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Paso 1-The rearranged sentences from 1.4 -Pronunciation-Speaking.

1.Charles bed last night go late to

(Charles went to bed late last night.)

2 Mike see on Tina movie and Wednesday a

(Mike and Tina saw a movie on Wednesday.)

3. Buy pair I a mall jeans week at of the last

(I bought a pair of jeans last week at the mall.)

4. Line tan in out sun we and get the a

(We got a tan line out in the sun.)

5. Beach Mott along walk the family the

(The Mott family walked along the beach.)

6. Dinner you a wonderful cook

(You cooked a wonderful dinner).

7. hotel stay an they expensive in

(They stayed in an expensive hotel).

8. field soccer in children the play the

(The children played in the soccer field).

9. very it last be night cold (Last night was very cold).

10. train miss the Tito

(Tito missed the train).

* Change the underlined verbs in this text into their past tense versions:

Hi Mum.
John and I are having a wonderful time here in Ireland. Every day we got up early and go for
a long walk in the country. When we returned we usually had a very big Irish breakfast which
normally consisted of two eggs, three slices of bacon, toast and jam. We usually ordered a
cup of coffee after breakfast: Colombian coffee, of course. After breakfast we sometimes
went swimming in the river. We often met children who like to swim there. They were very
nice. At night we nearly always drank a few pints of Guinness in the pub’s bar before we
went to bed. We always slept well after that, I can assure you.

*Write a short note telling what you did in your last


Last vacation I traveled with my mother to ibarra Ecuador, where we visited my sister we
met beautiful places of that city, history, culture, we visited a place called Yaguarcocha
Lagoon where the most fun was when we sailed in boats in its lagoon, we enjoyed its
gastronomy As is the baked tilapia it was delicious an incredible experience.

We also visited a park called Bulebar , with fantastic attractions, a good place to enjoy it with
your family.

Stage 2

Subjunctive recommendations as answers to 1.3 -Pronunciation-Speaking.


Problem 2: What should people do when it is sunny?

When there is sun, they need to use sunscreen.

Problem 3: What should you do when it is windy?

When there are strong winds it is recommended that they move away from trees.

Problem 4: What should city officials do when a hurricane approaches?

It is important that they notify the community to prepare

Problem 5: What should we do when there is a snowstorm?

We need to close doors and windows

Problem 6: What should schools do when it is very hot?

It is important that students are well hydrated.

Problem 7: What should they do when it's cold?

It is essential to wear a scarf, hat and jacket.

Descriptions of the weather in the place you visited.

The climate of Ibarra is very delicious is classified as a mild climate although in the morning
it is a bit cold, at very hot noon and at night it is a temperate climate.

Subjunctive recommendations about the visited place weather.

In Ibarra on sunny days, we need to wear sunscreen and appropriate clothing in the mornings
when it is a bit cold, it is recommended to wear a jacket. It is also recommended that on quite
sunny days visit the pool, and at night, it is advisable to use sheets to relax and rest.

Stage 3

Suggestions using should/shouldn’t when traveling abroad. 1.2 –Grammar

In Ibarra on sunny days, we need to wear sunscreen and appropriate clothing in the mornings
when it is a bit cold, it is recommended to wear a jacket. It is also recommended that on quite
sunny days visit the pool, and at night, it is advisable to use sheets to relax and rest.

When you go for a walk in the afternoon it is recommended that you take good hydration.
If it rains it is recommended that you wear a jacket, pants and a scarf. when enough winds it
is recommended that you do not leave home. on suffocating days it is better to wear t-shirts,
shorts and sandals

Stage 3

Suggestions using should/shouldn’t when traveling abroad. 1.2 –Grammar AUDIO

When visiting ibarra, I would recommend changing pesos to dollars.

You ought a good camera to take pictures to wonderful places.

it is absolutely necessary that carry your documents in order as your Andean card.

You should also go with a light suitcase, to travel with peace of mind.

you shouldn't wear warm clothes.

You should also not stay in downtown hotels as they are very expensive.

You should not walk through the city at night.

A paragraph with modals of advice about the 1.2- Writing-Writing topic

A beautiful place to visit in summer and that I would recommend is Atacames, a city with
beautiful beaches and a perfect climate, general recommendations the best attitude to enjoy
this fantastic place, you should go with your family or with the person who feels good, I
would recommend that you wear beach clothes, swimsuits, glasses, hat, and your sunscreen.

I would recommend going out as a couple to the excellent bars and restaurants that Atacames
offers us. I would recommend accommodation in hotels with ocean views is wonderful. you
shouldn’t eating in places outside your hotel, for the price. You ought a good camera to take
pictures of this wonderful place It is absolutely necessary that you visit the nearby islands
and buy handicrafts are very beautiful . would recommend if you don't know the place, travel
with a travel agency,

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