the crystalline core of
Mother Earth throughout the day and night. So be it and so it is.” will also make it so.
As the increasingly intense energies continue to flow, many Earth changes will take
place upon your Planet and the people of the World will be challenged to keep track
of them all. The Earth is also transforming and as that alchemy takes place, it must be
remembered that this is a time of great opportunity for soul growth and evolutionary
expansion for all and great leaps in consciousness can take place during these times
and so it is very crucial to keep on with your disciplines and intentions to be aligned
with the Divine Plan and to practice these each day.
Another key during these times is to find many things many times each day to feel
grateful for. Make a list each morning or sometime at least once each day listing all
the things and people in your life that you are grateful for. You will find that this
practice will bring a smile to your heart and consequently to your face and will keep
you positive and uplifted and feeling confident that all is well in your lives and
everything is as it should be. Remember that your thoughts are things in that what
you think about and dwell upon will start to manifest in your life and this is
something that is now beginning to happen within a shorter period of time than it
used to. Ensure that your thoughts are about what you really want and desire to
become manifest in your daily life.
Call upon the unemployed Angels who are waiting to be remembered by each of you.
We understand that there is much that is occurring within your lives and in the World
that keeps you distracted but it only takes a few moments to call them in and to ask
for their assistance in any way that you need in each moment. There are Legions of
these beautiful Angels waiting to be of assistance to you Dear Ones. It is their and
our, your Family of Light’s greatest pleasure and greatest joy to help you upon your
Spiritual journey. If you cannot see us, just have faith that we walk beside you with
each step that you take. Talk to us as you would to your dearest friend, for truly there
is nothing that we do not know about you and we can give insights that you might not
see otherwise.
Above all, Beloved Ones, give kindness and compassion to yourselves and honor your
Spiritual journey and the incredible growth that has been taking place within you. If
you look back even one year ago, you will see that you have accomplished much and
most importantly, you are here and making a real difference!Until next week….
I AM Hilarion

©2011 Marlene SwetlishoffPermission is given to share this message as long as the
message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way
and Scribe's credit, copyright and website is included.
www.therainbowscribe.comThank you for including the above website link when
posting this message.

Evrenin en büyük su kütlesi keşfedildi

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 24, 2011 at 8:28pm

Evrenin en büyük su kütlesi keşfedildi

İki astronomi ekibi, evrenin bugüne kadar keşfedilmiş en büyük ve dünyaya en uzak
su kütlesini ortaya çıkardı. Dünyadan 12 milyar ışık yılı mesafedeki bu su kütlesi,
dünya okyanuslarının içerdiği toplam su kütlesinin 140 trilyon katı büyüklüğe sahip.

Buhar halindeki su kütlesi, kuasar olarak adlandırılan ve ortasında, çevresindeki

maddeyi yutan büyük bir kara delik bulunan gök cismini sarıyor.
NASA’nın Kaliforniya’daki laboratuvarından Matt Bradford, kuasar çevresindeki
ortamın oldukça özgün bir yapıya sahip olduğunu belirterek, bu yapının "devasa
büyüklükte su ortaya çıkardığını" belirtti.
Keşfi yapan ekiplerden birinin başkanı olan Bradford, "yeni keşif bir kez daha
gösterdi ki su, evrende oldukça yaygın ve hatta evrenin en erken zamanlarından beri
var" dedi. Bu ekibin bulguları, Astrophysical Journal Letters’da yayımlandı.
Kuasarlar, çevresini bir disk şeklinde saran gaz ve toz kümesini emen devasa bir
karadeliğe sahip gök cisimleri. Kuasarın karadeliği, bu tüketiminin sonucunda diskin
ortasından her iki yöne doğru müthiş bir enerji fışkırtıyor. Su kütlesinin bulunduğu
bu kuasarın kara deliği Güneş’ten 20 milyar kat daha yoğun ve Güneş’ten, "Bin
trilyon kat" enerjiye sahip.
Bu kadar uzakta ve evrenin erken dönemlerinde var olan su kütlesi ilk kez
keşfediliyor. Güneş Sistemi’nin dahil olduğu Samanyolu Galaksisi’nde de su buharı
bulunuyor ancak galaksimizdeki su kütlesinin çoğu buz halde bulunuyor.
Samanyolu’ndaki su kütlesi, bu kuasarda bulunandan 4000 kat daha az. Bunun
nedeni de suyun, Samanyolu’nda daha çok buz formunda olması.
Kuasardaki su buharı, gök cisminin karadelik etrafında dönen gaz kütlesinin içerisine
dağılmış durumda. Bu gaz bölge, yüzlerce ışık yılı genişliğinde (1 ışık yılı, yaklaşık 6
trilyon mil). Kuasardaki su buharı ile, karbonmonoksit gibi diğer moleküllerin
ölçümleri, çevreleyen gazın yoğunlaşarak yıldızlar oluşturuyor olabileceğini
gösteriyor. Ölçümler, Kaliforniya Teknoloji Enstitüsü’nün Hawai’deki teleskobu
kullanılarak, Bradford’un ekibince 2008’den beri yapılıyor. Kuasar üzerinde çalışan
ikinci ekip ise, Alpler’deki Caltech Submillimeter Gözlemevi başkan yardımcısı, fizikçi
Dariusz Lis başkanlığındaki bir ekip. Bu ekip de kuasardaki ilk su buharı gözlemini
2010’da yaptı.

Posted by: "Saffet"

The Time of Awakening has Come A

message from the Council of Nine 22 July
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 24, 2011 at 8:30pm

The Time of Awakening has Come

A message from the Council of Nine a

22 July 2011

Channeler: Julie Miller

The Time of Awakening has Come - A message from the Council of Nine
Channeled by: Julie Miller
July 22, 2011

We are the Council of Nine of Sirius B and it pleases us to speak again through this kind
human soul. We have come again to speak much about what is going on on your planet
involving its people.

Many of you have been ready for what is to come and have been planning and working with
guides, angles, masters and beings like us. And there are many sweet humans just awakening

to a world that is changing rapidly. It is time to understand that the people of Earth already
have what is needed within themselves to help bring Earth into a place where duality will no
longer exist.

One of the biggest keys dear humans to help the Earth to ascend is to learn to love yourself
first. It seems so easy to send out all your love and all your light to those when you haven't
sent it to yourself first. YOU dear souls is where this love is to begin. There is so much power
in your thoughts and intent and the energy you give when you are full of unconditonal love is
quite wonderful.

We of the Council of Nine encourage you to continue with giving thoughts that are filled with
love and filled with light that comes from the heart, your heart. There are humans on your
beautiful planet that do not wish for the Earth to ascend and do not wish for the inhabitants of
Earth to reach their full potential as a being of light. Retaliation is not the key dear souls, love
is. They only understand what they know, and it is not up to you to change them, as they need
to change themselves. As one cannot force their opinions on you and vice versa. All you can
do dear souls is encircle them with your love and your light. The positive energy you send
will reach them. And yes they could very well resist, but eventually in this lifetime or in
another that love you sent will work.

You are not here to save everyone that comes your way dear ones. That could end up being an
unachievable task and we want you to achieve dear people. We ask of you to look into
yourself first before you begin helping others. Learn who you are and what you are able to
offer that you can without second guessing or rethinking if you did the right thing. It is
difficult to advise someone if you have not experienced what they are asking. If something
like this does occur dear people, we suggest to comfort them, guide them without giving
judgments or assumptions. Be as non-biased as you can be.

There is a lot of energy going around your planet and many of you are noticing, and, or
feeling it. Sometimes high energy like this can cause quick answers, quick tempers, or the
feeling like the person isn't listening because they are caught up in the energy wave. You are
still feeling the special planetary alignments that has occured, the eclipses, the different
planetary retrogrades, the list goes on. All effects the human pysche in one way or another.
Take your time dear humans. There is no need to rush. Find a place of calm within yourself.
Practice deep breathing when you feel rushed. Slow cleansing breaths, feel your lungs expand
as you breath in and out. You can time your breaths to hold for a few short seconds to help
focus your thoughts and breathing. This is only a suggestion dear ones, but it has been noted
that focused deep breathing has been helpful to the inhabiants of Earth. Some do this at the
start of meditation or they do this when they are feeling, what you say, "out-of-sorts".

Before we depart, we would like to add that as you are loving yourself and loving others
unconditionally you are also forgiving yourself and others. Forgive yourself for wrongdoings
you have done to others and forgive the ones that have done you wrong. Not only does it
release you from holding on to negativity that will slow down your own ascension and
spiritual growth, you also will reduce any Karmic repercussions.

We are now ready to depart this kind human soul. We will return and speak through her and
others. We are never as far from you as you think. We hear you like your celestial beings hear

you. Be true to yourselves and always show kindness not just towards others, but to yourself.

Namaste - The Council of Nine

Temmuz 2011 Mesaji: Sevgili Basmelek

Mikail'den hepimize..
 Posted by Beki Erikli on July 25, 2011 at 6:46pm

Temmuz 2011 Mesaji: Sevgili Basmelek Mikail'den hepimize.

15 Temmuz 2011 sabahi erkenden uykumdan "YAZ!" diye bir sesle uyandim. O sabah
dolunaydi ve bir onceki gece onuc sehidimizin haberini almis, meleklerimin tavsiyelerine
ragmen kendime engel olamayip cok uzulmustum.

Basmelek Mikail sesleniyordu bizlere:

"Evet, ben Basmelek Mikail'im ve bu ay seninle ben konusmak istiyorum. Izlenim su ki,
zamaninizin cogunda karanliktasiniz, ya da bir baska deyisle iluzyon cok guclu. 'Isik nerede?'
diye soruyorsunuz.

Isik her yerde. Biz, sizlerden bunu gormenizi istiyoruz. Orada olani gormenizi. Isik burada. O,
su anda burada. Her birinizin uzerinde parliyor. Artik korlugunuzden uzaklasin ve onu gorun.
Hepinizin bunu yapacak gucu var, simdi.

Fakat siz, iluzyonu gormekte ve iluzyonda yasamakta israr ediyorsunuz. Neden? Cunku bu,
daha kolay. Cunku bu, her zaman yapageldiginiz sey. Bu, hosunuza gidiyor. Onda daha fazla
heyecan, daha fazla yenilik, daha fazla haber degeri var. Bu oyunu oynayarak daha fazla
karanlik yaratmaya devam ediyorsunuz.

DURUN! Simdi, su anda durun."

Meleklerim, size bu mesajdan bir gun once yasadiklarimi yazmami istediler. Yukaridaki
satirlari yazdigimda, ben de kendimi ayni seyi yaptigimdan dolayi suclu hissettim. Televizyon
izlemiyorum, gazete okumuyorum ama Facebook sayfamizdan bu ayki sehitlerin haberini
aldigimda o aksam, bunu agabeyime anlattim. Neden? Bilmiyorum. Belki bu konu, bana gore,
onun bilmesi gereken onemli bir haberdi. Ya da kendimi o an kotu hissettim ve o yukten
konusarak kurtulmak istedim. Ama bunun tam tersi oldu. Melekerim bana israrla, "Isiga
odaklan." dediler, ama o aksam benim aklim hep o uzucu haberdeydi. Bir sure sonra cok gec
olmustu. Kendimi fiziksel olarak fena hissettim, cok kotu midem bulanmaya basladi.

"Allah'im, meleklerim lutfen bana isiga odaklanmam icin yardim edin, su anda o kadar
asagilardayim ki, buradan kendim cikamayacagim!" dedim. Birden sol elim kendiliginden
solar plexus dedigimiz gobegin uzerindeki cakrama gitti, ve aninda kendimi daha iyi
hissettim. O anda havam degisti. Birkac derin nefes aldim ve telefon caldi (gece saat 11'de).
Sevgili arkadasim Kadriye'ydi arayan. Ne kadar cok kisinin kitabi okuyup meleklerin
mucizelerini yasadigini anlatti bana, gulumsedim. Meleklerim tam o anda ona aratmislardi

Basmelek Mikail soyle devam etti sozlerine:

"Evet - farkina varin ve karanligi yaratmaktan vazgecin. Daha fazla isik yaratin, simdi. Sizler
bize "Isigi nasil yaratabiliriz?" diye soruyorsunuz, ya da "Isiga gidis surecimizi nasil

Size cevabi verdik. Ve sizlerden bir kez daha ayni seyi istiyoruz:

Isiga odaklanin. Isik olun. Isigi yayin. Dokundugunuz herkese isik verin. Dunyayi aydinlatin.
Bunu tek tek, bir kisiden baslayarak tek tek herkesle yapin ve cok gecmeden sayi, binlerce
insani bulacak."

Ben o an, bana gelen 'caresiz' gorunen mailleri dusunup durakladim. Meleklerim bana "Sor,
Beki, sor ona." dediler.

"Basmelek Mikail, su anda iluzyona gomulu yasayan insanlar var. Bu iluzyonun gercek
yasamlari oldugunu dusunuyorlar. Issiz olan insanlar, sevdiklerine bakmak zorunda
olduklarini dusunen ve su anda issiz olan insanlar var. Onlar karanliktan nasil cikabilirler?"

Basmelek Mikail, "Sen onlara cevabi verdin zaten." dedi* ve o anda piril piril bir melek isigi
parildadi odada. Basmelek Mikail sustu. "Biz sizlere cevabi, defalarca verdik." dedi.

"Yaz Beki," dedi meleklerim bana. Kalemimden sunlar akti:

Kendi gucumuzu elimize alalim. Farkina varalim artik; guc bizde. Evet, guc gercekten bizde.
Ve iluzyondan siyrilalim.

Basmelek Mikail devam etti sozlerine:

"Bilin ki, bir cikis yolu var. Bunu bilin. Onu yaratin. Evet, belki bir blokajiniz olabilir. Ama
siz, o blokajdan daha guclusunuz. Onun uzerine basin, ve o asagiya, golun icine batacak. Bu
olacak. En azindan, siz, kendi yolunuzdan cekilebileceksiniz, ve golun uzerinde
yuzebileceksiniz. Daha sonra, kanatlarinizi iyice acip ucabilirsiniz. O zaman da gelecek."

Basmelek Mikail sessizlesti. Hepimizin, istisnasiz hepimizin omuzlarina dusen sorumlulugun

onemini hissettim. Ne olursa olsun, her zaman isigi gormenin, isiktan konusmanin, isigi
dusunmenin onemini. Bir gece once olanlara uzulerek karanliga nasil katkida bulundugumu
dusundum. Bunun yerine sadece ve sadece geride kalanlar icin dua edebilirdim. Bu, isiga
odaklanmaktir. Bu, yapici bir eylemdir.

"Bu sekilde, isigi yaratirsin." dedi Basmelek Mikail. "Isigi yarartirsin, ve isik olursun.

Simdi hepinizden, bunu yapmanizi istiyoruz. Her gun, her an, hayatinizin her saniyesinde.
Bunu yapabilirsiniz. Isik olmayi secebilirsiniz. Bu, sizin sorumlulugunuz. Simdi ve her

Basmelek Mikail.

Not: Ben, issiz, uzgun, cikmazda ya da her seyinters gittigini hissedenlere kendi
karanligimdan cikmama yardim eden iki kaynagi oneriyorum. Birincisi, Secret'in filmini
izlemek. Yargilamadan, defalarca bunu yapmak. Ben 100 kez izledim, ve inanin ben de ilk
izleyisimde mesaji hemen anlamistim. Ama onlarca izlemeden sonra ancak, ben de karanligi
yaratmamayi (en azindan cogu zaman yaratmamayi;) ogrendim. Secret'in videosunun bir
kismi, Facebook'taki Meleklerle Yasamak grubumuzda videolarda var.

Ikinci kaynak da, "Simdinin Gucu" adli kitabi yasamak, okumak degil. Eckhart Tolle, bu
kitapta dusunce ve duygularimizi kontrol etmeyi ogretiyor.

Bunu yaparak hayati karanliktan tamamen isiga donusen birinin comert hikayesini ikinci
kitabima koyuyorum. Inanin, ise yariyor.

Sevgi ve isikla kalin,

Beki Ikala Erikli

Indigo or Crystal Child or Adult
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 27, 2011 at 11:44pm

Indigo or Crystal Child or Adult

How do you know if you, or someone you know, is an Indigo or Crystal Child or Adult?

We will describe the main features and characteristics of these people. But we want to
stress that the Indigo/Crystal phenomenon is the next step in our evolution as a human
species. We are all, in some way, becoming more like the Indigo and Crystal people. They are
here to show us the way, and so the information can be applied more generally to all of us as
we make the transition to the next stage of our growth and evolution.

The Indigo Children have been incarnating on the Earth for the last 100 years. The early
Indigos were pioneers and wayshowers. After World War II, a significant number were born,
and these are the Indigo adults of today. However, in the 1970s a major wave of Indigos was
born, and so we have a whole generation of Indigos who are now in their late twenties and
early thirties who are about to take their place as leaders in the world. Indigos continued to
born up to about 2000, with increasing abilities and degrees of technological and creative

The Crystal Children began to appear on the planet from about 2000, although some date
them slightly earlier. These are extremely powerful children, whose main purpose is to take us
to the next level in our evolution, and reveal to us our inner power and divinity. They function
as a group consciousness rather than as individuals, and they live by the" Law of One" or
Unity Consciousness. They are a powerful force for love and peace on the planet.

The Indigo and Crystal Adults are composed of two groups. Firstly, there are those who
were born as Indigos and are now making the transition to Crystal. This means they undergo a
spiritual and physical transformation that awakens their "Christ" or "Crystal" consciousness
and links them with the Crystal children as part of the evolutionary wave of change. The
second group is those who were born without these qualities, but have acquired or are in the
process of acquiring them through their own hard work and the diligent following of a
spiritual path. Yes, this means that all of us have the potential to be part of the emerging group
of "human angels".

Read more:

Also if interested:


Empathy, Understanding and Compassion

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 27, 2011 at 11:54pm

Empathy is closely related to compassion, but empathy both precedes compassion and is a
pre-requisite for compassion. When we feel empathy for someone we are getting emotional
information about them and their situation. By collecting information about other people's
feelings, you get to know them better. As you get to know others on an emotional level, you
are likely to see similarities between your feelings and theirs, and between your basic
emotional needs and theirs. When you realize that someone else's basic emotional needs are
similar to yours, you are more able to identify with them, relate to them and empathize with

All humans share similar emotional needs. The wide variety among our needs is mostly a
difference in degree, rather than in type. For example, we all need to feel some degree of
freedom, but one person may need more freedom than another.

Compassion can be defined as a combination of empathy and understanding. Greater empathy

gives you greater information, and the more information you have on something, the more
likely you are to understand it. Higher emotional intelligence makes possible a greater
capacity for such understanding. Thus, the logical sequence is as follows: Higher emotional
sensitivity and awareness leads to higher levels of empathy. This leads to higher levels of
understanding which then leads to higher levels of compassion.

Haim Ginott wrote that "It takes time and wisdom to realize that the personal parallels the
universal and what pains one man pains mankind." Now we might add that it also takes highly
developed emotional intelligence.

Kuthumi - Changing Your Drama
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 28, 2011 at 12:30am


Changing Your Drama

All Rights Reserved & Copyright Michelle Manders

Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 11 November 2003

I am Kuthumi, and I come forward upon the rays of Love and Wisdom to greet you at this
time and to bring unto you endless blessings of love. Greetings, beloved ones.

It is with great joy that we gather here today with you all to share our love, to share our joy
with you, for today we wish to share with you the joy of seeing how you have grown along
your path. You have experienced much over the past weeks. You have had to face many
issues, many obstacles, and because time is speeding up at such a rate, you are facing more
and more of your lessons. So what we wish to share with you today is to look at your lessons
as just that: lessons to help you grow - not as obstacles to destroy you.

As you know, before you incarnated upon the Earth plane you chose certain lessons, certain
experiences in your life on your path to assist you with your growth pattern, to assist you in
returning home. You have learned so much already. When you look back upon your past days
and your past years and think to yourself "That was a bad time; I never want to relive that
moment again." But guess what - you survived. You are still here - does that not tell you
something? That you are always given the strength to face whatever is facing you at this time.

When you find yourself in a situation that is trying, ask yourself "what can I do to change my
situation? What can I do to generate energy, to create peace on my present path? What
lessons am I to learn out of this experience?" For then, you see, you are not allowing the
negative energy to hold you back.

There is a lesson to each day that you live. No matter how big or small, each day is a lesson
in life. Each day you are learning something new, so allow yourself to learn your lessons
quickly and move on upon your path. And you need to give yourself a rather mighty pat on
your back for what you have achieved so far. You have dealt with some mighty obstacles and
large lessons so far, but you are a better person because of your experiences. You have
realised the importance of love in your life - not just the love of others, but the love for
yourself. When you begin to look at your lessons with love, you begin to see the
opportunities in your lessons and not the setbacks.

Many people ask the question "Why is it that I can advise others on their problems but I am
unable to sort out my own life?" It is because you are standing on the outside looking in, so
this is what we would like you to do when you are facing a life lesson.

Take whatever it is you need to face at this time and place yourself in your sacred space.
Allow the universal light to form a protective egg of white light around you. Visualise the
amethyst ray becoming one with the universal white light around you. Always remember,
when you are choosing to let go in your meditations, allow the amethyst ray to become one
with your universal light, for it shall protect you whilst you are releasing - it allows you to feel
safe in your vulnerability, and the universal white light shall then be able to flow freely and
fill all of that which you are letting go of.

Now take yourself to your waterfall of the universal water of life, of light and of love. Allow
yourself to stand within these waters. Imagine drawing the energy of the water through your
feet, cleansing and clearing you until it becomes one with your crown centre. Now, see before
you whatever it is you need to face at this present moment. Allow it to float upon the water
before you. Visualise yourself being elevated above the situation by the energy of light and of
love supporting you and holding you above your present experience.

Begin to see the play that is being acted out before you. See yourself as the actor in the drama
of your life and watch this as if you were watching a movie. You are now standing on the
outside looking in. Allow yourself to interpret this drama - what can you do differently to
change any scenes or acts in this play? Where do you think the script can be changed? Begin
to re-arrange your drama; remove actors whom you feel are no good for the parts they are
trying to play. If you feel you're not playing the correct part, then put yourself in the role you
should be playing. This is your chance to be on "Broadway," so write the screenplay any
which way you choose. You may win an Oscar!!

Remember you are free to change any scene you choose. You are free to replace any actor or
actress whom you choose, and you are free to change the scenery. You may find during the
course of the next cycle you return a number of times to look at your drama once more, and
each time you can change something. Continue with this process until you have reached the
point where you are satisfied with your drama - where you are satisfied with each act, with
each scene, with each part of your play. Each time you face an experience or a lesson,
remember this technique, for it takes you out of that energy and enables you to see more
clearly what is happening before you.

Ask the various actors what they feel their role is - why they are playing out specific parts in
your drama. Ask yourself why you are in that specific role. You will be amazed by the
answers you receive. As you make changes, allow the new setting of your drama to be held in
universal white light and sealed within amethyst and golden light. See this in a ball of white,
amethyst and golden light. Each time you change any part, hold it once more in the white,
amethyst and golden light.

Now take all of that which you have changed in your drama - allow it to be released to the
water to be cleansed and be purified, and allow all of that which you feel is no longer a part of
you, to be released to the universal water of love, light and life.

Each time you work with a specific purpose or process or experience in your life you are
constantly shifting very subtle energies. You keep on unblocking something that is no longer a

part of you, so it is important that you regularly allow yourself to release all of that which is
no longer a part of you. You may not at all times know specifically what it is, but just
visualise the words "I release all of that which is no longer a part of me into the universal
waters of life, light and love. I cleanse my being and I seal my being in the universal waters of
life, light and love."

As time passes on, you shall feel the lightness of being, for you shall release more and more
of that which is no longer you, and you will become more of who you truly are, and when you
are who you truly are, there is no heaviness; there are no burdens to carry. So become your
own director, your producer and the writer of your plays, and have fun doing it. You do not
always need to be so serious. We shall put a big sign up for you every now and then which
says, "lighten up" for that is what life is all about - it is about light. So when you lighten up,
not only does it put a smile on your face, it allows you to feel lighter.

We bless you with much light, with much love, and we fill you with the strength and courage
to see your healing process through to completion. We ask you to trust in your process and
know that we are always supporting you and are always divinely protecting and guiding you.
Trust in the invisible arms that hold you and remember that we are only but a thought away.

Peace be with you all this day. I am Kuthumi and I greet and bless you in love.


Kuthumi - Vietnam Channelling - One
 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 28, 2011 at 12:44am


Vietnam Channelling – One

All Rights Reserved & Copyright Michelle Manders

Channelled in Johannesburg, South Africa on 18 June 2008

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of Love and Wisdom to greet you at this time
and to bring unto you the blessings of peace, tranquillity, healing and surrender. Greetings
beloved ones.

And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with you upon this day
as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.

Beloved ones, as we begin the activation of this next series of initiations we bring you the
opportunity to integrate a divine quality that your fully mastered self already holds within the
light of your energy field, what we mean by this, is this particular trio of initiations is offering
you an opportunity to integrate a mastered aspect of yourself, something that will enable you
to understand the greater purpose of your life and how it is that this divine purpose is leading
you in the direction of your sacred destiny.

Many people have been experiencing visions of what lurks within the shadows; aspects of
themselves they have rejected as a result of interpreting these parts as negative, unacceptable,
and realising that to be a part of that shadow self is not only uncomfortable, but will also
challenge other aspects of their reality. With these initiations you are going to be faced with
the authentic self - the wild and authentic self and the wounded self. What will happen is that
your authentic self will be there in full essence and in its full presence to take the wounded
aspects of your self and pull them into the light of its authenticity. This is not limited to a few
people following these initiations, this is a planetary shift in awareness and consciousness.

There are in total thirty-one thousand of the "new children" as they are referred to who will
be holding this energy. They will be held by the energy of Lord Ra, Thoth, Horus, myself
Kuthumi, Master Jesus, El Morya, Hilarion and St Germain. Our energies will be there to
facilitate this deep inner transformation that the children of your planet are initiating. These
thirty-one thousand children have already undergone personal journeys of remembering their
truth and reconnecting with the inner spirit, their inner divinity and that which fuels the light
inside of them. Many of these children have either recently awoken to their gift of being able
to see that which cannot be seen by others, or will step into that realisation and
acknowledgement in a very short space of time. The children we refer to are the key guardians
of the sacred world of the inner child. The inner child for adults is the consciousness of your

child self, and it is this consciousness that you are being made more aware of so as to
understand what it is from that time either inhibiting or limiting you in one way or another.

There is going to be a major shifting of energy, the energy will first be anchored on the 6th of
August 2008 in Namibia specifically, Windhoek and in Hanoi, as these two energies connect
so there will be a portal of light which opens within the heart chakras of these thirty-one
thousand children. As their hearts open so a new consciousness, a fluid consciousness, pours
forth which will automatically act as an activator of that same portal within the heart of every
receptive human being on the Planet Earth. When these two heart centres activate; Hanoi and
Windhoek, there will be an influx of energy coming directly from Venus, which will be
projected through the Lion Heart and Sun Chakra, activated for the majority of humanity
some years ago already, and will undergo the next phase of its own amplification. For those of
you who do not know, the Sun Chakra is located between the base and sacral chakras, as the
fire of this particular chakra grows in strength so the ability to draw power from the base, the
sun and the sacral chakras up into the heart chakra strengthens, and the Tantric Tube becomes
stronger in its ability to root itself not only within the consciousness of human beings, but
within the body and the reality of that which is being experienced, and it is this Tube, this
golden flow of energy, that roots the consciousness of light within all receptive human beings.

The turning points that were offered to humanity from the month of May 2008 already, and
those that were linked to the Grand Canyon activations, increase and penetrate another level
through these particular initiations, and the children are the key element in this one. In the
activation of the White Fire Element, and the opening of the Golden Heart Chakra in Egypt in
April 2008, a lot of preparation was done for these activations happening now in August 2008.
The purpose for bringing the authentic self and wounded self together is far greater than you
can imagine, for when the authentic self trans-parents the wounded self you are omitting "the
middle man" so to speak; let me call it the "Chiron influence" for now. The "Chiron
influence" is linked to the planet Chiron, which is the planet of the wounded healer. We are
not using the wounded healer aspect in this sense, it is actually coming from the authentic
healer aspect, which is why it cuts out a lot of unnecessary projections right now. Most
healers on your planet are wounded healers, and now all wounded healers are going through
this process of stepping into the authentic self and ascending from the position of being a
wounded healer into the position of an authentic healer. The old paradigm of the old world
needed wounded healers, where you are moving to at this time the authentic healer is needed,
no more wounded healers, for the wounded healers are becoming authentic within themselves,
therefore we call them Authentic Healers. A wounded healer cannot give fully of themselves,
because they are wounded. Healed wounds deliver the gift of authenticity.

Therefore, the inner child consciousness that carries the wounds are often "mistaken
wounds," because all it is, is the shadow holding a treasured aspect of self which was rejected,
it is not necessarily a wound, and as a result of this realization you will witness rapid changes
taking place. Those of you who choose to walk this triple initiation, you will find that within
hours of the process beginning it will have already ended. The authentic self is a raw power
beloved ones, it is wild, it is uncompromising to a degree, this is the part of you that knows
exactly what your truth is, you could consider this part of you the claircognisant self, the self
that knows your truth, however, the authentic self is a part that can fully operate in the third
dimensional world and in any other dimension, for there is no need for it to be detached,
distracted or separate from anything it is, because it is at one with all it can operate and
function from more empowering perspectives.

You will see that during this time children will within themselves already begin to face their
own wounds and experience the power and presence of their authentic self, that in itself is an
incredible gift, because never before have children of such young ages been able to step into
their power, especially within a third dimension in which there is so much deceit, deception,
illusion and abuse. These children are creating a powerful bridge between the dualities of
these two worlds, and it is these thirty-one thousand specifically who are building the first
bridges. These bridges will facilitate the crossing over of every other child who is ready to
embrace their authentic self and serve and walk as catalysts within the lives of their parents,
peer groups, teachers and other family members. These are the ones who have walked the
gauntlet many times before, children who have within them an immense capacity to
understand; a wisdom that many adults have not seen before.

At this particular phase of the triple initiation you are introduced to the Dragon Energy. The
Dragon Energy is the fire inside of you, the voice of fire and this precious ones is part of the
White Fire Element initiations. Embracing your fire element is a very important part of your
journey and keeping that flame balanced is vital. The Dragon is the inner aspect representing
the ability to move forward with power, with courage and wisdom, with knowledge and pure
intention, and bring into physical being that which you desire. You will be accessing
Universes eight through to eighty-eight during the totality of the August activations from the
6th to the 22nd of August 2008. Anybody working with this energy after that particular
window period will still access certain energies, but not the exact blueprint that is being
presented at this time, because a new blueprint will have developed.

This is where you are going to step into a greater awareness of what your life force is and
what it means to be motivated by the element of fire, anger is brought into balance, passion is
brought into balance and those who do not set their boundaries, those who do not express their
anger will find themselves having to face that. Those who are overly angry, those who find
themselves reacting to everything most of the time; that will have to be tempered, brought
into balance, so you could imagine the first activation being a lesson in moderation.
Understanding your own temperament is vital - do you react, behave and believe in what you
do because of external forces pushing you, pulling you and influencing what it is you want or
don't want? This is something all children are dealing with all the time, children are at the
receiving end of the instruction of the adult world, which is not necessarily an instruction of
wisdom or of truth.

With the thirty-one thousand "new children" there will be thirty-one thousand females, and
thirty-one thousand males, who in their light body will stand on either side of these children
and serve as their guardians as they walk through the dimensional portals into the power of
their authentic self, and help them bring this energy back into the root of their heart chakra
and all chakras beneath it and above it to anchors this sacred plan. This new plan coming forth
is one that is linked to the Ruby Red Ray. The Ruby Red Ray is held by Master El Morya,
however, at this particular time this Ruby Red Ray will be held by Lord Buddha, Archangel
Michael and Master Jesus. These three beings will ensure that this Ruby Red blueprint, is
securely rooted within the heart chakra, securely rooted within the base chakra and on Mother
Earth's body, and link it to the thirty-one thousand children and the sixty-two thousand adult
guardians. What this does is create a collective grid which brings the heart and base chakras
into a level of balance where both can communicate wisely, truthfully and with pure intention.
This creates a planetary Tantric Tube through which this golden energy will flow.

Therefore, between Namibia, Windhoek specifically, and Hanoi, this Tantric Tube will first
be erected and the energy will flow. There will be other energies transported from those points
to bodies of water in both locations. These bodies of water will absorb the energy and filter it
out into the emotional body, first of the thirty-one thousand children and then the sixty-two
thousand adult guardians. Once that has been activated, it can absorbed into the planetary
emotional body, and only then will it be fed into the emotional bodies of the rest of the
population of your planet, regardless of whether they are receptive to it or not.

This will create a new frequency within the consciousness of the crystals of water
specifically. The waters of your planet will hold this consciousness, which is where the
wounded and wild self will merge within your emotional body, therefore be aware of how
your emotional body processes that which you will experience, so giving your body vast
amounts of liquid will be important during this time.

The Lion Heart is a vibration which Lord Ra, Horus and Thoth are fine tuning and there will
be a series of recalibrations that will take place every one hundred and sixteen hours for the
next eight months. This recalibration is vital to ensure that the voice of the authentic self is
expressed through this new heart portal, which we call the heart chakra of the authentic self. It
can only be activated through the heart of a child, for it is that one must become like a child in
order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, and in order for you to enter your own Kingdom of
Heaven within, you need to be able to be in touch and understand the child within, become
that child within. Then your authentic can stand fully empowered fearlessly, unconditional
and strong, guiding you all the way, and who better to trust than your most empowered self,
the part of you that knows absolutely everything about you and cannot ever let you down. The
authentic self will ensure that you grasp the knowledge you need right now and will help you
discern what are true wounds and what is simply a strength lurking within the shadow you
have come to mistakenly believe is a wound. Thus the authentic self pulls these powers into
your light, by that I mean into the conscious mind so that you can implement it and use it.

The children I speak of are located all over the world, however there will be a group of them
who will travel physically to Vietnam and Cambodia during this time. These children are the
physical anchors and key activators of this new level of awareness and ability to love self and
life. The adults accompanying the children in the physical will be the ones who draw the light
in through their bodies to serve as guardians and protectors of these children. These children
will reveal to the adults accompanying them how important is to be centred within the heart
and the miracles that authenticity can manifest.

Being in your truth, speaking your truth, honouring the truth and the awe that lies within the
eyes, the mind and the heart of the child is what will bring about an immense amount of
healing. On the 8th of August 2008, there will be eight hundred and eighty-eight female
beings of the light and eight hundred and eighty-eight male beings of the light, whose
energies create a powerful system which will allow the consciousness of humanity to draw
within being another level of their abundance in relation to their creativity, bearing in mind
that creativity is an unlimited world full of potential. It is also upon that day that the Sun
Chakra integrate another level of its geometry, drawing in patterns of light and sacred
technology through Universes eight to eighty-eight which will be absorbed into the DNA and
cells of the body and this divine print. This sacred fluid tapestry becomes a mechanism from
which you can access information.

So pay attention to the inner child aspect of yourself. The way that you will do this is by
paying attention to your own reactions, your feelings and emotions. Give your authentic self
space to show you what is a true wound and what isn't and bear in mind that the wounded
healer is no longer the one from which you will receive your support, it all comes now from
the authentic healer.

From this moment forward, and for the rest of your days, you will be operating from a very
different level of awareness, your ability to draw information from the super conscious is
going to increase immensely and the way it filters into the unconscious, subconscious and into
the conscious mind will be very quick, you may find yourself at times wondering where the
information has come, where the knowing has come from, it is simply because you are
accessing it a lot easier. Allow the free flow of energy to move between your heart and base,
between Earth and Heaven, for Heaven is held within your heart. Look at the children of your
world, look into their eyes, look into their soul, look into their spirit and allow them to
counsel you, because many times the authentic healer is in the form of a child.

This is a time of learning valuable lessons, a time where the water bodies of your planet must
undergo this alchemical change in order to bring humanity into the understanding that love,
emotions and truth is what will keep your earth growing, moving and ascending. This is the
time for the adult world to learn from the world of little people, their bodies might not be that
of an adult, but their mind, spirit, and inner cognisance is finely attuned so pay attention.
Rejoice in knowing that this first initiation is showing you the power of the wisdom of the
Masters through the power of the wisdom of the children, for they are masters, masters of
truth, they have generally not been exposed to the level that adult humans have when it comes
to extreme manipulation, deliberate deceit and deception.

Between the time of the 9th of August and the 14th of August 2008, it will be a time of
integrating and digesting everything that has been brought forth from the 6th to the 8th of
August. During that time you may find that your body is extremely sensitive, your mind very
sharp, pay attention, listen and be gentle. Enjoy this time of familiarising yourself with the
authentic self, understanding the difference between the wounded healer and the authentic
healer. During this time understand that the energies that come from the geographic locations
we speak of are energies blessing your world with the opportunity to understand the grander
instruction which comes through the great orchestra of life. Each directive that comes through
your truth is one that you can trust in it's totality, look at the source and know that it speaks a
language your heart understands, one that does not buy into any of the manipulations of the
lower ego, it is raw, it is straightforward, it is wild, sometimes wacky, and above all it is pure
authenticity, nothing more, nothing less, what you see is what you get.

As the life force inside of you increases you will find that your golden consciousness; your
golden awareness increases, and that is how the life force inside of you strengthens bringing
more balance and greater understanding.

Surrender, trust and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the true you that is, and always
was, is ever present, you will get to know a lot more about this part of yourself in the not too
distant future. All of this is preparing you for that which shall come post 2012, not that your
world is going to end, please do not think along those streams, it is the consciousness,
awareness and ability to create beyond 2012 which is your main priority. May the light of
that truth be with you in all your thoughts, your decisions, whatever action you may take and
whatever words you speak, and may you be at peace knowing that who you are and where

you are going is perfect, and you are the change. Let us celebrate the children of your planet,
celebrate the inner child inside of you who once was and who is still buried beneath many of
the perceptions and projections of the old paradigm, but certainly surfacing a lot quicker than
you realise.

May peace, harmony, healing and happiness be one with you.

I am Kuthumi, Chohan of the Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom

and I greet and bless you in love.


The 5th World Prophecy is Fulfilled

 Posted by David Dogan Beyo on July 28, 2011 at 1:30am

The 5th World Prophecy is Fulfilled

a message from Meredith Murphy - 24 July, 2011

Message from the Lakota Ancestors, through Seashell Moon Woman

Stillness and movement engage in their endless dance.

The inner knowing is that which guides you now; you know you and you listen.

The way of honoring your heart is being reborn within you. The ancestors and those you have
been and are, are coming forth within your energy field informing this point of focus in time
and space. It is this homecoming which signals to you the attunement of your focus to the
New Earth energies. It is when you vibration elevates to a certain point that these other
versions of you can connect with you, meet you. So realize that as you begin to know and be
informed by the vastness of that which you are, it is a landmark on your way. It is something
you can smile at, realizing that you are moving in the direction of this shared, Utopian dream
of Oneness, Love and the New Beginnings of the 5th World of Peace.

The Dawning of this New World takes place as a birthing within you of golden light. It is this
light which then transmits your presence to others. The animals and the flowers have always
known who you are. Now perhaps you feel this more? There is a telepathic exchange which
occurs between your energy body and others with whom you share this beautiful green and
blue planet. It is a dynamic unfolding of enlightenment and enthusiasm, a dance of harmonics
bringing forth greater resonance and expression of the One I AM, the Great Central Sun, the
Source Energies from which you all are a vibrant and essential emanation.

Go forth into this newness.

Realize that the 2012 prophecy is NOW.

It is here. AHO.

The communities of old that understood how to live in harmony, live within you.

You are those communities and you are being re-membered, re-assembled and there is a
freshening of the energy right now—a cosmic and earthly alchemy of what has resonated at
this frequency before, informed by the many insights and the inspiration that is of this present

And so you will find that you are drawn to things which are both old and new at the same
time. That you will be updating and harkening back to all you have been while simultaneously
creating who you are and your new life now. The cosmic unfolding is spiraling now, it is not
linear and in the new world no one knows more than anyone else; everyone knows what they
turn toward and that which they have eyes to see and ears to hear and the heart to feel. And
within the collective is all wisdom of all times. So that in this time of time, there will be great
epic collaboration and amazingly fluid ways of being. More movement and greater periods of
intense focus followed by rest and then change and new periods of intense focus. You will
accomplish more, doing less, choosing and focusing more, being in harmony with and then
there will be greater ease and more time spent recognizing one another, celebrating,
appreciating and just being in harmony with the beauty of life and the essential nature of
Oneness which is your identity now.

As this One, the quality of life is infinite. You will gradually resolve the remaining duality
within you and as you do your ability to energetically integrate and access the infinite,
limitless potential available will increase. You will, if you choose, live longer, and experience
great phases of creativity that surpass your wildest dreams for self-expression. You will learn
to imagine bolder and more expansive ideas. You will startle yourself as you stop scaling
down on your ideals and values and instead create from the deepest most precious ideals and
dreams you hold. As you increasingly resolve your own self in balance and harmony, you see
with innocent eyes. You learn to feel the cosmic nature of your being, while remaining
grounded and of this beautiful planet. You will not be concerned with food, sustenance,
shelter or community for these things will simply come forth in all ways to support your
thriving and you will experience greater and greater affinity with this bliss again, as you
resolve the duality remaining within you, enfolding all of your self in the soft loving gaze that
is Source looking through you at the beauty you are.

So you see, it is here.

The great work has been accomplished and the prophecy has been fulfilled. You are now
beginning amidst this immense chaos of the dissolving old world, the new beginnings of
peace. The 5th world has been born. It is here. If you look within you and you are capable of
feeling an affinity with it, you will know this is true.

It will take some time for all that live on this planet to walk their own path, resolving the
existing duality of their own energy and some will not feel up to wading through this and will
exit. Many are already doing so and some are coming right back again as children; the desire
is so strong to be part of this amazing re-birth of joy.

It is quiet, this new beginning. You may wish to sing and dance. Do so. {Smile.} Realize that
those who cannot yet tune themselves to the new frequency cannot feel it, and be very very
gentle with them, for the frequency they are tuned to, is broadcasting the demise, the
unraveling of what was and this can be very scary and at the very least even for those who
feel somewhat insulated or stable—disturbing.

Familiarize yourself with ways to stay tuned into the New Earth frequency. Cultivate the light
that you are. We have now an amazing journey in front of us—your Families of Light and
each other—to re-imagine everything.

There is greatness dawning; and you are present.

I speak for the ancestors of the Lakota Nation. I AM Seashell Moon Woman. We are here too,
as are many others. We are within you and have always been with you—we never left. You
just could not see or feel us anymore, and so like other cultures and civilizations we seemed to
vanish or disappear. The time has come round and now in the new land, the seeds we plant
will feed all of us.

This is the prophecy of peace.

And the time is here, now.


© 2009-2011, Meredith Murphy, Expect Wonderful | Modern Paradise Publications

You are free to share, copy, distribute and display the work under the following conditions:
You must give author credit, you may not use this for commercial purposes, and you may not
alter, transform or build upon this work. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear
to others the license terms of this work. Any of these conditions can be waived if you get the
permission of the copyright holder. Any other purpose of use must be granted permission by
the author.

This message was originally posted


DailyOm: Ruh'un Evrimi
 Posted by gunes kurtulan on July 28, 2011 at 1:00pm

Reenkarnasyon Yoluyla Yaşam Dersleri

Çoğunlukla Dünya’da, Ruh ailemizle birlikte reenkarne oluruz ve çoğunlukla en çarpıcı

ilişkilerimiz yine ruh ailemiz ile olur.

İlk kez biriyle karşılaşırsınız ve onu zaten tanıyor olduğunuzu hissedersiniz. İlk kez geldiğiniz
bir şehirdesinizdir, ama sokakları ve binaları tanırsınız. Yeni bir spor yapmaya başlarsınız ve
doğal yeteneğiniz, kuralları sezgisel anlamda bilişinizle kendiniz dahil; herkesi şaşırtırsınız.
Biz çoğunlukla bu tarz deneyimleri deja vu olarak adlandırırız: yeni bir olayın bize daha önce
de olduğu deneyimi ya da duygusu. Sonra yine, bu deneyimleri aslında gerçekten geçmişte
yaşadığımız; ya da daha doğrusu bir başka yaşamda yaşadığımız olasılığı var olur.

Ruhsal pratikler reenkarnasyonun gerçekliğine inanırlar: Ruhumuz bu Dünya’ya bir çok
yaşam boyu; evrilmek, öğrenmek, büyümek, dönüşmek ve her bir yaşam boyunca ruhsal
anlamda daha çok hizalanmak için geri döner. Reenkarne olduğumuzda, değişik
yaşamlarımızı, bir çok aynı kişiyle döngü yaparak yaşarız. Çoğunlukla bu “ruh” yolculuk
arkadaşları, bizim yaşamımızda, ilişkilere girdiğimiz kişiler olur; şifalanabilmek adına
şimdilik çözümlenmemiş konular üzerinde birlikte çalışırız.

Bizi hedeflerimizden alıkoyan blokajlarla karşılaşıyor ya da sürekli mücadele ediyorsak, bu

yaşamımızda öğrenmemiz gereken belirli bir ders var demektir. Müzikal bir yetenekle doğal
anlamda kutsanmış olmak ya da başka bir armağan; geçmiş bir yaşamınızda, geliştirmek için
üzerinde çok çalışmış olduğunuz özel bir armağan olabilir. Diğer cinsiyette; ya da farklı bir
sosyal ya da ekonomik sınıfta yaşamış olabilirsiniz. Her bir yaşam süreci, ruhsal evrimimize
gerekli belirli bir ders getirir bize.

Geçmiş yaşamlarımızı hatırlamak, geçmişimiz, şimdimiz ve gelecek yaşamlarımız için

değerli iç görüler kazandırır bize. Daha önce nasıl yaşamış olduğumuz bilgisi, bize şimdiki
engelleri aşmamıza, fobileri anlamamıza ve ilişki sorunlarının üstesinden gelmemize yardımcı
olur. Geçmiş yaşamlarınızı öğrenebilmeniz için düzenlenmiş çalışmalar ve geçmiş yaşam
regresyon terapistleri, size zamanda geri yolculuk adına yardımcı olabilirler. Rüyalarınız,
meditasyon ve trans çalışmaları yoluyla geçmiş yaşamlarınızı ziyaret etmeyi öğrenebilirsiniz.
Hatta, geçmiş bir yaşam görüntüsünü, akıl gözünüzle, önünüze serilmiş bir film izler gibi
görmek olasıdır. Geçmiş yaşamlarınıza bakmak heyecan verici ve aydınlatıcı olsa da, bu
yaşamda aradığınız yanıtların sadece ve sadece şimdi’de ve bu yaşamda yaşamakla
bulunacağını anımsamanız oldukça önemlidir. Nerelerde bulunmuş olduğunuzu bilmek için
bakın geçmiş yaşamlarınıza, ama asıl önemli olanın şimdi’de yaşadığınız yaşam olduğunu hep

Çeviri: Güneş Kurtulan

OSHO -it is just one dog and all others are

just reflections
 Posted by vania on July 29, 2011 at 3:28pm

"In Jaipur in India there is a palace made by a mystic king. He was really a great architect; he
planned Jaipur.

This man was trying to make a city which had no differences of any kind. Only one tree was
used on all the roadways, miles long. Only one color, only one red stone was used, and the
same design — a beautiful design.

He made a temple with red stones outside, and inside it is made of small mirrors...millions of
mirrors inside. So when you go inside you see yourself reflected in millions of mirrors. You
are one, but your reflections are millions.

It is said that once a dog entered and killed himself in the night. Nobody was there: the guard
had left the temple, locked it, and the dog remained inside. He would bark at the
dogs...millions of dogs. And he jumped from this side to that side and hit himself against the
walls. And all those dogs were barking...You can see what would have happened to the poor
dog: the whole night he barked and he fought, and he killed himself by hitting himself against
the walls.

In the morning when the door was opened the dog was found dead and his blood was all over
the place, on the walls.

That dog must have been an intellectual. Naturally he thought, “So many dogs, my God! I am
alone and it is nighttime and the doors are closed, and surrounded by all these dogs... they are
going to kill me!” And he killed himself; there was no other dog at all.

This is one of the basic and essential understandings of mysticism: the people we are seeing
all around are only our reflections. We are unnecessarily barking at each other, unnecessarily
fighting with each other, unnecessarily afraid of each other. There is so much fear that we are
gathering nuclear weapons against each other — and it is just one dog, and all others are just

The way the dog died, there is every possibility that man will die the same way. And against
whom? Against his own reflections..."

St Germain & Sanat Kumara Ignite &

Recalibrate Sphere of Remembrance &
Flame of God Unity
 Posted by Esta Lior on July 30, 2011 at 12:00am

source material:

Dear Friends,

August is an extremely important month, as there are many landmark dates where the energies
are intensified. We will gather on 8/8 Portal Day to raise the energies and create a platform for
the special portal days in August and the remainder of 2011. 8/12 is a special landmark point
each year where Divine Mother and the Masters pour down energies to achieve critical mass
for whatever the intentions for that year may be. Harmonic Convergence on 8/16 is yet
another major Landmark Point. Please see more on these dates below.

This month’s meditation is with St. Germain. Although he has been absent from our
newsletters for a while, he is making his presence know in this month of August. In fact the he
will become much more present as we move toward the end of 2011 and into 2012.

With Great Blessings,


Noteworthy dates in August: Full moon is on the 13th and new moon is on the 29th.

Other Portal Days in August are: 8/1/11, 8/8/11, 8/11/11, 8/12/11, 8/18/11 and 8/22/11.

Meditation: Igniting and Recalibrating

the Sphere of Remembrance and the Flame of God Unity

with St. Germain and Sanat Kumara

In this exercise, St. Germain begins by the igniting the Sphere of Remembrance within our
Heart Chakras. Then, clad in our Ceremonial Robes, St. Germain leads us to the Palace of
Shamballa to receive the blessing of Sanat Kumara and illuminating the Flame of God Unity
inside the Sphere of Remembrance. We kneel before the presence of our beloved Sanat
Kumara and ask him to engulf us with his Signature Light of Fuchsia Pink and help us to
become the instrument of his presence on Earth and the conduit for receiving and spreading
his Signature Energy to Earth and the consciousness of all souls. The Great Silent Watchers,
the Silent Watchers and the Angelic Watchers are called to spread the Light of Sanat Kumara
around the Globe.

Beloveds I am St. Germain.

Visualize yourself standing before St. Germain. I place both my hands over your Personal
Heart Chakra. I ask you to visualize a Purple Blue Light emanating from my hands to your
Heart Chakra. A sphere begins to form at the center of your chest over your Persoanl Heart
Chakra. Visualize that the sphere begins to expand. When it reaches to the size of a basketball,
a flame is ignited at the center. This is the Flame of God-Unity. Every human being carries
this Flame in their hearts. This is your connection with God. This Flame begins to dim and

ultimately extinguish when the memory of Oneness is forgotten and the Divinity that you
have carried in your heart fades.

The Sphere of Remembrance will help you recall the memories of that Divinity and the Flame
of God-Unity will reignite the Oneness. Breathe and bathe as you feel that the flicker of the
Flame begins to create a pulse that beats in rhythm with your heart beat. Pause for a moment
to allow the Sphere and the Flame to be fully established.

We will journey to the Palace of Shamballa in Venus to receive the higher aspect of this Flame
from Sanat Kumara, the Planetary Logo and to reconnect with his Signature Energy. This
energy which emanates a Fuchsia Pink Light is the prana or spiritual life force which feeds all
souls and the soul of the planet. When this Light is missing, all souls are left to their own
accord without guidance or protection. We will petition Sanat Kumara to allow us to become
the emissaries of his Light. We will bring the Fuchsia Pink Light, the Life Force of the
Planetary Logos back to Earth with the help of Divine Mother and Great Silent Watcher.

Visualize yourself inside the Purple Blue merkaba field of St. Germain. This is a large sphere
that forms around you and I. We merge into Oneness inside of this merkaba field. The Sphere
of Remembrance in my heart will awaken the memories of your soul’s experiences in service
to the Light and bring it to your consciousness. We now call the Pillar of White Light to form
around us. Inside the Pillar, we travel to the Palace of Shamballa in Venus.

See yourself inside Sanat Kumara’s inner chamber. There is a circular altar in the center of
this room. Sanat Kumara is standing at the altar. He will take a spark from the Flame and
place it in the center of the Sphere of Remembrance, reigniting the Flame of God-Unity in
your heart with his own Flame. He places both hands over your Personal Heart Chakra.
Fuchsia Pink Light is pouring out of his hands into your body to form a cocoon around your
entire body. Breathe and bathe.

Visualize kneeling before the presence of Sanat Kumara. Say,

“My Beloved Sanat Kumara, I ask you to engulf me with your Signature Light of Fuchsia
Pink which is the Life Force to nurture the Soul of Earth and the Souls of humankind. Shower
your grace and blessing upon me to become the instrument of your presence on Earth and the
conduit for receiving and spreading your Fuchsia Pink Light and your Signature Energy to
Earth and to the consciousness of all souls.”

Pause to breathe and bathe and see Sanat Kumara intensify the beams of Fuchsia Pink Light
pouring over you.

Sanat Kumara’s Fuchsia Pink Light creates a cocoon around you that spreads to encompass
your entire Five Body System. You are now fully imbued with the Signature Energy of the
Planetary Logos. He has charged you to spread his energy to all souls and to fully anchor his
essence on Earth.

To magnify the impact, the Great Silent Watcher, the Silent Watchers and the Angelic
Watchers are called forth. The Great Silent Watcher will place a bubble of Turquoise Blue
Light, her Signature Energy, around the Fuchsia Pink of Sanat Kumara to protect and magnify
Sanat Kumara’s Light within you. The multitudes of Angelic Watchers will take what you

have received and spread it throughout the Earth; to the hearts of all souls who are receptive
to Sanat Kumara’s Light.

Now visualize that the Earth is receiving and absorbing the Fuchsia Pink Light of Sanat
Kumara’s Signature Energy. This Light will stabilize Earth’s energetic matrix. Imagine that 10
Billion crossing points of longitudinal and latitudinal grid lines are now illuminated with the
Fuchsia Pink Light of Sanat Kumara, encased inside the Turquoise Blue Bubble of the Great
Silent Watcher. An enormous bubble of Turquoise Blue Light is now enveloping the new
Earth held within the Signature Light of Sanat Kumara, the Planetary Logos. This bubble is
made of the Life Force of the Great Silent Watcher, many Silent Watchers and many Trillions
of Angelic Watchers.

Hold this image in your minds’ eye and keep repeating this exercise for 33 days to fully
anchor it. I thank you for this enormous service that you perform on behalf of earth and

I am your very own St. Germain. So it is.

Moon Calendar

Full moon is on the 13th and new moon is on the 29th.

source website:

Master Kuthumi ~ Vietnam Channelling I ~

Michelle Eloff/Manders
 Posted by Esta Lior on July 31, 2011 at 7:12pm

Palace of Peace

The Living Matrix Movie Trailer
 Added by Gunes Kucukturkmen on July 10, 2011 at 1:06am

Advanced Murccha Pranayama - for Joy

and Peace of Mind
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The Droplet and the Sea: A Story of
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Choir of the Crickets
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on July 14, 2011 at 2:01pm

Postcards From Italy - another Beirut cover

 Added by David Dogan Beyo on July 14, 2011 at 2:26pm

No Surprises
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on July 14, 2011 at 3:14pm

Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel
Gabriel July 17 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on July 18, 2011 at 12:12pm

Galactic Federation Of Light High Council

Of Orion July 17 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on July 18, 2011 at 12:39pm

Galactic Federation OF Light Pleiadian
High Council Mira July 17 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on July 18, 2011 at 12:58pm

Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel
Gabriel July 16 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on July 18, 2011 at 5:17pm

Istanbul - Light in Babylon
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on July 21, 2011 at 1:32am

Light In Babylon - Hinech Yafa (Beyoğlu)

 Added by David Dogan Beyo on July 21, 2011 at 1:38am

Sei enaich vrey - Light in Babylon
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on July 21, 2011 at 1:48am

Koptu Kervan - Bhala Ksika (atookae•edit)
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on July 21, 2011 at 2:04am

One of Carl Sagan's most pertinent
messages for humanity
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Diwan Halev + Mark Eliyahu Indigo2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on July 21, 2011 at 1:06pm

mark eliyahu
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Maayan Ben David - at "Eshet
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Ayhan Doyuk AyDo Water adperfectsystems
 Added by I AM DIVINE LIGHT AND YOU TOO on July 21, 2011 at 11:08pm

Ayhan Doyuk AyDo Water Healing 12

 Added by I AM DIVINE LIGHT AND YOU TOO on July 21, 2011 at 11:12pm

Vägilased - Hanemäng/Rikas puu
 Added by Kaja on July 24, 2011 at 10:06pm

Galactic Federation Of Light Pleiadian
Council Of Nine July 24 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on July 25, 2011 at 10:40am

Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel

Uriel July 24 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on July 25, 2011 at 10:48am

Galactic Federation Of Light Hilarion July
24 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on July 25, 2011 at 10:49am

Galactic Federation Of Light Saul July 24
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on July 25, 2011 at 10:54am

Music from the streets of Istanbul -
 Added by Ozgun GUNDUZ on July 26, 2011 at 12:51pm

EARPIGON by Ross Daly

 Added by Ozgun GUNDUZ on July 26, 2011 at 12:56pm

Omer Faruk Tekbilek & Brian Keane -
Urgent Matter
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on July 26, 2011 at 5:04pm

 Added by David Dogan Beyo on July 26, 2011 at 5:45pm

Snatam Kaur - Earth's Prayer - The
Official Music Video
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on July 26, 2011 at 5:49pm

Galactic Federation Of Light Sirian Council
of Elders July 26 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on July 27, 2011 at 11:25am

Galactic Federation Of Light Sheldan Nidle

July 26 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on July 27, 2011 at 11:31am

Galactic Federation Of Light Wanderer Of
The Skies July 26 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on July 27, 2011 at 11:38am

Rainbow Spirit Oregon - We are circling
and Love each other as ourselves
( Campfire songs)
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on July 28, 2011 at 1:05am

Rainbow Spirit II-Mother I Feel You Under

My Feet
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on July 28, 2011 at 1:09am

INELIA BENZ : the full interview - with
Bill Ryan from Project Avalon
 Added by I AM DIVINE LIGHT AND YOU TOO on July 29, 2011 at 2:29am

Ezginin Günlügü-Kiyisiz Deniz
 Added by ponyo on July 31, 2011 at 2:06am

Galactic Federation Of Light & Galactic
Council July 30 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on July 31, 2011 at 1:25pm

Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel

Michael july 31 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on July 31, 2011 at 1:30pm

Galactic Federation Of Light Archangel
Raphael July 30 2011
 Added by David Dogan Beyo on July 31, 2011 at 1:40pm

Stephan Micus - As I Crossed a Bridge of

 Added by David Dogan Beyo on July 31, 2011 at 9:29pm

© 2015 Created by David Dogan Beyo


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