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Hey! Everybody seems to be staring at me..

You. You., All of you! ( pointing to the judges )

How dare you stare at me? (very angry)

Why? Is it because I’m a bad girl? ( sad ) Huh?

Yeah, A bad girl I am... (very sad)

A-good-for-nothing teenager (shaking head)

... a problem child! (almost crying)

That’s what you call me! (very loud)

Well, I smoke. I drink. I gamble at my young

tender age. (sneering & proud)

I lie. I cheat, and I could even kill, if I have too.

(soft threatening voice) Ha, ha, ha (evil laugh)
Yes, I’m a bad girl. (straight & convincing voice)
But, where are my parents,? (crying)

You! You! Are you my ‘good’ parents?(yelling)

my good elder brother & sister? (questioning sigh)

In this society were I live, (stressed slowly)

Look…look at me…(very loud)

What have you done? (crying)

You have pampered and spoiled me, and neglected

me when I needed you most! (yelling while

You entrusted me to a yaya... (soft & slow)

whose intelligence was much lower than... Mine.
(insulting tone)

...while you go about your parties, your meetings

and gambling sessions… (complaining voice)

Thus… I drifted away from you! (accusing tone)

Hu, hu, hu, (crying heavily, feeling the pain)

I was longing for a fathers love, yearning for a

mother’s care! (shaking voice)

As I grow up, everything changed!(wondering)

You too have changed! (accusing tone)

You spent more time in your pokers, mahjong

tables, bars and night clubs. Huh! (very angry)
...You even landed on the headline of the
newspapers... (insulting tone)

as crooks, peddlers and racketeers.

Now, you call me names, accusing me of

nonsense in everything I did to myself, Huh?

(very loud yelling)

Tell me, How good are you then? (sneering shout)

(deep sighing & starts to cry)

If you really wish to ensure my future, (sad voice)

Then hurry….hurry back home! ... I’ll wait for

you! (pleading tone)
Because... I need you… (very sad soft voice)

To protect me from all evil... (afraid)

All influences that threatens my very own

understanding of truth… Of what is right. (crying)

But, if I am bad; really bad… (wiping the tears)

then, you’ve got to help me! (loud)

Help me! Oh please…Help me! (very loud)

Everybody calls me young, beautiful, wonderful.
Am I? Look at my hair, my lips, my red rosy
cheeks and a pair of blinkering eyes.

I remember, somebody says that I look like my

mother that I look like my mother.

But that when she was young.

Now, I am much lovelier than she is.

I’m a mortal Venus. Oops! What time is it? I must

get ready for the party! Beep-beep…!A-huh! Here
they are! Yes, I’m coming! "Child, are you still
there?" "Hmp! That’s my mama" "Child, are you
still there? Will you please get me a glass of cold
water?" "Mama, I’m in a hurry!" "Please child, try
to get me a glass of cold water." "Mama, please,
try to get it on your own." "Please child, try to get
me a glass of cold water!" At the party, I danced
and danced the whole night. You see, I can’t
leave the party at once. I have to danced with
everybody who proposed to me. At last, the party
is over. I’m very tired. Very, very tired. So, I went
home to tell mama what happened. "Mama, I’m
home! It’s very quiet. "Mama, I’m home!" Nobody
answers. Where is she? I look for her in the sala,
but she’s not there. Where is she? A-huh! In the
kitchen! I saw my mama, lying down on the floor,
dead. With a glass on her hand. I remember, she
tried to get it. Oh, God, just for the glass of cold
water! Mama! Mama! Oh, Mama!

Am I a juvenile delinquent?

I'm a teenager; I'm young, young at heart

& in mind.

In this position, I'm carefree;

I enjoy doing nothing

but to drink the wine of pleasure.

I seldom go to school, nobody cares!

But instead you can see me roaming

around, Standing at the nearby canto

Or else standing beside a jukebox stand

playing the nerve tickling bugaloo.

Those are the reasons, why people, you

branded me delinquent, a juvenile
My parents ignored me, my teachers
sneered at me, and my friends, they
neglected me.

One night I asked my mother to teach me

how to appreciate the values in life.

Would you care what she told me?

"Stop bothering me! Can't you see?

I had to dress up for my mahjong session,

some other time my child".

I turned to my father to console me, but,

what a wonderful thing he told me.

"Child, here's 500 bucks, get it and enjoy

yourself, go and ask your teachers that
And in school, I heard nothing but the
echoes of the voices of my teachers
torturing me with these words.

"Why waste your time in studying, you

can't even divide 100 by 5! Go home and
plant sweet potatoes".
I may have the looks of Alden Richards,
the calmly voice of Bruno Mars. But that's
not what you can see in me.
Here's a young boy who needs counsel to
enlighten his way and guidance to
strengthen his life into contentment.
Honorable judges, friends and teachers...

Is this the boy whom you commented a

juvenile delinquent?.
Contest Piece # 3

Everybody calls me young, beautiful, wonderful.

Am I? Look at my hair, my lips, my red rosy

cheeks and a pair of blinkering eyes.

I remember, somebody says that I look like my


But that when she was young.

Now, I am much lovelier than she is.

I’m a mortal Venus. Oops! What time is it?

I must get ready for the party!
A-huh! Here they are! Yes, I’m coming!

"Child, are you still there?"

"Hmp! That’s my mama"
"Child, are you still there?
Will you please get me a glass of cold water?"

"Mama, I’m in a hurry!"

"Please child, try to get me a glass of cold


"Mama, please, try to get it on your own."

"Please child, try to get me a glass of cold water!"

At the party, I danced and danced the whole night.

You see, I can’t leave the party at once.

I have to danced with everybody who proposed to


At last, the party is over. I’m very tired.

Very, very tired.

So, I went home to tell mama what happened.

"Mama, I’m home! It’s very quiet.

"Mama, I’m home!" Nobody answers.

Where is she?
I look for her in the sala, but she’s not there.
Where is she?

A-huh! In the kitchen!

I saw my mama, lying down on the floor, dead.
With a glass on her hand.

I remember, she tried to get it. Oh, God, just for

the glass of cold water!

Mama! Mama! Oh, Mama!

I’m proud of my dirty hands. Yes, they are
dirty. And they are rough and knobby and
calloused. And I’m proud of the dirt and the
knobs and the callouses. I didn’t get them that
way by playing bridge or drinking afternoon
tea out of dainty cups, or playing the
well-advertised Good Samaritan at charity
I got them that way by working with them, and
I’m proud of the work and the dirt. Why
shouldn’t I feel proud of the work they do –
these dirty hands of mine?
My hands are the hands of plumbers, of truck
drivers and street cleaners; of carpenters;
engineers, machinists and workers in steel.
They are not pretty hands, they are dirty and
knobby and calloused. But they are strong
hands, hands that make so much that the
world must have or die.
Someday, I think, the world should go down
on its knees and kiss all the dirty hands of the
working world, as in the days long past,
armored knights would kiss the hands of
ladies fair. I’m proud of my dirty hands. The
world has kissed such hands. The world will
always kiss such hands. Men and women put
reverent lips to the hands of Him who held the
hammer and the saw and the plane.
His weren’t pretty hands either when they
chopped trees, dragged rough lumber, and
wielded carpenter’s tools. They were
workingman’s hands – strong, capable proud
hands. And weren’t pretty hands when the
executioners got through them. They were
torn right clean through by ugly nails, and the
blood was running from them, and the edges
of the wounds were raw and dirty and swollen;
and the joints were crooked and the fingers
were horribly bent in a mute appeal for love.
They weren’t pretty hands then, but, O God,
they were beautiful – those hands of the
Savior. I’m proud of those dirty hands, hands
of my Savior, hands of God.
And I’m proud of my hands too, dirty hands,
like the hands of my Savior, the Hands of my

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