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(Study in Poncosari Village, Srandakan Sub-District, Bantul Regency, Special Region
of Yogyakarta)

This research studied the role of youngster in development of renewable energy
edutourism and its implication towards the regional economy resilience (study in Poncosari
Village, Srandakan Subdistrict, Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta). Mean while the purpose of this
research was to analyzed the role of youngster in development of renewable energy edutourism,
and also to analyzed the implication of the role of youngster in development of renewable
energy edutourism towards the regional economy resilience.
This research used qualitative descriptive method. Data collection technique was
conducted by five steps, i.e.: 1) Observation, 2) Interview, 3) Documentation, 4) Literature, 5)
Internet. Whereas data validity was conducted by cross check data technique.
The result of research showed the role of youngster joined in Work Group of
renewable energy edutourism had conducted promotion in some educational institution or wide
society, either directly or through printed media and online. The development of renewable
energy edutourism had signifi cant impact towards the regional economy resilience, because it
had increased economical income of surrounding people. It could be considere as manifestation
of the familial economical resilience of which was as basic of the regional economy resilience.

One of the gatra in realizing national resilience is the economic aspect. Economics as
one of the gatra in the concept of national resilience is a factor important for the progress and
welfare of a nation. The higher the rate of economic growth of a country is often a benchmark
of people's welfare and the progress of a nation. Even the economy of a country can influence
social and political conditions. That is, social conflicts and political stability that can threaten
the disintegration of the nation are often influenced by economic factors. Likewise with
development, both in terms of infrastructure and superstructure also require economic
prerequisites. Therefore, the stability and pace of economic growth need to be realized so that
national security can be realized.
The connection in realizing national resilience, especially in the economic field, as
discussed in the paragraph above must involve all existing elements, one of which is youth. In
the midst of a climate of globalization that leads to a free market, the youth as the nation's next
generation needs to be encouraged to increase their economic productivity, so they can compete
in the competition. Without the productivity of economic independence, the youth will only
become consumers, not producers. If the people of Indonesia, especially young people as the
nation's next generation, are only consumers, then the pace of a country's economy will
stagnate, so that economic resilience will be difficult to realize. Because the level of
productivity of economic independence will have an impact on the rate of economic growth of
a country.
After that, the rate of economic growth of a country will be supported by an increase
in the economy of a region. Therefore, the economic resilience of a region is the basis of
national resilience in the economic field, so that regional economic productivity is the main
requirement. Then the implementation of economic productivity is not only top down (from
above), but also bottom up (from below). This means that on the one hand the government
must also provide a stimulus response to the community, especially youth to be more
productive, but on the other hand, youth must also have creative power in economic
Next, economic productivity must also be based on objective reality, meaning that
economic development must be in accordance with existing potential. Economic productivity
without being based on objective conditions, will experience difficulties in its development, it
can even lead to economic stagnation. In line with this, Poncosari Village which is actually
located on the southern coast of Yogyakarta, is very potential if developed as a tourist
attraction. Especially in the Pantai Baru Pandansimo area there is a development of renewable
energy technologies, namely PLTH and BIOGAS. The existence of diversification of
renewable energy has also been utilized by the Youth of Poncosari Village as an educational
tourism object. The existence of Pandansimo Baru Beach in which there is a development of
renewable energy technology is an objective condition for local people to develop the place as
a tourist attraction. The existence of PLTH and BIOGAS which are used as education-based
tourism objects can be an attraction for tourists to hold tourist visits. Because, quantitatively
the number of tourist attractions is still minimal, especially renewable energy tourism in
Yogyakarta only in Poncosari Village.
The development of renewable energy tourism has been initiated by PUSTEK UGM in
collaboration with Karang Puna Poncosari Village. The collaboration has been established
since 2011 until 2013, by establishing a Renewable Energy Education Working Group
(POKJA) by accommodating Youth in Poncosari Village. The youth of Poncosari Village who
are members of the POKJA is the driving force of the development of this renewable energy
tourism education. Various debriefing or training has been carried out by PUSTEK UGM, so
that young people who are members of the POKJA can develop independent renewable energy
The hope of developing renewable energy tourism managed by LWG is to minimize
unemployment by encouraging youth productivity, so that young people have income. The
development of renewable energy tourism managed by youth has implications for regional
economic resilience. Because with the development of renewable energy tourism, in addition
to youth becoming earning income has also become an attraction for tourists to visit. This can
be seen from the increasing number of tourists visiting from year to year. For this reason, this
study analyzes the role of youth in the development of renewable energy tourism and its
implications for regional economic resilience.
There are six theories in this study that aim to direct researchers to make research easy.
The theory in question is as follows. First, the theory of roles is closely related to one's
involvement or participation in an activity, both directly and indirectly. The purpose of the role
directly is when someone is actively involved in an activity process. Indirect role is when a
person does not involve himself directly in an activity process but, but has a role in the
implementation of the activity.
Second, about youth which can be seen in Law Number 40 of 2009 concerning Youth
Article 1 paragraph 1, that what is called youth is an Indonesian citizen who is in the period of
growth and development aged 16 (sixteen) to 30 (thirty) years. . Third, eduwisata or often
referred to as educational tourism is a concept that combines elements of tourism with
educational content in it. According to Rodger education tourism is intended as a program in
which tourism activity participants take a trip on a particular place in a group with the main
goal of getting a learning experience directly related to the location visited (Anonymous, 2013).
Third, renewable energy is an energy or energy source that can be continuously
updated, such as water, geothermal energy, solar energy, biomass, waves, ocean currents and
wind. Fifth, national resilience is a conception of defense that is of a universal nature, and aims
at the survival of an independent and sovereign nation and state of Indonesia by basing itself
on its own strength (Ministry of Defense, 2008).
Fourth, economic resilience is a condition of regional dynamics which contains
resilience and resilience that contains the ability to develop strength in facing and overcoming
all challenges, threats, obstacles and disturbances that come from outside and inside, both
directly and indirectly endangering the economic life of the region (Kusumasari, 2014). This
study uses a descriptive qualitative method, where the researcher will describe the phenomenon
of the research topic being studied. The determination of informants in this study was
conducted based on certain criteria that can support this research. Furthermore, the technique
of data collection is done in five stages, namely: (1) Observation, (2) Interview, (3)
Documentation (4) Literature, (5) Internet (Burhan, 2003). The data validation using the cross
check data technique. Then the data analysis techniques in this study, namely: (1) data
reduction, (2) data categories, (3) data presentation, and (4) conclusions (Sugoyono, 2007).
The purpose of this study was to answer the problem formulation, namely to find out
the concept and role of youth in developing the Renewable Energy Educator area in Poncosari
Village, and to identify the role of youth in the development of the Poncosari Renewable
Energy Tourism area which has implications for the regional economic security.

Poncosari Village consists of 24 Padukuhan which includes 120 Neighborhood Groups
(RT). Basically Poncosari Village is an amalgamation of 5 villages, namely Saptokondo,
Wonotingal, Trihudadi, Sambikerto and Mojourip. The merger of the five kelurahan occurred
since September 5, 1946. Geographically, Poncosari Village is located in the Srandakan
District, Bantul Regency, Special Region of Yogyakarta, with an area of 1,130 hectares. The
location is in the southwestern part of Bantul Regency, approximately 30 kilometers (km) from
the city of Yogyakarta, and is located on the south coast (Pandansimo) of Yogyakarta, which
is directly opposite the Indonesian Ocean.
The west is directly adjacent to the Progo River Kulon Progo Regency, to the south by
the Ocean of Indonesia, to the east by Gadingsari Village to Sanden Subdistrict, and to the
north by Trimurti Village. Poncosari Village has three coastal tourist destinations, namely
Pandansimo, Kuwaru Beach and Beach New Pandansimo. Of the three beaches, Pandansimo
Baru Beach is the most crowded tourist spot. Because the Pantai Baru is the cleanest and most
beautiful beach than the two beaches. Even within the Pantai Baru area there is the development
of renewable energy technologies (PLTH and BIOGAS) which are used as educational tourism
objects. The development of this renewable energy education program has become the target
of the wider community to visit these tourist sites. This is evident, that every year the number
of tourists visiting is increasing.
The development of renewable energy tourism is an idea from PUSTEK UGM in
collaboration with Karang Taruna of Poncosari Village to form a Working Group (POKJA).
The realization of the idea is to hold training for village youth to have productivity. Youth who
are members of the POKJA are the driving force for the development of renewable energy
tourism, which was formed in 2011, which was the beginning of collaboration between
PUSTEK UGM and Poncosari Village youth to develop PLTH and BIOGAS as tourist
attractions. The collaboration was stated in a MoU for 3 years, namely until 2013. This means
that after 2013, PUSTEK UGM was no longer structurally involved in the development of the
eduwisata. However, the development of the eduwisata, the hope is that it will be managed
independently by the youth who are members of the POKJA.
The existence of the development of renewable energy technology is an added value
possessed by Poncosari Village, so that if this condition is used as a tourist attraction it can
attract tourists visiting. Karang Taruna as a representative of the youth of Poncosari Village
has been encouraged by PUSTEK UGM to develop the presence of PLTH and BIOGAS as
educational tourism objects.
The impetus for development is not on the level of utilization or use, but utilizes the
existence of PLTH and BIOGAS to be used as education-based tourism objects managed by
POKJA eduwisata. The training and coaching conducted by PUSTEK UGM is an effort to
sensitize village youth not to become users or consumers of the existence of PLTH and
BIOGAS. Youth in this case are encouraged to be able to think and act independently and
productively by managing PLTH and BIOGAS as educational tourism objects. The
development of these attractions at the implementation level should be managed optimally and
professionally. The first thing that should be done is to make young people aware of the
importance of developing diversified renewable energy as an educational tourist attraction.
The development of edu tourism managed by youth has a vision to "develop new
renewable energy education tours", while the mission of developing eduwisata is: (1). As an
instrument or vehicle for learning for the world of education or the wider community both
through class workshops and direct practice related to the manufacturing process, work system
or operational of PLTH and BIOGAS. Therefore there is a transformation of knowledge to the
wider community or the world of education. (2). Popularizing and inviting people to be aware
of the importance of developing renewable energy. (3). Form a mindset of independent,
innovative and environmentally conscious people by developing renewable energy
technologies. (4). Encourage the use of individual and collective renewable energy sources in
the community. (5). Advancing the economy of the community. (6). Take an active role and
take part in solving global energy problems.
The development of renewable energy tourism is a vehicle for learning that aims to
educate the wider community, and can also expand knowledge to the younger generation of
energy challenges in the future. This is very supportive of the world of education, the article
for students who want to learn the development of renewable energy technology is not only
enough to learn from the literature textually, but needs to learn contextually or directly, both
from the manufacturing process and operational systems. In addition, the concept of developing
renewable energy education carried out by Poncosari village youth through LWG is a
manifestation of the village's economic development efforts. Youth who are members of the
POKJA have played an important role in the development of tourism objects in Pandansimo
Baru Beach, especially those based on education. Socialization and promotion have been
sought by youth to introduce renewable energy tourism and the existence of Baru Pandansimo
The youth of course in carrying out the promotion aims to make the general public hold
tourist visits to the location of renewable energy conversion as an educational tourist attraction
and Baru Pandansimo Beach. The position of the youth is not just to socialize the existence of
tourist objects, but also to offer as a tour guide service if there are tourists who want to hold
educational tourism visits can use the services of POKJA eduwisata as a guide. Without a tour
guide, tourists will be confused in learning the work system of PLTH and BIOGAS. Therefore
the youth who are members of the POKJA as a guide will explain the operational system. The
hope of youth as tour guides in addition to introducing PLTH and BIOGAS, there are also
economic aspects. That is, young people as tour guides have offered tour packages that must
be paid by tourists who visit, so that young people become income.

Based on the explanation above, conclusions can be drawn as follows. First, the role of
youth who are members of the POKJA eduisata has promoted the wider community and the
world of education. Promotions carried out directly by young people, namely visiting directly
and offering tour packages to schools or by distributing brochures. Indirect promotion in this
case is promotion through mass media, both print and online. Promotion of eduwisata
conducted by youth does not run regularly or periodically, so that many tourists who visit
directly coordinate with PLTH and BIOGAS. This ultimately has an impact on the income of
young people, which is not much, because tourists who use the services of LWG are few.
Basically the condition caused by the lack of communication and coordination between the
POKJA eduwisata with PLTH and BIOGAS managers, which are actually based on the basis
of conflict between the two. These conditions have had an impact on the stagnation of POKJA
renewable energy tourism developed by youth.
Secondly, the development of edu- cational education has not yet had a signi fi cant
impact on youth as managers, but with the promotion of youth it has had an impact on the
growing recognition of New Pandansimo Beach renewable energy tourism. This condition has
had an impact on the increasing number of tourists visiting the tourist sites, so that the income
obtained by local residents also increased. In this regard, the increase in income of local
residents is a sign of the realization of regional economic resilience.

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