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In the little village there were a poor old women and her son, maling kundang.
A few years later,maling kundang was a handsome man he decided to go to the city.he
wanted to find a better fortune for his life.
“perhaps if I go to the city we can change our life,mom”. Said maling kundang

After considering her son desire. Finally the old women let maling kundang went to the city,
and the old women was a lonely mother again.
A few years later malin succed to change his life. He was a very rich merchant.

One day malin wanted to visit his old village. He had been leaving it for a long time.
Finally malin arrived in his old village with his beautiful wife . he gave the money to all
people of the village, arrogantly.
Malin mother was shocked and cried. She missed her son indeed in the last few years.

“maling finally you are home.” Said his mother.

Actually maling recognized his mother. But he was shamed to admitted that poor old
women as mother in front of his wife. Malin mother was very hurt about it.she was very
angry and cursed malin into the stone.
Malin was frightened, he begged his mother’s mercy. But she ignored it. She was too
hurt.Suddenly there was a heavy rain. The lightning stroke everywhere, and suddenly malin
turned ito the stone.

The moral message of Malin Kundang Short Story (Indonesia) is heaven is under the soles of
the mother's feet. Love your mother, because your mother is the most meritorious human in
your life.


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