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Go on Trip

B : Hi,Nurul. How's life?

A : It's all good. How's it going with you?
B : I am doing well. Nurul, do you like traveling?
A : I really like traveling because it's so much fun.
B : Totally agree! I also like traveling. What was your Best Trip?
A : My best trip is when I went to parangtritis.
B : Who did you go with?
A : I go with my friends.
B : Did you enjoy your trip?
A : Of curse. I felt most the best trip vacation I everhad. I felt
most exited and happy.
B : Oh it's,sound's like a great vacation. Where did you go for
the next trip?
A : Hmmm... I was thingking of maybe going to the borobudur
tample. By the way,where do you like to go traveling to?
B : Well, I often go exploring this city only you know,
discovering now places in the city that I've never visited before
is very fun.
A : That's nice! Next time we should go traveling together.
B : Yes, We definetely should.

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