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This case study is addressed by :

Name :

1. Ahmad Buchori (21117006)

2. Aldi Firmansyah (21117007)
3. Anisa Dwi Riski (21117015)
4. Atika Syuri (21117021)

Study Program : Nursing S1

Thesis Title :Nursing care for Mr. A With Appendicsitis Digestive

System Disorders in the Internal Medicine Room at
Palembang Muhammadiyah Hospital in 2019.

It has been successfully maintained before the Board of Examiners and accepted as
a requirement needed to obtain a Bachelor's degree in Nursing, Muhammadiyah
Palembang College of Nursing.


Advisor : Sukron, S. Kep., Ns., MNS (..........................)

Examiners : Ahmad, S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep. (...........................)

Defined at: Palembang

Date: April 20, 2019

of MP STIKes

Sri Yulia., S.Kep., Ns., M.Kep

NIDN: 0213057502

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