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Assignment sheet-2 (Due date:Oct.18th)

1. Domain wall energy per unit area of the wall (Ew) was obtained to be 2K
𝐽𝑆 2 𝜋 2 𝐾
(K=anisotropic constant, =√ ) with an approximation that the angle between the
subsequent spin in a 180 domain wall is constant. Now assume that the angle of spin
in the wall is changing as a function of distance and obtain the expression for Ew.

2. Calculate the energy and width of a domain wall in cobalt. Ignore the fact that cobalt is
not cubic but hexagonal close-packed. Take a=distance of closest approach =2.51 A,
and K=45x105 ergs/cm3. Obtain the exchange integral J, with S=spin=1/2 and
z=number of nearest neighbors=12. Find the value of critical size (Lc) and compare
with thickness of the domain wall.

3. Calculate the width of a domain in a cobalt single crystal plate of thickness 1cm in
which the easy axis makes the small angle =0.1 rad with the crystal surface. Assume
that K=4.1x105 J/m3, IS=1.8Wb/m2, and Ewall=1.5x10-2 J/m2.

4. Estimate the critical size of a crystallite of iron polycrystal in which the individual
crystallite is composed of a single domain. Assume the shape of the crystallite is a

5. (i) Will a perfect spherical, saturated iron crystal break up into domains in zero field?
What are the values of Hd and 2K/Ms? (b) How large must the axial ratio of a prolate
spheroid of a perfect iron crystal be in order that it remain saturated in zero field? (the
axis of saturation is the easy axis, which is also the long axis of the spheroid)

6. If the wall energy is to be completely compensated for by the decrease in energy

associated with the voids estimate the number density of voids of radius ‘r’, which can
generate domain wall in a crystal. Calculate this number for iron with MS=1.7x106 A/m,
r=0.01 mm and a wall energy of 2x10-3 Jm-3.

7. Calculate the critical diameter Dp of iron particles for superparamagnetic behavior at

room temperature, if the particles are (a) spheres and (b) prolate spheroids with an axial
ratio of 1.5. Take the diameter of the spheroid as the length of the minor axis). Calculate
the blocking temperature TB for iron particles 40  in diameter for (a) and (b) cases.

8. Consider magnetization by rotation in a single domain particle with uniaxial anisotropy,

as illustrated by the hysteresis loops of Fig. 9.36 (B.D. Cullity). a. Compute and plot
the loop when the angle a between the easy axis and the field is 20. b. Show that the
reduced intrinsic coercivity (the field h that makes m zero) is equal to hc for a less than
45 and equal to -2(sin 2α)/2 for α greater than 45.

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