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Data Innovation: A Call for a Better Nation

- Celine S. Perez

“Change calls for Innovation, Innovation leads to Progress.”

In today’s generation, people are living in a nation where change are fast growing. The world of
data, changes every hour, every minute, and every second. It was 30 years ago, when President Corazon
Aquino signed the proclamation number 647 which National Statistics Month (NSM) proclaimed. September
20,1990 marked the date of changes, innovation, and a total appreciation for Statistics.

Why do we need data innovation? Data innovation can help every person in different nations, like
our country which is the Philippines. How do data innovation and statistics help each person in our nation?
It is simply because Statistics plays a big role in our nation. Statistics and data innovation can help not only
the people in corporate world but also a teacher, policeman, a supervisor, a doctor, an engineer and even
the farmers and fishermen who are the most important people in our society. Data innovation and
Statistics are very important for a better tomorrow. It is a key for a better nation.

Let us not forget why do we need Statistics in our lives and in the progress of our nation. Let us
remember what a STATMAN symbolizes and why there is a STATMAN. A Statman has head, arm and body.
The head symbolizes the standard deviation denoting the variation of human endeavors. The arm of the
Statman is the summation that denotes the society’s dreams and aspirations; and the body which is the Chi
Square that denotes the harmony of Philippine Statistical System and the Philippine Government. This
model pf Philippine Statistics symbolizes the coherence and unity of the people and the society. It aims to
emphasize the importance of Data Innovation and Statistics as the key for a better nation. If only we can
give full appreciation for data innovation, it can make a difference for our nation. If only we can embody
the importance and the role of Statistics in our society, it can make changes.

Why do we need innovation? Why do we need changes? Innovation and changes are essential to
build better nation. Data Innovation is one of its necessities of our country. it is an all-around builder of a
nation. Today is the best day to start innovation, to start to make a difference in our nation. Statistics
Innovation is on us. Le us unite and let’s start it with us. This is not only a call, but a key for a better
nation. Statistics in Action.

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