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Prabu Tapa Agung -> firmly wise, fair
Purbasari -> gentle, kind,
Purbararang -> selfish, grumpy, rash
Indrajaya -> arrogant, yielding
Lutung kasurung -> good natured, humble

Along time ago there was a kingdom called the kingdom Kanjuruhan led by Prabu Tapa Agung.
He lived peacefully with her daughters beautiful, that Purbasari and Purbararang which have different
At the time came the great commander of the royal Gajayana who gave the news that the
queen had died. Hearing the news of the king fainted and lost consciousness. (two daughters went to the
king into the room).

Purbararang : “ What’s happen father? Why did you call us?”

Prabu Tapa Agung : “Do you know? I feel i’m getting older now. And I want to choose who has to be my
Purbasari : “What?! Does it mean that father want to abdicate?”
Prabu Tapa Agung : “Yes…Because of that, I choose you, Purbasari.”
Purbararang : “How can be like that? I’m the eldest one.”
Prabu Tapa Agung : “Purbararang, to be a queen takes more than age. There are many other qualities
that one must posses.”
Purbararang : “What does purbasari have that don’t?”
Prabu Tapa Agung : “You will find out when Purbasari has replaced me.”
Purbararang : "(Purbararang angrily left the room.)"
Purbasari : "Well if that's what you want, father:"

After that, Purbararang meet Indrajaya. She planned to block Purbasari so she failed to be a queen in
the kingdom Kanjuruhan.

Purbararang : "Kanda, Purbasari will be given credence by the father to be Queen in this
kingdom. "
Indrajaya : "(with surprise) Is it true? it should be the queen dinda Not the Purbasari. "
Purbararang : "true kandha. (With fear). What should we do Kandha? "
Indrajaya : "dinda up. how do dinda become queen in the kingdom. "
Purbararang : "we must do something. What if we go to someone
Witch and tell us to make ugly a face Purbasari . (Enthusiastically) "
Indrajaya : "oh. . bright idea my wife. I agree (with the sly face and smile
Satisfied). "
Purbaraang : "Well, let's go to the house of the witch."

After purbararang and Indrajaya meet the witch, the witch quickly run what are instructed
by them. After that, Purbasari face turned into ugly, which is expected by Indrajaya and Purbararang.

Purbasari : "(look in the mirror about to preen., And surprised)

Oh god. . why my face change to be like this? (crying) "
The incident made Purbasari surprised and try to accept with fortitude.
Purbararang then meet perbasari.

Purbararang : "what's wrong with you Purbasari ? (went to Purbasari from back and with a sense
of innocence)"
Purbasari : "my face. . Changed. " (sad)
Purbararang : "why is your face,? Purbasari look at me."
Purbasari : "(a turn and stare Purbararang)"
Purbararang : "(a quasi surprised and concerned). Hah!!! What happened to your face Purbasari?.
Are you going to be a queen with a face so ugly. "
Purbasari : "(sadly Purbasari heard the saying Purbararang)"
Purbararang : "if I may advise you better get out of the kingdom, so as not to invite slander and
make my father embarrassed."
Purbasari : "(sadly Purbasari answer) If that's the best idea, I'm going to leave the kingdom. "

With sadness Purbasari went to leave the Kanjuruhan kingdom and she did not know where to go,
until at last he came into a forest.

Purbasari : "where is.?? Where should I go.!! (With a sad)

Comes the ape approached Purbasari ..

Lutung : "huhu .. haha .. huhu .. haha”

Purbasari : "haa .. monkey ...!! (surprised with a little fear) don’t came near from me!!
Lutung : "Quiet .. Do not be afraid ...!
Purbasari : "monkey!!! .. you can talk (in astonishment)
Lutung : "Yes I can speak .. By the way why you can be here
Purbasari : "I was expelled from the kingdom, and I do not know where to go."
Lutung : "Do not panic, you can stay with me here. I'm also very happy , if you are willing to join
me in this forest
Purbasari : "is it true ..? thank you monkey ... "
Lutung : "yeah, not problem."
Purbasari : "But ..... my face .."
Lutung : "it's okay ... it seems you're hungry, let's look for food.

Every day Purbasari and monkeys are always playing together. Although still feeling full
Purbasari blanket with sadness, but monkeys are always trying to make her days filled with smiles.
Until one day, monkey Kasarung planning helps Purbasari changed the face of ugly. With him
magical power, lutung kasurung make a small lake and immediately took Purbasari toward the lake.

Lutung : "Purbasari .. Would you follow me to a lake ..? "

Purbasari : "why should there ..?"
Lutung : "Take a bath in the lake, because when you're bathing in the lake, your face ugly you will be
lost. "
Purbasari : "Really??"
Lutung : "yes .. you will be back to normal.!"
Purbasari : "Well I'm going to follow the advice apes you.”

And then Purbasari go ape lake, after Purbasari washed face in the lake. Amazing beautiful skin
has returned to normal. After that, Purbasari asked monkey Kasarung to go with her to the kingdom
Once day in the kingdom, Purbasari met Purbararang and Indrajaya who were talking with father
about become the queen of the kingdom Kanjuruhan in the place.

Purbararang : "how do you think, do I deserve to be the queen of this kingdom?

Indrajaya : "very glamour dinda, if you become a queen in the kingdom.
Purbararang : "is it true ..?
Purbasari : "sister, I come, see is my face was back to normal ..! (sudden)
Purbararang : "(surprised) Purbasari ..?
Indrajaya : "Why is this so? (shocked too) "
Purbararang : "Purbasari your face! (attention Purbasari face) "
Purbasari : "Yes sister, my face was back to normal. Now I can fulfill the mandate to be the queen's
father '
Purbararang : "No ... no ... (strongly opposes.) What should we do kanda? (Whispering Imdrajaya)"
Indrajaya : "Advise that a queen should have a prince (whispering)"
Purbasari : "Why? I just wanted to keep the trust of my father. (Face stunned) "
Purbararang : "No Purbasari, a queen must have a handsome prince. (In a loud voice)"
Indrajaya : "Yes it's true Purbasari"
Purbararang : "Here, Indrajaya as my prince and which your prince? haha"
Purbasari : '(sad face and the tears dripping) "
Come a monkey and he said to Purbasari
Lutung : "Do not cry Purbasari, I'll be your prince"
Purbararang : "ha-ha-ha ... so your prospective prince a monkey?"
Lutung : "I'm just a monkey, but I'm very like Purbasari"
Indrajaya : "ha-ha-ha Purbasari, if you cannot find a man to be a prince. Why should a monkey?
(Pointing monkey)
Purbasari : "Although he is a monkey, but I love it"

Suddenly the monkey turned into a very handsome young man

Purbararang : "What?? How could (very surprised)

Indrajaya : "(dumbfounded)"
Purbasari : "Lutung? Whether this really you? Impossible"
Lutung : "Yes, long ago I was cursed to be a monkey, I would change if I find my true love"
Purbararang : "impossible ..! (With face disbelieve and held her head)
Lutung : "Purbasari .. whether you want to marry me.???
Purbasari : "(smiling and shaking his head)

Finally Purbasari be a queen in the kingdom Kanjuruhan, she forgave purbararang deeds. And they lived
happily ever after ...

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