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1. What annoys you about the English language?

It is not annoying, but I find the study of English grammar

complicated. For example the structure of sentences, the formation of
words, etcetera.
2. Which celebrities annoy you?
annoys me the kind of celebrities who are not humble and do not
respect the fans
3. Do you think you have any annoying habits?
I think that if, for example, moving my hands quickly through nerves
or anxiety, many people tell me to stop but I can not, I do it
4. When you’re getting annoyed do you bottle it up or let it out?
I have it inside, I usually keep quiet or show my anger on my face, but I
rarely let it out.
5. Have you ever been bitten or stung by an animal?
Yes, once a bee stung me, I was in school, I felt something was in my
head, I hit it with my hand without knowing it was a bee and when I
hit it, it stung me. My finger swelled, I was scared because I had never
been bitten by a bee before.
6. Have you ever thought about becoming vegetarian?
No, never, I enjoy eating meat too much to become a vegetarian. I like
to eat salads, but I like to eat meat more.
7. Are you afraid of any animals?
Yes, to spiders, there are some that can be poisonous so we must be
8. Do you do your Christmas shopping nice and early or at the last
We make them with time, because at the last minute there are many
people in the streets, always my sister and I decorate our house two
weeks before Christmas and my mother and my dad buy the things
that we will put in the living room and dining room.
9. Do you enjoy buying presents for other people?
No, because I do not know what to give them, you do not know what
someone might like so I just go and give them a good hug
10. Cigarettes should be banned
I do not agree, many people smoke so I could not tell them to stop
doing it, but it bothers me that they do it anywhere, because I do not
like the smell of cigarettes, it makes me nauseous
11. Cannabis should be legalised
cannabis should be legalized for medicinal use, and use in public
places should be prohibited because many people do not like the
12. Keeping animals in zoos is cruel
I believe that animals are protected in zoos, but they must have a life
that allows them to live there, like large spaces and healthy food.
13. Children should learn about sex at school
I believe that children should learn from sex, know how to
differentiate a man from a woman and what each of them should do.
14. What are the downsides of being famous?
I think that being able to go free without anyone recognizing you,
doing the things that anyone can do, like go to the market, go for a
walk, or just walk.
15. Which famous people living today might still be remembered in 100

16. What object would you rescue if your house was on fire, (WHY)?
probably the photos that I have with the people that are important in
my life, so that those memories never go away
17. What makes you laugh?
I am a person who can laugh easily, I like to laugh and make others
18. How do you think the internet might develop in the future?
in the future, everyone should have internet and should allow us to be
closer to our family and should solve many problems.
19. Do you ever shop online?
Yes, I bought clothes but it usually takes too long for a shipment to
20. What’s the best thing about being in a relationship?
It's knowing that the other person loves you as much as I love her and
that you know you can trust her.
21. What’s the best thing about being single?
I think it is the power to self-discover, to spend time thinking about
your problems and imagining solutions and you know that it is the
right solution because nobody else judges you.
22. If you have a partner, how did you meet them?
After a discussion as friends, I decided to send her a message as a
farewell because I did not want to continue talking to her. A couple of
months later we went to talk and from that day we began to speak by
messages, every day, increased the love that we already felt and
decided to give us an opportunity to be in love and we spent a lot of
time and many moments from that moment .
23. How romantic are you?
I can not consider myself romantic, but I like to make my partner feel
that I am always thinking about her and I like to give her some details.
24. What kind of people are you attracted to?
I am attracted to people that I can engage in a friendly and interesting
conversation, with which I can play, laugh, do jobs and responsibilities,
in which I can trust and have good feelings.
25. Would you ever use an online dating site?
never, I prefer to meet the person, talk face to face, I'm a bit old-
fashioned, but I like things to be that way.

El sueño americano
Muchas personas desean un mejor futuro, un mejor lugar donde vivir y un
mejor estilo de vida, otros sin embargo, desean ganar lo suficiente para
poder sostener a su familia, que porbablemente son de bajos recursos o
tienen alguna enfermedad. En estos casos, ambos piensan en ir a los
Estados Unidos como una salida exitosa, creen encontrar lo mejor en ese
pais y se van sin saber lo que les espera.

Hay muchas formas de ir a Estados Unidos y hacer realidad el sueño

americano, la principal via para ir es tomar un avion, llegar, y buscar un
empleo acorde a tus capacidades. Otra opcion y es la mas comun y
arriesgada, es cruzar la frontera, esto lo realizan los inmigrantes, muchos de
ellos escondiéndose de la policia para no ser detectados.

Los inmigrantes corren peligro de muerte, pero ellos solo desean llegar a los
Estados Unidos para encontrar un trabajo humilde y poder ganar un sueldo
basico que les permita sobrevivir a el y a su familia. Han sido varias las
personas que han muerto tratando de cruzar la frontera como inmigrantes.

Los seres humanos, luchadores por naturaleza, hacen lo que sea por sus
sueños, pero una vez que llegaron a los Estados Unidos, un nuevo desafio
los encuentra, que es el conseguir un trabajo, el idioma y probablemente el
racismo. Muchas personas desean hacer realidad su sueño americano, pero
si no se está preparado para afrontar nuevos retos, saber perder y saber
ganar, posiblemente no estas preparado para ese gran sueño que muchos
tienen, que muchos desean y que pocos obtienen.

The American dream

Many people want a better future, a better place to live and a better
lifestyle, others, however, want to earn enough to support their family, who
are probably low income or have some disease. In these cases, both think of
going to the United States as a successful exit, they believe they find the
best in that country and they leave without knowing what awaits them.

There are many ways to go to the United States and make the American
dream a reality, the main way to go is to take a plane, get there, and look
for a job according to your abilities. Another option is the most common
and risky, is to cross the border, this is done by immigrants, many of them
hiding from the police to avoid detection.

Immigrants are in danger of death, but they only want to arrive in the
United States to find a humble job and earn a basic salary that allows them
to survive him and his family. There have been several people who have
died trying to cross the border as immigrants.

Human beings, fighters by nature, do whatever they want because of their

dreams, but once they arrived in the United States, a new challenge finds
them, which is getting a job, language and probably racism. Many people
want to realize their American dream, but if you are not prepared to face
new challenges, know how to lose and know how to win, you may not be
prepared for that big dream that many have, that many want and that few

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