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План урока

Группа: АГ-16

Тема урока: The greatest icons

Цели: способствовать формированию у обучающихся навыков и умений

монологического высказывания в рамках темы; сформировать
грамматические навыки по теме «Past Simple»

Образовательная: формирование лексических и грамматических навыков

Развивающая: развитие способности к решению речемыслительных задач;

соотношение, объяснение;

Воспитательная: воспитание познавательных потребностей.

Ход урока
I. Организационный момент

Hello, guys! We are glad to see you. How you doing?

Let’s do some phonetic workout, that is connected with our lesson.

Repeat after me!

II. Постановка цели и задач урока. Мотивация учебной деятельности


1. Речевая зарядка

The theme of our lesson is The greatest icons. Look at the pictures and tell
me: do you know any of the people in the photos? Which person is: a famous
actress; a famous singer or a famous sportsman?
Can you think of three famous people who are «icons»? Do you admire them or
2. Помогаем учащимся сформулировать тему урока и цель
Now you know, what we will be talking about.
Who can read the task of the exercise 2?
Please, read it and translate.
Write down the words, which you don’t know.
They will help us in our next exercise.
III. Первичное усвоение знаний.

Презентация новых грамматических единиц нового грамматического

Now, we will read text about famous people.

Page 12. Please, have a look at the gaps in the sentences. We should fill them
with words from exercise 2.

Let’s check together.

IV. Объяснение грамматической темы.

Have you noticed, what tense have we used in all of the texts? Yes, you’re
right, that’s Past Simple. Let’s revise, what it is.

Write in your copybooks the scheme of this tense and word expressions, that
are always using with Past Simple.

V. Закрепление

Use the past simple to write little autobiography. Look at the exercise 6.
Read your sentences to a partner.
Write questions, using Past Simple.
VI. Обсуждение

Now, when you know new information about famous people, let’s discuss, which
of them do you admire or not? Do you feel sorry for any of them?
VII. Домашнее задание

Your home task is to write a little message about your role model. You
should describe her or his appearance and biography, without saying names.
Your coursemates will have to guess, who are you describing.

VIII. Итог урока

That’s all for today. Have you any questions?

So, you’re marks are… Thank you for your attention.
Good bye.

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