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A picture is worth a thousand words

The phrase a picture is worth a thousand words means a picture may convey an idea
more quickly and effectively than the written word.
Someone who simply views an image can capture the essence of the meaning of that
image without a lot of explaining.
A photographer may crop the picture, leaving out a factor that may be of some
importance. He may highlight a point of view that does not tell the whole story. The
viewer may not understand the context of what he is looking at, where a literary essay or
some other written text may explain things more fully.
A Chinese proverb.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Your behaviour should coincide with what you speak.
You can only learn about a person’s true character by watching their
behaviours toward you and toward others.
If you promise something, people might not believe you until they see you
actually do it.
“People may not tell you how they feel about you, but they always show
you. Pay attention.”
We can apologize for our mistakes over and over, but if our actions do not
change, the words become meaningless.
Actions prove who someone really is while words only show what someone
wants to be.

A Fool and His Money Are Soon

This phrase is typically used to describe someone who loses their money quickly, either by
being tricked or spending it wastefully.

One should not act foolish with their money. One should spend it correctly and on useful

A Bird in the Hand is Worth Two in the

The phrase ‘A Bird in the Hand is Worth Two in the Bush’ is used for saying that it’s better to hold
onto something one has already than to risk losing it by trying to attain something better.
‘A stitch in time saves nine’ is an old proverb that holds relevance even in the current times. It
literally means that if we stitch a torn cloth when the first stitch comes off, we shall be able to
stitch it faster and prevent it from tearing further. On the other hand, if we do not pay attention
to it as it begins to tear, it will keep tearing further and we shall not be able to bring it back to
its original form easily. It will take a lot of time to stitch later.

One should not procrastinate and delay his/her work (creates problems).

People who are disciplined complete their work timely. They pay attention to even the smallest
problems in their life and try to solve them before they turn big.

Birds of a feather flock together

People of similar interests, background, ideas or characteristics will often congregate or
hang out with each other.
People who have similar ideas or values tend to stick together.

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