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Plan title : Function of imagination can solve someone’s problem in real life

based on his/her job.

Film : The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Problem for Analysis :

 How important someone imagination to help him/her to achieve the goal of

their life.
 A lot of fact in this film that a lot of person doesn’t know

Hypothesis :

1. How important someone imagination to help him/her to achieve the goal of

their life

As we know as albert eintsein said “imagination is everything, it is the preview of

life’s coming attraction.” How ever many people still considered imagination is
nothing but a fake life or a dream. In the film of “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”
we can say that most of walter’s life is full of wild imagination. He work on the
magazine company called life magazine.

Until one day the company no more printing magazine and becoming online
magazine, that means some of the employees will determined or fired. Walter job is
on the negative asset that usually deal with photo that later became the magazine
cover. The last photo is very important for the company because it will be the last
cover magazine since the magazine will become online magazine. The problem is
the photographer Sean O’ Connel not put the photo on the place, so walter got
confused how to find the photo. So he decide to meet sean himself.
 Good Effect Of Imagination

In life when we can solve a problem sometime we give up to deal with the
problem. Some other use their imagination to solve the problem. Like walter mitty
when he cant figure out to find sean, suddenly he has wild imagination to go
around the world to find him. And he finally did, he went to greenland, iceland,
and pakistan in order to find sean. He got help from cheryl the women who work in
same company with walter, also walter like cheryl.

 Bad Effect of Imagination

Also there is a bad effect of imagination. If we have a bad imagination that might
hurt someone or ourself , and we decide to really do that in real life. But that just
the worst part and rarely happen. In this film bad effect of imagination happen
when walter on the train station, he has imagination that some building is on fire so
he help everybody to escape. When that’s done he realize that only imagination and
the train he waits is already leaving him.

2. A lot of fact in this film that a lot of person doesn’t know

One of the funniest fact in this movie was that in greenland there is only 8 citizen.
One of the citizen is very drunk and he the one who help walter to find sean. But
the country is absolutely beautiful.

The other fact is the airport in greenland is very small, the plane usally occupies by
4 or 5 passengers, that probably why greenlad has a few citizen.

Then when walter went to pakistan he meet 2 indeginious local people, they help
walter to climb the mountain. the mountain is on the part of forbidden citizen of
pakistan that’s why not lot of person is allowed to go there.

When walter finally meet sean at the mountain, he’s taking a photo of snow
leopard or they call ghost cat. The snow leopard is barely seen by humans.
Attachment :

Walter while skateboarding in iceland (its not one of his imagination)

One of walter’s imagination, he become romantic snow climber for cheryl

Walter being helped by 2 local person in pakistan

Walter when finally meets sean

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