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Kubernetes vs.

Mesos: Choosing a Container Orchestration Tool

There are a number of container orchestration players out there, but see how one
company narrowed the field to Kubernetes and Mesos (DC/OS) and which one won.

It�s no big secret that container orchestration is all the rage today. Being the
topic of many articles and conferences, it can sometimes seem as though it is the
ONLY topic worthy of discussion.

At, we are now at the end of the process of migrating all of our containers
into Kubernetes, and I would like to tell you the story of the process we went
through when deciding which orchestration platform to use in the hopes of helping
those of you who are still unsure of which tool to use or whether you need
orchestration to start with.

What Is Orchestration and Do I Need It?

In my opinion, the first ground rule is that if you don�t know why you need
orchestration you probably don�t. Container orchestration (and I�m purposely
avoiding using the word Docker) is not for everyone and does not answer every need.

So what is orchestration?

Imagine you have 10 containers that serve different purposes. Using a bunch of
instances and running these containers is pretty easy. When your application begins
to grow and the number of containers you�ve deployed goes up to 100, pressure
mounts but it�s still bearable. But when you find yourself managing thousands of
containers, each with different versions, relationships and network configurations,
things begin to get a bit crazy.

For companies using modern development techniques that heavily rely on containers,
the challenge of scaling this type of architecture can be too much to handle.

And this is where orchestration comes into the picture.

The entire point of an orchestration infrastructure is to provide a simple way to

�schedule� containers and let the underlying infrastructure do the rest.

It sounds like pure magic, but there is a lot of complicated software running this,
and as extremely complicated software tends to be, everything works great until it

Narrowing Down Container Orchestration Tools

There are five big names you will hear over and over again in the context of
container orchestration: Kubernetes, Mesos (DC/OS), ECS, Swarm, and Nomad. The
process of deciding which of these tools to use will differ according to the
company and individuals involved. Sometimes it will just boil down to personal

At, we ended up with the two platforms named in the title of this article
after a process of elimination.

Swarm � and yes, this is a matter of opinion � was profiled as being too basic and
simple for our needs. Good for testing but not really a tool we felt comfortable
using in production.
Amazon�s ECS has improved greatly since its initial release, but it still seems to
be falling behind the other main players. Since we wanted a tool that was cloud
agnostic, ECS was not really an option for us to start with.
We felt Nomad was too young a project and not mature enough to be seriously
considered � but with all due fairness, it might deserve another evaluation in the
Which left us with two strong players � the ever growing in popularity and usage
Kubernetes, and the evolving DC/OS.

About DC/OS and Kubernetes

Just to make sure we are all referring to the same concepts, here is a short
historical background and explanation to help clarify matters.

Mesos is a project by Apache that gives you the ability to run both containerized
and non-containerized workloads in a distributed manner.

It was initially written as a research project at Berkeley and was later adopted by
Twitter as an answer to Google�s Borg (Kubernetes� predecessor). To combat its high
degree of complexity (Mesos is super complicated and hard to manage!), Mesosphere
came into the picture to try and make Mesos into something regular human beings can

Mesosphere supplied the superb Marathon �plugin� to Mesos, which provides users
with an easy way to manage container orchestration over Mesos.

In mid-2016, DC/OS (Data Center Operating System) � an open source project backed
by Mesosphere � was introduced, which simplifies Mesos even further and allows you
to deploy your own Mesos cluster, with Marathon, in a matter of minutes.

When referring to Mesos in this article, I am referring to DC/OS.

Kubernetes? Well, just in case you�ve lived on the moon for the past few years,
Kubernetes is a container orchestration platform that was released by Google in mid
2014, and has since been contributed to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation.

Mesos vs. Kubernetes

The first thing to point out is that you can actually run Kubernetes on top of
DC/OS and schedule containers with it instead of using Marathon. This implies the
biggest difference of all � DC/OS, as it name suggests, is more similar to an
operating system rather that an orchestration framework. You can run non-
containerized, stateful workloads on it. Container scheduling is handled by

Simplicity wise, Marathon�s general approach to APIs is straightforward in

comparison to Kubernetes. Marathon aggregates APIs and provides a relatively small
amount of API resources, whereas Kubernetes provides a larger variety of resources
and is based on label selectors.

Third, there is an obvious difference in the level of popularity the two platforms
enjoy. Why does this matter? For the obvious reasons � the size of the community
driving development and offering support. Kubernetes has almost 10x the commits and
GitHub stars as Marathon.

DC/OS has a �Premium� subscription that opens up extra features, while Kubernetes
is completely open source.

Which brings me to the next point.

Why Kubernetes Won

At, I was a champion of DC/OS. I loved the simplicity of it, and the
ability to run stateful workloads. I was fully ready to give up on some of
Kubernetes� strengths in favor of choosing DC/OS.

Then I discovered that a simple feature I needed to automate the deployment process
is only included with the enterprise version. From that point on, and after talking
to Mesosphere, we came to the realization that this might not be a one-time thing,
and even if we overcame this specific hurdle, DC/OS is controlled by a commercial
company, for better and for worse.

So began our Kubernetes project.

After a lengthy process of adapting our containers to the Kubernetes state of mind,
and perhaps more significantly � after overcoming organizational and cultural
challenges (a topic for a entirely different post), we are now managing hundreds of
containers with Kubernetes.

This change has also facilitated more efficient Continuous Deployment by helping us
shift all deployment responsibilities to our developers who now deploy new code
multiple times a day. Bottom line � the move to container orchestration with
Kubernetes has shortened the �Jira ticket -> Production� development cycle to 30

Summing Up
So while orchestration platforms are one of the hottest technologies in town, it
still doesn�t mean you actually need it. But in case you do, I hope I shed some
light on the reason we chose Kubernetes over other existing solutions.

In a future blog post, I�ll dive deeper into the technical difficulties needed to
safely move to Kubernetes, and the cultural changes we had to go through to make continuously deployed.

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