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Pre-Interview Workbook

Step 1: Print
Step 2: Fill it out
Step 3: Scan and e-mail it back


Thank you for participating in our research. The purpose

of our session is to gain insights for improved experiences
through the eyes of our end users.

Through this workbook we would like to learn more

about your job, everyday routines, and needs in order to
develop useful tools and visualizations.

Please do not worry about making answers “pretty!” It will

help give us talking points for our interview.

We look forward to working with you!

(3 min)
Please tell us a bit about yourself.

My name is _____________________________

and I work in ____________________________.

business unit, department

and I have been doing it for ______ years.




Help us understand who you work for and with. Please

draw yourself, your team, and others in the box above.

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A Day in Your Life (5 min total)
Please give us an idea of how your typical day is spent. .
Rough sketches and keywords are great, since you will have the chance to verbally elaborate.

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Your Best Days at work(3 min)
Take a moment to recall your best experience in your current function/role.

What happened? What did you have to do?

What things (tools, protocols, or people) supported you?

Your Worst Days at work(3 min)

Take a moment to recall Not-so-great days on the job.

What happened? What did you have to do?

What things or processes hindered you?

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Complete the Pie (3 min)
Please show us a breakdown of how you spend your time at work overall.

How I currently spend my time. How I should spend my time.

Tips & Tricks (3 min)

What are some things that you would tell someone new to your group to help them succeed?
(This could be related to space, software, processes etc.)






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Draw your ideal workplace
Imagine your ideal workplace and visualize it. Don't worry about good sketches. No one is judging ;)

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