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Bioresource Technology 101 (2010) 8762–8771

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Case Study

Simulation and pre-feasibility analysis of the production process of a-methyl

ester sulfonates (a-MES)
Daniel Martínez a,*, Gustavo Orozco a, Sandra Rincón b,**, Iván Gil c
Grupo de Diseño de Productos y Procesos, Departamento de Ingeniería Química, Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia
Corporación Centro de Investigaciones en Palma de Aceite (Cenipalma), Bogotá, Colombia
Grupo de Ingeniería de Sistemas de Proceso, Departamento de Ingeniería Química y Ambiental, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia

articleinfo abstract

Article history: a-Methyl esters sulfonates (a-MES) are anionic surfactants that are derived from biorenewable resources,
Received 11 August 2009 offering interesting environmental and chemical properties for application in the detergent industry.
Received in revised form 13 March 2010
A simulation of their production process was conducted using a commercial production process currently
Accepted 9 June 2010
used for palm oil. Results, prices of raw materials were submitted to economic analysis, and final MES
Available online 15 July 2010
price was compared with available data for linear alkyl benzene sulfonates (LAS) prices. The results for
substances properties and product streams obtained from simulation were reliable in agreement to real
values. It was found that increasing methyl ester national price by 20%, 50% and the equivalent to linear
Palm oil
Process simulation
alkyl benzene price, the final price of a-methyl ester sulfonates was lower than the current price of linear
Surfactant alkyl benzene sulfonates. The capital cost and payout period for a production capacity of 49,000 tons of
Transesterification surfactant per year were obtained. Results indicate that the process is economically feasible and can be
Sulfonation applied to palm oil-based industries in Colombia.
© 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Chemicals are now regulated – for example, in the United States
by the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), in Canada by the
In view of the significant environmental contamination caused Domestic Substances List (DSL) or the Non-Domestic Substances
by raw materials based on petroleum oil and the subsequent im- List (NDSL), in Europe by the European Inventory of Existing Com-
pact on animal, plant, and human populations, numerous studies mercial Chemical Substances (EINECS), and in Colombia by the
have been conducted on alternative processes to obtain substitute Colombian Institute of Technical Standards and Certification
raw materials from renewable resources (Smith, 2008). Industrial (ICONTEC). This, combined with new environmental laws, chang-
and household wastes, such as detergents, chloride compounds, ing consumer needs, the search for innovative products, and fluctu-
and pathogenic microorganisms, are major water contaminants, ating prices of raw materials, has forced manufacturing companies
particularly detergents based on alkyl benzene sulfonates, which to vary the formulations of their detergent products to remove
generate a long-lasting foam of slow biodegradability that repre- banned substances, such as phosphates, and integrate new raw
sents a major environmental problem (Commission of the Euro- materials based on synergy and production costs. A major outcome
pean Communities, 2004). has been the improved biodegradability of products and the in-
creased income-return (Zoller, 2009).
One such raw material from a biorenewable resource that has
Abbreviations: C#, carbon string with # carbon; cum, cubic meters; DSL, drawn the attention of Colombia’s industrial sector is palm oil,
Domestic Substances List; EINECS, European Inventory of Existing Commercial which has excellent chemical properties and a growing market,
Substances; ICONTEC, Colombian Institute of Technical Norms and Certification; making it an attractive alternative for developing new products,
LAS, linear alkyl benzene sulfonates; LHHW, Langmuir–Hinshelwood–Hougen–
Watson kinetics; M, sulfur trioxide to methyl ester molar ratio; M100, sulfur trioxide
including biodiesel. Palm oil composition is characterized by
to methyl ester molar ratio needed for total methyl ester conversion; ME, fatty acid mainly oleic (C18: 1) and palmitic acid (C16: 0) derived triglycer-
methyl ester; MES – a-MES, methyl ester sulfonates; Px, partial pressure of ides. Furthermore it contains natural antioxidants and carotenes
component x; t, time; TSCA, Toxic Substances Control Act; USA, United States of which give it oxidative stability (Rincón and Martínez, 2009; Stan-
America; US$, United States Dollars; wt., weight basis.
ley, 2009). Among novel palm oil-based products, a-methyl esters
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +57 1 2086300x234; fax: +57 1 2444711.
** Corresponding author. sulfonates (a-MES) are anionic surfactants characterized by their
E-mail addresses: (D. Martínez), good detergency (Kapur et al., 1978), water hardness tolerance (S. Rincón). (Satsuki et al., 1992), rapid biodegradability compared with other

0960-8524/$ - see front matter © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Martínez et al. / Bioresource Technology 101 (2010) 8762–8771 8763


Parameter Value/expression/units K 1.14 10

× 19 exp(
m 14350/T
— (K))
R kmol SO2/kg cat h k4 12.10 mexp(12060/T (K)), s—1
k1 exp(12.169–5473/T (K)) k5 11.52 mexp(12130/T (K)), s—1
K2 exp(—9.953 + 8619/T (K)) M 0.1349
K3 exp(—71.745 + 52596/T (K)) M100 1.3
Kp exp(—10.68 + 11300/T (K))

surfactants (Ghazali and Ahmad, 2004), and production process (Stein and Baumann, 1975; Ghazali and Ahmad, 2004). All those
advantages (Ismail et al., 2002). Palm oil production is projected properties allow low surfactant content formulations using MES,
to increase as markets for products and by-products gain high stability detergents and reductions in energy consumption
importance. (20% less) (Zoller, 2009).
In Colombia, the palm oil production of the 53 existing extrac- This study addressed the production process of a-MES, taking
tion plants, fed by produce from 360,537 ha, was estimated to be into consideration reactions, technical characteristics of equip-
802,310 tons in 2009, with a 7% growth compared with 2008 ment, and processing conditions. A commercially available process
(Fedepalma, 2010). In 2009, the apparent consumption of palm was selected and implemented as part of a simulation using Aspen
oil was 570,174 tons; of these, 153,496 were used in the biodiesel Plus® v. 2006. After establishing an annual production capacity, the
market and nearly 416,678 tons in the food and soap market. Esti- Aspen Icarus Process Evaluator® and simulation results were used
mates are that by 2010 nearly 846,000 tons will be produced, with to determinate the economic characteristics of this specific MES
389,000 tons destined to biodiesel production and nearly production process and assess the technical and economical feasi-
446,000 tons to the traditional market (Fedepalma, 2010). In addi- bility of implementing the process in Colombia.
tion, by 2010, 20% of the Colombian detergent market will have an
oleochemical origin (Cenipalma-Fedepalma, 2003).
2. Methods
Methyl ester sulfonates (MES) has been considered an alterna-
tive anionic surfactant for substances as alkyl benzene sulfonates
The production process
(LAS), fatty acid sulfates (FAS), and alkyl sulfates (AS) (Ismail
et al., 2002). Satsuki et al. (1992) found that while grease particles
The process involved obtaining methyl esters from palm oil by
dispersion in aqueous MES was more stable compared to LAS and
transesterification process with a basic catalyst. This process has
AS if low concentrations of surfactant were used (lower than
been studied extensively over recent years due to the need to pro-
300 ppm), higher concentrations made that dispersion similar be-
duce biodiesel (Castañeda et al., 2006; Fangrui and Milford, 1999).
tween all those surfactants. Also, MES is well absorbed on oil, so
After production and purification, saturated methyl esters were
Satsuki et al. (1992) found that MES micelles had better properties
separated from unsaturated esters by fractionation (molecular dis-
than those formed from LAS or AS using concentrations between
tillation) or crystallization, or were hydrogenated based on their
43 and 60 wt.%. They also demonstrated that solubilization capac-
primary composition of palm oil triglycerides: fatty acid derivates
ity of MES was ever higher than LAS capacity, and for concentration
with C16 (saturated) and C18 chains (unsaturated in higher pro-
of 20 mM MES solubilization capacity was twice LAS solubilization
portion). Unsaturated compounds were suitable for use as biodie-
capacity. On the other hand, Stein and Baumann (1975) showed
sel, and saturated compounds were suitable for MES production
that while LAS detergency was affected by water hardness, MES
pending the final percentage of disalt (Aparicio, 2008; Ghazali,
detergency was independent of medium hardness. As a conse-
2002). Hydrogenation was considered a tool to remove olefinic
quence, they showed that MES detergence was maintained when
groups from methyl esters. Finally, the saturated methyl esters
using low concentrations of the surfactant. Also, Satsuki et al.
were sulfonated, bleached, neutralized, and dried to obtain MES.
(1992) showed that MES detergency was greater than LAS and AS
detergency when used on cotton, cotton/polyester garments at
lower surfactant concentrations (200–300 ppm), but that differ- Raw materials
ence was not really significant (less than 3%) between surfactant
performances when higher concentrations were used. Palm oil was the main raw material used to produce MES. In
Kapur et al. (1978) showed from foam high data taken from Colombia, methyl esters are currently produced by palm oil-based
0.1% active detergent solutions that C16 to C18 a-methyl ester sul- biodiesel plants, whose current average production capacity is
fonates were moderate foamers (137 mm foam high at 0 ppm 100,000 tons/year for a total installed capacity of 526,000 tons of
biodiesel/year in 2009. Other commercially available substances,
water hardness), while C14 a-methyl ester sulfonates were high
foamers (159 mm foam high at 0 ppm water hardness). Those data such as sulfur to generate the sulfonating agent SO 3, air, methanol,
hydrogen peroxide, sodium hydroxide, and sodium hypochlorite,
showed that those a-methyl ester sulfonates (principally C14) re-
were used.
mained moderate foamers as the water hardness increased
(159 mm foam high at 1000 ppm water hardness), while the foam
high for LAS solution decreased as the water hardness increased Estimation of component properties
(112 mm foam high at 1000 ppm water hardness).
Based on its environmental properties, Kapur et al. (1978) also Substances not available in the Aspen Plus® v. 2006 database
demonstrated that MES requires 3–4 days to be naturally de- were incorporated into the program based on molecular structure
graded, while LAS needs 24 days to do it. Finally, MES biodegrad- and available physical properties. In addition, the group contribu-
ability is high (94–95% of active matter in methyl blue after tion method proposed by Ceriani and Meirelles (2004) for fatty
30 days), not dangerous oral toxicity (2.2–3.8 g/kg weight), low compounds was applied to estimate critical properties and vapor
animal toxicity (low toxicity range) and good skin compatibility pressures of involved substances. The Carlson method (1996)
8764 D. Martínez et al. / Bioresource Technology 101 (2010) 8762–8771

was used to select thermodynamic models; the UNIFAC model was After the pre-treatment, the oil was submitted to transesteri-
applied to operations that mostly involved organic compounds and fication using two continuous stirred tank reactors (CSTRs) in
the NRTL model was restricted to understanding the parameters of series. The feed of the first reactor (R-101) consisted of a mix-
interaction between substances. Finally, the program was run as a ture of oil and methanol at a molar ratio of 1:6. NaOH at
‘‘property estimation”, and the properties obtained for the different 0.75% oil weight was added as catalyst. The oil conversion of this
substances were compared with the experimental values obtained reactor was 94.5%. A V-102 vessel was then used to separate the
by Castañeda et al. (2006). glycerol obtained from the transesterification reaction (heavy
phase) from the methyl esters and the remaining triglycerides
(light phase). The light phase was fed into the second transeste-
Methyl ester production rification reactor (R-102) where the conversion of triglycerides
(oil) reached 99.7%.
To simulate the production process of methyl esters (Fig. 1), the The product of the second reactor (R-102) then continued onto
palm oil characteristics given in Table 1 were used as input stream: the methyl ester purification stage, which involved the use of a
0.1% moisture (weight basis, wt.); 2.3% free fatty acids (wt.); and a methanol flash chamber (V-201). The overhead product stream
high triglyceride content of linoleic (10.7 wt.%), palmitic was sent to a methanol recovery stage (T-302). The V-201 liquid
(36.3 wt.%), and oleic acid (45.4 wt.%). Carbon chains of the princi- stream, composed mainly of methyl esters and glycerol, went to
pal fatty acids were composed of 18 and 16 carbons, and were the V-202 decanter producing a glycerol-rich product stream (hea-
unsaturated for oleic and linoleic acids. vy), whereas the light stream was mainly composed of methyl es-
The palm oil was pre-treated to reduce its moisture content and ters and some impurities. To remove the remaining methanol from
the amount of free fatty acids because these products cause impu- the methyl esters, the V-202 light stream fed the V-203 flash sep-
rities that decrease methyl ester production and limit subsequent arator where the percentage weight of methanol was reduced to
purification. Table 2 details the equipment, simulation models, 0.3%. The methanol-rich stream was sent to the same purification
and conditions associated with the simulation. A deodorization stage (T-302) to reuse the methanol in the process.
column (T-101) was used that allowed the oil to enter into contact The remaining NaOH catalyst of the reaction was completely
with the steam at 280 °C and 2 bar. This treatment decreased the neutralized with hydrochloric acid to produce sodium chloride in
water content of palm oil to 2 ppm and that of fatty acids to the R-201 reactor. Neutralization salts and remnants of process
297 ppm. The outgoing steam was condensed and two types of impurities were removed by submitting the methyl ester-rich
streams were obtained using a V-101 vessel: a water-rich stream stream to a 3-stage countercurrent washing with water at different
and an oleic acid-rich stream (98 wt.%). temperatures (T-201). The washed stream finally entered the flash

Fig. 1. Methyl ester production process diagram.

D. Martínez et al. / Bioresource Technology 101 (2010) 8762–8771 8765

Table 1 99.9 wt.% purity. This stream was recycled to the first reactor R-
Properties of the palm oil inlet stream (Firestone, 2006).
Stream palm oil Value

Temperature (°C) 35 Methyl ester sulfonation

Pressure (bar) 1.01
Vapor fraction 0 The methyl ester stream obtained from the transesterification
Molar flow (kmol/h) 14.692
Mass flow (kg/h) 11415.525
was used to simulate the sulfonation process (Fig. 2). As the use
Volumetric flow (cum/h) 176.327 of high iodine value feedstock (high presence of double bonded
Mass fraction (wt.%)
methyl ester) resulted in dark colored products after sulfonation,
OOO* 2.9 only saturated compounds were desirable for methyl ester sulfona-
PPP 1.3 tion (de Groot, 1991). Therefore an intermediate separation stage
PLP 15.4 was considered to adjust the composition of the inlet stream with
OLL 1.4
only palmitate, stearate, and myristate methyl esters. Although
PLL 7.7
MLP 1.2 this unit was not included in the simulation, it was taken into ac-
OOL 3.1 count when analyzing costs.
POL 16.7
MPP 0.3
Air drying
POO 18.3
POP 22.6 To avoid problems caused by corrosion and acid formation, air
SOO 2 moisture should be reduced. Two alternatives for air drying were
POS 4 evaluated: (1) drying by contact with ethylene glycol and (2) dry-
PPS 0.3
ing by cooling of the air. In the first option, glycol was fed at the top
SOS 0.2
Water 0.1
stage in counterflow to the air in a tower to remove water. An ab-
Oleic acid 2.3 sorber model with five equilibrium stages was used with a pres-
sure of 0.5066 bar in the column. This process reduced air
XYZ relates to a triglyceride whose fatty acid com-
position is based on ‘‘X” in the first place, ‘‘Y” in the
moisture from 2.9% (molar basis) to 36 ppm. In the second option
second and ‘‘Z” in the third. According to this, ‘‘O” (see Fig. 2), air flow temperature was reduced to 1 °C (H-405) to
means oleic acid, ‘‘P” means palmitic acid, ‘‘L” means condense the water. The air then passed to an absorber tower with
linoleic, ‘‘M” means myristic acid, and ‘‘S” means activated alumina (T-401) to meet air moisture requirements
stearic acid.
(<0.01 g water/m3) (de Groot, 1991).

SO3 production
evaporation stage in the V-204 unit to produce a light water-rich To keep a continuous SO 3 feed (6%/vol.) to the film reactor
stream and a bottoms stream with 99.7% methyl esters. (R-501) and maintain a molar ratio of 1.3:1 between SO 3 and the
The glycerol-rich bottoms streams from decanters V-102 and V- methyl esters, a system with an initial sulfur burning stage (R-
202 were mixed and neutralized (R-301), using hydrochloric acid 401) was used to generate SO 2 (Eq. (1)). A packed bed reactor
in the molar amount of the NaOH present to generate the cor- divided into four parts (R-402/403/404/405) enabled heat exchange
responding salt. The neutralized product was sent onto distillation and promoted SO3 formation (Eq. (2)). There were two heat
(T-301), which produced a glycerol-rich bottoms stream (70.8% per exchangers: H-402 between stages 1 and 2 and H-403 between
weight) and a methanol-rich light stream. stages 2 and 3. The kinetic model associated with the conversion
In addition, the methanol-rich light streams from units V-201 of SO2 to SO3 (Froment and Bischoff, 1995) corresponded to that
and V-203 were mixed together and passed to a rectification tower of Langmuir–Hinshelwood–Hougen–Watson (LHHW), shown in
(T-302) that generated a stream of methanol with more than Eq. (3).

Table 2
Equipment description for the simulation of methyl ester production process.

Unit Description Aspen Plus ® Model Conditions

T-101 Palm oil deodorization tower RadFrac Five stages; 0.06 atm
V-101 Fatty acid recuperation decanter Decanter 1 atm; 28 °C
R-101 Transesterification reactor RCSTR 1 atm; 60 °C, t = 1.3565 h
V-102 Glycerol decanter Decanter 1 atm; 60 °C
R-102 Transesterification reactor RCSTR 1 atm; 60 °C, t = 1.683 h
V-201 Methanol evaporator Flash2 1 atm; 150 °C
V-202 Methyl ester:glycerol separator Decanter 1 atm; 150 °C
V-203 Methyl ester purification Flash2 0.49 atm; 130 °C
R-201 Methyl ester neutralization reactor RCSTR 1 atm; 28 °C, t = 0.006 s
T-201 Methyl ester washing RadFrac Three stages; T: 51–67–78 °C
V-204 Methyl ester drying Flash2 0.3 atm; 148.56 °C
R-301 Glycerol neutralization reactor RCSTR 1 atm; 28 °C, t = 17 s
T-301 Glycerol distillation column RadFrac Five stages; RR: 0.1798; 1 atm
T-302 Methanol recuperation column RadFrac 30 Stages; RR: 1.1029; 1 atm
P-101/202 Process pumps Pump 1.1 atm
H-101 Palm oil heater HeatX Type: design; oil outlet temperature: 200 °C
H-201 Transesterification product stream heater HeatX Type: design; stream outlet temperature: 150 °C
H-202/205 Flash vessels overheads coolers HeatX Type: design; stream outlet temperature: 32 °C
H-203 Methyl ester product stream cooler HeatX Type: design; stream outlet temperature: 130 °C
H-204 Methyl ester product stream heater HeatX Type: design; stream outlet temperature: 148 °C
8766 D. Martínez et al. / Bioresource Technology 101 (2010) 8762–8771

Fig. 2. Process diagram of methyl ester sulfonates production process.

SðlÞ þ O2ðgÞ ! SO2ðgÞ ð1Þ (4.3 m in height) in stage 6 and 581.5 kWh (1.1 m in height) in
1 stage 3. The kinetic model to form the sulfonated intermediate
SO2ðgÞ þ O2ðgÞ ! SO3ðgÞ ð2Þ was recently described by Torres et al. (2008a) for stearate-methyl
. Σ ester sulfonation in a second-order kinetic model (Eq. (4)).
kp p pSO
1— 3
1 O2 SO2 pSO p1=2Kp
r¼ 2 ð3Þ r ¼ —kCSO CME ; r½kmol=m3 s] ð4Þ
22:414ð1 þ K 2pSO2 þ K 3pSO3 Þ
Based on the analysis presented by Froment and Bischoff (1995) The digestion of the product stream derived from the FFR (R-
501) was performed using a multitubular reactor (R-502) and
and Kirk-Othmer (1980), the properties obtained from the SO3 pro-
maintaining the conditions described by de Groot (1991). The reac-
duction tower (R-402/403/404/405) are shown in Table 3.
tor completely transformed the sulfonated intermediates into acid-
sulfonated methyl esters and the remaining methyl esters were
Sulfonation and digestion completely sulfonated (99.8% conversion of intermediate products
Methyl esters and SO3 (6 vol.%) streams were fed in countercur- to acid MES). The digestion kinetic model proposed by Roberts
rent to a falling film reactor (FFR) (R-501) where methyl esters et al. (1988) was based on two simultaneous pseudo first-order
reached more than 70% conversion to sulfonated intermediates. reactions and was directly related to the amount of SO 3 present
The reaction chemistry involved had previously been described in the flow as shown in Eq. (5).
by Smith and Stirton (1967), Okumura et al. (1976), and Hovda Σ. Σ Σ
(1996), whereas several properties of the system had been identi- 1
Cð%SO3 Þ ¼ 100M — 0:25 expð—k4 tÞ — 0167 expð—k5 tÞ
fied by Torres et al. (2008b). M100
A 7-stage system and two heat exchangers with cooling water ð5Þ
were established in the reactor (R-501) to remove 2907.5 kWh
The disalt formation was attributed to the reaction between
the methyl esters and the two moles of SO 3 as a result of the
Table 3 high temperature, affecting product color (de Groot, 1991). The
Characteristics of each tower stage for SO 2 to SO3 transformation. kinetic model described by Eq. (5) was used for this reaction
(Eq. (6)).
Stage 1 2 3 4

T inlet (°C) 425 440 435 430 SO3H

T outlet (°C) 600 500 450 435 O O
O + 2 SO3 R S ð6Þ
Catalyst (V2O5) (kg) 0.7715 2.374 53.75 0.052 R
Conversion (SO2to SO3 (%) 60 85 95 99 O O O
D. Martínez et al. / Bioresource Technology 101 (2010) 8762–8771 8767

Bleaching and neutralization acid was performed in basic medium as described by Kapur et al.
The product stream from digester (R-502) went to the cyclone (1978), using a second-order kinetic model proposed by the same
(V-501) to extract the remaining gases, while the liquid stream author. The neutralization kinetic model used for this system cor-
continued to the bleaching and neutralization stages. The liquid responded to a liquid phase second-order kinetic model with a
stream obtained from the cyclone (V-501) was fed to the bleaching constant of 9033000 m3/mol s (NIST). This model was related to
CST reactor (R-503) at the conditions compiled by de Groot (1991). the neutralization of sulfurous acid (H 2SO3) and applied to all reac-
A stream of methanol and peroxide 50% (methanol as 30% of the tions of neutralization of sulfonic acid.
total mass of the mixture entering to the reactor, and hydrogen CH OSO H þ NaOH ! CH OSO Na þ H O ð11Þ
peroxide at 50 wt.% which was equal to 3% of the total weight of 3 3 3 3 2

the mixture) was also fed to the reactor R-503. This step reduced
the amount of impurities, mainly substances with unsaturated SO3H SO3Na
chains or OH groups in the chain (Yamada and Matsutani, 1996) O O
to a value higher than 80%. Although there was still intermediate R + NaOH R + H2 O ð12Þ

compound after the sulfonation process, it turned into a-sulfo- O O

nated methyl ester acid and SO3 thanks to its re-esterification with
methanol (Hovda, 1996).
The gas phase reaction between the SO 3 and methanol pro- Drying of MES
duced methyl sulfonic acid (Eq. (7)), preventing the formation of As much of the water and methanol present in the product
sulfuric acid between SO3 and water balance (Eq. (8)), which in stream was extracted as possible because their presence may cause
turn favored the hydrolysis of MES to a-sulfonated acids (Eq. (9)). salt hydrolysis and decrease the amount of active matter in the
product. The V-502 flash unit was accordingly used to reduce the
CH3 OH þ SO3 ! CH3 OSO3 H ð7Þ methanol mass in the product from 25.5% to 0.3 wt.% and water
content from 12.9 to 0.4 wt.%
H2O þ SO3 ! H2SO4 ð8Þ
Methanol recovery
H SO Methanol was separated from the water using the distillation
2 4 OH CH OSO H ð9Þ tower T-501, and then recirculated to the bleaching stage. The
R + 3 3
overhead product stream was 86.8 wt.% of methanol (overhead is
O O recycled) and 97.3 wt.% of water (bottoms product).

2H2O2 ! 2H2O þ O2ðgÞ ð10Þ

The treatment of effluent gases
To simulate this system, peroxide hydrolysis (Eq. (10)) was ta- The gas streams resulting from the sulfonation tower (R-501)
ken into account, using a first-order kinetic model with a constant and the cyclone (V-501) continued to a purification stage to meet
0.056 m3/mol s (NIST). The vapor phase was also considered, using environmental standards for particulates, SO 2 and SO3 gases. The
a second-order kinetic model, whose kinetic constant was system was composed by an electroprecipitator (V-601) that ex-
722640 m3/mol s for the sulfuric acid formation reaction (Eq. (8)) tracted particulate material, mainly composed of organic sub-
(NIST). The first-order expression proposed by Kapur et al. (1978) stances, from the stream. The resulting gas stream passed to the
for an acid medium was used for MES hydrolysis. Based on the absorber tower (T-601) where the gas stream entered into contact
foregoing, there was 99% conversion for methanol and peroxide, with a stream of NaOH 50 wt.% The absorption of SO 2 occurred by
generating 0.573 kg sulfuric acid/h and 493.018 kg methyl sulfonic the formation of sulfites (Na2SO3) from the reaction between NaOH
acid/h. and SO2. The kinetic constant used for this reaction was
The CSTR (R-504) was used for neutralization. Sodium hydrox- 2.5292 × 1020 m3/mol s (NIST). Sulfites were finally oxidized in a
ide 50 wt.% (1310 kg NaOH/h) was added in the stoichiometric mo- reactor (R-601) using NaClO because of the need to dispose liquid
lar amount required to neutralize both acidic substances and acid sulfites as sulfates (reaction kinetic constant of 2408.8 m3/mol s).
MES in the stream (Eqs. (11) and (12)), generating MES salts. Table 4 shows the models and specifications used for the simula-
Hydrolysis of MES salts to disalts of sulfocarboxylate or carboxylic tion of the methyl ester sulfonation process.

Table 4
Description of the simulation models and conditions for the methyl ester sulfonates production process.

Unit Description Model Conditions

R-401 Sulfur burner Requil 1 atm; 1129 °C

R-501 Sulfonation falling film reactor ABSBR Seven stages; DP = 0.4 atm; residence time: 2.916 s
R-502 Sulfonation products digester Rplug 90 °C; Residence time: 30 min; 32 tubes; 10 in. diameter
R-503 Bleaching reactor RCSTR 60 °C; 1 atm; 1.99 cum
R-504 Products neutralizer RCSTR 40 °C; 1 atm; residence time: 65 min
V-502 Product flash dryer Flash 110 °C; 1 atm
T-501 Methanol recovery tower Fractl 30 Stages; reflux ratio: 1.5; distillate to feed ratio: 0.54
T-601 Effluent gas scrubber RadFrac Five stages with reaction; 1 atm; no condenser nor reboiler
R-601 Sulfites to sulfates transformer Rplug Tube 1.3 m length; 0.5 m diameter
H-405 Aircooler HeatX Type: design; air outlet temperature: 2 °C
H-401 Sulfur dioxide stream cooler HeatX Type: design; stream outlet temperature: 420 °C
H-402 Sulfur dioxide to trioxide stream cooler HeatX Type: design; stream outlet temperature: 440 °C
H-403 Sulfur dioxide to trioxide stream cooler HeatX Type: design; stream outlet temperature: 435 °C
H-404 Sulfur trioxide stream cooler HeatX Type: design; stream outlet temperature: 82 °C
H-501 Digester product stream cooler HeatX Type: design; stream outlet temperature: 70 °C
8768 D. Martínez et al. / Bioresource Technology 101 (2010) 8762–8771

Economic analysis existing process’ type for methyl ester sulfonation (adjacent to
methyl ester production process).
The Aspen Icarus Process Evaluator ® and the simulation results
of both transesterification and sulfonation processes were used as 3. Results and discussion
tools to perform the economic analysis of the project. The cost of
methyl esters at which production was profitable was determined Process simulation
based on the value at which the profitability index was greater
than 1 and, as a result, the internal rate of return (IRR) was higher Mass balances
than 30% (rate of return of process). Based on the prices of raw The simulation yielded the mass balances associated with
materials (mainly methyl esters), the change of the IRR of the sul- methyl esters of the overall production process as well as the
fonation process was evaluated when the price per kg of each raw MES production process (Tables 6 and 7) for the production of
material suffered a change of US$0.1. The cost at which the produc- 49,000 tons MES/year.
tion of MES was profitable (IRR higher than 30%) was determined
based on this analysis and on program results.
Simulation results
The respective differences in terms of density and viscosity of
Location and production capacity triglycerides, as compared with experimental values, were less
Northern and eastern Colombia were determined to be the pre- than 2.4% and 0.6% (for temperatures between 25 and 100 °C),
ferred geographical locations in the country to establish a MES pro- whereas the differences for methyl esters were 5% for density
duction plant because they presented the largest area planted to oil and 0.6% for viscosity (same temperature range). These results
palm in 2009. In addition, most of Colombia’s palm oil-based bio- were based on thermodynamic models, group contribution meth-
diesel production systems are located in the northern part of the ods for properties, and several modifications of properties and
country, with an annual production capacity of approximately
100,000 tons of methyl esters (Arias, 2007). Taking into account
other factors, such as cost and ease of transportation of raw mate- Table 6
Raw material demand for methyl ester pro-
rials to the processing plant as well as price per square meter, the
duction process.
town of Ciénaga, located near the coastal city of Santa Marta in
northwestern Colombia, was determined to be the best location Substance Quantity (kg/h)
for the processing plant (average temperature of 28 °C, 1 atm. Palm oil 11415.53
atmospheric pressure, and 85% relative humidity). Steam (690 kPa) 2035
Methanol 1797.916
The maximum capacity of biodiesel plants was determined to
NaOH 103.277
be 100,000 tons biodiesel/year and, given that an intermediate Water 2042.764
treatment was required to remove unsaturated methyl esters, the HCl 94.324
capacity of the MES salt production plant was determined to be
49,000 tons/year, with the possibility of expanding its capacity to
100,000 tons/year depending on the production capacity perfor-
mance of the biodiesel plant and the treatment of methyl esters
prior to sulfonation. Table 7
Demand of raw materials for the methyl ester
sulfonation process.
Methyl ester production and sulfonation
Substance Quantity (kg/h)
The economic analysis considered cooling water, low pressure
steam, and ethylene glycol as utilities; the study period was 1 year; Air 8097.96
Glycol 11085.174
and a 20-year parameter was used to analyze investments, with a
Sulfur 664.889
30% rate of return, a 0% salvage value, and a 16% tax rate. The Methyl ester 4332.914
parameters of scale and capital costs, based on a national inflation Methanol 2681.045
of 7%, as well as prices (Table 5), were considered with a ‘probed’ Peroxide 268.105
process type for methyl ester production and an ‘adjacent to an NaOH 656.787
NaClO 1.638

Table 5
Raw material and products prices for methyl ester production and sulfonation process
(ICIS, 2008).
Table 8
Substance Price (US$/kg) Methyl ester stream obtained from the sim-
ulation of the process for production of
Limits Selected price methyl ester from palm oil in Aspen Plus ®
Raw material v. 2006.
Sulfur 0.24654–0.524 0.524
Property Value
Glycol 1.367–1.764 1.433
Methyl ester 0.8552 Molar flow (kmol/h) 34.165
Methanol 0.421 Mass flow (kg/h) 9623.959
Hydrogen peroxide 0.5401–1.1684 1.0913 Volumetric flow (cum/h) 10.589
NaOH 0.390–0.8225 0.8225
Molar fraction (mol %)
NaClO 0.2017–0.6050 0.605
Methyl oleate 35
HCl 0.3
Methyl palmitate 43.8
Palm oil 0.5
Methyl linoleate 17.1
Products Methyl myristate 0.4
Methyl ester 0.71 Methyl stearate 2.4
Glycerol 0.1 Water 0.6
MES Changeable NaCl 0.6
D. Martínez et al. / Bioresource Technology 101 (2010) 8762–8771 8769

program calculation routes proposed by Castañeda et al. (2006). It

was therefore concluded that the values estimated by the simula-

Gas treatment
tion were accurate and the calculations for properties and process-


ing units reliable in thermodynamic terms.



Table 8 indicates the characteristics of the methyl ester stream


obtained by the simulation of the methyl ester production process.
This stream had a composition similar to the product stream ob-

tained from similar processes (Castañeda et al., 2006) so the condi-

NaOH (2)
tions and material used for this process were coherent to the


selected process.





Based on the simulation of the methyl ester sulfonation process,
although it was possible to maintain the temperature below 90 °C

Gas treatment
in most of the FFR column, as recommended by de Groot (1991), it

NaOH (1)

was not possible to do so for the final stage because the methyl es-



ter and SO3 streams were fed in countercurrent to the tower. This




also implied an increased formation of impurities, causing the
product to acquire an undesirable color. Fig. 3 compares the tem-

Gas treatment
perature profile produced by the simulation with that proposed
by de Groot (1991).



The post-digestion sulfonation product stream was composed


of 54.9 wt.% active agent ( a-MES sodium salts), 0.3 wt.% methyl
sulfonic acid salt, 12.9 wt.% water, and a minimal amount of a-sul-


fo-fatty acid before drying. After drying, the active mass reached a



total of 94.2 wt.%, while the disalt composition was 2 wt.%. Also,



the use of the gas treatment system reduced the mass percentage
of SO2 from 206 ppm to 3 ppb and the SO 3 content from 277 to

267 ppb, while generating a stream with 3.2 wt.% sulfates in water.



The composition of the MES salt product stream obtained from the


simulation did not really differ from real values (The Chemithon

Corporation, 2006), although real processes generate MES product




streams with 5 wt.% disalt composition. This difference can be





attributed to assumptions about the pre-treatment of methyl es-
ters as only saturated compounds were used to feed sulfonation
Methyl ester

(see streams results in Table 9).





Economic analysis
SO3 production

Methyl ester production process


The price of methyl esters that made methyl ester production




process profitable (IRR > 30%) was US$0.702/kg methyl ester (using

Streams of the sulfonation process of methyl esters obtained from the process simulation.

the Aspen Icarus® Analysis Tools). The decision was therefore made

to use the current sales cost of biodiesel in Colombia, defined by



the Colombian Ministry of Mines and Energy at US$0.7127/kg





methyl ester for 2009, because it was the value established by
authorities and rendered the process being evaluated in this study




Water (1)















Mass fraction (wt./total wt.)





Hydrogen peroxide 0

HES intermediates
Temperature (°C)

Mass flow (kg/h)

Sodium sulfate
Sulfur trioxide
Sulfur dioxide
Vapor fraction
Pressure (bar)

Methyl ester


Acid HES




Table 9


Fig. 3. Temperature profile for the sulfonation reactor with a calculated stage
height of 1066 m (de Groot, 1991).
8770 D. Martínez et al. / Bioresource Technology 101 (2010) 8762–8771

Table 10 make the process profitable – regardless of the gas purification

Results of the economic evaluation of the MES production process.
stage – was lower for drying by cooling (US$1.22/kg) than for dry-
Project results summary * Units Total ing with ethylene glycol (US$3.7/kg). The greater impact of the
Total project capital cost US$ 10919025.33 price of raw materials was related to those substances that were
Total raw materials cost US$/year 57106175.76 directly involved in the sulfonation of methyl esters to reduce air
Total products sales US$/year 68612353.60 moisture by cooling, which was not the case with the ethylene gly-
Total operating labor and Maintenance cost US$/year 1578000.00
col technique. The variation of the IRR caused by the change in
Total utilities cost US$/year 746573.33
Total operating cost US$/year 67838118.98
price of methyl esters, methanol, and peroxide ranged between
Operating labor cost US$/year 1400000.00 12.05%, 10.71%, and 10.71%, respectively, in the case of drying by
Maintenance cost US$/year 178000.00 cooling. The impact of the price of ethylene glycol on the IRR
Operating charges US$/year 350000.00 was 25.19% in the case of drying with ethylene glycol. As a result,
Plant overhead US$/year 789000.00
the methyl ester sulfonation process, using an air drying system by
Subtotal operating cost US$/year 60569749.09
G and A cost 7268369.89 cooling and water condensation, was selected as a result.
Based on a price of US$0.8552/kg methyl ester and a price of US$1.40/kg MES.
MES production process
Previous reports (The Chemithon Corporation, 2006) indicate
that, based on the costs of raw materials (US$110/ton sulfur,
Determination of the best air drying process US$650/ton methyl esters, US$176/ton KOH, US$192/ton metha-
Based on the results of the Aspen Icarus Process Evaluator ®, nol, US$750/ton peroxide) and considering the conditions given by
investment costs were lower for the drying process with ethylene the company for the sulfonation of methyl esters, the produc- tion
glycol (US$9174516.42) as compared with the drying process by cost of MES was US$668.53/ton MES. Study results, given in Table
cooling (US$10152180.81). However, the minimum MES price to 10 and Figs. 4 and 5, show the fast growth of sales as

Fig. 4. Projected sales and operating costs of the project per year.

Fig. 5. Projected cash flow of the methyl ester sulfonates production process.
D. Martínez et al. / Bioresource Technology 101 (2010) 8762–8771 8771

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(Bogotá, Colombia), the Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Sede

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