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Authorized licensd use limted to: IE Xplore. Downlade on May 10,2 at 19:03 UTC from IE Xplore. Restricon aply.
Transactions of the I.R.E.
Professional Groupon Antennas and Propagation



Cmbined Session. April 21, 1951

Upper Atmosphere PhysicalCharacteristics(Abstract) Nicolet

Regularities i n the Behavtor of Regions E and F of the Ionosphere
(Abstract) e J.W. Findlay
Noma1 TroposphericPropagation Deep into the Earth’s Shaduw:
PresentStatus of Suggested Ibcplanations T.J. Carroll 6

Commission 3; Ionospheric Radio Propagation. April 22, 1951


Short Period Skyqave Fading of CrT Ihissions HeP. Hutchinson 12

The Limiting Polarization df Magneto-Ionic Warns Joseph Feinstein 19
Characteristic Waves
e A.J. EXli.nchodt, W. Snyder, and R,A. H e l l i w e f l
Polarization Control and Measurement Ionosphere Vertical Incidence
Echo Ranging M.G. M0rga.n 33
Plane Waves i n the Ionosphere e HOB. Keller
PolarizationElkipse in the Ionosphere J.C.T. Scott 50

Commission 6; AntennasandWaveguides. April 22, 1951

Control of A nnul
as S l o t Emitation by SelectiveDielectricFilling
D.J. Angelakos and ROW, Bickmore 53
Antenna PatternCalculation f o r Asymmetrical Aperture Distributions
e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * o . . . , . * C o S e A l l ~
Theory of Waveguide-Fed S l o t s .Radiating Parallel-Plate Regions
H.Gruenberg 63
Factor o f a e r i t for Aircraft Antenna Systems for the Frequency F?,ange
from 3 t o 30 Mc E.J. Xoore

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Conmission 2; Tropospheric Radio Propagation, April 23, 1 9 9
/The Xeasurenent of Variations in Atmospheric Refractive Index
GeorgeBirnbaum, H.S. Bussey, and R.R. Larson
JDirectly Recorded Tropospheric Refractive Index Fluctuations apd Pro-
files.. C.U.Crain 79
TroposphericPropagation Vel1 Beyond the Horizon T.J. Carroll 8b
Partial Reflections i n TroposphericPropagation .Joseph Feinstein 101
TroposphericPropagation Beyond the Horizon "tin Katab
Concerning the Radio Field Due to Internal Reflections in the Strati-
f ied Atmosphere LaJ Anderson and J.3". C o b e l l .ll7

Commission 3; Ionospheric Radio Propagation. April 23, 1951

Law Frequency Propagation in an Ekponential Ionospheric Layer
Jerry'Shmop 126
Theoretical and Ekperimental Investigation of the Group Heights of
Reflection of lS&Kc Radio Waves VerticallyIncident on the Ionos-
phere (Abstract) Norman Davids and Lindquist 136
Ionospheric Wind Measurements a t 150 Kc (Abstract) G.H. M i l l m a n 138
Turbulence i n the Lower Ionosphere Deduced f r o m Increments in Ab-
sorption and Phase B t h a t 150 Kc (Abstract)
ROE. Jones, G.H. ?dillman,and R.J. Nerkey 139
Sporadic-E Stratification and Correlation with Low-Frequency.
.R,A.HellisPell 140

Cmnission 2; Tropospheric Radio Propagation. A p r i l 2L, 1951

Randan Processes jn W.S. Ament Fropagation (Abstract) l.43

of Tropospheric Radio
A Bdethod f o r Evaluating Trends in Time
Field Strength Data POL. Rice lbb
A Formula f o r the Transmission Loss of
Space Waves Propagated over
Irregular Terrain L A . Norton 152
*Measurement of Effect of Irregular Terrain on Directive Antenna
Patterns R.S. Kirby, J.X. Taff, and H.S. Moore 167
The Constants of the Equation for theRefractive Index of Air (Ab-
stract) E.K. Smith, Jr. 179
Effect of Particle Shape and Ccmposition on Micrmave Attenuation and
Scattering by Precipitation
J.S, Marshall, T.V.R. East, Kenrick Gum, and Walter Hitschfeld 180

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Commission 3; Ionospheric Radio Propagation. April 2b, X951
A Sweep Frequency Ionosphere Recorder f o r t h e Low Frequencies (Ab-
stract) J.C. Blair, JON. Brm, and J.M. Watts 185
ScatterSounding: A Technique f o r Study of Ionosphere a t a D i s t -
ance Villard, Jr. and BOX. Peterson 186
hnstantaneous Prediction of IonosphericTransmission Circuits by the
Communication Zone Indicator (llCOZItl JOT. deBettencourt 202
F Region Effects of Solar Eklipse a t Sunrise, September 1, (Ab-
stract) H.W.%ells 210
Ionosphere Reflection
Coefficfents by Variational Technique. (Ab-
stract)....~....~...~............ 2U.
Distant Radio CommunicationTheory (Abstract) MOJO DiToro 212

Corrnnission 3; Ionospheric k d i o Propagation. April 1951

The Dzferences in the Relationship between Ionospheric Critical Fre-
quenci&s and Sunspot Ember f o r Different Sunspot C y c l e s (Abstract)
Ostrm and M. Po-Kempner 2U.
Relationships Auroras and Sporadic-E Echoes (Abstract)
Continental Maps f o r Four IonosphereDisturbances R.S, Laarrence 2l4
Theory of Radio Scattering from the Aurora R,K. Moore 217
The Length of Ionized 2ileteor Trails (Abstract) e
.LOA. Manning, V i l l a r d , Jr., and A.M. Peterson 230

Commission 6A; Antennas and Waveguides. A p r i l 1551

Guided Wave Concept i n Electromagnetic Theory No Marcuvitlr 231
A Further Study of the Patterns of Single S l o t s on Circular Conduct-
Cylinders Sensiper, W.G. Sterns, aid TOT. Taylor 240
A Synthesis Method for C i r c u l a r and Gylindricalhtennas Composed of
Discrete Elements TOT, Taylor 251<-
The Gemetrical Optics Field a t Caustic(Abstract) I d Kay 262 G$-
Investigation of aSurface Wave Line f o r Long Distance Commmication
Go Gouban, Sharp, and SOW. 263

Institutional Listings Back Govw

Authorized licensd use limted to: IE Xplore. Downlade on May 10,2 at 19:03 UTC from IE Xplore. Restricon aply.

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