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December 12, 2017

We do know that Nature necessarily nourishes,honesty onerously honors and injustice intellectually

injures. With whom lies the burden of proof ?Politics partially pollutes, conscience contrarily corrupts

and realization redundantly ransacks. From the cradle to the grave humanity humbly harasses,feeling
faithfully fosters and sympathy selflessly sacrifices. There is no room for doubt that intention illegally

injures,hope heinously hurts and pain passionately paralyses. In due course we have understood that
simplicity sincerely stones,death dutifully dumbs and life lineally lasts. Through fair and foul we have

found that poverty palpably perishes and privately pulverizes. Can we deny that democracy drastically
demoralizes, love leniently liberates and religion relentlessly reminds ?

With all our heart we admit that power predominantly pounds and affluence appropriately assesses. To
all intents and purposes dream dramatically disappears and beauty broadly blots. By leaps and bounds
pleasure peacefully ponders and equity exemplarily evanesces. In all likelihood unity unanimously

usurps and duty distressingly dethrones. We know not why by might and main religionism
retrospectively romanticizes and religious bigotry broodingly blemishes ?Why by word of mouth

fraternity fragmentarily forsakes and liberty lamentably limps ?If need be persecution philanthropically
pillages and none the less inspiration imperceptibly impels. Why ? As occasion serves truth tactlessly

trumpets and despair deliberately disarms. Can you answer why unhesitatingly charity cheerily cherishes
Can a mason or a man build a bower of bliss ?A bard or a bird can. Where will you get a bower of bliss ?In
acutely aware thoughts of a preceptor ?In the maddening joy of morally or mentally overwhelmed

fanaticism ?In the criminal attack of the terrorists ?In the destruction of ineffable contempt towards the
poor ?In the removal of inky darkness from the nation's fate/face ? Does it lie in the rude placidity of the
politicians ?In the courteously accommodating mind of the people/public? In the alleged unwillingness of
a beautiful maiden ?In the alluring laziness of the ministers ?In the palace of aristocratic lineage ?In the

obedience of assiduously cultivated principles ?In the depth of blasphemous hypocrisy ?In the
atmosphere of brooding peace ?In the show of contemptuous disrespect towards the leaders ?In the
dancing sunshine of the day ?....Where ??
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T here is no shadow of doubt that everything is the subject

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things or to know one big thing---which is better?......In our
academic life our study begins with gathering knowledge of
'something of everything' [many subjects up to class X ].At XI,XII
the number of subjects decreases, at graduation level decreases
more & in the post-graduate level the subject becomes one & we
begin gathering knowledge of 'everything of something' [one
subject,many aspects ]. In fact they are complementary-important
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urges to have faith in without any logic should we accept it? If that
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land in the name of God-iconoclastic savageness of some fanatics as
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enthused by some religious heads. Should we stand in favour of it ?
If that something shows an easy path of removing accumulated
burden of triple grief promises to alleviate the agony of ineffable
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