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English V, Final Oral Exam, Possible Questions

Directions: During your interview, you will be asked some of the questions below, plus
possible follow-up questions. Your grade will be determined by three components:
 grammar (using correct English form and syntax)
 pronunciation (speaking correctly)
 content (answering completely, and making sense)

Unit 1
a. How do you make a good first impression?
For making a first good impression you should:
 make eye contact with the person you are talking
 show confidence through your posture
 speak slowly and clearly
 Listen what the other person is saying
b. What should people do and not do in job interviews?
For job interview people should:
 Prepared with information of the company
 Ask question
 Wear clothing that makes you show serious about the job
 Be punctual
 Be polite

Unit 2
a. What are your favorite foods? Why?
My favorite food is spaghetti, because it’s delicious especially with cheese.
Here spaghetti is common to eat with cheese or ground meat and tomato
or mayonnaise sauce.
b. What is the typical cuisine of Cartagena?
The typical cuisine of Cartagena is the seafood. The plate typically brings
coconut rice, fish, patacon (that is fried plantain) and salad.

Unit 3
a. What are your favorite sports? why?
I don’t have a favorite sport, because I don’t like them. But if I had to
choose a sport I would like to practice that will be swimming, because a I
like water and I think it would be fun.

b. Do you think sponsoring a Formula 1 race car is a good idea?

I think it depends on the company. If the market of the company that want
to sponsor doesn’t belong to that kind of business, it better not to do it.

Unit 4
a. How has technology affected your life?
With technology I usually:
 Waste more time, especially when I’m studying because I get
 Communicate faster win people from other places.
 Communicate less with the people I have in front.
b. How would it be for you to live without a cell phone?
Without a cellphone I would:
 Have more time to do other activities
 Wouldn’t be so dependent to technology

Unit 5
a. Why do people help each other?
People help each other because we were born that way. People feel the
responsibility to help other and by doing it they feel good with themselves.

Unit 6
a. How does advertising help us or harm us?

Advertising helps us:

 Giving us sometimes important information
 Making some websites free
 Helps us support art because the design them gives work to people.

Advertising harm us:

 Makes us think that possessions can open the door to the world. That
possessions are more important than people
 That we will be happy among more objects we have.
Unit 7
a. Why do people take risks?
People take risk because when they are in that kind of situations their brain
gives them adrenaline, that makes them feel excited.

b. Describe a risky or dangerous activity you have done. Why did you do it?
A risky activity that I usually do is taking a mototaxi. I do it because I need to
get to places quickly and I am too far away to take another means of

Unit 8
a. How can we make Cartagena a better city in which to live?
I think we can make Cartagena a better city to live if a lot of the problems
that afflict the city are solved. Among these problems we have crime and
insecurity, pollution, traffic, etc. To solve these problems, we need help
from the government, to implement certain attitudes such as adding more
police, and all citizens to clean the city.

Unit 9
a. What is the best way to help the poor?
I think the best way to help the poor is through the education and adding
more jobs. The government needs to guarantee that all people can access
a basic education that gives them the necessary knowledge to be able to
get ahead through them. And finally, by adding a greater amount of jobs,
unemployed people who have the knowledge they will have greater
possibilities of finding a decent job.

Unit 10
a. How has modern technology, such as texting and social networking, affected the way
we communicate?
 People need to communicate faster, so while texting, they use contractions and
abbreviations for this purpose

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