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a) Name of Genetic Disorder


b) Picture/Images
c) Reason behind the name
Is a mostly inherited genetic disorder that impairs the body's ability to make blood clots, a process needed to stop
bleeding. This results in people bleeding longer after an injury, easy bruising, and an increased risk of bleeding inside joints
or the brain.
d) Description of the Disorder
Bleed for a longer time after an injury than you would if your blood clotted normally.
e) Symptoms/Manifestation
Unexplained and excessive bleeding from cuts or injuries, or after surgery or dental work. Many large or deep bruises. Unusual
bleeding after vaccinations. Pain, swelling or tightness in your joints. Blood in your urine or stool. Nosebleeds without a known
cause. In infants, unexplained irritability
f) Possible Treatment
The best way to treat hemophilia is to replace the missing blood clotting factor so that the blood can clot properly. This is
typically done by injecting treatment products, called clotting factor concentrates, into a person’s vein
g) Mortality rate
Life expectancy for those with severe hemophilia was only 11 years.

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