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Herein we will discuss the events happened on the First Voyage Around the
World led by a Spanish captain-general named Ferdinand Magellan. This is
according to the point-of-view of Antonio Pigafetta, the first chronicler who
accompanied Magellan in his circumnavigation of the world.

Ladrones Islands
 Ladrones Islands (presently known as the Marianas Islands)

March 18,1521
 Nine men came and showed joy and eagerness in seeing them.

 Magellan realized that the men were reasonable and welcomed them with
food, drinks and gifts

 Pigafetta characterized the people as "very familiar and friendly", they

willingly showed them different islands and the names of these islands.

March 25, 1521

 They saw 2 ballanghai/balangay (a long boat full of people in

 Magellan and the king of balangay exchanged gifts and expressed their
desire to become brothers.
March 31, 1521
 Magellan presided a Mass by the shore
Magellan planted a giant cross in our land, became the famed Magellan's
Cross which is still preserved at present day.
First Mass held in the Philippines
First Mass
April 14, 1521
 The king of Cebu was baptized as a Christian
 People wished to become Christians through their free will and not
because they were forced/intimidated
April 27, 1521
 The Battle of Mactan

 49 versus 1,500

Antonio Pigafetta
First Voyage Around the World
He was born in Vicenza in 1492, and he was an Italian seafarer and
Context of the primary source's production

Pigafetta was actually a chronicler commissioned by the King of Spain to

accompany and document a voyage intended to expand the Spanish empire.

has a scarcity in spices
has a mercantilist economy

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