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Receptors as Drug Targets UNIT 1.

Receptors are typically envisaged as cell S- enantiomers of nicotine, it has no stereo-

surface recognition sites for endogenous hor- selectivity for the enantiomers of the novel
mones, neurotransmitters, and neuromodu- nicotinic analgesic, epibatidine. The reasons
lators. They are coupled to various signal for this are unknown.
transduction systems located both within the The saturability of a receptor relates to the
membrane and intracellularly, and can there- ability of a ligand to fully occupy a finite recep-
fore regulate responses to the cellular/tissue tor population in a tissue. A lack of saturabil-
microenvironment. Compounds that bind to a ity reflected in a radioligand binding assay can
receptor are known as ligands. These may be indicate the presence of low-affinity, “nonspe-
conceptualized as “keys” that fit into a specific cific” sites that are not receptors. Ligand bind-
“lock” on the cell surface, the latter being the ing to a receptor should also be reversible,
receptor, to modify cellular activity at the bio- reflecting the dynamic nature of a chemical
physical, biochemical, and/or genomic level. transmission process that reaches equilibrium
While major advances have been made when the ligand association rate is equal to the
with respect to understanding the structure and dissociation rate. Reversible binding is not al-
function of receptors, the “lock and key” hy- ways easy to demonstrate in vitro, especially
pothesis proposed by Ehrlich and Langley over in the case of peptide ligands. A physiologi-
a century ago remains the conceptual molec- cally relevant receptor should also be shown
ular model for understanding the etiology of to mediate a functional response that can be
human disease states, for defining drug action, blocked by a selective antagonist.
and for targeting and designing new therapeu- The term “receptor” is now used in a
tic agents. broader sense to describe any recognition site
Receptors can be defined in terms of their for a drug-like compound. Thus, enzymes, up-
selectivity, the saturability and reversibility of take sites, ligand-binding proteins (e.g., CRF
ligand binding, and functionality. The defini- and acetylcholine-binding proteins), voltage-
tion of a receptor in both pharmacological and gated ion channels, and intracellular targets
physiological terms requires that it has spe- (e.g., NFκB, bcl2 ) are also considered as re-
cific interactions with ligands that belong to ceptors along with the more traditional recep-
a given pharmacological class. Thus for an tors: ligand-gated ion channels (LGICs) and
adrenergic receptor, it is important that the re- G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Strictly
ceptor recognize with high affinity (i.e., low speaking, the term “drug” describes a chemi-
dissociation constant, in the nanomolar to mi- cal substance that alters tissue function for the
cromolar range) agonists such as epinephrine benefit of organism function. The term drug
and norepinephrine as well as antagonists such can also be used colloquially to describe recre-
as phenoxybenzamine (α-adrenoceptor) and ational substances like cocaine, amphetamine,
propranolol (β-adrenoceptor). In contrast, an marijuana, and to a lesser extent, caffeine,
adrenoceptor should show minimal affinity for alcohol, and nicotine, substances that alter
other ligand classes (e.g., selective calcium en- perceptional and/or attentional states and can
try blockers, angiotensin converting enzyme— cause habituation or addiction. These sub-
ACE— inhibitors, and glutamate receptor lig- stances also produce their effects by acting at
ands). This provides a structure-activity rela- receptors, either directly, e.g., marijuana in-
tionship (SAR) for the interaction of a receptor teracting with cannabinoid receptors, or in-
with its ligands. directly, as with cocaine-induced stimulation
The ability of a receptor to distinguish be- of dopamine receptors by blocking dopamine
tween enantiomers of a selective ligand, its uptake into nerve terminals. Chemical sub-
stereoselectivity, is a critical feature of a recep- stances used as research tools to define bi-
tor versus a ligand-binding site; the latter lacks ological systems are termed “new chemical
the ability to initiate a functional response. entities” (NCEs), “compounds,” or simply lig-
However, not all receptors discriminate be- ands, rather than as drugs. The latter term is
tween enantiomers of all ligands. For in- reserved for those NCEs active in humans.
stance, while the α4β2 subtype of the nicotinic The manner in which NCEs specifically
cholinergic receptor labeled by [3 H]cytisine affect cellular function to produce beneficial
clearly distinguishes between the R- and effects is an area of evolving knowledge. The
Contributed by Michael Williams and Rita Raddatz 1.1.1
Current Protocols in Pharmacology (2006) 1.1.1-1.1.18
C 2006 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Supplement 32
majority of drugs in use today, many of which by different groups. Kenakin (1993) recom-
were identified before their molecular targets mended receptor parsimony as an approach to
were identified, are receptor antagonists or en- receptor classification, since in his view, “a
zyme inhibitors. This suggests that many dis- new receptor subtype should not be invoked
eases result from excess receptor activity or until absolutely necessary.” Despite the prag-
enzyme activation. Indeed, recent findings matism of this approach, receptor nomencla-
suggest that receptors are not static entities but ture remains a challenge.
rather may be constitutively active, i.e., the re- In an attempt to bring order to this pro-
ceptor may be activated even in the absence cess, the International Union of Pharmacology
of endogenous substances that stimulate the (IUPHAR) established a Receptor Nomen-
recognition site. The concept of constitutively clature Committee with standing subcommit-
active receptors (Kenakin, 1996; UNIT 9.5) sug- tees assigned for each receptor superfamily.
gests there may be naturally occurring regula- As data become available, these subcommit-
tors of intrinsic receptor function (i.e., inverse tees make recommendations for developing
agonists) whose malfunction or absence may a systematic nomenclature for each receptor
contribute to the etiology of some diseases. family. These recommendations are published
Receptors are complex proteins with mul- in Pharmacological Reviews and are collated
tiple potential ligand recognition sites, includ- in the Sigma-RBI Handbook (see Internet
ing sites that may be distinct from the endoge- Resources), which is a valuable and definitive
nous agonist recognition site and may actually online source.
reside on distinct proteins that are part of the
receptor complex. Such receptor modulatory RECEPTOR STRUCTURE
sites may represent novel drug targets, e.g., AND MOTIFS
allosteric or modulatory sites (UNIT 1.21). The Receptors are large macromolecules com-
effect of benzodiazepines (BZs) on GABAA posed of proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates
receptor function illustrates the conceptualiza- with molecular weights that vary from 30
tion of ancillary drug targets and the elusive to >300 kDa. Receptor proteins also un-
nature of the proposed endogenous modula- dergo posttranslational modification, includ-
tor, presumed to be a “BZ-like” substance. ing phosphorylation, prenylation, glycosyla-
The dynamic nature of the molecular events tion, palmitoylation, sulfation, and dimeriza-
underlying a variety of disorders, such as tion, that contributes to their distinct functional
bipolar illness and septic shock, can be il- and pharmacological properties. Receptors are
lustrated in the sequential activation, ampli- currently divided into four major classes.
fication, and induction of multiple modulator-
mediated events. In septic shock, the induction
G Protein–Coupled Receptors
of a toxic cytokine receptor-mediated cascade (GPCRs)
has significantly complicated the search for GPCRs are structurally represented by
new drugs to treat this condition. This empha- a motif of seven hydrophobic membrane-
sizes the need to define key targets in critical spanning amino acid helices (Fig. 1.1.1A),
pathways rather than attempt to treat their se- each of which is between 20 and 30 amino
quelae. It is possible that many diseases are the acids in length. This motif is used to describe
result of multifactorial events that vary during this group of proteins as seven-transmembrane
the pathophysiological course of the illness. (7TMs or R7 G) receptors (Kenakin, 1996;
For instance, >32 discrete gene loci have been Strosberg, 1996). The complex signaling path-
associated with schizophrenia. Therefore, tar- ways modulated by GPCRs offer a variety
gets that are downstream from key points in of potential therapeutic targets (Liebmann,
the disease transduction pathway may not be 2004). GPCRs are coupled to various mem-
the optimal targets for treating the disorder. bers of the G protein superfamily, so named
because of their functional dependence on
RECEPTOR CLASSIFICATION the hydrolysis of the purine nucleotide, GTP,
AND NOMENCLATURE for activity. The functional unit of GPCRs is
New receptors are identified on a regular the receptor/G protein/effector. The effector
basis as scientists screen the various genomic is one of a large family of intracellular pro-
databases for novel sequences. These recep- teins that include adenylyl cyclase, the MAP
tors are frequently designated in an apparently (mitogen-activated protein) kinases, phospho-
haphazard manner, often leading to confusion lipases A2 , C, and D, phosphatidylinositol-3
Receptors as
Drug Targets as identical receptors are given different names kinase (PI3K), pp60Src , p21, K+ and Ca2+

Supplement 32 Current Protocols in Pharmacology
Figure 1.1.1 Structural motifs of various receptor classes. (A) GPCR with seven membrane-
spanning regions; (B-E) LGICs: (B) glutamate receptor, (C) P2X receptor, (D) nAChR, and (E)
VGIC K+ -rectified inward (Kirs) receptor; (F) STAT receptor; (G) PTK growth factor receptor; (H)
neutrophin receptor (trk).

channels, and other signaling proteins. Al- GDP/GTP exchange is catalyzed by interac-
though most cellular responses following acti- tion with activated GPCRs. The active G pro-
vation of a GPCR are thought to be mediated tein dissociates into α and βγ subunits that in-
by G proteins, a growing number of GPCR- teract with effector molecules and are rapidly
mediated effects, such as src kinase activation, inactivated by the intrinsic GTPase activity
have been shown to be G protein–independent, of the α subunit (responsible for hydrolyzing
suggesting this family of receptors would more GTP back to GDP) and the resulting reconsti-
accurately be termed 7-TM receptors (Hall tution of the heterotrimeric Gα, β, γ protein
et al., 1999). complex.
The subunits of the G protein superfamily The lengths of the extracellular and in-
are comprised of three heterologous subunits, tracellular loops that connect the transmem-
α, β, and γ. Eighteen distinct Gα, five Gβ, brane helices vary between different GPCRs,
and twelve Gγ isoforms have been identified including those that are members of the same
to date. The α subunits are divided into four receptor superfamily. The amino acid com-
subgroups based on their major effector in- position of these loops determines the na-
teractions: Gs , which stimulate adenylyl cy- ture of the ligand-binding site and aids in
clase; Gi/o , which are inactivated by pertus- defining the interactions of a given receptor
sis toxin (PTX) and inhibit adenylyl cyclase; with the various G proteins. The second and
Gq/11 , which are PTX-insensitive and mediate third intracellular domains and the C-terminal
phospholipase C activation, and G12/13 , which tail confer G protein coupling specificity.
mediate cellular responses via Rho- and Rac- GPCRs can also be grouped into subfami-
GEFs (guanine nucleotide exchange factors). lies that include the rhodopsin/adrenoceptor,
The Gβγ subunits also regulate effector func- secretin/VIP, metabotropic glutamate, and
tion, including βARK-1, PLA2 , adenylyl cy- protease-activatable families, among others.
clase types II and IV, N-type Ca2+ channels, The endogenous ligands for these include
and K+ channels. The heterotrimeric G pro- small molecules, lipids, metals, peptides, and, Binding
teins are inactive when bound to GDP, and in the case of rhodopsin, light.
Current Protocols in Pharmacology Supplement 32
Ligand-Gated and Voltage-Gated Ion discrete recognition site on one of the pro-
Channel (ICs) teins associated with the channel. In the case
ICs are composed of several distinct pro- of the GABAA receptor, a major modulator
tein subunits. These are usually in the form site is represented by the BZ receptor. For the
of a tetramer or pentamer that constitutes a N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) subtype of the
functional ion channel through which conduc- glutamate receptor family, component sites in-
tion is modulated by various ligands (Catterall, clude receptors for glycine, MK-801, and var-
2000). The ICs, unlike GPCRs, mediate fast ious polyamines.
responses in cells. There are numerous ligand- VGICs are also multimeric protein com-
binding sites that contribute to the modulation plexes that vary in composition between the
of channel function located on and between the major families. Voltage-gated potassium chan-
component subunits. Some of these sites are nels comprise twelve families, Kv1 to Kv12,
in the pore. Strictly speaking, only the ligand- and have six putative membrane-spanning
gated ion channels (LGICs) can be considered domains, termed S1 to S6, in an α sub-
to be receptors, since they bind conventional unit, plus an associated β subunit that is
receptor ligands. Voltage-gated channels can, not membrane-spanning (Grissmer, 1997).
however, be included in this family because Voltage-gated sodium channels have an α sub-
of the broader definition of receptors as lig- unit with four homologous domains I through
and targets. Such compounds can modulate IV, each of which has six putative membrane-
the function of voltage-gated channels (e.g., spanning regions and an associated β subunit.
charybdotoxin). Voltage-gated calcium channels consist of a
The ICs include several functionally char- large α1 subunit that incorporates the pore,
acterized receptor families that have differ- the voltage sensor, and sites of known ligand
ent structural motifs (Fig. 1.1.1B-E). LGICs interactions plus three or four additional sub-
include GABAA , glutamate, serotonin-3 (5- units that help modulate expression and elec-
HT3 ), P2X, and nicotinic cholinergic (nAChR) trophysiological properties of the channel. The
receptors. VGICs include K+ -rectified inward ten identified α1 subunits have been classi-
(Kir’s) and K+ -rectified outward (Kv) ion fied into three major types; Cav1-3 and demon-
channels, calcium-activated potassium chan- strate a similar topography to the VG sodium
nels (KCa ), as well as Na+ -, Cl− -, Ca2+ -, cyclic channel α subunits, with four homologous do-
nucleotide-, and ATP-gated ion channels. mains each containing six putative membrane-
The ICs are very complex proteins having spanning regions.
many splice variants of different subunits that, While the structural motifs of the various
in turn, vary in composition. In the LGIC fam- classes of mammalian ICs vary considerably
ily, each subunit of the channel can have ei- (Fig. 1.1.1B-E), some show a high degree of
ther two (e.g., P2X) or four (e.g., nAChR) hy- homology with gene products found in lower
drophobic membrane-spanning domains (Fig. organisms such as C. elegans and Drosophila
1.1.1C and D), termed M1 to M4. M2, which melanogaster. These include the ced family
forms the lining of the pore, is conserved of apoptotic genes. Defining the function of
throughout all known LGICs and is respon- proteins encoded by similar genes in simpler
sible for controlling ion selectivity. organisms is often a useful strategy for estab-
The ligand specificity of LGICs is deter- lishing the function of the mammalian gene
mined by the nature of the component sub- products.
units. For example, the binding site for nico-
tine on neuronal α4β2 nAChRs is formed by, Transcription Factor Receptors
and between, two subunits. Homomeric ion The superfamily of transcription factor re-
channels, those comprised of multiples of a ceptors (also called nuclear hormone recep-
single type of subunit, are generally consid- tors) includes intracellular ligand-dependent
ered to be exceptions in nature, with heterolo- transcription factors that regulate gene expres-
gous ion channels like the α4β2 nAChR being sion upon binding of their cognate ligands. The
the norm. For many ion channel receptors, the steroid hormone receptors are the best char-
number of possible combinations and permu- acterized members of the transcription factor
tations of constituent subunits and associated receptor superfamily and include the gluco-
proteins is in the thousands. At present, it is corticoid (GR), progesterone (PR), estrogen
unknown which represent naturally occurring (ER), mineralcorticoid (MR), and androgen
functional receptors. (AR) receptors. Both agonists, e.g., estrogen,
Receptors as LGICs are modulated by a series of dis- and antagonists, e.g., tamoxifen, of these re-
Drug Targets
tinct ligands, each interacting with its own ceptors are used clinically. Also included in the
Supplement 32 Current Protocols in Pharmacology
transcription factor receptor superfamily are includes TGFβR (transforming growth factor-
the thyroid hormone (TR), vitamin D3 (VDR), β) and ActR. Members of the Class I cy-
retinoic acid (RAR), retinoid x (RXR), peroxi- tokine family are characterized by the pres-
some proliferators–activated receptor (PPAR), ence of multiple fibronectin type III–like mo-
ecdysone (EcR) receptors, as well as a number tifs and include receptors for the interleukins
of orphan receptors with structural homology IL-2, IL-3, IL-5, IL-6, IL-7, IL-9, and IL-11;
to the family. Many members of this superfam- EPO, prolactin, and ciliary neurotrophic fac-
ily heterodimerize with a RXR and the com- tor (CNTF); and granulocyte/macrophage and
plex then binds to specific response elements granulocyte colony-stimulating factors (GM-
within the DNA promoter regions. CSF and G-CSF). The Class II cytokine recep-
In addition, other families of transcription tor family includes IL-10R and the interferon
factors, such as the signal transducer and ac- receptors IFN-α/βR, IFN-γ-Rα, and IFN-
tivator of transcription (STAT) proteins (Ihle, γ Rβ. The receptors pp60src and p56lck rep-
1996), may be considered as receptors in that resent two classes of tyrosine kinase that are
they may be targets for bioactive ligands. The not activated by traditional receptor ligands.
STATs are latent cytoplasmic transcription fac- The delineation of functions of ICs,
tors that are structurally defined by a phos- GPCRs, transcription factor receptors, and
photyrosine binding domain, the SRC homol- enzyme-associated receptor families is not
ogy 2 (SH2), which is required for STAT always clear. Cytokines can activate STATs
dimerization and for subsequent interactions (Leaman et al., 1996), as can the GPCR for
with the JAK (Janus protein-tyrosine kinases) angiotensin II. GPCRs also modulate channel
family. This family of kinases phosphorylates function, while some LGICs produce their ef-
STATs and leads to activation of the JAK- fects in association with G protein–coupled
STAT signaling pathway. This family also in- receptor systems. Because of this, the receptor
cludes other signal transduction elements like motif remains the most critical element in as-
the low-molecular-weight G protein family, signing a receptor to a particular superfamily,
the transcription factors AP-1, NFκB, and NF- and the associated signal transduction mecha-
AT, p48, the SMAD family of tumor suppres- nism is secondary.
sor proteins, CSF-1 and the Bcl-2 and p53
families. These signaling elements are typi- RECEPTOR LIGANDS
cally activated downstream of other receptors, Compounds that interact with receptors are
including GPCRs and tyrosine kinase recep- characterized in terms of two basic properties:
tors. The hormone response elements (HREs) affinity and efficacy (Kenakin, 1996; Kenakin
on DNA themselves may also be targeted by and Onaran, 2002). The affinity of a com-
ligands to block interaction with transcrip- pound is described in terms of its dissociation
tion factors and thereby block subsequent gene constant (Kd ) with respect to the receptor. Ac-
transcription. cordingly, affinity describes the strength of the
attraction between the receptor and the ligand.
Enzyme-Associated Receptors The units for the dissociation constant, derived
The enzyme-associated receptor superfam- from the Law of Mass Action, are molar (M). A
ily (including growth factor receptors) con- typical neurotransmitter or hormone-receptor
sists of single- or multi-subunit proteins that ligand will have a Kd value in the range of 0.1
contain a subunit with a single transmem- to 10 nM. The lower the Kd value, the higher
brane domain. The largest groups within this the affinity of the ligand for the receptor.
superfamily are the protein-tyrosine kinase Efficacy describes the capacity of a ligand
(PTK) receptors (Fig. 1.1.1G) that include to elicit a biological response. Those ligands
PDGF, EGR, FGF, IGF, HGF, VEGF, and neu- that produce a positive response, such as stim-
rotrophin (trk; Fig. 1.1.1H), and contain ki- ulation of adenylyl cyclase or activation of
nase domains within their protein structure. an ion channel, mimic the actions of the en-
Also included in the superfamily are the mul- dogenous ligand for the receptor and are said
timeric complexes that utilize kinases, such as to have positive efficacy and, therefore, are
the JAK-type kinases, for their signal trans- known as agonists. By definition, a full agonist
duction. This family includes the Class I and is a ligand that produces the same maximal ef-
Class II cytokine receptor families; the tumor fect (100% or unity) as that observed with the
necrosis factor (TNF) receptor family; anti- endogenous ligand in a given functional sys-
gen receptors (TCR, BCR); and the type II tem. Intrinsic activity (IA) is a proportionality
serine/threonine kinase receptor family that factor introduced by Ariens (1954) to describe Binding

Current Protocols in Pharmacology Supplement 32
Figure 1.1.2 Ligand efficacy spectrum.

the ability of a ligand to elicit a response in of an inverse agonist are blocked by a neutral
relation to the maximal observable response antagonist.
in a given tissue. The concept of IA assumes Ligand efficacy is a complex, poorly under-
a linear relationship between receptor occu- stood, and actively debated concept, especially
pancy and tissue response, and is a function of in the context of the in vivo effects of drugs.
both the efficacy and the affinity of a ligand. Efficacy encompasses a number of physio-
In practical use, IA is used to define relative chemical factors including affinity, tissue (i.e.,
maximal responses when comparing a series receptor) access (distribution), promiscuous
of ligands in a particular tissue. Intrinsic effi- receptor coupling to different transduction
cacy of a ligand is a proportionality factor that mechanisms, metabolism, and plasma protein
defines the stimulus per receptor molecule that binding, among others. The concept has be-
is produced by an agonist. Recently, agonists come increasingly complex as more is learned
have been identified with intrinsic activities about the molecular aspects of receptor activa-
(IA) of >100%. While these were initially tion and signal transduction, requiring an in-
termed “super agonists,” such agents are, in tegrative, iterative systems approach for both
reality, full agonists. The lesser activity of the receptor and ligand characterization. Thus, lig-
standard full agonist reflects the fact that it is and binding and functional data derived from
either a partial agonist or causes a rapid desen- a transfected human receptor system must be
sitization of the receptor. In many instances, compared with data obtained with the receptor
the relationship between the stimulus and an in its native, “wild” state and in different tissue
agonist response is nonlinear, indicating that systems.
the receptor/transduction process can amplify
receptor stimulation.
Compounds that bind to the receptor that CONSTITUTIVELY ACTIVE
have no effect on their own but which block RECEPTORS
the actions of endogenous and exogenous ago- An important new concept is that of con-
nists have zero efficacy and are termed neutral stitutively active receptors (UNIT 9.5). These
antagonists. Compounds with effects opposite are receptors, currently confined to GPCRs,
to those of an agonist display negative effi- which are active in the absence of a ligand.
cacy and are known as inverse agonists or pos- Conceptually, it is thought that G protein–
itive antagonists. This type of compound has activating sections of the 7TM receptor struc-
an efficacy value of −1. Thus, the spectrum of ture are in contact with the relevant G pro-
ligand activity can, by definition, range from tein, leading to signal transduction. Ligand
Receptors as −1 to +1 (Fig. 1.1.2). Accordingly, the effects efficacy has therefore been redefined as “the
Drug Targets

Supplement 32 Current Protocols in Pharmacology
property of a [compound] that modifies sub- that chronic pain can induce spinal cord no-
sequent interaction of the 7TM receptor with ciceptive neurons to express the algesic neu-
other membrane proteins” (Kenakin, 1993). rokinin substance P (Neumann et al., 1996)
Furthermore, Kenakin (1996) has postulated represents another major conceptual advance
that the inactive form of a GPCR is a spe- in understanding receptor function in the con-
cialized case. This raises the possibility of text of pain processing.
endogenous inhibitory factors that modu- Some drugs have been in use for many years
late constitutive receptor activity. Indeed, the and served as ligands to define receptor fami-
agouti-related protein (AgRP) is released from lies long before endogenous agonists for those
neuronal terminals and acts as both an inhibitor receptors were discovered. An example of this
of α-MSH-induced activity and as an endoge- is the opiate receptor family. While morphine
nous inverse agonist of melanocortin MC(3) and related agents were known to produce their
and MC(4) receptors (Adan and Kas, 2003). analgesic effects by interacting with receptors,
Additionally, accessory proteins could modu- it was not until the 1970s, with the identifi-
late the interaction between the receptor and cation of the enkephalins and endorphins as
the G protein and therefore may represent im- endogenous ligands for these sites that a bona
portant new drug targets. Evidence for this fide target was identified. More recently, the
concept comes from work with PD 81,723, tetrapeptide endomorphins have been found to
a putative allosteric modulator of the adeno- be potent agonists for the µ opiate receptor
sine A1 GPCR (Kollias-Baker et al., 1997). In (Zadina et al., 1997). Similar efforts targeted
addition to effects enhancing the binding and towards identifying the endogenous ligand for
actions of the endogenous ligand, adenosine, cannabinoid receptors resulted in the identifi-
PD 81,723 appears to increase constitutive re- cation of anandamide (Devane et al., 1992).
ceptor activity. In a diseased or traumatized tissue,
Constitutive receptor activity adds yet an- receptor-mediated responses are frequently
other layer of complexity to the characteriza- modified to the detriment of the organism, as
tion of receptors and ligands. The potential noted above in the case of viral infections.
existence of endogenous modulators of con- Examples include constitutive β-adrenoceptor
stitutively active receptor function may make activation in hypertension, decreased insulin
redundant the theoretical concept of spare re- production in diabetes, and hyperactivation of
ceptors per se, as the latter may simply reflect glutamate receptors during stroke-related hy-
the degree of endogenous modulation of the poxia and ischemia. A drug may be used to
receptor-G protein interaction in a given tissue. restore normal function by mimicking the ef-
The assumption that the receptor (and en- fects of an endogenous ligand or by blocking
zyme) population of a given tissue system the actions of an endogenous agonist. It is also
is static is no longer a viable concept. The possible that while the level of the endogenous
levels of both receptors and enzymes can be ligand is normal, the number or sensitivity of
altered (Donaldson et al., 1997) as a result receptors is increased. An antagonist may be
of trauma (e.g., hypoxic, ischemic, or physi- of therapeutic benefit in such circumstances
cal damage), disease (e.g., inflammation, vi- reflecting a diminution in constitutive modu-
ral, or bacterial infection), or development lator activity. To better define the pathophys-
(Clifford et al., 1997). The concept of disease- iology of human disease states at the molec-
related, inducible receptors and enzymes adds ular level, new technologies must be applied,
yet another layer of complexity and oppor- including differential display in tissues from
tunity to the drug discovery process. Viruses in vitro and in vivo disease models and posi-
have been identified that activate dormant tional and functional cloning techniques using
genes in host cells that express constitutive human genomic databases.
chemokine receptors or promote incorpora-
tion of the virus genome into the host cell LIGAND-RECEPTOR
genome (Arvanitakis et al., 1997). The abil- INTERACTIONS
ity of human cytomegalovirus (CMV) to en- Ligands (L) are thought to interact with the
code a β-chemokine receptor related to the hu- receptor (R) in a reversible, competitive, and
man chemokine receptors CCR5 and CXCR4 saturable manner in accordance with the Law
as a means to facilitate HIV entry provides of Mass Action:
a pathophysiological rationale for the effect
of viruses on host cell chemokine expression
(Pleskoff et al., 1997). Similarly, the finding Equation 1.1.1 Receptor

Current Protocols in Pharmacology Supplement 32
The formation of an RL complex imparts to Historically, binding data have been analyzed
the receptor an ability to alter cellular function using the Scatchard equation, which plots ra-
by interaction with transmembrane signaling dioligand bound (B) versus B divided by the
proteins or, in the case of ion channels, by a amount of free radioligand (F). The Kd and
change in ion flux. Receptor isolation, cloning, Bmax can be derived from the plot of B versus
and point mutation studies have confirmed that B/F (Fig. 1.1.3B). However, the Scatchard plot
the binding of a ligand to its receptor is an event is limited in that B is present on both the or-
distinct from that of receptor coupling to the dinate and the abscissa, constraining the data
second messenger systems. The RL complex towards linearity. To overcome this limitation,
formation thus results in either an alteration nonlinear regression analysis using computer
in the spatial relationship of the receptor and programs (e.g., GraphPad Prism, EBDA, or
the transmembrane signaling proteins or, alter- Ligand) can be employed to analyze data de-
natively, a change in the steric conformation rived from binding site saturation analyses, to
of the ligand, thermodynamically favoring the assess whether the data fit a single- or multiple-
transduction process. binding-site model, and to derive the corre-
For enzymes, the situation is similar to that sponding Kd and Bmax values. The Bmax should
for RL complex formation, except that the always be expressed in terms of milligrams of
enzyme-substrate (ES) complex results in the protein, not gram tissue weight, since the latter
formation of a product as shown in the follow- can vary considerably depending on the indi-
ing equation: vidual tissue preparation.
Concentration-response curves (Fig.
1.1.3C) are used to derive an IC50 value, the
concentration of an antagonist required to
Equation 1.1.2
inhibit 50% of the radioligand binding. Since
The substrate (S) undergoes a catalytic con- the IC50 value is a function of receptor affinity
version, whereas both the receptor and ligand and the concentration of radioligand used, it is
are unchanged at the end of the transduc- a relative value. A more absolute value is the
tion process described by the first equation Ki , which is derived using the Cheng-Prusoff
above. With the ES complex, the reaction can equation: Ki = IC50 /(1 + c/Kd ), where c =
be driven backward by feedback inhibition of the concentration of radiolabeled ligand and
excess product, depending upon the concentra- Kd = the affinity constant of the ligand for the
tions of the various components at equilibrium. receptor. The Ki value corrects for differences
For an analogous situation with a receptor- in the concentration of radioligand and the
mediated event, a receptor response can be receptor affinity. As a result, the affinity of
diminished by receptor downregulation (e.g., a compound in a series of different binding
internalization or phosphorylation), a decrease assays can be appropriately compared.
in receptor number, or a functional uncoupling The EC50 value is the concentration of an
of the signal transduction mechanism. agonist that produces a response that is half
While the Law of Mass Action may be the maximal response produced by a saturat-
extrapolated from enzymes to receptors, the ing concentration of the ligand (Fig. 1.1.3D).
use of Michaelis-Menten kinetics to describe The EC50 value for a full agonist (A) is half
receptor behavior is an approximation rather the maximal response that can be observed
than a strict extrapolation of enzyme theory. As in the system. For a partial agonist (B), the
discussed in UNITS 1.2, 1.3 & 2.1, receptors may EC50 may be derived either as the EC50 for
be studied in the context of their concentration- half the maximal response achieved by ago-
or dose-dependent effects on radioligand bind- nist B, or as the concentration of agonist B
ing, or in terms of a biochemical or physiolog- that produces the same half-maximal response
ical tissue response. as that found for agonist A. The difference be-
Receptor-ligand (RL) interactions are de- tween the two EC50 values reflects the intrin-
scribed in vitro by a number of terms. In sic efficacy of each compound. When evaluat-
binding studies, the dissociation constant (Kd ), ing a weak partial agonist like C, the response
a measure of receptor affinity, and receptor may never approach even half the response
density (Bmax ) are derived from a saturation observed with the full agonist.
isotherm (Fig. 1.1.3A). In this type of ex- The generation of concentration-response
periment, the receptor concentration is held curves in the absence or presence of an an-
constant while the radioligand concentration tagonist is used to derive a pA2 value, which
Receptors as is increased until the radioligand saturates is defined as the negative logarithm of the
Drug Targets
all the specific binding sites on the receptor. molar concentration of an antagonist that
Supplement 32 Current Protocols in Pharmacology
Figure 1.1.3 (A) Schematic of a saturation binding curve: total, nonspecific, and specific binding
(see UNIT 1.3). (B) Scatchard derivation of specific binding saturation isotherm. (C) Ligand dis-
placement curve showing IC50 relationship. (D) Ligand efficacy and EC50 derivation. The EC50 for
a partial agonist (EC50 B) can be determined as the concentration at which a similar response
to that of a full agonist (EC50 A) is observed. Alternatively, the EC50 for a partial agonist can be
determined as the concentration at which 50% of the maximal response to the partial agonist is
determined (EC50 C). Clearly, using the latter approach in the absence of any measure of lig-
and potency (receptor affinity) can provide misleading data. (E) Dose-response relationship in the
presence of increasing concentrations (X-Z ) of an antagonist. The antagonist produces a classical
dose-dependent rightward of the agonist response. (F) Schild derivation of the data in E to derive
a pA2 value (see UNIT 1.2).

produces a two-fold rightward shift of the mology within a family can vary between 25%
agonist concentration-response curve (Fig. and 100%, and often the individual transmem-
1.1.1E). This dose ratio (dr) represents the brane (TM) sequences are used to identify ho-
increase in agonist concentration needed to mology. There are no absolute rules regard-
achieve a given response in the presence of the ing the degree of homology required to assign
antagonist. The pAx relationship was identified a new protein to a particular receptor fam-
by Schild in 1949 and is derived from a Schild ily. By this process, a large number of or-
plot or Schild regression (Fig. 1.1.3F). The phan receptors have been identified in both
pA2 is equivalent to the pKB , which is the neg- the GPCR and transcription factor receptor
ative logarithm of the equilibrium dissociation families.
constant for the antagonist-receptor complex. The identification of new proteins that be-
long to a particular receptor family on the ba-
ORPHAN RECEPTORS sis of their motif, sequence homology, and in
As new receptors are cloned from genomic some instances, effector mechanisms, has re-
databases (Hopkins and Groom, 2002). their sulted in the discovery of a number of orphan
sequences are usually compared to those of receptors. These are defined by the absence of
other known receptors to see whether they be- any known, endogenous agonist ligand. One Receptor
long to an established family. Sequence ho- of these is the opioid-like orphan receptor, Binding

Current Protocols in Pharmacology Supplement 32
LC132. While this putative receptor shows se- other members of that group. In Alzheimer’s
quence homology to the cloned µ-, δ-, and research, two key proteins associated with fa-
κ-opioid receptors, no known opioid receptor milial forms of the disease, the presenilins 1
ligands interact with this site with high affin- and 2, have structural motifs indicating mem-
ity. A heptadecapeptide termed orphanin FQ bership in the 7TM family, although these are
(OFQ), or nociceptin, was isolated from brain intracellular proteins that exist in large pro-
that had high affinity (∼0.2 nM) for LC132. tein complexes with aspartyl protease activity
Accordingly, the receptor was termed OFQ/N- (gamma secretases). Even though their struc-
R or NOP (Ardati et al., 1997). ture has been known for several years, there is
Although sequence homology can often still ongoing debate about their function and
help categorize receptors into known families importance as potential targets in Alzhemier’s
and subtypes, changes in a single key amino disease therapies. The transition from structure
acid in receptors such as the 5-HT1B recep- to function is a major challenge for receptor re-
tor (Oksenberg et al., 1992), an ∼450-amino- search that should not be underestimated, es-
acid GPCR, can markedly affect the pharma- pecially with the increased focus on the novel
cology of the rodent as compared to the hu- proteins identified by genomics.
man form of the receptor. The 5-HT1B receptor As previously discussed, endogenous ago-
was originally identified in the rat, but a hu- nists for some orphan receptors may not have
man homolog was not readily found. Although been identified to date because their regula-
a human brain gene sharing 93% of the de- tion may occur via endogenous inverse ago-
duced protein sequence of the rat receptor was nists, such as the agouti-related protein. There
identified, its pharmacology, as assessed by ra- is also the possibility that some of these 7TM
dioligand binding assays, was very different. motif orphan receptors represent endogenous
Thus, methysergide, which has a Ki value of modulators of constitutive receptor activity or
1823 nM at the rat 5-HT1B receptor, has a Ki “decoy” proteins whose function is not that
value of 130 nM at the human homolog of the of a typical ligand-recognition site, but rather
receptor. Similarly, (-)-propranol, which has a maintain tone in the signal transduction cas-
Ki value of 57 nM at the rat 5-HT1B recep- cade or act as G protein “sinks” that regu-
tor, has a Ki value of 8100 nM at the human late the activity of other receptors in the cell.
homolog. These discrepancies suggest that the Some orphans may remain un-liganded due to
two receptors are clearly different from a phar- a need for accessory proteins as was seen with
macological standpoint. However, replacing one previous orphan receptor that requires co-
the threonine residue at amino acid 355 in the expression of RAMP1 (receptor-activity mod-
human version of the 5-HT1B receptor with an ifying protein 1) to become a functional CGRP
asparagine (T355N) to correspond with the rat receptor complex (Poyner et al., 2002). Recent
receptor made the human receptor identical to studies have demonstrated a novel role for the
the rat in terms of its pharmacological selectiv- GPCR Mas receptor as an antagonist of the
ity. The fact that a single amino acid, ∼0.2% AT1 (angiotensin II type 1) receptor when they
of the total protein in this GPCR, can cause form a heterodimer (Kostenis et al., 2005). The
such a dramatic change in the pharmacology of complexity of functional roles receptors may
the receptor provides a cautionary note regard- play in vivo makes identification of ligands
ing extrapolation of radioligand binding data and functions for orphan receptors a complex
from laboratory animals to human receptors. undertaking.
It also highlights the possibility of phenotypic
differences in receptor recognition site char-
acteristics even when the proteins are as much NEUROTRANSMITTERS,
as 93% identical. Thus, when receptor homol- NEUROHORMONES, AND
ogy is based on 50% to 70% shared identity, NEUROMODULATORS
there is a need for some caution in extrapolat- Chemical communication between cells
ing pharmacological and signal transduction and tissues has several hierarchical levels that
properties from one homolog to another. are defined on the basis of the temporal ef-
The identification of a new protein that be- fects of the different natural effector classes
longs to a known receptor family represents for the receptor (Bloom, 1988). Neurotrans-
only the first step in its use in defining function mitters are released close to their target recep-
and disease etiology—a fact that is sometimes tors and cause rapid and specific effects that
lost in the excitement of cloning. Because a result in a rapid depolarization or hyperpolar-
Receptors as protein can be assigned to a family does not ization of the neuron. The consequences of
Drug Targets
mean that its function is identical to that of this action are integrated postsynaptically to
Supplement 32 Current Protocols in Pharmacology
determine the spatial and temporal pheno- from those binding the endogenous ligands or
type of subsequent neurotransmission pro- with sites on proteins associated with a recep-
cesses from the target neuron or cell. This may tor. The concept of allosterism has evolved
result in the integration of the effects of two from the classical model of Monod et al.
or more neurotransmitters or, as in the case of (1965) and the sequential model of Koshland
chronic pain input (Neumann et al., 1996), a et al. (1966), which were derived from knowl-
major change in the type of neurotransmitter edge of the subunit interactions of hemoglobin,
being produced in the target neuron. the enzyme pyruvate dehydrogenase, and
Neurotransmitter effects are short lived, the Torpedo electroplax nicotinic cholinergic
typically in the millisecond timeframe. Neu- receptor.
romodulators, on the other hand, have a more An established group of allosteric ligands
prolonged duration of action and serve to reg- are the BZs that modulate GABAA recep-
ulate the effects of neurotransmitters. While tor function. These drugs are effective and
neuromodulators are released in a manner sim- safe anxiolytics, anticonvulsants, and hyp-
ilar to neurotransmitters, they are not restricted notics. Because of the superior safety profile
to the nerve terminal immediately proximal to of BZs compared to direct-acting receptor lig-
the target receptor. The GPCRs are involved ands, it has been postulated that allosteric
in many neuromodulatory processes since, in modulators have an advantage over recep-
addition to their effects on biochemical and tor agonists and antagonists as drug candi-
ion channel–related events, they can induce dates. All types of LGICs have allosteric
immediate early genes, which may extend the modulators, and some share common recog-
consequences of their actions by days or weeks nition sites for compounds like MK 801. It
(Laduron, 1992). Neuropeptides are classical is only recently, however, that allosteric mod-
neuromodulators. ulators of GPCRs have been identified (May
Hormones such as growth hormone and in- et al., 2004). In retrospect, it is now appreci-
sulin are longer-acting entities, whose effects ated that the first of these were the various
are usually produced at a site distant from their cations and anions known to modulate lig-
release. Their target site(s) are accessed via the and affinity at these receptors and their signal
systemic circulation. Hormones are essential transduction processes. Other types of ligands
for growth, development, reproduction, reg- found to disrupt G protein interactions with
ulation of intermediary metabolism, and the GPCRs were mastoparan and the peptide ade-
overall homeostasis of the organism. They pro- noregulin. Moreover, compounds such as PD
duce their effects over periods of days to years. 81,723, which acts at the adenosine A1 recep-
Alterations in hormone levels and function re- tor, and obidoxime and alcuronium, which act
sult in puberty, menopause, and aging. De- at m2 muscarinic receptors, are also selective
creases in estrogen levels have been associated allosteric modulators. Allosteric modulators
with the time to onset of Alzheimer’s disease often demonstrate subtype selectivity amongst
and breast cancer. Paracrine hormones are pep- related GPCRs that has not been achieved for
tides produced by endocrine glands and in the ligands acting at the orthosteric site.
intestine. Included in this group are gastrin and pH can also affect receptor function, which
somatostatin. may be an important allosteric effect related to
Autacoids are substances that are pro- the pH changes involved in tissue trauma and
duced locally in response to tissue injury ischemia. In this context, nitric oxide (NO) se-
and include serotonin, histamine, bradykinin, questered in hemoglobin (Hb) enhances deliv-
the eicosanoids (prostaglandins, leukotrienes, ery of oxygen to tissues where oxygen ten-
and thromboxanes), platelet-activating factor sion is low, since under this condition, Hb
(PAF), and lymphokines. The response to releases NO to cause vasorelaxation and in-
these agents is rapid, although they have often crease Hb flow and oxygenation (Stamler et al.,
been described as local hormones. However, 1997).
since they do not use the systemic circulation
to reach their site of action, but rather act lo- HUMAN RECOMBINANT
cally at the site of the inflammatory insult, they RECEPTORS
are distinguished from hormones. In the effort to understand disease etiol-
ogy and discover new drugs, the ultimate fo-
ALLOSTERIC LIGANDS cus is on human receptors. Traditionally, the
Allosteric ligands are compounds that indi- study of receptor function was initiated with
rectly modulate receptor function by interact- the more easily accessible rodent (at either Receptor
ing with sites on the receptor that are different the membrane or whole-animal level) or with
Current Protocols in Pharmacology Supplement 32
immortalized human cell lines that are usually inverse agonist. Under normal conditions, a
derived from tumors. While both approaches natural ligand may be capable of achieving se-
have been extremely useful, they are limited in lectivity by virtue of its differing spectrum of
that neither reflects the native, wild-type hu- signaling efficacy in a number of distinct tis-
man receptors. Indeed, in some cases, it has sue systems. Therefore, an exogenous ligand
been found that these receptor sources do not may produce a different pharmacological pro-
even approximate the wild-type human recep- file from the endogenous ligand (or known an-
tor, leading to considerable complications in tagonist) by activating (or inhibiting) systems
the transition of compounds from preclinical differently.
animal models to human trials. This has been In developing a structure-activity relation-
found with respect not only to efficacy and ship (SAR) for a new series of chemicals, the
selectivity, but also to safety. more that is known regarding the efficacy pro-
The use of transfected human receptors in file and receptor selectivity of a ligand across
cell lines that do not spontaneously express a number of tissue systems, the easier it is to
the receptor of interest (“null” cell lines) has interpret the in vivo animal and human data
been made possible by the ability to clone collected with these compounds. Much of the
human receptors. Human gene expression in tissue target selectivity of new compounds that
such cells has become a critical tool in recep- is ascribed to “pharmacokinetics” may reflect a
tor research, although it is limited by a num- lack of understanding of the molecular proper-
ber of factors that are not always considered ties of a compound in different tissue systems.
when interpreting data from transfected cells Cyproheptadine, widely used as a serotonin re-
(Kenakin, 2003). ceptor antagonist, is also a potent antagonist of
Ideally, when human DNA is incorporated histamine and acetylcholine receptors. Like-
into the genome of a cell, the receptor is a per- wise, the serotonin uptake blocker fluoxetine,
manent feature of the phenotype of the trans- one of the most widely used antidepressants,
fected cell as it replicates (stable transfection). has recently been found to block nicotinic re-
In many instances, due to problems with the ceptors at therapeutic doses (Garcia-Colunga
vector or other experimental parameters, the et al., 1997).
human receptor is only transiently expressed, As new compounds are advanced, receptor
appearing as part of the cell phenotype for binding profiles that include the assessment of
a single or a limited number of cell cycles. their activities at >80 GPCR, ion channel, en-
While this is better than no expression at all zyme, and uptake-site assays in vitro can pro-
and provides a means to assess receptor func- vide important information about their value
tion using electrophysiological or biochemical as experimental tools and therapeutic agents.
techniques, it creates problems in obtaining A negative finding about a compound in one
reproducible data. of ten or fifteen assays should focus attention
Because gene transfection and expression on what parameters were being investigated in
are a function of the individual experiment, the the one assay rather than calling into question
receptor may be underexpressed, normally ex- the other nine or fourteen assays. Furthermore,
pressed, or overexpressed in any given study. selectivity is a relative term, with many exam-
Since the functional response to a ligand is ples where in vitro activity does not have in
related to the ligand efficacy, receptor density, vivo consequences.
and receptor interactions with endogenous sig- A further complication in ligand charac-
nal transduction mechanisms, this variability terization is related to the potential cell cycle
can lead to compounds being characterized as dependence of receptor coupling and the ef-
partial or full agonists not because of their fects of the receptor environment on the ligand
intrinsic properties, but because of character- response to any one component in the pres-
istics of the experimental system. For exam- ence of others. This relates to both receptor
ple, with overexpression of GPCRs, there is interactions or dimerization (e.g., dopamine
a potential for the receptor to be promiscuous D1 and D2 receptors; adenosine A2A and
and activate different members of the G pro- dopamine D2 receptors) and interactions be-
tein superfamily that are not normally affected tween different signaling cascades. For exam-
by receptor activation. This effect may explain ple, it is necessary to interpret with caution
differences in tissue and regional responses data derived from the use of intact tissue sys-
to a given receptor ligand. Depending on the tems where a cholinergic tone is either induced
array of signal transduction mechanisms and or removed to enhance observation of the re-
Receptors as their relative abundances, the tissue response sponse evoked by another class of receptor lig-
Drug Targets
to a ligand may vary from full agonist to an and. This underlines the need for an integrative
Supplement 32 Current Protocols in Pharmacology
systems approach to ligand characterization. able ligands lack bioavailability or appropriate
In the absence of stably transfected cells that pharmacokinetics. While as many as 17 recep-
have binding characteristics similar to the tors in the P2 purinergic receptor superfamily
wild-type human receptor, it is imperative that have been identified by cloning, the pharma-
interesting new ligands also be defined using cological classification of these receptors is
tissue systems containing the native receptor based on a series of analogs of ATP and ADP
whenever possible (Chapter 4). that may also function as ectonucleotidase in-
An example of the caution required in inter- hibitors. Antagonists for the P2 receptor fam-
preting data from transfected cell lines is the ily include a limited number of modified ATP
report of a cloned P2 purinergic GPCR desig- analogs, suramin (a compound that directly in-
nated as P2Y7 (Akbar et al., 1996). While this teracts with G proteins) and a group of dyes.
receptor was shown to be sensitive to ATP, Advances in the area of P2 receptors are lim-
it was subsequently found to be identical in ited, not by the techniques available or the di-
primary structure to a leukotriene B4 (LTB4 ) versity of the receptors identified, but by the
receptor known as BLTR (Yokomizo et al., lack of suitable ligands that would permit char-
1997). Further examination of the Cos-7 cell acterization and assignment of function to the
line used to identify the P2Y7 receptor showed different molecular forms of the receptor.
that it contained intrinsic purinergic receptors
and, in this system, the P2Y7 /BLTR receptor
responded to 1 µM ATP, an endogenous ligand RECEPTOR MUTATIONS
for the P2 receptor, and resulted in an increase AND CHIMERAS
in intracellular calcium levels. However, when Receptor pharmacology has traditionally
BLTR was transfected into C6-15 glioma cells, involved defining the SAR of a series of
which have negligible levels of P2 purinergic ligands or the relative activities of a number of
receptors, ATP had no effect on intracellular different pharmacophores. Since the tools of
calcium at concentrations up to 300 µM, while molecular biology can be used to selectively
10 nM LTB4 was fully efficacious. alter the amino acid composition of a protein,
Receptor characterization using a series of it is possible to modify the amino acid
ligands is dependent on a logical SAR that composition of the natural, wild-type receptor
provides information on the recognition site. to identify those constituents that are involved
When a large number of diverse structures are in ligand binding and signal transduction.
found to interact with a binding site, efforts As already noted, alteration of a single
must be made to ensure that the site being stud- amino acid in the human 5-HT1B receptor
ied is a biologically relevant receptor rather radically alters its pharmacology (Oksenberg
than merely a radioligand binding site. et al., 1992). Receptor chimeras also aid in
As new receptors are identified, the search mapping functional domains in receptors. α2
for novel ligands represents a major chal- and β2 adrenoceptors are both activated by
lenge. Black (1989) outlined his Nobel Prize- epinephrine but differ in their G protein in-
winning work regarding β-adrenoceptor and teractions; the α2 adrenoceptor interacts with
histamine H2 receptor blockers based on mod- Gi while the β2 adrenoceptor interacts with
ifications of the natural agonist. However, this Gs . Using differing chimeric constructs of α2
approach is not always successful, and in many and β2 adrenoceptors, Kobilka et al. (1988)
instances years after a receptor has been iden- showed that the receptor motif extending from
tified the only known ligands are close struc- the N-terminus of transmembrane domain V
tural analogs of the natural agonist. For over (TM-V) to the C-terminus of transmembrane
a decade, antagonists for the tachykinin re- domain VI (TM-VI) was responsible for cou-
ceptor family remained undiscovered until, in pling to Gs and activation of adenylyl cyclase.
the space of 6 to 9 months, high-throughput Chimeric proteins combining GPCRs with G
screening efforts at Sanofi, Rhone Poulenc protein α subunits have also been important for
Rorer, Sterling Drug, and Pfizer resulted in investigating structural determinants of both
a series of selective, nonpeptide, neurokinin receptor and G protein activation and select-
antagonists (Williams and Gordon, 1996). ivity (Ward and Milligan, 2004). Chimeric
For several systems, receptor classification nicotinic-serotonergic receptors have been
is based on the rank order potency of a lim- prepared that show that the distinct subunits
ited series of agonists due to the paucity of from the 5-HT3 receptor and the nicotinic
effective and selective antagonists. Receptor α7 receptor, which are functionally distinct
characterization at the functional level is then LGICs, can couple together in a functionally Receptor
severely limited, especially when the avail- significant manner (Elsele et al., 1993). In this
Current Protocols in Pharmacology Supplement 32
case, the α7-V201-5HT3 chimera is sensitive with a rapid, cost-effective way of establish-
to nicotinic agonists, but not to serotonin. ing an SAR for a series of compounds. Be-
The change in receptor function resulting cause only minimal quantities of the NCE are
from point mutations is of more than scientific needed (1 to 5 mg), the information derived
interest, as a number of diseases have been from these assays is invaluable in the design
linked to receptor mutations (Coughlin, 1994). and synthesis of potent and selective agents.
Loss-of-function mutations can lead to re- The development of this screening technology
tinitis pigmentosa, color blindness, congenital and its adaptation for high-throughput screen-
nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, and familial ing (HTS) has contributed significantly to the
hypocalciuric hypercalcemia, while constitu- drug discovery process and the development of
tively activating mutations have been associ- combinatorial chemistry. However, since bind-
ated with hyperfunctioning thyroid adenomas ing assays measure only the recognition site on
and familial male precocious puberty. the receptor, the intrinsic activity and efficacy
of the ligand are not revealed by this approach.
Functional Receptor Assays
Radioligand Binding The functional activity of a ligand is de-
The evaluation of NCEs for activity at re- termined by its ability to evoke a response.
ceptors, uptake sites, or enzyme active sites Thus, an NCE may mimic the effects of an
is done at a number of levels. These activities endogenous agonist like acetylcholine (ACh)
may be predicted based on existing knowledge or insulin by causing a muscle to contract or
of the diversity and function of the molecu- blood sugar levels to fall. In such instances,
lar target. Before 1970, efforts to character- the degree to which the compound elicits a
ize NCEs, and to understand disease etiology, response similar to that obtained from the nat-
were directed at highly empirical tissue or an- ural ligand can reveal whether it is a full or
imal models that indirectly measured receptor partial agonist. Conversely, a compound that
function as changes in the physical or bio- blocks the actions of either ACh or insulin
chemical properties of a tissue or overt behav- would be considered an antagonist. When us-
ior in an animal. That this pragmatic approach ing a tissue preparation to define such activity,
was successful is evidenced by the contin- it is extremely important to delineate between
ued stream of drugs that resulted. However, pharmacological and functional antagonism.
since their precise mechanism of action was Pharmacological antagonism describes the
unknown, it was nearly impossible to define situation where a ligand antagonizes the ef-
the factors responsible for efficacy of these fect of an agonist by blocking it directly at
NCEs as distinct from those causing unwanted its site of action. Functional antagonism can
side effects. The ratio between these two fac- yield data identical to those of a pharmaco-
tors, the therapeutic index (TI), was therefore logical antagonist, except that a functional an-
poorly understood, making the search for com- tagonist does not affect RL-complex forma-
pounds free of major side effects difficult. The tion but rather acts at a site distinct from the
development of radioligand binding assays in receptor. An example is a hypothetical sys-
the early 1970s by Cuatrecasas and Roth at tem involving a GABAA receptor innervated
the NIH, Lefkowitz at Duke University, and by a dopaminergic pathway that itself is un-
Snyder at Johns Hopkins University provided der the control of a cholinergic neuron (Fig.
a rapid means to evaluate compounds directly 1.1.4). From a pharmacological perspective,
for their ability to interact with a receptor any response ascribed to GABAA receptor ac-
or enzyme, independent of efficacy (Williams tivation that is blocked by a compound could
et al., 2005). As new assays were developed, be ascribed to GABAA antagonist activity.
it became possible to assess the activity of a However, a dopamine receptor antagonist or
compound against a battery of binding sites nicotinic receptor antagonist would produce a
to obtain an in vitro radioligand binding pro- similar effect, thereby indirectly serving as a
file for the compound. Binding assays are cur- functional antagonist of the GABAA site. Fail-
rently available for >100 different classes of ure to appreciate this concept may lead to a
receptors and enzymes and are routinely used nicotinic antagonist being mistakenly charac-
to identify new receptor classes and subtypes. terized as a GABAA receptor antagonist. This
Radioligand binding assays and the many example illustrates a major limitation of in
Receptors as receptor reporter systems they have spawned vivo compound evaluation in the absence of
Drug Targets
(UNITS 2.1 & 6.2) have provided biochemists in vitro data. Again, the hierarchical nature of
Supplement 32 Current Protocols in Pharmacology
Figure 1.1.4 Pharmacological versus functional antagonism. (A) GABAA receptor activation produces a
signal (GABA release) which causes neuron B to produce a response. (B) Pharmacological antagonism:
blockade of the GABAA response at neuron B by a GABAA antagonist is a direct competitive effect. (C)
Functional antagonism: The same GABAA response on neuron B can be blocked in vivo by a nicotinic or
dopaminergic antagonist via interactions with upstream events in a pathway. In the absence of any further
data on the putative nicotinic or dopaminergic antagonist, they could be classified as GABAA antagonists.

compound evaluation, defining its selectivity compounds that inhibit phosphodiesterase ac-
in vitro followed by the application of this in- tivity. Thus, while a compound may be iden-
formation for interpretation of intact tissue and tified as selective at a particular receptor from
in vivo studies, is the main reason for defining its binding profile, there is always the possibil-
the NCE site of action. ity it may alter second messenger production
Functional activity may also be measured by more than one mechanism. The use of ap-
biochemically by assessing ligand-induced propriate antagonists or agonists may help to
changes in receptor-linked second messenger clarify this situation.
systems or gene-reporter constructs (UNIT 2.1). It is crucial to link the functional activity of
This could include measurement of changes in an NCE with the pathophysiology of the dis-
fluorescence of pH-, membrane potential- or ease being targeted. Increased phosphatidyli-
calcium-sensitive fluorophores (for LGICs or nositol (Pl) turnover is a measure of muscarinic
GPCRs) or of melanophore-induced pigment cholinergic M1 receptor activation, a target that
changes or luciferase-dependent light forma- has been associated with enhanced cognitive
tion in systems linking these signals to second performance in certain animal models. How-
messengers (for GPCRs). For enzymes, simi- ever, the hypothesis that M1 receptor agonists
lar radiometric and spectrophotometric meth- enhance cognitive function must be proven in
ods are used to assess either the catalytic dis- appropriate animal models since it cannot be
appearance of substrate or the appearance of assumed that the biochemical measure abso-
product (UNIT 6.2). lutely predicts behavioral activity. Similarly,
Once an NCE is found to have functional while phosphodiesterase inhibitors alter car-
activity, it is important that the in vitro selec- diac cyclic nucleotide metabolism, thereby in-
tivity be assessed in appropriate systems. For creasing contractile force, their use as positive
instance, many different types of receptors are ionotropic agents for the treatment of conges- Receptor
known to alter cyclic AMP formation, as can tive heart failure must be assessed in an intact Binding

Current Protocols in Pharmacology Supplement 32
animal model. In addition to validating the hy- approach in the effort to increase the relia-
pothesis, evaluation of compounds in animal bility of animal test procedures (Zambrowicz
models provides a measure of their bioavail- and Sands, 2003). By introducing a foreign
ability. gene into chromosomal DNA, a transgenic or
The lack of activity of a compound in vivo “knockout” animal can be produced in which
is more likely due to problems with bioavail- the expression of the native gene is inhibited.
ability and pharmacokinetics (PK; see UNIT The function of the targeted gene may then be
7.1) than to a mechanism of action unless the assessed in the living animal and may provide
former is ruled out. Frequently, compounds a model of the human condition. In several
for which no PK or bioavailability data are instances, the phenotype of the transgenic ani-
available are administered to animals and as- mal appears unchanged, indicating that the ex-
sessed in models where there is clear incon- pression of the altered gene is not related to the
sistency between the activity being measured disease despite genomic evidence to the con-
and the half-life of the compound. Measuring trary. In others, because of the critical nature of
the anxiolytic potential of a peptide 15 min af- the targeted gene, the animals do not survive
ter administration is a flawed approach when when expression of the targeted gene is in-
the half-life of the compound is measured in hibited. Alternatively, since the transgenic ap-
seconds. The inability of an NCE to reach its proach requires that the altered gene be present
site of action due to lack of absorption, first- at birth, the animal may have sufficient func-
pass metabolism, or lack of penetration across tional redundancy in the targeted system to
the blood-brain barrier can limit its potential overcome any deficiency that results from the
as a drug candidate unless alternative dosage transgene modification.
forms can be used to overcome these obstacles. Newer approaches to creating animal ge-
While some of the factors affecting bioavail- netic models of human disease involve the
ability are understood (Navia and Chaturvedi, transfection of foreign genes into the germ
1996), to date, there are no hard-and-fast rules cell line that are subsequently only activated
that can be applied across a chemical se- in specific tissues (e.g., the tyrosine hydrox-
ries. A similar caveat exists when addressing ylase Cre-loxP construct in striatum; Gelman
toxicity. et al., 2003). Others are present in a quies-
cent state in the host genome but can be acti-
Animal Models vated selectively once the animal has reached
There are several animal models that pro- adulthood to better approximate the onset of
vide a reasonable approximation of what will the human disorder. Despite some limitations,
occur in humans when a compound enters clin- transgenic models can provide important in-
ical trials. The spontaneously hypertensive rat formation about the potential disease etiology.
(SHR; UNIT 5.1) is a very useful model in pre- For instance, overexpression of adenosine A1
dicting the hypotensive activity of a compound receptors increases myocardial resistance to
in humans, provided the compound is bioavail- ischemia, suggesting that this receptor may be
able. Animal models of pain (e.g., mouse hot deficient in damaged heart muscle (Matherne
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Supplement 32 Current Protocols in Pharmacology

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