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Lesson Plan in English (4 A’s Approach)

Grade 11
Academic Reading and Writing
Quarter 1: Week 3


At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

a. Identify the patterns of development
b. appreciate the patterns of development in writing across disciplines, and
c. apply these various patterns of development in writing


Topic: Patterns of Development

Instructional Materials: PowerPoint Presentation
References: Learning Activity Sheet
MELCs: EN11/12RWS-lllbf-3: Distinguishes between and among patterns of
development in writing across disciplines
Strategies: 4 A’s Approach (Activity, Analysis, Abstraction, Application)

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
I. Preliminaries
a. Greetings
Good morning Good morning, Teacher Lea!
b. Prayer
Kindly stand for the opening prayer. Jennifer, please
lead the opening prayer. Yes Ma’am!
c. Attendance
Say present when your name is called.
(The students said present when their
name was called.)
d. Review
Now before we proceed to our main topic for today,
what did we discuss the last week? Fances?
Francis: Last week we discussed
selecting and organizing information
Ma’am and also brainstorming and the
different types of Graphic organizers.
Very good! So last week we discussed selecting
and organizing information, as well as what is
brainstorming and its methods. And also, the types
of an idea map.
e. Grammar Drill
Modals of Ability. Put in ‘can’, ‘can’t’, ‘could’, and
‘couldn’t’ in each of the sentences. I will only give
you 5 minutes to finish this activity and we will
answer after. You may now start.

1. _____ you create a graphic organizer?

2. You ___ use several methods of development
depending on your purpose.
3. I ____ describe something without using my 5
4. They _____ use the graphic organizer to help
them outline the problem they encountered.
5. We ______ hide the fact that brainstorming is
necessary to help us easily create solutions after
Students: Yes Ma’am!
determining the problems.

All right, so time’s up! Let’s answer the questions. Answers:

1. Can
2. can
3. can’t
4. could
5. couldn’t

f. motivation
Now, what do you observe with these photos?
Angelica: I can see lines and shapes.
Very good! Now, what do you observe the lines and
shapes created?
Angelica: They created patterns!

Good catch! So, a pattern is an arrangement of

lines or shapes, especially a design in which the
same shape is repeated at regular intervals over a
surface at the same time, patterns can be
something that is the repeated or regular way in
which something happens or is done.

How about these photos? Maica? Maica: I think the photos are all about

Student: Pattern and development!

Very good! the process of developing or being

developed. Now, what do you think is our topic for
today? Try to combine the 1st and the 2nd photo.

Great! Our topic for today is all about the patterns of

II. Lesson Proper
A. Activity
Identify the patterns of development. Choose one
pattern from the table that best matches the thesis
statement. You may choose a pattern more than

Cause and effect Comparison and contrast

Description Narration/time order
Definition Persuasion
Problem-solution Listing

______1. They say identical twins are similar in

almost everything. However, this is not true. No one
is truly the same. We are designed to be unique in
our own way.
______2. Freedom is a concept that needs to be
______3. It is very important to stay healthy. Eating
the right food for your heart can help prevent
cardiovascular diseases. Common examples of
food that can keep your heart are black beans,
salmon, tuna, fresh herbs, and the like.
______4. In the field of law, there are several
subspecialties that you can focus on.
______5. Major events happened that led to the
defeat of Japan during World War II.
______6. Teeth bleaching can be done in five
simple steps.
______7. When water droplets join together, it
becomes heavy. This is caused by the rise and cool
water vapor, which forms clouds in the sky. As a
result, there will be rain.
______8. Iphone 6 has many features that make it
stand out in the market.
______9. Let us all get rid of apathy! First off, it is a
poison to the soul. Also, it is not beneficial to
relationships. Let us learn to sympathize with others
and love genuinely. Life is something to celebrate.
Spend every day thinking about how you can help
those who are in need. Of course, you are a
______10. Poverty is a word beat. The whole world
thrives on getting rid of this seemingly irresistible
dilemma. All around the globe, the government,
together with the private sectors and other
agencies, unite to improve society’s condition, most
especially the far-flung areas. Leaders from different
countries gather in this weeklong forum to discuss
resolutions and plans for action.
The students stated to answer.
B. Analysis
Now, let’s check your answers. But before that, how
we are going to identify the following patterns of
development? Any idea?

We can identify the patterns of development

through signal words aside from understanding the
text. By the way, do you know what is patterns of

Patterns of development is the process by which

you support or explain the central idea of
paragraph, essay, or other piece of writing.
Depending on your purpose--- what you want to
accomplish---you can use several methods of

 Narration.
 Description.
 Definition.
 Exemplification
 Classification.
 Comparison and contrast.
 Cause and effect.
 Problem solution.
 Persuasion.
 Listing.

For question number 1, please read and give your

answer, Nicole. Nicole: 1. They say identical twins are
similar in almost everything. However,
this is not true. No one is truly the
same. We are designed to be unique in
All right, So why Comparison and Contrast?
our own way.
It is a comparison and contrast pattern when it
answers how the subject is the same or not.
Comparison examines how subjects are similar,
while contrast emphasizes how subjects are
different. For comparison, it uses signal words like
similar, similarly, in the same way, likewise, in a
linked manner, in a similar fashion, etc. Contrast
uses signal words such as yet, nevertheless,
nonetheless, after all, but though, however,
otherwise, on the other hand, notwithstanding, etc.
Now, how about number 2, Jamilla? Jamilla: 2. Freedom is a concept that
needs to be understood. The answer is
Correct! Why Definition? Definition is a statement of
the meaning of a term ( a word, phrase, or other set
of symbols). Using definition to develop an idea
helps to clarify and explain concepts by answering
the question “What does it mean?” This pattern
explains the information through the use of
illustrations, examples, and descriptions. It may also
include one or more different patterns. Some of the
materials in writing a definition are:

 etymology of the word

 evolution of the object
 personal definitions of the writer himself or
by professional lexicographers and experts
 bibliography
 materials, ingredients, and composition
 varieties of the subjects and their
distinguishing features

Definition also uses signal words such as is defined

as, as defined, means, refers to, to define, and to

Now let’s proceed with number 3, Faith? Faith: 3. For number 3, my answer if

Very good! Exemplification utilizes detailed

illustration for clarification. It can be in the form of
story, an anecdote, a quotation, or statistics.
Transitional devices include words for illustration.
And also the Classification, the writer develops
criteria in the subcategories based on their
relationship. The writer who uses this pattern must
have strong sense of purpose.

For example:

There are various types of learners. They can

usually be classified as either "The Average Joe,"
"The Slacker," or "The Eager Beaver." Average Joe
usually studies well for exams and shows up in
class. On the other hand, the Slacker misses a
class and can be easily identified as always using
headphones wherever he goes. On a different
scale, the Eager Beaver comes to class, nods his
head, always in-class discussions, and stays after
Now, how about the number 4? Juliet? Juliet: 4. In the field of law, there are
several subspecialities which you can
focus on. Description is the answer.
Why Description pattern? A descriptive pattern
provides details on the idea using either a sensory
or spatial pattern. It makes the most out of the five
senses, what you see, hear, taste, smell, and feel.
Through sensory patterns, ideas are arranged
based on one or all of the five senses. A spatial
pattern, on the other hand, arranges ideas by
location or physical space.

The most important elements of this pattern are the

types of description used (i.e, evocative or
informational; spatial or sensory), the clustering of
details, and the progression of description. A
concept map can be used to understand descriptive
texts. The following signal words will also help in
identifying such patterns.

Now the last question, number 5, Joana?

Joana: 5. Teeth bleaching can be done
in five simple steps. For me the answer
ma’am is Chronology/procedure or
Very good! Chronology/procedure or Narration
follows an order of writing. It uses transition words
such as first, then, soon, after, suddenly, etc., to
maintain coherence and show movement. In telling
a story, it employs action words like verbs and
adverbs, and phrases that signal time to make the
text more engaging to the readers. Transitional
devices include first, then, soon, after, and

For example:
He came and delivered the speech. Then he left the
arena right after the last line. His constituents
followed him eventually.

Next number, Andrew?

Andrew: 6. Major events happened
that led to the defeat of Japan during
World War II. The answer for me is still
Chronology/procedure or Narration.
All right! Why? What makes you say its
Chronology/procedure or Narration?
Because it states major events that
happened and the signal word
“eventually” is present.
Good job, Andrew! How about number 7? Mila?
Mila: 7. For number 7, my answer is
Cause and Effect.
Okay, so why cause and effect? Cause and effect
explore why things happen and what happens as a
result words that show effects are, for this reason, it
follows, as a result as a consequence, does,
therefore, period transitional devices include
because, since, is due to, is caused by, for this
reason, it follows, as a result, and so.

Number 8? Any volunteer?

Student: Me ma’am! 8. Iphone 6 has
many features that make it stand out in
Why listing? Listing pattern organizes ideas using the market. For me the answer is
enumeration. Unlike chronological order pattern, listing.
listing does not require the items to be sequenced
chronologically because it does not have the
element of time. It basically presents a series of
items (facts, examples, features, reasons, and tips)
that support the main idea.

Let us proceed with number 9. Mike?

Mike: 9. Let us all get rid of apathy!

First off, it is a poison to the soul. Also,
it is not beneficial to relationships. Let
us learn to sympathize with others and
love genuinely. Life is something to
celebrate. Spend every day thinking
about how you can help those who are
in need. Of course, you are a blessing!
Why can you say the pattern is persuasion? The answer for me I guess is

Because it is persuading us to why we

All right! Very good! So this method or pattern should remove apathy.
involves facts that make the paragraph more
convincing. In giving illustrations, signal words are
used, such as first, next, last, etc. In answering
oppositions, words such as of course, some may
say, nevertheless, and on the other hand. When
you draw generalizations, words like therefore,
hence, consequently, and thus are used.

Now the last one, number 10? Alvin?

Alvin: 10. Poverty is a word beat. The
whole world thrives on getting rid of
this seemingly irresistible dilemma. All
around the globe, the government,
together with the private sectors and
other agencies, unite to improve
society’s condition, most especially the
far-flung areas. Leaders from different
countries gather in this weeklong forum
to discuss resolutions and plans for
Okay, now why problem solving? A problem being action. The answer for me ma’am is
presented and a solution. Why it has become a problem-solving.
problem is also discussed, leading to conclusion
highlighting the connection between the problem
and solution. Transitional devices include the
answer, challenge, need, dilemma, enigma,
improve, indicate, issue, plan a need, problem,
propose, remedied, resolve, respond to, solve and

Good job everyone!

C. Abstraction
Now, based on what we have analysed. Why should
we appreciate the patterns of development in writing
across disciplines?
(Student raised her hand)
The student will answer: For me
Ma’am, as a student. It will help me
follow ideas easily and understand the
Alright, great answer. The pattern helps us follow texts better.
ideas easily and understand a text better. That’s
correct! The selection of patterns of development in
writing is dependable on the writer’s purpose. In
determining the pattern of development off ideas in
a text, note that signal words used for these may
help you identify the pattern of development. One
thing also is that if you were able to know what are
the patterns of development. Aside from you are
guided, then you will be disciplined as a writer to
create a pattern when writing for the students or for
the readers to easily understand your text better. All
right! Thank you for your short but concise answer,

D. Application
To assess your learnings about our discussion for
today, I want you to apply these patterns of
development in an activity.
The students will answer.


Instructions: Match the pattern of development in column A to the transitional device in column
B. Write only the letter of your choice on the space provided.

______1. Cause and effect a. arguably

______2. Spatial as b. defined
______3. Chronology c. away from
______4. Classification d. by
______5. Comparison e. consequently
______6. Contrast f. even though
______7. Definition g. in a similar fashion
______8. Persuasion h. meanwhile
______9. Problem-solution i. the next category
______10. Exemplification j. to illustrate

V. Assignment
Instructions: Identify the main idea, the pattern of development, and the signal words in the
paragraph. Write it on the table.

Drinking alcohol can sometimes be tolerated if done in moderation. However, letting it take
over our lives is another story. Many teenagers are not aware of the dire consequences of
drinking too much alcohol. First, drinking too much alcohol can damage our hearts. Doctors
claim that while drinking alcohol occasionally it’s good for the heart, if it is taken excessively
the drinker may suffer from an irregular heartbeat, stroke, cardiomyopathy, and high blood
pressure. Being alcoholic will also take a toll on our liver and can lead to a variety of diseases
such as fibrosis, hepatitis, and fatty liver. Finally, drinking alcohol can weaken our immune
system and make our bodies more vulnerable to various diseases. It also weakens our body’s
ability to ward off infection.
Main Idea Pattern of Development Signal Words

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